#thus starts pyrrha's harem
kob131 · 5 months
The Jaune hate is so unreasonable I just saw someone proclaiming that because they gave Jaune a episode focused on him in rwby beyond they don’t deserve another volume it’s in the reply to this post if you don’t believe me tumblr . com/invincibleweasel/748231224518131712/seriously-this-is-just-an-example-of-how?source=share
Fuck it, I'm biting-
It absolutely is.
First off, the idea that ANYONE would want to be Jaune is ridculous. Read a Jaune-centric harem fanfic or one with Jaune as the main focus. Because 99 times out of 100- Jaune is a different character altogether. There's a reason why Coeur Al Aran basically has to rewrite Jaune everytime he uses him- Cuz Jaune FUNDAMENTALLY is not a character anyone would want to be.
He spends Volumes 1-3 being an absolute joke, being the target of 99% of the slapstick humor and a running joke about how much Jaune sucks. He spends Volumes 4-6 basically being as sidelined as possible, to the point he may have been partially REPLACED. And Volume 7-8: Oh lordy, Jaune can basically be shoved into the background until it's time to stab Penny and lose NOTHING.
Does THIS sound like a self insert to you?
And before you try bringing up Jaune's relevancy in Volumes 1-3: Let's talk about Jaune's relevancy POST Volume 3. You know, when Miles would have more influence on the writing staff?
Volume 4- Decent amount of focus, exploring his feelings about Pyrrha's passing, gets focus with his armor being replaced-Aaaand he just made it all about Ruby. Yeah, that scene of Jaune talking about losing Pyrrha to Ruby in Kuroyuri? How it references Jaune's loss and then makes it about how awesome and inspiring Ruby is?
Doesn't seem like a self insert thing huh?
Between Volumes 5 and 6, Jaune has a grand total of 5 noteworthy moments (Jaune attacking Cinder, Cinder humilating Jaune, Jaune healing Weiss, Jaune being aggressive with Oscar and Jaune's scene with Pyrrha's statue). Reminder that this is about the same amount of focus that Yang got in Volume 4. A character everyone screeched and gnashed their teeth about for being 'sidelined'...and Jaune gets roughly the same amount spread across TWO Volumes and somehow he's stealing spotlight?
Same shit with Volume 7 and 8. Here's a problem- What is Jaune's view on the Ironwood situation? We know Ruby, Weis, Blake, Yang, Nora, Ren, Oscar, Qrow, James, Winter, Penny and even fucking MAY MARIGOLD'S stances on the question, either through repeated moments, conflict or big dialogues.
Jaune, the character who started as a foil to RUBY who is the other big player in that conversation?
Jaune: Well, if it wasn't for the embargo making everybody so mad, people probably wouldn't be so quick to blame you for everything else.
This is the closest we get. This is all Jaune gets to say about the whole situation, which is BARELY about this. Reminder that Jaune started as a foil to Ruby in Volume 1. He is up there with Yang and Oscar in 'characters connected to Ruby' and they're also characters who act as major foils to Ruby's actions and stances. Jaune meanwhile is treated like a background character. Once again- could shove in the background until he stabs Penny and it wouldn't change a damn thing. In a very Ruby-centric part of the story.
People love to say that Jaune is given these big moments and thus it means he MUST be a self insert! Well, let's compare shall we? Let's go ahead and take a character we KNOW the creators love and kind of project onto and compare to Jaune-
Randy Marsh from latter seasons of South Park.
Does Randy do nothing for the whole season before getting one big moment or having a few moments spread out over multiple seasons?
Nope, Randy completely takes over the show, often acting as the protagonist of the episodes or even seasons to the point of dominating the fucking opening for a time. Because that's what a self-insert/Mary Sue/creator's favorite actually does in a show. Not THIS bullshit.
Jaune is not favored by the writers. In fact, by Volume 8, he seemed more like he was hated by the writers (well, probably one writer in particular...). Even in this case given- Jaune was given the second episode. Not the launch episode, not the penultimate episode. Not the fucking finale which could be what RWBY goes out on. No, he's given the episode that would be the easiest to forget.
At this point, people who bitch about Jaune give him more time and focus than the writers do. Because even in Volume 9, Jaune was still secondary to Ruby. And yet they huffed paint thinner until they deluded themselves into thinking Jaune was the focus.
