#titanic debacle
titleknown · 1 year
...Okay, while for full disclosure I feel bad for the two innocents these billionaire dipshits dragged to a watery grave with them, apparently one of the people who disappeared in the recent Titanic Debacle was a British billionaire named Hamish Harding, and holy shit I gotta say, that sounds exactly like the sort of name a British billionaire who died in a Titanic debacle would have.
That sounds like the name of a guy who has a meticulously maintained monocle collection which he forces a legion of orphans to polish every day.
That sounds like the name of a guy who has an entire miniature coal plant in his giant top hat, not for any productive purpose but just to fill the skies with smog
That sounds like the name of a guy who has a handlebar mustache that he twirls devilishly as he bulldozes a whimsical local candy store to build hid a thirtieth summer home on.
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 2 months
Death of your values and destruction of yourself
"Well would you look at that. The little robin tumbled out of its nest has it?" Shego's voice echoed playfully in the warehouse.
Robin jumped slightly, almost unnoticeable. flinching? No, he didn't just flinch he jumped. Shoulders tense already in a battle ready stance.
Danny paused in his approach. His head tilting because, Just what in the ancients names was he wearing and why was it familiar? That armor those colors that copper orange covering half of it.
What was up with Robin?
While Shego was busy wracking his mind about what could possibly have happened in the short amount of time he had left. Robin was subtly looking around but flinched when the wooden boards creaked from under Danny shifting his weight.
He hadn't just flinched in surprise but he jumped in what, fear? Of him, since when? " The glorified green secretary? " The Titan brats called him that so often that even the press picked it up! He was a highly qualified respectable henchmen!
Shego jumped down from his previously hidden perch atop the wooden crates. Coming out of the shadows behind Robin.
The kid's tense shoulders tensed even further quickly twerling around birdarangs no X's flying at him! Shego ei Danny dodged quickly. Ducking his head and got closer instead of away from Robin.
Shego who used to be Danny phantom. The phantom menace and a teen ghost hero immediately knew that something was seriously wrong with Robin. Something was up with the bird brat.
Because Shego would also behave like that when the status quo changed. When the status quo with roughs changes and suddenly all the shaky unsaid rules with roughs change.
Heroes and villains dance a dangerously deadly delicate tango with each other.
So when the villains suddenly start doing the macarena together you know shits about to be, well weird if not deadly.
And it's when Shego's countering Robins high kick that he finally recognizes just what it is the kid is wearing. The whites of shego's mask narrow and just for a second his grip on the teen fist hardens. For the split second it does Shego pulls the kid close to his face. Both of their white slit mask covered eyes meet.
It's a mother fucking Deathstroke mini suit. Danny feels like he's about to burst a fucking vain.
" Kid do you have any idea about what that suit means? " Shego says it calmly, levelled. He doesn't shout in his anger but oh how Danny desperately wants to.
The child remains silent but he has stopped his fighting to get free. It's quiet for a beat and when it's clear Shego won't get an answer.
" It means destruction Robin, It means death."
. . .
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msfcatlover · 1 year
So. Did you know there's a backstory to Dick's mullet?
Because there is.
Mirage convinced Dick to let her restyle him while she was impersonating Kori. Which he went along with, because Kori had been incredibly depressed for the last several weeks and nothing Dick said or did seemed to be helping her. Dick had pretty clearly hit the point where he was willing to do just about anything to make her happy again.
Which I know doesn't even begin to compare to the many other ways Mirage took advantage of him (trust me, I just read it,) but has made me hate the mullet jokes now, because that was not Dick's choice.
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(I'm sure it's just a coincidence Dick's hair & costume came out of it looking a lot more like the future!Dick Mirage was pining over. Contrasts between future!Dick & the classic Discowing Dick was wearing in the arc right before this one below the cut.)
Here's future!Dick...
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....Aaaand Discowing.
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Obviously, she somehow magically grew his hair out several inches. But even beyond that...
Look at the stripe shape & placement on the new suit, lining up with both future!Dick's stripes & his mesh armbands.
