#to know that nobody remembers you but that somebody still cares enough about you to treat what remains of your marble body with gentleness
lovifie · 6 months
Meeting Soap 🧼
Masterlist — OG Drabble - First Morning
Boyfriend!Ghost x Chubby!Reader, but they wake up in each other’s body.
“Good morning, ma’am.” The guard at the door greets Simon, leaning down when he rolls down the window. He moves his sunglasses up to his head, resting his hand on the car roof. Simon looks at the guard with an astonished expression, making you wonder just how many of his expressions have you missed by the mask. 
You chuckle for the side seat, catching the attention of the guard who quickly turns pale when he lays his eyes on you, surprising you just for a second before you remember you are in your boyfriend's body.
“G-Good morning, Lieutenant.” He says, standing straight. Simon covers his mouth with his hand, hiding his smile. He clears his throat to disguise his laugh and turns to the guard. “You know him, right? Can we get through, then? We have a meeting with Price.”
The guard quickly nods, pushing the button to open the gate and Simon drives the car inside the base. He glances at you when you laugh, smiling as well. “I could get used to this, Si.”
He laughs softly shaking his head. “Don’t get high on power now, love” He parks onto his spot, turns off the engine and turns to you. “Alright, love. We need to talk to Price.”
“Your captain.” You remember nodding.
“Exactly, my captain. Older lad, big mustache-”
“Wait, I don't have your accent!” You realize, looking at him.
“That's fine, I don't talk to people enough for them to realize if I suddenly don't have the accent. Only my team may notice, and we are looking for them, so no issue.” He explains, making you cock your head at the mention of not talking to people. 
You nod, understanding what he means. “Alright, so… Price's your captain, and the other two; what were their names? Gaz and… Shampoo, was it?”
And it must be really amusing to him that you have remembered the names of his teammates for the way he chuckles at you. “Exactly, make sure to call them by those names, all right?”
You nod quickly. “Alright, I got it.” He nods as well and steps out of the car. You do as well and close the door after you, you turn to him when you hear him curse. “What's wrong?”
“The fuck are these?” He asks, and then you notice him fight with his pockets, making you laugh. He looks back at you, annoyed with the pockets.
“Use the back ones.” You say pointing to your butt. “Or let me keep them, you are not leaving me here anyway, right?”
He shoves the keys in his back pocket and starts to walk grabbing your hand to walk together. “His office is down that way, J. Price, got it?” He asks and you nod. “If he is in there, give me a call, alright? I'm gonna go check on the mess hall if the boys are there, call me if there is any problem.”
You feel a bit uneasy about being on your own on a military base, only knowing the names and nicknames of four men. Still, it looks like Simon must be someone people respect because of the way they move out of your way. You try to mimic the way Simon usually walks; looking straight ahead, always as if he knows where he is going and ready to kick out of the way anybody who gets in the middle. 
The captain's office is easy to find and you knock on the door, leaning in to hear if anybody says anything inside. When you don't hear anything, you turn around to look for Simon, well, yourself.
Only to find him next to a man who is leaning against the door, and just by seeing Simon's disgusted face you know he is getting hit on.
Simon's POV
There is nobody he is looking for inside of the mess hall, so he turns around to exit when he collides with somebody that almost sends him flying back. 
The feeling is so alien to him that it automatically annoys him, missing his bulldozer-like build. Strong hands grab his waist keeping him from falling and it only repuls him even more how easily the stranger can grab him.
“Careful there, bonnie.” A more than well-known voice says and he looks up to his teammate Soap. Well, Shampoo. The thought of you calling him that makes his smile for a second, which for his disgrace only fuels Soap to think this is okay. “Ye're right, lass?”
“Fucking peachy, mate.” He answers, pulling Soap's hand away from his body, hating the way he can tell he gets free just because Soap lets him peel the hands away. “Where is the old man?”
He raises an eyebrow, confused for a second before he figures out and he lays a hand on your shoulder. “Aahh, you are looking for Price, bonnie?”
“Yeah, right, Price. Have you seen him?” Simon asks, pushing Soap's hand out of his shoulder.
“Not yet, I'm pretty sure he is still coming back from a meeting downtown.” He says smiling, using the hand he pushed off his shoulder to brush his hair back as if it was his plan all along, flexing his arm’s muscles in the process making Ghost cringe. “But I can take ye to his office, keep ye company if ye want. I'm a great talker.”
“No, thank you.” Ghost simply says, before he tries to move away, getting exasperated with the way his mate is flirting with him. If only he had ever talked to them about you, if they had shown them a photo, something, he wouldn't have to be dealing with his mutt of a friend.
But Soap can't be blamed, a cute little thing like you going around the base. For fucks sake, the first thing he saw of you was your butt sticking out the door when Simon was checking who was inside. Soap is ready to risk it all for you. Plus, there are some real weirdos on base, so he is going to stay close.
He doesn't need to stay away, because the moment Simon tries to walk away from him; he crashes against somebody again. Once more, being grabbed by the waist, this time by even bigger hands. He is ready to fight but then he realises it is his body, which means is you.
“Ah, thank god it's you, I was about to-”
“Careful there, love. You almost fell for me, am I right?” You ask, pulling Ghost plush against your body. He looks at you as if you just grew a second head which makes you want to burst out laughing.
“The fuck is wrong with you, love?” He ask, eyebrow raised.
“The only thing wrong is that you don't have my surname, love. How will people know you are mine, hm?” You ask, leaning down and making a kissy face hidden by the mask.
Ghost chuckles shaking his head, amused by your lack of shame as he puts a hand over your mouth pushing you back. You laugh as well standing back straight, you check he didn't get hurt with the crush and then look at the guy behind him.
You have never seen him before, you just know he has the most confused expression the man can have. Completely immobile, borderline afraid and you need to fight the intrusive thoughts of just suddenly moving just to scare him.
There are many things going on inside of Soap’s head at the moment, he was happy he had found Ghost, happy to talk to such a pretty thing even if she seemed disinterested. He was going to get pissed somebody else got in the way, but he was then relieved that it was his LT; knowing the man was never interested in girls. Only for his stoic CO to start pulling the worst pickup lines in history; Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley, shamelessly flirting with a girl. And on top of everything, it was working!
“That's Johnny.” Ghost whispers covering his mouth so the other man doesn't hear.
“Who the fuck is Johnny?” You ask back the same way, Johnny not being one of the three names you know.
“Shampoo.” Ghost answers snickers hiding behind his words. 
“Oh, hey, Shampoo, how you doing my guy?” You ask, giving your best impression of what you think your boyfriend would do. Obviously doing a horrible job by the way the other man looks at you when you clap his hand. You definitely need to talk to Simon about how he behaves around his friend. 
“Are ye feelin’ all right, Lt?” The shorter man asks, confusion still flooding his senses.
But he is not the only one confused, because what the hell does Lt means? Is that his nickname? And that is what breaks the act, you turn to your boyfriend before asking. “Your nickname is Lt? What does it stand for? Lil tits? You don't have small tits.”
Simon is infinitely glad that you only mumble the last part of your words, too low for the scot to hear. Not that the men would be able to take anything in, with how shocked he seems to be.
“Okay, there is no point in hiding it from you anyway, Johnny.” Simon says looking at him, not liking the feeling of Soap towering over him like a wall. “Something weird has happened.”
“No, that I can tell, bonnie.” He says grabbing Simon’s arm and pulling him close to him. “I think Lt must have hit his head or something.”
“No, no, Johnny. That's my girl.” He says, fighting off Johnny's grip on his arm. “We switched bodies someway.”
Soap looks at Johnny, an unreadable look on his face. Then he burst out laughing, slapping his knee like a cartoon. “Alright, wow, ye guys really planed that good. I almost believe it, that's a weird way to introduce yer girl to us, Lt.” 
You rub your forehead thinking about how to prove it. “Okay, Shampoo. Honesty. What about what I have done or said today tells you that I'm him?”
“I have to admit it was quite credible. But c’mon, this is real life, those things don't happen.” Soap argues, not even caring about the nickname.
Ghost finds the situation amusing, his girl arguing with his best mate, seeing her grow exasperated with him. In any other situation, he would laugh, because he finds it amusing. Until he doesn't.
He doesn't find it funny because someone grabs him from behind. He turns around to see a rookie, he has only seen him a couple of times, and doesn't even know his name yet. 
But the man is still way taller than him in this form and he easily overpowers him. It's different from Soap's approach, he quickly realizes. Because the scot was touchy and maybe stood too close for his liking but Ghost could easily push him back when he got too close.
This man? Ghost is using almost all his strength and he is unmoving. He is not used to this body, all the tricks he knows only work when he is double the size. He doesn't know how to take advantage of being the smaller one, not with this much difference. 
“Come with me, c’mon, pretty thing.” The stupid rookie says. “I'll give you a good time.”
It brings Ghost bad memories of his childhood and his more recent past. Feeling at others' mercy, a feeling so familiar and alien at the same time; it only gets worse because he can feel himself get paralysed with fear. 
“What did you say, dickhead?” A deep voice says over him, and when he looks back he sees himself. Ghost only has seen you mad once since he met you, you reached your limit and snapped when an idiot hit your car. Ghost was glued to the passenger seat on that occasion, not daring to get in the way of your anger but still looking at the mirror to see if he was needed. He wasn't.
He also knows that he is a scary fucker, everyone knows. But something inside him clicks when he realises that the idiot who grabbed him is about to regret it. 
A gentle hand find her way to his lower back, keeping him in place and the other grabs the soldier's wrist. So hard his fingers twitch around Simon's arm letting go. 
The hand on his back gently tug at him, moving him behind you; kind of in between Soap and you. You still don't let go of the man's hand, making sure that Simon is fine first. He looks still a bit shaken but something tells you is more an inside conflict than anything.
And once you are sure, you turn to the man. He isn't as cocky as he was just a moment ago, he is bending to the side you are grabbing him; pain pulling him. 
“Now, what were you saying about a good time, bitch?” You spit at him, you pull your other hand back just to gain momentum and you hit in right in the middle of his face. No kind of technique whatsoever, but Simon's body shear strength enough to send the man's head back and forth like a whip before he falls back like a corpse on the floor.
Your hand hurts, but you know he is worse. And it is at that moment that you take notice of the crow you are calling, the lieutenant fighting somebody right on the mess hall door. A big show. 
You hear Simon call you, but you still need to give a message to the asshole. You kick his feet, trying to wake him up; but he doesn't, so you crouch down slapping his face. You see him move his eyes behind his eyelids and you take it as proof of life. 
“Remember that the next time you dare to touch a girl, okay, buddy?” You say, the men still not really answering and when Simon calls your name again you look at him standing up. Two new men behind him, not that you care.
You walk up to him, cupping his face, until one of the men says: “Simon, my office. Now.”
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mcdynamite · 2 years
Nancy Wheeler has always been observant. It's something she prides herself on, if she's honest. It's what she knows will make her an excellent investigative reporter one day. It helps her make connections that other people might miss and remember the smallest of details that could make or break a story.
Perhaps most importantly, it's what makes her good at reading people – their micro-expressions, their body language, what makes them tick. She's good at it with anyone, but especially when it comes to the people she knows best.
So it's only logical that she's the first to notice when Steve starts to fall for Eddie Munson.
The signs are subtle, at first, but they're there, and Nancy can see them from a mile away. She's got the added bonus of having been the object of Steve's affections, once upon a time, so she knows what to look for. She knows that with Steve, it always starts with the lingering glances. He's never been able to keep his eyes off the people he wants, and it's this that first clues her in on the whole thing.
She's at Penny's Diner with Steve, Robin, and Eddie, and their waitress is laying it on thick, flirting relentlessly with Steve, batting her eyelashes dramatically and swaying her hips more than is objectively necessary whenever she walks away. And sure, Steve hasn't gone for any of the girls that act this way around him in a long time, but he always, always looks. Hell, even Nancy looks, sometimes, when a girl is objectively pretty. She's big enough to admit (to herself, at least) that boys aren't the only dating pool she's interested in, now that she and Jonathan are done.
But that day at Penny's, Steve doesn't give the poor waitress so much as a second glance, because that day, Steve can't seem to stop looking at Eddie.
At first, Nancy is sure she's imagining it – the way Steve's eyes linger on the dungeon master like he can't bring himself to look away – but it gets harder and harder to deny the longer they sit there sipping their milkshakes. Eddie is debating something silly with Robin, and Steve is just... watching him.
Steve's got this fond little smile on his face, and it's a look Nancy recognizes immediately. It used to be directed at her. And honestly? She's a bit relieved it's not, anymore, because she loves Steve, but not like that. Not the way she was worried Steve still loved her... the way she wonders if Steve might be falling for Eddie.
She sort of keeps an eye out for things, after that day – the little things that give Steve away when he's crushing hard on somebody. The lingering glances. The soft smiles. The brief touches. The flimsy excuses for stepping into Eddie's space, like the day Steve sees Eddie struggling with the lighter, and instead of just lending Eddie his own, he steps forward until their shoes are practically touching and holds up the flame for him.
She sees it all and wonders how in the world nobody else has caught on yet. Even Robin, Steve's best friend in the entire world, seems puzzled by the sudden lack of dates on Steve's calendar. Sometimes Nancy wants to grab her by the shoulders and tell her to just think a little harder.
(Nancy wants to grab Robin by the shoulders for other reasons, too – reasons that involve pulling Robin closer and kissing the living daylights out of her – but that's neither here nor there.)
But no matter how long Steve's pining lasts, no matter how obvious he's getting, nobody else seems to notice. It's mildly infuriating, but Nancy isn't about to talk to anyone else about it. It's dangerous being queer in this part of Indiana, and even though she knows that their little monster-fighting family won't care, it's still not her secret to tell.
It all comes to a head at a bonfire one night, midway through the summer, when the kids are once again grilling Steve on his sudden lack of a dating life. And it's Max who first cottons on to the most plausible explanation.
"Oh my God, wait, you like someone!" Max gasps midway through Dustin's interrogation.
There's a brief silence, and then the kids are all shouting.
"Oh, shit, Max, you're right. He totally does!" Dustin cries.
Steve tries to protest, but it's useless, because ever since Steve shed his royal persona two years ago, he's been a truly terrible liar. He looks like a deer in headlights, eyes wide and vaguely panicky, but Dustin Henderson has never been very good at letting things go.
"You have to tell us who it is!" Dustin presses. "We're your friends, Steve. Friends tell each other things. Unless..." Dustin gasps dramatically. "Unless she's someone we know..."
That shuts everyone up all at once, even Robin and Eddie, who have been having their own little conversation off to the side. Everyone stares at Steve, and then half of their eyes go to Nancy herself, and the other half land on Robin. It might make Nancy laugh, if Steve didn't look so close to throwing up.
"Right, well this is stupid," Steve says, smacking his hands on his knees and pushing up out of the chair. "I'm going to get another drink, and when I get back, we're dropping this."
He turns and hurries into the house, and Nancy glances around their little circle. Robin looks confused, but mostly worried. Eddie looks vaguely sick. And most of the kids just look shocked. They all start to murmur amongst themselves after the door slides shut behind Steve's retreating form. Nancy sees the way his whole body seems to sag, watching through the glass, and decides she's had enough.
She gets up, ignoring the way the murmuring gets louder as she walks, and follows him.
She finds Steve bent over the kitchen counter, palms pressed into the granite and head bent towards his chest. He looks like he's on the verge of panicking, and her heart aches for him. He's been through so much – some of which Nancy knows is her fault – and God, she just wants him to be happy for once.
"Steve?" she says softly.
Steve flinches at the sound of her voice, like he was so lost in thought he didn't even realize she'd followed him.
"There's something I wanted to-"
"Before you say anything, it's not you," he interupts flatly before she can finish. He pushes off the counter to look at her with sad, earnest eyes. "I know things were, like, weird when we were in the Upside Down, and we never really talked about it, but... I don't feel that way about you anymore. So you don't have to worry."
Nancy just blinks at him.
"That... that's what you wanted to talk about, right?" he asks.
"No, actually," Nancy says carefully. "I sort of knew you didn't feel like that about me, and I don't feel that way about you, so that's a non-issue, but..."
Steve looks relieved for a second, then tenses up again. "But...?" he says, raising an eyebrow.
"I, um... I think I might have an idea who it is – if Max is right, that is, and you really do like someone," she says.
Steve sighs. "It's not Robin, if that's what you're thinking."
"No," Nancy says softly, shaking her head. "No, it's not."
Steve frowns and averts his eyes, arms crossing protectively over his chest. He doesn't say anything.
Nancy considers her options. She wonders how she should play this, how to go about bringing this up. In the end, she just goes with her gut.
"Did you know I like girls?" she asks. It's the first time she's said it aloud to anyone, but it feels good. It feels like the right time. Besides, she wants to do this for Steve – to make him feel more comfortable. It's the least she can do.
Steve's eyes snap up to look at her again.
"I still like boys, too, but yeah... I like both, so..." She takes a deep breath. "If there was anything you wanted to tell someone about how you feel about... someone else... I'm not going to judge you."
Steve bites his lip. He looks painfully conflicted, and a little bit like he might cry. "I, uh..." he stammers. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath… clears his throat. "Okay first of all, thank you for trusting me with that, and you know I support you. I just want you to be happy, Nance."
Nancy nods, because she knows. She's always known. "That's what I want for you, too," she says. She takes a step forward and takes one of his hands in hers, because Steve's eyes are getting watery, and she hates seeing people cry. "You don't have to tell me, but if you want-"
"I think I like Eddie," Steve says suddenly, voice whisper-soft. He looks terrified when he meets Nancy's eyes again. "I, um... yeah. I like Eddie."
Nancy offers him what she hopes is an encouraging smile and nods. "Yeah, I kinda figured."
"Shit, am I that obvious?" Steve says weakly, and Nancy can't help but laugh softly.