They don't WANT Jaune to be forgotten or pushed aside. They want Jaune front and center so they can excuse acting like dipshits towards Miles because he's the weak link on the writing staff.
P.S. Gotta love the 'white boy' part. Implying that Jaune would be better if he was a different skin color. ... Also implying OP and everyone agreeing with them is fucking RACIST.
Imma go ahead and assume your words for black people who don't agree with you starts with an 'N' or a 'P/M'. Surely you have no objections!
Since this is about the same thing you pull.
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moistmailman · 5 years
The War
Yang: Hey, I'm sorry but it's true, Rubes.
Ruby, pouting: No, its not! I'm not that socially awkward! You're over exaggerating!
Yang, laughing: I am not! You're the poster child for awkwardness! Just admit it!
Ruby: *Stubbornly crosses her arms and pouts*
Yang: Awww, don't be like that. Wipe that frown off your face. So you aren't good with social interactions. Big deal. Not everyone can be like me.
Ruby: What's that supposed to mean?
Yang: I'm great at socializing. I have what some people call a silver tongue. Hell, I don't even need my charm to make people do things. My looks alone could do the work for me.
Ruby, crossing her arms: Oh please. You're over exaggerating again.
Yang: Am not. I could easily talk anyone to do anything for me, and all I need to do is some harmless flirting! Remember when I made that kid do my homework back at signal? I didn't have to do any homework for an entire month because of my silver tongue. Meanwhile you sometimes get tongue tied when ordering a pizza. So.....yeah, you're as socially awkward as they come.
Ruby, blushing embarrassingly: Why I otta! S-shut up! I could do something like that too!
Yang, ruffling Ruby's hair: Oh of course you can, my sweet naive Ruby.
Ruby, angrily swatting at her hand: I-Im serious! I could do something like that! I'm charming! I'm adorably cute! People love that!
Yang: Yeah, they do. But I'm drop dead gorgeous, which guys find much more attractive, and you also can't forget about my way with words. So sorry Ruby, but you lost this conversation.
Ruby: That's not true! I-I bet i could fine someone who prefers me over you!
Yang: Look Ruby, don't start a war that you can't win. Trust me. Let's just drop this.
Ruby: Why?! You're scared or something? I bet I could fine someone very attractive that prefers my charms over yours. If I can beat you then it'll prove that I'm not that socially awkward!
Yang, playfully sarcastical: Hmm hmm, whatever you say. Tell you what, come back to me when you successfully flirt with the most attractive person at Beacon or something. But until then........*boops Ruby's nose* Socially awkward. Bye now. *Walks away*
Ruby, cutely stomping her foot while pouting: Stupid Yang. What does she know? I'm not that socially awkward. I could easily flirt with someone if I wanted to.
*Suddenly Pyrrha walks by*
Ruby:.........hmm, most attractive person at Beacon, huh?
*2 days later, outside on a cold winter day*
Pyrrha, walking up: Hey Ruby.
Ruby, shivering: H-hey, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: Cold weather, huh?
Ruby, blowing hot air into one of her hands: Yep, I can hardly feel my hands right now. Dummy me over here lost my gloves, so now my hands feel like popsicles. Silly me, right?
Pyrrha: Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that. *Reaches into her jacket* Here, I have a spare pair of gloves that you can use. Here, take them.
Ruby: That's very sweet of you, but unfortunately your hands are larger than mine. So those are useless to me.
Pyrrha: Oh right, sorry. I didn't think about that.
Ruby: Hey, it's okay.
Pyrrha: I just wish I could help.
Ruby, blushing: Well...uh...there's a day that you could help me actually.
Pyrrha: Really? How?
Ruby, awkwardly twirling her hair: Y-you c-could uh......you could always uh......h-hold m-my hands.
Pyrrha, slightly blushing: Eh?
Ruby, blushing: H-hold my h-hands, you know, f-for warmth. S-since body heat c-creates....well, heat and a-all.
Pyrrha: O-oh uh.......well....
Ruby: Y-you dont have to if you dont want to, though.
Pyrrha: N-no, it's alright. I just wasn't expecting that. I don't mind holding your hands.
Ruby: R-really?
Pyrrha: Y-yeah. If it means helping a friend, then I would love to. Here, just let me take off my gloves. *Takes off her gloves* Okay. Here, take my hand.
Ruby, swallowing her nervousness: R-right. On it, friendo. *Awkwardly chuckles before taking Pyrrha's hands*
Pyrrha: So uh.....are your hands getting warm?