Look at the glove shape, going from a segmented gauntlet to a single elbow-length piece with a curved upper edge.
While Dick's boots are considerably less dramatic than his future self's thigh-highs, they are still much more strongly emphasized in Mirage's version of the costume.
While future!Dick has the diamond on his abdomen like Discowing, future!Dick's costume has much less detailing around his abdomen.
Discowing also isn't the one with a utility belt. A belt which just so happens to have the same insignia as future!Dick's shield. Weird that.
While neither of the prior versions have the little glider-cape, I would like to note it's something future!Dick probably could've gotten a lot of use out of, given the way his sidekick usually carried him around.
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So anyway, I have gone from being kinda tired of the mullet jokes to actively disliking them. Less jokes about the mullet, more jokes about the rat-tail please.
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
Have time travel Spesifically to get Titans blood/j
I will solve the problem... WITH THE OTHER PROBLEM!!!!
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like maybe i would like tim drake if he literally weren't so stuck on carrying the mantel that killed his predecessor that he beefs with a pre-teen
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thelastjack · 1 year
In second grade, I had a hyperfixation with the Titanic. I remember being extremely aware that it was the 100 year anniversary of the sinking on April 14th-15th 2012.
I don’t think 8 year old me guessed that 19 year old me would be thrown back into that hyperfixation due to history repeating itself, but here we are.
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transmutationisms · 4 months
i read the recent wired article about the ocean gate titanic sub and i think the most understatedly eyebrow raising aspect of that whole debacle honestly is that the ceo seems to have been personally manning half their unsafe deep sea dives... like usually in a story like this it turns out the people at the top were brushing off safety concerns because they knew they personally could avoid consequences and were willing to risk their employees and customers. and im sure there were some people at ocean gate doing that. but stockton rush was as far as i can tell genuinely convinced of his own genius corner cutting engineering hacks to the point where he kept manning these vessels even after tests where they were failing and warnings from university labs and boeing engineers and hearing the hull make ominous creaking sounds while he himself was piloting it like... man with zero survival instincts to a point seldom seen in wealthy startup assholes who absolutely have the financial wherewithal to save their own necks
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2023, The Year of Self-Sabotage
Has anyone noticed the trend businesses have been on in 2023? There's a LOT of self-sabotage going on in the business world. Throughout my life, and everyone else has their own observations too, once in a while you see a company make a boneheaded decision about their product or service. And once in a while you'll see a decision get made that is bad, but maybe it at least has some justification (even to an anti-capitalist goober like myself). But this year has been nonsensical moves of greed or product/service sabotage that make no sense for longevity or harm what's in the best interest of the consumer.
Activision-Blizzard: The Overwatch debacle, and Diablo Immortal's scummy practices.
Netflix: The account sharing debacle.
Twitter: Maximum divorced loser Elon Musk destroying its functionality and branding and we still call it Twitter.
Reddit: Inspired by Musk's stupidity, the API tools debacle. Shame on the Reddit communities for not knowing how to strike btw (you don't put a time limit on it).
Hollywood: Pulling shows and films from streaming services to declare them as failed products and somehow get a tax write-off for it.
Also Hollywood: Willing to take quarterly losses greater than the annual cost to meet the demands of two striking unions put together.
Unity: Announced in the past day that it will charge developers a fee for installations because greed.
Titan Submersible: "Safety is for losers" says billionaire who proceeds to use his shoddy tech to do a murder-suicide.
Starbucks: Breaking ALL of the labor laws to try and stop unionization. Admittedly a reach to be on this list but the situation (like all the others) is ongoing and can compound.
Embracer: A massive corporate company that bought a bunch of smaller companies. Thought a 2 billion dollar deal with the Saudi government was a sure thing, so they spent 2 billion dollars on stuff. Deal falls through, so they start closing companies they acquired.
That's just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. These aren't business decisions done for the sake of consumers. These are all decisions done to spite consumers or the workers who produce the products and services.
People try to remember years as being the "year of" something. And it's a thing I do too. For me, 2023 is the year of corporate self-sabotage.
