#tickle's vents
scaphismpriest · 4 months
Tiktok is a cesspool of ableism against narcissists and usually I shake my head and roll my eyes, but i just saw a Tiktok comment that made my blood boil.
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Keep in mind that this was on a cluster B safe post, and someone manages to think its okay to blame abuse on NARCISSISM. I am a person with BPD and NPD, im not going to get personal in my life because this is the internet and not everyone needs to know what ive fucking been through, but i know for damn sure that "narc abuse" is not a fucking thing and generalizes narcissists to be abusers and dangerous people. Sure, you can get abused by a narcissist, but you can also get abused by literary ANYONE, this is why you dont see people say "im suffering from blonde abuse" or "im recovering from christian abuse" because nobody in their fucking right mind would use someones appearance, race, mental health, religon, physical ability, gender, sexuality, ETC as a excuse to label and generalize a group of people to describe abuse. I had a ex girlfriend who would abuse me and she had BPD, I have a mother who also emotionally and verbally abuses me and shes schizophrenic. You dont see me say "im recovering from borderline abuse" or "im suffering from schizophrenic abuse" because that generalizes people with BPD and schizophrenia to be abusers. Do you see the fucking problem here yet? Oh but when its narcissists, or people with "scary mental disorders" like ASPD, then its suddenly okay to label us as scary abusers or dangerous people? Some of You claim to be advocates for mental health but when it comes to us then you suddenly give up because we're "too much for you to waste your time on" or that we're "Hopeless" and "Helpless" if you so called "Empaths", egotypicals, and neurotypicals actually gave a fucking shit about us, you would understand that we've also been hurt, we've been treated like shit and neglected by the world, we bite because we are scared, we are constantly in a battle of self hate and fake ego, we are insecure, we depend on attention and success to survive, we are neglected children at our core. if you really gave a shit about mental health and our well being, i wouldn't be here thinking "wow man i should really rid myself because the world views me as nothing but a monster so therefore i should off myself!" "but you've also hurt people!" I know, I am aware, I've already taken that accountabilty and MAJOR steps into becoming into a better person and have recovered greatly these past months and you dont know or understand me more than the people ive hurt personally, you dont get a say in what happens because thats NOT your ground to stand on and say whatever YOU think and ive had people disrespect that. I am FORTUNATE to even be loved and cared for still by the person ive hurt, and even I myself dont feel like I deserve that such mercy, I am forever grateful but It also makes me truly sad, not for myself, but for the person I love the most. I genuinely cried writing this, this is more so a vent but I hope someone sees this and atleast understand me on a true empathic level, instead of a perception. I hope i dont regret posting this, because this is the most youre gonna see me vulnerable for a LONG time.
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blushy-tigerrr · 27 days
i’ve been dealing with this a lot more now than ever before, and i know some of my close friends in the community are too, so i want to say something about it.
it is not okay to jump into someone’s dms and start out with messages like these.
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also, all of these people have been blocked by me, so if you’re able to see this, you’re not the problem.
for context, while not all of these were the absolute first message i was sent, they were all from the first ever conversation i had with these people. this is not okay. i don’t want to be treated like tickling is my entire personality. i don’t want to be treated like an object. i don’t deserve that. no one deserves that. we all deserve to be talked to and treated like humans first and foremost.
that’s it for now. have a great day <3
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switchytransboy · 1 month
i truly do feel like tumblr has the best tickle community.
fetlife, twitter, tklmap etc. are filled with people who literally like same day you first ever hit them up are ready to engage in tickles and usually sex as well. it makes it feel pressuring and intimidating even at times to want to engage with people on these socials due to that because i’m just built so differently lol. without some emotional connection/friendship/knowing each other even a little bit, i like can’t just let someone new be all over my body. and not only that it’s BORING!! having some type of bond beforehand makes sessions and tickling so much more fun and interesting and makes it so much easier to mess with each others heads hehe
on tumblr though, every single friend i’ve made here and most people i interact with want the SAME thing as me: to form a connection before meeting up.
it just sucks that most of the best connections i make on tumblr are with people mad far away 😭 the one downfall
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lovinglittlebear · 6 days
Hi lovelies~
I witnessed something tonight and I would like to vent a little, but this time about the tword community. Ignore any grammar errors, I'm quite very much crying right now.
So um.. Not sure how to start this. I've seen lots of things along the years in this community. Different people, different reactions to being tworded. And they're all lovely, exactly because they're different. But I also saw.. A not very pleasant side. Which is lers or switches who are.. Disgusted to say the least, by the thought of being tickled or tickling someone with a disability. Be it physical or mental. (The accent is put on the physical ones here).
