#to follow Jinx to Coven
anothertina · 1 year
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Coven Jinx and Eclipse Ezreal sketch
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stuckonmain · 2 years
Malleable Metals art dump lol
There's like six drawings
Idea for Y/N's Coven Ball outfit
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2. Thursday the palisman
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3. Sparrow (My version. Probably not what your version would look like unless you look like me.)
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4. Hunter + a base for your Y/N if you're in the mood to draw
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5. Hunter + me using the base as an example (ft. me when I was a girl lol)
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6. Nico Byrne Bryony (Again, just my version.) (ft. Adam's old jacket apparently? Dunno how that'd work in the timeline of the story, but don't think too hard about it lol)
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M'kay, you've made it through! Congrats. Now you know just a little bit more about the story you've so loyally followed.
(Or not. I dunno. Maybe you're just finding this in the TOH art tag and decided to keep reading. Maybe the universe is a hologram. Maybe this is being typed by a realistic AI poised to take down humanity. Maybe I shouldn't have had a cup of coffee this late in the night.)
(Fuckin' hell I use 'lol' a lot. I...I should learn to interact better.)
(Oh wait no I forgot, we sentient AI don't need no social cues. Rad.)
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chickenroost · 2 months
Witch: A Beginner’s Guide (Some Terms to Know and Advice)
Know the risks.
Witchcraft isn’t just fun and games; perks like hexes and love spells can come with a price.
Choose your path.
There’s no shortage of types of witchcraft, meaning there’s also no shortage of choices for an aspiring witch. Rather than get overwhelmed, get your bearings by having at least a basic understanding of the terms below.
Paganism: An umbrella term for religions other than the Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam that typically places emphasis on the earth and nature. Its modern-day practitioners are known as neo-pagans.
Wicca: A religion that’s perhaps the popularized form neo-paganism, thanks in large part to the so-called Father of Wicca, Gerald Gardner, who cultivated his specific ideology, now known as Gardnerian Wicca, in the mid-1900s. Whereas witches are typically thought of as women, many Wiccans are men and worship both a god and a goddess. What was initially thought of as an anti-monotheistic gesture, though, has more recently been criticized for espousing heterosexuality and the idea of a gender binary, which was, in part, what led to the emergence of Dianic Wicca, in the 1970s, for those who chose to only worship the goddess and to do so only in the presence of women—a policy that’s since proven to be problematic, as many of its covens prohibit transgender women. Ceremonial: The by-the-book practice of placing the highest value in—not to mention expertly executing—ceremonies and rituals.
Solitary: This group is made up of those who choose not to find a coven, but instead operate on their own with the type (or mix) of witchcraft that they choose.
Eclecticism: A more social route for those who choose not to stick to a particular category but instead mix traditions as they please.
*note: the above is by no means an extensive or complete list, but does provide several examples of existing paths.
Learn the terminology.
Before that deep dive, though, any beginner should have at least cursory knowledge of the terms listed below.
Initiation: The rites that put a budding witch on the path to making things official, by joining a coven after studying its practice, traditionally for a year and a day. The initiations that follow eventually allow the initiate the opportunity to become a high priest or high priestess; those with enough knowledge, experience, and dedication can become the leader of a Wiccan coven.
Coven: A gathering or community of initiated witches, usually led by a high priest and/or high priestess. If a coven is Wiccan, their meetings often involve sabbats, which are celebrations of the annual cycle of seasonal festivals known as the Wheel of the Year. (Non-sabbat meetings, such as the observation of a full moon, are known as esbats.)
Familiar: An animal-shaped spirit that serves as a witch’s spy, assistant, companion, and protector—the classic example of which is Sabrina’s black cat, Salem. Altar: A surface that a Wiccan uses solely for activities such as casting spells, chanting, and worshipping the god and/or goddess. Typically, the altar is covered in a symbol-adorned cloth, which protects it from ash, liquids, and candle wax, as well as religious and ritual items like incense, wands, chalices of water, and cauldrons.
Pentacle: A magical tool such as an amulet or talisman that often appears on an altar, and is also often confused with a pentagram—a symbol popular in Wicca and, confusingly enough, the Church of Satan, which has pretty successfully taken ownership of its inverted version. (Inverted pentacles aren’t necessarily satanic, though Wiccans have recently largely strayed from using them to avoid that association.)
Baneful Magic: A form of magic used with dark, malevolent, and harmful intentions, commonly associated with Satanism. Spells have been used for a variety of purposes but those that are specifically used for negative and/or harmful purposes are known as jinxes, hexes, and curses. ( has a history rooted in racism as well)
Séance: A ceremony used to contact spirits, including the dead, usually with the help of a medium.
Grimoire: The umbrella term for a magic text, ranging from diaries to textbooks. Book of Shadows: A Wiccan’s personal grimoire, used to store information they need, such as thoughts, recipes, and instructions for spells, rituals, and hexes.
Study up.
Even if you think you’re sure you want to proceed, it’s best to find out what exactly you’re signing up for. Before paging through your spell books, it’s wise to do your research—particularly since the modern-day idea of witchcraft has been pieced together by a mix of legends and existing translated historical documents, leading each of the pros to have a slightly different take on the subject.
Going back to the first step of knowing the risks.
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themculibrary · 2 years
Witches/Witchcraft Masterlist
A Familiar Ritual (ao3) - justanotherpipedream steve/tony G, 686
Summary: “Come on Tony-”
Bucky crosses his arms. The sleek black cat curled up on his bed continued to blatantly ignore him. Bucky frowns as he leans against the door. “You know I can’t do the rituals without your help.”
Tony flicks his ears. “Well maybe you should’ve thought of that before inviting a stinky, slobbery dog familiar along.”
An' Harm Ye None (ao3) - LinneaKou steve/tony, peggy/angie, happy/pepper, jane/thor M, 92k
Summary: “...do as ye will.”
Toni Stark, small-town witch, has served as the head of the Cravenswood town coven for a decade all the while assisting the police in occult-related crime. Between her and Detective Steve Rogers, nothing that happens in Cravenwood is too big to handle - not even the reappearance of her estranged brother... that is, until someone starts ritually murdering townspeople.
As the death toll climbs and a conservative religious group begins to cast blame upon the town witches, something monstrous begins to stir up Craven’s Woods. Faced with an unknown Craft and drawing the suspicions of the citizens she swore to protect, Toni must put an end to the killings before whatever is haunting the woods comes out into the light.
Fear lives in a small town.
Breath of a Fish (ao3) - picturecat steve/tony G, 4k
Summary: Their relationship was courteous, as it must be for any two witches who had no interest in feuding with one another properly. But to someone he could trust not to repeat his words, Steve often complained that Stark was basically a warlock, the way he carried on with esoteric nonsense and ignoring the needs of the people. For his part, Steve had no idea what Stark’s objection to him was. He knew only that the man so obviously delighted in teasing Steve that the people of their town regularly placed bets on when they expected them to come to blows.
Call Brooklyn's Best For All Your Witchy Needs! (ao3) - attackofthezee (noxlunate) steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: There comes a point where Steve can go absolutely no longer without his morning cup of coffee and he has to admit defeat, apologize to his coffee pot and go find the nearest coffee shop.
It’s when he’s halfway through his triple shot, almond milk, caramel mocha with no whip that he finds it on the bulletin board.