"God, no," she says. "Well, to me, you are, but to everyone else? God, they're clueless. I promise you that nobody else has any clue, and it's been driving me crazy."
To her relief, Steve huffs out a soft laugh, as well. "Yeah, well, you've always been sort of freakishly observant, haven't you?"
It's true. She's always been like this, and that's precisely why she feels confident enough to make her next statement.
"You should tell him, Steve," she says.
Because Steve isn't the only person she's been watching for the past few months.
She's been watching Eddie, too, so she's seen Eddie's dopey, smitten smile whenever Steve makes a terrible joke. She's watched Eddie pull his hair in front of his mouth bashfully after Steve teases him. She's seen the blush on Eddie's cheeks whenever Steve steps into his personal space.
Steve Harrington isn't the only one who's been busy falling in love.
As usual, nobody else has noticed.
"No, absolutely not," Steve says, pulling his hand away and running both hands through his hair instead. "Are you crazy, Nance? He'll hate me!"
Nancy is pretty sure she deserves an Oscar for keeping her expression neutral, because the urge to roll her eyes is physically painful to resist.
"Steve," she says calmly. "I love you, and I love Eddie, but the two of you are idiots if you can't see how hard you've been pining over each other, and I am not above physically knocking your heads together to get you to realize that."
Steve's eyebrows disappear behind his hairline, and Nancy almost laughs. "Jesus, when did you get so threatening, Wheeler?" he grumbles, but there's a hint of a smile on his face. It's quickly swept away by fear, though, and Nancy's heart breaks a little when Steve looks at her with those puppy-dog eyes of his and asks, "What if you're wrong?"
She's only just opened her mouth to reply when the sliding door opens again, and someone else joins them in the kitchen.
Eddie's eyes dart back and forth between Nancy and Steve assessingly, and Nancy has to bite back a laugh because oh. Eddie was jealous.
"Sorry to interrupt," Eddie says, one eyebrow raised. "Just wanted to make sure everything was okay." He focuses his gaze on Steve, eyes softening. It's disgustingly adorable, how earnestly concerned he looks. "You doin' alright, Stevie? Kinda left in a hurry back there."
Steve glances at Nancy, face becoming redder by the second. Nancy smiles.
"Well I'm going to let you talk," she says casually. Steve's eyes nearly bug out of his head, but she puts both hands on his shoulders and looks him straight in the eyes before he can protest. "But to answer your question from before... I'm not wrong," she murmurs softly, so only Steve can hear. 
She pats him gently on the cheek and turns on her heel before Steve can respond, catching Eddie's eye on the way out. He looks perplexed, and she just smiles.
The kids hardly notice when she rejoins the circle around the fire. They've already moved on to topics that don't involve their babysitter's love life, but Robin still looks worried. It's cute. God, Robin is so cute, Nancy can hardly stand it.
"Is he okay?" Robin asks quietly. "He looked pretty upset when he left, and then you guys were gone for a while, and Eddie thought maybe you were getting back together, but I told him that was ridiculous, and now neither of them are back yet, and-"
"They're fine, I promise," Nancy says with a grin, interrupting Robin’s rambling. "They just... needed a little nudge."
Nancy gets to see the moment it clicks for Robin, and it's only a little bit hilarious. "Wait..." Robin says, mouth dropping open. "Steve...?"
Nancy nods, smile widening.
"And Eddie?"
"Yep," Nancy says. Robin looks on the verge of a massive freakout (a positive one, obviously, but a freakout nonetheless), and Nancy doesn't want her to unwittingly out both of the boys to the kids, so she changes the topic. She figures if she's making Steve deal with his feelings, she might as well do the same. You know, solidarity, and all that.
"By the way," Nancy says coolly, quietly, "did you know I'm bisexual?"
She has to cover Robin's mouth with her hand to stop her shriek of surprise, but it's worth it, because Robin instantly turns into a blushing, stuttering mess, and it's so stupidly endearing. Nancy wants to kiss her until neither of them can remember their own names.
It's even more endearing when Nancy tells her, "Yeah, so I'd really like to talk later, after the kids go to bed, if that's okay?" And Robin looks like she might faint when she blushes and whimpers out a yes.
Nancy just grins and threads their fingers together, hands tucked out of sight from the kids.
They're still sitting like that when Steve and Eddie finally come out of the house after a very long time, both boys looking flushed and a bit disheveled, but happy.
"Thought you were getting another drink?" Erica snarks at Steve when they sit down, and Nancy snorts, because Steve definitely returned empty-handed.
Steve's eyes widen and he looks at Eddie sheepishly. "I, uh... got a little distracted."
Only Max seems to recognize the implications, because her jaw drops, but Robin nudges her with her foot before she can say anything, and Max instantly shuts her mouth. She's still got a knowing look on her face, but Nancy knows she won't go outing anyone to the others. She's a good kid.
"God, you have the attention span of a puppy, Steve, I swear," Dustin grumbles, and the conversation quickly moves on.
Nancy is mostly quiet for the rest of the night, silently observing all of her friends and reveling in the feeling of Robin's hand in hers. She watches as Max tentatively rests her head on Lucas's shoulder. Watches Lucas's eyes widen and sees the internal freakout happening in his mind. She sees the way Eddie and Steve sit closer than before, practically on top of each other, faces flushed with happiness while they all make s'mores. She watches her brother look hopelessly confused sitting between Will and El, because he hasn't yet realized that while he is in love with one of them, it's not the one he thinks it is.
And at the end of the night, after the kids are all settled in the massive living room and she and Robin head for the guest room, Nancy catches Steve's eye. He and Eddie are holding hands now that they're out of sight of the kids, and Eddie can't stop staring at Steve like he's some sort of miracle. But just this once, Steve tears his eyes away from Eddie to meet Nancy's.
He smiles, mouths thank you, and gives an approving nod when his eyes land on her hand, which is still wrapped around Robin's.
Nancy just smiles and nods, and watches as Eddie impatiently tugs Steve into the bedroom and shuts the door. As Robin does the same to her, pulling her eagerly into the guest room, she has a wild thought.
If the investigative journalism thing doesn't work out, there's always the option of matchmaker.
She's apparently pretty damn good at it, after all.
And she's always been observant.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 6 months
The Pact (Will Graham)
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Description: Y/N and Will made a pact when they were 6 years old but Y/N doesn’t remember it.
Word Count: 2,582k
By definition: A pact is a formal agreement between individuals or parties. 
Will Graham was an odd man to say the least. He lived alone and collected dogs, he had visions, he sleep walked and he was capable of murder. Capable of murder? Who am I kidding? The man has murdered someone but that's besides the point. Will Graham was an interesting human being. He wasn’t stable or okay in the head. He needed actual help but he wouldn’t ever admit that. Even when his best friend was screaming in his ear about it. 
“Will that isn’t okay! You need to get help before you hurt yourself.” Or somebody. He rolled his eyes and scoffed. He didn’t need help nor did he have the time. There was a murderer on the loose. That was more important. “I don’t have time Y/N. And besides, it's not that big of a deal.” He said, she scoffed at him and it was her turn to roll her eyes. “Will, I found you on the road. What if you got hit by a car?” “I didn’t. Thanks to you.” He appreciated the hell out of her. She was there for him through everything and he couldn’t thank her enough. But she was overprotective of him or so he felt.
She was just being a good friend. He couldn’t tell her this but each time she saved his life, whether it be a small occurrence he fell more in love with her. She wasn’t aware that he was in love with her nor did she remember the pact they made when they were 6 on the playground. The pact that Will holds onto as the days go on. The pact that he made sure he never forgot. What was the pact? That if they weren’t married by their mid to late thirties they’d marry each other. She didn’t remember the pact, which frustrated him but she still made it and it was on paper. He kept the paper all these years waiting for the right moment to bring it to life. The man was crazy, well crazy for her. But she didn’t see it.
She just thought he needed help with his mind but little did she know there were other problems. “Then why don’t you stay for a few nights and help me if you think I'm that helpless.” He suggested to her. What he was asking her didn’t seem like a lot but to him it was only step one to his plan. She agreed and stayed that night. She offered to stay on the couch but he convinced her to take the bed. He was also in the bed with her but she didn’t mind. Besides one nightmare he had that woke them both up, he slept great. 
He got up before her and watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful and pretty. She was always pretty but peaceful? With him in her life that wasn’t always the case. She worried for him and his health but he didn’t take it seriously. She blamed Jack Crawford for what he’s been through. She hated that man but would never tell Will. Will liked his job but it was dangerous. His hand caressed her sleeping face as he had a soft smile. Soon enough, he thought. Soon enough he’d get what he wanted and that was her. 
Night after night she stayed with him and watched over him until she fell asleep. She knew that her company was helping and that he needed her there so she offered to move in with him and even split the bills. He held back the smirk that wanted to show. She was giving in to his plan without knowing. She made the next move without realizing it. He told her that he wasn’t sure it was a great idea but she insisted and told him that with her there he sleeps better. He put on the act of being hesitant about it and tried to tell her that his problems weren’t hers. “Will, I care about you so yes your problems are mine.” She was falling into his trap perfectly. 
Once she was moved in she told him that she would take the guest bedroom. He wanted to tell her that they could share his room but didn’t wanna make anything obvious so he agreed. Him and Hannibal helped her move into the house. Hannibal didn’t have any idea about the pact, nobody besides Will did. It worked better that way. She even had a dog of her own that Winston and the others would have to get used to. Will loved it though and it felt like he was one step closer, which he was. Each night Y/N would end up in his bed by his side. Holding him in her arms so he would calm down. But by morning she was back in her bed, which he hated.
He felt ungrateful, He had her in his house, moved in and helped him but it wasn’t good enough. He walked into her room before getting ready for work, he walked to the chair by her coffee table and sat down in it. He stared at her as she slept, with a dark look in his eyes. He fought the urge to touch her beautiful skin or put her hair behind her ear. He would wake up early just to go into her room and watch her. 
It was storming like crazy outside and the dogs were all in the room with them. Y/N slept in Will’s bed due to the storm. She thought it would trigger his nightmares, at least that’s what she told him. Truth was she was scared of thunder, and has been since she was a little girl. So being in bed with Will made her feel safe. She was wide awake staring at the ceiling as thunder could be heard. She couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was the stress from life or worrying about Will. Or the thunder, she couldn’t tell.
She heard Will whimpering in his sleep. She turned to look at him and he was in a pile of sweat and shaking. “Will.” She said, shaking the man. She repeated this until he sprung awake breathing hard. “Hey, it’s okay.” She said, rubbing his sweating back. He looked around to see that he was in his bed. He reached for her hand that was on his back and she let him take it. He placed his forehead on it and kissed her knuckles, he was glad she was there with him. “I’m here Will. I’m not going anywhere.” She said and sat up with him. “Thank you so much.” He whispered. She smiled and leaned into him. “It’s what i’m here for you.” She said.
He looked over at her and watched as her sleepy eyes shut and opened again like she was trying to stay awake. He shifted his body towards her causing her to look at him. He stared at her lips for a moment before leaning in and kissing her. She kissed back softly as his hand held her face. This was a perfect moment and he was so happy that she didn’t pull away or run off. They pulled away way too quickly for his liking. She gave him a small smile before getting out of the bed. “You need a shower. You stink.” She jokes and he laughs. 
She watched him as he left the house for work. She had a small smile on her face thinking of the night. They kissed and it was perfect. She never realized that she had feelings for him until that kiss. It felt so right. They didn’t talk about it yet but it wasn’t awkward. She wasn’t sure where to start but she knew it would get brought up eventually. She decided while he was gone she would clean up the house because Will never does. The house wasn’t a mess but she felt like cleaning it up.
She walked into his bedroom and smiled as she saw the bed that wasn’t made. They kissed in that very bed just hours ago. After she made the bed she saw that his dresser had clothes sticking out of it and decided to fold his clothes for him. She pulled out the clothes of the first drawer and saw a piece of paper that was folded. The paper looked old and wore out. She stared at it and thought about opening it to see what it was but that would be an invasion of privacy. But what could it possible be? She let her thoughts get the best of her and she opened the paper. 
I, Y/N Y/L/N, Vow to marry William Graham if we aren’t married by 35. 
I, Will Graham, Vow to marry Y/N Y/L/N if we aren’t married by 35. 
She smiled as she read it but what made her smile drop was the words below. 
This is a pact that we made years ago and a pact is a pact. She will be mine. She can’t escape or run from me.  
The writing was new compared to the first two sentences. She read over the words a million times before she looked around the room. They made this when they were 6. She completely forgot about it til now. How did Will remember this? And why did he add to it. She folded the piece of paper and put it in her pocket. She had to bring it up to him. 
Will drove home feeling happier than ever. He didn’t have stress or worry. He was happy. He got to kiss the love of his life. What more could he ask for? Well besides her being his wife but maybe he wouldn’t have to force her after all. 
He walked through the doors and greeted the dogs. Y/N waited for him in the kitchen. Her foot was tapping on the floor as her nerves were through the roof. He walked into the kitchen with a smile on his face. He saw her sitting at the table with a glass of wine making him smile even more. “Hey you okay?” He asked. She didn’t even look at him as she pulled out the paper. She set it on the table and pushed it towards him. “What is this?” She asked. He knew what it was but grabbed it and read it anyway. He laughed “This is a pact we made when we were 6. Where did you find this?” He asked her. She finally looked up at him. “Will, don’t play dumb with me. It was in your top drawer.” She said. “Ok so I kept it. I thought it was cute.” He said. She shook her head. “Will, it’s what is written at the bottom of the page.” She told him.
He never wanted her to find this. He was hoping she would never find it. “Is this why you have me staying here?” She asked him. “You offered to stay here and even live here.” He exclaimed. “I know Will but this feels planned.” She said. “What feels planned?” He asked. “Why did you write that at the bottom of the note?” She asked, ignoring his question. “I-” But he didn’t know what to say. He was struggling over his words. “We made a pact. We must follow through with it.” He said. “Will, We made that when we were 6.” She exclaimed. He shook his head. “A pact is a pact.” He said. She looked at him in disbelief. “Will I won’t marry you because of a pact we made when we were 6.” She said. “You will.” He said walking over to her.
She stood up but he backed her up against the wall. She was scared and nervous as he stared at her with dark eyes. “We belong together Y/N. We love each other and we made a pact that we would be married by now to each other.” He growled at the last part. “Will, please.” Her eyes stared into his dark ones and he cupped her face. “We even kissed last night.” He smiled. He leaned in to where his lips were almost against hers. “You belong to me.” He whispered. “You have since we were 6.” He kissed like he had last night. She didn’t kiss back. She was shocked by the note and everything else. Sure, she had feelings for Will but marrying him? Right now? With him acting like this, that wasn’t happening.
She pulled away from the kiss. “Will baby, I do love you but you need help. And I'll be there with you every step of the way.” She whispered and cupped his face. “I don’t need help, I need you.” He told her. “Will, I can’t marry you in the state of mind you’re in.” She said. “You can and you will.” He told her. 
She knew that if she ran, he would find her. If she told anybody, he would kill them. Will Graham was a fucked up human being. She truly had no escape. He took her hand and made her follow him to the bedroom. She was confused as he pulled out a black velvet box. “Will, what is that?” She asked. “I got these the day after you moved in.” He said with a smile.
He opened the box to her, she gasped at the two wedding bands inside. “We can do it right here, right now.” He said. She was quiet as he took out the rings. He set them on top of the dresser and grabbed her hands. “Y/N, I’ve loved you since I was 6 years old. You’ve helped me with my nightmares, my thoughts and life itself. I don’t know what I would do without you. I don’t need help, I just need you.” He said as he slipped the ring on her finger. She had tears in her eyes at what he said and what was happening. He took his ring and gave it to her. She took it with shaky hands. “Will, I do love you a lot and you mean so much to me. But I really think we should wait on this. Let’s enjoy each other and worry about this later.” He shook his head. “What if we don’t get later? What if something happens? This needs to happen now.” He said.
She sighed and realized that no matter what she said he would come up with something. “I want a real wedding.” She said. “And we will have that baby. This is just for now.” She looked down at the ring she had on her finger and the one that he gave her to put on his finger. She really had no way out of this. But it wasn’t that bad either. Maybe as his wife she could get him some real help that wasn’t Hannibal Lecter. Maybe just maybe she can get him to leave his awful job.
She grabbed his hand and slid the ring on it. “Will, I love you so much and nothing will ever stop that or come between this. You’ve been by my side since I was 6 years old and I thank you for that. You’re a beautiful and kind soul that I will cherish from this day on.” She said. He smiled at what she said and they leaned in and kissed. As Husband and Wife.
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xstarsdiary · 10 months
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ミ day 002 : 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 ❦
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@neteyamsyawntu 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐬 2023
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 : slight nipple play, pet names, cum shot, i don’t even know- i’m tired as fuck.
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 : ao’nung x fem avatar reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : aged up ao’nung, not proofread, very rushed at the end, 𝐦𝐝𝐧𝐢 𝟏𝟖+
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When your avatar was created it really inherited your dna. The scientists in the lab were shocked to say the least when they saw how different your avatars body was from most.
You were a curvy girl, with bigger breasts and plumper thighs but nobody could’ve expected for your avatars body to be so simular to yours, it wasn’t usual for a navi woman to have such large breasts.
You weren’t complaining though, many men and women in the clan loved and worshiped your body and nobody really minded that you were actually a tawtute.
You assumed that it was because when growing up you were very close with the sully family, especially Neteyam. The two of you have been two peas in a pod since he was born only a few months after you.
Even Neytiri didn’t seem to mind your presence. She was grateful for you, for how hard you worked for the clan and for the joy you bought to her family, she couldn’t help but have the smallest soft spot for you.
Most nights consisted of getting your pussy pounded and pleasured by somebody, anybody in the clan that you could find who was needy enough to want you.
However, after you and the Sully family had to flee everything changed. You had gone with the family as Neteyam insisted, after having a gun pointed to your head by one of the vrrteps, he didn’t want you to leave his side ever. You were his best friend.
