ticklishraspberries · 10 months
what is with the over abundance of rude asks/anons lately!! have we reverted?? or were we never progressing lmao. if you do not have time to read someone’s about/learn their boundaries/just act like how you would when speaking to someone publicly then please for the love of Christ just stay on your own blog!!
anyway you weren’t rude. maybe you weren’t  performatively nice (as it is expected of women/femme presenting people) but these people didn’t have the nicety to even click the caard you went out of your way to make!! So fuck being nice to people who aren’t nice to you!!
(U don’t have to answer this if u don’t want but I want u to know u have my support) 🤍
- aly/tickalish
thank u so much for ur sweetness, u rlly said the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!!!!
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tenetikles · 7 months
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@tickalish elf oc Elaina getting tickled interrogated by a small giant
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trulee-peachy · 3 years
for the fetish ask! how about humiliation/degradation? 💞
go away | no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know | right here, right now
But it’s always gotta be super cushioned by praise, I like degrading stuff and humiliation but I’m very picky because I have fragile feelings😭
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lazymilkshakecolor · 7 years
           ♡ Send me a ship and I’ll tell you        
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa: Sarada, but she sometimes pulls it off.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them: neither.
Who starts the tickle fights: Boruto, especially after he finds out that Sarada is tickalish.
Who starts the pillow fights:Both of them, Boruto starts it when he wants to get her attention away from hokage stuff and sarada when he teases her.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile: Both of them, Boruto sometimes reaches out and plays with her hair or he’ll hold her hand in her sleep when she’s having nightmares, and Sarada would play with his whiskers.
Who mistakes salt for sugar: Sarada especially when she isn’t wearing her glasses.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning: they will both break the microwave if it beeped in the middle of the night.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines: Boruto.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order: Sarada, and she scolds Boruto whenever he doesn’t return a book to it’s proper place
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies:Both of them, but they’d probably end up smearing it on each other’s faces.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion: Boruto.
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen:Boruto, but Sarada laughs at his drawings since as we’ve seen, he has terrible drawings.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation: Boruto.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines: Neither of them take in interest in those kind of things.
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 7 years
I am NOT Ticklish!
Hey everyone! So this is the 6th chapter in my Adventures of Red and Harl story over on Ao3 and I wanted to share it with all of you! If you would like to read all the stories in the series or other stories I've created feel free to go check out my Ao3 right here: http://archiveofourown.org/users/HarleyIvygirl33 I am NOT Ticklish! Harley groaned from her place on the sofa as she rolled first onto her stomach then onto her side so she was facing the tv staring blankly at the cartoon she'd seen hundreds of times. Her eyes wandered to the left to the wall of glass that separated the half of the warehouse converted into a large greenhouse from the rest of the warehouse that was turned into a living area that Harley and Pam currently had to themselves, since Selina was taking up residence in a posh penthouse apartment, but right now Harley may as well as have the place to herself. The redhead Daughter of the Green had woken up in a rather foul mood and no matter how much she loved Harley being around the energetic blonde was not something to do when angry, they'd learned that the hard way, and so Harley had kept her distance from the greenhouse where her girlfriend had shut herself for most of the day. The blonde groaned again, the other downside to this was that Harley had a hard time keeping herself busy, she'd already walked the entire living area on her hands, did a little balancing practice on the exposed beams in the ceiling, beat most of her video game she'd been stuck on, painted her nails, and in an act of desperation cleaned up her scattered clothing and washed it. Burying her face in the sofa cushion Harley kicked her feet against the sofa arm a bit if only to get some energy out, maybe she could take a nap to pass the time most of Pam’s moods were over by mid-day, but a nap sounded very unappealing at the moment. Moving her head to let herself breathe Harley looked around again until her eyes caught on the greenhouse again, she knew better than stepping foot into the glass room lest she do something to anger Pam like hurt the plants but she was desperate and very bored. Getting to her feet Harley went to the door of the greenhouse and slowly, quietly, opened it and slipped inside being sure to softly close the door and be as silent as a mouse as she tiptoed inside being careful not to disturb any plants or step on tree roots as she walked. The path was soft moss covered stones and it never failed to make Harley smile when the bioluminescent moss would light up under her light steps and tickle her feet, the path was lined with trees, bushes, and ferns whose leaves seemed to stretch out and brush against the blonde's skin making her smile and gently trail her fingers over them. Finally