#to be fair i haven’t looked very hard but it would be chill to know where it came from yknow
legofbicuriosity · 2 years
ok so there’s a quote/lyric/something and i don’t know where it’s from but it goes “you said “i’m fine alone, but it’s good to see you, man. i feel cut off from all i have been but am i the stump or am i the limb?” so if anyone knows or could tell me where it’s from that would be super cool
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melodrangea · 11 months
I loved your nicknames headcanons so much 🥺Could I please have a Death the Kid in an enemies to lovers scenario where the reader is really laidback and chill. Kid hates how they never appear to take anything seriously on the surface, and the reader thinks he’s too uptight. The two eventually reach a mutual understanding that develops into a relationship
Tysm if you’re reading this!!
Of course my dear, and thank you so much!! 🫶🫶🫶
You didn’t specify a one shot or just headcannons so I hope headcannons are alright!!! :D
Death the Kid w/ a Laidback S/O
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-Kid would not BE ABLE TO STAND YOU at first
-he just can’t comprehend how you never take anything seriously, never study, always forget your homework etc
-you have the ability to just lay back and let most things roll do your shoulder while he just can’t
-and you aren’t exactly a huge fan of him either
-thinking he’s wayyy too uptight (which he is tbf)
-he’s always lecturing someone, everything needs to be perfect around him which you found to be a headache
-so safe to say you two don’t get along
-until the day you knocked over a painting in the hall
-Kid ofc is inconsolable as he stayed after school for several hours trying to fix and reposition the painting
-when he saw you coming out of the library, hair pulled back, jacket unbuttoned with a decently high stack of books in your arms, backpack swaying back and forth on your shoulder
You chuckled, tilting your head towards Kid and the painting. “Still fixing that painting? I’m surprised you didn’t use your Grim Reaper crap to fix it”
Kid rolled his eyes.“And I’m surprised you know where the library is, seeing as you never study”
You scoffed, “Atleast I work for it behind the scenes, school doesn’t come easy for people that aren’t golden-child pricks like you.”
“Being a grim reaper doesn’t give me enhanced intelligence, I do my fair share of studying like you.”
You paused, “you mean it isn’t easy for you either?”
“It’s easier sometimes but sometimes I don’t understand everything right away.”
“Huh, who knew?”
-From then on there was a change between you two, small at first
- like you not taking every opportunity to make some unsymmetrical, and him sometimes slipping you an answer you don’t know
-you two grew to have a very sarcastic academic rivalry, both pushing eachother to make the other better
-you didn’t know when you had developed a crush on Kid but it was hard not to, he was determined, driven, and handsome. And not as much of a snob as you previously thought
-then you ran into eachother at the library again, you were sat where Kid usually sits
He paused, noticing that his spot was taken
You saw him and start to stand up “sorry, you usually sit here don’t you?”
Kid shrugged, setting his books down across from you, “it’s fine, it’s just a chair. Is this one open?”
You cracked a small smile and gestured to the seat, “all yours.”
Kid sat down across from you, peering at the worksheet ahead of you. “Is that Professors Steins lab?”
“Yeah, I was just about to start it, is it hard?”
“I’m not quite sure, I haven’t started it yet.”
Your small smile turned into an evil grin, “you wanna race and see who finishes first?”
Kid looked at you, curiously. “And what do I get if I win.”
You shrugged, “whatever you want.” You pause, “within reason of course!”
“Seems acceptable, what would look like if you by some miracle beat me.” Kid said sarcastically.
You laughed, “hm, if I win. How about…you maybe take me out to lunch sometime?”
Kids eyes widened, his checks turning a bright pink in contrast to his fair monochromatic outfit.
You panicked, going to grab your paper to leave, “I’m sorry that was way to forward, I’m such an idiot, I’ll just go.”
Kid grabs your wrist, “no, it’s fine. And who said I didn’t agree to the terms anyways?”
It was your turn to blush. You nodded sitting back down. Kid grinned at you and picked up his pencil, starting his worksheet
You did the same, brain turned to mush, you frantically scratched at the paper
Mere ten minutes later Kid placed his pencil down, you had three questions left
You look down at his paper then at him, you frowned, tears of embarrassment working their way to your eyes. “You won Kid, what do you want?”
“Well If the offer still stands for lunch that would be what I want.”
Your heart skipped a beat, face turning bright red.
-from then on it only got better, the academic rivalry was still there but even more lighthearted then before
-Kid motivated you to work harder, and you pushed him to let loose sometimes, creating a healthy equilibrium for the both of you
-most of your dates are either study dates or out to small cafes
-he will refuse to take you back to the manor as long as he can (in fear of Liz and Patty mostly)
-but regardless of when you meet his weapons you’re just glad that Kid is your boyfriend and not another smart asshole
-It saves a lot of paintings from being destroyed
that’s all folks!
thank you anon for the request! I hope you enjoyed and if anyone else has requests or questions feel free to get in touch or submit an inbox!
-Melodrangea <3
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imagionationstation · 2 months
Can you tell me more about ur Dona au? Like (I know you’ve probably talked about it) but maybe how the dynamics change?
With the brothers? That’s the thing that I love! They don’t!
The main dynamics between the brothers and Dona will remain exactly the same throughout the show. There are some extra protective vibes in certain situations, but they don’t underestimate her and usually treat her as one of the guys. Most of the time, the things that she takes personally, aren’t meant that way.
Many of the episodes don’t change in the slightest. The big reason that some episodes have to be altered are because of many love implications. They’re gone. Outta here.
Leorai? Nope. Donnie love triangle? Nope.
Ramona? OF COURSE THAT’S CANON! What do you take me for?!
If you’re asking about the dynamics between all characters…
The dynamics between Donnie and the villains don’t change. There might be a couple sexist taunts, but otherwise they’re equally as chill punching/tormenting her as a girl as they are with canon Donnie.
The dynamics (right now) between her and Casey are canon too. Donnie’s a jelly child until she’s stuck at the farmhouse with him and she learns to tolerate his presence. Then she starts to mellow out to him. She isn’t as openly jealous as she is in the show. Even though it’s very obvious that she has negative vibes when April spends time with Casey, she normally does it in the background.
(It’s hard not to be insecure when you spend far too many days lying awake and wondering if your human best friend would rather spend time with the human boy that she obviously likes than with the awkward, needy mutant that attracts danger whenever she goes.)
April and Donnie’s dynamics don’t change much either. Donnie knows that April is probably her only shot at friendship and really, really, really, really wants this human female to like her. She tries way too hard for the first part of season one before their interactions start to become more natural. Then we have The Mutation Situation and Donnie realizing that she absolutely can lose April’s friendship. It visibly haunts her for a while. I haven’t quite decided how long.
(Yes, Donnie still pulls the stalker vibes. Just because she’s female doesn’t mean that untreated, unrecognized OCD is any less real.)
Karai and Donnie get a lot more screen time. Donnie is thrown off by the whole “member of the Foot Clan” thing, but eventually grows to tolerate her. I want Karai to return for the Space Arc and join them in space so there can be actual bonding between the fam. I want it to be very obvious that Donnie doesn’t know how to interact with her but kinda lowkey really wants to.
She has a big sister! But, they have nothing in common. Like, at all.
Fair warning, I am about to rant technically off-subject:
With Leo’s accusations ringing in her head from The Fourfold Trap, Donnie’s mostly just awkward during the first few episodes. Then during The Outlaw Armaggon!, Karai seems to randomly decide to spend the episode at Donnie’s side. From there, their interactions start to slowly become more natural. (I also want Karai to act like a caged animal during the episode The Arena of Carnage because the Triceratons have her siblings and she just got them back and she’s not going to sit around while they’re in enemy hands.)
After seeing her fight to protect her/her brothers, I want Donnie to visibly spend the rest of the space arc trying to earn/keep her attention. I want her looking to Karai for answers and brightening at any bits of praise. It’s not a focal point of any of the episodes. It’s very blink-and-you-miss-it, but it’s there.
Then it’s mentioned during City At War that Karai has been distant during the few weeks that they returned to earth. She’s mad that Shredder manage to kill her real father in another timeline and wants to take Shredder’s clan from him. When Donnie gets blown up, Karai tries to blame Shredder for it, but comes to realize that she’s only doing exactly what Shredder has been doing for years.
She’s not taking responsibility. She’s feeding into her desire for revenge. And that hate-fueled desire almost took her sister’s life.
Their only little sister. Leo expresses. Doesn’t she understand that?
The episode ends with Karai apologizing instead of walking out. She still wants to take the Foot for her own, but she doesn’t want to risk hurting her family in the process. She admits she wants to do better.
And she does ✨
And the series pretty much continues as normal after that.
Hmmm…. Anyone else…?
Rockwell doesn’t care that Donnie is female. He makes that obvious. He only cares that she’s reptilian. And reptilians are nowhere near the intellectual level of apes. Even if they both happen to be mutants.
No change between them. The audience still wants to punch him.
No change between Donnie and Mona / Renet / Shinigami that I’ve thought of. Same with the rest of their allies.
Something might strike me later.
I can’t think of anyone else, tbh. Pretty much everyone remains canon. If you think of someone, Ask! I’ll let you know!
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soupdots · 11 months
Hey, I haven’t posted on here in a while, but! I read Azula in the Spirit Temple (finally) and I wanted to give my thoughts on it.
Overall rating, 7.5/10
Things I liked:
• These two panels:
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I love how her humanity is shown in both of them. I don’t know if we’ve EVER seen Azula given the humanity shown in the second panel— fear, specifically trauma-motivated fear (and a traumatic experience not frequently discussed, her institutionalization). It’s significant because she’s showing fear without anger, which is rare for her. And I was blown away by the first panel. I didn’t expect them to be so explicit about it. It’s almost too explicit, but honestly, it’s needed (because people clearly don’t pick up on subtext). It made me very happy to see what we’ve all been saying stated outright and in canon. These two panels pushed the comic up from more of a 6/10.
• I liked the idea of spirits and avatars (no pun intended) of Azula’s past friends and family talking to her (This is something that’s planned for my fic, if I ever get that off the ground again). It allows Azula to directly confront what has been done to her and what she has done, which is important for a redemption arc. It also allows for some healing, because she’s able to talk to those who hurt her.
• Azula is not given a quick redemption arc in 80 pages. Thank god. While of course she deserves a redemption arc, a rushed Kuvira-style redemption arc would be awful.
• I like that, true to her classic hair symbolism, Azula has her hair down throughout her time in the temple but puts it back up when she goes back to meet her Fire Warriors.
• She looks like a child in most of the frames. It’s good.
• This may have been unintentional, but I like that it’s Zuko who yells at her about how she’s hurt everybody, she’s a monster etc; then he turns into something of a monster himself. This shows that Zuko has hurt her, that he’s not perfect.
• I think the writing in general was better than past comics (definitely better than Yang’s writing) and it bodes well for the future. I think, all things considered, Faith Hicks did a remarkable job with the barely salvageable remnants of Azula’s character.
Things I didn’t like:
• Azula is still hung up on her “rightful place on the throne!” She never showed any real desire for the throne in the show, and yet for some reason that has become a key piece of her identity. It really doesn’t make sense. Also, didn’t she drop that in S&S? She is still seeking to destabilize Zuko in AITST, but appears to also have regained the desire for the throne. It’s confusing and weird.
• I think Azula could’ve been shown being a little nicer to her ‘Fire Warriors,’ given that she doesn’t have the same pressure to keep them by her side as she did with Mai & Ty Lee, but it’s fair that she’s not. In S&S she’s a pretty terrible person and takes several steps back in her redemption arc (several extremely OOC steps), and while I want to forget the Yang comics ever existed, Hicks still has to adhere to them and that means not suddenly making Azula a lot more chill.
• It felt rushed, but of course it did, it’s 80 pages long. Still this did affect the satisfaction I got from it.
• Azula ought to have been more distressed when she found out that her friends left her given that that’s literally her biggest wound. However I also kind of like that she wasn’t, especially at the end, because it hints that she’s getting tired of the whole friendship through manipulation thing.
• I wish Azula had gotten to talk to the spirit in its monk form a little bit; we could’ve had an Iroh moment for her which would’ve been cool to see.