The trip to the Metkayina clan was long and rough, you could remember it like it was yesterday. You had traveled in your human body on Neteyam’s ikran with him, your avatar body in the helicopter which belonged to norm behind you.
Norm Spellman. A scientist well known around the lab. He had taken care of you since you and your friend Spider were born all the way up until your early adult years. He had suggested bringing a small link pod and transportable shack for you so that you can live there with your human and avatar body.
Everybody had immediately agreed to the idea though they were all unsure of how other navi would react to a tawtute living within their clan. Ronal, the tsahik of the metkayina was sceptical at first, worried and angered that the family of forest navi had bought a demon with them. It took a lot of convincing and pleading from Toruk Makto himself for her and the Olo’eyktan to allow you to stay.
You and the Sully’s had been living in Awa’atlu for a few months now and let’s just say that you’ve had your fair share of men and women. Definetly not as many as you had back in the forest as people were still wary of you but you still enjoyed the pleasure.
You did have a favourite though.. Ao’nung. At first you hated his guts, he was constantly picking on you and the Sully siblings but after a few beatings from Neteyam and Lo’ak themselves, he eventually grew out of his immature bully phase.
The first time you and Ao’nung really hit it off was a bit awkward, he was the very first of the Metkayina to ever lay a hand on you in such a sexual way and you didn’t know how to feel about that at first.
After a while though, more people of the clan began to seek pleasure in you and you began to seek pleasure in them, taking out all of your anger and stress with their skilful mouths and large dicks that could fill you up just right.
But you would always remind yourself that nobody could ever fill you up how Ao’nung could, no.. His cock was seemingly magical, a gift from Eywa herself.
The shape, size and every little detail of his pretty dick was imprinted in your mind, permanently stuck in there. You always catch yourself romanticising about him, thinking about how slowly he pushes inside of you, making sure that you feel every single inch of him fill you.
Those thoughts always made your loincloth or panties wet and some days, whenever you were in your human body - you were desperate for him to fill your tight little hole up.
You pushed that thought aside every time though, you had lost your virginity already in your avatar body but nothing except for your own fingers had ever breeched your pussy in your human body and you weren’t sure if it would stay that way forever or not.
Usually it was always you who would go running to Ao’nung, seducing him into pleasuring you.. however, today that was not the case.
Ao’nung had barged into your mauri, wide eyed and with a large and extremely visible bulge in his tewng. You had nearly drooled at the sight, eyebrows raised as you were stunned that he had just barged in like this.
“Ao’nung?” Your voice reached his ears as he groaned, his loincloth only seemingly getting tighter by the second. You watched as he lightly palmed the bulge in his loincloth, trying to give himself a little bit of pleasure as he continued to let out soft pants and groans.
“Need you- Need you right now, syulang..” he had rasped out, his voice so unbelievably sexy and luring, his face scrunched up in slight pain as he helplessly stared into your amber eyes.
You could already feel yourself becoming wet, knowing that your tewngwas also soon enough going to become moist as you took small steps towards the metkayina boy, him walking towards you as well before your lips crashed together.
It was a very heated and needy kiss, your fangs scraping against one another’s as both of your tongues fight for dominance inside of each others mouths.
He wasted no time in untying your pretty top which was made of string, beads and leaves from the forest. You felt his hot breath fanning your lips as he pulled away, watching his left hand grope your plump tit as you let out an airy moan.
His fingers slightly pinched and brushed over your nipple, every so now and then giving it a small tug as you let out soft moans, your hands roaming his body from his muscular biceps to his hard chest and all the way down to his slim waist.
“Fuck-“ his gruff voice comes you as your hand brushes against the huge bulge in his loincloth, ever so slightly teasing him. “Get on your knees f’ me, syulang.”
You do as he says immediately, gracefully dropping to your knees with your smaller hands holding onto his thighs, your face just above his dick. You had already lowered yourself, now face to face with his cock but your brows furrow when he shakes his head.
His fingers hook under your chin, your body following as he uses them to guide you up to the right height. Looking up at him, you can see the smirk on his face, the lust in his eyes and his fangs lightly biting his bottom lip as he hastily unties his loincloth.
In an instant his pretty teal cock springs out, his hand immediately reaching to give it a few strokes as to give him some sort of release from the torture he’s endured. Your pupils widen as you watch a drop of pre-cum leak from his pink tip, dripping onto the marui’s floor.
His hand leaves his cock as he moves to grab both of yours, guiding them to your perky tits as he uses your hands to push your tits together. At first you’re confused, about to ask what he’s doing before his cock thrusts upwards and in between your breasts, sliding in between them easily as he uses his spit as lube.
You quickly catch on to what he’s doing, sitting more upright and pushing your boobs even closer together as you listen to his grunts and groans, a whimper leaving his lips every now and then as he mercilessly thrusts.
The two of you had never done something like this before so you weren’t sure of what to do and how to act, the only thing you could think of doing is meeting his thrusts with small bounces to make it easier for him, your tits jiggling in your hands slightly as you hold them tighter.
The tip of his dick reaches just up to your mouth every time he thrusts upwards, just neatly hitting your pretty pink lips before disappearing into your cleavage. Your tongue instinctively sticks out so that his tip hits it, your saliva lubricating him even more as he glides easier between your tits.
This action only drives him crazy, feeling his release begin to build up. “So fuckin’ good. My girl, all pretty for me..” He praises you through groans and heavy breathes, his dick twitching every single time your tongue touches it in the slightest.
You can tell that he’s getting close, the taste of precum on your tongue causing your to smile and let out a breathy laugh, your chest bouncing with every giggle that leaves your lips as you push your boobs even closer together, creating a tighter space for his cock.
He’s nearly over the edge now, his hands finding their way into your loose hair as whines begin to leave his throat. He bites his lip as hard as he can to stop the lewd noises from coming out but he just couldn’t stop himself when you’re in front of his like this.
“Fuck- oh shit!” His release hits him like a truck, making his vision go spotty as his eyes roll to the back of his head, spurts of white cum painting your chest and tongue as his thrusts turn sloppy and uneven.
You’re a mess now, hair tangled and still his his hand which is now balled into a fist, face and chest messy, sticky with a thin layer of glistening sweat. You smile up at him, almost innocently- as if the two of you hadn’t just done what you’d done.
Ao’nung’s chest heaves with deep, raggedy breaths, his hand loosing its tight grip on your hair as he calms himself down. He peers down at you, face slightly flushed and his body also sweaty as he helps you stand, your perky tits which are still covered in his cum on display for him.
He moves over to his loincloth, picking up the piece of clothing and tying it around his waist as you continue stand there, watching as his muscles flex and glisten with sweat before watching as he walks back over to you.
Now standing directly in front of you, one of his hands moves to your right breast, groping it as his thumb swipes over your hardened nipple a few times. “We should do this again sometime, vrrtep evenge.”
And with that, he gives you one finally kiss, his tongue barely swiping against yours before he swiftly makes his way out of the marui, leaving you a sticky- horny mess as you sigh.
@plooto ❥
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muzansfangs · 10 months
Guilty pleasure.
Starring: Muzan Kibutsuji x f!reader; Kokushibo x f!reader; Nakime, Douma, Yuichiro Tokito, Sabito, Makomo and Kotoha; mention to Inosuke and Kagaya;
Warnings: murder, death, use of guns, shotguns, blood, gore, mental and physical torture, explosions, knives, stabbing, abuse, angst, psychopathic tendencies, harassment, criminal plots, cheating, use of alcohol;
Plot: Muzan has finally found a way to take down part of the Ubuyashiky Empire. While you do not even know where he is, attending a dinner, supposed to be a date with Muzan, with his First in Command, you get drunk and a small accident takes place in the parking lot. What you do not know is that your soon to be husband is busy blowing up a building, while with the help of his loyal guards, he lets blood run down the streets.
The night had barely veiled the sky, when Muzan hopped down from the car. After years of searching for that place, he had finally found it. The road was silent, exceptionally silent, and everything was set. For weeks he had tried to fetch Kagaya a blow. After the little stunt he had pulled with his daughter, with you, Muzan craved more. His arms factory, the industry located in a secret location that nobody could ever find, was now under his nose.
The new recruit, Kaigaku, had done a pretty decent job in stalking his cousin all the way here. Such a pity that a fine building was about to turn into ashes in a few minutes. Bombs had been activated in every angle of the company and all it would have taken to make them explode was a simple remote he was currently holding into his hand. A small black device with a red button in the middle.
"I believe there's still someone inside" Nakime pointed out, scrutinizing the area with a pair of binoculars and spotting two cars in the parking lot.
Muzan did not even bother glancing at them, he closed his eyes for a second and a small grin crossed his lips. There was such a difference between the person he was now and the one he was around you. He did not want to fail to attend your dinner, he went mad when he was not around you. Yet, he could not turn into somebody else only because now you were part of his life. If you love someone, you learn to love their edges too, right?
Also, everything he was doing now was for you.
"Awesome. This only means there will be some collateral damages" Muzan replied, before shoving his hand into his breast pocket and pulling a phone out to check the time. It would have been foolish bringinghis main device in the area. The police would have reasonably been able to track him down and, frankly, the last thing he needed was to be arraigned on a charge of murder.
Studying the area before attacking had granted him the chance to find a blind spot where the videocameras could not catch even small glimpses of them. Yet, since there seemed to still be people into the building, and he was smart enough to figure that some of them were Slayers, they had to be ready to fight. Bringing with him his most cold-blooded assassins would have surely helped me to get the job done in a matter of seconds.
"Be nimble. Don't toy with your victims. — Muzan said, his plum red eyes darting on the silver-haired man at his left — I'm talking to you, idiot" he remarked, earning a grin from Douma.
His presence alone was enough to irk Muzan. He would have gladly asked Kokushibo to take care of this but, since he could not trust Douma around you, he had no other choice than switch the roles of his bodyguards.
"Can I, at least, kidnap a lady? You know, like a souvenir to remember this glorious night" Douma chimed, causing Nakime to grimace in disgust and Muzan to load up the gun he kept on his belt.
As the raven-haired politician turned to face Douma and pointed the gun at him, the bodyguard knew it was time to shut up. It was not the first time Muzan killed someone. Five bodyguards had been murdered in the last two years, all murdered by the said man.
"Do not give me an excuse to blow your brains out  – Muzan deadpanned, locking eyes with Douma before turning to glance briefly at Nakime – Get in position now, both of you" he added shortly.
In a few seconds, the lights into the building they were watching turned down. Kaigaku had finally caused the blackout in the area. A few seconds passed by, before a couple of Slayers ran out of the building and checked the area around the parking lot. Their blades glimmered under the moonlight as their eyes searched for possible threats. They seemed young, probably barely around their early twenties. It was clear that they were no match for the two Moons ready to strike them down. They waited in the darkenss, until the taller one noticed the shiny car parked on the side of the road.
"Fox, that car doesn't belong to any of us" he pointed out, his turquoise eyes widening even so slightly in the futile attempt to catch some details that coukd have helped him to figure out what was going on. However, they were too far for that and they ventured down the desert street to approach the vehicle.
The other Slayer, the one wearing a white Fox mask with a peculiar scar on it, walked beside his dark-haired colleague. His grip on the hilt of his katana was tight, his knuckles had turned white as they carefully devoured the distance between them and the car. He seemed more tense than the other, as if he was expecting to be attacked at any given chance. Yet, it was not enough to save them.
It happened before they could even realize it. As the taller one got close enough to peek into the opened window of the parked vehicle, a knife was thrown at his back and impaled his right  shoulderblade. A wince of pain left his lips as he turned around hastily and slashed at the brunette woman standing a few strides away from him.
"Yuichiro!" the masked slayer yelled out, the blood spilling out from his colleague's wound splattered over his white mask.
Nakime dodged the attack and drew another knife from the suspender on her thigh "Good evening, fellas" she cooed, her red-painted lips curling up in a smile as Douma joined her and unfolded his tessens. He pouted, cocking his head to the side as he let hsi multicolored orbs analyze his opponents outfits.
"Distasteful choice of colors for your suits... The mask is cute, though, but I would love to look my enemy straight in the eye, as I tear him apart. I hope you don't mind it, dear" the Second in Command cheerfully said, before quickly slashing at the mask covering the shorter slayer's visage.
The sound of the two pieces of wood clattering on the dirty ground made the peach-haired guy flinch and his lavander eyes glint in anger. That blow, so fast and precise, could have killed him right on the spot. How was he not able to dodge it? There was no doubt that the two strangers in fornt of them were skilled fighters. They were Moons. They clearly had no chances against them and his mind only screamed for one thing: the urge to protect Makomo and the secretary, Kotoha. They needed to run as far away as possible and to call for someone to help them out.
If they somehow managed to survive.
"Go to call Makomo and Kotoha. Tell them to go, tell Makomo I love her" Fox said through gritted teeth, not even galncing at Yuichiro for a second.
"Sabito, no! If you think I'm going to leave you alone, you're clearly out of your mind" Yuichiro spat, before he coughed up some blood on his hand.
At that sight, Douma smiled brightly and nudged Nakime's ribs with his elbow "Woah, you compromised his lungs! Good job!" he beamed, as the brunette simply twirled the knife between her fingers and threw it at the already wounded slayer, hoping to get it through his heart.
As she aimed for the organ, Sabito's eyes switched on her as he was quick to knock it out of Yuichiro's way with an horizontal slash of his katana.
Nakime sighed "You know, I was doing your friend a favor by stabbing him through his heart. I was saving him all of this sufferings... Nevermind, though" she whispered, as she got ready to throw another knife.
However, a sudden shotgun and the sight of Yuichiro's dead body slumping onto the ground were enough to make her flinch. The bullet had went clean through the slayer's head, killing him right on the spot. While Nakime knew exactly who had fired the gun, Sabito's eyes widened in horror as he knelt down next to his comrade as if shaking his shoulder could bring him back to life. It was pointless. Yuichiro Tokito was dead. A tickle of blood was running down the curve of his nose, contrasting with his pale skin and the glassy eyes now staring into the void. It was over, it was all over.
"Incompetent Moons are a pain in the ass. Worthless, you are worthlesss" Muzan Kibutsuji flatly said, his deep voice piercing their ears before he came to their vision.
Soft whimpers and shaky breaths filled the air, as two women walked slowly in front of him. One of them was younger, her tiny hand hold a broken blade in her hand as her blue eyes serached for Sabito's ones. Her left eyebrow was cut, as if someone had smacked her and, as Muzan kicked her on her back, making her fall face down on the cobblestone, it was pretty clear who had done it. The other one was around her thirties, emerald eyes contrasting with long and dark hair loosened down her small shoulders. She was terrified, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched the scene before her eyes.
"Muzan Kibutsuji" Sabito hissed, trying to craddle Makomo in his arms, as the tiny girl sobbed in fear and gripped the fabric of her boyfriend's shirt in her little fists.
Muzan gripped the older woman's hair and made her wince in agony, before he shoved her against Douma's chest, as a sign for him to hold her still. The silver-haired man sneered and gladly wrapped his hands around her wrists, holding them tightly behind her back. His breath fanned her earlobe, making the woman shiver in fear.
"What's your name, honey?" Douma whispered, propping his chin over her shoulder.
"Kotoha. Hashibira Kotoha" she merely murmured, squeezing her eyes shut in fear as Muzan loaded his gun again and walked up towards the young couple of slayers, sitting at his feet.
It was their end. No one was going to save them.
"That's right. It's my name. — Muzan replied, pointing his gun at Sabito's head — I've tried to ask them about it, but all they were capable of telling me were pleas for mercy. How pathetic... Tell me, is there someone else in the building?" he coldly asked him, his finger ready to pull the trigger as soon as the slayer had given him the answer he needed.
Sabito held Makomo tightly, tears welling up in his eyes, as he refused to waste his last breath to talk to him. Instead, he pressed his lips against Makomo's temple and closed his eyes.
"I love you. Close your eyes" he whispered softly.
Two shotguns filled the air, some bids flying away from the brench of a nearby tree as Kotoha almost fell on her knees. She knew she would have been the next, her heart was thrumming in her chest in anticipation as thanked the God for what had happened that morning.
If Inosuke had not changed his shift with Yuichiro, the young boy laying on her ground would have been her son.
"Nakime. You know what to do. A 'K' on her left cheek, now. Hurry up" Muzan ordered his Fourth in Command as Douma gripped Kotoha's jaw to hold her head firmly.
Terror filled her eyes as she tried to wriggle in Douma's grip, only to earn an amused chuckle from the sadistic Moon behind her "Come on, hold on tight, it's like a tattoo" he crooned, as Nakime pierced her cheek with the cold blade of her knife.
Screams of pain shattered the silent night as the Fourth in Command neatly cut on her flawless skin, dark blood oozing down from the lines forming the shape of a 'K'. The mark of Muzan, his message for Ubuyashiki.
"Please, stop! It hurts! I can't!" Kotoha screetched, as Nakime finally stepped back and Muzan flicked his gaze up to admire her work of art.
There was no sympathy in his eyes as he reached his hand up to tuck a strand of Katoha's hair behind her ear, apathy in his visage as he grasped her hand delicately and pulled her closer to him. He did not care about the pain he was putting her through. She was a tool for him to send a message to his enemy.
"Your role is important, my dear. You will deliver my message to Kagaya Ubuyashiki" Muzan said, holding her gaze as she sobbed uncontrollably.
His words confused her. Was he going to spare her? The dim ounce of hope seemed to twinkly in her eyes as she wiped some blood and tears from her face with the sleeve of her shirt.
"What do you mean? Do I have to call him? Do you want me to be a messanger?" she naively asked him, her shoulder shaking as she tried to collect her breath.
This made him smile faintly. His hand reached for something behind his back, as he made sure her gaze was transfixed on him. Kotoha Hashibira was indeed a sweet woman.
