#tiona eryut
driftward · 1 year
(@gunbun) dreamtime: Tiona and Zoissette
Tiona Eryut was writing rapidly on a chalkboard, talking a malm a minute, and Zoissette found herself barely able to keep up, taking notes as the woman shared her genius.
“And that’s how you should have built the nuoliths for supplying aether to your Demi-Ozma! A few changes here, an adjustment there, the addition of a proper aetheroconverter, and you could’ve increased its containment capacity like wow,” said the Viera. “Still wouldn’t have been enough to get your ass safely back on our side of reality by itself, but might’ve bought you a few more minutes to drag yourself out of the trouble you got into.”
Zoissette blinked.
“Where have we met?” she asked.
“Old Sharlayan, engineering symposium. Remember? You gave a talk on the gloriole containment assembly.”
“…oh, right, and you gave the talk on advances to the Ragnarok propulsion system!” said Zoissette, feeling a surge of excitement. “Oh, wow!” She considered for a few moments. “And then we went to that party afterwards with the Aetherology department.”
“Yeah we did. You were an incredible lightweight, for someone your size.”
“…and you suplexed me through a table,” said Zoissette, frowning lightly as she tapped a finger to her lips.
“Yeah sorry about that. I was trying to grab the guy who’d been trying to tell me that I was wrong about my own papers for the entire conference. Bluh bluh bluh well if you read the works of Eryut. That’s me, you idiot. I’m Eryut! Argh! I hated him just so much.”
“How’d you grab me instead?”
“You were being pretty friendly and tried to intervene. I think you were trying to be cuddly before that but it wasn’t really working out for you. I mean, I was flattered, obviously, and don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t think you’re my type.”
“… oh, no.”
“Oh yeah. Don’t blame you though. I mean, look at me.”
“I am so, so sorry.”
“Don’t sweat it! You were actually really respectful. Just, you know, very friendly, if you catch my drift.”
Tiona looked around as the walls dissolved into dust. The two stood on the floor of the lecture hall, which itself appeared to be floating on a multicolored tapestry, banded with colors that flowed around and through each other but did not mix. The sky around them was black, with what appeared to be tiny misshapen crystals floating by, leaving stardust in their wakes.
Tiona ducked into a squat at the edge of the platform, and stuck her hand in the flowing colors, before looking back up at Zoissette. “That whole experiment was a really terrible idea, by the way.”
Zoissette looked around, wide-eyed. “…where are we?”
“Dunno. Oh, wow. Are those memories I can see drifting by in those little crystals? Hah hah oh wow you’re kind of tripping the rift here, aren’t you? Do you know G’raha? Or maybe this is more of a Flow like situation. Say, aren’t you chummy with, uh, Y’shtola? Oh no wait this is totally one of those dreamscape things.”
Zoissette felt her face warm and turned to look away, and came face to face with Tiona being five inches from her nose.
Zoissette stumbled backwards, and Tiona caught her. She bounced a bit as she began to run, turning to try and keep an eye on Tiona, and ran directly into Tiona.
Tiona quickly turned her around and sat her down before she could get further, and sat down next to her.
“Whoa girl! What’re you running away from?”
“Nothing!” said Zoissette. “Nobody!”
Tiona’s eyes narrowed, her Viera nose twitching as she fixed Zoissette with a penetrating gaze.
“Bet I know why you’re really here. And it’s not to learn about engineering.”
“I… have no idea why I am here,” said Zoissette, pushing herself away from Tiona and spinning as she stood up, taking a step back to get away from the Viera. She turned, and bounced into a desk, Tiona lounging on top of it.
Zoissette swore that the Viera was now, somehow, wearing less.
“Let me guess. Avoiding your feelings, are you?”
Zoissette stumbled back away from the desk, and tripped over Tiona, falling on the floor.
“I do not know what you are talking about!” Zoissette blubbered. She squirmed to look, and Tiona was somehow wearing even less.
Tiona stretched languidly from where she was lounging on the floor, seeming to show off her reach as she did so, her motion fluid and confident. She then tucked her arms behind her head, propping her arm up.
