#to be honest though it's already so wrecked it's never gonna be GOOD so
helleboretks · 9 months
Start with the Sides: Wukong's Demise
Yo yo yo wassup! If you haven't noticed already, me and @justalilgiddybibs decided to do a spur of the moment fic collab series because why the fuck not I guess XD-
I never actually expected for it to get to this point but I have absolutely no regrets!!! Xey're really fun to talk to and I highly suggest checking out the blog made by hem!
Getting right into it, this is a Lee!Wukong, Lers!MK and Nezha SFW Tickle fic! If this is not your forte, no need to read! This is also a part II to Hah! Got 'Em!!!
Summary: After yesterday's antics, MK is left with a slight ler mood. Wrecking the resident Third Lotus Prince again would be cruel- but what about teaching him how to wreck others?
MK was bored. Really bored.
Nothing had really stirred his usual boundless amounts of energy; Mei wasn’t here to play a good round or twenty of Monkey Mech, and Redson was home brooding and inventing like he always did, so MK didn’t have immediate company to keep him active. It was starting to build up on him, especially after yesterday’s sugar rush-like energy.
Speaking of yesterday, the entire event had left him itching to do it again, constantly tapping and wiggling his fingers. Funny how that happens, but he doesn’t really have anyone he can just unleash it on. And even with Nezha here, the guy had only just found out what tickling was, he wasn’t going to go that far. He needed some other way to release all this energy…
 Wait a minute.
“Pssst- Hey Nezha!” The Lotus Prince looked up from his bowl of noodles he was just finishing, attention caught.
“Yes? What is it?” MK smiled as Nezha responded, already feeling a deviousness in his grin. “So uh, I was thinking about yesterday, and-”
“MK, I swear to the Buddha above himself-“
“No no no, I’m not gonna tickle you again, don’t worry!” MK laughed, finding it silly the way Nezha relaxed after having tensed so quickly in embarrassment at the recollections of yesterday.
“Actually, I was thinking…” MK glanced over at his mentor, Wukong, who seemed thoroughly lost in thought while fiddling with the chopsticks Tang had idly handed him. He seemed as if the world was completely empty save for whatever thoughts were manifesting in his head.
“Monkey King was the one who started it, right? So, how about I teach you the art of tickling people, and we use him for example?” Nezha looked at MK skeptically for a moment, then over at Wukong. A rare smile formed on his face, and it was at times like these that he remembered that Nezha too, had a mischievous streak, spanning many centuries longer than MK’s.
“You’re sure he’ll be okay with that?” He asked, still slightly hesitant.
Macaque, who overheard the conversation (having six ears is really helpful for eavesdropping, huh?), leaned in and whispered into Nezha’s ear, ignoring for the time being the fact that the poor prince tensed up at it.
“I’m gonna be honest for once, princey, but he really enjoys it. It’s basically his way of saying that he trusts you a lot. He was probably hoping to be tickled in return yesterday, but was kinda let down when he realized you didn’t have a clue what the fuck it is. You didn’t hear it from me though, in case he asks.”
Nezha chuckled lightly at Macaque’s slyness, and MK took a moment to shuffle through every memory he had of tickling the daylights out of the Monkey King before all of this. Sure, he didn’t get to tickle him nearly as much as Wukong would to him, but knowing that bit of information now…
MK had never felt so honored before.
“Alright then. MK, how do I do this?” Nezha easily relented.
“One second.” MK said, getting off his stool and walking over to Wukong, who didn’t seem to have the slightest idea what was going on, given how spaced out he was. MK snuck up beside him and, with little hesitance, promptly picked him up from under the arms. Wukong shrieked in surprise.
“AAHHHH!! Holy shit Mk-what the fuck?!”
“You’ll see soon enough, Monkey King! Hey Nezha, follow me!” The Lotus Prince cleaned up his bowl and chopsticks, setting them aside and handing them off to Pigsy, who almost smiled. It’s always nice to see another person who appreciates home-cooked meals. After the run-in with Speedy Panda…ugh.
Nezha followed the sound of Wukong’s struggling, and found the two upstairs in MK’s apartment on the floor beside the bed. The young hero had Wukong’s arms pinned under his knees, and at this point he had stopped struggling and laid on the floor, mumbling something about his hands going numb. MK paid no attention to it. “Alrighty then, Nezha! Your first lesson in how to tickle people and get the best reactions commences now!”
“SAY WHAT NOW?!” Wukong’s eyes shot wide open at the statement.
“Oh, you’ll live, Monkey King! Besides, you’ve been wanting this, haven’t you?”
“Sh-shut up, kid! Now you’re just lying!” Wukong whined. MK only giggled at the half-hearted denial from his mentor.
“Alright, alright, shut up now! LESSON ONE!!!” MK shouted dramatically over top Wukong’s whining. “You gotta know all the techniques and where someone’s super ticklish! So, word of advice, if you wanna find out if someone’s ticklish, always start with the sides!”
And then to demonstrate, MK immediately started pinching at Wukong’s sides, causing the poor Sage to yelp and flinch every which way away from the fingers, not like it helped given that Mk had him pinned down, but it was a…valiant effort. Sort of.
“The sides are like, the most commonly ticklish area for anybody and everybody, so it’s always a safe bet to start there first! Ya feel me?” Nezha snorted slightly at the choice of words, but nodded and resolutely ignored the giggled whining and complaining of one Great Sage Equal to Heaven.
“Cool, cool, cool-WUKONG QUITE MOVING YA LITTLE-” You can’t blame the Lotus Prince for jolting at the sudden raise in MK’s voice, although given how playful his tone was and the stupid grin on his face, he wasn’t taking any of this too seriously at all.
Meanwhile, Wukong himself was giggling up a storm, squirming like his immortal life depended on it as he kicked his feet and slapped his tail to the ground.
“Stohohop pihihinching me thehehen! Kihihihid!!” Wukong responded back.
“Nuh uh, I gotta teach Nezha about the techniques, man. Think of the techniques!!”
Oh yeah, now MK was doing this mostly to mess with him.
Not like Nezha’s complaining though…
“Okay! So you see how I’m pinching him, right?” MK asked, turning his head to Nezha and ever so confident that taking his eyes off Wukong won’t change a thing.
“Yes?” Nezha responded, scooting closer and watching the motions with rapt attention.
And no, he would not admit how that made his own cheeks flush, or how it made butterflies flutter in his stomach.
“Is there anything special about it, MK?”
“Oh why yes there is, my dear Nezha.” Said ‘Dear Nezha’ gave him a questioning look. “You sound like one of those preachers from another religion-”
“SsshHHHshhhh shush shush shush, and let me speak my gospel-” MK wheezed in amusement, letting up on his hasty pinches and giving Wukong reprieve.
“So, you gotta make sure that you don’t pinch too hard, yeah? If you do, it’ll just hurt, and that’s not fun for anyone. So! You’ll wanna make sure that it’s quick and light, not enough to hurt, but enough to be felt.” He explained, going as far as to give a slow demonstration to what he was explaining.
Wukong’s breath hitched repeatedly as he bit down stray chuckles, burying his face into his shoulder, probably to silently deny just how embarrassing this must be for him.
“Oooh, I see, I see.” Nezha added verbally with a smile, a hint of pride welling up at noticing Wukong shrinking in on himself more at that.
“Would you like to give it a try?”
Nezha glanced up at MK, and simply smiled.
As MK moved his hands away, Wukong immediately renewed his struggling. “AH AH AH-WAIT! NO, I didn’t agree to this, this is non consensual!! HELP ME!!!” Wukong practically screamed, causing both Nezha and Mk to laugh at his embarrassed misery.
“No one’s here to save you, Monkey King! Now just be a good monkey and sit there so I can teach Nezha the wondrous ways of tickling.” MK spoke with faux somberness in his tone, patting the monkey on the head as Wukong wriggled around.
Now, Here’s the thing.
Nezha is reflexively fast. He has to be, he always has been. It’s what comes with being a guard.
Implementing that into a more harmless pinching motion was honestly pretty easy.
He did not, however, account for Wukong’s reaction.
The monkey let out a shriek at Nezha’s quick jabbing, his feet dragging frantically against the floor as he jolted and yelped at every quick little jab.
“My goodness, Nezha you’re quick with that shit, this is amazing actually hold on-” MK commented, and Nezha honestly couldn’t help the little chuckle that escaped him if he wanted.
Because this was fun. Doing this quick little pinches up and down Wukong’s sides, watching him squirm like that so helplessly, giggling feverishly all throughout, it was funny to watch, and fun to do.
Yeah, he could absolutely see the appeal in it.
“Oh oh oh! Lemme show you something!” MK said, deciding not to stop Nezha from having his fun as he then went to skim his fingers along Wukong’s ribs, causing Wukong’s pitch to heighten and his laughter to grow louder.
“It’s funnier when you have more than one person involved in the tickling, but besides that, Wukong’s got some pretty sensitive ribs, so there’s this really funny game you can make out of it!” MK explained, catching Nezha’s attention as he started scritching all along Wukong’s ribs.
Wukong choked on a laugh, throwing his head back and shaking his head a few times as MK went on to explain and demonstrate. “So, we’re basically going to be ‘counting’ if he’s got all his ribs in place. Cause like, ya never know with this one right here-” The Monkie Kid said with a light roll of his eyes.
“Nezha, I’d humbly request you to tell me-how many ribs do we normally have?” MK asked, putting a dramatic tone into his voice that had Nezha scoffing. “Twenty four, MK. We have twenty four.” He answered dutifully.
“Well, are we sure that Wukong has all twenty four? I mean, for all we know, he could have lost some in all his battles or something! Oh, you poor, poor monkey, I’ll help you, don’t worry Monkey King!” MK wiped a fake tear just to emphasize, which only caused Wukong to hiccup with laughter.
“So I found one, y’know! And here’s two, and we got three over here-” Nezha himself flushed a great shade of red as he watched the way MK dug into Wukong’s ribs like no tomorrow, the theatrics he put up were almost as impressive as Macaque’s, because Wukong was really starting to laugh up a storm right now.
“NAHahAHaha! StAHAP- MK!! AHAHAHAHA, PLehEHEhease!” Wukong has already resorted to pleading, and they weren’t even ten minutes into this, barely even five.
Yeah, okay, MK was scarily good at this.
But also…Mei…
Nezha shivered to himself.
“Ooooh maaah gaaawd-Monkey King stop moving or else I can’t count all your ribs! It’s like you’re- AUDIBLE GASP!! ARE YOU HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME!?” MK yelled out, throwing his head back to give Wukong some serious side eye.
Wukong, for all he tried, shook his head hastily, his nose all scrunched up as his blush only deepened from what could practically be described as torture from his successor.
Maybe not actual torture, but it sure looked like it!
“I think you’re hiding something from me and I WILL GET IT!! AAAAAAAAAAH-” Now even Nezha couldn’t help but dissolve into laughter as Mk let out a battlecry- a battlecry of all things!- digging into Wukong’s ribs and making the monkey go ballistic with the ticklish sensation.
“KIHIHIHID!! FAHAHAHAHA- STAHA- STAHAHAHAP! I CAHAHAN’T-AAAAAHAHA-!” Wukong cried out desperately, and for a second, Nezha was worried that he really couldn’t take it.
But when he actually looked up at MK and Wukong, he took notice of something.
As much as MK was joking around beyond multiple extremes, he seemed to be..paying rapt attention to Wukong, as if there would be a sign of some sort that would tell him if… Wukong’s had enough.
‘Ah.’ Nezha thought. ‘They probably do have a sign.’
That attention to detail, that level of care despite this tomfoolery…it was sweet. He wouldn’t deny it. It was really sweet.
(No, he doesn’t want that kind of attention, though! I-it’s just a sweet thing to take note of, okay? He’s not- like, craving that or anything!)
“By the Gods, you might actually kill him.” Nezha couldn’t help but mutter, surprised and unsurprised that MK ended up hearing that despite Wukong’s frantically loud laughter.
“Oh my gods, can you kill an immortal by tickling? I mean like, you can die by it-”
“Excuse me?”
“But I never considered the possibility.”
MK finally slowed down his downright malicious ministrations, and Wukong practically choked on the air he greedily inhaled as he caught his breath. But now the boy was really thinking about it- like, hand to his chin in deep, otherworldly thought kind of thinking.
“Let’s not test that out now, MK. You’re teaching me, not trying to kill a god.” Nezha said with a light hearted chuckle.
“Yeheheah! Yeah-kid, plehehease no, don’t do thahat.” Wukong nodded fervently, clearly filled with nervousness as MK practically stared into his soul.
“...Nezha. I must bestow some very important information onto you.” MK muttered, clearly trying to make this sound very, very important and serious. And as much as Nezha would probably never be able to know if tickling could turn into that kind of serious, he at least knew that it perhaps was important.
So, for fun’s sake, he played along.
“Yes, MK? Whatever piece of information will you bestow upon me that requires such an important incline in your tone?” MK almost broke character, taking a minute not to laugh at the longer than necessary sentence.
“There are certain places on the body that are very sensitive, Nezha. Of course, that’s a given, the nerves in our bodies do flippity things to cause stimuli because biology says so.” MK says with a dismissive hand wave.
“But there are some parts of the body that are so sensitive that it’s actually a little concerning.” Nezha noticed from his peripheral the way Wukong practically froze with tension, coming to a conclusion very rapidly.
“Kid! Hey, nO! None of that!” Wukong complained, but Mk just playfully shoved his forehead and continued talking all business-like.
Nezha struggled so hard to take this seriously, but he nodded along just fine.
“These particular spots are what we like to call, Death Spots.” MK finally said, jolting a little as Wukong struggled underneath him. “MK! MK SHUT UP RIGHT NOW-!!”
“HUSH, MONKEY KING, I’M MAKING HISTORY HERE!!! LET ME WORK MY MAGIC!” MK shouted right back, before quickly jabbing Wukong in the hips, the sage letting out a stray squeal that quite frankly made Nezha himself chuckle a little bit.
“Now, let me tell you about Monkey King’s Death Spots-”
And let Nezha tell you the way MK yelped as he got kneed in the damn back.
Nezha himself jolted backwards as MK whipped his head over to Wukong in alarm, who had an expression that very clearly read ‘oh shit’ all over it.
There was a long, suffering silence.
“You did not just hit me.”
“MK- kid-”
“Monkey King. Wukong. Great Sage Equal to goddamn Heaven, tell me you did not just hit me.”
Nezha slid away. Just a bit. You know. To save himself.
“Kid please I’m sorry-”
“Lesson two, Nezha. Lesson two.” The Lotus Prince almost flinched himself at the maniacal grin on MK’s face. “And this one is specifically tailored to god damn, motherfuckin’ Wukong.”
“MK have mercy on me please-”
“If this bitch deserves it, show no fucking mercy.”
And then MK proceeded to strike two places at once.
Wukong let out the loudest damn scream that Nezha has ever heard-and probably will ever hear-out of his mouth in centuries as MK started nibbling away at his neck, and scribbling into his belly remorselessly.
Nezha himself yelped, face turning pink in pure second hand in embarrassment as Wukong screamed and shrieked and laughed like his life depended on it. The monkey thrashed, writhed and squirmed as much as he could, but MK held steadfast, nibbling and ‘nom nom nomming’ away at his neck and scribbling ceaselessly against his belly, on every goddamn side.
“KAHAHAHAHA- PLE- NAHAHAHAHA IHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHA- AAAAAAAAH!! FAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA-!” Wukong couldn’t make one lick of a sentence from all that attention, and it seemed to be driving him up the goddamn wall.
At some point, he was able to free one hand.
That, however, proved to be a mistake.
MK showed no mercy and began drilling into the underarm of his free hand, the sage knocking his head against the ground with just how fast he had flung it back. His legs were kicking furiously, his tail slapping on the ground with a quick thump thump thump like it didn’t know what else to do. And based on how much he was holding back the power he definitely had to throw off his mentee, both of them were clearly having fun.
And Nezha sat there, hands over his face yet peeking through the fingers to watch this… spectacle.
MK, to make matters worse, had the most deadpan expression he could muster, channeling the pure energy of ‘boredom’ into his act like this was another normal Tuesday afternoon.
Oh gods, that was just horrifying.
Horrifyingly funny, yeah, but horrifying nonetheless.
Wukong laughed and laughed until he started hiccuping, and then laughed even more. He barely even seemed to be getting any air, and even if he was immortal and technically didn’t need air, that flush of exertion was telling a whole different story and he seemed beside himself with a heavy case of mush brain.
The butterflies in Nezha’s stomach flapped tenfold and he involuntarily scrunched in on himself, watching with so much attention he very faintly recognizes he should probably not have. But he couldn’t help it! It was in his face, it was in his ears and it was in the way his shoulders hunched up, subconsciously protecting his own neck in the way Wukong most certainly couldn’t copy.
He doesn’t know how long that absolute torture must have gone on for, he doesn’t even know why MK has such freakishly insane lung capacity for this (he’d know from experience that the kid probably wouldn’t have stopped last time if Pigsy hadn’t told him to cut it out.), but finally at some point, Wukong’s laughter had gone on so long that he’d grown hoarse, and he tapped MK’s shoulder three times- like a sign.
MK let up- so that was the stop signal- and eased off Wukong as the poor monkey gasped for relief. Wukong curled in on himself once MK had rolled off of him, giggling nonsensically to himself as he seemed entirely out of this plane of existence alone.
So…Death Spots were really that bad, huh?
Oh Buddha, someone save him.
“See? Sometimes you just gotta show no mercy and give him shit for it.” MK shrugged with a grin, as if he hadn’t actually almost killed the Great Sage himself, via tickling.
Nezha stared in shock-and mild mortification-at this kid.
That… he didn’t even want to know how that must have felt.
“...fuck.” Was all Nezha could mutter.
“...fuck-” MK repeated, cutting himself off to let out a loud wheeze, laughing to himself as he sidled up next to Wukong.
“Monkey King, are you dead? Did you die? Did you lose your immortality-why are your pupils so big???” MK laughed even harder as Nezha took note that yes, Wukong’s pupils did in fact dilate hard.
“Wukong?” Nezha called out, holding in a laugh at how absolutely unresponsive the other was.
But his tail was wagging, so he’ll take that as a good sign.
“Told you he’d enjoy it-”
MK and Nezha screamed in surprise at the new arrival, and Macaque, who had just entered the room, was smiling in amusement at Wukong like he personally won the lottery.
Now that he had the brain to control his body again, the ghost tickles that hadn’t yet registered now had started coming in, Wukong squirmed quite a bit, clearly still a bit tuckered out. MK patted his mentor on the head, and gently rubbed off the remaining phantom sensations. “Too far?” He asked.
“Wuh- Nah, y-you’re good, kihid.” Wukong assured him.
Nezha held back a squeal at how adorable Wukong looked after the heavy bout of ticklish fever- Because no he was not going to squeal at adorable monkey business he has not sunk that low yet- and then he turned to MK. “So, is everyone that ticklish?”
“Not everyone in the world per se, but if you’re thinking of everyone here? Yeah, I’d say pretty close.”
“I see…”
“So yeah, if you ever want to at least try getting revenge on Mei-”
Oh, oh yeah no, he knows a losing battle when he sees one.
MK, on the other hand…
“No, I’ve got a better idea.” 
Without further warning, He leapt clear over Wukong and instantly pinned MK to the cushiony mattress beside the monkey. “I would like to remind you of what you did to me yesterday- Don’t think you’re getting away scot-free just because you showed me how to destroy that little shit.”
“W-wahait, Nezha-” MK looked around for a means of escape, then called out to Wukong who, despite being absolutely demolished not even a minute ago, seemed to get back some coherence.
“Monkey King! Mohonkey King help me!” Nezha glanced over at Wukong to see what he would do, given his student was pretty much in danger. Wukong, of course, didn't seem to give a rat's ass about MK in that moment.
He proceeded to roll right off the bed, hitting the ground with a “Just like he said, Nezha. Start with the sides.”
Sometimes, Nezha forgets how petty that monkey can be.
Then again, he's not really complaining.
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cyberlights · 7 months
Amulet Rant Time
Okie dokie Waverider is out and thus has concluded the series…so it’s time for a little…bonfire, we’ll call it.
Now don’t get me wrong. I still love this series and always will. I’ve been in the fandom since about Prince of the Elves. I literally have grown up with this series in my backpack from the moment I checked it out of my school’s library. I spent my first summer job paycheck buying all the books out at the time. This series holds a very special place for me.
I also understand that after Book 5(? I’m typing this out on mobile so I can’t verify), Kazu got very sick and lost a lot of his memories, which affected how he wrote Amulet and thus the rest of the story, so I’m not going to say he was a trash author.
There are just certain things that just…have not worked out post Escape from Lucien. And honestly, this is going to be more of a venting ramble than anything, so for the new readers coming in, take it with a grain of salt. You can still enjoy the series, fall in love with the characters, etc. That’s why we enjoy it.
Now I’m gonna do everything else under read-more so spoilers ahead.
We good? Okay, good.
I already stated that I give Waverider a 1/10. It actually is not my least favorite book, to be honest. (That “honor” goes to Supernova)
Trellis leaving the throne?
As others have pointed out, after Escape from Lucien it made no sense for him to just up and skedaddle. That boy was adamant he was going to lead his people. That’s what his whole plot was in the book, and him accepting more of that role in Firebird/the beginning of Supernova. Heck, they even pointed out that Gabilan, even though… voted in(?) as the new king was not doing a good job of it. Gabilan himself fully expected Trellis to take back the throne (albeit by force which is not really Trellis’ style). It felt very much like unnecessary step back from three books worth of development.
I can’t say much about Gabilan because while he did establish in The Cloud Searchers he wanted to be king, it didn’t feel right. Like there was nothing driven past that, that would say he wanted to be king. Honestly besides a tiny bit in Firebird he didn’t get as much character development as he should have, if at all. Which is why, if he was planned to take over from a while ago, probably should have had happened sooner.
Ronin and her Students
Speaking of introducing sooner, this is where I feel having a whole ‘nother two books would have helped the story, because this was just…so terribly executed.
I can’t tell you a single thing about her students except one turned into a turtle and another Cthulhu. I can’t even tell you anything about Ronin beyond her “I was right” mentality (and the mask, not sure why she was wearing a mask).
They all felt very shoe-horned in. I have no attachment to these characters, no real interest in seeing them succeed. They were brought in to fill a plot hole, while simultaneously making another plot hole in their wake.
Overall Problems with the Series
Genre Confusion
I think we’ve already established that Amulet would have been better off as a fantasy series than sci-fi. That is honestly my biggest problem with Supernova, was that was a giant Sci fi wedge in what was predominantly a fantasy series (I know we started more in Escape from Lucien and Firebird, but this is where I feel we veered too off course)
We honestly could have completely cut the sci-fi bit, changed a few things around between Escape from Lucien and Firebird, cut out most of Supernova -which yes, would have wrecked Navin’s sideplot, but there was different options that could have happened.
We don’t need the additional aliens/planets. Those characters could have easily just been Alledian on different parts of Alledia and we would have never known. We don’t even know what most of Alledia looks like because we’ve only been to a handful of places that predominantly look the same.
Which brings me to
Ikol and his Masters
I was so confused by the end of their story. They’re aliens but not. They were created by Silas but they have been around for eons. Everything was Made by Silas to Protect his Family. I just…*sigh*
It felt like they were beating the already dead piñata (pun partially intended).
Silas died in the first book. The consequences of his actions were established to be that he got a bunch of students killed and he ended up passing a huge burden onto Emily that should have gone to her mother. I don’t know why he had to be brought out as this.
Ikol could have very much remained a Chaotic Entity that thrived on the turmoil, his “masters” being a lie to convince Emily that he too was not in total control of the situation so he could slip her more into his control. We already know he likes collecting powerful stonekeepers who are vulnerable enough to fall sway to his side.
Heck, he comes back every 500 years to wage war with the elves and probably (should he have remained the entity) thought of it as one big game.
Having him turn into a somewhat malevolent AI that was just following orders to a T just…does not make sense to me. Especially if he was causing havoc with the elves for so long as implied.
Okay honestly this is my biggest gripe with the later books.
We established, Books 4 and 5, time-travel was not possible.
All it does is send them back to interact with their memories. They don’t actually change anything about their lives outside the Void.
So having Future Emily and her son come back and save Present Emily throws all of the continuity out the window. And Future Emily’s little interaction with Ikol where it’s implied that they’ve done this over and over? Felt so weird after they actually dealt with Ikol. It felt like a useless little tag on that we ended up not actually needing. (Again, Supernova is my least favorite book for a lot of reasons)
Stonekeepers Good but Bad
*sighs again* Yes. This part would feed into the Problem of Too Many Characters Amulet has going on. But. We were not shown examples beyond our current group (Meaning Emily Trellis and somewhat Vigo) of good stonekeepers.
The Guardian Council that ruled over most of Alledia for centuries? Corrupt.
Silas? Self serving. (Despite being called hero numerous times, we were not actually shown anything he did besides stopping the rampaging stonekeepers back in The Stonekeepers Curse, and even then we weren’t actually shown, just told he did it.)
The Elfking(s)? Corrupted by their stones.
Most of Alledia in the early books respect Stonekeepers enough to kinda hold them in reverence. But we’re not shown anyone (beyond a couple panels of someone building stuff) notable enough to say Yes. Stonekeepers good. Anyone else who is mentioned is “Yeah, they were good, but they listened to their stone and turned into a rampaging monster” (Honestly Gabilan has more of a point here)
I get that’s why Ronin and hers were introduced, but they were introduced way too late into the series for it to feel that there could be some sort of balance.
Emily is one big outlier too here. She’s good but because she feels she has to be and has been told she has to be. Firebird honestly put a nice spin in this because we do see her fall. But Supernova kinda nixed that development sooooo.
Now those are the biggest ones that have bugged me for a while in addition to the new stuff from the new book. @motherstone has already touched upon multiple times some of the other issues that I tend agree with (go check them out, their art is amazing and I love their ideas. Also looking forward to their rewrite!)
Is there some technical issues with the books as well that bug me? Yes. (The later books are very over saturated in comparison to the older ones and it kinda shows, and I believe that Motherstone already touched upon the “smoothification” that started taking place about book 4/5, and there were quiet a few panels that felt very unfinished in the later two books)
Am I sad to see the series end? Yes. But Kazu at least finished as best he could to the end instead of half assing it or completely dropping the series altogether, and I can respect that.
Do I already have my own post-book 6 AU that I’m willing to ramble about at the drop of a hat? Also Yes. (May also heavily be influenced by some OCs)
Overall, I enjoyed Amulet enough to see it through the end. Books 3-5 will remain my favorites. I still will cherish the characters that we got. Amulet is probably the first thing that actually got me into interacting with Fanart and Fandom, so I’d say it’s a pretty big part of what developed me. And for the newbies. Hi! I see you! I look forward to seeing what you do with the series!
See y’all around!
(And btw, if you drop something in my ask box, I’ll apologize in advance if I don’t get to it. I tend to forget I have one)
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danceswithsporks · 11 months
Calm - Part 4
Part 2 of 6 in the Complete Series!
Wrecker x Seamstress!Reader
Parts 1 2 3
Authors notes: well this one took me a bit. There’s a lot of emotions and a lot that we’re tackling here so I hope all of you are ready and have your tissues on standby.
There’s a strong chance that part 5 will be out before the end of the month since it’s already 50% pre-written. So as long as nothing big happens, I should be good.
Summary: The mission that changes everything begins.
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Calm, the tentative emotion coursing through your veins as you waited for your call to connect. He’d only been gone a day and yet you were so worried about him already. With a soft beep the call connected and you stared at the face of your lover, glad to see him ok. So many emotions coursed through your body as you tried to find the right words to say. Unable to think of the perfect joke or quip, you instead said the first thing that came to mind.
“Did the boys like the meal?” You smiled at the datapad in your hands as you lay across the empty feeling bed. Suddenly it seemed like it was far too big for just you, far too cold.
“They loved it, Sarad. Echo says it’s one of the best meals he’s had in a long time.” Wrecker watched as you smiled at him, though he could see it didn’t reach your eyes. “Did you sleep okay last night?”
“I…” the lie that you found yourself trying to speak stopped against your lips. You’d promised him that you’d be honest during all of this before he’d left the night before. “I didn’t…not really.” The worry on his face was so clear it was like he was there in front of you. “Chai came over after you’d left. She was…a wreck.” Her family had lost everything during the war. Seen firsthand the destruction the enemy could do and the lengths the clones would go through to protect civilians. After she’d told you her story, you knew that the clone that had saved her was dead. While others on Pabu tried to avoid galactic news and pretend that the last four years hadn’t happened, you’d paid attention.
Wrecked chewed his lip as he watched you adjust the pillow beneath your chest. It had been you who had fully convinced him to go find his brother. He’d been so worried about how you would handle him being gone and the growing fear you’d been trying to mask, that he’d given a single stipulation when it came to him leaving. That the two of you wouldn’t hide your fears and worries from one another during this. Hearing that you didn’t sleep and that Tech's girl was upset made him nearly tell Tech to turn them around. “Is she better? Will she be okay? Were you…a wreck?”
