alexbstudios · 4 months
everyone I follow tagged in one post
@ollielikestrees @numbuhbenjiseis @jointhemidnightcarousel
@corpsecorpspp @bubblegoth-aesthetic @nextplayerup @zariyahv57 @tamarisbiggestfancanon
@seraphiel-milk @the-communications-dont-work @timeaftertimeaftertimeaftertime @virtualbanditsoulauthor @sonics-exe
@thegoodwiffer @theonesofghost @frances---elsner @traviscantstopdrinkingkvass @communicationsarchiveweehoo
@xsoapy @stellarcorpse01 @pinkykitty11 @deadly-espresso @veeeffvee
@riverbluerose @teethroad
@whaitwhatt @inorganicfaeries @say-carnes @thechatteringlackofcommongender
@riverbluerose-art @earwigconsumer @a-little-out-of-place @cris-mirror
@tekidoll @choo-choo-choo @spoilers-hideout-stuff @circvs-clown
@crispy7326 @radioladynancy @shrimpbat
@lolbree @soggyspider @thedrownedthing @creepy-can @bendyartistic
@madness-within-the-mirror @crazyhousegaps
@ghostandpals-kinfessions @camm-6 @crazy-tomato
@fieldcoreq @ohlookitsnormannn @astrocalypse
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trekkienatural · 4 years
@timeaftertimeaftertimeaftertime bye bitch
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temere-canis · 5 years
@choo-choo-chooo @honey-is-home @honey-i-m-home @poisondriplips @poisonlipslaced @arcs-and-pains @nahstaroftheshow @say-ah-ah-ah-ah @hyper-dontia @hyperdontia-tooth-hurty @amygdalas-goddamn-ragdoll @adres-hell-fucker @steponmewiththosesatanboots @arentimorethananything @intended-disaysters @bri-rodez-offical @devouring-that-of-father @norman-minecraft-1 @official-greg-hoffman @officialhenryelsner @in-blackandwhite @asknancyelsner @kennithfreakingsimmons @kennithsthirdnipple @soonwe-ll-broadcastourillusion @soonwellteleviseourheterophobia @broadcast-illusion-archived @timeaftertimeaftertimeaftertime @ask-frances @madness-within-the-mirror @lostinaworldof-funhousemirrors @queenofteethh
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Help its dark where am I owo
@queenofteethh @timeaftertimeaftertimeaftertime @waika-waifu (anyone else)
@humantoxins @thosewhocarriedon-official
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fear-proxy · 6 years
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fqiryliights · 6 years
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,,,, her
@timeaftertimeaftertimeaftertime (i am SO sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged i just thought maybe   a a a h -)
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lenfantduvendredi · 12 years
Maybe Chronos is so messed up
because all the eventful stuff happens
when he's in another time? 
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timeaftertimeaftertimeaftertime started following you dhvansaka started following you missouriofkansas started following you
johnnywalkerbluelabel started following you
perky-little-ass started following you
... Hey?
0 notes
temere-canis · 5 years
Ok I have a Google Docs file for all the fanart I've made. Here ya go
Now I must mention who's there and some people I forgot to write in the drawings
@amygdalas-goddamn-ragdoll @queenofteethh @lostinaworldof-funhousemirrors @madness-within-the-mirror @arcs-and-pains @steponmewiththosesatanboots @adres-hell-fucker @satinbootsmgee @timeaftertimeaftertimeaftertime @ask-frances @kennithfreakingsimmons @soonwe-ll-broadcastourillusion @soonwellteleviseourheterophobia @its-kennith @kennithsthirdnipple @broadcast-illusion-archived @asknancyelsner @in-blackandwhite @officialhenryelsner @choo-choo-chooo @honey-is-home @poisondriplips @poisonlipslaced @honey-i-m-home @devouring-that-of-father @bri-rodez-offical
Dats all I have for ya folks, there will be more. Most likely. Because I forgot Nah. Nah is important.
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fear-proxy · 6 years
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I made a [bad word] edit based off my convo with Ragdoll and Frances this morning @amygdalas-goddamn-ragdoll @timeaftertimeaftertimeaftertime
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iamthetrickster · 12 years
So... uh... kinda need some advice.
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So... get any mysterious packages lately?
Mysterious like how?
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dontcallmeteensy-blog · 12 years
timeaftertimeaftertimeaftertime started following you
 dhvansaka started following you
Hello, welcome?
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“Mama, wh-what are you doing?” the little girl questions her, shifting from foot to foot.
“Not what I’m doing,” Veritas pops the lid off of a paint can, looking up at her chid with a smile. “What we’re doing.”
The Nephilim tilts her head, eyes narrowing slightly in confusion. The Goddess smiles.
“You still wanted to paint with me, didn’t you?”
Almost instantly the child lights up happily. To anybody else, it would seem defensive, as if the girl were lighting up to ward off some sort of predator. In actuality, she was glowing from the inside, a show of excitement and happiness.
Veritas offers Lux a can of bright blue that she’s already stirred, smiling a little brighter as the girl looks up at her as if asking for what rules she had.
“Rules: Be as messy as possible, but make something of it, okay?”
Lux nods, setting the jar down in front of one of the clean canvases. Veritas follows with a few cans of her own, and is pleased when Lux follows her example, dipping her hands into the paint and taking them to the canvas.
She watches her daughter for  a while, blue and purple paint dripping from her hands and down the canvas. Lux is using the brighter colours, and it’s hard to tell just yet what the little girl has decided to paint, sitting cross-legged in front of a surface that nearly dwarfs her. Veritas herself is thinking in blood reds, haunting blacks, warm golds, and harsh whites. The clash of armor, the glint of ichor… It all rings in her mind. She can feel the white hot heat at the back of her neck, still imagine that all too familiar red glow, and it’s a hard fight for her not to reach for the colours she sees in her mind’s eyes.
“Mama, can you-“ Lux gestures toward her, accidnetally flinging paint that strikes her mother across her middle in vibrant red.
Shocked by the sudden cold, Veritas gasps and tenses, slowly opening her eyes to look down at the stunned godling looking back up at her.
“You are in for it now, little miss,” she laughs. Lux is on her feet, trying to run to the opposite side of the room, but Veritas flings a handful of paint –light purple- at the little girl, who squeals as she’s hit.
That only ends in retaliation, which turns into painting each other, then painting the canvases together.
“It’s time for a bath, I think,” Veritas tells her daughter as she ties her hair back into a messy, paint-stained bun. The little girl doesn’t argue, leaving a yellow handprint over where her mother’s deep green one sits drying on the canvas. Hand in hand, mother and child leave the plastic covered room, Venice, Pairs, and the cosmos drying behind them.
The Goddess feels as though a weight has lifted from her. A block moved from her way, if you will.
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So. Should I knock or.
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