ticklygiggles · 2 years
maybe 47 with kuroyaku? i'm obsessed with this prompt list ngl lol
[25 Christmas drabbles] - entries closed!
A/N: this is my first time writing KuroYaku, so I hope this is not too ooc! *sobs* thank you for sending this, Rey! I hope you enjoy it! Also, I'm glad you are enjoying the prompt list hehe
KuroYaku - 47. "Stop! I just want to put the star on top!"
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"Hmm? And can you reach all the way up without my help?" Kuroo asked, arching one of his eyebrows. "Stop squirming around and just put the star on!"
Giggles filled the whole living room again. It didn't matter how hard Yaku tried to bite at his lips to prevent that embarrassing sound from bubbling out, he knew he wouldn't be able to stop it until Kuroo stopped wiggling his damn fingers against his lower ribs.
He, too, couldn't do much more than kick his legs in the air as Kuroo picked him with embarrassing ease, lifting him so he could reach the top of the stupid tree to put the stupid star for their stupid Christmas together.
"Kuhuhuroho!" Yaku giggled, his arms tightly clamped to his sides, gripping the star between his hands. “Stop doing this- ahaha! It tihihihickles!”
"For someone so small, you sure are heavy!" Kuroo teased and Yaku felt his cheeks turning bright pink, hearing Kuroo’s smirk on his lips. “If you keep moving like this, you’re gonna make me fall.”
“I dohohon’t fuhuhucking cahahare! Puhuhut me dohohown!”
“You’ll drop the star, Yaku,” Kuroo warned, yet his fingers kept wiggling against that terrible sensitive spot right under Yaku’s ribs that was making his body jerk so violently in Kuroo’s hands. “Is it so hard to put-
“It ihihis hahard with you beheheing a fuhuhucking-
“Shit, ack!”
Yaku gasped heavily when the tickling suddenly stopped and gravity was making his body fall… right on top of Kuroo, making him groan in pain.
“Ohmygod, Tetsu, are you okay?” Yaku asked, quickly turning around to check on Kuroo, who was lying on his back with a pained expression on his face. “Are you hurt?”
Kuroo shook his head no, looking up at Yaku with a big grin. “Are you worried about me? I thought you said you didn’t ca-ahahaha! Oh, nohoho! Nohoho! I’m sohohorry! I’m sohohohorry!”
Yaku growled as he dug his fingers into Kuroo’s ribs, clawing them against the highest set to make Kuroo writhe under him with loud laughter. Kuroo tried to stop him, but Yaku moved fast, even pinning one of Kuroo’s hands under his knee. 
“I will show you sorry, Tetsu,” Yaku said over his laughter, his fingers moving up towards Kuroo’s armpits, making him shriek and squirm. “First you play your stupid games while I’m here trying to decorate our tree, then you make me fall and then you make fun of me for actually worrying about you?!” Yaku shook his head, clicking his tongue. “This is just what you deserve, Kuroo Tetsurou.” 
Kuroo should have known better to mess up with his little kitten.
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sweet1delusi0ns · 4 months
Haikyuu boys n cuddles ──☆*:・゚
Team ! Nekoma
Characters: Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yaku (may add more players later)
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He thinks he’s such a sneaky shit, he does what tsukishima does exept he’s not trying to hide he just likes teasing
“Ughh do you have to be so needy!” “You came up to me and started cuddling ME?” Then he just rolls his eyes as if he won the argument. He will just go up to you and start smothering you!
He will startle you by randomly pulling you in and aggressively start nuzzling into your hair or neck, you pull on his hair to get him off since you literally can’t breathe most of the time. But sadly he loves when you pull his hair so it he started kissing on you which made it harder to breathe!
Shy boy, he always will be! He never asks for cuddles since he gets timid unless he’s sad and needs your comfort but mostly he just plays games next to you, slowly inching closer to you until he’s on your lap or until you realize what he wants and hook your arm around him
He sits on the edge of his bed while you sit next to him, you normally crawl behind him to give him a back hug, basically caging him in but he doesn’t mind! You kiss up on his neck which makes him softly whine and shrug his shoulders; “Don’t distract me…” in reality he likes it when you distract him
He also loves when you play with his hair while cuddling, you put it up in a pony tail when it gets in his way while gaming. He thanks you later and you give him a lil kiss which he blushes too~
He use to only big spoon you cuz he figured he wouldn’t fit in your arms, even though he did really want to be held sometimes he just never asked since he thought it wouldn’t work but one day you suggested and he had stars in his eyes
When you first held him he was shocked, and in love. Now that’s the only way you guys cuddle! He hooks his legs around your waist and nuzzles into your neck. You hold him like a big baby!
You also draw shapes in his back which makes him shutter, he’s also ticklish so he starts to giggle~ he also smothers you with kisses while talking about how much he loves you!
He is a cuddlerrrrr! He’s also a lover, so any time you guys cuddle he gives you so many kisses and compliments! He doesn’t care if he is holding you or if your holding him he will always love up on you~
Like I said he doesn’t care what position the only thing he cares about is being with you! When you guys face each other he always gives you nose kisses, and you always give him nose boops, if you don’t he will make you. Seriously he with grab your finger and boop his nose himself
He also likes playing with your fingers, he likes how soft your hand are, he also gives you hand massages too before kissing the back of your hand~
Also not proof read cuz again I’m lazy😔 anyways I’m prob gunna post another haikyuu post then write sum naruto😋
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ticklish-n-stuff · 11 months
Hey! For the tickletober prompts, how about lee!kenma, ler!kuroo and day 27? Kuroo finds that Kenma can't stand when he tickles him with his mouth (nibbles, kisses, raspberries, etc). Hope you are doing great! 🥰
Tickletober day #27: Hysterical
I think I had a bit too much goofy fun with this one. I haven't watched Haikyuu in 50 years so sorry if characterization is off.
Funnily enough, this req. reminded me of my undying love for Yaku. He was my fave Nekoma player cause shortie hehe/j
Btw this is meant to be timeskip
Hope you enjoy! :D
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Kenma x Kuroo (romantic)
Lee: Kenma
Ler: Kuroo
Warnings: Tickles!
After a long day of work, what better way to unwind than by having your boyfriend snuggle on your lap while they play videogames? Kuroo could think of a few things. To be honest, he wanted Kenma’s attention, but when blondie was in gamer mode, no god on this earth could stray him from his path. Well… thinking back, there was always a way to get stubborn Kenma away from his game.
The signature cheshire smirk graced Kuroo’s lip as he tightened his hold around Kenma’s waist. He then took a deep breath and…
“GAH! PFFT! KUROO NOHOHO!” his gaming device went flying off his hands as Kenma’s whole body jolted aggresively.
“Aww, still ticklish KenKen?~”
“Don’t call me that- EEP! WAHAIT! STYAHAHAHAP!” the half blonde threw his head back, which frankly inly made it easier for Kuroo to keep nibbling at the sensitive skin of his neck.
It was no secret how ticklish Kenma was, it was a prominent trait all throughout childhood. But Kuroo is the only one to know just how much mouth tickles affect him in particular.
“Oh? Then how about here then?~” the rooster head’s teeth grazed along Kenma’s earlobe, earning a dramatic gasp.
“T-THAT’S STILL SO BAHAHAD- AH KUROO‼” Kenma screeched in ticklish glee as he was suddenly pinned on his back, with a smug Kuroo staring down at him with a thirst for more.
“H-hold up! Can’t wehe talk about this?!” the shorter male spewed out through nervous giggles. Even without being touched, he was already a flustered mess.
