#to nobody's surprise I continue to write them being stupidly in love but also just stupid with each other
renecdote · 1 year
I would like any and all prompts you choose to fill please and thank you. but also this one:
look at your face!
congratulations allison you have unlocked a surprise BTHB square: bloody nose [Read on AO3]
Buck feels the impact all through his body. For a moment, he’s dazed, his brain taking an extra few seconds to catch up with what it already knows just happened. Swooping bird, uneven sidewalk, Evan Buckley’s famously shitty luck. Eddie’s distractingly attractive smile, too, which technically didn’t contribute to the face planting, but didn’t exactly help either. Buck might have been paying more attention to where he was going if it wasn’t for that smile.
“Ow,” he mutters into the concrete. It comes out thick and nasally.
“Buck?” Eddie’s worry is, somehow, also attractive. Buck wonders why he never noticed the before. “Are you okay?”
Buck starts to push himself up—nope, ouch—then he gives up and rolls onto his back instead. The bright, cloudless LA sky is mostly blocked out by Eddie’s face hovering above him when he squints his eyes open. He looks just as worried as he sounded.
“Please tell me my leg isn’t broken again,” Buck says, even though he’s pretty sure it isn’t. That’s the kind of thing he would have noticed immediately, he thinks. Or maybe not, since his whole body is kind of… throbbing. A little. Mostly his face.
Eddie’s head dips out of his field of vision for a moment, then pops back up to report, “Your legs are fine. Can you sit up?”
“Yes,” Buck says confidently, then has to take a deep breath to brace himself before he actually tries. Eddie offers him a helping hand and Buck holds onto it even though he tells himself it’s not really necessary. He just thinks holding Eddie’s hand would be nice right now. It would be nice to do it some day when one or both of them aren’t injured, too.
Something tickles his lip. Buck wipes at the irritation, expecting dirt, and pain explodes through his nose and out through the rest of his face.
“Fuck,” he gasps, automatically clutching at it. Unsurprisingly, that just makes another wave of pain crash through him. Buck blinks back the reflective tears, biting his lip hard. He might be embarrassed by the pathetic noise of pain pulled out of him if it didn’t hurt so much.
“Here, let me look,” Eddie says, gently prying Buck’s hands away from his face.
It’s not a surprise to look down and find blood on his hands, but it still makes Buck’s stomach swoop, an automatic vagal response that his stupid brain only seems to get when it’s his own blood he’s dealing with. Or Eddie’s, but. There were extenuating circumstances there.
“Jesus,” Eddie mutters, fingers at Buck’s jaw gently tiling his head. It’s probably just a coincidence that it takes his eye off his hands. “Look at your face. Maddie is going to be pissed.”
“‘M good,” Buck tries. “Really.”
The reassurance is immediately ruined when the blood running over his lip gets in his mouth and he has to spit it back out, bright red and bubbly with saliva on the pavement. Gross. Buck tries to grimace without wrinkling his nose, but he’s pretty sure he just looks like he some weird lip spasm thing going on.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Your nose is broken, Buck.”
Buck shakes his head in denial, but that just makes the pain in his face pulse. Eddie is quick to hold his head still.
“Stop moving,” he scolds. “You’re worse than Chris.”
Buck sticks his tongue out at him, then instantly regrets it when he has to spit out more blood. Eddie gently nudges his head forward so the blood drips down between his bent legs instead of down his throat. His hand stays on Buck’s back, warm and solid even though Buck’s shirt is probably gross and sweaty, and it’s kinda nice. Comforting.
“I don’t even know why you’re arguing with me,” Eddie says. “I’m the one who can see your nose and I don’t even need my EMT training to see that it’s definitely broken.”
“It can’t be broken,” Buck protests, more to the universe in general than Eddie. “The wedding is in a week, Eds. Maddie is going to kill me.”
“At least it wasn’t really your fault,” Eddie offers, sounding like he doesn’t think that will help Buck’s case at all.
“I’m so fucked,” Buck sighs around more blood. “Please avenge me when I’m gone.”
Eddie rolls his eyes again. “Why don’t we work on minimising the damage first, then we can plan out your revenge fantasy later?”
“Ice pack?” Buck asks hopefully.
“Uh.” Eddie looks around, like maybe one might magically appear in the middle of the park they were running through. “You might have to wait until we get to urgent care for that.”
Buck groans. Somehow, that makes fresh blood gush from his nose because the human body hates him personally. He pinches his nostrils gingerly, trying to find the sweet spot between stopping the bleeding and not making it hurt more. He doesn’t really succeed, but if there’s one thing he’s good at it, it’s being in pain, so Buck just gives up and takes it. It’s not like it’s his first broken nose. Or his second.
“Don’t even try,” Eddie says, pre-empting him before he can speak. “Your options are urgent care or the ER.”
“They’re probably just going to tell me to take painkillers and not bump it until it heals.”
Eddie has pulled out his phone, one-handed, probably to google where the closest urgent care is.
“I’m not listening to you,” he says.
“Not even if I have ice packs in my car?”
Eddie pauses, looking up from his phone. “Of course you do.” Like he’s kicking himself for not thinking of that before. “This doesn’t get you out of urgent care, though.”
Buck sighs. “Yeah, I know.”
He crosses his eyes trying to look at his nose, closing one eye and then the other, but he still can’t see how bad the break might be. He’s pretty sure it can’t be worse than when he took a hockey stick to the face in high school, at least. Between the broken nose and the orbital blowout, his face was swollen for weeks. That one has got to be in the top ten worst injuries he’s had, Buck thinks, and then wonders whether he should be worried that he has been injured enough times to have a top ten.
“Come on.” Eddie stands, not asking this time before he reaches out and takes Buck’s hand to pull him to his feet as well. “The sooner we go, the sooner we get out of there.”
And then they can go home. Buck doesn’t need to ask to know that they’ll be going together, probably back to Eddie’s house, and they’ll cook dinner, and exaggerate the broken nose story for Chris, and maybe, if Buck is lucky, he’ll fall asleep with his head on Eddie’s shoulder while they all watch a movie together. He’ll wake up bleary and content, probably with a blanket thrown over him, and when he makes half-hearted noises about going home, Eddie will just roll his eyes and say, “Don’t be ridiculous, Buck, you’re staying.”
So Buck will stay.
In the face of all that, even hours waiting in the uncomfortable plastic chairs at urgent care doesn’t seem so bad. Especially when Buck starts tapping his fingers on his thigh, waiting anxiously for this name to be called, and Eddie reaches out and takes his hand. He squeezes gently, a silent reassurance, and Buck lets himself daydream, for a moment, that the injury isn’t there at all.
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tenthgrove · 3 years
yess thank you for letting me ask you about the lore >:3c so I have to get my absolute favorites outta the way first— what kinda lore and thoughts do you have for sorbet or gelato ( <- before they get together and the earlier years of them getting together if you need a specific period ) I have to also ask are you ok if I go down the “line” and get your thoughts in other asks about the rest of the la squadra babes? Thank you sm 💖💖 I hope you’re having a wonderf day/evening
Ah! Now this is one of my absolute favourites! Apologies to anyone who has already heard me ramble about my Sorbet and Gelato backstory ad nauseam on multiple occasions, but this is really an area where I can't help myself. Besides, this is my opportunity to go more in depth where I haven't before:
(Note after writing this: It's stupidly long. I'm sorry I just can't help myself with these backstories. I couldn't decide what to leave out so I decided nothing.)
(Also please feel free to ask me more lore questions because I love doing this)
We'll begin with Sorbet, born in Naples in February 1967 if you follow the canon timeline (although by default I write in modern AU so move the dates 20 years later). His situation at birth was absolutely dire, the eldest child of an incredibly vulnerable woman and one of her clients as a sex worker. Sorbet's mother was by all means a decent woman but her severe mental illness and drug addiction made it impossible for her to be a good mother, which of course had a bad effect on Sorbet growing up. After Sorbet, she had 5 more children, all through clients, and Sorbet was saddled with much of their care.
Though he loved his siblings, Sorbet was pretty much done with this life by age 12 and was easily swept up by older boys from the local street gang, who paid him well to peddle drugs when he should have been in school. This was a very underfunded neighbourhood so nobody questioned his truancy, and within the next couple of years he had stopped going to school entirely. Shortly after this, having acquired sufficient money through his crime involvement, Sorbet left his family to stay with his new friends, moving between them on a regular basis. He also discovered his sexuality around this time and dated a few male friends, though none of these relationships got very far.
By age 16, Sorbet had earned a reputation in the street gang for skilled and passionate violence, and was selected by the ringleader to commit the group's first planned murder, in exchange of course for a lucrative reward. Sorbet accepted, succeeded, and became the group's de-facto assassin whenever needed. He continued to hoard considerable money for the remainder of his adolescence, though continued to be functionally homeless since he didn't see it necessary when sofa-surfing was suiting him fine.
Before resuming with Sorbet, let's explain the life that Gelato came from. Gelato was born in October 1967 in St. Petersburg, Russia, (Note- I previously used the city of Minsk, unaware that this is in fact, in Belarus) to an upper-middle class businessman and his Italian wife, a distant relative of French Monarchy. Gelato's relationship with his parents was rocky from the start due to the fact they would have preferred a girl after three successive sons, but any parental love they had for their youngest child broke down entirely after he was diagnosed with both Autism and ADHD at age 5, in an evaluation intending to find the cause of some behavioural issues that were really, just a response to emotional neglect.
When Gelato was 13 he, his parents, and two of his three brothers (the eldest was already an adult by this time and elected to stay behind) moved to Italy to escape some allegations of corruption in the father's business. They moved to a rural village in North-West Italy where the community was very middle-class and quite stifling for Gelato, who had enough social rules to remember in the familiar, economically-diverse city he grew up in. His behavioural issues got worse and began to include things he would later regret, such as attacking and stealing from younger children, and things he would absolutely not, like attacking and stealing from teachers. By this point the family had largely written him off as a failure, revering instead their academically successful, well-behaved older children, which absolutely contributed to the spiralling cycle of behaviour issues Gelato faced.
Then, at age 17, Gelato failed a crucial exam and was expelled from high-school. His parents kicked him out on the spot, and with no other family in Italy Gelato had very few options on what to do next. He recalled, however, one older friend having links to a street gang in Naples, and decided to see if this boy might have a route out of destitution for him. Indeed, the friend did know of a man in Naples needing assistance within the gang, but could offer no help in getting Gelato there. Seeing no other way, Gelato walked the whole journey.
Arriving in Naples, the friend's associate announced that the position Gelato was after had been taken, but taking pity on his distress, informed him of another friend who needed someone to look after an unlicensed bar that served as one of the group's main meeting points. He agreed to arrange for the small apartment above the bar to be given as payment.
Gelato accepted, but although he had now solved the problem of homelessness his life was still incredibly miserable. For one, with his pay being the apartment he had to rely on measly tips to get by, which rarely left him with enough to eat let alone anything else. Additionally, as an outsider with little understanding of the way gangs work Gelato was an easy target for abuse, and was treated like absolute shit by the bar's patrons.
By this point in time, Sorbet had just turned 18. He was, incidentally, in the same gang Gelato had joined, and a regular at the bar he worked in. For a good couple of months they took no notice of each other, until Sorbet came to be in a coincidental feud with one of the men who was violent to Gelato at the bar. When Gelato witnessed the two of them in a fight, he made the spur-of-the-moment decision to join in on Sorbet's side, knocking the patron unconscious and leaving him too afraid to visit again. For his trouble, Sorbet gave Gelato a portion of the money he looted from the fight's loser, and flirted with him lightly before going about with his evening. Unknown to Sorbet, he had just sent Gelato falling head over hills in love.
Gelato found out about Sorbet's sexuality from other patrons and, delighted, attempted to flirt with him the next time they saw each other, but his attempts came off very poorly and Sorbet actually thought he was being insulted. Angered, he dragged Gelato into the cellar to demand what was going on. Gelato, terrified, admitted having a crush, which Sorbet found to be the sweetest and most genuine thing he'd ever heard. While he couldn't promise a relationship, he did agree to show Gelato more attention in the future. But, it was only a matter of days until Sorbet found himself loving Gelato back.
This whirlwind relationship continued happily for three weeks, Sorbet greatly improving Gelato's situation through his saved money and helping him fend off the abusive patrons. Gelato, in turn, offered Sorbet a permanent place to stay in the apartment, which he accepted. Sorbet was in the process of moving his things, and they had plans to refurbish the place to make it actually habitable.
But then, everything came crashing down. One night the bar was subject to a surprise raid by the police, operating by the false assumption it was empty. Sorbet and Gelato attempted to flee but were caught, and in a panic, Gelato shot a policeman dead. Rushing to his defence Sorbet killed two more, but a fourth escaped to tell the tale. The couple knew they were screwed. Running to the headquarters of their gang they begged for protection but were informed the small group simply could not save them from a charge this serious, and gave them only a single night of shelter to plan their next move. Gelato, who remember had never committed anything more serious than minor ABH before, had an absolute breakdown over this predicament that night, and whilst comforting him, Sorbet devised a blood pact with him to stick together no matter what came.
Over the next few days, Sorbet and Gelato fled north, avoiding the police through Sorbet's skills as a criminal and Gelato's very convincing Russian tourist impression. They were almost at the French border when Sorbet awoke one night to find Gelato missing behind him. He chased his tracks to the driveway of a rural house, a tearful Gelato clutching a knife at the shut door and trembling. He informed Sorbet that he had intentionally led him to the village where his family lived, with the intention to break in and kill them as revenge for the years of abuse. Sorbet warned Gelato that this would not be good for their attempts to flee, but said he understood fully and would help him if this is truly what he wanted. Gelato agreed, and together they broke into the house and slaughtered Gelato's mother and father, additionally killing one of his brothers after he woke from the noise. The other brother, the youngest other than Gelato, was spared, as Gelato felt his role in the abuse had been comparatively more minor and he did not deserve to die. This of course, left another witness.
The massacre in the village was quickly linked to the one at the bar and Gelato was promptly identified from a comparison of DNA found at the scene to his surviving brother's. Sorbet, a known criminal, was identified soon after. Not only were the pair now known but the police figured out what their plan was and informed the French police as well, making things exponentially harder for the couple.
They made do for a while by hanging low and keeping on the move, living off money stolen from the parents' house. Eventually however, they needed more, and began making deals with local crime organisations to carry out assassinations in exchange for money or temporary shelter. While Sorbet was already a pro at this, Gelato found himself a fast learner, and soon realised he shared Sorbet's adoration for the act of killing. He felt as though he was finally coming to meet his true self.
Though the assassination deals were lucrative, they did not help the couple keep a low profile and the attacks from police were relentless. Several times, they barely escaped capture. All this was not good on their mental states, and after two years, Sorbet knew it needed to end. He and Gelato returned to Naples in the hope their old gang might reconsider protecting them, but they were met with a surprise as their old gang had been completely overtaken by Passione. Even still, the new mobsters had heard a lot about Sorbet and Gelato's exploits and agreed to get them an audience with a local Capo, Pericolo, who was impressed by the men's skills and moved by the sense of honour suggested by their love for each other. He agreed to initiate them into the gang.
Soon after this, Sorbet and Gelato recieved stands which, although not very powerful, assisted them greatly in the art of assassination. Soon, they were natural choices for Passione whenever a hit needed carrying out in the Naples area. At some point a few years in, they befriended a man named Prosciutto who had been recently forced into Passione due to his heritage. Prosciutto was also funnelled into assassination jobs and, with less of a reputation for impulsivity than Sorbet and Gelato, was the one given the order to form a new assassination squad when the need arose, around 1993 if we're following canon.
(Note, I hc La Squadra was created by Passione in response to a real life government crackdown on the Italian mafia around 1992-93, in response to an incredibly scandalous series of assassinations. In such a climate, it would make sense for Passione to want to consolidate an elite squad of its best hitmen, do avoid future problems.)
Due to personal commitments Prosciutto did not want to be the captain, so attempted to give this responsibility to Sorbet, a request the boss promptly denied. Prosciutto was, however, allowed to add Sorbet and Gelato to the team's ranks, cementing the three of them as the first members of the team.
Prosciutto would, soon enough, find another person to give the title of captain to, but that's a story for another time.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
The Voyage So Far: Wano (Part Two)
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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okay so the wano flashback is possibly my favorite in the whole series for a whole bunch of different reasons, and oden as a character is a big part of why. honestly, i think he’s great. he’s wildly entertaining and ridiculously likable, just like a folk hero should be.
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i care about oden and the akazaya nine a lot. they have one of my favorite found family dynamics in the whole series, up there with the strawhats themselves- a bunch of thugs and castoffs who wound up gathering around this one wildly charismatic moron and deciding to be stronger and better for him. 
i think they really feel like a family, in these little moments we get of them just interacting and messing around, and it only makes later events- oden’s death, the twenty-year separation, kanjurou’s betrayal- hurt all the worse.
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on god it is the funniest thing on earth to me that this is how oden and izou wound up on whitebeard’s ship. 
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the roger pirates!! i really really like the roger pirates!! i love that there’s this entire predecessor crew who are both absolutely fucking fascinating from a lore perspective and who are just all individually really good characters with really fun relationships. the dynamics we get to see just in this brief part of the flashback are absolutely delightful. i think the fact that i would read a whole series just about the roger pirates is a testament to oda’s character writing. 
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there’s a specific sort of tragedy to the roger pirates, and i think it really hits home in their last few pages in this flashback. by all appearances, they were a crew just as close-knit as the strawhats are. they cared about each other a lot- that ship was their home.
and then their captain died, and they just- fell apart. 
awhile back, in my sabaody post, i talked about how we get to know roger first as a story and then as a character by getting to meet characters who knew him personally. to the rest of the world, roger is a story, a name to curse or a height to aspire to. but for shanks and rayleigh and crocus and buggy and all the rest of the roger pirates, he was their captain. 
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the whole wano flashback, possibly more than any of the others in the series, really feels to me like a story being told, a folk tale being passed down, which makes sense, since it’s canonically framed as oden’s diary entries. and i think that framing device just adds so much to the atmosphere of this entire section of story, the feeling of myth and legend to it. 
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i honestly really like how oden’s death is handled. i have trouble articulating it, but it’s so much, so over the top, so heavily set up and foreshadowed- a legendary death for a legendary man, if that makes sense.
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toki’s prophecy is one of my favorite motifs in this whole arc. wano is all about a country that’s been trapped and dying for years and years, holding out desperate hope for salvation. toki is the one who gave them that hope. she doesn’t try to tell them that everything will be okay, she says it will be dark and the darkness will be long, but the dawn will come, and even though she gave her life to do that, she did it smiling. 
without toki, the wano arc never would have happened, because there would be no future to fight for. 
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this panel is the header on my favorite op discord server and sometimes i just scroll up and stare at it. it’s so good. 
this entire sequence, starting from luffy law and kidd’s entrance, is probably my favorite in wano arc. it’s the turning of the sides, the daybreak after the darkest hour- these three show up, and then jinbe, and denjirou reveals his true colors and it’s revealed all the rest of the samurai left before orochi blew the bridges, and it turns out they haven’t lost a single step to kanjurou’s treachery. it just feels so good to read, after the prior hopelessness of the akazaya and the tragedy of the flashback.
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i really like how the akazaya nine are absolutely ready to roast each other at any and all times. that’s how you know they’re best friends. 
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i think i mentioned it back in fishman island, but one of my favorite things is the strawhats just being absolutely cheerfully, chaotically destructive. every time we get to see them wreck havoc while nonchalantly bickering with each other it puts a huge smile on my face.
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i think ulti and page one are very very funny and i like their dynamic a lot, it’s a laugh riot. i also like that oda lets luffy seriously fight a woman here!! i’m serious, we don’t see enough no-holds-barred fights between men and women (conventionally attractive women, specifically) in this series, so i’m pleasantly surprised when it does happen. 
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i do appreciate wano’s ability to continuously raise the “holy shit!” quotient without it ever really feeling like a twist just for the sake of the audience. like, i don’t know that anybody saw kaidou killing orochi coming, but at the same time, it feels like it does make sense, given what we know about kaidou, for him to do this.
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my heart goes out to momo, honestly. he’s only eight, and in that time he’s lost his home and family and his whole world when he was thrown twenty years into the future, and he has the weight of his whole country resting on his shoulders. he’s borne up admirably under that stress, starting from zou and building up to this point.
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i LOVE kin’emon’s speech to kaidou about luffy SO much. kin’emon’s come a long way from being a mostly comedy relief character in punk hazard to here, where he’s shouting down an emperor. i really like this progression- kin’emon doesn’t change, exactly, but the side of his character that is revealed in wano is very likable and admirable. it goes back to something i’ve mentioned before, about how one piece’s characters are very rarely one-dimensional.
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kaidou’s dragon form is extremely cool, and so are most of the panels where it appears- it’s extremely striking, especially in panels like this, where he’s silhouetted against the moon.
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i love... the ripple effects of luffy just being himself that spread throughout the world of one piece, and i think this is one of the best examples. luffy befriended coby all the way back in chapter two, mostly by accident, and now, nine hundred and some chapters later, that’s what leads to drake joining the strawhats’ side. because drake is friends with coby who says luffy is trustworthy, so when drake is stuck with nobody else to turn to, he turns to luffy. 
moments like this really reinforce just how much the world and story of one piece is built on relationships between people, and i really like that. i like that instead of necessarily being built around abstract ideals or morals, characters’ actions are, more often than not, motivated by either specific personal goals or by their relationships with other characters. it feels much more true to life.
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i like the loss of kiku’s arm, because it showcases exactly how serious the fight is on both sides. it both shows that kaidou is fighting to maim and kill and do whatever it takes to win, and that the akazaya are fully prepared to take whatever he throws at them. kiku gets back up smiling after losing her arm. neither side in this fight is even close to backing down, now or ever. 
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i genuinely can’t believe how long it took me to talk about yamato, so let me just say: i love him so much. part of this, i’m sure, is my personal bias towards any and all kickass queer characters, but part of it is just- he’s so cool. he’s ten feet tall and carries a club about as big as he is and tanks explosions like they’re nothing while also bickering with luffy and falling out of ceilings and generally being like... stupidly lovable. 
i just like yamato a lot. 
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a thousand chapters in, and every strawhat but robin has had a moment where they declare luffy is going to be the king of the pirates, but honestly, i think nami’s might be my favorite yet. nami has always been a person who acts at a distance, not one inclined to direct confrontation and putting herself in danger-
and yet, when it comes down to it, when faced with a choice between death and disavowing her captain’s dream, even when assured by usopp that she would be fully justified in lying for her life, nami chooses luffy. even in the most dire of circumstances, all of the strawhats know luffy is going to be the king of the pirates, and none of them would ever deny it.
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i kind of alluded to this back in my dressrosa post, but i really like the development of law’s new dream being discovering the meaning of the will of d. it just feels like a very good and natural progression for his character, given he’s the only holder of the will of d who we’ve been shown is consciously aware of it and what it might mean. and in general, i like seeing him having something else to work towards after doflamingo’s defeat.
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i’ll end this by just saying i am so desperately curious to know what is in that book, and what yamato knows about the will of d, about the dawn of the world, about laugh tale. 
guess we’ll find out, huh?
thanks for reading through to the end!! i had a lot of fun putting these posts together, and writing them up was a really cool way to be able to compile my thoughts headed into chapter 1000 and beyond. i can’t wait to see where oda takes us next. 
