sclfmastery · 4 years
      “The good news for you, Doctor, is that I don’t want to be alive any more than you want me to be the face you’re stuck with.” 
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       “I love you.  Always have. Always will.  What’s the point in addressing all the offenses you’ve laid against me? That’s all there is left to say, of any consequence.  That I love you.” 
You think I don’t know you want Missy instead of me: or at least, the tame declawed version of her you fashioned in that Vault? 
Never mind that I look at a corset now and vomit, and can’t breathe, remembering those awful years you think you made “progress” with my morality.  Those years were my trauma. My worst nightmare.  Who is telling only half the story now? 
You have given up on me because I am not small and manageable, and I don’t weep openly, and I don’t follow the path through darkness that you think you light with a bright and righteous torch. 
You have given up on me because I am large and loud and inconveniently aggressive, flapping my hands, laughing obnoxiously, being eccentric.  Inappropriate and embarrassing before the humans who only know the well-lit side of your moon.  Seemingly impenitent of my crimes.  
I have dug myself this grave with you, after all.  I alone have done it, you’re right, it’s true. I hoped to make you hate me so I could let myself finally die.  (Even though I lay on the floor in front of  the Matrix, sobbing convulsively, to learn what  our people did to you, when you were just a little girl. Even then, I had to feel free of you. So that I could pick you, instead of being coerced into “goodness.”) 
And now here I am, ready, I suppose, because my best friend doesn’t need me anymore. 
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cupcakesmuses · 3 years
talk | rory + whittaker!master
[ cont from here with @time-qxeen​ ]
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Rory frowned in confusion, the argument he’d had with Amy completely out of his head. The Doctor-- the person in front of him looked very unlike the Doctor. Not even when he was most displeased or irritated with Rory did he land a look like that.
Rory knew about regenerations, as he had witnessed his daughter doing so before knowing exactly who she was. He knew what River had given up to save the Doctor. Regenerative transfusion of a kind. So the Doctor returning in Rory’s timeline as female presenting didn’t seem too far fetched. She had caught him in a rather bad day. Or few days. All week and then some, really.
Who ever this was... it wasn’t the Doctor.
But who ever this person was obvious knew a hell of a lot about his friend as well. And was strange enough to impersonate them. But why? The Doctor had their share of enemies, Rory was certain... Perhaps she was one of them.
“No... Doctor, we are friends. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act like...” Rory sighed, deciding that playing it dumb might be for the best. Until he could figure out what to do. Amy wouldn’t be looking for him if something should happen. She had just kicked him out of the house.
“I’m having a bad day. That’s all... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so rude to you.”
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jewishjanetandco · 4 years
@time-qxeen​ // sc -- accepting!
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“Instead of murder, I was thinking we could try painting? I’ve some great color-by-numbers someone aboard my ship...”
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anobletemp · 4 years
( @time-qxeen​ ; for thirteen from this starter call ) 
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It was strange, standing there in what should be a familiar place but yet she felt as if she had walked in the middle of something she didn’t belong in.  She almost turned back, almost moved through those doors so she was outside looking at that blue box again.
But she had come so far for this.
Donna took a deep breath, moving further into the TARDIS.  It took her a moment to realize she was not alone.  She stopped in her tracks, eyeing the blonde woman with a heavy hint of suspicion (and yes, envy; for this has to be her replacement, perhaps one of many who had traveled since she had been sent back).  
“Who are you?” she asked, and without realizing it, that jealously had crept into her voice.  “And where is the Doctor?”
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@time-qxeen​ // starter call -- for missy!
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“I know you’ve taken it,” the Doctor stated, holding an empty guitar strap. 
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ooswcld · 4 years
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“that is not how this works, doctor! you can’t just expect me to blindly follow your request, i’m coming along with you, it isn’t a suggestion or up for discussion.” clara tried her best to sound serious and decided, but she feared her softness for the other made that lacking.
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magaprima · 4 years
Continued from here @time-qxeen​
“Figure out what’s going by all means. Just....” Lilith’s jaw tensed in a display of contained...irritation. “do it silently. In your head” She rolled her eyes a little, though her gaze came to land on the other woman once more, studying her. Their likeness was undeniable, it was true, but then...so were their blatant differences. Style, for instance. 
“A pocket watch?” She repeated, impatience giving way to confusion  “No. Why?”
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holmestheory · 4 years
It wasn’t everyday Sherlock  is confused. He’s stumped on a little wooden puzzle in his hands.    He huffs and wiggles the interlocked pieces. Sherlock’s too focused to avoid bumping into the other. John’s voice nags him about people skills. 
Yuck, people skills.
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 “Sorry.” It sounds more like a question, but it’s the best he can muster.