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alfredsolos · 2 years
I think one of my favorite Damian Wayne arcs is the time when Talia faked a paternity test that said Slade was Damian's actual father.
And by that, I don't mean that I want Slade to be Damian's dad. Absolutely not.
But the whole ordeal is so fucking chaotic that it's just the right amount of entertaining and ridiculous.
Let me give you a few information about this whole debacle, which is very crucial:
1. Talia knows Slade is not Damian's father.
2. Slade knows he is not Damian's father.
3. Damian knows Slade is not his father.
4. Bruce does not know that Slade is not Damian's father.
5. Damian, despite knowing that the test is obviously fake, goes on to live with Slade for a few days.
6. Slade does not want Damian to live with him.
7. Damian does not care about Slade's opinion.
8. Slade makes Damian wear a blond wig and Damian hates it.
9. Slade does not want Damian to call him "Father".
10. Damian calls Slade "Father", because yet again, he does not care about Slade's opinion.
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11. At the end of this run, Damian goes back to his father. A bit later, Slade and Bruce have a fight in the cave. At the end Slade leaves without killing Batman and ruffling Damian's hair:
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12. Why is this important? You may ask. Well later on, when Damian joins the Teen Titans, he goes on to kill Slade because he ruffled his hair:
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13. He fails of course, but ends up with an eye scar caused by a bullet. Which, surprisingly, was not caused by Slade. In fact if Slade hadn't protected Damian, he'd probably be dead.
So that's why I love this arc.
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DC taking huge strides in alternate forms of animation is going to be what saves them after the DCU film debacle. Dont get me wrong I'm a slut for some western animation but the anime styles of My Adventures with Superman
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The Isekai Suicide Squad
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The Teen Titans Go
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These are drawing in fans like nobodies business and doing a great job at capturing different demographics too.
This isnt a new trend of course. The original Teen Titans show was vastly different in style from any other DCAU show at the time
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And i believe its the steady fanbase of this show that gave DC the idea to keep trying out new styles.
If you haven't watched any of these shows i recommend them.
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dellaliz19 · 1 year
This is by no means the most important take by far re this whole Titan/Titanic debacle but I feel like it’s worth reiterating again: the 24 hour news cycle only serves to ramp up panic and speculation, and functionally serves as conspiracy fuel just to fill ad sponsored time.
Because let’s be real: EVERY single actual expert that weighed in on this was very clear that there were 3 possible options, and that death was the mostly likely option in each scenario, those being:
1) The sub was intact at the bottom of the ocean with:
a) no power and no technology that existed to get it back up.
b) might have had power but been stuck under a piece of the Titanic and could be dislodged, but that this was HIGHLY unlikely and that dislodging it could still break the sub.
2) Was floating on the surface after being able to ballast up, but that it would be incredibly hard to find the sub as it would have no way to communicate, no way for the passengers to get themselves out, and was WHITE, making it basically impossible to see by air rescue.
3) Had imploded at the initial loss of contact (the most likely theory), likely secondary to poor construction and damage from a prior descent, and the passengers had died instantly.
Even ignoring the idea that the “96 hour window re oxygen” was basically irrelevant given: the CO2 scrubbers likely weren’t going to function that well and that death by freezing or dehydration could also absolutely occur before then, the news media’s complete frenzy on that “ticking clock” was beyond transparently gross and circled all the way back into conspiracy territory.
Look I’m on the camp of “these rich people walked right into the risks of this and their families should receive a bill for the coast guard and public agency search and rescue costs.”
But seriously, constantly updating the “ticking clock,” bringing in new “experts” every couple hours to talk about some new way they could “survive in low O2 past that 96 hours” (seriously, CBC), hyper focusing on the idea that “if we can just find them they’ll be saved” (despite the wealth of evidence to the contrary) should serve as an indictment of the 24 hour new cycle and it’s negative impact on real, publically useful journalism.
Because you can’t fill all those news hours with people just repeating that iconic “Do you think they can be saved? No.” sound bit, right? You have to keep feeding into the idea that they CAN be saved, to sell the airtime.