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Prove Me Wrong
M!Reader x Oikawa
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-heres an interesting thought. what about flamboyant oikawa with a cold boyfriend😳😳
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so in the request above
this is a m!reader
meaning you will be male in this one so hehe yep the story starts now
you are,,,
and cold
but its mainly just because you were,,,
too tired to actually put in the effort of socializing
between bouncing between part-time jobs to care for your siblings and to schoolwork and book club
the mans can only do so much
so you spend most of your time in school just trying to catch up on sleep bc youre too busy studying up all night for exams since yanno
unfortunately for you, your class had the famous manwhore oikawa tooru
why is that a bad thing?
well, imagine just trying to get some shut eye and suddenly, you just hear a bunch of screaming girls and it gets louder the closer the guy approaches your classroom and when he opens it,
the screams become 10x bass boosted
then imagine that with your sensitive hearing
it does bother you but it wouldnt bother you as much if he told them to leave
he decides to let them in and chat with them and flatter them and continue with that bs until the bell rings
even then,
the girls in your class cant help but keep giggling at him and he always whispers in that obnoxious voice and youre just like two seconds away from ripping his tongue out
you dont hate him
you just genuinely dislike his way of living
and the way he talks
and the way he acts
yea see?
no hate
theres a difference
then there was that one time that you got so fed up with it that when oikawa settled on his seat and the fangirls circled him like some cult
they started talking to him all at once trying to get his attention
so it was a garbled mess of sounds and you growled, burying your face deeper in your arms because you would snap really really soon
then one girl shrieked when oikawa smiled at her and then you really just let go of all bearings
your chair made a squeak as you shot up, palms slamming against the wooden desk and your eyes glaring straight at them
‘go back to the farm, ya squealing pigs’
this made everyone silent-even the others in the class just minding their own business
they all knew you as the quiet kid who didnt really talk much but those who did were really scared at you and the way you talked to them with such a cold and monotonous voice that they started spreading rumors about you
even absurd ones like your eyes are so cold bc youve killed so many people that you have no life and empathy left
but apparently they were just,,, so scared of you that when you finally got done with them and bursted out, the girls started crying
the females run out of the room scared and the others nervously looks at you
your eyes sweeped through the room and each one of them flinched when you made eye contact with them
the only who didnt was oikawa tooru himself
your eyes landed on him and he still had that stupid smug look on his stupidly gorgeous face and you wanted to ki-WAIT NO SLAP it off of him
‘the hell you looking at?’
you grumbled at him and he just merely shook his head with a smile
‘you remind me a chihuahua, m/n-chan. so cute when its angry’
now it isnt a surprise to hear oikawa tooru say that to a boy bc wowza the school loves him so much that hes a bi icon in seijoh and hes such a king like who cares?
but they were surprised to see you turn red, the tips of your ears to the base of your neck were all flushed
‘see? so cute, right, everyone?’
the class didnt say anything except just put their heads down bc as much as they wanted to agree with oikawa at how suddenly hot you looked, they were too scared that you might plummet their faces to the ground
maybe thats when everyone started noticing you more
again, you were very quiet, you didnt talk much, you just sat there and listened so obviously you didnt really stand out but then that outburst made you more noticeable
you started seeing girls in your class staring at you then blush and look away abashedly
then the guys in your class started greeting you, even people in the hallways
ngl the attention you suddenly got was overwhelming
especially when oikawa seemed to call out to you all the time now
as you were walking down the stairs, hed see you and he’d shout and wave to you
‘m/n-chan! hiii!!!!’
his loud voice would make everyone turn and look at you and you dont do well with public attention so you turn red and you glare at him
‘shut the hell up, idiot. and dont call me by my first name. we’re not friends’
you turned to walk in the classroom but you looked at him again after taking a few steps
there he was
smiling and giggling with those girls
all he does is smile and giggle and shit
its so damn fake that you cant believe everyone fell for it and the worst thing is oikawa’s doing it to get everyone’s acceptance and validication
it was pathetic and disgusting
poor oikawa :(
now on to baby flatttykawa side,
he was kinda hurt by that
like how the heck are you not friends when youve been going to high school for 3 years?
sure, its only been casual greetings and him waving at you when yall made eye contact
but its still something, right?
when you walked back into the classroom, tooru cant help but feel down at the declaration of the lack of friendship you had
his form slouched and his eyes trailed down but the voice of some girl brought him back to where he was and to fix his attitude
‘oikawa-san? are you okay?’
the others muttered in concern with her but they were eased when he raised a peace sign with the signature smile 
‘yep! all good!’
truth be told,
oikawa has always noticed you
not only do you work at the one bakery with his milk bread but you also work at the convenience store that the team sometimes visits
then he also noticed you picking up your brother from the volleyball practice that takeru’s part of and he cant help but frown at the eyebags under your eyes that he always sees
he lies awake at night just thinking how you would look without those eyebags, without the sickly looking complexion, or even just the lack of life in your eyes
then during class, you sat by the window
tooru knows this bc his eyes always fixes itself on you whenever he opens that door and he has to hold in the need to hug you when he sees you sleeping on your desk
others might call you lazy
others might call you a video game all nighter kid
but they dont notice the things you do
the nervous habits hes seen from you at the times that tooru couldnt help but stare
he knew it was creepy to do it
but you were so silent
you blended yourself into the background and you made sure to stay there 
thats why nobody knows anything about you
with good looks like yours and a smart brain (he knew this from mattsun and makki being your students), why exactly were you not known?
maybe thats why it drew you to him
all his life he chased, 
but now hes the one chasing?
tooru knows that your left eyebrow lifts when sensei writes something you dont understands
tooru knows that you like to do sudoku in the convenience store while you worked
tooru knows you eat the same meal during lunch every day from the same lunchbox
and he also knows that your brother talks so highly about you from takeru
the little things your brother brags about like your ability to cook f/f or your weird ability to just assemble something without looking at the instruction manual
he notices and knows all these things about you
things that people never really even bothered to 
oikawa didnt even know he liked you until iwaizumi pointed it out during lunch
the third years liked to go and eat at the rooftop where it was nice and windy
oikawa was sitting and leaned against the tall wire fence, his eyes fixated on you down below on the bench as you ate your lunch
then you accidentally loosened the chopsticks causing your food to slip off
that made oikawa giggle
he was chuckling and giggling that the others noticed him when he suddenly went quiet
‘oi, oikawa’
makki nudged him back to them and tooru flinched before smiling at them
‘hm? so you do notice me!’
iwa glared
‘idiot. of course we do. youre laughing over there like some damn schoolgirl. did one of your fangirls posses you or something? if not, cut it out. its ugly’
oikawa shot him an offended look
‘what?! iwa-chan so mean!’
mattsun took the liberty to peer over the edge to see what he was looking at and smirked
‘eh? were you looking at l/n-sensei?’
oikawa blushed, feeling like he just got caught doing something bad
‘and what about it? im looking at you too, right now, mattsun!’
makki cackled at oikawa’s poor attempt of reasoning
‘i mean, i dont blame you. if issei wasnt here, id definitely get with him’
oikawa’s eyes wandered back down to you and he noticed you put the bento box to the side before sneezing
‘gosh, even his sneeze is cute’
he mumbled then jolted when he heard his own words 
iwa sighed
‘what are we going to do with you, shittykawa?’
‘what?! what did i do?!’
iwa’s eyes scrunched and he scrutinized his best friend
‘boke. i feel bad for that kid, doesnt know this stupid idiot likes him’
so thats how oikawa came to terms of it
he thought he was just interested and fascinated with you but he really does like you
and to be honest, he doesnt really want you to know that bc duh, you dont like him so why bother?
baby oiks doesnt interact with you much anymore bc he knows you get uncomfy with attention but he still does look out for you and decides he should just admire from afar
he will live every day just holding his feelings in for you and one day they will disappear
but today just wasnt the day
maybe today was the start of the worst yet the best part of your life
last night was particularly rough as the convenience store you worked in had a drunk person who wanted to fight with you and your manager had to call the police and it was just a mess
to add on to it, midterms were around the corner-like next week- so you were studying up for that
but your sister got sick so you were also trying to take care of her and making sure her fever was going down and her crying ever few hours about her tummy ache didnt allow you to sleep
hehehe single parent working late tingz
so yep haha you did NOT get any sleep
so you walked into school that morning, looking tired as hell and mad as hell but you just wanted to sleep bro
the one kid you tutor, matsukawa issei, and his friend who usually tags along, hanamaki takahiro, noticed you dazedly pass them in the hallway and poor dudes felt bad for you
mattsun actually pays you to tutor him bc he knows you need the money while taka preferred to buy you snacks and drinks as compensation
so it was normal that he had an energy drink in his bag that he was going to give you tomorrow during your tutoring day
‘oi! l/n!’
your head perked up at the call of your name and you nodded in greeting at the light brown haired boy
you muttered and mattsun placed his hands on your shoulder to keep you upright
‘oi, l/n, you sure you want to be here? you can go home and we can tell them youre sick or some-’
but you waved your hand
‘nonono todays an important lecture so i cant miss it’
the two guys didnt look convinced but they respected your need to be in school since they too need to be in class for midterms
‘here. at least take this’
makki placed a drink on your hand and you nodded and gave them a small smile
you mumbled before wandering off
once they saw you at a distance away, makki wrapped an arm around issei to get his attention
‘ya think we should tell oikawa to keep an eye on him? make sure he doesnt keel over and die or somethin?’
mattsun stopped before nodding
‘yea thats a good idea’
oikawa was already in class when you walked in and he cant help but tear his eyes away from the girls to you as you sluggishly walked to your seat
the drop of your bag and the thud of your head meeting the desk made him worried bc you looked worse than usual
his phone buzzed and he checked it to see a message from mattsun
‘keep an eye out for your boyfriend. mightve been working late last night and yanno how he is. just watch out if he faints or something’
okay that made him super worried
totally ignoring what mattsun called you, oikawa knew he needed to talk to you
but these fangirls were the first problem
he shut his phone off and looked up at them with a grin that made them madly blush
‘ladies, class is about to start. oikawa-senpai would hate for you to be marked. so study hard for me, okay?’
like hypnotized cult members, the girls ran to their classrooms and tooru finally had the opportunity to talk to you
he stood up and walked over to your seat
he called out, looking down at you
he tried again and was about to put a hand on your shoulder when your hand snatched it
‘dont touch me, oikawa’
you grumbled and tooru furrowed his eyebrows
‘m/n-chan, i just wanted to ask if youre okay’
he whined and you didnt bother to look up but just let go of his hand
‘i was until you came over, idiot’
tooru was thankful that the teacher came in then and there bc he didnt know how to respond to that
he wanted to brush it off but it hurt him a little
and he knows he shouldnt entertain his crush on you but he couldnt looking at you and watching as you got up to use the bathroom 
as class went on, oikawa was starting to worry
now again, hes no stalker bc his observation skills were just phenomenal due to volleyball
so he noticed that youve been in the bathroom for like 20 minutes now
okay nevermind
tooru, worried that something happened, raised his hand to go and use the bathroom and the sensei wasnt exactly paying attention so he just let him go
thank god he has long legs bc he was able to reach the bathroom quick and he stifled a shriek when he saw your passed out form inside
he yelled and he cursed when duh you were alone and who knows how long youve been there
and ew bathroom floors is bleh
you were in no way light but you werent exactly heavy either so he was able to muster up all his strength and hoisted you on his back
tooru’s heart thrummed in his chest and he knew it couldnt be that serious but he cant help but think of the worst
and yep
the nurse just told him that your heartbeat was okay and you were snoring so you mustve been exhausted by the dark circles in your eyes
‘keep an eye on him for me. i have to tend to midoriya over there. the kid broke his arm again and i dont know how’
she grumbled at the end but tooru didnt care as he sat on the chair next to your bed
he sighed before laying his head on the cot by your hand
his eyes settled on your face and how peaceful it looked
gosh, you really were so cute
your personality just sucked ass
constantly telling him to shut up and calling him idiot
not long after oikawa fell asleep, you woke up and cursed, immediately realizing you fainted and you missed class
as you were going to rub your eye, there was weight on your hand and you looked down to see a head full of brown hair that could only belong to a certain someone
a certain idiot
‘oi. oikawa, wake up’
you shook his head and when he didnt budge, you just pulled your hand from under him making him jump awake
at first, he was confused
looking around like a lost puppy and his eyes bleary
yea it was cute and what about it
then he noticed you sitting up and he smiled
‘you feeling better, m/n-chan?’
he asked, leaning close 
but you placed your hand on his face to push him away
‘yea. and stop leaning so close, idiot’
you grumbled and he whined
‘youre so mean, m/n-chan! i was so worried about you!’
he complained and you rolled your eyes
‘i didnt ask you to be, idiot’
oikawa frowned
‘i cant help it. i like you, m/n-chan’
you froze, looking at him with scrunched eyebrows
then you chuckled dryly
‘yea, okay sure. im okay now so you can go to class’
tooru was taken aback
‘wh-what? thats it? after i just told you that i liked you?’
you blinked at him
‘what do you want me to say about that, oikawa? how do you want me to react? im not like your fangirls, squealing and shit’
your words cut deep in him and oikawa held your arm
‘no wait a minute. what do you mean by that? do you not believe me?’
‘who the hell believes something that’s fake?’
there was a snip in your tone and oikawa knew you were talking about this facade of his
‘what? i-’
‘you think i believe you? you telling me you like me? do you even know who you are?’
you asked and tooru sniffled, eyes staring at your chest
‘for years, you told people what you wanted them to hear, regardless if you meant them or not. not once have you ever told them no. who the hell accepts chocolates when they dont even like them to begin with?’
at that last part, oikawa snapped up to meet your eyes
‘how did you know’
you rolled your eyes
‘our brothers are friends, idiot. he gave him some of the chocolates you gave to takeru since the brat couldnt eat them all’
oddly, that brought some warmth in tooru’s chest
so he wasnt the only one who knows the stupid stuff
but you continued on your rant
‘for a guy who doesnt like sweet stuff, youve accepted their nasty treats all the time, like why? oh, wait i know why, because you want them to like you. it doesnt matter if-if this-this persona of yours isnt real because as long as they like you, you dont give a fuck. isn’t that true? am i right? because please, prove me wrong’
maybe your dislike for him came out at that tangent and you half expected him to cry but you were surprised when he glared at you with teary eyes
‘i will. ill prove you wrong, m/n, that i do like you and i will make you like me. ill make you like me with the real me. i swear.’
‘mhm. okay. sure, oikawa’
do you regret it?
i mean,,,
but not really?
because you loved watching the girls faces fall when oikawa rejected their treats the next day
you were walking to class when you noticed him with his cult by the entrance and you saw him smiling at some girl before gently pushing away a can of cookies
‘gomen. i actually dont like sweets that much anymore. if you want, you can give me milk bread?’
you stopped and oikawa caught your eye and he grinned
you nodded in greeting before continuing to walk
but he noticed a small smile on your face and gosh oikawa sighed like a lovesick fool
it took iwaizumi to finally send him back and his fangirls were looking at him worriedly
‘could you be less obvious, shittykawa?’
rip iwaizumi hajime in episode 546546546 of daily adventures of oikawa tooru
you noticed that oikawa has started to become distant with his fangirls and hes been sticking to you during lunch, leaving behind the others
makki and mattsun looked like proud parents as they peered down over to you flicking oikawa’s forehead and they smiled
‘god, that kid deserves this’
‘hah? that sounds like more of a punishment to me. but i dont care. it takes him off our hands for a while’
oikawa would pick your brother up and take him home when youre too busy to go get him yourself and sometimes, he even takes your little sister too which causes them to have a mini sleepover and you sleep there too
also, whenever youre working in the convenience store, tooru would buy sandwhiches and a drink just for you so you can eat them while youre on break and not have to waste money and you told himyou dont want him spending money on you but he doesnt wanna hear it
‘i dont want you buying me-’
‘ssshhhh dont. im doing this because i want to and becaus i care for you, m/n-chan’
youve started to like him
youve started looking forward to seeing his stupidly cute face and his stupidly cute giggle
you went to his games and gave him a tight hug when hes about to play as a ritual for good luck and you would open your arms for him wide whenever he wins
then he didnt
against shiratorizawa, you noticed how he was so disappointed
even as you walked home with him, he continued to smile and tell you how good his team played
until you couldnt take it anymore
you pulled him over to some alleyway and you pushed him to the wall
oikawa nervously fiddled with his jacket and gave you a shaky smile
‘m/n-chan, what are you-’
‘tell me what youre feeling right here, right now. no bullshit, no lies, tell me everything in that pretty head of yours’
you deadpanned and tooru looked away
‘im fine’
‘are you lying to me, tooru?’
your voice was even but he could tell you were serious
he gulped before taking in a shakey breath
‘im fine. so stop asking about it!’
he exclaimed and you sighed
‘listen, i know its not official yet but you want me to be your boyfriend right?’
tooru flinched before he flushed at the word ‘boyfriend’ 
then he nodded
‘as your boyfriend, you have to lean on me, tooru. i dont want you to hold it to yourself because i wanna be there for you and i want to go through everything with you because i,,,,,’
you stopped and hesitated, debating if you should say it or not
‘because i like you, idiot’
you confessed and swallowed thickly
oikawa met your eye and his eyes watered
‘im so angry! im so disappointed! but i know my team did their 110 percent! we’re just not strong enough! so its not their fault! but ushijima is such a freak and hes too strong and its not fair!’
he complained and he cried loudly
not once in the 3 years of knowing oikawa have you seen him cry and you were so proud of him for being able to trust you enough to show him being vulnerable
you rushed forward held him close to your chest
‘for what it’s worth, you looked so incredibly hot and cute playing’
you whispered and pecked his neck 
of course oikawa couldnt hold his surprise at the feeling of your lips on his neck so he squealed a little
you gigled and continued holding your boyfriend close, even if it was at some nasty alleyway
yall became official and ngl, they didnt see this coming
some nobody dating the grand king oikawa tooru?
what in the wattpad?
yall know that tiktok of like ‘guys you cant dm me anymore. i have a girlfriend now. what else? and i love her’
but you totally made oikawa tell his fangirls that
when yall became official, you actually gained your own little fanclub
maybe its because you gained clout from your boyfriend but they started noticing you and wowza you were hot
before, it was you getting jealous over tooru but now, it was him getting possessive of you
hes such a brat that he sits on your lap before class and youre just all smirking and feeling all good bc your baby is so cute when hes jealous
but all oiks has to do is pull down your collar and expose your purple littered collarbones and they will know who you belong to
theres a reason why iwa-chan is now the kids babysitter
youre still kinda cold and distant to people but youre soft for your baby and you always hold him close when hes in sight and you just cant get enough of him
your sister loves dressing you up and oikawa has his sisters makeup and they both do your makeup and you guys have tea party with the boys and just the cutest domestic stuff
you still call him idiot though
but like affectionately yanno?
and over the years youve turned it down to dummy
and ngl tooru loves it when you call him that
what in the dumbification-
because he knows that equivalent to babe from you and he absolutely just loves you lmao
youre def the more quieter and calmer one in the relationship like you absolutely dont react much
while tooru is the overreactor and hes very animated with his facial expressions and stuff
like the one time
he was cooking some chicken pasta and you cheekily grabbed a piece of chicken and he made a dramatic gasp
‘*le gasp* oikawa m/n how dare steal a piece of chicken!’
you cackled before crossing your arms at the sight ofyour lover with his pursed lips and hands on his hips
‘excuse you. its more of you who’d take my last name’
it was so easy to make him flustered and tooru quickly turned around to tend back to the food but he was really just hiding his red face
‘b-baka. thats not going to happen’
‘not if i do it first’
you shrugged and smirked, wondering if he will fall for it
and as expected with oikawa tooru
‘yea okay sure’
‘i will!’
‘prove me wrong, m/n-chan~’
‘turn around right now’
oikawa rolled his eyes playfully before turning with a smile
‘what are you-*le gasp part 2*’
his hands covered his mouth at the sight of you there in front of him, kneeling on your knee tightly clutching a silver ring between your thumb and index finger
your heart was thrumming in your chest but you gulped and smiled
‘i win. now marry me, dummy’
oikawa screamed
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a/n: sorry if this sucked booty :((( but i just really like the thought of uke oikawa and just him with a cute boyfriend for a change like please we all know oikawa is a bi king and thats on docosahexaenoic acid
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do Hawks with a support engineer s/o? Like they make his support items (not that he uses many) and upgrade his costume and he takes that time to flirt and make them flustered and it’s all really cute and fluffy
Ooookay, hear me out! I started this as some cute hcs but I decided I'd rather write a small fic since I somehow felt if would be better and ended up sticking with it in hopes you don't mind. I really hope it's what you wanted and that you like it 💕💞💕
Word count: 1.5k~
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Keigo really didn't pay much attention to his support department; he knew he had one, of course, yet anything that needed to be tested by him would've had to be approved and re-approved by his higher ups, then passed to his side-kicks, and then, with luck it would reach him.
One day everything in his life changed as a request to test a new pair of goggles was placed on his desk by his secretary. His last pair has been smashed in a small battle with what seemed an insignificant villain so this seemed like the perfect time to test new prototypes.
He sighed, getting up from his chair in a stretch, scratching his stubble in wonder. Does he even know where his support department is?
You sighed, checking the tiny locators on your desk through a frown. The past few weeks have been exhausting to say at least.
When you first arrived at Hawks', The Hawks' Hero Agency as a junior support designer life seemed like it was heading into the right direction, yet as you reached your first month mark, the fact that there weren't any other junior designers started to make so much sense. Nobody payed any attention to the newbies, which was infuriating, degrading, unmotivating... but you had to fight through and not quit as the last ones did. It was a competitive business and you almost reached the bottom of the top, why settle there? So as your superior ignored you, you started learning more about your Hero's costume and it surprised you to note that he barely had any supporting items. Hell, even those goggles were... plain? He could do so much more! And as you made plans and started building, you made reports of all the prototypes created and jumped to send them to the higher-ups without even informing your seniors. It never hurts to try, right?
"Ah, finally, I've been running around in this building for-e-ver!" Someone said behind you, startling the living hell out of you which ended up with paperwork thrown everywhere.
You turned in shock already recognizing the voice behind you. Your eyes, wide as plates, landed on the man that you've been studying meticulously for the past few months.
Crimson feathers surrounded you as an amused smirk formed on his features. They started catching and picking up the papers surrounding your figure and gently placing them on the desk.
"Well, hello there~." He said, stepping in your office with curiosity, sharp eyes taking in his surroundings with just a glance then setting back on you.
"Mister Hawks." You cleared your throat and adjustes your apron.
"Mister? How old do you think I am, dove?" He said, shaking his head and laughing.
Ah, great, now I insulted my boss. You dryly thought.
"23, sir." he gasped, putting a hand on his chest.
"Sir?!?" before you could apologize, if there was something to apologize for, he continued in a dramatic way. "How could I allow an angel to call me sir? Please, it's just Hawks." He smiled and you squirmed in place.
You heard he was easy going, a very laid back yet lovely individual, but the way he called you any nickname in the book made your cheeks burn. You avoided his eyes, as they were intensely observing you, and cleared your throat.
"What do I owe the pleasure, sir—" you stopped yourself as he opened his mouth and lifted his finger to, you assumed, scold you "—Hawks...?"
"Oh? You don't know?" He looked around trying to find something, his face lighting up when spotting it. "I came to test a new pair of goggles, of course!"
It's then when you really took in the condition of your office. A disaster. The higher-ups sent Hawks there without even notifying you! You could've cleaned up! And they sent Hawks to test your goggles! THE OFFICE IS A MESS AND THE NUMBER 2 HERO IS IN IT TO TEST YOUR—!
"Oh, my god..." you muttered, not really believing it's really happening. It's the same reaction you had when you landed this job yet now it was turning into reality.
"Sorry to interrupt that train of thought—" he paused. "Excuse me, I don't even know your name. The audacity!"
"Oh! It's [L/N] [Y/N], sir."
"Hawks." His smile, which was heartwarming, never left his face.
"Hawks." You repeated, heart hammering in your chest even when being playfully scolded by your boss.
"So! What's a beautiful little feather like you doing in a place like this?" He inquired, obviously way too into the moment. Keigo could feel your beating heart from where he was standing and could clearly read your amazed expression. He guessed you were new in the department and gave himself a lecture about not coming here beforehand. With a sight like you he would've been in the support department every single day.