• In general Azula’s character has really been through the ringer so it’s hard to get anything good out of it, but again I’m impressed at what Hicks has been able to pull off. Still, it felt kind of unsatisfying that at the end of the comic Azula said that she would “find new followers, a new place to rule,” which is like, oh okay, so you kinda haven’t really learned anything? It would be nice to at least get a bit of an idea that she’s on a path towards redemption and healing.
Again, overall, 7.5/10, I really enjoyed this, honestly. There were some parts that made me roll my eyes but ultimately I was surprised at the amount of kindness given to Azula (not a lot, but more than usual). I’m thankful to Faith Erin Hicks & the rest of her team for doing the best they can with our girl. I hope this means she’ll get more good content in the future.
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astra90x · 2 years
Flufftober Day 19 - Hot Chocolate
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Pairing: Sebastian x Reader
Word Count: 1312
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
This is one chapter of an entire linear story! It can be read separately but is better when read as a whole. Enjoy!
Winter has only started a few days ago, and already, a few centimetres of snow have dusted the ground and a bitter chill has taken permanence in the air. The few plants you had remaining from the end of autumn have shrivelled up into nothing, so for the past few days, you’ve been relying on your animals and your frequent visits to the mines to keep your income steady. Luckily, with all the free time you have now that you don’t have crops to tend to, you have much more time to do other things. 
It’s particularly cold one day, with sharp wind and flurries of snow swirling down from the sky, but you’re still out and about, wandering around town instead of shutting yourself away in your farmhouse. You’ve got a scarf and hat on, anyway, so that’s keeping you warm, though you did forget to take gloves with you so you’re trying your hardest to fit your hands within your sleeves, desperate to keep them away from the bite of winter. 
It’s around 2:00, which means that the saloon is open, so you decide to escape there to, at the very least, bring some warmth back into your fingers. A warm air consumes you the second you open the door, which is such a sudden and stark contrast to the cold outside that it almost hurts. Gus hears the door open and greets you with a smile, saying, “(Y/N)! It’s been a while, what can I do for you?” 
“Just trying to get out of the cold for a moment,” you admit, rubbing your hands together and breathing on them to try and heat them up slowly. “Not much business today, it seems.” 
“Snow always keeps people out,” says Gus. “Nobody wants to leave their houses when it’s warmer inside. So it is nice to see a friendly face!”
You smile, but then, feeling bad that you only came in for the heat and not to purchase anything, you ask, “Have anything warm to drink?”
“I could get you some hot chocolate, if you’d like. Perfect for weather like this!” You’ve barely had a chance to nod before Gus has turned away and started preparing your drink. 
A few minutes later, you’ve got a warm to-go cup clutched in your hands, making them feel much, much better. Your nose has cleared up a little too, after it had become so stuffy outside. You pay Gus and bid him farewell, feeling that you shouldn’t be taking advantage of the saloon’s heat any longer. 
Outside, the slow has cleared up a little, and the wind doesn’t feel as sharp, so you figure that maybe you can head down to the beach and visit Elliott. He’s pretty isolated out there, being far away from the town and the snow making it hard to fight through the sandy beach. Not that he minds the isolation, since it gives him an excuse to write, but you still think he might enjoy some company. 
The beach isn’t quite as bad as you expected, though it is still difficult to wade through the three inches of unplowed snow. You’re halfway across, fully intent on heading to Elliott’s cabin, but something in the distance catches your eye: a figure sitting at the end of the pier. 
You wonder who would be crazy enough to want to sit outside by the ocean in this weather, but upon a closer look, you recognize the near-black hair and dark purple sweater. It’s Sebastian, which, to be honest, checks out. If anybody would be on the beach during this weather, it would be him. 
Your mission to visit Elliott is going to have to wait, because now, your curiosity is piqued, and you want to know what Sebastian is doing out in weather like this. You follow the imprint of his footsteps that haven’t quite been snowed over yet and make your way down the pier. 
When you start to get close, Sebastian turns around, looking a little surprised to see you. You suppose that’s fair, it probably isn’t common to see other people on a beach during snowfall, but you have discovered that both you and Sebastian have a tendency to find each other even under strange circumstances. 
“You know it’s snowing, right?” says Sebastian as you reach him. He’s brushed away the snow at the edge of the pier to make a spot for him to sit, and even though he still seems confused as to why you’re there, he uses his hoodie sleeve to swipe away the snow next to him, allowing you to join him. 
“Oh, really? I hadn’t noticed,” you reply, taking the seat he’s made for you. It’s pretty damp from the snow-soaked wood, and a shiver immediately runs through you, but the hot chocolate in your hands helps to keep you warm. “What are you doing out here?”
“Well, I like coming down to the beach during bad weather, because there aren’t usually other people here and I like watching the ocean alone,” Sebastian explains. He pauses for a moment, then adds, quieter, “But I don’t mind your company, if you want to stay.” 
“I’d love to.” 
Sebastian doesn’t reply, which you think is reasonable. The ocean is best enjoyed in silence. Watching the waves lazily roll in, lapping gently at the posts of the pier, feeling the spray coat your ankles that are dangling below… it’s tranquil, even as you get increasingly colder. 
You do notice after a few minutes that Sebastian seems to be even colder than you are. His leg, which is ever so slightly touching yours, is shaking, and he keeps having to bring his reddened hands up to his face to breathe warm air onto them. You think of the cup of hot chocolate still held warm in your grip, and figure that he might need it more than you do. 
“Take this, you look freezing,” you say, pushing the cup into Sebastian’s direction. “So long as you don’t mind drinking after me, that is.” He must really be cold because he shakes his head, mumbles, “Thank you,” and takes the cup with little hesitation. After a small sip, he already looks a little better. 
The stark contrast between holding a hot cup to suddenly having your hands exposed to the cold air hurts, and soon, you find that your fingers are tingling. You try to hide this from Sebastian since you don’t want him to worry, but eventually, he notices the way you’re rubbing your hands together and how your breaths have become more shuddered. 
“Share this with me,” he offers, removing one hand from the cup and holding it out to you. You reach out to take it, but instead of removing it from his grip entirely, you both just sit there, one hand each on the cup of hot chocolate. Whenever either of you wants a sip, both hands follow. 
This has solved the problem of one of your hands being cold, but with the other, you’re back to the method of trying to fit it into your sleeve to confine it to the warmth of your coat. As it did earlier, this method fails. 
Suddenly, you feel a slight touch against your hand, and when you look down, you see Sebastian’s fingers ever so slightly brushing against yours. He’s still looking straight ahead at the ocean, refusing to acknowledge you, as he gently moves his hand so that his fingers lace with yours. Immediately, the heat of another person makes your hand feel better, and the blush that has risen to your cheeks helps your face feel warmer too. 
Sebastian doesn’t say anything and neither do you, you just sit in a silent agreement, holding the cup of hot chocolate with one hand each and holding your other hands together, the cold now forgotten. 
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
You converted into Judaism I believe? I’ve occasionally considered converting (Haven’t looked into it yet), and am curious as to what led to your decision to convert
hi, thanks for asking. I started my conversion process around three years ago. it's been a rough process, but so far it's going well. as for why I decided, it's a long story. so I'll try my best to keep it short
I was raised catholic. my grandfather was Irish catholic, and raised my mother catholic. my father on the other hand was raised lutheran. you would think that would make their marriage extremely controversial, an Irish catholic woman marrying a protestant man. but it was actually really chill for both families. my dad was never really religious, but my mom was a devoted catholic who had us go to church and ccd every week, up until I went to middle school. I went to the tiniest private middle school in existence. there were 15 kids in all of eighth grade. the building was over 100 years old. it almost closed twice during my three years there. and honestly, it kinda sucked. so much that my two younger siblings both went to public middle schools to try and avoid the shit I went through.
since I went to a catholic private school, I was taught a fair amount of religious history alongside the basic middle school education. it wasn't the first thing that helped me open up to other religions, but being forced to study the history of other world religions was a big eye opener for me. I got confirmed in 8th grade, and then immediately stopped caring about religion. I was an atheist for most of my first two years of high school. I wasn't one of the annoying reddit atheists, I still respected other people's religions. I just didn't know what to believe in myself.
around this time I went through a major depression after my grandmother died, and struggled with my grades and suicidal thoughts. I got into twitter (which, let's be honest, is not the healthiest coping mechanism) and met a lot of friends who helped me discover myself. I eventually came out as transgender and my friends online and irl were super supportive. and a lot of my trans friends online were also Jewish. I started to learn more about their religion just from talking with them, and I actually found it really interesting. it wasn't anything like christianity. people were encouraged to question things and argue and debate.
it was a bit after a graduated high school when I started to think about whether or not I wanted to convert, and about a year later when I spoke to a local rabbi. I will be honest, the pandemic has made it extremely fucking difficult. mostly everything is online, and that makes it a huge pain. but I wouldn't be going through this huge tedious process of converting if I didn't know for certain that it is exactly what I want to do. I love Judaism. I love my Jewish friends. I love my religion. I love my own unique personal relationship that I have with god and myself. it's hard to even put into words. the same feeling I had when I came out as trans is the same feeling I have towards Judaism.
if you're considering converting, look into it first. it's a very difficult process. and that's intentional. Judaism is not a proselytizing religion. it's supposed to be a very hard and difficult process with lots of obstacles. you have to be 1000% sure that Judaism is the correct religion for you.
and that's where I'm at now. I sometimes say that I'm Jewish, but really I'm still in the process of converting. but based on how much I've learned and how much I've experienced, I'm more than certain that this is the religion for me.
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an-indecisive-mess · 10 months
(Love)Storytime: Part 2
Up next for my F/O love stories is Wendell Belzer. This is the one year anniversary of me realizing I was in love with him, and, boy, is this quite a story. Wendell is a special case, y'all. Mainly because he’s the most recent out of all these F/Os (his movie came out just last year, the oldest crush of mine was from a 1982 movie) and because I really didn’t know if I was going to fall for him or not. 
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You see, as mentioned before, I found out about the movie four days before it came out, and while they intrigued me with their designs when I first saw them, my initial impression of both Wendell and Wild was that they were a typical pair of scheming demons who just wanted to cause havoc in the Land of the Living once Kat summoned them (basically "slightly" taller versions of Pain and Panic). What made me change my entire perspective on them? The fact that they didn’t want to kill Spark Plug to test the hair cream on a larger specimen. I am not lying, that little scene made me change my entire view on both of them! The bros were nothing but total sweethearts who just wanted to build an amusement park for dead souls so they could make the afterlife a less scary place compared to their dad’s Scream Faire, how could you not love them?
Well, that’s when I came to a little bit of a problem. When it came clear that the bros were my favorite characters in the movie, and after I made Bernadette a childhood friend of theirs, I knew that I would most likely start crushing hard on ONE of them because that’s the kind of person I am (also, it’d be weird writing fanfiction that involves… special moments -we’ll call it that- with an S/I and two brothers. That’s kinda nasty, folks). Only problem was, I had no idea which one would claim my heart. 
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Wild would’ve been my first choice. I mean, he was so chill and looked at his and Wendell’s imprisonment with a bit more lighter side despite feeling guilty that he got them both stuck in jail for talking smack about their dad’s faire. He genuinely made me laugh and felt more like a better F/O, and I do love that about Wild, but he and I just never clicked. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like him. Quite frankly, I do love Wild, just very differently than from how I love Wendell. Also, Wild is a Tumblr sexyman. I had to say it, he’s a literal handsome devil and I am very disappointed that y’all haven’t made him official yet. Shame on every single one of y’all! Get this man on the same level of sexyman as his older bro and his daddy!
But Wendell, he caught my eye specifically. Sure, my first impression of him wasn’t the best: I mean, he was temperamental and can hold a grudge on his brother like no business (and I hold grudges on my sisters for stupid stuff, so that’s saying something), but what caught my attention about him was that, yeah, he was the oldest brother between him and Wild. He most likely had so much expectations put onto him, and he just fell apart when he and Wild got put in jail from what happened. But seeing him light up when he and Wild talked about their faire, seeing him look so happy and excited when they finally got to the Land of the Living to live out their dreams, I could see that that was the freedom he wanted and craved for. He wanted to share he and Wild’s dream with everyone, and I appreciated that.
