#to answer your next question: garmadon did
penofwildfire · 1 year
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Aight, finally decided to share my Survivalshipping fankid!!
Her name is Laurel Folson and I love her ♥️
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galaxybooper · 7 months
The legend, the greatest of all time, Vincent Tong has answered three questions. After being granted permission, I happily yeet this post into the fandom. I want to note that the questions and answers are copied directly from the Cameo DM. There is no rewording. The more personalized question is hidden below for those who are not interested. Enjoy!
Question: "My first question is what do you think Kai would wear when he's not in his ninja gi? I know during the show we have some outfits Kai wears but as the voice actor, I wanted to ask what is your take on Kai's fashion style?"
Answer: "That’s a good question. Since Kai fancies himself as a ladies man, he is very aware when he’s out and about town. I can see him being very colour coordinated, in red of course, in case anyone isn’t aware he’s the elemental master of Fire 🔥 For casual wear he would rock a red tracksuit with with a sleeveless hoodie, to show off his muscles of course. And if he was to dress up a bit, I could see him wearing a sparkle red suit that would change colour if heated it up by his fire powers!"
Question: "My next question is about the scar on his right eye. My apologies if you have already answered this question before during a Q&A but I am curious. Do you have any takes on how Kai got that scar or why he has that bandage too? Is it another scar? And did Kai always have this scar or did something happen before the events of the Sons of Garmadon season that caused the scars?"
Answer: "My answer to this is kinda lame, cause I actually was never told the origins of the scar. I think it was a design decision to make Kai stand out. But if I had to create a story: He was going pee in the middle of the night and hit head on the bunk bed Nya and him shared as kids. But he would never admit that to anyone. He’d say he got it from defending a poor street dog from other giant bully streets dogs. Kai walked away with a scar but those street dogs walked away with greatest lesson of all: You play with Fi-yah, you’re gonna get burned 🔥🔥"
Question: "My last question right now for you is this. You mentioned before Ariel was your first crush as a kid. If Kai ever met Ariel, what would that interaction look like? What would Kai think of Ariel?"
Answer: "Oooo good question! Well Kai would right away blush so hard seeing Ariel. His hair might even catch fire a bit, cause she’s so pretty! And she would point out that both their hair is red🔥🤭 He would use a cheesy line like ‘Whoa are those fins, cause you’ve been swimming around my mind all day!’ Ariel can’t talk cuz of that mean sea witch, but she would giggle silently at Kai trying so hard to be cool! I think they would prob hang out eating ice cream to help him cool off. He would try to make Ariel laugh and anything she did would just make him blush more ☺️ I think they would make a great pair! 💕💕🧜‍♀️🔥"
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justtwotired · 11 months
Whispers of the night-Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
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Hi, this will become a new series, I’ve never done a series on Tumbler, only Wattpad and AO3, but I’ll probably add some of those series on her aswell, not the long ones, though.
I’ll add this series to both those platforms somewhere this month, but I’ll probably change the name cuz I don’t like this one that much.
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Summary: y/n is your typical rebelling teen, sneaking out, ignoring her parent requests, stealing snacks from shops, skipping school. People who are like her, people with powers, normally do good, like the ninja, she likes to live a quite, but not so quite life.
Like that, she ignores the power she holds, she holds the power of illusion, she does not keep it a secret form her friends, though doesn’t like to talk about it much with people outside her friend group.
Her power isn’t unknown, so, of course, she did get an invitation to the tournament of elements, but she never attended, having promised herself she would live a quite, normal, teenager life.
That changes when a certain green ninja enters her life.
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“Yes! Perfect, Millie!” Y/n clapped as the friend group cheered. The eight of them spent most of their free time in the skate park in Ninjago city.
It only had a pole, bank, pit and a halfpipe (which they where currently sitting on) but it would do, if they needed more like a stair railing, they’d go to other parts of the city.
Amelia landed on Y/n’s right side with a cocky smirk. Next to her sat Anthony while Luna stood behind them.
It was a sunny Wednesday, one of the last sunny days they where expecting, as it was late September.
“Alright, now copy that.” Amelia patted Y/n on the back and the girl got up, “I’ll destroy you, Cooper.” She said with slightly narrowed eyes and a smirk.
She picked up her skateboard, the bottom decorated with small doodles she made herself, but also some made by her friends, names included.
“Want me to film you?” Flora called from the other side of the halfpipe. “Sure!” Y/n called back, getting into position.
When she got the thumbs up from Flora, she shifted her weight and took off, getting cheered on by the others while Amelia jokingly yelled “boo!”
The six Ninja had the afternoon for themselves, having trained in the morning and decided on spending some time in the local park.
They walked past the skatepark and Lloyd looked over to see what the people there where up to. There was a girl with h/c hair soaring on her skateboard while being cheered on.
She was really beautiful.
“What ya looking at?” Kai looked at the direction Lloyd was looking at and smirked. “Watching the pretty skate girls?” He teased making Lloyds cheeks slightly heat up before protesting, making the others laugh.
“Good enough for you?” Y/n cocked a brow at Amelia who grinned. “More then enough.” She said. Flora, Arthur and Charlie, who had been on the other side, climbed onto their side.
“Who’s getting drinks?” Y/n heard Charlie ask, she had registered what he said to late, and when she looked up, everyone had a finger on their nose.
“Fine,” she grumbled, making the others chuckle. She wrote down what everyone wanted and waved before heading to the food and drink stall not far away.
When she arrived there she smiled at the boy with blonde hair that stood there, seeming to wait for his order.
He smiled back and she heard chuckling behind them. He turned around and shot his friends who stood not far away a glare.
“Good afternoon, how may I help you?” The teenager behind the register asked and Y/n smiled kindly.
“Hello,” she greeted. “Could I please have two cokes, a strawberry shake, one lemonade, one ice-tea, two passion fruit shakes and a ginger beer?” She asked and the girl nodded with a polite smile.
“Was that all?” She questioned. “Yes, that was it.” She answered and pulled out her card. “That would be eighteen fourth five,”
Y/n payed for the drinks and waited next to the boy who was tapping his foot on the ground a bit impatiently.
She couldn’t help but notice how cute he was. Blonde hair that was shining in the sun, light freckles on his face, bright green eyes and she couldn’t help but see he worked out daily.
Feeling he stare, he looked at her and smiled kindly, making her quickly look the other way.
He was then handed his drinks, and walked of after giving her a polite nod.
When she received her drinks aswel, she walked back to her friends who excitedly ran over and all took their own drinks.
Lloyd handed everyone their drinks and they smirked at him. “What?” He asked, taking his own drink in his hands.
“She was totally checking you out man!” Cole said, pushing Lloyds shoulder slightly, and if it wouldn’t have been for his own super strength, he would’ve fallen over.
“Who was?” He asked confused, making the others exchange baffled glances. “That pretty skater girl, obviously.” Kai rolled his eyes.
“No she was not!” Lloyd pointed out and Nya sighed. “Lloyd, I think it’s time we get your eyes checked.” She said disappointedly, making the others laugh.
“But come on dude, you can’t tell me she isn’t pretty, right?” Kai poked Lloyds arm making the green ninja chuckle. “She is, really pretty indeed.” He admitted.
The group had decided to make their way to James’ house as he had a huge backyard. Still sipping on their drinks, they walked to the entrance to the park.
Well, except for Luna, who was standing on her skateboard while holding onto Arthur, casually looking at her phone while being pulled forwards.
“Hey, is that the guy from the stand?” Amelia suddenly pointed to a group of friends who where standing in the shadow of a tree.
Amongst them indeed the boy Y/n had stood next to and mentioned to her friends.
Embarrassed, she quickly pulled her friends arm down as three of the boys looked their way, Amelia being rather loud.
“Millie!” Y/n hissed making her friends laugh.
“Hey, wait!” They turned to someone approaching them. “Hello?” Anthony raised an eyebrow at the guy standing in front of them.
“Hi,” he pointed his attention to Y/n, “I’m Kai and my friend over there,” he pointed at the blonde boy from earlier who looked mortified. “He thinks you’re really pretty and wants your number.” He said and Y/n gave an amused smirk while Flora and Amelia giggled.
Y/n tilted her head to the side to look at the blond boy who seemed to be scolding one of his friends with black hair.
“Sure, why not?” She smiled and looked over at Charles.
“Charlie, can I have the sticky notes and a pen?” She asked and he smirked and handed them over.
She wrote her number down and her name right under it. “Here, give that to your handsome friend.” She winked as she gave it before Kai thanked her and took off again.
“Damn N/n, you just got yourself boyfriend.” Luna teased with a smirk making Y/n give her a look. “It’s just a number, Lu.” She said, making her friends protest.
“Why did you have to dare him to do that?” Lloyd pointed an accusing finger at Cole who could only laugh.
Kai had jogged back over and everyone looked at him expecting and he gave Lloyd the sticky note with her name and number.
“Y/n, huh?” He read with a small smirk, having not expected to actually get her number.
“Mhm, and, her words where ‘give that to your handsome friend’ so I think you just got yourself a maybe girlfriend.” Kai said and Lloyd knew at that moment he was in for a lot of teasing for the rest of the day.
“I’m home!” Y/n closed the door behind her and walked into her house. It was almost 10 so she was surprised to see her little brother still on the couch.
She walked past and pushed the hood of his hoody over his head and he let out an angry yelp.
“Mooomm, Y/n’s bullying me!” He called out and their mother poked her head out of the kitchen. “Y/n?” She gave her eldest daughter a look making her smirk.
“Why’s he still up?” She entered the kitchen, taking an apple out of the fruit basket. “He’s free from school tomorrow so I allowed him to stay up late tonight.” Her mother said, rolling out dough to make cookies while Y/n took a bite of her apple.
“He’s literally six,” she swallowed her apple. “You didn’t allow me to stay up this late when I was that age.” She said
“Well this is different… kind of, but it’s just one time, I hope it won’t get to his head.” Her mother shook her head making Y/n chuckle.
“If it does it’s a you problem,” she threw the remains of her apple away and snatched her phone form the table.
“I’m heading out around 12, Charlie, Luna, Millie and I are going for a movie and then we’ll see what we’re going to do,” she looked at her phone.
“Hold up young lady, while that sounds fun, there has been a lot going on around the city again, I don’t want you going out at night.” He mother said making her groan.
“Come on mom, nothings going to happen, the ninja and police can handle it, it’s not that big of a threat anyway.” She waved it off. “Y/n!” Her mother said sternly and she groaned.
“Fine.” She left the kitchen and headed up the stairs with a scowl.
The ding of her phone made her look back at her screen.
Unknown number huh?
Hi, I wanted to apologise for my friends earlier today.
It’s me from the park btw.
Oh hi!
No that’s completely fine, I thought it was pretty funny.
Thanks for the complement btw ;)
Always happy to complement pretty girls :)
She couldn’t help but blush before quickly composing herself and sending a text back.
Always happy to receive complements from handsome guys.
