#tips from the dragon
adragonofthings · 4 months
Scam blogs (and how to spot them)
Unfortunately, scams do exist on tumblr. That is why it’s key to always try to search around when someone’s sent you a request for mutual aid. Not every account is trying to scam you and for the most part there is legitimate blogs who need your help. Sadly there are also scammers who pretend to be needing mutual aid as well so here is a simple guide to figuring out scams.
How old is the account? The pinned post usually is a good way to tell if the account contacting you is new or old. If you scroll the posts, you should see if they were made around the same time as the account.
How many posts are on the account? Most blogs will have more than just a few posts here and there. After all, a well used blog has thousands of posts for you to look at.
Are there more original posts? Usually someone needing help will have multiple posts of their own instead of a single post that’s pinned. They will also post updates regularly regarding their situation and answer asks clarifying details when necessary.
What does the link on the pinned post say? If it’s a linktree claiming to be a GoFundMe link, that’s something to be suspicious of because it’s likely not. If the link is an actual GoFundMe link that isn’t a linktree link then that usually means the account is legitimate and may have shared posts verifying who they are if you scroll a little.
Is the ask being mass sent to users? While this is done by legitimate accounts too, it’s unfortunately also commonly done by scammers. If you search the ask you got you may find it was sent to multiple accounts across several months and from several different senders with no changes to the overall text itself. Even the formatting errors are not fixed.
Are there any warnings out for the username? Try searching the senders username to see if anyone’s made a post claiming the account is a scam. There should at least be one post about them. If not, it’s likely that they are too new to have been reported yet.
Are you a well known account? How likely is it someone would find you without searching specific tags or posts for users to contact? Think about it. How often does someone send you asks for money that is a relatively new account with only a few reblogs and only one original post? If it’s almost daily, then you should be wary of the asks.
What do you find if you search part of the pinned post in your preferred search engine? If a fundraiser pops up using the same text and doesn’t mention using another mutual aid method, it’s highly likely the blog sending you the ask is impersonating a real person who needs support.
Does the mutual aid post make sense? Some scammers don’t know how medicine works and may list some that don’t work like claimed. They’ll just use whatever sounds ‘right’ without further research. Someone who needs medication will always know what their medicine does they don’t guess because they’ll usually have a doctors paper they go by.
If you have properly recognized a scammer and have fully been able to confirm that their a scammer with enough evidence, please report scam accounts and alert anyone whose shared the scam post.
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bookrat · 10 months
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Got a goat head available for sale for $300
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kaleidoru · 6 months
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see you in hell i guess
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the-algebra-thing · 1 month
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and you may never come back home, and I may never sleep at night, but god, I just hope you're doing fine out there. I just pray that you're alright
this literally wasn't going to leave me alone until I made it I've thought about little else but ethel cain for. what day is it. four days now. so. for optimal viewing listen to ethel cain a house in nebraska
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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therantingsage · 6 months
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I!!!! Finally made an N dragon to go with my Uzi dragon!!!! I'm so happy that I've got them both aaaa
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calamitydarcy · 10 months
does anyone have any good places to get walking canes? looking for like. selections beyond Standard Boring Cane that have cool colors or designs that also aren't super expensive
my mom is actually letting me get a cane which is good!! id rather have that than nothing!! but she doesnt want to get me "an old lady cane" and i also just want to get like. one with a dragon on it or something
i have no idea where to even start looking for them and how to find a good reliable source that isnt either decorative or from some sketchy company that will snap in half
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How the FUCK do you draw DRAGON FACES AND EYES
I can get the body and head down ya know? but its the damn FACE that fucks me up when drawing faces
So if its not to much of a burden, could you please give some tips on how to draw dragon faces?
oh boy i am the Wrong person to ask lmfao - when drawing dragon faces 90% of the time im confused and fucking it up 20 times before getting it right and the other 10% is just "wait how the fuck did i do that? nice! anyway"
i've been drawing dragons for so long that the drawing process is almost entirely subconscious! and i'm not entirely sure what you mean by Faces instead of heads! but i can still attempt to offer Some advice - specific references, that kinda thing
uh i think one thing that's good to keep in mind is that dragons (typically - dragons are a Wide range of shapes and sizes so this is technically subjective) have Binocular Vision. forward facing eyes! just like us, predator animals, birds of prey. personally i like to mainly study dinosaur skulls when working on how i draw dragons, especially raptors and tyrannosaurs. i think dinosaurs are a Really good reference since they're pretty much the closest thing we have to real life dragons. so the eyes are generally higher than the snout or level with the top of it. tldr: understanding that they have forward facing eyes helps shape and Place the eyes correctly.