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thebadtimewolf · 4 years
+12 ||
@controlseverything | @knowvalue | @gildedscripture | @theiracademydaysareover​ | @coffeeandtimeships​ | @crypticcandyman​ | @soulstcne​ | @evilangelqueen​ | @childrenoftime​ | @time-qxeen​ | @femmesafacettes​ | @peggys-orders​ |
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“You have the worst timing ever, d’you know that?” The Vigilante told them in a huff as she was still scrambling to clean up around herself in the hotel’s corridor.
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potestmagice · 3 years
@whittaker-master said:
          “you can save everyone else but you can’t save yourself,            can you?”            ( from missy to twelve, perhaps in the vault years?            or whenever you’re feeling ) @time-qxeen
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“I'm not important when there are other people that need to be saved more than me,” the Doctor told the other.
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goddamnmuses · 3 years
◄ (from @time-qxeen because I’ve been following you forever and I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with you and I wanna know who you think would be good for interacting with who 😂)
Send ◄ for an interest list.
Under the cut because long
I don’t really know the other two >.<
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thlstpg · 4 years
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    It was dumb luck really. He had gone back to England to make sure there was no lingering traces of Torchwood around. Computer data wiped, old hideouts taken care of, that sort of thing, by himself in a rented SUV. Said SUV was pulled over on a dirt road with Jack walking up a grassy hill towards a very familiar blue box. Disbelief dominated his expression,  “ How? ”
@time-qxeen​ ( for 13 )
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cupcakesmuses · 4 years
door in his mind | 13 and rory
[ cont from here with @time-qxeen ]
Rory cleared his throat, glancing up at the woman and sitting up in his seat a bit. Maybe he was in her way and moved his legs under himself a bit more and out of the aisle. He was picking up food for him and Dad and had twenty minutes to kill. He decided to just sit and wait. Amy and his arguing had finally hit the peak and he had walked out. He tried to stop comparing himself to his mother and to his relief Brian hadn’t even mentioned her yet. Agatha Williams walking out on the two of them was something they didn’t discuss anymore and Rory didn’t want to start now.
But Rory had waited two thousand years for Amy. He loved her since the moment she smiled at him in school. After everything they had been through... this all seemed so unfair.
“Sorry.” Rory nodded in apology and mentally shouldered the door in his mind shut. Every time he thought he was loosing it then, every time he found himself separated from the Pandorica, thinking of Amy, his love, his dedication to her, kept him sane, it kept him going. What did he have if he didn’t have Amy Pond?
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She had been whispering 'yippee ki yay' like a mantra, since she had realized she was stuck in a building with a bunch of criminals much like in Die Hard, but thankfully with no victims just yet. It had been encouraging, especially since she had no weapons and she had to try to do this without outing herself as inhuman in front of anyone who would be able to identify her later. They all wanted something precious hidden on the top floor and that had helped Emma take some out one by one, with the help of some hostages that would lock the unconscious criminals in a room every time she knocked one out.
Then things had suddenly taken a turn for the worst, other people beside her had gotten in danger, and Emma had just fallen on the floor when another blonde woman came in; the thief was panicking, a desperate man which made him all the more dangerous, and Emma herself felt a rush of fear as he aimed the gun in the other woman's direction - no, this isn't fun anymore. Without thinking she lifted a hand and a blast of energy came out of it, sending him to the end of the room, next to the stairs and under the railing that protected people from falling downstairs. And then it got even worse, because after his unconscious body stopped partly over the edge, he started slipping in the wrong direction. "No... no, no, no, no, crap," Emma had bolted in his direction, adrenaline rushing and making her nearly fly to him so she could try to grab him before his weight would push him to a nasty fall, a "Help me!" out of her lips even if she doubted that another hostage would want to help the guy who had just pointed a gun at her.
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The Doctor for once has managed to find a time when Earth was quiet and not in need of saving, at least he couldn’t tell that it was in need of it if it was. But for the afternoon he was spending his day in a local bookshop.
He liked books and how they could allow one to escape from everyday life, go on an adventure without even having to leave the front door of your house, though those adventures of stepping out your house were his favourite kind of adventures, those that books offered were his second favourite when he could allow himself to sit down long enough to finish a book.
He had a bit of a funny relationship with books recently however he was flicking through a copy of Howl’s Moving Castle, smiling to himself and a bit distracted in his own little world now.
At least it was that way for a moment, until he felt it, felt that familiar feeling in his hearts. Felt the eyes on his back like they were recognising him as much as he was this feeling. Slowly he closed the book and slowly scanned the store to see who this was coming from, would he know, he was hardly believing it himself honestly. 
{ starter with 11th doctor for @time-qxeen​ }
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ooswcld · 4 years
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“the sky did turn darker, i should’ve known you were about to pop off from somewhere.” she eyed missy, knowing that nothing good could be coming from the spontaneous visit. clara could only hope that the doctor wasn’t in danger. “what did you do this time?”
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