#tmnt gruell
gatorkid509 · 1 year
(I don't think Gruell, the other All Stars, and that one mailman Triceraton will get any votes, but it would be a surprise if they do. I will question why anyone would like Gruell since he's a a**hole, though)
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tamachan221 · 5 years
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A collab of little Kimmy moments in the Turtles in Space arc (one of my personal favorite arcs) I might do another one after this...since I'm starting this arc in my fanfic ouo - It's Ninja Time! Starting on the top left, Kimiko is sneaking through D'Hoonib in a stuffy, hooded robe that is much bigger than she is. That, and feeling the fabric scratching against her plastron and shell is very uncomfortable. Going to the bottom left, in the bar, Kimmy had yeet a broken Federation gun at the head of one of the Federation men, while shouting "UTINNI!" at the man as he went down. 2003 Kimiko is a Star Wars nerd, so along with being stressed and pressured by the fact that they're not on Earth, she is a tiny bit excited to know that other galaxies and aliens exist. Utinni is the line said by the Jawas in Star Wars - Then, on the bottom right after getting captured by Triceratons and stripped of her weapons and gear. The Triceratons have the Fugitoid/Professor Honeycutt, who is the turtles' only way of ever getting home and helping Master Splinter. Of course she is still very much under pressure and stress, even more so when they may never be able to go back to New York as they are imprisoned by the aliens. Very first day she's captured, a prisoner pokes fun at her, and Kimmy just kinda 'snaps' after a foul comment is made and proceeds to beat the daylights out of the bully (a Kalmarian too owo) until either one of the turtles, Mikey probably, or one the Guards takes action. But this results the Little Turtle into a one way ticket to The Games (or just goes straight the Tri-Sports Gladiator prison idk yet...).
Top right, she is stuck in Gruell's Gladiator Prison, with her ankles now having cuffs for bad behavior. Next to it, a little later, when the guards aren't nearby, she breaks down as Leonardo comforts her >w<
  TMNT 2003, Leonardo- Kevin Eastman, Mirage
Art, Kimiko, Kalmarian- TamaChan221
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gatorkid509 · 7 months
22/23/24/25? :)
22. Show us a picture of one of your TMNT OCs (if you have one)
Besides the 5 I've shown before ( Jaymie, Louroi, Hitoshi, Maxx, and Mickito) I actually do have more, but I think it's best to save them for the future since a lot of them are spoilers for the story I have for them.
I can show you one of them, though!
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Meet Gnull, Gruell's son who hates his dad and vice versa. He's also Maxx's cousin via Gnull's mom and Maxx's late grandmother being sisters( I know. Confusing. But I will be making a family tree chart for Maxx's family)
23. Show us a picture of your TMNT AU (if you have one)
I unfortunately don't have any pictures to show you guys for my quote on quote " AU" if you want to call a 10-year time skip with new characters working with the Turtles old villains and forming a found family an AU. I just basically call it " A Time Skip where the Villains are the Stars".
24. Show us your most recently updated TMNT fic (if you have one)
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Okay, but in all honesty, I do technically have 1 that's published, but I've since pretty much abandoned it. And like any fanfic writer, I have a TON of WIPs and basically zero effort into actually finishing them, which sucks since I do have a lot of great ideas for fics inspired by the various TMNT villains.
25. Show us what your reaction would be if you met the TMNT
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