#to my surprise... THEY AREN'T TOXIC AT ALL literally one of the good things that happened in the movie
ladsofsorrow24 · 8 months
watched a yhara zayd review of saltburn and... wow that sounds like a very boring film, ngl
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chronicbeans · 8 months
Platonic Alastor x Maladaptive Daydreamer Reader
Hehe not me self-projecting again! Anyways, these are kinda based on my own experiences, but I'm trying to make them more generalized.
TW: Maladaptive daydreaming, escapism, dissociation, mentions of depression and anxiety, brief mentions of compulsive behavior/OCD, invasion of privacy, manipulation, peer pressure, yandere-ish behavior (I believe he defaults to those behaviors, no matter the type of relationship), mention of cannibalism (this is Alastor we're talking about...), Alastor is a shitty toxic friend in this
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• He's absolutely fascinated by the way your mind works. Even before he knows what is going on, or begins to get close to you, he can tell you are an interesting person. The way you look so distant, like your mind is checked out and flying to far off places without you, is something he hasn't seen before. He wants to pick and prod at your brain to see what's going on.
• He doesn't want to do so the easy way, though. No. Instead, he wants to drag out this process for as long as possible, and make sure you twist and squirm all the while. He loves to make people uncomfortable, after all! That's his specialty, in his opinion, besides his radio show.
• He'll start off with introductions, of course, which is probably when he first got interested in you. That dreamy look isn't so easy to see from a distance, after all. The second he looked into your eyes while shaking your hand, though, it became obvious. How hadn't he seen it before? If he saw this look when he first entered, he would've talked to you first out of the crew at the Hazbin Hotel. Well, besides Charlie... But, that's just because she owns the place.
•The uncomfortable prodding starts in an instant. One of his first questions after getting your name is not "What made you want to come to the hotel?" or "What can you provide to help the hotel?" It's more like "How did you die?", "What are your major vices?", and "What sin have you committed to be brought to Hell?" He wants to test the waters. See what he can get away with without completely scaring you off. If you run away and avoid him, it'd be harder to learn what he wants, and make you uncomfortable while doing so.
• Regardless of whether or not you answer, you are probably a little put off from him. Not enough to completely avoid him, since you can see how some of those questions might help him help the hotel, but enough to be uncomfortable... Which, in his opinion, is perfect!
• He's great at hiding, so if you start noticing him mentioning things you thought were private, you really shouldn't be surprised. He can, quite literally, hide in the shadows at times. He quickly takes notes of your little habits, including ones you might be embarrassed about.
• He may watch you pacing around your room, mumbling to yourself as if you are playing pretend all alone. Or, maybe, he's hiding over your shoulder while you're writing down some elaborate storyline. Perhaps he's watching you in plain sight, seeing you make a bunch of odd facial expressions at seemingly nothing. He may not know why you do this, but he wants to. He would've suspected some sort of substance use, considering it's Hell. Lots of people do so. However, he's never seen you near anything that would cause such behavior. So, that's off his list, for now.
• So, step 2 of his plan begins! As his good ol' pals Husk and Niffty to try befriending you! Or, at the very least, get information from you that you aren't comfortable telling him. Then, have them report back to him with their findings. Of course, Husk seems agitated by the request, but obliges. Niffty seems more than happy to do as he asks, though. A happy worker is a good worker, so he has more hope in Niffty getting the big story than Husk.
• Surprisingly, though, he's proven wrong. The most Niffty got was your fashion sense, favorite types of stories, and that you are very "quiet". Yes, the fashion and types of stories were new to him... But what he seems important, the reason you act so oddly, isn't there. Husk, however, was able to get a lot more out of you, somehow.
• Husk mentions you talking to him, one night, after he saw you skipping oddly down the hall and pass the bar where he was cleaning the glasses before closing it for the night. You seemed extremely embarrassed to have been seen, mentioning that you thought he was asleep already. He then just, politely asked a few questions...? And got answers? How?
• Alastor immediately demands answers, only for Husk to reply "I don't know how to describe it like they did! Most I understood is that they daydream too much. Seems like it's a constant thing going on. They like to pace and prance while doing so, sometimes, but don't like getting caught."
• Now it begins to make more sense... the writing, the talks about stories with Niffty, the prancing and pacing... and most importantly, that dreamy, distant look you have. He can even see why you'd make odd expressions. You're reacting to your own thoughts... He doesn't understand it. He's never heard of anything like this before, especially during his time as a human, but he can tell one thing for certain: You must be his friend, now. Whether you like it or not.
• You are so different from everyone else he's met, you see, and he loves things that go against the norm. Now, while you may or may not be considered normal or not too different by others, you're different and abnormal to him. You somehow succeed in both being polite, smart, and funny to mess around with, while also barely being able to pay attention to the world around you. He's always thought that those two things were mutually exclusive. How can you learn when you can't stop being in your own head? How can someone be polite and not listen? The funny part, though... He can kind of see that. He finds surprising you be sneaking up behind you and tapping your shoulder funny every now and again. Nevertheless, you are going to be his friend.
• Soon enough, you notice his behavior changing, a bit. Less following you around, less vaguely threatening words, and more... quiet. It's eerie, coming from him. However, you also notice him trying to talk to you about stories and books he's heard and read. Even things he's heard during his human life, such as Creole folktales and other stories he's heard in New Orleans, Louisiana back in the 1920s-1930s. It's a bit like a completely different side to him you never expected to see, and never really wanted to, but you aren't really complaining. It's better than him deciding to terrorize you for fun and him asking invasive questions...
• A little more time passes and he decides to ask about small habits, disguising them as him just now noticing those habits, when he's probably noticed them while spying on you months prior. Nothing too extreme. Mostly just your expressions, how it seems like your attention is somewhere else... Nothing like your pacing, prancing, or acting. He wants to establish that he knows about these tiny little things, and now that you're more comfortable with him, you're much more likely to answer. That way, once he moves onto the bigger, more personal questions, you'll already have been eased into feeling comfortable with it.
• Eventually, you get to the point where you feel comfortable calling him a friend. He's already considered you one since that conversation with Husk, but it's a start. Now, he's gotten the lovely privilege of being able to know more about what's going on in that lovely little brain of yours... well, "little" brain is definitely an understatement. From how you describe your imagination, he'd be led to believe your mind must be as vast as the Library of Alexandria.
• Vast worlds, complicated plotlines, complex characters... you talk of odd tales you've created, all in your brain. Ones you've had in your mind for years, some you came up with on a whim, and others, still, that are still being developed. Stories that have been being created over the span of real life years, ones you started then dropped... All of which are being held in your head, with only a miniscule fraction of it being written onto paper. He's truly impressed, genuinely respecting your odd talent, as he sees it. You've perfected the craft of creativity, while he's perfected the art of talking to an audience. Even better, is that he got to learn whether or not his theory of you taking inspiration from stories you've heard was right. Which explains his sudden mentions of stories he's heard in life.
• Now... if only you'd let him tell some of your stories on his radio show! If you wouldn't like that, then he'd probably ask you to write something for his show. That way, it isn't as personal to you, and you wouldn't even need to be credited if you're embarrassed by it! He could just say a random listener sent it in, and he thought it'd be great to read, to show his appreciation for his adoring fans. The world simply must hear the greatness of your mind, dear, and he is not going to stop annoying politely asking you to write something until you do.
• Another thing he might try is to see if he can figure out why you partake in this little habit of yours. He's never heard of it, though he has asked some sinners and demons if they have. Be it Charlie, Angel Dust, some of the other overlords, or a friend of his we haven't seen or heard of, before. More modern sinners keep mentioning a thing called Maladaptive Daydreaming, describing it as a symptom of other mental health diagnoses... but that's the problem. That fits you, you've mentioned that you know of that and it fits you... but that's also just a symptom. Well, a few argue that it may be its own thing, but it is not an official diagnosis yet. So, for now, he wants to figure out why you do it.
