#to believe and still support the war based on that belief
anexperimentallife · 11 months
The Gaza genocide is going exactly according to the US Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian agenda, with which they hope to wipe out all Jews and Muslims
To anyone raised in the US Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian Dominionist movement in the US, the horror and inhumanity, the genocide Israel is engaged in against Palestinians right now is not a surprise. We all KNEW this was coming, and those of us who got out of the movement we were raised in have been trying to raise the alarm for decades, mostly to either deaf ears, or accusation of antisemitism.
(Because, they would say, "if you don't support Zionism, and stand behind everything Israel does, you must hate all Jews!" Ignoring that many Jews all over the world--yes, including many Israeli Jews--do not support Israel's foreign policy.)
Because everything in the orbit of Israel is going exactly to the Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian Doomsday plan--a plan that has been OPENLY talked about in Fundie circles since I was a little kid being indoctrinated into it.
In case you're not familiar, let me break down the Fundie thinking here:
Their support of Israel and embrace of Zionism is based around their beliefs that:
a) the return of Jews to Israel, and then Israel/all "unconverted" Jews being completely wiped out in an apocalyptic war, is essential to Jesus' return.
b) but that any nation that DIRECTLY opposes Israel will fall even if they defeat Israel. So that in order to fulfill prophecy, they must
c) set someone ELSE up to wipe out Israel/the Jews.
(To go into more detail: They believe that "the Jews were God's original chosen people until Christians took their place in God's favor when the Jews denied Jesus." But that God is still attached to his former faves and will punish anyone who wipes them out--thus the entire fundie idea is to get someone ELSE to do it, then serve as "the instrument of God's vengeance" by genociding the genociders.)
So they support Israel's increasing violence intentionally to create greater and greater conflict and turn more of Israel's neighbor states against them, meanwhile fostering the idea that with the power of the US backing them, they cannot fail.
And here's their next planned phase--maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually
Once things reach a tipping point, the Fundies (currently the single most powerful force in US politics, thanks to ANOTHER multi-generational plan openly talked about in Fundie circles, which was specifically designed to put Fundies amd their allies in powerful positions) will force the US to pull support from Israel so that its neighbors can destroy it, then use that destruction as a pretext for their own genocide against remaining Muslim/Arab (there is little distinction between the two in their minds) peoples.
Christian Fundamentalist support of Zionism has always been about the elimination of both Jews and Muslims, and bringing about a Christian/Capitalist (aka fascist) world.
They emphasize that they LOVE Jews, and maybe don't even entirely HATE the "evil Muslims," but that this is "God's will," and that they have no choice but to obey. They'll even shed crocodile tears about how sad all this is, but believe me--they are CELEBRATING inside. They are OVERJOYED, because they think this will bring about the Rapture, the end of the world, the Thousand Year Reign, and all the other crap in their shitty Doomsday prophecy.
(This is also their excuse for every other group they are trying to destroy. "Oh, I personally have nothing against the gays, but I have to follow God's will. Plus our children need to be protected from their recruitment efforts." During slavery, then segregation, Black folks were often said to have "the mark of Ham, meaning God said they were DESTINED to be slaves because of Ham's sin. Oh, WE'RE not saying it; GOD is!" See also: child marriage, and lots of other talking points.)
Don't believe me? Ask around on the EXvangelical tags. Listen in at some of the more conservative churches in your area. There are a lot of us who were raised being brainwashed with these ideas and had to deprogram ourselves.
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33446699 · 2 months
Red flags in tarot/astrology readers:
Readers who do 18+ ,love readings on minors
Readers who are biased in their readings
Readers who answer invasive questions
Readers who answer NSFW questions about celebs
Readers who are racist or cultural appropriate
Readers who impose their religious or political or social beliefs on others
Readers who accuse any celebrity of knowing or doing black magic or hexxing
Readers who are passive aggressive, or literally cursing or lashing out on people asking them questions or to other readers
Readers sharing moodboards in which FS (appearance , connection, description)of a celebrity , weirdly matches with their own appearance , connection or vice versa
Readers who act childish
Readers who act like they know it all
Readers who believe/ say only their readings are accurate 100 percent,and other readers are wrong or not accurate
Readers who use AI for their readings but don't mention it
Readers who are extremists or part of organisations that are extremists
Readers who support genocide or war in any region of the world in any form
Readers doing readings( games,free,paid) how relationship will be like between a particular celebrity and their fans (friends , romantic) as it increases delusional behaviour and strengthens parasocial relationship
Readers who answer questions related to divorce/ death
Readers who answer questions related to cheating
Readers who are friends with delulus or themselves fall in stage 2,3 of Parasocial relationship
Readers who are hateful to a particular celebrity and their FS for no reason and drag them for it
Readers who assume gender of FS of a celebrity without giving the reason why they feel /believe so
Readers who assume sexual orientation of a celebrity by themselves and readers who are shippers
Readers who say that what they dream is 100 accurate only the interpretation can be wrong ( dreams can be normal sometimes) ,or readers accusing other people/ readers on basis of dreams
Readers having whole blog discussions based on dreams , judging everything related to a celebrity or their FS everything on basis of dreams
Readers who tell that a particular celebrity or FS is tired of being read on ,or people discussing their love life but still continue to do so
Readers rejected by a celebrity or FS energy many times and continue to read on that celebrity or FS
Readers being too invested in a specific celebrity personal life ,or FS ,having discussions on their blogs for weeks or months ( parasocial relationship type 1)
Readers dedicating their whole blog or almost whole blog to one specific celebrity or their FS
Readers supporting or having fan blog for FS of a celebrity
Readers saying a celebrity has children ( if unmarried) when the celebrity hasn't/ hadn't mention anything about it
Readers who completely deny the possibility without reading that FS or partner of a particular celebrity can be of certain age , religion,country ,status , appearance,race, professionetc
Readers who do readings on a celebrity or their FS too often , ( every few days or weeks ),or doing too many tarot readings in one day ( energy draining)
Readers creating possible birth chart of a celebrity FS ,or describing every little detail of a celebrity chart using astrology
Readers who encourage drama,create drama, controversy in tarot, astro community
Readers doing readings on rumors
Readers body shaming celebrities or their followers
Readers diagnosing a celebrity or their FS ,or their followers ( even worse if not a doctor)
Readers answering same question multiple times whether ( for example jungkook has met his FS or not , will cheat or not , divorce or not ) ,for views ,followers ,or to feed curiosity, Delusions of their followers
Readers who claim to be FS of a celebrity
Readers who label a celebrity as playboy
Readers who sexualise a celebrity or their FS and give weird sexualised nick names to them
Readers who promote,share reading fanfics ( increase delusional and parasocial relationship)
Readers saying that a particular celebrity is delulu when they are doing their job
Readers acting like they know a celebrity personally and having discussions how they should act in relationships or friendships according to what they think ( no tarot or astrology )
Readers being bully themselves or supporting celebrities who are bullies,readers who mock and bully other readers ,their followers , or readers supporting convicted criminals..