“Less talking, more laughing~” Kuroo leaned down, his hands latching onto his boyfriend’s sides while he kissed and nibbled that sweet spot below Kenma’s ear, close to his neck. With wiggling fingers and kisses attacking him, Kenma could only do one thing.
“BAHAHA! K-KUROO! YOU AHAHASS! S-STAHAHAP! I CAHAHAN’T!” Kenma’s face was as red as his old volleyball uniform. His brain slowly turning to mush as the overwhelming ticklish sensation drowned him in giddy pleasure.
“But honeyyy, you’re so cute and ticklish~”
At Kuroo’s tease, Kenma let out a high-pitched squeal through his already hysterical laughter. It wasn’t long until his body started to grow tired and stopped trying to squirm away. His laughter dying down to soft hiccups.
“Ahaha- *hic* Kuroo, please..!”
At the cute, breathless whine from his boyfriend, Kuroo finally relented. Opting to lay beside him and hold him close to his chest.
“Better, princess?~”
“Shut up…” Kenma’s voice grew muffled as he burried his face against the taller one’s chest, but Kuroo certainly caught the smile left on his face. Yes, nights were meant to be spent like this.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Hi Squiggly! You can totally feel free to decline my headcanon to drabble request, I would totally understand!! But anyways, I have been obsessed with Haikyuu for forever and the new movie has fueled my love for Haikyuu. So my headcanon is that Suga and Yaku (an interesting pair, I know) during the training camps like to make little challenges against each other (they are not as mature as they may seem) and sometimes when they’re evenly matched the challenge will devolve into a tickle fight, in which, once again, an even match.
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
OO, this is so GOOD! I don't think I write Suga and Yaku individually enough- let alone together. This was so fun! I hope you like it anon! :D
Let the record show Yaku Morisuke and Sugawara Koshi were the most mature people on their respective teams.
“Race you to the dorms.” Suga slapped the other boy’s shoulder as he booked it, flying past him with glee.
“Son of a- bring it!” Yaku yelled back as he ran after him, catching up to the taller boy and grabbing onto his shirt. “I’m not letting you get a head start over me!”
“Hah! We’ll see about that, shorty!”
However- when they were alone together; they found that maturity flew right out the window.
Stumbling into the lounge, neither boy knew who truly was in the lead, falling through the double doors in a heap of laughter. Yaku was still fisting Suga’s shirt, and the other had tried to grab onto his hair as they collided. “Ehehehe! Who wohohohn?” The setter asked, giggling helplessly when the hand to his back began to wiggle.
“Me! And I’m about to make it so!” Yaku growled, hopping up and sitting on Sugawara’s hips as he carried on scribbling into his shoulder blades. “Admit I got here first, you jerk!”
“Neehehhehever! Iihihiih wohoohohn’t gihihihive ihihihn!” The pale haired teen cackled, kicking his feet and punching the ground. It did nothing to alleviate the ticklish feeling on his spine. “Aheahahhahaha! Noohohohooh fahhahahir, you cahhahan’t juhuhust go and tiihihihckle sohoohomebody!”
“I sure can, and I will. Don’t be such a baby.” Yaku teased, giving Suga’s ribs a couple scratches to make him scrunch up.
That however would be his downfall. The second Suga’s arms got close enough, he pushed off the ground and twisted, sending Yaku tumbling. “Goohohotcha!” He cried, grabbing his leg and squeezing his knee like his life depended on it.
“Aheahhahahhaha! Whohohohoho’s behehehehing uhuuhunfahhahahir nhohoow?” Yaku cackled, flopping about like a fish out of water as his knees and eventually thighs were attacked. He tried and failed several times to grab Suga’s shirt again, but each reach fell short as a new boom of ticklishness shot up his nervous system. “Aheahhahahahah truuhuhhuce! Truuuhuhuhuce!”
“Juice? What- you thirsty?” Suga called back with a grin, distracted. Yaku used his other leg to pull him down and within reach, tickling once more. “Noohohohoho yohoohou jehehehrk!”
“Thahahake thahahaht, you sohohon of a- gheahahaha nohohohoho!”
“Should we…?” Kenma began, turning a confused expression to Kuroo and Hinata as they watched from the stairwell.
“Nah- let them be.” Kuroo shrugged as he turned them back on course, laughing softly as the squeals and cackles following them out. “They’re both far too mature for their own good- especially Yaku. He deserves to cut loose. Now- where’d you say were those vending machines, again?”
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otomiyaa · 16 days
Hi Ginny! How are you? I saw the post about headcanons and was wondering if you would be willing to do headcanons for Yaku Morisuke (Haikyuu)? Totally understand if not, I know he’s not the most mainstream character of the bunch. Regardless, I hope you’re doing well and wish you all the best!
~Anemo Anon 💕
Lee & Ler Headcanons - requests closed!
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Already laughs and yelps before he's even touched. Very sensitive and jumpy, and often trolled by others with mere fake tickles.
Claims he's not ticklish, not in a shy flustered way but like just plain stubborn and lying with a serious face. His serious expression won't ever last long though since with even one finger pointing at him he can already jump up and squeak.
Secretly envies others when they're having tickle fights and tries to stay in the background. He would like to join but he never lasts long.
Pretends he gets hurt to trick others into stopping their tickle attacks. He's a great actor but at some point of course they'll know when he's faking it.
Often tickled while carried like this👇 perfection.
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Monkey™ likes to climb people and tickle them! He uses his small size to his own advantage and is pretty tough to deal with.
He's a ler to fear in a one on one situation because he's fast and strong and people underestimate him, especially those who know how ticklish he is himself.
Because he's such a regular target he doesn't join tickle fights often but anytime someone else is ganed up on, he's more than eager to join and happens to be one lively ler in that case.
He also likes to prank his friends with quick random tickles before sprinting away. Unless they team up, he's fast and nimble and never gets caught.
Likes to use finger gun tickle attacks!
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nataliedrawz · 2 years
hi boo <3 can i rq tword hcs for the nekoma third years pls?
🌸Hello baby bear, and ofc ofc! They may not be the best but I hope you enjoy them! <3
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HOO BOY, this dude as a ler? Run, that's all you can do. He will tease you about how he'll tickle you when he catches you and actually DOES.
He is easily one of the most feared lers of the team, perhaps just a close first, no one dares utter the number one's title of the tickle monster badly or you are immediately on his to tickle list..
Favourite spots are the tummy, thighs, ear's and neck.
As much said, his easily one of the funniest, goofiest lee's! Kenma uses this on him when his being especially annoying towards him or other's.
Act's like a lost puppy if you stop mid-way from his tummy, the man really is a touch starved dork and will happily admit it.
Is hyper ticklish on his side's and his calves, but otherwise his just a walking tickle spot.
This dude cannot live without someone tracing shapes onto his side, once touch starved, always touch starved.
Make sure to give him a bunch of cuddles and praises after you destroy him, and even offer him some water, expect him to be really clingy for a while after you tickle him!
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Once his in a ler, he stays in that ler mood for a long ass while.
His favorite game to play with his lee's is 'hide and seek' but really it's really just one sided lol.
Favourite spots are definitely the ribs, underarms and knee's.
Act's like his a doctor checking your reflexes but all his doing is being a bitchy ass ler.
As a lee though, really soft and shy.
He gets really squirmy and extra giggly if he even hold his hand a little bit above his head.
Definetely a favourite target to a lot of his teammates.
This dude probably has ticklish elbows SOMETHING IS TELLING ME IT AND I STAN👏
Can't handle being teased for the life of him.
