#tiger oslo norway
roviellworld · 6 months
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The tiger in front of Oslo Central Station is one of Oslo's most photographed "inhabitants" and one of the first things that meet a visitor arriving at Oslo Central Station. Roviell Cablao travel to Oslo Norway.
When Oslo celebrated its 1000-year anniversary in 2000, Eiendomsspar wanted to give the city a gift. Oslo wanted a tiger, and that's what they got: a 4.5-metre bronze tiger made by Elena Engelsen.
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The reason Oslo wanted a tiger, is the city's nickname Tigerstaden ("The Tiger City"), which most Norwegians are familiar with. The name was probably first used by Norwegian poet Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. His poem "Sidste Sang" from 1870 describes a fight between a horse and a tiger; the tiger representing the dangerous city and the horse the safe countryside.
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alexiabae · 1 year
HOLD; caroline graham hansen x fem!reader
Summary: y/n showed at caro how important she is.
Warnings: fluff.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
Everything finished.
The world cup was over, or at least for Caro.
The Norwegian gave a relieved sigh when she finally landed in Barcelona. She missed that city a lot during that month away. But more importantly, she missed her girlfriend. Y/N is a footballer player too, but she missed the world cup for standing up about her beliefs and rights, Caro supporting her from the start, just like supporting her other teammates.
She drove towards her apartment that she shared with Y/N. Since it is still the preseason, Y/N was training right now so the blonde decided to give her a surprise, making her think that she is passing some more days in Norway with her family.
Caro was met with Curro when she entered the apartment. The tiger cat meow when he saw the blonde, stretching and walking animatedly towards her.
"Hola, boy! You miss me?" Caro talked with him, patting his back and scratching between his ears. Curro meow again, like if he can understand.
The forward smiled, passing a good time with the cat before she moved towards her bedroom and decided to unpack her suitcase case and do some laundry. Curro followed her around the house, whatever Caro goes, he too.
Once she finished, she thought if she could surprise her girlfriend by going to Barcelona's training session or wait patiently over there and make some lunch for them. She chose the second option and put some music from her phone, she started to make the lunch, accompanied by Curro.
Caro hummed quietly while she was doing the food, when she heard the key's sound, indicating that Y/N was to open the front door. The blonde quickly turned down the volume and quietly, hiding herself a little, waiting for Y/N to come inside.
"Curro, I'm at home!" Y/N called him. Caro chuckled lowly by her greeting to the cat. Curro went immediately out of the kitchen, going for Y/N's call. "There you are! Come here, baby." The Spanish put on a baby voice and grabbed the cat.
The blonde hearing Y/N from centimetres makes her go where she is and hold her between her arms. But she took a breath and waited, she thought that a few minutes more couldn't hurt her.
"I miss you too..." Y/N said again, laughing softly. "How good it smells... The neighbours are cooking Curro... I'm hungry now. Let's go." Y/N's voice was heard more near the kitchen.
Caro was preparing herself, hiding behind the door. Y/N frowned when she walked inside, confused because the smell was coming from her own kitchen, seeing the prepared food.
"Who made this?" Y/N muttered, a little scared because she didn't prepare that and because it seems ready recently.
Without controlling herself anymore, Caro walked slowly towards Y/N, who was giving her back and hugged her, making Y/N scream.
"It's me, min kjærlighet. Auch!" Caro could say before Y/N kicked her ribs with her elbow, making the blonde separated and put her hand on the kicked spot.
Y/N took her hands on her mouth, covering with them. "Why did you do that?" She questioned, seeing how Caro was double up. "Also... Hi!" Y/N went towards her, putting Caro's head on her chest and hugging her, like nothing happened.
The Norwegian rolled her eyes, but a painful smile was on her face. "I'm glad that if something happens, you can defend yourself." Caro grunted, leaning her head on her, snuggling.
The other holds a laugh, kissing her head. "Sorry, amor. But you would agree with me that if I'm not waiting for anyone to be here, the intruder needs to be kicked out."
"Ah? So... I'm an intruder now?" The blonde raised her head to look at Y/N, a feign offended expression on her face.
Is the turn for Y/N to roll her eyes.
"Of course not! But you said that you will be staying in Oslo for a few more days, so obviously I'm not waiting for you to be here, tonta." Y/N loose off her arms around her neck, putting it now on her own waist to do more emphasis.
The blue eyed woman put herself right when the pain dissipated and stretched her arms towards Y/N to embrace her, passing both hands for the gap and bringing her towards herself. The blonde is taller than Y/N, so she looked down and kissed her nose.
Y/N frowned, still in the same position. "What?" Caro asked, confused.
"You didn't let me go to Auckland." Y/N said firm. The blonde rolled her eyes, relaxing her features.
"And I told you that it is okay, you don't need to go over there." Caro hugged her more, leaning on her to kiss her again, but Y/N moved, crossing her arms. Caro opened her mouth slightly. "Are you serious?"
Y/N nodded. "Yes. I wanted to go and I know it is because you think that I have enough with Spain's federation and you don't want to add your problems. But Caro, you are important to me and you suffer... You cried." She explained, a little hurt.