Readers getting angry or making fun of ,if anyone ask them questions about possibility of that person being FS or having a connection with the celebrity instead of answering politely
Readers whose main focus is only love life of a celebrity with few to none readings on a celeb career ,goals , achievements etc
Readers being too specific in details in their readings for FS physical appearance ,country ,zodiac sign, ethnicity,race, age ,religion ,profession anything which tarot,astro can't tell precisely
Readers who answer every question they get about a celebrity or FS ,with no boundaries with themselves and their audience,and disrespectful of the boundaries of celebrity or FS they are reading on
Readers saying a certain celebrity FS readings are done on them
Readers who switch on their words often ,doing the very things they criticise others for
Readers who request their fans to do reading on a particular celebrity or their FS if that celebrity or FS energy rejected reading by that specific tarot reader
Readers sharing no feedback at all ,or sharing no feedback from their personal readings,the only feedback is about celebrities they read on
Readers continuously deleting and creating blogs ( content is precious and it creates trust issues between a reader and audience)
Readers forcing their advice on people they read tarot for
Readers saying someone has dark aura ( without giving reason why )
Readers advising people to follow tarot, astrology in everything in life ,or saying they can't change anything about future
Readers behaving like every ask or every question is delusional
Readers saying a particular celebrity or FS is on their blog (without use of tarot or astro)
Readers whose energy feels off
Readers who are performative activists
Readers who infantalize a celebrity
Readers saying that the person any particular celebrity will marry won't be their main FS
Readers stealing content of other creaters ,readers
Readers who don't take positive criticism well
Readers directly or indirectly supporting saesangs, discuss,share it do readings on content leaked by saesangs
Readers who don't mention what cards they got in their readings
* This is what I believe and think ,in the end everyone is free to follow and like any reader they like ,no one is forced to agree with me ,lot of the points are linked to the followers ,will discuss later
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
By Michal Herzog
It is not that condemnations of gender-based violence by Hamas have been weak or insufficient – there have been none at all. Statement after statement by organizations like UN Women, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) have failed to condemn these crimes. They failed us, and all women, at this critical moment.
As a woman and a mother, my heart goes out to women and children in Gaza suffering the consequences of the war started by Hamas. I believe they deserve aid and support. But this does not mean the erasure of the atrocities committed by Palestinian terrorists on October 7. The silence of international human rights organizations, and the unwillingness to believe Israeli women in the face of overwhelming evidence has been devastating.
For the Israelis who have always been on the forefront of the fight for women's rights worldwide, this was a moment of crushing disappointment. A disappointment shared with me by one of our most prominent women's rights advocates, Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, a former CEDAW vice-chair.
"I knew it would be difficult to get them to issue a reasonable statement," she said of the UN committee in a Harvard Medical School video conference., "but never did I imagine that when faced with such undeniable atrocities – given the very purpose for which they have been established,– - that they would actually resort to not acknowledging it at all."
Ignoring the "unprecedented, premeditated and extreme cruelty of the sexual violence committed by Hamas," Prof. Halperin-Kaddari added, meant not only failing Israeli women but failing the entire international human rights system. "I still am a believer in this system. But this was a huge blow to this belief."
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queenvhagar · 5 months
"Average Team Green fan is bastardphobic" "Team Green thinks irl bastards are worse than other people" "Team Green fans are bad people because they actually don't like bastards"
Not sure if y'all know this but... fiction is not real life, and recognizing or discussing the actual dynamics of a cruel and unjust fictional world as it is written by the author does not equal an endorsement, promotion, or adoption of those elements or beliefs as they exist in that fictional world or in real life.
In real life, I and likely most if not all Team Green supporters could care less about the institution of marriage as one of making legitimately born babies. Personally I don't care if your parents were married to each other. Many people don't get married and still have families together. Children are children, people are people. Luckily in the modern world, in many places, having children out of wedlock is not really even that much of a taboo anymore. People can do what they want as long as they're happy. If I get married and/or have kids ever, that's my own business. I have no specific duties expected of me by my family or the world and the messages coming from society that I as a woman need to be married and make babies before I get too old? I can just ignore that. Nothing happens if I do.
In the fictional world of ASOIAF though, this is very clearly and unequivocally not the case at all. Westeros is obsessed with blood and bloodlines. Blood brings power. Blood continues power. The blood and the name together bring power. Great houses intermarry to bring themselves more power and alliances, under the agreement that the next generation will share the blood of their parents and families and that blood will preserve their power and status as it has for generations. This is essential to feudalism and the way that power and inheritance works (in Westeros and in the real-life history upon which it was based).
This is why it's such a taboo to have or be a bastard in Westeros, and why it's illegal to try to place a bastard in the line of succession. Marriage alliances are built on the principle that the trueborn children made from those matches will come from those particular parents and pass down that particular family's blood. If someone without that blood tried to claim that name and power, people would view that as the family losing the power they've held for generations. They would see it as an injustice. Wars would be willing to be fought over it. It's an indisputable fact that in this world trying to place a bastard in the line of succession will lead to bloodshed. This is especially the case for the Iron Throne. If you don't agree, read the source material and rethink how this world views women, bastards, bloodlines, and the right to the throne.
I'm not sure when people started thinking that the discussion of in-universe conflicts and issues as they exist in fictional worlds actually reflects on an individual's real life personal values or feelings. People knowledgeable of the world of ASOIAF criticize the character of Rhaenyra for birthing three obvious bastards (while she is already on rocky political ground as the first woman named heir) and then attempting to unsuccessfully gaslight everyone into thinking they are legitimate heirs despite the opposite being so clearly true. This criticism stems from knowledge and awareness of the world, beliefs, and laws of Westeros (that Rhaenyra herself also knew but believed herself to be the exception to). Yet when people point out how dangerous or stupid it was of her character to do this, knowing everything that is known about the world of ASOIAF and this specific conflict, suddenly stans feel the need to defend the vision of her that exists in their heads (one incorrectly furthered by the show's adaptation of the character as a modern feminist girlboss who can do no wrong) and make up fake scenarios or claims about the world of ASOIAF or about the critics to support their incorrect takes.
Saying Team Green fans, those who are not a fan of Team Black, or those who criticize the show's adaptation are bastardphobic in real life is similar to those Team Black stans who claim that Aegon's actor is a morally corrupt rape apologist because he plays a character who got written to be a rapist (likely after he was cast, by the way) or people who say authors shouldn't write a scene about murder or murderers because it endorses or promotes such behavior. Y'all really out here rewriting the Hays Code and essentially campaigning for censorship of media because you can't distinguish between real life and fiction. It's crazy that media literacy is at such an appalling state, though unfortunately it's clear that certain forms of internet fandom have really exacerbated issues that have already existed. Now, any character can be shoehorned into specific categories or types or memes that fit their understanding of media and those who disagree or desire actual thought, complexity, and analysis to go into stories or characters apparently shouldn't have a voice or platform to express their point of view, or if they do, it means something about them as a real-life human beyond this person is interested in discussing the story.
I've previously expressed that despite the fact that I love this story as a truly a morally gray conflict with gray characters that tells a rich sociopolitical story of a family tearing itself apart for power, and despite the fact that there are no winners, heroes, or correct sides to this conflict, I would call myself a Team Green supporter. And largely this is due to the lack of media literacy and understanding of the source material that the writers and general audience (see: uncritical Team Black fans) seem to have and the absolutely insufferable ways that they seem to constantly want to demonstrate to everyone that actually they're right and correct in their surface-level takes.
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thewriterg · 1 year
𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐀𝐛𝐜𝐬
pairing(s);hobie brown x fem!reader, hobie brown x male!reader
summary; you see the title!
word count; around 2k
warning(s); everyone mentioned is 19+, smut.
A/n;—GIFs; @cowboysfuck— The debates going down with the age of everyone in atsv has me shaking in my boots so just know Hobie is a good and legal yummy adult in this 💀
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Being completely and totally honest, babe he’s not cleaning you up.
I know the truth hurts but we have to stop the lies :(
If you meet him at one of his sets or the pub something like that? He’s viewing it as a quick fuck
He’s. A. Whore.
I mean we all seen that slutty ass waist right!?
He’s ran through! 😔
but I’m gonna feed into just a little 🤏🏽
If you happen to be in a relationship/fuck buddies he’s definitely a little more caring
After you both finish hes spooning you pawing his loads back in your cunt when it begins to seep out while lying kisses and bites up you shoulder that will darken by sunrise
Or you’re on top of him your cock slightly twitching inside of him acting as a plug so none of your cum is leaving him hes definitely panting feeling so full of you you as your head rest in the crook of his neck him rubbing his palm over your head down the nape of your neck
He’ll throw the blankets over you both maybe give you some water from the water bottle that sat on his nightstand for a week
🕷️Body Part
Hobies favorite part of you isn’t a body part but your beliefs!
Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions he supports that much BUT
If you can have your own opinion and stand on it!!?
like could see the opposing sides argument take it into consideration and still go to war for your own personal value
On his knees.
He’s that one viral sound where’s its like;
“And I’ll be there for them. With open arms, open legs, and a open mouth 🙂”
Is definitely dropping to his knees to give you head in the next fifteen minutes no matter where
The wrap up of todays lesson he’s just not into shallow people
His favorite part of himself however is his hands more specifically his fingers
If he need to learn a faster tempo place for a song he’s trying to learn you’re going to be his study buddy
“You’re helpin’ me so much thanks lovie” He muttered his index and middle fingers working at a god like pace in and out of your holes beginning to work you up to three as you tried to blink the dots out of your vision moaning at a pitch
He finally got down the song <3
Anywhere on your body where he can visibly see
For my girls he’s definitely going for the boobs he’s a tittie man!
For the guys he’s still going for your chest/stomach area
Cum on his face!
Soon there will not be a drop left
hes gonna be that “I eat it all” cat meme
“Gonna c-cum on you’re pretty fucking face, you fucking s-slut” You’re groaning while he’s looking up at you with his big puppy eyes your clit bumping against his nose or when his mouth finally reaches the base of your angry cock whining against the length massaging your balls while being hard as a rock himself a puddle of pre cum resting on his abs
🕷️Dirty Secret
Goes perfectly with the whole not believing in consistency
I can’t picture Hobie sticking to one roll anyway 💀
I will gladly die on that hill alone if I have to I don’t care.
One day he’s bending you over in a alleyway forcing your hands on a brick wall muttering about how much of a fucking whore you are for dressing in that wife beater your nipple poking through the thin fabric and getting him hard
Next day he’s pathetically humping your loafer/heel under your desk while you have a meeting on your laptop above muffling his loud whine against your leg before you feel his tears on your leg when you shrug your foot away from his aching cock ruining his orgasm
Take this with a grain of salt if you please
You can not sit up here and tell me him and his band members haven’t fucked at least once
This band specifically! Turn down your volume 😟
that story however is for another day
He has a dick piercing.
A Prince Albert one maybe?
He did it himsel
“Feel tha’ cold ‘ittle bar in your pretty ‘ole?” He would groan pressing down on your abdomen where he can feel himself bottoming out of you before thrusting in deeper than humanly possible grabbing your jaw forcing you to stare into each others soul as he fucks you deep
He’s is/was a whore depending on your relationship
He’s ran through, passed around, fucked out.
Loves when you show you’ll always be his best though
“Can’t hear you speak up whore” You hissed wrapping your hand around his neck lifting him up causing his back to arch pleasure painfully as you stop ramming into his hole causing him to whimper as you cock/strap stills in him
“No one f-fucks me like you do, please” He’s whining pathetically moaning in relief when you continue abusing his hole tears slipping past his eyes down to his cheeks
🕷️Favorite position
#1 Missionary!
It’s where either of you can get the deepest
“Look a tha’ feel me in your fuckin’ belly?” He would groan taking one of your hands pressing it against your abdomen as his cock moves in and out of you slowly hitting you spot repeatedly with your ankles crossed against his back
#2 Spooning
Has a lot of lazy mornings of when he’s waking up hard
You happened to already have the same idea 🙀
(#1 somno partaking couple)
Hobie would whimper in his sleep as he felt something warm around his cock and pressure on his lap of you backing up into him wouldn’t wake up until about the third time you’d lower down
In the mornings/where he doesn’t really have a sense on mobility or surrounding is where you’d easily pull the most noises from him
“You feel s-so good, so good birdy”
He’s cumming quick.
Other than like a crack of a smirk?
I’m not really getting a goofy vibe from Hobie
Probably would just tease the fuck out of each other
His hair down there is curly and coarse he’ll trim it every once in a while but other than that doesn’t really bother
Most definitely does not give a flying fuck if you decide to shave or not
“Maybe another night ‘bee I didn’t get to shave”
And he’s just like
| \_
“Your point?”
The thought makes him cringe internally
He can get down with it though but it’s mostly saved for important dates like anniversaries, birthdays, achievements, etc.
If you aren’t that intimate of a person that’s even better
But sometimes just take the time out to pull him aside slipping your hands down his jeans and into his boxers gently stroking his cock running your thumb over his slit whispering about how proud you are of him
“You’ve been doing so well I’m so proud of you”
DIHERHBRRIDIN he’s brain dead you murdered his brain into mush
🕷️Jack off
Will when he’s on a mission that takes longer than expected will probably take a video muttering how much he misses you while stroking his aching cock
But something else?
He can be a good boy when he wants
Put a cockring on him tell him if he lasts all day he can get a reward?
Struggling hard asf but will not touch himself cause what’s better than being your good boy!? ‼️🦅
Probably almost everything in the damn book but here are his mains
#1; Praise/Degradation
Just the right amount of both driving everyone up the wall
“Look at you takin’ my cock like a fuckin’ champ, that’s wha’ sluts do isn’t that right?” He mutters flash light kissing your skin as he records you on his phone pushing the back of your head down on his dick as you gag around the bask saliva and precum all around your mouth and cheeks
#2; Slapping/Spanking
I’m getting heavy rag doll vibes
Will purposely get you rilled up and jealous before slipping away before you can reach him essentially a game of cat and mouse
when you finally catch him you’re grabbing him by the back of his neck to a bathroom or alleyway
“You wanna be a fucking whore I’ll show you what they get” You hissed and he’s more than aroused as you pull down his trousers him thinking he was about to get the roughest railing/fingering of his life just for you to land a harsh slap on his ass!?
Rock hard.
“Please ‘m sorry, please” Would end up crying cause it hurt yet felt so good
brain was foggy asf
When you deemed it enough for now you pulled his pants back up dragging him back to whatever function you were at ignoring his subtle gestures to get you both back to his side place
You force his ass to go sit tf down somewhere 💪🏽‼️🦅
Smirking like a mf when you watch him subtly groan feeling the distance stinging pain on his ass while trying to get through the conversation
#3; Being/having a cum dump
This is kinda icky for some people and I get it so read with caution ⚠️
Not only is he going to fill you up!? He’s going to plug you up .
Will literally make you go out all day with your cum in him
If you’re a spidey?
Will have your walking around the spider society looking a bit “bloated” little does everyone know you’re literally plugged with Hobies loads
Or when you’re at home will come behind you and rub his palms over your full belly
But sometimes he need to be check so switch the roles
How this would happen is, he would talk big shit and place a bet of who was gonna cum first when both of you had a vibrator pressed against your designated places
He lost.
Would definitely try to hit you with that “I don’t believe in loosing 🙄” shit
A bet is a bet
And so
For a whole 24 hours both of you having to go on a mission that day he had dildo shoved up his ass
It’s very funny seeing him slightly limp when he walks as the fake cock sits snugly in his ass kissing his prostate at any slight turn or bumb in the road or when he turns the corner too sharply while swinging
by the end of the day HES DEAD.
would definitely do it again
When you hype yourself up or carry yourself with confidence!?
Hobies like
Gets off on it so quick
This might be a little controversial and me self projecting but
Do not pull his hair.
His wicks are very delicate and as POC Caribbean native/Black to be specific not a big fan when it comes to messing with our hair
Scratch his back, slap him, spank him, choke him, anything else but pulling his hair.
Oral fixation
On some rough nights where he can’t sleep!? His moth will end up on your clit/cock
Is a Cock/Pussy drinker!
Holds down your thighs when you cum and he keeps going to keep you from retreating or bucking your hips
Gives head for his own pleasure tbh
Will fuck you anywhere and everywhere grinning like the god damn chesire cat
We’re gonna get more into this in ‘Risk’
Behind stage before he goes on will without a doubt have you propped up against something fingering you at an alarming rate
“Gotta make sure my fingers don’t cram up yeah?”