As someone who has some sort of disability, that hit hard. Because in the daily life, as a disabled person you try to just act normal and go about your day. And personally it is very hard to do that, but I try because that's the best I can do.
So when I got into the community, I finally thought this would be a safe space for me, to be myself and meet like minded people. You know, finally not having to hide myself or feel judged.
And goodness was I wrong. It's shitty, honestly. And I would like to adress this to those people who consider us unusual. We're not unusual. Maybe we had stuff going on, maybe we were born this way. But we do love the same thing as you do. And the last thing I'd want, is to be forced to close this side of me just so y'all can feel "comfortable" again and not disgusted. Please learn to be kind, and accepting.
Also, to the people who are very close to me despite this thing, I love you. Thank you for making me feel like I matter🫶
Sorry for the rant. I just needed to address this.
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idreamofticklehugs · 2 months
Time zones are officially the worst because what do you mean you’re going to bed at 4 in the afternoon and I can’t talk to you for the rest of the day??
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stiffyck · 3 months
Have we considered Scar being like really ticklish but not in a fun way in like a "it hurts when someone tickles me and I WILL cry if someone tickles me" way
It's not fun being so ticklish and so sensitive. It literally hurts no matter how "lightly" someone is trying to tickle you.
It's also horrifying. You're in pain. You're laughing. You can't stop. You literally cannot control your movements and you cannot stop laughing. And when you tell someone to stop it sounds like you're being playful and like you don't meant it but you can't force your tone to be more serious because you're still laughing.
You can't breathe from how hard you're laughing and you want nothing more then to stop laughing and cry and cry and do nothing and you want the person to just STOP TOUCHING YOU because it's too much and you cannot control ANYTHING.
So then you do everything in your power to stop the person- you kick them, you punch them- and they get offended and mad.
Why wouldn't they? You just hurt them.
Doesn't matter they were hurting you in the first place.
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crazy-as-a-jaybird · 3 months
vent post
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every single day my brother will watch his endless dumb shows, and after (and during) the dinner parents will watch theirs
they make it loud
furthermore, this activity's location is strategically unfortunate because it's the main room physically connected to the dining room and acoustically connected to my room
i can't have my reading chair because it's my brother's tv chair as well, i can't eat because that persistent noise and creepy hypnotising glow steal the focus from my sense of taste, and none of them understands how creepy that thing is
death to the bumbling booming hypnobox
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juliandrws · 6 months
“I don’t understand why people ship Ava and Janine, they’re like sist—”
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giggleesblog · 15 days
late night vent post about dysphoria because wooo hormones ✨
sometimes it feels so isolating in this community as a gender nonconforming person. like… idk i feel like when i see people making text posts they always read as so black or white?? if that makes sense? a lot of content i see is cisheteronormative and a lot of people kind of take on the assumption of most lers are men and most lees are women. even when i see posts specifically about like ticklish boys for example, i always feel like a fake for reblogging them and resonating with them because i’m not a guy, i just prefer masculine terms. i’m not a guy and i’m not a girl, i’m just me. but i feel like it’s hard to fully feel comfortable in my own skin while also engaging with this community sometimes. it’s hard to fully explain or put into words.
i think this is also my fear of being perceived and being perceived incorrectly because people have a tendency to see pronouns and go “she = girl, he = boy, they = nonbinary” when it’s so much more complex then that. even though i literally have transmasc lesbian in my bio lol
also there’s times where i wish i never explored my gender identity and just went with the flow and thought i was cis. at least then i didn’t have nights like this where i feel like a fake and like i want to crawl out of my own skin 🫠
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ghastigiggles · 1 month
me when i cant wait to get home so i can draw suggestions but the minute i sit at my computer the Fucking power goes out AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
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TW: S/A, neglect, mommy issues, trust issues, etc.
(This is really just my last resort to getting all this shit off my chest. Also this will mention my deadname so yeah)
So when I was 8, my mom met this guy named Josh, he was okay. He tried to be like the dad I wish I could’ve had, but one night, he snuck into my room and locked my door. Then he told me I was dreaming and for me to put my face in my pillow, so I did, then I felt my pants going down and something rubbing against my… “tunnel.” I asked him what he was doing and he told me not to worry about it and to keep my face in my pillow, or he’d make me keep it there. I got scared and put my head back in my pillow and he put his hand on my back, gripping my pajamas. After what I could only assume was half an hour or so, he left. I told my mom about it but she didn’t believe me, not only that, but she guilt tripped me into talking about it with him. He started crying and saying stuff like “I’d never do such a thing” and “I see you as my own daughter, Emery” and so on and so forth. My grandma and aunt Lys believed me though, so I’m grateful for that.