At the same time as he was taking you in, you needed to do something to keep yourself busy from his face, his voice and his words, so you turned around and started cleaning up a little bit. He called me a beautiful little what now? you panicked, dreading you'd bite your tongue or something when answering back.
"I work here." Nice one, [Y/N]. you cringed in place. But instantly deducted it would be better to maintain a professional environment instead of leading on what seemed to be just a flirty attitude.
"I can see that, yes." Keigo really tried to keep himself from chuckling. How could such an adorable being exist in his close proximity and he didn't notice? In any way, the blond felt bad for making you nervous so he deflected the situation. "About those goggles then!"
"Oh, yes!" You turned towards him with a smile, the excited sparkle in your eyes taking his breath away for a second. "First of all, I'm sorry about the mess, I wasn't informed you were coming—"
"Oh, we can change that from now on." He chimed in, earning a pause and a tilted head in confusion from you. "If you give me your number I could tell you whenever I'm coming! Easy!"
Have you ever had a moment where your brain stopped functioning for a whole minute? Exactly that happened.
"You could— ehem, you could tell your secretary to inform me before you arrive." You sheepishly said, still trying to deflect in the best way you could. He had such an ease to make you embarrassed, apart from the fact that you didn't know for sure if he was playing with you or not. Remain professional. Not like you could be as smooth as him anyway...
"Aww." He pouted.
"The goggles!" You jumped, trying to distract yourself from that sight.
As you settled them in front of him and started explaining every new detail about them, such as the new auto face-recognition they had implemented, voice command, personalized A.I. and more, he could only watch you in wonder. A few moments ago you were overwhelmed and flustered at his behaviour, which he wouldn't lie, he really enjoyed to see, but this confident person talking so passionately about their work made him beam. He took in your features, the complex words you threw at him settling in the backround of his mind as he noted he'd have to ask you what they meant just to have the excuse to get to hear you talk again and again. He didn't know why he loved the way you wrinkled your nose when you told him how hard it was to get access to the national database, he definitely didn't know why he savored the way your giggle made his good ol' heart skip a beat, he absolutely had zero idea why he was entranced by the way your lips curved in a smile...
Oh, he knew. Of course he knew.
"Could you add Spotify?" He found himself asking.
"... What?" You blinked stupidly at him.
"Or Netflix. Can you add Netflix?"
"I— What?" He snickered.
"Can you?"
"I mean, yes—" Did he brush off your whole work just to ask you to add Netflix?
"Great! Can you do it by tomorrow?"
"Awesome! How do you like your coffee?"
"Uhm, why?" You muttered.
"Because I will drop by and I'd like to treat you with coffee."
"Oh, that's nice. Thank you, it's—" you told him your favorite coffee in wonder as you watched him play with the goggles casually. Is this Hawks? A flirty airhead?
The goggles sounded absolutely amazing, no doubt of that, but he definitely needed an excuse to come by tomorrow, also giving him time to come with other excuses to return again and again after that. Something told him he had to see your beautiful face again and he was the type of man to trust his instincts.
"Okay, noted." He nodded to himself. "I'm sorry to say it's my time to patrol but at least I found a loop-hole to keep seeing you!"
How could one single man make you short-circuit twice in such little time span? Your absolutely baffled expression was worth a million bucks in Keigo's opinion and the adorable little lip pursing that followed was the cherry on top.
Yet what he didn't expect was for you to grin through your flustered expression.
"I'll add some actually good pick-up lines as a widget in the corner too, then." You shrugged.
And seeing Hawks baffled? Nothing else topped that.
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tobesobri · 4 years
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𝓣here was an ask meme going around about what scene was the sole inspiration behind your entire story and someone asked me what that scene was for Only Human and well it’s in this chapter and I will let yall guess which one it is :)
If you’d like a preview of Chapter 12 right now, you can join my patreon here! All proceeds will be donated to BLM. Thank you so much for all the love and support with this story ❤️
huge massive thank you to the incredible @youresogolden-h for editing ❤️
Harry and Y/N are friends…. with benefits, but not the kinds you’re thinking of.
If she thought she was miserable before, there was nothing quite like quitting Harry Styles. Especially when his concerned texts had stopped, and especially when she had to hear about him every night since she’d made her decision to never end up in his bed again. It became a regular thing that Will came home with news about Harry’s album and how things seemed to be going really well.
Without her, she thought. Things were going well now that he didn’t have her hanging onto him all the time like a little parasite.
Keeping her distance was hard, but she knew it would be better in the long run. Even if she had to have a few days of trouble getting out of bed. And crying herself to sleep again. She’d deal with it. It was better than living in a fantasy world with Harry.
Some of his things still took up space in her room. A grey hoodie from Randy’s Donuts, a pair of his socks. His house keys. The former she unfortunately found herself sleeping in once or twice. She hated herself for it, but she needed something. It was like switching to vapor to try and kick a smoking habit. Still not great, but not as bad as letting the addiction run its course.
She kept his keys in her nightstand, where they’d always been, but now they were just a bitter reminder of the last decent day they’d had with each other.
There were no regrets in her mind when she looked back on all of it. Maybe falling for Harry was a contender, but she wouldn’t take back any of their nights together if it meant she didn’t have to deal with her shattered heart. He’d helped her so much more than he even knew. He’d opened her up, showed her that not everyone’s hands had bad intentions. And most importantly, she learned to trust him, with her secrets, with her body, her entire life.
Two entire weeks had passed since she’d seen Harry and it only just began to hurt a little less. Still, Fridays and Saturdays were the hardest for her to get through because they’d been her favorite nights with Harry. By the third week, post-Harry, she had finally stopped thinking about him every hour until Will backpedaled all her progress at dinner on Tuesday night.
“I’m throwing Harry a surprise party at his house on Saturday.” He’d started, taking a bite of his chicken before continuing, “All of us in the studio with him put it together since he finally hit the halfway mark with writing. It’s not done but I know how hard it’s been for him so we felt like it was time to celebrate something, you know. Anyways,” he took another bite, “you’re all invited. Especially you.”
Will narrowed his eyes at Y/N, being the most aware roommate out of them all to know that she’d only been in a good mood a few days after the last party he took her to. She was back to hiding in her bedroom most days after that, so much that the past two weeks he wasn’t even sure if she was still alive at times. Something had clearly looked up when she finally joined them for breakfast and he was taking full advantage of it.
“I um… don’t think I can do another party at Harry’s.” She cringed, all the bitter memories of her last couple days with Harry flooding back.
Will sighed, recalling their conversation in the car the morning after. Maybe it wasn’t his best idea to invite her to another party Harry would be at, but if it would get her to do something besides work and hibernate, he’d take it. Besides, she said she didn’t like Harry that way and Will believed her. “It won’t be like last time.” He assured, “It’s mostly just people from the studio and his manager and stuff.”
She considered it. Maybe Harry would be too distracted with everyone else to pay her any attention. It didn’t take long, but she didn’t even want to try feeding Will excuses not to go. She wanted to see Harry again. And she hated herself for it, for not letting him go like she’d promised herself to do, and for stupidly being excited about seeing him again.
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The ‘For Sale’ sign was still up in front of his house. Will talked her head off about it too, about the apartment Harry had shown him last week that he saw the ocean from.
She hated every second of it.
When they walked through the doors and she spotted how everyone else was dressed, she felt a wave of insecurities crash on her. Nobody was dressed as formal as she was, and maybe she wasn’t all that formal objectively, but she almost never wore dresses. Everyone was in jeans and polos or casual button-ups. A couple of women had on dresses too, but not quite like hers. They definitely didn’t wear heels either. She hated Will for not telling her she didn’t need to dress up, but, glancing over at him as they walked side by side into Harry’s kitchen, she realized she should have known better. He was also in jeans.
Some of them looked at her while she stood awkwardly beside Will, but luckily it wasn’t long after they had arrived that Harry was due back and the surprise part of his party got set into motion. There weren’t many people at his house, but they still hid everywhere they could, in his kitchen behind the island, crouched into corners together so that they weren’t visible from the front door. Everywhere it was physically possible to hide they did.
Except for Y/N. She didn’t want to see everyone happy for him. She didn’t want to know about how great his album was going to be or who he’d written his songs about. And she didn’t want to be among the faces of people he worked with, feeling so fucking out of place in her stupid fucking outfit she’d worn for stupid Harry who still didn’t fucking like her.
So she went someplace where she didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. The room that welcomed her like a warm and unconditionally loving hug. Where she felt a wave of relief. Where she felt safe, sitting in his armchair at the end of his bed, staring out over the city lights in a way she didn’t think she would ever again.
She had no clue if he’d ever come up here and find her and she wasn’t sure if she wanted him to. She just wanted to see the view one last time before it was gone forever.
The shouting from downstairs caught her attention because it was clear he had finally arrived. He could enjoy his night celebrating something huge for himself, even if it was only a small step in the making. She’d be out of his room before he found her in it anyways.
At least, that had been her plan. Just a little while longer and she’d leave. Spend the rest of her night stealing hopeless glances at him from across the room until she’d finally had enough and begged Will to take her home. That was the plan.
But it didn’t go as well in real life as it did in her head. Not when she heard footsteps coming up the stairs and she panicked. She stood before they got there, spinning around the room for someplace to hide but it was no use.
Harry stood in his doorway before she even got the chance to think of another plan. Instead, he caught her red-handed in the middle of his bedroom, alone.
“I, uh…” she pointed her thumb over her shoulder at his large window, “wanted to see--”
“The lights, yeah.” He nodded, finishing her sentence. She couldn’t help the hurt inside to see the smile stripped completely from his face the moment he’d laid eyes on her.
“What happened to you? You packed all your stuff and never answered my texts.” He took a step closer, his voice a little more commanding.
“I can’t do it anymore, Harry.” She mumbled, and he stopped walking towards her, completely taken aback by her words.
“Why not?” He breathed, feeling the heartbreak of the last few weeks without her all over again in his chest. He had even got so bad that after constantly turning down Will’s offers to hang out at the apartment, he nearly found himself begging Will to invite him over just to see her, but he knew that would have been a mistake. She needed her space and the way he’d felt about her after she told him to forget the kiss was more than enough to keep him away. He needed his space to stop being so mad at her.
But seeing her again, it all came flooding back.
She let out an exasperated laugh like he should know why. “You kissed me. And then?”
With his eyebrows furrowed, he came back at her twice as hard. “You told me to forget about it. So I did. Why are you mad at me for doing what you asked?”
He was right and there was no denying it. There was no more arguing with him about it. She dropped her shoulders and stared out the window again. “Can you please just tell me you did it because you were drunk? So I can move on.”
“Move on?” He snapped, his tone harsh enough to get her to look at him again, “You moved on from me the second I got home from New York, Y/N.”
She started to panic again, but this time there was no possibility of escaping. She had to face him, with or without tears in her eyes.
He continued while she was quiet. “I slept with her because I couldn’t sleep without you. I don’t understand how you’ve not realized that.” He continued.
“I don’t care who you sleep with, Harry.” She practically yelled at him and it took every inch of his self-control not to leap across the room when he realized she was crying.
“That’s the problem.” He deadpanned, keeping himself grounded instead of letting his emotions get the best of him like they always seemed to do.
“Harry!” Someone unfamiliar to Y/N shouted from downstairs, garnering both of their attention. “Hurry your ass up already!”
Pinching his bottom lip between his fingers, he turned back to face her, finding the tears that had spilled gone from her face like they’d never been there to begin with.
“I need to get dressed.” He explained and she quickly maneuvered herself out of his way. Not saying another single word to each other while she left his room and snuck back into the party she didn’t want to be at.
Glances were, in fact, shared between the both of them. Mostly because he wasn’t finished with her yet and in reality, neither was she with him. She could wallow in her self-pity all she wanted, telling herself Harry never liked her this or it was all in her head that. But she was fucking lost again without him the past couple weeks. Her only regrets now were leaving and she’d take it back in a heartbeat if she could. Just get over herself and be with him anyways because if she truly did not care who he slept with, she wouldn’t have let that stupid text message get the best of her.
She wouldn’t have spent every morning in the mirror telling herself she did not have a face Harry could ever love and bringing herself down for no fucking reason at all besides finding comfort in her own miserableness.
Hindsight is a bitch though.
The party died down sooner than his last one had, after they brought out a cake with a photo of Harry on it from long before Y/N knew him, possibly when he was sixteen or seventeen, she’d assumed, and then they proceeded to shove his twenty-five-year-old face in it and start a cake throwing war in the middle of his poor kitchen. That was when things died down. When some went home because they had children or were covered in cake and it was getting late, and others, who didn’t get absolutely pummeled by chocolate cake, stayed talking amongst themselves in his living room with empty glasses of champagne.
Y/N, on the other hand, was in an almost lifeless position beside Will on the bar stools at the island counter, barely listening while he and Harry and some others discussed stuff she knew nothing about all while Harry was still trying to get cake out of his hair.
She felt the agitating urge to clean up the rest of his kitchen, too, mostly because she couldn’t stand to look at it any longer. And maybe if she and Harry were on slightly better terms, she would be.
It was when Will’s phone rang that it finally got a lot quieter. There was still music playing softly in the background and chatter from others in a different room, but once Will took the call and left them all alone in the kitchen together, it was almost silent.
“You’re going to need to shower for like… forty minutes to get that all out,” Glenne teased. Y/N had learned she was Jeff’s girlfriend, and that Jeff was Harry’s manager. And she thought about how well all three of them knew each other and for how long while Glenne ran a strand of Harry’s messy hair between her fingertips to remove some stuck-on frosting.
“Forty minutes is a typical shower for him, try two days,” Jeff scoffed, poking fun at Harry’s expense.
“Heyyyy,” Harry grimaced, pretending to be offended as they both fucked with him, “stop taking the piss, I’m not in there that long.”
She hated that she agreed with Jeff. Harry did take long in the shower.
It felt weird, though, just watching them all interact, like she was someplace she wasn’t supposed to be. These were Harry’s friends and she was nobody to him, at least not publicly. And maybe not privately either. She had no clue how Harry felt about her, if he wasted any time even thinking about her at all anymore when she wasn’t around.
But then all eyes seemed to land on her. “Sorry, I forgot your name, um…” Glenne looked like she was reaching for something across the counter in front of Y/N while she tried mentally sifting through all the names she had to remember.
Harry answered before anyone could, however. “It’s Y/N. She’s… Will’s roommate.” Harry’s eyes went from Y/N, to Glenne, and finally landed on his manager. Giving him a look Y/N didn’t quite understand. Mostly because she was too focused on how cold he’d been talking about her, like she really didn’t mean a thing to him at all. She was just Will’s roommate to him. Even so, she couldn’t help feeling like it was more than she deserved from him.
“Y/N! Right! Can you hand me that phone right there?” She pointed to a discarded iPhone with a blue case that had been sitting in the same spot for quite a while, and Y/N returned it.
She didn’t say or do anything else after that, just slipped out of her chair, grabbed her purse and started walking away from them to find Will. She’d sufficiently had enough.
But when she reached the foyer, where she distinctly remembered Will running off too, he was nowhere to be found. She looked around for him a few moments more before pulling her phone from her purse to call him. Before she could, though, she noticed the text from him that had been sent five minutes prior.
(Will, 12:03 pm)
I’ll come back to pick you up. Sasha called, her mom’s in the hospital.
Her first reaction was shock, hoping that whatever was going on wasn’t too serious. And then she realized she was stuck at Harry’s after having already made her exit. She didn’t want to be mad though, Will had an emergency and it wasn’t like she hadn’t spent countless nights in Harry’s house before.
This was just one night she didn’t really want to spend here any longer.
And instead of waltzing herself back into the kitchen, she stepped outside for some fresh air. Or rather, she leaned into the doorway because it was far too cold to spend any length of time outside.
“Where’s Will?” Harry’s voice appeared from behind her and she twisted around quickly when he startled her.
“He had an emergency.” She slowly stepped back inside his house. “Said he’d be back to pick me up later.”
“Oh.” He paused, swallowing the nervous pit in his throat while whatever bottled up anger towards her that had been festering washed away. Seeing her standing there alone reminded him of every single one of her secrets she’d shared with him and even if he was mad, she didn’t deserve to be treated poorly by him. “You know you can stay here.”
She nodded, crossing her arms around herself and avoiding his eyes.
“I want you to stay.” He added once he got closer to her and her breath caught in her throat. He wanted her. Those words and the sweet smell of chocolate cake in his hair and just… him being near her again like this was enough to make her dizzy.
She thought about saying a million things to him, but settled on something that was classically her instead. “And I want you to take a shower.”
It was possibly the first time in weeks that she’d seen his smile. A genuine, dimply, toothy, Harry smile that made her hate all the time she spent missing out on it.
“Don’t go anywhere.” He pointed his index finger at her and she nodded just before he ran upstairs, taking them two at a time.
She didn’t like his house as much with all the people in it she didn't know. Not a single face she recognized as they littered all the places she and Harry had once been. The middle of his living room where they danced together. His kitchen where he’d given her a glass of water the first night they slept together. His couch where he’d given her the keys to his house.
Sighing, she found a spot where she could be by herself and texted Will back not to worry about her, that Harry was letting her sleep on the couch. Stretching the truth was something she did well when it came to Harry after all.
More people left, being seen out by Jeff and Glenne instead of Harry until what few people remained lingered on the sofas around her, drinking the last bits of wine he had left to offer and watching the logs burn out slowly in his fireplace.
Jeff plopped himself down beside Y/N and Glenne next to him, and while she was wrapped up in a conversation, he leaned slightly towards Y/N, keeping his voice down.
“Harry told me about you, you know.”
She looked up from her phone, a bit frozen in place as she slowly craned her neck over to him. He looked at her with a reassuring smile even though she was terrified to death. What exactly did Harry’s manager know about her?
“He’s been a pain in the ass recently thanks to you.”
Before Jeff could explain anything, Harry was making his boisterous entrance back into what was left of the party. All cleaned up this time though with fresh clothes on and dampened hair. He looked like he’d just been working out with water leaving a sweat-like appearance on his forehead and what could be seen of his chest. He was still just as hot coming out of the shower and she mentally smacked herself for thinking it.
“Not saying that you all have to go home, but you do have to get the hell out of my house now.” They all laughed at him for a short while until everyone who had lingered to say their personal goodbyes and final congratulations to Harry started trickling off as he walked them all to his door. Jeff and Glenne were the last to go, but eventually she was alone again.
And she stayed on her phone until she heard his front door close and the familiar sounds of him pressing the code into his security system keypad. Her stomach did all sorts of twists from somersaults to cartwheels knowing it was just the two of them alone again. Knowing he was closing up his house while she was still in it. That she wasn’t going home tonight as planned after all.
“Are you sleeping in here?” He asked once he’d reached the open entrance to the living room, hovering his hand over the control panel, waiting for her before he shut off all the lights.
She pulled herself up from the couch after taking a deep breath. They were doing this again. And she knew damn well whether or not anything had happened with Will that she was going to end up in his bed somehow anyways. He followed her up the stairs and into his room again, lifting his fingers to graze her arm and get her to stop once they were smack dab in the middle of it.
When she turned to see what he was doing, his entire mood had shifted. He wasn't fun, bubbly Harry right now. He stared at her the way he had before he kissed her, except this time they were both completely sober. And maybe that’s why she let him take one step closer. She let him reach his hands around her back and carefully pull the zipper of her dress down.
“You still clean up nice,” he whispered, sending goosebumps all across her skin, “but you look even better in my shirts.”
Without even thinking, he pulled the shirt he currently wore off and over his head, handing it to her like a peace offering. But he just hoped she still needed him enough for at least one more night of their bullshit. He hoped she wanted him too, as much as he wanted her and he hoped that this wouldn’t even come close to being their last night.
They stared at each other while she switched outfits, his eyes never wavering from hers while she changed. Not that he didn’t want to look, but that he didn’t expect her to do it all right there in front of him like she had never done before.
“Better?” She asked once clothed again, her dress in a familiar pile on his floor.
He just nodded, slowly, and like he was in some kind of trance, especially when she turned on her heel and went straight for his bed. Getting in under the covers on her normal side and patting the empty space next to her for him to join.
Swallowing thickly, he slipped in beside her. Just like old times.
She turned on her side, facing her back to him and scooting herself right up against his front, grabbing his wrist to pull his arm over her and his body closer. All the cold words they had exchanged earlier in the night melting right away.
They got used to each other again, folding arms around each other so that there was no telling where Harry ended and Y/N began. He breathed in the beachy scent of her hair and she felt his heart beating against her spine. The three weeks she thought she could quit Harry were a total waste when they fit together just the way they always had. Like puzzle pieces who needed each other to finish the bigger picture.
Harry shifted slightly behind her and she felt the brush of his lips at her ear.
“You know the songs are about you, right?” He spoke softly, forcing her eyes to shoot open. And when he did it again, he said something that truly made her heart burst into a million tiny pieces of rainbow colored confetti. “Know you’re the one I’ve been in love with all along, don’t you?”
She twisted her head around to face him, to meet him a lot closer than they’d been since his last party. To look into his eyes and make sure he was being serious. And when she felt his heart pounding against her upper arm and his eyes steady as ever, she knew he wasn’t fucking around.
All he had to do was take one glance at her lips for her to twist herself just the tiniest bit further and mend them both back together again. This time there was no alcohol, there was no doubt or self-pity. No rock between them.
She slid her hand up his neck to his jaw, pulling him in while she arched her back against him to reach his lips properly. His own hand found a home at the side of her face as well, rubbing gentle strokes across her cheek as they finished where they left off all those nights ago.
Except this time, he had actually said what he needed to say to her before it was too late.
She felt him start to pull her onto him, as slowly as he possibly could. He gauged every one of her reactions just to make sure he never pushed her too far. And when she was half on top of him with her leg wrapped around his and one of his hands on her waist, things got a little deeper.
She held his face in both her hands, breathing heavily every time she got the chance to before going right back in for more. And his lungs burned too, moaning against her lips every time he lost his breath.
This time when she pulled away, it wasn’t to apologize or give him a look like she regretted it. Instead, she laughed and let him get some oxygen back into his system.
He had her again not even seconds later, though, and she was too wrapped up in it to even care about anything else. She’d save it all for the morning. Right now all she wanted was his lips and his hands on her lower back, wrinkling the fabric of her shirt in his hold so much that he exposed her pale pink underwear beneath the covers. She didn’t really care about that either.
What she did care about, however, was when he snuck a hand up underneath the back of her shirt, feeling his fingertips on her bare skin there for the first time ever. And instead of feeling scared, she opened her eyes slightly and saw him. That it was Harry she’d learned to trust. To touch her, to hold onto her secrets, and keep them safe. And he made everything so much better than it already was.
She explored his body a little bit more too, grazing her hand over his chest while he kissed her harder. Feeling his heartbeat in her palm and then his biceps tensing beneath his skin.
She let him undo the clasp of her bra, both hands around her back to get it off within a second, even while he was distracted. He knew she didn’t sleep in it, so he was only doing her a favor. Because now was not the right time to do anything he wanted to. There were still a lot of unsaid words and he really couldn’t keep his eyes open much longer anyways.
They separated again when she pulled away to remove the straps and throw the thing off the side of the bed while he grinned at her.
Coming back to him, he caught her face in his hand before she violated his lips any further. “I could kiss you all night, but I’m genuinely exhausted,” he whispered sleepily.
She shook her head at him, “And people say I’m the lightweight.” Scoffing, she instead settled into his side, resting against his chest in her familiar spot and watched his chest move up and down rapidly until he eventually caught his breath and fell asleep.