He’s a dreamer at heart. An artistic, charismatic, hilarious (he makes me laugh as well), admittedly short-fused, and handsome dreamer that I tried so hard not to fall for, but eventually I accidentally stumbled upon some head canons of Wendell and how he treats his dates. I guess I pictured me with him, and that’s when I realized I was in love with him.
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twinknote · 1 year
book recs (sorted-ish by vibe). also i am not good at understanding what books are stressful and i’m not sure what will shatter your heart but i will try :)
books that made me feel things (but not heartbreak and pain):
Howl’s Moving Castle (and the whole series) by Diana Wynne Jones — is it a children’s book? yes. is it beautiful and wonderful and makes me so so happy? also yes. if you’ve seen the movie disregard it when reading the book. they’re similar in concept but not really the same. the movie is great but the book is great in a different way so i’d recommend it if you want something calm and magical and perfect
i am realizing that i don’t have any nice happy books
weird / lots of metaphors:
Vicious by V.E. Schwab (one of my fav authors) — this book,, is kinda fucked up. it is.. weird. the main character is in a rivalry with another guy that is so hateful on both ends that it’s actually kinda homoromantic ngl. it is a very revenge-focused book and it does get dark sometimes but overall it won’t shatter you i prommy
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett — if you haven’t seen the show (doubtful, everyone has) and even if you have seen it it’s wonderful. the show is fantastic obviously but book crowley and book aziraphale will always have my heart
I really really recommend anything by Chuck Palahniuk. Fight Club is his most famous novel but it gets really fucked up so if that’s not your vibe maybe skip him. if it is your vibe i’d recommend The Invention Of Sound (really fucked up actually might shatter you i think it changed me irrevocably) or Invisible Monsters (mildly fucked up but I’m only halfway through it rn so it might get worse?)
The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater (book one is The Raven Boys) — this series is gay and also weird. very weird. i don’t think i can explain it kind of weird. i think i read this whole series in 3 days when i got it. it has a definite vibe. i don’t know what that vibe is but it has one. also technically probably a ya series but i don’t remember
anything by Neal Shusterman — i was obsessed with his books for years i think i’ve read almost everything he’s written. a lot of his books are ya novels but they focus on a lot of serious issues in very interesting ways. one of my favorite series by him is called the Skinjacker trilogy and oh my god that sounds so sinister it’s not i prommy. first book is Everlost. it reads almost like a children’s book based on the vibes but it has some deep topics and i don’t remember if it will shatter your heart or not. would also recommend the scythe series and the unbound series but those also deal with heavier topics so keep that in mind
classics (some have a particular writing style that some people have a hard time understanding so if you do then ignore these):
read anything by Jane Austen but especially Emma it is so good
if you haven’t read the Great Gatsby do that. defiantly some gay vibes but a sad-ish end so idk. and it’s important to read. i read it every year. it’s so good
The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde — one of my favorite classics i was obsessed with this for years, kinda fucked up in the way that all classics are but it’s only sad depending on your outlook
the ones i’d recommend the most are Howl’s Moving Castle, Vicious, Good Omens, and Invisible Monsters
tbh i’m the type to look for heart-shattering, thought provoking, really weird books so i tried to recommend the less messed up ones. i was combing my bookshelf and looking through my drawers (i have so many books) but most of them make people cry so a lot of the ones i recommended were ya or on a thin line. except for Howl’s Moving Castle. it’s my #1 favorite chill book (and only chill book apparently)
but if you ever want books that will kill you on the spot i can recommend you great things
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! v much appreciate the recs!!! to be fair most of the time idek what will be stressful or shatter my heart. like the last book i read which i Loved was extremely heartbreaking. i am just a mentally ill guy so i like to read things that don't make me have a complete emotional breakdown :-) i DO love weird/metaphorical books tho. also can you believe that i have a degree in english and i've never read the great gatsby OR any jane austen??? having professors who fought against the western literary canon was truly a blessing and a curse
of Course literally all of the books you rec'd are checked out from my library jghjhgjh but i will be bookmarking this list so i can check them out in a few weeks!!!
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sambinnie · 1 year
1. Solstice again. Creeping from the still house into cool air, then a run to smooth waters where even the dogs and their walkers haven’t yet rambled. We swim in almost-silence for a while, like steady kayaks, with a chiffchaff serenading us and the last of the willow fluff dusting the surface of the water, fish occasionally glopping upwards to grab a passing insect.
Home to pick a posy for the table. I must not fall asleep as soon as I sit down. I fall asleep instantly.
2. This spring has been wonderful. Besides the puffs from the willows along the river, the chestnut trees drip sap onto the pavements so our shoes click with every pace, and the ducklings, goslings and cygnets gather around their beady-eyed parents. Dragonflies and damselflies drone over the river. Huge poppies have grown in the chaos of the garden, I assume where I threw the seeds from pavement poppies last summer, and bees roll around among the stamens like playing puppies. I drive past the supermarket and see several people tending to a horse in the neighbouring scrubland.  
3. Have you finished Succession yet? This final series has been my favourite yet, for possibly obvious reasons — my stress levels were lower than my enjoyment levels for the very first time, so I could fully savour exactly how brilliant every single aspect is. Cast, crew, production, script — everything is perfect, and yet how hard to communicate why a programme about the world’s worst people is not just watchable but probably the best TV this year. This Vanity Fair clip with the director of the scene on Connor’s wedding boat is excellent and describes so well how TV like this is a kind of alchemy.
4. A brief sojourn to a foreign city, where the cathedral left me chilled but a record store was so exactly like the ones from my teens that I welled up and had to be pulled away. How do smells cut through all barriers and transform us so completely to our previous selves? I wanted to stay for hours and flick through every single album, and end up buying four, two I’d love immediately and two I’d hate, but would stick with because albums are never cheap, and the two that were harder work would become my favourites and stick deep in my brain forever. I thought myself too cool to be a Feeder fan at the time, but watching this video now I want to weep at how normal we all looked then, how clunky and average and awkward, how anyone who grew up in the 90s would recognise those bedrooms, that wallpaper, those lampshades, and how humans are so dumb to grieve things we didn’t even want at the time. 
But sometimes, for brief moments, like when you are standing at the stove making lemon and courgette risotto and listening to Head Like a Hole at full volume, your teen self and the adult self you thought you might be meld perfectly and all is well with the world. 
5. We read this book in bookclub recently, and I was struck at how we all struggled to verbalise our feelings about it. Was it good? Bad? Confusing? Funny? Unsettling? It was all and none, the live example of imagining a colour you’d never seen before. I was reminded of these two videos the algorithms had fed me, on Outsider Music and how audiences misunderstood the film of American Psycho when it first came out. Weirdness is so challenging, so aching and unsettling and new to brains which generally thrive on conformity and predictability. In the latter video, the film’s director Mary Herron says, ‘I have to always remind myself, sometimes I don’t get it, you know, when I first see something… particularly if it’s unfamiliar, it can be quite… there’s something uncomfortable or disturbing or it seems boring or like it does’t work, and it’s also because you’re just not attuned to it yet and it’s just sometimes you take time.’ Like those albums as a teen, the best, weirdest, most brain-engaging stuff often takes much longer to chew, but it’s almost always worth it.
6. (We also watched Mustang, which I recommend to literally everyone, although it does nothing to disprove my theory that all good woman- and girl-based films are secretly also horror films. But it’s brilliant, so please watch it if you haven’t already.)
7. I intend to make this tonight for the Solstice feast’s dessert. Happy summer, pals.
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lifeofa-fangirl · 2 years
PSA: Sorry for the long rant. I just have a few thoughts about The Loneliest I need to share before other people's opinions cloud my brain.
Spoiler alert to start this off: I am a 90s kid. I was a young teen in the late 90s (yes, I’m that old) when Aerosmith wrote I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing, Green Day came out with Good Riddance and Goo Goo Dolls released Iris. I like to think I know a thing or two about rock ballads. Does that mean I think The Loneliest compares to any of these songs? No. Simply because I think Måneskin doesn’t compare to these bands. Because while I would qualify all these band under the general term of rock music, all four are very different. So I don’t think it’s really possible or fair to compare them. 
That being said, I did always say that rockers write the best ballads. And I stand by that. For after just a few listens, I don’t think that it’s the best song they ever made, but I do think it’s a good song. And dear god, it’s definitely such a major step upwards from first listening to Supermodel.
Based on the snippets we got, I wanted to wait to listen until after work because of the mood, so I’ve been avoiding IG and Tumblr and everybody else’s opinion today. Then this afternoon I couldn’t wait anymore and I decided to take a short break to listen to it at my desk. Definitely a mistake on my part, because the dark vibe? I feel it and I feel it hard. I can’t really explain why, but this one really gets to me. Chills. Let’s just say I was glad nobody came to talk to me in the next 15 minutes, haha. 
Musically, I like the difference between the verses and the chorus very much. The way the song builds and you can feel it go crescendo towards the chorus, yes please. This is my kind of song. The kind of song that gets stuck in my head for a long time after a listen. 
Also, I’ll say it now and I’ll say a million times over: put Thomas in the spotlight more, cause that guitar solo! More of this please. It came very unexpected to me at the first listen, cause I think it’s quite a different sound in the whole of the song, but I’m a big fan.
I am not a fan of the double voice thing that happens at some point, but that’s just a second or two in 4 minutes (which yes, as weird as it may sound, I am happy with the length), so I won’t fall over it.
Lyrically? I honestly think this might be my favorite English song of theirs so far. It is no Paura Del Buio or Torna A Casa obviously. But writing in a language that in not your own is so so hard and I feel like so much progress has been made. IWBYS and For Your Love, they are great songs. But lyrically, as in a story being told and unfolded, the way they are build? I definitely do enjoy this one better.
Lastly, I wanna say that I am curious about a live version of this song. (And no, I haven’t heard or seen any footage from the London show) Because while it feels less produced than Supermodel, I do feel that they could and should tone down production further. And I’ve discussed this with people before (you know who you are ;)): in my opinion, Måneskin are a better band live than in the studio. So I look forward to seeing and hearing this live as well. 
In conclusion: It’s not perfect and  I definitely need to hear a live version, but I’m a fan of this song, for all the reasons above. And I believe it will grow further on me to more I hear it. 
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snoopylovessoup · 10 months
Hmm I asked a very innocuous question in one of my friend group’s discord about what days we’d estimate our yearly cottage weekend to be, because my other friend keeps bugging me to ask my boss about the week she wants to book off for her cottage (she wants to do a full week this year instead of a long weekend for the first time). Y’all, she is pestering me to book dates for her cottage week in July 2024. It is December. But anyways, that got me thinking of this friend group’s cottage weekend and I wanted to make sure the weeks didn’t overlap. So the person who books the cottage in the discord was super nice and gave me some of the available weeks and said we could emote up or down weekends that work/don’t work for us, a bunch of other people in the discord said they’re looking forward to the cottage, excited now, etc.
Until the owner of the discord and the person who’s friend group this is (all the people invited to the cottage is a friend of theirs) said that they feel really upset and betrayed we’d start planning without them when it’s their thing and that they weren’t going to think about planning until after the new year. Which 1) fair, it’s stupid early to start asking about this, and I know this person has other events they are organizing this month so they’re focused on that, but 2) wtf everyone was being chill and having a good time and then they come in basically yelling at everyone and me in particular for just asking a question and acting like we’re going ahead and booking dates without her? This was all just getting a general idea of what weeks we were looking at so I can get a feel for when it would be (last year it was 2 weeks after the other cottage weekend so it was exhausting for me).
Like I wasn’t mad about this initially but other people immediately were upset with this person in the discord convo so there was some arguing in there. I only read it after a few people apologized to me about the person’s behaviour asking me if I was ok. But the more I think about it the more I’m upset, especially because we have a party tonight celebrating that person’s partner’s birthday so it’s made that really awkward and now I’m considering not even going.
The partner whose birthday it is posted in the discord that there is a soft moratorium on talking about planning the cottage, which I think is a good idea. I do NOT want arguments spilling into the party, that’s not fair to the birthday person when they had nothing to do with this convo. I messaged the partner asking if they think it’d be ok apologizing to this person at the party or better if I did it via private message (I already apologized in the discord to try and diffuse the convo) and the partner said that the person will be messaging me directly.
So that was early evening last night and now it’s the next day and I still haven’t heard from them, while I’ve been in dread about this message all night. Idk I keep wondering whether I’ve been uninvited to the party or not, so now I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t go at all because it will likely make things awkward.