What we’ve all been waiting for 🙀
You’ve probably fucked all over London and New York if you’re a spidey person lmao
One of the most jaw dropping places you’ve both had sex was probably the top of an abandoned building as the sun was beginning to set
“See tha’? Almost looks as pretty as you lovie” Hobie muttered thrusting his cock into your hole as your hands grip onto the railing moaning breathlessly before he groans from behind
Then probably an alley
“Shut up before you get us caught, but you would like that wouldn’t you?” You hissed your back pressed against the cold stone wall while Hobie thrusted into you hips bucking occasionally letting out a too loud whine
If you’re a spidey you’re really just talking because your senses would guide you to when someone’s coming or not
Hobie usually is able to sense it to but he’s seems too fucked out to even care
“Baby we can’t there’s to many kids around here”
Hobie is the #1 🗣️ “FUCK THEM KIDS” cheerleader
Does not, will not, still can’t not seem to give a single fuc-
You have made him cut band practice short more times he cares to count
‘3 attachments 1 video’ just something to get you through until practice is over <3
Coming home to you with a pep in his step
He has and will send you videos of him jerking himself off when either of you are on missions or if you’re at work
“See how fuckin’ hard I am for you birdy? Cock misses you s’much we need you” You can hear his gruff voice cracking behind the camera as he strokes his cock running his thumb over his slit
He will send you whimper audios once every blue moon
anyways both of you guys are yummy!
Yes, yes, and yes
I have plenty examples already
So we’re just going to leave this as yes
Tbh he has a fuckin VARIETY
Stop I need to go now 😔✋🏽
The biggest fucking tease ever
If you can keep up with him it’s for the greater good if you can’t, you must be left to the wolves 😖
One time you came home from Work/patrol tired as ever and he was on you the minute you were in the door
“Not tonight hon I’m too tired” You muttered taking your shoes off my the door followed along by your jacket etc
“I’ll do the work you can just flop down and star fish it out” You we static at the thought
Just for this mf to deny you at least four time before you fucking lost it flipped positions shoving his face in the mattress all tiredness out the window
“Said you were gonna take fucking care of me but since you wanna be a little whore we’ll see how you like it”
It was a long night
Hobie can be very vocal when he wants Mewls, moans, cries, whimpers, whines you name it
He knows his sounds get you off but sometimes he’ll be an asshole brat and keep them from you
But you’ll fix that shit up real quick I believe in you!
🕷️Wild Card
🕷️X ray
He’s definitely a shower!
7.5 inches 8 when he’s hard
Mark him up
Hickeys, hand prints, bruises he needs it all
Does the same for you
Especially if you’re a spidey the bruises won’t stay long with your inhuman abilities
So y’all are running back to each other when they quickly begin to fade
Hobie thinks he’s nocturnal
He’s not sleeping on the normal night so he’s not really sleepy on a intimate one either before he met you
Only time he’s really knocked is if he was in a subier space
Which he’s commonly in
So you’re putting him to sleep one way or another
Oh wow funny seeing you here after two weeks 😅
I have so many drafts of my baby Hobs
Anyway if you could answer the poll down below much would be appreciated!
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hero-israel · 7 months
Last week, in my Discord group of about 60 lifelong friends (and I mean really lifelong, danced-at-the-wedding, phone-call-for-the-divorce friends), one person posted a "from the river to the sea" meme they'd found on Twitter. I made clear that it was a huge problem, that person apologized and deleted it, everyone else seemed supportive and understanding.
And surprised.
Because none of them - not ONE of them - had ever heard the term before, nor knew what the river or the sea were, nor had any clue it could possibly be seen as threatening. That included the person who posted it in the first place. These are all college graduates, some of them with post-college degrees, all liberal Democrats who agree with everything John Oliver ever said.
The discussion went as well and as supportively as it possibly could have, but I am still floored by how.... remote the topic was from all of their lives. Including how remote it was for other Jewish members of the group (though I can't help but notice that those other Jewish members are unaffiliated and don't have kids).
I bring this up because it shows that social media really can exaggerate the scale of threats we perceive and experience. And if you had told me that more than a week ago, I would have cut you off and said "Of course, I know that, I'm not naive" - but it still would never have occurred to me that it could reach such a degree. How constantly reading updates on war and hate and protests and threats really can give a distorted and inaccurate picture of the world.
One time on Reddit, I noticed a pro-Palestine account that was positively obsessed with the "boogaloo boys," a purported sub-set of white supremacists. This person mentioned "boogaloo boys" probably 80 times a week, in the context of how their racial civil war was about to begin and would target Arab-Americans first. And it really began to look weird - a focus beyond their importance. I'm sure nobody would ever want to meet a "boogaloo boy," of course, but I also think this person made more posts about that group than the number of members there are in the actual group.
Has anyone outside age 18-23 and outside a college campus ever met a member of SJP? They're pretty horrible people, but they go tabling right next to all sorts of splintercranks who dissolve once you graduate.
There is a real perceptual, emotional downside to seeking out hatred and threats so one can announce "Aha! Look at all this hatred and threats!". It is not only privilege that allows people to avoid some problems and conflicts - it can also be demographic, political reality. It is important to know who hates and threatens us - and also to remain members of "the reality-based community." Internet discussions are not real life, college campuses are not real life, internet discussions among college students are the least real of all.
Scott Alexander touched on this - how certain political beliefs can be avoided even without conscious effort:
According to Gallup polls, about 46% of Americans are creationists. Not just in the sense of believing God helped guide evolution. I mean they think evolution is a vile atheist lie and God created humans exactly as they exist right now. That’s half the country.
And I don’t have a single one of those people in my social circle. It’s not because I’m deliberately avoiding them; I’m pretty live-and-let-live politically, I wouldn’t ostracize someone just for some weird beliefs. And yet, even though I probably know about a hundred fifty people, I am pretty confident that not one of them is creationist. Odds of this happening by chance? 1/2^150 = 1/10^45 = approximately the chance of picking a particular atom if you are randomly selecting among all the atoms on Earth.
About forty percent of Americans want to ban gay marriage. I think if I really stretch it, maybe ten of my top hundred fifty friends might fall into this group. This is less astronomically unlikely; the odds are a mere one to one hundred quintillion against.
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tobi-smp · 10 months
you know, I think the thing that made c!phil's writing kind of janky and discordant is Also exactly what makes cc!phil's Strength as a roleplayer
the best way to put it is that phil is the epitome of Yes And. wilbur tells him to kill him and it was a Choice, there was no script that told him that wilbur Had to die that night. but wilbur asked him to and so he did.
wilbur Also asked him to look after tubbo and tommy, So He Did. he fought for l'manberg on the 16th (fought Against dream and techno), and agreed to become a part of l'manberg's government as a mentor figure.
but techno was his friend and they wanted to spend time together when they were online so why be anything else in lore? of Course they're old friends, of Course they spend time together.
the problem arise when there's Conflict between these two groups. because phil Must choose what to do and say and believe at any given moment, to justify Why he would choose to do whatever it he is about to do. but at the end of the day that choice Mostly comes down to what would be cool or fun or interesting in the moment.
and I think ! that there's absolutely nothing wrong with this, and it's actually a Really good mindset to have in the context of this kind of roleplay. and it worked really well early on. it's Interesting that phil Would have a completely uncomplicatedly loyal relationship with techno right away when he Did explicitly stand against him on that first day. it Says Something about their relationship. maybe even implies that they've fought each other before, but it doesn't impact their relationship with each other.
the problem is when it starts contradicting and Twisting and being weird. mainly when it comes to characters that he Both has major conflict with And want to have a positive relationship with him. it becomes a question of Why phil would do something that would hurt them if he cares about them.
after all, it's not just hurt feelings, it's war. even if they had no Intent on killing anybody, it still Could Have ended with people dead.
and again ! that's not an inherently Bad Thing. it actually opens to the door for a lot of interesting character conflict and introspection !