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Taglist: @afterstylesmadeit​ @cxnyon-moon-deactivated20200417​  @chrryblsms​ @whydontharry​ @harryinsweatersandbandanas​ @idkthisisjustforfanfic​ @teddysoldbird​ @shawnsblue​ @thurhomish​ @theasstour​ @hufflepuff-always-and-forever​ @staceystoleyourheart​ @granolagrannie​ @defineharry​ @iambabyharry​ @1142590m​ @ashtondene​ @smokeinherperfume​ @cherryyharryy​ @mellamolayla​ @chrryblsms​ @cassiopeiaskies​ @sunflowerjens​ @detroitkiwis​ @brwnskin-bunnyteeth​  @meetmeinfleetwood​ @harriesgolden​ @rachkon​ @caritocp​ @sspidermanss​ @forestliz​ @grandfunnyemopainter​ @metalmerida  @httpsmoony​ @iconicharry​ @cheesecakebagels​ @cronias13​ @dontyoucallhimbabby​  @brassharry​ @whothefudgeisharrystyles​ if you’d like to be added, go here :)
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Let’s talk TroPreCure! (^∀^ 🌺)
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i’m so stupidly proud of this dumb pun “tropurikyua~”, hahahahaha
Last post of the year and wow is there are lot to be excited for!
I even had to make a list for the stuff I want to talk about and I’m sure I already forgot one or two things but we’ll get to them as we continue to float~ along the wave to February 28th, mmkay? :)
Now for what has peaked my interest so far. And yes, we have to talk about the following first:
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1) HealPre the shortest Precure season??
Unless they plan for double features in February (which I doubt but you never know), HealPre is likely going to reach only 45 episodes long instead of the usual 48~50 before TroPre I’m using this shortening of the title for now so if there’s a better alternative, tell me and I’ll switch out begins its broadcast.
Understandable because the producers probably want to get back to their normal scheduling as soon as possible (toy sales, y’know) and I suspect pushing the start of the new season back by a month is the most they’re willing to compromise.
As for me, I’m quite happy about this since HealPre’s lost its hold on my attention a while ago so the sooner TroPre gets here, the better. Though the downside might be a scrambled climax and a rushed, underwhelming ending for HealPre (I dunno if it’s January’s titles that feel a bit messy or if the hiatus is still throwing me off) but whatever. We’ll refresh ourselves with the new blood Cures so it’s all good.
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2) Tropical movie announced for Autumn 2021, no All Stars??
First saw this mentioned on Youtube somewhere but it’s all over the fandom forums by now. I mean, HealPre’s movie is set for March, the usual time slot for All Stars release. If Toei intended for there to be an All Stars in 2021, there’s no way they would announce the seasonal movie before it so speculations of them skipping it this year are probably true.
To squeeze it somewhere between March and October-ish would force them to readjust their budgets as well and I don’t think even Toei wants to go through that extra hassle after all the trouble the pandemic’s caused for everyone already. It’s just easier to resume All Stars in 2022.
That, and I think Laura being a major character in TroPre despite not having a Cure title (yet) would make for an awkward situation when the three latest teams gather so perhaps that’s also one of the reasons. But I’ll get back to Laura in a bit.
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3) Cure Summer is a RAINBOW Cure
So god help me if I see anyone calling her a Pink Cure.
Yes, she’s the lead Cure for this season. NO, she is not a Pink Cure.
Look, even the official website has a rainbow overlay for her profile pic and text font while everyone else’s respective theme colors are a solid hue:
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Therefore, RAINBOW.
In promotional material and merchandising, they’re probably going to advertise her primarily with pink bah and at worst, she might occasionally be labeled as a White Cure with multiple subcolors (her outfit is not pink-dominant) but definitely NOT. PINK.
...also, this goes without saying but f***yea, we finally got a lead Cure practically and unabashedly wearing the LGBTQ flag and you cannot tell me otherwise, Toei!
Own up to it! Declare Manatsu/Cure Summer as the Precure queer icon!
I’m not gonna stop yellin’ until you do! 😠
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4) Laura = obvious midseason Cure is obvious
First of all, Laura is a babe. I already love her the best and she’s not even Precure yet. <3
Anyways, the set-up is pretty much in the description. Important main character who’s not a mascot, stated to have a self-confident personality and just speaks her mind (oooh, I like~ :D), magical/foreign being from another world looking for Precure to save her home, possesses her own special item(s), has aspirations to become the next Queen (so she’s a princess-candidate or something to that effect, I suppose).
We’ve seen various combinations of these traits in past midseason (and a few starter) Cures so nobody should be surprised when we all guessed that one of the Cures would be a real live mermaid.
The only question is why not just make Laura a Cure from the get-go if she’s introduced to us at the beginning (like Hime or Lala) and having a team of five with no unnecessary extra add-ons later on (like Smile).
Well, there’s a simple answer for that: formula.
Toei is afraid that if they don’t spit out some new animation sequence at the halfway and third quarter points of the show, the kids will lose interest and abandon the series altogether. Which means failed toy sales. Oh nooo... [/sarcasm]
And this way they can also have Laura available in the Cure lineup for the next All Stars in 2022 instead of making her sit the fight out if we were going to have one in 2021. I’m convinced that’s gotta be one of the reasons. *shrug*
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But ok, whatever. Her debut is gonna be later, that’s all. She’s a delayed Cure.  Midseason Cure, same difference.
Moving along to the more important stuff now like what’s her Cure name gonna be, y/y?
Well, knowing Toei, a translation of the term “mermaid” into another language is the most predictable route even though we already have a Cure Mermaid. Not like that ever stopped them from repeating words before (ex. Cure Happy vs Cure Felice). Though if they do go down that road, I hope they opt for the Spanish/Italian “sirena” and not the French “sirène” because the latter sounds too close to how Cure Selene is pronounced in Japanese. And, putting it nicely, we all know Japanese pronunciation of foreign words is as off kilter as can be.
Hell, even the the Portuguese “sereia” sounds aesthetic as hell so it’d be nice if they can just remember there are other languages that exist out there besides Japanese, English and French when making the final decision at the writing table! *stomps foot* >:/
Alternatively, “nereid” or “naiad” are good choices too but they remind me too much of Greek myths and Laura’s from the Grand Ocean which covers more than just a couple of seas (Greece is surrounded by three, btw) so...
I dunno. But whatever it’s gonna be, she’s definitely got a strong association with water and her powers will probably be based on that.
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As for theme color, since there’s noticeably no blue or green Cure in the starter lineup, it’s likely she will take up that spot when she debuts around ep 20.
Pink is also open since Cure Summer, again, is technically not a Pink Cure and Laura’s hair and tail fin are hot and light pink respectively but looking at Laura’s design and concept, does anyone seriously believe that?
Her upper torso consists of aquamarine while the body of her tail is definitely some shade of cyan, implying they’re aiming for somewhere around the middle of green and blue on the lighter spectrum.
And yea, I’m aware that green and blue are considered exchangeable in some perspectives with how close some of their shades are to each other but officially, I think Laura’s gonna be grouped with the Green Cures.
Cuz of the hair. If Laura’s gonna keep it the same or a similar shade after transforming, that is. The Blues have always had cool-colored hair so putting Laura in with them might disrupt that harmony whereas if you put her with the few Greens there are (including Parfait), she’d fit right in.
I mean, we’ll see but that makes the most sense, doesn’t it?
On another note, I just want to say that I love how they added frills to her arms instead of letting her elbows go bare naked. It definitely makes her look more like a genuine mermaid than if she didn’t have them (remember, half fish doesn’t mean half the body :P).
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5) Magical Items
Frankly, I’m tired of seeing the transformation device being a compact again even though one of the main motifs is make-up this season. But at least, as far as Precure compacts goes, the Tropical one is my favorite cuz of how cute and delightfully colorful its toy version looks! So I guess I’m okay with it.
The Heart Rouge Rod, though? ...I dunno. I think it would’ve been fine without that...straw (?) jutting out at the top. It looks weird, doesn’t it look weird? :S
As for the collectible clip-ons, I can live without those for the rest of my life. Yeesh.
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Laura’s items, the Aqua Pot and the Ocean Prism Mirror.
Again with the portable, travel-size housing. *sigh* 😩
Alright, I can let this year slide cuz Laura (I’m so soft for her, omg) probably won’t be getting legs for 20 weeks so she’s got to move about on land somehow. But unless they’re really thinking about turning this idea of carrying your apartment around in your bag/pocket/purse into a reality (cuz that would be effin’ awesome), please be more creative with your toys.
On the other hand, I’m much more interested in the Ocean Prism Mirror but from what Kusyami (the Precure merchandise reviews I follow on Youtube) said in his latest vid, this is the ED dance item so don’t know if it’ll actually have an relevance to the story or not. But I did hear him mention it having something to do with the Queen as well and since Laura wishes to become Queen, maybe it’ll be important after all? Maybe it’s her transformation device?
That’d be super cool. Let’s continue the trend of the midseason Cure having a different transformation item than the starters. Honestly, we should alternate every other year or two but we’ve gone three seasons with all of them using the same henshin gimmicks up till HealPre and I just want a break from that.
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6) Fin sleeves??
These look so impractical for combat so maybe it’s exclusive to group attacks.
And/or a sort of precursor to the super forms?
*GASP* Does that mean they all eventually turn into mermaids? 🤩
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7) Yui finally became Precure!! 😭
lol, it’s all crack from this point on so don’t take it too seriously but man, after Yuni’s deceptive braids, I thought I wasn’t gonna see anything that reminded me of Yui for a while and lo behold, Sango.
kehehehehehe xD;
Though Yui might be closer to Minori in terms of personal interests (fairytales and storybooks).
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8) Akira, the actual Onee-chan version
I didn’t think this when I first saw her but once I read “Onee-san” in her profile, there’s no saving you now. Sorry, Asuka. 😅
Also, damn, do her sandals make her feet look big! Compare them to the heels she wears as Flamingo. Are they even the same?! lololol
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9) ...this sounds awfully familiar...
Tokimeku Tokonatsu! [Exciting/Thrilling Everlasting Summer!] Cure Summer! Kirameku Hoseki! [Sparkling Jewel!] Cure Coral!  Hirameku Fuurutsu! [Flashing Fruit!] Cure Papaya!
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Japanese reiteration:
Mallow/Mao: Pink no tokimeki! Lillie: Blue no kirameki! Lana/Suiren: Yellow no kagayaki!
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Care to explain yourselves, punks?! 
୧(ʘ ∀ ʘ ╬)
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verstappenist · 5 years
I Dare You | Ben Hardy
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A/n: I just want to say that this is my first time writing for Ben, so I’m sorry if it’s bad... Also, English is not my first language so there could be some mistakes... Constructive criticism is appreciated!
The first part of this is College!Ben, the second part is current Ben! It is based on a prompt I found somewhere on Pinterest and sadly didn’t save...
Big thank you to @anotheronebitestheskye for convincing me to post this ily💗
Word Count: 1,601
Warnings: None!
Your and Ben’s story began nearly a decade ago, when you both went to the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London.
You had most classes together and would consider yourselves as good friends. Especially after starring in one of the plays together and spending hours upon hours in each others flats running lines to present the professor the perfect result.
Ben and you have been friends ever since.
Three years later, just before graduating the two of you, as well as some of your mutual friends from school went out to celebrate.
But after a few (well many) rounds of drinks and shots the club turned out to be too boring for your little group, that's why Amy decided it would be best to go back to someone's and spend the rest of the night there. "Maybe play some fun games", as she put it with a mischievous grin directed towards Ben.
The other three members of the group quickly approved, and that's how five (including yourself) completely hammered graduands ended up in the living room of your small flat.
"Now, what kind of games did you have in mind, Ames?", questioned Alfie, ever the responsible, whilst handing everyone a glass of water to at least try to cool you down a bit.
Gulping down her water way too quick, she paused for a second before listing a bunch of party games you'd normally play at a high school party, rather than a 'get together'.
"I mean, truth or dare doesn't sound half bad", added Charlie, "we could put in some twists like if you refuse to tell the truth you have to take a shot, and if you refuse a dare you have to remove an article of clothing?"
"That's brilliant! (y/n) you got any liquor?", called Amy, already halfway in the kitchen. "There should be Jägermeister in the cabinet above the sink!", you yelled back, your head falling against Ben's shoulder. The buzz from earlier slowly wearing off and exhaustion taking over.
Ben was looking down at you, adoration reflecting in his emerald eyes. If someone asked him, he would definitely deny it, but the blonde was madly in love with you since you started to hang out - well run lines together but it's essentially the same, right?
Curling his arm around your shoulders to pull you even just a little bit closer, you all waited for Amy to return with the herbal liquor your sister got you as a souvenir from her germany trip with her fiancé.
The sound of the bottle meeting the dark wood of your coffee table caused you to startle from your doze and you nearly jump into Ben's lap. "Holy - Amy be careful, otherwise you're gonna break the bottle", you groaned, burying your face in your friend's shoulder.
"Right, whatever. Who starts?", she grinned after a brief flash of annoyance crossed her face. Charlie volunteered to ask the first question, and chose Ben to be on the receiving end, who chose dare - since truth apparently is only for weaklings.
"Let's start off easy then, I dare you to let each of us draw something on you with a sharpie!", the brunette proposed, grabbing the pen off your notepad.
"I'm sure there will be worse, so let me be your canvas, dear ladies and gentleman!", Ben chuckled whilst shrugging off his jacket to free his muscular arms.
The drawings ended up only half as bad as he expected them to be, which is why he quickly moved on, asking Alfie.
The game continued for another four to five rounds each, leaving most of you at least shirtless, and the, used to be, full bottle of Jägermeister a good amount emptier.
To be honest if it weren't for the others you probably would've already sent them all home by now, the clock on your wall showing 3:16. 
But not just because of that, but also because Amy's obnoxious flirting attempts on Ben were seriously getting ridiculous. That's why you suggested, it would be better to end your gathering and surprisingly most of them thought it was a good idea. Except for Amy, who over the past hour somehow took in your place at Ben's side.
You never really found out why exactly she was hanging out with you lot, since she wasn't even attending the same school. She was Charlie's flatmate that just ended up tagging along with the four of you about two years ago. That was also when she completely, hopelessly started to fall in love with Ben, and honestly who could blame her? But your probably unrequited feelings for your best friend were nobody's business but yours.
Ben quickly stood up, freeing himself from the blondes tight grip around his arm, “I’m going to help you clean this up later just gotta - real quick!” He called as he hurried down the hall towards the bathroom. Making sure to take his time, it might seem rude to wait out for the others to leave, but he really couldn’t deal with this anymore.
When he returned to the living room, Charlie, Alfie and Amy were gone, leaving you spread out on the couch, half asleep. “(y/n), love? You still with me?”
His question startled you, causing you to sit up straight, “Yes, still here.” Taking in the rest of the room Ben noticed that you already put away the bottle and cleaned up the mess you made.
It might seem stupidly cliché but right then, looking all dishevelled and tired, to him you looked ethereal. And it was all it took for him to make a move, finally.
“I have one last dare for you, (y/n)”, he told you confidently.
“And what would that be?”
Ben hesitated, the bravery he just gained, vanished as soon as you finished your question. The blonde just stood there for a second unable to pronounce a single syllable. Which is why you decided to get up, now standing just inches away from him.
His following words were rushed and quiet, just barely loud enough for you to hear, "I dare you to kiss me."
And that was all it took for you to close the gap between the two of you. 
The kiss was the perfect balance between slow and tender, as well as filled to the brim with lust and need. His soft plump lips felt like heaven on earth connected to your own. It felt right in every way possible.
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After your drunken kiss seven years ago, your friendship turned into a loving relationship, with a few minor hiccups along the way but you're still going strong. 
Not too long the two of you got a beagle puppy to complete your little family, and Frankie quickly became the most important thing in both your lives.
Your little friend group from back then sadly didn't last but thanks to Ben landing a starring role in Bohemian Rhapsody his cast mates became your second family in no time.
Even after release of the movie and after press tour ‘the band’ never spent more than a few weeks without seeing each other.
And when coincidentally all of them, including Lucy and you, were in the same city there was no way you won't at least spend one night together.
Which is how you ended up in Joe's living room in New York, drinking wine and catching up on each other.
It took you by surprise when Gwilym, out of all people, suggested to play truth or dare, Lucy was immediately on board. Them being the only ones who knew about Ben's plan.
After very little convincing the rest of your little group agreed as well.
"Okay I'll start! Joe, truth or dare?", Lucy asked the first question the man to her left.
The game was nothing too spectacular, discovering some embarrassing teenage stories, here and there humiliating dares and constantly flowing alcohol.
When it was finally Ben's turn, he decided to ask you next. "Truth or dare, love? Choose wisely", he grinned cheekily.
Pretending to think for a moment you winked at the blonde next to you and answered his question with a confident, "dare!", causing the man to grin even wider. Ben's plan might actually work out.
"Okay, I need you to close your eyes for a second. No peeking!"
"Okay, okay! I promise", you giggled, putting both your hands in front of your closed eyes.
Only a few seconds later the whole group gasped, making you wonder what the actual fuck was happening right now. "Okay, (y/n), open up."
Slowly you put down your hands before opening your eyes, only to be met with the other ones standing in a line behind Ben, each one of them holding a single rose.
Your boyfriend of seven years sank to one knee right in front of you, a tiny velvet box held tightly in both his hands.
"(Y/n) (y/l/n), I dare you to marry me."
His deep, rich voice suddenly sounding so small, emerald eyes wide, waiting for a response.
Your hand that just moments prior covered your eyes, were now keeping you from sobbing.
Trying to collect yourself, you turned away from the others, quickly wiping away the tears rolling down your flushed cheeks.
Taking another deep breath you smiled at the still nervous young man kneeling on the carpet, "Yes, let's do this Benny!"
Your friends, who you really forgot were even there erupted in loud cheers as the blonde scrambled to his feet, eagerly pressing his lips to yours, grinning from ear to ear.
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years
I Hate You, Park Jimin!
Chapter 15
Words Count: 5.6k
TW: Smut (kinda notice that i really suck at writing TW so i apologize T_T cause others write it damn explicitly lmao)
Link to Chapter 14
Link to Chapter 16
My eyes widened as the words slipped out of his mouth. I had to play it in my head several times before realizing that yes, he did say it.
Panic suddenly registered in my mind. I wanted him. I knew I wanted him but I also knew that I still can’t erase the fear in my mind.
Because the truth is, I knew why I had been rejecting him all these time, lying to myself and trying so hard not to admit my own feelings. I was very scared of this, of this emotion called love. When you choose to love someone- you’re giving them a weapon to destroy you. A weapon they can wield at anytime you’d never see them coming.
It’s easy to fall in love, yes. But it’s definitely not easy to stay in love. And I’m afraid that I’d lose him because that would tear me apart.
He must’ve been watching me having a mental war against myself because suddenly, he leaned in and pressed a deep lingering kiss on my lips.
“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. But I just want you to give me a chance and let us try. No, let me try. I want to try and win you over. If you say yes to this, I’ll try my best to win your heart.” He said as he stared down at me.
I felt the butterflies in my stomach going crazy at his words. For a second, I forgot how to breathe. I stared back at him, partially wishing that he was joking because I had no idea how to handle the rapid beating of my heart right now. But all I saw as he stared back at me was pure genuine and eyes that were full of sincerity. I slowly nodded. “Okay. I’ll give it a try.”
I watched as his eyes widened and sparkled in excitement. “Really?! You will?! Oh God,” he placed his hand on his chest as if trying to calm himself down and I chuckled at his cuteness. “Thank you so much, Hana. I’m-“ he took a breath, trying to find words to say, “God- I’m just- thank you baby.” He said softly and I melted at how pure his reaction was.
“Although I knew that you were already in it deep for me. It’s just a matter of making you admit to it.” He teased as he smirked at me. The same smirk that I hated so much before for how much it affected me and haunted me. I rolled my eyes at him.
Then I leaned away from him slightly and propped myself on my elbow. “Why would you want me to be your girlfriend even though I can’t give you the answer yet now? Won’t it just be better to, I don’t know- wait it out?” I asked carefully although it also scared me because what if he decided to agree? I’m digging my own grave, yeap.
But his answer took me by surprise. “I just desperately want you to be mine.” He said, eyes looking straight into mine, hand reaching my face to caress my right cheek. “Because I don’t want you to look at any other guys. I don’t want any of them to look at you either and above all, I want people to know you’re mine and that nobody can touch you, except for me.”
“You’re very possessive.” I teased.
“Oh I’m a very jealous man.” He smirked.
“Ew gross maybe I should reconsider my answer.”
Upon hearing this, he tickled me and I screamed. I retaliated by hitting his arms countlessly, asking him to stop. The attack was brief though because his expression was serious again.
“And so that I have every other reason to beat the shit out of anyone that as much as look at your direction, not to mention all those fucking assholes that harasses you,” he growled.
I shuddered hearing this.
He sighed. “I just want to protect you.. God I felt so helpless not being able to do anything because I’m scared you might get creeped out on me and you’re just so fucking clueless with every guy around you and I felt so mad because I want to hurt them but you weren’t mine so what was I supposed to do? Although I still beat some anyways. They all deserved it.” Jimin made a disgusted look.
His confession and his words somehow gave me a feeling that he didn’t start liking me recently. As if he’d kept it bottled for so long. I frowned at him. “Jimin… how long have you liked me?”
I could tell he was surprised by the question. He regarded me briefly before carefully answering, “Three years.”
What? I spluttered. My eyes widened in shock.
He continued to gaze at me fondly. “I’ve liked you ever since you fell on my arms a day before our high school graduation Kim Hana.”
My mouth went agape. “You’re joking!”
“No, baby.” He kissed my forehead briefly. “You’re just clueless about it. I literally sent away every little fanboy you ever had. Ever wondered why they would always confess to you one day and never come again after that?”
My mouth fell open. “Jimin that is so wrong!”
He shrugged. “Needed to keep what’s mine.”
I raised my brows at him. “Think you’re being ahead of yourself at the time. I wasn’t yours.” I rolled my eyes. “I still can’t believe you did that.”
“You made me so much enemy from the amount of fanboys you had.” He chuckled.
“There wasn’t that many!”
“Fourteen Hana! Fourteen. The number of guys that confessed to you. Trust me it kept me so busy the whole year trying to ward them off off you.” He rolled his eyes at me.
“Well why didn’t you just man up and confess to me then?” I dared him.
“If I did, would you have accepted me then?”
I fell silent at this.
He took a deep breath. “Hana, I knew you. And I knew who I was. Or still am, I guess. I skip classes, got involved in a fight, I fuck around, I make problems and the list goes on. And there you were, in your own perfect bubble, smart, gorgeous and sexy all rolled into one. Would you have accepted me then? Seeing how you rejected every other normal guy was enough to remind me who I was. I was a nobody.” He smiled sadly at me.
I was shocked at this revelation. And all these while I thought that he’s the famous one while I’m the nobody. I reached up to caress his cheek.
“Jimin-ah.” I called him softly. “You got it all wrong. I was the nobody and you’re you.. always the centre of attraction with your stupidly good for nothing handsome face, your personality, your charisma, and even though you were,” I quoted him, “as you said, the bad boy, everyone still liked you. And girls! Practically swooning and throwing themselves at you all the time.” I laughed. Then I softened as my hand now cupped his chin. “I was the nobody, Jimin.”
“You’re not nobody.” He frowned. Then he smiled sheepishly at me. “Then.. does that mean that you like me too since you said everybody likes me?”
“Shut up.” I snapped jokingly and turned away from him.
“I need an answer though.” He pouted and he looked so freaking adorable. When I didn’t reply, he attacked me by tickling my ribs and once again the room was filled with my laughter and my screams.
”Stop it, Jimin!” I yelled. He laughed with me and I tried to escape but he was quicker to grip my wrist and held my hands beside my face as he hovered over me, the duvet still covering us both. Surprisingly, he didn’t press me further to answer.
“So what do you say?” He suddenly asked.
“Yes? To me?”
I bit my lip as I felt my cheeks reddened. His stare burning into mine. Then I shyly nodded.
His face lit up immediately. He leaned down to press his lips against mine softly. “Thank you, Hana,” he murmured.
I loosened my hands from his grip to wrap it around his neck. “No, thank you.”
He smiled down adorably at me. His hip must’ve moved slightly because I suddenly felt the current as he accidentally brushed his cock against my sex. My eyes widened slightly but he appeared oblivious to it as he was leaning down to kiss my forehead.
