#tiramisu the machop
drampas-trainers · 1 year
Okay! Tiramisu has just made her way through the Gym Trainers! It's very impressive to watch her fight, she's doing so well! Laura is about to face Mr. Roark, the first Gym Leader!
Galois, would you be so kind and record this?
<<Of course Miss Solaria! I read that it can be helpful to take a look at your own previous performances, so maybe this will not only be entertaining to watch, but Miss Laura might also learn something from this!>>
<<Good Luck Miss Laura!>>
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[The Video begins with an Empty battlefield in the center of the shot. Laura is standing to the left in a blue dress with white circles that somewhat resemble bubbles. To the right is a young man in workers overalls and a red hardhat. He wears black rimmed glasses. This is Roark, the Oreburgh Gym Leader. "All right! I know a lot of people think i'm a pushover because young trainers challenge my gym early on and it's not difficult to get a type advantage on me, but be sure you won't earn this badge if you don't give it your all! Geodude, you're my first!"
With this, he releases a small Geodude onto the battlefield, which is silently answered by Laura sending out Lemonade. The Piplup is looking very confidently into the camera. "Let's go dear. You can do it." is all Laura says. Lemonade reacts with charging right at Roarks Geodude who already braces for impact, just for the Water type to stop barely a meter in front of it and releasing a stream of bubbles into its face. The Geodude seems taken by surprise so much that it immediately faints. "Well done darling. Don't let your guard down." is heard from offscreen, as the camera zooms in to take a closeup at Lemonade who is waving at it.
"Ah well, no surprise here, to be honest.", Roark says. "But you would be surprised how much trouble my Geodude can prove for people who don't have such a strong Water Type! I can only repeat, don't underestimate us! Onix! Your turn!" He releases his second Pokémon from its ball.
Lemonade stumbles backwards a few steps as the enormous Rock Type hits the field. "GO ON! Stealth Rock!" Roark shouts before Lemonade can regain his posture and the snake like Pokémon releases its mystical energy to summon a few sharp rocks from the ground that make it difficult to traverse the battlefield.
"No time to waste Lemonade! Lets hit him with another Bubble!" Laura seems to finally be caught by the Gym Leaders spirits and Lemonade does as well. He runs up to one of the rocks and sprints up to its peak where he jumps right at the giant snake and blows some Bubbles into its eyes. Onix is taken by surprise not unlike the Geodude before it, but can tank the hit just barely.
In response, Roark fumbles in his pockets and takes out a potion to spray his Pokémon. The camera takes a new angle more towards Roarks side of the battlefield to get a better look at Lemonade. "Another one!" Laura is giving orders. Before Onix can even react, it gets blasted by another bubbles right into the eyes and takes a daring swipe with its upper body, just to be caught at one of its own stealth rocks and trip. It faints.
Roark has seemingly taken a hit to his confidence. "Oh damn, your Piplup hits harder than i expected! I thought the potions would be enought!"
Fired up by this, Lemonade climbs atop one of the stealth rocks again, posing like Superman into the camera.
"No Matter! You won't have an easy time like this against my Cranidos! Go! Go and show them what Rock types are made of! Headbutt, let's go!"
The instant Cranidos is released, it charges at Lemonade, hitting the Stealth Rock under his feet, making him stumble down. "Again, quick!" The Gym leader shouts as the camera pans around the battlefield to get a better look. Cranidos can hit Lemonade again, just before he can regain his footing, bumping him into another rock. Now, Laura takes her chance and gives the order for another Bubble, which hits Cranidos and makes it stumble for just a second. Lemonade is now heavily panting and looking a little wearily over to his trainer, who decides to recall him. Just as she tells Lemonade to come back, Roark comes with another ace up his sleeve. "Not so fast! Cranidos Pursuit! Before it's too late!" The rock type can barely get a scrape with his foot in before Lemonade get's recalled, maybe even knocking him out, but everything happens way too fast to reliably tell.
Laura now seems a little bit worried. "Oh dear. Tira can you deal with this one?" she asks as she calls out the small Machop she just recently caught. Tiramisu takes a look back at her trainer, apparently stepping on a small rock and flinching upon the impact but quickly focusing on the foe before her. "Let's go Tira, show him your Muscles!" Laura gives somewhat vague orders. "Headbutt, let's go Cranidos!" Roark reacts.
The Dinosaur looking Pokémon charges right at the small fighting type who quickly goes into a defensive stance. Just as the impact is about to occur, she can be seen to move her left arm before a large cloud of dust obscures the whole camera. A few moments later as it settles, she is triumphantly standing atop the defeated Cranidos. As the camera comes closer, it becomes apparent that the rock types skull has a small crack.
"Ho- Ho DAMN!" Roark exclaims, quickly recalling his Pokémon. "I was about to say, i kinda showed you not to underestimate us Gym leaders even with a type advantage, but now i think YOU went easy on ME! That Machop of yours looks like she packs some serious muscle! Come here, you officially earned your Coal Badge! Also, here take this TM. Stealth Rock is a good way to improve your tactics, especially if you know what's to come like against Gym Leaders. Well, i should go visit the Pokécenter, make sure these three are okay."