Who I don’t know the name of btw
What’s your name?😅
Lmao, it’s Lloyd, and I supposed yours is Y/n?
That would be me!
The two texted for a while, and when she looked at the time she couldn’t believe an hour had already passed.
Oh damn, I really need to go, but I’d like to hang out some time
Timing, I need to go to, actually.
Sounds fun btw, text me a date and time, I’ll be there ;)
She chuckled and changed her chat.
The abusment park
We still up for the movies?
Piss off Jamie, you weren’t coming in the first place
King Charles👑
I am so sorry, my mother is being a pain :(
Just sneak out
Problem solved
Y/n you better sneak out or I’ll sneak in and drag you out.
Damn ya don’t need to threaten me.
My mom just laid down, I suppose I could sneak out in ten
King Charles👑
See you there then
You better show up🫵🏻
After ten minutes, Y/n could hear her mother softly snoring in her room and she could still hear the tv downstairs, hoping that was enough distraction for her snitching little brother.
She opened her window softly and sat on the window sill. She took en deep breath and jumped down, landing on the grass in their front yard.
She grabbed the broom that stood agains the wall of the house and used it to push her window closed.
That’ll do.
The abusement park
Be there in twenty
King Charles👑
You better be
We will come for you👹
Y/n chuckled and grabbed her skateboard before making her way to the city centrum.
She put in her headphones and blasted music, making the noice of her surroundings disappear into the background.
At arrival, she smirks at her friends who get up at the sight of her.
“N/n!” Amelia cheers as she pulls her into an excited hug. “So Lu just checked on her phone, and there are four seats free in some sort of horror movie, so if we sneak in, we can watch it no problem.” She explains.
“Sure yeah, I can fix that.” Y/n grins, and with a snap of her fingers, they disappeared to the crowds eye.
“Holy shit what happened?” Charlie says panicked. “Illusions Charlie!” Luna hit his shoulder. “Oh, right.”
After four years, Charlie still can’t get used to Y/n having these powers, so whenever she uses them, he believes in the illusion making him see them.
If one does belief the illusion is really there and not an illusion, they just see what Y/n wants them to see, but if they realise what she’s doing, the illusion disappears for their eyes.
“Let’s go then, and uh, stay silent.” She says and her friends follow her, making sure to not walk into someone.
They got into the theater easily, it was still quite empty so when they sat, y/n could change them back and they snickered.
When the movie ended, they snuck out again.
“I can’t believe you actually got scared!” Y/n and Luna where laughing while Amelia cursed at them. She had screamed multiple times. Charlie just followed them with an amused grin.
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shadowpeachceo · 8 months
Ninjago incorrect quotes Garmadad
Lloyd: What are you doing here?
Emperor Garmadon: I could ask you the same question.
Lloyd: I live here. This is my house.
Emperor Garmadon: I should probably ask you a different question.
Lord Garmadon: I’m going to hell.
Lloyd: Probably.
Lord Garmadon: I'll pick you up?
Lloyd: *nodding* Carpool.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Sensei Garmadon: *types in Lloyd*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Sensei Garmadon: How fucking DARE YOU-
Emperor Garmadon: Quick! You must come with me! Your in great danger!
Lloyd: Why?!
Emperor Garmadon: Because I’ll kill you if you don’t.
Lil Lloyd: Help! I’m drowning!
Lord Garmadon: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water!
Lil Lloyd: But that’s censorship.
Lord Garmadon: Well done. You are correct. You’re being censored. Now go.
Sensei Garmadon: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Lloyd: Which one? I can't do both.
Emporer Garmadon: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this.
Lloyd: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!
Lil Lloyd: Honestly, I am so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living I strike fear into-
Lord Garmadon: You sleep with a teddybear.
Lord Garmadon: I love cooking breakfast. It makes the whole house smell like bacon.
Lil Lloyd: That’s true, but it also smells like fire and panic.
Lord Garmadon: You and the smoke detector need to get off my case.
Lloyd in season 4: *About to do something incredibly stupid*
Sensei Garmadon: I know I can't stop you, but I won't let you go by yourself.
Lil Lloyd: Hand me the people opener.
Lord Garmadon: ...
Lord Garmadon: Pardon?
Lil Lloyd, annoyed: The g! Just hand it to me!
Lord Garmadon, stressed: WHAT THE FUCK IS A PEOPLE OPENER?
Lil Lloyd: How do you not know what a people opener is? Its pointy- you know? With a handle?
Lord Garmadon: Knife. It's called a knife.
*Lord Garmadon raised Lloyd Au*
Lil Lloyd: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Lord Garmadon: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Lloyd: *Kicks the door open, looking panicked*
Lord Garmadon: What did you do?!
Lloyd: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up.
Garmadon: Oh no.
Lloyd: More like "oh yes!"
Lloyd: Might I make a suggestion you possibly won’t like?
Sensei Garmadon: Do you make any other kind?
Season 3 Garmadon: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated!
Season 11 Lloyd: Killed without hesitation.
Emperor Garmadon: If we lose, you'll go back to not being my son.
Lloyd: I was your son again?
Movie Garmadon: *dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Remember when I said I’d tell you when we’re in too deep?
Movie Lloyd: Yes?
Movie Garmadon: We’re in too deep.
Sensei Garmadon: How has life been treating you lately?
Movie Lloyd: Horribly.
Movie Garmadon: What do you call a dictionary on drugs?
Show Lloyd: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you.
Movie Garmadon: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better.
Movie and show Lloyd: ...
*movieverse At the police station*
Movie Lloyd: Hi, I’m here for Lord Garmadon.
Police officer: Who’s Garmadon?
movie Lloyd: Ah, you must be new.
Sensei Garmadon: How are you today?
Oni Lloyd: Please don’t make me think about my life.
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dandelion-blues · 6 months
#3 What if...
Garmadon becomes aware that Misako abandoned Lloyd when he was still at Darkly's?
Lloyd knew from a young age that he wasn’t normal. That glowing red eyes and long, sharp canines were inhuman, but they also brought him close to his father.
After all, it was the skulkins that worked at Darkly’s School for Bad Boys that told him (well in not so quiet whispers he happened to overhear) that they thought Lord Garmadon was looking at them when Lloyd peered at them with his red eyes. However, that’s where much the similarities ended, for no evil warlord was a short eight year old boy with a bowl-cut. However much he tried to imitate his father from the terrified rumors he heard of him, he always fell short. He couldn’t be an evil genius, or a merciless warrior, or a cruel warlord because he was too good, but what could they know? He was going to rule by his father’s side and they would bow before him someday.
“Muwahahahaha,” Lloyd laughs evilly.
‘Then, the other students and teachers would fear me for my power and respect me as my father’s son. They would stop calling me a monster, or else they would pay!’ Lloyd thinks practicing his evil laugh some more.
‘But then if I hurt others would I finally be a monster on the inside too if I did that?’ Lloyd thinks. ‘No, thinking of others is bad! That’s how I failed my Bad Ethics 101 class!’
‘Ugh, that’s not important, what’s important is delivering this letter, no message, to my dad.’
Lloyd scrambles down the hallway quickly trying to avoid the other students, lest he’ll be on the bad end of a vicious prank. Lloyd had burning questions, no missives, he needed answered! Missives he hoped would get answered on this letter:
Dear Lord Garmadon,
This is Lloyd Garmadon your son and future right hand man to your dark empire! I was just wondr wand thinking if I could skip school and come work with you now. Now I no I am only 8, but I have a lot of pott potanc potencial, and would love like to start working with you!
Oh and I have your red eyes! And fangs! Does your skin ever feel really itchy too? Like your um too big or is it too small? I don’t now but I think you get it, cause you now every thing.
But if you no every thing why didn't you ever come see me?
I’m sure whoever my mom is left me here so I could work with you when I gradate, but I want to start now and I am ready. I was left here at 3 so I had lots more time to learn and prak practa practice being evil than the others. So please please let me work with you!
Love From Lloyd Garmadon,
Son of the Super Evil Lord Garmadon
and Future Dark Ruler
Lloyd spent the whole day in the library perfecting his letter. He wanted it to be perfect. Thankfully, he knew how to read and spell somewhat well, but the teachers never thought learning how to read or write beyond the minimum was that important.
But Lloyd finished his letter, and it was finally ready to be delivered to his dad. He just hoped that his dad would answer, and even better if he could get out of this school and work with his father!
Lloyd clutched the letter carefully as if it was his most prized possession, and hurried to the mailroom. After all, even evil kids have parents and guardians and need a way of sending things to and from the school.
The letter has grammar and spelling mistakes on purpose, but I felt it necessary to include, as I feel that Lloyd hasn’t had the most well-rounded education, not to mention that I sure didn’t spell too well when I was 8 either.
Needless to say, this letter does reach Garmadon, and he is furious with Misako. He will do whatever it takes to take care of his son since apparently no one else will!
First - Previous - Next "What if...?"
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kazukazuhas · 1 year
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 💌 ꒱ old friends, lloyd garmadon.┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 💌 ꒱ act one ;; special scene┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
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୧ ⎯⎯ WARNINGS ;; profanity ;; more affectionate slander (ily lloyd) ;; idk what the plot is here—
  ୧ ⎯⎯ NOTES ;; pointless thing i'm doing for the other characters, this happens after scene 1 and before scene 2. and yes, it's short, i'm sorry about that! ALSO THIS IS BASED OF A TRUE STORY 😭
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"and–" lloyd's continuing on with his story, with an obvious patch up or two and a loophole or several to the story to hide the some underlying details about the whole ordeal —whatever said ordeal was. but no one blamed lloyd, not when if he kept true to the tale, he would have revealed the identities of the secret ninja force as the people in the room minus the samurai and whatever skylor was.
jay wondered to himself, did you know about skylor's element? since you came from her mother's side, there was a chance you too had the element amber in your blood, but it had gone to her instead. he internal sighed tiredly, elements and bloodlines never made sense. then again, their fates didn't either. he moved, leaning forward to place his can of some drink on the table; he didn't quite bother familiarizing himself with the name when skylor's fridge kept changing every other day.
it'd be a good month before the monastery was finally fixed up and they'd get to move back into their own home. right now, the house kai (by miracle considering their reputations were tainted by greenie's name and unfortunate circumstances lloyd had as a garmadon) wasn't just home. nya and pixal offered to ask skylor if they could stay and fortunately the amber master didn't mind having the samurai and ex-samurai as roommates as long as she had one room left to spare for her cousin. jay was curious why at the time and now, it seemed surreal to finally met her long-awaited cousin.
oh well, at least lloyd had a friend outside his uncle's students.
you asked a question, someone answered and jay laughed at the response. it was good, life was good. he made his own comment to cole's answer back to you. skylor stood behind nya and jay, aiming a can of something and throwing it at lloyd, who swiftly caught it even if he wasn't quite paying attention. "thanks sky!" he half laughed back while she nodded back, sipping some of her own drink. she sure did love canned drinks..?
lloyd placed the can of what jay figured was monster, boy did he have a problem with monster, on the table, close to zane. he hadn't opened it yet, preoccupied with defending his pride against cole and kai's persistent teasing, the poor boy's face was burning red at the fact they were pulling all the stops while in front of his friend. nya was even also ever casually dropped an embarrassing memory or two before quietly sitting back and laughing at her brother trying so hard not to shutter.
zane, enjoying the friendly fire on lloyd and his adorably easy to flusher-ness, grabbed the wrong can —lloyd's monster and not his own something. and by utter surprise, his hand was soaked with sugary liquid and the room startled into confused silence. he looked down at his hands, looking at the half busted can of the energy drink and the puddle on the table and floor.
the kids (lloyd and [name]) scooted away from the sudden burst of the can, both cleared were terrified by the surprised with the latter using the former as a shield. jay and kai both half screamed, and their significant others both stared at sound with shocked eyes. pixal herself stepped back into the room after walking away for a moment, completely expectant that her beloved would do something like that, sighing as she went with skylor to help her clean up the mess.