Your datapad was propped against a pillow before you sighed and rested your head on crossed arms. “She’ll be ok. She’s gonna stay with me for a bit. Be there for each other during this.” His question about you made you swallow. It was hard being honest with him through this. What if he abandoned the mission because he was worried about your feelings? What if he became so distracted with his worry about you that he got shot? Or worse? “Kriff” you raised your finger to your lip and pulled it away to see blood. You’d been so lost in your worry that you’d chewed your lip to the point it bled.
“Sarad.” Wrecker hummed as worry began to overflow in him. “Please, tell me the truth.”
“I…” Taking a deep breath you nodded slowly. “I wasn’t as bad as she was. Maybe because we know what we are to one another. But Chai and Tech just shared their first kiss. She’s worried that something will happen and she’ll never know what they were to each other. Wrecker, she really likes him.” Hopefully, his brothers weren’t too close to hear the conversation.
“Tech really likes her. All he’s talked about since we left has been that kiss and what it could mean. Echo tried to reassure him that it meant she liked him. But Tech's brain gets filled with too many thoughts and then he doesn’t think straight.” Maybe he should say something? Wrecker honestly wasn’t one to give advice when it came to relationships. The two of you had kinda just fallen into yours. A fall that had been amazing and probably the only kind of fall he’d ever like. “Should I say something to him?” Wrecker watched you shake your head as you rolled onto your back and looked up at the ceiling. His shirt draped across your body perfectly and he could make out the outline of your wonderful chest. What he wouldn’t give to be back with you and have his head resting on your breasts.
“Probably not, this is definitely something they need to figure out on their own.” You raised your hand above you and swirled it towards the ceiling. The fairy lights that hung above the bed glowed a soft orange as you pretended to catch them. “But Chai has mentioned that Tech can lose track of time easily. So maybe you could remind him to check in with her? A message here and a picture there? I’m sure it would make her feel better about all of this.”
Seeing you in that position reminded Wrecker of the night before. How the two of you had made love before laying almost naked with each other and staring up at the string of lights. That’s when you shared your worries and fears. How you both promised not to hide anything or sugarcoat things. “Is it making you feel better?”
You arched your back and looked at him with a real smile this time. “It is. I know it’s only been a day but I kinda already miss you a lot.”
Wrecker was enjoying the way you were looking at him right now. The way your body arched as you looked at him upside down reminded him of how you arched beneath him when you orgasm. “I’m realizing how much I’m missing ya as well.” His pants were suddenly becoming too tight. Feigning a cough, he adjusted the curtain on his bunk and made sure it was fully closed before adjusting his earpiece. As far as he knew, Omega and Hunter were already sleeping and Tech and Echo were in the cockpit far enough away from his bunk that they wouldn’t hear anything. “Not the only one either.” He whispered nice and deep for you as he tilted the datapad to show you the growing bulge in his pants. The sultry way you licked your lips at the sight made him groan quietly. Large fingers slipped into his pants and quickly unlatched them. The small removal of pressure already made him feel more comfortable.
Legs rubbed together as you took in the sight of the bulge in his pants. You were admittedly sore from the last two nights with him, his length and girth a new adjustment for your body. At one point, the night before, you could have sworn you’d seen your stomach bulge from his size. But that could have easily been a hallucination from the delicious way he’d made your head spin. Even with the soreness in your cunt, you felt the tingling and twisting desire to be pleasured by him begin to build. “Maybe I should help you both miss me a little less.” You angled your body so he could watch the way you dragged your hand down the front of your chest and towards the growing dampness between your legs. His shirt was hiked up to your hips and you easily slid your panties off before showing them to him to see. With a devilish smirk, you slowly dragged your teeth between your lips and watched him carefully. “Got yours?”
Kriff, you were so hot and naughty.” Wrecker moved his pillow to the side and dug into the upper corner of his mattress that was against the wall. After a moment he pulled out a small black fabric bag smaller than his hand and nodded. “Yes.” He slid one of his thick digits into the small opening of the bag and opened it just enough for him to inhale and hopefully not drift across the space between his bunk and Hunters. A deep breath was taken before his eyes rolled and he stifled a groan. The scent of your sex-stained panties hit him like a bantha. You’d purposely worn them for your session the night before and came in them so that your scent would cover them. It wasn’t the exact something special you’d wanted to give him, but it was pretty close enough. That intoxicating scent of you, your sweat, and your release on the fabric was driving him insane. After another moment of listening for the others, Wrecker pulled the top of his pants down just far enough to allow his cock to slip free. A groan left him at the sudden freedom making his hand fly to cover his mouth.
You giggled at him before shaking your head. “Gotta stay quiet, Strongman. Don’t want your brothers to get any ideas, do we?” Rolling back to your stomach, you sat up and swiftly removed his shirt, revealing your bare chest. His eyes practically widened at the sight and you giggled even more.
“” I’ll be q-quiet.” Was stuttered as he watched you remove the top. Kriff, this would be a hell of a lot harder than he expected. But he had this, didn’t he? How hard could it be to stay quiet while he had call sex with you? Wasn’t like he hadn’t masturbated in his bunk with the others nearby before. He could do this.
“Hey Wrecker, ya got a moment?” Hunter leaned against the door to the fresher, staring at his brother who was currently cleaning his blaster.
Wrecker froze with his hand on the barrel of his blaster, trying to hold his composure. “What’s up?” The barrel was placed down and Wrecker stood from his spot.
Hunter rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly before continuing. “Glad you and ya girl are finding a way to make this bearable. But uh…maybe next time….”
“Kriff, you didn’t…” Wrecker noticed the way his brother adjusted against the wall and let out a low groan.
“Her scent woke me up. It’s uh…strong for her shirt.” Please tell him it was a shirt and not…
“It’s uh…not her shirt. We thought if we put ‘em in a bag that you wouldn’t be able to smell ‘em.” Now this was awkward. Wrecker honestly felt like he’d die.
Of course, it was that. Maker, forbid it be something normal like her shirt. “I didn’t smell…it. Until last night when you were talking to her. So…I guess the bag does work.” It’s just that when it opens he’s hit with a wall of her scent and release. “Just…maybe don’t do it too often.”
Wrecker felt like his face was on fire. His entire body felt like it was on fire with Echo, who’d overheard the conversation, spoke.
“Maybe use the ‘fresher next time while you're doing it.” He crossed his arms and leaned against his old bunk. When Wrecker gave him a shocked look, he elaborated. “You're not as quiet as ya think you are.”
“I believe that is the understatement of the century.” Tech walked through the three of them and made his way to where the rations were being kept. “Perhaps the two of you should wait until we return to continue with your recreational activities.”
Hunter raised his hands quickly to try and stop the incoming argument. “Now that’s going a little too far. For now, just try to keep it to a minimum and in the ‘fresher.”
“Why should we put up with his amorous activities when we are already in close quarters like this.” Tech's fingers tapped in annoyance on the packaging of his rations.
Wrecker rolled his eyes and sat back down. “Not my fault me and my girl aren’t moving at a snail's pace like you are. At least mine knows that I like her and care about her.”
A long groan left Hunter, things were definitely about to pop off. “Wrecker…”
Tech stiffened and adjusted his goggles at his brother's snark. “And what is that supposed to mean, Wrecker?”
“Means that my girl is waiting for me on Pabu knowing that I’m coming back to kiss her and take care of her while Chai is waiting around for ya to take the five seconds to realize she wants to be with ya.” Pulling the blaster barrel back into his hands, Wrecker began to clean it once more.
The ration fell from Tech's hand as his brother tried to tell him off. “I hardly believe you know what you are talking about. What happens between myself and Chai is solely…”
“But it’s not happening to just you two.” Wrecker placed the barrel back down and looked directly into Tech's eyes. “Ya girl is worrying my girl with her fears that somethin' is gonna happen out here and she’ll never know what ya were to her and what she was to you.”
“I…what?” Tech found himself at a loss for words. He hadn’t realized he’d left things so up in the air.
Echo cleared his throat to Hunter and motioned for them to leave. It seemed Wrecker and Tech had a conversation ahead of them. “Hunter, let’s see how Omegas doin' upfront.”
A long sigh left Wrecker before he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ya haven’t called her once since we left, have ya?”
Now that he was thinking about it, it had already been two days since they’d left. He’d been so engrossed in catching up with Echo and making a plan that he’d forgotten to message her. “Well…no.”
“Look, I promised my girl I’d leave this to you two. But I’m gonna tell ya one thing and one thing only. Call. Her.” Wrecker picked the barrel back up and began to run the cloth over it.
Of all the people he expected to receive advice from, it was not Wrecker. “What…do I say?”
“Stitches and I just talked bout her day. Her feelings with all of this. Start there.” It felt odd being the advice giver.
“Hmmm, her day?” Tech tapped his chin in thought for a moment before stepping towards the back of the ship. “Wrecker.” He looked back at his brother as the clone lowered the barrel once more and looked at him. “Thank you.”
“No problem, Tech.”
“Well, ya look in a brighter mood, Sarad. What’s going on?” Wrecker adjusted in the pilot seat of the Marauder. It was his turn to be on watch and currently, all he was watching was the stars go by.
“Hey, Strongman.” Your eyes shone brightly as you placed the blanket in your hands onto the bed and looked at your datapad. “Just finished up one of the guest rooms. Chaos gone to get us some lunch.”
Wrecker loved how happy you looked right now. A satisfied smile on your lips as you looked around the room. “Ya plannin' on company?”
“Well…I was actually hoping you and Omega would come to stay with me when you get back.” You chewed your lip and waited for his reaction. This would go either one of two ways and you hoped in your heart it would go the way you wanted it to.
“Are you sure ya want us there?” He wasn’t exactly one of the cleanest people to live with and Omega was still a kid.
Are you sure? “Oh Wrecker, of course, I’m sure.” You ran a hand through your hair and sighed softly. “Chai, Doll, and I talked about it earlier and we decided that if all six of you were coming back here then that ship would be far too small for all of you. So I thought that you and Omega could stay here and Tech and the others could stay at Dolls Inn. She has more than enough rooms and the fee would be waived.” A smile began to form on Wrecker's lips as you explained the plan. “Plus, Omega deserves her own space. She’s not a child anymore, she’s a growing teen. Do you think she’d be ok with this plan?”
Wrecker was impressed that you’d come up with all of this between the three of you. “ Something tells me she’ll love it. Ya sure Doll can swing four rooms for free?” Though it may be three or even two depending on the decisions that Cross and Echo would make.
“After everything you guys have done for our island? Of course. Plus, it may be three if Tech and Chai work out.” The mention of your friend reminded you of something. “Oh! He called her earlier! You wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with that, would you?” The clone rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and you couldn’t stifle the chuckle that left you. “I won’t ask what you said, but thank you for saying it. She seems…happier.”
A sigh of relief left the clone, glad you weren’t furious. “I was gonna say the same about you.”
You settled onto the bed in what would be Omega's room. “I feel better. Talking to you every day has helped a lot. Knowing you’re ok makes this easier. Plus with all my new projects going on, I barely have time to worry.”
Wrecker tapped at the monitor of the ship for a moment before looking back to the datapad. “What new projects?”
“I’m almost done with yours and the guy's clothes. Omegas I finished last night. So I decided to try and make Echo and Crosshair clothes based on the picture you showed me.” It wasn’t easy, but between the picture of them and Tech's measurements, you figured you had a general idea. “I’m sure Crosshair would like to have something new to wear when he gets back.” Hopefully, he’d come back with them. You knew how badly they wanted him to join them again.
A loving sigh left Wrecker as he listened to your new plans. “How’d I get so lucky?” You were great. You listened and thought of him and his brothers and sister so much. Going as far as to get rooms and clothes figured out for everyone.
You let out a happy giggle before falling back onto the bed and staring at the ceiling. Maybe you should put some string lights in here as well? “Luck had nothing to do with it. You caught me when I fell. Like I know you’ll always do.”
“Yeah, Sarad.” If there was one thing he was good at, it was protecting and catching those he cared for. “I’ll always catch ya.” You and everyone else.
“When have we ever followed orders?”
Wrecker watched Omega toss and turn on Tech's bunk as she tried to sleep. The mission had gone so wrong so quickly. How could he be gone? How could Tech, the smartest of them all be gone just like that? Red swollen eyes looked down at the owner's hands and followed the trails of dirt, blood, and oil across rough skin. He should have been faster, stronger, and less afraid of heights. Wrecker was the strongest in their group and yet he was too weak to save his brother. He hated himself, hated the weakness that had ruined everything. Blood seeped from his lip as he angrily chewed the delicate skin, he could care less about the pain or the metallic tang in his mouth.
Omega shifted in her sleep once more, a cry of distress leaving her lips as she clung to Tech's pillow for dear life, no doubt hoping that this was all just a bad dream and that she’d wake up to him hounding her about her schoolwork. But that wouldn’t be the case this time. Would it? Wrecker reached across the space between bunks and adjusted the blanket covering the child. A child that had seen far more death and destruction than she should have at this point.
“Wrecker?” Omega's brown eyes opened slightly and looked at the large clone. “What do we do now?”
He wasn’t sure what to tell her because he honestly didn’t know either. “Need to get patched up first and you someplace safe.” A sigh left the gentle giant as he leaned back against his bunk. “Then we try to find Cross another way.” Already Echo was in the cockpit trying to contact Rex and the others for assistance. Without the tracker, they’d have no way of finding the clone.
“Are we going to AZI?” The blonde sat up and pulled the blanket tighter around her. When Wrecker nodded she chewed her lip carefully. AZI was with Cid and Hunter had said they were cutting ties with the arms dealer. How much trouble would they be in when they went back? “What about Cid?”
Wrecker shook his head “Hunter said he’d handle it. Gotta trust him.” This wasn’t something the kid needed to worry about right now. “Get some sleep, Omega.”
“I’m too sad to sleep.” She moved out of the bunk and settled on the floor next to Wrecker, the blanket pulled over them both.
“How about I tell ya something to take ya mind off it for a bit?” His strong arm wrapped around the girl's shoulder and held her close. The least he could do now was keep Omega safe. Looking down at her, he forced a smile. “Stitches wants me and you to live with her. Got a room made up for ya and everything.”
“Really?” Omega's eyes lit up briefly at the idea of her own room. Sure she loved and appreciated the special space they’d set up for her. But being on Pabu and seeing the other kids' rooms had made her long for an actual room of her own. “She wants me to stay there too?”
“She’s already finished your clothes and has cleaned out a room for ya. Says ya can decorate it however ya want.” It was nice to see the smile on her little face, even if it was for a brief moment. “She’s got a place for everyone figured out. We’re all gonna stay together on Pabu.” No more separating, not after losing Tech.
“That’s sounds amazing.” A yawn left the girl as her eyes closed and she settled into the warmth and protection of her brother. They’d stay together, for Tech. No more being apart, they’d be a whole family again.
“What the hells happened?” Echo watched in utter horror as Hemlock left with their sister. The one person they were supposed to protect and they’d let her fall straight into the hands of the Empire.
“Cid.” Was all that Wrekcer could manage to say before punching the wall next to him. The building shook and a few bricks fell from their slots leaving a hole where his fist had been. Gone was his grief for losing Tech, in its place now was the almost murderous desire for revenge on the person they had once trusted as a friend.
“The slimy scaleback sold us out to the Empire. Gave them our location and kept us distracted while they arrived.” Hunter turned from where the shuttle had left with Omega. “Told Omega to make a run for the Marauder and get out of here with you.”
Echo followed quickly behind Hunter, the sound of Wreckers grumbling behind them letting him know that he was following as well. They wove their way through the alleys and back towards Cids. “But she didn’t listen did she?” When Hunter shook his head, Echo sighed. “We taught her not to leave anyone behind. We can’t blame her.”
The trio stepped into the bar and began to search for Cid. “Don’t blame her.” Hunter looked down at Tech's goggles still on the ground. Leaning down, he picked them up carefully and passed them to Echo. A scent began to drift towards his nose from the back of the bar. The door to Cid's office was slid open carefully and the clone let out an annoyed sigh. “Blame her.”
“Looks like we’re too late.” He stepped around the carnage of the overturned desk in the middle of the room and towards the slumped corpse of Cid. “Bet Hemlock had something to do with this. No loose ends.” His fingers slid across the blaster hole in the chest of the Trandoshan. “Still warm. Probably happened right after Hemlock took off.” He wished he could say it was a shame, but seeing as she’d betrayed them, he couldn't care less.
“Probably used this to make sure she didn’t get away.” Reaching into the satchel of credits that she’d been given, Hunter pulled out a tracking device and passed it to Wrecker.
This would be the point where Tech would say that greed had gotten the best of her and been her downfall and it seemed they all knew it as well. With a final glance, Weecker crushed the tracker and threw the pieces to the floor. “Come on. We need to make a plan.”
Hunter nodded and followed Echo and Wrecker out of the room, but not before grabbing the bundle of credits as well as the stash he knew she had hidden. “Now we’re even, Cid.” He’d make a call to the authorities after they left to retrieve the body.
“What’s that for?” Wrecker crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Hunter as the leader moved past him and into the main area of the bar.
“She still owed us our cut for the last few missions and hazard pay for the mine incident.” Hunter moved the credits to one container and held it up for them to see. “Now we have credits to use to get some help.” There was someone he had in mind if they weren’t able to find any volunteers.
“I may have some people in mind that should be willing to help us.” Echo leaned against the bar in thought.
Think they’ll help us?” Wrecker pushed some of the spilled mantel mix across the floor with his boot. Another reminder of his missing sister.
“ If it’s to find Omega? He’ll at least be up for it. The others might take some convincing.” Echo pushed off the bar and motioned for them to head to the Marauder.
With a final look at the bar, Wrecker shook his head and followed his brothers out. Just another casualty of this damn mission.
Your heel bounced against the cobblestone of your courtyard as you stared across the open waters of the sea around Pabu. It had been quiet for far too long. Why hadn’t he answered you in almost two weeks? You chewed your lip nervously as the sound of the hinge squeaking in your gate drew your attention. “Anything from Tech?” Turning, you looked at Chai who shook her head. “Same with Wrecker and Omega.” Something wasn’t sitting right in your stomach.
“Tech said that long rounds of radio silence were a normal thing for them.” Chai moved next to you and leaned against the wall as well. “Something feels off though, doesn’t it?” Her hand rested on the cool stone wall, facing up, waiting for yours.
“It does. I can’t make it go away either.” Your hand slid into hers and you held each other tightly.
Chai swallowed as a moon-yo skittered by in front of you both. “What are the chances everything is fine?”
You let a long solemn sigh leave your lips as you squeezed her hand. “Something tells me it’s slim.”
The two of you stood there staring out at the sea in silence for a few minutes, worry wracking both your brains. Something was wrong, there was no way around it. “I don’t know if I can handle losing Wrecker.” Left you before you could stop it. Your body froze as you tried to understand why you would say something so serious. The two of you had only been intimate a few times. Sure he’d been in your life for a good number of weeks now, and sure you found yourself thinking and worrying about him nonstop. But it wasn’t like you were in love with him, he was just a cute clone who made you giggle and feel wonderful. You stiffened as the realization hit you over the head like a heavy bolt of fabric. You did love him! Every part of your body loved him, even after only knowing him for four months at most. An incredulous laugh left you as you let go of Chai’s hand and stepped away from the wall.
Why were you laughing? “You’ve finally lost it, haven’t you?” Chai turned and watched as you stepped towards the chair you and Wrecker had been cuddling in weeks prior.
You shook your head while running a hand through your hair, the locks tangling around your fingers as you stared wide-eyed at the open sky. “I love him.”
“I still don’t understand how Senator Chuchi got this information.” Wrecker looked over the information sitting on his datapad. Somehow, Riyo Chuchi had gained details on Mount Tantiss, the location of Hemlock's secret base. It wasn’t as in-depth as they’d like it to be, but it gave them enough to start formulating plans.
Howzer settled next to Wrecker and looked over his datapad. “She’s got a lot of contacts in different areas of the empire. She’s been trying to find someone since the fall of the Jedi. One of her informants thought this could lead to him.”
Hunter turned from where he was standing behind Echo in the cockpit and looked at the once teal-clad clone. “Who she lookin for?”
“Her husband, Commander Fox.” Echo let the secret leave him casually as he checked their chain codes once more. If those weren’t just right, they’d be dead before they even got close to the planet.
“Woah, Fox is married to her?” Wrecker looked towards Echo in surprise. Seemed even straight-laced Fox had his secrets.
Howzer shook his head as Echo spilled the beans easily. Though, if anyone would keep the secret it would be the batch. If there was one thing he’d learned quickly, it was that these men were as pure as they came. “She said it happened about two standard weeks before the war ended. Hasn’t seen or heard from him since they stormed the Jedi temple.”
“Let’s hope we find him there or at least some kind of information on his whereabouts.” Hunter raised an eyebrow as Wrecker's datapad buzzed and the large clone visibly swallowed. Nearby, tucked under his pillow, Techs also sounded through the ship. “Can’t be a coincidence that both went off.”
Wrecker sighed softly as he looked at your message.
“Hey, I have something kinda important I wanted to tell you. Call me when you get the chance?… I hope everything’s ok, come home soon.”
His thick fingers hovered over the keyboard to respond, ready to let you know everything and apologize for not keeping his promise to keep you updated. With a shake of his head, he placed the datapad down and stepped away. He couldn’t talk to you, not yet.
Hunter watched as his brother walked away from the tablet without answering any of them. Come to think of it, he hadn’t heard Wrecker talk to you at all since the mission. “Don’t ya think you should let her know you’re ok?”
Wrecker stopped and looked back at their leader with dark solemn eyes. “Are we alright? Omega is gone, Tech is gone, and we still don’t have Crosshair. At what point has any of this been ok?” Closing the distance between him and Hunter, he stood toe to toe with him. “How do I tell her that her friends..” he gestured to the air around them “whatever they were, is dead? How do I tell her I failed to pull him up?” His voice cracked as he fought back the tears that he’d failed to shed so far.
So that’s what this was about. He was afraid to face her. Hunter sighed softly and pulled his taller brother into a tight embrace. “It’s ok, wrecker.” His hand rubbed the back of Wrecker slowly. “We’ll get Omega and Crosshair back safely.”
“We’ll honor Tech the way he should be honored.” Echo had placed the ship on autopilot and joined his struggling siblings. His hand was placed on Wrecker's shoulder where a comforting squeeze was placed. “This isn’t your fault, I shouldn’t have pulled you guys into this.”
“Crosshair is a member of the batch. We left him on Kamino, we should be the ones to bring him to Pabu.” Hunter continued to rub Wrecker's back as he tried to control his own emotions. “If anything, we should have left Omega with Stitches and Chai.”
“If I know anything about that child.” Howzer stood and walked over to the group. “It’s that she would have found a way to tag along. You’ve done well raising her so far. Heart of gold. Without her, Hera may not have survived.” Even if he was no longer on Ryloth and working with the girl's family, he still cared about the young Twi’lek. Hopefully, she was doing well.
“Howzers right, Omega found a way to save us back on Ord Mantell and without her, we wouldn’t have gotten that tracker on Hemlock's ship as easily either.” Echo pulled his hand back as Wrecker took a deep breath and pulled away from Hunter.
“Lot of good that did. Tracker fell off.” Wrecker wiped his face with his thick fingers. If he ever saw Saw again, he’d kill him.
“But ya got one on his ship when he took the kid.” Gregor stepped out of the refresher and wiped his wet hands on his pants. “So, ya got a girl?” He’d heard the important parts in the bathroom. Important being that Fox was married to a Senator, Wrecker had a girl, and apparently, so did Tech. Leaning against the door to the refresher, he crossed his arms and looked at the group. “She a cute little thing?”
Wrecker rolled his eyes before nodding. “More beautiful than I could ever describe.”
Now this was good. Gregor moved to one of the cots and relaxed with a large grin. “Tell us about this ‘beautiful beyond words’ girl of yours.”
Hunter had to admit, the shift in the mood was welcomed. A needed one. It was better for all of them to go into this mission not angry and seeking vengeance. But filled with hope of returning to those they cared for instead. “Come on, Echo. Wanna double-check those coordinates once more.”
Echo watched Wrecker smirk and pick up his datapad. “Yeah. Wanted to go over the plan with ya one more time as well.”
“Here, I got a holo.” Wrecker tapped around his datapad until he found the photo of you he’d taken before he left. His shirt on you. “She’s amazing.”
“Stitches?” Chai looked at you as the two of you lay in your bed. The string lights hanging above had been turned on and pulsed a slow and steady pattern of lights.
“Yes, Chai?” You tired your head and looked at her, wondering what was on her mind.
“When Wrecker gets back, do you think you’ll leave the planet with him?” The two of you had agreed to stop using ‘if’ and instead use ‘when’ when it came to the guys coming back. It was one of the only things that seemed to keep you both from worrying so much.
A long sigh left you before you looked back at the slow-blinking lights. “I’m not sure honestly. I want to see the worlds he tells me stories about. But…” You squeezed her hand nervously.
“You haven't left the planet since that day, huh?” She hadn’t known you when your parents were still alive. Just in the last year of school, her family arrived on the planet. It had been almost three or so years since then and she felt so close to you now.
You slowly shook your head while biting your lip. “I just…can’t.” How many times have you stepped on a starship ready for that to be the day you leave, just for your heart to start racing and your palms to get sweaty? “What happened just…what if it happens again?”
“You can’t let that fear run your life. Starships are so much safer now and if you were with Wrecker, I’m sure he’d keep anything from happening.” Chai stroked your hand reassuringly. “Have you told him what happened yet?”
“No, I haven’t been able to get the courage to say what happened. One day I’ll tell him.” You still had a hard time talking about what happened that day. But he deserved to know, especially since he’d mentioned taking you to Ord Mantell one day and showing you a snack that he and Omega loved.
“If you can get the courage to tell him what happened, then I can get the courage to tell Tech how I feel.” Chai watched one of the red lights blink a few moments before choking out a small sob.
You sighed softly and pulled her into a hug. “It’s ok. They’ll be okay. He’ll come back and you’ll tell him how you feel and then you two will get married and have the cutest babies.” A chuckle left her as she pulled back and wiped her face.
“You and Wrecker will have the cutest family ever. I bet he wants a lot too. He seems like the kind of guy who’d love a big family.” Chai giggled at the flush on your cheeks. “Have you two talked about it yet?”
“We just started being intimate, children didn’t seem like the next conversation topic.” You’d never put thought into how many kids you’d want one day. It just never seemed like a topic you needed to think about. “But he’s amazing with Omega. So I’m sure he’d be amazing with any children.”
Chai hummed in thought, she’d like two or three kids for sure. Hopefully, they’d look just like Tech, but with longer hair. “I wonder what they look like with long hair?”
You shrugged, not having to think so much about that. Wrecker had no hair so the thought wasn’t something that had crossed your mind. You liked that about him. Somehow his lack of hair added to his look. You took a moment to think about him with hair and found you didn’t care for the look. Now that you thought about it, was he naturally bald or did he shave it down? Maybe you should ask him when he got home. “Wonder if it’s curly or straight?”
“Hmmm, that’s a good question.” Chai tapped her chin in thought. “I wonder that too.”
Dirty, grungy, long straight hair stuck to the filthy face of its owner while tired and lifeless brown eyes stared at the dark ceiling of the cell the clone was currently in. Outside his cell, guards ran by screaming orders at one another while blaster fire sounded off. Once, Cody would have gotten up to see what was happening and try to plan his escape. But too many times had he gotten close to escaping, too many times had he watched a fellow clone run by just to be shot dead and dragged into the depths of the facility. After every one of these attempts, the outcome would be the same. They’d all be punished for their brother's failed attempt at freedom. It was that punishment that Cody was currently healing from just a few hours prior. His body felt like it was still tingling from the residual electrocutions they’d all been put through. Hemlock’s way of trying to break the spirit of all of them.
His cell door slid open with a long hiss and Cody didn’t bother to look at it. Not caring to see the guards who were coming to wheel him back to the testing rooms once more. Maybe this would be the time they’d finally let him die, instead of bringing him back to life. Cody slowly turned his head towards the door though when he heard continued blaster fire and yelling. A red alert siren sounded over the intercoms. Something was off, this was different than any other time.
“Ome-“ Echo’s words died in his throat as he ran into the cell and noticed the dirty clone on the stone bed. “You, can you walk? It’s time to get out of here.”
“E-Echo?” Cody couldn’t believe he was looking at the once 501st trooper. “W-what’s happening?”
Brown eyes squinted at the battered and weak cline before him. This clone knew him somehow. “We’re freeing all of you.” He moved across the room and to the side of the man before him. Brushing his dirty hair away from his face, Echo finally realized who this was. “Cody!” He quickly helped the clone commander sit up. “How did you even get here?”
“Rampart.” Cody coughed loudly before hissing as pain shot through his body. Injuries sustained during a past punishment a week prior were flaring.
“Is dead. The Empire turned on him and disposed of him once it was revealed that he was behind the bombing of Kamino.” Echo pulled out his com quickly. “I’m heading to the Marauder with an important survivor. I found him halfway through level gamma. Send someone down to search for her starting at cell 73089.”
