#titans tomorrow
dieantik · 3 months
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🔍🌙♥️ here’s the tim sticker sheet i designed for the @timdrakeflipzine , with all sorts of alternative media and universe robins and red robins and—
🫶 if you’re interested in the exhaustive list of tim’s included…
young justice 2019 drake (ft. earth 3 ginger tim)
dark knights of steel
unternet tim
bat kid from the animated batman under the red hood movie
regular tim in a fun outfit vaguely based on some older panels :3
lego tim
futures end tim in his batman beyond run
dunce cap red robin from batman unlimited
rebirth robin
new 52 red robin
preboot/2009 red robin
90’s robin
gotham by gaslight
dc bombshells batgirl tim
another set of two silly tims (one w his motorcycle and red robin base suit, the other with his skateboard and camera and superboy shirt)
bald arkhamverse tim
mister sarcastic
superboy mourning/red and black robin costume
young justice animated tim
savior/titans tomorrow tim
gotham knights robin
wayne family adventures
a silly tim as ceo of wayne enterprises :3
if you can believe it, this was after i had to cut down on some other ideas :]
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carf-writes · 1 year
Possibly unhinged fic idea:
Bruce dies, but he goes out on his own terms so it's kind of okay
Dick becomes Batman and Damian is his Robin
They're handling it, they're making it work. Then Dick gets blown up (by that Joker fish like in that one comic, this is inspired by that one comic) and winds up in a coma
Damian goes off the rails and starts killing all the rouges in Gotham trying to figure out who was behind the attack (Joker is supposedly dead already)
Things do not work out great as he creates a huge power vacuum and Gotham descends into chaos. Tim shows up to try to talk some sense into Damian. Damian isn't having it, beats him up and throws him out.
Tim decides he needs to find a replacement Batman and goes on a quest to find one. Cass turns it down because now with everyone dead/in a coma and Damian killing people as Batman, she doesn't want anything to do with Batman anymore. And Jason who historically does not handle Bruce's death well, has gone AWOL and by the time Tim finds him, he's lost his will to live and is just hanging out.
Meanwhile, Gotham gets worse and worse and Damian realizes he's fucked up. He plans to stop the latest gang war and then hang up the cape forever. When Tim returns with Kon, Cassie, and Bart and announces it's actually okay for Batman to kill but Damian's been stupid about it. They're going to take over the world now, Injustice style and kill Damian too.
Damian fights them and eventually creates his own phantom zone projector to trap them since he's given up on killing but he knows no prison can hold them.
Anyway, Dick unexpectedly wakes up from his coma but is too injured by the ordeal to ever return to being a vigilante. Damian tells him what happened while he was in the coma except for the bit about Tim because it would only upset him. And Damian's kind of being selfish.
So they retired Batman and just live in their mansion on the hill like two spinster aunts.
Until 15 years later, Terry McGinnis shows up and they quickly realize that he's Bruce's son due to unethical human experiments. Also that he has a point and Gotham needs Batman again.
So they're Terry's men in the chair with Damian as the grumpiest, old man-iest 35 year old you've ever met. Maybe Cass makes a guest appearance and gives him so training while Jason makes a guest appearance to try to persuade him that Batman is a curse and should be abandoned to give him some food for thought.
Terry settles into the groove of things but Damian and Dick don't tell him about being Bruce's son because it's fucked up and also they love secrets.
Then Tim manages to rig an escape from the phantom zone. Terry initially thinks he's a ghost because he doesn't know Tim even exists.
Tim stages a whole dramatic reveal in the cave with his friends, making a point about Damian lying to Dick and Dick and Damian lying to Terry.
Gun!Batman!Tim speech ensues about how he doesn't want to be doing this but he has to even though he's miserable. Cassie, Kon, and Bart seem to actually be having fun but they're pretty pissed about the being trapped in the phantom zone for 15 years.
