#thresh was an icon
theblacktigrr · 11 months
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Watching the hunger games with my friends who haven't read the books, and desperately trying to convey the horror of the mutts to them. They are not just big dogs! They are the other tributes, they look like them! They have human eyes!
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Katniss stared into Rue's eyes as she died! Now those eyes are in a blood thirsty beast who is trying to kill her!
Maybe my imagination is just too good, but those things terrify the shit out of me, and they did not do them justice in the movie.
Still love the movie tho!
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aurelion-solar · 10 months
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Winterblessed Summoner Icons: Senna, Lucian, Sylas, Annie, Hwei, Thresh, Hecarim, Camille & Prestige Camille
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uranusgallery · 1 year
「 League of Legends 」
[ Spirit Blossom Edition ]
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Se usar, favor, creditar @UranusMang
[ outros campeões serão adicionados se encontrar gifs decentes das splash arts ]
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zuk1a · 7 months
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Unbound Thresh . — chain guard.
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kumihogames · 3 months
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kumihogames | icons dragon lantern
do not repost my work anywhere. like or reblog if you save it. psd Gogo No Himitsu by @opulenceps.
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loledits · 11 months
Can you make thresh icon, please? love your work
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odeio thresh
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aspectofthe-moon · 2 years
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୨🌙ノ Lunar Empress Ashe and Qiyana, Lunar Emperor Thresh, Lunar Guardian Kha’Zix and Malphite.
|like and reblog if saved|
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hook-and-chains · 2 years
~ Letter Prompt ~
The letter is elegantly written with thin, neat handwriting as it was sealed in a green wax seal with a lantern.
This letter is addressed to Jericho Swain directly,
None of my prior letters have been responded to from invitations to mere conversation and yet I find myself wondering… do I even bother? Though if this does grace your sanctimonious eyes miraculously from being an ever busy figure in Noxus, let me be the first to tell you that you may have married my daughter but you cannot escape your responsibilities to keep her safe.
I will not hesitate to take her away from you if you feel the need to disrespect her and will personally come to deal with you. For now, I am alleviating her situation since you are unable to do so. Do not interfere with me, and your life will be safe to live however you please. My daughter will be returned to you in due time, General… though she will be much different than what you know her now. She will be celebrated grandly. Such a shame you will not be able to witness this.
If you feel the need to write back, then do so. Though, this is the final letter I send out to you. The next time I will not spare you such admonished words when it will be through actions.
Cordially, for now,
~ Thresh
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crisalidaseason · 2 months
From Parapet to Threshing - Tairn's POV
Summary: In which we see Tairn's thoughts as he chaperones Andarna and ends up gaining a rider in the process (from Parapet to Threshing) CW: Tairn being a girl dad, Andarna being an iconic feathertail, Spoilers for Fourth wing, Set in book 1, Sgaeyl is mother, one suggestive line (mdni), also this is a bit more than 4k words
A grumble was his only response to the hatchling beside him.
“I sense your impatience” Sgaeyl’s low voice echoed in Tairn’s head, managing to inflame his growing irritation.
“How am I supposed to be patient when the Golden one will not cease her pestering!”
“She is young, you were her age once” his mate countered.
“I do not recall being this insolent”
The sound of Sgaeyl’s amusement rumbled in his head, still low considering the distance between the two mates.
“Then your memory is finally catching up to your age” Sgaeyl teased “what is it that she wants?”
Train chuffed at her response.
“I want to fly outside the vale” the younger voice intruded in the conversation.
Train huffed once more, leaving his mate to deal with the antics of the hatchling. He had heard enough of her incessant demands to leave safety.
“You will not do such thing!” his mate commanded “you are not to leave the Vale”
“I could go with you” Andarna’s voice was small “Your rider needs your presence today, let me join”
“I will not repeat myself, you will not fly above the Vale!” Sgaeyl's impatience was evident.
There was a reason for Tairn being the one to deal with the hatchling’s tantrums more often, Sgaeyl had a temper unmatched.
“I have said so for the past hour” Tairn complained “She does not listen, as per usual”
Andarna’s upset growl was the last thing she spoke before closing herself for communication.
“Watch over her” Sgaeyl muttered “knowing this little one, she will attempt to fly on her own”
“Of course, I shall happily chaperone the hatchling as if that was my greatest duty” Tairn’s voice dripped in sarcasm.
Sgaeyl did nothing but huff at him, but mind at rest knowing Tairn would watch over Andarna either way since - as a bonded dragon - his mate often did not have time to teach and care for the young dragon. Tairn watched as the golden scales disappeared inside the cave guarding the other hatchlings and decided to rest near the entrance, waiting for the chance Andarna decided to test him yet again. He watched with familiarity as the morning shine disappeared and storm clouds formed in the sky, the droplets of water hitting his scales, not a good omen for the humans crossing the death bridge.
“Was it raining that day?” Andarna’s voice was quiet.
“I’ve lived many days” he replied, already sure of her meaning.
“The day your last rider crossed the bridge”
Tairn let a puff of steam out of his lungs.
“I do not wish to speak of him” he warned.
“Just this question, please” she pleaded “I will not bother you after”
He highly doubted it, but decided to indulge just this once.
“If I answer, you shall not ask more about it”
“I will not” the hatchling promised.
“It was raining, but not as much as this morning. Question answered, now rest!”
She remained silent, but Tairn could sense worry before her communication severed. Her behavior was new - it had been strange lately. She was insistent to explore outside the Vale, restless, asking about Sgaeyl’s bond with her rider with insistence.