“Yeah. We talked about it some at the conference. Or rather, I probably got high and said too much, but you know me.”
“…I really do not.”
“Nah, you know enough. You want my confidence and cool demeanor, I can tell. Maybe so you can talk to a girl.”
“We spoke for maybe five minutes,” said Zoissette desperately. She did not remember, but maybe it was that. Maybe more. Maybe less.
Maybe they were good friends? Her memory was playing tricks on her out here. Everything seemed real, nothing seemed real, and everything felt very important and emotional and she hated it.
Tiona rolled over on to her side, and propped up her head on a hand, looking Zoissette up and down. Zoissette crossed her arms across her chest and looked away, suddenly feeling very naked before the Viera’s piercing glare.
“I’m everything you’re not. Brash, outspoken, confident, delightfully attractive and not afraid of it, and dating an Archon.”
“…you are?” asked Zoissette. She was fair certain she did not actually know that last part.
“Hell yeah maybe I am. Or maybe I’m not. You don’t know. But look around, part of you thinks you do. And so you’re out here, dreaming of the better you, while whizzing around and thinking entirely too hard.”
Tiona sat up, and dangle her feet over the edge of where the floor ended, dipping her toes into the color stream.
“We. Barely. Talked,” protested Zoissette.
“Yeah, but you got forever to think about things, dont’cha?” said Tiona.
Zoissette found herself curled up in herself.
“…I should have bought you a drink or something, Tiona,” she murmured to herself.
Tiona tilted her head and smiled, and Zoissette sighed, and stood up, and went to the edge of the platform to look out at the so-called dreamscape. Now that she was more aware of it, she was willing herself to wake up and walk away from this.
“Took me a while to admit my feelings too,” admitted Tiona, coming up behind her. “Hey, wow, you can see a lot from here, can’t you?”
Zoissette just frowned, and felt a hand in the small of her back.
“Heyo! Leap of faith,” said Tiona, and she shoved.
Zoissette fell into the river of colour, and tumbled, head over heels, her vision flooded with rainbow, and woke up with a start.
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gunbun · 1 month
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it's been 15 years, you've picked up a new boyfriend, and you still don't know how to swim. #woliangerweek2024 Day 2: Vacation
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tehjai · 8 months
i'm gonna go with the fandom i'm in: tell me about legitimate sagacity!
first of all the first 2 chapters of this are actually on my AO3, which you need a login to view because lmao eh aye amirite https://archiveofourown.org/works/44233537/chapters/111235243
ok have you ever seen the movie Real Genius? basically it's like a fandom fusion with that movie. my WoL Tiona goes to FUCKING SCHOOL, invents what eventually becomes a sustainable starship engine, all on her own, for an archon thesis that fourchenault leveilleur is making her jump through a quadrillion dumb hoops to get. jude rose and nero scaeva are on her ad-hoc research team along with a one-eyed loporrit named Thrustingway and yeah they do the popcorn thing and yeah ameliance is in on it.
and Tiona becomes an archon specifically because i said so
REGRETFULLY this one kind of stalled out because i am legitimately kind of burnt out on ficcing for FFXIV right now. which sucks because making Urianger say Val Kilmer's lines in his archaic declension is :chefkiss:
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dragons-bones · 2 years
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A pair of boss ass bitches (featuring @gunbun)
The Rising cutscene kicking you out in the most opportune location at the most opportune time.
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autumnslance · 3 years
Serious question, with Thancred and Urianger wanting to travel the world, how would Aeryn react?
Plan on how and when to join them in between her other adventures and visits. Traveling around, exploring, helping out smaller problems and issues is all what she does and enjoys about being an adventurer, and doing so with two people she loves will just be icing. Also she can wander off to do other adventures while they go off and have bro time*, s’all good. Struck her as a delightful prospect. They probably “home base” for now in Sharlayan, especially so Urianger can check in with the loporrits and Aeryn with her other adventuring stuff.