... and then I'm not really sure what happens from there. Just wanted to lay out this elaborate AU set-up
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ionalottabookmarks · 1 year
Duela Dent - Titans Tomorrow
So this is a potential future timeline and not technically canon - it’s a Tim is an Evil Gun-Wielding Batman Future. (I guess it was canon but it stopped being canon in-canon - it was the future, but they changed the timeline.)
The Duela of this world is a serial killer - which, for the record, I hate. But this is a Tim/Batman Kills People Timeline, so, well. What do you expect?
She’s killed a bunch of people Tim cares about. Including Alfred. Tim kills her. That’s...kind of it.
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She does seem to be actually the Joker’s daughter here. Also...she’s not wearing much. In the 2000s, any time she’s not in the classic Harlequin suit, she’s wearing something pretty skimpy. Which is weird, and another example of a loss of original characterization - the only time 70s Duela ever shows any skin is when she’s undercover, in an outfit she likely didn’t choose for herself:
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That’s all I’ve really got, here. It’s kind of sort of an alternate universe, so I’m not all up in arms about characterization. I don’t like the outfit, but her face and hair are cute. Adorable little serial killer.
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nitpickrider · 1 year
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The mistake these future Titans made is letting the nature of what they do get too complex and too simple at the same time. Be kind, look out for each other, be strong in your defense of others and merciful to the wicked. You'll figure it out as you go.
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forlornmelody · 2 years
Today’s List of Nice Things:
1) Two local newspapers have called the governor's race in favor of the out lesbian and not the fascist. Still waiting for AP to call it. 
3) Got the payroll paperwork filled out and submitted. Fingers crossed it gets processed quickly. 
4) My client actually wanted to do things today. So we cleaned his apartment and went walking to two different convenience stores. We jokingly say we’re appeasing the Smart Watch gods. We also figured out a way to make cleaning fun by seeing who can toss more empty soda bottles in the designated box like we’re shooting hoops. 
5) Panda Redd released an excellent batfam video today. 
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awakefor48hours · 9 months
Thinking about her (a show that was cancelled unjustly) again
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cr-nack · 1 year
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You cannot make this shit up
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dc-trinity90s · 1 year
The Superman Gallery - Passage By Mike McKone
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ikiprian · 7 months
Tim swears Phantom could’ve been a Titan. Maybe he should be, at this point. They have enough in common to justify it.
“Jeez,” Phantom groans. Abruptly, he drops the levitation and hits the roof without sound. He stretches out on his back like a cat, sore muscles straining in a way Red Robin deeply relates to. “Fighting the living sucks. At least with ghosts I can swing as hard as I need. Already dead means they get back up! But mortals? Way too squishy.”
Red Robin huffs in agreement. “Yeah,” he says. After a moment’s consideration, he lies down, too.“It’s a hundred times harder than people realize. Batman’s always going on about perfect control in training. About how to have it, you gotta be twice as skilled as the other guy. Even without your super-strength, I worry sometimes.”
“How do you do it?” Phantom asks. In a move only achievable to those without bones, or perhaps Dick Grayson, he twists himself over. Gloved hands cup his cheeks. His legs kick back and forth, like they’re gossiping at a slumber party. “I mean. You said you train, so obviously there’s the physical ‘how.’ But how do you keep your emotions nonlethal? How do you keep yourself in check, make sure you’re pulling back?”
“I mean,” says Red Robin. “Murder is illegal, so.”
Phantom sighs. “Yeah. Maybe it’s easier for you.”
… Hm. Maybe Red Robin should redo Phantom’s risk assessment.
Before he can raise too high an eyebrow (though even moving that muscle smarts, ow), Phantom elaborates.
“Ecto-based entities have trouble with their emotions,” he explains. “It’s easy to get lost in an Obsession, or a big feeling like grief. The rest of the world… it bleeds away. Helps to have another emotional anchor to keep it at bay. I use fear.”
“Fear?” Red Robin glanced over.
“Sometimes sheer stubbornness,” Phantom admits. “But a lot of it is fear.”
With a considering frown, he drops his head atop his arms. Exhaustion, regret, reluctance play out on his face. For someone the Bats know next to nothing about, Phantom’s body language is an open book.