“I am returning” Sgaeyl’s voice echoed a few hours later “the humans are done with their ritualistic death bridge”
Her navy scales soon emerged from the still storm filled sky, landing soundly beside Tairn and encouraging other dragons to keep their distance.
“Torched any frail human out of amusement today?” he asked.
“I have not” she replied, taking offense “I have restraint”
Tairn let out a huff of laughter. She had as much restraint as Andarna.
“Yes, do insult me” she hissed “I’ll have you take Andarna hunting for the entire waning moon”
The black dragon quickly let go of his courageous teasing, Sgaeyl was a dragon of honor and words. His mate soon joined their resting place, the black dragon lifting one of his massive wings to fit her frame under. He laid his head over her neck, chest rumbling with her proximity.
“There are many strong humans this year” she said after a moment of silence.
The black dragon let a puff of steam into the air, the heat mixing with the cold droplets of water.
“I will not bond Sgaeyl” his tone was firm “he was my last”
“The war is near, you are a war dragon” Sgaeyl snarls.
Tairn saw no point to that discussion - a conversation both of them repeatedly had over the last years. He knew how it would end and decided that sharing bitter words was not something he wanted that day, the rain brought too many unpleasant memories. His massive frame carefully moved around Sgaeyl’s, untangling himself from her and preparing to fly.
“You will fly away again”
“You know my decision better than any other” he said “It was my choice then and it remains my choice now. I will not take another rider”
With that, Tairn stood to his full height and spread his wings, flying away to the mountains. A common behavior whenever the subject was brought up yet again by elders and his mate. He had taken a last chance, a choice that left him scarred and almost took his last breath. He would fight when the time came, but he would never relive the pain of losing another rider ever again.
“Speak some sense into her mind!” Sgaeyl’s voice was loud, commanding.
“You think I have not tried?” he replied “not only has she forsaken my words, but successfully managed to have the elders allow her to see the humans”
Andarna’s latest victory still rattled in Tairn’s mind. He did not know what possessed the young dragon to wish to be near the unbonded humans, curiosity certainly not being the sole reason. All he could do was accept once the elders allowed her to participate in the presentation. He had asked the golden dragon about her reasoning for such recklessness countless times before, but none of her answers were satisfactory.
“The little one is naive if she thinks she can bond at that age” Sgaeyl worry flew through their bond “she cannot possibly plan to do so”
Tairn would not put past Andarna to disobey the rules, the dread settled in his gut thinking about it. A hatchling with her abilities bonding with a greedy human would be destructive to her and all feathertails.
“I will watch over her, to be certain she won’t approach the humans” Sgaeyl’s verdict seemed certain enough “my rider will not need me”
“I will be minutes away” he guaranteed.
Later that afternoon, he saw through his mate’s eyes as the small feathertail kept her distance while the humans walked. The golden dragon seemed disinterested, resting on the ground. Tairn wondered if she was only curious after all, if seeing the humans proved to be below her expectations and soon her desire to explore would subside…until she perked up and stood in complete attention. Her tail moved from side to side, her head lowered near the ground - following the humans intently with her eyes.
“What is it?” Tairn demanded “Andarna!”
But the feathertail did not reply, nor did she pay Sgaeyl any attention either.
“She is watching the smaller female” his mate replied instead “the one who smells of blood”
He could not smell the blood from the distance, but Sgaeyl provided him with the perfect view of the woman. She was smaller than her other peers, hands covered in dark cloth, an unusual silver color in her hair. The small human took notice of Andarna with as much intensity as the feathertail. Andarna’s interest was evident as she followed the human with her golden gaze, taking a small step towards the human.
“Golden one!” Train’s voice was louder and authoritative “do not approach!”
“Who the hell would bond that thing?” a human male said, pointing at Andarna.
Tairn’s chest grumbled a threat. Insolent human.
“They can hear you” the silver woman warned.
The humans kept speaking about the feathertail, trying to understand her presence. Two of the humans were more than deserving of scorching.
“I shall have the pleasure” Sgaeyl growls.
“You should totally bond it, Sorrengail. You’re both freakishly weak. It’s a match made in heaven” the man taunted the silver one.
“Burn him first” Andarna’s voice was full of fury “She is not weak”
Her words rattled in his head, proving the suspicion that her interest was not on the humans, but one human only. He would have to discuss it with Sgaeyl later.
“It looks powerful enough to burn you to death” the silver woman answered the man’s words.
Another man rushed to the insolent one, wisely and aggressively warning him of the dragons nearby. They all began discussing, attentive of the danger surrounding them. Tairn was not one to bother listening to humans, but the insolent one had his full attention with the next words.
“Someone should kill it before it bonds. It’s just going to get its rider killed, and it’s not like we get a choice if it wants to bond us”
Sgaeyl and Tairn growled at the same time. This human would not bond and neither live, the black dragon would see that it happened. He wondered for a few seconds if he should fly to the canyon and scorch the human himself.
“You know what it means if you come here” Sgaeyl said, her attention mostly on her mate at that moment.
Train grumbled, knowing well what his presence in front of the humans would mean for the elders. He would not bond, nor give them reasons to believe so.
“I can have others burn him” he simply grumbled.
“Sgaeyl could” Andarna replied.
“I might, though my rider would suffer the consequences” the navy dragon murmured.
Sgaeyl hid her disappointment fast enough not to subdue their attention to the humans. They returned to their stroll after the tense moment. Train watched attentively as the silver human spoke with her comrades, mostly chattering until her next words.
“I mean, it could be worse. We could be walking past a line of wyvern, right?”