Ruby, blushing: Y-yep! It's sure is. T-thanks.
Ruby, internally: Okay Ruby, you two are currently holding hands, so you're currently doing better than you anticipated. Now it's time to flirt.
Ruby, blushing while looking Pyrrha directly in the eye: U-h y-your hands are very soft by the way. I-I like it. You can tell that you take good care of your skin. *Rubs Pyrrha's hands with her thumbs* I'm actually jealous. It's completely flawless, but that's not surprising at all.
Pyrrha, blushing: Oh thanks Ruby. That's very sweet of you.
Ruby, also blushing: A-and you know what I just realized?
Pyrrha: What?
Ruby: M-my hands fits perfectly into yours. I mean, It doesn't feel unnatural or weird whatsoever. In fact, it almost feels natural to me. As if I was meant to do this.
Pyrrha, blushing more: O-oh, you think that? Well I must admit, holding your hand doesn't feel uncomfortable to me either.
Ruby: You got that right.
*5 awkward seconds passed*
Ruby, internally: Okay, you got this. Time to seal the deal! D-dont mess this up. You've been training in the mirror for the past two days. Just do it like how Yang does it!
Ruby, batting her eye lashes flirtatiously: You know Pyr, your hands are very warm. I love holding them. It's intoxicating actually. We should do this more often.
Pyrrha, now fully blushing: R-really? You think t-that? O-o-oh, you're being t-too kind, Ruby. *Awkwardly swallows* I-Is it getting warm out here? C-cause I swear it got hotter.
Ruby, who feels as if she was in a sauna by how hot her own blush was: Nope.
Pyrrha, fanning herself before grabbing Ruby's hand again: Must be me then.
Yang, walking outside: Oh come Blakey, just let me copy your homework.
Blake: No, Yang. I always let you copy my homework and you never learn because of it. So no more.
Yang: Oh don't be like that. Help a friend ou- what the?
Blake: What?
Yang, pointing: Over there. Is that.......Ruby and Pyrrha holding hands?
Blake: Huh?
*Blake looks over at the direction that Yang was pointing at to see Ruby holding hands with blushing Pyrrha*
Blake: Hmm, it appears so. Do your think they're dating or something?
Yang: No clue. Damn, I honestly can't believe that my socially awkward baby sister is holding hands with Pyrrha Nik-
*Suddenly Ruby glances over at Yang and perks up before getting her composure back and starts to smirk and wink at her cockily*
Yang, wide eyed: My god.
Blake: What?
Yang: I....I didn't expect her to actually take my words to heart. She actually did it......or did she? Are they even dating? No......no no no no there's no way they're dating right now........so that means the most attractive person at Beacon is still single.
Blake: What are you-
Yang, chuckling: Does she think she won? Oh hell no. I haven't even started yet. You started a war, Ruby. You better prepare yourself, baby sister because I'm not one to back down so easily.
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noneatnonedotcom · 3 years
a RWBY fighting game
set during the first volume of RWBY, this game is an arcaide fighter taking place in a universe where jaune unlocked his semblance early. he's now the strongest of all the main characters but he has a major problem
thus Nora comes to the conclusion that jaune-jaune needs to train to be flashier during a fight.
the game uses an aura meter that both acts as your health bar and your meter for super moves. taking damage or useing up aura will make you hit with less force as well.
jaune's aura meter is impossible to get empty or even lesson it for any real length of time on top of that he hits like a fucking truck and can end a aura bar in one level three supermove.
this would normally make him super OP but the point of the game is to build up points by doing relaly cool shit and landing large combos. rounds end after 60 seconds or when one person's aura is at zero. but the winner is decided by how many points they have built up. there for laming out an enemy will not net you enough points to win.