“I saw, like, an alternate future version of myself once where I become evil and try to take over the world? So now I gotta be good to keep that from happening. The fear of that future keeps the pressure on me. Makes me focus up. Y’know?”
Tim sits up. “Seriously?”
Phantom nods. “Uh-huh. Kinda bizarre, I know—”
“What the hell,” says Tim. Three consecutive days together and a concussion must loosen his lips, because holy shit, no way. “Dude! Me too!”
“Huh? Seriously?” says Phantom.
“Yeah! I totally saw myself turn evil. Like, Batman but with guns. Guns Batman. I had to fight him and everything. He tried to kill my friends and erase my memory to make sure I couldn’t un-invent him by going back to change the past?”
“Oh my god.”
“Oh my god, me too!”
happy wips wednesday!
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heyheresathou · 6 months
how do y'all not let the things you like consume your entire being
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dcufans4palestine · 3 months
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Are you a DCU fan upset about the events happening in Gaza? Want to help raise money for Palestinians and contribute to the creation of more DCU fanworks? Then this is the event for you!
DCU Commissions for Palestine is a fan-led event inspired by many other successful fandom events that have raised money for Palestinians causes. This event will bring together fan artists and writers who will offer fanworks in exchange for donations.
Creator signups: July 1-15
Commissions open: July 20-August 10
Posting begins: August 17
We will be looking for DCU fan artists and writers. Any part of the DCU fandom is welcome- even crossovers!
Rules will be explained when we post the creator signup forms. Want to help in the meantime? Follow this account, reblog this post, and spread the word to all the DCU fans in your life! We are also currently accepting volunteers who want to help run/promote the event, and any physical item donations (DCU physical fanart, merch, comics, etc.). If you want to help run or promote the event or donate a physical item, just shoot us a message and we will be happy to provide you with more information! And of course, you do not need to wait for the event to support Palestine. The situation in Gaza grows more dire every day, and we encourage you to donate to any vetted fundraisers and charities if you have the means. Here is a list with some options.
Stay tuned for more information in the following days!
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gnomewithalaptop · 2 months
Y'know, it's so funny to me when people make out like Tim Drake would keep files on how to take down his friends when Tim has explicitly said he disagrees with Batman on this:
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[Young Justice (1998) #36]
Like, yes, during his Red Robin tenure he does make a Hit List full of contingency plans for known heroes. But if you go and read that, you'll notice that, while the Justice League and Damian may be on there, Tim's own friends are decidedly absent:
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[Red Robin (2009) #14]
In fact, a lot of these heroes are people that have either (a) attacked Tim specifically, (b) have a track record that includes turning evil/getting mind controlled, or (c) are on the JLA (meaning Batman probably already had those files compiled and Tim just stole them).
So yeah: Tim's not down with contingency-planning for his friends. You know which one of the YJ crew DID agree with Batman though? My favorite blorbina Anita Fite, aka Empress:
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[Young Justice (1998) #36]
But yeah, this contrast is honestly fascinating to me. Because while both Anita and Tim have been shown to be incredibly loyal individuals, this exchange really highlights the fact that, between the two of them, Anita is far more likely to engage in this kind of pragmatism when she thinks it's necessary to get the job done
The whole Our Worlds at War arc actually does a really good job of illustrating how both of them react to betrayal from within. It's not just the Batman Files conflict either -- I'm thinking specifically about the hallucination-based torture Granny Goodness put them through, which showed them their worst fears. Most of the team ended up having to watch their loved ones die, but what's super interesting to me is that we really only see Anita and Tim hallucinate that their loved ones blame them for their deaths:
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[Young Justice (1998) #37]
Like. It's not the same as a teammate turning evil at all. But it does give us a good idea of how they'd both react when faced with a friend or teammate doing harmful things, albeit on a smaller scale. Because where Tim kind of just accepts Superboy yelling at him and moves straight into bargaining for Kon's life, Anita actually flips the script, gets angry, and defends herself against her father:
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[Young Justice (1998) #37]