I feel super bad that I’ve upset this person because they’re going through cancer in their immediate family so I know the holidays is a hard time for that (my dad died of cancer around this time 5 years ago), but at the same time I don’t think what I did was that bad and I feel like they’re really misconstruing what happened.
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lisa-the-lighthearted · 11 months
Trick or treat! 🎃
Hello, hello, my wonderful friend! Thank you so much for the ask! 🤗 In the spirit of tricks (and treats), I couldn’t think of a better scene to share than this one! A little background on it…
This (roughly drafted) scene is taken from the third chapter of my Only Through Victory rewrite. The same one I started for Nanowrimo last year without getting very far at all- and am going to be chipping away at next month. I really like where it is headed. The characters as well as the overall story are fleshed out more, the simplicity and overall message of the first draft remain uncompromised… and there are more poems, which is an added bonus depending on who you ask! Lol! 😆 One thing that I changed is the involvement of Annabelle’s sisters and her friend, Harold- all three of whom nobody really got to know in the previous draft. In the rewrite, an injured Harold “steals” William’s horse following a tense moment between his regiment and the dragoons. The boy rides directionless in search of help and this happens…
Annabelle planted herself firmly on the dirt road. To her right, Harold stumbled as he vanished into the thicket. To her left, the stolen warhorse stood. His ears flicked and spun, following the noise of his approaching master.
It was hard to be brave. Harder still when the realization sunk in that they had spoken once before. If she could have the first word, it would be all the leverage she needed, but that was not guaranteed. The soldier cocked his weapon, creating the first line of their exchange.
“Good day!” Her body might have trembled, but her voice was strong and clear. “Good day to you!” Annabelle reiterated as the familiar man stomped into the clearing. He blinked when he saw her. Blinked- but malice clung to his eyes like a thick coating of unfallen tears. His gaze was chilling and somehow worse than the rifle that was held at the level of her heart.
“Where is he?” The redcoat hissed.
“Why, right here, of course!” Annabelle gestured to the chestnut steed beside her. “Eagerly awaiting your return!”
“Step aside!”
She followed his command and the weapon was lowered. Her method had worked, as far as she knew. “I did not catch your name when last we spoke. Since we have crossed paths more than once, it only seems right that we exchange… Sir?”
He tore into the saddlebag, quickly ensuring that its contents were all accounted for. “You haven’t answered my question. Where is the boy?”
“That hardly matters, I have returned your property to you in his place and in turn, willingly accept any repercussions you have in mind for him as my own. Now, if you ask me, I was raised believing the punishment should match the crime. I have taken something of yours and returned it, it only seems fair that you should take something of mine.”
A smile surfaced but it was tainted with menace by his still-present scowl. He straightened his back and crossed his arms. It was a stance that reminded Annabelle of her father’s right before a reprimand.
She breathed deep and began her strange and unsolicited recitation…
How does a soldier lose his horse
As one might lose a thimble?
He’s always whinnying with force
His hooves are loud as cymbals!
“Lost? I lost nothing, he was taken from me!”
A thief you might say
Is what stole him away
We both know this is nonsense, of course!
For where he calls home
And he chooses to roam
Is nobody’s call but the horse!
It was clear to all that he was anything but amused. At least until the moment her awkward curtsy caused the man to chuckle lightly through his nose. “You are mocking me, aren’t you?”
“On the contrary, I am looking to befriend you! I believe that the strongest friendships begin with laughter. That and I remembered that you are fond of my poems. Judging by your expression, I assume you did not like this one as much as the first.”
“You speak entirely too much, Miss?”
With a grin, she extended her hand. “Annabelle Casey.”
“Annabelle,” he repeated, still donning a look of disgust spiked with something fairer. Something between adoration and amusement. With a shake of his head, he returned to his saddlebag and removed a small journal. “Words are strange companions. One moment they are playful and endearing. The next they are deceptive. Fickle. Not unlike this horse! And like him, they require a corral. Yours especially. Guard them.”
She accepted the strange offering. The leather was warm. The pages, unfilled; save for a few rough drawings of local flora and several appearances of text. Poems, like hers.
His penmanship was barely legible. Every line was full of ornate loops and flourishes, all of which had been hastily scrawled. Annabelle could not decode them right away, but she didn’t need to. A single glance revealed a wealth of perfectly evident secrets about the man. Secrets that words alone could never convey:
He was fearful and temperamental and more concerned with outward appearances than matters of the heart. But a heart he surely had, though it was deeply pained. She felt her own heart swell and ache for him- against her better judgment, perhaps.
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eyrieofsynapses · 3 years
Redemption Panel Highlights and Reactions
i.e., Beth Riesgraf and Christian Kane (mostly Beth) talking about filming the scenes in (what I presume is) The Rollin’ on the River Job, where they’re pulling some stuff out of the water, and finding out the next day that there was an absolutely massive alligator pulled out of the same place just a little while after they filmed it
Beth’s impression of the wildlife folks warning them about the alligators
Beth scaring the hell out of Noah Wyle by yelling “GATOR” at him just after he finished his scene
seriously that was an absolutely WILD part of the panel
Everyone showering Aleyse Shannon with literally all the love!
Aldis Hodge in particular big-brothering her, and also the older actors calling her out for not giving herself enough credit, and Dean Devlin talking about how she blew him away at the auditions with her ability to turn on a dime
Seeing Kane with his glasses off wiping at his eyes, momentarily thinking “you okay dude?” and then realizing that he was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes
The The Bucket Job clip! I’ve been a bit meh on a lot of Redemption, just in how it didn’t feel quite right, but that is possibly the absolute closest I’ve seen it get to the original in the best way. Brilliant
Which comes as no surprise since BETH RIESGRAF directed the episode!!! And apparently put an insane amount of effort in!
Beth’s utter delight and joy at both directing the episode and having the crew behind her
So apparently she and Christian went to town on the fight scene and he winds up tied up in a chair somewhere along the line and there’s a whole wild scene, which I am really looking forward to
Beth knowing how insanely particular he’d be about things like zip ties vs rope and what kind of rope e.t.c. e.t.c.
Apparently this is also tied into a VERY DEEP scene with Eliot? It sounds like they’re going to go super hard on his backstory, which is terrifyingly exciting
Just. Beth and Christian going very hard on that episode together
Speaking of: the panel’s going amazingly, I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts, things are relatively light, and then, of fucking course—
Kane hitting us over the head about Eliot being a mass murderer who can’t be redeemed, is trying to stay static so that he can maintain the place he’s in, and is thus LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH HARRY
What the FUCK. This is of course incredibly insightful and perfectly on point (because it’s Kane) but also, EXCUSE ME, OUCH, why would you DO THAT to us?
Everyone talking about having their families on set and their kids!
Beth’s son growing up on the original Leverage set and now going into being a director himself!
Gina’s daughter also growing up on set!
Noah Wyle’s daughter is playing Harry’s daughter I REPEAT NOAH WYLE’S ACTUAL DAUGHTER IS PLAYING AS HARRY’S DAUGHTER
Gina Bellman remaining relatively stoic throughout much of the panel (seriously, this woman, how the heck does she do it) and then losing it when they’re asked about running/inside jokes
A lot of them are, of course, apparently not appropriate to be spoken on-panel
(A lot of the others are the little inside ones that are special enough not to be ones they want to share, which is sweet!)
Everyone collectively losing it over having LeVar Burton on for The Bucket Job
Devlin and everyone laughing about collecting the various Star Trek people on Leverage
Beth talking about Burton coming over while she’s getting ready and asking her if she’s living on coffee and water, her laughing because he was absolutely right, and then him gently reminding her to remember to eat, which is the sweetest thing in the world oh my gods
Kane apparently choreographing an intense scene with Burton and being scared out of his mind, because Burton really wanted to go for it, but to Kane it was like he’s a figurine that’s not to be messed with because he was so worried about hurting him
Kane choreographing a massive amount of the show, which I knew already, but seriously, this guy blows me away
Gina and the crew talking about how he’d be away for a day of shooting a fight and all of them would be missing him and thinking about him
Family Vibes
Everyone talking about how they’re very noisy and loud together on set and it’s a bit like walking into a group of people having Christmas dinner (or something to that effect) because they’re just Like That together
Aleyse being the most surprised by Beth when she met her because she was like a little angel of light during the auditions but turned out to be an absolute ball of wild energy on set
Gina going “wait you were a MODEL” at Beth
Aldis talking about how much he loved how Parker and Hardison’s relationship had developed and grown!
Also, Aldis apologizing when the New York (iirc) background noise got loud and everyone going “no no we get you”
His outfit is ON POINT today
Gina saying that Christian is the goofiest and wildest out of them in terms of humor
(she goes “some of you may not know this,” which, fair, but also, if you’ve seen more than ten minutes of this guy outside of character you know he’s an absolute ball of sunshine)
Gina, Beth, and Christian talking about how they’d challenge each other to stay off sweets back on the original set, because they knew they needed to stay in shape and also just because they’re competitive (apparently all of them are major sweet tooths) and hide brownies and things from each other, while Aldis is just. doing pushups. eating all the healthy stuff. and then wanders into the room with a literal cupful of chocolates
(and Aldis going “well yeah I have to work off the sweets SOMEHOW”)
Beth explaining that sometimes they’d order a “Kane burrito” from Christian and he’d alter it slightly
Like, you know, chopping up hot jalapenos super fine and mixing them in, and Beth practically not being able to talk after the first bite
Apparently Aldis still went back a lot even after that
(Christian just seems very pleased with himself over it)
Gina goes “hey we should have an episode where we all swap roles,” Devlin going “WAIT FOR SEASON ONE TO BE DONE,” and then somebody (maybe the moderator?? I don’t remember exactly) going “uh actually. We did that”
Cue immediate scramble of “WAIT WHICH JOB WAS THAT”
(paraphrasing) “Yeah you remember the bit where you put on Parker’s harness and went off a building?”
Turns out half the cast had actually forgotten that that existed and only remember when reminded
The original cast all think of the episodes as “jobs”!!!!
Everyone talking over each other, Devlin going “it was with Sterling when we blew up the offices,” deciding that it was the season one finale, and then trying to figure out what episode title it was (eventually they figure out it’s the David jobs)
Moderator and Devlin accurately commenting that the fans know the show much better than they do
Noah Wyle very correctly explaining how Electric Entertainment is like a family and Devlin just. Keeps people
Aleyse and Aldis talking about typing when they’re hacking and going “WHAT THE HECK DO WE TYPE”
Aldis goes “yeah I just type all the bad words that we’re not allowed to say”
Aleyse saying that she’s always a little worried they’re hiding a Word document behind the blue screen and they’re going to pull up what she’s typing at the end of the day and print it out and put it in her trailer going “what the HECK is this”
Noah talking about filming The Golf Job and just getting to direct Jason Marsters and Christian together
Apparently their dynamic in that episode accurately mirrors the one with their characters in Angel!
Which promptly goes straight to the comment that it was very hard to make Marsters look like a golfer (pfft)
(Also apparently Christian plays golf for fun with his friends? Not necessarily something I would’ve thought of!)
Aleyse happily talking about how she loved the dynamic on set and it was very different from what she was used to
Also Aleyse talking about doing stunts and everyone else praising her for going whole hog
Beth especially praising her for the bit where she’s hit with the paralysis injection (I don’t remember which ep it’s from) and her acting for it, because it was incredibly hard to drop off screen in the particular way she did
Aleyse promptly answers that she was terrified with some of those, especially one where she had to keep a clock from falling and breaking
Everyone discussing how they see a new aspect of Breanna’s character in The Train Job
Also, to get serious for a moment, Kate Rorick in particular talks about how Breanna’s part of Gen Z and how we didn’t get the “days of yore” where everything was chill. We’ve basically been living in a world of hostility the whole time. It’s something I deeply appreciate, as someone who’s part of that group, and I love how they emphasize that for us.
This panel was pure chaos and I loved every moment of it! My stomach was actually hurting from laughing so hard, I swear. They had me cackling well over half the time. I would happily take panels double or triple the length of this, this was amazing. I also adore how the second you drop these six people in a room together, they immediately take off and literally just run and give you everything you wanted and more. (It is also evidently very hard to get them to STOP talking.)