• Is it depression? Anxiety? Do you really want to escape from something, and you're doing so by hopping into that little dream land of yours? Is it some sort of compulsion? You seem to not really be able to control it that well, after all, and others have mentioned links to OCD, as well as other disorders that can cause compulsions. Is it sheer, absolute, chronic boredom? Speak to him, dear! What is it? Do you even know? If not, he'll assume it's the boredom option... for now.
• He's obsessed with you, really. You're his friend, and he's very obsessive over them, in his own way. He is as far away from normal when it comes to showing real affection for others, which wouldn't be bad, if it weren't for the fact that a main part of it is him being absolutely suffocating when he's around. That, and he can be terrifying... He's the Radio Demon, after all! It's just worse for you than his other friends, though, because you are different. Being different is a really important thing for him, really, alongside being polite, smart, and funny. Not required, unlike the last three traits, but it makes you more likely to be his friend. You hit the lottery by achieving being all four, but it must be the worst lottery prize in the world.
• He holds the thought that you should just be friends with him. Now, you don't have to be... but, he'd prefer it. If you really want outside friends, sure! You just can't be friends with his other friends. He claims they'd "taint" you with how violent they can be. Plus, since he's friends with other cannibals, some of which do serve sinner and demon meat to others without telling them, he genuinely does worry about your safety and wellbeing if you met those specific friends of his. For your friends, he wants to meet them. He needs to in order to deem them worthy of being your friend, and to make sure it's not someone he knows and is friends with. You deserve perfection, and who knows perfection better than Alastor, yes? After all, he can see that you're perfect. That is more than enough evidence, dear.
• You're one of the few people who he doesn't mind having your attention not on him. Part of your charm, in his opinion, is your lack of attention. All he asks is that you tell him about a story of yours. What is going on in your head that's so important? Oh, a great war between this and that? A psychological horror? Cities beneath the sea? Tell him about it. He finds it fun! Especially if he can see any possible inspiration from events or other stories. He likes to hear your voice almost as much as he likes to hear his own, which you'll realize is more of a compliment than it might sound like, once you truly get to know him.
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nico-drawings · 1 month
You know, you start seeing a lot of reels and posts and shorts about a series and so you start to watch it. And you see how a lot of people like one character and it is really common to see this: men relating a lot to a male character that is badass and kicks ass and them looking up to him and wanting to be like him. And 90% of the time that character is a fucking piece of shit.
Well nothing could have preprared me for the gigantic asshole that is Daemon Targaryen. It is honestly impressive how many good things I have seen said about him AND HOW MUCH OF A HORRIBLE PERSON HE IS. OH MY GOD. I have heard so much stuff about how much Daemon is a great warrior and how much he loves his brother Viserys and how much he DOESN'T want the throne. And. No. For fuck's sake no. How can people look up to this absolute garbage of a man. I can make a LONG list of the awful things Daemon has done to people.
Season 1:
Episode 1:
- Sitting on Viserys' throne (not that bad, but it shows how much he respects his brother's title)
- Called his wife both ugly AND a bitch (sexist piece of shit)
- Made fun of the death of Otto's wife (Otto is a bastard that deserves it, but he's still an asshole to make fun of someone's mourning)
- Making Otto's knight trip after asking for Alicent's blessing just to humiliate the Hightowers even more (doing so by making the horse trip, fighting dirty is a dick move)
- Made a toast celebrating the death of Viserys' death, even calling him "Heir for a day" to mock him
Episode 2:
- Stole the egg of Viserys' dead son, basically spitting on his death again
Episode 3:
- Beat the shit out of a messanger because the little brat couldn't accept the fact that he was sucking so much at a war that his big brother had to send him reinforcements (yeah he won before they arrived, doesn't change the fact that it was quite literally a reaction at the level of a tantrum)
Episode 4:
- Called his wife a bitch AGAIN and joked about her being probably infertile due to being harsh and stuff like that
- Bringing his teen niece to a brothel, grooming her and having sex with her (hey, it does not matter if morality is different in Westeros and Rhaenera is technically an adult, THAT'S HIS NIECE THAT IS HALF HIS AGE. THERE'S A POWER INBALANCE HERE. AND NO, BECAUSE OTHER CHARACTERS DO IT, IT DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER. VISERYS CAN GO DIE IN A DITCH AS WELL FOR HIS RELANTIONSHIP WITH ALICENT FOR ALL I CARE)
- Boosting about fucking his niece to her FATHER and then proposing a marriage with her, acting like she's a prize for his success in battle
Episode 5:
- Killing his wife (of course she wasn't manipulable so she had to die)
- Mocking the cousin of his wife about having her inheritance
- Almost started to make out with Rhaenyra in front of everyone at the banquet before her marriage
Episode 6:
Wow, actually nothing in this one. They even kept him from making the same choice Viserys made with Aemma.
Episode 7:
- Fucking his niece again, he just doesn't learn I see. Oh yeah and he marries her. I'm sure they won't be toxic.
Episode 8:
Wow nothing again. Unbelievable, I am surprised. Did his two wives help him become a decent person? It has been like more than 10 years between the start of episode 6 and the end of episode 8 so it could be.
Episode 9:
Nothing again, but he wasn't in it so.
Episode 10:
- HERE HE COMES BACK WITH THE STEELCHAIR! Calling Alicent a whore and telling Rhaenys what she should have done.
- Ignoring his wife screaming for him, what a great husband (god that birthing scene, why jesus christ)
- Basically commanding Rhaenyra's council of war like it's his, just like the conversation with Otto. This doesn't make him an asshole per se, but it is a great showing of not being able to read the room. If the entire conflict hinges upon the fact that her legitimacy is being discussed you shouldn't really talk like YOU are the boss instead of HER.
- Basically saying that Vyseris and Rhaenyra aren't good leaders in front of EVERYONE. This man is not smart. At ALL.
- Chocking Rhaenyra and saying Vyseris' reign was useless. He is pathetic beyond belief.
Season 2:
- Wow less than 5 minutes into season 2 and he's already kicking. Giving Rhaenis orders, undermining Rhaenyra's authority and basically telling Rhaenis that Luke's death is her fault.
- Treating both Mysaria and Erryk like shit.
- Not trying to be there for Rhaenyra for Luke's death not even for a second, not one word, nothing. I understand, Rhaenyra's pain doesn't help in a war, but the war in question hasn't been going on for not even a MONTH. And with the naval blockade and the loyalty of some of the clans they already struck back. You CAN hug your wife for 5 seconds due to the death of her son, you won't lose the war if you do.
- I know some people try to defend him by saying stuff like "Oh he just ordered to kill Aemond". Why would they kill the kid then. I'm not joking, why the kid ESPECIALLY? Do people really think a random rat killer would be smart enough to kill the prince because he, one day, would get on the throne? Why would he even care? Even the guard loyal to Daemon wouldn't care about that. Hell, Haelena would be more straightforward and reasonable for a random person, since she's an adult and she saw them. But no, the MALE child specifically to destroy the bloodline. Come on, Daemon ordered it, "a son for a son", he doesn't care if it's a child. And even if he didn't, and it's a huge if, it just shows how little in control he is. He is not able to do anything right.
Episode 2:
- Throws a tantrum, lashing out to Rhaenyra, insults Vyseris in front of her and basically tells her "You're only on the throne so that I wouldn't, you don't deserve it".
Episode 3:
- Taking an offense in being called "Prince" instead of "King". You are not the king boy, pipe down. The crown isn't yours. Ego piercing the clouds, seriously.
Episode 4:
- I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because he was tripping balls, but seriously? Killing young Rhaenyra? Yeah that's not a good look.
- He told a teen to kill his grandfather, and then said to his face that his family is shit.