His free hand held up her chin as he spoke out again "Yeah, exactly. You are going to be my messanger, Kotoha. But, you see, I got nothing to tell him. Therefore, my message has be graphic. That is why I do believe in killing the messanger" Muzan reasoned, grasping the handle of the switchblade he had hidden in his back.
Her eyes went round as she shook her head "No! No, please! Why?" she screamed, but the blade through her heart made her choke on her words.
Blood dripped out of her mouth as Muzan stared deeply into her eyes and helped her to lay down onto the ground.
"Because it sends a message" he whispered in her ear, as she twitched a few last times, before life abandoned her body.
Silence swallowed them again, as Muzan grasped the controller and his bodyguards got back into the car. He stared at the building one last time, before hopping into the passenger seat. As Douma began to drive away, Muzan rested his thumb onto the red button and, with a click, the industry exploded. The sound of the explosion felt like music to his ears and he watched the smoke and flames envelope it through the rear view mirror.
"He stood me up. He fucking stood me up" you slurred, eyes wide open as you stared up at Kokushibo in pure shock. You could not believe Muzan had cancelled your dinner through a stupid message.
Now, all dolled up and drunk, you were talking to his First in Command about how pathetic and stupid you felt for not having got back at him for that.
"As if buying me some Valentino dress and these stupid shoes... Argh, I have even forgotten the name of their brand" you ranted, dipping your head between your arms as you closed your eyes in irritation. You had drunk too much, that was evident, and now an exhaspered Kokushibo was forced to raise from him chair and help you to stand up.
"I think it's time to go home. – he lowly said, clearing his throat to catch your attention — And the brand of your shoes is Louboutin" he added, making you quirk up your eyebrows and smile up at him.
"Aw, that's so cute, you remembered the brand for me! Yeah, let's go home! Let's go! I wanna set his stupid collections of ancient tapestries on fire!" she chimed, giggling as the stoic man's ears turned pink for the embarrassment.
The restaurant was empty at that hour. You were the last two guests left in here, since you had kept on ordering bottle after bottle to drown your anger and sadness into expensive wine. Actually, all that you felt now was a suffocating dissatisfaction. You could barely stand on your heels and you clung to Kokushibo's arm as a koala.
As you almost toppled down a table, the man exhaled through his nostrils and hauled you over his shoulder making you squeak out in surprise.
"Coconut! Coconut, let me down! I can perfectly walk!" you protested, blushing as the waiters stared at you two with uncomfortable expressions plastered over their faces. They had recognized you, obviously, but Kokushibo had paid them enough to keep their mouths shut about this little stunt you had pulled.
"Stop calling me that" Kokushibo said, walking through the exit and up to his car. Just a little longer, he had to try not to strangle you for a little longer.
However, you were far from being done. Annoying Kokushibo was an art you had crafted since the first day you two crossed paths. It was in your veins, you were born for it.
"Oh, I understand! You were just looking for an excuse to stare at my ass, were you not?!" you taunted him, bursting out laughing for your own stupid joke.
"I suggest you to shut up" he warned you in a stern tone.
"I suggest you to take that broom out of your ass".
It was enough. He wanted to choke the life out of you, yet you were absolutely cute at times. Now, now as you were pestering him, you were hilarious too and he could not take it anymore. You were ready to say something else, he felt the muscles of your abdomen flex over his shoulder as you took a deep breath. This time, though, you were going to swallow your shallow speeches.
You did not process it, all you knew was that you found yourself settled onto the hood of his car and his maroon eyes bored into yours for a split second. What followed was his hand grasping your jaw and his mouth capturing yours in a passionate kiss that made your toes curl into your shoes.
It lasted a few seconds, your hands settled on each side of you for balance as his tongue explored your mouth. You were drunk, really, but sober enough to feel how passionate he was.
"Will you shut up for the rest of ride?" he breathed out, as the kiss broke.
Of course you were going to shut up.
Hello there! I have finally uploaded this chapter on Tumblr too. One more part and I will be finally get the perfect balance again. This chapter was rather dark and I am well-aware of it, but the story is supposed to be like that. It’s finally time to show some action, after all. Hopefully, I will bless you with some fluff in a while… Or so I believe!
As per usual, likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreaciated!
Until next, x o x o
Tags: @mrskokushibo @ladytamayolover @tired-writer04 @hjjks @kakuchosbff @yazzzmints @bookandstar @z3r0art @cherrymanhuas @kazuhaslvt @selenenyx0124 @infinitedilf @yunixkill @shigarakithings @i-loveyou013 @yoriichi-second-wife @sunaswife @lucikittyxoxo @heartsforjeongin @ishmealmendes @wondermilka @dangerousdreamkitty @crazycatlddy
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I reckon it is widely accepted that Crowley and Freddie Mercury were, at the very least, besties, sometimes lovers, sometimes had a fling or dated. But I have feelings and headcanons nobody asked for that I have to share.
They met while Freddie was still in college. Freddie saw Crowley, drew a quick sketch of him and got up and gave it to Crowley. "I promise I will draw you a better one, dear." He never did, but Crowley still keeps the drawing and miracled it to always look like just made.
Crowley never really liked Mary Austin. He didn't like her when she was Freddie's girlfriend and always found a way to inconvenience her. He still doesn't like her, especially after she put Freddie's belongings up for auction. He liked Jim Hutton, however.
Freddie kissed Crowley first. It was after a rehearsal of one of Freddie's early bands, Crowley was giving him his feedback. Freddie just leaned in and kissed him. He avoided the demon for the following two weeks as he was confused (he still hadn't realised he liked boys) and felt embarrassed.
Even though they were both adamant that there were no feelings involved, they both deeply cared for each other. Neither would admit it, saying they were only friends who (more than) occasionally hooked up, but they both knew there was more. However, Freddie fell a bit harder even though he knew Crowley wasn't in love with him. It did hurt a bit, but he was eventually fine with it.
Freddie actually knew about Crowley and Aziraphale being a demon and an angel. Crowley told him one night while they were both drunk and then Freddie remembered and asked him. Crowley tried to deny it, but Freddie insisted so much that in the end, he decided to tell him everything as he knew Freddie wouldn't tell anybody. And he never did, he treated this like his own secret.
The first time Freddie saw Crowley's eyes, Crowley thought he would be scared. But Freddie just said: "I know they're snake eyes, but they remind me of my cats. And what a lovely colour, darling. Yellow's my favourite, you know?".
Crowley ranted A LOT about Aziraphale to Freddie. He was always going on about how much he hated his being a goody-two-shoes, how infuriating his constant reminding him that he was actually a good person and how the fuck can 6000 years be too fast? Freddie just smiled because he knew. He could see how much Crowley loved that angel. It broke his own heart, because he knew he could never be loved that much, but never said a word.
Freddie did write a lot of songs about Crowley and Aziraphale. Obviously Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, but also Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Somebody to Love and many more. Spread Your Wings is specifically about Crowley and he knew. But what Freddie would never tell anyone, a secret that he brought to the tomb with him, is that he wrote Love of My Life and You Take my Breath Away for him. (told you that Freddie was in love, my poor baby suffered too much in his life).
Freddie taught Crowley how to play the piano.
Crowley auctioned for some of Freddie's belongings. He got some kimonos, some handwritten sheets and his piano. He couldn't let anyone else have it.
Crowley never really left Freddie's side. He was always that mysterious, dark and handsome man showing up especially when Freddie needed someone. People eventually accepted it as part of Freddie's charm as he was always so secretive about his personal life.
Freddie let himself be vulnerable only around Crowley. Just as Crowley took off his glasses with him, Freddie allowed himself to cry only those times in which they were alone. He cried in Crowley's arms so much when his illness was worsening, when he was scared of how much he would have suffered. One night it got so bad that Freddie was basically begging Crowley to end his suffering and Crowley had to perform a miracle so that he could sleep. Neither brought it up ever again.
When Freddie died, Crowley was there with him. He gave Freddie just enough life to allow him to say some words. "You promised me you wouldn't come," Freddie told him. "I'm a demon, I lied" replied Crowley with a broken voice. He then sat on the bed and stayed with him until the very last moment. Aziraphale was there too. He followed Crowley without telling him because he felt he needed him. Aziraphale took away Freddie's suffering so that he could go without pain.
That same night, Aziraphale tried to persuade Crowley to stay at his library because he thought Crowley needed a friend. Crowley refused, hopped on his Bentley and drove away. He parked in front of his apartment building and found a used packet of cigarettes and an old pair of sunglasses that belonged to Freddie in his car. As the radio passed Love of my life, he couldn't hold it anymore and burst into tears. He cried hard, really hard. He felt a familiar hand on his back but didn't look and didn't ask. Aziraphale never said anything either and didn't leave until Crowley stopped crying but before he could be seen. He remembered how much it hurt and didn't want Crowley to grieve alone.
Master post: here
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edenmemes · 1 year
red dead redemption 1 starters
❝ it’s wanting that gets so many folks in trouble. ❞ ❝ it ain’t no secret i didn’t get these scars falling over in church. ❞ ❝ if you win power, remember why you wanted it. ❞ ❝ you do a man wrong, he’ll shoot you for it. you do a man right…well, he still may shoot you for it. ❞ ❝ trust me. there’s things you’re better off not knowing. ❞ ❝ you remind me a lot of myself. how i used to be. stubborn and angry. ❞ ❝ i hope you will give me some warning if you get the sudden urge to kill me. ❞ ❝ my side wasn’t chosen. my side was given. ❞ ❝ a little sore, but apart from a couple extra scars, it will be as nothing happened. ❞ ❝ i don’t think you’re a bad person. a little stupid perhaps, but not rotten. ❞ ❝ i certainly don’t mind you asking, if you don’t mind me not telling. ❞ ❝ you are being deliberately obscure as a substitute for having a personality. ❞ ❝ so do tell me, have you needlessly risked your life since we last spoke? ❞ ❝ i came into this world fighting. and i’ll go out of it fighting. ❞ ❝ i hear you speak and suddenly i'm reminded of how the people i respected most in my life had a problem with authority. ❞ ❝ you're looking much better. considering you were almost buzzard food a couple days ago. ❞ ❝ power is like a drink. the more you have, the more you want. ❞ ❝ people don’t forget. nothing gets forgiven. ❞ ❝ sometimes in the service of what is right, you got to do terrible things. ❞ ❝ you have quite a story. i really am a little jealous. ❞ ❝ old friends make the worst enemies. ❞ ❝ i had everything, and gave it up in the pursuit of nothing. ❞ ❝ hah. you were always bad at lying. ❞ ❝ i’m not going to stand by and watch good people suffer. ❞ ❝ some trees flourish, others die. some cattle grow strong, others are taken by wolves. some men are born rich enough and dumb enough to enjoy their lives. ain't nothing fair. you know that. ❞ ❝ if you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. ❞ ❝ now, if you don't mind, i'd hate to spoil such a beautiful afternoon on such beautiful land with any further unpleasantries. ❞ ❝ i, too, have a family, friend. and so that we may see our families again i suggest we part ways amicably. ❞ ❝ sometimes i tell myself that everything happens for a reason. ❞ ❝ i see the good in everybody. it’s a flaw of mine. ❞ ❝ well, try not to get yourself killed. ❞ ❝ see if you can keep your gun holstered for once. ❞ ❝ i don’t pay much attention to rumors. ❞ ❝ i swear, if it was down to me, i’d never have gone anywhere. ❞ ❝ lock all the doors. whatever happens, don’t come outside. you hear me? whatever happens. ❞ ❝ what would you care? i’m just a nuisance to you anyway. ❞ ❝ i’ve been hearing some things about you. ❞ ❝ i would rather be dead than a cynic like you. ❞ ❝ damn, a little gratitude wouldn’t kill you. ❞ ❝ trust me, i ain’t no hero. ❞ ❝ as it turns out, it's you or me. the way i see it, might as well be you. ❞ ❝ you live in a dream world. it ain’t like they tell it in books. ❞ ❝ i’m asking you to do what i say, before you get yourself killed. ❞ ❝ those who sit on the fence make a choice…in their own way. ❞ ❝ i’d do anything for you, you know that. ❞ ❝ better watch your mouth, my friend. i've cut out a man's tongue for less. ❞ ❝ there's nothing worse than a nobody thinking he's a somebody. ❞ ❝ you got it all wrong. i’ve always loved you, even now. ❞ ❝ what the hell were you thinking, going off on your own? ❞ ❝ first impressions are hard to erase. ❞ ❝ it’s a long story. too long to tell without a drink in my hand. ❞ ❝ i’m not angry. i’m disappointed. ❞ ❝ you know me. i’ll be late to my own funeral. ❞ ❝ that tone of voice ain’t so becoming on you. makes you seem all pent up and angry. ❞ ❝ you think i don’t know who you are. ❞ ❝ why don’t i get a warm and tender embrace? ❞ ❝ what do you want me to say? yippee? ❞ ❝ there’s always a choice. you’re just too blind to see. ❞ ❝ you’re not ready for that yet. one step at a time. ❞ ❝ every time you go off, i worry you’re not coming back. ❞ ❝ it didn’t have to be this way. ❞ ❝ come on now. try to look on the bright side. ❞
❝ after all i taught you…i’m ashamed. ❞ ❝ it’s easy to make promises you can never keep. ❞ ❝ we all make mistakes. i never claimed to be a saint. ❞ ❝ how does it feel to kill hundreds of men in cold blood? ❞ ❝ it ain’t the first time i had a gun to my head. ❞ ❝ you’re not perfect, and i’m sure not. but you’re better than they are. ❞ ❝ you alright? you’re not hurt, are you? ❞ ❝ this really couldn’t have gone more horribly wrong. ❞ ❝ you’re just like me. you can’t change who you are. ❞ ❝ my whole life, all i ever did was fight. ❞ ❝ you’re in no position to make demands. ❞ ❝ the bright side? there ain’t no bright side. ❞ ❝ my heart’s beating like a drum. ❞ ❝ are you sure you’re alright? i mean, i know all that business must have been hard on you. ❞ ❝ you’ll make me blush with all these kind words. ❞ ❝ i never took you for the jealous type. ❞ ❝ come now, you’re stupid, but you’re not that stupid. ❞ ❝ you’re weak. you always were. you never had the stomach for this. ❞ ❝ seems real quiet, don’t you think? ❞ ❝ you were always a hard and nasty man. ❞ ❝ see, i have nothing but your best intentions at heart. ❞ ❝ don’t talk about things you don’t understand. ❞ ❝ i guess there’s only one room for one hero in this family. ❞ ❝ for a wise man, you are a really stupid man. ❞ ❝ what would have happened if i hadn’t come along? ❞ ❝ you must have mistaken me for someone else, friend. ❞ ❝ you ain’t very talkative, are you? ❞ ❝ we cannot be too careful. the world is very dangerous. ❞ ❝ no, i’m not okay. do i look like i’m okay? ❞ ❝ you are so tense all the time. come, let’s have some fun! ❞ ❝ i will stay and fight. i am ready to die if necessary. ❞ ❝ i know i can’t change the past but i’m sure gonna do something about the future. ❞ ❝ i’ve given you no reason not to trust me. ❞ ❝ choose your tone rightly. remember who you’re talking to. ❞ ❝ there are guards everywhere. if they see you, they will kill you. ❞ ❝ it was nothing. i’m not a kid any more.❞ ❝ a lonely, forsaken place. some people say it’s haunted. ❞ ❝ i’m not sure your idea of paradise and mine are the same. ❞ ❝ maybe if you were more cordial to folks, they’d be better inclined to help you. ❞ ❝ i’ve been in far worse situations. ❞ ❝ you have the exterior of a violent man, but the soul of an angel. ❞ ❝ you’re not gonna pass out on me, are you? ❞ ❝ you’re no better. how many men have you killed? ❞ ❝ stay alert. something doesn’t feel right. ❞
❝ i'm going to hand you over to them and watch them tear you limb from limb…i'm just kidding. ❞ ❝ you love to talk badly of other people because it makes you feel better about yourself. ❞ ❝ it’s been a pleasure spending time with you. ❞ ❝ that’s a lot of sacrifice. i just hope it’s worth it. ❞ ❝ i’m not cut out for this. no, not cut out for this at all. ❞ ❝ i don’t need you to show me. ❞ ❝ men are born, and then they're formed. at least, that’s how i see it. ❞ ❝ a little flattery…now we’re finally getting somewhere. ❞ ❝ i thought you were supposed to be fearless. ❞ ❝ you are a man who has lost his spirit. ❞ ❝ if you were less secretive, people might be more inclined to trust you. ❞ ❝ me mean me no harm? this is funny. what harm could you do to me, exactly? ❞ ❝ come on, after everything we’ve been through, i think we can trust each other, don’t you? ❞ ❝ i can’t rightly believe it. just like in the books. ❞ ❝ i didn’t ask for your help back there. i owe you nothing. ❞ ❝ be careful. what’s stopping me from killing you? ❞ ❝ one day, i promise you, you’re gonna regret this. ❞ ❝ you know i’ll do whatever i can, but i have problems of my own. ❞ ❝ what would you know about leadership? ❞ ❝ you make a choice by not making a choice, you know. ❞ ❝ hold your excuses until you figure out which one to use. ❞ ❝ i'll give you a bad case of "someone just shot me in the head" if you don't hurry up. ❞ ❝ being honest though, this tastes bad enough to kill a man. ❞ ❝ do i look like i need saving? ❞ ❝ sarcasm should be beneath a man such as you. ❞ ❝ are you always this stupid or are you making an extra effort today? ❞ ❝ i don’t like to kill a man on his knees, even if he deserves it. ❞ ❝ don't forget you need me more than i need you. ❞ ❝ i’ll hunt you to hell and back. ❞ ❝ you’d best not be lying to me. ❞ ❝ let's get going. before the weather gets any worse. that sky don't look good.. ❞ ❝ thank you for telling me all that back there. it must have been hard for you. ❞ ❝ i know we ain't exactly old pals, but…have i ever done you wrong? ❞ ❝ your nobility's almost as affecting as your naivety. ❞ ❝ you are a romantic who wants to be a cynic. ❞ ❝ i apologize if i seem to be prying. ❞ ❝ strange place for a decent person to visit, if you don't mind me saying. ❞ ❝ well, you must admit…it's an unusual start to a friendship. ❞ ❝ i can’t really say i understand you. ❞ ❝ every man has a right to change, a chance of forgiveness. ❞ ❝ hello, old friend. it’s been a long time. ❞ ❝ i hope you understand now why i've been playing my cards somewhat close to my chest. ❞ ❝ nobody made my path but me. ❞ ❝ it’ll be a piece of cake. trust me. ❞ ❝ oh, don’t be so deliberately enigmatic. ❞ ❝ my word, what a difficult life you’ve lived. ❞ ❝ you have a strange sense of humor. ❞ ❝ stay and fight me, you coward. ❞ ❝ i ain't planning on staying very long. ❞
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ckret2 · 1 year
Chapter 15 of Bill's a human prisoner and everybody's grumpy about it, featuring: NIGHTMARES NIGHTMARES NIGHTMARES NIGHTM
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Remember these? We're getting 'em both in one chapter. Plus: FORD! Also: a little bit of human gore, a lot of bizarre alien gore.