The S/A went on for four years (it stopped when I was 11) the last time he did it was when his 5 year old son was visiting. He had him stay in my room while he took me to his and my mom’s room, sitting me in his gaming chair and wrapping my mom’s bandanna around my eyes, he told me we were gonna do a taste testing thing, he said he didn’t have a spoon though so he’d have to use his finger. He told me to get all the peanut butter or whatever it was on his finger off it. It was normal til the last time, he put, what I can only assume, was his dick in my mouth which obviously caused me to choke and pull away. I went to take the bandanna off and he told me to wait, I heard a zipper and then he said I could take it off. He asked if I was okay and I started crying a little and asking “What was that-?” He reassured me that it was just his finger (but I didn’t feel any nail SIR.😒) A few weeks later and he was put in jail for selling edibles at home or something.
After he was put in jail my mom was like “Well, now I hope you’re happy. Now your brother doesn’t have a dad to look up to! Does that seem fair to you, Emery?” As if all he did wasn’t just leaving my little brother in my room to watch TV and leaving me to take care of him while he just sat in his room playing video games. My mom has been a big fear of mine since I was 6, she has rarely been a good mother to me , or to anyone for that matter. Because the moment I was born, she left me to be my grandparents responsibility just so she didn’t have to worry about me. Even now she still expects my trauma to have just *POOF* vanished! As if that’s how it works.
And just a couple hours ago, her and ex boyfriend number 13 (yes, I keep count) got into a pretty heated argument and broke up. And because I’m emotional and a fucking crybaby, I obviously started crying in my closet, so I called my best friend and drew some quote art. But seriously, trauma doesn’t just resolve itself if the problem is away from the victim/victims. It takes time and effort to help the person get better and find a good coping mechanism for it (like therapy, drawing, writing, crocheting, writing, reading, etc.).
If any of you, a friend or a family member have gone through S/A or anything like that I am so, so, so sorry that happened and I hope you’re healing well.
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jordanswitches · 8 days
i will never understand how there are people who have foot fetishes but don't like tickling feet? like i had a boyfriend who wanted to do everything to my feet except tickle them and would actively get annoyed when i reacted to him accidentally tickling me like. how can you feel like that, how can you like feet and not like the way they respond to tickling? is that not the best thing about feet? that you hardly have to do anything and they'll scrunch up and pull away and the person will beg you to stop?
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riisume · 12 days
I feel a little bad that I'm pretty cold to people on DA or anywhere who give me bad vibes but like... After all the bad experiences I've had with people, especially on DA, I have a hard time feeling completely bad about protecting myself and keeping most people at arm's length...
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hyperfixation-fox · 21 days
Vent I guess :(
I love tickles however I am not in the mental state too receive them, I'm scared of being touched right now I don't want to be touched and I do not have the energy or mental strength to handle it
Please do not say I am pathetic and or weak for having these feelings or that my issues aren't that serious
I've been dealing with my mental health for a few years now however it's been getting bad lately
I don't want anyone to touch me and I don't want to interact with anyone
I mentally cannot handle it
Everyday I am so close to a breakdown by simply existing
The pressure of this world is too much on me and I can't handle it
I can't even be in loud spaces without getting overwhelmed
I have this constant fear that someone is going to yell at me or harm me if I don't do something as they want me to
I don't want to be touched because I don't want the risk of someone hurting me
That sadly includes tickles
I cannot handle the thought of being touched as of now...
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lovinglittlebear · 1 month
You know you're fucked when you had a good mood and suddenly your night is ruined by the thoughts of your past haunting you 🥲🥲
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🇮🇹:Perfavore fattemi felice cioe pk far parte della communita dell solletico essendo minore FA SCHIFO?! CIOE MI SI SPEZZA IL CUORE QUANDO UN BLOG DI SL DICE "MINORS DNI" MA PK ODIATE I MINORI?!?! (Ho 14 anni)
🇺🇸:pls cheer me up like why be in the tickle community has a minor IT'S SUCK LIKE..MY HEART GET BROKED WHEN A TK BLOG SAY "MINORS DNI" WHY U ALL HATE MINORI!?!? (I'm 14)
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