Damn, I was getting aroused again. As he leaned away, I looked up at him.
“Jimin ah…” I poked his muscled arms.
“Yes baby?”
“I want.. more.” I said sheepishly. He chuckled at me and I looked away, feeling embarrassed. Suddenly he leaned his face down and kissed me briefly before lightly biting down my lower lip. I moaned in response. Then he lowered his hip slightly and I felt his cock brushing against me. I gasped because I could tell he was already hardening.
“You only need to tell.” He smirked at me. “Ready for round two?”
I blushed crazily.
Amber colored light that sifted in through the window woke me up. I felt slightly warm. Lazily, I opened my eyes. I looked to my left to see Jimin still fast asleep, lying on his front. I propped my elbow on the bed and took the time admiring his side profile. I bit my lip. It felt so surreal to wake up next to a guy, a shirtless guy, a shirtless hot guy or basically waking up next to a hot, shirtless Park Jimin. It almost felt like a dream. If he wasn’t currently lying next to me, I would’ve thought last night was a dream.
I felt my cheeks reddening thinking about last night. The night I lost my virginity to Jimin. But he was good.. he was so good I have nothing to complain. Although I didn’t have anything to compare with myself. Come to think of it.. my whole body ache. I felt sore all over my body. Perhaps it was because of all the exercise we did last night. I screamed in my head.
I was practically fanning myself before I had to take a deep breath trying to calm myself down.
I continued to stare at the hot guy beside me. His light snore can be heard. He looked so peaceful in his sleep I couldn’t resist to lean down and plant a soft kiss on his ear.
He then moved slightly and I froze completely. When I thought he’s back to sleeping, I leaned back and gently kissed his lips. I relished at how soft his lips were and how it felt so good against mine. I pulled back slightly but my lips were still ghosting over his. I gasped when suddenly I felt him kissing me back. My eyes widened when he gently tugged my lips so that I had to lean back down to kiss him again.
“J- Jimin..?” I called him in confusion. “You’re awake?”
He bit my lip gently while his hand roamed towards my back. His hand slipped underneath my top and I gasped again.
“You’re awake!”
I felt him smile but his eyes were still closed. After the heat of our love making last night, I put on a plain spaghetti strap top and shorts just because I don’t feel comfortable sleeping naked. Jimin’s hand moved towards my front and I could feel it darting upwards towards my breast. When he did graze his fingers on my breast, I moaned in response.
His smile grew bigger yet his eyes still fluttered close.
“Jimin-“ I whimpered when he groped my breast hard. My back arched from arousal that’s building inside me. When he stopped, I was already breathless, panting and an absolute mess.
Jimin finally opened his eyes and he smiled at my state. “Good morning, baby,” he said, his voice low and raspy and it turned me on so much.
“G-good morning,” I croaked.
For someone who just made a total mess out of me by only touching me with one hand, he sure looked innocent. Scratch that, I knew he was feigning innocence. I hate him so much for that. I quickly sat up and was going to climb out of bed when Jimin tugged my wrist and suddenly I was underneath him as his firm frame pinned me to the bed.
“Not so quick,” he said and then he leaned down to kiss me on the lips. I found myself being drunk in his kiss immediately. He was that good of a kisser. His tongue demanded entrance and I granted it gladly.
I grew more breathless when I felt his hands snaking up on my arms first then on my shoulder before it gently tugged the straps of my top down my arms. I shuddered in desire. He lowered his kisses onto my collarbone as his hands worked to pull my top lower so it pooled on my stomach, my breasts bare for him to see.
He pulled away to admire me and I flushed crimson as he murmured appreciative words. “Fuck- I don’t think I’d ever get tired seeing these. You’re so fucking sexy and beautiful and gorgeous. Really- I can kiss and play with your boobs all day long.” He said so forwardly I bit my lip in embarrassment. Jimin wasted no time going down to suck on my nipples and while his mouth circled wet kisses on one side, his other hand reaching up to massage another. I moaned in pleasure. I already felt my wetness pooling down there so I pulled my legs together, desperate for some friction. I froze a little when my thigh brushed against his erection because Jimin sleeps naked.
Jimin apparently was aware of this because he put his hand in between my legs to stop me from pushing it together. He stopped harassing my boobs only to look up at me briefly, “Why press your legs together when I’m here to satisfy all your needs?” He smirked and I felt my mouth went dry at his words.
Continuing to lick and placing playful bites on my breasts in between, he skillfully spread my legs apart as his hand find its way towards my clit. He started to rub circles on my entrance and I whimpered in pleasure.
“God- you’re already dripping wet,” he whispered and I sensed his fingers already teasing at my entrance.
I suddenly remembered that we had classes to attend! In panic, I glanced at my side table and my eyes widened when the clock stated it was already 8:30 in the morning. We have class at 9 for fuck’s sake! “Oh God, Jimin we’re going to be late for class!”
He stopped all his acts immediately and pulled away to glance at the clock too. Then he looked at me before smirking, “It’s okay. We can make it in time.” I gasped when he quickly pulled my shorts along with my underwear down.
He pushed himself forward so that his face was level with mine as he aligned his hip with my entrance. I had no idea when he took the condom out but I waited impatiently as he rolled it onto his cock. I jerked forward slightly when I felt his hard erection near my entrance. I was already dripping wet for him and needy for his cock. I grew restless when he was still making himself wet by running his dick up and down my wet pussy.
“Just put it in already,” I groaned, putting my embarrassment aside and he chuckled.
“Impatient as ever, Miss Kim Hana.” He said and then without warning, he pushed his upright cock inside me and I whimpered as he filled me entirely.
He didn’t move for a moment and we both stilled as we savour the course of pleasure running through us.
“Oh my god,” I whispered, feeling high as I clutched the bed sheet desperately.
“Fuck- you’re so fucking tight Hana,” he let out a breathy, almost inaudible exhale. He gave me a few seconds to adjust before he started thrusting into me. He bent down to bury his head on my shoulder and I immediately threw my hands on his back, hugging him tight as he moved above me.
“Jimin-“ I moaned as his thrusts became faster and hitting me deeper to the hilt inside me, earning a series of cry from me. “God, this feels so good-“
He pumped in and out into me and I can sense the pressure building in my stomach, telling me that I was almost at my limit.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” I said desperately while panting hard. My fingers curled on Jimin’s back, my fingernails digging on his skin as I felt my core tightening and I threw my head back as my body convulsed from the intense orgasm.
“Fuck, I love seeing you cum,” Jimin whispered, also breathless as he still pounded into me. He thrusted several times more into me before he too felt himself reaching its climax. “Oh fuck-“ he moaned and immediately came after that. He stilled above me, his hands gripping the bed sheets tight as orgasm coursed through him. It was a beautiful sight seeing Park Jimin in his high state from orgasm.
My fingers traced lightly on his toned abs and he slowly opened his eyes, smiling fondly at me. He leaned down to kiss me softly before rolling to the side and unwrapped the condom from his cock and threw it in the dustbin.
Shit, I only slept a night with Jimin and we already used up three condoms. I bit my lip as I flushed crimson.
“Well, I guess I might need to restock on that soon.” He smirked at me.
“I can’t help it, you’re just so fucking sexy and it turned me on all the time. God I think I’m addicted to you.”
I giggled. “I’m addicted to you too,” I whispered before turning to kiss him gently. He smiled against my lips and I couldn’t help to do so too. Then I quickly sat up. “Come on, we’re so late,” I said as I climbed out of bed.
“Should join you for a shower then.” He said as he raised out of bed.
I turned immediately. “Definitely no. Otherwise, we won’t be getting out of there in time. You’re gonna shower after me.” I said and he rolled his eyes at me but didn’t proceed to follow me. Good. I needed some me time anyway. And I definitely wasn’t ready to have Jimin seeing me pee or brush my teeth.
I showered hastily because I was anxious about being late to school. As I stepped out of the shower, I saw Jimin sitting on the edge of his bed with his towel draped on his shoulder. He looked up immediately and a devilish smirk played on his face. He raised to his feet and stalked forward towards me.
“Stop it.”
“I know that look. And if you continue to give me that look, we’re so gonna be late.” He was now right in front of me and I shuddered when he leaned down to nuzzle my neck.
“I told you I can’t help it. Not when you’re only using this towel,” he whispered, “and I can easily pull it down like.. this,” he tugged my towel down and I screamed as I frantically held my towel in place.
“Stop it! We’re late!” I glared at him. He just chuckled in response before walking past through me and disappeared behind the bathroom door.
As soon as he was out of sight, I gasped in horror when I realised that I didn’t bring any spare clothes.
Biting my lips, I decided to go into Jimin’s walk-in closet. Screw it, I thought. It’s not like you’ve never worn his shirt before. Yeah, but not to class! My mind scolded me but I had no time to dwell on it. I quickly hunted for a hoodie and I found a maroon coloured hoodie. I put it on and sighed as I matched it with my short black jeans from yesterday.
I was trying to bring order to the chaos of my hair in front of Jimin’s huge ass mirror when the door to the walk in closet opened and Jimin stepped in. I froze in place as soon as I saw him. I gulped unknowingly at his sight. He was standing deliciously half naked at me. His towel hung just below his hips. My eyes can’t help but to travel across his stomach.. there sat a perfectly toned abs. My eyes darted lower.. his V line popping tantalizingly. I could see the veins down there… near his happy trail..
“Hey, it’d hurt me a lot if you like my body more than my heart,” he said as he sauntered towards me.
I quickly snapped out of my intense scrutinisation of this man that has the entire features of a Greek god, an Adonis. I unknowingly licked my lower lips that had gone dry as he walked towards me. You’ve seen him naked, Hana! My mind scolded me. I know, but he just looked so glorious with his wet hair and all the lights that seemed to highlight his perfectly toned body- “I- I don’t like your body more than your heart-“ I stammered and I cursed myself in my mind. At this rate I’m quite sure that I am seemingly unable to utter any coherent response when my entire body goes haywire because of Park Jimin.
“You sure about that?” He smiled at me. He was now framing me and I was pushed to sit on the edge of the dressing table. He lifted my chin with his fingers. My breath hitched and he leaned down to plant a lingering kiss on my lips.
When he released me, I found myself gasping for air. God, Jimin and his ability to suck the entire air out of me from a simple kiss. He regarded me up and down for a moment.
“I-I didn’t bring spare clothes.” I quickly explained.
“I told you I like you wearing my clothes.” He said then he frowned. “Are you only wearing those shorts?”
I nodded. Where’s he going with this?
“It’s fucking Fall now. You’re gonna catch a cold.” He growled.
I rolled my eyes. “I have my coat with me.”
He narrowed his eyes at me briefly before saying, “Fine. But I don’t want you wearing shorts anymore.” He grazed my cheeks slightly before setting off to hunt for his own clothes. Jeez, bossy. I didn’t realise I was holding my breath the entire time. But then my eyes went to Jimin who had his back on me as he faced his closet. My eyes widened as he casually took off his towel. I had never bolted so fast in my life. I swore I heard him chuckle as soon as I stepped out of his closet.
I clutched my chest and I could hear my rapidly beating heart. God, Park Jimin is so not healthy for my lungs and brains and nerves or any other system in my body.
We arrived at the university just in time before class. I thought I was going to die from heart attack seeing how Jimin drove to make us arrive in time. I practically begged him to drop me first and he could enter a bit later but he just glared at me. I sunk lower in my seat as Jimin stepped out of the car and went to my side. I wasn’t ready for this.
I jumped when he pulled my door open. I looked up pleadingly at him but he just rolled his eyes in response.
“Come on, or we’ll really be late.” He warned, his hand extended out to me.
I could already see a few students stopping in their tracks, turning to look at us. Oh God. I feel like I wanna die. I shut my eyes closed tightly.
Suddenly I felt Jimin’s breath near my ears. “Come out now Hana, or I’ll call you baby as loud as I want in front of everyone,” he whispered. My eyes flung open immediately. I glared at him but he only smirked in response. God! He’s so annoying!
I took a deep breath before letting myself out, completely ignoring Jimin’s hands. I walked so fast but he was beside me within seconds.
Okay, Hana. Forget about this. The more you act unnatural, the more people were gonna suspect. I took another deep breath and started walking in a normal pace. Well, it’s not like I never walked with Jimin. I nodded at myself.
We were almost at the locker and I spotted Ah Young immediately. I was about to dash towards her when suddenly I felt Jimin lacing his fingers with mine. My eyes were about to bulge out of its socket and I turned to look at Jimin instantly. He smiled sweetly at me in response. Oh my God, Park fucking Jimin. I swore I’m gonna kill him. I knew he knew that I was boiling inside!
I tried to pull my hands away only for him to tighten his grip. Lord, save me from the embarrassment please! I awkwardly walked towards Ah Young whose jaw was practically on the floor now as I kept on trying to yank my hand away from Jimin’s grip.
I suddenly felt aware of all the eyes on us, on me. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Jungkook who was staring sharply at us. Oh fuck. Then I found my gaze torn towards Yoo Nara who was standing near Jimin’s locker. She was FUMING at us. Double fuck.
As soon as we arrived at my locker, Jimin leaned down to whisper at my ears, “See you later.” His lips brushing ever so slightly with my ears, as if he was kissing it and I shuddered. And with that, he headed off to his class. I let out a huge breath, finally being able to breathe.
I looked to my left and saw Ah Young in complete shock, her mouth still wide opened. “Oh my God, you and-“
I shot her a look. “Let’s not talk about it now.”
“Oh my-“ she said then she frowned, her eyes narrowed at me. “You’re wearing a different hoodie. I’ve never seen this hoodie before.”
Fuck. I froze in place. Then I pulled my coat tighter around me in hope to cover most of the hoodie. “Uh, I just bought it.”
She eyed me intently. Then she gasped. “Oh my God, did you spend the night with him?” She almost half shriek and immediately my hands went towards her mouth. She then realised her fault for being too loud so she held her head down, her face wearing the guilty expression.
I glared at her before closing my locker door and turning on my heels. She was beside me instantly. There was a few moments of silence before she dropped another bomb.
“Have you guys had sex already?” she whispered.
The fuck? I gulped immediately. How does she even know? I swore Ah Young has extra antennas for shits like this. I must’ve looked like a deer caught in headlights because she gasped again.
“Oh. My. God.” She said, emphasising each words. “You did, didn’t you?”
“Stop it, Ah Young.” I glared at her. We were both now entering the lecture hall and immediately Jungkook caught my eyes. He was staring at me with an expression I couldn’t understand before he looked away.
“Tell. Me. Everything.”
I sighed in exasperation. “Later.” I said grudgingly and she exclaimed in response.
The day didn’t get any better. I felt like everywhere I go, there were eyes on me. Or was it just me being paranoid? Jimin has had several girlfriends before… doesn’t he? Or perhaps they were shocked that the invincible Kim Hana had fallen for Park Jimin and managed to become ‘just another girl’ in his long series of girls. I sighed.
“I think the entire school had turned into chaos.” Ah Young said as she glanced around.
So.. I guess I wasn’t being paranoid. We were at the school cafeteria and I had been forking my lunch with my head down because I forgot how much I despise gaining attention especially because of guys.
“I don’t know why’s everyone making a big deal out of it.”
“Well, one because you’re Kim Hana. Another is because he’s Park Jimin.”
I looked at her, deadpanned.
“Because you both are literally the opposite pole!”
Huh. That kind of made sense.
“Seriously, I think everyone probably knew about it by now. I mean like, you guys appeared holding hands-“
“It wasn’t my idea!”
“Anyway,” she cut me off. “I think Yoo Nara saw you guys. Heck, everyone saw! Even his annoyingly handsome group.”
I buried my face in my palms as I groaned. This wasn’t what I wanted.
“Don’t worry. Everyone’ll get over it in a few days.” She nodded encouragingly at me. “Or weeks,” she added.
I narrowed my eyes at her. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
I pestered Ah Young to finish lunch so early that now I still had a lot of time left before lunch break ended so I headed to the library to borrow a few Economics books I needed.
“Thanks.” I said to the librarian as I checked the books out.
I was too busy flipping the pages of the books that I didn’t see what’s coming in front of me.
“Oh!” I yelped as I felt someone hit my shoulder with a thud. My books flew to the floor. “I’m sorry!” However, when I looked up I wasn’t met with the sight I expected.
Yoo Nara was glaring at me. Did she perhaps purposefully bumped my shoulder? She glared at me for a few seconds before marching off angrily.
Whoa. What’s up with that?
I frowned as I bent down to pick up my books.
I heard someone whistling. “So, you’re dating that motherfucker now, huh?”
I looked up immediately and saw Jae was standing right infront of me.
“Go away, Jae.” I said and attempted to walk past him but he blocked my path. I glared at him.
“You know, he’s not really what he appeared to be.”
“And how does he appear to be?” I asked impatiently.
He shrugged lazily. “Just can’t believe you’re into bastards like that.” He stepped closer to me. “What, am I not bad enough for you?”
I was starting to feel annoyed now. “Move away Jae.” I warned.
“You do know he’s one hell of a playboy right? He had probably fucked half of the college girls already.”
I flinched.
“He’s gonna dump you soon anyway so I had no idea why you’re wasting your time.”
“Hana!” I’ve never spun so fast hearing my name being called. It was Jungkook who called from a few metres behind me. “You okay?” He half shouted. His head slightly tilted to look at Jae in front of me.
“Yeah,” I said to him and turned back around to face Jae. He was glaring at Jungkook. He scoffed before turning on his heels.
I frowned slightly. That was easy. Was it because of Jungkook?
“Hey Hana.” Jungkook had now caught up beside me.
“Hey.” I smiled at him.
“You’re heading to your locker?”
I nodded.
He grinned. “Me too. Let’s go together then.”
When we reached the locker though, I had no idea why but my eyes were so quick to get locked with another pair of delicate eyes. Jimin was staring at me across the hall, frowning slightly when his eyes rested at Jungkook.
Apparently Jungkook had caught the lasers Jimin sent. He bid me goodbye immediately. “See you at the cafe later.” He said.
I smiled apologetically at him. I turned around to face my locker and jumped seconds later when someone closed my locker door harshly.
“Jimin!” I glared at him and reopened my locker door.
He had his back leaned against the locker next to me.
“Can you just quit your parttime job?”
I rolled my eyes. “He’s just a friend, Jimin.”
He scoffed but didn’t comment further. “You’re done for today?”
I nodded.
“Where are you going?” He asked when he saw me turn.
“My part time job!” I said and waved him goodbye.
“Look, it’s the loverboy!” The boys shouted as soon as I slouched myself on the couch at the usual hangout place.
Hoseok hyung went to sit beside me, a bag of chips on his hands. “Jimin ah.” He called, face serious.
I looked at him expectantly.
“Hyung is happy for you and Hana..”
When he didn’t continue, I asked, “But..?”
“But what about Yoo Nara though?”
I frowned and just shook my head. Not something that I want to discuss now.
“You know you’re gonna have to tell Hana soon, right?”
I didn’t reply after that.
Link to Chapter 16
Posted on 200811 20:41
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hisgirlwonder · 6 years
One Shot - Undeniable
Length: 4.3k words Warning: Smut, smut, smut and a little humiliation so don’t read if you don’t like either :’) Synopsis: With the breakdown of his relationship, Michael realises you and him are endgame. You think you’re the only one who is struggling but you come to learn this isn’t true. He falters under the pressure and gives in, unable to keep himself away from you any longer. Notes: Trying to write this was pretty hard. I think it’s because of the undertones of Y/N and Michael having feelings for each other and I’m struggling a little atm. Sentences in Italics are thoughts that Y/N has. I drew inspiration from a video I saw, wanting to put my own twist on it. (Sorryyyyy if this is awful because like I said I struggled.)
Michael is sat on his toilet, pretending to go to the bathroom but he’s sending you a message. He needs to see you. He doesn’t give an explanation, just to come over now. He knew you wouldn’t be doing anything and he also knew you’d jump no questions asked.
“What am I doing?” You say to yourself.
Nostalgia hits hard as your eyes peruse over your surroundings which is quickly switched to a feeling of foolishness to even entertain the idea of diving headfirst back into the pool of memories that you were once drowning in. Common sense was outweighed by your longing for him, your Michael. The one who pulled you in like you were the moth and he was the flame.
You feel a vibration coming from inside your jacket pocket and dive your hand in to retrieve your phone, digging amongst the tangled headphones and other random bits you’d collected. It was Michael telling you how excited he was for tonight and, like a lovesick puppy, you jump straight into sending a response without taking even a moment to breathe. You’re halfway through replying when your concentration is broken; interrupted by the sound of a door slamming and someone yelling.
Naturally, it catches you off guard causing you to jump at the sudden outburst of noise. As you look up to inspect where the commotion is coming from, you see a woman leaving Michael’s apartment and headed in your general direction. She storms past and out the front door, without even so much as a break in her eye contact.
Shaking off the interference, you discard the half-written message before putting your phone away and begin to gingerly walk towards your destination. Every limb attached to your body is trembling and your knees feel as if they want to give way.
It’s only Michael. He messaged you, remember? You have the upper hand.
You arrive at the door of apartment number five – this always amused you because five was your lucky number and it became a personal joke between the two of you as if Michael was a good luck charm. You bring your knuckles upwards to rest them on the wood, feeling the need to give yourself a pep talk.
You’re Y/N. You’re a strong, independent woman, who doesn’t need a man. Sure, he’s your kryptonite but he’s still that; a man.
There it is. Your favourite smile on your favourite face. The only face you subconsciously look for in a crowd. There are his lips, those perfect lips, slightly ajar with the grin at your arrival. You’re trying not to stare at the hand holding the door open but your mind has other plans; a forced visualisation of the past, with that same hand pressed around your throat.
“There you are,” he says, like you’re his child and he’s found you in a game of hide and seek.
“Here I am,” you remark, ducking under his arm and headed into the living room.
You undo your jacket nervously before you shrug it off and throw it over the chair closest to you.  “So who was that leaving your apartment? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, Michael Langdon.”
“Nobody that important. One moment we were dating and now we’re not,” he answers in a nonchalant tone as he’s closing the door. He cuts the conversation to something else, admitting he’s surprised you said yes after all this time but pleased nevertheless.
“Since when have I ever had a choice when it comes to you?” You remind him as you’re simpering.
Your eyes lock onto his and you could swear the temperature rose by ten degrees in that moment.  There’s a brief pause before Michael can’t resist any longer; his hands grab at you and his mouth is all over your neck like a rash. In between heavy breaths over your skin he confesses, “You’re so fucking hot. I swear you’ve gotten hotter since we last saw each other.”
“Michael,” you hit against his chest, “How about you make me a drink and we get reacquainted first?”
Embarrassed, his face falls into his hands and he tries to speak, tone muffled as the sound is trying to break through the cracks between his fingers, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Old habits die hard.” He runs them down his face, positioning them on his cheeks and looking up at you. “Vodka and orange?”
You smiled, “You remembered?”
He winks, “Of course I did, I’ll be right back.”
You scan the living room and take it all in, soaking up the ambience. If you said you didn’t miss this you’d be lying because not only did you miss Michael but you missed everything he stood for; his love of art, his adoration of music, his appreciation of good food and alcohol. Even the smell of his old books held a place in your heart. Many Sunday mornings were spent sitting on his lap in one of his shirts, sipping French coffee, and the two of you would take turns reading to the other.
Never one to shy away from your own curiousity, you pore through the framed photos on a shelf of the bookcase in the corner of the room. Your eyes and hands both gravitate towards one in particular – it’s a photograph of him and the woman who just left his apartment. You yell out to Michael, “Why the breakup?”
You assumed he was still in the kitchen and didn’t hear what you said but it turns out he’d snuck up behind you as he popped out of nowhere with the drinks in hand, holding one out for you to grab.  “Our aspirations in life were different. She wanted to have children and, well, I..”