This is a shorter chapter, but it's the first one with a direct glimpse into Bill's backstory and home dimension. I hope you enjoy! And are deeply horrified!
"You have to stop spouting this nonsense." A golden line slithered around him, weaving back and forth, her furious eye focused on him as she paced. "Nobody comes to your services for deranged muttering about points of light in darkness. They don't want to hear about things that are above-but-not-north of us! What does that mean, above-but-not-north?"
"It means what it says, Mom." Above him—above, but not north, in an endless void outside the plane of the world—countless stars twinkled in an unending dark. "That's where the third dimension is. And that's what it looks like! I don't know how else to explain it to someone who hasn't seen it!"
"Then why explain it at all? They don't want to hear it! It's a surprise you aren't already losing congregants. I know you can tell you're losing their interest."
He could tell. Sullenly, he said, "Maybe we just—just need smarter congregants. If they weren't too stupid to understand—"
"People are stupid, sweetie. That's why they follow you. You don't want the smart ones anyway, or they'd be smart enough to see through all the lies you make up about the third dimension—"
"I'm not making it up!"
"Every week you talk about impossible places that can't exist! Either you're lying or insane—which is it?"
How could he answer that? He looked up into space, as if the distant stars only he saw could help him.
"Oh, don't do that, I hate when your eye goes white like that. It might impress your worshipers but it doesn't work on your mother, young triangle." She paced around him faster, coiling tighter, surrounding him on all sides in gold, her eye peering straight into his. "I don't care whether you're a liar or a lunatic—you're still my golden child, and everyone else will see that too as long as you tell them what we say. Nobody wants to hear that the third dimension is a dark, empty void! Tell them it's full of color and life! Tell them it's filled with the spirits of departed shapes, or messengers, divine guides, muses—"
"But it isn't! I don't care what they want it to be, it's not true! I'm trying to make them understand!" He had to make them understand, he needed somebody to understand. He thought he'd go insane if he was the only one who could see how empty and awful space was.
"I've listened to your gibberish about points of light and up-not-north for months and I don't understand it, so how can anyone else—"
"You're not trying to understand!" Space and all its vast emptiness was oh, so close, so achingly close. Pressing against everyone's bodies, breathing over their organs, lighting up those tight-coiled fibers beneath everyone's skin, shining on the bloody bones and thin muscles. "Either you're not listening or you're stupid!" How couldn't anyone else see space?
"How dare you—!"
How could they be close enough to touch it and still deny what it was?
Why was he the only freak who could bend up into it?
Her sharp tail cracked like a whip behind his base. "I'll teach you to talk back to me like that!"
His mind was feverish with anger, pulsing and roiling behind his eye—and for a moment, he wasn't afraid of anything.
She could bend and flex and coil, she was the most flexible line he'd ever seen. The doctors thought he might have inherited his ability to bend up-not-north from her, some genetic predisposition to flexibility. If he could bend UP, so could she. He'd make her. He'd force her. He'd show her.
He jammed his corner into her side. She shrieked, uncoiling from around him to scrunch around her wound. "Watch your— What are you—"
"You'll see," he said, shoving her against the wall, shoving her into a corner. "You'll see if it's the last thing you do!" It was like cramming a long rope into a short box; each time he shoved, she bent and curved and bent again.
"Stop—stop, it HURTS—"
He could see it in his mind's eye: if he kept pushing and pushing eventually there'd be no more room in two dimensional space for her to fill, and then she'd be forced to bend UP, up into the third dimension, all that open free space. Then she'dsee the dark, she'd see the far points of light—
"STOP!" She howled in pain. He kept pushing. She was out of room.
She didn't bend up.
He shoved—and she splintered. Bone snapping, cartilage tearing, he could see inside her thin body as things broke and ruptured.
He didn't know what to do.
And for several long, long seconds—he couldn't remember what was happening. The world seemed to bend wrong, rippling up-but-not-north and down-but-not-south, and his head swam and his vision blurred, and he couldn't remember.
Her skin fractured and peeled off, strand after strand. He’d seen grotesque injuries and rotting bodies before—he’d been in hospitals and seen through the bandages, been in graveyards and seen into the coffins, unable not to see though the doors and walls and tombs. He’d seen the way the skin came off, the way it split into hairy filaments as it loosened from the body, bristly around injuries or sloughed off whole from the long dead. But he'd never seen dead skin curl like his mother's, loosely zig-zagging back and forth and wrapping into spirals like the centers of flowers. It filled the spaces between his fingertips, wrapped up his arms. He could shut his eye but he still saw it through his eyelid, still felt it tickling at the corners of his mouth. 
Irrationally, wildly, hysterically, watching his mother die, he wondered—when he died, when he was a corpse, when he rotted—when his body split open in half from his burst eye, as the labyrinth of his guts bloated and unwound and inverted themselves to spill in sick threads from his mouth, and his skin peeled free, layer by hairy layer, from his eyelid out—would his rotting golden skin curl like his mother's had?
He knew it would. He knew it would. He knew it would.
He woke to moonlight streaming through curls upon curls of golden skin dangling in his eye, choking him on rot.
He squeezed his eyes shut, batted the hair aside, and forced himself to breathe until the nausea subsided.
He hated how humans dreamt.
He decided he didn't want any more sleep tonight.
He dragged himself upright, shambled downstairs, and tried to ignore the coils of his internal organs spilling out of his head and dangling around his face.
He needed a drink.
Ford woke up standing over a bed and a body.
He couldn't identify the shape or size of the body under the sheets, due to how badly it was contorted and the way the dark pools of blood in the bedsheets distorted the shadows. All he could see was the head: a flash of a pale cheek turned away, and the unmistakeable Pines hair curls. The hair was matted with blood.
Ford's hands were coated in hot blood and cold blue flames. There was a nauseating metallic taste in his mouth and something thick and warm dripping down his chin.
He heard a quiet chuckle. He whipped around to face it—
And saw himself reflected in a triangular window, a gray shade. He was smiling so widely he could see moonlight glinting off his molars. His slitted eyes glowed a sickly yellow.
Ford woke up staring at the ceiling. He licked his lips; reassuringly dry. He held up his hands; clean.
He sighed.
Ford could roll over and go back to sleep. He'd gotten used to dreams like this decades ago; these days he hardly even had them. But he was already awake and irritated. He might as well pick up where he'd left his research at dinner time—do something that felt productive. He got up, fished a crumpled paper that said "Downstairs" out of his bedside stand and set it next to Stan's glasses, and crept out of the guest room to head for the vending machine.
Bill was in the kitchen.
Ford stopped in the next room, staring through the doorway. Bill was sitting in the dark, only his silhouette visible in the light through the window. He was hunched over the kitchen table, supported on his elbows, unmoving. Ford couldn't see Bill's reflection in the window. Not even his eyes.
Ford wondered what he dreamed about. Perhaps the thrill of possessing people.
He was half tempted to confront Bill—demand to know what he was up to—but, Ford told himself, there was nothing to confront Bill for. They'd given him permission to use the kitchen freely. Bill wasn't up to anything. It was well within his rights to sit silently at the table in the dark.
Ford just didn't like it.
He crept into the living room. Bill never noticed him.
Dipper divided the nightmares he'd been having since last summer into two categories: the Bill nightmares; and the Bipper nightmares—which were, in a way, also Bill nightmares.
The Bill nightmares were just his regular nightmares, except that Bill was also in them. For Dipper, regular nightmares were a mishmash of fears, insecurities, chaos, and random weirdness. It was natural that Bill, the most terrifying entity Dipper had ever met, occasionally guest starred in his dreams. The problem was that, since Bill actually could invade dreams and always brought chaos and random weirdness in his wake, it was that much harder for Dipper to realize he was dreaming rather than actually facing Bill—and, once he woke up, harder for him to reassure himself it really was only a dream.
(Mabel told him she had similar problems, and it wasn't even limited to nightmares. Sometimes, no matter how sweet or unthreatening her dream was—and sometimes because it was so sweet—their erratic scene-changing logic-breaking wish-making nature gave her the creeping sense that she was trapped back in Mabeland. Not often, she said. But occasionally, when Dipper couldn't sleep either, he could hear her wake herself repeating "—I wanna go back to reality—I want to go back—go back to the real world," and then meow herself back to sleep.)
On the other hand, the Bipper nightmares were like no dreams he'd ever had before.
They might start out as normal nightmares—dreaming of a near death experience, or a monster charging at him, or some humiliation too deep to endure further sleeping through—until he jolted awake. Or he'd think he'd jolted awake—in truth, he'd just woken up into another dream, so realistic he thought he was awake until he realized he was hovering over his bed, and the world looked hazy and false, and his body was still beneath the covers. Just like when Bill had ripped him free of his body.
The first time he'd had the Bipper nightmare, Dipper thought Bill had taken over him again, and that at any moment his body would open its eyes and laugh at him. When that didn't happen, he thought he'd died. He'd flown to Mabel's room, to his parents', to Waddles, to the neighbors' houses, trying desperately to get someone's attention—and when nothing worked, he returned to his still body in despair and waited there, sure that in a few hours his parents would come to get him for school and find him dead...
But then he'd woken up. For real, this time. And then he woke the rest of the house with his screaming.
He learned to cope with these nightmares, both the Bill ones and the Bipper ones. He talked about them with Mabel during the day or went to her for reassurance at night. Sometimes he called Ford, if he and Stan were in a time zone where they'd still be awake. (Ford said he'd had nightmares for years about Bill invading his dreams—and almost none of them had been real. He said that his visits from Bill were usually less chaotic than a normal dream. Bill liked his weirdness but he liked being the center of attention more; he liked to stage his dreams like a movie director, keeping a firm grip on the setting and the narrative flow, snapping from location to location and moment to moment with an artistry that natural dreams didn't have. The muddled mundanity of your average nightmare was beneath Bill.)
And Dipper learned to wait out his Bipper nightmares. Sometimes he wandered the hallways, but he found that engaging with the dream tended to prolong it; instead, if he stayed by his body and didn't do anything, eventually he'd drift back into deep sleep and wake back up. He started keeping a radio on at night—he could hear it in his sleep—and listening to the weird 3 a.m. broadcasts kept him entertained enough until he woke.
But since returning to Gravity Falls, Dipper had found a new way to deal with his nightmares:
Yelling at Bill about them.
Tonight, he was having his guilt-dream about his dad asking why he'd given up kickboxing; until the dream was interrupted by Bill emerging from the refrigerator to announce that Weirdmageddon was opening a second location in Piedmont and then throw a rabid skunk at Dipper's face. Dipper had woken up too angry to think straight, stomped to Bill's empty window seat, and then stomped downstairs.
He found Bill sitting in the kitchen in the dark, washing down a bag of cookies with a pack of hard cider and staring out at the night. Dipper stopped in the doorway. "You!"
Bill turned to give Dipper a bleary-eyed look. "Me?" 
"Stop messing with my dreams and stay out of my head!"
"Beg pardon?" Bill's eyelids were desynchronized as he slowly blinked. "I'm just..." He gestured vaguely around the kitchen with a mostly-empty cider can. "I am just—sitting here."
"You've been in my nightmares all year," Dipper said hotly, even as he was waking up enough to realize that Bill, down here in the kitchen, probably wasn't influencing his dreams. "So just—just..." This was stupid. "Cut it out, man."
"You've been dreaming about me? How sweet." Bill gave Dipper a mocking grin, propped his chin in his hand, propped his elbow on the table, actually missed putting his elbow on the table by at least six inches, and fell to the ground with a yelp.
Dipper stared tiredly at Bill cackling on the floor, and turned around and trudged upstairs.
Dipper found that, whenever he had nightmares about golden geometric apocalypses, it was reassuring to get an instant reminder that Bill had been nowhere near his head. Even if he thought Bill was laying on the "helpless human" act a little thick.
(I'm still recovering from Health Junk, so if you've got any comments, I'd deeply appreciate them now even more than I usually do. Thank you, y'all readers and commenters and friends are really keeping me going during this time of feeling like a pile of half-sentient gunk. 🙏✨)
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planetariumwriting · 2 years
First Kiss - Niragi Suguru
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highschool!niragi x reader tw: mentions of bullying
After winning another game – mostly because he killed everyone with his rifle – Niragi flopped on his bed. He wasn’t satisfied, to the point of making Aguni and the others suspicious. He didn’t yell, he didn’t smile, he was simply silent.
Nobody found the courage to ask him if something happened and it was the best decision, if you cared enough for your life. Niragi didn’t know how he could have reacted if somebody actually asked him that question. He was sad enough to not even answer, probably.
There was a reason. Before entering the arena Niragi was being himself, until he saw something. In a corner, next to some garbage bags, there was a heart-shaped peluche with the words “Happy Valentine’s Day”. His mouth went dry with highschool memories about that day. They weren’t violent or bad, but they were more like a mix between sad and happy. For once.
He turned on the other side of the bed, trying his best to not think about it. It was a lost cause, his brain was already thinking of it – thinking also if you were in the Borderland playing these fucking games – and he felt his heart dropping at the possible idea of you dying.
He wasn’t the type that would cry this easily, it didn’t even happen when he was bullied. With you, though, it was different.
Family was a mess, school was a mess, life was a mess in general but not with you. Even if he tried to ignore your existence during the Borderland, you were always present in the back of his head.
Niragi closed his eyes, letting himself remembering that moment with you. Again, life if it was the first time.
Niragi didn’t hate Valentine’s Day, but let’s say it wasn’t the best day to experience when you’re single with a big crush. The highschool was more permissive in this day – of course not about fucking in one of the bathroom’s stall – but, it was normal to share public display of affection.
He walked in the main hall and everybody was so extremely – fucking – sweet. In every corner you’d have looked, there was at least a couple kissing.
Niragi didn’t feel disgusted or something like that, but he couldn’t deny himself he was a bit envious.
His hands weren’t empty – or it’s better to say his bag – but he was too shy to give you the box of chocolates he bought. Niragi was already thinking at the worst scenario: what if you already had a Valentine? What if he saw you kissing another person?
It wasn’t for the box itself – he could eat the chocolates another day – but having a heartbreak wasn’t so easy to fix.
“Suguru, where’s your Valentine?”
It was a bunch of laughs that made Niragi back to reality. He turned around only to see his bullies laughing at him, probably to impress their girls.
In a way, he was grateful for the Valentine’s day because of this reason: his bullies wouldn’t annoy him that much because they were too busy fucking those girls in a hidden corner.
Lucky bastards, Niragi thought. They didn’t deserve to be with someone to begin with.
He entered the class and sat in the back of the class, he was more comfortable far away. And also, the teacher never bothered him in the first place because of this choice, so why not? He was good in every class.
After some minutes you entered the class too, saying your “good morning” like it was a normal day. At the end of the day it was actually a normal day, but Niragi still felt his heart dropping on the floor.
You sat in the back of the class, next to him. Niragi stayed calm and thought “just act if it’s a normal day.”
“Ehy.” He said and smiled at you, watching you getting more comfortable.
“Good morning!”
God, you were so sweet every time. He knew he could keep the conversation on – you would have answered to him – but he still felt like if he was bothering you, so he simply stayed quiet.
“Can I ask you a favor?”
Your question surprised him. You never asked for help and this was the first time. With him.
“Tell me everything.” he didn’t want so sound down so bad for you, but he failed. “If I can help you, I’ll do everything.”
He meant those words, especially after you defended him from his bullies. You risked a lot, considering that they wouldn’t have thought twice to beat a woman, but it didn’t happen. They simply watched you and left.
It was the first time Niragi felt safe and protected by someone. It felt so fucking nice. In a way, he wanted to re-pay you somehow, but a “thank you” was never enough.
“Can you come to my house this afternoon?” You smiled. “I need some help with math.”
Niragi didn’t pay much attention, he was just too happy to have an occasion with you. In reality, thought, you didn’t need any help – but it was just an excuse.
“Absolutely yes.”
His smile was pure and innocent. So many times you wondered why they tortured him, he never meant any harm. “Then after school we go together.”
Niragi was explaning to you the homework you both had for the next day, but you and him stopped for few minutes and stared into each other’s faces. Niragi felt he was about to blow up soon.
When you both walked to your house, he wanted to hold your hand. He felt this urge to grab it and squeeze it, softly, but he couldn’t.
Now he was thinking about kissing you, confessing you or giving you the box. Or all of them.
“Niragi.” Hearing you saying his name was a melody for his ears, he wished he could listen to it forever.
“Look at me.”
He looked up and found you smiling at him. You cupped his face in your hand and kissed him. His lips were so soft, to the point of making you losing the urge to softly bite his lower lip.