Ruby: "mix up fighter who does massive combos, crescent rose lets her reach out and continue a combo from across the screen and her semblance lets her reset her combos from the opposite side of the enemy without jumping. her supers are all about her learning to use aura slashes with crescent rose and take a lot of her aura though.
her story arc is about proving to weiss she's a good leader and forcing her friend to actually be her friend
Weiss: battlefield control character, she's all about setting up traps and poking with her rapier. her traps cost very little aura and her attacks are light and fast but do little damage. this makes her one of the better fighters for pulling off flashy shit. she also has the least aura of the lot
she's pissed that she's the weakest of the main characters and wants to take jaune down a few pegs, but in the end her ego has to get popped and she has to come to terms with her vaunted family name meens nothing
blake: aerial combat. blake is all about swinging around on her weapon and shooting with her gun to continue combos from a distance useing verticality and her mobility to show off. she's pretty bad on the ground though and likes to be in the air, as a result ruby is a great counter pick for her.
blakes story arc is about her learning to trust her friends with her secret even weiss... eventually. they're mainly just hainging out and fighting as flashy as possible so nothing high stakes for most of the characters
yang: all about spending that aura early to set up huge combos, the more aura you use the weaker your blows the the longer you can keep combos going. though she' tied with nora and pyrrha for damage and this makes her a little harder to use since she can end a aura bar really quick without giving herself the time to build up points.
her story arc is about her learning to trust that her friends will be there for her and that even if they left she wouldn't shatter.
ren: second weakest he's also like yang in that he relies hevily on super moves. the only differance is he doesn't just open with them he sprinkles super moves through all his combos meaning that he's in very real danger of knocking himself out before he can build up enough points. but he's pretty easy to use and second best character for this game (being the second weakest)
Pyrrha: GET OVER HERE! Pyrrha is all about distance, she has a veritable swiss army knife of combo openers from any distance and a set of super moves that pulls people back into reach for a reset to the combo to keep it going and build points, but she hits hard so she's a very technical character that you have to know what your doing to win with
her story arc is about her crush on jaune and her admitting it to him even if she's scared he'll say no. she has a comedy ending if you beat her story on the hardest difficulty where she tries to set up a harem so she'll have vindication that jaune's a stud! SHE DOESN'T HAVE WEIRD TASTE YOU ALL JUST HAVE BAD TASTE BUT SHE'LL FIX YOU! SHE'LL FIX YOU GOOD!
Nora: all about the bounce. all her combo enders bounce their target so you can go from one combo to the next. she hits like a truck though so it might be a good idea to take a little damage before you start going crazy
her story arc is that she's having fun with her friends and helping her fearless leader.
jaune: HOLY SHIT HE'S STRONG. jaune is really hard to use. he can end aura bars in a few hits and he can't get any weaker than when he starts. in a normal fighting game he'd be broken. in this game his infinite aura means his friends can just style on him forever (lol) his taunts heal his enemies though so be sure to sprinkle them in to your combos. parries also give extra points, so learn the timing!
his story arc is all about him learning to be confident and about the importance of looking cool in a fight.
so any thoughts comments concerns? and any ideas for dlc fighters?
@dam1994s @gorillageek27 @bssaz97 @tanakaclinkbeard @thatorigamiguy @dragonotaku-justineverything @spoonoftar
anyone can give their thoughts btw but I figured it would be easier for people to see If i tagged it for them
Edit: @aravas-writing sorry buddy almost forgot ya lol
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Never seen the Simpsons have you?
The problem with the rushed means of getting to the fall of Beacon.
Dudeblade, I swear to god if you say ‘make them do a One Piece’, I am gonna flip.
“You’re moving shop, huh? Can I ask why?”
Well, Stan, I’ll answer that when I get there. But for now, I just want to talk about why rushing to get to the fall of Beacon was a bad choice.
You know the drill Stan, let me take over.
More like “Why would you ditch the one thing anyone listens to you for?”
“Wait! I want to take a guess as to why! It’s because there wasn’t enough time developing the world and the relationships between characters, right?”
Yep. Like I said in a previous post, the big problem with Pyrrha’s death was the lack of characters that could be affected by her death. Due to this, Pyrrha’s death doesn’t quite hit as hard as most other deaths would.
More like-
“Because it’s something to bitch at the creators isn’t  it?”
“I see. Can you provide an example?”
Well, take Dragonball for example. The original series. Where Krillin dies.
We had journeyed with Krillin, and gotten to know him. He bonded with Goku, Master Roshi, and several other characters. We saw his relationship with Goku go from a rivalry to a genuine friendship between the two.
So when Krillin dies, Goku’s rage is all the more tangible. This wasn’t during the Z era either. Death wasn’t as cheap as it is now. We can feel the rage and sorrow that Goku felt when he went on his rampage.
Or take Pokémon: Mystery Dungeon. In almost all of those games, your player character ends up disappearing. It’s always a heart-wrenching scene. We saw this character grow from a confused human trying to figure out what was going on, to a proud and strong explorer who helped to save the world.