She really doesn’t see it too differently from when she would wander off from Mor Dhona for other adventures, and they were doing scouting missions or based in other parts of Eorzea, during the Scions’ more public days. It’s just that now they’re all acting like freelance adventurers, going where the wind blows. And honestly, she thinks they deserve the chance to do so, not just as part of a predetermined mission. Let them explore a bit, especially Urianger, who spent so much time in the Scion libraries before now.
There’s a side-along universe where @gunbun’s Tiona and Aeryn go on adventures together with their respective fellas as a quartet that likely wouldn’t be out of place at many D&D tables I’ve sat around. Thancred and Tiona argue over which of them’s the tank while Aeryn’s impatient DPS pulling more mobs and Urianger is just doing the long suffering healer sigh while reminding himself he loves his wife and best friends as he tries to keep ‘em all healed.
*As a reminder, while I appreciate the ThanUri shippers, I personally see the Scion NPC relationships as familial; they’re like brothers in my primary headcanons. There’s no chance of romantic jealousy here, it’d never cross any of their minds. Scion NPC romances are an occasional side treat I rarely indulge and only when in certain moods.
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roses-and-grimoires · 4 years
¥ (Tiona)
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
“Well, I suppose if one likes Viera women in armor, you could do far worse. There’s not much for me there though, as neither has that much innate appeal.”
Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
“I don’t know them that well, if we are being honest. What I’ve seen I’ve largely liked, but it’s hard to form too much of an impression from just a few encounters.”
Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
“I don’t really think they’re my type.”
Would they date them: yes | no
“I’m not looking, and even if I were, I don’t think they’d be on the list of my top choices.”
Favorite thing about them: “They’re professional, one of the most professional amongst the Winds. I can respect this; in fact, it is rather refreshing.”
Least favorite thing about them: “If I recall correctly, they found the whole door thing a little too amusing...”
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gunbun · 2 months
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you don't need context
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gunbun · 21 days
FFXIVWrite2024 Day 5: Stamp
Note: Dawntrail spoilers within.
Erenville knew a guy who knew a guy who knew Tiona. From when she was a child. She didn't remember any of it thanks to her war injury, but apparently, this place was her home, too.
Apparently this guy who knew a guy knew the guy through familial relationships, and if what the guy said was true, then she and Erenville were cousins and her father was alive.
Family reunions for everyone. Regrettably, Shaaloani was testing the limits of her linkpearl and she wasn't able to get through to Urianger or Alsault. Probably for the best, she figured, until she could figure out if it was true. And thus, having decided to press on in their journey, the two shetona sat in companionable silence waiting for the train to Yysulani when a giant dome of levin appeared out of nowhere to fix itself over their destination.
Tiona couldn't help it: she scrambled to her feet as chaos erupted around her and looked at Erenville, eyes wide and nostrils flared, nose twitching.
The back of her heel hit the ground with such firmness and speed that the deck boards of the station cracked under her leporine stamp of aggravation.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
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gunbun · 25 days
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your friend @punchelf has a vegetable garden
and you are a rabbit
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gunbun · 1 month
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oui, c'est vrai. je suis un ananas.
#woliangerweek2024 Day 1: Pineapple
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gunbun · 2 months
10 Reasons The Great Turali Retcon Is The Best Idea I've Had In Ages:
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Tiona as a first name doesn't quite fit the naming schemes of Eorzean/Eastern Viera
Blue Anime Hair (or Pink, or Green) seems to be a very common characteristic amongst Turali people with hair, and even boonewa mamool jas have plenty of persons with technicolour eye scales. It's much more of a rare thing or Important NPC Characteristic in Eorzea/Garlemald/Far East
In my fanfic I've never really leaned into using setting-appropriate swears, mostly because I think "swive" is stupid, so I just defaulted to giving Tiona the seven words you can't say on television (shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits) and passed it off as foreign, even if it ALSO didn't quite jive with the representations of Dalmasca we got later, and whaddya know, it matches the way Turali speak
Her "voice". She's always spoken a little more casually than the rest of the game in my fic, or at least that's my intention here, and it sticks out like a sore thumb in Eorzea/Garlemald/Far East but the second she arrived in Shaaloani she fit right in
She's brown. And Tural is browner than Eorzea/Garlemald/Far East, period
Hydaelyn did bequeath clarity to Tiona before dying. Knowing where she ACTUALLY came from and having it be in a place where the game is sending us will provide just that
This also allows me to use the broken backstory up until this point to figure out exactly what happened to Tiona, and maybe come up with a reason why the broken backstory exists (the Echo, maybe? Heroes come from anywhere)
What we learn about Shetona ended up matching the stuff I invented about Tiona's viera village. I just moved its location. So despite me calling this a retcon it's not in the most technical sense a retcon, just a rework
I always envisioned Tiona as indigenous to wherever she came from and godDAMN is Dawntrail fucking hitting on those experiences in the best way.