the path opened up to the heart of the room which was floored by soft grass upon which sat Pam’s working space and off to the side a set of uneven bars and a balance beam. Harley’s cerulean eyes looked around the area until her eyes settled on Pam sitting at the lab like table, glasses on her head, labcoat left abandoned on the ground beside her so she could take advantage of the rare sunlight filtering through the above head glass, copper red hair falling down her back in a wave of fire, her hand adjusting a slide on the microscope she was looking through while a vine held a test tube containing some bright green liquid in it. Harley wanted to skip over in her normal manner and lean in the stainless steel table watching like a child watches taffy be pulled, it always amazed her to watch Pam work, but as she watched the redhead growl under her breath and massage her temples before dismissing the assisting vine Harley thought better of it. Pam let out a heavy sigh, of course she knew Harley was watching her she'd known the second the blonde opened the greenhouse door thanks to all her plants but, she was in no mood to humor the blonde ball of energy today not when she'd woken up and realized her experiment had turned for the worse during the night and now the super grow formula was little more than water. “Harley did you need something?” Harley took a slow step closer, if her time with Joker had taught her anything it was be careful around someone who is angry and can hurt you. Pam noticed the blonde’s movements and mentally cursed herself, she'd snapped at Harley earlier without meaning too and now the blonde was uneasy. Looking over her shoulder Pam sighed a little and turned her chair opening her arms making Harley smile and happily skip over and sit across her lap. “Are ya in a better mood now Red?” Harley watched Pam’s eyes as they traced over her face her fingers playing with the ends of her hair making the red strand curl around her finger. Pam mimicked the action running her fingers through Harley’s platinum locks pausing to examine the fading pink ends, since finally coming to her senses after a harsh near death beating from Joker Harley had let a fair amount of her old self go including her pink and blue dyed tips according to the blonde she was going to let them grow out then go back to her original style with one red side and the other blue hued black. Realizing Harley’s blue eyes were watching her waiting for an answer Pam gave a ghost of a smile. “A little bit.” Harley smiled and nuzzled up against the redhead’s neck taking in the sweet aroma of her soft green skin, the sun was out and so the Garden Goddess was taking advantage of it with her photosynthesis meaning her skin was now a soft green color not quite grass green but not bright green either but thanks to the sun she was also warmer to the touch than her normal just below normal human body temp and it made Harley feel safe. Pam suddenly went a little rigid and made a small whimpered sound making Harley pull away enough to meet her girlfriend’s eyes confused. “You okay Pammy?” Pam nodded a faint blush staining her cheeks pink. “Y-yeah perfect sweet pea.” Harley didn't seem convinced but shrugged it off then nuzzled up again, this time Pam went rigid again but the sound was more of a giggle than a whimper when Harley’s nose brushed against her neck. Hearing the sound Harley smirked but forced it off her face as she looked up at Pam again. “Are ya sure you're okay? Did ya hurt yourself?” Pam’s blush darkened and she couldn't look Harley in the eye. “Yeah that's it, I caught myself with a thorn earlier this morning and it still hurts a little.” Harley had to use all her willpower to keep from smiling and look worried. “If you cut yourself I should take a look at it! Make sure it isn't too bad.” Pam looked momentarily panicked. “You don't need to do that Harl, I heal fast remember and the sun helps that.” Harley allowed herself an eyeroll as she shifted herself so she was straddling Pam's lap facing her and moving her hair away from her neck. “Still let me look.” Pam sighed placing her hands on the blonde’s waist, she couldn't say no to her as it was but now she really couldn't. “Alright if you must.” Harley smiled finally. “I must! Now where did the thorn get you?” Pam tilted her head to give the blonde a better view to try and see what they both knew wasn't there, regardless Harley acted like she was looking but smirked as she began trailing her fingertips over Pam's neck when they reached a spot near the middle the redhead cringed a little and caught a giggle. “I didn't find any cut buuuuut I think I found a ticklish spot!” Pam bristled a bit moving to look Harley in the eye her emerald pools wide and a little panicked, despite the fact she was trying to look stern. “I am not tickalish.” Harley smirked again. “Are too, I can prove it!” Pam narrowed her eyes at the challenge. “No you can't because I'm not ticklish.” Harley full on beamed a mischievous glint in her cerulean eyes. “Challenge accepted!” Pam blinked when Harley suddenly jumped up from her lap and pulled her to her feet. “What are you doing?” Harley smiled wiggling her fingers like ten little snakes. “Winning a bet.” Pam raised a brow as Harley moved behind her. “But we didn't-” Her words were cut off by a fit of giggles as the blonde began tickling her sides, normally Pam wouldn't laugh at this but on days when things started off sour Harley always managed to break through her walls and continue to surprise her. Harley let herself laugh as she tickled. “See I told ya! You're ticklish Pammy! I'll tell B-man that's your weakness, gettin’ tickled!” Pam felt tears prick her eyes from Harley’s attack so finally she managed to grab the blonde's fingers and whirl around to face her, almost at once Harley shrank a little. “You do that and I'll have to tell him about you're weak spot too.” The playful shine