‘Need a witch’s services?’ is written across the top of a piece of printer paper in large letters, followed by ‘Call Brooklyn’s Best Bitches for all your witchy needs! We provide spells, amulets, potions, mild jinxes, exorcisms, stitch witchery, recipes to capture a lovers attentions (NO LOVE SPELLS!) and can even take care of your plants! Enquire today for all your magical needs.’
In which Steve's coffee pot is haunted and he needs to get a little help from magic to fix it.
Kitty Like Cushions and Puppy Kettles. (ao3) - halelujah bucky/tony T, 1k
Summary: Prompt:"i get a cold and when im sick i really can’t be around non-magic people but u show up at my door and i try to shoo u away but u come in and see my apartment but..." with sick!Tony and non magical!Bucky?
Let Me Inside You (Into Your Room) (ao3) - chaosmanor, KitChaosFic steve/bucky E, 60k
Summary: Bucky knew. He knew, and he still wanted Steve.
“I want to,” Steve said, because that was why he was there, wasn’t it? To stop trying to die? To find out how to live? To be more than the monster in his head?
nectar of the gods (and witches too) (ao3) - spacebuck steve/bucky E, 26k
Summary: Or: the one where Steve owns a coffee shop, Bucky’s a greenwitch, and neither of them are okay, but they’re trying to be.
Something So Familiar (ao3) - leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) steve/bucky G, 6k
Summary: When Bucky was seven the Training Masters told him he had no magic, no potential, that he’d never be a witch. It wasn’t a surprise. Witches came from certain families and a certain class, just like magic was sterile and ordered and familiars were obedient and servile. That was simply the way the world worked.
Bucky grew up and got on with living his mundane life, knowing he was one hundred percent magic free. Which meant it came as something of a shock when the familiar appeared in his living room, claiming Bucky was his witch. It meant the Masters had been wrong. It meant Bucky had magic.
It meant, just maybe, that wasn’t the way the world had to work after all.
Stop On Green (ao3) - Catchclaw steve/tony T, 715
Summary: It wasn’t Tony’s fault that he turned Steve into a cat.
Well, it was his fault, but it wasn’t his fault.
Storming the Witch's Castle (ao3) - JacarandaBanyan steve/tony T, 2k
Summary: The Scarlet Witch rains terror down upon the land. All who stand in her way suffer her wrath.
After his husband is captured and presumably killed by the Scarlet Witch, Steve leads a small group of fighters for one last Hail Mary shot at taking her down, once and for all.
The A-bridged Guide to Trolling (ao3) - galwednesday steve/bucky T, 1k
Summary: (Fantasy AU in which Steve is a hedge witch with a green thumb, Bucky is a bridge troll who’s new in town, and knock-knock jokes are a viable form of currency.)
The Little Witch in the Woods (ao3) - bugsandcoffee steve/bucky T, 1k
Summary: Bucky was content in his little cottage in the woods, he loves practicing magic and cuddling his cat Alpine. Then one day an injured werewolf shows up on his doorstep and Bucky finds something else to love.
Witchcraft (ao3) - MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) bucky/steve/tony T, 2k
Summary: Tony & Bucky accidentally summon a demon
Witch Hunt (ao3) - Candy_Kittens steve/bucky N/R, 45k
Summary: It’s 1735, and Bucky Barnes is being hunted down for being a witch - which to be fair, is exactly what he is.
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reviewsclown · 3 months
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
The true second Indiana Jones movie. I have no complaints it's just really good. This one's also the most comedic so far, but it's not too comedic in a way where it's bad or doesn't fit the tone of the previous movies, it works out. I'm also detecting hints of National Treasure in this movie, which I've reviewed before here I believe, you can tell the genes in that movie came from here.
Love the dynamic of Indy and his dad, they're great, lots of good moments to be had. also Sallah makes a return so that's fun.
The plot, is also good. What is there to say really. Indy punches a lot of nazis and raids a tomb. plenty of Hi-jinx ensued. There's like a prequel in the intro with young Indy having an adventure which is pretty fun, gives a short and concise backstory to some things that didn't really need it, but I guess it just exists to introduce the dad. apparently formed a spin-off tv series I'd never heard of before now.
I just don't have a lot to say about this movie, it's good. it's not like, groundbreaking but it's a good follow-up to the original Indiana Jones movie.
Final review: you should watch this, if you liked the first one, you'll like this one, you don't have to have had watched the first one, the ark of the covenant is only mentioned once offhandedly, but why not watch the movies in order yeah? Just skip temple of doom unless you're particularly dedicated.
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mybookplacenet · 1 year
Featured Post: Magically Bound by Rachel Medhurst
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About Magically Bound: "Witch, Warlock, Whatever… My name’s Devon Jinx, and, yes, I’m half warlock, half witch. But I couldn't care less about which kind of magic is better. All I want to do is keep my head down and get on with my new job as an investigator at the Hunted Witch Agency. A recent, shall we say, mistake, has put me in place to inherit the leadership of the warlocks. Which means only one thing. I have a choice to make: Leave behind my life of witchery to become a warlock, or lose my warlock magic forever. Complicating my choice is the fact that someone is trying to destroy the warlock coven. If I don't stop them, the warlocks will be annihilated. The task seems impossible until Gerard Freshwater, a distractingly handsome witch, explodes into my life. He's determined to make me see that being a witch isn't just the best option, but the only option." Targeted Age Group: Adult Written by: Rachel Medhurst Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Book On Barnes & Noble/Nook Buy the Book On Apple Books Buy the Book On Kobo Link to Series Buy the Audio Book: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Print Book: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Book On Barnes & Noble/Nook Author Bio: Rachel Medhurst grew up in Surrey, England. She writes to prove that no matter where you come from, you can be anything you want to be. Your past may shape you, but it doesn't define you. When Rachel isn't writing, she can be found reading and walking in nature. Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Facebook Fan Page Instagram Read the full article
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finally getting like...verse info in order and stuff
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Hunter & Jinx are together & have been for a few years, Hunter does not know that Jinx is a lil backstabbing traitor to the coven. Takes place during season one-two. Follows canon. jinx; || verse one; || it might be closer to despair;
Season 3. Hunter knows that Jinx has been actively lying to him. Jinx believes that their relationship with Hunter to be over, but they themself are not over it. Jinx has taken over the position of Golden Guard & tasked with bringing Hunter back to Belos, however, they've been trying to help hunter escape indirectly. Follows canon otherwise. jinx; || verse two; || you’re still a traitor;
A verse where Jinx never dated hunter, they aren’t together, Jinx doesn’t even know his name. They’re a low level guard, and fully dedicated to their own underground rebellion. They have no reason to care about people, and treat ALL people like pawns. They’re very manipulative and not careful with people’s feelings in the slightest. Season 1-3; follows everything established for Jinx just minus hunter. [note: jinx hates this timeline lol] jinx; || verse three; || pull the strings day after day;
POST SERIES (4 years post):
A few months after the defeat of Belos; Jinx was offered a position at Hexside, teaching the History of the Boiling Isles, as well as teaching in the Oracle Track. Being offered the very position that Professor Naxxremis had been fired from. At first, Jinx thought that Bump was joking, but it was clear very quickly that Bump knew Jinx better than they thought he did. Jinx turns out to be a great professor; and an amazing Oracle in general. Bump helps nurture this in Jinx over the four years after the events of Belos’ defeat. It turns out, Professor Ward can manage a classroom even better than they can manage a rebellion.