She's going to find out because someone calls her by name. Because Tiona Eryut is her name.
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gunbun · 8 days
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superbolide cannot keep you from getting noogied, old man
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gunbun · 10 days
FFXIVWrite Day 16: Third-Rate
content warning: this is thancred
"First of all," she says while the two of them bound around the battlefield like hyperactive pet dogs, "you picked up a gunblade, what, yesterday?"
"Nigh on a decade." Thancred Waters speaks with the tone of a henpecked husband being berated by his wife.
But that is not his beautiful wife.
That is the loudest and most obnoxious person Thancred has ever met - but that is also the person with whom he can trust his life during these periodic battles that pop up from time to time. Ever since Tiona had gotten her head back on straight she had stood with him at the front-lines. He knew she was tough. He'd seen her walk away from death.
"It's a shame," and in the battle they're back-to-back again. Tiona pivots back on her heel and fires three rounds in quick succession: one to disperse its aether in a shield over Thancred's head, another to get the enemy's attention, and a third to send gunpowder into the creature's eyes, buying them some time. "You're not fighting like it. Stop being a third-rate gunbreaker and get over here!"
She never shut up when fighting. Maybe it was how she dealt with nerves. Thancred didn't have any more of an idea about the inner workings of Tiona's head than he did his own. He'd never tell Tiona this to her face, but he found it extremely flattering that she thought he still looked fresh-faced enough to be considered young.
That was not his beautiful wife raining down hell upon the enemy, but that most certainly was his beautiful co-point.
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gunbun · 25 days
FFXIVWrite2024 Day 1: Steer
It was a Windsday on the moon.
That Tiona could say and do such things and have it be a normal Windsday spoke volumes about where her life had gone after saving the entirety of the known universe. It was a matter of a few pieces of paperwork - Sharlayan may have turned back their noninterventionist policies but their love of bureaucracy died hard. So, she had to fill out forms in triplicate to obtain access to the teleporter, go through all the requisite security checks (which were always made less serious when conducted by a loporrit) and then arrive in Bestways Burrow, where everyone knew her name --
But she wasn't here to see a loporrit.
She'd been a full-bore Archon for a handful of years now, having developed a novel starship propulsion system. And she had done it with the help of the star's best minds.
She needed them again.
After a fuzzy onslaught of inquiries about Alsault's primary school grades and Urianger's latest endeavours in pudding, Livingway led Tiona to the person she'd really arrived to speak to.
"Sharlayan wants a new starship," she said once she entered the sparse quarters that Livingway had pointed out. "And they asked me because they know I work with the best. You game?"
Nero Scaeva smirked at her behind his spectacles. "Well. Someone's got to steer those bureaucrats straight."
"May as well be us, aye?"
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gunbun · 3 months
14) library sex for those dark academia vibes
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It's a late night in Noumenon, so late that even the Studium's keenest keeners have gone to bed and even the reference mammets are in standby mode.
The Warrior of Light has been arguing with him about metallurgy for three-quarters of a bell. She is spirited and has precious little patience for niceties, and when she rounds on him, her crimson eyes shining with an intellect he hadn't realized had been there and her nose twitching in frustration, Nero can't deny he finds it attractive.