So your partner’s sadness is super relatable. You feel for his sorrow, and even in the fifth installment, where you’re on the other side of the disappearing into light trope, it’s still as heart-wrenching as it always is.
Due to Pyrrha’s lack of development with the rest of the cast, it’s hard to really feel for her when she died. And jaune just up and takes her stuff to upgrade himself. Pyrrha wasn’t just being treated as a prop. She was treated as jaune’s prop.
Dudeblade, you’re own examples backfire on you.
Let’s start with the Mystery Dunegon one since that one is the lesser of the two. No, people aren’t related to the parent because of that. We do it because we understand the pain and sorrow of losing someone close to us. And the thing is, if anything, we feel because of the PARTNER character. Really, I couldn’t care less what happened to my guy afterward considering he was being jerked around by me all the time.
Now for the big one:
Remember THAT arc Dudeblade? The one where Krillin dies a second time? Thing is, that death is widely considered to be the more powerful of the two due to the struggles and the long ass battle against Freeza as well as the cruelty of Krillin’s death. That is why Goku’s rage is so potent there and why the first Super Saiyan transformation is the most iconic and well executed.
What’s my point in all this?
If you can’t even get your examples, why should we listen to you about a show you will constantly LIE about? Especially since you are comparing Dragon Ball and Pokémon, two juggernauts of human culture, to fucking RWBY, which will be at best a footnote.
Also, P.S. No one else sees Pyrrha as a prop except you people. Kind of goes to show how reductive your thinking is.
“Okay, what about the world though?”
The world is also hard to get attached to. We don’t really explore it. We get infodumps courtesy of the World of Remnant shorts. The little side-series that was made to explain things in the show that the show couldn’t explain by itself.
So is a shit ton of fantasy novels, including fucking Lord of the Rings. Your argument does not work. You don’t get attached to it because that requires some form of basic empathy.
“Well, don’t other series do that too?”
In a sense of things like stats, yes. But it’s like getting a travel brochure from a guy who probably doesn’t know what they’re talking about. At least, when Qrow is doing the narrating. When it’s Ozpin or Salem, there’s a bit of the Unreliable Narrator trope coming into play. We don’t know if the narrator for the Aura WoR was accurate or not, and considering that it said that aura was a passive shield only for the writers to say that you have to actively put it up in volume 5, it’s unlikely that it actually is.
And let me say something else: While yes, it is a smart move to have a character voice their opinions about a place, event, or other aspect of their world- that only applies for character development. In the scenario of wanting to inform the audience, that tactic fails. Take the episodes where Qrow takes over. He provides biased information, and isn’t exactly eloquent or decent information about the things he talks about. He says that a lizard faunus once grew back their tail, but how do we know he wasn’t drunk if/when that happened?
A. That doesn’t disprove anything dumbass. Why would Salem be lying or Ozpin lying? Hell, have either of those two every lied on screen?
B. PASSIVE does not equal SUBCONSCIOUS Dudeblade. I happen to know you are aware of this because you ARGUED this with the Tifa Vs. Yang death battle.
C. What bias is that? I don’t see any reason for Qrow, someone who is KNOWN for brute honesty, to lie or sugarcoat things.
And D. He said he needed a drink AFTERWARDSk, implying he was sober. For someone who claims to be criticial, you seem to miss a lot of little things.
“I see. So these episodes fail at building the world. How do you think it could have been fixed?”
Well, I remember a post that talked about how since the main characters are in a school, they could have done a report on dust to explain it. With Ruby talking about the combat uses, Weiss talking about how it’s mined, Blake talking about how the miners are treated (possibly having points deducted because the point was to research dust, not the workers), and Yang talking about practical uses.- Those aren’t necessarily the ideas reflected in the post I linked to, but I’d think that it would be interesting.
Using a similar idea, they could have also had done the same thing with grimm. With Ruby talking about certain weak points, Weiss talking about certain types, Blake talking about how they function, and Yang providing information on whatever the others missed.
Yeah as I have said:
A. That implies that Beacon’s school system is so fucked up that Beacon students are taught BASIC KNOWLEDGE. As in, shit JAUNE knew.
And B. There isn’t enough time or money. Unless YOU are gonna fund all that extra time out of your own pocket, why should they focus on that and not, say, deliver it to the audience in a cheaper, more entertaining way that doesn’t insult the intelligence of the audience?