- So you DO know that that Psycho of Aemond is basically you but 30 years younger.
Episode 5:
- "Daemon never wanted the crown!" His literal subconscious in the form of his mother (that he was fucking) told him he deserved it more than his brother. What else do you need?
- He scoofs anytime he is remembered that the crown isn't his.
- "The true heir of Viserys" he calls himself, he seems SO loyal to Rhaenyra (that's sarcasm)
Episode 6:
- The allucination with the Viserys conversation due to the "heir for a day" comment made me realize that he never apologized for it. Not once.
Episode 7:
Surprisingly nothing, I mean yeah he killed the Lord of the rivers with Alyn's help, but the man was to going to die anyway so. I don't know if it counts.
Episode 8:
Nothing again, not denying the treason proposal was fishy but at the end he bent the knee so all good.
Now that season 2 has ended and season 3 won't come out for a year or more, the list by episodes is over. I will use this to elaborate my thoughts.
Watching Daemon Targaryen in the series and seeing his reception by the fandom made me realize how the "media literacy is dead" is yes wrong but is also very justifiable as an opinion. Because the Daemon situation is really the last installment of this behaviour, especially from men: Walter White, the guy from American Psycho, hell even Ken from the Barbie movie. How much can these characters been latched onto, been seen as incredible and as a goal, while their entire purpose in the story is to have a giant glowing sign that reads "this is a bad person and this how they fit into our messed up society" or maybe they are part of a story and they are not there to be an omen, but they are very openly written to be bad people. Daemon falls into the second category. He has a very distinct role in the series and that's to be the ambigous guy with a giant ego, always understimating everyone around him, while constantly being punished for such way of thinking and arriving, at the end, at finding purpose in being under someone and serving them. Daemon is constantly dismissive towards other people: he thinks he's beneath everyone and everything. That he can do and say anything he likes. And he gets fucked every single time for it. He thought he could insult Vyseris' child, he got sent away. He thought he could steal his egg, he had soldiers and a dragon at his doorstep to take it back. He thought he could start a war at sea and win easily and he had to use Laenor's tactic to win or use Vyseris' troops, otherwise he would have lost horribly. He thought he could have his way with Rhaenyra, he was banished for it. He thought he could command his second wife, ignore her desires and choose for her, she made her own dragon burn her alive in order to make a choice for herself. He thought he could take revenge for Rhaenyra and hurt the greens, he not only gave an order so shallow that it could have been misinterpreted but Rhaenyra was disgusted by it and it ruined her reputation throught the seven kingdoms. He thought he could make the Blackwoods kill their rivals without a problem, if the young Tally hadn't grew balls the size of Caraxes the entirety of the River people wouldn't have followed him even if the dragon was about to burn them all alive.
THAT is who Daemon is: an incompetent, egomaniac that is constantly needed to be reminded that he ain't shit.
And yet so many people think he's the most badass character in the show. They think he's a loving brother, a great husband, a genius when it comes to war and a great warrior. All of those things, Daemon Targaryen is not.
And if you enjoy him as a character, well I only have one thing to say to you: that's fine. Because Daemon is written BEAUTIFULLY. He is coherent to a fault.
You can see that he loves Vyseris, but he's a psycho that has never respected him so he constantly hurts him because he's a piece of shit.
He doesn't respect Rhaenyra because to him she's always gonna be a child because Daemon is a groomer. She is also not fit to be queen because she's like Vyseris, someone that Daemon never thought to be a good king, and he wasn't entirely wrong. Because, mind you, if Vyseris had a backbone, Daemon would have lost his head. He got too many chances.
Daemon will always envy Rhaenyra because in a way he was always seeking Vyseris' attention, he always wanted to be praised by him, but he always wanted to be praised for being HIMSELF, hence why he never tried to act as Vyseris would have liked. He wanted Vyseris to like Daemon, not the Daemon that acted like Vyseris would have wanted.
Daemon could never be in a good relantionship because he can't respect anyone else outside of himself. His first wife was his equal. In no way that woman would have bent to his will. His second wife was more accomodating, but she had pride in herself and at the end choose for herself. And Rhaenyra? She's supposed to be BENEATH him, he could never accept that.
Daemon can never shut his mouth because to him, being himself is more important than reason. My brother is mad at me for maybe having fucked his daughter? Well I'll double down, I have every right to get her- oh he banished me. The entirery of the conflict revolves around my wife's claim being questioned? Well I want to fight this war in this way, so I'll give orders, go to Harrenal to build an army and win by myself- oh one of her council members has come here to ask me to betray her and lead the war because he doesn't believe she's good enough to lead.
You can almost always predict Daemon before he speaks or acts, that's how well he was written. And it is also very EASY to see how he was written. Seriously, his actions are up there, they have been documented episode by episode, if you still don't see it I don't know what to tell you. Anyone that has seen him throw a fit for not being called King is seriously still trying to say that he didn't want the crown? HIS FIRST SCENE IN THE ENTIRE SERIES WAS HIM ON THE IRON THRONE.
ONLY. And I repeat, ONLY in the last episode Daemon has let go. Only then. Because he finally realized, due to the visions: "Okay I need to get my shit together, this is bigger than me" and it took a vision of quite literally zombies killing a dragon and marching towards the world of the living to make Daemon Targaryen lower his head.
I repeat: this is not a post about Daemon being a shitty character and me saying that his fans are dumb. It is, however, a post about how men have, once again, latched onto a toxic and objectively bad male character in a show and ignored 90% of how he was written in order to have a cool character to kin. It is also about people not being able to. Understand writing because saying "Daemon never wanted the crown" is like saying "Aegon always wanted the crown" and I think we all know he never wanted it.
Also also, this post, about making a list of all the bad things a character has done, can be done about a lot of other characters, I am aware. But no other character in this show has been read as wrongly and has been lifted so high as Daemon has.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
May I request Albedo, Baizhu, Al-Haitham and Kaveh with a reader that who's Hydro Vision allows them to create liquid poison?
Hello! The moment this request came Baizhu wasn't playable but now he is so why not, I can do him! Just sorry if he's a little bit fanon...
Also this might be a bit short but honestly, idea was great so I guess I just didn't had idea while writing... but anyway, I hope you'll enjoy <3
Albedo, Baizhu, Alhaitham, Kaveh with hydro!reader creating liquid poison
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @miya-akane
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⊱ Albedo was definitely interested in your abilities even more from the very beginning
⊱ when he saw you in fight and how you use toxic liquid on monsters, he started thinking how much more can you actually do
⊱ he knew well that asking you to be his test subject might be a bit inappropriate so he just observed you and if anything, asked you few questions
⊱ in the end tho, he couldn't help himself but ask you to give him at least poison sample for his research
"I really don't intend to be rude but would you mind using your ability to create liquid poison and give me a bit of it for my research?"
⊱ but honestly, he's also more relieved and isn't as much worried about you since he's much sure that you can take care of yourself or at very least threaten someone with toxins, not like he's encouraging you tho...
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⊱ Baizhu is also pretty interested but he's not scared to immidietly spoil you with any questions he might have
⊱ some toxins can be healing if used properly I don't know, I'm not good with these stuff but I hope I'm right so he's interested if you can create some kind of it
⊱ if you do, then as inappropriate as it may be, he'll use your abilities for others health sake
⊱ if not then he's really not all that surprised, after all it's not that common for any toxin to be like that
⊱ but he's not uninterested in poisons either... let's just say it's a little darker part of things he's interested in, he won't use it on someone tho... probably...
⊱ but at first, he was a little worried about you... after all, from what he saw the toxin is pretty dangerous and you just produce it from yourself... aren't you hurt?
"I couldn't help but notice your fighting style... I was thinking if you know what kind of toxin you use? If not... would you mind answering few questions for me?"