i'm not sure if i can help with the Shape of eyes? i tend to draw eyes mostly the same no matter what i scribble. but Another thing i'd recommend using as a reference - specifically for the snout and how it bunches / how the muscles move - is look at pictures of wolves snarling / facially expressing. they are a Great base point.
with the eyebrows/eyeridges uh. i suppose they tend to be rectangular! or Oblong! just flexible little logs placed over the eyes. they tend to be level with where the top of the head is. again i will recommend looking up photos of Tyrannosaurus Rex Facing Forward, they have some great ridges
but yeah just! look around! play around with facial structure and what feels/looks right To You! look up those expression sheets/memes and use 'em for practice, they're great for that! and as i will always say - Dragons Dont Look Just One Way! Fuck Around And Find Out What's Dragon To You!
oh, and also look at anthro art. there's a lot of really good anthro art that can help show you how to place/move facial features on an animal with forward-facing eyes and much room for expression <3
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 1 year
I love the concept of the dragons and riders being soulmates. They’re best friends, and they have found one another at last. It’s why I love how Hiccup assigned each of his friends a dragon based on a specific aesthetic. And I think I love the design choices for the second film, too. Main example is actually Hookfang & Snotlout and Hiccup & Toothless. The dragons each have additional bits of facial appendage (Hookfang on his chin and Toothless along his jaw “to show his age”) to mirror their riders’ own facial hair. So fucking neato.
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choccy-zefirka · 2 months
hello :) I have two questions:
How was being drunk? You looked like you were having fun :)
So I'm getting my pc set up this weekend and I'm thinking of getting into Dragon Age! Where should I start? The first game or is there one you'd recommend for beginners?
also you are very cool <3
Hihi!! I fell asleep when you sent your ask, sorry for the delay! I really loved my night out! My own dad is a heavy drinker, so I try not to repeat his mistakes: drink with friends, have lots of water + snacks to prevent a hangover, and take breaks! My friend and I went to a Themed Bar TM where each drink was served by a "witch" like a bubbling, steaming potion. Also instead of choosing cocktails, the witch gave us a "Tarot deck" to pull cocktails from. Obviously, she had to reaffirm each of our choices in case we had allergies or did not want to drink something too strong. One of the ones I pulled was called "Necromancer", and I had it despite the witch warning me it was one of their strongest, for Emmrich DragonAge!
Speaking of Dragon Age, personally I would recommend starting with Dragon Age II, with all DLCs. It's shorter than the other games, the combat (to me) is a bit more dynamic than Origins, and while you will have to read up on the lore from in-game codexes, the story is more directly connected to Inquisition, which, in turn, is probably a more beginner-friendly game out of all of them, and will be even more closely connected to the upcoming Veilguard, but may leave you confused story-wise if you jump straight into it. That said, both Dragon Age II and Origins are super old by now, so may have issues running on newer computers. Regardless, do look up guides, depending on how many spoilers you want!! The games have a companion approval system, and while in Inquisition, if you upset them, they just leave, in DAII they might turn against you in a crucial final battle! Best of luck!
Oh, and don't listen to people who say that the default preset of Hawke, the protagonist of Dragon Age II, is as much of a "canon" character as, say, Geralt in The Witcher games. While Hawke does have a pretty defined backstory, with an entire family, their name, appearance and personality is up to you! And the protagonist of Inquisition is far less defined so you can go ham.
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the-darklings · 2 years
Older women loving Aemond would totally be into Wanderer, especially when she tells him stories of other realms.
He would find Wanderer fascinating at the least. Though given his nature, I see more of deep running fascination bordering on obsession initially—just something that itches beneath his skin as he’s shown to hold onto emotions/ideas to a festering degree. Especially given the fact I imagined Wanderer being around 500 when she would meet that generation of Targaryens/the Dance. Wanderer sees clean through him. See behind the eye (they’ve seen worse, and have experienced worse), behind the ambition (yes, he would be a better king, but tells him plenty rule without a crown; a crown is a symbol for the figurehead but loyalty of the land doesn’t always reside with the figurehead), not to mention Vhagar.