A small moan escaped, but the consequence of it was you kissing him even more – sliding your tongue in his mouth and met his.
You wanted him to have the sweetest and most romantic first kiss ever, like it was for you in that moment.
Niragi’s hand grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him.
You both broke the kiss for a moment, catching air again. You smiled at him and put your arms behind his neck.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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dollysilena · 2 years
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ao3 | series masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
five years ago, you stupidly had a fling with inarizaki athlete, miya atsumu– now, present day– he had a son he knew nothing about. you made sure it was going to stay that way, but as fate would have it, he unexpectedly stumbled back into your lives, now as volleyball’s biggest star.
wc & notes: 2.2k words — miya atsumu wrap it before you tap it challenge (level: impossible)
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Miya Atsumu is like a sledgehammer going through the glass of your well-protected life. In a blink, everything was in pieces.
You stumbled onto the nearest seat you could find, still clutching Haru protectively to your chest. Unlike you, your son seemed ecstatic over the appearance of Miya Atsumu, one of the beloved players he watched often. He was excitedly babbling into your ear about the famous athlete suddenly walking in, but you couldn’t hear his chatter when you were overwhelmed with your own frantic mind. 
How on earth could he have come in here? Was it a coincidence or… You faltered when you saw Atsumu stand beside Osamu. No, it wasn’t. You remembered where you were, Onigiri Miya. You were wrong earlier, the restaurant did share its namesake with the person in question. The name Miya Osamu now rang clearly in your head. It was the name of the faceless brother you had never met in high school. Your fling with Atsumu was so short that you failed to consider running into his family of all things.
God, why didn’t you remember that Atsumu had a brother? You felt so stupid, how did you not recognize his face, his name, anything? You were so careful the last five years, and it all came crashing down in an instant. One stupid mistake and now your worst nightmare finally came true. 
The air was still and you could hear a pin drop in the restaurant with the nauseating silence surrounding you. Atsumu stood silently with his brother, unsure of what to do. You saw his glance towards Haru, and the look in his eyes was enough to tell you that he knew. And with Osamu standing beside him timidly, it was clear that he somehow must have figured it out and told Atsumu to come.
“(Y/N), I’m here!” A voice suddenly screeched as the door slammed open, disrupting the silence. You looked up to see Naomi panting like a dog at the doorway of the restaurant. Wait, was she holding a taser?
“Aunt Mimi!” Haru gasped. 
“You!” Naomi exclaimed, jabbing a finger at Osamu. “How dare you try to hold my friend hostage!”  
Osamu’s skin turned five shades paler when he made eye contact with the taser Naomi was holding fiercely in her hand. Atsumu stood in front of his brother, sticking an arm out to protect him from your crazed friend.
“Hold on!” Osamu yelped in response. “I can explain!”
“Just because you’re hot and you know how to make some riceballs doesn’t mean!--”
“Naomi, hold on!” you interjected, barely choking out the words.
Naomi paused and turned to you in confusion as to why you weren’t running away given the opportunity. Her face softened when she noticed the grief-stricken expression on your face. “(Y/N), what’s going on?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words died on your tongue. You weren’t sure how to respond, because you honestly weren’t sure at all. How the hell were you going to explain that your child’s long lost biological father happened to stumble in?
The silence returned and nobody was sure how to fill it. Osamu approached you slowly, and once he realized you weren’t going to pounce on him, he kneeled beside your seat.
 “I’m sorry for how I approached this, I’m Miya Osamu, Atsumu’s brother. Ya probably don’t know me since we never met in high school, but I recognized you as Atsumu’s ex and…”
You shakily exhaled, realizing that somebody figured it out. Somebody figured out your dirty little secret, and out of everyone it could’ve been, it was Miya Osamu.
“I saw Haru and I realized.” Osamu continued, looking at the little boy looking at him curiously. “I called Atsumu after that.”
You looked back at Atsumu, a man you haven't seen in nearly five years. You saw that he was still wearing his sports uniform and had a fresh sheen of sweat, had he run here straight from practice? You may have seen him in the media, but it was all different when he was infront of you. He looked older now, more mature, he wasn’t the same teenage boy you foolishly had a fling with all those years ago. You had only the memories of a cocky high school boy, one that was impulsive and overly confident, but it was replaced by the new one standing before you. You thought if you were to ever see him again, that he would be standing tall and proud, something inline with his confident nature, but he stood timidly before you, with his head hung low, unable to make eye contact with you.  
“(Y/N),” Atsumu shakily said before a long pause followed.“Could we talk?”
You hesitated for a moment, your nerves locked like steel. His brows knitted together and his face was tense, an unreadable expression washing over his face. You followed his eyes, looking down at you and the little boy you were holding. You looked at Haru in your arms, still blissfully unaware of what was happening. You set him down besides Osamu, who you were feeling much better about now that you realized he wasn’t some sort of crazed serial killer. 
“Can you take him away?” You whispered to him. “He doesn’t know yet.”
Osamu nodded, taking the boy by the hand. “Haru, you’re gonna come with me for a little bit, alright?
Haru tilted his head. “Why can’t I stay with mama?”
He was obviously confused by the situation, and it made your heart drop even lower into the pits of your shame. He had no idea. You swore that one day you were going to tell him, but you wanted to wait until he was older, and more understanding of why things had to be the way they were. But it was too late for that now. The little world you had built for you both came crashing down in an instant.
“It’s okay, baby,” you said shakily, brushing his cheek. “It’s only gonna be for a few minutes while mama deals with some grown-up things, alright?”
“Naomi, can you go with them?” You asked, looking up at your friend. “Osamu can explain.”
She looked worriedly at you, before nodding hesitantly. Osamu led Haru by the hand to the other side of the restaurant, out of earshot, with Naomi following closely behind.
When you were finally alone, Atsumu took a shaky seat across from you at the restaurant table. You didn’t have the nerve to look up at him, and neither did he. You fought back the burn in your eyes, you never thought you would have to be here, facing him. When you ran away all those years ago, you were also running away from this very moment, the moment where you had to face him. Both of you sat in silence before he finally decided to break it.
“He’s mine, isn’t he?”
You swallowed stiffly, the repulsive taste of shame on your tongue. “He is.”
Atsumu looked up at you with pained eyes. You didn’t realize how different he looked now. Even when you saw him on TV, it didn’t give you as detailed of an image as when he sat in front of you. His features were the same, but he seemed to have grown into them. He held himself more seriously, more like an adult unlike the boy you knew in the past. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Atsumu--” you barely stammered. “We were two highschoolers who barely knew each other, we weren’t even dating--” God, how long had you even known Atsumu at that point? A few weeks? A month, at most.
“I would have still wanted to know still,” he replied, the hurt evident in his voice. It made your hands clench, and the guilt burned in your chest like your heart was trying to collapse in on itself.
A beat of silence passed. You stared down at your hands in your lap. 
“I was scared.” 
You could still feel the weight of the dingy plastic pregnancy test in your hands. Two lines. Positive. He didn’t reply.
“Everyone knew you had such a bright future ahead of you,” you continued in a murmur. “You were gonna go pro and be the great athlete everyone knew you’d be. You didn’t need a kid holding you back. It was easier for you not to know, and for me to leave.”
You had carried the shame for years. It piled on your heart every day Haru grew and the more he started to look like his father. Of course you wanted to tell him, you wanted your son to have a father, but it just wasn’t that simple. Some days, you were tired of keeping the secret and you just wanted to burst back into Atsumu’s life to tell him he had a baby boy. 
There were several times where you almost broke. The day you went into labor, the nurse had asked if you planned to invite anyone into the delivery room. You almost said yes. When Haru took his first steps, you almost called Atsumu, whose number you still had saved on your phone. Even something as mundane as a school report card you considered sending to him. But you always stopped yourself. How were you supposed to tell Japan’s rising superstar athlete that he had a family?
You felt the tears pricking your eyes. You felt as if you were back in that dingy convenience store bathroom, still clad in your school uniform, as you realized that you were going to be responsible for a child. You shakily inhaled to stop yourself knowing you had to keep yourself together, for Haru’s sake. You’re not that scared teenage girl anymore. 
“He looks alot like you,” Atsumu commented, making you stop swimming laps in your thoughts. You looked back up to see him looking at Haru from afar, who was being distracted by Osamu and Naomi with a game of rock paper scissors. Haru grinned a toothy smile, familiar to the man across the table. He had a glisten in his eyes, the same eyes Haru shared.
“I always thought he looked more like you,” you chuckled, wiping your eyes with your sleeve. Atsumu smiled softly. You saw the dimple indent he had on his left cheek, that didn’t match on the right. You forgot he had that. You felt a twinge of a smile.
You stopped yourself. You had forgotten Miya Atsumu, and it should stay that way. You dropped your smile and looked back at Atsumu.
“I won’t say a word about me or Haru, not to the press, anyone at all,” you stated as firmly as you could, but it didn’t stop the inevitable tremble in your voice. “I can even sign an NDA if you want me to, you can go back to living your life and I can disappear again, it’ll be easier that way.”
Atsumu looked back at you, and it was clear he was shocked by what you had said. You were taken aback as to why he seemed surprised, surely that’s what he wanted, right?
“What are ya talking about?” He stammered hurriedly, as if you were about to run again. “Disappear? I can’t just let ya leave--”
“Atsumu,” you replied, the name feeling foreign on your lips. “You don’t have to deal with this, you were never meant to find out.”
“But I did. And I’m glad I did.” 
Now it was your turn to be shocked. Atsumu took your hands into his from across the table, and you could feel the warmth reverberating off his calloused fingers. Another thing you forgot was how it felt when he touched you. “Listen, I know ya didn’t want me to know, and this certainly isn’t the way I imagined finding out I was a father,” he started nervously. “But I can’t just go back to living my life knowing ya and my son are out there. I wasn’t there when it mattered and I don’t wanna be some deadbeat and pretend ya don’t exist.” 
There’s a certain bitterness in the last sentence you barely catch. Atsumu looked back at you and you couldn’t ignore the way his eyes burned into yours. You almost forgot how intense they could look.
“Is it too late for me to be a part of his life?”
You sat back, stunned as the words echoed in your ears. You almost thought you didn’t hear him correctly, that you were reliving the daydreams your teenage self dreamt up. But when Atsumu continued to look at you for an answer, you realized what you were hearing was real. 
“A-Atsumu, you realize what you’re asking right?” You stuttered. “You’re agreeing to be a father, which you just found out right now of all things. It’s a commitment, no take backsies.”
“No take backsies?” He snorted. Your cheeks flushed when you realized he’s chuckling at you.
“I hang out with kids a lot, if you couldn’t tell.” You smiled meekly as his hands tightened around yours.
Atsumu looked back at Haru, celebrating that he won another round of rock paper scissors against Osamu while Naomi cheered him on. Osamu pretended to act defeated which only inflated Haru’s little ego, it reminded you of when Atsumu won a point at volleyball games in high school. 
He smiled again, “yeah, I’m sure.”
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lovifie · 9 months
Her Royal Highness Pt.3
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Prologue — Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3
You should feel bad about your father's passing. Just a couple of days ago you stab yourself trying to save him, but now? Now you are drinking beer with Farah in the middle of the town surrounded by hundreds of people who are celebrating that your father is dead. So maybe it is not the better place to mourn him. 
Ever since your mother passed he never really cared for you, relying on the maids and Laswell to raise you, the governess to train you to be a princess and Farah to teach you what a friend is. 
But still, you should feel bad he got killed.
He got killed by unknown people he let inside his house by the pretext of marrying you to one of them. And he got poisoned because he trusted them to drink what they got him. And those people got there because your father offered your hand in marriage without asking you before. 
But still, you should feel bad he got killed.
But the music makes you want to dance, so you dance.
You dance with Farah, the kind girl working behind the bar who gave you beer, his kind father, and everyone who seems kind enough.
The money you brought with you is still safely kept in your pocket because when you got here you realized they were not even charging for the drinks or the food or anything, the celebration being too big to care about the benefits.
So you take advantage of it and drink and eat and dance as much as you can without thinking. Being the first time you have ever had this much fun, being way too young to enjoy the last party you were ever invited to. Not that you are invited to this one, but still, nobody seems to mind.
But your inexperience in life ends up showing its ugly face when you realise that you have not seen Farah in who knows how long. And suddenly the music is too loud, the people are too close and you are not drunk enough to enjoy. 
You try to scream Farah’s name in hopes she will hear you and come to your rescue, but of course, she can’t hear you. 
People next to you start to look at you funny, surprised to hear somebody shrieking suddenly and that's when you remember that you are not supposed to be here. Let alone being on your own, without protection surrounded by people celebrating your dead father. 
You try to move back to where you last saw Farah, feeling too exposed to everybody and trying not to panic. You see the girl you danced with first and your hopes go up thinking you may find Farah close to her, but those hopes get crushed when an arm snakes around your waist pulling you back. 
You ignore the pain in your wound and fight to keep walking against the mysterious person’s arm, but it is futile and soon you are being moved and turn to face the person.
A familiar pair of blue eyes met you and you see the brown furrow when they noticed your distressed expression. 
“Hey, what's wrong, lass?” Soap says looking at you without moving his arm around your middle. You sigh in relaxation and jump in his arms hugging in relief of feeling safe. “Easy, easy. What’re ye doin’ here? You alone?”
You quickly shake your head looking up at him. “I’m with Farah but I got away and I cannot find her!”
“Okay, okay. Let me find Gaz, then we look for yer friend, sounds good?” He asks holding your face with both his hands indulging your whole skull. You nod as much as you can and feel his shoulder shake as you hear a familiar voice over the sound. 
“You found yourself a little something to play with, Soap?” Kyle asks laughing loudly but quickly changes expression to one of confusion and concern. Soap smirks looking at Kyle and lets go of your face and goes back to keeping a hand on your back. Kyle looks for a second at Soap and looks back at you before screaming. “What the fuck are you doing here?!”
“I don't know! You scream back at Kyle feeling tears pricking at your eyes. “I wanted to see the party but got lost!” You say wailing at the end grabbing Soap's arm.
“Okey, okey. Calm yourself.” Says Soaps laughing while Kyle starts to run his hands through his hair. “Ye too, Gaz!”
“Calm down?!” Kyle asks and gets closer to Soap so he doesn't have to talk as loud. “The fucking princess is having a fucking mental breakdown in the middle of the town, Soap.”
“Yeah, and nobody gives a shit.” Soap answers pointing around to illustrate that the people around are not paying attention while he tries to comfort you by caressing your back. “And she is not having a mental breakdown, she is drunk, aren't ye, love?”
They both look at your face as you dry your tears with the back of your hand and shake your head. “I’m not drunk…” Soap raises an eyebrow at you. “Just a little.” You say hiccuping half for crying and half for the alcohol. 
“Okay, that's okay. Everything is fine.” Kyle says, and you don't know if he is saying it to you or himself. “We are going to take you back to the castle.” He says and you quickly shake your head. “Why not?”
“I need to find Farah, I came with her.” You say looking around and Soap tenses his arm taking you closer to him to make sure you don't run away. 
“Fine, let's look for her together, hm?” Soap says smiling. “But no more cryin’. How does Farah look?”
You give them a quick description of her and start to look around for her. Everyone around is still dancing, pushing each other (you remain untouched by Soap’s arm still around your middle), but still you hear a faint voice calling your name. You twist your head in the direction and find her across the river of people. 
“Farah!” You scream back once you see her and make a run for it getting off Soap’s grab. You make your way through the people and once you are close enough you jump into Farah's arm.
“You idiot!” She says lovingly as she hugs you back. “I was worried sick, I was already thinking how I was going to have to tell everyone you have been kidnapped.”
Kyle and Soap make their way to the both of you eventually and you hear Soap's voice “Hey, don't run away like that, ye sneaky shit.” He says and tries to grab your arm but Farah pulls you quickly putting herself in between you and the knights. “Don't touch her! Who the fuck are you?!”
Soap puts his hands up looking at Farah with an amused expression on his face. “No, wait, Farah. They are my…” Your what? “They are the prince’s knights.” You correct yourself quickly looking at her 
“...oh. OH.” She says looking from you to them. “Oh, that explains the…” She motions to her hands moving them up and down. “The being built like that.”
“Well, thank you.” Says Soap smirking at her, being interrupted by a slap to the shoulder by Kyle. “What was that for?”
“We need to take the drunk princess back to the castle, remember?” He ask looking a bit exasperated.
“But I don't want to go back!” You reply, feeling more at ease now that Farah is next to you. “I wanna keep dancing!”
“And I want to keep my head connected to my body.” Says Kyle bending down to be face to face with you with a mocking expression on his face. 
“Yeah, but who's the monarch and who's the knight?” You reply, putting your fists on your waist and raising your chin.
A beat of silence goes between the four of you before Soap barks a laugh holding back Kyle as he mumbles. “Listen up, you little brat.” 
“Easy, easy, Gaz.” Says Soap still laughing loudly. “How about… we keep on the party for a bit more and then we take ye back, ye go to yer room and we act as if this night never happened?” He said stretching his hand to you.
You shake his hand quickly and say: “Was already planning on it.” You smile widely at him and turn back to Farah pulling her hand. “Dance with me!”
“Where is fucking Pumpkin?” You say slurring walking first, followed by Kyle.
“Focus, we are looking for your horse.” He says, just as hammered as you.
Farah and you got to the party by horse, and the stable was almost empty when you got there. Now, hours later and with many more horses, finding any of the two was quite harder.
“Pumpkin is the horse.” You say looking at him. “White horse, grey crine, brown eyes, tall.”
“Why is the white horse called pumpkin?” He asks furrowing his eyebrows.
“Because I was four when I named him and haven't seen a pumpkin before.” You answer chuckling drunkenly until you see the horse and run to it.
You called for Farah and Soap who were also looking for them and once you are all reunited you undo the knots keeping the horses still. 