Tairn went rigid and he felt Sgaeyl’s mutual feelings settling in their bond.
“Could she know?” Andarna whispered, but none of the adult dragons replied.
“Oh please, Violet, do give us one of your nervous-babble story times” another woman scorns “Let me guess. Wyvern are some elite squad of gryphon riders created because of something we did at a battle only you can manage to remember with your scribe brain”
“You don’t know what a wyvern is?” another asked “Didn’t your parents tell you bedtime stories, Luca?”
“Do enlighten me”
“They’re folklore” the silver one answered “Kind of like dragons but bigger, with two feet instead of four, a mane of razor-sharp feathers streaking down their necks, and a taste for humans. Unlike dragons, who think we’re a little gamey”
“She does not” Tairn confirmed.
Her description was accurate for someone who believed it to be bedtime stories. Suddenly, he shared a small part of Andarna’s interest in the small human.
“I can feel your interest” his mate commented, but he remained silent.
The silver human reminisced in a childhood tale, one full of the said folklore. Andarna was unusually quiet, only observing the her as much as Tairn was.
“Yegdra” Sgaeyl quickly warned.
Tairn could see as the red swordtail stepped out of the dragon line and approached the humans.
“No!” Andarna screamed “Do not hurt her”
“Andarna, do not interfere!” Tairn warned.
Yegdra was quick to breathe fire into a weakling man within the group. The black dragon tried his best to conceal his relief that the silver one still stood - alive. Andarna would have been devastated otherwise, he convinced himself.
Though the feeling was short lived.
Two green dragons walked towards the small woman, who was recklessly distracted by another human. As soon as she turned, the fear in her eyes was evident - though she masked it well. They breathed steam onto her, and Tairn could feel the apprehension in Andarna’s non-coherent words. The dragons quickly assessed the silver one’s hands.
“I cut my hands climbing the obstacle course” her tone was nervous, but clear.
They continued their assessment, smelling her midsection attentively. Tairn silently urged the woman to continue her speech, indulge the dragons.
“You smell Teine, don’t you?” her voice was firmer than before “I’m Mira’s sister, Violet. She collected Teine’s scales after he shed them last year and had them shrunk down so she could sew them into the vest to help keep me safe”
She spoke to them, whispering a few more sentences before they let her return to her stroll. He listened as she laughed a few times while assuring her companions, but her laughter held no arrogance.
“Have you quenched your curiosity, little one?” Sgaeyl asked.
Andarna’s excitement was all the answer she gave and he now was certain of her attachment to the silver woman.
“Andarnaurram” his voice was gentle, yet firm “you shall not bond, you know it”
Her shimmering golden frame sunk. He felt no pleasure in her sorrow, but he could not allow the hatchling to bond, even if the woman was seemingly honorable enough, the dangers were too much of a risk to take. The turbulent irritation coming from the other side of his bond assured him Sgaeyl shared his despair.
“What do you know of the woman?” Train asked.
Sgaeyl’s left eye opened, staring into his, the dark moonless night doing nothing to dull their shimmer. Her tail slowly stroked his left hind leg, careful not to harm his scales.
“I know enough. Against my will, of course ” she replied “my rider has an invested interest in her despite their family matters”
Tairn huffed at her answer.
“Spare me of your rider’s lust-tainted opinions, what do you see?”
“A fragile body, she is easily breakable. Though I must admit she is intelligent, observant, courageous albeit naive and reckless as you have noticed today” she replied “also trustworthy in keeping my rider’s secrets”
He felt as his mate sent him images of her, blurry considering it was her rider’s inferior sight that composed most of the memories. One of them caught his attention, pale eyes locking briefly with Sgaeyl’s as his mate assessed her from the roof of a courtyard. Sgaeyl shared with him the smell of fear and determination, the steadiness despite the intimidating actions of the navy blue dragon. Not many stood still under his mate’s gaze.
“Many share the woman’s qualities and flaws” Tairn spoke “there must be another reason for Andarna’s interest”
“Indeed, but we will not know because the little one will not bond” Sgaeyl’s gave her ultimatum “I might not sense greed or cruelty on the woman, but I will not trust her with Andarna’s bond”
“I will watch over her” Sgaeyl said to him as she prepared to fly to her rider.
Andarna exhaled happiness that morning. Tairn noticed as she ate carelessly, too ecstatic to focus on her sustenance in a proper way. The black dragon remained silent, still livid at the elders who allowed her to watch the humans in their hunt for a dragon. Despite his and Sgaeyl’s attempts at warning the elders, the result was far from satisfactory.
“She shall not bond now, she will be of no use for her rider until fully grown” their words were nothing but mere advice.
“I still wish you rethink your decisions, Golden one” the black dragon said as they flew from the vale.
“I just want to see her” she replied with her softest voice “I will behave”
Tairn grumbled. Andarna and behavior were only similar if there was mischief involved.
“You must listen to Sgaeyl, if she orders you to leave, do so” he warned “I will be near should you not obey her”
She huffed at Tairn as a reply.
“I will be minutes away” he sent to his mate “do not hesitate to call me”
He accompanied Andarna half of the way as she flew to the forest below, he landed behind the cover of the mountains, expectant to any danger or disobeyment from the young dragon.
“Remember what I said, Golden one” he grumbled one last time “observe only, do not draw attention”
“I know” she replied, unfocused on his words as the humans began their race.
The sun moved slowly in the sky, with every passing hour feeding into Tairn’s impatience. He called Sgaeyl through his bond, feeling her growing irritation.
“She exposes herself!” her words were menacing.