Caro knows that she has the right. She saw in the past, how Y/N struggled with everything that happened with Spain's federation. Her tears, the stress and anxiety, the sleepless nights... Everything. And she was there, helping her, worrying about her. If Y/N couldn't let her be by her side, she got mad for sure.
With a sight, Caro nodded. "You have the right. Beklager." She apologized, looking at her feet.
Y/N bites her bottom lip, with a soft look on her eyes she raises her hands to Caro's cheeks and makes the other look at her, the blue eyes looking a little sad.
"You keep talking in Norwegian and maybe I can forgive you." Y/N whispered, making the other paint a tiny smile on her lips.
"Kan jeg kysse deg?" Caro tried, her gaze moving from her eyes to her lips.
Y/N leaned her head aside, smiling widely. "Did you say something about a kiss?" She tried to guess, squealing excited when Caro nodded, making her laugh for Y/N's behaviour and thinking how much she missed her. "Yes, you can kiss me." She let her know after celebrating.
Caro bites her bottom lip briefly and without losing much time, she captures her lips with hers, humming happily to kiss her again after a long time.
They had lunch together, enjoying each other's company. They talked about everything or the little things that happened in Barcelona when Caro was away. Y/N wanted to talk about what happened in the world cup, but she wants Caro to have free thoughts about professional stuff.
"Come here! I wanted to take a photo with you and give them some enviousness." Y/N informed, grabbing her phone.
The blonde chuckled and let herself get crushed by her girlfriend. Y/N's head on Caro's with a big smile while the other gives a lipped smile to the camera. The Spanish were sitting between Caro's legs.
Caro's phone vibrated, indicating that Y/N sent the photo to the barça group chat. The blonde was scratching Curro's back, enjoying his dose of cuddles.
"Ja! They are already commenting." Y/N muttered, leaning her head on Caro's chest, intertwining with her hand the hand was reposing on her waist.
"Soon you need to go. Do you want me to drive you over there?" Caro talked lowly, not wanting to break the atmosphere.
"Naa, don't worry about it. You need to rest or if you don't want to, you can give Curro a walk by the beach. Call Ingrid and go with her." Y/N suggests, not wanting in reality that the girls in some way, stress her out.
Caro shrugs. "Okay. I call her." She didn't press. She missed the girls too, but she just landed that morning and didn't want to be bothered too much.
Just saying that, Y/N called Ingrid for her, looking innocently later at the blonde, who shakes her head with a smile.
"¿Hola?" Ingrid greeted. Y/N put on the speaker.
"¡Hola bombón! Do you have some plans for today?" Y/N greeted her too.
"No, why? If I'm not mistaken, you have training in about an hour." Ingrid inquires.
Y/N laugh. "Wow. You have my schedule learned. I need to worry? Or Mapi?" Y/N teased, looking at Caro.
Ingrid snorted. "Do I need to remind you that Mapi is training with you?"
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Anyway. I call you because Caro is here." A sound of surprise was heard by the other line. "Do you not see the photo that I put to the chat? I'm hurt." Y/N dramatically said the last part.
"No I'm not. I was doing... Things." At this Y/N and Caro laughed hard, knowing very well what that meant. "Shut up you two. Also hii Caro!"
"Hallo." Caro greeted her, her laugh dying.
"Just like I was saying. Caro is here but she will be bored, I suggested her to give Curro a walk by the beach, do you mind bringing your kids to the beach?" Y/N asked, playing with Caro's fingers.
Ingrid laughs by the reference that her friend made. "For me it's okay. Let me ask Mapi if I can bring our kids to the beach." "Hey you two! I let her in with a condition, you need to take photos about them together! I miss little Curro." Mapi was the next to speak.
"Deal." Caro calmly said.
"Well, I need to hang up or I will be late to training, you too León. So... I will see you Mapi in a while and Ingrid, I miss you and take care of Curro, please." Caro hit Y/N's arm softly, making the girl chuckle.
They talked a little more and Y/N was flying to the door after giving a lot of kisses to her girlfriend and promising later more cuddles, to Curro too.
"How do you feel?" Ingrid asked after a long time from talking about their return to Norway or Barcelona.
Caro shrugs but her hold on the lead is stronger and her jaw clenched, indicating that her mood changed with that only question.
"Tired but I'm fine." Caro lied, once again shrugging, her gaze fixed on Curro.
Ingrid looks at her, knowing perfectly how the blonde was feeling, who better than her how she feels.
"Caro..." Ingrid pressed, her gaze turning soft just like her tone when she chose the next words. "It's me. You don't need to pretend anymore. I will not judge you."
The blonde sighed, raising her gaze to look at the ocean, not wanting to look at that moment at her friend.
"I feel mad, angry. I want to scream. I want to cry. I'm tired of people that don't care about me. They all make a point when you make mistakes but when you do something good, I don't hear anything. It's frustrating." Caro opened up. Her voice is getting raspy to hold her emotion in.