“You seem to think that Yang is really smart. Do you want to elaborate on that, or…”
I’ll elaborate enough to point out why Yang is more informative here. She’s smarter than she looks. See, Ruby had to be skipped ahead two years, Weiss had tutors, Blake had to take the entrance exam, jaune cheated his way in, Nora also took the entrance exam, Pyrrha had fame and fortune, and Ren had to do the same as Nora.
See, Raven mentioned an entrance exam. Since she didn’t go to any combat schools of the sort, we can figure out that the entrance exam is there for people who didn’t attend a combat school. This means that Yang is literally the only one of her friends to make it into Beacon the normal way. By studying. I addressed this in a different post of mine actually. In fact, Yang’s grades and study habits are the only ones not to be a plot point (Addressed in this post that I have reblogged). Yang is smart. She could have also had done a project where she talks about the criminal underground, since she has an informant in the form of Junior. She provides some neat (and somber) exposition about Mountain Glenn. She’s a native to Vale. Why not explore the city near Beacon with her?- She could bring her friends too. It’s real easy to hate a character when she isn’t just a pretty face that’s funny apparently.
Yeah and considering you think Jaune is literally retarded and somehow passed himself off as having done it, it must not be hard by your logic.
Also, good job being smart. Bumrushing all your opponents without any strategy or tactic then ‘brute force’, even when one of your opponents will obviously kick your ass. Being smart requires you to actually USE those smarts, hence why I don’t think either one of is particularly smart.
And if you like Yang as who she is, why do you try to scope out anything that you think is like you? Because you don’t actually think Yang is smart, you think YOU’RE smart and Yang is basically the self insert you want.
Oh and this has nothing to do with the subject at hand. So uh, good job getting off topic.
“I have a feeling that Yang being treated as a dumb blonde is a sore spot for you.”
I said in a previous post that I see a lot of myself in her… And not in that way, perverts!
Dudeblade, considering you keep recommending lesbian slave harems as good fanfics, we already know you’re a perv.
And no, no one was thinking that. We know you meant it as ‘Yang must be 100% like me and thus the world must bend to her whim and anything that doesn’t is wrong because she’s my self insert.’
And again, off topic.
So when people insult a character, and reduce them to the baseline character traits, it becomes infuriating.
Blake isn’t a coward for leaving!- She did what anyone else in her position would do!
You mean like say, reducing a father figure down to a single joke?
Or perhaps an honest and well meaning but clumsy guy into a cardboard cutout?
Funny how you do the exact same thing you say is infuriating and yet act like it’s totally irrational.
And let’s get a counter going.
Off Topic: 3
“Dude! You’re getting off-track!- Remember. This is a post about how the worldbuilding was too rushed to make people care about the world.”
Right… Thanks man…
Anyways, another problem with the lack of worldbuilding is well… it’s right there on the tin.
We didn’t get to explore Vale that much. And due to that, it’s hard to sympathize with the city being destroyed. Sure, I feel bad for the people there, but as for their world?- This isn’t like real life, where you can research the city that was just destroyed and feel the sorrow that the people have. Not that I need to. Since Remnant isn’t a world I live in, it’s hard to know if Vale had any historic monuments or orphanages that would make me feel bad if they were destroyed.
Dude, you think anyone gives a shit about the buildings and shit being destroyed in a distaster?
No, they give a shit about the people who are hurt and damaged by it. The fact that you do not understand that concept kind of goes to show how many hoops you’re demanding RWBY jump through.
“Just because you didn’t see them, doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Though I’ll admit to being disappointed at not seeing more of the city.”
While that’s true, it’s hard to figure out where they fall when it comes to faunus equality. We know that Mistral isn’t a good place from their ‘No Faunus Allowed’ sign… And the White Fang somehow not being fired upon by the Mistral Police on-sight… We can deduce from Ilia’s backstory and Weiss’ retconned racism that Atlas isn’t much better is worse.
Vacuo is arguably the best place for a faunus to stay, since the WoR states that they only care about strength… Though that’s probably iffy since Qrow probably dislikes it since their philosophy is similar to Raven’s, and maybe has a bias. Or maybe he hated it to begin with, and projected Raven’s philosophy onto it.- It’s hard to say.
A. The Fanaus were FORCED onto Menagrie.
B. Qrow LIKES Vacuo for it’s way of life, seeing as it’s based off giving respect instead of demanding it like Raven.
And C. Has it not occurred to you someone can hate a place for factual reasons?