Really want to get him writhing? Play his own game's on him.
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Morisuke is a very soft ler istfg.
Will stop tickling his lee when they say stop, although most of the time they don't mean it.
Will unintentionally fluster his lee's.
His favourite spots are the tummy, back, anywhere with a large area for him to trace around really.
As a lee though, he is a whole other level of flustered.
Squeals when someone blows into his ear 100%
Loves when people trace the lines of his palms.
Easily digs himself into his own grave.
Falls for the "Don't what?" move way more then any other human being alive.
Adores being cradled after being wrecked and priased about how well he took it.
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myreygn · 3 years
n over k equals you going down!
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summary: Kuroo and Yaku are studying math and, to put it nicely, it doesn't work all too well. Luckily there are ways and methods to clear your head and Kuroo has just the right idea - whether or not it works out for him is a different story.
an: i'm sorry @heyoitsgenderconfusion your ask disappeared. idk where it went so i just have to tag you and really hope you see this!
“Okay, let's try this again.” Kuroo rubs his temples and sighs, then he points at the book right in front of him. “We have these numbers, four and thirteen, and we have this formula. Now we put the numbers in and then we have...?”
“Gosh, Kuroo, I don't know! Repeating the question doesn't change anything!”
“Just look at the example, there's an example right there-”
Yaku groans and bangs his head on the book, effectively crushing Kuroo's hand with his forehead and making him whine in pain. “I. Don't. Know. And I'll never know if you keep going like this!”
“It's not that hard!” Kuroo pushes him away and shakes his maltreated hand while furiously nodding at the exercise. “It's n over k, so it's thirteen over four and that means thirteen faculty divided by four faculty multiplied by thirteen minus four faculty! You just have to put the numbers in the formula!”
“But how am I supposed to know which number belongs to which letter?”
“I told you a million times!”
“Fine,” Yaku cries out, “fine, shut up, we've been doing this for, what, three hours?! I'm taking a break, I'm getting water!” He gets up and stretches out, nudging Kuroo's side with his foot. “Breathe through and hydrate yourself, you're so tense dude!” Kuroo flinches away almost hard enough to faceplant, making Yaku chuckle. “Come on now.”
He hears Kuroo shuffle around behind him as he gets himself something to drink, turning around when his friend enters the kitchen, and sighs. “Thank God, I needed this.”
“You needed this?!” Kuroo splashes water into his own face before he empties his half finished cup of coffee, regardless of the fact that it must be cold by now. “I've been explaining the same problem for thirty minutes and you still don't get it!”
“Well, maybe you're just bad at explaining.”
“Or maybe you're just bad at math!”
“Oh, that's not a good combination.”
“Then maybe you should get someone else to tutor you!”
Yaku smirks. Bantering means that Kuroo is recharging his battery, that's good – seeing him fired up  helps himself to regain control as well. He turns around again to put his glass in the sink. “Probably. I'm sure Kai would also actually tutor and not torture me like you do!”
“Oh, you want torture?” Yaku busts into surprised giggles when he feels long, swift fingers scribbling up and down his sides and he leans away from the maddening sensation, over the counter. Unfortunately this attempt to escape just makes everything worse for now he can't even properly protect himself – not that that was an option before. “I'll give you torture!”
“H-hey! Dohon't doho thahahat! Kuroo!”
“I mean, you started it.”
“Whahat? Did not!”
“Yes, you did!” Kuroo shoves his hands further up Yaku's torso to massage the spaces in between his ribs, drawing some of the ugliest cackles the Libero has ever heard from himself. “You attacked me earlier when you nudged my side, you did that on purpose!”
“I-it's not my fahault thahahat you're a wahalking tickle spoAAHT, STOP IT!”
“Why?” Yaku manifests all of his willpower to turn around and immediately regrets it when he's met with Kuroo's obnoxious signature smirk, those awful fingers relentlessly squeezing and jabbing his hips. “Aren't you having fun?”
“Tsk, language.”
Yaku feels himself getting weaker and weaker the longer the tickling lasts – no wonder, this bastard is attacking his worst spot exactly the way he knows it drives Yaku up the wall. A little voice in his head regrets to ever have agreed to this study session, another one criticizes the very idea of being friends with Kuroo and Yaku hates how he hesitantly agrees. They just know each other too well and... hey, wait, that might be it!
The captain slows his touches down and moves his hands up a little. “Please what, Yakkun?”
God, he's going to kill this jerk! Yaku feels his face burn. Please, that's a word he almost never has to resort to and only uses when it's really bad. More often than not he's too proud – but that also means, that Kuroo knows it's bad when he actually pleads and that's a huge opportunity to fool him. The tickling on his sides is bearable. He can function now. Yaku throws him a wicked smirk through his giggling and it turns victorious when he sees the horror dawn on his friend's face.
“Please don't be less ticklish than last week.”
“You know, Tetsurou,” the Libero smirks and wrestles Kuroo down, straddling him and wriggling his fingers in his armpits, “you're really funny. We've known each other for, what, two and a half years? You should really know by now that you don't stand a chance. I don't know if you noticed, but my worst spot isn't half as bad as yours. See?” He coos at his friend. “You're already crying, naw, Tetsu! It's not even been ten seconds!”
It's almost funny how Kuroo is a mess already, yet the teasing still seems to make everything so much worse. Yaku grins. He can't deny it, he's always having a blast wrecking Kuroo, especially when- ah, there it is.
“I don't know, should I? We barely get to hear this beautiful, beautiful hyena laugh from you, we should enjoy it while it lasts!”
Honestly, it's impressive how long Kuroo takes it. They're almost at four minutes before his laughter goes silent and Yaku decides to move away from his underarms, resorting to softly scribbling all over his stomach. “So, will you teach me this math problem?”
“I- Ihi trihied!”
“Yeah, well, as you said, I'm bad at math. Will you try some more?”
Kuroo can only nod, his face flushed bright red and his cheeks wet from laughing tears.
“Good.” Yaku finally stops his tickling and stands up, offering his friend a hand to get up. “Let's get back to work. And remember, when you think about starting a tickle fight the next time, don't. You'll lose. Got it?”
“Shut up...”
“You shut up.”
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Hi! I've been following you for quite a while but I've never written an ask before because of my social anxiety... First of all, I'd like to tell you that your writing is amazing and thanks to you I started many series that I now love. I read about your situation, too and you have my support, even if it's not much❤ If your sentence starters are still open I'd like to read n. 7 with yaku and kenma (you can choose the roles) I sorry for the long intro, I tend to speak too much Bye💚🤍❤
Thank you so much for the kind words!! I'm so glad you enjoy my writing, and I appreciate your support! <3
“You’d better run for your life – the tickle monster’s going to get you~”
Kenma started, blinked, and looked around him nervously. There was no sign of Kuroo or anyone else really; most of the team had already left for the night. He was just killing time playing a game until the captain was ready to walk home with him. When the setter glanced to his left and saw Yaku, he frowned. “What are you talking about?”
Yaku merely smirked and shifted his weight. Kenma – reacting on pure fight or flight instinct – set his game down and started to back away, only to find himself coming up against something solid, a pair of arms hooking under his from behind to pull them out of the way, exposing his torso.