"that was.. unexpected," he quietly stared, examining his hand and dropping the can's pieces into the bin —bought to him by skylor— and stepping out of the room to clean himself. when he stepped back inside the room, he softly smiled, albeit guilty. "sorry lloyd," he quietly apologized to him.
"no stress but.. how did it?" lloyd wondered, staring accusingly at the other cans.
"cans are weak as fuck nowadays man—" [name] stated, almost disappointedly before leaning forward to pick some of the things up and off the table to let pixal wipe the surface of it.
zane nodded, barely registering his friends half dying on the other side from the random can destroying that happened. he caught pixal and lloyd half chuckling to themselves before skylor handed lloyd a second can; this time, zane didn't touch the can in fear he might destroy it.
"behold–!" jay begins half dying from laughter, "zane! the can destroyer–!" the three of them doubled over in laughter. nya smacked her boyfriend on the head before finally succumbing to her own amusement. zane chuckled slightly embarrassed.
"no more cans for you." pixal promptly walks off after all the cleaning (shared between herself, lloyd, [name], zane himself and skylor) was done to do the thing she was originally going to do.
he laughed slightly, pulling her back to press a quick kiss to her temple. "understood, love."
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  ୧ ⎯⎯ TAGLIST ;; @spoopy-fish-writes // @spoops-inliyue ;; @decaffeinatedcloudkryptonite // @shaantiofher ;; @sunangelstears ;; @comicbookweirdo ;; @cl0udyw4ter ;; @chamille-trash ;; @candy884422 ;; @rossivette ;; @veiyx // [pm/send in an ask to join]
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 💌 ꒱ kazukazuhas copr. 2023 darling┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
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criolla-star · 3 months
Overwhelmed(Vinny x Garmadon)part 48
(I suggest you check out parts 1-47 if you haven't already)
Nya walked in and Vinny closed the door, "What's going on?" the water ninja asked instantly as the cameraman turned his attention to her. "W-what do you mean?" Vinny asked causing Nya to give him an annoyed look, "Between you and Garmadon? what's going on you two seem? Distant...Lloyd told me about a few things" she said.
Vinny looked away nervously, he didn't want to talk about this at all, "Nothing happened between us" The cameraman lied causing Nya to let out a sigh, "I'm not dumb I know when there's issues in a relationship, I'm with Jay and we fight then we don't talk to each other" The water ninja said as she tried her best to receive a truthful answer the cameraman. "I swear nothing happened between us and even if something did it probably wouldn't last long" Vinny protested against her claims even though he knew she was right.
"Well whatever happened is also affecting your appearance, you look like you haven't slept in days and don't think I haven't noticed that bandage on your arm" Nya replied her voice full of concern. The cameraman looked away nervously, he ended up looking at the corner where Rida most likely standing he didn't know why, he just felt like Rida was standing there watching. "Nothing happened..." Vinny responded as he tried to convince Nya.
The water ninja let out a sigh, "Whatever's happening you can tell me when you're ready, but please...don't get into a fight with Garmadon again" Nya said causing Vinnys' eyes to widen, "H-how do you...?" The cameraman stuttered out before being cut off, "I may have overheard you two" The water ninja said, "And he has a point" she added as he she looked at Vinny clearly hesitant with what she was saying. "I...j-just go please..." The cameraman spoke out his voice small and full of different emotions.
"Alright...just know you can talk to me.." Nya said out in defeat she clearly knew she wasn't going to get anywhere if this evolved into a fight. The water ninja walked out of the room closing the door behind her. "Fucking hell..." Vinny groaned out as he rested his head against the bed, the last thing he would, he flinched as he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned his attention to it and saw Rida, now visible, looking at him. "I take it she didn't escalate the situation?" The orange eyed man spoke calmly.
"Thankfully she didn't...I doubt I'd be able to take another fight with someone" The cameraman responded as he shoved his head back into the bed. "With your permission may I ask a bit of a...personal question?" Rida asked softly as he sat down next to Vinny who hesitantly nodded, "I've been wondering...why do you feel the need to keep this a secret from them? They've been through enough battles to know how to deal with it" The orange eyed man asked as he looked at Vinny with intent in his eyes.
The cameraman was quiet for a moment as he looked at Rida, "I-I don't know...they've been through so much already...I just feel like I-I need to protect them do whatever I can to keep them s-safe..." Vinny stuttered out as he looked at the ground. "Why must you protect them? You don't have any experience with battle" The orange eyed man spoke out causing the cameraman to go deep into thought.
"T-they have much more important things to deal with than what's impacting me...it's my fault I'm falling for Enjis' tricks and I have a weak mind" Vinny said as he looked back up at Rida, "You don't really have a weak mind you've managed to tell the difference between reality and illusions" The orange eyed man spoke in a calm tone trying to make the cameraman feel better. "I...guess that's true" Vinny replied.
"Changing the subject I was wondering if I could join you tomorrow, when you go out" Rida asked clearly changing the subject to make Vinny feel better, "I...I mean sure you are nice company" The cameraman replied with a soft smile on his face, "Thank you I don't have much to do since Enji's doing a few things for me" Rida said.
Vinny was honestly really happy Enji was busy, he literally caused him so much problems and it was annoying. The two began talking for a while mainly about random things.
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dreamweave01 · 24 days
Just found your blog today, first off your art is adorable and I love your style, second off I am so intrigued by your AU TELL US EVERYTHING YOU CAN (that isn’t spoilers except I want the spoilers so bad like WHAT WAS THE INCIDENT—)
Is Garmadon still in the underworld? Does the Golden Order have the Golden Weapons? How did they yoink the OG4 from their parents? Did they know Nya was the Water EM and ignore her in favour of Kai because Water isn’t a Core Four element of Creation, or did they not know?
Thank you so much! That is so flattering!! ^///^
The events of this au are pretty different from the show's timeline, so to answer the question, no. Not anymore. However, Garmadon is currently in the Dark Realm.
The Golden Order does not have the Golden Weapons, as doing so would have attracted way too much attention. Taking the four had already been a very risky endeavor for their secrecy as it was.
When it comes to the how the boys were taken, I can't share any information. (It's a surprise :D)
I'm still deciding whether or not the Golden Order knew about Nya, but I'm kind of leaning towards them having no idea, as they were much more focused on the core four in their research to find the next generation. Yes, water is friggin powerful. No, it is not a core element, therefore not important to their end goal.
Guys, I love answering things like this so much, this is literally the most excited I've ever been in writing stories ever.
So please send asks!!
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legorumii · 2 years
" I don't wanna tell you
But if I did that would be useful. "
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╰╮Fixing It , Lord Garmadon x GN Reader.
disclaimer(s) ; Sh mention, comfort, garmadon comforts the reader after finding out they self-harmed.
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You don't know how you got into this situation. One minute you have a knife In your hand, ready to cut again and the next thing you know you're sitting on the floor with Garmadon by your side. Staring at your arm. He continued to stare at it, you shifted uncomfortably in the awkward silence until he spoke, voice low and quiet, "What happened? Who did this?" You glanced at him from under your hair. His face was expressionless, like always, his eyes locked on your arm. You didn't answer for several moments, trying to find the words, and then you broke down.
You started to cry. His eyes left your arm to look at your face. You kept crying as you talked, words spilling out of you as if they had a life of their own and not some kind of filter. "I decided to cut…I couldn't-" You choked out another sob. Garmadon's eyebrows furrowed in worry.
"I couldn't stop myself." That was all you could get out before you dissolved back into tears again. You were so tired, you didn't know what you wanted to do with your life anymore. You wanted this to end. You heard the male huff besides you, "Stay here." He muttered. And with that he stood up, leaving you alone. Alone in a dark room with no one but yourself for company. It felt like ages until he came back with a med kit in hand. He sat back down besides you and placed the kit beside him. You watched silently as he opened the kit.
He grabbed some gauze and disinfectant, and without further discussion, he began cleaning the blood off your arm. His hands were warm and gentle but still managed to work efficiently without hesitation.
He cleaned your cuts carefully and meticulously, and after he finished he gently pressed bandages over them. He gave you an odd glance when you looked down. You hadn't realized you had been clutching onto your arm. He seemed to think nothing of it and instead took the chance to ask a question. "Why would you do something like that?" Your eyes widened and you looked away, not meeting his piercing gaze. "Because I just think I deserved it-" Your words were interrupted by him grabbing your shoulder firmly and turning you so you were facing him again. He looked at you like you were crazy. "How can you be so sure you deserve that, (Y/N)? Tell me."
His tone was demanding, yet gentle at the same time. You flinched under the intensity of his gaze.
He seemed to sense that because he softened his grip slightly, leaning more into his commanding manner, and let go of your shoulder. "You don't deserve that, so don't ever tell yourself that." He said seriously. His tone was firm but there was a hint of concern underlying it. You felt like your heart skipped a beat. Was it real concern? You weren’t really good at reading people. "That was selfish and stupid." The man scolded you softly. His voice was soft, caring even, and you relaxed almost imperceptibly. You knew he wasn't going to tell anyone about this. Garmadon was loyal to a fault. He'd probably take this secret to the grave.
“Do you feel better now?” He asked, his red eyes studying your face intently. You nodded hesitantly, feeling embarrassed and ashamed, but you supposed that he wasn’t going to press. “Good.” You blinked and he turned back to packing the kit up. “Now, let's get some dinner. Shall we?" Garmadon stood up and offered his hand to you. You accepted it gingerly and he pulled you up as well. You both stared at each other for a moment, then you spoke. "Thank you, Garmadon." You whispered, looking at him with sincere gratitude shining in your eyes. He smiled and held you tighter for a moment. When he let go of you, he walked forward briskly towards the exit.
“Come, we’ve wasted enough time here. Let’s eat."
" While you're crying in your bedroom.
I would do the same too. And I have. "
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all content belongs to @legorumii do not repost or translate on any writing website!