(she actually gets so righteously pissed off that she manages to break out of the VR simulation Granny Goodness had her trapped in, but that's another point)
But yeah, it's super interesting, because by this point, both Anita and Tim have been set up to be very similar characters. They both can be a little bit obsessive, they both have some issues with boundaries and stalking (Tim with Nightwing and Batman, Anita with Cissie), and of the team, they're both portrayed as the "normal" members (Anita does technically have mind control powers but she barely ever uses them, and in a fight, she's basically just a very good, human-level fighter)
But at the end of the day, though Batman forces Robin to put on a cool front of objectivity, Tim (at least in his pre-grief-spiral era) ultimately wants to see the best in his team. When the people he cares about screw up, he wants to give them second chances. And when that trust gets broken, his first instinct is to try to use diplomacy, or, failing that, simply remove himself from the situation (as we see at the end of the Our Worlds at War arc when he quits the team)
Anita, on the other hand, while still incredibly loyal, does not hand out that loyalty unconditionally. We see this when she tries to keep her identity secret from the YJ squad, we see it when she gets pissed in Granny Goodness's hallucination when her father blames her for her mother's death, and we see it when she later blames Secret for her perceived role in Anita's father's death
Anita also happens to sit right smack dab in the middle of the YJ morality scale; while she's generally pretty chill and willing to abide by typical superhero codes of ethics (unlike Slobo and Secret), she's also been shown to bend those rules when she believes it's necessary (as seen here when she tortures and threatens to kill a man for trying to hurt Cissie). Ultimately, what this means is, between Tim and Anita, it's honestly Anita who'd probably be the most willing to put her personal qualms aside, buckle down, and go against her loved ones if it was the only reasonable option
Anyway. This is a really long-winded way of saying I think Gun Batman's biggest nemesis should be Empress
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carf-writes · 2 years
Fic Idea:
What if Titans of Tomorrow did succeed in mind wiping the team so they didn't remember that they become dictators in the future and then when Tim needed to hire a fake uncle, future!Tim showed up to play the role.
He would look a lot like Tim so I think Tim would hire him right away.
Just Gun Batman hanging around in the present trying to steer Tim to going full injustice
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batfambyval · 1 year
So. I’ve been thinking about Tim Drake a lot. Like. So much. So, here’s another rant/analysis/commentary on him.
Here’s the thing. Tim Drake is, and I mean this in the fondest way possible, an asshole. He’s cocky and arrogant and smug. He always has to know everything and he always has to be right. He has NO respect for dumb things like boundaries or privacy. He views emotions as just another variable, something that is to be accounted for and addressed when needed in both himself and others. But protecting people’s feelings isn’t a priority. Yes, Batman’s emotional spiral triggered the events that led him to become Robin. But he didn’t help Bruce which his grief because he saw someone he cared about hurting and wanted to help. He did it because Bruce’s grief threatened to destroy Tim’s understanding of reality. Batman being a hero was one of the only good stable things in his life. He wanted to protect that, and he wanted to protect Gotham’s citizens from both Batman and anyone who would run wild if he died. It was a calculated decision based on numbers, not Bruce’s feelings. Not to say that he doesn’t care, because he does. So much. But he tries not to let it control his decision making. An example being when he didn’t tell Tam that Lucius’s death was fake. A more extreme example from when he really goes off the rails is the entire Titan of Tomorrow storyline.
Anyway— point is Tim understands and cares about the emotional wellbeing of the people around him but he tries very very hard to hide it and not let himself think to hard about why. Because then he’d have to confront that if other people’s feelings are important then his are as well. And that everything his parents taught him was wrong, therefore he is wrong. And as I said, he always has to be right. Because so much of his self worth is tied to his intelligence. Oh. That’s why I relate to him… okay im gonna stop before I have anymore revelations.
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nitpickrider · 1 year
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If you thought there was any chance in hell of the Titans laying down and rolling over.
Then you really have forgotten everything you ever learned, Cassie.
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leviismybby · 9 months
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Happy Birthday to the most handsome man in all of anime! 🤍
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