phil is a Very old being, his best friend is famous for being unkillable, his wife is Actually Death who casually possesses him sometimes. having phil be somewhat out of touch with humanity in a way where he doesn't Really understand the emotional weight and Danger of what he's done would make sense ! and of course, that's just one possible explanation that could be replaced with or coincide with another reading.
but it's all complicated Further by there being a very strong ideological bend to the conflicts he's involved with. because it Feels like for him to engage with said conflict Meaningfully he must weigh in with his own take on the ideological conflicts. he's playing a supporting role to technoblade after all, and on paper his entire character Is one big ideological conflict.
but what phil's ideology actually Is shifts to suit whatever story line he needs to support at a given moment, rather than being set in stone First with his role in those story lines being chosen based on a preexisting belief.
and honestly I really Don't blame cc!phil for this, because On Paper the jump in justification for these supporting roles he's played don't look very different. and in fact, you can See where one follows the conclusion to another.
but "choose people" above all else, to the point of being Shocked that tommy might hesitate in the conflict with dream that has the weight of protecting the entire server riding on it, really Does Not gel with whatever happened on doomsday or with letting dream out of prison.
moreover, it only highlights a conflict in ideology between phil and techno. the use of violence as default Even Against active allies or people who'd been considered allies 5 minutes ago doesn't seem to gel with whatever phil had going on in the post-prison break out era.
having phil enable dream to torment tommy during doomsday feels very contradictory to phil's shocked offense that dream would torment A Child the first chance he got after breaking out.
and again ! none of this is inherently a Flaw, it could all be very interesting as set ups for character conflict and as an examination for phil's Own character flaws. having contradictions like this isn't inherently Bad writing when it can so easily be Interesting. open up the door for Richer character writing.
the problem isn't even that none of this was intentional at the time that it was happening, but rather that nobody really seemed to notice it at all. so rather than it being used as a tool to bounce off of For that character examination and conflict. it just kinda. Is.
I think ! what phil needed, and what the server As A Whole needed, was stronger Direction. it's what made the early arcs work as well as they did, because Everyone knew the what the core story Was and could figure out ways to cohesively bounce off of them.
the revolution, the elections, the civil war, they were all Strong skeletons with clear factions and ideologies at play. and so even when people were doing their own things it all Felt Cohesive.
and of course, the dream smp Stopped having a key writer for the those big plot moments with the intent of giving people more personal freedom in their writing. but I think it only served a Lack Of Identity. people who didn't already have a stake in the key conflicts that were already on the server struggled to find their way into them. and struggled to find relevancy Without them.
and I think this was felt the most in the way that people were both afraid of stepping on anybody's toes while Also getting in each other's way like a football field.
like, I Loved tommy's death and resurrection arc. and the sheer Surprise of it and the aftermath was truly incredible to see.
but it was also Weird that people weren't given the chance to react to it on their own terms. like, why did they plan the syndicate meeting months in advance just to have it dropped on them with no way to prepare for or modulate their responses?
phil and techno's reactions to tommy's death are So Weird when we consider their relationship with him both before And After. and it's difficult to reconcile because it's Understandable that the cc's didn't want to derail their planned lore to make it About tommy's story line. But It's Not Like We Can Pretend It Didn't Happen Either.
and there's lots of ways that people have tried to reconcile this, lots of ways that I've even personally Enjoyed. but in terms of what's actually In the source material It Just Kind Of Is.
phil cares about tommy, he wants to guide him and protect him because he recognizes that he's a child in a dangerous position, but he also laughs when he hears dream beat him to death in prison and he also laughed while dropping bombs on tommy's head with dream at his side. and these all just kind of Are.
I can't even tell if this is all weirder before or after canon sbi was retconned.
and so these inconsistencies tug at all of the major story beats that phil's character is involved with, all while all of them Mostly work well in isolation. and it's so easy to see how this could've been avoided with stronger direction and story planning.
in other words, It's Dream's Fault.
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cosmicjoke · 5 months
Okay, so, I just got an ask in my inbox from someone bitching at me for "defending" Erwin Rommel, the German general from WWII that some people think Erwin is based on or inspired by. They said "I can't believe you would defend Erwin Rommel because of a mid anime. He turned against Hitler in 1944 because the war was turning, not because he was against Fascism". Needless to say, I'm not going to play into this morons game by actually directly answering them, but I do want to make a point which is important to understand.
Because here's the thing that idiots like this don't get. The morons like this, that want to accuse AoT of being antisemitic, Fascist propaganda, they say all this shit while laboring under the belief that the Eldian's are "meant to be Jews", and because they can turn into Titans, Isayama was making some nefarious insinuation that Jews are actually monsters.
This is so stupid, it shouldn't even need to be addressed, but I will anyway, because some fuckers need to get their heads out of their assess.
First of all, nothing in AoT is meant to be a direct or 1 to 1 allegory of anything. It's an amalgamation of different historical events all meshed together. Second of all, none of these people seem to want to acknowledge that the closest group the Eldian's resemble, in reality, are the Germans, not Jews. It doesn't even make sense for Eldian's to be seen as Jewish, or as a stand in for Jews, because everything about them, from their history, to their names, to their culture and architecture and religious beliefs, resembles German and Germanic culture and history, including the German's historically warmongering ways. Remember, the Eldian's started off as a warring, Viking-like tribe of people who went around conquering other tribes of people. And the arc of the Yeagerist's eventually coming to power most resembles how the Nazi's eventually came to power, through the German people being horrifically oppressed and punished for the outbreak of WWI through the Treaties of Versailles, something we see reflected in how the Eldian's were eventually punished for their warmongering, cut off from the rest of the world, isolated and stolen from. Even if Erwin Smith is inspired by or based on Erwin Rommel, how does that in any way, shape or form indicate some Fascist or antisemitic agenda on Isayama's part, when Erwin Smith clearly isn't meant to be Jewish, but in every way resembles a German man? Let's suppose he is inspired by Rommel, again, it only supports the likelihood that the Eldian's are meant to be German, not Jews, and so the entire crux of these fucking moron's argument, that Isayama is being "antisemitic" because the Eldian's can turn into titans, completely falls apart, when the people that can turn into titans aren't meant to be seen as Jews, but clearly more obviously resemble Germans. Further, Erwin Smith is a fictional character. Just because he was inspired by a real-life historical figure doesn't mean he's meant to be that historical figure. While Erwin may share some superficial aspects with Rommel, Erwin is still a fictional character, and possesses multiple characteristics that differ immensely from Rommel in every way. People don't seem to understand that inspiration for a character or theme doesn't mean the character or theme is meant to be a direct representation of the thing that inspired it.