I’m also just going to stop and take a second to fawn over the effects for the 3D room. It’s gorgeous—I love how they replicated the headquarters, especially with the stained glass ceilings! Super impressive, especially with all the photos, and I just love the whole thing. Kudos to whoever put that together.
Anyway, I’m definitely missing some stuff too; seriously, there wasn’t a second wasted in this thing, they were cracking some kind of joke or dropping some really interesting piece of information practically every thirty seconds. (And I haven’t even gotten into the clips OR the bloopers. I miiiight do a separate reaction purely for those.) It’s still up right now if you missed it and you want to watch it! I’ll probably watch it again, honestly.
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‘till the end of time
c!technoblade x reader, PLATONIC c!tommyinnit x reader
Gender Neutral Pronouns
TW: Very light angst
This is a part two to my original one shot, “‘till it all burns down.” i linked it below in case you haven’t read it yet and want to know the backstory to this one. big thank you to @ghostlysenses for encouraging me to post this. :)
MCYT Masterlist
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Y/n’s back was hot from the sun that was shining down on it. Standing up, they stretched out and surveyed the work they had down. For many blocks all that was there to be seen were neat rows of plants, all ready to grow and be harvested. All day Y/n had worked hard to put their garden together, planting wheat, carrots, beetroot, and even melons.
The villagers that Y/n lived near had graciously offered to trade for the seeds and starter vegetables, allowing them to become self sufficient for food. They had even offered the young person a rooting potato, but Y/n had respectfully declined. It would be many years before they could probably look at the root vegetable without feeling pain.
The sun started to get low in the sky, so Y/n decided to call it a day. They gathered up their tools and started the trek through their village; smiling and nodding to their neighbors that now hustled themselves and their children inside to be safe. Even though the villagers were very different from Y/n, they had learned the strange people’s language enough to communicate and live peacefully among them.
As they arrived at their home, they took a moment to observe the work of their hands. Piece by piece Y/n had built up a beautiful little cottage, surrounded by flowers and trees. A beehive hummed with the activity of it’s inhabitants, and off in the distance a cow moo-ed, content with the evening. The air was sweet and warm, but a breeze brought a chill to the still person.
Shaking themselves from their thoughts, Y/n went into the house to prepare dinner. It was dark inside, and slightly cold from the lack of fire all day. As they went around the house, lighting lanterns and stoking fireplaces, light flooded into the small home, but the chill still remained. To be fair, it had never left. No matter how much wool was used to carpet or how plush the furniture was, Y/n still felt a chill permeate every inch of the house.
Even though it had been a long time since they had left their original home, the memories of laughter and companionship still haunted them. Y/n had a lot of space to themselves, but they missed having roommates who constantly argued and tried to cook together. Y/n didn’t regret leaving, they did it for the right reasons, but they still missed the life they had lost on that tragic day.
Feeling nostalgic after dinner, Y/n found their way into their basement, and after rummaging chest after chest, they finally found it. When Y/n first decided to settle in the village, they took all their old belongings and tucked them away deep. Now, however, they felt a little adventurous and decided it was time to go through the discarded items.
Settling down on the couch, Y/n slowly creaked open the lid. Dust flew everywhere, covering anything nearby; still, they persisted. At the top was just some leather armor and stone tools, tuck away after they had collected iron in their new home. Deeper in the chest, they felt their hand grasp a handle; lifting up, a netherite sword came out of the chest, it’s enchanted surface gleaming in the light. A matching axe and pickaxe soon followed. Beneath the tools came a slightly dirty fur lined cloak. It was [your favorite color], and Y/n’s heart twisted at the sight of it, remembering the day they received it.
Winter was settling into the area, and the snow stopped melting in the afternoons. Y/n’s and Tommy’s light jackets proved to be no match to the incoming chill. Technoblade was well prepared, his thick red cloak never leaving his shoulders when he went outside. Of course, as part piglin, the cold had always bothered him a little bit, so he constantly wore the cloak. But it didn’t pass the hybrid’s notice when his friends started shaking every time they went outside.
Technoblade usually went out for a little bit each day, but for a week he went out for hours at a time, and at odd hours as well. Sometimes Y/n could hear him leave the house late into the night, or other times he would leave before the crack of dawn. Whenever questioned, the tall man would simply reply “Business” and walk away or change the subject. Eventually Y/n just dropped it, but it didn’t dampen their curiosity.
Finally the answers were finally revealed. One morning, as Tommy and Y/n were setting the table for breakfast, Technoblade walked through the door. As the pair rushed to their friends side with concern and questions, they noticed two bulky, brown paper wrapped packages in his arms.
“Are those presents for me? I love presents.” Tommy queried, always excited at the prospect of new items to treasure.
“They’re for both of you.” Technoblade handed each a package and crossed the room and sat down at the table.
Y/n convinced Tommy to wait to open the gifts until after breakfast, and he did, but they thought he might explode the way he bounced his knee. Finally the table was cleared, and the impatient blond rip open the paper. Inside was a thick red sweater, perfectly crafted for the young boy. It was clearly made to withstand the elements, but it also was quite fashionable. Tommy quickly gave his thanks to Technoblade, but he soon ran outside to give it a test in the fresh snow that had fallen in the night.
Turning to the person beside him, Technoblade pushed the package towards them. “Open it.”
Y/n carefully untied the strings and peeled back the paper; what was lying underneath caused their breath to catch in their throat. It was a cloak, lined with soft white fur. The actual cloth was made of beautifully dyed wool, and it was their favorite color. Now Y/n understood why Technoblade had been sneaking off, he must’ve been collecting wool and getting someone to make these for them and Tommy.
“I noticed how much you liked mine, so I got Nikki to make one just like it. Do… do you like it?”
Y/n looked from the cloak in their hand to the man who had given it to them. “I love it.”
A tear dropped from Y/n’s face and dampened their knee. The cloak was held in their hands just like that beautiful day, but instead of being surrounded by people they loved, Y/n was all alone. That cloak had protected them for a long time, whether it had been collecting wood in the forest or sneaking into L’manburg. It had come with them as they had fled the greater Dream SMP, and they hadn’t the heart to get rid of it as they tried to start their life again.
Gently setting the cloak aside, Y/n reached into the chest to pull out anything left behind. For a while they only felt the wooden bottom, but suddenly their hand curled around a cold metal circle. Pulling it out into the light, Y/n saw that it was a compass, glowing and etched with the words “Your Tubbo”.
“Take this, in case you ever want to find us again.”
Those had been Tommy’s last words to his beloved friend. Y/n realized how much they must’ve meant to him if he had given up the compass that had connected him to Tubbo while in exile. He had given it to them because he wanted Y/n to always be able to find home, just like he has always been able to know where his home was, even when he hadn’t been able to go there.
H o m e.
Y/n had built a home with Tommy in exile, and then they had built a home with Technoblade in his forest. Even when things were hard, even when everything felt like it was falling apart, Y/n had always had a home.
Suddenly, Y/n knew why their house had always felt cold, why there was no comfort in it. Tommy was their home, Technoblade was their home. It wasn’t the place or what possessions they had, it was the people, the chosen family that had made those places home. Y/n realized that no matter how hard they tried, they would never stop hurting for the people they had left behind. Because that’s what happens when you love someone, you never forget them.
Standing up with the compass clutched tightly, Y/n rushed through their house. Gathering the materials they would need, Y/n prepared for a long journey. They may have been justified in leaving, but they had had a rest, and now Y/n was ready to reclaim their home. Even if Tommy and Technoblade hated each other, Y/n was determined to bring them back together. They would build their home piece by piece, no matter what the cost. And they had no time to lose.
Y/n startled their sleeping neighbor villager, but they managed to communicate to the latter that they would be gone and needed someone to take care of their animals. Sleepy and a tiny bit confused, their neighbor agreed. Quickly expressing gratitude, Y/n got onto their horse and rode off, always staying in the direction the red arrow pointed.
It was late morning by the time Y/n finally saw their destination; the great country of L’manburg rose in the distance, it’s various buildings and sculptures filling up the horizon. As Y/n stepped onto the Prime Path for the first time in what felt like ages, they felt a tiny flame spark in their soul. Some of that warmth of home was finally returning to them.
As Y/n was walking along the path, they saw a blond boy wearing a red and white shirt walking towards them. He was a bit taller, and definitely looked older, but Y/n couldn’t mistake it; he was their Tommy.
Tommy was looking at the path and mumbling to himself, but he looked up and was met with the sight of Y/n. His mouth opened and closed, like a goldfish, but finally he spoke.
“Are you real?”
With tears in their eyes, Y/n nodded. Tommy suddenly ran towards them and soon his was in their arms. Both hugged the other so tightly, as if letting go would mean that it was a ghost or a dream, and they would both wake to find the other gone. Finally, however, Y/n pulled back to look at their beloved brother-like friend. His facial features has matured, and his skin was also littered with various scars. His eyes were a bit sadder, with all the weight of things seen and trauma being carried, but Y/n could also see a tiny bit of that spark that made him Tommyinnit.
“I can’t believe you’re here.”
“Trust me, I can’t believe it either.”
“What brought you back?”
Y/n pulled out the compass and showed it to Tommy. “You did. I wanted to come home Tommy.”
The blond boy pulled his friend in for another hug, and Y/n pretended not to feel their shoulder become damp.
Putting their arm through his, the two friends walked along the prime path; Tommy acted as a tour guide, pointing out new builds and catching up Y/n on the various changes in his and others’ lives. He spoke of how he finally had his discs and how the battle had gone down. Y/n knew Dream deserved death, but they couldn’t help but be proud of how Tommy’s kind heart had preserved him. They were very happy to hear that he was in a prison of his own making, and that the server was free once more.
The two spent the afternoon together, enjoying each other’s company and trying to make up for lost time. Tommy even cautiously showed Y/n new areas under development that could be perfect for a new home. Y/n smiled and went along with it, knowing that they genuinely never wanted to leave again. But still, another thing lingered in the back of their mind.
“You should go see him you know.”
“The Blade. He still lives in that cabin you know. You should go see him.”
Y/n took in a deep breath “I dunno Tommy, he-“
“He was madly in love with you, I could tell.”
They didn’t have any response to that, but their heart quickened at the thought of him loving them.
Tommy nudged their shoulder. “Go, I’ll be here when you get back.”
Finally making up their mind, Y/n have their friend a hug with a promise to return. They then set off in the direction of Technoblade’s home. It felt weird going along the familiar path, as if time had frozen and they had never left. With every step the flame in their soul grew, as did their anxiety. Y/n never stopped loving Technoblade, but they hadn’t left on the best terms. They weren’t even sure if he would be happy to see them.
The sun was setting on the cabin as Y/n approached it, and the familiar sight of smoke coming out the chimney said that someone was indeed home. Nothing really had changed, except that Y/n hadn’t been home in a long long time. Putting their horse in the old stable, Y/n slowly walked up the steps. Everything within them was screaming to turn back, to give up, but their heart won. Before they even knew it, their fist was raised and knocked on the weathered spruce door.
Some shuffling could be heard inside, and then all too soon the door was opened. There stood a pink haired man, dressed in a loose white shirt and simple black pants. His hair was falling out of his braid and laid across his shoulders. Some dirt was smudged across the top of his face and on his clothes, a sign of work in the potato farm.
For a moment his face was blank, but he fully took in the person standing in front of him, shock was evident. It looked like he was trying to speak, trying to find words, but he couldn’t. For a moment both Y/n and Technoblade just stood there and stared at each other.
Finally Y/n got up the nerve to speak. “Technoblade, I’m home.”
He took a step out the door, looking Y/n up and down before carefully putting his arms around them. As their arms snaked around his waist in a return hug, Technoblade pulled Y/n close to his chest. His face planted into the top of their head, he just held them for a while. Even as the sun disappeared he didn’t let go, just holding Y/n close to him.
Technoblade’s voice was husky and thick with emotion when he spoke the words he had tried to say so long ago. “I love you.”
Y/n leaned back and looked up into the face of the man they loved. His beautiful eyes held their gaze, and the felt the flame in their soul erupt into a bonfire, setting their whole body aflame. Carefully standing on tiptoe, they pulled Technoblade’s face close and kissed him. He reciprocated, their lips remembering the way they moved against each other.
