#tipp the artist
tippanyakii · 1 year
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She’s on the case! ✨🔎
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fanonimus · 4 months
The last day of mermay!
Day idk which one was it: Honor! I decided to combine it with Techno's birthday, so here we go!
I kinda liked the ai confusion filter on full opacity.
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But here's on low opacity! I know I probably don't need it, but when all the actually talented people start using ai filter, the next target will be the medicore art, and I would like to bot have that.
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I'm figuring things out, I promise.
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octos-art-blog · 2 years
Show your favourite drawing from this year? Show your favourite drawing from last year?
For the Artist ask:
My favorite drawing from this year is probably this
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It’s just one of those pieces where it felt like everything just came together super well, all the colors and little details just fell into place, which we love! But 2023 just started so I’m sure I’ll have some other favs by the end of the year
As for last year, it’s a bit of a toss up between these two, they’re just fun!
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samooooo1 · 6 months
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(Credit to the artist(NhanHoang) for this https://www.artpal.com/lordnx1997)
Zuko with a s/o, who learned lightningbending directly from a dragon
•He probably be suprised and shocked at first, even more so when he learns that you didnt learn fire bending but lightning bending itself, he be like "HOW?!" Since he could only redirect lightning but bend? Thats a whole new level of mastery for him.
•He be quite amazed and it would bring him great comfort to him, knowing his darling can protect themselves even when he isnt there, it eases his mind and he be quite happy about it.
•Boast, thats one thing he will actually do, when having a council meeting as the firelord Zuko, he will boast to his offical how cool and powerful you are.
•He probably ask you if you wanted to spare with him, he is very curious since he himself was taught a bit by dragons, the time when had to teach Aang firebending.
•If you ever manage to defeat him, he be a blushing mess, a bonus if ya are a dominant women 😏, it be pretty funny I could say.
•He would directly get you to meet his Uncle Iroh, as lets be honest since the banishment of Zuko, Iroh was a better father to Zuko then Ozai ever could have been.
•His Uncle would have been also suprised but in a good way, he would tell the story of how he himself has meet the sun fighter.
•They wanted a demonstartion, they truly wanted to see what a dragon could teach in terms of firebending. When they saw you lightningbending, they were even more so shocked, as your lightning wasnt the typical purplish blue, but.. red?...It looked so majestic infact that Zuko made a potray of you with a dragon with red lightning.
•Its safe to say, he would love the red lightning of yours, he may ask for some advice at times in the form of bending tipps but most importantly, the red lightning makes a great show and he would find it fascinating, maybe it would even start a long royal family tradition, one who is firebending should one learn the red lightning and the other the blue version of it, so that on every marriage the two lovers unite in fierce lightning dance, giving the witnesses a show and a true testimony to their love.
New One shot over, hope ya enjoyed it, God bless :D Bye byeee
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errolzunic · 2 months
Compared to a lot of artist friends of mine, inspiration was always a constant in my life. Never ran out of ideas. But i'm still afraid if there might be a price to pay in the end. Did i sign a contract with the devil without knowing... ? Anyways for those who struggle to write here are some tipps;
-Don't be ashamed of your thoughts
-Hug your pain, it's the only loyal thing in your life
-Don't run away from new experiences
-Accept death as your friend
and the most important thing: FEAR NO MAN, NOR GOD
That's it.
Have fun with your thoughts and enjoy the ride.
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taxkha · 6 months
hello! I was wondering how you improved on anatomy and drawing bodies in general???