returned to Harley’s eyes seeing she wasn't in trouble and she caught a smile to keep a straight face as she took her hands back and crossed her arms over her chest turning her back on the redhead. “I don't know whatcha talkin’ about Red, I ain't got a weak spot!” Pam let herself smile like a cheshire cat as she slid behind Harley and laced her arms around her waist and rested her chin on the blonde’s shoulder. “You don't? I could have sworn you did.” Harley shook her head childishly. “Nope! None at all I'm like Superman I'm invincible!” Pam rolled her eyes briefly before closing them and nuzzling Harley’s neck while her hands moved silently into position. “You're forgetting that even Superman has a weakness, kryptonite remember?” Harley blushed a little as she leaned back into Pam’s hold. “Oh yeah I forgot ‘bout that, but I still ain't got a weak spot.” Pam let herself smirk feeling the blonde finally relax completely before she began tickling her torso. Harley’s laugh was instantaneous as she wiggled trying to get away but Pam held her vast. “No weak spot huh? Then what's this? Why are you laughing?” Harley didn't even try to answer as Pam kept tickling her and tears pricked her eyes. Finally breathless and close to crying the blonde stopped fighting. “Stop or I'm gonna pee!” Pam rolled her eyes but stopped tickling and just held Harley close kissing her head. “Told you, you do have a weak spot.” Harley smiled as she caught her breath. “Yeah yeah okay so I ain't Superman but ya know what? Now I have something to use against you.” Pam rolled her eyes before closing them, as she did vines descended from the trees and formed a hammock like structure behind them, without much thought Pam sat back taking Harley with her smiling when the vines just shifted with their weight so the hammock gently rocked once they were on it. “Whatever you say sweet pea.” Harley didn't respond but rather smiled and cuddled closer to the redhead closing her eyes while Pam watched the sunset paint the glass ceiling orange, yellow, amber and red for a few moments then let herself drift off to sleep.
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Give me some KakaKouIru for those ship memes (both of them!!!)
You spoil me, giving me all these opportunities to talk about my babies.
notp / not really / meh / I could / sometimes / maker, yes / my otp babbies
Who is the most affectionate?
Kourubi, obviously. Iruka and Kakashi have their moments but Kourubi is Little Miss Kisses-for-everyone so.
Big spoon/Little spoon?
Generally, Kourubi’s in the middle so it just depends on how they toss and turned that night, but in pairs, Kourubi is always the little spoon.
Most common argument?
Kakashi’s lateness is a point of contension with all of them. Also what to have for dinner.
Favorite non-sexual activity?
Kakashi likes to simply sit and read with the others in the room, Iruka likes cooking together and Kourubi is always up for cuddling on the couch or napping.
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Kakashi will carry either of them anywhere, if given the oppertunity
Kourubi is ‘Kou-chan’ or ‘Pretty Birdie’. Kakashi and Iruka end up just being ‘Kashi and ‘Ruka more often than not, especially when Kou is sleepy. Kakashi is also ‘babe’ and Iruka is ‘darling’.
Who worries the most?
Iruka and Kourubi, tho about wildly different things most of the time.
Who tops?
Would you believe me if I said Kourubi? Cause it’s mostly true.
Who initiates kisses?
Kourubi, generally, but they all have their moments.
Who wakes up first?
Iruka. Kourubi is usually the last up.
Who says I love you first?
Who said “I love you” first
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Kourubi and Iruka
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Kakashi, he thinks he’s cute
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Who initiated the first kiss
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
I bet they all would, but since Iruka’s the one who gets up first, probably him
Who starts tickle fights
Kakashi. Never Kourubi because she’s tickalish as fuck and knows what would happen
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Kakashi asks Kourubi, and Kourubi asks Iruka, and Iruka is too flustered by the thought to even try.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Kakashi and Kourubi, since Iruka is prone to forgetting to eat while he’s working
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
honestly, none of them? They were all pretty chill. Helped that it was just a picnic.
Who kills/takes out the spiders
Kakashi kills them, Iruka takes them out, and Kourubi won’t even go into the room as long as it’s there
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Iruka, the sweet child
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punkchild · 11 years
thank you, you are beautiful creatures
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tenetikles · 6 months
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Bad day for swimming…. from this rp I’m in with @tickalish
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tenetikles · 6 years
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I’m in this rp where I get to wreck all of @tickalish ‘s ocs and its fantastic
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tenetikles · 6 years
Ler truths 1, 2, & 3!! 💕 - tickalish
What is your personal favorite spot to tickle? - I LOVE going for ribs and stomach. Like??? It’s so easy to just…. reach out and …. tickle… 
As big and tough as you try to portray yourself, do you have a worst spot? Where is it? - My ribs tbh? Like under my tiddy and all that. Also… my squishy spots (thighs, belly, right above the hips)
What is your personal biggest tickle themed fantasy? - I’M SIMPLE as a ler I’d just be happy to sit on my lil lee and just dig into their weak spots for ages
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