“How did you two get here? Didn't bring any horses?” Farah asks as the group begins to walk.
“We came down with the church workers, and we stayed here.” Soap answers walking along. “Gaz and I will walk up, you two get going.”
“Nonsense, get up on the horse.” You say standing next to the horse and trying to get your feet on stirrup but feeling unsure of your balance. You look up at Kyle and pull softly off his sleeve. “Can you help me please?”
He looks down at you smiling shaking his head and puts his hands on your waist hoisting you up the horse with ease. 
Farah gets up her horse as well and helps Soap to sit behind her. You look at Kyle and motion him with your head to get up as well. 
Once he is sitting behind you, he puts his hands again on your waist and pulls you against him pressing his chest with your back. His strong arms around your sides and his thighs pressed against yours make it hard to breathe for a second, obviously not being used to being close to men all your life.
You hold the reins of the horse trying to think with your brain and not your body, and look at Farah and Ghost to see if they are ready. You notice them exchanging a look with a tiny smile on their faces and you spur on the horse to start making your way up the castle.
“Why does Soap call you Gaz?” You ask after a while to Kyle who’s resting his chin on top of your head with his eyes closed.
“´s my surname. Garrick shorted.” He answers without opening his eyes.
“And why are you called Soap? What's your real name?” You ask pointing at him.
“Name’s Johnny. Soap’s the nickname, easier to show than to explain.” He says smiling. “Ye’ll see eventually.”
You nod your head as if that excuse of an explanation made any sense and look at Farah who is also looking at you. 
“Wanna race?” You ask grinning mischievously and instead of answering she directly spurs on the horse starting to run. 
You make your way to the castle on record time, making it just a couple of seconds before Farah and Soap. “You are crazy!” Kyle exclaims behind you still holding tight to you to prevent him from falling off the horse. 
Farah and Soap jump off the horse laughing when she arrives. Farah goes to put the horse away on the stable and Soap walks to you to help you down. He puts his hands around your waist to hoist you down the horse while you put your hands on his shoulder. 
Kyle gets done beside you and hands the horse’s reins to Farah. “Now, to bed.” He tells you. “Before anyone realizes you were gone.”
“Don't worry, Gazzy.” You say patting his shoulder. “No one will know.”
You wave goodbye to Farah and make your way inside the castle with both the knights behind you.
“Princess.” A whisper next to you appears. “Princess.” And a hand on your shoulder wakes you up. “Princess, wake up. You already missed breakfast, Laswell said you need to eat nicely so the wound heals faster.” 
Finally, you open your eyes and look around, coming face to face with Allisa, who looks at you worried.
“Are you okay, your majesty? I knocked this morning but you didn't answer, sorry for coming into your room like this but I got worried.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, don't worry.” You get up slowly, feeling your vision blur a bit because of the movement and you finally stand up.
Allisa helps you get dressed, tying the sage colour corset at the back over the pale green dress. It is made of a silk-like material, it has long sleeves that widen at your hands and it reaches almost the floor, just short enough so it doesn't drag.
You take your time to brush your hair, making sure there isn't any knot left and use a silver barrette decorated with flowers to tie some of your hair in the back to keep it out of your face.
Once satisfied, you make your way to the dining room. The Sun Room being used only for breakfast. By the time you enter, the four men that have seized the palace, are already seated.
“Good afternoon, Princess. It looks like you had trouble sleeping last night.” The King says smiling behind his cup once you make eye contact with him.
“Good afternoon, your majesty. First night as an orphan kept me awake.” You answer looking back with a fake smile. The resentment towards the king is still too latent to avoid confrontation.
“Well, I think you are already grown enough to not be called an orphan. You are getting married soon after all.” The king answers.
First bite in the day, and you are already choking. The breath intake you took as a surprise for the marriage news made the bite go down too soon. 
“Married soon? How soon?” You managed to ask between coughs.
“As soon as all the preparatives are ready.” He answers.
Soap presents a glass of water in front of you, which you gladly take to try and finally get the food down. 
“Do I not get a say in any of it?” You ask the king once you manage.
He keeps eating, without breaking eye contact with you. You almost ask again when he says: “You can choose your dress.”
“Excuse me?” You ask furrowing your eyebrows. “I did not mean about the preparatives. I mean about the whole… thing.” You say moving your hands around signaling your surroundings. “I have already accepted that there is no way I'm getting out of this, but I still held hope that maybe there would be room for discussion about some things.”
“Well, you thought wrong.” He says smirking and a snort scapes his nose. 
This is just a joke for him, you just got your life ruined, and the cause of it is laughing at you.
“That's not fair!” You say standing up suddenly, causing some of the dishes to clink around startling both of the knights.
“No one said it was. Life is not fair.” The king answered going back to eat.
“Don't say that as if it was not you the one that is making it unfair. You are just actively choosing to make it worse!” You scream. The indifference with which he looks at you makes you feel like you are a little kid asking for dessert and not a woman asking for basic human rights.
“Calm down, kid. Sit down, eat, go to your room and calm down. You want me to talk to you like an adult, behave like one.” He says as he finishes his plate and stands up. He walks up to you, and when he is face to face with you (well, your face to his chest) he puts both hands on your shoulder and pushes you down to sit you down. He bends so he is levelled to your ear and says: “And stop acting like a brat.”
You remain seated, with your hands on the table and wait until you hear the door close; signalling that he left the room and you wipe your head to look at Soap.
“Am not a brat!” You say crossing your arms.
“You act like one.” Says Gaz sitting opposite to Soap. “Why are you always fighting? Why can't we have a nice lunch?”
“Well, I’m sorry for interrupting your eating with my will to live” You answer Gaz trying to lighten the mood when a deep voice interrupts you.
“Now you want to live?” The Prince, who is sitting next to Gaz speaks up for the first time since you entered. “You know, getting married to a stranger was not on my list either.”
He stands up as well and follows his father out of the room. Before you can manage to say anything back, he is gone. 
You look back to the knights that stay seated looking at you with amused expressions on their faces. 
“You find it hilarious don't you?” You ask them both crossing your arms again while huffing, exhausted with the conversation even though you barely exchanged a couple of words.
“It definitively is better than before, more entertained that's for sure.” Says Kyle chuckling while he leans back on his chair.
“I know I have been pulling at the king’s nerves, and I’m going to work on that. There is just something on me that makes me want to hit him whenever he opens his mouth.” You say grabbing the fork to make a show of your emotion, and then you put it back down. “But… I’ll work on it. Get him to like me, hell, the two of you are already enamoured of me.”
“Okay, okay. hold on.” Says Soap laughing. “First o’ all, trust me the King an’ the Prince will be a hundred times worse than us. An’ secon’, who says we are enamoured of ye?”
“Well, you are still sitting with me, aren't you?” You say trying to look secure on yourself, but you know they can see right through your fear of having them all as enemies. They exchange a look between them, Soap shakes his head smiling and you take it as a win. “But really, how can I do it? I want them to take me into account.”
“Hm… ye can start by being a bit nicer to them.” Soaps begins to say.
“Take some interest in the kingdom affairs, you want to be treated as the next queen you have to work as the next Queen.” Kyle continues.
“Show them, they can trust you. That you are more of an asset than a liability.” Soap concludes.
You nod your head taking in all the information and begin to form a plan in your head. As soon as you finish your lunch, you leave the room and go to the King bed chambers. 
You knock on the door and enter when you hear a “C’min” from inside. When you enter, the King is sitting at his desk taking take of some documents and you walk up until you are right in front of him, only with the desk in the middle. 
“I wanted to apologise.” You admit, swallowing every bit of pride in yourself. “I should have screamed at you or spoken to you the way I did, and I will make sure it doesn't happen again.”
He nods at your words, taking a puff of his pipe and says: “Very well, seems you are not as spoiled as I was fearing. Everything is alright, child, I accept your apologies, you can leave”
You still think for a second, maybe too short before you speak again. “I would still like to be taken more seriously. I know I have not been on my best behaviour, but as the soon-to-be Queen I know there are duties that I would be required to do and I want to prove that I will be able to do them perfectly fine.”
The king looks at you from his chair, with something close to amusement in his eyes and nods. “Fine, you want Queen duties? Get ready, then. We are leaving tomorrow, I was going to let you stay while we visited the villages close by to announce the wedding, but since you are so willing to work, you will come with us. I’ll make a lot more sense as well, so, everyone wins. Even Simon, I’m sure he will be delighted to hear he has to share the carriage with you.”
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lucystark12 · 1 month
how will, mike, and vecna's arcs chase eachother around the show
to begin
byler: the early ages (predating the show and season 1)
our very first real interaction between mike and will speaks directly to my theory of the genius of the friends to lovers trope. the very first time we see them talk it's will confessing something to mike that neither of their other two friends wanted to. it's different. there is immediately something different about will's relationship with mike compared to the other kids. call this will's honesty, but the one thing us bylers have going for us is that will is very much canonically in love with mike. this is them showing us clearly that SOMETHING. IS. DIFFERENT. i would not go so far as to say that will is in love with mike or vice versa this far back because they're literally twelve, however, that 'something different' that's seemingly been there for a very long time is important and needs to be noted. we don't know what's different, they don't know what's different, but they don't feel the same way towards each other as they do towards their other friends. this much is obvious
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(flickergate mentioned!! 🔥🗣🗣🔥🔥)
now we've got our search for will. mike is totally champoining it. of course dustin and lucas are incredibly invested, but mike is our leader here. once again, this could just speak to his personality, but i think not! mike's level of investment in finding will safely causes him to act against the caring and nurturing nature of his personality which we see in the way he lashes out at el when the body is found.
to be totally real with you, i don't remember nearly as much about the first season as i do the other three and also believe that since will is missing for most of it there isn't quite as much to go off of. so now i'm going to move on to season two.
byler: season 2
once again in season two we see mike being the one who's most protective and most conscious of will and his wellbeing. i will reiterate- for both of them at this point i think this still feels like they are just two people with a deep connection. as they are literally thirteen, i don't think either of them understand the depths of what love really means.
but uh oh... here comes the paradigm shift for will...
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we ALL know what i'm talking about here.
in this scene, mike is able to break will out of the weird trance thing with his monolouge, which for anybody who has forgotten, reads as such:
"Do you remember the first day that we met? It was…It was the first day of kindergarten. I knew nobody. I had no friends and… I just felt so alone and so scared, but… I saw you on the swings and you were alone, too. You were just swinging by yourself. And I just walked up to you and… I asked. I asked if you wanted to be my friend. And you said yes. You said yes. It was the best thing I’ve ever done."
initially, i thought this monologue was just super sweet, but the implications actually run a lot deeper than this scene just being some kind of masked love confession. what are those implications?
vecna has will in a trance during this scene. vecna is the same monster who you only have a chance of surviving if something is tying you to the real world.
we see this with max and music, with el and the mike monologue.
the difference is, neither of those work because neither thing is strong enough.
what is strong enough to break will out of a vecna trance though is mike's honest, hearfelt words.
vecna is a monster who feeds on people who fundamentally don't have enough love in their life. this is why he chooses will in the first place. henry creel was a deeply troubled child who didn't have any kind of love in his life, leaving him susceptible to become vecna when taken to the upside down. will on the other hand comes from an abusive home and is bullied in school. this seems like the perfect target for somebody feeding off people lacking that kind of support in their lives. only vecna gets it wrong, because will does have that unwavering, devoted, love in his life. that is mike.
mike who refuses to give up on him even after his body is found. mike who waits with him in the hospital for days. mike who was always the first to make sure he's okay.
the hospital scene opens will's eyes to this, which is why i'm calling this the unitalized "oh" in your "oh... oh" moment. this is will realizing there's something deeper. this is his first inclination.
byler: season 3
throughout the course of early season 3 or during the gap between seasons is when i like to believe will was starting to realize what that "something deeper" for mike was. although i think objectively season four is the most important byler season to date, i think season three is when it really solidifies itself into the brains of our characters that they are in fact in love with each other.
the first scene i want to focus on when discussing season three is the infamous rain fight, in which i believe will has already realized his feelings for mike.
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in my eyes, mike wasn't actively trying to be like "it's not my fault that you're gay"- i do think that he meant to say "it's not my fault you don't like girls yet" but that with the erasure of that word, the initial meaning and what mike meant to say left with it. they both know how his words sound and the implication of what they must mean.
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i mean, look at will's face. this isn't even the best screenshot of it, and you can still tell how the words struck a deeper meaning in him.
his initial reaction after the fight to go and tear down castle byers also helps us a lot with the narrative and even relates back to vecna.
jonothan and will build castle byers as a save haven to escape from lonnie and his abuse. lonnie's abuse is what directly relates will to henry and his cause. by tearing down castle byers, will is actively destroying his safe haven as a way to cope with the person who showed him the vecna-defeating love not loving him the same way anymore. even though mike apologizes, they don't have a real concrete conclusion that solidifies for will that mike cares about him in the same way that he once did. they do have something though-
the moving scene. mike's paradigm shift.
when mike and el talk in this scene their conversation begins with el confronting mike with the thing that scares him- the falsehood of his love for her. mike spends the beginning of this scene playing coy, trying his hardest not to play into what she's saying until she has to be upfront about it. when they kiss, mike thinks- something is off. i can't reciprocate her feelings.
you can see it when his eyes are open, you can hear it when he pretends not to know what shes talking about. mike is uncomfortable with the notion of being in a relationship with el because he knows it's not something he will ever realistically be able to have. not really.
then in his conversation with will, we get more resolution to their fight from earlier, a real and honest conversation. i can't remember which happens first, but both make sense.
if the el conversation happens first:
mike talking to will shows his comfort level with will over el and how inevitably he will always be able to be himself with him.
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if the conversation with el happens first, this goofy little face is his "oh...oh" moment in a "this feels different in a good way sense.
if the will conversation with el happens first:
mike's hostility towards el shows how negatively he sees her after being with somebody that he truly does love
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if the conversation with will happens first, this is the "oh... oh" moment.
either way, this is when mike realizes that he has feelings for will that are entirely different than the platonic ones he feels for el. this is him realizing that there's a difference between strong platonic adoration and real romantic love.
to further back myself up on this being the moment™️ for him, this is him immediately after.
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this is the face of a boy who has just had his entire world rattled, the face of somebody who has just realized that he is in fact gay and in love with his best friend, and that he will never feel the same way for el (or any other girl) that he does for will.
boom, mike drop (haha)
byler: between season 3 and 4
since vecna is watching at all times, he's starting to pick up on this and realize that the all encompassing love that will needs to break free from vecna's grasps is becoming more imminent by the second. so naturally he starts to fuck with things.
first and foremost, mike not being able to call, therefore severing ties between him and will, was orchestrated by vecna. vecna can manipulate time, making it entirely feasible that will never got mike's calls to begin with.
now i bring u... lettergate!!
even though churchgate is my favorite gate, i fully believe that lettergate is real. it is absolutely canon to me. it makes perfect sense. the only other way for the two of them to communicate is via letters, and since will has been waiting for mike to reach out to him, the power is in mike's hands. however, like the writer he is, mike is really shitty at writing letters, so one never gets sent, leading to further miscommunication and cause for vecna to make will believe that he isn't loved.
byler: season 4
the first byler scene we talk about from season four is almost an extension of the in between season stuff. this scene is the airport scene, where mike's fully fledged feelings for will prevent him from hugging him back out of fear of it making things awkward, leading will to believe, once again, that mike doesn't care about him.
similarly to how mike and will make up and then get interfered with by vecna at the end of season four and the gap before season four, the two fight and then make up the next morning, making for relatively smooth sailing between the two for the rest of the roadtrip. until mike decides to confide in will, that is.
mike's intention in that scene was to get out that he thinks his charade is failing without actually outright stating that he thinks his beard isn't convincing enough. he remarks about how he doesn't think el will need him anymore just like how he needs el to cover up who he truly is.
so then will shows him the painting. confesses his love for him behind a mask, leading mike to believe that there is still a way his relationship with el could work out. he doesn't want it to, he needs it to. we know this already.
but here vecna comes, this time inadvertently. in order to thwart vecna's plans, mike is forced to give this false love confession to el (which, by the way, doesn't work). making vecna at fault for will's newfound feelings of less love from mike. will is convinced that mike is far gone, which is why vecna is able to slip into will's head once again.
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vecna is back and is ready to use will for his grander purpose of making him into a mini vecna after orchestrating the greatest use of the miscommunication trope of all time. he has successfully convinced will that mike doesn't love him, which will make him an easy pawn.
so where does this leave us?
with the end all be all answer to what will happen come season five. will will need to be broken out of vecna's possession to save the world from power too strong for el to dream of taking on- double vecnas. we've seen it with will before, and we will see it again, mike's love for him will be the only thing capable of breaking him free from vecna. mike's character arc of self loathing and insecurity will culminate with him realizing how he feels about will, will's character arc of exploited insecurity will end with him getting the one thing he wants, and vecna, in his last moments, will be made to believe in the central theme of the show, that love triumphs hate.
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roxanneprismsrobot · 1 year
A lot of ppl get mad at me when i say that nobody should feel bad for john juniper but ppl should feel bad for Roxanne Prism so im gonna explain why i am right abt this
John juniper was rich, a beloved actor, rich, everyone loved him, oh and did i mention he was rich? This man was so rich he owned a PRIVATE JET. Not to mention he had enough to buy a HUGE MANSION, and if i can remember correctly he has more than one mansion. And dont even get me STARTED on Gibson and practically everything else this rich man named john had. It was completely his fault that he lost everything. Now you may ask, “Why did he lose everything? How did what happen become his fault?” Well, the answer is simple. HE WAS POWER HUNGRY. This man had everything, yet he was willing to throw it away just so he could have a little more. He wasn’t manipulated, he was hungry for more, even though he had so much. Its all his fault.