Oh man I wish I could give you any good tipps on that but I rarely ever practice anatomy at all and usually just look up references when I need them/as I go. I also own this book which I found pretty helpful during the 3 times I actually opened it lol
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Anatomy and bodies arent really my strong suit at all, but with the amount I have been drawing since. Ever basically I guess I became somewhat decent at stylizing them. Plus me looking at other artists art also helped remembering how things work or how to make things look good in drawings. I think? I'm sorry I cant give you a more cohesive and helpful answer, I just dont tend to think a lot about my process and just sorta wing it you know, but I am happy that I seem to have reached a level where I now get asked about how I do things :") <3
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alcoholicindistress · 1 month
Life keeps getting worse so might as well start posting on here like a diary. So to get things straight; u can call me Eleanor (not real name) or Mephisto. One is the name i chose for myself, the other is my artist name. I'm aroace so no weird s3xual stuff in the comments pls, kinda a woman although i see myself more as a shapeless ghost trapped in a womans body; other info:
~18 years old, no longer in school, currently chilling at home; ~168 cm ☆ 5'6"
~sw: 70kg ☆ 155 lbs
~cw: 45kg ☆ 100 lbs
~gw: 40kg ☆ 88 lbs
~ugw: 35kg ☆ 77 lbs
Bruh i hope my psychiatrist doesn't lock me up before i reach my ugw, i have to go to her for a monthly weigh in bc i have a deal w/ my therapist. If anyone has tipps to appear heavier on the scale pls tell me!
I always eat the same for breakfast and dinner, i also like to snack after dinner (only nuts tho). I usually eat lunch but today i skipped, no real reason other than to torture my body and see how it feels. So far the hunger isn't too uncomfortable or distracting, however i'm unsure if i should keep f4sting since i plan to shower later. I don't wanna collapse on the bathroom floor, that could alert my parents.
I also don't know what i should post, probably b0dych3cks and th1nsp0 i find on Pinterest. If anyone has questions feel free to ask, there are no questions i'm uncomfy w/
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chiptrillino · 1 year
How does copyright work for you? Did the ATLA creators say they don't mind people making and selling fanart or did you get permission to do that? Does copyright apply to fanart that was commissioned?
Your work is absolutely incredible, thank you for making it♥️
You go by the law within your country. So I cant speak on global terms. And I am not a lawyer this is just the general i understood when i was checking out things myself.
At my place distribution and selling on fanart is allowed in the cases off
-commission: and selling all rights to one person
-charity: you have no profit from it in this case
-hand made: keeps the number vary limited till the artpeace being one of its kind.
I am not selling any of my artworks (as far i know) i know my ko-fi probably ends up in some sort of gray aeria. But everything is free to look at, so its up to individuals to decide if they like to tipp or not. (Kind if like playing wonderwall on the street and hoping somone tosses a coin to you)
I personally don't know the creators opinions of this? (Anon you sure you are asking the right artist here? Again I am not selling merchandise or prints here)
There seems to be some gray aeria or general understanding to not snitch on each other or turn a blind eye to free advertisement?
There are no restriction for just drawing the characters though.
Though honestly idk. Thanks for the compliment anon :D
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scarefox · 5 months
what in the fresh hell
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...... that was free till now...... Also not all songs have lyrics for whatever reason so lol nope. THAT is not a feature I would go premium for. I know how to google lyrics, bitch.
The only thing of their premium-warfare that almost works on me is their ads... when they play schlager or mallorca party ads. But joke is on them I can just turn off the sound or put my headphones down when ads play 😎 (or pro-tipp: last seconds before a song ends, start playing a new song without the skip button. that way it doesn't count as fully played song. ads can only play after a song got skipped or ended)
Yea yea I know yall are anti-Spotify. But I have my reasons why I am still on there and like it most of the times, let's say the pros still overweight the cons so far.
And no, iIIegaly ripping songs for free from yt or wherever is not a better alternative for me because (been there done that for years):
I can listen to free legally uploaded music by the artists themselves, can chose by myself what to listen to (compared to radio or other official sources without video attached)
with Spotify artists get at least SOME money out of it compared to downloading iIIegal uploads somewhere, they get none at all (i don't have the money to buy all the albums. but i still want to support my favs especially when they are indie artists. it's not much but better that nothing?)
i am mainly there for the podcasts
and playlists. I love making playlists (i was on 8tracks before and that was based on youtube which sucked at the end due to copyright issues on yt). Spotify has 99% officially uploaded songs by all artists who are on Spotify and I don't have to worry that half my playlists are deleted after a week because the song upload got copyright strikes (happens on Spotify too but very rare, mainly with the tiktok remixes)
one of the rare algorithms that actually works for me and gives me good new songs every week. i found so many new artists that way.