Laura and Tiramisu take their prize and hug in the middle of the battlefield, Laura quietly praising her Pokémon. The Video ends]
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
We have some more news for you! We have decided to take a little stroll on Route 207 because we couldn't sleep, and just see who we found ther!
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[A photo of Laura in front of some tall grass. Today, her dress is Yellow and has a circle-pattern. She is smiling and waving into the camera. Holding her left hand is a machop, looking up to her like a little child.]
This is Tiramisu! She was out here, punching rocks and pulverising them. I don't quite know what drew her towards us, but she put up quite a fight against Marshmallow! After a few hits given and taken, she sort of just ran up to Laura, and Hugo was about to give her some Dragon Pulse, but she just hugged her. So, well, she just joined up with us! What a surprise.
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Good Evening! Yesterday, we spent another day in the wonderful Floaroma Town, watching the Combee and preparing our travels to Eterna City. After some research, i found it it is apparently a two day journey, so we spent the day preparing!>>
<<We did not start out Journey however! We will do this tomorrow!>>
<<We originally wanted to begin our hike today, but when we left Floaroma Town towards Route 205 this morning, we were stopped by a young girl in distress! Apparently, her dad had been kidnapped, or rather held hostage within the Valley Windworks! Of course we could not just let this transpire!>>
<<We found out the Valley Windworks had been taken over by the so called "Team Galactic"! They are the same group that harrassed Professor Rowan and Miss Dawn a few days ago!>>
<<Miss Laura has proved some amazing battle skills against some random Grunts though! She also won a Pokémon battle agains the so-called "Commander Mars" who had a very scary Purugly. I apologize, i could have used the Poryphone™ Videography Module to make a recording, but as i have to admit i was a little bit scared. Tiramisu was very impressive though, dealing the final blow!>>
<<We also have tried reaching out to the Sinnohan Police about this event, but we could not reach anyone from Floaroma Town. Maybe this Team Galactic has sabotaged the network. We will try again once we reach Eterna City.>>
<<The important thing is, that the young girl has been reunited with her father and that the Valley Windworks can resume operations!>>
<<I also have more pleasant news! Miss Laura caught another Pokémon! It is a Buizel, whom she named "Onion". I don't understand how she comes up with these names, but Onions seems to like it!>>
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Photography Module>>
[A picture, taken outside in a field of flowers. The background shows a Pokécenter. It shows Laura in a green dress in the same style as her usual ones and a secon woman her age, possibly a little bit older. The second woman has much lighter skin, but you wouldn't call her "white". Unlike her hair, which is very much white and is worn in a very old fashioned permanent wave. she also wears a large white sunhat. Her outfit consists of a rather formal looking combination of pants and blouse, both in black. This must be Solaria.
They are playing with a horde of Pokémon, among them the known faces of Lemonade, Schnitzel and the rest of Lauras Team. There are also a few new additions, for example a Psyduck who is being pet by Laura and a Buizel who is very curiously watching a Staravia who is perched on Sols arm. In her lap sits a Budew]
<<For another great event, Marshmalow has evolved into a Staravia! Miss Laura is so proud of her (and i am as well)! She has warmed up to Miss Solaria a lot since the Evolution earlier today. Evolution has changed her personality a little bit, i think. I wonder if that happened to me as well? I do not feel different, but my own evolution has been a while, so maybe i am wrong here.>>
<<In any case, I wish you all a good night! We will hopefully start our hike towards Eterna City without any more holdups tomorrow mornign!>>
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Rules and Status:
Status: Game: Pokémon Platinum
Current Progression: preparing for Eterna City Gym
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Current Team:
Lemonade the Piplup (2/3)
Marshmalow the Staravia (1/3)
Sauce the Shellos (0/3)
Stir-Fry the Zubat (1/3)
Tiramisu the Machop (1/3)
Jelly Bean the Geodude (1/3)
Boxed Team:
Muffin the Budew (0/3)
Cress the Psyduck (0/3)
Onion the Buizel (0/3)
Retired Pokémon:
Schnitzel the Luxio (3/3)
Rules: I will do a sort of toned down version of the Nuzlocke challenge, because i think it's gonna be boring otherwise. But people said i shouldn't do a nuzlocke, so i won't go full sicko mode and kill a bunch of pokémon
Only the first Pokémon on each route can be captured, shiny clause and dupes clause apply
All Pokémon must be nicknamed
If a pokémon faints 3 times, it dies retires. Laura will assume it doesn't really want to battle and just keep it around as a pet. Since you didn't want a nuzlocke, i might keep this even more lax, but i think this could bring a little more spice into the playthrough.
Battle Style will be "set"
No more than 3 healing items per battle
I try to keep my pokémon below the levels of gyms and stuff, but i don't wanna look stuff up, so we'll see how it goes. (if i did a full on nuzlocke, i would look shit up and do a proper level clause)
At the end of the game, Laura will release all her Pokémon or let them be adopted by other people. I will make an event at that point. (except Hugo and Galois, but those aren't part of the games anyways, and maybe if the story develops for some more exceptions)
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