“Her? Who are you searching for?” Another groan left him as Echo moved to stand with him.
Echo took a moment to adjust his grip on Cody before moving towards the door. “Looking for a little blonde girl. A fellow clone, her name…”
“Omega!” Wrecker beat the door to her cell frantically, waiting for hers to slide open next in line. At the main panel, Howzer was quickly working through the different levels of encryptions on the cell.
“Wrecker!!” Omega's eyes lit up as she sprinted across her cell to the bar-lined door. Little hands reached through the gap and grasped Wreckers tightly. “H-how did you find me?” Tears raced down her face as she realized she was being saved.
Wrecker pulled his comm out of his pocket and activated it quickly. “Howzer! Cell 11160 on level Alpha!” A static-filled ‘on it’ came from the device before it was returned to his pocket. “Got a tracker on Hemlock ship when he left Ord Mantell. Sorry, we took so long to get here. We had to…”
“Get intel, right.” She pulled her hands back as a buzz and a hiss filled the room. Suddenly the door slid open and she was in her brother's tight arms. “I almost gave up hope that you were coming!” Her face buried into his chest plate as sobs left her small body.
“We’ll always find a way to bring ya home.” Wrecker lifted Omega and cradled her close. “Have they hurt you?” Where the hells was Hemlock?
Omega shook her head quickly against the dirty plastoid of Wrecker's armor. “Not really. They just took a lot of blood from me.” Her head jerked up quickly and looked around. “Have you found Crosshair? I haven’t seen him in a few days!” Last she’d seen, Emory had taken him to a private testing room. She didn’t know what exactly had happened there, but the screams had filled her imagination with enough of an idea.
“Hunters looking for him. Echo and Gregor are helping to evacuate whoever they can and Howzer is in the control room overseeing everything.” The gentle giant looked around before heading back down the hall. “ Gonna get ya to the ship before I go help him.”
“No! Please don’t leave me!” Omega gripped Wrecker's wrist tightly, terrified to be left alone now that she had her brother back. “Please.”
How could he say no to her? “Alright, we can help coordinate from there.” Wrecker kept her tight to his chest as he moved through the facility, ignoring the guards who yelled and shouted at him to stop. “Keep ya eyes shut and your ears covered.” There was so much carnage littering the halls, the last thing she needed to see was the bloodied corpses of guards and clones.
Omega nodded and did what she was told. Still, the blaring red alert siren worked its way through her hands and into her ears while the acrid smell of blaster fire and blood seeped into her nose. “W-wrecker?” His arms tightened around her to reassure her that he was still carrying her.
She wasn’t sure how long it had been, but the familiar scent of the Marauder replaced the scent of blood and blasters. A shake of her shoulder let her know that it was safe to open her eyes and pull her hands away from her ears. “AZI?” The familiar droid hovered in front of her, worrying over her current state. How she looked was unknown to her, the last time she’d seen her face was over a week ago. All she knew was that she felt filthy.
“Omega, you are alive.” The droid scanned her while circling her. Around them, injured clones settled against bunks or the wall or Gonky. Trying to find whatever support they could get.
“How’s she look?” Wrecker hovered around her protectively, making sure that he was always in her line of sight.
AZI went silent for a moment as he looked through the result of his scan. “Her iron and potassium levels are low. But she is unharmed physically.”
A sigh of relief left Wrecker. She wasn’t physically harmed. “Thank the Maker.” He pulled her close to him once more before feeling the ship shake angrily. “What the hells?”
Rushing off the ship, the two stood and watched in shock as a fiery ball of metal burned against the side of the mountain. Out of the corner of his eye, something caught the light for a brief moment and a familiar feeling rushed through Wrecker. “Crosshair.”
“Hunter!” Omega jumped from the pilot seat and quickly found the warm fatherly embrace of the clone. The tightness of his arms around her made her feel even safer and calmer than she was already feeling. Behind him, Echo, Howzer, Gregor and finally Crosshair stepped onto the ship. Sobs tore through the child’s throat as she took in everyone who had come to help, as well as the safety of her brother.
Hunter held and rocked Omega carefully as gentle shushes left his lips. “It’s ok, Omega. We got ya.”
Echo let out a long breath as he took in that everyone was finally safe and heading home. “We should get out of here before reinforcements arrive.” His hand ran across Omega's hair and he affectionately placed a kiss against the top of her head, not caring about how dirty she was. “Glad to have you back.” Was whispered before he took the pilot seat and motioned for everyone to settle. He’d catch up with her later. For now, he needed to get his family to safety.
“Gregor” Wrecker motioned for the arc trooper to follow him towards the back of the ship. He nodded to Crosshair who was currently being inspected by AZI.
“What’s going on?” Gregor asked once they were relatively alone. The clones nearby were currently asleep, the excitement of the day being too much for their tired bodies.
Wrecked looked down the shop towards Omega and Crosshair who were both curled against one another with a protective Hunter looking over them. “What was that explosion? Did Crosshair have something to do with that?”
Gregor nodded while crossing his arms. “That explosion was Hemlock's ship. The sniper took it down with one shot. Even with a broken arm and a blown eardrum.” It was scary and impressive honestly. Gregor had to admit that he was glad that Cross was currently on their side, though how long that would last was unknown to him and the others.
“Cross always said that he could shoot down something with one hand tied behind his back. Guess he was right.” Wrecker chewed his lip for a moment. “What do you think? Think he’s safe to bring back to the base? Or Pabu?”
“Hmm, that’s a good question honestly.” Gregor slicked his hair back as he tried to think about the brief interaction with Crosshair that he’d had earlier. “You said that he sent the warning about them looking for Omega?” A nod was sent to him from the large clone. “I think it’s a good bet that the effect of the chips is wearing off and he’s realizing what the Empire truly is. It’s ultimately up to Rex to make the final decisions though.”
Wrecker took what was said and mulled it over for a while. Until he had a chance to privately talk to Cross, it would be hard to decide on what the next step should be.“Where are we meeting Rex?”
“An outer rim planet that’s been deserted. Mined to shit by the Empire and the Separatists before them. Rex will make assessments there and then we’ll figure out what the next steps will be for these men and the ones sent out in the other ships. All in all, about seventy men were saved today.”
“Hopefully this all works out.” Wrecker looked over to where his name was called by Hunter and nodded to Gregor. “Hey, one more thing.”
“What’s that?” Gregor watched Wrecker mull his thoughts for a moment before speaking.
“What happened to Nala Se? Omega was asking about her earlier.” The way the clone's face dropped let Wrecker know everything he needed. “I’ll break it to her later.” He looked back at the slowly falling asleep child who was safely nestled in Hunter's lap. “Let her relax for now. She deserves it. We all do.”
Gregor nodded. “Maybe now’s a good time to call that girl of yours.”
“Pfft” You dropped the dress you were hemming in your lap and stared up at the sky. This was the third time you’d hemmed this dress, the material just not wanting to work with you. Though, you were also distracted and half-heartedly paying attention. You still hadn’t heard from Wrecker or the others. The worry was beginning to take its toll on you. “Wrecker.” You spoke to the sky, hoping that wherever he was he’d be able to hear you. “Please hurry and come home.”
His shirt had now lost his scent and you found yourself beginning to forget how it felt to have his arms around you. The way his lips felt against yours and how those big thick hands of yours cradled you like you were the most delicate thing on the planet. You missed everything about him and so much more. The long radio silence of nearly a month was taking its toll on your sleep and eating habits. No matter how many times you and Chai tried to reassure each other that the boys were safe, it just couldn’t push the worry away.
*ping ping ping*
You nearly dove out of your chair for your datapad. The familiar message tune raising your hopes that it was him. The dress, needle, and thread flew from your lap and across the ground with you bobbing it all zero thought as you stared at his name on the screen. It was him! It was a message from him. Finally! After such a long silence, he was finally contacting you. Your fingers shook as you tapped to open the message.
“We’re on our way to Pabu. Meet me by the tree.”
Well, it wasn’t exactly the message you’d been hoping for. No heartfelt apology or declaration of victory. Not even a hint of his silliness. Just straight forward and almost cold feeling. A lump formed in your throat as you stood to head up towards the top of the mountain, ready to wait all week if you had to. Your foot kicked the fallen dress and you sighed. Right, you needed to clean this up first and finish what you were doing. Plus you needed a shower and maybe something cuter to wear.
By the time you’d finished your list of work, the sun had begun its descent in the sky. It had taken longer than you’d expected to finish hemming the dress and clean it before packaging it up for the next day. After that, you’d spent a solid hour digging through your clothes to find something cute to wear. Then your shower had taken twice as long to heat up, your hair didn’t want to work with you and you’d spilled your favorite perfume all over the counter. Honestly, so much was going wrong that you were half tempted to take it as an omen of things to come.
But Chai had spent the last two weeks hounding you about thinking positive, if you stopped listening to her now and something bad happened you’d almost think it was your fault. Stepping out of your shop, you were surprised to see said girl running up the path with an almost crazed look on her face. What did that mean? Your eyes followed the path to the top and took in the bright glowing lights of a starship and the swirling dust that always got kicked up after one landed.
You struggled to slide your heels on while leaning against the gate. You didn’t look exactly how you wanted, but it was close. Phee ran behind Chai at half her speed, but when you smiled at her, she frowned. Why did that make you so nervous? “Phee?” You hollered after the woman.
She stopped and looked back at you before taking a breath. “Come. You should be there too.” Why did such a simple sentence that should fill you with glee, make you almost want to stay home? Why was the air so thick right now? Phee continued up the path and you followed behind at a slower pace. The nerves of what you’d find at the top slowing down each of your steps. That lump was back in your throat and no matter how hard you tried to swallow it, it wouldn’t go away.
As you neared the crest of the hill a pained scream shook the air around you.
And everything crumbled.
@rndmpeep @sarahskywalker-amadala @queenariesofnarnia @idoubleswearimawriter @bambambunny @ravenclawbitch426 @jupitersaturnapollo @mzjakao @heylosers06 @dangraccoon @impala1967666 @andrakass2 @ducks118 @motte-the-goblin @rintheemolion @merkitty49 @jediknightjana @onyxtides @moon-wrecked
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void-botanist · 4 months
🤪‼️🙏 for the OC most on your mind rn
Well the last OCs I was thinking about were the Nicea crew (and how they should have more problems) so let's go with them:
🤪Do they have a “fun uncle” type family member?
Declan: not really.
Isabel: she does - one of her dad's brothers - but she stopped liking him when she stopped being able to swindle him out of candy and pocket change. She hasn't seen him since before high school, because she hasn't been back to her home planet since then.
Rodney: same as Isabel but he never liked the fun uncle to begin with. He was too loud and too much.
Tristan: she's had several, if "family" includes her mom's many girlfriends over the years. She'd also consider Von kind of a fun uncle, though more of the "grumpy but will let you drive the truck and sneaks you candy" kind.
Spinder: technically speaking, he is an uncle to the vast majority of his family. But his "fun uncle" has always been his second sister, Teagan, who is also Cady's mom. She's some 25 years older than him, but he and Cady are only five years apart, which meant that Teagan allowed them to be collectively a menace, but Spinder got to go home at the end of the day.
Cady: Spinder, his uncle who is younger than him. No contest.
Bo: also not really.
‼️What’s the most important part of having a “family” to them?
Declan: having people he can rely on, closely followed by not being for real alone.
Isabel: having someone who will stand by her no matter what. Which makes Rodney the most family family member she has.
Rodney: having people who will always need him, because he desperately needs to be needed.
Tristan: being in community with them, and especially sharing meals.
Spinder: his family is huge, so having an abundance of people to meet his social and emotional needs and engage with him about different interests, or in short: never being alone.
Cady: to be honest it's kind of a relief to have people who are supposed to like him, because he thinks he might kind of suck.
Bo: always having a place to return to, whenever they return.
🙏Are there things about their family they wish were different?
Declan: he wishes his moms weren't dead. But with the family he has living, he wishes that he knew how to talk to Teagan (his mother-in-law). He always feels so awkward with her, like she's kinda disappointed in him, and he doesn't want to give her any reason to be more disappointed in him.
Isabel: where does she even begin with them…she's concluded that things would be better for everyone if her and Rodney's parents had gotten divorced when she was about ten. Then she wouldn't have had to experience her dad doing transphobia with extra steps, her mom screaming at him all the time, Rodney becoming even more a nervous wreck, and becoming ride or die with him out of perceived necessity. But given what she has to work with now, she wishes Fay could just fucking chill out already and not always find some way to belittle her, whether intentional or not.
Rodney: could Fay and Isabel be okay please? And could someone tell him if his dad is still transphobic with extra steps or is he gonna have to go find out himself
Tristan: she wishes she knew more of her blood family. A good chunk of them still live on Antarac, and many of them around her hometown, but there a few branches of her family that are either all dead at this point or disappeared out into the galaxy, never to be heard from again. She wishes the family she does know could help her find the rest, even though they probably disappeared for a reason.
Spinder: in his immediate adoptive family (his third sister and her husband and kids) he wishes Michael hadn't been such a shit, because then he probably wouldn't have fallen out with Gwinnia for fighting with Michael. But he also has to acknowledge there wouldn't have been a fight if he hadn't engaged…either way he wishes he hadn't fallen out with Gwin, and also that he'd found some way to connect more with his now-deceased birth dad.
Cady: he can put up with just about any family nonsense, but god he wishes his dad hadn't died when he was a kid.
Bo: "we never get to see you anymore Rannebo" except after ten years of accidental exile they feel a lot more like their parents have a point.
Send me some family asks!
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invisiblegarters · 2 years
Eternal Yesterday Episode 8
No lie, I've sat down to do this thing several times already, but instead of managing it I just get all up in my feelings and have to quit to calm myself down. I thought it'd be better today but nah, I'm just as much of a mess now as I was when I watched the last ep the first time. There was so much I loved about episode, but everything I loved also hurt my heart and made me a wreck.
So I've decided to just kind of push myself through it. I make no promises for coherency or brevity, however. I'm good at neither at the best of times, and this is not that.
The intimacy of this episode is just…of course, the heart of the drama is Mitsuru and Koichi and their love for each other, but if I'm fully honest I never expected them to sell it as well as they did. So often the chemistry is uneven that I just sort of expected it again, but these two got me. I fully, one hundred percent believe that they're in love, and what's more, they sold that they actually want each other, too. Somehow, for me, they nailed it so thoroughly that I kind of resent Japan for giving me a couple this perfect when there's no hope of a happy ending.
So yes, I liked that. I love all the forehead touching and the being comfortable right up in each other's space breathing the same air, the sense that these two people would be content to just be with each other all the time.
I liked Koichi's breakdown, and I loved Mitsuru comforting him through it. It hurts so much that Koichi has been putting this cheerful face on for Mitsuru, because he's clearly been having a rough time, until he just can't anymore. Until the countdown that they both know is there (and maybe for Koichi far more than Mitsuru - as he keeps saying, it's his body) is almost at zero and there's no more time, and he doesn’t want to go but there’s no choice. No amount of love in the world is gonna keep him there. 
One thing I kept noticing throughout the show is that they are just there for each other in a very real way. When Koichi has his moments in episode four and here, Mitsuru puts aside his own worry and grief to comfort him, and well. We've all seen Koichi doing it time and time again.
What really set me off though was the talk with dad. I don't know what logic made Mitsuru's mom think that being cold to her son would make it easier for him to lose her. It doesn't work that way, and it hurts that the only memory of her being kind Mitsuru has is when it was too late and she was on borrowed time herself. I thought it was interesting that she came back for a while as well. 
I keep wondering what tipped dad off that Koichi was the same. Perhaps he caught Mitsuru looking at Koichi in the kitchen, then saw him at the hospital later and put two and two together? Or maybe he clocked how pale he looked the first time he saw him, all the way back in episode two, and then put things together from there. I don't know. I do like that we see that it is possible to move on, though - he clearly does - but that's well over a decade later. Telling Mitsuru that he doesn't have to force himself to heal is maybe the best thing he could have said, and the truest. There's no making yourself get better from a loss like that. And even after you no longer live in the sadness of it, the scar remains.
Sneaky and awful, too, the credits being Mitsuru's (and probably Koichi's) dream of what might have been. When I saw those two cup noodles…I do think that Mitsuru finally understands what Koichi was trying to tell him during that time, in the bio lab. But I don't know that I believe that he'll ever quite manage to do it. I think in some ways that loss stopped him in time as much as it did Koichi, and he'll get older but there will always be a part of him that is back there, unable to move on. I think a part of him will always be looking for Koichi.
I liked Koichi's epilogue. I laughed a little at him calling meeting Mitsuru a miracle, mostly because of Mitsuru rejecting the same idea in the first episode. Of course Koichi would think that, and of course Mitsuru would resist it. It showcases their similar thought process and their differences all in one line, and I loved it.
I'll admit, I was briefly annoyed at the whole "if Micchan were a girl, I'd still love him" thing, because I'm not a fan of the "I'm not gay (or bi!), I just like you" trope, but I was glad that it was immediately walked back. Would have preferred it not be there at all, however. 
Finding out about his family made some things make so much sense. I don’t doubt that his family adores him as much as if he were truly theirs - and I don’t think that he does either - but I get the sense of loneliness he must have felt to have been abandoned by both bio parents so young. Both he and Mitsuru were searching for someone to belong to, and to love wholeheartedly, and I do think that the fact that they found that in each other is a bit of a miracle. 
So of course the end where he thanks Mitsuru for being his miracle sent me ugly crying straight into the credits.
I don’t think I’ve been this screwed up by a show since...well, it's been a while.  
It’s not just the sadness. If this show had just been sad for sad’s sake, or felt too over the top about it, I would have been able to write it off and move on easily. It's easy enough for me to cry at sad movies and shows, but in all honesty they don't tend to stick with me. They're sad, I cry, I decide if they were good and then I tend to keep on, already looking for the next thing. But instead Japan had to go and hit all the buttons to trigger a sort of grief process in me along with Mitsuru, and so I’ll find myself thinking about this drama at random moments and tearing up (or crying because one of the songs from the OST pops up on my playlist - both those songs are great but man are they hard to listen to now), or getting a little angry because it’s just not fair, or feeling a quiet melancholy that seems like it’s settled into my bones. I'm not used to that.
It hurts, and ultimately I find myself wondering: was it worth it? I put myself through eight weeks of this slow, creeping inevitability, this knowledge that there was no way for this to end but with everyone in tears, me included. I’ve cried so much this weekend already that I probably can’t go anywhere because of my swollen, red eyes and my head feeling about seven sizes too small for my plugged-up sinuses. 
I really thought I knew what I was getting into with this, but the truth is I didn’t expect to get to me so hard. I couldn’t have foreseen the way everything - the acting, the music, the direction and the story - would all converge to make the perfect drama to wreck me. I honestly don’t know if I would have watched had I had an idea that it would do so. 
But I’m so glad I did. The answer to the question is that yes, yes it was worth every bit of tears. I love this damn show. It’s hands down my number one, best show of the year, will definitely watch it again and yes, buy the blu-ray when it comes out in May. And while I completely understand that it’s not for everyone, I would recommend it to anyone who isn’t put off by a heartfelt meditation of grief and loss and losing someone you adore by increments. There’s a lot of loveliness to be found here, even in spite of the pain, and maybe in some ways because of it.
For eight weeks, this show hasn’t been very far from my mind, and I don’t see an immediate change in that state of affairs. But i guess I really am a bit of a masochist, because I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Final rating: 10/10
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the-golden-ghost · 2 years
I know I shouldn’t Fic Plan when I’m A). Drastically overtired and crabby because of that and B). Had a terrible day at work so I’m in an even worse mood but I’m just like “THIS IDEA WAS SO FUCKING STUPID WHY’D I EVEN WRITE THIS”
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crybabyalexxx · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You and Bucky have a secret arrangement. Inspired by Billie Eilish’s ‘Billie Bossa Nova’
Warnings: NSFW 18+, submissive Bucky, dominant reader, BDSM involved
A/N: This was very fun to write as always. It is my first time writing anything for Bucky but this song just reminds me so much of him and I couldn’t help myself. Hope everyone enjoys it! I always get so nervous before posting a story.
Word Count: 2k
Here you were at another one of Tony’s parties. It’s not like you weren’t having any fun, it’s just that you’d rather be somewhere else. With someone else. It was rare when everyone got a moment for themselves so you all enjoyed it when everyone was together. Made you feel like a real family. But tonight, you only wanted to be with one person.
“Hey stranger, you’re quiet tonight. Everything alright?’ Natasha makes her way up to you, drink in hand. She always made sure you were treated well and felt comfortable. You were so thankful for her.
“Yeah, just a little tired.” Across the room from you was Bucky. James Buchanan Barnes. The Winter Soldier. You two came face to face a few times on missions, before and after you joined the team. He hates to admit it but you were a tough one to fight. You love to remind him how easily you can kick his ass. You loved it when you got him down on his knees.
Bucky couldn’t keep his eyes off of you all night. From the moment you walked into the room with that silk green dress. It was causal, yet he adored you. He was quieter than usual, but everyone blew it off as ‘Bucky being Bucky’, and he didn’t mind. He just needed you. Bucky knew you thought the same thing too, it was the way you were looking at him. Like you wanted him on his knees. He wanted to obey.
Nobody knew but you and Bucky would regularly meet. When everyone was asleep, you and the Winter Soldier would sneak off and hide behind closed doors. It all started one night after training, the way he was breathing against you. Your legs wrapped around him tightly. Then it happened again after a mission, him knocking on your door and you pulling him in. It’s hard to stop it once it starts. After a while, Bucky told you about him wanting to be submissive. It threw you off at first, you figured after being mind washed for all those years that he would want to be in control for once.
“Sometimes everything becomes too much and I just want someone to take a little control every once in a while.” Bucky lied with you on one of the many hotel beds you’ve been in together.
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me, James. I understand, I’ll do it. I was always good at getting you on your knees for me.”
“I think I’m gonna go ahead and get to bed. Behave for me will ya?” Natasha smirks and gives you a wink.
“You know me y/n, I like to have a little fun before bed.” You wink back at her and head out to the elevator, with a Bucky Barnes hot on your heels. You didn’t even have to look at him to make him come to you. It won’t be the only time tonight either.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Doll.” It had been a while since the two of you had been in the same room together. So when you both heard you had the weekend off, you couldn’t let that opportunity pass. He’d been worked up and you didn’t want to wait any longer. You loved it when he came without a warning, sometimes waiting can get so boring. You wiped the cum off your hands with your tongue. “Don’t apologize, James, I like how worked up you get.” Bucky chuckles and shakes his head in disbelief. “Only you do it how I like.”
You and Bucky don’t say anything on the way up to your room. You were lucky enough to have your rooms across from each other, nobody would know that he was secretly with you. It was like a routine, a dance between the two of you. Bucky undressed and waited for your command. You walk around him in circles, like he was prey. He wanted you to devour him already.
“On the bed.” He grew an erection immediately. Just by your three simple words. He did as he was told like a good soldier. He even held his hands above his head without having to be told. You straddle his waist as you tie him up. Bucky shuts his eyes tight, he knows he won’t last long with the way you look, fully dressed and slightly grazing him where he needed you most.
You smirk and grind your hips roughly, causing Bucky to throw his head back hard into the pillow. It was as if somebody knocked the wind out of him. His eyes shot open and he swore there was nothing more beautiful than the sight above him. You smiling down at him, your hair coming down loosely. He wasn’t going to last long. You could feel him squirming slightly underneath you. “Y/n, please.”
“Nova.” When you and Bucky weren’t back at the compound, you were in different hotels. Using different names at hotel check-ins. It was routine. Being together for the night, just to feel something. You wanted to be in control and Bucky was more than happy to be controlled by you. You hadn’t realized how much you enjoyed it, having him this way. He could easily take control if he wanted to. But you had him at your mercy, and you were an addict for him.
You were never the sentimental type, but there was something about the way he looked right now for you tonight. Tied up and an absolute mess. You wanted to keep him like this forever. “You make me wanna take a picture of you, James.” You were completely naked for him now. His erection trapped in between your folds, you raked your nails up and down his arms and chest. You made sure to take your time with his metal arm. Made sure he knew that all of him deserved to feel good tonight. “All tied up and wrecked because of me.” Bucky rolled his hips forward to get some sort of friction from you. You held his hips down and tsked. “Be a good soldier now Barnes.” You could make a movie with him that you both would have to hide.
Bucky grunted and threw his head back in frustration. “The things you do to me, Doll.”
You kiss your way up to his neck, “Don’t get sentimental on me James.”
You’d been ignoring bucky all day. It was one of those days where everyone just kind of kept to themselves. You read a few books and paid no mind to Bucky when he walked in the room. You didn’t even look at him when you two were alone in the library. You could feel his eyes on you every second. You could feel how squirmy he was because of it. Even when he caught up with you on the elevator, you simply pulled out your phone and acted like it was the most interesting thing to you. It pained Bucky to not be able to reach out to you. It was torture not having you all over him, your hands pulling at his hair, grabbing his waist, and dragging him to your room. He almost went back to his room, but before he reached the doorknob he looked back at you one last time. He was surprised to see you staring back at him, then you entered your room without closing the door behind you. He took that as an invitation.
Once he closes the door behind him he grabs you and pins you against the door. “Look at me when we’re alone, please.” You knew it wouldn’t take much to get him going. You knew it was torture though. He kissed you like you could one day slip away. “I know, I know.”
You were glad that these walls were soundproof. The noises he was pulling out of you, the sounds he made in your ear. It was like a song you never got tired of hearing. The way he stretched you out, yet fit inside you so perfectly. This was all you needed. He was all you needed. If anybody saw you two this way, you don’t know what they would think. The Winter Soldier begging to come. Moaning out your name. You squeeze around him at the thought. “Fuck! If you keep doing that I’m not gonna last much longer.” You lean in closer to him and squeeze around him once more. “Promise?”
Bucky couldn’t get enough of you, he left hickeys anywhere his mouth could reach. “You leave a strong impression don’t you Barnes?” It might be more of an obsession.
“Anyone see you?” He layed you down softly on the bed.
“No, you?” There was a slight knot in your stomach. You didn’t understand it.
“No.” Bucky continued his assault on your breast.
They won’t see me in your arms, you thought.
You’re not sentimental but there’s something about the way he looks tonight. Desperate, aching, and all yours. You could feel bucky tense up beneath you so you decided to drag this out a little longer. You rocked your hips back and forth slowly. Taking his cock in and out of you torturously slow. “Please Doll.” You’ll never get tired of hearing him beg.
“Who do you belong to?” You started to slam into him and Bucky saw stars.
“I won’t repeat myself, James.” You squeezed his throat gently.
“You! I belong to you y/n! Fuck.” You were going to be the death of him.
“Good Soldier.”
Sometimes you thought about being with Bucky. What it would be like to not have to sneak around and just be with each other. You wondered if Bucky thought the same. You wanted everyone to know the people you two became when you’re alone together. Even make them jealous for a change.
‘What are you thinking about?” You layed in Bucky’s arms, not having the energy to go back to your room yet. If you were being honest with yourself, you enjoyed the feeling of being in Bucky’s arms. The coolness of his metal arm with the warmth of his body. You stayed silent for a while. Debating whether or not to tell him the truth.
“That I’m the only one who does it how you like.”
You climb off of him and ride his thigh instead. Bucky whimpers and stares at you. He could feel how wet you are. You lean down and leave hickeys on his hips roughly. Once you are satisfied you climb completely off him and leave him hard and bare. He takes in a deep breath and pulls against his restraints. It was torture, but you both loved it. Bucky shuts his eyes again. ‘Please.” It won’t take much to get him going. “I know, I know.”
You walk around to the foot of the bed, fully naked. You saw your masterpiece. He was a work of art to you. The way his chest rose, the redness in his cheeks. The trail of your lips splattered all across his body. You were obsessed.
Bucky can hear your soft footsteps. He doesn’t dare look, he knows he won’t last long if he does.
“Look at me a little more James.” It took everything in him not to come the moment he saw you. He could see the wetness dripping from your cunt. The small hickeys covering your body, the ones he left. You were worth waiting for. He was obsessed.
His heavy breathing could have you on the floor. You watched him look your body up and down like it was a piece of art. You didn’t have to say anything, Bucky knew what you wanted. He wanted it too.
“I’m yours.”
You weren’t sentimental, but tonight there was something about him.
“I’m yours.”
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Can I request my favorite trope, there was only one bed, with Gibbs? Please! 🥰😘
Warnings: smut
Tags: @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @madamsnape921 @specialagentastra
One bed
After a couple of years under Dwayne Pride’s command, you asked for your transfer. A personal loss made it hard to stay in New Orleans and Dwayne managed to get you to join the DC’s team.
You’ve been in Gibbs’s team for a few months only and you came in like a wrecking ball. They weren’t fond of having a new member to their team, but as the months go by, you managed to get them like to you. Plus, you were a really good Agent.
Gibbs kept giving a hard time though. Dwayne told him only good things about you, besides your stubbornness and how you can act first and think later.