When the couple broke apart, they stood wrapped in each other’s arms, foreheads pressed together. They would need to have a long conversation, and then there would be the need to figure out how Y/n would move back and if Technoblade and Tommy needed to be brought together again, but all those worries were pushed to the back burner as Technoblade and Y/n enjoyed holding each other again. They were home, and nothing would break them apart again.
“I love you too.”
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xlbrh · 4 years
Genshin Impact - Small things they do to show their love
notes : so i’ve been trying to think of an idea for a long story to write for one of the characters, but i’ve been having a little bit of trouble :( if anyone has any suggestions i’d love to hear them! hopefully i’ll be able to come out with an introduction or something soon 
in the meantime i wrote this up, so i hope that you guys enjoy!
Genshin Masterlist
warnings : none
format : bulleted, headcanons. fluff
pairings : diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli, xiao, albedo, aether x gn! reader
word count : 1426
everything under the cut-
during your nightly walks around mondstadt, he notices how chills can rack your body, especially when the wind blows
he’ll remove his jacket and drape it around your form, no matter how much you may protest
sometimes his arms will circle around your waist, drawing you towards him in an effort toto keep you warm until you get home
if you’ve been out adventuring close to the dawn winery, he’d invite you to the manor to share a meal or drink, whichever you’d like
whatever you desire, he’ll see to it that you receive it – most of the time he wouldn’t even ask you due to how well he can read you and your actions
when you try to refuse his offers, he’ll tell you ‘just let me look after you, my love’  
when you come to visit him in the angel’s share, he always has a seat ready just for you
he’ll keep a blanket and some books under the bar, since he knows how you like to curl up in the corner, engrossed in your reading
if you’d like he’ll come and sit with you for a short while, bringing a drink of your choice over while you tell each other about your day
kaeya is the kind of man to call you every pet name under the sun
whether it be sweetheart, darling, love etc. he loves to use these types of names for you frequently, as a form of affection
he loves your reactions to them, especially when your cheeks flare up and you turn away out of shyness – he finds it extremely endearing
he would offer to train you in swordsmanship, regardless of whether you can already wield a sword or not
he likes to not only see your strength grow, but also offer you a way to protect yourself since he cannot be with you at all times
kaeya takes pride in the training sessions you have, after all they give him another reason to spend even more time with you
he loves for you guys to have matching things, no matter how small they may be 
for example, he’ll buy you a bracelet to wear, one that matches with one on his own wrist as well
jokingly he once bought you an eyepatch to match his, but he finds it sweet but hilarious when you’ll wear it around him sometimes
since this man is a literal walking wallet, he has no problem with spoiling you with gifts
whether that be a necklace you’ve had your eye on, a new shirt because you ripped yours in battle, or a book he knows is the next in the series you enjoy
when asking him why he leaves you so many small gifts, his response is just ‘well, because i love you, of course!’
if you ever get hurt during a battle, he’ll be the first to help you
whether that be taking down the enemies if you haven’t already, or tending to the wounds you’ve received
he’d work with utmost caution, wrapping each wound gently and finishing them off with a kiss on top
when strolling the streets of liyue together, childe ensures that your body is connected to his one way or another at all times
whether that be intertwining your hands together, an arm loosely wrapped around your waist, or stopping to give you a brief peck on the forehead
he has no qualms in showing the public that you’re his – something he makes you well aware of
he knows you love when he tells you stories of his past and the history of liyue, and he enjoys telling you about them
he finds the childlike wonder in your eyes adorable as he tells you tales of adepti and archons alike
zhongli will try his best to make them as entertaining as possible for you – drawing you in with every word he uttered
he likes to play with your hair, and for you to do the same to him
if you have longer hair you can guarantee he’d be braiding and styling your hair in all different ways, adorning it with hairpins he’d purchase for you
if your hair is on the shorter side then he’d love to run his fingers through, stroking your hair and massaging your scalp until you fall asleep with your head against his chest
if there is anything in particular that you take a big interest in, zhongli will try his best to research around it – even though he probably has the knowledge anyways
he wants to be able to talk to you about things you’re interested in, as well as share in the enjoyment that you get from it
he would leave small notes to you when he can’t always be around you, sometimes with small facts he learned of
he would for sure watch over you if you ever go on a long adventure, no matter what other duties he may have to attend to
expect to see a good few hilichurl and treasure hoarder camps abandoned thanks to his interference
‘anything to ensure your safety’, he thinks
some nights, when his duties have been fulfilled early, he’ll try his hand at preparing a meal for you to share
of course nothing especially fancy! After all he doesn’t have to eat himself – its all for your enjoyment
if he struggles he’d probably reach out to verr goldet some help
just imagine him setting a small picnic up on the wangshu inn rooftop iM WEAK
once xiao finally becomes accustomed to physical contact, he’d make an effort to hold your hand a lot more often
lightly squeezing it or tracing shapes with his thumb every now and again
if you’re lucky he way even take his gloves off – just to feel that warmth from his hand can be very comforting indeed
you’re literally the only person he will listen to when he is engrossed in his experiments
as we know he tends to block out the rest of the world when he is deep in though
but as soon as he hears your voice of concern asking if he’ll take a break to eat, you wanna bet he’ll be leaving his office in an instant to join you for lunch
he does the exact same for you when you’re hard at work, so he appreciates the way you always look after him
when out looking for more specimens to analyse, he stumbles across his fair share of flowers
of course he knows which are your favourites – he knows everything about you, after all – so he’ll be sure to pick some to bring home to you
when giving them to you, he mentions ‘well, they reminded me of you, so i thought you’d like them’
if you ever get ill for some reason, albedo becomes your personal doctor
he’ll spend hours preparing serums and medicines for you to alleviate your pain – but will never let you out of his sight while doing so
he’ll ask noelle if she can fix up some food for you in the meantime, since at every free opportunity he’s sat at your bedside, hand in yours as he whispers words of comfort to you
aether is always ready to make you something to eat whenever you’d like!
he for sure has a small section of his brain dedicated to learning of recipes that he knows you enjoy, no matter how simple or complicated they may be
will make sure that you always have some lunch ready to take with you wherever you go, even if it means he had to wake up early and travel halfway across teyvat to bring it to you
he will bring you back numerous treasures from his travels
sometimes he’ll ask the locals in whichever area he’s in if they can craft the raw materials into something that you can treasure
there would be a shelf in your room specifically for aether’s gifts, where he’ll occasionally point to each one and tell you the story of how it made it’s way back to you
he makes sure to let you know how grateful he is to have you by his side
every time you do something for him, no matter how small it may be, he’ll thank you and let you know how much you mean to him
when on his travels he makes sure to write letters and send them home to you – just because he’s far away doesn’t mean he’s not still thinking about you
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btssaysstudy · 3 years
My Girl || jjk
Genre: Fluff, angst, f2l, fuckboy!Jungkook, college au Warning(s): swearing, alcohol (a lot of drinking), mentions of sex (but no smut), jk being a fkboy, Summary: Starting off the semester feeling stressed, your group had a drinking session which led to your friends interrogating you on who would you consider dating. When asked about Jungkook, you immediately said no because of your personal rule “no fuckboys”. Ever since that night, Jungkook’s behaviour seemed to change slowly but surely and so do your feelings for him Note: unedited so pls ignore any mistakes :”))
You were ready to drink the night away. It had already been a stressful first week back for the new semester. When Jimin had proposed a drinking session, you were all down for it. “All” being you, Jimin. Jin and Jungkook. Jin was the first one you befriended during one of your classes as a freshman, and he knew Jimin, who knew Jungkook. 
Being friends with three good looking guys, it was natural to have had at least an eye candy on one of them. You weren’t shy about that either. You had told Jin one day that you thought he was cute and he was your eye candy. To be fair, you were slightly tipsy. You knew you tend to say things without thinking when you were tipsy. However, you were used to ‘spilling the beans’ with the three of them as you had gotten close to each and one of them. 
Including Jeon Jungkook.
A classic fuckboy. 
It wasn’t hard to wonder why he was so popular. He was basically the whole package. Good looking, talented and charming. He was easy to talk to as well. Whenever you had problems, you would turn to him for advice. Jungkook was a great listener and you really cherished him as a friend.
That was all you saw him as. You weren’t sure whether it was because you just weren’t attracted to him or if it was because you knew that he was a fuckboy, which was something you didn’t want to meddle with. You stayed far away from fuckboys, Jungkook being one of your closest friends was already a huge exception. 
“There’s my girl.” He greeted you with the biggest grin, stepping aside to let you into his apartment.
“It’s only because I’m here with the drinks.” You joked, passing the bottles to the muscular one between you two. Jungkook laughed, “I won’t argue that. I miss soju.” The two of you made your way to the living room, and you made yourself comfortable while Jungkook kept the drinks in the fridge.
“I’m guessing the two are late?”
“What’s new,” Jungkook laughed, heading over to sit beside you as he raised his legs on the coffee table. You were sitting perpendicular to him and decided to stretch your legs, laying them over his lap for more space, “Am I your leg rest?”
“Yes, yes you are.”
Jungkook chuckled, scrolling through his phone with a smile as he seemed to be conversing with someone. “Who’s the lucky one this time?” You teased, nudging him with your foot. Jungkook smacked your leg, “Just someone from my class today.”
“You are a speedy one Jeon Jungkook.”
“Yes, yes I am.” He teased, casting a wink at you.
Jin and Jimin had arrived together half an hour later with bags of snacks and even more soju. “We have a reason this time!” Jimin immediately defended himself as they placed the bags on Jungkook’s kitchen floor. “I dragged Jin with me to buy all these since we’re all sleeping over here tonight. So we need lots of food and drinks. It’s going to be a long night.”
“We’ll let you off this time.” Jungkook replied, “yn and I already ordered dinner. It’s arriving soon.”
“Then we can start drinking!” You clasped your hands excitedly, all ready to drink the night away.
“Why are you so stressed already?” Jin asked as he opened another round of bottles for each of you. You all had cleared a few bottles of soju and the effects had already settled in. You groaned, placing your hands on the floor as you rested your weight on the palm of your hands. “It’s because of the freshmen orientation next week. The planning is driving me nuts.” 
“Better warn the freshies about Jungkook.” Jimin teased as he took a large gulp from his bottle. Jungkook threw the bottle cap at him. “I’m not that bad.”
“You definitely know that’s a lie.” Jin rebutted. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, feigning innocence. 
“I’ll definitely warn them, don’t worry.” 
“While you’re at it,” Jimin wriggled his eyebrows, “Why not scout for a potential date for yourself?” From your peripheral view, you saw Jungkook look up from the floor to watch your reaction. You simply laughed, taking a few sips of soju as well before replying. “I’ll pass. I’m not into freshmen.”
“Then who exactly are you into? You have a couple of good looking friends. Time to start scouting.”
“Yea, you haven’t been on a date in such a long time. Let us be your wingman!” Jin suggested. Jimin vigorously nodded his head, “Wait!” He raised his hand to sign ‘pause’ as he quickly downed his nth bottle of soju, emptying it easily. 
“Okay!” Jimin eagerly cleared his throat as he got up to sit on his knees. You sat up straight yourself, curious as to why Jimin was so curious. “What’s your ideal type?”
You laughed as a reaction to the sudden question, feeling the curious eyes of your friends staring at you. “I don’t have a list for my ideal type. I just go with what I feel.”
Jin frowned, placing a finger to his lip as he thought, “I was your eye candy.”
You groaned, your head tilting to lean against Jungkook’s shoulder as you pretended to hide. “Stop bringing it up and feeding your ego.” You heard Jungkook’s melodious laugh as he reached out to pat your thighs as a way to comfort you. “There, there. Nothing’s going to tone down his ego. He already knows he’s good looking.”
“How about me?”
“What?” You sat back up, emptying your bottle this time. “What do you mean?”
“Is the soju already messing up your comprehension skills.” Jimin sassily remarked, “I mean would I be eye candy worthy?”
“You all are.” You shrugged, “You guys already know that, stop using this opportunity to feed your egos.”
Jimin laughed, ‘Okay, how about, would you, if ever, see yourself going out with me?”
You took time to think, staring at Jimin as you wondered if you would. “Yea I would. I would consider that.”
Jimin smiled triumphantly, “Of course you would. I’m an amazing catch. Okay, how about Hoseok?”