“So thanks to his bias, his description would differ from the actual thing, right?”
In theory. The writers were never known for their cleverness.
No, you’re just know for your irrational bias. They aren’t any more clever than your average writer but you’ll bang your head on a wall until your delusions look like reality.
“But if it did, then wouldn’t some viewers get confused that Qrow’s description is different than the actual thing?”
These are the same viewers that forgot that Miles explicitly said that jaune was based on his younger self when trying to argue against the “jaune is a self-insert” accusation. Some of them anyways. I have a bit more faith in them than that.
And you people are the ones who don’t understand how fucking voice acting works AND that Miles has gone on record hating his past self AND that both Barbara and Lindsay have said similar thing yet never call Ruby or Yang self inserts (despite both being treated better by canon than Jaune.).
I have no faith in you.
“You don’t show it that often.”
I’m a pessimist and a cynic. So far, I haven’t really been given a lot of proof that they acknowledge the retcons.
The lack of characters talking about their world hurts a lot too. And since we got rushed to the Fall of Beacon, we didn’t get to hear other characters’ opinions on the matter. We didn’t get to hear Weiss talk about Atlas, we didn’t get to hear Blake talk about Menagerie, we didn’t get to hear Sun talk about Vacuo or Mistral.
Dudeblade, I’m an optimist by nature and yet you people make me reach Guts levels of cynicism. Go fuck yourself.
As for theseL
Why does it matter? Wouldn’t THESE just be as biased as Qrow and thus be a waste of time according to you? or does it not count until it’s actually done because you just want to bitch.
“To be fair, it’s hard to do that when they didn’t have the time to- Ohhhh………”
Yep. The rush to get to the ‘big overarching plot’ makes it hard to learn about the world. Like… I can easily think of a reason why Junior didn’t call the cops on Yang: It’s because he’s a guy who works with criminals, and he doesn’t want to attract any unwanted attention. It’s not that hard. It would also serve as a means to develop Yang and Junior’s relationship more as well. But no. We can’t get that development for these characters. They have to get to that ‘big overarching plot’ as soon as possible. They didn’t want to create characters, they wanted to create fighting styles. They just wanted to make cool fight scenes, and this hurts the story because that focus made it harder to relate to the characters. You have to dig deep to figure out their characters.
Okay now you’ve pissed me off.
You are blaming Miles and Kerry for MONTY’S issue! You wanted to bitch about this? should have done it about three years ago. Now there is no fucking point other than beating and abusing innocent people.
Also who the fuck cares about Yang and Junior’s relationship? You bitch about Jaune existing for more than five seconds but you want to explore to the relationship with a character that has appeared TWICE in the entire show.
And that goes to show your issue, Dudeblade. If we listen to you, we’d basically still be in Volume 1 just with a bunch of meaningless bullshit and superifical details. All because you don’t know how to write.
People tend to boil characters down to their most basic character attributes.
Ruby is innocent.
Weiss is a tsundere.
Blake is a minority.
Yang is violent.
jaune is a strategist.
Nora is bubbly.
Pyrrha likes jaune.
Ren is quiet.
No detail. No real digging. Just boiling them down to these basic character traits because the writers didn’t bother to give them actual characteristics. And when they did, they chose to put more focus on jaune instead of the characters that the show is named after.
A. *flings him a shovel* Go take that up with Monty, 
B. Dudeblade,people do that because it’s easier to write about them and understand them. My proof: Your aftermath fanfic has ONE character just with about thirty different names. You boil them all down to character traits they may not even have: You don't know what you’re talking about.
And C. most of these are wrong
Ruby is childlike
Weiss is abitch
Yang is Barbara
Jaune is pathetic
Nora is violent
Pyrrha is passive
And Ren is stotic.
Only Blake is right and that’s because you people monopolized that.
Goes to show how LITTLE you actually know about the subject.
So combine a lack of worldbuilding,
Your fault for killing WOR.
a focus on fights instead of story,
*points six feet down.*
a lack of creating actual characters,
No, just a denial of them.
and a rush to get to the ‘big overarching plot,’
Which you would bitch about if they didn’t get to it because abuse.
and you get a mess.
No Dudeblade:
When you have three people with a total of three years writing experience between them with the least experienced and worst suited person in charge, you get RWBY.
And yet you consistently fail to criticize it.
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