Tiona Eryut is probably the best-looking of all the Scions (her husband the funny-talking fortune teller was certainly a close second). Urianger Augurelt was skulking around the stacks, pausing occasionally to thumb through a random tome, when Nero decided to change the subject:
“Other than the fact that you have an excellent eye for gauging talent, I do often wonder why you summoned me and not Garlond.”
Tiona arches a brow and her expression becomes almost terrifyingly earnest. “Because you're satisfied with just being a part of it. Whatever we end up making isn't going to have my name on it, and I know you're not the credit-stealing type. This isn't the Ironworks. It's you, and Uri and me, a couple Sharlayans, and a loporrit all working together to see what happens.”
“Is that why you two keep inviting me into your bed? To see what happens?”
“Verily,” comes Urianger’s voice, deceptively deep and the Garlean would be lying to himself if he didn't recognize that he found it appealing. He wonders if the elezen knows how flirty he can come across (provided you were good enough to decipher his turns of phrase). “‘Twas an idea, a fantasy – and then thou wert amenable.”
“Do you think they'd be scandalized? Two of Eorzea's best and brightest, a pair of Scions no less, falling to their knees for their one-time enemy–”
“Nero,” Tiona says calmly, “shut up before Uri puts his dick down your throat instead.”
Nero never shuts up. She knows it. They all know it.
They're going to fuck him here and he's all for it.
He gets manhandled by the two of them such that he’s flat on his back, with only the books as a witness. They're going to use him, and he's going to let them.
Tiona rides him between the stacks with precisely no care given for his comfort, and Urianger straddles his face on the floor and fucks the Garlean's mouth so relentlessly he can feel the elezen’s balls tapping dangerously close to his third eye.
They make him come so hard he forgets who he is.
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gunbun · 24 days
FFXIVWrite2024 Day 2: Horizon
Master Post (Note: direct sequel to "Steer" from yesterday)
"So I assembled all of you here today," Nero Scaeva said several sennights later, this time on a Firesday, "for two reasons. Number one: I've been given an opportunity to work on something that Cid Garlond will never touch and two: in order to ensure Cid Garlond never touches it, we must resume working as the Azem F-1 team."
The lanky Garlean man was speaking to an odd assembly of persons: Tiona Eryut, the Warrior of Light with her Archon tattoos on her forearms, placed there because unlike many, she built the aforementioned Azem F-1 aetheroceruleum engine as her thesis; Urianger Augurelt, who despite his penchant for speaking like he grew up in the theatre had turned out to be a remarkably capable magitek programmer; Jude and Everilda, years past the Final Days and now scientists well-held in their own regard; and finally, Thrustingway, the grey-furred loporrit with one eye who wore a tiny welding apron as if it were her suit of armour.
Tiona grinned. "I wasn't gonna agree if Nero disagreed. So we had to get things in motion first before spreading the word. It came from the Forum. They want a vessel that goes to the stars as easily as ferries leave Limsa Lominsa. The Ragnarök is quantum-entangled with the dynamis field, so she can't really be used much anymore. Plus she's heavy as hells with her gravimetric counter systems."
Thrustingway gave a noncommittal grunt, shaking her puff-ball tail. "Finally. Dear Hydaelyn always wondered when you'd get the hint."
"Hint about what?" Tiona and Nero said it at the exact same time.
"About the horizon. About how far it really is. How far you need to go to get there."
A thoughtful silence befell the group, and then suddenly:
"If we're not going to utilize have a gravimetric counter like we did on the Ragnarök," Everilda said carefully, "there's going to be considerations we need to make."
"Forsooth," said Urianger. "Mine eyes already blur thinking of the compensatory factors for matters of attitude adjustment--"
"When we take out a gravimetric counter then we lose a frame of reference for navigation," Jude sounded highly skeptical.
"And Nero and I are going to have to redesign the fuel injection system!"
Thrustingway fished a carrot out of her apron pocket and took a big bite, chewing loudly. Urianger shuddered. "These are all good questions, and problems you all gotta solve, but maybe start with how're you gonna take a shite up there."
"Another horizon to cross, I guess," Tiona said sheepishly.
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