“What—?” Kenma glanced back, surprised and annoyed at the sight of another one of his teammates. “Lev! What are you—”
Before he could finish, Yaku had crawled over to him and begun poking up and down his ribs sporadically, making Kenma choke on his words and sputter out a few protests before giving in to the urge to giggle, squirming in Lev’s hold. This was way, way unfair. “S-Stop! Why—”
“Tickle, tickle, tickle~” Yaku teased in a low, singsong-y voice that made Kenma’s eyes widen and his giggles bubble out of him faster. “The tickle monster’s got you now, Kenma~”
“Stohohohohohohop!” Kenma pleaded, the words and wiggling fingers really starting to mess with him. “Yaku, quihihihihihit it! Whahahahahat did I even dohohohohoho?!”
“Nothing,” the libero replied, beaming, digging in a little harder. “I just wanted to see you smile.”
When Kuroo finally finished up and went to pick up Kenma a few minutes later, he was surprised to see his friend on the ground with his arms pinned above his head by Lev, Yaku sitting on his waist and gently tickling his upper ribs and underarms, drawing desperate, hysterical giggles out of the blushing setter, who – to Kuroo, at least – looked like he was having the time of his life.
Even though he’d never admit it.
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secretblog1212 · 4 years
Just a little more
Ask by @lady-namo : okay okay i'm sorry but i love the bokuroo hcs and i'm such a slut for lee kuroo so can i drop a writing prompt? like maybe on a training camp, kuroo is a teasy little shit and bokuto decides to take revenge. and nekoma stands by being like "yeah there and there it's pretty bad but if you want to go for the kill ..." like they give him instructions on how to wreck kuroo and yaku has literally the time of his life
If you were to ask any other two people at the practice game, Kuroo and Bokuto’s antics were getting old. Somehow the two third years had lost all their maturity the moment they had seen each other, whether it was by making jokes and bets with one another, or the result of making those bets. 
They were finally given a break, the daylight had finally left leaving cool air and a dark night sky. Their rooms were set up to sleep in, though everyone knew that no one would sleep for at least a few more hours of socializing. Kenma was taking this moment to relax, playing his game while Lev and Yaku watched from over his shoulder. The Nekoma players room was mostly quiet, the few that had decided to head in early were all occupied in their own tasks, or, at least that was before the inseparable duo decided to make an entrance. 
“I’m just saying Bo, if you were to put them in a fight Mothman would have no chance. Haven’t you read up on them? Siren Head would crush him.”
“You’re just too big of a nerd bro. Why do you even read that stuff anyway, are you gonna look for them? Hey hey, if you do look for them take me with you! I wanna see, let's go look for them Kuroo!”
Kuroo looked a bit offended before shrugging it off, his attention snagged by the trio huddled in the corner. 
“Hello! What’s he playing Lev?” 
Kenma’s brow furrowed slightly. He normally didn’t mind the noise of his friends when playing, but the sudden arrival was throwing him off his game. He tried to recover as Lev and Yaku made conversation with the two. After a valiant battle, his screen flashed red. Annoyed he reached up to push at the loudmouthed cat across from him. Kuroo let out a cackle and fell into Bokuto the moment his hand made contact with his ribs. 
It was just a typical reaction for the team, but the Owl seemed shocked when Kenma went right into another game without looking up. 
Kuroo pouted and rubbed away the left over tingles, but made the mistake of not moving out of the other boy’s lap. Bokuto looked a bit confused at what had just taken place, and took to finding his own answers. 
His hand reached down to grab at the same area, “Hey, what was that bro? You fell into me and everything, yeah.”
Kuroo jerked farther into the teen, trapping himself between his body and hand. He tried to hold back his cackle, not that Bokuto hadn’t heard it before. He felt his face going red as he fought himself. He tried squirming back and forth, holding his breath to stop the embarrassing wheeze cackle on the tip of his tongue. 
“Hey guys, what is this? Wait, is he ticklish, dude that's so funny! Hey, does this tickle? Does it, does it?” Bokuto asked, his face beaming. The more Kuroo fought the more excited he seemed to get about it, teasing him all the way. 
Kuroo felt his heart drop when he heard Yaku offering advice,“Hey Bokuto try a bit higher, that always gets him to break for us.”
“Yeah! Kuroo senpai is super super ticklish! He has the best reactions too.”
Kuroo fought like a wild animal to get away, but Bokuto wasn’t known for his spike for nothing. It was easy for him to pull the frantic teen back into his lap with one hand around his waist and the other sliding up his rib cage. Too high. 
And just like that the dam broke loose. He would of told the two boys off, but knew it was useless. 
His body was shaking with the force of his laughter, his breath coming as a wheeze more than anything else. It wasn’t long before he had one hand covering his mouth and the other one pushing at the hand much too close to his armpit. He wasn’t sure what his legs were doing, but he felt himself slowly sliding further down Bokuto’s chest. 
How did he get in this position to start with? Everything was going too fast. He could hear Bokuto in his ear, asking questions as he struggled to focus on something, anything but the way that his fingers were inching closer to his death spot, everytime his legs kicked out and moved him further down. 
He suddenly found himself fully aware of the situation when Bokuto asked, “Where are his worst spots? He’s so much more ticklish than I thought he was gonna be, how’d I never know about this before bro? Hey, hey Kuroo, why didn’t you tell me before?”
He shook his head, hand shooting down from his mouth to grab at Bokuto's arm, which hadn’t moved since the very start of their little game. 
“He’s worst under his arms and pretty much his whole legs. He doesn’t like to talk about how much of a ticklish baby he is cause he thinks it’s embarrassing though.”
Oh the betrayal was painful. 
“It’s what you deserve for making me lose.”
Kuroo just shut his eyes waiting for his death, not that he had to wait long.
His eyes shot back open the moment he felt the fingers slide up, his ribs and under his arms. He felt himself give a full body twitch before letting out the cackles he was trying so hard to reign in. If he was kicking before, now he was absolutely flailing all of his limbs. His arms had lost all of their strength, as well as their coordination. No matter how hard he tried to force his body to listen to him, his fight or flight response had other thoughts. Bokuto was laughing right along with him as he wrangled him against himself. 
It wasn’t long before he let go of Kuroo, using his arm that had been holding him in place to reach for his leg, grabbing it from underneath his thigh and trapping him in a slightly folded position. 
The squeezes to the back of his thigh were what sent him over the edge. His body went limp, no longer having the energy to fight against the torturous tingles shooting from head to toe. He knew he must be quite the sight right now, his face felt warm and his sight was blurry when he managed to peek his eyes open for a split second. The blobs that made up his teammates were all still huddled together, and Bokuto against him seemed to be smiling and laughing. 
“Don’t stop yet Bokuto, He’ll be fine. If you wait just a little bit longer you can see something else he does.” 
Kuroo couldn’t quite make out the voice but if he had to guess he would put money on it being Yaku. The little bastard would be the one to out him like that. 
“Really? What does he do, he’s not gonna pee himself right? Right bro?”
Kuroo tried to talk through his wheezing cackles, though he doubts anyone could understand the blubbering as speech. 
“Nah, he doesn’t pee himself though that would be hilarious, I don’t want to spoil it though. If you end up needed help we can jump in, but I think you’re well on your way to seeing it. Just don’t stop yet.”
“Oh wait, is it how he-” “Yes Lev, now shut up!”
Kuroo feebly tried to roll himself over. If he could get away then no one would have to see it. He was on a time limit here. 
Bokuto easily pushed him back around, cooing to him. “You’re so weak like this bro. Why are you trying to get away, there’s no way you could get away from me right now. Do you know what they’re talking about? Oh, wait you can’t answer me right now. Oh well.”
Kuroo felt his breath start to catch, and his laughter began  to fade out into silence. This did not bode well for him. He sat limpy, resigned to his fate as he heard himself silently wheeze on the floor. 