So, when a case led to a ship, it surprised you that he asked you to pack your things. In a few hours, you were landing on a Navy ship.
You were welcomed - to say the least - by the chief of the boat. And he took you and Gibbs to the quarters where you’d be sleeping.
"Only one person agreed to let you take their quarters for the night. You may have to squeeze a bit." The man said as he opened the door to your room.
You or Gibbs didn’t say anything at first. Your boss only asked a few things about the case and your suspects.
"Squeeze a bit?" you exclaimed once the COB left the room. "It's a one person bed! And there's two of us!"
"Are you that repulse by the idea of sharing a bed with me?" Gibbs answered as he was unpacking your things.
"You could give me a young Harrison Ford, I'd still be annoyed." You sat on the bed, testing it. Not very comfortable.
"Young Harrison Ford? Isn't he attractive anymore?"
"Of course he is. Didn't know what you'd think if I said so."
You caught his small smirk. It wasn’t late so and Gibbs went different ways on the ship to investigate. When you came back to the quarters, Gibbs was on a call with Abby. You all caught up with one another and the case was moving forward.
“How do we do it?” You asked, as you were about to go to bed.
“There are not many options there, L/N.”
You sighed. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to sleep next to Gibbs, but that was weird. You changed on a small shorts and a tank top, while Gibbs was in his briefs and a t-shirt. You tried not to look.
You faxed yourself under the blanket, your back against the wall. You felt your heart racing as Gibbs joined you.
His body had never been this close to yours before. His scent was intoxicating, he was so warm you didn’t even need the blanket.
You were trapped between his body and the wall, you couldn’t even move. Neither could Gibbs to be honest. “If you keep receding, you’re going to enter the wall.”
“Don’t tell him you’re comfortable, Gibbs.”
“I’m glad I asked you to come. I’d have slept on the floor if this was DiNozzo.”
He didn’t give you time to say anything. “You’re hot.” He said. “Your body temperature I mean,”
“Didn’t need to specify.”
“Want me to think you’re hot?”
“Well—do you?”
He chuckled. “What if I do?” He turned his face to the right, and your noses were practically brushing. You could feel his breath on your lips. You were getting hotter.
“Is that why you keep me at arm length?”
“I’m scared I may not be able to control myself. It’s really hard not to kiss you—“
He couldn’t finish his sentence. Your lips crashed on his. He kissed you back, and you felt his hand grabbing your hips to pull you closer than you already were.
As the kiss deepened - all teeth and tongue - you got on top of him. His hands got under your top and you melted under his touch.
You could feel his growing erection against your center and you got wetter and wetter. You nipped his bottom lip and he growled. “You sure about this?” He asked.
“Since day one.” You quickly said before kissing his neck.
His hands grabbed your ass and squeezed. You started to grind against each other. And he grunted again, throwing his head back on the pillow. “You okay?” You asked, looking up from his chest.
“I don’t have any condoms.” He said.
“I’m clean and on birth control—but if you don’t want—“
This time, you were the one who didn’t have time to finish your sentence. That was the response he wanted. He took off your top and you did the same with his. Gibbs squeezed one of your breasts in his strong hand and put his mouth on the other. You moaned deeply. “Quiet Y/N.” He ordered. It was the first time he called you by your first name and it did something inside of you. Your name on his lips is amazing.
You slid your hand in his briefs, feeling his rock hard cock in your palm. Gibbs growled and nipped your hard nipple. “I need you now.” You whispered.
You both got rid of the rest of your clothes and Gibbs pinned you on the small bed. He rubbed the head of his cock against your pussy, feeling your wetness. He kissed you again as he entered only a few inches of his length and pulled away. You whined every time he left your insides until he finally bottomed out, stretching you open.
He started to thrust, deep and slow. “Fuck! You feel so good inside me, Gibbs.” You whispered in his ear. He buried his face in your neck, planting wet kisses. One hand scratched his scalp and the other his back.
“You’re so tight, sweetheart.” He moaned. “So wet for me.”
Gibbs quickened his pace, and his hand got between your bodies, rubbing your clit. You couldn’t control your cries, Gibbs had to catch them with his mouth. “Shhh,”
“I’m gonna cum.” You warned him and it made him go quicker.
He needed a lot of self control not to cum before you did. But when you cried his name against his skin, he chased his own relief and he shot his load deep inside you. “Fuck, Y/N!”
Even after he came, Gibbs kept fucking his cum in your cunt.
Sleeping in this small bed after that was less embarrassing, but it still wasn’t the most comfortable thing. You couldn’t get any closer than that.
663 notes · View notes
alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Make a Move
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➣ Pairing/genre: roommate!Hobi x reader
➣ Premise: You thought ‘Hope’ was a girl, but looking at the hot dude currently claiming to be your roommate, you might be wrong.
➣ warnings/tags: pure fluff, reader gets a lil sick for a minute
➣ word count: 4.6k
➣ a/n: this was a commission by @hobi-gif for Army for AAPI! Thank you so much for commissioning this, I hope you enjoy it! You guys, check out ways to get involved in this awesome cause by clicking the link!
You look down at the application, and back up at the person standing in front of you. Down, then up.
Twice more, just to wrap your mind around the dumbest mistake you’ve ever made.
The man fidgeting nervously before you manages a bright smile. “Yep. That’s me!”
Again, you stare down at the application. “I…you’re the one moving in?”
Hoisting the heavy-looking box higher in his arms, the man – Hope if he’s to be believed, offers a strained nod. “Yeah, it’s sort of a nickname…Hoseok. I’m Hoseok.” He looks around, poking his head through the doorway to your small apartment. “Mind if I set this down? It’s kinda heavy…”
You step aside in a daze, watching as Hoseok sweeps inside and sets the box down with a thud on the counter. A moment later another head is peeking inside before carrying in another box.
“Hey, I’m assuming you’re one of the roommates?” The newcomer asks, sweeping some of his ashen-blond hair off his forehead and extending a hand out to you. You take it with some trepidation.
“I am. And you’re Hoseok’s friend?”
“Namjoon. Just stopping in with a few of his things. Oh,” Namjoon waits until Hoseok walks back outside before continuing, speaking to you in a hushed tone. “I just wanted to say thank you. You know, for letting him move in. Ever since our landlord found out we had seven people instead of six, it’s been hard trying to find a place but Hoseok was adamant he be the one to move out. Did want to separate the others-”
“Wait, woah,” you hold up a hand, effectively cutting him off. “Seven? Seven people living in one tiny apartment?”
Namjoon tilts his head to one side, brows furrowed. “He didn’t tell you? That’s why he moved out; someone had to. Our apartment has a six person limit, so once our landlord found out Hoseok volunteered to be the one to move out.”
It appears that Hoseok hasn’t told you a lot of things.
“I…no, he didn’t mention that.”
Namjoon moves on, unphased. “Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for taking him on. It’s nearly impossible to find a place this time of year, and we weren’t sure if you would be chill with having a male roommate, but it really means the world. This way he can stay close to us-”
“Yeah, we live just a few blocks away. He didn’t say that?”
At that moment Hoseok walks through the door, still wearing that sheepish smile that he directs at you.
“No. He must have forgotten to mention that, too.”
           Once Namjoon has left and Hoseok gets into organizing all of his things, you set up camp on the couch. Book in hand, you can’t help but assess your new roommate.
           A part of you wants to get rid of him, but another part of you is interested to see what might unfold from this strange situation. You’ve never had a male roommate before, and if Namjoon is any representative for what this man’s friends look like…
           You suppose it’s not too much of a pain to allow Jung Hoseok to stick around for a little while.
           Hoseok hums to himself, occasionally making little sound effects as he puts a bowl away or opens a cupboard. Every once in a while he’ll ask you a question, like, “Is this spot free to use?” or “Are you allergic to anything?”
           You’re nearly heading to bed when Hoseok knocks softly on your door. Your rooms are on opposite ends of the apartment, something you find yourself being extremely grateful for tonight. The knowledge that a stranger is chilling in your apartment is enough to have you feeling a little worried.
           It’s simple. Sure, Hoseok seems nice enough. Friendly even. But he’s too attractive to be normal.
           “What’s up?” You ask, opening your bedroom door to see Hoseok with his arms full of shampoo and other shower items.
           Despite the large bottle of Pantene blocking his chest, it’s easy to tell that he doesn’t have a shirt on beneath his robe.
           Indeed, the sight before you is enough to have you clutching the doorframe until your knuckles are white in an effort to not gape.
           Wearing nothing but basketball shorts and fluffy white robe, Hoseok shuffles from one foot to the other. “Oh, I was just wondering if you had any preference about where I put my things in the bathroom. You know, if the left side is specifically yours or something like that.”
           “Huh?” You shake your head, forcing yourself to only look at his eyes. That turns out to be even worse, in some weird twisted way. “Oh, yeah. Well, I tend to put most of my stuff on the left side of the vanity. But you can put your stuff wherever. I’m not worried about that.”
           Hoseok nods, taking a step back. He bids you a quiet goodnight before retreating back down the hallway.
           A few seconds pass as you remain in your doorway, thinking hard.
           No, you’re not worried about sharing a drawer in the bathroom or putting the A/C on a lower setting, as he asked you about earlier.
           You’re just worried about the fact that you’ve never found a pair of basketball shorts more attractive than just now.
           Basketball shorts paired with nothing but a robe?
           “This is gonna be great,” you mumble to yourself, closing your door and leaning against it. Only when you hear the sound of the shower going do you allow yourself to relax. “I’m gonna die.”
2 weeks in
           “I’m headed to the store, you need anything?”
           You pause, assessing the contents of the fridge. “Um…eggs?”
           It’s not very often the two of you are in the apartment at the same time, your schedule being polar opposites. However, it’s always relatively friendly. Still a little awkward, but always cordial.
           Hoseok – or Hobi, as he’s repeatedly invited you to call him – scans his little list. “Already on the list. Anything else?”
           “You already put eggs on the list? Like, for me?” The two of you by no means share groceries.
           Hobi shrugs. “Yeah. I figured you were nearly out since you eat them like every morning.”
           “Hey, not every morning-”
           “Every weekday morning.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. “Tell me I’m wrong. I’ll wait.”
           You groan. “Yah, just go. I’ll text you if I need anything.” Turning back to the fridge, you utter out, “Annoying little-”
           “What was that?”
           You wait until you hear the door close to let out a sigh. “Huh.” You didn’t even realize that he would notice those kinds of things. It’s a strange feeling, having someone notice even the most mundane parts of your routine.
           You…like it?
           Opening up a few of the cupboards, you realize that you’re nearly out of bread. You grab your phone, pulling up Hobi’s contact and calling him. He picks up after a couple of rings.
           “Hey, did you remember something else?”
           “Yeah, would you mind picking up some bread, too?”
           “Oh, good one. Um…” you can hear him moving around, and you swear you hear the click of a pen before he speaks up again. “Wheat, right?”
           Again, that strange feeling stirs in your chest. “Right.”
2 months in
           “I’ve never met anyone as obsessed with skincare as you.”
           Hobi chuckles darkly, beginning to apply his night mask to the other side of his face. “I doubt you’ve ever met anyone with such oily skin before, either.”
           You lean up against the doorframe, resting your head against the side of the door. Hobi continues applying the crème, looking utterly focused on the task. His forehead scrunches up in little lines as he looks up, rubbing underneath his eyes.
           If you’re being completely honest, it’s adorable.
           To put the icing on the cake, he begins humming to himself and leaning in closer to the mirror, making you chew on the inside of your cheek. It’s horrible enough that he has to be wildly endearing, but does he really have to be so cute?
           It’s exhausting.
           “It smells good,” you sigh out, eyes drifting shut. Hobi’s good looks isn’t the only thing that’s been exhausting to you lately. School is trying its best to wreck you and you hate to admit that it’s doing a great job of it.
           “You want some?”
           Eyes fluttering open at his question, you furrow your brows. Hobi is looking at you in the mirror, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He squeezes out a bit of the night mask onto his finger, turning to you.
           “You already washed your face, right?”
           “Good,” he nods more to himself than to you. “Close your eyes.”
           Giving him a distrustful look, you realize that you’re too tired to bother bickering with him at the moment. Instead, you close your eyes and hold your breath.
           A moment later the cool feeling of Hobi’s fingers dabbing the cream on the tip of your nose. He repeats the action all over your face, his other hand coming to cup your chin as his thumb absentmindedly traces your jaw.
           You suddenly feel extremely off balance, swaying on your feet. Hands shooting out to steady yourself, you instinctively cling to the front of Hobi’s sweatshirt. He chuckles lowly, making you tighten your grip.
           “Don’t fall over,” he mumbles, beginning to rub the night mask into your skin.
           You don’t say anything, settling for an annoyed huff. After a moment, Hobi takes up humming the same tune he was before. The two of you settle into a comfortable daze, your shoulders relaxing as the seconds tick by.
           “You know,” Hobi muses as he switches to your right cheek. “We’re pretty good roommates. Don’t you think?”
           “Mm. I’m still angry you put ‘Hope’ on your application, though. That was a dirty move.”
           Hobi’s laughter has you opening your eyes just to catch the expression of happiness he’s sure to be wearing. Sure enough, his head is thrown back and his heart-shaped smile in on display, the sight tugging at the corners of your lips.
           Catching your eye, Hobi smirks. “How can I ever make it up to you?”
           You purse your lips, melting a little at the concentrated pout that forms as Hobi resumes applying the night mask. He’s moved up to your forehead now, making your eyes drift shut again.
           “I vote you make me French Toast one of these weekends.”
           “Oh, and that’ll solve it?”
           “No, but it’s a start.”
           He chuckles quietly, pausing and then tapping lightly against your cheek. “All done.”
           Opening your eyes, you see the slightly confused look in Hobi’s eyes as he squints down at you. “What?”
           He blinks. “What?”
           You nod at him, “You look confused or something.”
           When he doesn’t answer after a long moment, you step back into the hallway. “Alright…I’m heading to bed. Thanks, Hobi.”
           His brows are furrowed as he turns back to the mirror, the confusion only growing. “Night.”
3 months in
You’ve quickly come to learn that there are pros and cons to having Hoseok as your roommate.
           One very strong pro is the fact that he’s a clean freak. You swear you haven’t had to worry about vacuuming for the past three months, he always beats you to it.
           “What are you doing?”
           He pauses mid-fold, eyes wide as he looks up at you. “…folding.”
           “My laundry?”
           He glances down at the shirt in his hands as though just realizing that these are your clothes. “I…yeah. Yeah, I am. It’s just, you left your basket out here by the couch so I figured I might as well fold it and put it away if you’re gonna leave it out here.”
           The passive aggressive tone in his voice rolls off your shoulders, knowing that he didn’t intend it that way. It’s obvious to tell that something is on his mind as he continues to you’re your shirt and place it atop a neat pile beside him.
You find yourself sitting cross-legged across from him and silently joining in on the impromptu folding party. Once you finish, Hobi clears his throat and avoids eye contact with you.
           Perhaps it has to do with the fact that he accidentally grabbed the same pair of lacy black underwear at the same time as you, which ensued in an awkward match of tug-of-war that you quickly won once he realized what he was holding.
           “So, the guys are doing a thing tonight.”
           You blink, pulling the folded laundry toward you and getting up. “…ok.”
           Hobi’s face lights up in a grin, and he jumps to his feet. “Really? You’ll come?”
           Perhaps it’s the utter joy you see in his eyes or the way he’s currently shaking your shoulders and causing the socks on the top of your pile to tumble to the ground, but you burst out laughing.
           “Hoseok!” You shout through your laughter. “You didn’t even invite me!”
           He immediately stops shaking you after that, scrambling for some form of a response. Swiping one of the pairs of socks that slipped to the ground, he kneels down on one knee and looks up at you with a giddy grin.
           “Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to visit my friends tonight?” With no shortage of sound effects, he offers up the socks as though proposing to you with a priceless diamond ring.
           “You’re an idiot.”
           Hoseok’s smile only grows. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
           Hobi’s light knock on your door goes unnoticed as you slumber on, completely dead to the world. After you had put your laundry away, you felt a wave of exhaustion overtake you.
           He knocks again, and this time you rouse just enough to grunt out something incoherent. He slowly opens the door, poking his head inside.
           “You still gonna come with me, sleepyhead?”
           His chipper voice makes you wince, your head pounding. “Mm, jus gimme…” you close your eyes again as the dull light filtering in through your blinds is enough to send you spinning. “…a sec.”
           It’s quiet for a moment, and you think that Hobi must have left. A second later, however, you hear him padding across your floor.
           “Are you sick?” He answers his own question as he places his hand against your forehead. “Oh, jagiya, you’re burning up.”
           The pet name has your temperature rising a bit more. “Mm fine.”
           Hobi chuckles softly, taking care to be quiet. “Have you eaten? Where’s your water bottle?” They’re all rhetorical questions apparently, because moments later he’s scooping your water bottle off the floor and tiptoeing back out of your room.
           After what feels like hours later, Hobi sidles back into your room with a full water bottle, some soup he must have microwaved, and another glass of liquid. It’s steaming, the scent making you scrunch up your nose in distaste.
           “What…” you can hardly muster up the energy to finish your sentence. Hobi perches on the edge of your bed, carefully placing everything on your nightstand.
           “It’s medicine. Drink it, and it’ll help. But first you need to sit up.”
           Easier said than done. Your body is exhausted, and your arms shake a bit as you attempt to scoot back against the headboard. Cheeks burning a brighter red, Hobi thankfully doesn’t comment on it. He just patiently readjusts your pillows and tucks your hair behind your ears with meticulous movements that have you smiling softly.
           “Ok,” he sighs out once that’s been taken care of. “Now, eat some soup…” his words trail off as he hands the bowl off to you. He watches as you bring the spoon to your lips, mumbling, “Blow, it’s hot.”
           Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you follow his instructions. Once you’ve eaten over half of the soup and feel too full to continue, he hands you the steaming cup that has you scrunching your nose up all over again.
           “C’mon,” he urges, “my mom used to give this stuff to me all the time when I was a kid. It works like a charm, promise.”
           “What?” He crosses his arms, frowning. “You don’t believe me?”
           You shrug, mindful of the full contents of the glass. “It’s just easier said than done, that’s all.”
           “Here, I’ll take a sip to show you that’s it’s not bad!” Reaching for the cup, you burst out into a fit of laughter as Hobi stares down at the liquid with unabashed terror. He clears his throat and squares his shoulders. “Right…just one sip…”
           Blowing across the surface carefully, he sacrifices his tastebuds. The instant he swallows, he thrusts the cup back into your hands and dives off the bed. “Ach!” He rushes out of the room, no doubt heading for the kitchen. Indeed, a moment later you hear the faucet running and wonder if he just decided to shove his head under the running water instead of wasting time on grabbing a cup from the cupboard.
           With your water bottle on hand, you attempt to chug the medicine. It’s horrid, making you gag, but you continue until the contents are drained. You’ve just managed to drink some water to rid yourself of the lingering taste when you hear Hobi’s phone ring.
           “Hey hyung,” he’s still in the kitchen, but you can hear him clearly. “Oh, yeah…I don’t think we’re gonna make it. No, it’s not that, she said she’d come.”
           You freeze, holding the still-warm cup close to your chest. For some reason, your stomach does a little flip when you hear the way Hobi’s tone changes as he speaks about you. It’s infinitely softer, something you don’t recall hearing before.
           “She took a nap and woke up with a fever-” he pauses. “Yeah, I just gave her medicine. But she needs to rest. She’s exhausted. What? Ugh, really Jin? I’m not-” The sound of Hobi shuffling about has you leaning closer to the open door, trying to hear what he’s saying. His voice is much quieter when he speaks next, but you can still hear bits and pieces of what he’s saying. “I can’t just make a move on her while she’s sick, that’s unethical!”
           Clapping a hand over your mouth before he can hear you snort, your eyes widen. Make a move?
           On you?
           “Yah, quit it. Tell everyone I say hey, I’ve gotta go.” Again there’s a pause, quickly followed by an annoyed hiss. “See, this is why I never tell you anything.”
           He quickly says his goodbyes after that, and you scramble to appear normal despite your pounding heart. You hear Hobi’s sigh from the kitchen, and you wish you could know what he was thinking.
           “Alright,” Hobi calls, heading back into your room. The second he enters you feel as though you’re seeing him for the first time. “Let’s get it- oh, you already finished it?”
           You blink, suddenly blinded by the sight of his adoring smile. As he settles down on the edge of your bed, you manage a feeble nod.
           “Jagi,” again with the pet name, “you look exhausted. Let me take the dishes and how about you go back to sleep?”
           Despite the fact that you literally live in the same apartment, the thought of Hobi leaving you alone in your room has you stalling. “Uh, who called?”
           There’s a flicker of panic that’s quickly replaced with an easy smile. “Jin hyung, he was wondering where we were. Don’t worry, I told him we weren’t gonna be able to make it.”
           You’ve heard plenty about Jin – truthfully about all of Hobi’s friends. You were excited to meet them tonight, after hearing so many stories.
           “I’m sorry,” you frown, still clinging to your glass. “You can still go, if you want.”
           Hobi looks at you like you’ve grown a second head. “Why would I…? No, I’ll stay here with you. Can’t leave a sickie on their own, you know that.”
           Groaning, roll your eyes. “I feel like an idiot.”
“If you’re an idiot, I’m an idiot.”
You snort, setting your glass down before you cause an accident. “Isn’t it, ‘if you’re a bird, I’m a bird’?”
Hoseok shrugs, a smile playing on his lips. “Close enough.”
He holds your gaze for a few seconds too long, but neither one of you look away first. Instead you bunch up your blankets in your fists and offer him a crooked smile. “Thanks, Hobi.”
His eyes linger on your smile, his lips mirroring it. “Anytime.”
4 months in
           Nothing has changed, and yet everything has.
           Ever since you fell ill, you’ve been jumpy. Anytime Hobi accidentally brushes up against you as he reaches for something in the kitchen, whenever he knocks on your door, even when he calls you from the grocery store. It all makes you jump and sends your heart racing.
           “You’re so dramatic.”
           You look up at Yuri, your most brutally honest friend. “…ouch?”
           She shakes her head, sinking down lower in her seat across from you. You keep boxing up your leftover food to take home, wondering if Hobi would like it.
           “I mean it. You’ve been freaking out about this guy for over a month now without doing anything about it.”
           You pause, looking at Yuri with wide, pleading eyes. “What am I supposed to do? He’s my roommate!”
           “So what? Your lease is up in a few weeks, isn’t it? If it backfires, just move out.”
           You snort. “Easier said than done. I can’t just up and move whenever I like, you know.”
           “You can’t or you don’t want to?”
           “Shut up.”
           “I refuse. Now,” Yuri checks the time on her phone. “tell me what you like about him.”
           “I never said-” you sputter, but Yuri holds up a hand and cuts you off.
           “Actions speak louder than words. He’s literally your background on your home screen.”
           Ok, that sounds like a bit much. It’s true, though. A week ago Hobi finally got to take you out to meet his friends. Together you went on a midnight hike (something you’d honestly never do again) and found a breathtaking view at the top. His friends, specifically Jimin and Taehyung, had practically shoved the two of you together for an impromptu photoshoot under the night sky.
           The photos are a little blurry and dark, but you love them. Enough to add one as your background. “But you can’t actually see us in the picture, it’s just pretty-”
           “Sure it is. You two make a cute couple.”
           “W-we do?”
           Yuri jumps up, clapping her hands and startling a couple just a few tables down. “Aha! See, you do have feelings for him!”
           “Ok, ok,” you hold up your hands in surrender. “Just sit down.”
           Once she’s taken her seat again and apologized loud enough for the couple she scared to hear her, you lean in close over the table. She rubs her hands together, looking every bit the scheming friend she is.
           “Alright, let’s plot, shall we?”
           Hobi checks the window for the eighth time in under five minutes, brushing the curtains aside to see if your car is in the lot yet. It’s not.
           “C’mon Jung,” he rolls his neck, bouncing on his feet. “Calm down. Keep it chill. Everything’s fine.”
           Everything is not fine.
           Things haven’t been fine for months now, something he’s been able to deny to an impressive level. Last weeks, however, the lie came to an end.
           His friends loved you. Like, ranted and raved about how funny and cool you were until he was worried he needed to organize an intervention. Then, the icing on the cake.
           Yoongi had grabbed him while you were hiking back down, sandwiched between Jin and Jungkook. He nodded down at you, turning a knowing eye to Hobi.
           “So…when’s that gonna happen?”
           Hobi played dumb, frowning at Yoongi. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
           “Hoseok, c’mon.”
           You laughed at Taehyung, who jogged up ahead. He was quickly joined by Jungkook. Hobi’s pretty sure his heart stopped beating as you turned around, searching for him. Once your eyes found his, your smile widened.
           Yoongi laughed at his side. “You’re whipped, and you don’t even realize it.”
           Indeed he was. Dangerously so, if he was going off of the amount of times he’s knocked on your door to ask you out only to change his story at the very last moment to ask you something stupid instead. You never seemed to mind, just laughing at his strange questions and teasing him mercilessly.
           “Ok,” Hobi whispers to himself, still bouncing on the balls of his feet. “You’ve got this. Just rip it off like a Band-Aid. Quick and to the point.” He tilts his head to one side. “But not the painful part. No pain.”
           He’s in the middle of his pep talk when the sound of your key in the lock alerts him to your return. Hobi is standing in the middle of the living room, looking like an idiot. Naturally, he shoves his hands in his pockets. Yeah, that makes him look less like an idiot.
           The second the door opens and you step into the apartment, every thought eddies out of Hobi’s mind.
           You freeze, not expecting Hobi to be standing in the middle of the living room impersonating a lamp when you got home.
           “Hi…?” Hobi swallows at the sound of your voice, watching your every move as you slowly lift up the bag of leftovers. “I brought home leftovers if you want some…”
           “I need you to go out with me.”
           Now you’re really frozen, staring up at Hobi as his eyes widen at his own words.
           “What? What for?”
           “For me.”
           You slowly close the door behind you, setting the food down on the counter before turning to face Hobi again. “For you?”
           He nods, a panicked look in his eyes. “Yes. For me.”
           “Hobi, I don’t understand. Do you need a plus one or something for an event? Is that what it is?”
           Removing his hands from his pockets and taking a step towards you, Hobi shakes his head. “What? No, I need- I need you.”
            It’s a good thing you already set the food down. “Me?” You squeak out, looking your roommate up and down as he takes another step.
           Clearly there’s been a communication error. Hobi brushes his hair back from his face, chewing on his bottom lip before coming to a stop before you.
           “Us,” he repeats, voice low. “I need us to be a thing.”
           “O-oh.” That’s all you can manage as you try to recall if Hobi has ever looked at you like this before. It’s hard to contain yourself when you realize that he has, however he’s always been quick to mask it with something else. Or, more often than not, a silly question.
           “Will- can you…” he stops, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. Without his gaze on you, you gain a bit of courage and raise a hand to cup his cheek. His eyes fly open, and he offers you a shy smile. “Do you want to go out with me? On a date?”
           Craning your neck, you hold your breath and plant a kiss on his cheek. You delight in the way he instantly flushes, garnering more courage by the second.
           “Yes.” Then you arch a brow. “I have one condition, though.”
           Hobi’s eyes are half closed as he looks down at you, appearing as though he’s slipped into some euphoric realm. “Hmm, anything.”
           “I demand French Toast.”
           Dissolving into a fit of laughter, Hobi sinks to the ground, taking you down with him. You protest, but not too much. Holding you tightly, Hobi subsides in his laughter enough to wink down at you. “French Toast it is.”
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© alpacaparkaseok
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tnystrk-exe · 3 years
Estocolmo 2
Hannibal x Reader
First Chapter
Warnings: 18+ Oral M receiving, daddy kink, someone walks in
Word count: 5.7k
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Chapter Two
The light streaming in through the window woke you up. You curled up in the soft silk sheets, listening to Hannibal’s hums coming from the bathroom. Deciding there wasn’t much more to do than doze, you did just that, taking your time to enjoy your Monday morning. His bed was much softer than the hand me down one you kept at home. You really could lay here forever.
It wasn’t until the bed dipped that you opened your eyes. He was all ready dressed and groomed to the nines. The navy sweater and grey trousers seemed as homey as the man allowed himself to be.
“Hello, handsome,” you greeted.
“Good morning, darling.” Hannibal cupped your face gently, smiling when you leaned into his touch. “It’s marvelous to see you so relaxed, it’s not a sight I get to see often. You’re divine.”
“Devine,” you scoffed in disbelief, “I haven’t had a glimpse of it yet, but I’m sure I look nothing less than a wreck.”
Hannibal’s thumb stroked your jaw, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. “When it’s my fault you look so utterly debauched, I can’t lie and say my pride doesn’t play a factor.”
“There it is,” you couldn’t help rolling your eyes as you dropped a kiss to his hand, “Always taking pride in everything you do. However, much to your dismay, I’m going to have to destroy your masterpiece. A shower does sound perfect right now.”
“Of course, I took the liberty of running a bath for you.”
“Sweet man,” you smiled fondly at him.