Further, one of the main themes of AoT is that we all have the capability to be monsters. Eldian's being able to turn into titans isn't meant to be seen as some sort of condemnation of their race. We aren't meant to hate them for this. The entire idea is that people, all people, can be monsters, their having some weird, magical ability to turn into titans having nothing to do with it. The Marleyans were just as monstrous as the Eldian's ever were in the way they treated people, in the things they did, in the agenda they pushed, and in their warmongering. They couldn't turn into titans, but they were every bit as bad, every bit as capable of evil. Again, the ability to turn into a titan isn't ever meant as any sort of statement as to the nature of the Eldian people. It's human nature itself that is framed as the real monster. It's also important to note that the Eldian's turning into titans wasn't ever something they wanted or which they chose to do. They were forced to turn into titans, either by the former rulers of the Eldian Empire, or by the Marleyan government, both of which utilized them as weapons against their wills. The Eldian people subjected to this were never meant to be seen as monsters, but as victims. We were always meant to feel sympathetic toward them for being used and forced against their wills to do something they had no say in or wish for. We see their persecution clearly framed as a bad thing, a very bad thing, which ultimately leads to tragedy and untold destruction and death. We see the prejudice against them clearly framed to be something wrong and evil, the very thing which ultimately leads to Marley's own demise. Again, if you want to make some sort of direct comparison to real, historical events, this all clearly resembles what happened with Germany and the rest of Europe after WWI, with the German people being convinced that they were being denied their god given destiny and right to exist through the extreme punishment exacted upon them by the rest of the world. Nazism and the National Socialist Party took hold because the German people felt deeply wronged and persecuted, which they were. The entire country was practically destroyed by the harsh sanctions and restrictions placed on it. The reaction from the German people in real life is something we see reflected in the Yeagerist's eventually coming to power and exacting their "revenge" on the rest of the world through their support of Eren. The Eldian's were, just like the German people, unduly punished and made to suffer for the wrongs of their past government and rulers, and eventually grew resentful and longing for the days when they saw themselves as glorious and powerful. We see this reflected earlier on in the story with Grisha Yeager's extremism and his belief that the Eldian empire should be restored, etc... His and the Yeagerists desire to take back what was once "theirs", spurred on by excessive punishment and cruelty and persecution from the rest of the world. This, again, all resembles Germany, and what happened with Germany following WWI, with the rise of Nazism and Hitler. How people can miss this is beyond me. They're so fucking stupid, and ignorant to boot. The rise of the Yagerists was never meant to be seen as a good thing. I don't care how many dumb fuck Yeagerists there are in the fandom, or how many morons try to make excuses for Eren's actions, the story plainly frames his actions and the Yeagerists taking over Paradis as a horrifically bad thing, one which leads to unspeakable tragedy and destruction, just like the rise of Nazism did in real life. Anyone who's read or watched AoT would know this. But then, I think most of the people that actually believe AoT is some sort of fascist, antisemitic propaganda haven't ever actually read or watched the manga or anime. If they did, assuming they have any, actual functioning brain cells, they would know how absurd and nonsensical such a belief is.
And once more, I reiterate, nothing in AoT is meant to be seen or taken as a direct or 1 to 1 allegory for any, real life historical event. Isayama was clearly inspired by multiple sources and multiple parts of history when he crafted his story. But it's still a work of original fiction, which is it's own thing, and which can't be taken as some sort of political or ideological statement on anything in real life. It's a self-contained work of art which, while it may have some resemblance to real life events, isn't and never was meant to be seen as an allegory for those events.
Anyway, that's all I'm going to say on this matter.
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thatdebaterguy · 7 months
Forcing Beliefs
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I saw this post here, and clearly they think what they're doing is spreading a good cause, but god they've done it so wrongly. The entire reason of wars stems from different opinions. Hamas believes Israel is some hellish creation that should be wiped off the face of the Earth, Israel thinks it has a right to exist. Saying that's a debate that actually exists genuinely blows my mind, that a country's right to be sovereign and exist peacefully is debated, because barely any Israel supporters say Palestine should be wiped out, but a scary amount of Palestine supporters call for the death of the state of Israel.
It's a debate. I believe strongly that my stance is correct based on morals, facts and evidence, but I don't deny people their right to oppose me or believe Hamas is in the right. Even if Hamas are literally terrorists, I'll let anyone debate that. Also using the 'silence is complicit' argument has never worked in history, when German's just wanting to get through their lives under the Nazi regime weren't out protesting, it doesn't mean they wanted the death of all Jews, they just didn't want to die a horrible death for voicing it. In fact, the way people push supporting Palestine is very similar to the way the nazis were, since many people who speak up and say Israel is in the right, could lose their jobs, their social status, friends, family, get told to kill themselves, just for a difference in opinion. If I was part of a certain fanbase, or even better, if I was queer, and started voicing my opinions for Israel, I'd be called a fake member of the community, a traitor, an oppressor, told to kill myself, and be isolated from that community entirely.
I can't speak for all Israel supporters, many of whom think differently to me, but if you support Palestine, I'll watch movies with you, joke with you, play games with you, go on walks with you, go to restaurants, as long as you aren't some brainwashed incredibly headstrong supporter who refuses to acknowledge any difference in opinion. If you can even just tolerate that one difference, I'll happily get along with you.
One thing they're doing though, they're linking things like supporting Palestine with supporting human rights. I had a teacher who ran the debating club I was part of who taught us the basis of logical argument. An argument can be logical without being true, and the structure went like this; IF you support human rights, AND supporting human rights makes you Pro-Palestine, therefore you MUST support Palestine. I'm a literal example of why that framework is logical, but untrue. I support human rights, innocent victims of war, victims of genocide, but not Palestine. It's a way to rope in more people to their cause, by trying to play on peoples emotions rather than logic, to make the idea of refusing to support Palestine, an alienating, racist, bigoted thing to do, which just isn't true. Don't let people bully you into having certain beliefs. Form your own logical argument that IS true and contains evidence, to base your opinions on. For example, IF genocide is defined by the purposeful extermination of people based on race, ethnicity or other categorical factors, AND you accept that definition of genocide, as it is in the dictionary, therefore you MUST accept that Israel is not committing genocide, because based on the very definition you said you believe, it simply isn't happening, and if you agreed with that definition, then still believe that Israel is committing genocide, then your opinion is illogical and factually wrong, so either you believe they aren't committing genocide or you change the definition of the word, OR try debate that Israel is attempting to wipe out all Palestinians, to which all I have to say is, IF Israel has a weapons arsenal that could wipe out Gaza in minutes, AND Israel is attempting the extermination of all Palestinians, therefore Gaza MUST currently be flattened to the ground. Which it isn't. It really isn't that hard to debunk. Don't get brainwashed.
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anarchywoofwoof · 11 months
i keep seeing people bring up the "treatment" of queer people in Palestine and i don't feel like arguing today, so i'm not going to expand on this significantly but: if your opinion as to whether or not a people deserve genocide hinges on whether or not they support queer rights, there's a chance you were never going to really care in the first place.
this is what people mean when they say that they've got you fighting a culture war to prevent you from fighting a class war. not every society is created equal, nor do they grow at the same rate. a large portion of the literal children living in Palestine don't even have a concept of what LGBTQ is, much less the wherewithal to discriminate against queer people. they're too busy watching their homes be turned into rubble.
if you're reading this, there's a decent chance you live in the first world and as a person who identifies as queer and lives in the first world, i need you to understand that the way we prioritize self-identification and furthermore, our survival, is much different than that of your average Palestinian. it is senseless to expect progressive thinking from peoples that have been the victim of untold, brutal crimes for a hundred years and that have repeatedly had set their society back decades by conflict and destruction.
your belief in the rights of your fellow human being should not be contingent on whether or not they sufficiently represent who you are or your values. it should be based on the idea that no one deserves to be persecuted for who they are, where they are from, or what they believe in. there are plenty of people in this world that i don't see eye to eye with and who are antithetical to my values. i would still step up and speak in favor of the preservation of their humanity if necessary. this is what it means to be a better person.
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sixty-silver-wishes · 6 months
with regards to the iran/israel situation and literally any other humanitarian situation that's going on right now, I just want to re-iterate some of my stances on current events:
I do not believe in wishing death on anyone. no matter anyone's identity or beliefs, I think that everyone should be entitled to basic human rights. I will NEVER advocate for statements calling for the mass death of civilians of any country, and detest seeing such statements made as jokes. I don't want to see "death to (country)," "burn (country) to the ground," "(country) needs to be nuked," etc. if you make those statements, think about what you're saying. we should not believe ourselves to be entitled to who gets to live or die. that is genocidal rhetoric.
WAR IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT. by that I mean I'm tired of people who have never experienced war treating it like fictional media. it's not strictly good vs. evil, it's not a sports game where you pick your favorite team. people die in war. and of course that seems obvious, but ever since the russian invasion of ukraine, I've seen people online, usually westerners with no connection to either country, treating a global conflict with devastating civilian consequences like fandom. express your support for ukraine by raising awareness for humanitarian causes, supporting ukrainian businesses, or learning about ukrainian culture and history, not making volodymyr zelensky thirst traps, goddammit. (and yes, I remember the volodymyr zelensky thirst traps. those were indeed a thing.) war is not meme fodder and entertainment, especially for those who are fortunate enough to be removed from it.