I still love when music is uploaded on yt too cause that can be better embedded here on tumblr (also music videos 👌). And i know a lot of music on yt is official nowadays too but not all (but even copyrightowner get strikes by youtube sometimes because their filters suck hard)
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lornaka · 2 years
Hey Lornaka😄
First I want to say, I really love your art. Been looking at it for years.😍
Secondly I do have a question... how did you get that good in drawing faces? Or people in general. Mine still look a bit /\ _/\ idk.. with a lot of edges..
I just can not draw faces and I would love to. How did you learn that?
Like here, you drew 4 faces. In different angles, with different emotions. How did you do that? I dont even manage the Pasport/ looking forward face.🙈
Do you maybe have a tipp/pointer/ trick for me?
Thank you for your time.❤
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Hi! I’m glad you are enjoying my work and particularly the way I draw faces, thank you! :)
Unfortunately, there’s no trick to it except for practicing drawing what you want to get good at. Drawing faces and conveying emotion has always been my favorite part of making art, so it came naturally to me because that’s what I was most motivated to draw all the time. If you are having difficulty with expressions, you could try looking at the styles of artists you like and practicing to recreate the way they draw facial expressions etc. For me it was mostly manga/anime growing up, with time I developed my own style but the emotionality of manga became a part of my art’s dna. And if you are having trouble with constructing faces in general, the only way to get better at it is drawing faces as much as possible, preferably doing life portraits as well.
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karina-richter · 1 year
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And here is the Look without LEDs.
I hope you like it😁
And if any Makeup artists are seeing this, I would love to hear some feedback and tipps of how I can improve 😊
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ivi-ivisek · 1 year
Hi 👉👈
Do you have some tipps how to draw dragons if someone never drawn them before?🥺
(Ps: I like your drawings)♡
Hello I'll try my best to explain c: Just wanna say that I'm not an expert and I'm still learning myself
So my tip is to observ real life animals, especially if you want your dragons to be realistic or at least have a touch of realism. Wyvern type of dragons are the easiest since their anatomy would be the closest to real life animals such as bats and birds. Dragons with four legs + wings (western type) are the ones that are tricky since there is no living animal with such anatomy we could take referece from so we can only guess what is the most likely possible anatomy for creatures like this.
I personally like drawing western dragons with canine like body type combined with some other features from different animals and having their wings places behind their front limbs rather than on top of them like some other artist draw and the wing membrane is connected to the base of the tail or farther
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So this is truly up to you what body type you wnna give your dragon.
Here is a little something about how I draw wings
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I personally preffer bat like wings. For me they are easier to draw
I found some really cool references that can help you with drawing/designing dragons
Basic dragon anatomy
Dragon anatomy (bird like wings)
Dragon anatomy (bat like wings)
More anatomy Dragon anatomy (feet)
Designing tips for dragons
As for referring from real life animals. Here are some really good videos to understand how bat wings and flying works.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNNAxCuaYoc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0n3FKS2JLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLsXazDVEUA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxzyAadoyzY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLo1cHU_zgQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYzOwACodwY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbhFKcqNFUU
Hope this helps
This is for the first time for me giving tips.
Feel free to ask again if you have more questions or if my answer wasn't clear
P.S. Thank you very much! c:
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trashybugs · 1 year
would it be alright to ask for tipps if someone wants to start drawing? you're one of the artists I look up to because your streams made me motivate to finally try and learn drawing myself after pushing it off for years but I have no idea how to start and be concistent
aww thanks anon im so honored that my streams motivate you to draw ;w;
starting a new hobby and try to be consistent with the practices is indeed hard. i mean its no fun to do something that you're not immediately good at, well at least for me.