Bringing you closer he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. As always, he left you wanting more. This time though, you didn’t chase after him. The night of fun was done. All that was left was the goodbye to wrap up the event completely. Some part of you wanted to push that time back.
You hummed lightly, “You enjoy making it hard to not miss you.”
“All the sweeter when we reunite.”
“Sure, whatever you say.”
He tapped your cheek playfully, “Take your bath. I’ll have breakfast ready by the time you’re done.”
Getting out of bed, you stretched. Hannibal’s fingertips ghosted along your spine. “From the looks of it, you’d be happier to help.”
“Simply admiring… You truly are a thing of beauty.” he squeezed your hip before taking his hands away, “I’ll leave some of my things for you to wear on the bed.”
Walking into the bathroom, you were taken by the soft scent of nearly familiar perfumes you’d wear, his cologne lingered ever so slightly. A perfect mix of the two. Looking in the mirror, you surveyed the wreckage. Runny mascara, smudged over lipstick, and rather large hickies scattered across your body did make you look like the definition of debauched. The neck didn’t have as much damage, but covering the few there would still be a pain. So much for keeping things hidden from others. Grabbing the pack of makeup wipes on the counter, you started cleaning up knowing you’d find it to be too much of a chore after the bath.
It was welcoming when you finally got into the still warm bath. Hot water made you relax further as your body let go of the last bit of tension it held. The products seemed to match the ones you usually used, if not make yours seem like cheap dupes. Your lip quirked at that realization, the gentleman seemed to have had ulterior motives after all.
You took your time washing up, deciding time to relax was sparse so you may as well take advantage of the small time frame you did have. A soft knock at the door pulled you back to the present. “Afraid I drowned?” You asked teasingly as the door opened.
Hannibal offered a quiet chuckle as he walked over and perched on the side of the tub, “Asleep more like.”
You didn’t bother hiding yourself. He’d probably be able to draw you from memory by now if you were being honest. “I do have a question.”
“What is it, darling?”
You gestured to the soaps, “Did you have any plans in particular for our night?”
“Not exactly. The night ended perfectly- you wouldn’t mind me saying-” Hannibal tapped your chin affectionately when you smiled, “but there wasn’t anything other than pure intentions when I purchased them. The scent reminded me of you and I thought if you drank too much or there was a storm, those kinds of things, it would be good to have something for you to use. Sending you out into possible dangers was never something left to chance. You’d be safer with me.”
“Ever the good host,” you said, taking his word for it, “Thank you for thinking of me, Hannibal.”
“Always.” Hannibal rolled up his sleeves, moving to sit behind you. “Lean back for me.”
You turned to look at him questioningly, “What are you doing?”
“I find it very important to take care of my partners just as much after. You didn’t give me much of a chance last night. While I’m here, I may as well make myself useful.”
Allowing him to turn you forward again before he grabbed the shampoo and conditioner. You sighed heavily as he massaged the shampoo in, his fingers working magic. “You took care of me,” you argued, “Asked me what I wanted and gave it to me. I didn’t want anything else.”
“It’s just as much for me as it is for you,” he stated, running some water through your hair, “I like to make sure nothing was too much or that you’re not telling me if it was.”
“I’m as good as I’ve been in a long time. Really. If I hadn’t wanted something to happen I would have stopped you. Though, if I had known things would have ended like this I would have stopped by when we had more time. Testing before winter break would have been all that much easier.”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t be of service earlier,” he mused. “A difficult time that must have been for my sweet girl. Poor thing.”
The urge to sink into the water was strong as you felt the smallest bit of pride at the endearment paired with an equally small bout of jealousy that you shared it with his other partners. It was snuffed out quickly. Perhaps you’d entertain this for a while, but it wouldn’t last. He liked a life that was above and usually too stiff compared to your own. The pair of you weren’t meant to work long term and that was fine. A simple passing thing between friends was the most this would be.
Things went back to business as usual after that night. There weren't any intense feelings or need for Hannibal. There wouldn’t be any time to entertain the idea even if they had popped up. Not with this insane work piled on top of you and the final test you needed to study up on. The most you had seen him was in passing or when he’d drop off a meal every so often. Though you wouldn’t lie and say your mind hadn’t found itself wandering every so often.
There was nothing you could do about that, so instead you took shifts, grading work then studying. Rinse and repeating the cycle as long as you could handle it. Your head was pounding before you knew it, but all of this needed to be done. A little bit longer, you reminded yourself as you took a couple headache pills.
The buzzing of your phone vibrating on the desk startled you. “Hi, dad,” you sighed, stuck with this particular pain.
“Hey, pretty girl, how have you been?”
Pretty girl, you scoffed inwardly. You had to give him credit- at least he was pretending to be interested this time. That was rare. “Nothing much. Work. School. The usual. It’s been heavy lately.”
“Yeah, of course, things get like that. So listen, your mom and I are running real low late-“
“I already told you I wasn’t any good for money. I’m barely making ends meet as it is… I already sent you the last $600 I could,” you rested your head in your hands, “I’m sorry.”
“Well, what the fuck do we send you to that school for,” he shouted, “It’s a waste of time. You’re not gonna make anything of yourself. All you do is waste fucking time. Everything we do for you and you just take it all for granted. What type of selfish bitch of a kid doesn’t try to help out her parents?”
“Yeah, dad, I take everything for granted. Putting myself through school should have been a breeze. Juggling school and two jobs? Simple fucking shit right? You should know, right? Wait… you couldn’t even raise your kid could you?” You snapped the stress getting to you. “Why the hell do you always do this to me?”
No response. He hung up. The truth of the matter seemingly too much for him. No. That was too much credit. He knew you wouldn’t send him anything. Try again some other time. Sighing you set the phone down. Your throat felt like it was closing and your head was pounding. A couple tears fell, soon followed by a quiet sob. You didn’t want anyone to see, but the stress was getting to you. Try as you might, you weren’t made of stone.
You hadn’t noticed when Hannibal had walked in for a usual evening check up. “Darling girl,” his accented voice was laced with worry as he walked toward you, “What’s wrong?” Hannibal crouched near your chair as he wiped away your tears.
“Everything went to my head. It’s nothing. I’m okay,” you swallowed thickly, as you attempted to stop the crying and sniffling, not meeting his eye just yet.
Hannibal grabbed your chin gently, forcing you to look at him. “Nothing more?”
“Nope,” you shook your head, giving him a slight smile, “Just school and a headache. Thank you for checking on me. I appreciate it.”
He looked you over, not believing you but unwilling in prodding you further. “It seems a break is in order.”
“I can’t, Hannibal,” You gestured to the papers and books around the desk, “The sooner I’m done with all this the better. I just want to go home.”
Hannibal started to pick up your things, he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer this time. “We’ll go to my office, you’ll eat, I’ll grade the work and ask you questions. Follow me.” Before you can get a word in, he turned heel, leaving you to quickly scramble behind him.
The office had the same comforting feel his home did. Though you weren’t sure many besides you felt comfort in his presence. Hannibal Lecter was by all means an intimidating man, even when you did feel like you were close to him. Closer now, you corrected thinking about the fading bruises under your shirt and the sweater he had let you borrow that you had yet to return. Still there was something about his presence that invoked a feeling of calm in you, even with that spike of something questionable. He seemed to always have all the answers and knew exactly what to do with any situation.
“Here,” Hannibal placed a Tupperware and drink on your side of the desk, “You really shouldn’t be spreading yourself so thin, love. It isn’t good for such a delicate thing.”
“I’m hardly delicate.” You grabbed the food giving him a grateful smile. “I’ve got it all handled. It’s just finals and everything stacked up. The future. I stumbled a bit, is all.”
Hannibal sat on his side and started shuffling through your papers. “Nonetheless, I wish you didn’t strain yourself so much.”
“Not all our days can be a nice weekend together,” you pecked at the salad, as much as you wanted to grab some papers off the stack you knew he would never allow it, “Life is still as frustrating as ever.”
“What did they say?” Hannibal asked, nipping the problem at the bud. If you wouldn’t start the conversation he would.
You sighed, “Something along the lines of ‘waste of time’ and ‘selfish bitch’ really wasn't the worst thing he's ever said. I was just already at my endpoint. I’m pretty sure if I dropped my pen I would have had a similar reaction.”
“Being at your end doesn’t justify mistreatment.”
“I know,” you shrugged, “but I don’t have it in me to argue anymore. Deaf ears and all that. What’s the point?”
“The point is making it known that you won’t tolerate that behavior.”
“I’m just tired and disappointed. A part of me is considering just going into the world on my own. The only family that really cares has passed on, what’s the point of hoping my parents would ever consider changing.” You coughed lightly, clearing your throat. This was too much of a therapy session for your taste. “I’ve already made it up in my head that I’m going to wait a year before getting back in school. You know, save any penny I can. These past four years even with aid and scholarship money has been hell. I’m going to be 24 and there’s still just so much to do.”
“I can’t say I envy you,” Hannibal shook his head, “The uncertainty in those years is unmatched.”
“It’s hard to imagine you uncertain of anything. You seem to always know exactly what to do.”
Hannibal scoffed lightly, “Only because time has granted me certain wisdoms. When I was younger I was lucky enough to appeal to someone with my artistic talent and stories of my past. Though I’d like to think it was the former that earned me my scholarship. I may not have had the exact struggles you did, but we’ve all been through situations we needed to push past. It comes in time. Once you get there, you’ll go through life with grace.”
“Well, I don’t have any reservations about using my past. Would you be my mentor?” You joked, for the most part.
“A five year forward request,” he mused, “Are you certain you’d enjoy me that much as a mentor?”
“Someone is gonna have to teach me the ropes,” you shrugged, “We’re more than comfortable with each other and I already know how pleasurable time with you can be, why not learn a couple of things from your infinite wisdom?”
His lip quirked, “Glad to know your thoughts are nothing less than wholesome.”
“Only the purest.”
You ate your dinner as he asked questions. It was a bit unfair, probably, you knew he had helped form the test. Then again, you knew your boss and it was more than likely all of Hannibal’s work. So this little run was sure to be a preview of what to expect. Still, the questions he asked were far from simple, despite how much you studied. Sometimes a raised brow would tell you, you needed to think again. Other times you’d get a soft praise thrown your way that would immediately make you think of when he was against you.
“A few more for me, darling girl. You’re doing so well.”
Your face heated up as you remembered the exact moment he said something nearly identical.
Hannibal looked at you over a paper, a smirk playing on his lips, “You’re looking a bit distracted, are you alright?”
“You know what you did, jerk.”
“Do I?” He laughed.
You shook your head, “You’re unbelievable.”
Hannibal continued grading, rattling off questions off the top of his head. You mind however, wandered. Answering his questions absentmindedly, more preoccupied with memories than the matter at hand. The way his hands felt. His breath against your chest as he chased his high. The gentleness the morning after as he helped you into his clothes, giving you a last kiss before breakfast. A lingering regret at not getting to thank him back properly. He would be the perfect distraction now that you thought of it.
“I won’t help you if you prefer to daydream.”
“I wouldn’t be daydreaming if you didn’t decide to help me in the first place.”
“Think I’m all done studying. I’m tired of it,” you sighed, stretching, “I want to do something else.”
Hannibal looked at you, brow raised. “What’s that sweet girl?”
You shook off some nerves. As much as the two of you had already done, he was still an intimidating man. His eyes followed as you stood and walked around the desk. Hannibal brought your hand up to his lips. You trailed it along his jaw, feeling the rough stubble that just started coming in, buying yourself some time to steady yourself. A raised brow questioned what you’d do next, but otherwise he leaned into your touch.
“I wanted to thank you for everything. For how good you are to me.”
“I don’t expect anything in return,” he assured.
“Yeah, I know,” you sunk to your knees in front of him, tracing your fingertips up and down his thigh slowly, looking up at him, “but I want to take care of you too.”
He toyed with a strand of your hair, looking almost bored as he leaned back in his chair. “That isn’t necessary, little one, I enjoyed watching you.” Still there was a glint of something in his eye that told you he was interested, merely teasing with the show he just wanted something more from you.
You bit your lip, pondering at what he had deemed missing. The title. A thing that had slipped past your lips embarrassingly but one he had used with stupor throughout the night. Hands settling on his knees, you pushed them apart so you could settle there more comfortably. A pout, “Please, daddy, I’ve wanted to since we met.”
“Always an eager plaything,” he sighed checking the clock on the wall, “I suppose daddy can make some time for his girl.”
That was enough for you to start undoing his belt. Despite the bored act, his half hard cock betrayed him and told you exactly how much he had been interested. You palmed him through his boxers, he didn’t give you the pleasure of hearing anything from him, but that’s alright you didn’t mind earning it. Once you were satisfied with how hard he was, you pulled him out of the boxers. Leaning back on your knees you took it in, unsure if you could fit the length of it in completely.
Hannibal took in your hesitation. Using a finger he tilted your head up to look at him in the eye. “We don’t have to do anything if you aren’t okay with it now. A change of mind is more than alright.”
“No. It’s not that I want to,” you licked your lips, as if to prove how okay you were you wrapped your hand around him, thumb tracing a prominent vein, “I was just wondering if it would fit all the way in.”
He let out an amused huff, shaking his head, “I’m sure you’ll try your best, ridiculous girl.”
Leaning in you pressed a kiss to the head. Just a little more time to work up the courage. You kissed along the shaft, mapping out every vein. Your tongue traced its way back up, catching a taste of precome that had beaded on the head. An encouraging hand threaded itself in your hair, never pushing for more than you were willing to give.
A knock at the door, interrupts the scene.
“A moment,” Hannibal calls out to the person. “Get under the desk,” he said as he started to hide away any evidence that he was with anyone. Your appearance wasn’t completely ruined, not to his taste at least, but the messed up lipstick and slightly ruined hair wouldn’t take much mental work for someone to come to the correct conclusion.
Taking his instruction you got under the desk as he fixed his own appearance, suit jacket over his arm to hide himself. Walking over to the door, “Mr. Henderson,” he greeted, pleasantly, “Please, come in.”
“Hannibal, sorry about stopping by so late,” you heard the door close as the two walked over.
“Nonsense. If anything, the company is welcomed.” Hannibal took his seat, pulling his chair in close, to make sure you were hidden away.
“I was actually going to see if I could convince you to stay.”
Mischief sparked as you grew bored with their droning conversation. Thankfully he had decided to get rid of his belt fully. It didn’t take much to free him again. He spread his legs, attempting to give you the most space possible under the cramped desk. You pumped him in your hand, getting him back to how you had him. The other hand tugged softly at his balls. You wouldn’t be able to put him in your mouth properly with this angle. Instead you satisfied yourself with sucking on the sides of his cock.
“The students adore you,” the other man countered whatever Hannibal had said, “Honestly your classes are killing Jacob’s with every exam.”
“I take great pride in my students. They are an extension of myself. How well they do is a direct reflection of my skill as a teacher,” he sighed, “I have a couple of people in mind that could fill my roll, I’ll ask people to see who’s interested.”
“Still Jacob’s is slacking too much, I may take away his student aid privileges. I see her around here more often than I ever see him.”
You gave a particularly hard suck to a seemingly sensitive spot as his hips had stuttered ever so slightly. No evidence of any misconduct came from his voice as he said, “Oh her? She is a very good girl. Motivated. Never complains about a thing.”
You felt Hannibal throb against your mouth. Taking a break you leaned your head on Hannibal’s thigh, as fun as it would to mess with him more, you knew he took great pride in his social image. Besides, you had wanted Hannibal’s full attention anyway. His hand came down to your hair, subtly showing that he was still paying attention to you to the best of his abilities.
They talked a while longer, before Henderson finally left. Hannibal had pulled out a stack of papers, motioning like he was going to work on grading, and politely asked him to lock the door as he left. When it was clear he pushed his chair away from the desk. You made your way out smiling at him.
“Someone seems very happy with themselves.”
“You enjoyed it.”
“But did you ask permission?” Hannibal asked as worked himself lazily.
You faltered slightly under his gaze, “Well...no.”
“And do you think you deserve any type of reward for that stunt?”
“...I hope so.”
“I’ll forgive it,” he decided, “only because you’re so eager and we never set ground rules. But now it’s on my terms.”
“Yes, sir,” you nodded obediently, not wanting to receive one of Hannibal's punishments just yet.
Hannibal used your hair to pull you closer. You stumbled on your knees catching yourself on his thighs. “Since you were so unsure if you could fit in daddy earlier, after that little stunt, I’m sure you’re feeling better now. Aren’t you?”
The hand in your hair pushed you down. You closed your mouth around the tip. Hannibal groaned quietly, letting you work your way down. Bobbing your head you took more of him deeper every time, but those last two inches were proving difficult. Gripping your hair, he pulled you off of him.
His breath was coming in quick pants, brushing your hair away from your face. “Do you need help, darling?”
“I can’t fit it daddy.” It came out in a breathless whine.
“Yes, you can. Be a good little mouth and let me do the work.”
Again he pushed you onto his cock. This time he took control. His hand kept you in place as he thrusted his hips up. Without the hesitation you had, he fit himself in quickly. Grinding into your mouth he let you choke around it for a while before pulling you up for air.
“See?” He choked out as he used you again, “Fucking perfect mouth… Daddy’s good girl… taking care of me like she asked.”
His grunted praises and moans were enough to excuse the tear prickling your eyes. Over and over he used your mouth to it’s extent. Seeming to enjoy it most when you did choke on him. Hannibal stopped before he came. Pulling you up off the floor and onto his lap. Wiping away the stray tears that had fallen.
“You’re too good for me.” He kissed your cheek.
“You haven’t finished.” You caught your breath as you curled into his chest. His cologne comforted you. The increasingly familiar scent carved a special place in you.
“I’ll finish later,” he promised, dropping another kiss onto your head, “At the moment, I want to make sure you’re alright. I got carried away.”
“I’m not porcelain, Hannibal,” you intertwined your fingers with his, “I like it when you’re in charge… It gives me a chance to not think of anything.”
“Even so these situations require a lot of trust from your partner.”
You shrugged, as you decided to be honest, “At the moment you seem to be the only person I trust. Besides, you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Let’s hope I don’t disappoint you.”
“I can’t see you ever doing that.”
That night Hannibal had taken you home. You received the same treatment you had received the first night you stayed at his house. Mostly you thought it was an apology of some sort for treating you roughly in his office. By some good grace both of you had classes later in the day, allowing you to enjoy the softer side of Hannibal in the morning again.
A new sweater of his joined the one that resides on your futon. You hadn’t thought twice about packing them away when you emptied your apartment out.
Life in New York was eventful to say the least. Different but fun. It had been six months since you had graduated. Your friend from high school shared an even shabbier apartment together. You made a couple friends. Picked up jobs at a bar and a bookstore.
“You’re not any fun,” Alex complained as she adjusted her makeup, “You never want to go out with me.”
“I’m tired,” you complained. “Anyway, why would I want to go to a bar when I work at one?”
“To wreak hell on someone that’s stuck in your usual gig.”
“Have fun with the guys.”
She attempted to pull you off the couch a couple more times to no avail. In truth you were happy to have a moment of peace. All honesty she was the driving force in you actually living your life and not just working the entire time. You really did love her for all of that and the experiences you had. However there were times for breaks to be had from everything. And tonight was one of them.
You showered, got dressed in a sweater and shorts, heated up some leftovers. Throwing on a bad 80’s horror flick, you spent your night in splendor. A break was rare and you were gonna use your relaxation time to its extent. Sleep overtook you sometime in the night, only to be woken up by the annoying shrill sound of your phone.
“Al, baby, I love you so damn much, but if you’re gonna bitch at me about not going out tonight. I just might be tempted to murder you,” you muttered sleepily, “I could get away with it.”
“Sweet girl, is that any way to speak to your friends?” A voice you hadn’t heard in a while asked, disappointment clear in his tone.
“Hannibal,” you said lamely, slightly ashamed that that was the first thing he heard from you in months. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting you. It’s… It’s been a while.”
“It has been,” he agreed, “In fact, I called to ask if you would like to come to a dinner party.”
You looked at the clock, noting just how late it had been. “You called at two in the morning to ask me to a dinner party?”
“I’ve been busy and you didn’t leave an address for an invitation. It was… spur of the moment.”
“I missed you too,” you sighed, deciding to be the one to voice it, “Yeah, I’d love to go over.”
“Are you planning on staying with me?”
You sighed dramatically, “Suppose I can give a lonely old man some company. What, you couldn’t find anyone as entertaining as me in Baltimore?”
“I’ve got specific tastes.”
“Is that right?”
Alex walked in, the last part of the conversation hitting her ears and the alcohol in her system making her louder. “Is that the daddy? Does he know he’s ruined men for you? Ugh, can you get him over here to loosen you up? I’d appreciate it that so much.”
“I never said ruined, I just sa-“ you realized Hannibal was still on the phone, “Just please, go take a shower, I’ll make you anything you want to eat if you promise to stay quiet.”
Surprisingly she complied, only saying egg sandwich with cheese and bacon in response.
“Couldn’t let that skate by?”
“You’re the one talking about me.”
You coughed. “I don’t know. I guess I’ve got specific taste too. Just something happened with someone and I don’t know, I couldn’t get into it that same way. Like with you. They needed me to tell them exactly how… It was just awkward. It wasn’t satisfying. They were nice though.”
“You compare my experience to their experience inexperience,” he deduced. “You enjoy knowing I’ve got everything under control.”
You tried to shake away the blush. “So it seems we’re stuck in similar positions.”
“We are.”
“Hannibal,” you heard someone call out, “When were you thinking of joining us? We didn’t bother you so much you had to leave us that long.”
He asked him for a moment.
“Seems like someone wants your attention,” you commented.
“Does it bother you?”
“Not at all. Just friends having fun right? It would be hypocritical considering I just told you of my night with someone else. As long as it’s nothing serious with whoever that was, we’re fine.”
“They’re nothing. Someone’s too loud nephew. In fact I think he’s rather rude. You know I can’t stand people like that.”
“You’ll survive. Get home safe.”
“I’ll send you the directions in a moment. Have a goodnight little one.”
“‘Night daddy,” the long unused term of endearment fell from your lips easily.
“‘Night daddy,” Alex sighed dreamily from the bathroom door, “God, is the dick really that good? How could it be?”
You hung up the phone. “Can you please not do that next time? He’s really particular about things.”
She raised her hands up in defense. “Whoa, there. He can handle a little joke at his expense when he’s already been down your throat. Now where’s my sandwich?”
“I’m serious Al.” You sighed when you got up from the couch to get to work on your promise. “He makes me feel like I need to be all proper.”
“You’re fine, doll. A dime if I’ve ever seen one. I’m not gonna ruin this for you, if he randomly decided to call you this late,” she took a seat on the counter, taking the water you handed her gratefully, “Do you want that to be a long term thing?”
“Nah,” you threw the bread into the toaster, “I couldn’t live his life. Sure, I like him and I do think he’s fun to hang around. But it just feels like something that will simmer down eventually. We’ll probably meet up a couple more times and it’ll be done. It’s not like we do anything more than end up in bed and sweet talk.”
“I’m telling you, we’d be set if you asked him to be your sugar daddy. Please ask him to take care of you and be his call girl.”
“How about you?” You asked, changing the topic, “Any pretty girls?”
“This one chick at work,” she shook her head, “Fucking goddess of a woman, LN, I’m telling you. I got it bad. She’s got me waiting for her with her coffee orders in the morning like some kind of obedient little puppy.”
“You know her coffee order.”
“How’s the commitment issues?”
“I’m gonna have to fucking work through them. Unlike someone, I think I wanna try out the long term thing.”
“Hey!” You cracked the eggs into the oil, “I’m just not up for it right now.”
“Work him out of your system. We’re supposed to be having fun this year.”
You sighed, “I’m trying.”
“I’m telling you we find you a decent lay. You won’t need to be fucking around with that guy.” Your phone chimed. Alex grabbed it off the counter. “The devil works fast doesn’t he? Address and day of the party. You’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like. Says he’ll buy you a cute little number.”
“No, tell him I got it.”
“Thank you, daddy. I’ll make it worth your wild. Wink. Send.”
“You’re the worst.”
“I still think he’s ugly,” she shrugged, tossing your phone over, “May as well get a cute dress out of sleeping with him.”
“He’s not ugly. I’ve seen the people you’ve brought home,” You scoffed, handing over the plate.
“Reggie is a fun time! Fuck I miss Reggie.”
“Work chick,” you reminded her.
“Right right.” She argued before taking a bite of the sandwich. “Fine, we’ve both had our questionable older partner moments. Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I’m not.”
“Still never called her mommy and that’s a win in my books.”
“I should have never told you that,” you laughed, “I fucking hate you man.”
She pinched your cheek affectionately, “You had your chance to get rid of me. The return policy ran out. You’re stuck. Congratulations.”
“How long until you expire?”
Alex pretended to count it through. “We’re looking at at least 50 years more, if we’re lucky.”
You hummed, “Are you accounting for possible sickness or accidents?”
“I’m immortal for 50 years in between. No arguments at this time please.”
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Stress relief
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mind your bisnuess I’m working through some shit 
Atsumu x reader
warnings: smut, just- so much smut, Oral, car sex, fingering, Daddy kink, degradation, marking, ass play, dirty talk,Brat taming, slut shaming AND virgin shaming (we got it all folks), hair pulling, cum play, creampie, breading kink, drinking/ Drunk sex, angst annnnnd swearing. 
word count: 4,800 (about) (yes really get off my back)
summary: Atsumu is a dick, but he’s got a good dick at least you have no idea how mad I am I’ve already used the title Enemy with Benifits. 
“Are- Are you fucking kidding me?” you asked, Atsumu just shrugged. 
“No, I’m not fucking kidding you what’s your deal?” he said casually. You took a deep breath. You had been trying to work on your anger issues, Not blowing up on people over nothing. But this really felt like something worth blowing up over. 
“Myia, be honest with me, do you think I’m stupid?” you asked. He smirked.
“I think you’re a lot of things babe-” you stood up getting in his face jabbing your finger in his chest cutting off his no doubt horrendous flirting. 
“You fucking ripped off you’re entire part of the project! How the fuck did you think no one would notice?” you shouted. You had known this was going to be a train wreck the moment Atsumu was assigned as your partner. He was such a fucking moron, he’d only gotten into this College because of his sports scholarship. You would have been better working on your own.
“I cited the article I copied, what's the deal?” he snapped, the volume of your voice irking him. 
“That’s not how this fucking works you can’t just hit copy-paste and call it a day the point is you come up with your own ideas, although in your defense I’m not sure you’re brain could manage something like that,” you shouted. He sneared. 
“I’ll rewrite it just stop being a bitch alright?” he scoffed, turning to leave your dorm room. You wanted to hit him, how dare he call you a bitch when you were just looking out for his dumb ass. Even high schoolers knew you’d be expelled for plagiarising. Once Atsumu left you slumped back in your seat looking at the presentation open on your laptop. You were already so busy but somehow you’d have to find enough time to do half of the project unless you wanted to fail that was.
“Hey, you’re working with (y/n) on your project right?” Osamu asked, setting his volleyball up in the air over and over again. 
“Yeah, they totally blew up on me today so now I gotta redo the whole thing,” Atsumu sighed 
“They’re hot though,” his brother said. Atsumu smiled to himself, remembering your angry face as you chewed him out.
“Really hot,” he agreed. 
“Are you gonna fuck them?” 
“Of course, they might an asshole but they want me,”
“Hey (y/n),” you looked up at the sound of your name only to groan seeing Atsumu run towards you. He had clearly just come from practice, he was still in his jersey. Fucking jocks. 
He probably thought he looked hot, with a light sheen of sweat that made his skin glow and tousled hair. He did look hot, it made you want to kick his shins. 
“If you aren’t going to tell me that you finished your half of the presentation I don’t want to hear it,” you snapped.
“Well then you aren’t going to be happy then but there’s a game this weekend, you should come, cheer for me,” he said winking. You rolled your eyes. 
“I was already planning on going, but you’re nuts if you think I’m gonna cheer for you,” you snapped, still a little heated about your last encounter with him. 
“And why not?” he asked, smirking, it pissed you off. You just knew he thought he looked so cute smiling at you like that. 
“I cheer for winners,”
You and Atsumu were at each other’s throats for the rest of the year. Atsumu Gave up on his plan to sleep with you and you gave up on your anger management, at least around him. If other people were in this situation they might stay away from their sworn enemy, but not you two. 
You made it to every volleyball game just to tell Osamu how great he did and how handsome he was looking today. Atsumu sat next to you in every class you shared talking your ear off making sure that you didn’t learn a damn thing. 
It was annoying as hell, you wanted to strangle him, but it was nice in a kind of way. If you were stressed or pissed off you could drag Atsumu as a little fun. And even if nothing else in your life was going right. You could always count on this blonde dick to be the worst to you. 
“Damn we had the exterminator here last week but there’s a roach right here,” Atsumu sneered over the thumping music at the party. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“You need to look up more insults you’ve already used that one,” you barked back, normally seeing Atsumu would be enough to dampen your mood but the booze must have been doing its job because you still felt all light and buzzed. 
“Beer?” he asked, holding up a bottle for you, ever the gracious host. 