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⊱ Alhaitham found it a bit interesting as well but he never really said anything about it
⊱ but he did observed your fighting style and as interested as he was in knowing more, he put a challenge on himself so he can discover that himself
⊱ so you could see few books about poisons and toxins all around his room
⊱ and he suprisingly discovers it by himself that you have these kind of powers thanks to your hydro vision
⊱ so if you try to ask him why he's so casual about it, he literally says that he already figure it out by himself with smug on his face
"Yes, I would say I know all about your poision creating. I saw how your vision glows when you create it so the source was really obvious."
⊱ may or may not use your abilities for his own benefits but he'd never mix you into any trouble
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⊱ Kaveh is another one who becomes more interested in you but he also becomes a bit more scared of you now...
⊱ don't get him wrong, he trusts you a lot but just the thought that you can wield any poison you'd like makes him scared a bit
"N-No! It's not creepy or anything at all! I just... I'm just still not used to it! That's all!"
⊱ but of course he slowly gets used to it and is visibly more comfortable around you and even admires your abilities while fighting
⊱ he really becomes amazed by your skills with time but not in like any creepy psychopathic way
⊱ probably speaks about you to his roommate to show you off and later you get many questions from him maybe even in slight teasing way but not with intentions to hurt your feelings
⊱ but he definitely encourages you to maybe not use your skills on others but to threaten anyone who gives you hard time if needed
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Concept #6
CW: Yandere Male x Gender neutral Reader, jealous Yan, toxic behavior, Yan fantasizes about killing a man, Reader tries to turn the tables, petnames (baby, my love)
Your boyfriend is an easily jealous man and tonight, he was upset about a random man who mistook you for single and had asked you to dance. You were afraid of something like this happening, but these things were inevitable in a club like this where everyone is looking for their next hook up. Initially, the two of you were here with mutual friends but since the little hiccup, he had you stowed away in a dark corner, sitting pretty on his lap with a protective arm around your waist.
"I should really murder him," he grumbles and you roll your eyes.
"Following him home seems easy enough.. I can make it clean.." He nodded to himself, "I can call up the boys... Fast and easy..."
Oh my God, he's literally planning it in front of me.
This wasn't the first time he behaved like this, constantly scheming the murder of other men, believing that all the forces in the world are out to separate the two of you. A few days a ago, a guy asked for your number, last week someone kept starting at you, and before that, the cashier asked if you'd like a bag. Each time, you had to run damage control and undoubtedly saved countless lives.
Distraction is the name of the game.
You angled yourself so that more of weight leaned against his torso, throwing an arm over his shoulder. This arm reached into his hair and scratched his scalp. The other hand played with the collar of his shirt. Usually, this was enough to bring his thoughts back to you, but either from the atmosphere of the club or his mood, he was still laser focused on the oblivious man from across the club, who has since moved on.
"Look at him, already dancing with another person. Was he even committed to dancing with you? He should've gone home in shame after you rejected him, otherwise what's the point?" He gritted his teeth.
Okay. Plan B.
You lowered your voice to a seductive octave, "Baby," you called to him, pouting slightly. No response. "Baaaaby, look at meee."
"How fast do you think he can run?"
You stared at him weirdly, not sure whether to smack him or scream in his face. Pang of annoyance shot through you. Here you were, dolled up all pretty on his lap, supposedly the love of his life vying for his attention. You could have resisted him and gone after your friends to dance, but no, you chose to appease him by isolating yourself and he wouldn't even look at you.
What the hell, I should not be fighting this hard.
You grabbed him by his chin and forced him to face you. His expression was one of surprise, especially after seeing you frown.
"Why are you fantasizing about other men?" You interrogated.
He choked, "What??"
"Here I am, sitting on your lap, and yet you're day dreaming about leaving me alone to visit a man at his home and thinking about all the things you would do to him!"
You watched his face as what you were implying dawned on him and his face turned pink. "W-what! Baby, it isn't like that!"
"You've been staring at him like he's fresh meat! You're practically salivating!" You moved to straddle him and his hands instinctively fall to your hips. "Am I not good enough for you? Is that why you're yearning for him?"
"I'm not yearning for him! Baby, I love you, you're perfect, you're the only one for me!"
"Then act like it!" You flick his forehead. "Stop looking at other men, look at me. I'm right here!" You pressed your chests together, decreasing the space between you. "You're mine, aren't you?"
He looked up at you with hearts in his eyes and his soul displayed for you. "Yes! I am!"
"Say it!"
"I'm yours, my love."
No hesitation, fully distracted, just as it should be. You smiled victoriously and kissed him on the lips.
"Good, now let's party."
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Let's do soup.
A lot of people have been talking about how soup is doing some symbolic lifting in this season, but I've gotten really stuck on this scene in particular. Ed doesn't know that Hornigold is his own subconscious yet, but he confronts him about a time that Hornigold killed a member of his own crew (hey Ed are you maybe feeling bad about something?) and Hornigold gives him three options for dealing with all the horrible shit he's seen, done, or been unable to stop.
The first option is just "move on, you gotta move on." Or, in other words "toughen up, who cares that you feel bad about it, just lock that shit up and get over it." Ed got this advice a lot in season one. Izzy told him "the love of a pet makes a man weak" and Calico Jack told him "what kind of pirate has a friend, we're all in various stages of fucking each other over." It seems like this is just what pirates do. Frenchie starts out this season talking about how he bottles it all up. It's a stand in for all the toxic masculinity and repression that the show enjoys unpacking - in Hornigold's mind, if feelings can't rebuild an abdominal wall, they're useless.
The second option is "blow your brains out." It's become pretty clear at this point that Ed is trying his best to get someone angry enough to kill him. In season one, Ed is told repeatedly that dying is what happens when you fail to do option one. When Izzy says, "the only retirement we get is death," that's what he means. Ed can't retire, can't stop being a pirate, can't do things differently. He has to tread water until he drowns. When Izzy says "Blackbeard is my captain. I serve Blackbeard, not Edward. Edward better watch his fucking step," he is telling Ed to toughen up or die. At this point Ed, unimpressed, asks "Those are the options?" Hornigold does his little bup-bup-bup thing where he weighs them in his hands and says "Or, we could just make some soup."
Ed says "Yeah, soup. Let's do soup."
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The third option is "soup." Soup can mean a lot of things - it's warm, it's nourishing, it's what you eat when you're sick. The show has been tying it to the crew of the Revenge by having them continually eat soup and talk about how great it is (Notably, in the scene above, Olu asks Yi Sao if she's really a soup seller and she says "Not exactly.")
What does "make some soup" mean for Ed? I think, above all, it's a third option in what has been an inescapable dichotomy of "be tough or die." The first person to break this dichotomy in the show is Stede, when he refers to piracy's culture of abuse and says "And my thought is, 'Why? And also, what if it weren't like that?'" before encouraging his crew to talk through their feelings. To the surprise of literally everyone, that works. The crew of The Revenge took the space that Stede gave them and built a family inside of it. They gave Ed the idea that maybe "tough it out or die" aren't the only two options, and he's still thinking about it even now.
Making soup is also work - Ed's going to have to deal with the fact that he tried to torture his crew into killing him - but it's good, useful work. It could be a metaphor for the kind of work you have to do to repair relationships with people you've hurt. The first thing Ed does in this episode is refuse the soup that Hornigold is giving him. It's poison, he doesn't want it.
So, I'm wondering if there's going to be a moment later in the season where Ed either literally makes soup or accepts it from someone else, and whether that will be Important To His Arc in some way.
Also, I'm really craving soup, so.
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Hantengu clones × Makima! Reader. 👉👈
Please. Also, sorry for my English.
(If Makima is from Chainsaw Man, I hope you read/watched)
Hantengu clones with a Makima!Reader
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Warnings: Controlling reader, Reader is based off a female person, But gender isnt mentioned at all. Slight spoilers for Csm part 2
Notes: Your English is fine!! I read part 1 and a few chapters of part 2 of chainsaw man, So I can write for A Makima!reader!! Also, Keep in mind that Makima is controlling, So these relationships are toxic.