The brunette grabbed with her other hand the other lead and hugged her friend by her shoulders. It's shocking to see Caro in this state, usually she is a calm person. That summer, even if the two are teammates in the same club, Ingrid felt more connected with Caro than ever.
"You know. I talked about it with you all during our stay in Australia. I was thinking of letting the national team after the world cup. I spoke with Mapi too, and something I admire about her is that she will fight until the end, even if she loses important tournaments if that means that the girls would come behind her, have better rights and conditions." Ingrid explained. "I'm going to let the national team."
This time Caro looked at her, not surprised by her choice of words, it was for her firmness. The determination on her eyes.
"Do you not think about it? To let the national team? I mean until the people who were involved and take us seriously, get out. If they are there, I don't want to be with them." Ingrid inquires, explaining her exit from the national team.
Caro looks at Curro again, the cat playing playfully with the other two cats. Of course it passed for her mind to let the national team. She knows what Ingrid means when talking about Mapi's part, she is with Y/N and is fighting for the same thing.
"Yes, I thought about it. Actually I'm struggling about going out or staying." Caro started in a low voice, but knowing that Ingrid could hear her. "I talked with my family. They all support me. I... I mentioned it at Y/N briefly, she supports me too, I know that always. But it's a hard topic to talk about... I received a lot of comments from some of the team, like Ana. Well, you know what I'm talking about, because she told you too. I don't know why but I'm scared to talk about it with Y/N. Even knowing that she will never be disappointed or judge me." She explains to Ingrid how she really feels.
"I know why." Ingrid said, squeezing Caro's shoulder. The blonde looks at her curious. "You care a lot about Y/N that you don't want to add your problems to her. You think that she has enough... Am I mistaken?" Ingrid guessed.
Caro blushed because she knew that Ingrid said loudly what the truth is. She heard how Ingrid let out a chuckle.
"Don't worry, venn. In some way it's cute... But you need to tell her about your emotions, you can't keep it until you can't hold it anymore." The brunette advised.
"You're too quiet tonight." Y/N hummed alongside Caro on the bed. She leaned more on her neck and kissed it.
The blue eyed woman passed her right arm by Y/N's midsection, embracing her and kiss her head.
"I'm just thinking..." Caro admitted, playing with Y/N's hair.
It was dark in the room, any light coming into it, but Y/N raised her head to look at her, making Caro snort for that gesture.
"About...?" Y/N questioned in a whisper, playing now with Caro's old shirt.
The blonde passes both hands for her face, sighing. "About my situation in my national team and how to talk about it with you." She explained, putting her left hand behind her head.
A moment of silence passed, Y/N thinking what she can say. "Well, I know how it is... And how your role was." Y/N started in a low voice. "Caro... I'm proud of you. How you stand up for your beliefs... For your teammates. You felt humiliated for your coach and nobody deserved that... You apologized because you know what happens. When I saw that photo of you crying... I feel impotent. You, of all people, don't deserve how they treat you." Y/N finished to say.
This time Caro let her tears roll for her cheeks. It's hard all the stuff that she and her teammates passed that summer. She felt bad too because she kept it to herself and did not share all the details before with Y/N.
Y/N senses that Caro is crying and lets her. She reincorporated, brushing with her fingers her blonde hair that was on display on the pillow.
"Sorry for not telling you it before..." Caro said, wiping her tears. "You have so much on your head and I don't want to be a nuisance. I promise that it will change and I will open to you." The Spanish couldn't resist hugging her. Caro hugged her too, hiding her head on Y/N's chest.
"It's okay... You can tell me when you're ready, don't feel pressured. Take your time. I'm just asking to not let me out about how you feel." Y/N explained, kissing her head.
The Norwegian nodded. "Vale. I'm going to let the national team, like Ingrid." She said, telling her for the first time what she wanted to do.
"And I will be here, supporting you just like you support me. And if in the future you want to come back, I will be proud of you just like now." Y/N said softly.
"Jeg elsker deg." Caro said with love, raising her head and giving her a chaste kiss on her lips.
"Yo también te quiero." Y/N said after the kiss, smiling. "Also, you don't send photos about the kids at the beach." She added, reminding.
Caro rolled her eyes, giggling for her girlfriend's antics.
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ashtxeman · 1 year
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Yes, I'm here with a late night post!
I have PO OC's, not ones relevant to lore I have or anything but ones that exist just to fill roles or for pure fun and whimsy. I thought I may as well make an extended post about them so the world knows they exist!
Ave Mirage
[AKA Edvard Lund]
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Age: 21
Height: 5'8
From: Oslo, Norway
From top to bottom, Ave can be described as a totally average guy. He doesn't offer any cool tricks or unseen feats in the ring, and he certainly isn't an unexpected champion waiting for his big break, but that doesn't mean he's a lost cause! Coming from Norway, Ave Mirage is a Minor Circuit boxer who gets along with pretty much everybody he meets, and always remembers his place. The day this guy steps out of line is the day pigs fly.
He's a good friend and a reliable aid to other Minor Circuit members, and despite his balanced 12:12 record (with 6 wins by KO) is a quick thinker and incredibly adaptable in the ring. But with a position in his circuit between Von Kaiser and Disco Kid, and quite the underwhelming height, his contingency plans don't always go his way.