“I’m good,” you said holding up the can of seltzer you’d been drinking out of it was fruity and only had a little bite to it, you were already on your third one. 
“Right I forgot that a baby like you couldn’t handle the taste of beer,” he scoffed, he was closer now, towering over you and pressing one of his forearms to the wall by your head as he leaned over you, shielding you from the rest of the party. You never realized before how big he was. Tall and wide. Muscular too, it was no wonder half the people at the Volleyball games creamed themselves just seeing him. 
“You’re such a dick, why do you always have to be so mean?” you asked before even realizing the words that you’d spoken.
“You aren’t exactly nice either princess, besides that’s how this works, that’s our dynamic,” he said. He must be pretty drunk too. Nothing he was saying was making any sense. 
“Still, how do you expect anyone to put up with you when you’re such a douche bag all the time?” you said the anger you associated with Atsumu finally setting in. 
“If it works it works, I mean you’re obsessed with me,” he said. You gagged and shoved his chest, he didn’t move, god how strong was he?
“Fuck off I hate you, why would I be obsessed with you? God you think that the world fucking revolves around you. How could any-”
His lips met yours effectively shutting you up. His hand came up cupping the back of your head and you couldn’t help but melt into the kiss, pressing your body against his and dropping your drink so your hands would be free to rake through his hair. You weren’t nice about the kiss either, your teeth gnashed against his when he tried to push his tongue into your mouth. You bit his lower lip and tugged at his hair, moaning against his mouth when he did the same to you. 
He broke away breathlessly, still holding you close to his body while you caught your breath. He was so pretty his cheeks flushed his lips wet and glossy. God, you wanted to kiss him again, even if he tasted like beer and he had been right in his assessment that you weren’t a big fan of the taste. 
“Good to know theirs one way to shut you the fuck up,” he teased. You groaned in frustration pulling him back down into another kiss. This one was just as passionate and fierce as the first. He pushed you against the wall and pulled up one of your legs and forced it around his waist so he could grind against you. You shuddered feeling him rut the seam of your jeans against your clit. 
“Woulda fucked you a lot sooner if i'd known you made such pretty noises when you were touched,” he muttered reaching up and palming your breast through your shirt. Atsumu started kissing, or maybe biting was a better word. The top part of your neck even pays some attention to your jaw and earlobe while he humped and groped you. 
“I knew you were a pervert but I never knew you were filthy enough to fuck me out in the open like this,” you gasped, tugging at his hair. You could feel your panties get sticky with your arousal and you wanted him to take you out of here and fuck you already. 
“You’re gonna let me fuck you?” he asked, pulling back so he could look at you and smirk. You smiled back, the fight wasn’t out of you yet. 
“Why would I do that? I’d rather sleep with someone who could make me cum,” you spat and his grin quickly fell, there was a competitive fire in his eyes that you normally only saw when he was playing.
“Oh Daddy’s gonna make you cum you fucking brat, I’ll make you squirt, you’re gonna cry with how good my dick feels,” he growled in a low voice you’d never heard before and suddenly you were regretting your comment. 
“Daddy?” you snorted
Atsumu detangled himself from you and grabbed you by the wrist tugging you out of the frat house and to his car. You shook your head and broke free of his iron-clad grasp. 
“I know you’re stupid but this is a new low, both of us are way too drunk to drive,” you shouted. Atsumu just laughed at you, opening the back door to his car. 
“We aren’t driving dumbass now get in,” he said. You bit your lip and slid into the back seat shortly followed by Atsumu who locked the door behind him. 
The seat wasn’t large but it was big enough to move around in. He pressed you onto the leather upholstery, your legs bent and splayed out at an awkward angle to fit him between them. He went back to kissing you sloppily while his hands went to work taking off your shirt and bra. 
Your nipples hardened once the cold night air touched you. “Wanted to suck on your pretty tits for the longest time,” he groaned quickly lowering his head, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth while he fingered the other twisting and pinching it. You yelped when his teeth grazed over the bud. His eyes flicked up to yours and he let go of the spit-soaked nipple blowing on it lightly making you shiver. 
“How long has it been since you’ve been fucked huh? So many guys want to fuck this sweet little pussy but you’re too stuck up to let that happen.” he snears sucking the other nipple into his mouth. 
“Bet you’re still a fucking virgin,” he said speaking around your mouth. 
“ I a-am not,” you whined, you’d lost your virginity in high school, but you really hadn’t gotten fucked since then. 
“Oh listen to you whine you totally are,” he scoffed 
“No I’m Not!” you protested he let go of your nipple and kissed you again threading his fingers through your hair and pressing your face to his. 
“Shut up you fucking virgin,” he said sweetly, before pulling off his shirt, and before you could admire his chiseled chest he distracted you by biting your neck again. You pressed your hand to the center console to keep from slipping off with one hand and clinging to his shoulders with the other. 
Atsumu deftly unbuttoned your jeans and shoved his hands in your pants touching your through your soaked underwear. You felt him smirk against your neck but he didn’t make any remark about it. Good thing for him too because you could feel his hard prick pressing up against your thigh and you were ready to drag him for it if he commented on your own arousal. 
God, you could feel his cock. It was big, heavy, and hard, pressed against your leg. You wanted to see it, touch it, feel it inside of you. He’d pushed your panties to the side now so he could push his large fingers inside brushing against your velvet walls. 
“A-Atsumu,” you said, pitching your leg up to rub against his dick.  “I want to suck your cock,” you whimpered. You felt him twitch. 
“Here I thought you were a virgin but you’re just a slutty whore aren't cha?” he growled against your neck picking your hips up and yanking your pants down your legs leaving them pooled around your ankles leaving you to kick your jeans off completely. You felt a little stupid naked except for your shoes but Atsumu quickly distracted you by folding you in half pressing your knees to your chest and leaving your pussy completely exposed. 
“I’ll fuck your throat later, right now I gotta make you cum remember?” he said playing his hands over your thighs keeping g you folded before lowering his head and diving into your folds like a man starved. 
Just like he kissed you, he was mean about it, sucking so harshly that you cried out and spanking your cunt just to make you jump. The only time he pulled back was to spit on your asshole lubing it up enough to slip a finger inside. 
“Sumu please,” you cried out as he filled you with his tongue pressing against your G-spot over and over again while he pinched your clit. You weren’t even sure what you were begging for. He just hummed in acknowledgment, whatever you were begging for he wasn’t going to have it. 
“Daddy,” you pleaded, finally caving. Atsumu smiled to himself. He wasn’t nice but he did reward good behavior. 
He switched it up sucking your clit into your mouth and plunging the fingers of his clean hand, the one that hadn’t just been your ass, inside of you curling up and pressing against your g-pot over and over again until you came screaming so loud that you were sure people back at the house could hear you. 
“See didn’t that feel good slut?” he cooed condescendingly. There was a pool of cum beneath you soaking into the leather seats. Good thing this was Osamus’s car. Now all he had to do was make you cry. 
“I-I’m not a slut,” you whined. 
“Oh? Which is it? Are you not a virgin or are you not a slut?” he asked, squeezing your cheeks. You didn’t know how to respond. 
“Well I think you’re a slut, Daddy’s little slut,” he snapped. 
There was a dark stain of precum staining his jeans where the head of his cock was leaking he quickly shoved down his pants and boxers before sitting down and pulling you into his lap. You hovered above him as he pumped his cock in his hand running the head of his cock through your soaked folds and bumping your clit. 
“You’re gonna be a good whore and ride Daddy’s cock right?” he asked, lining the head of his dick up with your entrance. You bit your lip and nodded, shakily lowering yourself down on him. Atsumu hissed feeling your tight heat wrap around him. 
You gripped his shoulders feeling how well he filled you up, the tip pressing against your cervix. You took a minute to adjust before lifting yourself up on your knees and started to fuck yourself onto him. 
Atsumu brought you close and kissed you again, one of his hands slipping between your bodies to stroke your clit while you bounced up and down on his cock.  You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he touched you. He filled you up so well, you had teased him about not being able to get you off but even you couldn’t deny how good it felt to have him so deep inside of you. 
“You feel that baby? You feel Daddy pressing up against your Cervix, I’m going to blow my fat load right into your slutty little womb,” he snarled his hips snapping up to meet yours. You whined, throwing your head back in pleasure, almost hitting your head on the headrest. 
“Gonna knock you up, gonna stuff this slutty pussy with cum,” he growled, he was talking more to himself but you couldn’t help but shudder at his words. You were on birth control but you desperately wanted him to fill you up. 
“Are you gonna cum princess?” He asked, “I can feel your cunt squeezing my cock like that, you’re gonna cum.” He was right, you could feel a second orgasm welling up in your core as his cock pulsed inside of you. 
“Atsumu-Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned kissing him sloppily, your hips faltered when you came but Atsumu’s hands went to your hips moving your body for you as he chased his own high, true to his word he came deep inside of you filling you up and pressing his cock against your cervix. 
You collapsed against his chest gasping for breath. He ran his hand soothingly over your back. 
“You look tired, you wanna crash somewhere babe?” he asked. 
“We’re still too drunk to drive,” you murmured. 
“I have a buddy in the frat house, I’m sure he’ll let me steal his bed for the night, especially for a cutie like you,” he said. You pulled back to look at him.
“You had a bed here this whole time and you still made me fuck you in the car?” 
When you woke up your whole body hurt. Your head ached your eyes stung and your body was littered with bruises. You didn’t even want to check in with the lower half of your body. You groaned sitting up in bed clutching your head. Then you felt the bed beside you shift, you froze remembering how you’d ended last night. 
Atsumu cracked one eye open and his face split into a huge grin. “I had the best dream last night-” he teased you and moved to hit him but he caught your wrist and flipped you on your back pinning you to the bed. 
He hovered above you his breath hitting your face in soft puffs. You leaned up and kissed him, suddenly you were a mess of limbs and hands trying to tear each other’s clothes off while you kissed. You hissed as his fingers grazed the bite marks on your neck. 
“Go easy on me I’m still sore,” you complained. Atsumu smirked.
“Did I wreck you that badly baby?” he asked, teasingly grinding his morning wood on your leg. You shuddered. 
“Shut up and fuck me asshole,” you demand. He tugged off your underwear and hooked your legs over his shoulders. 
“As you wish your majesty,” he scoffed and slowly pushed two of his fingers into you
Your cunt ached and it hurt to feel his fingers prod you open, but soon the pain dissolved into pleasure as he continued to finger you. 
“Such a pretty wet little cunt, so wet and sticky for me,” he purred, “you like this slut? You like getting fingered first thing in the morning?” he asked. 
“Do you like humping my ass like a fucking dog first thing in the morning?” you spat back. He grunted and roughly jerked his finger up hitting your G-spot making you cry out your back arching off the bed. 
“That’s what I thought,” he scoffed before completely pulling his fingers out and sticking them into his mouth sucking on your juices. 
“I’m not gonna fuck you if you keep being mean,” he said shoving down his own clothes 
“Shut up, I bet I’m the only one you know who lets you get your dick wet,” you growled. He snapped into you in one swift motion. You cried out your nails digging into his shoulders. It hurt but the pain sent a rush of endorphins making you moan. 
“Really you think that I could fuck you like this without any practice dollface? Don’t forget you’re the virgin here,” he teased drawing his hips back before ramming back into you. This pace was much harsher than what you’d set last night. You were helpless, and entirely at his mercy, he had you folded in half, and you could only moan and scratch at his back. 
“Imna fill this cunt with cum, nothing better than emptying my balls in your warm cunt first thing in the morning,” he muttered to himself as he continued to fuck you. 
“Already?” you teased.
“Fuck off or I’ll fuck you until you pass out,” he threatened. 
“Hurry up and make me cum, I’ve got shit to do today,” you snapped. 
“God do you ever stop being a bitch?” he asked, pulling out of you and flipping you over, jerking your hips up and sliding back into you. you moaned feeling his cock hit new sweet spots. You arched your back pressing your hips to his and burying your face into the pillows. 
The bed creaked with the force of his thrusts, the headboard hitting the wall with a loud bang. Atsumu brought his hand down on your ass making you jump, it stung and you were reminded of his killer serves that you had seen so many times. 
“There, no more bitchy comebacks? Have you gone braindead on my cock?” he mocked spanking you again. 
“Daddy!” you pleaded. Your thighs trembling as wetness dripped down your legs. 
“Awe theirs my sweet little slut, ready to be good now?” 
“Y-yes,” you whined desperate to cum.  Atsumu grunted and finally went easy on you, rubbing your clit and easing into you in slow, deep thrusts until he felt your pussy cream around him. 
“There you go baby,” he said pulling out of you, his hard cock dripping in your juices. “You still want to suck on my cock?” he asked. You bit your lower lip, embarrassed at the memory. You shifted on the bed settling in between his legs taking the head of his cock into your mouth and wrapping your hands around the rest of his dick. 
You licked softly at the slit in the head picking up the bitter precum with your tongue.  You slowly took more of his cock in your mouth hollowing your cheeks out around him. His dick was just too big for you to fit completely into your mouth so you moved your hands up and down his shaft while you took as much of him as you could, swirling your tongue around the head. 
“You’re doing so well baby,” he moaned, smoothing your hair back from your face. “I didn’t think a virgin like you’d be so good,” he teased. You glared up at him as you continued to suck his dick but you resolved to bite him if he made a comment like that again. 
“I think I like you better like this you’re so pretty when you shut the- OW watch the teeth,” 
You could taste it as the precum dribbled out of his cock smearing over your tongue, you were getting used to the bitter taste and it wasn’t that bad. You pushed your head down pressing his cock to the back of your throat suppressing your gag reflex. 
“Fuck, baby just like that i’m going to cum down your thoat,” he groaned his hips stuttering upwards pushing his dick down your throat deaper making you choke. Atsumu didn’t care,he was moaning loudly as his hips spasmed up into your mouth. 
You choked when his semen flooded your mouth. “Fuuck,” he sighed, pulling out of your mouth. You sluptered trying to catch the mess that bubbled out of your mouth. 
“Ah, swallow what you can baby,” Atsumu said, whipping your chin with his thumb. You did as he asked, choking down what you could. He pushed you back on the bed kissing your neck, his lips running over your bruises, 
“I like you like this, we should fuck more often he teased,” you shoved his chest, but weakly, it was clearly just for show. You didn’t want to admit it but you agreed with him. 
You kept seeing Atsumu after that. He was a little nicer with you normally. Or at least, he saved his mean side for the bedroom and was a little sweeter to you. If you were a little more naive you might have even started to fall for him a little bit. 
That was the Chliche right? You start out hating someone but then after a few nights of passion you were in love?  Bullshit, it was all Bullshit. 
you knew Atsumu hadn’t changed, and he wasn’t exactly saving himself for you. You couldn’t count how many times you’d walked in on him making out with some random chick, you’d even walked in on him while he’d been balls deep in some other girl. 
That being said, you hadn’t changed either. you still had a temper like no other and were quick to snap, especially at Atsumu. You didn’t have many friends who put up with your bullshit so why would He even fall in love with you?
You shouldn’t be in love with him. He was an asshole, a heartless fuck boy. So why did you like him so much? why did it sting when you thought about how hopless your whole situation. 
It sucked, this whole thing was just awful. That being said, you still jumped at the chance to see him everytime he called, you really were hopless. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as Atsumu drove. You didn’t recognize this street and you knew you weren’t going to his place. 
“It’s a surprise,” he said. You scoffed and crossed your arms. He pulled into a parking lot and you were surprised to see you were at a park. 
“What are you going to fuck me on the slide?” you asked, following him out of the car and into the park. 
“I used to come here all the time when I was a kid, me and my brother would play here,” he said, ignoring you and walking to the swings, you followed. 
“And I still come here a lot, it’s a good place to think and it’s just a really special place for me,” he said sitting on the swing and gesturing for you to sit on his lap. 
You did, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. “I don’t like where this conversation is going,” you said furrowing your eyebrows. It was almost the middle of the night so it was dark but you could still see the dopey lovestruck look on his face. 
“Stumu, you’re not supposed to call me for stuff like this,” you said unwrapping your arms around his neck, you were going to get off his lap but he wrapped his arms around his waist keeping you there. 
The two of you had agreed only to call each other when you wanted sex, this mushy romantic shit was defently not sex. 
“You’re so pretty baby, let me be nice to you,” he said kissing you and you melted into him, just like every time he kissed you. 
“You’re never nice to me,” you protested. He reached under your shirt groping you. 
“Because you never let me,” he protested. 
“What’s with you?” you asked, grabbing his wrist and shoving him away from you. 
“I love you,” he said. You couldn’t deal with this right now, you got off his lap and started walking back to the car
“Take me home,” you demanded.  “I don’t want to talk about this,” you said. 
“(y/n)-” he said running in front of you stopping you. 
“Please, I know you hate this shit, but please can we talk,” he pleaded taking your hands in his, 
“You can’t just say shit like that Tsumu! We’re not supposed to love each other we’re supposed to fuck and get under eachother’s skin and fight that’s how this works!” you shouted.
Atsumu kissed your knuckles, seeming to ignore your yelling. 
“We didn’t used to fuck either, we used to just get under eachother’s skin,” he pointed out. He wrapped you in his arms. You pressed your face to his chest and you felt your cheeks get wet with tears. You hiccupped and sobbed,  trying to keep your emotions bottled up was hard.  
“I love you,” he said again.  You shoved him and whipped your face. 
“I don’t want to do this Atsumu, take me home,” you demanded. He deflated. 
“Okay baby, let's go home, I’ll be waiting, when you’re ready,” he said rubbing your shoulders and taking you back to his car. 
You drove in silence. You hated this. Yout hated him. Atsumu was a playboy, an idiot and an asshole who only cared about Volleyball. You just wanted to insult him and fuck him to blow off steam. You weren’t supposed to fall for him. You weren’t supposed to love his cocky smile and his stupid jokes. His stupid flirty remarks weren’t supposed to make you blush. 
“Baby?” he prompted you blinked and saw you were sitting in front of your dorm building. “Hey,” he purred, wiping the tears off your cheeks. You didn’t need him to tell you that he loved you, you could tell every time  he did something like this. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch. 
“I really wished we’d had sex tonight,” you whispered. He laughed. 
“fuck am I really that ireaistable doll?” he teased, pinching your cheek as he pulled away. 
“I do love you Atsumu, I just- I just don’t know what to do about it,” you admitted. Atsumu smiled lazily. 
you meant it too, you loved him so much. but it was impossible to get the image of the time you walked in on him sleeping with another girl out of your mind. Was that what it meant to be in a relationship with him? If so then you weren’t going to do it, you weren’t signing yourself up for that kind of heartbreak. Maybe you should just give up on him and block him. 
“Like I said. I’ll wait for you, and next time I promise we’ll have the best sex of your life-Not that’s a hard bar to clear you virigin,” he teased. You smiled and playfully hit him in the arm. You got out of his car and walked into your building as he drove away, and at least for tonight. That was enough. 
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cinnamonest · 4 years
Let's say that darling has been very well behaved for over a year, stockholm has long since instilled into them, and shyly asks if they can try for a baby. How would the boys react? Which ones are on board for knocking up his darling? Pls I'm so horny for breeding it's embarrassing.
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Ahh I finally finished for these! It took a while lol but I tried to cover most of it
Zhongli is the best for taking care of you. He's not super panicky, but he is subtly concerned due to seeing his darling as so fragile. Constantly running around and getting you everything you ask for and a bunch of things you didn't ask for. Making sure you virtually never get up, gets you all the food you crave and the softest things to lay on.
And he'll insist on it. Like... He won't let you do anything, even those few freedoms you had before. Will constantly be checking up on you, probably won't leave the house. You're gonna be seeing even more of him than usual.
Now, yandere wise... An escape attempt during this time... Won't go over well. As usual, he kind of deludes himself about it, attributes it to hysteria of some sort, induced by your imbalanced hormones. That's ok. You just need something to keep you controlled. Unfortunately, he can't just give you hormonal control, as it could mess you or the baby up, so most likely it means keeping you heavily sedated. Makes things much easier.
He's surprisingly really good at handling a kid, though. Very gentle and capable, not particularly nervous, but not careless. He's one you won't have to worry about.
Albedo can be... Obnoxious. Bless him. You can't eat this, there's a .0002% chance it can harm the baby. You should sleep in this position, wake up at this time, do breathing exercises, constantly check your temperature and blood pressure and... You get the idea. He's very matter of fact about it, but deep down he's a nervous boi about it all. He's worried about possibilities of something bad happening, and will feel like it's his fault if something bad did happen. He'll be overall eager to actually have a kid though.
So he'll kind of rule your every action for a while - it's better not to challenge him, really, because if you do he'll go on and on about the medical, scientific reasons why you can't do this and have to do that. He's sweet about it though, you can tell he really cares. Outside of what he's dictated as necessary or forbidden by health reasons, he'll try to get you the things you want and crave, and will try to keep you sitting down as much as possible.
He gets extra nervous when holding a kid. Very stiff, perfectly still, probably gives it back very quickly out of nervousness.
Childe is ever the smug bastard. Wants to show you off, will take you places because look at him and the cute little wife he knocked up! It's a property thing, you're his little wife and he fucked you and now you have his baby. He's very proud of it all.
And actually, he'll be a little sweeter than usual all around, he's just in such a good mood. He'll have to lay off the sadistic tendencies for the sake of your health, so you get some respite in that regard, he becomes a lot more gentle, and will even do sweet things for you. He'll still be kind of condescending, though, teasing you as usual.
On a yan level, he's... More obsessive. In the past, he might have been one to leave little windows of opportunity to leave just to chase you, gave you wiggle room to be defiant so he could get the thrill of punishing you, but that's gone now. The moment you act up he'll lay down the consequences, and make it very clear you won't be disobeying from now on.
Holding a kid, he's more gentle than usual, but will definitely be one to pull some shit like pretending like he's about to drop it just to see you panic.
Bonus, a few years down the road he's gonna be super obsessive and showoff-y. Think Maes Hughes level of proud.
Diluc is kind of hilarious because he's a nervous wreck. It's adorable. It gets annoying kinda fast, though, he's constantly panicked over every little thing you do, acts like a slight pained groan is a sign that you're dying or something. He's kind of embarrassed about his own tendency to be overly worried, and he'll cave to being teased about it. He'll be very happy initially because it fits the ideal in his head of what he wants, though.
He's actually not particularly worse, because you're already pretty restricted. He will, however, significantly reduce the number of people that come to the winery, instead choosing to meet all of his appointments elsewhere if not cancel them entirely. He doesn't like people being close to you, even just in proximity - even if they don't know you're there, it makes him feel uneasy. He'll check on you frequently, more than usual, and insist on everything you eat, drink, and every waking moment is accounted for and approved of.
He'll hesitate to hold one because he's so nervous about dropping it or something. And he nearly does because he's so trembling. Again, it's actually really cute, and he's definitely embarrassed by it.
Kaeya is... Problematic. As I've said before, he's actually one of a few where you run the risk of jealousy. It's incredibly immature, and he's well aware of that, so he'll keep it well hidden. But it kind of irks him if he sees how much you stress over a baby. As a result, he's one of the ones who might actually be in a worse mood than he was before. He'll need a lot of reassurance, not in those exact words because he's too proud to say so directly, but reassurance that you'll always love him more. And it's in your best interest to give an affirmative answer. Pregnancy with him would probably be an accident, but if you ask he might agree to it.
Will definitely be more restrictive, and potentially a bit rougher, even. He'll still feel bad for you and do things for you, but he'll cling to you even more, and more shamelessly than usual. He'll double check the locked doors, make sure there's a guard posted to grab you if you try to bolt. If you do, it's even less pretty than usual. He'd be one that isn't afraid to threaten you, really. If you like a kid so much more than him, you wouldn't want him to take the kid away and give it to someone else once it's born, would you?
If holding it, he kinda... Calms down. A lot of those doubts and negative feelings are still there, but he can't help but feel an affection too. He'll get really quiet, but serious.
Xingqiu is a bit similar to Albedo. Very matter of fact about it all, and boy does his research. He's happy about it and gladly will knock you up, but he's very particular about everything. Like, good God, you didn't know there were so many books on pregnancy. He's a worrier, but he's got a little bratty pride and won't let you know he's a nervous wreck about it all. He makes himself out to be The Expert, but he's actually pretty worried about your health. Similarly, he'll regulate you quite a bit, insist on having his family's servants do things for you, so he doesn't have to spend a second away from your side.
He likes to spend a lot of time fantasizing, though, he's also one of those that really likes to do "child planning." He's got their education planned out, he's got lists of names, he smiles as he daydreams about doing this and that. Overall he's one of the best you can have in this regard.
He's the gentlest little thing if he's holding a child. You don't have to worry about anything, really, he's soft and gentle and probably the best of all for holding.
Razor is, and y'all saw this coming, very pleased! Generally in a very good mood, smiling and nuzzling you even more than usual. To be honest, your lifestyle doesn't change much, still consisting of sitting around all day, but he insists you sleep more, and will trade any walks you used to take with even more naps.
Likes to lay his head on your belly, generally just being extremely physically affectionate, cuddly and nuzzly even more than usual, which is saying something tbh. He's the opposite of the Albedo/Xingqiu type - he'll be asking you questions because he understands the very basic concept of fuck -> pregnant -> baby, but ???? How does it work? Why are you so moody? Why are you craving weird food? Boy did not realize how much goes into it all and it's very confusing. You can use this to your advantage, though. Tell him humans can't fuck while pregnant or it's guaranteed to harm the baby or something - he'll be devastated but reluctantly accept it. You'll just have a sore throat for a while.
Please don't let this boy carry a baby without specifically teaching him how to do so. You'll have a heart attack when he tries to pick it up by the back of the neck or by the foot or something. He's happy though, at least.
Xiao is... Difficult. He'll be actually pretty easily agreeing to it, really, he has no real reason to object even if he's uneasy. He's kind of detached from it, and really his behavior doesn't change much outside of a few comments here or there and willingness to get you certain foods. He probably would find a trusted source to teach him what he needs to know on how to take care of you, he's too proud to ask you himself. It's safe to say his knowledge on it all is virtually zero, but deep down he IS concerned for your well-being, even if he doesn't show it very well.
Xiao's already one of the most restrictive yans, so like with Razor, your lifestyle doesn't change much - you go from being locked in a room all day... To be locked in a room all day, except now you're pregnant. He'll probably be more cautious to check on you more often, though.
Tbh, he's also one that might get a bit jealous, but he wouldn't know why, rather, doesn't recognize and understand his own feelings. He'll just kind of sulk a bit, even pout, it's pretty uncharacteristic and even a bit funny.
Holding a kid, you'll probably be a bit uneasy, just because he has no concept of gentleness, but he does surprisingly well if given instructions.
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the-shiftshop · 3 years
One Touch - Part 2
Inspired by @dark-limbo​​. Might want to check this blog out!
 Today is the day I’ll be free to do whatever I want without thinking about anything else. Mom had allowed me to rest out of town all by myself for a week. Dad had lend me allowance which I can spent on what I had planned for.
Upon arriving to a beach resort, which was like 5 hours away from my hometown, I was feeling a little nervous. Technically, this has been my first vacation alone, away from anyone I know. Having the ability to hypnotize anyone doesn’t come with less worry about what dangers there would be. I may be confident to get anyone I want, I’m still scared that I might get in trouble with things and I wouldn’t be able to get away with it.
Trying to loose up, I just took a deep breath and decided to look around the lobby.
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Looking over to the seats to the right near the windows, I’ve noticed this guy staring at me. He looked away after realizing I’m staring back but I know we had eye contact. He had his chest muscles peaking through his shirt and I can’t make myself look away. This guy’s interesting. I’ll come back to him later. But for now, let me drop my things to my room.
After reaching my room on the third floor of the hotel, I had to quickly drop my things and lie down on the bed. To be honest, choosing somewhere far to test my powers is not that important, but I had to make sure I’ll be going somewhere nobody I know lives, and somewhere I can enjoy at the same time. This is just to save from all the trouble of failing and letting everyone I am acquainted with know that I can hypnotize anyone I want.
Lying down the bed, I took a rest for a while. I started thinking of all the possibilities I can do here. Meeting all the men I might find attractive, pulling them in, and finally making them do what I please. All these thoughts are already making me hard, but I might need to save this up for later.
After lying down for a few minutes, only to be more frustrated because of my hard on, I decided to go out for a while and explore the resort.
Just as soon as I walk out to the back of the hotel, there I saw him again, dipping down into the pool. As soon as he descend down, I noticed that he was staring at me once more.
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As I stare back at him, I notice him smile and look away. That’s already a hint, or if ever that I’m assuming things, I can always fix things up. Nevertheless, I’m nervous but excited at the same time. My own fun is about to start!
I walked near him as he keep his shoulders under the water.
“Andrei” He said.
“Nice to meet you.” I replied.
“So, you alone?”
He’s already asking if I went here alone. That’s already a big assurance he’s hitting on me.
“Yeah.” I answered.
“I actually saw you come in the resort, and you seem like you’re that type who never had been on vacation without their parents. Is it your first time around here?”