Now Roxanne on the other hand,
She was once loved for making the telekinesis implant, but then was practically just ignored. She made an invention, her robots, that she thought was amazing, just to be shut down by the eod. And like she said in her speech in the credit scene, she just wanted to make something that would outlast her, that people would love, that she would get praised for, and the eod just ignored her. All she wanted was to be seen again, but the eod refused to do that, so she went to Zoraxis, not for revenge, but for somebody to actually care about her and her inventions. She gave up the kinesium research in hope of Zor noticing her, but Zor went behind her back and made project kboom. She was extremely hurt about this too, showing she didn’t expect it, and truly was at her ends wit, which we can see during her speech at the end of mission cold shoulder. That speech genuinely breaks me because you can hear the pain in her voice, you can hear how she just wanted to be loved again, and nobody would acknowledge her and her robots she cared deeply about, which were just exploded right before that speech, so know she genuinely had nothing left. Not to mention she obviously didn’t care if she lived or not in mission kboom, since she told agent Phoenix to just leave her to die when she almost fell in the lava, not to mention she gave up so quickly on stoping Zor from exploding the kinesium when she almost fell, since she immediately said it was useless and to just give up. She was so mentally destroyed that if you don’t feel bad for her there is obviously something wrong with you.
Thats it, if you still think im wrong you are obviously the one who is wrong! xoxo
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◈ Pairing: Zhongli x fem!Reader ◈ Summary: Zhongli is a host at a host club and you’re his favorite client. ◈ Contains: Modern AU, Angst, Emotional Manipulation, pseudo-romance
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You showered him with gifts and try to buy as much wine as you can, not because you want to drink yourself oblivious, but because that's the way every host prefers to be taken care of. He's always respectful, never touching you inappropriately or taking advantage of your less-than-rational state. He never pushes you into spending more than what you could afford. He never really asks for anything, never demands, but that makes it even harder to close your wallet once it's open. In this hectic and lonely world, it's hard enough to just find somebody to listen to your woes, even if for a price.
To you, this had always been a conscious exchange. You were well aware that he was just fulfilling his end of a transaction. That's all you'll ever be, a name on a bill. He doesn't actually care about you, even though he does such a flawless job of pretending he does. That devoted look in his eyes whenever he looks at you? It's how he ensures you come back every week. His time was expensive. You're aware that you're not the only one getting his divided attention. You're just one of the reasons he's constantly at the top of the rankings. He's in demand, not just by you. There's countless clients coming in to see him at varying frequencies, throwing mora at him in varying capacity. You weren't even his highest-paying client. How did you know? Well, let's just say you might have gotten a little too curious when you first met him. The car he sometimes drives you home in was a gift from one of his more generous clients. The fact immediately incinerated all the fantasies you could possibly have of him.
Three years in, you still found his presence enticing. His velvety voice still manages to stir your senses. You still craved his touches and lost yourself in his kisses. He buys flowers for your birthday every year and sends you a thoughtful message from time to time, reminding you that he thinks about you. It didn't matter to you if he does it simply to get you to keep coming back to him.
He didn't have to promise you the world nor give you any sort of commitment. Every time you stepped foot inside this lavishly embellished theater, you came for a performance. Like a seasoned actor, he plays his role perfectly. You were getting what you wanted and he was getting what he needed. Nobody could claim to be getting lied to or deceived if that was the whole premise. You paid to play this game and Zhongli provided you with gratification.
It was a fair exchange.
So why were his lips pressed against yours as your body was pinned against the door you would eventually have to leave through? He kissed you like he was punishing you, like you had broken some sort of promise you never remembered making to him.
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supermaks · 1 year
Do you maybe have like max x fernando lore? Love them and love ur blog!! <33
Max is Nandos favorite nephew and also his psychosexual angel of death in this essay i will
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ok so before we get into max and nando lore we need to establish some CRUCIAL Nando Alonso historical context. When max got called up to f1 Nando had already been racing f1 cars for 14 years which first of all.😐 And like I think its fair to say the last .. umm lets be kind and say, 6 he was literally going thru like the 7 circles of hell. Ferrari had just finished doing their ✨thang✨ ((completely obliterating a drivers soul)) to the point Nando was like 'remember that team that kickstarted my descent into madness and, aha, coincidentally, the unstoppable success of the kid who beat me his rookie year and that I literally tried to snitch on and had like a spanish spy stay wid me in the garage because I was SO normal about it and hinged and not at all very um , racially threatened. Yuh ok lets try that again. Oh and its their first year wid Honda too thats PERFECT yes thats exactly what I need I'm a GENIUS'. So in 2015 he signs wid Mclaren and literally during TESTING gets fucking zapped by his own car, allegedly, c0nks the f out and swerves that mf right into the wall. We're talking testing.
Listen. Im trying to establish that by the time our fav anti christ gets to the big show Nando has been going thru it for a minute. His teams consistently fail to deliver, nothing ever goes his way, his car is trying to kill him, and like, cannot stress this enough, lewis hamilton is very successful. Lew hammy is so successful he might become thee most successful. Nando is normal about that.
So here comes the babbiest of all evil babies and nobody knows what his deal is, he talks funny and hes weird and has no regards for his public image. But he's promising. So promising in fact that he could threaten afore mentioned most successful random individual who beat Nando his rookie year. And Nando is like. vengeful adoption. Vengeful child care. Nando's imprint on baby Max is both a long term evil plan and also just like. Immediate realization that Max is different like he's different. ((Not like Lewis is different but lets not get into that rn lmfao)) Max isn't gonna be a media darling. Max isn't gonna be a celebrity. Max is gonna be an f1 champion. And Nando has spent 14 years subjecting himself to cars far below his skill so he can keep being an f1 champion. So while somebody like Seb vettel is like 'why that baby aint got no coat on' ((for two minutes before the baby bites him and hes like no fuck this baby)), Nando is like, somebody give that baby a gun. Nando gets asked about Max's readiness for f1 and says, 'I think before we say anything we should wait to c what he does'. And then when 'what Max does' turns out to be like, borderline crime, in many occasions, actual crime, Nando is still like see, he's perfect ☺️
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Like for example spa 2016, Max pulls a defensive move on kimi that has people calling for his teenage head for like the 3948th time that season and Nando straight up says no he didnt do anything wrong. And bro pulls out receipts he explains that shit wid the usual Nando rulebook rizz. For max. A teenage war criminal.
Lets talk Spain 2016 tho. Spain 2016 is actually super important for max/nando lore. Max's first race wid red bull-- and his first win. Start of something new. Inevitable. He absolutely packs Seb on turn 3, same exact way Nando had 3 years before. In 2016, though, Nando's far away from Ferrari and a race winning car. Honda PU gives up and he DNFs. Still hauls ass to congratulate the kid
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Its very sweet and kinda tragic and a perfect reflection of their careers at that point. Max bursting on the scene wid the potential of a thousand suns, Nando basking in the sunlight from his place on the sidelines. Its not enough but its still good because its Max and Max is his guy.
They also play soccer together once for that charity match thing in Monaco and Nando kinda stunts and yk frustrated soccer drop out max must've felt some type of way about that.
These are from hungary 2017 and I have no idea whats happening or why they're in a bean bag enclosure but I think they're important
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On Max's side of things, I think Nando's camaraderie must've caught him off guard. Getting into f1 at 17 ur not really expecting to make any friends lmfao. But Nando had his back from day one, and loudly, too, and I think for somebody like Max, who was raised on loyalty and commitment and respect from an overwhelming paternal figure that gave him everything except stability, that must've meant a lot to him. Especially because it was Nando like. Max oozes respect for that pensioner bro, in a way that I dont think he does for anybody else in the game. His rookie year Max said Alonso was his biggest inspiration because he kept at it despite not having the car. Yk Max didnt have the car for a few years either. He sees Nando as somebody whos been to battle, just like Nando saw a lil soldier coming into f1.
When Nando had his nicki minaj brb moment in 2018 Max said he regretted never having the chance to race against him. He'd raced against Lewis and Seb, but never Nando and Nando was the one he used to watch on tv racing those two. Meanwhile old man is giving interviews telling people Max is the the best driver in f1 and the only reason he bothers put on f1 those days is to watch Max. ((😐))
2021 is the apogee of many things and one of them is definitely max/nando lore. Nando is back. Max has the car. And Nando will be seated. And he will watch. And when Max does win, Nando calls it 'justice'. Its so fucking intense and deranged but rn we're just focusing on the narrative and appreciating it for what it is: Nando couldnt do it, but he knew Max could, and Max did. His guy did.
I swear they've been honeymooning for almost 2 years now. Nando stopped giving a fuck a long time ago but lately hes literally like this is a Max ONLY event fuck the rest of yall. First Max's 2 titles are worth more than Lewis' 7 because something something deranged pensioner noises. Then Max has talent that you cant teach and hes always been like that since go karts and he's going to be one of the all time greats. Also we're both villains and we're not politically correct ((white men are insane)). And then Max is like yes Nando is my good friend and he talks to me and I like to ask him about stuff and I take him on my plane to races and we get on well despite our age difference because age doesnt matter. 🙂police.
Also literally one of the most important gifs of all time from last year when Max won the wdc shut the fuck up thajnk you
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Which brings me to one of the most important podiums of all time. Like the lyrical poetry of this shit are u joking
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This gonna be the longest season ever and who knows if it’ll happen again already in Baku or whatvr maybe it won’t but like. We’ll always have Australia 2023.
Also in the post race presser there was such a quintessential max/lando moment I need to break it down to finish this and like go jump off a building lol
So here u have classic old heads + verstappen post race presser where they get to gentle bully sweet boy until he blushes. This time it’s like Nando talking some shit about how he has to leave because he’s annoying and lewis kinda joins in like ‘he’s still talking’ and Max is all squinty and ekfkwmdk it’s fucking cute ok whatvr. But what I really love about it is that Nando interrupts Max and gives him shit but then makes sure to put his arm behind Maxs back like. Don’t get it twisted. Hes my boy. He literally does the ‘this is a pro max post’ banner irl
Anyway here’s a cute compilation bye
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skyward-floored · 9 months
Warriors gets his nickname
Hi I’m not updating long fics even though I want to, I’m instead writing more short Incredibles au stuff *collapses*. I’ll update other things eventually I promise ;-;
This is the furthest back fic I’ve written I think— Time is only a teenager, and Warriors is very smol. Time goes by Time because he got sick of them both being Link, but Warriors doesn’t have a nickname yet. I think that’s all the background you really need though, so I’ll stop and just let you read already.
Link held tight to Time’s hand as they walked down the sidewalk, headed towards the corner stand where Time knew they could get lunch for cheap. He usually skipped lunch himself, or just nibbled something small, but since it was the weekend, Link wasn’t in school and he had to get him something.
Time looked down at his little brother, Link trotting along beside him. He was nearly drowning in his too-big scarf, and Time flipped it around his neck one more time so he wouldn’t trip on it, Link giving him a little smile.
Time sighed to himself.
He was still figuring out how to deal with having a kid as his responsibility, but... he was making it work. He’d managed to get Link in a preschool on weekdays, and was working on a more permanent place for them to stay besides “in this nice tree” or “in the backseat of the car”. Nobody believed him when he said he was old enough to rent an apartment when he tried though, so it was usually still the backseat of the car for them.
But in general, Time didn’t usually feel like screaming, and was able to keep Link happy, so he was counting the whole thing as at least a partial success.
He seriously needed to find a nickname for the kid though— two Links was two too many.
Why did you name him after me, Mom? he thought as he watched Link jump over a slushy puddle. Why did you leave him with me? Surely you knew someone who who would do a better job? Someone who’s an adult? I’m his brother, but that doesn’t mean I know how to raise him.
A crashing sound made Time’s ears prick, and the thoughts he’d been repeatedly having ever since he’d met Link fled as he turned towards a tiny side street, one that ran behind several shops.
He tugged Link over towards the alley, suspicion in every step. That hadn’t just sounded like a normal dropping-something crash to him. And sure enough, he found a newly shattered window that led into a pawn shop, a shadow disappearing into the shelves inside.
“...bad guy?” Link asked, and Time nodded, already looking for a spot to switch into his super suit.
“Bad guy. A crazy one too, breaking and entering in broad daylight. Looks like somebody doesn’t know that stealing is wrong,” he said with a tsk, and Link let out a small giggle.
Time quickly ducked behind a dumpster to change, and emerged moments later, flexing his hands in his gloves. Link gave him an interested look, and Time suddenly remembered that he couldn’t very well bring his four-year-old brother inside with him.
“...Right,” Time sighed, then scooped Link up and quickly deposited him behind the same dumpster he’d changed behind. “Stay here, don’t let him or anyone see you. I’ll take care of him but don’t come out until I come get you.”
Link frowned, worry pinching at his eyebrows, and Time tucked his scarf a little more tightly around him.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Time assured, but Link kept frowning.
“I won’t get hurt. And even if I do I can handle it, but I need to not worry about you while I fight. Stay here,” Time said firmly, then turned and jumped into the shattered window before his brother could argue.
He spotted the robber within seconds, the man breaking open a glass case with all sorts of valuables stored inside. Time put his little brother out of his mind for now, and crept closer, then abruptly cleared his throat. The man jumped at the noise and whipped around, brandishing a crowbar and staring at him.
“I don’t think those belong to you,” Time said with a smirk, and the man swung, Time nimbly jumping out of the way.
“Fierce Deity,” the man spat, and Time gave him a mocking bow.
“At your service. Put the fancy gold watches back.”
The man laughed, then his eyes narrowed behind the reptilian mask he wore. “Dinolfos of the Lizal gang doesn’t take orders from you.”
“Fine,” Time sighed, rolling his eyes. “I guess we’re doing this the hard way.”
He threw a punch towards Dinolfos, which the robber neatly avoided, and the two began to fight, weaving around each other and dodging attacks.
Dinolfos was surprisingly skilled at avoiding Time’s punches, and Time had barely landed any hits after several minutes. Dinolfos on the other hand, had grazed him at least twice now, and annoyance began to swell in Time’s chest. He wasn’t incapacitated from the hits, but he didn’t like where this was going.
He fought faster, managing to knock the crowbar from Dinolfos’s hand, and the battle sped up without the weapon in the mix, kicks and punches just barely grazing both of them.
This guy is fast, Time thought, lunging out of the way of a punch that likely would have given him a bloody nose. How is he so fast?! Argh.
Time managed a swing that connected with Dinalfos’s shoulder, and he reeled back, shouting in anger as he lunged for Time. Time once again dodged out of the way, and noticed with a smirk that his opponent’s swings were getting more wild.
He backed up to give himself some space, easily dodging the angry punches thrown at him. Time stuck his tongue out as Dinolfos missed again, and his opponent let out a roar of frustration as Time continued to easily avoid his angered strikes.
Until Time stumbled on the dropped crowbar.
His foot slipped and Dinolfos lunged, kicking Time right in the chest and knocking the breath out of him as he was thrown straight through the broken window. He went flying into some trash cans at the end of the alley, and heard Link gasp from his hiding spot, but his chest was tight, too tight for him to sit up or even move, just lie there and gasp for breath.
Dinolfos’s foot had caught him at exactly the wrong angle, and knocked every bit of air from his lungs.
Footsteps ran over, and Time opened his eyes with a cough, expecting to see Dinolfos with his weapon raised above his head, ready to strike.
Instead he saw Link standing protectively in front of him, arms held out as if to shield Time despite his tiny size.
Dinolfos laughed.
“Is this your sidekick, Deity?” he guffawed, looking down at Link as he stalked forward. “He is tiny! Were you so desperate for help that you thought even a baby would be better than nothing?”
He continued to laugh, and Link glared up at him, his hands clenching into fists. Time tried his best to catch his breath and get to his feet, but his lungs refused to work, no matter how he gasped. Stupid lungs, come on!
The very air temperature seemed to drop all of a sudden, and a flare of panic hit Time as the robber stepped towards Link. No no no no no—
Dinolfos lunged for him, but Link blasted a spurt of ice from his hands, hitting Dinolfos in the legs. He yelped in surprise, and before he could recover, Link sprayed more ice at him, trailing up his legs and hitting his arms as well.
The shots were clumsy, and it was obvious Link didn’t have much practice, but Dinolfos was completely stuck by the time he finished, and unable to grab his weapon.
Or move, for that matter.
“You brat!” Dinolfos hissed, glaring at where Link stood. “How dare you? I am of the Lizalfos pack, son of Dinal, leader of the Lower Lizards, Master of—!”
Link shot a bit of ice over his mouth, making his face flush with anger.
Time finally managed to get some air into his lungs, and he rolled over, looking up at Dinolfos and Link with an impressed expression.
“Huh,” Time wheezed, still trying to fully catch his breath. Partially from the kick, but mostly from the remaining panic of seeing his little brother nearly be attacked while he just gasped for breath on the pavement.
Sloppy, too sloppy, you should have put him further away, he barely knows how to use his powers he could’ve been hurt he could have been ki—
Time sighed, and winced as he put a hand to his chest and lightly rubbed. He was definitely going to have a bruise tomorrow. “We’ll have to talk about your listening skills kiddo, but... nice work. You’re quite the little warrior, huh?”
His brother’s face positively lit up at his words, and he pointed to himself, some snowflakes settling in his hair.
“Warriors,” he said proudly, and Time snorted, slowly getting to his knees.
“Warrior, kid. No S.”
“There’s only one of you, there’s no S,” Time argued back as he stood, but the kid just kept chattering ‘Warriors’ to himself, over and over. A vein bulged in Dinalfos’ forehead, and Time snorted, shaking his head.
He had been thinking about finding a nickname earlier... I suppose there are worse ones out there.
“Well come on, ‘Warriors’, let’s go get lunch. Frosty here can just hang around until the police show up,” he said, ruffling Link’s hair.
Link beamed, and took the hand Time offered him as they stepped out of the alleyway and walked down the street, leaving Dinolfos behind in the alley.
Dinolfos yelled a curse behind them that was entirely unintelligible.
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