“Is this it? Is it because he went all quiet?” “Give it just a little more time.” “Are you sure, his face is really-” Kuroo felt himself going even more red than before, it really couldn’t be healthy at that point. He just turned his head to hide in Bokuto’s stomach. If he couldn’t see his reaction then it wouldn’t be that bad. Although the logic was slightly flawed Kuroo knew from experience, mainly with Yaku, that it was solid. 
“Hey, hey, hey Kuroo bro, did you just snort? Oh my god, do it again. Hey do it again bro I wasn’t paying attention that’s not fair.”
Kuroo jerked to the side as the tickling touches started up with a new goal in mind. Nevertheless he felt his pent up laughter building up once again. It was only a few more seconds before he, and the whole room, heard him for a second time, albeit slightly muffled from where he had pushed his face into his attacker. 
“Hey Kuroo, why didn’t you tell me before? You’ve never done that when you laugh with me before. That’s not fair, I thought we were friends.”
The fingers slowed down, Kuroo knew it was so he would be able to answer, but couldn’t force himself to look his bro in the eyes. No, he would stay hidden thank you very much. 
The fingers had removed themselves from under his arms and had let go of his leg, letting it thump back onto the floor. He felt them move to the back of his head, scratching at his scalp before tugging at his hair. Though he knew he would regret it he allowed himself to be pulled away from what little shelter he had. 
Instead of answering he just crossed his arms and allowed himself to be pulled back up, though he was still practically sitting on Bokuto’s lap. 
“He doesn’t like to talk about it, he thinks it’s super embarrassing.” “Which it kind of is-” “Shut up Lev! Anyway like Kenma was saying, He kind of hates it so we make him do it all the time cause we think it funny as all hell. He’s just a big baby about it.” 
Bokuto seemed to think for a second, before brightening back up, “So we just need to do it until he thinks it’s cute instead of embarrassing. You do know it’s cute right Bro, hey, hey wait you're blushing again. Do I need to tickle it out of you again, I won’t stop till you admit it’s cute this time, wait don’t try to roll away, you’re not getting away that easy. Plus I’m sure your teammates would help, right?”
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bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
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genre. nsfw
warnings. smut, fingering, oral sex
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Uses his long, slender fingers to slowly trail up your skirt, ignoring your panicked glare and slipping them right into your cute little underwear. The fact that you’re at dinner with both of your parents doesn’t matter to Tooru. He just looks for any reason to tease you, and he gets it when he feels your body shaking next to him, squirming due to his touch. The fact that he’s knuckle deep in your tight hole, pumping in and out yet managing to maintain his composure is amazing in itself. Tooru carries on the conversation as if nothing was happening under the table, joking with your parents as if he wasn’t making you come undone on his fingers. You try to copy him, you really do, but it’s hard when he knows exactly where to touch you to get you seeing stars, fingers ghosting over your sweet spot, over and over again until finally, you cum all over them just as his mother asks if anyone wants dessert.
Sneakily, Tooru pulls his fingers out and gives a shy smirk, licking his fingers before shaking his head and saying,
“No thank you. I’ve already had my fill of sweets for the night.”
Makes you sit on his lap, an innocent enough gesture, sure, if only he wasn’t sliding his cock into you less than a second later, with three of your close friends nearby. It was a movie night/reunion with the Nekoma Alumni, and you and Kuroo thought it’d be nice to invite Kenma, Lev, and Yaku over. But that was before your boyfriend decided to be a little shit, smirking as he pulled your underwater down under the covers and then situating you on his cock. He almost chuckled at the expression that first came onto your face, and then from the way you were trying so desperately not to moan as he began to rut his hips into yours. Kuroo had a firm grip on your hips, squeezing every time you whimpered yet passed it off as a cough. He could control your body but not your mouth, or your face. It was evident that you were about to come undone by the way you began to breath heavily, squeezing his hands under the covers before clenching down on him. Thank god Kuroo had chosen a horror movie, for no one was alarmed by the scream that left your lips as you hit your high, and was left dazed as Kuroo gently set you down, winking at you before focusing on the movie like nothing ever happened.
Has you bent over the table, making it look as if he’s being a cute boyfriend and hugging you from behind as you stand around to talk to your friends. But in reality — for the past ten minutes he’s been buried deep inside of your walls, relishing in the way you struggled to keep your composure, and to keep quiet. Already, Kita had asked if anything was wrong because of the sounds that were leaving your throat, and the way your face would scrunch up every time Atsumu would hit that one sweet spot. You were forced to lie through gritted teeth, gripping the table you were leaning on with all your strength and nodding. You had to act as if your boyfriend wasn’t balls deep inside of you, and that you weren’t about to cum not so quietly. Fortunately though, Atsumu wasn’t all that cruel — or maybe he was. He pulled out just before you could reach your high, wrapping his arms around you and burying himself in your neck to disguise your squeaks of angers as squeaks of laughter.
“Always so ticklish, aren’t you baby?” He smirks at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes, bringing his hands down to smooth out your hiked up skirt and then carrying on the conversation as if nothing had ever happened.
Is on his knees for you in the library, buried between your heat and pleasuring you like his life depended on it. Every lick, every movement of his tongue was that much closer to bringing you to your high, but it went unnoticed by Akaashi as he sat right next to you, drowning on about the homework you were supposed to be completing. You see, you had asked the raven haired boy for some help earlier that day, but you miscalculated how needy your boyfriend actually was. He had come to you claiming that he had been waiting all day for you, but you simply couldn’t afford to miss your study session. That’s precisely what lead to this — you holding to the edge of your seat for dear life as that familiar bubble threatened to burst and expose you both. Luckily though, Akaashi failed to notice the way you slumped down in your seat, body shaking as you slapped a hand over your mouth. You gripped Koutaro’s hair for dear life when your orgasm rippled through your body, only the tiniest of squeaks leaving your lips before the pleasure came to a still. Satisfied, Bokuto cleaned you with his tongue and then trailed sloppy kisses down your thighs, peaking up at you mischievously and mouthing
‘I love you,’
Before stealthily crawling back to the exit and leaving in preparation for round two.
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karasimpno · 4 years
Haikyuu Boyfriends Helping with Breast Tenderness (Part One!)
Part Two w/ Ennoshita | Yamaguchi | Kita Part Three w/ Kuroo | Bokuto | Iwaizumi  Part Four w/ Suga | Tanaka | Ukai (Coming Soon): Part Five w/ Tsukishima | Asahi | Yaku Part Six w/ Suna + tbd you decide!!! Part Seven w/ Saeko | Kiyoko | Yachi
Eyes a little lidded, he looks you directly in the eye as he reaches up the back of your shirt to unclasp and remove your bra
You wince at the sensation and he takes both of your breasts into his hands
Simply having the weight of them off you makes you breathe a sigh of relief and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, letting your forehead lean against the crook of your elbow
It’s not the best position for massaging, so you really just stand there for a long minute, his thumbs gently pressing into the sides of your breasts as he continues to support their full weight
You relish in the way his index fingers feel pressed at the bottom crease of your breast
After a while, he presses a kiss to your forehead and asks if you want anything special to eat <3
So tender...so soft
Rest your back up against this guy’s broad chest, he’ll take you in his big strong arms, his impressive forearms wrapping around you as you rest between his legs on the couch
He takes such good care of his body
Obviously he doesn’t know the exact feeling of breast tenderness but understands how the muscles of the pectorals mesh together bc of his athletic training
He’ll use two or three fingers and actually try to help your pain, massaging firmly but gently as he sees fit
But this is a huge act of intimacy for him as well
So he’ll have his nose buried in your shoulder from behind, allowing you drop your head back on his opposite shoulder....he’s just so big and you can just absolutely relax in his arms
He just knows when you’re hurting too, you hardly even have to tell him
T h i s . . . .