I do not believe in generalizing entire populations based on the actions of their governments. yes, of course there are civilians that support a government's actions, and there are civilians who oppose them. there are israelis who oppose the actions of the israeli government, russians who oppose the actions of the russian government, americans who oppose the actions of the us government, etc. the minute you generalize all civilians under a certain government as holding the same beliefs, you risk promoting rhetoric that is also used to justify ignorance and bigotry in best-case scenarios, and genocide in worst-case scenarios. people are not monoliths, and treating them as such can lead down a dangerous pipeline of attempting to justify the extermination of entire populations.
just because a government is committing atrocities doesn't mean the governments opposed to it are absolved of atrocities. powerful governments are not generally interested in human rights; they're interested in gaining as much influence and power as possible. ukrainians and palestinians are both suffering, but the international governments that claim to support either group of people are only doing so to support their own self-interests, such as global prominence or economic gain. we should not be cheering for the iranian government just because they oppose the israeli government; the mahsa/jina amini protests happened for a reason.
whenever there's a war, civilians always suffer the most. for those of us removed from war, we're removed from the full extent of this suffering. nowadays, with the rise of social media, we are able to witness atrocities in real time, but seeing videos of mutilated bodies and hearing the testimonies of survivors still doesn't equate to witnessing such atrocities firsthand. I don't believe that we should actively seek out graphic or distressing footage in order to alleviate any feelings of guilt, but we should treat these situations with extreme sensitivity, because we're not the ones experiencing them.
this goes with point #1, which is sort of where all of these points ultimately stem from, but I don't believe the killing of civilians is ever justified. even if one believes the ends justify the means, the lives of those people don't stop mattering.
please, going forward, let's be sensitive, compassionate, and kind. we need to be open to learning about different perspectives, as well as history, culture, and current events. there's already been so much suffering in the world in these last few years alone, and for those of us who are privileged enough to be removed from this sort of suffering, it's our responsibility to do our best not to make it worse than it already is.
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fantasyinvader · 3 months
Encountered this recently.
Remember the empty throne symbolism? I mean, the game's title screen literally features an empty throne. The base of Buddha's empty throne is adorned with images of deer and lions, each with their own meaning. The top of the throne isn't adorned by an eagle, but rather a garuda. The garuda is the enemy of the Naga, snake men, and represent the spreading of Buddha's teachings.
Now, we do have the former Black Eagles fighting against Those Who Slither in the Dark, the Agarthans, in SS/VW/AM which would tie into the symbolism, them killing the snakes and helping the the teachings of Sothis, the real Enlightened One, return to Fodlan. TWSITD are also known as the Agarthans,which in mythology would identify them as Asuras. This is backed up by the personal class of Shez.
The Asuras are said to be addicted to wrath, deception and violence, unable to resolve problems without that last one. They are also compared to eagles, flying high and looking down on everyone else. The world of Asura's in Buddhist teachings is one of egotistical pride, compelled to feel superior to all others as they value themselves and devalue everyone else.
In Byleth's support with Hubert, Edelgard is likened to an eagle.
Edelgard, who talks about getting rid of classes but still puts herself above everyone else as the Emperor. Edelgard who believes that only she can save the world, and will do so regardless of how much blood needs to be spilled so that she can get the world she wants. Edelgard, who is depicted as manipulating those around her to serve her ends. Edelgard, whose talk of merit involves her taking credit for Byleth's. Edelgard who goes to war against the Church while canonically ignoring the influence the Agarthans had on the imperial nobility, blaming the Church and their teachings for the nobility's corruption even though her ancestor abolished the Empire's branch of the Church over a century prior.
All of this because Edelgard hates the world as it is, idealizing a version of history told to her by her father... who was a puppet of the Agarthans.
The symbolism is pretty blunt all things considered. The Eagles can become like Garuda in the good routes, or follow Edelgard. The game already used the animal path symbolism for her route, indicating that they've lost their humanity and ability to reason doing so, but it sets Edelgard apart in that she's something different entirely. She's an asura, no different than the Agarthans and her victory results in the world being shaped by the beliefs they instilled in her.
Where Buddhist teachings would call the Black Eagles foolish for following her per the animal path, they would call Edelgard perverse for the Asura path. Likewise, the paths to the animal and asura worlds, alongside hell and that of hungry spirits, are called evil paths in Buddhism Dimitri isn't just calling you out on being ignorant and not understanding what you're doing, he's calling you evil in Safflower.
Edelgard and the Agarthans are both the path towards evil, as they're really no different from one another. But the game also uses symbolism reflection attraction for Edelgard, meaning that despite being a villain she's supposed to be one that can draw people into serving her.
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alicent-vi-britannia · 10 months
One of the many reasons why I prefer Kalulu and consider it the best ship for Lelouch is because of the positive influence that both exert on the other and that the opposite willingly accepts. Something that is fundamental in relationships.
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On Lelouch's side, it's several things. Through Zero, he gives her beliefs based on justice, equality and freedom, he gives her a purpose to fight (I won't say objective so as not to confuse it with the other narrative concept), and he gives her hope for a better world and determination to keep forward. Kallen said that if it weren't for Zero she would still be a terrorist until the day she died.
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On Kallen's side, we have that moment in episode 7 of R2 where she urges him to go back to being Zero. Fanboys criticized Kallen, calling her selfish and only looking out for her own interests. The truth is that Kallen tried to do what Lelouch at the end of the episode did: give him new motivation to keep going and that motivation was to discover a motivation bigger than himself. Kallen is a selfless person. Therefore, she alludes to the Black Knights and the Japanese who placed their faith in Zero to remind Lelouch of the responsibility he has to them and ask them not to fail them. It doesn't quite work out, but her concern for him brings Lelouch out of his depression and he takes him to Ashford Academy where he finds that motivation that transcends him. Also, Kallen saves Lelouch from the drug trail. More points for her.
I find it pertinent and significant that Kallen is the first person to ask Lelouch to make his lies true (only Suzaku has credit for this and it's not fair). Why? Because on Kaminejima Island was where Kallen found out that Zero's entire cause was a farce by Lelouch to cover up his true intentions and reasons, and instead of breaking down, Kallen turned those lies into her own truth. She chooses to be an ally of justice, a believer in equality, and a defender of freedom. I find it admirable that, despite Lelouch's lies and him using her, Kallen isn't affected. She has enough strength to overcome her pain and the damage caused by her. That's what I call resilience.
I can't say the same about the other girls.
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It is true that Lelouch's love, kindness, gentleness, and compassion undermine C.C.'s cynicism, renew her optimism, and bring out her kindness. The problem is that C.C. repays him with dishonesty, disloyalty, abandonment and terrible advices. Don't be fooled. The advices she gives him in the first season are functional for the story, but if you review the human aspect you will see that it is harmful. Recommending that a person with trauma related to loss, who is insanely distrustful of everyone, and who protects themselves behind a mask, be isolated is not exactly a healthy idea. Nor is it appropriate to recommend that a person with post-traumatic stress disorder continue with the war, even at the great risk of developing Complex PTSD. Needless to say, she agreed to his suicidal plan to atone for his sins and that she used him for almost the entire series and never expressed regret. (Seriously, it's better to just see C.C. and Lelouch's relationship as partners in crime before it gets murkier.)
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Shirley's case is quite the opposite. She brings kindness, warmth, compassion, support, and humanity to Lelouch. She even offered him a good lesson about love. In narrative terms, Shirley increased Lelouch's likability towards us, the viewers. Except for that time when Lelouch decided to decimate the Order of Geass for Shirley, she was one of Lelouch's most positive incentives. He, on the other hand, brought her suffering, lies, some brain damage, a mental breakdown and death. I know that he didn't do it deliberately and that Lelouch suffered that pain that brought him to Shirley, however, it doesn't take away that he did it anyway. Shirley would have still been alive, if not for Lelouch. Before you attack Rolo, I remind you that Lelouch manipulated him so that he could more easily use his skills and knowledge to his advantage. Shirley's death was the consequence of using a young man who was a victim of child abuse and without awareness of right and wrong.