For some odd reason, He can't bring himself to yell at you, All he can feel are these Mushy, Disgusting , Feelings and he's Nice to you somehow.
He hates how you treat him like a dog, But he always listens in fear of what you Can/might do.
..his body feels like it's moving by itself, Which horrified the anger clone, His whole body was trying to leave you—To Run. To run far, Far, Away from you. You aren't a person.. You're a thing.. how else could you be so evil and uncaring? You can give Muzan a run for his money.
Your hand Gently cups Sekido's face, Sweet dripping from Him as your Hypnotic patterned eyes observed his face. “ Sit, Doggy. ” He grumbled from your command, He does it anyway. “ Good boy. ”
He loves you. At least he thinks so.
He loves your touch, Everytime you leave, He sits at the door until you come back.
He never complains in your presence, He Always feels no sorrow while being around you, Even if he is a clone of sorrow.
He's your lovely dog. It doesn't matter that he's being controlled. He loves you so much that it hurts him.
“My cute Little sorrow clone," You coo Affectionately, His Head in your lap as you stroked his Hair, He's so easy to control, Terribly Easy.. The clones were trying to warn him, But he Didn't listen to them. Only your opinion mattered to him.
He stops flirting with other people, After meeting you.
He finds you and your dogs to be so sweet, Even if they do cause messes, He always helps getting stuff clean.
He doesn't know why he likes you. Everytime a person asks. He replies with a ‘ I don't know. ’ Sure, you have many good traits, But he still doesn't know exactly what he likes about you.
You and Karaku went out to get some dog treats, Karaku looked around for some as you found bone shaped one, playfully, You dangled one Infront of his face. “ Hey, Want one? ” You asked playfully, To no one surprise (Becuase of your control devil abilities) He ate one, He chews, Seemingly thinking, “Mmm, Dunno, They taste bad. ” You giggled.
Would love to be your dog. Just like denji!
Hes quite the strong ‘Tool' as-well. He's always hyper and eager to serve you in any way possible.
Of course, You don't mind. He would literally put himself over a puddle and let you step on him.
He loves you so much!! He reminds you of a certain owl-girl (yoru)
“ Oooh, Ooh! (Name), Can we Go for a flight?! Promise I won't drop you! ” You stared Blankly at him for a few minutes, Hypnotic eyes never taken out of his, This made a bead of sweat roll down Urogi's chin as you smiled softly, “ Why, Of course, Urogi. ”
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jacky-rubou · 2 months
(Warning: long ask ahead, but I just have so many thoughts on something you mentioned).
I saw your reply from earlier where you gave your opinions on The Book of Bill. Just wanted to let you know you're 100% not alone on the Bill and Ford thoughts. It honestly kinda bothers me too that the fandom is latching onto the "lol uwu toxic old man yaoi" thing. Like there's so much more to the book and Bill and Ford as characters but it feels like a lot of folks read it and mentally threw out everything but shipping bait to obsess over.
It especially feels ick to me because Bill and Ford's relationship - whether people read it as platonic or not - is legit 100% abusive, and it tramples all over the growth Ford's had healing from that. I almost kind of wish the book hadn't made those jokes at all, because when a creator gives a fandom a shipping inch, fandoms take a whole mile with it. No hate to Hirsch for what the fandom is doing; it's not his fault. But it's honestly annoying, just like you said.
on the spectrum of long and short asks, this one barely reaches medium, anon (lighthearted)
but yeah. I really think the parts relating to their abusive dynamic were some of the most realistic portrayals of an abusive relationship we've seen, platonic or otherwise. and that is really special for something I wasn't expecting to go into this much depth with the cruelty and abusiveness of their relationship for. literally a lot of heart dropping moments with bill showing off just how sadistic and cruel he was to ford. emotionally, mentally, and physically.
the ex jokes dropped on bill were laughable and not something to be taken as hard canon proof that they were in a romantic relationship like the fandom is seriously rolling with. like, come on, this is bill's book we're talking about, he's trying to look good for the reader. and making himself seem sympathetic by using that moment in the bar is the way he decided to do that. maybe it really happened like that, and bill was sad about losing ford, but... they're kinda trusting bill's word over ford's here, aren't they?
It's really something that the fandom decided to play up the sad ex narrative to the umpteenth degree and i shouldn't be this surprised that my filters are working overtime right now, but man. I wish the abusive nature of bill wasn't just thrown under the rug in favor of stupid toxic yaoi jokes like you said. I wish ford's status as bill's victim wasn't downplayed over 'oh, he just wanted to fuck the triangle' jokes like no. just... no.
a microcosm of this is that drunk ford moment. a lot of the fandom is seeing it as this cute gay moment or what have you, when it's implied quite heavily that bill coerced/forced ford into getting intoxicated with the very phrase 'i am not much of a drinker' on the page before. and if you're taking that 'one thing led to another' phrase as something a bit more... risque... then, you're potentially looking at sexual assault. that is fucked up to hell and back and i only see a few people talk about it like that. (of course people are free to see this moment however the hell they like, i just... man. I don't know. I really don't know.)
anyway, fandom's gonna fandom. i just really wish it wasn't in my face all the time despite my best efforts to avoid that sort of thing with my filters.
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astralpenguin · 3 months
tagged by @its-tea-time-darling 💜💜💜
1. Best book you've read so far in 2024
so let them burn by kamilah cole
it's a jamaican-inspired fantasy following two girls: the chosen one and her older sister. except five years have passed since they helped liberate their country from oppression and it's turned out that the aftermath of war and child soliders and teen queens isn't quite so simple to navigate after all. then the chosen one's sister forms an unprecedented soul bond with a dragon and dragon-rider belonging to their old oppressors. the chosen one's gods tell her the only way to keep her people safe is to kill her sister, but both sisters care about each other way too much for killing each other to be an option.
if you like: siblings who'd burn the world for each other, dragons, soulmates who hear each other's thoughts, possession, gods who do not understand humans to the point that it causes Big Problems for everybody, and stories that explore what happens to the chosen one after the story is done, then you might like this book as well! also both sisters are queer (one is a lesbian and one is demi) so if you're looking for more queer books to read that aren't the same handful that always get rec'd first then here's one <3
2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2024
does the sunshine court count as a sequel? i'm gonna count it. that one. it's probably not Technically the best sequel i've read but it's added to the aftg brainworms that i've had for many years so
3. New release you haven't read yet but want to
dear wendy by ann zhao (two aroace uni students are enemies online due to their rival dating advice columns while becoming besties irl) and road to ruin by hana lee (bisexual polyamorous mad max fury road which also happens to have been written by a twitter mutual of mine)
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
compound fracture by andrew joseph white!!! which i have an e-arc of and will be the next thing i read because i've delayed enough already
5. Biggest disappointment
wranglestone i had such high hopes for you but i have ended up with NOTHING nice to say except that the cover is pretty. don't read this book it's so terrible in every way and everyone involved in shortlisting it for an award should be ashamed of themselves
6. Biggest surprise
i've had the abyss surrounds us by emily skrutskie (and its sequel) sitting on my shelf for literal years and i finally picked them up a couple of months ago and they were excellent??? like it turns out they weren't getting hyped on booktube ~2017 just because they were sapphic ya sci-fi at a time when there was very little of that, but because they're also genuinely very very good, which was definitely a surprise to me. i was expecting to like them well enough, not to love them like i ended up!!