Plus, with glasses like his, he and his optician have frequent encounters.
Sobek Nile
[AKA Ramses Hamed]
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Age: 24
Height: 6'2
From: Cairo, Egypt
Sobek is the pinnacle of approachable He's quiet, relaxed and always has something to talk about.. but he's also not the best listener and tends to ramble on about himself more so than anybody else. Taking a lot of pride in his career and the history of his culture, Sobek can often be perceived as egotistical, but in reality simply wants to uphold a persona people can enjoy. In reality he is a more genuine person and even a huge fan of holidays like Halloween. There's a lot more to Sobek as a person than what people see in the ring or on the news, but a harsh fact is that there isn't many people around to see. Not that he cares though, there's not a person in the world that's ever seen him mad or upset before.
Nile is a strong and worthy member of the Major Circuit, not too fussed about making his way up the ranks but dedicated to improving his skills and keeping his fans supportive. With a record of 20:7 (with 9 by KO) he has potential for the future, though right now the only thing standing in his way is beating Great Tiger..
Jingle Jangle
[AKA Jace Miser]
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Age: 22
Height: 6'5
From: Prague, Czech Republic
From appearance alone its easy to tell that Jingle is a fun, loveable, and eccentric personality. Growing up a theatre kid he has more energy and optimism than literally anybody should have, and although it sometimes makes him come off as annoying he really means well and just likes to make people laugh.
He considers boxing to be the pinnacle of entertainment, making his goal as a boxer to bring joy to the people through multiple mediums.. mime, comedy.. and of course boxing itself. He holds a confident position in the B-Band Major Circuit with a record of 18:4 (7 by KO).
Ramirez Parks
[AKA That Announcer Guy That Makes Everyone Bored]
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Age: 32
Height: 6'0
From: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Ramirez is a result of one of the WVBA's less intelligent employment plans. Seeing that Ramirez was willing to accept stupidly low pay (or it just seemed that way), they immediately hired him as a match commentator without taking one thing into account.. his incredibly monotone voice. Its said that at some matches commentate by Ramirez, people have literally fallen asleep from the sound of his dry ass voice.
He hauls himself around like he's on 2 hours of sleep, speaks like he hasn't slept at all, and frankly you can do just about anything around him and get no reaction. He's skilled in the art of not giving a shit.
And now for the joke ones..
Nuxh'ri C'thuiklan
[AKA Nux Cathulan]
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Age: Infinite (Let's say 38)
Height: 7'5
From: Ph'Nglui, The Pacific Ocean
Nux is an honorary member of the Monster Bracket! He's.. also an Eldritch God, but there's not many people who like to comment on that. The day this guy showed up, the WVBA practically flipped. Nobody could explain why something so... interesting.. would possibly want to go into boxing, but nobody wanted to question it. Now he fights just like anybody else would, since he at least has the dignity to not do anything reality-bending at work, though albeit he still packs a hard punch.
Simply put, he's just another WVBA boxer.. nothing else. Just don't watch him whilst he eats, it's bonkers.
Billy Gruff
[AKA Is That A Furry?]
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Age: 15 (About 50 in human years)
Height: 3'2
From: Picket Farm, Texas, USA
Gruff was encouraged by his farm friends to get his ass out into the world because he was 'capable of great things' in their words. now he gets his ass handed to him by alligators and bears so he's doing great.
Gruff, despite being a member of the Beast Bracket is ironically a scaredy cat! He gets scared of the bell ringing in matches, gets scared by loud noises, and sometimes gets scared by his own shadow but he's working on that.. His favourite boxers are Joe, Disco and Hugger since they're very kind to him and also quiet for him as well.
And that's all of them! They're all my babies and I'd.. crime for them. :]
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lestappenforever · 7 months
15 questions tag game
Tagged by the wonderful @oscar-fastri. Thank you, lovely.❤️
are you named after anyone?
when was the last time you cried?
Uh, yesterday? While reading feedback to The Seasons of Heartbreak.
do you have kids?
Nope, just a cat.
what sports do you play / have played?
I played handball for 18 years prior to moving to Oslo back in 2015.
do you use sarcasm?
I would never.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
Physically? Their eyes. Non-physically? Their overall vibes and attitude.
what's your eye color?
scary movies or happy endings?
I'm a sucker for horror movies.
any talents?
I'm a decent writer?
where were you born?
Stavanger, Norway.
what are you hobbies?
Obsessing over different sports, reading, writing, going to the gym and despising every second of it, and fostering cats.
do you have any pets?
I have a beautiful little house tiger named Nadja.
how tall are you?
favorite subject in school?
English and history.
dream job?
I'm pretty happy in the job I have now, and I don't actually think I have a dream job to be quite honest.
No-pressure tagging @f1writingbyme @lattesqueeze @fueledbyremembering @lestappenfiles @cooali @amarynas @epylonia and anyone else who might want to do this!