Okay so some people (like me) actually have super ticklish breasts but my doctor told me that the way to like, avoid that is by putting your hand over the hand of the person touching your breasts, so your hand moves like in tandem with theirs. Idk it really works tho
I feel like Akaashi would run you a bath if you told him you were having PMS symptoms
Sometimes he’ll join you, applying pressure to your breasts from behind
But sometimes it’s just too much to have him in there, so he’ll rest his elbow on the edge of the tub while he sits with his legs to the side, leaning his temple on his fist
He knows he’s doing this to relieve your pain, so while it’s not a sexual thing for him, it is a sensual thing
He actually prefers it when he can be outside of the tub because then he can look in your eyes as you cover his hand while he works your breasts
He uses the full-squeeze approach, his palm resting over your nipple as he presses his fingers into the sides of your breasts, rotating his wrist to get full coverage
The way the water drips off his hand......God
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Accidentally Hitting Them in the Balls | Hinata, Kuroo
Pairirngs: Hinata X Reader (gender neutral), and Kuroo X Reader (gender neutral) ft. Nekoma
Genre: hopefully funny, crack? 
Author’s Note: *posts that im taking a break from posting... One day later: here i am. Inspired by Unus Annus: Nutball momento mori, friends
Accidentally Hitting Them in the Balls | Bokuto, Oikawa
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The two of you were sat on his bed, lazing away, watching one piece
Hinata sat up with his back leaned back on the wall while you laid on your side, your head and most of your torso over his lap on his pillow
He rest his hand on your side while the two of you were amazed with the new episode
As the episode came to an end, the two of you talked about the episode and the entirety of the entire one piece world, how crazy about how long it was going
The conversation went from the talk of anime to food to volleyball and so many more, the possibilities were always endless
Hinata readjusted his seating, leaning forward, accidentally pressing your side
You let out a loud yelp, squirming harshly, laughing
“Oooh, Y/N are you… ticklish??” He seized your sides, tickling your rapidly as you burst into a fit of laughter and giggles
You tried to push him off, your body spastically turning side to side in his lap, trying to take a hold of his wrists
“S-Shoyo, s-stop,” you wheezed only making Hinata beam even brighter
You turned harshly toward him, your arms bent
You heard a loud yell from Hinata and his tickling ceased
“W-what happened?” You sat up and wiped away the tears that gathered, catching your breath from all the laughter
“I can’t have kids,” he peeped, his voice significantly higher than before as you broke into laughter again
“I’m so sorry,” you laughed, the sound of your voice fading into nothing, just clicking noises as you laughed, barely breathing
“But that’s what you get for tickling me,” you poked, the burn of guilt going through your body seeing him look up at you with a pout
“Zoro wouldn’t struggle like this,” you puffed, purposely bringing up his favorite one piece character
“Eye-“ he coughed
“Leave me to die, then, tell Natsu… I love her…”
“And me?” You asked, tilting your head as he laid on his stomach, half his face pressed into his bed
He dramatically choked on his air and then let out a dying breath, not giving you a response
“Hey!” You chopped his back, giving him ptsd since you chopped him right where Kageyama would kick him
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The sound of the various meats and kabobs grilled by the managers parents and coaches were covered by the sound of the electric air pump pumping up the bubble battle balls
Giant inflatable bubbles where your body would slip into the little tube opening so others wearing the bubble could bump into each other
But tonight, in celebration of the season ending, these were bought for the whole team and extras to play some fun games
The parents and families of the nekoma pitched in, buying various meats and foods for a grand feast for everyone to enjoy themselves
“Alright, in ya go.” Kuroo laughed as he shoved the ball over your body, pushing you right over and rolling down the hill to the field
Lev and Yaku were already bouncing along with others in the inflatables, bumping into each other, a few curses yelled to Lev as the taller one purposefully bumped into him, knocking the libero over
But his revenge was soon avenged by you as you rolled into him, knocking him over from behind like a bowling ball
In a short time, everyone, including you, were standing on the field to play what Kenma suggested called “last one standing” with the goal being for a single player to be the last one standing
Even though he didn’t play himself
You were absolutely not going to get in the way of all the guys of the team and stood to the side, avoiding everyone, especially kuroo
He was like a mad man, determined to win
The team went down by their captain’s great force, laughter erupting into the golden sky of the sun setting beyond the trees
Over time, you somehow even managed to be the last one with Kuroo but he purposefully done this to actually give you a chance
The others watched from the sides, some still in their bubbles, laughing about what had happened
Lev traumatized by being tackles by both yaku and kuroo at the same time, sending him almost toppling out of his own bubble
You just stood there in the clear bubble, trying to doge kuroo and his numerous attempts to knock you down
You ran around on the field, trying to get away but made the mistake of turning around to find him already charging toward you
He jumped into the air, bumping into your ball, sending you to the ground protected by the bubble
You slid out of it laughing but somehow found Kuroo on the ground in his tube, his legs curled as he howled in his bubble as everyone else was on the ground on the side, laughing their asses off, gasping for air and wiping their tears away
“Tetsu, what happened?” You laughed, pushing the tube off of him
“You kicked me right in my balls,” he breathed, his voice barely audible
He turned onto his face, groaning loudly at the pain he was in, tears falling from his eyes and his face all red
He won the game, but at what cost
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv  @oxmaddy​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​ @curiouslilbeast​ @oyasenpai​​ @plantisnotplant @therestless101​
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Daishou-anon here, thank you for letting me send in another character! ☺️ Then maybe Say Yes with Kuroo and Asahi? I know it's a real rare pair, so if that is not something you want to write either, Kuroo and Yaku would be another option 😅
Kuroo and Asahi! What a rarepair if I've ever seen one! :D It's pefect- I've gotcha covered, friend! :D
“Come on, lemme see.”
“No! You’ll laugh.”
“Of course I will- I laugh at everything.” Kuroo rolled his eyes fondly as he looked at his boyfriend. Recently Asahi’s contact prescription expired. He hadn’t had the time to get a new one, so he’d been wearing his glasses instead. Today was the first time Kuroo got to see him in them.
At least- it would be as if Asahi would actually let him see.
“Babe, I promise I won’t make fun of you. I’m sure you look fine.” Kuroo leaned into his boyfriend's shoulder, scowling some when Asahi turned away, his hands stubbornly guarding his face. The scowl melted into a mischievous grin as Kuroo reached down, pressing the tips of his fingers into his boyfriend’s stomach. “Show me~”
“Mm! N-No!” A muffled giggle escaped as Asahi trembled, ducking some at the feeling. The corners of his mouth were turning upward, as he turned away more. “Sto-ohp that!”
“Show me!” Kuroo demanded, pressing in more, making Asahi arch with a squeak. “You’re so ticklish, are you? My ticklish Asahi- come on; just give in and it’ll all be over.”
“Yohohohohou’re thehehhherribehehhehehele! Ahehahahhahaha, yohohohou jehehherk!” Asahi wiggled in his arms, muffled giggles and snorts rolled over his tongue like water. “Cohoohohohme ohhoohohohon, stahhahhahap hiihihihihihiht!”