try to sketch at least once a day, doesn't have to be good or finished art, just something to loosen up your hand, and try not to be stiff when drawing strokes
and i personally think watching someone drawing, like a speedpaint, stream or an art tutorial is very motivating in fueling my drawing motivation. you'd be surprised on how much you can learn just from watching! after that you can start applying the knowledge you got to your art
photo studies or using references are pretty important too anon, don't be afraid to use them
and i know a lot of artists says this and it sounds like a joke but finding a character to hyperfixate is literally the strongest drug, wanting to draw your fave character justice is what keep me going, so if you don't have any character you hyperfixate currently maybe you can try making an oc to motivate you in drawing?
but anyway this is just my veryyy basic tips about getting started anon, feel free to ask if you have any other question and good luck on your art journey!
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antikorpersession · 1 year
Antikörper Tipp: VARIOUS ARTISTS - GREETINGS FROM DEATH ROW-WEIRD AND WONDERFUL  SOUNDS FROM THE VAULT OF LUX AND IVY (Cherry Red Records September 8th, 2023) ↯ 28 tracks of devil-may-care attitude and surreal storytelling (featuring Gene Vincent, Sonny Terry, Faron Young) as dug by The Cramps’ Lux and Ivy ↯ Embracing all styles from wild Rockabilly, strident instrumental Rock’n’Roll, Western Swing, Honky Tonk, Blues Trash, Doo-Wop, Crime Jazz and Beatnik Weirdness ↯ Out on September 8th, 2023 on Cherry Red Records ↯
Pre-order here: https://www.cherryred.co.uk/product/greetings-from-death-row-weird-and-wonderful-sounds-from-the-vault-of-lux-and-ivy-various-artists/
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How we can improve our art skills any tipps?
Draw every day, draw from references, draw things you see outside, take your time, try to draw without erasing, try drawing fast, try drawing things you usually don’t draw. You can also give this post a read for more tips! it’s really helpful especially for beginner artist. (I will queue that post later so everyone can see)
Drawing has been really hard for me in the beginning but drawing every day made it a lot easier.
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kokeethornton · 2 years
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I tried to create art with Midjourney. I heard that artists are afraid of losing jobs because of this new art A.I. and I wanted to form my own opinion of it.
Midjourney creates pictures with words you just have to type in. Sounds easy, but it was more difficult to use than I thought. Nothing I tried to create with Midjourney looks like the Picture I wanted to have. Others had the same problems, I saw. But if you are using simple words, or if you are brilliant at describing a scene that the A.I. can work with it, the results can be really amazing... Or total shit. Just try it yourself. -> Midjourney You can see my best result above and the not so good below the text.
I think, no artist has to worry much about losing a lot of jobs because of Midjourney. It´s fun for a few hours, but it doesn´t work for people which specific wishes for artworks. So, that´s still our job :)Midjourney is a good program for people who don´t have the financial resources to pay an artist. Like musicians who need an album cover that doesn´t look like cheap shit, at the beginning of their career. I think, that´s a good thing and a fair chance.
My art-mate Queasy said: "The Art of an A.I. looks soulless." I think he´s absolutely right. It may create brilliant pictures, but they look mostly cold and often weird and overdone. So, it´s like the artificial inteligence has it´s own style. That´s damn creepy, sometimes pretty cool and very interesting at the same time.
You can use a free trial for 25 art creations on the discord channel of Midjourney. All you need is a Discord Account and a short Tutorial. Here´s one in german language by Sandra Suesser which worked very well for me -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_diwAR4WGIE
-> Written Version:
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"Batman eats Halloween Candy" ... wtf :D
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"Doris Day, post-apocalyptic, dark pastel, soft lighting, sad face" ... those two on the right side are really shit, but those on the left side are okay.
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"Vintage, Pin up woman, glowing lights, apocalyptic, dark" ... I just like the first one. That´s pretty cool. Perhaps I will draw that one by myself :)
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On this one I just typed accidentally "Pin P" :D And.. TADAAA... The Acident looks better than the stuff I tried to describe.
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But I really love the result of "haunted pumpkin, dark, cinematic lighting"
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And the burning head women are nice, too.
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