“Oh,” You nodded your head, “Definitely would’ve given it a shot. But he’s like a brother now.”
Jin chipped in as he started listing names from your mutual friends, to which you replied with a yes or no.
“How about Jungkook?” Jimin interrupted.
“Definitely not.” You replied almost instantly. Jungkook choked on his soju as he was drinking when you replied. Jin laughed loudly, clapping his hands as he laughed, “That was a very quick no.”
You shrugged as Jungkook looked at you, clearly offended. You smiled as you reached out to pat his shoulders, “Sorry…” You slurred your words, “I don’t do fuckboys.”
“So!” Jimin jumped in, “If he wasn’t a fuckboy, would you consider him?”
You turned back to face Jungkook, your eyes scanning him up and down as you pondered. If you weren’t that drunk, you would’ve caught on with Jungkook’s stiff posture as his facial features gave off a somewhat nervous vibe. “Yea I would.”
You had a major hangover the following morning. Jungkook had let you use his room to sleep. Despite being close friends, you were still the only girl after all and he insisted that you take his room so you could have more privacy to wash up and rest for the night. 
“Thanks for letting me use your room again Kook.” You greeted him in a raspy voice as you stepped out of his room wearing his shirt. Every time you guys stayed over at his place to drink, it had become almost a tradition for him to insist that you use his room and borrow his shirts. You didn’t argue much with the latter since you were lazy to bring an extra set of clothes to sleep in. 
“It’s nothing. How’s my girl feeling?” He teased, clearly aware of your pounding headache from the many drinks you had. You shot him a glare as you dragged yourself to the dining chair. Jungkook, being the gentleman he was, handed you a glass of water to hydrate.
“Feeling great. Where’s Jin and Jimin?”
“They already left.”
“What? Why’d they leave so early?” 
Jungkook only chuckled, taking his phone from his pocket to show you the time. You had slept the entire morning and lunch. It was already 3pm. “What!? Why didn’t you wake me up? Do you have plans today? I’m sorry—“ You got up from the chair, ready to pack your things to leave.
“Yn, relax.” He extended his arm out to stop you, “It’s a Saturday. I have no plans except to bum around.”
“Yea right, weekends are for your dating adventures. We all know that.” You teased as you headed to his room to get changed.
“W-Well I didn’t have any plans this weekend.” He defended himself, straightening himself up in defence.
“Alright, alright. I believe you.” 
Just as you were about to close the door, Jungkook called out to you, “You slept through lunch. Wanna head out to eat?”
“Sure! Give me time to change.”
Two weeks had passed since your drink night and freshmen orientation was finally over. You had bonded pretty well with the group of freshmen that you were assigned to. You enjoyed it every time they would call out your name and say hi ever since orientation week. Despite the torturous planning phase, it felt rewarding to have made the orientation experience pleasant for the freshmen.
“yn! Hi!” One of your freshmen, Yeonjun waved eagerly to you as he spotted you from afar, jogging up towards you and Jungkook.
“Oh, Yeonjun! Hi! How’s your semester so far?”
Yeonjun smiled, “It’s not bad, still pretty chill for now. By the way, the others want to meet up for drinks this Friday night, you in?”
“Sure! Just text me the details!”
He nodded his head, “No problem! I’ll see you on Friday!” He waved goodbye and headed off with a skip in his steps, clearly in a good mood that day.
Next to you, you heard Jungkook snort a laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“He’s into you.”
“No he’s not. He’s just really friendly.”
“Trust me, guys knows each other well. He’s into you.” 
You shrugged your shoulders, a small smile appearing on your face which Jungkook caught, making him frown in response. “If that’s true, I wouldn’t mind. He’s pretty cute.”
“I thought you weren’t into freshmen.”
“Well, maybe I thought wrong.”
There you were on a Friday night with your orientation group at the nearest bar from college, playing whatever drinking game someone would suggest. For some reason, you were more lightweight that night. It was probably because of the lack of sleep and crazy long Friday schedule. Being the oldest since they were all freshmen, you had been drinking water for a while to sober up.
“Pause! I gotta pee!” One of the girls abruptly got up to head to the toilet. Your gaze followed her to make sure no creepy stranger tried to follow after her. Glancing through the bar, your eyes landed on an all too familiar figure sitting by the bar top. His weight resting on his arm as he was chatting up with someone you didn’t recognise. You felt a sour feeling settle in as you watched Jungkook’s date flirtatious body language.
Of course they’re flirting, they’re on a date.
You scolded yourself for feeling bitter from the scene. You shook your head to get rid of these thoughts, turning back to the table as you reached out for the nearest bottle to pour yourself a shot.
“I thought you’re sticking to water?” Yeonjun questioned, you pointed your index finger upwards, signalling him to keep quiet as you took a shot, immediately filling it up for another one as you emptied the last bottle.
“You guys want more drinks?”
“Sure!” Soobin grinned. “You got it!” You clicked your tongue, standing up to head to the bar top to order more drinks. Yeonjun decided to follow you behind.
“Hey I’ll get—“
“I’ll take it from here.” Yeonjun interrupted, talking to the bartender instead. You stood beside him, waiting for the bartender to hand you more unopened bottles.
You turned around, plastering a smile on your face. “Jungkook! What a coincidence!” 
Jungkook’s gaze flickered to Yeonjun before back to you, “I didn’t know your group was meeting here for drinks?”
“It’s the nearest bar.” You shrugged your shoulders as your eyes travelled to his date who seemed rather awkward for being left out from the conversation. 
“Hey, don’t be worried,” You spoke, directed at her while you reached out to pat Jungkook’s arm, “we’re just friends! He’s all yours!” You winked at her.
“Sorry, she’s had a bit too much tonight.” Yeonjun interrupted apologetically, already carrying all the bottles. “Yay!” You clasped your hands together, “More drinks!”
Jungkook opened his mouth to stop you from drinking but Yeonjun had beat him to it. “These bottles are for the rest of us. Not you.”
You pouted as you decided to leave Yeonjun behind, feeling offended that you were excluded from drinking.
Jungkook felt relieved for some odd reason when he had heard Yeonjun mention “rest of us”. For a moment, he had forgotten that you were here with a group, not on a date with Yeonjun. That thought had made his mood turn sour slightly before he remembered that he himself was on a date.
A few more hours passed but the bar was still thriving with people drinking their night away. Your group had decided to call it a night and head home.
Your group passed by the counter after paying for the drinks. Yeonjun tapped your shoulder, “yn, I’m taking the cab with Soobin since we both live pretty far from college. How are you going home?”
Pressing your lips into a thin line, you tried to wrack your intoxicated brain for a solution. “Probably just flag a cab myself.”
“Are you sure you can go home alone? Maybe someone else should follow you.” Soobin suggested but you flicked your hand, dismissing his worry. “Don’t worry, I’m good. Y’all just head home safely yourself.”
Little did you know, Jungkook had shifted to a low table near the entrance and had overheard your conversation as your group exited.
You watched everyone get into their rides first before you decided to book your own ride. However, it was 4am and no one wanted to accept your ride request and there were no available cabs passing by. 
You sighed, rubbing your arms from the slight chill of the night. “Always looking out for others first even when you’re wasted.” You heard a voice right behind you, spinning around and almost losing your balance from being intoxicated. 
“Jungkook?” You asked, blinking your eyes forcefully a couple of times to make sure you weren’t hallucinating. 
The man only smiled in amusement, “The one and only.”
“Jungkook? What are you doing here?” You looked around nearby to see no one else standing outside the bar. “Where’s your date?”
“She had to go home early.”
You were too drunk to had picked up that it was rare for Jungkook to be ditched by someone else. “Why didn’t you leave with her too? Was she not up to your standard or something?” Jungkook winced at your sharp tone at the end. You didn’t mean to sound so harsh when you asked. Or maybe you did. 
“N-No. Just wasn’t feeling it tonight.”
There was a small pause as you stared at the road, hoping for a cab to magically appear so that you could crash. However, your mind kept thinking about Jungkook’s presence next to you.
“I’ll take you home. You’re really drunk.” Jungkook spoke, reaching out to hold your arm in case you were to lose balance (or puke) any moment.
“A-Actually… Can I crash your place tonight? I don’t feel like sleeping alone today.” You randomly asked, not sure why you had said that when you were completely fine being alone.
“Anything for my girl.”
Your snorted, punching his arm lightly, “Bet you say that to every girl you’re on a date with.”
“That’s not true.” He denied it almost instantly. You looked back at him, furrowing your eyebrows as you had caught how fast he reacted. He sighed, “Come on, I managed to book a ride. Let’s walk down the road a bit.”
When you reached his place, Jungkook handed you a fresh towel and shirt to get changed into. “Use my room, yea?” He patted your head, making you feel jittery thought you weren’t sure if it was just the alcohol.
Nonetheless, you were exhausted and knocked out the instant you laid in his bed.
The next morning, you were both awoken but the non-stop ringing of the doorbell.  You were adjusting to the brightness as you emerged from his room. “I’ll get it.” He said, getting up from the couch and went to see who was visiting Jungkook at 11am.
You too, made your way to the door to see Jin and Jimin smiling brightly at Jungkook and jumping on their spot. 
“Why are you guys here so early?” Jungkook asked in a raspy morning voice that you noted sounded attractive. “Because i have great news!” Jin moved Jungkook aside to invite himself in. He stopped in his tracks with Jimin bumping into him behind. 
“What are you doing here?”
Jimin’s head popped out from the side to see who was Jin referring to. A gasp escaped his lips as he panned between you and Jungkook. “Don’t tell me Jungkook actually got to yn and you guys fuc—“
“Gross, no, Jimin please, we didn’t.” You waved your hands frantically to deny his allegation. “We bumped into each other last night at the bar. I was with my orientation group. I got too drunk but luckily Kookie was still lounging around even after his date ditched him.”
Jungkook cleared his throat, running his hand through his hair to fix his morning bed hair. “Someone ditched Jungkook?” Jin asked incredulously, clearing not believing what he had just heard. 
“Yea.” Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.
“Right.” Jimin said in a peculiar tone that caught your attention. He had a funny look on his face but you couldn’t quite figure out what he was insinuating at that moment. You shook your head to dismiss the curiosity, “Anyway, what’s the great news?” You turned to look at Jin whose face instantly lit up.
“I entered a giveaway contest last week and I won a staycation! We can book after finals!”
Jungkook’s eyes widened, slapping Jin on the back to congratulate him, “That’s great man! Sounds good, I’m down for it.”
“Still didn’t explain why you guys came barging in here so early in the morning.”
Jimin laughed, walking towards you to drape his arm over your shoulder, “It’s 11am, honey. It’s not early. We wanted to find you after dragging Jungkook along, so that we can all have lunch. But since you’re here already, that’s less work for us. So freshen up and let’s get lunch.” 
“Wait I don’t have new clothes.”
“You can just borrow my shirt,” Jungkook offered, “it’s like a shirt dress on you anyway.”
“We’e just eating nearby too.” Jin reasoned.
You sighed, glancing at the mirror by the door. “But I look terrible.”
“No you look great in anything.” Jungkook replied without thinking. You had to pause for a moment, so did Jin and Jimin. “Right…” Jimin drew out the word, sounding more suspicious this time. “Anyway, he’s right. Just go freshen up so we can eat. I’m starving.”
“I’ll get you a spare toothbrush.” Jungkook headed towards his room.
“Thanks Kook.”
The semester went by pretty slow this time, with lots of assignments and projects. You had most of your classes with Jungkook and it felt even more tiring to have to go through seeing people trying to flirt with him. 
You didn’t know why it was bothering you so much when you already knew this happened on a normal basis. You convinced yourself it was because you never really saw it up close before since your previous semesters were mostly with Jin.
“One more time I hear a ‘see you soon hopefully’, i’m going to puke.”
“Is my girl jealous?” Jungkook playfully nudged you. That nickname had made you feel like a high school teen developing a crush on a senior. He had always called you that since you became friends. But somehow, ever since you asked him about the nickname that Friday night, it felt different.
“You wish.”
“There’s nothing to be jealous about anyway. It’s not like i’m actually planning to ask them out.”
“You’re not?”
“Yea, I haven’t really been out on dates recently.”
Your eyes widened in bewilderment, “wow.”