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strangermask · 3 years
Golden Connection
Fire and Earth Dance
Zane and Kai somehow swapped elements, but no one knows how they did it. Kai was once again the master of earth while Zane was the master of lightning. “Why can’t we just have our elements back?” Jay groaned.
“It’s not that bad, Jay,” Cole comforted. “We’re doing good with this so far.”
“I would rather be the master of lightning than any other element.”
“At least you guys won’t get hot or cold,” Kai said. “I am done with getting cold every time it’s windy.”
The four continued to talk about the element swap until Wu walked in.
“Garmadon is close to the city,” Wu stated. “He might be after you all since you all have become the golden weapons, so I have made a plan.”
The boys looked at Wu.
“You will all have to be moving from place to place until we have a secure location. Cole, your father has volunteered to let you all stay for a week.”
“You brought my dad into this?” Cole asked, a bit angered.
“I didn’t mean to, but he called the moment I was finding a place. He is alright with you all staying with him.”
Nya walked in the room, telling everyone they’re at their destination. The four started packing for the stay. Kai said goodbye to Nya and Lloyd before leaving. Cole, Jay, Zane, and Kai got off the bounty and made their way to Lou’s house.
As they went up to Cole’s old house once again, Cole knocked on the door. Lou answered.
“Hello boys,” Lou smiled. “Welcome back.”
“Dad, you and I have to talk,” Cole said.
The four entered the house.
“How about we discuss it while we make dinner?”
“Actually, Mr. Brookstone,” Jay cut in, “Zane and I can help with cooking dinner. You know, we each have other elements now.”
“Cole has fire, and it could burn the food.”
“Hey!” Cole said.
“Plus I’ve been wanting to learn to connect more with ice. And Zane is the master plus he’s an excellent cook.”
“Hmm,” Lou thought. “I don’t see why not.”
Cole glared at Jay.
“Why don’t Cole and I hang out while you guys cook dinner?” Kai suggested.
“If you want an empty room, I suggest the dancing studio,” Lou said. “Don’t wreck it if you plan on training.”
Kai dragged Cole away, and he led the two to the dancing room. They entered, and Kai looked at Cole.
“What?” Cole questioned.
“You are a grumpy man,” Kai said. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine. Just… Jay with his dumb mouth to avoid things.”
Kai put a hand on Cole’s shoulder. The two locked eyes, both turning a bit red.
“I have a weird question to ask,” Kai said.
“What is it?” Cole asked.
“Can… Can you teach me how to waltz? I know you don’t like dancing, but I thought that you would be the best person to ask.”
Cole’s mouth formed a smile. He grabbed Kai’s hands and positioned them.
“First off, your posture needs to be fixed up,” Cole teased.
“Hey!” Kai pouted.
“Now, follow my lead. It’s pretty easy when you start.”
Cole led Kai on doing the waltz. He kept looking down at the floor, making sure to not step on Cole’s feet.
Cole chuckled, “Eyes up here, Sparky.”
“Sorry,” Kai apologized, turning more red
The two continued to dance. Kai stepped on Cole’s foot a few times, but they both recovered. The nervousness eating at Kai soon turned to ease. Cole seemed to have that kind of charm. He always could do that.
Cole could say the same for Kai. When he’s relaxed, he shows more of himself. He’s like a bad boy who secretly bakes and takes care of kittens. It was nice to see that soft smile and those sweet eyes. Seeing Kai happy made Cole happy.
What happened next was a blur. The room became the night sky. Cole and Kai were still dancing, but they stopped. They looked each other in the eyes. They came closer to each other. And with that, the two shared a kiss.
After a few seconds, the two pulled away. Both boys just realized what happened and turned bright red.
“We just kissed,” Kai said.
“We did,” Cole said.
“Oh FSM, we kissed.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to kiss you!”
“No, no! You’re fine! I also kissed you…”
“How are you boys doing here?” Lou asked as he came in.
Kai and Cole jumped and turned to Lou.
“Are you boys alright? You seem pale and red.”
“We’re fine, Dad,” Cole answered quickly. “Just a bit tired and thirsty. Thirsty for cold water.”
Lou raised an eyebrow.
“O…kay,” Lou said. “Well, I can fetch some water for you both. I’ll be back soon.”
“Thanks. Also, please knock.”
Lou nodded and closed the door. Kai sat down on the floor. Cole sat down next to the blushing earth ninja.
“What happened?” Kai asked.
“I don’t know,” Cole answered. “I think there was a moment, and we just… touched lips.”
The two were silent for a moment.
“Did you like the kiss?” Cole asked.
“What?” Kai questioned.
“Yep, that was a dumb question.”
“No, no. It’s fine… I did actually like it.”
“You did?”
“Yeah… is that okay?”
“Yeah, it’s fine! I liked it too. That was supposed to stay inside my head.”
“… Can we kiss again?”
Kai nodded. Cole grabbed Kai’s face and kissed him. The two kissed a little longer until they heard a knock.
“I have water,” Lou said on the other side of the room.
“Come in!” Cole said, pulling away.
Lou came in with two cups of water.
“Dinner will be ready soon,” Lou informed. “Jay and Zane took longer to cook than I expected.”
“What happened?” Cole asked.
“Argued on what to cook.”
Kai tried to hold back a laugh.
“We’ll be there in a few minutes,” Cole said.
Lou nodded and left the room again. Kai and Cole looked at each other.
“So…,” Kai cleared his throat. “What does this mean now?”
“I think we’re dating now?” Cole guessed. “Do you want to be boyfriends?”
“… Yeah. That sounds nice. But can we keep it a secret for now? I don’t want the others to know yet.”
Cole smiled.
“Of course, sugarbee.”
Kai laughed, “Sugarbee?”
“What? It’s a cute nickname.”
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keity-devil · 3 years
Another one, I know. (Destinyshipping fic, spoil 'my not my never' child/teen @breathlessmorro.). But is more a fluff one. I think. Enjoy.
Powers, my love? - Part 1.
Morro and Kai have been in a relationship for a year and a few months already. They were happy with each other. The days together were amazing for them. Kai had met Morro for the first time because of Lloyd's help. They told everyone one day that his cousin was moving to town and he was excited about it. (Especially since they hadn't seen each other in years, Morro not knowing about the Garmadon family's problems until a few days after he came to town.) When he first saw him, he saw an emo and slightly shy boy, but with a tough personality, dreaded if you touched a blond hair of Lloyd's. Kai couldn't believe Morro was really Lloyd's cousin. They were so different from each other. Hair color skin, language, that's what he think until he find out it's actually adopted. They began to meet more often (because Lloyd wanted his best friend and cousin to get along), and the flame ignited. When Lloyd found out about Kai's relationship with Morro, he didn't expect his plan to have such a great result. He had agreed to their relationship, even pleased with it. Kai didn't expect that either, not to mention Morro who was confused at the beginning of their relationship, he thought it was all just a dream, a fiction, he didn't think anyone would love him and yet.. he found someone. They had kept this relationship a secret until they were quite comfortable with the idea of ​​the rest knowing about it.
But they both kept a secret from each other. Elemental Powers. Kai kept his firepower hidden from Morro, and Morro kept his windpower from Kai. They both kept it a secret, and to this day, everything has gone well with this secret concealment of power.
Kai opened his eyes slowly. The light coming from the sun came straight into his eyes. He turned his heavy head to the seat next to it. Morro slept soundly, a few strands of hair hanging down his slightly pale face. Kai turned completely to his lover, staring at him. He could feel the fire in him wanting to come out. It was hard to control himself not to create a heart of fire for his love every time he did something adorable or felt that he did not know how to show/express his love for him. But he couldn't do it. He risked his identity as a Fire Ninja, Red, Flame, he risked endangering both of them.. and he didn't want that.
Morro felt his dream slowly crumble, his eyes hard to open. When he opened them a little, he could already see a smile on someone face.
"Morning..." He said softly, feeling his throat dry.
"Morning mi corazón." Kai approached Morro's face, kissing his forehead softly.
Morro in response, approached him to warm up a little, maybe he will fell asleep. It seemed strange to him how Kai was much warmer at times, but when he asked him about it, he had received the answer that it was only because he is cold.
"Don't fall asleep again. You just woke up." He said with a smile.
Morro couldn't stop an innocent grin. "And what if I fall asleep again?~"
"I'll be forced to throw cold water at you to really wake up."
"Oh no, not at all. I'm sick of it. Do you want me to be sick?"
"Exactly. Just another five minutes..."
"Okay. Just five minutes." He had begun to stroke his thick, black hair.
Ninjas had to patrol the city every night. Just two. And tonight, Wu put Wind and Flame.
"Your serious now?" Wind said, rolling his eyes.
"This is the truth." Flame said, looking at the starry sky outside before he left.
"Why did Wu put me with you?" He said unfriendly.
"You say it like it's a bad thing."
"Maybe it is."
Flame said nothing more, wishing this patrol would end quickly so he could go home. He missed someone and thought of a good excuse for being late. The patrol went fast. Nothing new for the two of them. Wind and Flame were good at fighting, but in conversation and socializing, they needed work.
"Well, end of patrolling for tonight. It's late, I should run home quickly."
Wind looked at him. "Why? Parents, brother, sister?"
"Beloved boyfriend." He said calmly.
"Oh." He lowered his head. He didn't know why, but hearing him say that word, he had done it... "Mhm. Go then. Don't let him wait for you." He said in a tone with a little venom in it, disappearing from Kai's vision like the wind.
"What's with him? No, you know something Kai? It doesn't matter what's with him. I still wonder who's under the mask. Who could Wu trust to have these powers...?"
Morro arrived home first. The last conversation with Flame had left him in a bad mood. He wanted to make coffee, but that wouldn't calm him down, so he resorted to his father's method of tea. He went into the bedroom first, no sign of Kai. He could feel the bizarre state in him growing. He left a cold wind behind him, filling the room with a restless cold air.
Kai reached the front door of the apartment. He repeated his apology in his mind.
"Okay Kai. You can do it. Calm down, you know the words." He pressed the doorknob. When he entered, a strong mint smell struck him, with a cold wind as well. "Uh... tea?" He closed the door, rushed inside. At the kitchen table was the brunette, with a cup in his hand, frequently hitting it with his nails painted light blue and black. "Morro? Uh... are you okay?"
"Mhm.. Yes. Why? Problems? " Morro didn't want it to sound so harsh, but he was still on needles.
"Nope. None." He approached him, placing one of his hands on Morro's back. "¿Disgustado?"
"¡No entiendo cuál es SU problema!" Morro started. Not realizing what language he was in. "¡Incluso estaba tratando de tener una conversación normal con Él! Y comienza con eso y- ugh..!" He threw his head on the table, but he had hit the cup of tea with his forehead, overturned the cup, letting the mint liquid run down the tablecloth, which flowed slowly on the edge and on the floor. "Fuck this!!" He screamed, feeling like he was about to throw the cup against the wall. Instead, he picked it up, placing it violently on the table. He rose from his chair, taking a few steps that swirled in a circle walk, his fingers gripped by his disheveled, disheveled black hair.