7. Favourite new author (debut or new to you)
i've read all three of zoe hana mikuta's books this year so let's go with her jksdfhgk her books are very cool, though the prose is often unnecessarily dense (she loooves her purple prose) which can make it a little hard to understand what's actually happening (which she leans into hard in her wonderland reimagining, to the point of near-incomprehensibility, which she gets away with solely because it's wonderland), but that clearly didn't annoy me too much seeing as i still read all her books lmao. something i really like about her books is the way that she centres platonic relationships and platonic love just as much as she does romantic relationships and romantic love, and also isn't afraid of letting the platonic relationships be just as toxic and fucked up as the romantic ones can be
8. Newest fictional crush
i don't get crushes on fictional characters
9. Newest favourite character
if i solely look at books i haven't mentioned yet, i also read interview with the vampire for the first time this year (i will get to the show At Some Point) and how anyone can read that book and not come away from it having a lot of Thoughts and Feelings about claudia i do not know
10. Book that made you cry
none, but i don't cry very easily
11. Book that made you happy
the garlic duology by bree paulsen!! they're cosy fantasy middle grade graphic novels about garlic, one of many vegetables that have been brought to life by a small town witch to help tend her garden, and how her life changes when a vampire moves in to a nearby empty castle
12. Favourite book to film adaptation that you've seen this year
my mother is OBSESSED with bullet train, and i do really like it as well, so whenever we're in the same place we tend to end up rewatching it. it slaps. don't watch it if you can't handle bloody scenes, death, or the threatened death of a child, but if you can handle those things then i very strongly recommend it
13. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)
sigh. wranglestone. though tbf some of the fairyloot books i got this year before i cancelled my subscription are gorgeous too
14. What books do you need to read by the end of the year
compound fracture for sure!!!!!! then i just really need to make some kind of a dent in my unread e-arc collection lmao
15. How many new books have you read so far
according to goodreads i have read 48 books so far in 2024
i'm gonna tag @itsthemxze even though tea tagged you already (ha get double tagged), @fili-is-gone, and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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wickedmoonlite · 1 year
KinnPorsche Rewatch 2023
Reminder: as we go into heavier topics in KP (dub-con/non-con, toxic behaviors, etc.), I will not be doing deep dives. I'm planning on taking this just below surface value as these are literally thoughts I have in the moment as I'm watching. Thank you.
Episode 6 Random Thoughts
FOREST EPISODE FOREST EPISODE FOREST EPISODE. Literally my favorite episode of the series. I like shows and movies where the relationship is the plot. So having an episode almost entirely dedicated to the blossoming relationship between Kinn and Porsche with little outside involvement is v good. Also, I really wish we could see the gentle, caring, silly, soft, carefree side of K more after this episode. We see glimpses later but nothing like this, when KP are well and truly alone together.
The super aggressive rock, paper, scissors is sending me.
And the fact that Kinn keeps bringing them back to the same spot and then Porsche does exactly the same thing before they just happen upon a little creek by sliding into it (though if it was really that close, how did they not see it 😬)
The betrayal after P spits on K lol
How far do they walk every day and back to get to the truck and creek though??
Kinn... Regular rocks do not start fires. Flint does though. Also lighters 👉👉
Porsche is such a shit.
Pete trying his darndest to stay hidden like Vegas definitely doesn't see him sitting in the car... The windows aren't even tinted dude (which I know is for filming purposes but come on).
The fucking smirk on Vegas's face when Pete finds the condoms then yells though.
K is trying so hard to catch a fish. Then P just pulls out some fruit like "lol I found this, keep trying for the fish tho."
The childlike wonder in K's expression and manner while P catches his fish and then he catches his own is so cute.
Apo looks so cold in the waterfall scene (I haven't watched the BTS for this episode but apparently he almost became hypothermic, the dedication ugh).
Porsche wants more kisses, Kinn. For the love of all that is holy, kiss your man.
I love that they get to know each other by sharing their dreams. It's such a nice little reflective moment where they get to know each other more and I appreciate it muchly.
The fact that Porsche really does "remember" the car crash just shows how suggestable our brains are as children. There are memories I have to this day where I'm not sure if it actually happened or was just a dream or something and my brain turned it into a memory.
They really should have tried to get a running start for that jump. Also, that was a pretty good distance they fell. Very surprised nothing was broken after that.
I really can't blame K for not wanting to go back, honestly. He must have so much on his shoulders as the heir (I mean, obviously).
"One strike, okay?" With... a pocket knife?? Yeah that's definitely gonna go through bone with one strike, P.
I like that K encourages P to leave... Because he knows it's best for P.
I LOVE how Apo acts this scene (honestly the whole sequence including after the bad guys show up) after Kinn tells him to get out of there... You can really see the man go, "Shit. I have to do this first." And then turns around and gives such a good feeling kiss. Ugh. K clenching his shirt because for him, it's the last time he'd see P and he doesn't want to let him go. Then the focus on the cuffs they'd just been wearing for who knows how many days as a symbol of them together and the journey they just went on and the falling in love. It's all so good.
P really said "you're not getting my man, fuck you." And then K gets shot 🙃
Then the look of, oh my god I really almost got away from here but now I'm trapped again, fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
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Another long one. So sorry, but not too sorry. I appreciate all of you who read these rambling text posts very much ❤
Rest day tomorrow, which I kind of need because adulting and work. I shall see you all on the 8th for episode 7. Thanks for reading, y'all.
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spinxeret · 1 year
Thoughts on movie / Raimi's MJ? I see many ppl calling her "toxic" on Reddit. Never remember thinking that, but it's been literal years since I've last watched 'em... and I know you write as her. So I'd love to hear what you think.
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+ ( First off, this is a question I'm honestly surprised I've never gotten before ! So thank you for that ! Second , I think Raimi!MJ gets way too much hate online . Especially from people who really don't have all the information about that version of the character. The problem with Raimi!MJ is a few things; the first being the era in which the movies were produced. Female characters in superhero films weren't really at the point they're just getting to now. Look at other films in the same era ; Blade , Daredevil, or Fantastic Four. Raimi!MJ is written very much like the female characters in those films, which is sadly not anywhere near as progressive as the comics had been for a long while. That is not the fault of the character, or even Raimi himself. It's really just the fault of the era.
Second ; Raimi!MJ is not given all that much development on screen, sadly. There's a lot more depth to the character if you read the novelizations ! The first movie novel in particular has deleted scenes that make things a lot more understandable in her actions. We get scenes like her father telling her how much he doesn't like Peter and wants her to stick with Flash so she can be basically a trophy wife to him. There's a series of scenes where Peter confesses his feelings about MJ to Harry, who later parrots them to MJ so he can get her to go out with him. And my favorite being that she has a scene near the end where she confronts her father about how abusive he has been to her all her life.
My point here is that the version of the character we see on screen in all three films really would have benefited from having some of this development shown ? MJ isn't really the focus in the films as a character, other than being a love interest. This is especially highlighted in SM2 and especially SM3, I feel. With SM2, I feel like she gets a lot of shit for leaving John at the alter, but I feel that people who do miss the entire point with her character in these films ! Peter was the love she always wanted, but was the risk ! Her relationships with Flash , Harry, and John were the safe options, but were shallow and not where her heart lay. So it makes sense that when she realizes this, she leaves them and goes to Peter. SM1 showed her doing this at the end, and she was rejected by Peter .
In SM2, we see she's tried to move on when Peter continues to make no effort to be with her. By the time he loses the powers and tries, she's already with John. However, the scene where she replicates the upside down kiss with John, and then later has the scene where she's so happy Peter comes to her play, so that once again, her heart wasn't with the safe option, and she wanted to be with Peter.
SM3 is really a mess of a film, as much as it has moments I enjoy. The arc with MJ leaving Peter and going back to Harry I feel was a step backwards, and really only done for drama. But even there, we can see that she's feeling insecure with herself, and when she turns to Peter for help, he's not really offering that in a way Harry is. This is a central point to the Peter/MJ relationship, I feel, in that they trust each other completely and don't have to hide things. At this point, Peter had gotten so wrapped up in how good things were going for him that he wasn't really able to see where MJ was. This is obviously rectified by the end of the film, and we see that they're pretty much confirmed to be together as of NWH, imo.