Through her eyes, Tairn saw as Andarna caught the sunshine with her golden scales, becoming a beacon of light to whomever noticed.
“As if she would listen to a word I say” Tairn growled.
“Tairn! My rider says three humans wish to harm herl” His mate’s panic swim through the bond, fueling the black dragon’s fury.
“Andarna, enough!” He growled “return with me to the vale this instant!”
The golden dragon refused to comply, laying on the grass with her head attentive to the treeline.
“I will end this” Sgaeyl snarls “we should have forbidden her, the elders could rot in their verdict”
He sensed as Sgaeyl flew closer to him, sharing her sight as she landed behind a treeline encasing the clearing in which the hatchling sunbathed.
“Andarna, I will not repeat myself. Fly to Tairn!” his mate’s voice was stern, but Andarna did not move.
Movement from the opposite side of the treeline captured the blue dragon’s attention. The silver one hid within the trees.
“You have to get out of here!” her voice is low, but enough for Sgaeyl and Andarna to hear “They’re going to kill you if you don’t leave!”
Tairn watched attentively through Sgaeyl. Maybe the stubborn hatchling would actually listen-
Of course not. Andarna remained seated, her head tilting as she watched the woman curiously.
“Yes! You! Goldie!” the woman insisted.
“Golden one, return! Other humans wish to hurt you” Tairn warned again, preparing to fly.
“They are already here” Sgaeyl growled, but desperation painted her words “I cannot interfere, Tairn, my rider is bound by the human laws”
Three men broke through the treeline, armed with blades. Andarna had at least the sane mind to growl at them, assuming a defensive position.
“We’ll make it painless” one of the men spoke.
He began his ascent through the mountains, rocks crumbling under his talons as he gradually gained momentum to fly as fast as possible. Another growl from Sgaeyl caught his attention.
“Reckless woman!” his mate snarled.
Tairn focused on his mate’s sight for a brief moment, seeing as the silver haired woman stood in front of Andarna with small blades in hand. Her steps carefully measured, but clearly strained in his advanced sight.
“You’re going to have to get through me, then” the woman’s voice echoed through their bond.
“The silver one is injured” Tairn warned “put your rider to use within his limits until I arrive!”
He finally flew over the mountain, his wings wildly beating as he seeked the gold color amongst the sea of green. With the clearing in sight, he watched from above as the three men ran to attack, which impulsed the dragon to fly even faster. The small silver woman returned the aggression viciously, quick and calculated movements despite the injury.
“One of them fled, but she cannot hold much longer” Sgaeyl said “fly faster!”
He would deal with the insult at his speed on a later occasion. Tairn dived to the clearing, in time to see one of the attackers unconscious and the other wounded. The silver woman’s scarlet blood painted her side but he noticed that Andarna seemed unharmed. His rage boiled inside his guts, seeing as the coward man intended to strike the unarmed woman for protecting one of his kin. He recognized the man as the one who threatened Andarna’s life before. He growled in pleasure. He would burn the insolent low life himself.
“I knew you would come” the hatchling’s voice was ringing with joy “she intends to die for me, do not let it happen!”
Tairn was right above them as the man cowardly prepared to strike. The black dragon landed, the ground trembling under his weight and the wind disorienting everyone in the clearing. Tairn did not hesitate as he reached for the woman’s mind, the silver strands of her mind quickly entangling with his as if expecting it since the beginning of times.
“Tairn!” Sgaeyl’s tone was unmistakably surprised.
“Not now” he replied.
“Step aside, Silver One” he spoke sternly in the woman’s mind, eyes on the despicable man in front of his massive form.
Did he just speak to me? Her voice echoed in his head in return. He almost sighed in frustration, who else would he speak with?
“Yes. You. Move” he ordered.
The silver woman stumbled away and he did not hesitate to open his maw and breathe the most searing fire he could muster upon the running man. When the threat was burnt out of existence, he turned his golden eyes to the small woman below him - now his rider. She was bleeding profusely from her arms, her weight focused on her uninjured foot. In her face, disbelief was evident. Tairn noticed the unconscious man on the ground, still breathing.
“You should end the enemy at your feet” he advised.
“I can’t kill an unconscious man” she shouted, shaking her head.
“He would kill you if given the same chance”
She studied the man, hesitant.
“Well, that’s a statement on his character. Not mine”
Tairn blinked at her. Courageous and fierce enough to defend a dragon - who was safe from harm considering Sgaeyl and Tairn were near - but naive to let an enemy live to see another sunrise. He would have to deal with her naivety later, for now her intelligence and bravery would be more than enough.
“You bonded the woman” Sgaeyl spoke again.
“I am aware” he replied “I made my choice”
His mate flew past them, leaving him and his rider to complete the human ritual. The amount of blood pooling around her feet was alarming, he would not have an unconscious rider.
“You’re bleeding. Stop it” he warned.
“It’s not that simple when you’ve been run through with a—” she began arguing “You know what? That’s a great idea”
She wrapped her arm with torn cloth, a practiced motion. He noticed her hands were still bound.
“There. Better?” she said, looking at him almost defiantly. He understood the recklessness.
“It will do” he replied “Your hands are bound, too. Do you bleed often?”
The woman looked at her wrapped hands, bittersweet features on her exhausted face.
“I try not to” she answered.
Tairn let out a dissatisfied sound. Reckless woman, indeed. He would have to build her self-preservation.
“Let’s go, Violet Sorrengail” He simply said, ready to be done with the theatrics of human events. Andarna - who was safely shielding under his wing finally left her hiding spot, her joy barely contained as she watched the scene unfold.