Kai was just looking at him. Morro had rare moments like this. When he had the first one, it was from an old frustration that happens again. Then he managed to calm him down because he knew the reason, but now he didn't understand him.
"Hey, hey.. it's okay. It doesn't matter that you spilled it and stained the tablecloth. It can be washed. Calm down." Kai try to calm him down with the tea problem.
Morro wanted to scream, but he was holding him in. He didn't know how he could do that, knowing that in moments like this he would throw almost everything out of his soul. The brunette looked at him, his nails still in his scalp. He had taken a few breaths.
"Okay.. Okay.. I'm calm. I'm calm." Morro had taken a few steps to where they kept the water, putting it in a cup and drink it all in one go. "Can we.. forget about it, please? And just sit in bed, fall asleep in each other's arms...?" He said softly, feeling his hands tremble.
Kai smiled slowly. He did not want to insist on the reason for the crisis, because of the emotional state Morro was in now. "Of course. Come here."
Kai reached for the brunette's waist, coming down for a kiss that had greedily returned him.
The Ninjas were urgently call by Wu. Morro had not received the call, nor could he.
"Ninja, you've arrived. ... Where's Wind?" Wu knew their identities in each and every Ninja, and Ninja between them, except Wind. They didn't know who Wind was under the mask, nor Wind who they were under the mask. And they agreed with that. One day they will know about each other.
"I don't know, Master Wu." Zane replied calmly.
"Are you feeling well, Kai?" Wu asked, seeing his restless state.
Kai had muted a little, surprised by the question. "No, no. I'm fine, Sensei."
"You don't look good, Master of- "
"I'm worried!" He interrupted his Sensei. "Morro should have called me or sent me a text an hour ago and he didn't..! What if something happened to him??" They had an agreement with the call or the messages. Morro had a telecaster class after school and told him he would let him know when he went out to see him, but nothing.
"Something to happend to Morro? I think you're kidding Kai." Cole said, knowing the personality of Lloyd's cousin, Wu's son.
"I'm not kidding. It's possible. Morro doesn't know how to fight. He's not like us." That had frightened Lloyd. If he knew the truth, he would have been calm.
"I'm sure my son is fine, Kai." Wu reassured him. He was not afraid that Morro was in any danger, he knew his son. If he was in danger, he would have already announced it. "I say to- " The 'Garmadon' alarm sounds in the room.
"Attack in Ninjago by Lord Garmadon. He now seems to be attacking random places." Nya said, looking at the new target of evil.
"That's... that's where I live!" Kai said quickly, recognizing the place. "When I get Garmadon, I'll- "
"Kai... If Morro is there and that's why he didn't contact you?!" Jay suspected agitatedly.
"Oh no... we have to hurry."
Morro didn't care if anyone could see him. The world was in danger, and his instincts came first. When he removed the last person from the building, he turned inside, slamming the doors behind him with a strong wind, blocking them.
"Heh, now let's take care of the rats."
He was walking in the white dust with all his senses on alert. He couldn't see well, but he could hear. Suddenly Morro felt a hand grip his shoulder. He quickly reached for the stranger and knocked him to the ground. From the rising smoke, three Garmadon generals had appeared.
'Looks like I'm going to have some fun today.'
He held out his hands wide, after hitting them against each other. The wind that formed next to the three of them pushed them violently together as he clapped his hands against each other. All that was left in the air was his right hand, which had begun to control the wind that was now above the enemies, pressing against them. Sounds of pain were heard. Dust roamed the room uncontrollably. One of them managed to open his eyes despite the strong wind.
"Who are you?! A monster!? Surely a monster!" He spoke agitatedly, closing his eyes again, feeling the pressure even stronger now.
Morro's eyes gleamed in shock at the generals pressed by his wind.
"Monster! You destroyed everything! The houses, the vegetation, EVERYTHING!!"
Words from the past resound in his head. His hand had begun to tremble and his breath was short of breath.
"I'm not a monster." His tone had become harsh, both hands rising, putting them in a cage pressed by the cold wind. He was about to stop their right to breathe- "Monster!" Everything stood still for a few seconds, leaving his trembling hands to fall past his limp body.
The generals were breathing a lot, telling each other to get out of here as soon as possible, that the guy is crazy, a monster. Morro felt his legs begin to tremble, clinging to the wall with his hand.
"Everything is fine.. is fine.. What was in the past is gone..." He looked around disfigured. The white dust fell slowly to the ground. "I'd better go..."
"Morro!" A voice called his name out of nowhere.
"What the..?" Morro was amazed to hear someone call his name from afar, behind him.
"Morro!" Kai stopped running when he saw his lover. He would have arrived sooner if the door had not been locked. He was too agitated to remember what he was wearing at the moment.
"Kai..?" Morro froze in shock, feeling himself tremble much harder. Now it made sense in his head why it was always so hot and warm..
"I thought something happened to you!" He reached in front of him, taking both Morro's pale hands. Kai looked at him intently to see if he had any scratches or injures. He didn't, it was just filled with white dust and shaking body. He looked into his eyes, which were full of shock and... fear? "Morro, mi corazón, are you okay?"
Morro sat for a while, processing the words spoken by the person who had made him nervous the night before. "You're.. Fire Ninja.. Flame.. Kai, are-are you Him?"
This hit Kai directly in the soul. Only then did he realize what was happening. He knew it made no sense to deny it, it was just a waste of time and words.
"Uh.. yes. Yes I am." He remembered the fighting moves and supernatural powers the generals had feared when they left the building. "How do you know how to fight so well?" If they put the card on the table, put them all on.
The brunette, now with white dust on his head, stared blankly. "Wind. I'm Wind, Kai."
"You're kidding.."
"Not at all." He had created a small tornado with both hands. "See?"
"That explains why- Omg... Were you talking about me last night?"
Morro nodded slowly. His heart was pounding inside him. He didn't know if it was from anxiety, fear, emotions, or even all three or more, but he knew it was starting to hurt. Oh, and those damn memories. Morro now expected Kai to yell at him, even leave him. He expected the worst. He was too afraid to think of a good script. But.. Kai had started laughing.
"No.. I don't.. I don't understand.. Why.. why are you laughing?" He was confused.
"Oh! That explains MUCH better your condition last night." He slowly laughed, slowly squeezing his lover's pale hands. "You just didn't think I'd leave you for that, did you?" Morro looked down guilty. "Omg.. come here." He took him in his arms. "I hid that from you too. And you. We're even. It's nothing serious, mi corazón. On the contrary, I'm much calmer now. Calm that you'll be fine.. I had to think that Wind is Wu's son. It was obvious!"
Morro slammed his fist into his chest, looking him in the eye afterwards. "No. It wasn't. I was behaving completely differently."
"Maybe, but not always." He gripped his face in his fingers.
"I say I played theater well at times- " He had been interrupted by someone's lips on his. The kiss hadn't been a long one, but it had been a calm one for the brunette. "You'd better fly, colorful Ninja.~ You don't want the rest to suspect anything. I can feel them approaching the entrance to look for you."
Kai looke behind him, then glanced back at his boyfriend. "After you know what, I'll be back, okay?"
"Mhm.. Just kiss me already."
"Your wish is my command.~" Kai kissed him again, this time it was a longer one.
T r a n s l a t e :
Kai: "Upset?"
Morro: "I just- I don't understand what HIS problem is! I was even trying to have a normal conversation with Him! And he starts with that and- ugh..!"
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justtwotired · 8 months
Whispers of the night - Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
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Previous - next
Tag list: @beachcombers-boyfriend @cipheress-to-k-pop @whore-of-many-hot-men @bodieohbo @anyth1ngfor0urmoony @luvizuku
Your POV:
I sat in the park with Lloyd and his friends, my back leaning against Kai’s as I scrolled on TikTok.
Kai was playing a game of cards with Zane while Jay and Cole where chasing each other around for god knows what, all I heard was something about Jay liking someone’s instagram with Cole’s account.
Lloyd was sat a few feet away from me while Nya painted his nails. We had all gotten our nails painted in our favourite colour by Nya, Lloyd was the very last one.
“Oh, would you look at this,” I grinned, catching the attention of Kai, Nya, Zane and Lloyd, not knowing if Cole and Jay had heard me as they had just landed in the grass about ten feet away, still arguing.
“A quiz made by a girl on tiktok,” I grinned. “Which Ninja is your soulmate?” I quoted and they all shared glances before laughing.
“A what now?” Cole and Jay both looked up from where they had been fighting.
“Shall I take the ultimate test?” I asked, clicking the link. It hadn’t take me long to realise that if Lloyd was the green ninja, that his friends where the other ninja and who would be who.
Kai turned around to look over my shoulder as I took the ultimate test.
“Oh, look at that, how classic, what is my favourite colour,” I chuckled at the question.
“That is such bullshit, the answers are only the colours of our gi,” Kai said from behind me.
“But what is your favourite colour?” Jay grinned and I shot a glance at Lloyd, who gave me a look.
“Gotta be green, right?” He asked and I pursed my lips.
“I have two favourite colours.” I said and chuckled. “One of them is in fact green…” I announced, making Lloyd grin. “The other is red, so which do I choose?” I asked.
“Red, obviously,” Kai already clicked before I even had the chance, making me laugh and Lloyd let out an offended noice.
“Which of these animals is your favourite,” I read the question. “An orca, a falcon, a snake, a horse, a tiger or a dog,” I read and frowned. “And who would be who?” I looked around the group.
“Zane is probably the falcoln,” Nya said. “and I am probably the orca, because water,” she reasoned. “But the others, no idea,”
I shrugged and just clicked f/a.
I answered a few more questions and then my results came in, making Kai burst out laughing.
“Who is it?” Jay asked excitedly, while Kai just kept laughing and an amused smile formed on my face.
“The Earth ninja is your soulmate,” I read aloud, making Nya and Jay also burst out laughing.
“I guess this is it Lloyd,” Cole grinned. “Seems like she’s leaving you for me,” he said and Lloyd gave him an unamused look.
“Sorry Lloyd, but it was Cole from the start,” I said dramatically. Cole winked at me and I blew him a kiss as reaction, making the others laugh even harder and even Lloyd chuckled a bit.
After that, we all went back to what we where doing, Cole joined Kai and Zane with their card game and Jay sat next to me to watch TikTok’s.
After a while, I got a call from an unknown number and frowned.
“Who’s that?” Jay asked and I shrugged.
“No idea,” I answered, making Jay grin brightly. “Pick up and put your phone on speaker, these calls are always interesting,” he said and I smiled and did as he asked.
“Hello? Who’s this?” I asked and my eyebrows raised when I heard the voice on the other side.
“Hey, N/n, it’s James,” he started off. “First off, I want to tell you that I love you so much and you are my best friend in the whole world,” he said and I could hear Luna in the background as she let out an offended noice.
“Yes,” I said sceptically. “And then?” I questioned and we all heard him awkwardly chuckle.