You can’t report the actual news: that they still haven’t found the sub. Just relating that every hour on the hour won’t keep people glued to your channel.
But endless bullshit speculation will.
And so now, when they’ve found the debris, every moron with their tin foil hat already at the ready can scream about the “rhythmic banging” and “faking their death for tax shelters” and “well no bodies, so it didn’t happen,” well fed by the media’s absolute refusal to cover this in a real, productive way.
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 2 months
Shego Danny and the Robin and Deathstroke debacle pt2
Pt 1 here
Shego never felt guilty about leaving behind a dimension after he was done with it.
his family needed to survive. Shego could - would never regret the things he did to keep his family alive. Shego couldn't regret or allow himself to feel something like guilt.
But right now facing Robin? Teenage Robin who still has baby fat clinging to his face. A child dressed up in Deathstroke's colors and suit like some sick claim on a soldier?
Danny could and he did. He can't protect everyone in every dimension. He would absolutely fail miserably.
Shego might not allow feelings of regret but fury? Fury he did allow.
And there is no fury like that of a long dead ghost. Deathstroke was going to get it because no one, absolutely no one was allowed to do this in his territory to his baby heroes)
Decided to write a little more for the "Death of your values and destruction of yourself" again link here.
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the-newlymadeweeb · 9 months
Sacrifice [part 2]
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Pairing: Luke castellan x female!reader
Description: a prequel to Sacrifice pt. 1, you held up the sky for long and Luke could see the toll it was taking so he goes ahead luring Annabeth to take your place, after all he's just trying to take care of you.
A/N: when I wrote Sacrifice, I did it in fifteen minutes nto thinking much of it. But I like the concept of it ngl. In all fairness, angst is like my thing and writing angsty toxic Luke is my fav rn.
Sacrifice pt 1:
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Luke's shoulders ached, his back felt almost crooked from the weight of the sky. He felt a twinge of sympathy for Annabeth but right now she was the lesser of his concerns.
The woman at the forefront of his mind being you.
You who swung from consciousness to unconsciousness for the last three days; the strength from your body sapped out and a constant pain ripping through you. Your wrists were wrapped up in bandages to support them and the large expanse of bruises on your shoulders were being iced.
The nectar and ambrosia he was taking to you felt like a meagre offering, a minimal solution.
This whole ploy was a sheer debacle. He could've lost you.
Everything was taking too much time. Anyway, it didn't matter now.
You were out of immediate danger, he could take care of you. Just like he always swore to. He'd show you how much he cared, that you still mattered and ha had it all under control and all the doubts he knew you were beginning to have weren't necessary.
Your hair had greyed significantly, more than his had; though that was to be expected with how much more time you had spent in Atlas' position.
He sidled up to your sleeping figure, sheltered away from the eyes of titans and soldiers– protected; and reached out to caress your face, over the course of these days, he had developed a small routine now.
First, he picked up the washcloth and basin that a son of Asclepius who was in charge of handling injuries had dutifully kept. He could tend to your wounds and the other demigods, but you were still under Luke's care. Always.
Cleaning up your face first, before gently wiping down your arms, mindful of the supporting bandages and then wiping your knees, down your shins and the arch of your feet.
It felt good, being able to do something for you. After which he'd try to rouse you in a partial wakefulness as he helped you sip the divine nectar, watching the magic liquid give you some strength.
For a little while, Luke had been worried. For all your amazing traits, he believed you to be more simple-minded; in your mind, you were the first that should be sacrificed because of your dedication and devotion towards your loved ones. Now, he never thought of your loyalty to be mindless like a dog's but he always believed that it would be his.
But then after the whole Golden Fleece interaction with Percy and company, you had gotten quiet, secretive almost. Like you were deliberating helping the son of Poseidon. And he had had a sinking feeling that Kronos might order him to get rid of you, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to do that.
"Are you hiding something from me?" He'd asked one evening, quiet and sudden.
Your gaze remained unwavered as you stepped closer to him.
"You having doubts?"
"About survival?" You laughed, "I've known about the extreme likelihood of dying for a very long time." A thrilling shiver ran down his spine as you grabbed his chin.