Hunter timeline additional info: Jinx & Hunter have also reconciled by the 4 year-post mark. It's been rough, but Jinx no longer puts up the false persona they created in front of him. Over all, they are healthier, happier, and get teased a lot by Luz. jinx; || verse four; || but loving you's a good problеm to have;
Anything that takes place prior to the series. IE: during Jinx’s short time at Hexside (Until they were 12-13), during Jinx’s time as a low member of the Emperor’s Coven, or before Jinx and Hunter officially got together. jinx; || verse five; || i should be the posterkid for this;
Jinx and Raine ( @scngbard​ ) are working together in their rebellion, and Jinx lowkey views Raine as a parental figure despite past trauma. Jinx refuses to call themself a ‘bat’, but they do actively help. Jinx also runs to Raine anytime they need help with something. They know that Darius & Eberwolf are in on everything, and often communicate with them as well. jinx; || verse six; || i see everyone getting all the things I want;
The verse where jinx eventually works with belos and leaves behind the rebellion for reasons. but they were a rebel at some point. They actively take the place of Hunter, practically kicking him out of his position. Jinx believes they are in the right to do this due to Belos' manipulation. jinx; || verse seven; || doin' all your witchcraft to pull me in;
Role-reversal au for jinx & hunter. Basically, jinx was raised with the intention of working for belos. Jinx was easily molded into what belos wanted given that jinx didn’t have compassion for the general population, and has no issue doing things belos wants as long as Jinx is given perks. they’re known as ‘the silver guard’, and are far more cold and cruel than anyone else. jinx; || verse eight; || you're better on your own;
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normal-horoscopes · 2 years
Before Black Sabbath changed the face of music in 1970, Coven unleashed the ‘Sigil of the Horns’, inverted crosses, and the infamous phrase ‘Hail Satan’ upon mainstream audiences in 1969. Jinx Dawson, Jim Donlinger, Rick Durrett, Michael Gregory Osborne, and Steve Ross brought psychedelic rock laced with occult and Satanic lyrics to an age that wasn’t necessarily thrilled with them; and the album was eventually pulled from shelves. However, the record is a classic and remains a major influence on music and popular culture to this day. The closing track of Coven’s debut album Witchcraft Destroys Minds & Reaps Souls was sensationalized as “the first Black Mass to be recorded, either in written words or in audio”. The thirteen-minute recording follows the initiation of a young woman into Satanism.
Hell yeah
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justperfectlygay · 2 years
Arcane characters in The Owl House head canons:
Coven: None, she is too powerful for one/ she is against the motion
Palisman: Her palisman is a Raven called Boom Boom. Ravens are associated with her frequently.
Curse?: None, she helps with Silco's but other then that doesn't have much knowledge on them.
Preferred spells?: Jinx will mainly use illusion magic or abomination preferably when fighting.
Fun Fact: Was considered a half witch especially by people like Mylo, it is her main motivation: to prove him wrong
Coven: Like most Zaun citizens, none. If forced Vi will most likely pick construction.
Palisman: Vi's Palisman would be a rabbit to symbolise her childhood toy, name is Clo
Curse?: Had one during Still Water Hold
Preferred spells: Abomination/construction fists (like the gauntlets)
Fun Fact: Was considered one of the best flyers in all of Zaun. And she rescued her palisman
Coven: Abomination Head(used to do potions/healing) he didn't want a coven at first but being Heimindinger's assistant it was for the best.
Palisman: It's Rio. Since living in Piltover he is able to get palisman wood and carve his own
Curse?: Yes. Like in the show, curses reflect chronical illness, so it would make sense he has one. (I'm going to say Singed cast it)
Preferred spells: He has an abomination spell that helps him move around.
Fun Fact: Is a creator of spells that help with pain without being healing coven.
Coven: Head of potions/construction
Palisman: Either none(emperor coven route) or it'll be a dog-like demon(golden retriever boyfriend)
Curse?: No, but he does a lot of research going into it to help Viktor with some aspects. If potion head then he'd make potions to help
Preferred spells?: Not entirely, he likes a light spell he conjured that reflects the creation of HexTech
Fun Fact?: Was the principal of HEXside school for Witches and Demons. I know I'm not funny but still.
Caitlyn Kiramman:
Coven: Either plant/bard coven (kind and free spirited)
Palisman: either none or it'll be a humming bird. (They are quick and got threw the air. Also free spirited)
Curse?: Again, no but she protested that it should be educated about in school, Hexside was the first school to do so.
Preferred spells: She likes to create orchid trees close to the border after hearing some people in Zaun never have seen much wildlife.
Fun Fact?: Her parents expected her to be a covenette. She thought it would be best to make her own route.
Mel Medarda:
Coven: She is head of the Oracle Coven. Since there is no restriction to her abilities she has varied magic.
Palisman: Due to working for the emperor, she has none.
Curse: She prefers not to acknowledge the curses and would rather not associate with them
Preferred Spells?: Her favourite spells are centred around looking into Zaun's attacks or next moves.
Fun Fact?: Her mother wanted her to be the abomination head since it is deemed the most powerful magic master
Coven: Has no coven and would rather die than be sealed to one.
Palisman: His palisman is like a fox. Foxes are seen as sly or cunning
Curse: Yes, like aforementioned. Curses resemble chronical illness or health issues. He would have one that requires Shimmer to calm down.
Preferred Spells: He would prefer potions. They are beneficial for his cause and it helps others with no magic to still work.
Fun Fact?: Was one of the first people after the emperor rule to not choose a coven. Most of Zaun followed after that.
Coven: He has none, he made his own. The Firelight Coven.
Palisman: His Palisman is of course a Firelight. He ventures to get the special wood to make it especially.
Curse?: No. He doesn't know much but will offer support where and when he can.
Preferred Spells?: He loves doing lights and letting kids have a go and see if they can change the colour.
Fun Fact?: He helped rediscover glyphs and uses them to help kids who have something wrong with their bile-sac
Sky Young:
Coven: She has always been about helping people so it'd be no shock she's in the Healing Coven. Mainly to help Viktor
Palisman: I'd think it'd be an innocent animal so possibly a butterfly or a kitten.
Curse: No, but she is heavily educated on curses and how it affects people in multiple different ways.
Preferred Spells?: Her favourite spells revolve around bringing comfort and tranquility, it doesn't heal them but it makes the process better for them
Fun Fact?: Being in the Healing Coven made it easier for her to get a job as an assistant. It meant she could help most science related accidents.
Ceicil Heimindinger:
Coven: Head of Illusion
Palisman: His pet fluff thing IDEK
Curse?: No but he'd rant on the dangers of them and like Eda's father has had bad run ins with people with curses.
Preferred magic: He used to love it when he made illusions for young Witchlings to make them sign up to the school.
Fun Fact?: He used illusions to help kids from Zaun sneak in school, he gave them gems that made it seem like they had uniform. He just got attached to Viktor.
Coven: None, he was going to be in beast keeping or in the potions coven.
Palisman: Wolf..... You know why don't act like you don't.