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1996 Oslo - Number 10 - Eimear Quinn - "The Voice"
Things were changing in Ireland. There had been the Downing Street Declaration in 1993, the IRA declaring a ceasefire in 1994, followed by the Loyalist side doing the same later the same year. The peace process was well underway resulting in what would become the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. The Troubles were ending and the Celtic Tiger was already roaring.
From the Eurovision perspective, Ireland had had its rest year while Norway looked at Riverdance and thought "Let's do that", borrowed an Irish violinist and won by being more Irish than the Irish in 1995. It was definitely time to get back to doing what they did best. The Voice combined aetherial Irish folk mythology with the new spirit of healing and togetherness. There was the Celtic spirituality and connection to the land and seasons, mystical female voices reassuring and lending a guiding light, and a message for the Ireland of today. Even if it hadn't walked off with the win, Ireland would have been proud.
The writer of Rock and Roll Kids, Brendan Graham clearly wanted to show that whatever Norway could do, Ireland had been doing it better for centuries. To get that authentic Riverdancy-quality, he invited Eimear Quinn, who was a member of Anúna, the choir that had sung Riverdance in 1994 to sing it. And it worked amazingly well. It won Eurosong 1996 at a canter. In the audio-qualifier, The Voice only finished second, but on the night, it roared away with the contest. It was clear well before the end of the voting who'd won, to the point where Morgan Harket and Eimear Quinn were doing an impromptu duet of Norwegian Wood in the green room during a break in the voting sequence.
Eimear has been performing, recording and composing since her win and is still someone who never has to buy a drink in an Irish bar. She married Noel Curran, current director-general of the EBU which I think makes her the reigning queen of Eurovision. Below is her performance of The Voice at Het Groete Songfestivalfeest in 2019, recorded prior to the COVID pandemic.
One last little thing - this was Noel Kelehan's penultimate stint as conductor for Ireland and it was the final song he conducted that won. He conducted five songs that won (every Irish winner barring All Kinds of Everything and Rock and Roll Kids). He also conducted four second places, including To Nie Ja! for Poland in 1994. He conducted for several of the new nations joining Eurovision in the 1990s when Ireland was the semi-permanent host. Probably the most successful conductor in Eurovision history.
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Walking the Streets of Oslo
Sunday - 6/16/24
For the next seven days we are staying at the Christian Teeter Hotel. It is located one block from the National Theater and across the street from a park. The location of the hotel was great, but if we were ever to stay here again, I would look into the Hotel Continental. It is about a block away and looks more modern. The people at the front desk at Christian Teeter were nice, but did not provide us any real value when we asked them questions (e.g. restaurant recommendations).
The picture below of our hotel was taken from the park.
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Our first stop today was the "Visit Oslo" tourist office at the Central Train Station. There we obtained a detailed map of Oslo and purchased a 7-day transit card, which allows us to ride any bus, tram, subway, or train within Oslo. From the tourist office we started Rick Steves' self-guided walking tour.
Oslo is a pretty compact city and we determined that our walking tour was going to cover most of the stops of Oslo’s Hop On, Hop Off bus. So we did not purchase tickets for the Hop On, Hop Off bus in Oslo.
The picture below shows a statue of a tiger prowling in front of the Central Train Station. This statue represents Oslo's nickname, Tigerstaden ("Tiger Town"). Oslo earned this nickname in the 1800s, as it was seen as an "urban tiger" by the simple country folk who visited what was considered the wild and crazy "New York City of Norway."
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Below is a picture of Karl Johans Gate, a pedestrian boulevard that stretches from the train station to the Royal Palace. Normally, there are street musicians and artists along this street, but we didn’t see any today. This could be because it is Sunday, it is drizzling, or it is not the high season (July and August).
Karl Johans Gate, along with most of the downtown pedestrian streets, are heated during the winter to eliminate any snow build up,
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On July 22, 2011, an act of terrorism killed 77 people in Norway. In an act of solidarity, thousands of Norwegian laid roses down in front of Oslo Cathedral. Iron Roses, the art work shown below in front of the Oslo Cathedral, serves as a memorial for those who lost their lives during that tragic event.
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Karl Johans Gate with the Royal Palace in the distance.
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The Oslo National Theatre.
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About 30 tents have been set up in the park in front of Norway’s Parliament Building by Palestinian protesters who are demonstrating against the war by living there.
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Oslo University.
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In the morning, the weather was cloudy, then it would drizzle for a bit before the sun came out. This cycle repeated numerous times. However, the afternoon and evening were sunny for most of the time. :-).
For lunch we went to Amundsen Bryggeri & Spiseri restaurant.
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The day continues in the next post.