“Gonna show me?” Kuroo wiggled his fingers up Asahi’s armpits, grinning when the other shrieked, twisting around and grabbing his wrists. “Boom! Let’s see!”
“Ahehehe, yohohohou’re awful!” Asahi rolled his eyes with a small pout, brows furrowing when Kuroo didn’t speak. “Eh…Tetsu?”
The brunette could only stare, eyes wide as he took in his boyfriend’s face. His hair a slight mess as it fell loosely from his low bun, cheeks pink from all the laughing. And the glasses…
Oh my lord, the glasses.
“You should keep them.” Kuroo spoke softly, reaching out to brush some strands of brown from Asahi’s wide eyes. “They suit you.”
“Really?” He asked, a new blush painting over his cheeks. Before he knew it, he was smiling, be it shyly. “I mean, if you think so…”
“I mean it.” Kuroo leaned in, kissing him gently. “You look amazing.”
Asahi kept the glasses for a good while longer.
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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nakachuchu · 4 years
Haikyu!! Masterlist
❪ all smuts are with of age characters ❫
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☆ 𝐍𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐲𝐚 𝐘𝐮𝐮 ↴
Ticklish | Sub!Yuu (nsfw)
Hoodie Weather
☆ 𝐒𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 ↴
Meal Time (nsfw)
☆ 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢 ↴
Walking Home
Valentine Goodie Bags
Pink Charm
Mint Ice Cream
6:47 PM | Sub!Puppy! Koushi (nsfw)
☆ 𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐲𝐨 ↴
Bunny Boy | Sub!Shoyo (nsfw)
Valentine Sign
Yearly Rut | Sub!Bunny!Shoyo (nsfw)
☆ 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 ↴
Yoga | Step-brother!Ryunosuke (nsfw)
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☆ 𝐔𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 ↴
Sleepy Head
Blackberry Smoothie
Lemon Cake
3:06 PM
10:59 AM
☆ 𝐒𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐄𝐢𝐭𝐚 ↴
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☆ 𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢 ↴
Party Upstairs (nsfw)
Mean Streak | Dad!Keiji
At Peace
Winter Melon Milk Tea
Mango Milk Tea
Manor in the Bahamas (nsfw)
☆ 𝐁𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐊𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 ↴
Valentine Bouquet
Work It | Omega!Kotaro (nsfw)
Taro Milk Tea
Maid Costume | Sub!Kotaro (nsfw)
Afternoon Snack | Sub! Kotaro (nsfw)
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☆ 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 ↴
Farm Girl
Carrots | Omega!Shinsuke (nsfw)
Strawberry Cake
5:30 PM
The Great Oni (nsfw)
☆ 𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 ↴
Valentine Onigiri
The Vet Sucks (nsfw)
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☆ 𝐊𝐨𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐦𝐚 ↴
Stream (nsfw)
Convenience Store
3:00 AM
☆ 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨 ↴
Office Sex (nsfw)
Warm (drabble)
☆ 𝐘𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 ↴
Couple Mugs
Valentine Picnic Date (drabble)
☆ 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐛𝐚 𝐋𝐞𝐯 ↴
Top Model (nsfw)
Matcha Pocky
Cookies & Cream Ice Cream
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Date Tech
☆ 𝐀𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮 ↴
Train Buddy
Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream
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Aoba Johsai
☆ 𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐮 ↴
King of Serves (nsfw)
The Private Tutor | Sub!Tooru (nsfw)
☆ 𝐈𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞 ↴
Pre-Shower (nsfw)
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Itachiyama Institute
☆ 𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢 ↴
Pillow Princess | Sub!Puppy!Kiyoomi (nsfw)
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☆ 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲 & 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬 ↴
Gravitate | Bokuto Kotaro + Akaashi Keiji
Love is in the Air or Not | Kuroo Tetsuro + Yaku Morisuke
Black Sugar Milk Tea | Bokuto Kotaro + Akaashi Keiji (nsfw)
Body Heat | Miya Atsumu + Miya Osamu (nsfw)
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
hi hi :D
would u do hcs for kuroyaku? i just read ur fics and they're lovely so i thought i might as well ask ♡
oooh kuroyaku is an interesting pair, I haven't heard of them before! They seem like they'd be very cute~ I'm also a sucker for height differences lol I hope you enjoy!
Let’s be honest here: Kuroo is so ticklish it’s not even funny, even more than Yaku
Like Yaku is hella ticklish too but no one beats Kuroo
Kuroo, however, has an advantage with Yaku: height (yes i’m bringing the height difference in hehe)
He’s also just a huge jerk when it comes to tickling Yaku bc he loves him and his love language is annoying people
I said all of that lovingly i promise 
Yaku doesn’t mind it in small amounts, but Kuroo can push it sometimes and that’s when Yaku enacts his revenge
Kuroo knows most of Yaku’s spots, but Yaku only knows one or two of Kuroo’s
He doesn’t need to know more though honestly, just one spot is enough to get Kuroo cackling lmao
It just so happens he also knows his worst spot so... rip Kuroo
Yaku can’t always reach Kuroo’s underarms (his spot lol) so he waits until he has opportunities to do so
Sometimes if Kuroo’s sitting on the bench taking a break Yaku will stick his hands under his arms and Kuroo just shrieks
Yaku and Kuroo both tickle each other during practice because they want to embarrass each other, but Kuroo definitely does it more often
Kuroo can be a bit too embarrassed to do it when they’re alone so Yaku has the advantage on that end
Kuroo loves to pick Yaku up and tickle him, like either by throwing him over his shoulder and tickling his knees or by holding him up under his arms and tickling him there
Yaku doesn’t mind it as long as it’s only a little bit because he’s not the hugest fan of being picked up
However, if Yaku is like on a piggy back with Kuroo on the rare occassion that he wants to be picked up, he’ll definitely dig under Kuroo’s arms or something like that and Kuroo nearly drops him
Oughhh these two are really cute together uwu I hope you liked these! 
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myreygn · 3 years
What even is college?
summary: Yaku develops unhealthy studying-patterns when the final exams as well as college applications get closer and closer and as his friend and captain, Kuroo feels obliged to help him relax a little.
an: i really hope you like this @heyoitsgenderconfusion and have a nice week :) enjoy reading!
requests are open
The knocking on his door almost startled Yaku enough to make him drop his pen and he rubbed his eyes with an exhausted groan. “Yeah?” God, his voice was all raspy.
“Yakkun? It's me, can I come in?”
Kuroo. Shit. But honestly, what had he expected, not answering any calls or text messages? Yaku leaned back for a moment to regret not simply having sent back an “ok” or a “cant rn, text ya later”, because of course Kuroo would get worried and of course Kuroo would show up to check on him, then he took a big sip of his energy drink in the irrational hope of making himself look a little less tired. Stale. Gross.
Yaku examined his friend as he entered, or at least the little he could see of him in the dimmed light of the room. Jeans, sneakers, a plain black hoodie. Simple clothes, but they looked pretty fresh and Yaku didn't even want to think of the loose shirt he himself had been wearing for... three days straight? Approximately? Urgh.
“Woah, what's with this darkness, Nosferatu?”
Before the Libero could protest, Kuroo opened the blinds and the bright winter sun light falling in hurt his eyes. The beautiful weather made everything even worse. What time was it again? He turned off the desk light and squinted through the eye-burning brightness at his friend. Messy hair as ever, but at least it looked fluffy and soft, probably freshly showered. Yaku scoffed. Jerk.
“Gosh, you really look like the dead.” Kuroo threw him a mildly concerned glance before turning around again to open the window as well and alright, that did it, the line was crossed.