In short ? Raimi!MJ is only toxic to people , in my opinion, who haven't really dove into the character arcs she has throughout the films, and I can't blame anyone truly, because it's such a backseat storyline. Peter and Mary Jane in the Raimi films are both deeply hurt people and their actions aren't always the right ones. But that's what makes them so interesting, because they're human.
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squipy · 2 years
Oh boy I'ma get cancelled for this but like anyways we're talking about proshipping...again
Ya know what's odd I like the IDEA behind what proshipping stands for basically ya know don't harass people over what they ship even if it seems problematic to you. See that is fine to me THE ISSUE IS WHEN PROBLEMATIC BECOMES OUTRIGHT DANGEROUS!!!!! so for example a big surprise to literally no one I'm a self Shipper and a lot of my romantic F/O's are villains who have done some shitty things which can be seen as problematic such as for example I don't think a robotic wolf with an ego trying to murder a child is exactly #unproblomatic but see that's the thing EVERY SINGLE HUMAN is problematic we aren't perfect we make mistakes and with that in mind that means that good written Fiction Characters are also by design problematic in some way just some more than others. THE ISSUE IS WHEN PROSHIPPERS ARE SAYING ITS OKAY FOR SOMEONE TO SHIP A CHILD AND AN ADULT TOGETHER!!?!? OR TWO BROTHERS!!??!? that's where I have an issue because at this point you are romanticizing these very serious fucking issues!!! It kinda reminds me of ya know violence in cartoons almost. I'ma use Steven universe as an example sense I've been thinking about that a lot. Steven universe shows a fantasy violence that is based on real use of these weapon's but is shown in a way where the child or adult watching it doesn't have a need to do these things in real life. NOW with proshipping that's the issue here you are Putting these not sure problematic things but straight up ILLEGAL things in a good light. Now now I know what your about to say "well death and murder is shown in fictional media all the time why is that okay" okay sure good question you wanna know why BECAUSE IT'S NEVER SHOWN AS A GOOD THING?!!?!!? for example in the new puss and boots movie it's never seen that what death is doing is good he's the antagonist. When you make these ships between an adult and a child you aren't putting it in a way that the viewer can obviously tell "okay this is just a really dark headcannon the person behind this headcannon obviously does not think this is a good thing* but no instead you guys make these edits with up beat sexual music. Now another argument you may make is "well people simp for fictional murderers why is that okay??!??" Again good question and this might be different for everyone but for me murderer is seen as an obvious bad thing but again I feel like people aren't into the character because there a murderer but because of other factors. Unlike proshipers who will be into a shipping dynamic straight up just because it's child x adult or sister x mom or whatever. It's honestly the same reason why I personally don't like the yandere Troupe because it puts the idea of straight up murder and toxic possessiveness in a positive light.
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maryellencarter · 1 year
it is well past midnight here so i should probably not be Trusting Feelings About Things, but i was pondering why i get a major anxiety attack every time i consider commenting on a fanfic (even leia's solo fics), and i think it really boils down to the number of different fanfic interaction behaviors i've repeatedly seen viciously attacked on the tunglrs. even if a particular author explicitly tells me they'd love to get x or y type of comment/interaction, i can't seem to get past the "but it is Badwrong and makes me a toxic person" :P
like, a brief noncomprehensive list:
* "kudos without a comment means you actually hated the fic and didn't finish" -- ??? if i got to the bottom where the kudos button is, i have read what's above it and probably did not wander off looking for the brain bleach. i really can't comprehend this mindset. who goes around leaving kudos on fics they're backbuttoning out of unfinished? do i need to make a tumblr poll and find out i'm in the Incredible minority here?
* "commenting just an emoji is lazy and not a Real Comment and means you actually hated the fic and couldn't come up with anything nice to say"
* "keysmashes are offensive and babyish, Use Your Words"
* "a one-word or one-sentence comment means you're only commenting because you think you have to and you don't think the story is worth any more than that"
The only comment/interaction type I haven't seen multiple authors say they hate is the long essay comment with lots of quotes and excerpts saying exactly what I liked. And I don't have the fucking spoons to leave those on every fic, even if I had all the time in the world and it was remotely feasible on mobile.
So I don't comment.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the other people who are targeted by the increasing number of "you have to comment, preferably on every chapter, or it's your fault authors stop writing" posts have the same... I'm going to call it trauma. It's fucking trauma. If you've been in fandom long enough, you've been in range of so many contradictory "all comments are good! except for Those Losers" posts that you're all too aware you may be upsetting your favorite author more by interacting Wrong than if you just read and lurk and never interact at all.
(I've literally seen people I respected complaining about how hurtful some logged-out interactions were that they didn't know were from me, because they interpreted my best low-spoons efforts as meaning I hated their work. I know we're all on the mental illness website here, but if you're going around rejecting anonymous attempts at positive interaction because you default to assuming they're insincere... well, you sure aren't encouraging people to talk to you logged-in.)
Maybe I will make a poll. Not in the middle of the night. But sometime.
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mdhwrites · 2 years
You mentioned knight Boscha once and it got me into shipping mood for real, I thought a fic idea in milliseconds. Royal Amity having Boscha as knight who's trying to get her attention so hard, add childhood friends to that and it gets even better! And Luz getting into the picture later on, making Boscha jealous for drama points ☕
Luz could be a merchant? Or from a different kingdom.
Also I'm so into the trope of Boscha having a secret crush on Amity even if it's just fanon sadly. Me being a BoschaxAmity shipper just getting excited for little content that I can find with them that's not toxic bs or another mock at Boscha for being a mEan bUlly for the hundredth time 🙄
Seriously people can't see more into a character beyond canon establishment and it's gets boring and lazy, and Boscha has all that potential still intact somehow sitting there not taken advantage of by the fandom. In a perfect world I can imagine L/mity not being rushed and have my bochamity moments beforehand so I can get good fanship content at least. (I don't really ship l/mity, not as much anymore, sucks that Amity doesn't get content beyond that tho)
Well I just felt like rambling about ships 😅 I got no asks about the show rn
As I posted last night, this was the post that for whatever reason made my brain buzz and make a brief AU one off about a Blighted princess, Bosched Knight and Luckless Luzer. If you think this is all the Amischa content I have... Well, I focus a lot on Rich Witch and Power of Love for what I promote here because they're the easiest and tie directly back into themes of TOH because they are the ones that took TOH's ideas and ran with them the furthest. The ones started when TOH was full of possibility and such an open space that I feel it COULD inspire a billion stories, while honestly I feel like each special actually shrinks the potential of it and S2 had already done plenty of damage to the world and characters. Got a bit sidetracked but the point is that I do have a LOT more out there (I have literally 43 different TOH stories and 18 of them feature Amity and Boscha in them) so I thought I'd use this post to share some positivity towards Amischa because I think the ship is great. I think the two's relationship in general is fascinating. Though I actually want to say first that I don't think it was ever something the show really should have explored. Not once the first season came out. Hell, I commonly argued between S1 and S2 that the show had so many other things going on, and Winging it Like Witches felt like such a good climax to Hexide elements, that if we never saw Boscha again I wouldn't be surprised. The show was simply past dealing with bullies at that point as it turned its attention towards bigger threats so now that Amity was a friend... Why not move on? BOY WAS I PROVEN WRONG! *eye twitches at the first half of S2 which just kicks its feet as it focuses on not moving the plot at all* Anyways, let's ignore all that and let me flood your timeline with story pitches, hmm? Oh, I will be linking the Lumischa stuff too because I've also done lots of that because... I mean, when I write Lumity, I'm effectively writing S1 Lumity rather than S2 and I still love those two together. They fundamentally changed what I wrote going forward. Boscha just later kicked down the door, took a seat and demanded she was staying. XD Joro Rigged Pets: The barely fanfiction Lumischa story I really need to keep working on since I actually have the cover already commissioned for when I convert it to original fiction. This one features a non-binary Luz who inherits a pair of spiders who aren't spiders but actually the Jorogumo Boscha and the spider she has been incubating for a thousand years, Amity. And that time of transformation is quite close at hand and with it will come complications, love, fears and hungers the sort that no human can understand. Also has LOTS of identity themes in general.