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svartmalt · 2 years
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Einstürzende Neubauten
Oslo, Norway
September 16th, 2022
Blixa Bargeld
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vintagenorway · 6 years
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Henriksen's king tigers in Circus Orlando Pipervika, Oslo, 1908
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mortenrene · 2 years
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En tiger i Tigerstaden #tigerstaden #tigerenpåjernbanetorget #jernbanetorget #tiger #tigercity #oslo #norway #visitoslo #visitnorway #oslove❤️ (ved Jernbanetorget) https://www.instagram.com/p/COBVtptA4-v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bucketlisttourguide · 4 years
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The Oslo tiger in front of Oslo Central Station is one of the first things that meets a visitor arriving in Oslo. Oslo celebrated its 1000-year anniversary in 2000, by erecting the 15 foot bronze tiger made by Elena Engelsen. Oslo is known amongst #norwegians as the #tigercity . (Pic from a 2016 #tour) #tigerstaden #tiger #oslo #norway #bucketlist #bucketlistnorway #oslobucketlist #oslotour #travel (at Oslo Central Railway Station) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKKKGw3D40K/?igshid=8yrpx6ee35pl
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roviellworld · 6 months
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The Strong Oslo Tiger
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seethatwonder · 5 years
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Oslo on a Saturday night! Only staying in this beautiful city for a long stopover but getting the most out of it! . . . #oslo #norway #tiger #night #walking #operahouse #city #oldcity #cityofjoy #cold #winter #lightsout #stairs #global_shotz #longexpolite #visual_heaven #landscape_capture #ig_eternity #tv_landscapes #earthscience #pnwcollective #lifewelltravelled #exploreeverything #pwnexplored #pnwwonderlan #visualofearth #outdoorlife #getoutstayout #followmyjourney #canonphotography (at Oslo, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/B85itMHHPNb/?igshid=qjfbjvspkt39
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Head of Airbus Helicopters asks European military leaders to buy helicopters manufactured in Europe
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/26/2022 - 15:00in Helicopters
The head of Airbus Helicopters has asked Europe to support its domestic defense industry by launching large new military programs, while a dispute is teeming over U.S. arms imports.
The comments come weeks after six NATO European nations began efforts to define future transportation needs under the alliance's Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC) project.
They also coincide with an impasse about Berlin's reluctance to buy an update to Airbus's Tiger attack helicopter due to operational problems and a dispute with Norway about its decision to cut its fleet of NH-90 military helicopters.
"When there is a European solution, I think it is very important - and I have no doubt that Germany is adopting this approach - to prefer European equipment: this is what Germany has been showing for several decades with the Tiger and the NH-90," Airbus CEO Bruno Even said in a recent interview.
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Airbus Helicopters has been completing 30 years since it was born through a Franco-German merger motivated by the development of the original Tiger version, initially sponsored by France and Germany and then by Spain.
"We are working closely with the German customer to improve availability. We have seen results since a few months ago," Even said.
He also said that the door to Germany to join France and Spain in the Tiger Mk III update remains open, but responds strongly to the suggestions that Berlin could buy Boeing's AH-64 Apache. "I can't imagine this for a second," he said.
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In November, Germany had requested information about the U.S. Apache, shortly before deciding to order U.S. F-35 fighters for a limited separate role.
Germany, which criticized Tiger's low operational availability, did not say if it will join the Tiger Mk III, but defense sources say it is off the table, at least for now.
Asked about criticism of U.S. equipment purchases, German Chief of Defense Eberhard Zorn criticized major European weapons projects last week, saying that forces want "things that fly".
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"First of all, we need equipment to fill the gaps we have had for years and that we know," he told a think tank.
European industry authorities, however, blamed Germany and others for ordering unnecessarily complex equipment to preserve skills in their defense plants, in contrast to U.S. equipment that cannot be easily customized.
Although competing with Boeing and Leonardo in attack helicopters, Airbus agreed earlier this year to keep the H-47 Chinook helicopters sold by Boeing to Germany.
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Even did not rule out greater cooperation with rivals in areas where, such as heavy cargo helicopters, Europe does not have a market deep enough to justify its own separate program.
But he established a marker that Airbus would fight for future replacements of central programs such as the NH-90.
Airbus joined Leonardo to research technology to be included in the NGRC program, supported by the European Defense Fund of the European Union.
Even in the meantime, he sought to calm tensions with Norway about his decision to cancel the NH-90.
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He said that NHIndustries (NHI), the consortium led by Airbus responsible for the construction of the helicopter, did not have the chance to discuss the Oslo movement in detail in advance.
But he added: "I remain positive and still hope that we can have a dispassionate and constructive debate, because I think NHI is able to offer solutions that meet the needs of the customer."
Source: Reuters
Tags: Airbus HelicoptersMilitary AviationEurocopter TigerHelicoptersNHIndustries NH90
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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lestappenforever · 1 year
You’re such a beautiful person honestly. I’m here to get to know you more. Do you have any pets? What is your favourite place in your country? Favourite food? Do you like Italian food? Do you know how to cook? Do you like dancing? Have any controversial habits like smoking or caffeine addiction? How do you like your coffee?? I love you so much 🖤🖤
Oh my God, Evie, I love you. 🥹
I have a cat! Her name is Nadja, and she is a beautiful little tiger. We also foster cats (primarily pregnant cats and mothers with kittens as that's what the organization is in desperate need of foster homes for) through a non-profit organization here. We actually fostered Nadja's mother, Nelly, a little over two years ago! She came to us as a foster 5 days before she gave birth to Nadja and her 4 brothers, and she chose us (read: she became obsessed with my boyfriend) when she was only a couple of weeks old. So we adopted her, and now she helps us take care of other foster cats and kittens that come our way! She's the sweetest, kindest girl and she doesn't have an aggressive bone in her body, so she's a perfect foster sister and aunt for every foster cat and kitten that come stay with us.