"And still Luke, I'm here, by your side. I'm not having any doubts."
And a few days later you went and held up the sky and now he wondered if it was some unrequired act of fielty.
He brushed your grey hair back, untangling a few knots and wished your face didn't look so disturbed and in agony in sleep as it did while you were awake.
"Luke?" You mumbled.
"Yes love."
"What– how am I here?" A sudden fit of discomfort and confusion setting upon you as you forced your eyes open and tried to sit up, still half asleep but nevertheless trying to stay alert– a default demigod setting, "who's– Atlas–"
"Shh," He whispered, attempting to be soothing. Take care of you. His job. "Annabeth's got it in control."
"Anna– no!" You shoot up, weak and disoriented, "not– Luke, Luke you promised– No!"
"Shh, calm down, please," He catches your shoulder and nudges you to lie back but you remain restless and oh gods he loves you and can't lie to you but you need to remain still or you'll get hurt more.
"You promised–"
Their medic is swift in appearing with an anaesthetic type medication and they put you out succinctly, without the chance of waking for a long while.
"I know you didn't want it to go like this, my love. But I will sacrifice hundreds to keep you safe."
His heart feels heavy and he kisses your brow and cheek.
If Annabeth, Thalia or Percy or anyone is the option opposite you, he'll kill them all. You, his devoted darling, his own nectar. The repercussions always seem so inconsequential when up against you, taking care of you.
His beloved.
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cosmermaid · 1 year
I wonder if there’s going to be a resurgence in maritime superstitions after this Oceangate debacle.
Like, it’s pretty common knowledge that historically, sailors are or were a very superstitious bunch. And how could they not be? On the sea you can take every safety precaution there is, and things can still go wrong. You can still see things in the water or in the darkness of the open sea that you’ll never be able to explain or understand. This is a common experience of naval sailors to this day, you can find plenty of Ask Reddit threads about it.
The sea cannot be tamed. It is the most powerful force on this planet. You can do everything right and it can still take everything and never give it back.
And now you have five dead rich men that will never resurface. All because Stockton Rush tempted fate in every possible way. He did everything wrong in regards to concrete safety precautions. He boasted. He named his submersible after a sunken ship. He married somebody descended from people that the sea had already claimed.
Maybe this part is just me being a bit of a romanticist, but the titan is actually a very different vessel from the Titanic. Despite the arrogant boasting surrounding the Titanic’s maiden voyage, and the arrogance of the Captain, the Titanic was a large vessel that was crafted with care and attention to detail. The Titanic had purpose. It was built with fail safes in mind to prevent sinking. It was meant to be a luxurious experience for those on board. Even third class cabins, though small, were meant to be elegant, clean and comfortable for those staying in them. And the sea took it’s time claiming the titanic, almost as if it was savoring it.
But the Titan was none of those things. It was an idle vessel for people who had no need to be there. It was small. Uncomfortable. Built with carelessness, with no attention to detail what so ever. And it had the gall to name itself after the magnificent liner that it came to crawl over. It didn’t fail on it’s maiden voyage in such a dramatic fashion. Instead the ocean crushed it like an annoying gnat that kept coming back.
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ngl the wildest (and imo the most interesting) thing about this whole titanic debacle was seeing the increasingly complex moral arguments that came out of it, and how fiercely people defended their own arguments. Should we pity the passengers or be glad they’re dead? Should we only pity some of them? What about the refugee boat in the Mediterranean; should we pity the drowned refugees but not the people on the Titan, or should we pity them all the same? Should we pity people who die a horrible death without being able to say goodbye to their families, even if they knew what they were getting into? Which lives do we and society consider valuable and which ones do we not? If billionaires wouldn’t pity us in the same situation, do they still deserve our pity anyway? Is the 19 year old a child or an adult, and how does that factor into our sympathy for him? Would our answer change considering the fact that his aunt said he was scared to go and just wanted to please his father? How much blame does the company carry? The passengers? The media? Who’s a good person and who’s a bad person? Are there any good or bad people?