“How do you know my name?” she asked in surprise.
Tairn sighed in annoyance and frustration, disturbing the trees in the process.
“And to think, I’d almost forgotten just how loquacious humans are. Get on my back”
“Get on your back? Have you seen you? Do you have any idea how huge you are?”
“Be patient!” Andarna’s voice was pleading “she is new to this!”
Tairn grumbled and narrowed his eyes in annoyance to the human girl.
“One does not live a century without being well aware of the space one takes up. Now get on” he wanted this to be over, and soon!
Unfortunately, his new rider seemed to test him just as much as the hatchling he took under his care.
“I can’t just leave it. What if Oren wakes up or Jack comes back?” she argued once more, pointing at Andarna.
“Will you fly so the silver one and I can be done with this?” he warned the smaller dragon.
Andarna quickly took flight, to the surprise of his rider.
“Get. On” he growled, patience already running thin.
“You don’t want me” she spoke once more “I’m—”
“I’m not going to tell you again” his voice is a command.
At least that time she did listen. Though he knew that would be a rare occasion.
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Spoilers for Catching fire of the Hunger games series, if u havent watched it dont read.
Rewatching the 2nd hunger games film, Catching Fire for the first time in a years here r my thoughts chronologically, & I've got a lot to say about this one:
- They actually show Katniss's PTSD, flashbacks and nightmares.
- Gale being a "nice guy", christ hes a an sh*tty
- watching them back to back, they recast the cat!!!
- Snow is a fabulous villain.
- Caeser Flickerman's banger theme tune!
- The camera's interview is so awkward
- Effie deserved Katniss snapping at her on the train
- Peeta acknowledging that he cant hold her to wot they did to survive in the games! Peeta's already way above Gale. Peeta king 👑 of communication.
- just asking each other their favourite colour is adorable
- The Mockingjay!
- Peeta offering to talk to make it easier for Katniss
- Peeta giving Thresh & Rue's families some of their winnings. Katniss's speech about Rue is beautiful, I'm sobbing
- I love district 11, f*ck the peace keepers!! That poor old man! Haymitch: Who's going to protect them!?
- Haymitch knows better than anyone that you never escape the games.
- Jennifer Lawrence is fabulous
- Haymitch cares about them so much, we love him.
- Katniss barely holding it together on the victory tour. She looked so horrified at the little girl saying she would volunteer just like Katniss did.
- Caeser Flickerman has no right to be so iconic.
- Peeta is amazing! I love him and Katniss
- Does Effie have to say Mahogany in every film?
- Peetas disgust at the Capitol compared to what people in the districts are going through.
- I love the politics of catching fire
- Seneca decided to stop breathing - Plutarch
- F*CK GALE!!!! SHE DOESNT HAVE TO LOVE U ROMANTICALLY FOR BOTH OF U TO SAVE UR FAMILIES!!!!! Gale's right about rebelling, but he isnt even trying to understand her trauma.
- I love the anti corporal punishment, pro riots/rebellion, f*ck the police message of catching fire
- Peeta without question helping to save Gale cos he's not selfish
- Prim being a great nurse!
- I don't think Katniss has ever had any romantic feeling for Gale, he's just her best friend at most, a lot of the time he's barely that, she would've thrown herself in front of that whip if it was anyone she remotely cared about.
- The trauma of all the victors. Haymitcch is right they're not winners, they're survivors. Nobody ever wins.
- Effie actually kinda realizing the games arent the honour shes been indoctrinated to think they are.
- Katniss didnt ghetto say goodbye to Prim 😭
- Finnick & Maggs!!! We love them.
- Finnick Odair 🥰
- The Capitol is even more perfect in this one
- Johanna Mason is iconic and fabulous
- Wiress & Beetie r great
- Maggs is the sweetest
- Transition from Seneca Cranes hanging body to Caeser Flickerman's banging theme song!
- The Victor's interviews are very persuasive & interesting, they each show a lot about the characters
- Slay Johnnana!!! Make him pay for it
- The costumes in this one is a step up from the first.
- the fact she knows that Cinna is in danger for the Mockingjay dress
- Peter "We actually got married" Mellark, Peter "If it werent for the baby" Mellark
- All the Victor's holding hands in a show of unity
- CINNA 😭 (Jennifer Lawrence was amazing in this scene)
- The arena is beautiful
- finnick: oh Sh*t Katniss might actually love Peeta.
- THE FOG ,, MAGGS!! 😭😭
- Tick Tock The arenas a clock
- bye bye district 12
I love this film, for me, it's my favourite in the series.
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THG Reread Thoughts...I don't know how many I am up too. Sorry XD.
Katniss and both her alliances reresent some kind of rebellion, tbh. Both of them are representing her chooseing love and compassion over obeying the Capitol.
Katniss is SMART. SO much smarter than I remember giving her credit for. She isn't uber, mastermind genius because she is still in actual fact 16. But she was able to form a plan to get a legit leg up on the Careers useing all of her and Rues skills and it works as best it can. And I don't even think ALL of that is how much she is forced to survive. I think Katniss is genuinely a sharp girl.
Mentioned it in the Rue focused post...just the way her death hit me true tears came to my eyes. The unfairness and pain Katniss expereinces took my breath away as an adult whose, this time reading it, has expereince so much more loss.
So the rule change...is interesting. I will always maintain Crane WAS a bit short sighted sanctioning it. Had he thought about the possibility of them actually both living and what that would mean I legit don't think he would have. Whitch speaks to the ambition that festers in the Capitol...they wanted a better show, a love story. To bad that became hope and a rallying cry.