My favorite place in my country is probably my home town, Sandnes, on the west coast of Norway. (I live in Oslo, on the east coast.) I also adore my boyfriend's home town, Tvedestrand, on the south coast. And I have a weakness for Bodø waaaaay up north. It's truly gorgeous up there.
My favorite food is actually Italian, haha! I love anything pasta or pizza related, and my favorite dish is probably pasta carbonara. And I do know how to cook! My mother is an excellent cook, and she's taught me so many recipes over the years that I will treasure forever.
I'm a horrible dancer, to be quite honest, and I very rarely dance (and when I do, I'm usually drunk). But I do think it's fun the few times I do it!
As for controversial habits: I don't smoke or do drugs, but I do love white wine. I only drink occasionally during the weekends, though, and I didn't actually start drinking until I was like 25. And I have had a Red Bull addiction for years, to such an extent that when I chose my favorite F1 team after years of only supporting drivers and not the team, I chose Red Bull solely because of that. 😅 When I commit to something, I stick with it and I've been a Red Bull girl since 2008.
In terms of coffee: I only like coffee that doesn't taste like coffee? I don't drink coffee all that often, but when I do, I go to Starbucks and I order white mocha because I am a basic white girl.
I love you so much! Gonna go crazy in your inbox now with questions for you. 💕
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fictionfromafar · 4 years
Unmissable International Crime Fiction Novels from April 2021 onwards
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Yukon, Canada's far north. A young man tracks a wolf through the wilderness. In Mexico City, Juan Guillermo has pledged vengeance.
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1 April
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Harvill Secker
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13 May
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10 June
The All Human Wisdom by Pierre Lemaitre
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15 June
The Transparency Of Time, Leonardo Padura, translated by Anna Kushner,
Bitter Lemon Press
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My review of Havana Fever:
24 June
The Wrong Goodbye by Toshihiko Yahagi, translated by Alfred Birnbaum
MacLehose Press
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1st July
The Darkness Knows by Arnaldur Indridason
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1 July
Resilience by Bogdan Hrib, translated by Marina Sofia
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8 July
The Therapist by Helene Flood, translated by Alison McCulloch
MacLehose Press
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13 July
Elena Knows by Claudia Piñeiro translated by Frances Riddle
Charco Press
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My review of Betty Boo:
15 July
The Basel Killings
Hansjörg Schneider
Bitter Lemon Press
It the end of October, the city of Basel is grey and wet. It could be December. It is just after midnight when Police Inspector Peter Hunkeler, on his way home and slightly worse for wear, spots old man Hardy sitting on a bench under a street light. He wants to smoke a cigarette with him, but the usually very loquacious Hardy is silent—his throat a gaping wound. Turns out he was first strangled, then his left earlobe slit, his diamond stud stolen. The media and the police come quickly to the same conclusion: Hardy’s murder was the work of a gang of Albanian drug smugglers. But for Hunkeler that seems too obvious.
20 July
The Double Mother by Michel Bussi, translated by Sam Taylor
Already shown as a serial on Channel4’s Walter Presents (as The Other Mother), four-year-old Malone Moulin is haunted by nightmares of being handed over to a complete stranger and begins claiming his mother is not his real mother. His teachers at school say that it is all in his imagination as his mother has a birth certificate, photos of him as a child and even the pediatrician confirms Malone is her son. The school psychologist, Vasily, believes otherwise as the child vividly describes an exchange between two women.
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22 July
Girls Who Lie Eva Bjorg AEgisdottir
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My Review of A Creak On The Stairs:
22nd July
The Doll Yrsa Sigurdardottir
Hodder & Stoughton
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5 August
The Soul Breaker by Sebastian Fitzek, translated by Jamie Bulloch
Head Of Zeus
He doesn't kill them, or mutilate them. But he leaves them completely dead inside, paralysed and catatonic. His only trace a note left in their hands. There are three known victims when suddenly the abductions stop. The Soul Breaker has tired of his game, it seems. Meanwhile, a man has been found in the snow outside an exclusive psychiatric clinic. He has no recollection of who he is, or why he is there. Unable to match him to any of the police's missing people, the nurses call him Casper.
12 August
Cold Sun by Anita Sivakumaran
Dialogue Books
Bangalore. Three high-profile women murdered, their bodies draped in identical red saris. When the killer targets the British Foreign Minister's ex-wife, Scotland Yard sends the troubled, brilliant DI Vijay Patel to lend his expertise to the Indian police investigation. Stranger in a strange land, ex-professional cricketer Patel must battle local resentment and his own ignorance of his ancestral country, while trying to save his failing relationship back home.