“Damn, you’re great at guessing.” I smiled. “Yup. It’s my first time here. I might need a little bit of company.” I looked at him, hoping he would get me.
“I’m actually with a few friends.” He replied, sounding a little more solemn, “But it wont hurt if I could help you explore around for a few hours.”
His eyes sparked up and it felt like mine too as we stare at each other. I chuckled and squat down in order to be much closer to him. I don’t want to play these mind games anymore, I want to go straight to the point.
“Or we can explore each other in my room.” I teased.
I was expecting him to brighten up more, but it seems like my assumptions were wrong. He furrowed his brows and stared at me, but this time, his eyes were of a different gaze.
“Ah. Sorry man, I don’t swing that way.” His tone of voice changed, slightly sounding disgusted. “I... I just thought that you might’ve need some help since you seemed lost.”
I knew it would turn out this way. Getting fooled by the nice guys. Even my face somewhat contorted to dismay. “I- I’m sorry, man.”
“Sorry, but, just leave.” He began to get out of the pool. I don’t want to cause a fight right now, especially when I just started my vacation. I should act quick.
“No, I mean, sorry. I didn’t mean to. I can still use a bit of-”
“Dude, get out of the way!” He tried to move me away but before I could even back off, my hands found their way to his arms.
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Here he was now, in trance of my touch. I fell his shoulders rise as he take a deep breath in, keeping eye contact with me. He wasn’t moving, just frozen in place. I look around to see if anyone is watching. Lucky enough, we’re alone.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“No. I’m mad.” He answered. Monotonous, but you can hear how natural he speaks even under my control.
“No. You’re not mad. You’re happy.” I said.
“Oh. Yeah! I am happy!” He chuckled.
“You’re happy because you finally get to know me, you’ve been longing for me.” I whispered in his ear.
“I’ve been... wanting to know you...”
“Don’t speak a word. Dry off and change your clothes here. After that, follow me to my room.” I commanded.
It was a firm command. He didn’t speak at all. He proceeded to climb up the pool ladder and went to his things. He got his towel and his clothes to change into. He was under my control. He didn’t mind changing his clothes in public. He first took everything off, giving me a clear view of all of him from his muscular back. I want to touch him again right now, but I just let him change his clothes first. He wore his white tank top and his spare red short. Putting all of his things back into his bag, he hanged it over his shoulder and wore his flipflops.
I nodded and started walking back to my room. He followed.
Walking through the hallways was unintentionally nerve-wrecking. The fear that he might look like he’s in trace and other people might get weirded out, or that someone will call his name and since he’s under my command, he can’t talk, but luckily, we have arrived to my room.
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I didn’t waste anymore time. I pushed him on the bed and started touching every skin I could. Exploring his whole body while he’s left frozen and unable to talk. I moved a hand to his crotch and gripped on his balls through his shorts. He wasn’t reacting whatsoever, but it took just one command.
“Match with me.”
With that, his hands moved up my back as I hear him give me soft but satisfied moans. I pushed my lips to his and forced my tongue in, which became much easier as he opened his mouth for me. My knee moved up the bed to his crotch as I massage him there with it. Both of my hands slowly took his tank top off, over his shoulders and off his head. He did the same, taking my shirt off. I pulled his face near my chest and he gladly sucked on my nipples.
“A-Ah...” The feeling was sending shivers all over my body. I want more than this. “Suck me off. Make me feel better.”
His hands moved down to my shorts as he try to pull it down. I stood up and let him take it off me. After finally exposing my raging hard on, I moved up the bed, with his legs in between mine, almost as if I can sit down on his lap. He continued kissing my chest, moving down to lick my abs, then finally to my cock. He proceeded putting all of my shaft into my mouth. He pull me closer as he lie down on the bed, my hands supporting myself on the bed while he’s under me, bobbing his head. I thrusted my hips slowly into his mouth. Everything feels so good. I can almost feel myself near my release. He flipped me over, now I am the only lying on the bed while he tries to get rid of his shorts. He pull my leg and aligned my hole to his shaft.
“No!” I exclaimed. “Not yet. I’m not ready.” I said. “I’ll be the one penetrating you.”
He smiled and dropped my legs down. He then moved to my cock, this time him aligning his hole to my shaft. He gave me a long painful grunt as he push himself down to my cock, then back up. I can’t endure seeing his face contort because of the amount of pain he’s having right now, but at the same time I find his hot.
He fell close to my chest, still my cock in his hole. We rolled over so this time I’m above him once more. He had put his arms around me as I thrust my hard on into him, slowly at first, but it wasn’t long until I quickened my pace. I muffled his moans as I pull him for one more kiss. My hand on his nipple while the other is stroking his cock that had been begging for attention.
I broke out kiss as I feel myself nearing climax “Fuck! Fuck! I’m gonna!” I screamed. I thrusted much faster than before until I pull out and came all over his body, spewing all my hot juice all over his muscles. We were left panting on the bed. Andrei, though, still was hard as ever. I still have not managed to make him cum yet so I decided to move back down to suck him off.
Not being able to say words, he keeps moaning and moaning as I explore his cock with my tongue. Bobbing up and down while my tongue pushing on his skin made me realize this might be giving him a lot of pleasure. His hands moved to my hair as he push me more, violently.
Soon, he screamed as he came into my mouth. I gladly swallowed all of it. He came too much though that some of them leaked out of my lips.
I finally pulled his cock out and stared at him while we both pant. For one last time, I moved near him, kissed him and hugged him as we rest.
Later this afternoon, I might need to release him back to his own control, but right now, I’ll just enjoy the skinship while it lasts.
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galacticgraffiti · 3 years
꧁༻✦༺ Ad'ika (5) ༻✦༺꧂
!!! NSFW/18+ !!!
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 2.8k CW: Praise for everyone, you ride him (bc wrecker is a sweet bottom), hella dirty talk, graphic descriptions of the sheer size of his cock, tiny bit of cockwarming if you squint, cumplay, someone else finds you in Wreckers bed naked
Chapter 5 - Endings Beginnings
„You ready for the real thing, ad’ika?“
You resist the urge to cover yourself up under his intense gaze. Not like he hasn’t already seen everything, is it. Your voice scratches when you try to speak.
„I… I think so.“
Your brain is still a bit fuzzy from the orgasm, but you manage to look up at Wrecker, whose eyes are focused on where you’re dripping onto the table. His pupils are blown wide and he’s breathing much heavier than he should be. You want to remember this moment forever and ever, the way he looks at you, gaping open from his fingers… You think if you touched yourself right now you would cum again within seconds. The things this man does to you by simply being.
„Oh mesh’la.“ His voice is almost as rough as yours even though he’s not the one who was screaming a minute ago. „Look at the mess you made.“
„I’m sorry-“
„Don’t… don’t worry about it I just-,��� he gently lifts you off the table, „I just didn’t- Maker you’re so fucking wet.“
You look down at your feet, not able to meet his eyes. You’re not shy, but this has been an intense first meeting if you’re being honest. You can feel your release inching down your thighs and press your legs together.
„I‘m not…“ he sounds a bit self-conscious, „I’m not judging you, little one. This is just… you’re incredible, I hope you know that. Look at it leaking down your… you should… try to keep it all right where it is, make it easier for me to…“
His sheepish kindness soothes the awkwardness that has settled over you, but it also makes your heart ache. He, who risks his life every day, who never had a choice and still does what needs to be done with courage and heart, he compliments you? Just because he managed to make you come so hard?
„It’s all because of you,“ you say, your voice gentle like a Naboo breeze. „It’s all you baby, you’re so good to me. You know… you know just what I want, I don’t know how. You’re amazing. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.“
His good eye softens and his voice almost breaks when he pulls you closer to him, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear while his hands roam over your body, squeezing your ass, pulling on your thighs as if to pry them apart even though he just told you to keep your legs together.
You press yourself to him, your limbs still feeling a bit like jelly, and let your hands wander to his waistband.
Slipping your fingers inside his underwear, you take his already hard cock into your hand and slowly, very gently run your nails down his length. He groans at that, his cock twitching and his hips rocking forward ever so slightly.
The urgency in his voice would make you sink to your knees again, except he promised you he’d fuck you for real. And that promise is just enough to stop you from taking him into your mouth again like you want to, the promise of him filling you up so completely makes you utterly desperate.
‚You’re gonna look even better impaled on my cock, ad’ika‘ his words from earlier resound in your brain. You try to stifle a low moan, continuing to ghost your touches along his length while he looks down at you. But of course, he hears you.
„You okay, little one?“ he enquires.
„Yeah, yeah, just… thinking about what you said earlier.“
„I didn’t- I didn’t mean to scare you, I was jus-“
You smirk when you realise he thinks you changed your mind while touching him. As if I could ever pass up this opportunity.
„No, Wreck, baby, not… not like that. Thinking about it in a good way,“ you feel your lower muscles tightening around nothing, and a wave of arousal sweeps through your body at the thought of being filled up by him, „in a very good way.“
„What were you thinking about?“
„Just… uhh, what you said about…“ you clear your throat, „impaling me on your cock.“
He chokes slightly, going rigid under your touch, his muscles tensing. When he regains some of his composure, his eyes are impossibly dark and his voice rougher, deeper than it has any right to be.
„You liked that, little one?“
„I did,“ you admit quietly.
His laugh rumbles through his chest, making you shake with how close you’re pressed against him.
„Oh, mesh’la, all the people in the galaxy and I stumble across you.“
He holds you an arms length away, your hand leaving his hard cock only because it has to. He looks at your naked form and commands you.
„Go lay down on my bed, mesh’la.“
You can’t help but follow his orders, he looks so imposing. Even now that you’re getting to know his sunshine personality, his height and size still making him look intimidating as hell.
Slowly, you move over towards the bed, making an effort to have your hips sway, putting on a show for him because you can feel him watching you from behind. You’re glad his bed is not a bunk bed, because as hard as you’re tyring right now to look good, you would’ve probably hit your head on it. You think they also might have made the frame a little broader so Wrecker could fit comfortably in it. Part of your brain wonders if the Kaminoans were nice enough to accomodate for that or if he and his brothers had to do it themselves. Probably the latter.
You turn around, sitting down on the bed in an orderly fashion.
„Look at you, ad’ika. Putting on a show for me, such a good girl.“
You can’t help but smile at his praise, by the gods he is a quick learner. When he walks over towards you, you can’t help but think that his gait looks smoother, more like a Nexu on the prowl than you would’ve ever thought possible for his broad frame. He seems more like a battering ram type of person, but this walk… You get even wetter watching him approach you like that.
When he comes to a stop next to the bed, you look up at him with big eyes, your hand twitching to move between your legs again and ease some of the pressure.
„None of that now, ad’ika,“ Wrecker reprimands you while he starts taking off his shirt.
You realise you’ve never actually seen his bare chest when your eyes meet the broad, tan expanse of his skin, littered with scars but so beautiful, so strong. Your mouth almost starts to water, you think you would like to lick his defined muscles and you could die a happy woman. Then he pulls down his trousers and underwear and even though you’ve seen his lower half before, you have to swallow thickly. Taking it all in is almost too much. How does anyone look like that? His thick thighs ripple with the movement of his muscles when he takes a step forwards and half-kneels on the bed.
He pulls your legs up to make you lay down on the mattress, hovering over you. Betraying his predatory body language, his voice sounds almost concerned when he asks you,
„You okay, ad’ika?“
You nod weakly, and when he doesn’t move, confirm once more,
„Yes. I’m okay Wrecker, I promise.“
To spur him on, you pull him down for a kiss. It starts out slow, but deep and powerful, getting more heated by the second until you’re gasping into him.
„Come on baby, I want your cock, I- want it so bad, please, give me… fuck me Wreck, I wan-“
Your breath is knocked out of you when he groans and without further warning lines himself up, pushing into you just a little, slower than you ever thought possible. He shudders, and you can tell that it takes all his strength not to go too fast.
„Can you take a little more, ad’ika?“
You nod fervently, trying to grind against him and make him go faster, but he keeps up the punishingly slow pace. A delicious burn spreads through you as you feel yourself being filled with his almost unbelievable size and girth.
„Give me-“ you pant, „give me more baby, I wanna take all of you, feel you so deep inside me I-“
His words make him go fractionally faster. You cry out, but before he can stop, you gasp out,
„No, keep going, keep going.“
And so he does, pushing on until you can’t take anymore. There’s a part of his cock that just doesn’t seem to fit inside you, no matter how hard you try to relax and take him, and you have an irrational desire to fit him entirely, the thought of it consuming you while he seats himself deeply inside your wet cunt.
„It’s okay, ad’ika, you’re doin‘ so good… Good girl, taking me so well, ’s like you were made for me, my perfect little mesh’la… Look at you takin‘ my huge cock like it’s all you were made for, look so good split open by me… Tell me you want more-“
„I want more!“ you gasp out instantly.
„Say you want to take all of it, ad’ika, tell me-“
„I want all of you, baby, give me all of it, please Wreck…“
„Good girl, takin‘ my orders and my cock so well, good fucking girl-“
His praises make your blood sing and you clench around him, so hard he moans out and his hips rock forward into you even though there’s nowhere more for him to go.
„Mesh’la you’re so tight already, you wanna kill me with that pretty cunt of yours? If you keep doin‘ that I won’t last two seconds and you- you deserve better than that, I wanna make you feel it in the morning, want you to remember who fucked you so good you’re still exhausted from it, wan-“
„I wanna ride you,“ you interrupt him, regretting your choice to interrupt his dirty litany immediately but the thought comes to you with such urgency that you can’t keep it to yourself.
His mouth hangs open at that, his biceps on either side of your head tremble sightly, and you know it’s not because his strength is giving in.
„You wanna-“
„I wanna ride you, baby,“ you repeat, putting a hand to his chest to gently push him backwards. If he resisted, there wouldn’t be a thing you could do do move him, but he goes along with your direction, pushing himself back onto his heels while simultaneously lifting you off the bed and onto his lap, so his cock never entirely leaves your tight heat.
You rest your knees on either side of his hips while he lays back, keeping yourself elevated just a little, before sinking down and taking him as deeply inside you as you possibly can.
He lets out a noise at that, something between a sharp exhale and a deep rumble and rests his hands on your hips, guiding your movements. You look down to watch in amazement how he disappears inside you, and you feel wetness seeping out of you at the sight of him seated so deeply inside you that you can barely tell where he ends and you begin. The image sears itself into your brain, his thick cock spearing you, splitting you open on him. It’s unlike anything else you’ve ever felt before, an incredible fullness that burrows into your brain and makes any rational thought vanish, because this is all you ever want to feel again.
You lean forward a little, pushing your tits together with your arms and closer to his face, his gaze fixating on them before you start to ride him in earnest. The high, throaty sounds that escape you should probably embarass you, but you can’t find it in you to care, not when you’re being filled so deliciously again and again.
„Fuck, mesh’la-“ Wrecker groans underneath you, „look at these pretty tits, bouncing like that while you ride me, you should- should have to- fuck, I never- you’re taking me so well, little one, look at how I fill you up, so deep inside you, just- my ad’ika being split in half by my cock, good gi-“
You hoarsely gasp out his name and push down harder, ignoring the blissful burn, until finally – finally – you can feel the patch of his dark pubic hair against your pelvis and the thought runs through your head again and again and again while you grind yourself against him: I’ve done it, I’m taking him, taking him, taking-
„Fill you up so good, ad’ika, you’re gonna think of me for days, think of this moment, impaling yourself on me, splitting yourself op- taking me so well, pretty girl. I’m gonna-“
From his lying position, he bucks up into you when you clench down hard around him, sheathing himself impossibly deeper inside you, his thick length reaching spots you’d never thought possible. You almost think you can feel him in your throat, you feel so full and his endless praises send hot shivers through your whole body.
You lean forward a little more so that your tits graze his chest every time his hands pull you down and at that angle he hits just the right spot, over and over and over again. Then one of his hands sneaks down from your hip to circle around your clit and you’re done for.
You’ve never felt anything like the orgasm that washes over you now, the force of it knocking the air out of your lungs, your brain going fuzzy and warm and then suddenly whitehot and empty, you could swear you almost pass out for a second. And through it all, Wrecker’s rhythm never falters, he keeps pushing you up with his hips and rocking into you even through your all-consuming climax. When the muscles of your cunt finally stop clamping down and your brain clears a little, you can once more hear him humming praises while keeping you upright with his hand and fucking into you mercilessly.
„My good little girl, did so well… So glad I prepped you for this, little one, you’re still gonna feel this, feel the ache of my cock splitting you when you get up in the mornin‘- gonna enjoy ruining you for anyone else, pretty girl, you don’t even… “
„Yes, ruin me,“ you whisper, desperate to hear him say these words again.
His thrusts become more desperate, erratic, and he exhales sharply,
„Pretty girl, ruining yourself for me, cumming all over my fat cock… Can I- can I…“
„Come inside me baby, I wanna feel you fill me up, come-“ you answer his unspoken question and then he does, groaning and rumbling out your name, pumping you full until you can feel his cum leaking out of you with every sloppy thrust.
He falls back entirely, his eyes closing in a blissed out expression, and you lean onto him, resting your chest against his, keeping his cock inside your for just a little while longer. You feel so full and you don’t want to lose that, his softening cock keeping his release in you just for a while, just so your cunt can get used to the thought of being without him again.
Finally, he opens his eyes and looks down at you, grinning like a satisifed lothcat, radiating genuine happiness and content.
„You did so well, little one,“ he says eventually and you shiver, basking in his praise.
You slowly sit up and pull yourself off him, feeling oddly empty as he leaves your cunt. Sitting back, you rest between his legs, hooking yours over his tree trunk sized thighs, perfectly satisfied with him and yourself.
„Look at that,“ he whispers, interrupting your cloud of happiness.
You look down between your legs and you can see his release leaking out of you, staining the bedsheets. He watches in fascination, before sighing and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
„I’d better go get something to clean you up, pretty girl. My vode will never stop teasing me if I don’t get a new sheet before they come back.“
He swings his legs over the bedframe, pushing himself up and traipsing towards the back of the room as you watch his perfect round ass disappear out of sight.
You lean back onto your elbows, closing your eyes and enjoying the softly burning ache inside of you.
The hiss of the doors cuts through your blissful thoughts and without looking, you say,
„Already back to clean up the mess you made in me, Wreck?“
„Wrong name, sweetheart.“
Your eyes fly open when you hear the unfamiliar voice that definitely doesn’t belong to Wrecker.
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┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ Mando'a translations
ad’ika – little one (I use it as a pet name, it is not in any way shape or form meant to refer to a child!) mesh’la – beautiful ┗━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┛
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kekoma · 4 years
— iwaizumi as your boyfriend.
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no thoughts this time. just hajime. hope you enjoy.
ahh the lovely iwaizumi <3 aka iwa-chan~
another top tier boyfriend. can definitely bring him home to your family and they’ll love him automatically.
but before diving into what it’s like dating hajime, let’s warm up a bit and take a look at his crush stage with you.
actually takes him awhile to even realize he likes you more than a friend. 
only picked up this feeling when he noticed that he finds himself extremely comfortable around you and that he didn’t like the concept of you dating someone if it wasn’t going to be him. 
isn’t quick to act on his emotions though. no no no. matter of fact, no one even knows he has a crush on you (except for oikawa of course.)
hajime doesn’t show any signs of getting nervous when around you, attempting to distance himself from you because of fear he might slip or any of those antics. definitely isn’t the type of guy who spills to everyone that he likes you too. likes to keep to certain things to himself and you’re one of them. 
just acts completely normal around you for the most part.
although he does end up studying you more than before and constantly thinking about how you might feel towards him. 
but this won’t catch your attention since the subtle change doesn’t catch your attention automatically.
iwa does go out of his way to spend more time with you when he decides that he actually wants to be with you.
“hey y/n, a new cafe opened up a few blocks from school. i was thinking we should go there together for lunch.”
“oh? sure but i thought you had something to do during lunch?”
“i did but i rearranged it for later since i wanted to eat with you today.”
of course he asked oikawa for some type of advice/help when it came to asking you since iwa didn’t want to come off as boring or cheesy when asking you out. 
may or may not have wrecked his brains with different ideas about how to go about it which is why he went to his best friend for help.
“i can’t think of proper way to confess to y/n... hey dumbass, if you really liked someone, how would you ask them out?”
“first of all, rude. can’t believe that’s how you treat a good friend like me. anyways it’s simple my dear friend. i would go up to them during lunch, flash a charming smile, and just ask them to be mine. it’s cute, right?”
“... so let me ask you this since you decided to be funny. should i beat your ass now or later?”
“hey! you asked and i gave you an honest answer!”
“ah so now? gotcha shittykawa.”
iwaizumi ends up asking you during one your countless late night runs for snacks.
wasn’t anything super romantic yet it wasn’t completely boring/awkward either.
iwa went for a straight forward approach (not like ushijima straightforward).
 basically explained how he’s been feeling towards you lately and that he wants you to be his. of course when you accepted is confession and expressed how you felt the same— hajime couldn’t stop smiling like a fool.
side fact: he thought about going for a somewhat flirty approach at first by saying how cute you looked in his hoodie and if you really liked wearing his clothes then he wouldn’t mind supplying you with more without hounding you to return them after awhile.
however, iwa thought it sounded odd so he ended up confessing to you in a normal manner to avoid any kind of embarrassment.
now we can dig into the main course meal here: what’s its like dating hajime.
three words that come to mind with him... dependable, caring, and attentive.
starting with attentive, he doesn’t miss a beat if something is wrong with you.
due to constantly studying you previously (and still to this day), learning and picking up the habits you have— he’s able to figure out when things aren’t right with you so hiding your feelings isn’t an option for you love.
although if you attempt to hide them then don’t be surprised when he pulls you aside and confronts you about it. of course, it won’t be anything harsh like but more on the “hey you’re acting strange and this isn’t something i’m going to drop.” side of things.
this is when caring comes into play. iwaizumi isn’t the type of boyfriend that’s oblivious towards your emotions/moods nor does he leave you be.
will also add that he has made it known countless times to you that if anything bothers you then he wants to know in hopes that he can solve the issues. 
but if you’re someone who isn’t up to talk about the issues just yet then he’ll be understandable— won’t push too far but will give you a prep talk in hopes that can it lighten your mood. which i will label that as dependable playing it’s role.
to add more for dependable, i’ll mention that he’s the type of boyfriend that will wake up in the middle of the night, early in the morning or whatever time if you called him about going through any type of mental issues (having a break down, panic attack, etc.). he’ll rush over the minute he heard your voice and of course he ends up bringing items that could comfort you.
we stan and love that about him.
moving along, i’ve already mentioned that hajime remembers things about you but it’s not just emotional wise. matter of fact he knows what your favorite foods are, drinks, kind of aesthetic/style you go for, places you want to visit, hobbies, and all of the good stuff. 
if he were to ever be tested about how good he knows you, mans is getting an 100. can’t convince me otherwise.
the type of boyfriend who’s supportive of everything and anything you do. makes it known that he’s your number one fan and believes in you. 
won’t let you overwork yourself. hajime constantly makes sure your health is in good condition, but it you happen to get sick then best believe he’s showing up to your place with medicine and bringing you back to normal.
iwa purposely leaves his hoodies and shirts at your place since he knows you’ll end up wearing them and when you return them, they smell like you. he likes your scent.
he typically likes to gift you things he saw in the stores that reminded him of you as well as giving you flowers. sometimes you have to ask him to relax on the gifts because your room can’t handle it all.
hands down, DEADASS can’t convince me he DOESN’T, is the type of boyfriend who will throw hands at anyone who flirts with you or attempts to touch you.
like he would come back from getting something, visiting you at work or however you want to picture the scenarios and would see some lame guy trying to spit game at you.
the minute he notices him, iwaizumi is coming in to save the day. tries not to take the violence approach at first, but the minute that other dude says something disrespectful then his whole career is over.
hajime beats ass for a living so beating that man up was no problem, but getting him off of the dude is because the only thing on iwa’s mind is murder.
may even stomp his lights out and then go with a smirk.
anywaysss pda? pda.
iwaizumi is surprisingly comfortable but also a tad bit awkward with it. tries to avoid it sometimes because he doesn’t want others to notice just how soft he is with you/be made fun of.
but in public, the most iwa will do is the basic (with your permission of course because this man refuses to do anything if he doesn’t hear that you’re okay with what he does with you). such as holding hands, gives small kisses on your face that isn’t deemed too inappropriate, holding you in his arms/hugging, and all that good cutesy stuff.
two things he likes with you is piggy back rides and when you ruffle his hair.
with piggy back ride, for some reason it makes him feel all warm inside and he does it instantly the minute the words slip from your lips. sometimes he’ll offer one if you don’t ask him first. other times, he’ll offer them to you if he notices you’re too tired or your heels are hurting your feet.
when it comes to ruffling his hair.. he may act like it bothers him to the MAX sometimes but deep down this man loves it. just doesn’t want to admit to it just yet. the feeling of your hands in his hair is like floating on cloud nine for him.
as for private; of course cuddling is on this list. dude loves feeling you close to him and may even fall asleep while cuddling. don’t think positions really matter (unless notices that you’re trying to big spoon him).
definitely more touchy with you, but of course consent is key so he never goes too far with his touches/stops when you ask him to.
going to dates now~ 
dates with iwa is a mix of sporty and chill. will also add that sometimes it’s random.
like he’ll pick you up from class and suddenly say “let’s go on a date.” while you’re standing there a bit confused.
although if you aren’t someone who’s into sporty type of dates then he’ll always opted for the chill ones which is basically going to the arcades, laser tag, roller skating, paintball centers, go karting and etc.
shows more of his romantic side with the dates and you actually find out how soft he can really be. vv cute.
of course some of the dates won’t only be you two since oikawa tries his best to sneak himself in so he can be the third wheel that takes bomb ass pictures of you and just watch over you two like a parent.
“aren’t you tried of third wheeling oikawa?”
“oh no. never. besides without me, iwa here wouldn’t have any good pictures to post on his instagram... we both know he isn’t good at taking pictures.”
“i-... right right.”
gonna end it here before my brain overheats just a bit, but dating iwaizumi is worth it and each moment with him makings you fall in love with him all over again.
definitely gets the trophy for being the best boyfriend ever and you’re the luckiest person ever to have his heart.
something i forgot to add earlier— his top nicknames for you are; princess, dummy/idiot/stupid, babe/baby, and occasionally he’ll call you his munchkin <3
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© all content belongs to kekoma 2020. do not repost, modify or translate.
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Encore - Part of your world - Harry Hook x Reader - Part 25 - The Wedding - FINALE
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The Wedding
You took a deep breath, staring at the calendar on your apartment wall. A very particular date circled in red
May 22nd - Wedding day~!
Today was the day…you would be getting married to Harry Hook, the love of your life. You squealed and jumped around your room, eyes catching onto your dress hanging off your door. You giggled to yourself and grabbed the dress, holding it to your chest and dancing around your room, closing your eyes and imagining Harry dancing along with you as you had your first dance as husband and wife.
“Someone’s excited~” you stopped and turned to face your door, seeing your aunt, (BFF name), Jazzy, Lily, and Emma standing there, fond smiles on their faces. Tonks stepped into the room and pulled you into a hug, your friends joining it soon after “You ready for today?” Tonks asked, smiling as you nodded against her rapidly, the girls pulling back and moving around the room to grab your makeup and other things you would need today, like your shoes, dress, snack bag, and vows.
You glanced at the clock, the time reading 10 am. The wedding started at 4 so you had a good 6 hours before everything happened. But everything you needed that wasn’t at your apartment was in the captain's quarters on your new ship, Harry was getting ready in a different cabin to prevent the ‘seeing the bride before the wedding’ thing.
“We all ready?” your friends and aunt nodded, their necklaces, which had been charmed by Uma to temporarily have the same properties as your necklace, shining for a moment. “Then let's go”
You took your key and stuck it into your doorknob's lock, turning it and opening the portal. You opened the door and stepped through, the girls following after you a moment later.
Tonks gasped a bit setting down the cake she had been holding on the table and spinning around “Wow~!! This-this is yours!?” you beamed and nodded, taking the dress from Jazzy and hanging it off the closet door.
As your friends admired the room and talked amongst each other, Uma stepped into the room, sharing a smile with you and turning to talk with Tonks, gesturing towards the cake.
Tonks nodded and Uma turned back towards the door, calling for Gil, who entered a moment later and took the cake. Not before greeting you cheerfully though. You laughed to yourself and looked at Uma, she already had her teal dress on, her hair curled to perfection and make-up on point, her usual shell necklace seeming to shine with polish.
“You ready girl?” Uma asked, walking up to you and tossing her arm over your shoulder, smirking as you nodded rapidly.
“Hell yeah, I've been waiting for this day for almost a year~” you hummed, unable to keep the smile off your face. “My cheeks hurt from smiling so much but I can't stop!” Uma chuckled, rubbing your shoulder and nodding towards the door.
“Harry’s been a nervous wreck all morning, he’s worried somethings gonna go wrong in preventing him marrying you today, but I shoved a paper bag in his hand and told him to breath, Ben and Harriet are with him right now to prevent him from trying to see you early and any nervous breakdown stuff” you laughed a bit as Uma’s long explanation and shook your head.