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I'm not going to go into detail about Suzaku and Lelouch's entire complicated relationship. I'll just say that I think it could have become a beautiful bromance, if that relationship had grown under better circumstances. I love their dynamic and the treatment and development of their relationship, but I'm not going to ignore the toxic parts and this friendship is.
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Conclusion: although Lelouch and Kallen's relationship has its little problems that need to be worked on, the damage is not serious (it could well be worse). They still have genuinely healthy and valuable moments. The two are a positive presence in each other's lives.
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f0point5 · 6 months
This may be completely left of field so don't answer this if you don't want to, but I'm pissed off and need to get this off my chest. Im sick of this f1 community and there "activism". Ive gotta give some context to what im going on about, this is regarding f1 fans and their continued belief that they are right and the drivers should be so left winged and hippie esque people.
Firstly regarding lewis and his OG insta story about the Palestine/isreal war, from my view point that wasn't taking sides that was asking for a ceasefire and peace FOR ALL. All these f1 fans and lewis fans think he's some amazing top tier moral belief guy, but he still hangs out and according to them dating some Brazilian model who has and continues to post pro isreal content, supposedly going agaisnt boy/friend lewis' moral beliefs as according to his fans. So if he's so morals based and is stance on his pro Palestine side according again to his fans who'll read anything the way they want for it to be portrayed why is he associated with her? Maybe because he's not as pro Palestine as these people think or maybe he's neutral but knew people would "rely on him" 🙄 to be the "political humanitarian" driver 🙄 nothing wrong with using your platform for the better but stop with God esque stature.
Side bar lewis' friend Shaun White settled a law suit with a alleged victim over sexual harassment claims in 2018... no one talks about that huh? Bit high horse there huh lewis. Friends with a dude who settled a lawsuit and even admitted of doing some of the alleged wrongdoings but talking high and mighty about the Christian Horner situation.
And this leads me to where my real pissed off postion comes from, lando getting ripped to shreds on tikotk for having a Starbucks drink. God forbid. "Starbucks supports a genocide" "boycott starbucks" okay but why in my town are they still packed to the rafters at each location? God forbid the man gets a drink. Honestly. These fucking fans will call out everything becuase they are in the right in everything they believe but not for one minute think about peace or just not bringing politics into everything, I've been told to shut the fuck up when I mention some genuine Antisemitism rooted hatred against lance and told I'm reaching and a Zionist bitch but these fuckers are so quick to call out lando for a fucking drink. Sometimes maybe these drivers just don't give a fuck or maybe they have personal political opinions that don't align with yours so stop thinking your in the right about every God damn thing. Lando can drink whatever the fuck he wants, the teams can have puma as there sponser, it's not that fucking deep. You wanna call out drivers for there comments on the CH issue, call out lewis for being friends with a dude just like that!!!! If you wanna say that's the standard for men than fuck me I'd rather die.
Yeah, all this.
Rip lando and his Starbucks because newsflash maybe the guy is not chronically online and doesn’t know about the Twitter mob boycott…or he just doesn’t care about his two Aussie dollars going against the Twitter mob boycott.
The witch-hunt really does make me laugh. When you realise that morality is arbitrary, it becomes borderline scary how we now encourage shaming and bullying people who don’t agree with the accepted wisdom. It’s so…1600s.
Literally just…you’re right. You’re 100% right.
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biconickyoshi · 4 months
I’m rotating this zukaang-flavored thought in my mind and figured I’d share it in case you thought it was interesting: Aang seems to believe more strongly in not killing people after Zuko joins him and becomes his friend than before this happened. In S2E1, Aang was looking into trying to win the war with the Avatar State, which he probably would have known based on what happened at the North Pole that the process could/probably would involve people dying. And then in the finale, he firmly rejects taking Ozai’s life in accordance to his/Air Nomad beliefs.
His former enemy who he spared and gave a second chance becoming his friend and ally would’ve supported Aang’s beliefs on killing and could’ve made him more confident in his worldview.
That is an interesting theory anon - while I still believe that Aang’s spiritual/cultural beliefs play a huge role in his desire to avoid killing, it would make sense that Zuko’s redemption would make him even more inclined to not want to kill, as he has first hand evidence that someone who is “bad” can change for the better.
I touched on this topic a bit at the end of my most recent fic chapter (Avatar Day) where Aang and Zuko have a bit of a disagreement about whether the Avatar (and Aang himself) should have to kill people, and Aang cites Zuko as an example of someone whose good side was able to be brought to the surface.
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jarvis-cockhead · 7 months
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Okay one person has given me an excuse to yap so:
An Overview of Moz Politics
Disclaimer this is super informal but essentially I think I've cracked the Morrissey code as to why he seems to hold so many conflicting beliefs at once. My finding is that he doesn't, actually, his beliefs just play out differently within the UK vs the US. This means a man can side with both Bernie Sanders and Nigel Farage and not be contradicting himself, somehow. Anyway. The key Moz policies to be aware of:
- Anti royalist & despises the monarchy
- Hates Thatcher
- Hates the Conservatives (I think it's very funny that in 2010 he backed up Marr on saying David Cameron isn't allowed to like The Smiths)
- Anti war (? evidence inconclusive especially recent events, this is mostly an assumption based on his 2013 criticisms of Bush for the Iraq war)
- Believes Obama should've done more to tackle police brutality
- Sexuality inconclusive but we know he supports gay rights. Criticised Trump for not having any sympathy for the victims of the Pulse shooting
- Speaking of Trump, in 2017 when asked if he would push a button to kill Trump, he said yes, "for the safety of the human race"
- Early in the 2016 election he endorsed Clinton but later praised Bernie Sanders as "sane and intelligent" and said the media should've given him more coverage
However 😸
- His views on animal rights have led him to support PETA and call Chinese people a 'subspecies' because of their treatment of animals
- Said in 2019 he thinks Farage would be a good prime minister
- 'Nearly voted' UKIP (2013)
- Doesn't like the EU, presumably voted leave
- Claimed to have nothing against people from other countries but said in 2007 that British identity is disappearing due to immigration
- Endorsed Anne Marie Waters far-right party For Britain in 2018. "She believes in British heritage, freedom of speech, and she wants everyone in the UK to live under the same law. I find this compelling"
- Supported anti-islam activist Tommy Robinson under the guise of free speech, "It's very obvious that Labour or the Tories do not believe in free speech"
- In response to racism accusations he claimed that "everyone prefers their own race"
All of this is taken from his Wikipedia page, and there haven't been any updates on recent politics, so as of right now this is all we have to go off.
Morrissey hates conservatives and capitalism, he's pro 'the people' and British heritage, and is so far up himself he'll let his animal rights beliefs turn into abhorrent racism.
His own personal description of his politics:
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The way I've come to understand it is that when it comes to British politics, since he hates capitalism, the Conservatives (and he doesn't seem to think much of Labour either), the monarchy, and seems very strong on heritage, his views align closer to working class far-right groups like UKIP and For Britain. In America on the other hand you're a bit more limited to Republican vs Democrat, and of course he isn't going to support the super capitalist Republicans. He also doesn't have any ties to heritage to muddy his choices.
His racism in relation to animal rights is it's own thing but clearly shows he has no issues with racist views.
... And that's essentially it. Probably the only Morrissey hypocrisy is him stating in 2004 that The National Front Disco is him expressing sadness and regret for anyone who joins far-right movements, when later he'll go and do... Just that. Aside from that, he's very unchanging in his principles. It just depends on the playing field.
I don't care to go into the morals and ethics of liking his music/The Smiths, he just fascinates me as a person. Do I still wish he'd get his head out of his own arse? Absolutely.
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