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August date TBC
Skin Deep by Antonia Lassa, translated by Jacky Collins
Corylus Books
The corpse of an elderly millionaire is discovered brutally scarred with acid burns. Her young lover is the chief suspect but the authorities admit they are baffled. It will take the intervention of private detective Albert Larten to explore all the complexities of desire, and ultimately reveal the truth.
19 August
Come Hell Or High Water by Christian Unge
MacLehose Press
The first in a new Swedish crime series featuring Tekla Berg – a fearless doctor with a remarkable photographic memory
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30 September
Night Hunters by Oliver Bottini
MacLehose Press
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07 October
Lemon by Kwon Yeo-Sun
House Of Zeus
Focusing on the unsolved murder of teenage girl, this literary crime novel offers insights into gender, class and privilege in Seoul, and marks the English-language debut for award-winning Korean author, Kwon Yeo-sun.
In the summer of 2002, my big sister Hae-on was murdered. She was beautiful, intelligent, and only nineteen years old. Two boys were questioned, but the case was never solved. Her killer still walks free.
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12 October
Bread: The Bastards of Pizzofalcone
by Maurizio de Giovanni
Europa Editions
Sometimes it takes facing a formidable adversary to truly know one’s worth. The Bastards of Pizzofalcone may have found just that: when the brutal murder of a baker rattles the city, they are ready to investigate. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do to prove themselves to their community. But this time the police are divided: for the special anti-mob branch, the local mafia is doubtlessly responsible for the crime, but the Bastards are not so sure and think there may be another reason for the murder of the renowned artisan, whose traditionally baked bread attracted customers from far and wide. A rivalry between the policeman and the magistrate is formed, one that, in the end, will extend to more than just their work lives.
12 October
The Corpse Flower by Anne Mette Hancock
Crooked Lane Books
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28 October
Inertia by Camilla Grebe
Inertia is an eerie psychological thriller from the award-winning Swedish bestselling author Camilla Grebe. When 18-year old Samuel finds himself at the centre of a drug deal gone wrong, he is forced to go underground to escape the police and an infamous drug lord.
October date TBC
The Commandments by Oskar Gudmundsson
Corylus Books
On a cold winter morning in 1995, Anton, a 19-year-old boy, met a priest outside Glerárkirkja in Akureyri. After that, he was never seen again. Two decades later a priest is found murdered in the church in Grenivík. When the police investigate the case, they finds that a deacon has also been executed inside Akureyri.
28 October
Cold as Hell by Lilja Sigurdardottir
Orenda Books
Icelandic sisters Áróra and Ísafold live in different countries and aren‘t on speaking terms, but when their mother loses contact with Ísafold, Áróra reluctantly returns to Iceland to find her sister. But she soon realizes that her sister isn’t avoiding her … she has disappeared, without trace.
As she confonts Ísafold’s abusive, drug-dealing boyfriend Björn, and begins to probe her sister’s reclusive neighbours – who have their own reasons for staying out of sight – leads Áróra into an ever darker web of intrigue and manipulation.
28 October
The Rabbit Factor by Antti Toumainen
Orenda Books
What makes life perfect? Insurance mathematician Henri Koskinen knows the answer because he calculates everything down to the very last decimal.
And then, for the first time, Henri is faced with the incalculable. After suddenly losing his job, Henri inherits an adventure park from his brother – its peculiar employees and troubling financial problems included. The worst of the financial issues appear to originate from big loans taken from criminal quarters … and some dangerous men are very keen to get their money back.
2 November
Selva Almada
Charco Press
Oscar Tamai and Elvio Miranda, the patriarchs of two families of brickmakers, have for years nursed a mutual hatred, but their teenage sons, Pájaro and Ángelito, somehow fell in love. Brickmakers begins as Pájaro and Marciano, Ángelito’s older brother, lie dying in the mud at the base of a Ferris wheel. Inhabiting a dreamlike state between life and death, they recall the events that forced them to pay the price of their fathers’ petty feud.
My review of Dead Girls:
4 November
The Night Will Be Long
Santiago Gamboa
Europa Editions
When a horribly violent confrontation occurs outside of Cauca, Colombia, only a young boy is around to witness it. But no sooner does the violence happen than it disappears, vanished without a trace. Nobody claims to have seen anything. Nobody claims to have heard anything. That is, until an anonymous accusation catalyzes a dangerous investigation into the deep underbelly of the Christian churches present today in Latin America. The Night Will Be Long is a dark, twisting thriller filled with moments of humor and pain--a story that will stick with readers long after they turn the last page.
11 November
The Shadows of Men by Abir Mukherjee
Harvill Secker
When a Hindu theologian is found murdered in his home, the city is on the brink of all-out religious war. Can officers of the Imperial Police Force, Captain Sam Wyndham and Sergeant Surendranath Banerjee track down those responsible in time to stop a bloodbath? Set at a time of heightened political tension, beginning in atmospheric Calcutta and taking the detectives all the way to bustling Bombay, the latest instalment in this 'unmissable' (The Times) series presents Wyndham and Banerjee with an unprecedented challenge.
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jorgenbare · 7 years
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oslo may’17
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