“What the hell are you doing?! It's fucking cold!”
“Yeah, and your bat cave fucking smells, I can't even breathe. When was the last time you actually left this room?”
“This morning.”
“Did you go the bathroom?”
“I did.”
“Did you get food?”
“I did.”
“Don't lie to me. Whatever you're doing, it can't be more important than eating.” Kuroo leaned over the backrest of his chair to take a look at this books. “What are you doing anyways?”
“Studying.” Or at least he tried to do so. He wasn't really sure about how much of the science stuff he read during the last four hours actually stuck to his brain. Had it been four hours? Three? He still didn't know what time it was. “For college applications.”
“Ah, okay, I see.” Kuroo looked down at him in an almost lurking way and Yaku didn't like it. “You misspelled mitochondrion six times in six different ways on this page alone.”
“Oh, gimme a break.”
“How long have you slept last night?”
That was a very good question. One in which he had no interest answering, or at least answering honestly, because he had already awakened the concerned captain and he really didn't need the reproachfully concerned captain on top of that.
“Uh, I don't know, seven hours?” Minus four and it would've been remotely close to the truth.
“What did I tell you about lying?”
“What did I tell you about opening the window? It's December!”
When he tried to get up, Kuroo pushed him back into the chair with ease (Was he really that limp? Embarrassing.) and tilted his head in that cocky way that could drive everyone absolutely mad. His usual lazy expression wasn't there, instead Yaku was met with a dark stare right into his soul. Creepy.
“Tell me how long you slept and I'll close the window.”
Oh no, he didn't like this at all. Normally he would've just brushed all of this off and pushed Kuroo away, maybe even kicked him and then they would've put on a summer-vibe movie, because Kuroo was a pussy who froze at ten degrees and everything below, and made some hot cocoa. However. He really didn't have the energy to push anything away right now, not to mention lifting his leg, and he also didn't have time for a goddamn movie. Actually, he didn't have time for Kuroo as well. Why was he in here?
“Fuck off, you're not my mom.” Not his strongest comeback, but he had to work with what he got. “Who even let you in?”
“Your mom. Now it's your turn to answer a question.” The captain literally towered over him. Never before had Yaku been so aware of how tall that damn kid was. “How many hours, Yakkun? Just give me a number that is not the amount of liters of energy drinks in your body.”
Kuroo just sighed. “Oh Yakkun.” Then, suddenly, he pinned him lightly in his chair and his hands were on Yaku's sides, squeezing and scribbling up and down his torso.
The Libero busted into giggles immediately and he didn't know what was worse; the actual tickling, his incapability of holding back, even though he wasn't that ticklish on his sides, or the fact that the pinning was completely unnecessary for he couldn't have pushed Kuroo off if his life depended on it. Which it did. He was too exhausted for this, he wouldn't be surprised if he just dropped dead.
“Nah- Kuroo! Noho!”
“No can do, buddy. You still haven't given me an honest answer.”
“I did.”
“You suck at lying, did you know that?” Kuroo's moved his hands up a little, making Yaku coil up in his seat as good as possible – anywhere, just away from those awful hands! “Come on, just tell me. I won't be mad, I promise.”
“C-close the window, then I'll tehell you!”
The tickling stopped and Yaku heard how Kuroo moved away from the chair. This was his chance! He jumped up and tried to make his way to the door, only to be grabbed from behind and pulled back just before he could reach for the doorknob.
“Come on, seriously?” The captain shuffled around a little, pushing textbooks and paper out of the way, then Yaku was dropped on the bed and Kuroo towered over him once more. “Dude, that was so sad.”
The Libero looked to the side; the window was closed. Was he really that slow? Had Kuroo really managed to fully close the window and catch him, even though the way from the window to the door was twice as far as the way from the desk to the door and yet... alright, maybe he should really go to bed. But he couldn't-
“Waah! Kuhuroo! Don't, dohohon't!”
Kuroo smirked down at him, prodding his hip and scribbling over the skin that had been revealed by his ridden up shirt, making him twist from side to side to try to avoid the tickling fingers. “You know how to make it stop. Just tell me. How many hours?”
“Suhuck my- three! Oho myhy gahahawd, threhehee!”
“Three hours?” Kuroo moved his hands away from the Libero's ribs  and clicked his tongue. “That's super unhealthy, you know that, right? You have to take breaks.”
“E-easy for you to sahay!”
Kuroo furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?”
“Nohot everyone is aha genius, you prihick!”
Yaku gasped for air heavily when the tickling stopped again and turned his head to the side so he wouldn't have to look at his friend. He hadn't meant to say what he just said, but who was he kidding, he was tired and the tickle attack only added onto his exhaustion.
“What are you talking about?”
“I have to study, okay? I know you're taking college prep classes and what not, but I'm not on that level, I can't allow myself to strut around and annoy my friends when I should be studying!”
Okay, maybe he was also a little mad. Mad at Kuroo, mad at himself, mad the school system and oh shit, his voice was breaking. Kuroo's weight vanished when his friend climbed off of him and he was pulled into a tight hug.
“Hey, hey hey hey, don't cry, okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset, I'm really sorry. I just...” Kuroo chuckled nervously. “I get it, okay? You think this is the best way to get through exams, but trust me, it's not, holy shit, it's absolutely not! You got time, alright? And you can't just pull through without taking breaks and stuff! It's 'Eat, Sleep, Repeat', not 'Cry, Die, Repeat'.”
Yaku choked out a laugh and dried his tears a little. “I know... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. You work hard too, I get it. I just... I can't fail these damn entrance tests, I just can't, I have to... I have to...”
“No, you don't.” Yaku squeaked and fell back on the mattress when Kuroo's fingers wiggled into his sides once more. “Don't give me that face, you know I'm right. I have to study to get into a good college, but you can easily get a scholarship, Yakkun. You're a kickass Libero!”
Yaku blushed, giggling harder as Kuroo latched onto his ribs once more. He would've rather died than admitting it, but there was a happy feeling settling in his chest and for the first time in forever, he felt pretty relaxed. “I- shuhut up!”
“Never.” Kuroo grinned, visibly catching on his friend calming down. “Even if you don't get into the college of your dreams, so what? What even is college anyway? You're smart, talented, you're a hard worker and you learn really fast! You can start your own business, you can travel the world, Yakkun, you can do anything! Don't stress yourself so much over stupid college.”
“K-Kuroo – stahap! Please!” Yaku felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes, from laughter this time, and his stomach began to ache from laughing too much. He really was exhausted.”
“Not until you admit it. Repeat after me: 'I can do anything'.”
“I cahan do ahahanythihing- Kuroo!”
The captain smiled softly and took his hands of Yaku's hips to gently rub his back when he sat up instead.. “See? That wasn't so hard, was it?”
“You suck.” Yaku breathed heavily and Kuroo waited patiently until he regained his composure. The Libero blushed a little more and almost didn't dare to look him in the eyes, but when he did, they were warm and soft. “But I... I guess I really needed that, so... thank you.”
“I'm always this kind, Mori-kun.”
“Shut up. And then leave, I'm going to bed.”
“Oh no, you're not, not until you take a shower!”
“Okay, okay, I get it, I'm gross.”
“You're disgusting.”
“Yes, thank you for your input, Tetsurou.”
“My pleasure.”
“Get out of my house.”
Yaku chuckled softly as Kuroo dropped a curtsy and weakly threw a pen after him. Maybe not answering any calls and messages hadn't been the worst idea after all. He yawned. Nothing could beat the idea of going to sleep though.
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