Katniss calling out Peeta's name is such an iconic scene. It shows just how much she has him on her brain the first thing she does is call to him.
Forgot how real Collins got with their injuries. Peeta's leg is something you can't avoid for even a sentence. Katniss's hearing is a constant issue and showing even in a realisic way (as someone who considers herself hard of hearing, this is actually refreshing to see).
Lets talk everlark. I think I will start by saying how early Katniss expression confusion caused by the act they had to preform took me back. We see so much more of that, the constant unsure and confused mess around her emotions, but it does start almost as soon as the act does. Katniss begins to wonder what she is doing because there is something connecting Peeta and her, and what she is doing for the act very early on and importantly, it only gets worse. Lying does this kids, even with the best intentions. And it makes it hurt when you get glimpes of how much Katniss DOES love and care for him.
Katniss instantly suspecting there is some truth to Peetas story about his crush makes me give her sus eyes so hard XD. Like girl you seem very eagar for him to not be totally playing to the camara rn XD.
There moment hunting is SO sweet honestly. And one of the more real moments they got and I love it.
The feast and the medicine scenes shocked with how much they scared me rereading them this time around. For a moment I forgot Thresh spares Katniss, and was genuinely worried for her. Points to Collins for her writing being with rereading in mind! Her storytelling is exciting enough to be captivating upon rereads whitch is AWESOME and not always the case.
Peeta nurseing both him and Katniss back after she's been helping him. Get you a man who will do it like him.
Katniss and her reaction to their first 'real' kiss forgetting she landing a smooch onto his cheek. Yes it was a snarky thing then but still XD. Reguardless it is SO sweet.
'The first time I want another' about this kiss also has been the subject of a lot of back and forth. Reading it now, it is pretty clear to me that yea...Katniss is meant to be expereince SOME kind of desire here. If for nothing else, more closeness.
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siremasterlawrence · 8 months
A Ticket Of A Lifetime
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My Destination is upon after waiting for well what felt life endlessly unwinding weeks of hell on earth torture and it all comes down to this my dears.
I enter the stadium a long, humongous ever lasting walk to the stage in the center of the super ball for this moment and I climb this stairs.
My per view grows smaller as I see three guys who are competing with me for the grand prize of a surprise and I am not one of those who competes.
I am selected by some community of voters weird right. Anyway, he undoes the envelope opening it with a simple tear and reads off my name.
The lights descending on him in a hovering like fashion quelling the crowd with a single hand gesture my world is about to take one hell of gnarly change.
Handing my the letter adorn in pure gold it is lighting on fire, eviscerating in my hand a lovely ember red hue is left and fades leaving a key in my hand.
It’s hot to the touch consuming my thoughts which are now running a mile a minute and I never saw the crowd disappear nor the arena either.
All I have is a door in front of me front center for me to see and dead on arrival for the truly most spookiest event ever if you will ever get to see.
I doubt that though considering my key is in the key hole, I brace myself turning it as the door swung open and I cannot believe my eyes.
The air swallows me whole with one swoosh I am past the thresh hold and embrace in to a strange pair of arms and I know it all so good.
Strong masculine body that is so massive in its state wraps my waist in to his and drapes highly over me.
My nose accidentally digging in to his shirt I can’t help to love and savor his scent as it is now with me forever.
“That is not me “
“Henry Cavill?”
“You got it mate”
“Why are we here?”
“I have no idea…though you might”
“Anybody here?”
“Your guess is as good as mine”
“Commence, prompt, activate “
“Why did you say those…”
“Henry? Mate? Are you ok?”
“Soul transfer begins “
“What are you saying! STOP!”
“My body !”
“Why is changing?”
“Is this astral form “
“Your body too”
“How on earth are we flying?”
“Hello! This is a your new body speaking “
“Excuse me?”
“You won the universal gift a new life”
“Are you saying?”
“This body “
“Is yours now”
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“Henry? Is he?”
“No! Very much alive”
“Think of this one soul meets another “
“You are combined “
“Combined us both?”
“It’s only right “
“For the better”
“You deserve it”
“You are just “
“So godly!”
“Who me?”
“You are the most perfect”
“No one else as good”
“He will soon see”
“He is the other side to your coin “
“How can this be possible?”
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“Everyone has a match “
“Soul match!”
“Relax man “
“Close your eyes “
“We are one”
“Exactly one body “
“Body “
“Let it all surrender “
“Nothing to hold you back “
“Free falling in to one existential existence “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“You are enjoying “
“I am now assembled “
“This is the best gift”
“I feel so sexy”
“I am fucking sexy”
The end
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aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Shadow Isles - Champion Illustration Summoner Icons
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fluffyninja91 · 9 months
This video is so funny, but has no English subs, so I decided to translate it! You may find the translation under the cut (my translation's notes are in italics)
(The video is called: Teen Word of Baroque.)
(A little context first: every year in Poland from the most popular teen slang words, there is chosen Teen Word of the Year. The Polish word “baroque” (“barok”) has a steam “rok” which means “a year”. It’s basically a word play. Teen Word of Baroque is a reference to the Teen Word of the Year plebiscite.)
Jan Paweł: So we begin a deliberation about Teen Word of Baroque. And who knows better what’s going on if not a parent? So I’ll choose it by myself. 
Andrzej: Ekhm.
JP: By myself with Andrzej. Half of a village belongs to him. Read, Jakubek.
Jakub: Gigachop. (sorry I had no idea how to translate it, but it’s explained later)
JP: O, it’s even cool, like chop chop. Who will jump far?