“Can I borrow 12.000 dollars?” He asked and my eyes widened in shock. “Please?” He quickly added.
“Twelve- what did you do? Why do you need it?” I asked, all eyes where now on me as everyone was interestedly what the hell was happening.
“No improtant, just first tell me yes or no,” he pleaded. “We’ll pay you back,” he said and I huffed.
“You better pay me back if I’m spending that much money on you- what do you need it for?” I asked and there was a pause on the other side.
“An escape room?” He said hesitantly and I heard Luna laugh in the background.
“What kind of escape room costs 12.000 dollars?” I asked and it was silent on the other side again.
“Jail,” he then said and I opened my mouth to say something and then closed it again, not knowing what to say for a moment.
“JAMES CHAPMAN WHAT DID YOU DO?” I yelled out and he nervously chuckled.
It was Luna’s idea,” he started.
“Was not!” She yelled at him from the background.
“Please, N/n, we’ll tell you later- but you’re like- the only person with this kind of money that we know, and we can’t bail ourselves out, so we called you,” he said and I groaned.
“What do you mean ‘the only one’ the twins are richer then I am if you include their money,” I said and he nervously chuckled again.
“About that,” he said and I groaned.
“Please don’t tell me they’re also there,” I said and I heard him swallow on the other side.
“What? No, of course not,” he said and was silent for a moment. “Yeah, okay, they are also here.”
“Which prison are you, I’ll come get you,” I said and I stood up.
“Oh, don’t worry, we’re not in prison, just a holding cell, but they already gave us a bail price, so…” he spoke and I was silent for a few seconds.
“James,” I started. “How long have you been there?” I asked and I heard him silently conversing with the others before speaking again.
“Yeah… like one day, maybe one and a half, but we just came back from the judge and we need 12.000 in total to be bailed out,” he said and I let out a sigh.
“Alright, I’ll be there in an hour or less,” I said before hanging up.
“Can someone maybe bring me to the local police station?” I asked and I looked around the group who stared at me owlishly.
“Lloyd, what did you get yourself into?” Kai said before standing up. “Come on, trouble, I’ll take you to the police station to bail your friends out of jail,” he said.
With a sigh I followed after him, both getting into his car.
It took a while for me to be able to get the money, I did have to borrow some from my dad, who just decided not to even start asking questions.
Then it took about an hour at the police station, as they weren’t sure if they’d let me bail out all for of them, especially because I was only eighteen.
“Where did you even get all of this money?” The woman at the front desk asked. “You seem rather young,”
“The last time I checked that wouldn’t be any of your concern,” I told her. “I am just here to get my friends out for- whatever they even did,” I said and she gave me a look before typing away on her computer.
Finally, I managed to get them all out and stood outside, giving them all unamused glares as they did the walk off shame, being brought out by two officers.
“Hey, N/n,” James tried to say with a bright smile on his face. I scoffed and turned around, followed by Kai. The four exchanged glances before quickly following.
“You four have 5 minutes to explain to me what you did and I am giving you guys one day to pay me back,” I said sternly when we sat in the car.
Lloyd POV:
It was almost ten when Kai came walking into the monastery with an exhausted look on his face. Me and the others were seated in the couch, watching a movie.
“Lloyd,” he started and I looked over at him. “You’ve got one rich girlfriend with a bunch of idiotic friends,” he said and let out a heavy sigh.
“I am going to bed, I am so lost and confused, that girl is going to be our downfall, Jesus fuckign Christ,” he went grumbling down the hallway as we all laughed at him.
The next day, it was the third of December, and I had in fact, remembered the song that Y/n and her friends had made us listen to.
So, now I was making my way over to her house to personally hand her one of my sweaters before I had to back to the monastery and train with the others.
I knocked on the door and one of their staff opened up, smiling at me when she recognised me.
“Y/n, Lloyd is here!” She called up the stairs.
“Coming!” I heard my girlfriend yell before footsteps came running down the stairs. “Thank you,” she thanked her staff member before smiling at me.
“Lloyd, I thought you said you couldn’t hang out,” she leaned against the doorframe, a bit out of breath.
“Yeah, I can’t, but I came to bring you this,” I handed her the sweater and her mouth fell open slightly while the corners of her lips curled up.
She gave me an amazed look before crashing into me to hug me. “Thank you so much!” She said and kissed my cheek, making me chuckle.
“I need to get going now, but I’ll see you Tuesday, I’m covering for Kai’s self defence lessons,” I let her know and she grinned at me.
“I’ll see you then,” she said, giving me a quick peck on the lips before closing the door again.
God did I love her.
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ice-emperor-zane · 3 years
Chapter 6 of Just A Small Glitch In His Code is up!!! Chapter 1 is here and chapter 6 is also readable below
“I don’t even know how to respond. Am I allowed to say a swear word? I think it deserves a ‘fucking hell’, or at least a ‘haha what the fuck’” Lloyd said, with a shaky laugh.
“I’d permit it, but I don’t think Master Wu would be happy.” Pixal replied, matching the slightly mortified smile on his face that didn’t particularly match the conversation or situation. It was a lie though, Master Wu didn’t seem to care whether any of them swore anymore, Nya cursed so often that Jay jokingly once said that they all needed to say more to make up for it now she was gone. Wu seemed to agree, or maybe he just didn’t care.
The two sat in silence for a moment, not really sure what to do from this point on, perhaps delaying the moment they had to go back down to the base, until Lloyd spoke up.
“I uh, well, we probably ought to go bring Zane back online. He needs to know about Overlord, yknow?”
“Yeah, we really should”.
They walked wordlessly over to the elevator and stepped in, both looking incredibly tense, thinking of a million things.
“Hey uh, Pix? What’s it like, having, yknow, the virus in your head?”
She paused for a moment. “Well, that's the scariest thing. I can't sense it at all, my systems aren’t detecting anything, no anomalies, nothing. I only know it's there because well, it talked to me. From Zane. It told me it’d leave Zane if I let it inside my own mind. And of course, I accepted.”
“You sacrificed yourself?” Lloyd stared at her, absolutely astounded and appalled.
“Perhaps so, unless we figure out how to remove the virus ourselves.” Her face looked grave, but still determined. She felt she had time, even if it meant going through her code line-by-line.
“That's not something most people would be so okay about, Pix. Are you okay?”
“Zane’s mind was easily corrupted by the virus because he became consumed by his sadness, I do not intend to go the same way.” she replied, unsure of how else to answer.
She felt bad enough about dragging Lloyd into this at all, and that he didn’t need to be burdened with knowing how she felt as well, regardless of the truth on that matter. Lloyd, still looking incredibly concerned, and a bit annoyed at how she dodged his question, decided not to pry further.
And after what felt like an eternity, the elevator doors opened.
“You should probably be next to Zane, I could try to handle the computer side of waking him up?” Lloyd said, and to be fair, Lloyd had spent a lot of his time trying to figure out how just about everything in the ninja base’s systems worked, he knew exactly what to do technology-wise as well as she did, though he isn’t given as much credit for it. More than once Pix had come down here to find Lloyd had been looking at the surveillance systems in ninjago all night. Allbiet it’s been a while since it last happened, given he’s not the green ninja anymore, but he definitely still knows what he’s doing with these computers. She believed that Lord Garmadon’s disappearance with the golden weapons had been getting to him, and that he was looking for any sign of him.
She stood next to Zane where she’d laid him not even an hour earlier and clutched his hand.
It was all of a sudden, a voice, echoing, but still with that same annoyingly over-polite tone, now so loud within her head.
“I’ve looked throughout your mind Pixal, and I must say, very interesting, we’ve much to discuss. All good things, I swear it.”
She staggered back a few steps, a look of absolute shock on her face.
“You alright Pix?” Lloyd said, turning around from the computer.
“I, uh, yes. I am fine, it's just, I can now clarify that Overlord is indeed, most definitely, in my head.”
“You thought otherwise?” Overlord questioned. She was unsure if the virus was joking or not.
“Yikes. We’re gonna have to deal with that later, Zane should be back online in about 5 seconds” Lloyd said, turning back to the computer and doing one final keypress.
The LED lights in Zane’s eyes flickered on and he sat up, almost instantaneously.
“Pixal! Lloyd! Oh by the first spinjitzu master, this is bad. Why are we in the base? Actually, that doesn’t matter, there are far more imperative issues going on right now!” He hardly paused for breath. “I have had another prophetic vision. Where is Nya? It is incredibly urgent, she is in danger.”
Pixal and Lloyd looked at eachother, confused and a little worried. Zane should know where Nya is. And then it clicked. Did he truly believe everything Nya’s sacrifice and everything after it, perhaps even his whole time while being corrupted by the staff of forbidden spinjitzu and Overlord, had been a vision?
“Why are the two of you looking at eachother like that? Please, Pixal, Lloyd, you two know what happened last time when nobody believed my visions. We can’t do that again. Where is Nya?”
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
1/2 of the fics i wrote for the 10th anniversary zine!! if you haven’t checked it out yet please do @ninjaneverquit-zine , everyone worked so hard and did such a wonderful job, i’m beyond honored to have been included <3
I may not have been in the fandom since the start, but ninjago means the world to me - it’s gotten me through some of the worst times and pushed further in writing than i thought i’d go, and the fandom’s been a particularly bright light in my life since i’ve joined 💕and of course i can’t not celebrate that by writing for the light of my life lloyd garmadon, so here’s me crying over the garmadons anniversary-style :’D
Garmadon’s son has only been on the earth for twenty-four hours, and he’s only been Lloyd for nineteen, but he already finds himself terrified of the tiny, living thing he cradles in his arms.
“He’s so small,” he tells Misako, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Is he supposed to be this small?”
Misako, who’s been answering questions similar to this for the better part of the morning, rolls her eyes. “He’s fine, Garmadon. He was born a little early, that’s all.”
Not as reassured as he should be, Garmadon returns his gaze to his son. He’s sleeping now, deathly still in his arms, and he resists the urge to wave a hand over his tiny face, if only to feel the small puffs of breath he knows must be there. He brushes a wisp of hair from his head instead, marveling at how pale it is.
“He’s got my father’s hair,” he murmurs.
“I don’t care, Garmadon, we’re still not naming him after the man.”
It’s Garmadon’s turn to roll his eyes. “I never said that. I said Montgomery was an unacceptable name to burden my son with.”
“Oh, your son.”
He misses the rest of her retort as Lloyd fidgets briefly, tiny features screwing up as he shifts. A flash of lightning from outside brightens the room, and Garmadon pulls Lloyd closer reflexively. The thunder crack follows soon after, and Garmadon flinches, the thick smell of rain filtering through the open windows. He can already see thick droplets sliding down the hydrangeas Misako’s growing in the windowsill, drowning the pale flowers. It’s been pouring all week, typhoons hitting the coast with gusto as they always do this time of year. Garmadon doesn’t like it — his son is much more suited for the sun and all its brightness, not the grey-skied downpour of thunderclouds.