Just imagine Aemond having the biggest oh MomentTM while Wanderer bows deeply to his dragon who inhales puffing breaths of her scent and seems to melt with recognition, the snarling growls falling silent. Wanderer stroking those battle-worn scales with loving affection (likely the first time Aemond sees genuine softness and something other than mild indifference/annoyance while at the court), murmuring to the she-dragon in old Valyrian, talking about Visenya to the dragon as if they’re all old friends. Wanderer is some bizarre, ancient, otherworldly individual who looks no different than most people in King’s Landing and he finds it maddening and magnetic all in the same breath.
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adragonofthings · 5 months
Dragon tip #4
When bringing awareness about Palestine via sharing posts and fundraisers, keep in mind you may receive asks from accounts who claim to be in Palestine needing mutual aid for their family or having a family member in Palestine who needs help. Unfortunately, there are scammers who are pretending to be in Palestine and they mass send asks to every account they find that shares Palestine related posts.
These accounts are usually only a few hours old or a few days old at best. The link to their ‘GoFundMe’ isn’t one, as it leads to a PayPal account. Sometimes they share only a few Palestine posts that are popular and then go on to spam asks. Searching the sent ask will usually lead to locating the numerous accounts that sent it. These accounts often have stolen text from a real GoFundMe as well.
It is suggested to be wary of brand new accounts that may enter your inbox asking for money. Check that your funds sent are going towards a reputable charity or legitimate source and not a scammers pockets. Search the usernames or ask to see if it’s been labeled as a scam account.
While spotting scams is often necessary, please make sure you are boosting legitimate fundraisers. There are numerous guides out there that can explain what a scam looks like.
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stevethehairington · 7 months
ALSO i did not realize that hannibal the tv series was based on ALL of the hannibal books. i thought it was just red dragon but it's NOT its ALL of them and i am living for this realization while reading these books bc i can see how the details from them all are being mixed and melded together to form the masterpiece that is hannibal tv and im LOVING that
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toasteaa · 6 hours
i wanted to send this on anon but it doesn’t let you add photos T T but i just had to say that i noticed u reblogging a couple ocean themed gowns so i had to send this marchesa ss17 look your way hehe :3 subtly ocean themed but the iridescence reminds me of the eclairette comm from a little while back ♡
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Beloved Jade 🥺🤲🏾💕
I had to spend my lunch break making myself normal about this dress again because I've been so stuck on some of these aus I have that are just...idk how to describe them exactly because the world of genshin is already magical and mythical as is but there's just something about those thoughts that this dress connected all together and I...I think I might have to get a commission with the dress done relatively soon, oh no, oh dear...
#toast talks#I can't keep thinking about aus with dainty princessy damsels in flimsy silks being offered to a sea dragon as a motion of peace#or aus where a cursed sovereign and the human that saved him fall into a gentle rain gilded love#because then Eclair gets thrown in there and the dainty princess damsel act gets thrown out for the most part and the#smart mouth and recklessness that makes up a lot of her character takes over LMAO#But...there are still those some times (in their canon lore as well) that I want to see her be soft. Warm and open but still soft.#Out of her depth in ways she never really knew she could be. Like that post when she sees Neuv as a dragon for the first time.#That amazement and wonder and appreciation of the beauty of the world she's always been told of in stories but never really considered#was close enough for her to touch. Or to know so intimately as she does now.#That kind of...airy and dreamy feeling that you fantasize about. Where you might dream of yourself underwater in silks#and chiffons that float and sway in the waves or pulled from the waves in nothing but a chemise that clings to your curves by#inhuman hands that are tipped in scales and claws but are far gentler than you could ever dream.#...Eclair reads cheesy romcom novels. I'm calling it now. She hates crime novels for a fact. But Inazuman light novels? She needs them LOL#oc tag: Eclair Dumont#since it's about her for the most part hehe#ALSO THANK YOU JADE ILY ILY ILY SMOOCHING YOU
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raayllum · 8 months
only 5 away from my next hundred
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exhausted-archivist · 1 month
Six Sentence Sunday
Haven't done one of these in awhile but I'm editing a chapter from my long Inquisitor fic that I've been chipping away at for a while and thought I'd share a piece that one of my friends had a grand time with when beta reading.
The woman’s irritation seems to have melted away, her expression instead one of softness. It throws Isala for a moment as she studies the warrior. “I...I am glad you are unharmed.” The words were spoken hesitantly, sincere but left to hang awkwardly between the two as the Seeker gently squeezed her shoulder. Isala couldn’t hold back the grin that spread across her lips.  “It was only a little static, the lightning did not strike me, Seeker.”
If anyone wants to share some writing, feel free to tag me. I'd love to see what people are working on.
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