J: It means an ideal, robust, awe-inspiring peasant. Next, an icon.
JP: Ah yes, I know that too, a peasant works on a field and dies.
(A joke is that a word “Ikona” (icon) rhymes with a word “kona” (dies))
Aniela: Jesus, what a deluge this is! 
JP: How did you know the next one? O, how the Swedes (Andrzej, Jan Paweł and Jakub spit) sacked and killed us off, it was a deluge then!
(A reference to a historical period called the Swedish deluge.)
A: Don’t you have something more female? Some kind of words with the feminine grammatical forms? 
JP: Ah, we have something for the ladies. Ah, serfdom. We don’t discriminate. Male and female peasants don’t have any rights equally. 
(“Serfdom” - in Polish “pańszczyzna” has a feminine grammatical gender)
J: Next one, a flail.
A: O, I like new technologies! You can thresh grain with it!
JP: You are like a flail, dumbass.
(Slang meaning of a flail is a dumbass.)
J: My favorite, the hell.
JP: It’s something for Zofia.
Maciej to Aniela: It’s like when you burnt your skin from the sun…
J: The hell will take you for uncovering the body!
The Jew: Michał, it’s not a plebiscite that we were supposed to go to. 
Michał: For me it’s enough that Jan Paweł is here. 
The Jew: Too little yellow for me. 
(The joke about Jan Paweł’s yellow face comes from the memes with Jan Paweł II)
(I hope you liked it! If you're a Polish person reading this and think that some words may have been translated better, let me know and I'll correct them! It's just a fan translation, I'm not a professional translator!)
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cometrose · 1 year
let me try to get all of my hunger game feelings down as quickly as possible
first of all, what a series it was so much better than i remember and i don't like 10 year olds should've been allowed to read this but i think for the most part all of the traumatic shit went over their heads
peeta my son, he has been reduced to a soft spoken bread boy over the years and i did not remember or realize how charming he was in the book gosh he is my babygirl and so sweet
in the first book he was an absolute treasure like the way he flirts with katniss the way he moves a crowd im in awe like i fucking love the interview scene in the first book and the movies do it such a disservice because his crush confession is so shocking that everybody kind of gasps like he has stolen this crowd at the show (im kind of sad cause caesar and peeta duo was so iconic naturally stars)
god katniss my dear i don't know where to start with her
i had no idea she was such a shitty narrator like if i didn't already know the entire plot i might have believed her crazy ass. Especially in the first book the girl is insane. peeta is living his terrible life with a crush while katniss is having a one sided enemies to lovers moment all in her fucking head. It is not until the train home that its like oh he was serious ofc you fucking walnut.
katniss is the star but everyone with eyes knows that if you take peeta away from her she'll breakdown and thats the cruelest part. I think if I was Snow i would've left katpee alone idk why put the spark back in the spotlight ya know?
the second book peeta was another beam of light god the baby line is so iconic and he deserved it malewife manslaughter manipulate he has done it all and did it flawlessly
and he’s still so sweet like trying to get katniss to leave him or backing off when he thinks she's with gale he always so respectful of her space
the fucking locket and pearl are very special to me like he knows and SHE KNOWS there is nothing left for him in 12 but she doesn't listen
there is so much warmth in him from painting rue's portrait for the gamemakers or offering gifts to district 11 like he didnt know thresh and rue but he knew how much it meant to katniss and how awful it was for them to die. Even him talking the morphling as they died just gently describing his paintings and rainbows was so precious
And I think about katniss and peeta were labeled as rebels for simply showing acts of kindness I like how he gets mad and that gentleness disappears but there is always a reason behind it, and him taking care of haymitch is just the sweetest he has attitude but so much warmth
then in MJ goodness its a lot first the torture and then risking it all to warn the rebels and then later like yes he tried to kill katniss but she overlooked it and so will i and hes so mean and cruel when he's out of his mind but can you blame him its not like he's lying??
the moments where that gentleness comes out again are so precious to me when he bakes annie and finnick's wedding cake when he talks sweet to delly its the little moments and how like every single book before he still wants katniss to live and he's crying and begging for death and digging his arms into his wrists to hold himself together
in the end he still wont let katniss die and the first thing he fucking does after getting out of wherever the fuck they stored him was to plant primroses in front of her house and i love him so much
he's really smart its just that no one tells him the fucking plan ever even though they all agree he's a great fucking actor
He knows he hold katniss back and he wants her to let him go but she wont and he wont let her go either and he gives her space to sort out her feelings like yes he loves her he always has and he has never tried to push her and he's just a kind person and i really really really that
At the end of the day i will always treasure a character who is simply a good person
Katniss has her moments of frustration but I don't think I can ever get mad at her because like peeta she is a genuinely good person.
Don't listen to her shitty inner monologue she doesn't have a fucking clue she is so empathetic and compassionate and caring she might not be outwardly sweet but she shows it with her actions, with rue, prim, peeta, everyone and everybody her kindness knows no bounds and she does it because she desperately wants to protect the people she loves
I think so much is lost from katniss' character into shitty ya dystopias of the 10s is that compassionate. She did not become a symbol of rebellion because she really wanted to she did it to protect the people she loves every act of rebellion was a show of love and compassion whether it is burying a little girl and singing her to her death or risking it all to help as many people as she can
peeta says it the best that she has no idea the affect she has on people and her crappy elder sister inner monologue shows that she thinks so little of herself and her ability that she undermines her skills and talents and natural charisma.