Curse: No, but he treats them. His methods are deemed unethical but he treats people none the less
Preferred Spells: He likes to mix up Beast and Potions but prefers Potion. There are a lot of ways for him to alter people with potion magic, they just need to give it a shot.
Fun Fact?: He wanted to learn both potion and beast at school but was heavily shamed of it, worse so that he was from Zaun.
Chief Marcus:
Coven: To no-ones surprise, he is in the emperor's coven. I wanna say possibly The Golden Guard?
Palisman: Marcus has no Palisman. He did and it was a snake but after joining the emperor's coven his was given to the emperor to feed on.
Curse?: No and he is rude to people who do have curses. Besides Silco because he knows he is dead if he insults him.
Preferred Spells?: None entirely he did like bard magic before hand but he switched it out.
Fun Fact?: Every Deputy Sheriff isn't usually the next Golden Guard, Marcus lucked out due to his "knowledge" and "experience" with Zaun
All of the council are a head of a coven. There are 10 covens in total so Viktor got a free be by being close to two other heads.
Most council gave up their Palisman.
Most of Zaun remains covenless, but pressure is getting worse and the number of covenless witches are now lower than ever before.
Like in the show, some covens aren't deemed as powerful or good compared to others, but that doesn't stop the head witches.
There isn't much as a class issue, but it is a bad idea to be from Zaun and remain Covenless.
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afoolandathief · 3 years
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[Image description: The phrase "Something Wicked" in glowing, red, neon cursive on a black background; it is surrounded by the following neon signs: an arrow, a crescent moon, a palm tree and a cocktail. End description]
“So, I’ll ask you again, Seer. Could this poor bastard ever be redeemed?”
WIP Intro: Something Wicked
Jade Shaw, a witch and one of the few Seers left in the world, has been using her ability to see the future at Las Vegas’s casinos for years, but lately even that hasn’t been enough to pay the bills.
So she doesn’t object when Casimir Mraz, vampire and former hit-man, with a reputation stretching back to Vegas’s organized-crime days, offers her a deal.
Caz says he only wants to kill and drain the blood of people with no chance for redemption, and asks Jade to determine for him whether the city’s worst of the worst will re-offend.
But things go sideways when a cop catches Jade and Caz disposing of a body, and blackmails them into helping him solve some unsolvable cases.
Soon, the two are facing off against giants, Fae and several of Caz’s exes.
Status: Third draft (including reworking several plot elements); considering this the first of a series (my brain won’t let me call this a book out loud without thinking I’m jinxing myself, so)
Genre: fantasy, urban fantasy, with some elements of crime and mystery
POV: Third-person limited of the two main characters
Setting: Modern day (pre-pandemic), in and around Las Vegas, NV
Themes/tags: Redemption, justice, some gore, murder on a bi-weekly basis, dark humor, neurodiversity, queer characters (including two disaster bi leads)
What can you expect here?
Currently I’ve been posting a lot of dialogue and jokes about my characters, as well as some aesthetic posts. Snippets of my writing can be found here. I’d like to try sharing some longer excerpts, such as my first chapter when I’m done editing it.
Taglist (ask to be +/-) below the cut
Jade Shaw: A witch with the ability to calculate your life’s outcome down to the exact percent chance. A mathematics PhD student juggling her work-study job, her meetings with Caz, and work as an odds-maker and poker player. Wishes these visions of the end of the world would lay off a bit.
Caz Mraz: Vampire, ex-hitman, polyglot, excellent dancer and an absolute train wreck of a man. Caz says Jade is helping ease his conscience about his need to occasionally to kill and feed off someone’s life force, but Jade is still doubtful about his supposed “change of heart.”
Violet Anouilh: A hedgewitch with an expertise on plants and potions, living with her mother Marie Anouilh on a farm outside of the city that is welcoming to vampires and werewolves. Trying get Jade to notice she’s been flirting with her at her family’s fruit stand for days now.
Ruby Hall: Jade’s best friend and a witch specializing in illusions. She performs at the casino as the assistant to magician Dominic the Great — who is actually her pet rabbit Domino under a powerful glamour.
Lila Brown: A werewolf currently living in and around the tunnels of Las Vegas. Used as Caz’s eyes and ears in the city on occasion. A Gen-Xer who knows a bit about Caz’s past.
Theoris Myrina: The head of the Southwest Coven of witches. Jade’s former mentor who barred her from the coven after learning she made a deal with a vampire.
Kenny Brooks: A detective who is on the verge of retirement — mainly because he keeps spouting theories about two suspects seen around seemingly unconnected homicides and disappearances, and his coworkers are getting sick of it. Spoilers.
Amelia: Caz’s former girlfriend, who left him after interpreting his secretiveness and strange habits as signs of a drug addiction. Caz is determined to win her back (but if he happens to date some others along the way, including a rich Fae prince, what’s the harm?). Spoilers about Amelia can be found here.
Taglist (ask to be +/-): @author-a-holmes, @avian-writes, @captain-kraken, @ceph-the-writing-spook, @digital-chance, @diphthongsfordays, @drippingmoon, @ellierenae, @enchanted-lightning-aes, @faelanvance, @fearofahumanplanet, @flowerprose, @frank-in-space, @houndmouthed @joaniejustwokeup, @leiwritess, @mjayatlas, @noblebs, @outpost51, @purplezebraproductions, @rhymingteelookatme, @somealienquill, @thegreatobsesso, @thelaughingstag, @vylequinne, @writing-is-a-martial-art
FYI: The original post for this used flashing neon gifs, so I'm pinning this version. The original can be found here.
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Witches in the Elder Scrolls Universe
Part meta post, part NPC class review, part inspiration for your own practice, and part "Jasper honestly just wanted to write this down" - this post is a whole mess.
According to accounts such as 2920, witches rely on their connections to spirits and magical creatures and use a special kind of Conjuration magic, closely related to their respective Daedric patron.
~The Elder Scrolls Wiki
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[Image ID: A picture of Anise, an old witch NPC from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, from the waist up. She is sitting on a chair in the corner of the outside of a wooden building. End ID]
So, witches in the Elder Scrolls series. Unlike other magic classes in-universe, this class is meant to evoke fear and disgust like the witches of fairy tales. Broadly speaking, most witches are dedicated to the service of a Daedric Prince (or several throughout the witch's life).
Most information available to us about witches is set in the Skyrim game and its expansions, so this post will lean heavily onto that.
Before we take off to the fifth game, though, let's start with the NPC classes in Morrowind and Oblivion.
In Morrowind, the witch NPC class is a magic specialization class that relies on the attributes of luck and willpower. The major skills are Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism, Short Blade, and Unarmored. The minor skills are Acrobatics, Alteration, Light Armor, Sneak, and Speechcraft.
In Oblivion, the witch NPC class is also a magic specialization class that relies on the attributes of luck and willpower. The difference is in the number of skills: Alteration, Blade, Conjuration, Light Armor, Mysticism, and Speechcraft.
Now we move on to Skyrim. In Skyrim, witches are hostile female NPCs that often belong to covens led by hags or hagravens.
They specialize in a specific type of Destruction damage, which alters what race they come in as radiant encounters. Altmer, Bretons, and Imperials appear in all specializations, Dunmer appear in Fire and Shock damage, and Nords appear in Frost damage.
They're marked as Destruction Mages, who have the following skills marked and focused on: Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, and Sneak.