A hand of yours takes the glass as you thank him kindly and take the first sip. The taste brings you back to the first time you tried one of these – It was a week or two after you started seeing each other and Michael asked if you wanted a screwdriver but of course you didn’t know what this meant so you stupidly asked what tools had to do with anything. You remember the twinkle in his eye when he stroked your face and told you that you were precious preceding a low laugh erupting and an explanation.
Before he can get the rest of his sentence out you finish it instead, “You wanted other things? To experience life?”
Michael salutes you, admitting you know him too well. You proudly agree with what he’s saying and asking how you could ever forget.
Your eyes flick to the photograph in question and you request to turn it around because you didn’t want to feel the eyes of the person he’d been fucking upon the two of you. He laughs at your bluntness and reminds you that you don’t need to ask and you’re a big girl who allowed to do whatever they want.
Your legs are still a little restless so you sit on his couch and he follows suit, sitting on his favourite chair. Your feet tap against the wooden floor and Michael notices you’re uneasy, asking, “Is something wrong?”
The thoughts, the ones you’ve held down for months, have started to emerge and are fighting their way up from the pit of your belly. You’d kept them at bay but this night was bringing everything, good and bad, up to the surface. You throw back the last of your drink for Dutch courage and blurt it out. “Michael Langdon, why did you call things off?”
Michaels pupils are locked on the glass in his grip – hand moves in circles and the fluid inside is swirling around. He consumes the rest of his drink then places now empty glass beside yours.
“I guess I wanted more than what we had going on. Something more sustainable, something more solid. That’s when I got together with her, fairly soon after we stopped seeing each other. Probably too soon. The whole dynamic between her and I ended up becoming like oil and water.”
Michael pauses the confession and he digs his front teeth into his bottom lip in mild discomfort. This was the first time you two had really spoken in what felt like forever. “I realised that I needed someone who complimented me.”
“And that’s when you tried to shoot your shot with me?”
His sight is stuck on you and he’s smirking, “You always were one for being straight to the point, weren’t you?”
“There’s no need for bullshit when you can just get right to the point.”
“Look, is it wrong of me to say I wanted the company of someone who was the opposite of her? And before you ask, I haven’t told you her name because I don’t want you associating it with a bad memory. This night is about us and not me and my ex-girlfriend, can we please talk about something else?
It dawns on you that he’d never said “we” or “us” with anyone else he’d ever been with besides you. You smile to yourself at the realisation and switch topics. “Sure. How about you? What have you been doing, besides sticking your dick in crazy?”
Michael welcomes the change in topic, his tone becoming more confident and proud as he speaks, “Well, I transitioned from my last job into my own business. It wasn’t easy but I did it. It’s a robotics company and we develop all sorts of things.”
“Sex robots included, Mr Langdon?” You tease, wanting to push him to breaking point. If Michael hadn’t finished his drink before now he’d probably be choking on it at what you just asked.
He half smiles and explains, “Actually, yeah we do. We create all sorts of things but the market has been unreal for sex robots. They’re so lifelike; it almost makes human contact obsolete.”
The teasing continues but this time it’s more obvious, “Oh please, Michael Langdon, you know a robot can’t compare to the warmth of someone else.” The inhibitions you possessed as you first walked through the door are fading away fast from the pairing of alcohol on an empty stomach and the intense cravings flowing through you. Him talking about sex robots (which you only mentioned as a joke) led to your mind being flooded with images of Michael fucking one and it left you feeling weak, fire beginning to burn between your legs, and you’re unable to resist any longer.
You think fuck it and rest your hand on his thigh, stroking slowly as you remind him, “We all need to touch another human being from time to time and anyone who says otherwise is lying.”
Michael is staying quiet but his face says it all. His cheeks become tinged with a pinkish hue and his Adam’s apple quivering as he gulps down a mouthful of the sexual tension in the room.
In that moment it’s like it’s the first time all over again; not just with you but with any girl. His fingers, his hands, his whole body is screaming to feel you again. His usual boldness is replaced with meekness, and he’s holding back and waiting for something, anything, to happen. He’s praying it comes soon because he’s dying inside being in the same room as you as not being able to do anything but burn holes into your flesh from his stares.
And it does.
Role play was a big part for the pair of you – you both loved experimenting, getting out of your comfort zone, being really fucking dirty and disgusting. You thought why not and followed with your gut, wanting to see if he still had it in him.
“Anyway, besides sex robots and exes, do you like my dress?” You lift the fabric of your sundress off of your thigh to expose your legs while trying to make it seem like you gave a shit about his opinion on what you were wearing right that second.
Michael moves to sit beside you and it seems he’s gained his confidence back as his fingers are now pushing the hair off your shoulder and he’s running his nose up over your cheek while purring in delight, “It’s a very pretty dress for a very pretty girl.”
Your voice softens, becoming more delicate, and you begin to play with him. “I bought it especially for this occasion, actually. You don’t think it’s too short? Too slutty?”
Between kisses across your jawline, he tells you not at all. You ask if it was even a little bit naughty and he shrugs, telling you he’s not really sure. The only thing he cared about in that moment was the dress off your body and on his bedroom floor. Your voice transforms into that of a defiant child. “Well, I do. I don’t think I should be allowed to go out.”
An invisible lightbulb flicks on and Michael figures out where things are headed like he’s about to take a trip along a path he’s been down many times before. He jumps to his feet to look down upon you like he was a parent and you were misbehaving. An arm flies up and its hand points in the direction of his room, “You need to go to your room and change. Get out of this dress and into something more respectable.”
“Fuck you. I’m not a child anymore!”
“This is my house and you don’t answer back. You’ll obey my rules as long as you’re under it.”
You push up from your seat to leave and he grabs onto your hips, pulling you back in like you’re his prey and holding tight so you’re unable to move. You know that fighting this is futile, not that you’d want to, and that becomes even more apparent when his forearm hooks around your torso, locking you in place. A knee pushes your legs apart from behind and the hand attached to the arm around your waist is now in your underwear.
He’d forgotten how it felt – to have someone completely under his thumb, leaving their body for him to take and use how he saw fit. The switch was flicked, sending him into a frenzy and he begins groping your chest like a feral animal. Fingertips of his starved hands latch onto one of your very hard nipples. You’re biting back the want to moan and instead you swear fuck you like it wasn’t what you’d been doing to yourself, night after night, to try and recreate him in your bed. Michael taught you how to orgasm from nipple play alone but unfortunately, you never were able to quite get yourself there.
He’s scoffing at the profanity that rolls off your tongue then follows it by asserting his dominance. The shy, unsure boy who was in this room was gone and the cocky, power-hungry man you knew and adored had reappeared. He’s pinching tighter and tormenting you, “Fuck me? You’re saying fuck me, little girl?”
Small mewls build in your body and escape your lungs from both physical pain and anguish of your need for him; to be pounded into submission and tainted with his seed.
His fingers without effort are turning you into a delirious mess as they traverse the length of your slit repeatedly and only stop for a break when arriving at your clit - rubbing lightly enough to awaken your precious bud and cause a jump in the arousal you’re experiencing.
You’re trying to hold it under the surface but your guard isn’t completely up and a moan slips out, letting Michael hearing you’re enjoying yourself too much. He stops what he’s doing and you fuss, urging him to continue, only your noises fall on deaf ears because he wants them – he wants to make you beg and plead like the cock-hungry little girl of his that you are and have always been.
His hand disappears from your underwear and up to your face to rub slick over your lips and make you taste your shame; like a bitch in heat, wanting to fuck its own master.
Those blue eyes are fixated on you wallowing in your urges. He exaggerates a sigh, “Naughty girls shouldn’t answer back to their daddies.”
Michael uses the same hand to grab at your cheeks that he rubbed against your mouth, your scent filling your nostrils as he’s pushing his fingers into your cheeks. The smell of your own arousal turned you on and he knew it. “Do you act like this at school? Do you let the boys touch you?”
His grip on your face drops and he waits for a reply. You give him one, but it’s not what a good little girl would. You snidely remark like an unpunished brat, “What’s it to you?”
There’s a very hard slap one of your cheeks and you’re left with the old familiar sting. You cry out like a child, “Just wait until mommy hears what you’ve been doing to me,” before running to his bedroom, pretending to hold the door shut. “Mommy will be mad at you, daddy!”
Michael’s on the other side of the door acting as if it’s locked and banging on the barrier between the two of you. “Your mother won’t be doing anything, Y/N. You just wait until I get my hands on you.”
You’re playing as if you’re scared and run to hide by the other side of his bed. As you get comfy he bursts into the room and heads straight for the bedside cabinet to pull out what appears to be purple ties. The door slams shut and Michael searches the room for your body, growling for you to come over to him. You present him with a refusal towards the demand but you’re met with an affirmation that you have no choice while he’s walking over to you. A hand reaches to snatch you up and pull at your long hair, throwing you up onto the bed. You move with him, landing on your stomach over the edge with your feet on the floor.
Michael has you sandwiched between his legs and those strong hands force your arms behind your back. You feel him bind your wrists so you wiggle around in a phoney attempt to escape and invoke an even more dominant reaction – those same hands that would usually stroke you like a kitten now push your face into the bed and Michael is mocking your “attempt” at escaping.
He pushes off of the bedroom furniture and finds his feet, steadying himself before lifting up your dress and rip off your underwear in a fury. You’re unable to see anything except the head of the bed but the next thing you hear is a “woosh” and then a “crack” hitting your ears, presumably from Michael removing his belt and trying to taunt you with it.
“I suggest you bite down on something because I’m going to make you cry.”
Multiple times the leather band meets your skin, each harder than the last, and you could swear he’s broken the epidermis with the punishment he was inflicting on your body. You start to plead with him, pretending to cry and struggle.
He stops the assault on your ass much to your dismay and the feeling is replaced with his fingers, lightly strumming against your exposed cunt, this action making you actually plead. He continues to push you further and further into desperation before finally dipping his fingers inside your swollen pussy. Michael, unlike any other man you’ve been with, reaches every spot and make you drunk on pleasure.
He purrs, “Be a good girl and apologise for daddy and he’ll fill you with his cock.”
Your ability to speak fails you while he’s still fucking you with his slender fingers, rendering you useless and unable to string together any kind of coherent message.
“I don’t hear you apologising, does this mean you don’t want to get fucked?”
A gasp leaves your lips as he pulls out, moving to grip strategically around the thick of your thighs and draw you backwards into his face. Kisses are laid all over the valley in your flesh and he’s navigating the way to your sweet spot. Upon arrival, his spit-laden tongue firstly rims at the opening before diving in and feasting on you like he was famished and you were the first hot meal he’d seen in weeks. The way he devoured your plump ass made it known why such an act was a sin.
It becomes too much and you’re trying to apologise, crying out, “I’m sorry, please fuck me, I beg you.” Michael won’t take your apology, pushing you further. He taunts you, sneering like you’re a pawn in his own game, “Tell me why I should fuck you and I might consider it.”
A wad of spit drips the crack of your ass and his tongue is lapping the length like he was a dog on a hot day in summer. You arch and try to push back into his mouth, exclaiming, “Because nobody fucks me like you, Michael!”
He finally thinks you’ve had enough and wants to bring you relief, untying you from the restraints. Once free, you waste no time in pulling him in for a very wet and equally passionate kiss.
“You always were a dirty girl, weren’t you?”
“The dirtiest, if I recall.”
You undress quickly, not wanting to fall from the high you were experiencing, and Michael does the same. His eyes are glued to your body trying to make up for lost time.
Michael draws you in and with a mouth lingering near your ear, he starts to unravel and bare it all, “I tried to get you out of my mind, all those months, but I couldn’t.” His grip around your locks grows tighter, pulling at them harder, “All I could see was your face. All I could smell was your perfume and all I could taste was your sweetness.”
It was apparent that he, too, was homesick since the day the two of you last saw each other or spoke.
The two of you lock lips again and you fall back onto the bed. He sinks down to position himself at his favourite spot, his tongue lathering the entirety of your mound with a wetness. Usually, you’d enjoy this greatly but right now you needed him inside you.
“Michael,” you whine, “I need you.”
He moves from between your legs, his eyes watching you as he leaves a trail of kisses up your body until he reaches your neck.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what, silly?”
“For this.”
He positions himself in the chasm of your thighs, pulling you hungrily into him. He’s gentle as he enters, then picks up the pace, thrusting mercilessly. You’re overcome with lust, taking every ounce of his frustration. It was as if he was trying to get twelve months of being away into one lustful night. The heat in that room was sweltering and the two of you were on fire; every pound of flesh between the two of you was alight with the thirst for the other.
Michael is your drug of choice from which you’d spent all those months trying to get clean. Until tonight. Tonight you relapsed but didn’t care. Tonight you willing loaded the needle and injected him into your veins.
With every thrust, you grew closer, and closer, and closer. Flashback to the moments when you were a teen again, wading in the water at the beach waiting for a wave to knock you over. Your eyes staring into the distance and you spot one. It gets bigger and bigger on its way towards you until it finally hits; knocking you over and drenching you entirely.
Twelve long months of unsatisfactory fucks and longing had finally exploded within you. Your hunger was sated, for the time being.
That familiar sound, the one you make when he sends you to heaven only for you to come crashing back to earth, throws him over the edge and he lets it all go. Pouring himself inside you, filling you with more of his seed than you can contain, overflowing from your cunt and spilling out between your legs. He gets between your thighs, lapping up the evidence of his undoing with great enjoyment, moaning with every morsel he’d consume before returning up to be by your side.
You gasp, “Fuck you, Michael Langdon.”
“But you just fucked me? Or rather, I fucked you?”
You perch yourself up on a bent arm, your elbow holding your weight, explaining, “No, fuck you for making me miss that all this time.”
He laughs, pushing the stray hairs behind your ear, “You aren’t the only one who missed it, you know. It wasn’t a lie when I told you those things earlier.”
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” You smirk.
He rolls his eyes but his mouth is locked tight. He wasn’t really ever one for exposing himself unnecessarily.
“Apparently, in a drunken state, I admitted… some things to her.”
You hit the bed in enjoyment, mentally giddy in his embarrassment, “Oooh, what did you say?”
He’s tousling his hair with a free hand, trying to play it cool, “Something about how I missed you. Well, I didn’t say Y/N, but I did say my little girl, and then it turned into a shit storm when she made me explain. She realised she couldn’t get past it and that was that.”
You jibe, half truthful, “I guess a woman is no match for his little girl when it comes to daddy.”
Michael looks at you, eyes full of that same twinkle the night you met and a smile he couldn’t hide even if he tried, “I guess not.”
Taglist: @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @sensitivethot @sammythankyou @sevenwondr @langdonsdemon
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genesisarclite · 6 years
So, this started as “the heater broke in TF29 in the dead of winter and Aria is cold and Adam is going to fix that” and ended up as 4,600 words of cuddling, Adam completely falling apart, and apparently these two deciding to get more intimate than originally planned, so... yeah. That just happened.
Uh. Anyway. Not a lot of editing and only took me a few hours to write up, but I’m actually pretty happy with it. Aria knows what she wants.
I partly blame @trulycertain for this self-indulgent, stupidly romantic, fluffy, painful nonsense.
The depths of winter in Prague were warmer than Detroit, but still nipped a little painfully at any exposed natural or synthetic skin as Adam crossed the city center toward Praha Dovos. A particularly deep and unusual chill had fallen this evening, with speculation being that it had been brought on by climate change, and anyone on the streets was dressed in heavy clothes. There weren't many people to begin with, though he saw some in the shops as he passed. The cold snap had sent every living thing scurrying for any semblance of cover and warmth.
It was early in the morning, the sun just rising, turning the sky a blaze of color – mostly gold and pink, but with a deep, blue-tinted gray that told him more snow was incoming. A dry, powdery layer had already fallen over the past few days, and it was unusually deep, gathering into drifts around buildings and needing to be swept off entryways and sidewalks. Where the sun had warmed it before the chill left patches of glare ice that caused the unwary to skid whenever they found it, and he had heard more than one exclamation of surprise during his trek here.
His augs ran warmer than the average person, clocking his average body temperature at over a hundred, which meant he felt the cold more than he would normally and folded his arms tight against his chest. It was such a dry, unpleasant cold that was nothing like the humid air and deep, wet snows of Detroit’s winters.
Naked tree branches rattled when a breeze swept down the street, pouncing right through his coat to bite savagely at the skin and synthetic muscle below. Unpleasant, indeed.
Praha Dovos was dimly lit, too early in the morning to be open proper, so he went into the side corridor and forced open the window. It was warmer inside, flooding his body with much-needed heat; he closed and locked the window behind him, glanced at the gated front door, and continued to the back room. He could hear the ventilation rattling – the heater dutifully churned away, piping air from the little furnace that was just enough to warm this shop. TF29 had its own furnace, a much larger one, that kept the temperature a pleasant, if dry, seventy-two degrees.
He swiped his keycard over the reader and began the rickety descent into the underground. It was Saturday, and all he had to do was wrap up some work, then he could go back home and crawl back into bed. His body felt tired and ached for sleep, and after weeks of feeling as though he ran at breakneck speed, it was nice to be able to slow down, relax, and sleep most of it off without fear of begin dragged in for no reason.
But as the lift continued down, he realized the air grew colder rather than warmer; it crawled into his bones, making him fold his arms again and squeeze the biceps with both hands.
When the lift finally stopped, he saw his breath faintly in the air, and most of TF29 was dark. There were only supposed to be a couple dozen people here today, either wrapping up like him or working on long projects, and he saw none of them in the central area. The televisions were off, and the ventilation system directed a lazy breath of icy-cold air directly at him, sending a shiver down his spine.
In the dead of winter, the air conditioning was on?
Bemused, Adam stepped away from the lift, the doors snapping shut behind him. Eventually, he realized that most of the agents were in the briefing room, all done up in winter clothes and looking unhappy. When he glanced in the infirmary, he saw Jennifer Phillips working in a puffed jacket and latex gloves, her breath also visible. Being the first friendly face he saw, he decided to try asking her first.
She looked up the instant the door opened. “Oh, hey, Adam,” she said, offering him a smile. “Questions ‘bout the chill?”
“Yeah, actually.” It was a little warmer here, but not by much. “What gives, doc?”
“You’ll love this.” She half-smiled. “Climate control broke.”
He blinked. “You’re kidding.”
“You had the same reaction Miller had, poor man. Took one look in here, and I sent him out because he looked colder than an ice cube in Norway. Lad’s still recoverin’, gotta give him a break, because he won’t take it himself, I tell you. But, aye, we’re all just kind of suckin’ it up until the HVAC guys get here.”
“And... when is that gonna be?”
Jennifer raised both eyebrows. “Wanna take a wild guess?”
Both of his own eyebrows went down. “I’m guessing I don’t really want to know.”
“Exactly. So, my suggestion is wrap up what you can and scram. It’s forty-five degrees near the thermostat, but we all suspect it’s colder. Nobody’s comfortable, but not many of us can leave yet.”
“Who all is here? Do you know?”
“Well...” She tilted her head. “I chased Miller out, Delara’s locked herself in her office... MacReady is here, somewhere. Probably sulking at his desk and complainin’ about the cold.” She tipped her head the other way, bobbed it a moment, and shrugged one shoulder. “I know Smiley’s here, dressed in two lab coats. Aria’s... somewhere. Said she had to wait on somethin’ and went to find someplace warm.”
At the mention of her name, he felt the corner of his mouth quirk, momentarily betraying him. “Alright. Guess I’ll get my papers done and get out before it gets too late.”
“Ah... Adam, actually, can you see if you can find Aria? She won’t leave.”
Noting the concern in her tone, he studied her a moment. “Is there something I should know, doc?”
“There’s a reason I’m askin’.” Jennifer looked him in the eye. “She’s sick.”
“I see. And I can’t get sick, is that right?”
“Exactly that. Can you find her and send her home? I know she’s still here.”
For a moment, he let his mind wander to the now-ex-quartermaster, with her large brown eyes and pretty smile, and felt the familiar twinge of concern. Here, she had been the first person to show him real kindness, and he had developed a sort of friendship with her in turn – quiet, and a little distant still, but he liked her, and knew she liked him, and still didn’t know what to do with that information.
It figured she would come to work even when she was sick. Only if she couldn’t stand up would she stay in bed. He could tell just from her behavior on the day-to-day.
“I’ll look,” he assured her. “She probably tried to find somewhere warm.”
“Check with Smiley. I think he was the last person who saw her. She had to talk to him and all.”
“Thanks,” he said, and left the infirmary, crossing the central atrium to Forensics. Not to his surprise, he found Smiley there, piled under three lab coats and a scarf carefully tucked out of the way, still buzzing about as though everything were perfectly normal instead of near-freezing.
“Hey, Adam! Fancy you showing up today! Isn’t the weather fantastic?”
A pause, then, “Weather?”
“You know.” Smiley threw him a slightly unnerving grin. “It’s freezing outside and cold in here! It’s great!”
“Right.” He shook his head. “Have you seen Aria? Doc said you might know where she is.”
The look Smiley gave him held a tinge of suspicion; he tugged his glasses off and scrutinized Adam for a long enough time that he started to feel uncomfortable. If he hadn’t already been cold from the air conditioning, he would have been chilled to the bone by the look Smiley gave him now. “Why do you want to know, hmm?”
Adam scowled at him, not liking the accusatory tone. “Phillips said she’s sick and to find her. We need to try to get her to go home before she gets worse.”
“Uh-huh, and is that the whole reason you want–”
The other man closed his mouth mid-sentence and turned his back, waving a hand. “Look, I tried to get her to leave, but she wouldn’t budge, so here we are, okay? I even offered some lab coats to keep her warm, but she didn’t look happy with that and just up and left. Said she was going to start some paperwork and wait it out, and that she was going somewhere warm. The warmest place here is the server room, but she doesn’t have a keycard.”
The server room made sense – all those computers, hard drives, and solid-state drives, crammed together, cranking out heat like it could prevent an ice age. “I’ll check just in case.”
“Adam, she doesn’t–”
“Thanks, Smiley, you’ve been helpful.”
The blond gave him an exasperated glance. “Yeah, sure. Go on, then.”
Barely keeping the annoyed expression off his face, he left Forensics and went upstairs, finding it a little warmer, but not by much, as he ascended. There was more than one way into the server room, after all, and if Aria was half as intelligent as he took her for, she had found the one that used the cramped, decrepit ventilation shafts – something that was supposed to have been boarded up, the shafts replaced with smaller piping and the room-sized gaps filled, but Miller simply hadn’t gotten around to it, and it was an easy enough avenue.
With some difficulty, he navigated scaffolding, having to crawl through on his belly more than once, squeezed through one of the vents, and dropped through the ceiling of the alcove beside the main servers. It was just high enough for him to crouch-walk through, allowing him to drop to the floor and look around.
Beneath the din of whirring fans, he spotted a shape huddled in the corner, the cart of tools and boxed parts pushed aside to make room. With her arms around her knees and face in her arms, Aria didn’t look anything like the picture of warmth and strength she usually exuded.
Immediately, he felt the tension in his body fade, and, cold forgotten, he crossed the room to her as lightly as he could and lowered himself to one knee beside her. “Aria? Hey, you awake?”
She lifted her face, and it was pale, her eyes reddish, the circles under them darker than ever. Though it hurt to see her like that, she was still beautiful, her eyes meeting his and that soft smile touching her lips. “Hey, Adam, did Phillips send you after me? She did, didn’t she?”
“She said you were sick and you weren't leaving,” he said, keeping his voice soft. It felt blasphemous, somehow, to break the peace below the sounds of the servers.. “Can you move?”
The smile faded. “No.”
His brow knitted. “Too much pain?”
A long pause followed his words before her eyes closed, and her head bowed forward. “It hurts,” she murmured, voice slightly muffled by her arms. “Feels like needles everywhere.”
Only then did he pick up on the roughness in her voice and the hint of congested sinuses. It had been a long time since he had last been seriously ill, but he could still recall what it felt like, and sympathy flooded his heart. He reached out, slowly, his fingers brushing the back of her natural hand, only to find it icy cold to the touch. The moment he realized that, he closed that hand around hers, willing his warmth into her.