Lloyd hardly reacts to the downpour, having gone still and silent in his arms once again. Garmadon’s heartbeat quickens. He shouldn’t sleep this much, should he? He doesn’t remember Wu being like that, but he was so young when Wu was born, and it was so long ago, and he can’t feel for Lloyd’s breathing now because the breeze pouring through the window’s too strong, and—
A soft hand sets on his shoulder. “Here,” Misako sighs, guiding Garmadon’s hand to rest gently over Lloyd’s chest. “Feel. That’s a heart, going strong.”
Despite his hesitance, a deep-rooted part of him still desperately afraid his touch might hurt something so small, Garmadon does so. Lloyd’s heartbeat is rapid and as fragile as a bird’s wing, but undeniably there. A small, living thing.
Something warm curls in his chest, and Garmadon thinks he might understand his father’s delight in creation — in things that live.
Not, of course, that his father has ever created anything so perfect as Lloyd, but Garmadon can credit him for having tried.
* * *
It’s weird, having a dad.
Not the concept of having a dad — Lloyd’s bragged enough about being the son of Lord Garmadon to at least get that part. But actually having him here, a living, breathing person who looks at Lloyd and cares—
It’s weird, that’s all. Not that it’s a bad weird.
“You need to wrap your hands, before you go hitting things like that,” Garmadon scolds gently, twisting gauze around Lloyd’s bruised, swollen fingers. “The others can show you how, for training. They should have shown you earlier.”
Lloyd bites his lip. He doesn’t tell his dad that the bruises are less from training, and more from pointlessly banging on bars in an attempt to get on Pythor’s nerves. It sounds silly, compared to the way his dad swept in like a big hero and took out all the snakes in single swipes.
A big hero. Lloyd wonders if the others will ever see him that way, too.
His hand twinges as the gauze pulls tight, and Lloyd sucks in a sharp breath. Garmadon flinches, drawing his hands back.
“I’m sorry,” he says, quickly. “I keep forgetting — you’re so small.”
Lloyd makes a face at that. Small? “I’m not that short,” he grumbles. “I’ve grown lots.”
“Of course you have,” Garmadon amends. “I only—”
His expression twists, and Lloyd’s stomach drops. There’s that look again.
“I’m sorry,” Garmadon repeats, sounding downtrodden.
Lloyd purses his lips. For all his bragging, he’s never really thought much about whether he likes his family or not. It’s hard, when you don’t have one around to like. Watching the way his dad worries and his uncle walks around all stone-faced now, Lloyd’s not sure he should like it. He likes Uncle Wu, of course, and he loves his dad, but—
He hates the way they all walk around like they’re preparing for a funeral. His dad’s funeral, his funeral, whichever it ends up being. It’s stupid. Lloyd’s lived on the streets for months, and in Darkley’s even longer. He wouldn’t have minded walking around like he’s doomed for misery then.
But now? When he’s got people who care, and a family?
Lloyd sets his mouth stubbornly. He doesn’t know much about destiny, or the prophecy, but he knows he’s not about to lose this. Not when he’s come so far, when he’s so close to having — to being someone worth having around.
No funerals, Lloyd promises himself. He can see this prophecy through — they both can, the two of them. You have to be alive to be a family, right?
“It’s okay,” he finally replies. “I’m alright, dad.”
And he’s gonna stay that way.
* * *
When Garmadon had thought about the final battle in the past, he’d expected the darkness. The destruction, the pain.
He hadn’t expected to survive.
“So you’re really giving up fighting, then?”
Glancing up at Lloyd, taller now yet still small enough to not quite fit his bright golden gi, Garmadon finds survival a very welcome surprise.
“Yes,” he says, returning his gaze to the flowerbeds Misako’s helped him put in the monastery garden. They’re coming along well, despite the recent fits of bad weather, and they do a fine job of making the monastery look homey. Unthreatening.
He hopes, at least.
“I think I’ve done enough fighting, for my part,” he continues. He gives Lloyd a wry look. “I’m not sure Ninjago could take much more of it from me, anyways.”
“I dunno,” Lloyd says. “It’s been getting pretty boring.”
Garmadon snorts. “Boring is something you should appreciate, son. Excitement isn’t always good.”
“No, but it isn’t bor—dull,” Lloyd mutters, crouching down to study the flowerbeds. Garmadon shakes his head in reply, sighing. He remembers being his son’s age once, yearning for the next thrill, even if it feels ages away now.
He’s got a whole lecture on appreciating the quiet moments on the tip of his tongue, too, when Lloyd speaks up again.
“We used to have these flowers at Darkley’s,” he says, tilting his head as he studies them. “Some of the boys tore them all up and threw ‘em at the window, but they were pretty before that."
Garmadon bites the inside of his cheek, his eyebrows furrowing. His expression softens as he spots the gentle way Lloyd handles the flower, carefully pushing it back to place. It never fails to baffle him how someone as gentle as Lloyd could’ve come from his beginnings, much less from Garmadon, but he treasures it.
“Snapdragons,” Garmadon says, instead. “Fitting flowers, for our family.”
Lloyd looks at him curiously, eyes bright with the light of suspicion, and Garmadon is tempted to tell him the full truth, then and there. But Lloyd is still so young, innocent and naive and barely come to terms with his place as the Green Ninja. The truth of their blood is a heavy one, and Garmadon can’t find it in himself to lay it on Lloyd’s shoulders today. No, his son is happy among humans, so a human he’ll let him be. Someday he’ll know he’s more, closer to the dragons he admires than he realizes, but not quite yet.
Miraculously, Garmadon has the time, now.
“If you stay after dinner, I can show you how they’re planted,” he offers. Lloyd nods, and Garmadon’s smile widens.
Destruction is in his blood, and he’d be blind to say it isn’t in Lloyd’s as well. Power is power, whether it’s bright and beautiful or stained in darkness, and Lloyd could shatter mountains as well as move them, if he wanted.
But Lloyd never moves to pull the flowers up, only watches them rustle slightly in the breeze, leaving them to grow a little bigger, a little brighter. Garmadon, for his part, watches his son, all bright eyes and the burnished gold hair of his grandfather, and reminds himself that one needs not be a master of creation to appreciate life.
* * *
Lloyd likes to think of himself as an optimist, for the most part. He’s at least good at pretending that he is one, with how many times he’s had to convince himself it’s worth it to get back up.
Right now, he’s trying to remember how he’s ever managed to convince himself, because this time, getting back up seems impossible.
Lloyd used to wonder, back during Morro, how far you had to push yourself to break like that. How far someone had to push you, to truly splinter. He thinks he might have found his answer, though his is less of a bitter hatred and more of an empty abyss of hurt.
It hurts to breathe. That would be a sign that something’s wrong, if Lloyd didn’t already have about sixty other signs that he’s in trouble. But the breathing thing is sticking out to him especially, right now. His lungs feel like they’re scraping against his ribs every time he tries to draw breath, bruised and stinging, and there’s a deep ache in his chest that grows worse by the minute.
He tries swallowing again, sand scraping down his throat as he does. He hisses out a breath instead of coughing, almost frightened that his lungs will give out completely if he does.
He says almost, because Lloyd isn’t sure what emotions he’s got left to feel anymore.
A lie. Pain starts numb, sometimes.
Lloyd’s chest spasms as he sucks in another breath, and he wishes the desert would swallow him whole. His father — his real father, who pushed him from the Cursed Realm and told him to return to light and living — would want him to stand back up. He’d beg him to, stress the importance of continuing on, of persevering. Stuff like that.
But if it wasn’t for his father, Lloyd wouldn’t have to get back up in the first place. If it wasn’t for his father, Lloyd wouldn’t be—
His eyes burn, stinging as he squeezes them tightly shut, and he tells himself it’s the sand.
Instead, he focuses on the ragged beat of his heart. He only knows it’s there because his chest throbs in pain with every pulse, but he latches onto the feeling and holds tight.
Still alive, he tells himself, even as every bit of him sings in agony and his lungs scream at him to stop. He’s still alive. His powers aren’t answering him but they will, he knows they will, he can’t disappear like he did with Morro. He can’t — he can’t leave it, not like this, not with his father — not like this. If he can’t stop Harumi, if he can’t save his father, if he can’t do anything else at all, he can at least do this.
Stay alive. Stay alive. Stay alive.
He’s never realized how long the nights out here are, before.
* * *
After everything, the light dies down and the Oni vanish, and Lloyd’s heart stops.
It shouldn’t be a surprise to Garmadon, who isn’t even sure his own heart beats now, but it is.
It’s not supposed to stop. There was a promise made, somewhere, to keep it beating.
It restarts before he has the chance to process what that even means, and the swell of relief is so foreign, Garmadon leaves before he even has the chance to ask Lloyd what he’d seen. He thinks to himself, that will be the end of it. The end of whatever tentative connection he has with the boy, whatever frayed and tattered threads of something they once had. Better to cut them away for good.
Lloyd’s not one to let things die, though. Garmadon should know that at least, the boy tells him.
“I know you like repeating yourself,” he mutters. “Letting go is different.”
“That’s not what this is,” Lloyd huffs back.
Garmadon rolls his eyes, the two of them drifting aimlessly down the Ninjago City garden paths. It’s secluded, the rest of the city still recovering, and Garmadon’s grateful for the quiet, even if it is awkward. Building any kind of bridge with the boy is difficult, if only because Lloyd stresses that they’re rebuilding a bridge, and Garmadon has no memory of any bridge to begin with.
He’s still sifting through jumbled emotions, sorting out what his place in this world was and is supposed to be, but he knows that the word son slips easier from his mouth than daughter ever did, so he figures he’s on the right path, at least.
“It’s about—” Lloyd pauses, his expression contorting. “It’s about surviving, I guess,” he grinds out.
Garmadon’s mouth curls into a grin. “Really. You were quite…vocal, that it was about more than that.”
“It is, it’s just—” Lloyd cuts off again, stopping them in a half-ruined section of garden still littered with remnants of concrete. “It’s the payoff, you know? Here.”
He bends down, brushing dust from a surviving scattering of flowers. He gently touches the edge of a petal, pushing the flower head toward the sun. “See?” he says. “After all that, it’s still alive.”
Garmadon stares at the delicate edges of the petal, smaller and more fragile than any of the buildings that crumbled beneath his rule. At Lloyd’s nod, he stretches his own fingers out toward it, his hand impossibly dark and calloused next to his son’s own small one. But he brushes his fingers over the petal edge nonetheless, almost surprised that it doesn’t decay beneath his touch. It’s soft, he notes, like the fragile skin of a newborn. Odd that it should’ve survived, out of everything else that perished.
“So it is,” he says, carefully. Lloyd says nothing, but there’s a ghost of a smile around his lips. They must make an odd sight, the pair of them crouched in the dirt in the recovering garden. There’s no use in sitting here and looking at the flower, no explanation Garmadon can offer himself, but he doesn’t leave. He can take the moment, he decides, to appreciate what Lloyd is trying to show him.