So now that we've gone over the in-universe information, what can we take from this to add to witchcraft? What can we use to inspire magic from this?
Well, the first is that the witches of the Elder Scrolls universe use a lot of conjuring and damaging spells - or, if you want a quick translation, summoning and baneful magic.
Have some quick ideas:
cursing, hexing, and jinxing
elemental magic - fire, ice, and lightning
healing yourself (but not others)
invoking and summoning things
other entity work - mostly deities and demons
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hebblog · 2 years
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Halo | Episode 3
At this point, I think I’m going to PLAY Halo while watching new episodes. 
P+ has got to have the worst UI for playing episodes. Why do I have to physically drag the timer to watch from the beginning (if someone has already watched) gimme the option to start from spot or beginning! 
So Chief’s the bad guy still right? I guess that’s a cool twist IF this wasn’t like, the beginning of his story? Kinda? In the games when he was revealed as a god, and went off path, it was devastating. This is just a soldier acting weird. 
This garbage kids remind of the one’s from the H3 commercial. 
Oooooh that’s how they acquired the girl that lives with the Covies. I mean….sure…still doesn’t explain the timeline of how humans found out about them in this storyline. 
Also why do they call Chief “Demon” already???He Didn’t they only start calling him that after the first game?? Like, he had to become a menace to their people for them to fear him. Right now in the show he’s had some situations with them…but the war hasn’t even started??? 
God I hate that intro…
Waaaaaiiiiit…..what the fuck. Did that thing just say Miranda Keyes is the daughter of Halsey??? What the flying squirrel fuck. 
I get Battlestar Galactica vibes from this show, sometimes. Which is a shame, because that would make it so damn rad. I really feel like they had a script for a different show, and since they couldn’t get Halo off the ground as a series, they just adapted that existing show for this one. 
So…in this story….Halsey cloned herself, and then will murder the clone to harvest the brain….to turn it into….an AI that will run the Cortana system?? Am I following this correctly??? Did this happen in game and I just missed it??? I feel like I’ve followed a lot of the lore pretty closely, I would’ve noticed this! 
Obviously they have to put an eyeball surgery scene in to make me hate this even more. Gross. 
Wait (again), so the brain of Halsey’s clone goes into John’s brain, the body is destroyed, aaaand that creates an AI system out of thin air?? I DON’T UNDERSTAND (I do love the old armour sets in the background though).
I do not care about this civl war refugee character. I know this girl is supposed to act as “us” in the show, but it doesn’t feel that way. WE are supposed to be the Chief in the Halo storyline. You can’t give us two characters that we’re supposed to see through the eyes of. 
Put him back in the suit. Put him back in the suit. Put him back in the suit. 
Dammit I jinxed it, now he’s just in a flipping t-shirt. 
Kay the Lekgolo attacking everyone on this ship is rad as hell! This series’ “hallway scene”. 
………………and then they ruined it by giving her….*sigh*….energy sword NAILS. What the fuck. That means human-female nail aesthetics is a thing within the Covenant. Or else they researched it specifically for HER? WHY?? 
What the fuck is this dialogue?? “Go, disappear” Why in the HELL would he…this isn’t how Chief acts. Sure he jumps into stuff without planning, but he doesn’t snap and lose his cool like this. He really is just some regular ass soldier in this show. 
They injected her into is actual brain. Geezus christ. Also this hormonal pellet…I hate that to. Just SOUNDS stupid. Nothing in Halo ever sounded stupid. 
Now it’s naked Master Chief. Oh wait, civi clothes Chief. So over this. 
I would understand all of this IF this was meant to be a story about Chief BEFORE the Covenant war. This side-timeline stuff is nonsense. 
WAAAAAAIT baby John new about Forerunner artifacts??? WHAAAAT
Ugh...I just can’t shake the feeling that I’m watching a generic sci-fi show, when I should be watching an amazing series about my most beloved character :(
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Base Class Review: Witch part 4
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 Unique Patrons
 Witch patrons as a whole can represent any manner of otherworldly, power-granting entity, everything from powerful outsiders, fey, bodiless spirits, and even psychic entities formed by or attracted to the subconscious desires of the would-be witch.
Their morality and goals can also vary a lot. Some are goodly, most are high-minded and desire to spread knowledge, while wicked ones may be petty tyrants that threaten to remove their influence or torment the witch in other ways if they are not obeyed. Regardless of alignment, however, most patrons likely have an agenda of some kind, which likely is related to the theme they are associated with.
Beyond that, however, the witch patrons… don’t really have that much going for them mechanics-wise, just a list of bonus spells. According to former Paizo employee and editor in chief F. Wesley Schneider (In his brief stint of doing youtube videos, I believe), the witch patrons were originally going to be more in depth with greater mechanics tied to the true nature of the patron, but those were scrapped.
Today, however, we’ll take a look at a subsystem from Blood of the Coven which promises to provide a way for witch characters to be influenced by the exact nature of their patron (and also throwing a bone to GMs who wish they had more to work with when trying to tie the patron into the plot or subplot of a campaign.)
 These so-called “unique patrons” are a bit stronger and more influential than the standard patron. Picking one of them means you must pick a certain hex at first level, you have a list of only four themes to pick from, and some of your theme spells are swapped out by those associated with that type of unique patron. What’s more, taking a unique patron means abiding by their rules, which can include a restriction, or a penalty of some kind.
In this way, unique patrons offer access to certain spells that are harder for most witches to get in return for some restrictions or difficulties in terms of build and roleplay. This makes sense from a fluff level as well, as these patrons would naturally not possess themes that run counter to their goals (no celestial patrons of rot and death, naturally)
The unique patron types are as follows:
First is the Celestial Agenda, meaning the patron is some manner of good outsider that seeks to guide the witch to some goodly act or destiny. As such, such witches must be good and find it difficult to deceive others, but they gain the ward hex, are associated with themes of endurance, healing, light, and portents, and grant access to spells that punish the wicked and call upon celestial allies.
Next is the Empath, suggesting your patron is a collective unconscious or other entity associated with emotion and social connection. Such witches are sensitive to strong emotions, making them very vulnerable to magic that imposes them on others. Still, they learn the tongues hex to speak all languages, are associated with ancestors, mind, spirits, and wisdom, and are granted spells that bolster their awareness of events and energies both present and past.
Fey Gifts suggests that your patron is a powerful fey, perhaps even one of the Eldest. Such patrons have few restrictions, but they also view the witch as a source of entertainment, and might remotely jinx them at random for their amusement. Still, the fey does grant the witch the charm hex, access to the agility, enchantment, trickery, or winter themes, and access to magic to deceive and enchant their foes with fairy madness.
Green Whispers is what you want if you want you patron to be a nature spirit of some description, or perhaps a powerful natural being such as a treant. Such beings forbid the touch of iron or steel, which are associated with civilization, and actually cause harm and inhibit the magic of the witch. In exchange, they can speak to animals with the feral speech hex, access animals, endurance, moon, or transformation as patron themes, and access various plant-related spells.
When a hag gets involved, usually with their changeling child, they sometimes act as a patron, providing the Hag’s Calling, perhaps to tempt them, or reward them. Regardless of their relationship, the hag seeks to isolate the witch, preventing them from helping others or accepting the help of others. In return, these witches gain the coven hex, can choose from moon, plague, shadow, and vengeance for themes, and spells to disguise themselves or contact the hag from afar.