No matter what opinions people take, I keep seeing people saying that their argument is correct and nuanced, and the opposite argument lacks nuance and is poorly thought out. It makes me wonder how we’ll look back on this in the future. I’m not interested in arguing about it on this post, just stating it’s been interesting seeing how the arguments unfold.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 7 months
I live for all these ships with Apollo like Apollo and Thanatos, Cupid, and even the most dumpsterfire ship of all time Copollo (I go feral over these two)
But one ship that stood out to me was Boreas and Apollo, and apparently the Boreads describe Apollo as "Beloved of our sire" And the fact that Koios is basically Boreas' boss makes this so much more better
So basically I'm asking for Boreas and Apollo headcanons 👀
(And if you take fic reqs, I wouldn't mind a fic with these two)
Apollo is SOOOOOO Shippable lmao XD He has such a variety of lovers and that really allows us to be able to explore a variety of relationship!
Healthy or toxic, lmao XD Copollo is Top Tier imo
and on the topic of Boreas, I have one extra thing to add there because I personally headcanon that Lelantos, titan of air & moving unseen (and apollo's uncle), used to be the head of the wind gods but was stripped of his title by Zeus post-titan war because he sided with Kronos.
So therefore, both of Boreas's bosses are relatives of Apollo's lmao XD
Imo, Hyperborea was some sort of courting gift or something Boreas gave Apollo. Because here's the thing with Hyperborea:
It's the One Place Boreas does not blow his winds, hence its title of Eternal Spring.
Boreas's palace resides at the southern border of Hyperborea, with gryphons who live in BOTH places.
Three of Boreas's son are PRIESTS of Hyperborea, and serve Apollo when he's there.
Three of Boreas's daughters joined Artemis's hunt (Oupis features in my fic Shattered Minds, btw!)
Hyperborea is literally "over the north wind" in Greek.
I think we can all agree winter is the time Apollo and Boreas hook up lmao XD
Boreas ALSO, in some versions, is a suitor of Hyacinthus, but he clearly doesn't hold any ill-will about Hya & Apollo because let's be real, he would have picked Apollo too XD
So imagine this. Hyacinthus & Apollo making out. Then Apollo & Boreas making out. HECK HYACINTHUS & BOREAS MAKING OUT.
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Zephyrus has a crush on Apollo :3 (It makes sense. also Apollo is widely associated with spring and Zephyrus is the SPRING wind, and likes pretty guys and Apollo is the prettiest so-)
I blabbered about that in the Discord with @xxzephyrbreezexx and our fellow Discord user whom I don't know if they have a blog here 😭 KNOW I AM POINTING VIOLENTLY IN YOUR DIRECTION
You are Zephyrus. You have a crush on Apollo. You also get a crush on his boyfriend.
The Hyacinthus Debacle, as I have dubbed it, also created a bit of a rift between Boreas and Zephyrus, which is Sad because they are usually associated with each other in literature, art, ect :(
Family dinners are Awkward. Even more so when Boreas brings Apollo along to the dinners hosted at his place.
They became Especially Awkward when Helios and Selene were still around because then Boreas would have to deal with Helios's Dad Instincts kicking in and staring him down.
(Helios is Boreas's uncle btw!)
(I have a Boreas thing planned in my Helios fic eheheheh. It's funny, don't panic)
And whenever Apollo pops in the visit Eos about light-related things or Astraeus (Eos & Astraeus are the winds' parents) it Still Is Awkward because Zephyrus just. BOLTS out of the room.
He is simultaneously Gay For and Terrified of Apollo.
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Also if Asteria tags along with Apollo (because she is shooting stars/night prophecy and Astraeus is dusk/stars) she gives Zephyrus The Death Stare.
He is equally terrified of her, minus the horny.
Cupid/Eros, eh?
...are you in the Discord by chance? Because the fellows I mentioned previously and I have also discussed this👀
We get Boreas in my next fic, btw! :D No ApolloXBoreas, sadly, but I do have plans on incorporating them into a fic!
Perhaps my revolution fic, because I am getting Ideas concerning Boreas, Apollo, and Koios... >:3
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