The Crow House: I won't do a hard sell on this one because it died far earlier than I wish it had. A Swap AU is going to feel more like a fix it fic if you're not happy with the source material and that's not what I want to write. As for who was swapped? So many people. Amity and Luz, Lilith and Eda, Kiki and King, etc. Boscha's swap was with Willow where she actually had so much corrupted physical strength as to not be able to safely TOUCH PEOPLE. She literally couldn't control it so a light tap might accidentally come out as a hard jab. She literally shatters multiple of Hunter's bones in her first appearance while trying to apply only a little pressure back. Not that Amity gives a damn. She'll still grab the demon because while Boscha won't touch her, Amity can still touch her hero, regardless of Boscha's protests. A Player, A Scout and a Lich Walk Into An Evil Resident: Technically a future AU with adult Amity and Boscha already in a relationship doing a mission for the Emperor's Coven that ends up not going the way either expected. Fraught With Emotions: Not an AU! Finally. This one has me having Amity, Boscha and Luz go to the Emotionarium, a place where you can have your emotions soothed, twisted, enhanced or even removed. Now why might two old friends want to be in a place like that?
Amity? is Your Baby Tonight: Inspired by a very good Whitney Houston song in my opinion, it's time for Amity, while still having green hair, to serenade and seduce the girl she loves. Where did she get such confidence though?
Amity's Many Misspellings: First just Amischa story with a coffee shop AU! And Amity of all people for some reason being unable to ever get Boscha's name right. Amity's Private Penstagram: Luz and Amity go on a trip down memory lane to pictures Amity had never shared with anyone else before. Especially the one who's picture she took most. Boscha's Best Bedside Manner: A bad night gets worse? when Boscha shows up out of the blue. How could someone as rough and blunt as Boscha ever help with a problem after all? Let alone one that seemed so entirely insurmountable to Amity? (This might easily be the best one off I have for showing why I think Boscha helps complete Lumity as a note). Under a Tree of Love: Two links on this one. This first one features a very short story about Amity growing up under a suspiciously alive tree while finding love with her best friend Boscha under its same branches. If you like it though, I actually expanded it into a full length novella, with a similar but more thorough structure, called Under the Boughs of Love that you can check out through the link on this paragraph. Chapters Left Behind: Amity and Luz sure did abandon their club stand in Sport in a Storm, didn't they? What happened to those books that were left behind? Discarded like Amity had once thrown away a large chapter of her life before? And was there still room for both in her life? I left out a couple AUs that hadn't ever gotten very far and two stories stories that I wrote for a friend that are more sad than anything else rather than hopeful like all of these. I do hope this shows JUST how much I've done with these characters though, especially when I remind you that The Power of Love is still over 300k words, The Eyes Beneath the Water (which has barely had the Amity and Boscha inspired characters even talk to each other, hence why it wasn't linked) is over 80k minimum (haven't done a word count check in a while for it) and Rich Witch is also over 80k words. And most of that writing was done back in 2021 when something about TOH and its community opened up my brain and just let me type. Type so much that in the span of 8 months, I wrote over five hundred THOUSAND words. And boy would I love to return to even a fraction of that strength again. *sigh*
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captainaikus · 2 years
hi belle!! tulip here, you might've forgotten me since i haven't interacted in a hot minute 😓 i wasn't able to send you asks because of school (and life in general 🥲) so i apologize for that! anyway—how are you? i hope you're doing fine especially with all the assholes you had to deal with on this site recently :( i understand why you want to move to ao3 and 100% support your decision. it's true, some people are just insensitive and toss others' feelings aside. i wanna curse the shit out of all the immature people who picked fights with you for extremely absurd reasons. i'm happy that you've decided to publish your works elsewhere since tons of pricks made this site shitty and toxic for you. the anons being rude as hell and making hefty demands doesn't sit right with me. they need to understand that you're human too, you aren't required to overwork yourself just for the sake of others. if i'm being honest, i think you made the right choice. don't let those idiots get the best of you though, i hope that ao3 will be a better place for you! i'll make an account just to support your works whenever you decide to publish them ღゝ◡╹)ノ that aside, please get enough rest and stay hydrated <3
– 🌷
Tulip!! Hi!! (≧ω≦)
Ofc I haven’t forgotten about you! In fact - I keep getting reminded of you when I listen to heaven and back or chase Atlantic - and a Kaiser based piece on that is in my head.
(I remember all my anons pretty fondly <3) The amount of wips I have in my docs that ao3 needs to see once they’re completed (working on yandere rin and 2 surprise characters) ಠ_ಠ
Don’t worry about it! Life gets busy sometimes and priorities right? I’m doing good! Working on assignments and projects, getting good grades and working out - just doing everything in a balance.
Feel free to skip rant -
And honestly? My move to ao3 is doing good cause I’m taking things to my pace and it’s more relaxed than tumblr - cause it’s very chilled out.
Apart from anons and my works getting flagged down, even the author community isn’t doing too hot - mentioned it in one of my reasons; I find tumblr to be a very unfair platform. Authors that have built a huge following in other fandoms, get into small spaces and cause of that small time writers get overshadowed since these authors are given more pref yk? It’s one thing to be a multi fandom blog and build more content for a small fandom - but overshadowing small time writers? I’m not very supportive of that. And before someone point fingers, I’m not trying to be the toxic gatekeep of a fandom, but what I’m trying to point out is that the system here is unfair. Smut (and literal Twitter porn links) are given more pref than actual writing and in my case I have a heavy leaning towards the plot of the story compared to smut cause that’s where true writing for me lies. And I found content like that on ao3 so I figured that I’d move there :3
On another note, white knighting behavior from both - authors and readers has made the place toxic cause of never ending discourse. I just wanna have fun with my writings and share them with ppl who wanna read it and talk about what they liked about and didn’t with constructive criticism… so yea moving to ao3 seemed like a good idea and I’m glad you’re in support of it cause it can be an inconvenience (>﹏<)
I Hope You’re taking care of yourself too <3
(I drank a lot of water so im hydrated (o^^o)
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egokillr · 2 years
Hey Vic. I need your advice. My mother and Sibling are toxic and manipulative to put it plainly. Soon is the Siblings birthday and my mother wants me to go. I don't want to bc the Sibling and I aren't even on talking terms either because she caused a whole mess between her and I and then made me take most of the blame and ofc my mother took her side. It's always those two against me whether she show it openly or not and most of the time it's the latter. My mother is trying to get me to go saying things like "I wanted to take you guys out." And stuff and just now she even said something about "well I guess you don't want the surprise"
She's making me feel so bad bc I don't want to go and I have good reasons too like why would I want to be the third wheel somewhere I don't even want to be? I'm literally here in tears because she does this all the time. She acts like she's nice to me and then completely turns on me and makes me feel like I have absolutely no one. Growing up I realized that's true and but she still won't stop and leave me alone. I'm wondering why she won't leave me alone. I'm not asking to be there so why is she doing this to me...
Anyways, for the advice part- what do you think I should do considerinf everything i just told yiu? Go or stay?
hey sweetheart, my bad for responding late
honestly, just not wanting to go is a valid enough reason not to go. you shouldn’t be forced into doing something you don’t want to do, especially under those conditions. im sorry you have to deal with that manipulative household luv and i really hope things get better for you 💗💌
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