The classic witch patron, at least when viewed through the perspective of fearful religious folk, the Infernal Contract suggests a patron that is fiendish in nature, though not necessarily diabolic. Regardless of what fiend is holding the leash, such witches can only rarely be resurrected, their souls bound to their master, and they must provide regular sacrifices of blood to maintain their power. Those that dare this bond are promised the misfortune hex, access to enchantment, strength, trickery, and vengeance as options, and spells to call on fiendish allies for aid.
Calling upon a patron from the plane of shadow, Shadowbound refers to those patrons that dwell in darkness, such as kytons, owbs, shae, nightshades, and more. Such a patron makes the light inimical to the witch, though, making their eyes sensitive to light. In exchange, they gain the disguise hex, the death, deception, ethereal, and shadow patron themes, and spells that bend shadow to the will of the witch for attacking and transport.
The Condition of All is an interesting unique patron, as such witches are guided by the mysterious and contradictory aeons. As servants of the balance, each witch has a role to play, and so their morality cannot waver from the role they are meant to fulfil, lest they lose their powers until their part in the balance is restored. In exchange, they gain the scar hex, access to the elements, time, transformation, and wisdom themes, and magic for compelling actions and banishing unwanted outsiders.
Finally, those who are Touched by the Outer Gods are exactly what you’d expect, witches whose patrons are none other than an Outer God or Great Old One, leaving their minds scarred, making them vulnerable to various mental effects. Those who follow such beings, if that word can even be used, gain the unnerve beasts hex, a theme from the list of insanity, occult, stars, or transformation, and spells that spread fear and madness.
 With such an array of unique patrons, you certainly have plenty of interesting choices for making a witch character where the exact nature of their patron matters. However, you may have noticed that the list of various themes that go with these unique patrons is a bit… limited, with many themes not having any representation at all, so if you really want a particular theme and a unique patron, you may be forced to turn to homebrew or GM fiat in order to make it work.
The Pathfinder 2nd edition version of the witch features much more involved patrons from the get-go, which we’ll cover sometime in the future, but it’s interesting to see how this optional subsystem might have inspired it.
In any case, that does it for today! We’ll wrap up the witch class tomorrow with some final thoughts!
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chickenroost · 1 year
Witch: A Beginner’s Guide (Some Terms to Know and Advice)
Know the risks.
Witchcraft isn’t just fun and games; perks like hexes and love spells can come with a price.
Choose your path.
There’s no shortage of types of witchcraft, meaning there’s also no shortage of choices for an aspiring witch. Rather than get overwhelmed, get your bearings by having at least a basic understanding of the terms below.
Paganism: An umbrella term for religions other than the Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam that typically places emphasis on the earth and nature. Its modern-day practitioners are known as neo-pagans.
Wicca: A religion that’s perhaps the popularized form neo-paganism, thanks in large part to the so-called Father of Wicca, Gerald Gardner, who cultivated his specific ideology, now known as Gardnerian Wicca, in the mid-1900s. Whereas witches are typically thought of as women, many Wiccans are men and worship both a god and a goddess. What was initially thought of as an anti-monotheistic gesture, though, has more recently been criticized for espousing heterosexuality and the idea of a gender binary, which was, in part, what led to the emergence of Dianic Wicca, in the 1970s, for those who chose to only worship the goddess and to do so only in the presence of women—a policy that’s since proven to be problematic, as many of its covens prohibit transgender women.
Ceremonial: The by-the-book practice of placing the highest value in—not to mention expertly executing—ceremonies and rituals.
Solitary: This group is made up of those who choose not to find a coven, but instead operate on their own with the type (or mix) of witchcraft that they choose.
Eclecticism: A more social route for those who choose not to stick to a particular category but instead mix traditions as they please.
*note: the above is by no means an extensive or complete list, but does provide several examples of existing paths.
Learn the terminology. Before that deep dive, though, any beginner should have at least cursory knowledge of the terms listed below.
Initiation: The rites that put a budding witch on the path to making things official, by joining a coven after studying its practice, traditionally for a year and a day. The initiations that follow eventually allow the initiate the opportunity to become a high priest or high priestess; those with enough knowledge, experience, and dedication can become the leader of a Wiccan coven.
Coven: A gathering or community of initiated witches, usually led by a high priest and/or high priestess. If a coven is Wiccan, their meetings often involve sabbats, which are celebrations of the annual cycle of seasonal festivals known as the Wheel of the Year. (Non-sabbat meetings, such as the observation of a full moon, are known as esbats.)
Familiar: An animal-shaped spirit that serves as a witch’s spy, assistant, companion, and protector—the classic example of which is Sabrina’s black cat, Salem.
Altar: A surface that a Wiccan uses solely for activities such as casting spells, chanting, and worshipping the god and/or goddess. Typically, the altar is covered in a symbol-adorned cloth, which protects it from ash, liquids, and candle wax, as well as religious and ritual items like incense, wands, chalices of water, and cauldrons.
Pentacle: A magical tool such as an amulet or talisman that often appears on an altar, and is also often confused with a pentagram—a symbol popular in Wicca and, confusingly enough, the Church of Satan, which has pretty successfully taken ownership of its inverted version. (Inverted pentacles aren’t necessarily satanic, though Wiccans have recently largely strayed from using them to avoid that association.)
Baneful Magic: A form of magic used with dark, malevolent, and harmful intentions, commonly associated with Satanism. Spells have been used for a variety of purposes but those that are specifically used for negative and/or harmful purposes are known as jinxes, hexes, and curses. ( has a history rooted in racism as well)
Séance: A ceremony used to contact spirits, including the dead, usually with the help of a medium.
Grimoire: The umbrella term for a magic text, ranging from diaries to textbooks.
Book of Shadows: A Wiccan’s personal grimoire, used to store information they need, such as thoughts, recipes, and instructions for spells, rituals, and hexes.
Study up.
Even if you think you’re sure you want to proceed, it’s best to find out what exactly you’re signing up for. Before paging through your spell books, it’s wise to do your research—particularly since the modern-day idea of witchcraft has been pieced together by a mix of legends and existing translated historical documents, leading each of the pros to have a slightly different take on the subject.
Going back to the first step of knowing the risks.
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sammystep · 3 years
No One Lives Forever- CH14
(AO3 link)
Stardust Crusader Wolf Pack AU
[From the beginning- CH1]
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Despite your protests that Polnareff had definitely jinxed himself, the plan remained the same- Polnareff would check out the hunters house alone and report back what he found. Kakyoin seemed to be on the same page as you, making comments to Jotaro and Pol to try and convince them he could be of help on this trip. Polnareff interrupts his final point by placing a hand on Kakyoin’s shoulder. “Mon ami, I’ve been doing this for a long time now. Trust me when I say this is very low risk. We know he won’t be returning to his house, and if I see any activity I’ll leave and report what I can.”
Kakyoin sigs before relenting, “I just can’t shake this feeling of dread. I must still be on edge from the previous encounters. I don’t mean to doubt your ability, please just be careful.”
Polnareff laughs off Kakyoin’s serious expression, “Of course! When am I ever not careful on my investigations?” He grins brightly as Jotaro and Kakyoin share a glance.