“Why didn’t you stay home?” He moved to sit beside her, back against the wall. It was a tight fit, but somehow, he knew she wouldn’t mind at all.
She moved, eliciting a soft squeak of pain, and he tightened his grip. “Stuff to do.”
“Aria, no,” he murmured. “You know better. Go home.”
“Too cold. Hurts too much.” Lifting her head again, she looked at him with groggy eyes. “Besides, I just need to wait for paperwork, and then I can go home. It takes about two hours, and then I have to...” She sniffed, then took a shaky breath, closing her eyes. “I can’t just leave, Adam. I’m sorry.”
“You can,” he persisted, “you’re just being...” The sensation of her hand shaking in his silenced his chastising; he closed his other hand around it, not knowing what to do. If it were anyone else, he would encourage them to get up, or go get someone to help... but with her, he instead felt some instinct prickling in the back of his mind, one that hadn’t been at the forefront for so long that he couldn’t quite recall it. “You’re freezing,” he said, and dropped the shields off his eyes.
“And you’re warm,” she muttered.
For a long moment, he just held her hand. Another, clearer instinct told him not to open the door any further – he simply couldn’t risk letting someone in, not now, not when he was vulnerable and fighting so hard to find the people responsible for everything that had befallen this world. Letting a friend get close now could risk them being hurt, and he himself wasn’t in the right place, in any way, so what good would it do to–
The second instinct silenced the first. Her skin was cold, a little callused, but the long-forgotten weight of a woman’s hand in his own was something he didn’t realize he had missed as much as he had. No. He hated seeing her like this, and even more, hated just sitting there when he could do something to help. If her body temperature would just rise enough for her to move, she could finish her work and be done.
More than anything, in a single, insane flash of realization, he just wanted to gather her up in his arms and hold her until the pain finally went away.
And he wasn’t sure whose pain he was thinking of.
“Come here,” he murmured, and withdrew his hand to take her far shoulder. He gave a gentle tug, which was enough to get her to turn toward him, but before he could do anything else, she climbed directly over his leg to settle between his thighs, back against his chest, arms and legs folded up against her body, head resting on his shoulder.
He immediately froze, thrown into a momentary state of mild panic at the alien feeling of her strong, shivering body against his. Heart beating a little too fast, he worked his tongue behind his teeth, regained control of himself, battled the instinct to bolt, and leaned slightly forward to shrug his coat off. The sudden kiss of cold air on his upper arms was very unpleasant, but he ignored it and slung the coat over her, easily covering her body and most of his, before wrapping both arms around her shoulders and holding her close against his chest.
“You’re like my own personal space heater that I can hug,” she whispered.
He realized he had begun to tense up and forced himself to relax, amused by her comment. “You can stay here until you’re warm enough to move. If that takes all of those two hours, so be it.”
She hummed softly and snuggled down into his chest, apparently completely heedless of the augs or anything else that could make her at all uncomfortable. Completely befuddled by her utter lack of concern, he just stared at her and the dark half-circles of her long lashes on her pale cheeks. As her breathing slowed and the shivering faded, he reached up with one hand, the backs of his fingers brushing her cheek. So cold, she was, but her skin was so soft.
That hand continued to move, stroking the curve of her jaw, moving to push some of the stray hairs out of her face, then cradling her head and letting his warmth seep into her.
She stirred, enough to readjust her arm, then went still again.
He held her for a good few minutes before slowly realizing she had fallen asleep in his arms, startling him enough that he considered shaking her awake, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Instead, he felt... mesmerized, struck by the reality of this woman being so trusting as to do this, despite knowing full well he was an Aug packed full of military-grade enhancements that made him a highly efficient warrior.
The arms that hid all manner of devices meant for death and destruction were instead holding her as though she were made of sugar glass, half-terrified that she would just dissipate if he moved an inch too far in any direction. He couldn’t fathom the idea of hurting her in any way.
The number of people who gave him vicious side-eyes, or savaged him with slurs that degraded him far below the level of human meant that he had come to expect that reaction. Those who didn’t behave in such a way were wary, and beyond that, the only arguably positive attention he got was that of a woman’s appreciative eye, sizing him up as though he were some product that needed purchasing. He had been hit on numerous times, both obviously and not, and he knew that Aria’s gaze was not platonic. He saw the way she searched his eyes, the sweet tinge in her smile, how she always had one to spare for him, and the warmth her worry always brought to his heart.
Reflexively, he tightened his arms around her. She was strong, too, once a Marine and always a Marine, as the saying went, but the twinge of a desire to protect her bled into him.
He wasn’t sure how long he held her, mind drifting away with the sound of the servers around him. Though he wasn’t at all groggy, he still felt the pull of sleep, perhaps lured in by the sensation of a woman in his arms. The shivering had long ago ceased completely, and between himself and the coat, the cold seemed to have been banished from her body, leaving her sleeping soundly against his chest, breathing slow and steady. As he looked down again, debating whether to wake her, he decided to check the time before doing anything further.
It had been an hour since he had walked in here.
He immediately swallowed the bubble of anxiety, and instead kept gazing down at her. An hour, spent in peaceful silence, with her, exactly the way it should be. Willingly, she had crawled into his arms, clung to him, and slept peacefully, without any disturbance and no hint of the pain he knew she felt with wakefulness.
“Aria. Hey.” As gently and quietly as he could manage, he said her name into her ear, having to lean down a little to do it, but when he got that close, he breathed in the scent of something cool and fresh – citrus, if he had to guess. She was sick, yet had still taken the time to make herself smell fine enough.
After a few moments, she stirred at last, shaking him out of his pleasant haze. “That time already?”
“It’s been about an hour.”
She lifted her head, blinking, only to let it fall to his shoulder again, only looking up at him this time. With the sleepy atmosphere, weight of his coat over both of them, and press of her body, he found the idea of leaving such an unpleasant one that the very thought made him just settle in more. “Do we have to?” she murmured, offering a slow blink and the faint twinge of a half-smile.
His right hand rose to very slowly stroke the backs of her fingers across her cheek. “Sooner or later.”
Again, she blinked, then said, “I’ve never seen your eyes before. Pretty.”
Now it was his turn to blink. “Sarif’s best work.”
“Well... there’s that, but...” With the slight rustle of fabric, she lifted her left hand to his cheek, and the feeling of her now-warm skin on his sent a jolt down his spine. Every nerve there tingled under her touch – the unfamiliar brush of a hand, the slow, gentle tracing of her fingers along his jaw. “They’re amazing. Beautiful, you know? Is that why nobody gets to see them, ever? Or is there some other reason?”
The brush of her fingers tangled all his rational thoughts up in a knot. The only thing that managed to wriggle free was please don’t stop. “It’s... uh... there’s another...” Losing control of his ability to speak really wasn’t like him at all, and it terrified him, but he couldn’t pull away. Didn’t want to.
“Are you hiding?” Her brow furrowed, eyes meeting his, and he had to struggle to keep himself grounded. “Why would you hide? Are you afraid of something?”
Only of you. He felt tremors traveling down his spine, and his lips prickled as his gaze drifted around her face. “It’s... it’s kind of complicated, so we’ll... go with... that.” Again, his tongue slipped, and the entire knot of his thoughts grabbed more as they drifted by, silencing the whirlwind constantly howling in his heart.
“Did someone hurt you?”
Not sure how to answer, he just looked at her, and knew his eyes betrayed his thoughts when her own filled with worry and looked a little shinier than usual. Her hand moved again, smoothing up his jaw, cooler than the rest of his body, but not too much so, and into his hair. When it slid down, onto the curve of his neck, he seized his knot of thoughts just in time to keep them from collapsing, but his heart was pounding, and he didn’t know why, he didn’t know, he didn’t want to know, but he couldn’t pull himself away, didn’t want to–
“You’re here, trying to save everybody, even the people who probably don’t deserve it,” she murmured, voice still slightly hoarse. “But who’s gonna save you, huh? Who takes care of you?”
Cracks appeared in the shell around the knot; he swallowed, wondering how they had gone from trying to warm her up and get her home to her prodding at parts of himself he tried to keep hidden. How did she see? How was it that she could look at him and see a thousand things he guarded behind steel walls and razor wire?
“I’m alright,” he said, but even to his own ears, he sounded pathetic.
To his relief, and a blast of disappointment, she nodded and lowered her gaze... but her hand stayed put, fingertips slowly kneading the muscle in his neck. With some effort, he regained control of his breathing, but the conflict of wanting to stay here and yet run for the nearest exit made it impossible to think.
“Adam, you’re trembling.”
He sucked in a breath. “Probably just cold, no thanks to you.”
“So, it’s my fault, huh?” A sparkle of mischief entered her eyes, but only for a moment. “So, don’t mind me asking, when’s the last time somebody did this with you? You know, just... sat with you?”
The words wouldn’t form right. “Aria... I just...”
“You’ve been hurt, badly, haven’t you? I’m... sorry, Adam, and I wish... I wish I could help you.” Her eyes left his, then returned, her hand moving back to his cheek. The memory of Zhao using this same technique on him came rushing back, but he knew, instinctively, this was different, and he knew from her behavior that only something warm waited behind her eyes, and that her words were exactly what they sounded like.
His gaze drifted to her lips, suddenly overcome with the desire to know what they felt like on his.
Shame burned like bile in his throat at the thought.
“You’re so beautiful, but you’re so sad,” she murmured, her voice so full of warmth and... and love that he struggled to contain the emotions rushing the fortress around his heart. “Always sad, and so far away. I wish I knew why you hurt. I wish I knew how to help you, but I can’t, can I?”
This time, her name toppled out of his mouth and broke apart in midair. There was no hiding any of this now, and no matter how much he wanted to, there was no denying the love in her voice, in her eyes, in her soft, sweet touch on his cheek, and he felt his throat constrict as something inside finally snapped.
Bending toward her, he stopped inches from her lips, letting her make the final decision, and she did, pulling him close and bringing their lips together. Heat spread over his body, flooding him with warmth and feeling, sending his thought spinning out and leaving a comfortable silence in their absence. Hugging her shoulders, not caring about her illness, heedless of his fear, he kept her close to him, kissing her lips, giving in, falling apart.
Her lips parted as she wound her fingers in his hair, still resting her shoulder against his chest, taking a deep breath through her nose before letting it out and sending it whisking over his skin. He took advantage of the change in position to deepen the kiss, tilting his head further, capturing her whole mouth with his, the pressure and heat of her lips making it impossible to form any rational thoughts, and he didn’t want to.
This wasn’t what he had come back here for. He didn’t want to let anyone in. He couldn’t. It was too dangerous. It scared him in a raw, primal way, and his body trembled, his heart hammering against his ribs, breathing ragged, but he wanted her, needed her, and it was dangerous, and he was going to get hurt, she was going to get hurt, but he loved her, quietly and simply and so very deeply, and he was so unbelievably scared.
Their lips separated with a soft sound, bringing him stumbling headlong back to the real world, his lips cold in her absence and his body still trembling faintly.
But then her lips moved to his cheek, kissing the arch of the bone there, the hollow beneath it, and he clung to her, not knowing what else to do.
“I’m here, anytime you need me, okay?” She whispered close to his ear, arms around his neck, inhaling a little when she moved – pain, if he had to guess – and snuggled down into his shoulder, letting him pull the coat a little tighter around them and wrapping his arms as tight around her as was safe. “It’s not much, but... hmm. I didn’t think you’d actually kiss me, but... I’m... I’m not complaining.”
Despite himself, he managed an amused chuckle at that. “Don’t get used to it,” he said, but lowered his face into her neck.
“Yeah? What do I have to do to get another one of these days?”
He closed his eyes. “Start by going home and resting.”
“Hard to do that when you’re hugging me, Adam,” she muttered, but he could hear the amusement in her voice. As the last of the tension and confused eased out of his body, he was left feeling as though he’d made some terrible error, but he still couldn’t bring himself to untangle his body from hers.
“Not like you have to go home now,” was his muttered response, lips grazing her neck and eliciting a slight, soft intake of breath from her. “Just... promise me you will.”
Resting her head in the curve of his neck, arms still around it, she whispered, “Promise.”
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houkuaichuii · 7 years
Fairy Tales
Okay, this took me a long time to write because I was still recovering from the heavy angst I wrote three weeks ago--- bUT ANYWAY!!
As the fifth theme to my 100 themes challenge, I dedicate this one to @capthawkeye for dealing with my shenanigans whenever I think of our beloved OTP and I’m just really grateful for her presence in this community. Bless!!!! She was also the person with whom I shared this theme’s idea with, after being inspired by Ed Sheeran’s Perfect, so!!!!!!
Also, another friendly reminder that I will be eternally grateful for Adi               ( @rvkiakuchiki ), considering how she’s had the role of being my beta for the past year and a half!!!! God knows the amount of mistakes in all of my fics if I didn’t have her, tbh. 
I hope you guys enjoy!
Can also be found on ff.net and AO3!
There was always something so exhilarating when it came to sneaking away from a crowd, laughing hand-in-hand with the person who always managed to make your heart skip a beat. And although it was a strange concept to apply to two full-grown adults, it was certainly nothing that they were shy of. With smiles that reached their eyes, their chests swelling with merriment, and hearts all but hidden from one another, a witness could have said that they were very well drunk on pure bliss.
The night was young and the pure essence of joy filled the air amongst the crowd. Drinks were served, the hired band played loudly, and words of congratulations and teasing remarks were endlessly thrown at the newly-wedded couple. It was, for a better part, an event to be forever remembered and reminisced. After all, when the notion of the marriage was announced months before, nobody who knew them was surprised.
Who would have been if they were to consider the past between the couple; the endless support that the woman had provided for the man throughout his journey?
It was a love story often expected from fairy tales, and yet everyone witnessed it grow for as long as they had known the former alchemist.
As laughter reached his ears, Edward Elric watched the guests with content from where he sat at the front. His golden eyes shifted from table to table, taking in the sight of those he called family with a small smile on his face. In that moment then, he had fallen into deep reverie, his thoughts quiet in his head. But at the sudden feel of warmth in his left hand, he was pulled out and his attention was immediately placed onto the wide, cerulean blues that had watched him so curiously.
“You okay there, Ed?” His wife asked, “Kind of zoned out for a bit.”
He replied with a grin, locking his fingers with hers as he admired the wedding band around a certain digit, “Yeah, just thinking.”
“Nothing in particular,” He answered truthfully, “Just thinking about how everything feels like a dream right now.” As his voice remained light-hearted alongside the smile that had seldom left, Winry came to an understanding and left it at that, all the while reflecting his expression.
It had been how they were since they stood before the officiant that late afternoon; just the two of them mirroring smiles and grins and the love in their eyes. The emotions were so raw that they were difficult to hide, but as it was their day (and every single day after that), Edward and Winry had no reason to do so.
They allowed all to see without a thought, and in return, they received cheers and comments about ‘lovebirds’ and ‘inspiring youth’.
Edward certainly showed quite a tint of red in the beginning; at least until it had hit him that Winry was his wife. The realisation was not exactly overwhelming, but it was still a realisation that caused him to feel a form of giddiness he had never felt before. It reached to the extent of him hugging her from behind whenever he could, and lifting her off the ground just to hear her squeals and the laughter that followed after.
It was strange to think of how he once denied his feelings when they were brought out to light, especially now that he was more than happy to show them off. Though he was young at the time, and his focus was really elsewhere. Besides, a certain question from the then-lieutenant came out unexpectedly and he hadn’t even given his friendship with his best friend much of a thought.
But now, at the age of eighteen, Edward Elric was quite the married man who could not have asked for anything better than the woman whose hand he held.
At the thought of the former lieutenant, however. . .
“Hey, Winry,” He started, turning his head back to the life of the party, “Have you seen the Captain?”
“You mean Miss Riza?” With the question, Winry followed his searching gaze.
“I saw her couple of minutes ago with the General, but I don’t see them now.” The new bride settled herself back into the backrest of her seat, confusion evident in the way she looked at her husband.
“With Mustang, huh?”
“I swear, sir, if you’re planning on doing something stupid---”
“Okay, first of all, it’s Roy tonight, Riza. We already talked about this; we’re off-duty, attending the wedding of a former comrade. There are no uniforms, no ranks,” Making his way up the hill as he tugged on the other’s hand, Roy flashed a charming grin, “Just us two: Roy and Riza. Like the old times!”
All the comment earned him was a roll of her eyes.
“And second of all, I promise it isn’t anything ‘stupid’,” Roy continued, “Have a little faith in me, Hawkeye.”
Soon enough, they were atop of the mound with a rather breathtaking view before them.
There were the lights at the far bottom of the hill, a crowd of people beneath. The two were not far off from the reception, just isolated enough to not catch anyone’s attention unless they were to look towards their direction. And with the full moon that had glowed brightly behind the translucent clouds of the night, nearly as bright as Winry’s face did during the ceremony, it was far from difficult for them to see each other.
They remained in the silence for the moment’s while, basking in the form of solitude found. But as time came to pass with the spring breeze blowing lightly, Riza stepped closer to the man and leaned into him.
In turn, he merely relaxed an arm around her shoulders and gladly shared his warmth.
They watched as tiny figures danced and conversed, and even chuckled at the sight of (who they presumed was) Havoc tripping on his way to the dance floor. Everything was peaceful, something they both wished to prolong. After all that had happened two years prior, the serenity was welcomed wholeheartedly; not a single doubt within their minds.
“It really takes you back, doesn’t it?” In a whisper, Roy spoke through the silence as he kept his attention to the landscape. He felt her nod against his shoulder, and it was enough to have him smiling as he walked through memory lane. “Reminds me of the time when we would sneak out to the hills behind your house.”
Riza chuckled, “You always were a bad influence.” She told him, freely at that, too.
With a dramatic gasp, Roy shifted his gaze onto her and raised his eyebrows in added effect, “Me? You were the one always dragging me out.”
“And who was the one who suggested the idea in the first place?” Riza looked up at him, amusement clearly written all over her features.
Then in comprehension that the rebellious act may have started with him, Roy took a pause as he suddenly felt quite sheepish.
“Exactly.” Was the response he heard due to his lack of a reply.
“Doesn’t change the fact that you had fun.” He muttered straight after.
Although in remembrance of the innocence that they both lived during what felt like a lifetime ago, Roy noted the music that reached them from below. He breathed in deeply, a thumb caressing the exposed skin of her shoulder as he recalled the nights far off from the past.
What they had done on those hills varied; from observing stars to simply talking, enjoying the company of one another. They were young and naïve, not a single line crossed in character of shyness and reticence. As much as others faithfully believed that the man was quite the charmer back then, Riza had known better.
In fact, their first kiss was something uneventful: just his chapped lips against hers under the lamppost.
He almost laughed at the sudden memory, mentally slapping himself for being so clumsy in the way he had handled it. But even so, the girl never brought it up afterwards, saving him from the embarrassment that he stupidly caused as a seventeen-year-old.
Pushing that thought aside, Roy moved back and away from Riza, who had simply graced him with a lost impression. Tendrils of blonde fell from her fascinating up-do, swept back by the zephyr that came by. His own slicked-back hair was ruffled in the process, once again revealing the unruliness of it all. But nevertheless, he gave her a boyish smile, a glint in his gaze as he held out his hand in an invitation for a dance.
“Really?” Riza asked.
“Really.” Roy answered.
All he received at first was a stare, consideration obviously running through her mind. He saw the hesitancy, the question as to whether it would have been right and proper of them. But Roy was Roy, and although he would have receded if it were any other occasion, he kept his stance and waited patiently.
Then after the release of a sigh, Riza slipped out of the heels she wore and allowed herself to relish the feel of the earth beneath her feet.
The man could barely hide the grin that broke out, caused by the excitement sent through his nerves. And just as the other took his hand into hers, he promptly pulled her close and revelled in the sound of her laughter as she nearly clashed into his chest, only to be steadied by his hold on the curves of her figure. He saw the wide smile that she was intent on keeping hidden from him; the kind that reached the corners of her eyes and showed her pearly whites, all the while deepening her smile lines. It was the kind that had left him in awe countless of times, his train of thought coming to an abrupt stop as all he could think of was how gorgeous she truly was.
How exquisite she effortlessly made herself to be.
Following the slow rhythm that played in the distance, Roy began to sway them from side to side. His hands were circled around her waist, and her arms had chosen to rest over his shoulders. There was a state of ease in the way she danced with him, her gaze never once leaving his. They lingered within the placidity; not a word spoken as they simply drowned themselves in the sound of music, and in the presence of each other. The quintessence of adoration enveloped them into unity.
With her between his arms, barefoot on the grass, perfection could not have made itself known any better. His heart swelled immensely, committing the moment to his memory alongside their secrets together.
He regarded her warmth through the fabric of her dress, all in contrast to the cold air of spring. There was the way her mouth curved upwards into that subtle smile of hers, the amber hues of her eyes reflecting the moon’s light as she sought for his tranquil thoughts.
It was how they were for who knew how long; just the two of them in their own world. It was as if they were living a chapter heard in fairy tales.
“So... Elric’s married.” Roy started as casually as he could, an act that they were just having another everyday conversation.
Riza then lifted a brow in wonder, but nodded nonetheless and said, “That he is.”
“He married his mechanic, who’s also a childhood friend of his.”
Riza nodded again.
“Someone who supported him and his brother until they reached their goal.”
As the woman eased her expression and softened her gaze, Roy watched her come to an understanding. He didn’t react, however, in conveyance that everything was an aspect of simplicity. But he knew that she comprehended what he was trying to say--- whatever it was--- and that he was waiting for her to play along with this game that he had set out.
Strangely enough, he hadn’t exactly known what it was himself, despite being the instigator of it all.
“Well, when you put it that way,” Riza said, “It does sound like their story came out of a romance novel.”
Roy laughed inwardly at the response, “Of course you would know that, considering the amount of times I’ve caught you reading those kinds of books,” Then dropping his voice to nothing more than a whisper, Roy continued with a teasing remark, “Tell me, Lieutenant, how often does a knight in shining armour swoop in to save a damsel-in-distress from the big, bad dragon?”
Without having to wait for a beat, Riza replied, “Not that often, actually. Truth be told, I’m not big on the romance/fantasy genre, so you’re just making assumptions at this point, sir.”
“Am I?”
“You are. You should know well by now that I’m not one for fairy tales.”
“I thought you of all people loved those kinds of stories,” Roy paused as he attempted to create a summary of the fantasies that he had heard numerous times before, “A courageous man taking up the stead to save a woman he loves, who then returns his feelings after his brave act, and they live happily ever after.”
“Yes, but they make it sound so easy when it’s really not--- like true love’s kiss. What, do they expect me to believe that every curse could be fixed with a single kiss, especially from a person whom they barely know?”
Sighing as he listened, Roy rested his forehead against Riza’s and closed his eyes, feeling the brush of her breath across his skin. “I suppose you’re right,” He said, “Fairy tales are entirely too fictional and fabricated for the dreams of children. It’s a wonder as to why you never believed in them.”
There was heavy silence afterwards.
“I never got the chance to.” He then heard her say.
Bearing the sudden seriousness in her character, Roy felt guilt creep into the corners of his mind and winced within as they stopped dancing. Once again, he spoke without thinking and even if she did not take it to heart, it was still an unnecessary comment. He gave himself the second mental slap of the night, cursing his stupid mouth as he always did whenever he knew that he had said something carelessly.
He moved back slightly, just enough to see the woman’s unreadable guise, and was just about to apologise when he felt her left-hand cup his face. She caressed his cheekbone with the pad of her thumb, leaving an invisible track that was nought but felt altogether. He found himself leaning into her touch, the apology in his eyes rather than said.
“If anything,” Riza began, “I almost believed in those stories when you came around.”
That took him by surprise.
Riza merely shrugged, “You made things little more bearable.”
“So… are you implying that I’m your prince charming?”
The woman chortled at that, lightening the weight Roy had in his chest moments ago, “Being my prince charming suggests that we have a love story.”