They too, after all, are still alive.
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kazukazuhas · 1 year
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 💌 ꒱ old friends, lloyd garmadon.┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 💌 ꒱ act one ;; scene one ┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
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୧ ⎯⎯ WARNINGS ;; one (1) kpop reference ;; slight jay slander ;; possibly ooc
  ୧ ⎯⎯ NOTES ;; so ahead of my schedule /genuine. and yes, new theme.
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  ୧ ⎯⎯ TEXT ;; NO IMAGES
"so you two know each other...?" skylor asked with a confused undertone underlining her hesitant words, but her voice was almost distant and muted in the background when it tried to reach either of your ears. she shared a short glance with the others before looking back at the both of you. 
    lloyd shuttered a small noise that vaguely sounded like a gasp crossed with some soft animal-like noise before quickly gathering you up in his arms, lifting you up slightly from the ground and hugging you as tight as he could. it was almost like a fantasy how familiar you felt, feeling you wrap your own arms around his neck and laughing heartily at his giddiness. warmth eloped over your body, a revelation of buried sadness unsurfaced in a singular moment of feeling an old, familiar happiness wrapping its, or in this case, his arms around you. he sighed dreamily before reluctantly letting you stand on your own weight. with soft green eyes delicate as ever, he hugged you once more just to make sure you were real and with him right now.
  you stared soft-eyed with a childlike excitement, "puberty's treated you well," you mentioned while taking in his appearance —much alike one of the idols your friend was a fan of, jungkook was his name you believed,— but he still had his baby face that never held much menace or threat to it. you internally thanked the first spinjitzu master when you realised he didn't have that bowl cut he had, though you've become fond of the cute disaster his hair was.
  lloyd's heats up slightly at your comment, choosing to glare weightlessly at you, like he always did —damn if anything you miss that cute pout and furrowed eyebrows making him all the more harmless. "you look good too." he internal cringes at his wording on that reply, and hells did he miss the way you chuckle at his badly timed bad remarks, ones he managed to only have with you around.
  "a-HEM." someone cleared their throat in a successful attempt to draw your attention to the elephant in the room. "what?" you stare back at your cousin's blank one. "you know each other?" jay repeats skylor's question with a slightly raised brow, watching curiously, partially hanging off the couch. 
  "uh– i don't know what you mean.. we don't," lloyd answered with a face as confused as jay's, and a voice completely sarcastic. he frowned childishly with an arm of his snaking its way over your shoulder. "yeah, what d'ya say?" you backup your friend, despite lending against him to further prove it as sarcasm. "damn you man," jay cursed while turning away and sliding down on the couch and huffing softly. nya sighed at her boyfriend before correcting him, "how, how do you know each other?" she laid a hand to ruffle his hair, humming accompanied by a love smitten smile when the boy almost purred at her affection.
  "oh! we're childhood friends! best friends?" despite the fact he mumbled the last part to himself, lloyd answered gleefully with the arm wrapped itself around your shoulder pulling you closer. the blond had that very bright smile on his face that made you cringe and made you want to shield your eyes from the light. was he always so bright? you tuned out the explanation he gave to shortly admire his smile before you snapped back into reality. 
but with the way the two you spoke so fondly of and with each other simultaneously made the others think of couples so close to each other. with surprisingly the soft, warm looks back and forth when one of you wasn't looking; to the way the both of you so quickly got wrapped up in your own incoherent little conversations. lloyd at multiple points stopped solely to focus on you, and specifically you —doubting he actually heard a word you said during that time. you were no better, softly rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb before you began to fiddle and play with it like his hand was the most endearing thing you stumbled across —also doubting you paid any mind to him during that moment. the fond glances in your eyes were reminiscent of the ones they all sent to their partners. 
cole nudged kai's shoulder with his knee, smiling with a half grin at both of your obliviousness before they both half-laughed softly with jay upon seeing his own amusement (and defeat).
nya had kept a deadpan look on her face at the display in front of her, and she thought jay was obvious. she sighed quietly, leaning forward to put her chin on jay's shoulder and glancing towards where her boyfriend's attention was. she glanced back to where you and lloyd were before looking back to kai and cole, shaking her head softly before joining in their laughter.
the nindroids kept the conversation between the duo of you and the green clad boy going, a slight glint of amusement in pixal's eyes was fairly noticeable to the rest of them. she was subtly sharing looks of equal concern and disbelief with kai. however zane, on the other hand, seemed to not catch onto the whole joke, opting to stay mostly neutral nor did he really share glances with anyone. but oh boy, was this entertainment for him.
the only person (barely) not having it was skylor, of course, she found the fact you two were obviously flirting hilarious considering it's been a good decade since you last met. but the mere thought of the fact made her cringe internally at how bad her romance (though her rizz was quite literally on fire) was. lil' greenie over here managed to pull her cousin almost instantly. sometimes she regretted wanting to stay single.
throughout the whole time, each one of them shared a moment of utter amusement with every person but the two of you. lloyd noticed the quick, knowing looks between everyone but chose to stay quiet over it before returning to the conversation at hand. but fsm, did he feel a little dumber than he'd admit.
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ 💌 ꒱ kazukazuhas copr. 2023 darling┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
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criolla-star · 2 months
Overwhelmed (Vinny x Garmadon)Part 50
(I suggest you check out parts 1-49 if you haven't already)
It was the next morning and by that it was 6:27am and Vinny woke up, he didn't have work for 3 more hours but he wanted to go for a run before work and get up early in general. He also wanted to make his own coffee since he prefers black coffee rather than coffee with sugar or milk he also wanted to see if Zane was awake so he could check out his stab wounds. The cameraman yawned as he woke up and looked beside him thinking he was going to find Garmadon, "Oh right...he isn't here..." Vinny thought as he got up and stretched.
Vinny looked through his clothes and pulled out his signature white shirt, blue jacket and dark green trackpants. He went to the bathroom quickly and washed his face to refresh himself and wake up properly but ended up standing there with his hand under the warm water for 5 minutes. Once he finished he got dressed and grabbed some bandages and stuffed them into his dark green duffle bag. He also put a water bottle and he dagger in there. The cameraman left his bag in there for the time being and went out to the kitchen.
No one was in there like the past few days probably because he was up early, Vinny began making black coffee with three shots of expresso, because I've confirmed he's a coffee addict. The cameraman also made a shower like the one from yesterday, he made two of them, one for now and one for his so called 'work' he had today, and maybe to give to Rida? After that Vinny decided to see if Zane was awake he didn't want to go straight to his room and decided to go into the armoury, it took him a moment to realise how the elevator worked but he learned eventually and went down.
Vinny went down and looked around, he saw Zane at the computers while Pixal was working on some mechs. "Umm...hey you two?" The cameraman said awkwardly catching the two nindroids attention. "What can we do for you?" Pixal asked as she looked up from the mech she and her mini Pix's were melding. "Umm...well I need a few wounds checked out..." Vinny said awkwardly as he looked away. The two nindroids looked at the cameraman curiously, "What types of wounds? And where?" The ice ninja asked as he devoted all his attention to Vinny.
"Uhh...stab wounds...on my hand and foot..." Vinny muttered out just loud enough for the two to hear. "Stab wounds...? From where? It couldn't have been an accident if it's on your hand and foot" Pixal spoke as she jumped off the mech she was working on. "C-can you two just not ask questions and check it...please?" The cameraman asked desperately not wanting to answer, he knew very well he couldn't fool the two nindroids unlike the rest of the ninja they could tell emotion.
"Very well" Zane spoke out as he signalled for Vinny to sit on a chair which he did along with Pixal and Zane. The ice ninja held out his hand in a way to signal Vinny to show it. The cameraman did show it and it caused the two nindroids to be a little surprised, the two also looked at he burns on Vinnys' arms. "How long have you had this?" Pixal asked curious as she observed the wound, it was really deep, "A few days..." Vinny replied as he avoided eye contact. "This stab wound is recent but the burn isn't it was from Garmadon, am I correct?" The ice ninja asked earning a nod from the cameraman as he felt sadness thinking about the oni.
Zane didn't stay anything but instead grabbed a medical box and pulled out some disinfectant wipes, "The chance of it getting infected is high...and you have one on your foot as well, but you didn't tell anyone? You're lucky it hasn't been infected yet and it's good you decided to come here. You also need stitches" Zane spoke as he started to disinfect the wound cause Vinny to wince in pain. "May I take a look at your foot? You might need stitches on that as well" She spoke softly earning a nod from the cameraman as he tried his best to ignore the pain.
Pixal took a close look and grimaced slightly, "May I ask who stabbed you...?" She asked, causing Vinny to immediately shake his head, "I will admit I was stabbed but I won't say by who and if you think it was Garmadon it wasn't" The cameraman spoke causing the two nindroids to sigh as the both disinfected the wounds. "You are fine with us giving you stitches, it'll heal faster" The ice ninja spoke in his calm voice. The cameraman nodded as he sighed out tiredly, he had his coffee mug with him and drank from it.
Zane grabbed the appropriate needle for stitching human and gave one to Pixal. The two ever so carefully stitched Vinny up, the cameraman would let out the occasional wince of pain, Pixal insisted on Vinny using numbing cream but he denied. After a while the two were done and the cameraman let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks you two...can you not tell anyone about this though?" Vinny asked as he looked at his hand and pulled two fingerless gloves from his pocket and put them on. "We'll try" Zane and Pixal said in unison.
Vinny thanked them once more before going back up and putting socks and shoes on. The cameraman came back out and saw Garmadon and Wu talking, Vinny heard his name be mentioned due to the two not noticing him. The cameraman knew Garmadon probably was talking about what happened. "Morning...I'm gonna go to work now..." Vinny mumbled as he walked past Garmadon and Wu pretending he didn't here himself be mentioned.
Garmadon looked at Vinny worriedly as he walked away, he knew Vinny wasn't going to work and knew Vinny had work at 9:30 and right now it was 8:30 am. The cameraman wanted to go for a run to clear his mind and went down the elevator and began jogging with his duffle bag across his chest like a handbag. As Vinny made it down before entering the city a voice called him in an alley, he followed it keeping his hand on his dagger in his pocket.
Suddenly Vinnys' arm was grabbed but Vinny was faster and managed to get the person into a chokehold holding the dagger at their throat. "Holding the dagger I gave you against my throat?" The person said, before the cameraman realised it was Rida, "S-shit sorry, I thought you were someone else" Vinny apologised as he let Rida go, "No it's my fault I do admit mysteriously calling your name from an alley and grabbing you isn't the nicest greeting" The orange eyed man said softly, this made Vinny chuckle softly.
"Going for a run? Can I join?" Rida asked earning a nod from Vinny. The two began jogging, but Vinny still couldn't shake the feeling that Rida was hiding something.
(So I hope you enjoy this I've managed to upload 2 parts in less than a week and that makes me happy hope you enjoy Vinny angst)
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