“Well, there was the time the old man asked you to check out those sketchy apartments by the river. And you ended up walking in on a coven of witches.” Jotaro leans back in the dining chair and crosses his arms as he examines Pol.
“Or the time you almost started a territory dispute by following your target all over town.”
“And remember…”
“OK! Alright! You’ve both made very good points. I’ll be careful” Polnareff’s cheerful grin had morphed into a grimace as he waved his arms in a motion to stop. The three of you just chuckle as Polnareff collects his laptop and heads out the door with a wave goodbye.
Deciding to take the subway rather than waste time walking the whole way, Polnareff soon arrived at the parking garage he left his car. Horns blare at him as he forces his silver Toyota between two work trucks to merge onto the main street outside the garage. Chipped paint and a sun-faded ‘NY Knights Rugby’ team sticker the only think the angry plumber behind him sees before Polnareff is speeding away and merging onto the highway that will take him to New Jersey.
The rest of the trip is uneventful, or at least normal for New York area traffic. Slowing down to just under the speed limit, Polnareff checks the house numbers as he passes by against the hand written notes with him. Finally finding 912 Ebony Street, he passes by the house at a crawl to scope it out- no lights on or other cars in the driveway. He circles the block to get a look at the back door but can’t see much from the narrow gaps between houses.
Back on the main street he heads towards the restaurant down the street he scoped out online. The front windows would have a good view of the street and Kyle Kavinsky’s driveway in case the deceased hunter had a roommate or girlfriend currently at work.
Entering the restaurant, he purposely emphasizes the French part of his French-Canadian accent as he gives his most flirtatious look he can muster to the hostess, “Ah, cherri. Would it be possible to sit near the window as I eat? I’d like to have a view as I get some last-minute work done.” He shifts and gestures to the laptop in his bag. The hostess plasters her best ‘retail’ smile on but doesn’t reciprocate his flirty look as she leads him to a window seat. Polnareff quickly orders a sandwich and coffee from the waiter and sets out his laptop to look like he’s getting some work done.
It’s nearing peak dinner rush at the restaurant before he decides he’s waited long enough scoping out the 2-story house down the road. Most neighbors have been home for a while now, lights in adjacent houses turning off and on as they go about their nightly routines. He stows his laptop and bag in the footwell of the passenger side before circling the block again to check out the back of the house one last time. Finding an open parking spot on the street he quickly takes it, squeezing into the space rather than park in Kavinsky’s drive way to avoid suspicion and better hide his license plates.
He casually walks up to the house, subtly keeping an eye out for nosey neighbors watching him. No one seems to be paying attention but he still makes a show of loitering by the door as he checks his phone then under the door mat for a spare key. Finding none, he strolls to the back of the house to the back door. there is no deadbolt on this one so a quick turn has the knob bent and broken in his hand.
The backdoor leads directly into the kitchen and Polnareff quickly covers his mouth and nose to block the smell of old dishes left in the sink. He makes his way to the front room, definitely a bachelor pad, the only furniture in the room is a single recliner pulled up to the TV. More disposable plates and old pizza boxes are gathered up in trash bags by the front door, ready to be taken out. There is nothing of interest on the first floor, so Polnareff quickly ascends the stairs to check out the bedrooms.
The first door on the right reveals a single twin mattress on the floor, clothes scattered about and sheets tossed around the room. A quick look in the closet uncovers a few dress shirts actually hanging up and an accordion folder. He quickly takes some photos of the documents inside but nothing in the folder jumps out as immediately important. He puts the documents back as he found them and closes the door again on his way out.
The second door opens to a modest unremarkable bathroom, but the third door leads to a practically empty room except for a standing mirror. Something about the lone piece of furniture felt ominous and Polnareff made sure to keep out of its line of sight on instinct. Looking closer, the floor of the room has markings all over, like someone had been drawing on the worn wood with chalk but gave up and erased their work. He takes more pictures and sends them to Avdol before backing out of this room as well.
Polnareff: Found this at the house- can you make out what he was trying to do?
Avdol: especially not the mirror itself. I’ll see if I can make out what rune system he was using.
Polnareff grunts to himself and mumbles, “no shit I’m not touching this stuff Avdol, I’m not an idiot.” But he holds back and just replies:
Polnareff: Got it- won’t touch anything witch-y looking. I’ll let you guys know if I find anything else.
Avdol: OK. I should have some ideas after I do some research. I’ll go over with everyone tonight.
Polnareff nods to himself as he locks his phone and shoves it back into his pocket, continuing his search of the house.
As he shuts the door to the ritual room his acute hearing picks up a soft ‘thump’ from the ceiling. Polnareff holds perfectly still for a moment, the only sound he can hear is the beating of his own heart. But then there is another thump and a scraping sound from above him. He surveys the hallway and quietly opens the last door, revealing the narrow stairway to the attic. Whatever was making the sound has stopped and a deep breath gives no other identifiable smells other than decay and dust.
Carefully ascending the stairway, he lets his hands partially transform- fingers elongating and nails thickening to claws. The space is packed to the rafters with old boxes and precariously stacked items. Old dresses, China dolls and other knick-knacks reveal the storage space must be full of the landlord’s or a previous tenant’s things. The pathway through the junk is half-hazardously cleared at best, towering stacks and blind corners keep him from gaining a good vantage point to survey the area.
Another thump from around the corner freezes Polnareff in his tracks and he carefully peaks around the corner of stacked boxes. His hair stands on end when he sees a solitary doll sitting in the middle of the path, its eyes staring straight at him. He’s stuck in a staring contest for a moment before carefully stepping forward and picking it up. Taking another deep breath fails to yield any new scents but his sharp eyesight catches a pattern in the dust on the floor where the doll was sitting. Silently setting the doll back down, he follows the new trail weaving between towers of junk.
A space near the only window in the attic had been cleared to make room for the large mirror and runes on the floor, unlike the ritual space in the bedroom below this one was pristine in its rune work. As he drew near, he could feel the power pulsing from the mirror but before he could inspect it further a louder ‘thump’ from behind him had Polnareff spinning around on his heel. A terrible shriek is all the warning he had before a shadowy figure lunged at him and knocked him back away from the runes.
Polnareff slammed into the tower of boxes behind him, slightly dazed from the blow as he gets a good look at his assailant. But even though he’s face to face with the creature, it’s still hard to make out the details clearly, its shape undefined and changing like smoke. Although it’s playing tricks on his eyes, he is able to see the two glowing red eyes in its elongated face before it shrieks again and lunges. There is barely enough time to shift into his wolf form before parrying its face first attack and gripping the creature by its muzzle. Its eyes seem to blaze brighter as Polnareff snarls at it and throws it off of him.
The tiny space between the towers of junk and debris doesn’t leave much room to maneuver but the creature still stomps its cloven hooved feet and paws at the ground in preparation to charge. Polnareff growls louder in warning and lowers himself to brace for the impact. The wings on the creatures back emerge from the smoky shroud they had been covered in, the smoke dissipating the longer this encounter lasted. With a flap of its leathery wings, it lowered its head and charged forward, Polnareff managing to catch it by the curved horns on its head before it made contact with his chest. Stubby clawed hands scrape and scramble against the werewolf’s superior strength before it launches itself backward again, jerking it from his grip with another flap of wings.