So much of her is survival “I want to the people i love to survive” and when innocent people die because of her when her friends fall to save her it hurts and hurts and she is buried under the weight of it all, burying the burden of a rebellion is not something that should be thrust upon a young girl trying to live
she's moody she's feisty but damn does she love deeply and passionately it just looks different.
THG is a very gross book there is no other way to describe everything is far uglier then you remember. The wolf mutts that look like tributes the tears the blood and pain its all so awful. Reading through the pain and the suffering and it does this really odd thing of making you smile in between the moments of terror. I love katniss' flashbacks through the book and how they reveal more and more of the story.
Katniss could have abandoned peeta and left him like he told her too multiple times but she wanted him to live she wanted that boy who gave her bread to survive and she knew if he died she would never recover it may not be the love we are thinking about but it was everything.
I don't think i will forget how awful cato's death is and how my eyes watered reading rue die again. THG is so good and making us despair you come out of that silly book hating nobody there is no tribute that i can afford to hate. The first book has a very unique vibe to it and i like it's style.
CF, catching fire is probably my favorite cause its the least traumatizing. I blame katniss and peeta for that because they are the cutest fucking thing in that stupid book. I argue that it might be a mix of love and codependency thrown in there but the cutest shit.
I totally forgot about the gale katniss love stint at the beginning so that was a total surprise.
I love the cast of catching fire i love them all i love finnick and mags and johanna and beetee and wiress and morphling 6 ( i dont like calling her that) i love the stylists and cinna and effie and i like themmmm. i like them all i love how the city and nation cries for their tributes and you see all of their friends and allies come together before the end begins.
That fucking force field has me smiling every time because its the moment where everybody but katniss realizes how much peeta means to her. The stupid pearl and the stupid locket make my heart hurt because peeta loves her so much and wants her to live and she doesn't care because she'll do anything and everything to keep him alive.
Watching them hold each other in the train, cry over force fields, drag each other through fog and water, hold each other in their arms after terrible jabberjays, even before when she was watching him bring her bread and paint in her home and katniss would stare at his eyelashes. Like she says it would be easy to let peeta go but she will never do that and she can't. Calling out for each other before she blows up the damn force field like fuck you all even if they didn't fall in love i know damn well they should've stayed together.
MJ is such a hollow book you just come out of it with emptiness like im not sad i wont cry but i feel a bit empty because you look at all the things you had and then its all gone, what was katniss fighting for? her sister, her mother, gale? and its all gone in and instant nothing remains, her friends her home the companions she made along the way and it hurts and hurts. You close the book and take a deep sign and just feel whatever is left to feel. Madge's death kind of hurt me she was the symbol behind the symbol and she is just gone. everybody is gone
Like there is nowhere to begin its falling in love even more with finnick and watching him disappear its falling in love with katniss' little camera crew and watching them disappear
its prim the light that started this just disappear and whats left NOTHING
there are so many moments where katniss wants to rip her head off but she can't because she doesn't have time there is no space there is no room its not until she if shipped back to her home all alone that she truly breaks down because she can. there is no more rebellion she has to be strong for there is no prim or mother she has to lead and she is stuck with all the weight all alone.
MJ just left me hollow like maybe if i read this years ago after CF came out i would’ve hand the sticky stuffy feeling i get in chest when i read bittersweet stories but i don’t know if this is sweet enough and it’s not bitter? it’s nothing just nothing is left
i love the parallels the book has with modern society like this is a death game where children have to fight to the death and everyone only paid attention to the love triangle and romance like they did in the games of the fact nobody cared a 16 year old girl would die in senseless violence until they realized she was pregnant like the baby suddenly makes her life valuable
simple acts of kindness labeled as rebellious and innocent children are forced to shoulder the weight of the world when they have no one left. there are so many moments where death would be the kindest thing to any of these characters because they had no hope but hope enters so when they die their death hurts like nothing else.
it tells a story of war and survival that seems so far away but so close. Katniss just wanted to live and the people she loved to live she never asked to become the face of a war but she does it and she stands strong until she can’t anymore i love her and i think her love and empathy has been lost over the years
if i were to talk about the romance okay it’s been years i knew peeta was going to win but seeing him again was so refreshing cause he is so charming and sweet and it makes my heart flutter. if katniss didn’t want him i’ll take him
i don’t hate gale, like his anger and rage caused prim’s death and you can argue having Coin in his ear and having to raise his family all by himself traumatized him so he believes it’s okay to sacrifice innocent lives (children and doctors mind you) for the greater good.
Both boys are rebels and they are good people deep down but peeta is motivated by kindness he does these things because it is the kind thing to do gale does these things because he’s angry for all he has to suffer. Both sides are justified in their feelings but it’s about katniss at the end of the day
there are many moments where katniss is taken back my gale’s cruelness and flame. She doesn’t need him to appeal to her anger to the rebellious aspect of her being. Peeta however appeals to the softer side of her soul the one that nurtures little girls who sings people to sleep he opens up the sweet side of katniss that she is positive doesn’t exist. She can be painfully romantic and she can tell everyone she doesn’t see the beauty in the world but she does she sees it every time.
There is more to katniss that fighting and hunting and i don’t think gale knew that. At the end of the day the only option was Peeta because he complimented the side of her that was buried by the weight of the world and i think that adds more meaning to her life than anything else
there are so many characters to talk about j loved ever second with haymitch and how he acts like he doesn’t care but every single tribute that has come after him has left a hole in his heart. My district 12 tributes are disasters but they truly care about each other probably every only people left in the world who would risk it all
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rurifangirl · 2 years
Ight but why are there close to no og thresh icons 😔😔😔WHY ARE THEY ALL UNBOUD THRESHHH
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