Jungkook laughed, turning to face you. “Wow? That’s all you have to say about it?”
“It’s just hard to believe! Is fuckboy Jungkook getting bored? Who knew this day would come.”
“I’m not getting bored. I just… Want more time to study to pull up my grades that’s all.” His confident tone drifted towards the end, looking straight ahead as you walked down the corridor to your next lecture. 
You narrowed your eyes and pointed your finger at him suspiciously, “Is that why you’ve been asking me to always study with you? Are you using me to pull your grades up?” You accused him jokingly.
He only winked, leaning closer to your ear, “you know I won’t use my girl like that.”
There was that feeling again. 
“You’ve been spending lots of time with Jungkook lately.” Jin remarked as you were both shopping for your own groceries. Jimin and Jungkook had something on that afternoon so that left Jin being dragged by you to buy groceries.
“Well… Yea, we have lots of classes together.”
“Yes, that’s true. But I meant like outside of class too.”
“We have assignments and projects together too. We’re studying for the same thing. Anyway, why are you even bringing this up?”
Jin just shook his head, pushing the trolley down the aisle, “Nothing, I just find it interesting.”
“What’s interesting?’
There was a pause, as if Jin was contemplating if he should answer your question. “Jimin told me the other day that Jungkook hasn’t been doing his fuckboy duties majority of this semester except that bar night.”
A part of you had an inkling as to why Jin was bringing this up. You hated that he was beating around the bushes but you couldn’t bring yourself to ask him to get straight to it either. 
“Maybe his ego got crushed after the girl ditched early.”
You both knew that was a lie.
Jin didn’t reply immediately, tossing his favourite cereal into the trolley, “I guess so.”
It was midterms season and you were cramming for your test alone at the library. Jungkook had another project meeting and so you were studying alone for the day. Somehow, it felt weird to not have Jungkook by your side. Almost as if you’ve gotten so attached to the feeling of having Jungkook be with you.
Someone had pulled you out from your concentration with a tap on your shoulder.
“Do you mine if I take this seat?”
 “No, not all!” You shifted your belongings so that the stranger could have more space. The girl paused, taking a double take at you. “We’ve met before, haven’t we?”
You looked back up to face the girl, trying to recall where you had seen her face. “I’m sorry?” You were confused, as you did not recognise the girl at all.
“We met at the bar at the start of the semester. I was with Jungkook that night.”
“Oh! Right.” 
“He’s a really good friend you know.” She made a random remark while she took out her belongings to settle down.
“That night. I’m guessing you got pretty drunk with your friends. He asked if he could leave to send you home since you were super drunk.”
“He did?”
“Yea. But I left earlier. Since it seemed like he wanted to wait for you.” She nodded her head as she recalled that night. “Oh but, please don’t think that I’m pissed at you or him, or anything like that. It was sweet, him looking out for his friend. I can tell he really cares about you.”
“R-Right well, we’re all from a super close group.”
She smiled, “That’s nice. But, my female instinct is telling me it’s more than that.” She sent you a wink, “Though, it’s not my place to say anything.”
You didn’t know how to respond, your gaze shifting to your paper as you tried to decipher what she meant. “I’m sorry. I disrupted your study session as well.”
“Oh no, it’s fine.” You shook your head and she smiled apologetically as she decided to start on her revision.  You tried to focus on your revision as well but her words kept bugging you at the back of your head. 
Jin’s words came back to you as well as you recalled the conversation you had with him.
What was going on?
“If we don’t get an A+ for this project. i’ll quit college.”
“We’ll get that A+. I’m confident.��
You had been staying over at Jungkook’s place every Wednesday night since you had morning class on Thursday with him and his apartment was literally opposite college. You hated traveling in the morning as you had to wake up early. You guys had decided that it was a good idea for you to stay over since you could work on your assignments together.
“Anyway, let’s call it a night. We gotta wake up early tomorrow.” 
Jungkook was about to prepare the couch for his own makeshift bed but you stopped him. “You should sleep in your own bed. I’m the guest here.”
“No, you take it.”
“No… You take it.”
“Yn please, just take it.” Jungkook repeated. You bit your lip as you felt a sudden rush of courage and adrenaline as you suggested, “Or…” you hesitated, “we can share the bed? I mean it is a queen sized bed, so there’s plenty of space.”
Jungkook’s ears turned red as he tried to maintain a nonchalant expression. “I mean if you’re okay w with that—“
“I’m fine with that, we’re friends after all. Though, only if you are.”
“Y-yea I am.”
So for that night, you both shared his queen sized bed, laying still like rocks. You were terribly aware of the situation but tried to appear chill on the outside. You had no idea why you felt so nervous when it was just Jungkook. Your friend. The fuckboy that you swore to yourself you’ll never be attracted to. 
“Night Kook.” You flipped on your side to turn away from him.
“Night yn.” 
In the middle of the night, you woke up to find yourself wrapped up in his embrace. Your heart was racing and your cheeks felt hot from the close proximity. “Jungkook…” You whispered, trying to wake him up so you could break free. His embrace only became more firm, “just for tonight, please?”
You softened from his request, his voice almost a whisper. You gave in, enjoying it just for that night, just like he said.
The semester was over and the four of you had just checked into Jin’s big win. It wasn’t even a hotel.  It was a huge villa with a room for each of you and you were all excited for the next three days and two nights. 
“We definitely need more drinks tonight. I’m going to order them now.” Jimin walked off to find a room to call his own for the next two nights. Your room was directly opposite Jungkook. The four of you were resting in your own rooms as you waited for the room service to deliver your dinner. 
Once dinner came, Jimin had busted out the drinks as well. You knew it was going to be a fun staycation. 
“So…” Jimin eyed Jungkook mischievously, “Jungkook, why haven’t you been on dates this semester? Is your dick not craving anything?”
“It’s just been a busy semester.” Jungkook shrugged his shoulder. You watched his mannerisms. You had known him long enough to know he was trying to hide something but you didn’t want to question him in front of everyone. You had a hunch but you weren’t sure if you wanted to confront him. A part of you was scared of the answer.
Jin glanced at you, “How’s Yeonjun, by the way?”
Your attention was pulled away and you looked at Jin, “Yeonjun? Oh, there’s nothing. I can confirm that I do not have a thing for freshmen.”
Jimin grinned, “Do you have a thing for anyone at the moment?” He extended his arm to hand you an opened bottle of soju, possibly handing you liquid courage before you responded. You took it and took a big gulp. 
“Maybe.” You winked at him.
“Really?” Jin exclaimed, “That’s new. You’ve never said you were into someone the entire college.”
“I just said maybe,” You laughed, “Calm down boys.”
Your eyes took a quick glance at Jungkook, you seemed to be rather quiet for a discussion right up his ally. You knew he would’ve chipped in to give you a good tease. But he didn’t. Instead, he remained quiet, reaching for the bottle of water instead.
“Drink a bit more and we’ll find out who.” Jimin grinned cheekily at you. 
“Not gonna happen.”
Thankfully, you were right. Nothing much happened that night besides drinking games and tons of laughter. You all called it a night and slowly made your way to your own rooms. You took a quick shower and laid in bed as you scrolled through social media, winding down for the night. 
A knock on the door startled you and you got up to see who it was.
“Hey… Uh… Just wanted to check in on you if you were puking.” 
You laughed and opened the door wider, “I’m not puking. Do you want to come in?”
Jungkook hesitated, “I should probably get to bed.”
Feeling dejected, you stumbled over your words, “O-Oh yea, r-right.” You tried not to show that you were upset, which obviously failed as Jungkook spoke, “If you wanted to talk or something, I’m down for that too.”
“N-No, I was just asking. Good night Kook.”
“Goodnight.” He turned away but someone was gnawing at you to ask him what you were curious about. 
“W-Wait Jungkook.”
“Yea?” He turned around to look at you.
“You didn’t stop dating this semester because of what I said at the start, did you?”
Jungkook froze, his eyes immediately darting to your door instead, somehow entrance by the inanimate object. “N-No, of course not.”
You nodded your head, his response answering your suspicions. With alcohol still in your system, you replied, “Mm… That’s a shame.” You watched his facial expression morph into confusion and semi-realisation as you closed the door. 
The next morning, you got up to see Jin making breakfast. Jimin and Jungkook weren’t out so you assumed they were still asleep. “Morning, Jin.” You walked over to help him out with breakfast.
“Morning, yn.” Jin smiled at you but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
He sighed and placed the spatula on the table. “I’m just gonna say it.” He took a deep breath and said, “Please just make a move on Jungkook. You guys clearly have a thing for each other. You two became close this semester and everyone else can see it. Jungkook’s clearly too pussy to make a move. Jimin and I are dying from this sexual tension. Please help yourselves.”
You took a moment to internalise his quick monologue before letting out a short chuckle. “I already gave him a hint last night actually.”
“You did?” He leaned closer, interested to know more about the ‘tea’. You smiled, winking at him, “Yep. I’m just going to see if he’s still pussy to do anything about it.”
He scoffed, “If that boy is still pussy after your hint, he doesn’t deserve to be a fuckboy in the first place.”
“Cut him some slack.” Jimin’s voice sounded behind you, his hair damp from his shower. “We all know it’s the first time he actually likes someone for real this time. He’s been in denial about it for so long. I’m glad something is finally happening.”
“Okay, okay, let’s stop gossiping about Jungkook as if he’s not here.”
The rest of the day went by quickly, the four of you exploring town and doing some retail therapy. It wasn’t long until it was your second and last night at the villa. You had a few bottles left from the previous night and you were all ready to finish them so you could go home with a light baggage.
Jin suggested to watch a movie for that night, you sat beside Jungkook throughout the movie. “Look at Jimin.” He whispered to you. You peeped over his shoulder to see Jimin passed out on the couch. The credits had rolled in and Jin suggested to just let Jimin be.
The three of you got up and headed to your own rooms to call it a night. Just as you were going to enter yours, Jungkook stopped you, “yn, can we talk?”
Jungkook entered your room and you both sat at the edge of your bed, you turned to face him to wait for him to being speaking.
“Last night, what you said… Did you mean it?”
“Depends?” He questioned.
“Did you decide to call off your fuckboy phase temporarily just so you could be my type for now and then go back to your own ways later on?”
Jungkook shook his head, “N-No, no. It’s definitely not because of that.”
“Then why’d you suddenly change this semester. It can’t be a coincidence especially after our drinking session at the start of the term.”
He sighed, “I know. I know it looks suspicious. I didn’t change because it seemed like a challenge or something temporarily. I already had a thing for you the previous semester.” He admitted, and your eyes widened in disbelief. 
“You did?”
He nodded his head, looking at his hands as he started fidgeting with his fingers.
“I didn’t do anything because I figured, we’re all friends and you won’t see me that way. But then you said it was because I was a fuckboy and I just wanted to change. I thought maybe things could be different if I changed.”
You didn’t say a word as you didn’t know exactly what to say. Jungkook took this opportunity to continue. “I started to like you even more this semester. Especially since we spent so much time together with lectures and projects. Even if you do reject me, that doesn’t mean that I’ll go back to my old ways. That phase is truly over.”
You just looked at him, a small smile tugging on your lips. Internally, you were practically squealing with your heartbeat racing rapidly. With a nervous chuckle, he asked, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”
“I meant it. What I said last night.” 
Jungkook broke into a smile, “I’d love to kiss you right now.”
“Why don’t you?”
Jungkook reached out his hand to cup your face as you both leaned in, feeling his soft lips on yours was something you never thought would have happened. You felt him apply more pressure as he pulled you in closer. 
“Sleep with me today.” You said breathily as you pulled away.
“Anything for my girl.”
“You know, you owe me extra for not only letting you experience a free staycation but also basically helping you start your relationship.” Jin smugly remarked as you checked out from the villa.
“Don’t worry, Jungkook will treat you to good food.”
You grinned, “Yes, you.” He sighed, “Can’t say no to my girl, can I?” He pulled you in closely, planting a kiss on your forehead. Jimin groaned, playfully shoving him. “Barely a night as a couple and you’re already a big softie. Never thought I’d miss the fuckboy phase so much.”
Jungkook let out a laugh, “Sorry, that phase is gone for good.” His gaze shifted to you, to which you returned with a smile. “Just the way I like it.”
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