Polnareff recovers and lowers himself into a runner’s start position with one clawed hand on the floor for balance. He launches himself forward and catches the thing by the arm and shoulder, cracking its thin bones in his grip before slamming it into the floor. The force of the blow cracks the wood and the mountains of junk shift in on them as the beam snaps and they tumble into the 2nd floor bedroom.
The creature is able to recover first, slipping from Polnareff’s grip as he tries to deflect the junk raining down on him from above. It scrambles across the floor and tears up the mattress as it spins around in an arc to whip the barbed end of its long tail at Polnareff. It makes contact with his forearm as he tries to deflect the blow, leaving a deep mark that soon begins to burn. His eyes widen and he lets out another snarl as the burning intensifies- his arm losing strength as the venom infects it. His accelerated healing can barely keep it at bay as his arm goes numb, and he’s barely able to make a fist with that hand.
Taking care to avoid its tail barb is more difficult than he expected. The open room allows the creature to reach its top speed. Powerful flaps of its wings allow it to change direction suddenly to avoid his attacks and use its momentum to launch into spinning attacks with its tail whenever possible. Although it is much faster now that its not impeded by all the junk in the way, so is Polnareff. He trades blows with it for a short while before he is finally able to grab onto its tail mid swing, launching it into the closet door and snapping the thin bones of its tail at the same time.
The screech it lets out causes him to falter and it stabilizes itself in preparation to charge head on again. Polnareff recovers and recognizes the position, this time meeting it half way and grabbing it by the throat as it tries to rear back in surprise. He slams it to the floor with a sickening crack and Polnareff prepares for the floor to crumble away as it did in the attic above. After a moment in braced position, he looks up and realizes the that floor of the 2nd level must be sturdier than the attic. The devil underneath him is also un-moving and Polnareff realizes he must have knocked it unconscious with the last blow.
However, as he cautiously steps away from the beast it doesn’t move even to breath and he realizes the crack he heard must have been its spine or skull. Panting, he lest out a groan as he lets his transformation drop and slouches to the floor using the doorframe as support to slide down. The wounds on his arm and other scratches left behind by the venomous tail bleed sluggishly as he rests for a moment to gather his strength.
After catching his breath, Polnareff quickly finds his phone from where he dropped it in the attic and takes some more pictures of the ritual mirror upstairs and close ups of the creature’s corpse for proof of the bizarre encounter. The deepest wounds on his arms are still burning and refuse to close, so he finds some clean paper towels and wraps them in a makeshift bandage.
He makes it back to his car without any witnesses and shoots a group text to the pack- pictures of the creature attached. Within second his phone starts to ring- Mr. Joestar- on the caller ID. “Mr. Joestar, you are not going to believe this. I’m headed back now, but listen…” As Polnareff recounts the nights events and pulls out of the parking space dusk finally starts to set in, the clouds slowly losing their gold and rosy pink hues as Polnareff sets out back towards the city.
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Author's Note:
Hey. How yall doin? Its been a while…. I swear I will finish this if it’s the last thing I do. Yall have fun with this adventure Polnareff vs. the Jersey Devil? Shout out to @jotaroslightning on tumblr for the baddie’s first name!
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Character Development
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Full Name:  Jinx Ward
Alias:  Jinx Wraith
Nicknames:  Golden Guard’s lackey, The Cuckoo 
Sex / Gender: Nonbinary, afab (they/them/she/her)
Right or Left:   Ambidextrous 
Age:  16
Height:   5′4
Eye Color:   One red, one dark red-brown
Hair Color:   Half black, Half white
Distinguishing Marks:  Two large triangle-type marks & two small circle marks under eyes
Paragraph Of Physical Traits:   Soft facial features with a pointed chin and perky nose. Two triangle markings from under their eyes towards their jaw, along with two small circles on their cheeks. one white eyebrow, and one black. pointed ears with multiple earrings. 
Parents / Guardians:   Deceased
Siblings: None
Marital Status: Single    
Significant Other(s):  Hunter 
Children: None
Other Relatives: None    
Pets:   Tuuli (palisman)
Friends:   N/A
Enemies:  Belos (technically)
Ethnicity:  White
Religion:    N/A
Beliefs:  N/A
Superstitions: N/A   
Languages:  English, Ancient Glyphs, Ancient Languages of the Boiling Isles
Diction / Accent:   Tends to be deadpan, unreadable. tends to speak in short sentences, and with a neutral tone. 
Education: Hexside
Degree(s):   N/A
Occupation:    Guard, Empire’s Coven Recruiter 
Own or Rent:   N/A
Living Space:   Minimal. Appears tidy, and lacks personal touches for most things. Seems very basic and tends to be dull in color. The only personal effects are things given to them by Hunter.
Work Space:  Clean, orderly, you would never even know someone ever used the space except the fact that there’s no dust.
Main Mode of Transport: Staff, walking
Fears:      Losing Hunter
Secrets:   Too many to count
Intelligence: High. Above average.
Eating Habits:   Tends to eat the exact amounts needed. 
Food Preferences:    Doesn’t have preferences that aren’t related to Hunter (until much later in life)
Sleeping Habits:    Gets exactly 8 hours a night, and can fall asleep 
Book Preferences:    Doesn’t have preferences that aren’t related to Hunter (until much later in life)
Music Preferences:   Doesn’t have preferences that aren’t related to Hunter (until much later in life)
Leader or Follower: Neither, Lone Wolf
Planner or Spontaneous:   Planner. In it for the long haul. 
Journal: Doesn’t keep one. any notes they do have are in their own coded language.
Hobbies:  Revolution. 
What Excites Them:   Revolution, Hunter 
What Stresses Them:     Revolution, Hunter
Pet Peeves:     When people make assumptions about them, underestimate them
Prejudices:     empereror’s cousin sucks
Attitudes:     tends to be a bit snarky when comfortable
Obsessions:     hunter revolution, power. Jinx is obsessed with the idea of being above consequences 
Addictions:   hunter none
Ambitions:    to gain power, to not be below others
Birth Date:    Unknown
Sign:    Unknown
Traits Associated with Western Sign:     Unknown
Chinese Zodiac Sign:    Unknown
Traits Associated with Chinese Sign:      Unknown
Handwriting:     Never cursive, but tends to slope to the right
Sexual History:   N/A
General Health:      Healthy physically. Has borderline with aspd
Mental Disabilities:     N/A
Allergies:  N/A
Purse / Bag:   N/A
Wallet:    N/A
Fridge:     Typically empty, or with something leftover from Hunter
Medicine Cabinet:     Collecting Dust, everything’s expired
Glove Compartment:    N/A
Junk Drawer: n/a      
Backpack:   n/a
Desk:   n/a
Clothes Pockets:    Palisman, a pocket knife, jewelry from hunter
Halloween Costumes:  None, has never celebrated Halloween
Talents:     Magical Excellency 
Politics: Anti-Belos
Flaws:    blunt, callous, fixated, overambitious, overconfident, pride, rebellious, manipulative, violent, stubborn, 
Strengths:  Ambitious, Assertive, confident, loyal, logical, 
Drugs / Alcohol:   None
Passwords:   N/A
Prized Possessions:    The jewelry that Hunter gave them 
Time and Place:      n/a
Special Places:      Hunter’s room
Special Memories:    Kissing Hunter for the first time.
Tagged by:    Stole it from @witchesborn
Tagging:   be gay do crime
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