“That’s adorable” you chuckled, opening your arms a bit as CJ and smee twins ran into the room, CJ slamming into your side as the twins latched to your legs and hips. “Hello you three, what's up?”
CJ opened her mouth in an attempt to speak when Harriet yelled her name from outside the room. CJ pouted and squeezed your waist, dragging her feet as she walked back out to the main deck.
“Was-was that CJ??” Emma asked, stepping towards you and staring wide-eyed at the door where CJ had gone through “She looks so different than the animated show”
“Everyone does, but didn’t you see her yesterday at the rehearsal?” Emma shrugged and you laughed, patting the Smee twins back and nodding at the small table that had been set up with multiple chairs “You two sit down while we get ready, you’ll have to leave when we get dressed though” they nodded and raced to sit down, Uma taking your snack bag and grabbing some (f/s) for them, setting it down to distract them as Uma and Jazzy sat you down at the vanity and started to work on your hair and makeup, your aunt checking over the dress and making sure it was clean and ready to wear.
You attempted to turn to look at the door as Evie entered but Uma turned you forward again “Don’t move, I don’t wanna stab you with bobby pins” she muttered, continuing to mess with your hair to get it into the style you had chosen for your wedding.
“Okay okay” you laughed, looking at Evie through the mirror as she appeared behind Uma, smiling at your reflection. “Hi Evie~”
“Hi (y/n)~” she sang back, going to work on your hair to help Uma as Jazzy got your makeup ready to use “You ready for today?”
“As I'll ever be” nerves had started to buzz, sending butterflies throughout your body “I just want to be married to him already, and now I gotta wait like six hours to say ‘I do” Evie and Uma laughed, Evie patting your shoulders gently.
“I’m sure the hours will go by quickly, and before you put on your dress you need to look at the main deck décor, Harry went to go look at the reception hall so he’ll be off-ship for a small bit.” You nodded gently against Uma’s amble fingers, pinning your hair and styling expertly.
“Gil took the cake to the reception hall too, so everything is set up there, FG will be here about two hours before the ceremony, guests will arrive about an hour before and then~” Evie leaned down, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and pressing her cheek into yours “You’re married to Harry~”
“I’m gonna be honest, I never thought I’d see the day” Uma laughed, smirking as you and Evie looked at her with raised brows “to see Harry get married, he’s always been someone that everyone thought he would grow up without anyone, too rowdy, too rough, too wild spirited to be ‘tied down to anyone” Umas smile turned sad “then again, we all thought love was something worthless, weak…I’m glad you came into our lives (y/n), you taught us, especially Harry, that love is a strength, and one of the greatest things a person can know” you sniffed, quickly rubbing away the tears burning at your eyes and twisting around in your seat to hug Uma tightly.
“Aww” your friends, aunt, and Evie cooed, turning away as Uma gave them a look. You squeezed Uma and pulled back, giving her a watery smile.
“Thank you” you whispered, laughing as Uma wiped away the tear rolling down your cheek.
“No, thank you”  Uma patted your head and twisted you back around “Okay, enough sappy shit let's get you ready to get married to Harry!”
“Hey, that rhymed!” Emma cheered,  setting up mirrors on the table for the bridesmaids to get their hair and make-up ready.
“Let's do this!” you laughed as the girls cheered and got to work, putting on make-up and doing their hair as Uma continued to get you ready.
“Harry, breathe” Harry glared at Harriet as he paced around the cabin he had been in for the past hour, (y/n) was in the captain's quarters, getting ready for their wedding and all he wanted to do was burst in there and smother her in affection.
But no one would let him as apparently, seeing the bride before the official reveal meant bad luck, and Harry didn’t want any of that for their marriage. “Harry really” Ben grabbed Harry's shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile “you have nothing to be nervous about, Uma made sure the weather will be perfect the entire day, (y/n) loves you to death, you love her to death, everything is ready. This day is going to go great” Harry took a couple of deep breaths and slowly nodded, giving Ben a small smirk.
“Thanks, beasty boy” he mumbled, rolling his neck and stepping in front of the standing mirror, grabbing his cravat and tying it around his neck, Harriet and Ben talking in the background. He smoothed down the front of his black with red trim vest, corrected his sleeve cuffs, and took another deep breath.
He glanced at the clock, closing his eyes a bit and groaning.
12 pm.
Four hours left.
Dizzy and Celia rocked on their heels, waiting inside the captain's quarters as the ceremony drew closer. “Okay, guys!” Evie clapped her hands, drawing the attention of the bridesmaids and groomsmen/best maid. “You know the order and drill, Emma you'll walk out with Jay, Carlos with Jazzy, Ben with Lily, Gil with (BFF name), Harriet with Uma, and CJ you’ll be walking with the twins! Celia, Dizzy!” the two looked directly at Evie “You’ll be walking out just before (y/n) and Tonks, laying the petals on the pathway towards Harry before (y/n) takes her walk, okay?” they both nodded, Celia giving Evie a thumbs up. “Awesome~ okay!!! It's time~!! (y/n)-oh, my goodness~!!”
Everyone gasped and went silent as you stepped out from behind the changing screen in the corner of the room, the dress had been just as beautiful as when you last put it on, but now it was joined by your veil that gently flowed behind your head down to your waist, your hair elegantly pulled into (preferred hairstyle for wedding stuff), your face was painted with light yet alluring makeup, lips a softer red than your natural lips and shimmery (e/s/c) accenting your eyes with a curling wing finishing it off.
“Oh, my, evil” Uma gasped holding her hands to her chest as she stared at you wide-eyed, Evie walking up to you and looking over your dress to check for any makeup stains. “You look amazing (y/n)!”
“Thank you” you whispered, trying to keep the tears from ruining your make-up, laughing as Evie came to the rescue with her handkerchief. “Thank you” Evie smiled at you, pulling back and looking towards the door as the music began to play.
“Okay! It's go time! Go go go!” the groomsmen and bridesmaids all got into a line, Evie opening the door and letting them through, smiling as she spotted Harry staring directly at her, adjusting his shirt collar slightly as the wedding party made their way down the isle.
CJ grabbed onto the twins, one on each side of her as she walked out next. Evie smiled at you one last time and walked out of the room, quickly going to sit down with Mal and Jane as Celia and Dizzy skipped out into the isle, laying down the petals as a pathway for you to Harry.
Mal nodded at Harry to Evie, Evie cooing as she saw Harry's teary eyes filled with excitement and nervousness. “So cute” Evie whispered, gasping and turning as the wedding march began to play, the captains quarters door opening, and Evie heard Harry’s breath stop as you and your aunt stepped out.
The sun that was beginning to set illuminated you beautifully, your face set in a soft watery smile as you looked to Harry, who was crying. He wiped the tears streaming down his face, a bright smile on his lips as he looked at you. Harriet bumped his arm and handed him a tissue, Harry quickly drying his face and tossing it back at her.
Tonks kissed your cheek and held out your hand to Harry, who stepped towards you and eagerly took it, drawing you closer to him and taking a deep breath “Yeh…yeh look beautiful” Harry whispered, taking your other hand as you handed your bouquet to Uma.
“Thank you, you look very handsome” you whispered back, lifting one of your hands to rub your thumb against the red fabric of his black and red tailcoat. And it was the truth, Harry laughed a bit and wiped another tear off his cheek, FG smiling brightly as you both turned to her.
“Are we ready?” she asked gently, nodding as you and Harry looked at each other softly “Then let's begin” FG opened her book and smiled at the crowd, her eyes sparkling with Joy “Today we celebrate the union of (y/n) (l/n) and Harry Hook, on behalf of the bride and groom, thank you for joining us. By your presence, you celebrate with them the love they have discovered in each other, and you support their decision to commit themselves to a lifelong relationship.
Marriage is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection. By making this commitment today, (y/n) and Harry’s relationship will become stronger, better, and deeper.
Today, (y/n) and Harry demonstrate their devotion to each other by dedicating themselves to a life together and they show their respect for each other. By setting forth to honor the vows they have created today, their lives, which began on separate paths, will be joined as one.”
You could feel the tears burn in your eyes as FG spoke, laughing quietly as Harry blinked away his own tears, hands clutching tightly onto yours. You looked to the side a bit, feeling another pair of eyes on you, and smiled as you saw Persephone and Hades, sitting at the back and watching the wedding. She had never quite explained why she was so invested in your relationship, but you never really bothered to question it either, just happy to be with Harry.
“Deep abiding affection, the magical and compelling shared impulse that makes us seek each other’s company, is among the greatest gifts of the human experience.” FG’s voice came back into focus as you looked back at Harry, reaching up and cupping his cheek as tears continued to streak down his face, wiping them away with your thumb, you heard some of the crowd coo as you did so, Harriet once again offering a tissue.
“Any of us who has been fortunate enough to find and express the kind of loving devotion that we are celebrating here today knows that it is an awesome and beautiful thing.
At this time, I would like to share 3 suggestions with the both of you:
My first suggestion is this:
Be constantly grateful for this precious person who has chosen to make a life with you.
My second suggestion is this:
Be generous with compliments.  Be attentive and helpful. The world can be a tough place and any of us can be subject to rough handling.  Each of you can, by your tenderness toward each other, kind words and thoughtful actions, make your marriage and your home an uplifting refuge.
Last, but perhaps most importantly:
Make truth the unfailing bedrock of your lives together. A happy, loving marriage is built on trust and respect. That trust and respect can only be sustained if you are both deeply committed to always being open and truthful in every exchange no matter how small.
My hope for you is this:
That you have many long years to delight in each other’s company, to feel gratitude for your great fortune in having found each other.
To a make home together that is at once sheltering and welcoming, to each do meaningful, productive work at home and in the world and to love and be loved by the friends and family who have come here today to support you”
FG smiled, letting you and Harry face her before she continued “(y/n) (l/n), do you take Harry to be your lawfully wedded husband, and travel the rest of life’s road with him? Will you love him, laugh with him, comfort him, honor and protect him, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?” you rapidly nodded, squeezing Harry's hands, giving him a bright smile as your voice wavered.
“I do” FG nodded, looking to Harry as he sniffed and quickly rubbed his face as you gently laughed.
“Harry Hook, do you take (y/n) (l/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife and travel the rest of life’s road with her? Will you love her, laugh with her, comfort her, honor and protect her, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?”
“I do” Harry's voice cracked as he spoke, making the crowd laugh quietly and coo again as he nodded along with his words, taking a wobbly breath as you tilted your head and smiled at him.
FG nodded again, looking down at her book before looking up again “And now, they shall say their vows, I've been told you’ve written your own?” you and Harry nodded “All right then, who would like to go first?” “ I will” you spoke up, taking back one of your hands and sticking them into the dress pockets, Harry gasping a bit in excitement
“Pockets~” he cheered quietly, biting his lip as you grinned back at him.
“Pockets~” you cheered back, opening the paper with your vows and taking a deep breath. “Three years ago, I fell into this world…literally” the crowd laughed, Bonnie and Desiree clapping a bit “and the one thing I didn’t expect was to see you, but I knew the moment I saw you that it was going to grow into something, but I didn’t know then that it would be love.” You bit your lip as Harry sobbed lightly, bringing up his free hand and wiping his cheek “I grew up thinking I would never find someone for me, I thought I would end up alone with twelve cats and fifteen dogs” Harry snorted at that, biting his lip “but that all changed when I saw you for the first time. And I knew that I was going to be by your side for the rest of my life, either as your friend or as your lover. I have never felt a deeper love for anyone else in my life, you are my sadness and my joy, but most of all you are my love. I promise to always protect you and your sisters, I promise to always love and cherish you, I promise to eat any leftover Brussels sprouts that Harriet makes you eat” Harry laughed, Harriet behind him rolling her eyes “I promise to always be there for you, and I promise to love you from now to the end of time, and just a little bit more”
You let out a small coo as you looked at Harry, who was softly sobbing and attempting to wipe away the tears that were streaming down his cheeks again. “Fuck” he mumbled, laughing as Harriet patted his back. “My turn I guess?” you and FG nodded, Harry taking your hand again as he took out his vows from his pockets.
“um, when-when I met yeh” Harry's voice cracked as he started, laughing a bit as you reached towards his face and wiped another tear away “I didn’t know I would love yeh this much, I didn’t know how much I would come ta care about yeh, but I’m so damn happy yeh came into meh life, and I know that I would be in a very different situation and I would be a different person without yeh. Yeh protected meh from meh father and so many other people who tried to hurt meh, yeh accepted my sisters and friends as yer own family even before we got together, yeh have been by my side since before we even really knew each other, and when-and when yeh stayed up with me all night when I had one of my nightmares, that was when I knew I loved yeh. But-but”
Harry sniffed, wiping another set of tears away as his voice cracked “I dinne know how much I loved yeh, until I lost yeh for almost two years, I-I love yeh so much that I was in physical pain when yeh were gone, and I could only breathe again when I saw yer face again for the first time” you gasped for breath as tears almost spilled from your eyes, but Uma quickly handed you a tissue and you saved your makeup, you let out a breathy laugh and looked back at Harry, giving him a blinding smile.
“I-I never thought I could feel so much for a person…as yeh…and-and I just desperately need yeh ta take care of meh because I’m a mess all the time” you laughed, squeezing Harry's free hand as you stepped slightly closer to him, staring into his bright ocean blue eyes. “I-I wrote a whole thing” he nodded down to the paper he was holding, the crowd laughing a bit as he crumbled it up and shoved it back in his pocket “But it's long and repetitive”
He took your other hand, giving you that smile that you oh so dearly loved of his “and ultimately, I just want ta promise yeh that I will love you forever…I will always show yeh affection, I will always be happy ta see yeh no matter how hard the day was, I will always be sad ta leave yeh when I have ta do first mate stuff fer Uma” Uma chuckled behind you, dabbing her eyes with a tissue “I will always care for yeh, if yeh are sick or hurt. I will always celebrate you and celebrate with yeh when yeh are happy. And most importantly, I promise ta be yer best friend…because yeh are my best friend” Carlos smacked Gil when he made a small noise, Gil laughing a bit as he did so. “And all of these things are promises I have ta make, but I have no intention of ever not making. Because I love yeh so much and I’ll never stop.”
You took a wobbly breath, squeezing his hands again and looking to FG, who was dabbing her eyes quickly. “Ah yes, of course, the rings?” Skipper and Sterling stepped forward, both holding a small red box in their hands. You took the box from Sterling while Harry took the box from Skipper, Harry patting Skipper's head before the two joined their father in the crowd.
“Now” FG started, turning to Harry “Harry, repeat after me;” he nodded, taking the ring out of the box and cradling your left hand, the golden band shining against the sun. “ With this ring”
“With this ring” Harry repeated softly, staring into your eyes, smiling as he slid the ring onto your finger.
“I am giving you my promise,”
“I am giving yeh meh promise,”
“to always love you,”
“ta always love yeh,”
“cherish you,”
“Cherish yeh,”
“honor you and comfort you.”
“honor yeh an’ comfort yeh”
“ I promise that I will love you”
“I promise that I will love yeh”
“and keep my heart open to you”
“an’ keep meh ‘eart open ta yeh”
“All the days of my life.”
“All tha’ days of meh life.”
FG nodded, turning to you and you repeated the same words to Harry, sliding the golden band onto his ring finger, intertwining your fingers as you did.
“(y/n) and Harry, we have heard your promise to share your lives in marriage. In the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done here today, and in accordance with the laws of the state of Auradon it is my honor and delight to declare you henceforth to be husband and wife.” You beamed at Harry, jumping in place slightly as your favorite part was only a moment away “You may now kiss the bride” you grabbed the lapels of Harry's tailcoat and pulled him into you, sealing your marriage with a passionate kiss, Harry's arms wrapping around your waist and picking you up off your feet as the wedding party stood and cheered, some of the crew popping off confetti poppers.
FG beamed as you and Harry pulled apart, stopping for a moment to stare into each other's eyes “Everyone~!” FG called out, clapping her hands together as you and Harry faced the crowd “May I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Hook!”
An hour later, everyone sat in the reception hall, you and Harry sitting in the middle of the table at the front as your main wedding party surrounded you, Harriet on Harry’s left as Uma sat to your right, the Smee twins enjoying their macaroni and cheese as they ate dinner with their dad. Dizzy and Celia sat with Evie as they ate their chicken and potatoes, Mal chatting away to Evie as they sipped at their sparkling cider.
Harriet tapped against her glass with a knife and stood, giving an awkward grin as she did as everyone turned to look at her “Uh, I was told it's time for the best maid and maid of honor speeches so I guess I’ll get it over with?” Harry shook his head fondly, wrapping his arm around your waist and leaning against you, bumping his head into yours as the hall went silent to prepare to listen to Harriet.
Harriet took a deep breath and looked to you and Harry “I don’t have a big fancy speech all written down so Im’ma just go for it…so when as we were growing up, I was basically Harry and CJ’s mom, I took care of them the best I could and hoped they didn’t die when they went out to cause whatever chaos they had decided on, the first time I stopped worrying about Harry was when he made friends with Uma, because other than (y/n) and I, she is the only person who can ever tell Harry what to do and he’ll actually listen” Harry rolled his eyes at that, the party laughing along.
“But there was always a part of me that was scared for Harry, that something would hurt him…that part disappeared when I met you after the incident, when uncle Smee told me someone from Uma’s crew had destroyed my father and his crew all on her own, and saved Harry from him. When I met you after that day, I had expected someone cold, someone who had only saved Harry from my father for personal gain…but I was wrong” Harriet gave you a soft smile, tears brimming at the edge of her eyes
“you were someone that- while you hadn’t known him for very long, -that deeply cared about my brother, and I could see that as soon as I saw you. And as you and Harry started to be together more often than not, I saw him grow from the little shit that always bothered me, to the young man who I am so proud of” Harry sniffed and wiped away a tear, looking up at his sister with a watery smile “Thanks to you, my brother is still around today and I’m so glad you’re the one he fell in love with, you are everything I ever wanted for him and I am proud of you both” Harriet raised her glass a bit, the wedding party following her lead “I wish you an eternity of love and happiness, to Harry and (y/n)”
“To Harry and (y/n)!” Everyone drank from their glass as Harry stood and wrapped his sister in a hug, burying his face in her neck as she rubbed his back.
“Thank yeh” he whispered against her neck, laughing as she pulled back and kissed his cheek, something which she hadn’t done since they were kids.
“Thank you” she whispered back, the two sitting down as Uma stood with her glass.
“Dunno how I’m gonna top that but!” the crowd laughed again, Uma smiling as you squeezed her hand and grinned up at her. “Um…I guess I’ll start with this, (y/n).” she looked down at you, taking a deep breath “When Harry first dragged you into the chip shop to join the crew, I honestly didn’t think much of you, even after Harry told me you outran the Gaston twins, and then when you stole Gaston’s prize trophy the next day” you glanced at Ben, snickering at the shocked look on his face “When you arrived, I had no idea how much of an impact you would have on us” she gestured to her, Gil, and Harry, then the crew.
“But I knew how important you would become to us when you came back from the Jolly Rodger after dealing with James Hook for Harry, and I’m really glad you came into our lives, especially Harry’s because, without you, I don’t think any of us would be the people we are today. Then as the months went by, and I saw Harry fall in love with you, it wasn’t until you told me where you were truly from that I saw you truly loved him back, willing to hurt yourself to protect his feelings, which still, that was stupid as fuck and I have no regrets from yelling at you about it” you snorted and rolled your eyes, hitting Umas elbow gently as she smirked at you.
“And I feel like I've already talked too long so I’ll end it with, I’m glad you and Harry are together and I love you both, and I’m so happy for you” she raised her glass, the wedding party following her lead as they did Harriets “to Harry and (y/n)!”
“To Harry and (y/n)!!”
As Uma sat down you leaned over to wrap her in a hug, Harry doing the same and wrapping his arms around both you and Uma. “I love you” Uma whispered, grinning as you and Harry whispered it back.
Soon it was time for your first dance as husband and wife, Harry leading you out to the dance floor as the orchestra that Ben hired for you got ready. The reception hall went quiet as Harry's hand rested gently on the small of your back, a small gasp escaping you as he smirked.
-I’m going to describe this as best I can but in case I don’t clearly do so, watch this as you read or just watch to get the dance/music for the first dance-
The music began to play, and Harry started to sway you side to side, then he turned, spinning the both of you around, your back facing the crowd as he looked directly at you. “They’re all looking at you” you whispered teasingly, unable to keep the smile off your face as Harry gave you that flirtatious smirk of his.
“Believe me love, they’re all lookin’ at yeh” he pulled you towards him, stepping to the side as you turned slightly and stood at his side, his other hand resting on your back again. Since you had first seen the movie, the 2015 Cinderella, you had wanted the ballroom dance to be your first wedding dance, and Harry had listened. And he was doing all you had imagined and more, having practiced the dance over and over even when you weren’t available to do so.
He pushed you back in front of him, this time his hand going under your arm, pushing it up and down in time with the music, your quiet laughter making his smirk turn to a wide grin, watching you fondly as you enjoyed your first dance.
On the fourth push, he pushed your arm over your head, leading it to a spin from you and leading your arm to rest on his chest, his hand resting in yours as your fingers caressed his face. He pushed you back out, your dress flaring as you spun before going back to him, your arm switching to the other side of his chest.
He pushed you out one last time, now holding out his arm as you spun and grabbed it, walking the two of you in a small circle as you spun in time with the cadence of the music. You spun again and grabbed the front of his arm this time, laughing quietly as he winked at you.
He gently pushed you out to spin again, your dress flaring perfectly as you linked hands and pulled each other in, your arms above your head. You did that once more before Harry pulled you into him, one arm resting on your upper back while the other held your hand. You laughed, letting your head fall back as Harry danced you around in a small circle. The world had seemed to fade away as you danced, you and Harry being the only two in the room, your hearts and soul in sync as you swayed to the music and each other.
Harry pulled away ever so slightly, grabbing onto your hand and guiding you as you spun from one side to the other, he did that three times before pulling you back into him, your back to his chest as one hand rested on your waist while the other intertwined with your hand.
Harry spun you back around, you once again facing him as he lead you around the dance floor, the guests gasping in awe as your dress flared around you and shimmered under the spotlights. Harry spun you as the music flared, laughing at the small breathless gasp that erupted from you.
He gently grabbed your hip, pulling you onto him slightly as he lifted you and spun around, your dress flaring again as he did so. You laughed again as Harry pulled you into his lift side and dipped you ever so slightly, then joining your hands again as you spun. He released your hands, the two of you spinning away from each other for a moment then joining hands again, then spinning once more.
Harry caught your hand and upper back and started to dance you around the room. as you reached some of the guests, he grabbed your waist with one of his hands and lifted you in the air away from them, smiling at the laughter that spilled from your lips. He pulled you into the middle of the dance floor, spinning both of you around as he grabbed your hips and lifted you into the air as he spun, unable to keep his smile and laughter at bay as you gasped in shock and excitement.
He set you back down on the floor, your faces only inches away from each other as he spun the both of you around one last time, grabbing your hand and waist and dipping you slowly as the music came to an end. You both were out of breath as the violins played their last note, Harry taking your hand and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles as he bowed to you, you laughed and lowered your head.
The hall burst into applause, the world fading back to normal as you and Harry excited your private little world.
Ben motioned the orchestra again as the applause died down, and they began to play fast-paced music for everyone to dance to, the guests flooding the dance floor as you and Harry joined hands again to dance.
A few hours later, the cake was cut, the dances were danced, the food was eaten, and you and Harry were all reception partied out. The crew and many of the vks had wished to continue to party the night out, so you and Harry gave them the green light to continue having fun as you walked out of the reception hall. Harry had driven you back to the ship by the ‘just married’ Mercedes Ben had gifted you for today. He pulled up to the docks and turned off the car, running to the other side and helping you out, holding much of your dress in one hand as you carried your heels.
You let out a small sigh as you stepped onto the main deck, the crew had cleaned it after your photos were taken and you and Harry had left for the reception hall so it was almost as if a wedding hadn’t taken place on the main deck.
Harry let your dress fall as you tugged the skirt away from him gently, kissing your cheek as you leaned into him “What a day” you whispered, setting down your heels and walking towards the front of the ship near the bow, leaning against the rails that faced the ocean. The sun had long since set, the moon slowly rising high in the sky as stars decorated the black of night.
Harry joined you a moment later, wrapping one arm around you as the other leaned on the rail, his hand only niches from yours as you both stared at the stars. “We’re married” Harry laughed quietly, knocking his head into yours gently as you pushed into him, closing your eyes “hard ta believe it really happened, it’s been wha’? three years since we met then almos’ a year since I proposed ta yeh?” you hummed against him, nodding.
“Yeah, it's been a while” you laughed, pulling back slightly and pressing a kiss to his jaw. “but I’m glad it happened”
“Me too” Harry hummed, pulling you closer to his side, kissing your forehead. “I love yeh”
“I love you too”
You both went silent, listening to the waves crashing against the ship and shore, just enjoying each other's company.
You pulled away from Harry slightly and looked behind you, feeling another presence on the ship. You smiled, seeing Persephone smiling at you. Harry turned, nodding in greeting to her. “Congratulations,” she hummed, looking up at the stars “what are you two going to do now?”
“Dunno” you answered simply, leaning against Harry again and closing your eyes, enjoying the warmth seeping from him to you. “All up in the air right now” “Any plans for children?” you snickered as Harry froze and shook your head.
“Not at the moment, again it's just…All up in the air” Harry hummed at that, looking out towards the ocean as he rubbed your back.
“…Question” Harry started, looking to Persephone, who tilted her head “Why-why are yeh so invested in our relationship?” Persephone paused at that, pursing her lips. “If I had to be honest? I’m not really sure, but when (y/n) landed in our world I got attached to her for one reason or another. It might be because the ember is why you are here in the first place?” your brows rose at that, tilting your head.
“The-the ember? Like Hades ember? How?” Persephone nodded, crossing her arms as she looked back toward Auradon city.
“well, you do know about the crack deep below the isle, right? The one that was very close to my husband's lair on the isle?” you nodded, Harry raising his brow, completely lost.
“I’ll explain later” you whispered, gesturing for Persephone to continue.
“Well, the crack allows magic to seep in, and the ember is a part of Hades powers, and he can control and guide souls, and I suppose some magic slipped in and affected the ember. The ember found your soul and then connected it with Harrys, and it realized you are soulmates and sought to bring the two of you together, and because it couldn’t take Harry and bring him to your world, it would take much more magic to do that, it took you and brought you here” you stared at Persephone for a moment before sighing.
“Soooo the ember is wha’ brought us together?” Harry guessed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side again.
“That’s the gist of it, it’s also why the ember brought you back on the bridge after Uma dropped it, it had full access to its powers and again, sought to bring you and Harry back together…plus I manipulated it a bit to transport you here” Persephone laughed a bit at the last couple words, giving an awkward smile.
“Thank you” you laughed, and you were genuinely thanking her, because without her influence you and Harry might have never been able to meet or get married.
“You’re welcome…now I think I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone, and again, congratulations” you and Harry waved her off as she disappeared in a cloud of pastel green and pink smoke.
You and Harry smiled at each other, Harry leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips before pulling away, both of you turning to look at the moon.
“So what are our plans fer the future?” Harry quietly asked, moving his hand to intertwine with yours.
“Well,” you started, pursing your lips as you glanced along the ocean, seeing some mermaids in the distance. “we could explore the world, or stay in Auradon, we could have kids soon or we can wait, or just not have any.”
Harry laughed, bringing up your hand and kissing your palm “Well, I’m up fer anything with yeh as long as I can be a part of yer world”
“Oh, Harry” you cooed, gently taking your hand from his and cupping his cheeks, smiling at him. “You are my world”
Harry gave you a teary-eyed smile, his eyes closing as you leaned in and kissed him.
Now we can walk
Now we can run
Now we can stay all day in the sun
Just you and me
Forever be
Part of your world
-The End~-
Wow…wow its-its actually finished…the original part of your world has been fully written. Almost 3 years of writing has come to a close, I started this in October 2018 and finished in May 2021, it has been 2 years and 7 months since I first posted the first part of this series, and honestly, it's weird to look back and see how much my writing has improved.
Well, this is the end of our journey, Harry and (y/n)s story is finished, this is open-ended so if you want to have kids with Harry you can, if not then you don’t, if you want to travel the world with Harry or not, it's all up to you, it's your story now. (that doesn’t mean you can continue writing the story just imagine it okay *yes I had to write that, some people would take the ending and decide to write their own continuation without my consent and I didn’t want to risk it*)
Again I am planning on revising and rewriting the first two parts of this series (Part of your world and Reprise) and then rewrite the first 15 parts of Encore cuz I feel like I need to so the old writing can catch up with the new writing. But ill be holding off on that until I finish Rewrite-POYW, which if you didn’t know is an AU of this fic that I have been writing since last year, and it's ongoing at the moment. The mini-series is being posted and written right now and it leads up to D3, which will be posted in August.
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @rintheemolion​ @verboetoperee​
@imtryingthisout​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
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