Roy gave her a deadpan stare, “We don’t have a love story?”
“Do we have a love story?” Riza returned.
At that, Roy grimaced and clutched the space as to where his heart would have been. “Ouch. Are you really planning on wounding my poor heart throughout the night?”
Mirth danced along his partner’s features, her most beloved smile making an appearance as if it were a gift. “I don’t know, haven’t decided yet, actually.”
Seeing as to how the flower bloomed, Roy stepped back into quietude, obviously admiring the beauty that his gaze beheld. He then took the hand against his cheek and brought her knuckles to his lips, before placing another kiss on her ring finger; lingering there for a while as the two simply looked at each other.
Nothing was said out loud, although so much was heard.
He may have been no prince charming or her knight in shining armour, and she was no damsel-in-distress for him to save. Their lives were far from being a fable of love and happiness, but if Roy Mustang was certain of one thing, it was that they were bound to reach their happy ending--- no matter how long it would have taken them to get there.
For now, he had her and that was enough for him to keep going. Everyone knew that he was willing to do so much more than to protect her from the beast, just as how she continued to do so day-by-day. Everything he had to offer was already given, and everything he received from her was kept wholeheartedly. There was nothing between them that required words of explanation.
So, screw the fantasies and fairy tales.
What was the point of being a prince and a damsel-in-distress, when he was the king and she was his queen?
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elletromil · 7 years
elle’s self rec list
So I figured out that with the billions of fic I have written for Kingsman I would do a little list of those that are dear to me and I think you should all read. (I could legit put everything on this list, but 138 completed fics is a bit much even for me)
Of Flowers, Thunderstorm and Tranquility - M, Hartwin, AU
The fresh snow crinkles satisfyingly under his feet as Harry slowly makes his rounds of his part of the Forest. He is seconds away from humming when a whimpering sound from a bush nearby gives him pause.
Harry carefully makes his way towards the sound, on his guard. He gasps in surprise when he parts the foliage. He doesn’t know what he expected, but one thing is certain, it wasn’t the unconscious Summer Child curled up around himself.
This is quite frankly the one I think of as my masterpiece. (though that will probably change when Red and I post the bang). It took me over a year to complete, but oh boy am I proud of the result.
I'm not calling you a ghost - G, Hartwin
He closes his eyes for a few seconds, before opening them again. Hun. Still there. He must be on the really good drugs.
In the chair besides his bed, Harry Hart is sitting reading what must be a report, a little frown that only accentuates the scar on the left side of his forehead.
Definitely my most popular fic. Way back in the beginning, before we knew we would get a sequel, when everyone was sure Harry Hart was dead for real and not coming back.
Before getting 101 dogs, you need at least 2 - G, Hartwin, 101 dalmatians au
JB loves his human, but he's getting rather fed up with how Eggsy won't even look at the nice gentleman he's clearly interested in they keep seeing in the park.
He's going to take the matters into his own paws.
Short and sweet and I am still amazed at how much people liked it :D
Merlin, dogsitter extraordinaire - G, Merlin-centric, background Hartwin and Percilot
All through his childhood, he has had dogs and he’s always enjoyed their company and unconditional love. Then he had left for college where he just hadn’t had enough space to keep one and after being recruited into Kingsman he had just been too busy to even think about welcoming one puppy into his life and training him or her accordingly.
You like Merlin? You like dogs? You like ocs? This one got it all
I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice - G, Hartwin
“What I don’t understand is why you thought it was necessary to make a montage of every time Galahad appears in someone else’s feed though.”
“No, what you watched is every time an agent looked at Galahad’s when the boy was looking at you.”
I wrote this based on a prompt I got, but damn I still adore the way I chose to write this.
A Boxful of Kittens - G, Merhartwin
While he's taking a walk around the manor, after coming back from dealing with Valentine, Merlin finds four kittens and their mother.
After what he just lived through, he cannot bear living them outside to fend for themselves.
Kittens and out three favourite men... What more do you want?
Only a fool would deny love - G, Hartwin
A princess' kiss might have been Eggsy's highlight of that horrific day. Because seriously who can honestly say they’ve never dreamt about kissing a princess (or a prince, because Eggsy is many thing, but picky isn’t one of those)? Until he got back on the plane and finds out Harry's back from the dead.
The first long fic I started writing in the fandom. I really love it even if it shows that this has been written 2 years ago and I have definitely improved since then
Messenger of War - T, Hartwin, AU
He shivers at the brief contact of a hand on his shoulder and he forces the ripple of familiarity back down, but something in Harry’s eyes before he turns back and leaves hints that he is not the only one feeling it.
I am still stupidly proud of this fic okay and I’ll forever will be.
Kisses Like a Thousand Snowflakes - G, Hartwin, Roxlin, Percilot
“I wanted to know… What’s Kingsman’s stance on Christmas’ decorations?” It’s hard not answering to Eggsy’s enthusiasm with a grin of his own and he doesn’t really try. “Well since the Angels Incident of ‘97, the Garlands Debacle of ‘02 and the Reindeers Nightmare of ‘09, the late Arthur had put a ban on all the stuff and confiscate it all.”
This Christmas, mistletoe is everywhere and nobody is safe.
Okay this is a christmas fic, but who cares? It’s also the ultimate fix-it where everyone is alive and nobody’s dead.
Baked Love - G, Hartwin, AU
There were no other customers, but he didn’t think he was wrong in assuming it had more to do with the hour, after lunch but before the afternoon rush, and the awful weather, than anything wrong with the shop. For one thing, the interior was decorated really simply, but with enough nice touches to make it feel cozy. For another, the smell permeating the air, a mix of baked goods and coffee, was quite mouth-watering. The gorgeous young man walking out of the backroom with a polite but genuine smile wasn’t a slight against the shop either.
Or in which Harry is really a tailor and Eggsy works in a bakery shop.
Food and pining is a think one of the best combination in the world.
A Summer's Day - G, Pre-Hartwin
Harry doesn’t sigh when he notices the empty bench in the familiar corner of the park. He had not gone on a walk with the intention to come here, but since Mr. Pickle has died a month ago, his feet continuously lead him to what had been their usual spot to waste a lazy afternoon away.
In which Harry recites poetry to a pug in a park.
Because meet-cutes are the best
Kingsman's Nursery - G, Gen, AU
It is by sheer luck that James witnesses Princess Tilde’s kidnapping.
He’s only walking in the area, minding his own business, when he notices the infamous criminal mastermind Valentine and his deadly bodyguard Gazelle forcing the princess into a car.
In which they are all children except for Chester and Valentine, but they're all spies too (or princesses).
That one was just too fun to write and I think more people should read it
Room for Three (Not Only You and Me) - G, Merhartwin
The first time it happens Merlin honestly doesn’t know. Though, in Merlin’s defense there is nothing indicating that this is any different than usual.
Wherein Merlin date-crashes Harry and Eggsy's dates without realising it at first. Except, when Merlin tries to give them some space, they don't seem to be happy about it.
This one will always have a special place in my heart because this is the one that made me meet Red. Also writing about oblivious Merlin was very fun xD
Stay (A)head of the Case - G, Roxlin, Pre-Hartwin, Sleepy Hollow AU
In the relative comfort of the carriage bringing him to Sleepy Hollow, Merlin scoffs as he revises the facts that are known about the case he's being sent to investigate.
There are already three victims, the Heskeths, father and son, as well as a certain widow Winship, and the only suspect is a Headless Horseman? Who could ever believe such rubbish really? Whoever the true perpetrator of those murders is, they must be having a jolly time indeed.
In which Merlin is a constable from New York sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate a series of murders.
I just love what I did with this AU and seriously there isn’t enough Roxlin in the fandom
Come Sail Away (Into the Light of the Dark Black Night) - G, Hartwin, soulmate AU
Eggsy had always known his soulmate would be older than him.
Or no, that wasn’t entirely right. He might have been hearing his soulmate all his life, but it had been a while before anyone had explained to him what it really meant.
It’s a soulmate au, if you like those do you really need more? :D
Labyrinth of Love - T, Merhartwin, Labyrinth AU
It is not the first time that a mortal catches the fancy of the Goblin King, but it is the first time one catches the eyes of both Kings.
In which Merlin and Harry are co-rulers of the Goblin Kingdom and Eggsy makes what he thinks is an unfortunate wish.
Who doesn’t love the movie Labyrinth? Who doesn’t want to imagine Merlin and Harry as the Goblin Kings?
From your hearts, I make a home - T, Hartwinrox
Since he’s started living on his own, Harry has always done everything so that the house he goes back to feels like a home. Sometime it was all that kept him sane while he dealt with whatever trauma that came with being a Knight.
And sure, nowadays he doesn’t see much field work, but the rituals have stayed and being able to offer that sense of home to not one amazing being but two? It is priceless.
Because domestic fluff and Harry/Roxy/Eggsy is always a must
I Get a Little Bit... - G, Merlahad, Ghenghis Khan AU
Merlin is putting his two children to bed when his phone starts ringing with a too familiar alert. He curses under his breath, thankful that Roxy is already fast asleep and won’t reprimand him on his language.
It’s the Genghis Khan Merlahad au everyone wanted but nobody was writing really.
Love is a fabric which never fades - G, Hartwin, Dragon AU
When Harry started his hoard of clothing, it has come as to no surprise to either him or his parents. After all, he has been drawn to fabrics and texture and colors for as long as he can remember; one of his earliest memory the soft cashmere of his father’s brown sweater and the rough red scales of his mother’s skin.
Harry has been courting Eggsy dragon style for a while now without telling him because he's a self-sacrificing idiot who doesn't believe he can be loved. Luckily for them, Eggsy is no such idiot.
Quite honestly, I am very surprised by how much people seem to enjoy this??? Like sure it’s dragons, but I never would have expected the kind of response I got :O
Fairy Tale Ending - G, Mercival, werewolf AU
If it had been anyone else, if he had been stranded in the woods with, let’s say, Lancelot instead, he would have believed the words to be a very ill-timed joke.
But this was Merlin, Merlin whom he trusts with his life.
And Merlin's a werewolf.
It’s a werewolf au. Need I say more?
Warm and safe, like a home - G, Merwin
It starts simple enough, with Eggsy bringing Merlin a cup of tea.
But before it can become anything more, Harry comes back from the dead and Eggsy realises he never truly had a chance.
Pining and misunderstandings but with a happy ending. I am sure I can’t be the only one who loves that
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mylittledragonhoard · 7 years
Rules: tag the person who tagged you, always post the rules, answer the questions, and add the date!  
I wasn’t tagged by anybody (*sad face*) but I wanted to do it anyway. Fuck the rules. I do what I want. (Hobbit Fandom only since I haven’t written anything else in a long time.)
What are your five most popular works? (starting with the most kudos)
1. A Growing Trust  (170)
Rated G PG13 for now. A mermaid!Fili fic (I don’t know why I never called him a merman to be honest, but I’m 7 chapters in and nobody’s actually said anything so I’m not going to change it. He doesn’t care what he’s called anyway.) Kili works at a marine rehabilitation center where Fili is brought in. At first he wants nothing more than to help Fili get better, but then feelings happen. It’s a slow burn (so very...very slow... *cries) 
2.  Of Books and Dragons (145) 
Rated G. Eventual Bagginshield. This was my first public fic posted in this fandom, and it was really created because I had the need for baby Durins. It’s the first of my series  A Patchwork Family. Bilbo Baggins is as he usually is, with his nose stuck in a book, when two little boys he's never seen before come out of nowhere and start asking him questions. He eventually helps them look for their father, only to find out their father gives tall, dark, and handsome a whole new meaning. (Also Kili's obsessed with dragons. I mean, so am I so...)
3.  Of Paint and Impatience (97)
The second part of  A Patchwork Family and my first time writing Ori. More dragon fun as Fili and Kili decide to pay a visit to their new friend Bilbo again, only this time Kili wants Bilbo to meet his dragon. 
4. Of Sad Days and Forgotten Smiles (82)
The fifth part of  A Patchwork Family and my absolute favourite to write. Probably because of the Fili angst because I live off Fili angst. You find out that Thorin has moved himself and his nephews to the Shire because an accident tore the family apart. Fili and Kili lost both their parents and were traumatized in the accident, and Thorin lost his baby sister and brother-in-law and found himself suddenly responsible for two children. The fic goes through one of Fili's Sad Days which are his way of coping with his trauma as he remembers it best, but Kili and Thorin are there to help him navigate through it every step of the way.
5. Inconvenient Timing (78)
Rated M. It was written for the FiKi Kink Bingo, so I'm sure it's not hard to tell why. A lot of kinks, but basically Fili goes into heat during the middle of Erebor's restoration and Kili can't ignore his mate's needs. I'd never written an ABO/AO before, but it was fun. I might do it again sometime, probably within this same universe.
What are your five least popular works? (starting with the fewest kudos)
1. Making the Right Choice (26)
Rated G. Um...so Kili and his best friend Fili literally do everything in life together and have been pretty much attached at the hip since Kili was born. Sounds normal right? But then Fili starts getting weaker and slows down a lot in their activities, and Kili has to make the choice to end his suffering. (I’ll ruin the plot twist. Fili’s a dog.)
2. Not Part of the Plan (29)
Rated G. Fili and Kili find themselves separated during an alien invasion. Luckily the Avengers (but mostly importantly Captain America) are there to save the day and save them. The prompt called for a cross-over universe and it was either Avengers or Supernatural. Well, I went with Avengers because I thought it would be fun, and I was right! I have a sequel kind of started too. 
3. A Welcomed Distraction (34)
Rated G. Just a cute little moment between Fili and Kili that was just fun to write. Kili makes Fili a flower crown and makes him ‘pay’ for it with a kiss.
4.  Sick Day (45)
Rated G, though maybe should be PG for snot. Third part of my  Domestic Bliss series, which features paramedic!Fili and teacher!Kili being married and stupidly domestic. This fic is a flash back to when they were still dating and Fili gets sick. There's a lot of tissues and snot and Kili being a mother-hen. And nerdiness because I love nerd!Fili too?
5. FiKi Halloween Ficlets (48)
Rated M just in case but I don’t think I do gore very well? And there are technically 8 fics here???? Anyway, a challenge was issued to write certain prompts for Halloween and these are the results. I tried to throw in a plot twist with each one though I’m not sure how well I did.
Are you surprised? Why?
Before posting in this fandom, I was writing things for about six months but was too afraid to post them. Even now I’m editing things that have never seen the light of day so that I can share them with others eventually...maybe. (If other fics would stop stealing all my attention. *looking at you mer Fili*)
So yeah, I am surprised by the amazing response everyone has had, and I’m continually amazed by the support and overall fantastic fanbase I’ve found.
Optional: If you want to calculate this, what are your works’ average number of notes?
If by notes it means tumblr, tumblr sucks for sharing things. But average Kudos is 67. 
Today’s date, so you can see how your results might change if you do this again in a year.
September 7, 2017.
Tag six people to do this next!
Are you a writer? Then do the thing. Talk about your fics. 
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Days Of Summer CH 4
A/N; Four weeks running, it’s a new record! Me and @hannah-nobody are super glad all you are enjoying this so much, we too love our awkward and emo Natsu! It’s fun trying to write his complex character, cocky and loud while also doubting of his place with others. Plus, who wasn’t melodramatic in their late teens? 
Not to mention we get to explore some really interesting friendships! Lucy and Gajeel anyone?
Here’s the updated playlist!
Summer has arrived, and with it the start of the two month long music camp; Fairy Tail! Full of new songs, friends, and adventures, the campers learn things they never knew about themselves and one another. And just how easy it is to sneak booze and a full sized karaoke machine out into the middle of the woods.
Camp Rock!AU
Pairing: Nalu, Gajevy, Gruvia, others mentioned; Fairy Tail
Words: 6994
Rating: T
Parts: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven
Chapter Four: Stuck In The Middle
Someday things will be perfect
It will be worth it all this time
Stuck in the middle
Natsu let the ice pack fall onto the bed. His cheek still hurt like a bitch, but at least it wasn’t throbbing anymore. Fuck, he had almost forgotten how strong Erza was. Natsu snorted as he thought about how he should have one of those ‘certain number of days since last incident’ posters in their cabin. Actually, it would be a miracle if they even got to day 1 on that thing. Gajeel glared at him, split lip and a light bruise on his cheek showing Erza had punished him as much as she had Natsu.
“Would ya quite makin’ all that fuckin’ noise?”
“I snorted.” Natsu defended sourly.
“And now yer talkin’.” Gajeel snarled back.
“Go fuck yourself Gear Head.” Natsu grumbled, jumping down from his bunk without the help of the ladder. He stood from his slight crouch, whipping a pillow he stole from Gray’s bunk at Gajeel, who in turn batted it away with the back of his hand to where it landed in a cobwebbed corner. What a shame.
“If yer headin’ out try not and stalk Bunny Girl, got it? Me and Lily don't need to hafta keep separating you and Ice Tits. Also don't need to explain to yer old man why you sent a kid to the hospital in yer first week of camp.” Gajeel didn't bother looking at Natsu as he spoke, instead scribbling in his notebook that he liked to hide under his mattress.
“Thinking that hard won't help your headache.” Natsu commented, grinning at the low snarl his cousin gave him and the distracted bird he was flipped. “And you might wanna try that in G minor rather than A major. It'll get that ‘secretly happy’ sound instead of ‘obviously happy’ that you're allergic to.”
Gajeel grunted in response, Natsu rolling his eyes when he heard rushed erasing and rewriting.
“And let me know if you need any help with words that rhyme with shortie.”
“Fuck off Strawberry.”
Natsu ducked out the screen door, snorting at the loud ‘thump’ that signaled that Gajeel had thrown something at his back. And missed.
He fought back a small grin as he slipped in his earphones. He knew for a fact that Gajeel had a pretty deadly aim when he wanted to. As much as he and Gajeel fought, at least he knew his jackass of a cousin would be in his corner. And Happy too for that matter, but Natsu could always rely on his little friend.
Natsu thumbed through his playlists on his old iPod, the silver back scratched to shit and the generation so old it no longer updated. Natsu had gotten this for his eighth birthday, Igneel having saved up for the surprise for months. Natsu settled on the playlist titled ‘Life is Stupid’ humming along as the opening bars of The Anthem by Good Charlotte blasted in his ears.
He walked slowly as he followed the gravel path from the cabin area to the main camp, letting his mind drift off into fantasies of talking to Lucy. He became more depressed as each time it ended in Lucy running away in disgust as she remembered him, not even able to pretend in his own mind that she would want him. Wasn’t that just fucking pathetic.  
Natsu groaned and kicked at a stone in front of him, sending it skipping through the grass beside the trail and into a bush. She had called him her friend, though, so that meant she didn’t hate him, right? Or had she just been yelling at Gray? Natsu had to admit, it was stupidly easy to yell at Mr. My Face Begs To Be Punched.
Dragging his hand along his face Natsu clicked the skip button attached to his headphones until heavy drums flooded his brain, overbearing as it drowned out his own thoughts. He absently fixed his dark grey beanie covering his stupid hair. This was fine. Natsu was fine. Lucy didn’t need to know, and if she didn’t know, she couldn’t laugh in his face. Natsu kicked a larger pebble, sending it arcing through the air and rolling along the path a few feet in front of him. Lucy was too sweet to laugh at him, but she could still reject him. A cold pit lodged itself in his gut, similar to the time that he had been cornered by his teacher and forced to read from the stupid playbook in English class.
Natsu still had nightmares.
The song faded out, Natsu barely registering the change as he walked past the climbing wall. While Fairy Tail was a music camp, they did offer some traditional activities for their campers such as lake sports, archery, and the 30-foot tall climbing wall, to name a few. The camp had other activities, but Natsu’s focus drifted as he caught sight of the mess hall. The two-story building was made entirely out of giant wood logs, large glass windows breaking up the light brown colour all around the building. While the roof was domed inside for acoustics, the camp had kept up with the outdoorsy aesthetic and the outside was a mess of sharp angles and triangles for the roof and over each window.
It had been like this for as long as Natsu could remember, and he felt a part of his anxiety wash away at the familiar sight. It was nice to know that some things would never change, Fairy Tail being one of them.
He debated grabbing a cinnamon swirl cookie -a signature of the camp- but chose not to, continuing on his path. Natsu passed groups of kids walking by, laughing and talking and being more social than Natsu felt up to. He kept his chin up, though, confidence leaking into him by being surrounded by the comforting sights and smells. Fairy Tail was basically a second home for him, and he was good at what he did here.
Natsu drummed his fingers along his stomach in time with a guitar riff, hands inside the large center pocket of the hoodie he had thrown on before leaving. He finally passed the second largest building at camp, making his way along the path that led towards the largest one, the open faced stage where they would perform at the end of each week. Natsu closed his eyes as he remembered the feeling of standing on the stage, heart pounding along with the heavy drum beat, fingertips almost numb from the strings on his guitar as he performed. Light flashed in his mind, the roar of the crowd overwhelming and euphoric at the same time.
He was going to sing this year, Natsu decided as he opened his eyes. No more playing guitar in the background. Besides, there was no going back now; Natsu had already checked off the ‘singer’ box alongside ‘guitarist’ when sending his application in the winter.
God, Natsu was going to puke.
His palms became clammy as he thought of standing center stage, a weird mix of nausea and excitement that had Natsu thankful he hadn’t wasted any of his food allowance on that cookie.
Natsu paused as he passed the break in the trees that led to the field in front of the auditorium stage, his feet moving him without permission. Before he knew it he was standing in the open area where everyone had gathered before for the welcoming ceremony, the space far more intimidating and surreal without the masses of campers and staff filling in the wood bench risers.
His iPod switched songs again, Natsu singing along more passionately now that he was alone.
“Condemned to be forever unable,
To give this stupid thing the time that it deserves,
I heard a proud few when the windows were gone,
All singing the same time to separate songs.”
Natsu tilted his head back as he sang at the clear sky, sun warm as it bore down on him. His voice carried through the empty clearing. Natsu got to the skirt of the stage, his voice becoming strained as he hauled himself up with his arms. He rested on his knees, feet hanging off the stage as he looked it over.
Aged but polished metal followed the curving ceiling to the center point 30 feet in the air, braces for the booms mounted against them and wires wrapping through the metal lattices until they reached the bars at every third of the dome. The space between the start of the roof and the stage itself was just tall enough for a person over Gajeel’s height to walk through, greenery of the forest peeking through the mess of metals and wires and sound equipment. Natsu ran a hand over the rough wooden stage floor, taking in the feel of it. How many people had performed here, found their love and passion for music on this stage?
He stood, wandering to the center of 20 by 16 foot platform. He turned in a tight circle, breathing in the fresh air with a deep inhale. Natsu's eyes fell shut as he relived last year’s final performance, the lights and the crowd in his mind shifting to what he imagined performing at a rock concert would be, adrenaline pounding and the music burning in his soul. His hands pantomimed holding Fev, fingers tracing the cords from memory in the air as he played along to the music blasting in his ears.
As the music faded out he raised his hands in the hair, basking in the echo of the applause of his memories. He remembered looking out into the cheering crowd, that feeling of utter elation building and building with the volume of the cheers, and the pride in the faces of Erza and Makarov and Gildarts and… that one empty chair.
Natsu dropped his arms as though his puppet strings had finally been cut loose. Another song began in his ears, but he ripped earbuds out before the words even started. He stared at that spot, row f, seat 14. Empty now and empty then. No matter how much the crowd screamed, how good could he possibly be if his own father couldn’t spare the time to come see him play?
He knew it was stupid. Igneel had been out saving lives, why should he stop to hear a cover of a song he’d already heard a hundred times. His work was much more important, and Natsu understood that. Igneel has promised he would get the day off to come see his performance at the final ceremony this year, so he’d just have to make it so amazing that last years didn’t even bare to think about. Natsu clenched his fist around his iPod. He could do it, he could find the perfect song.
But still, the task was daunting.
Frustrated with his own self doubt, Natsu jammed his headphones back in his ears and flicked through his iPod until he found the perfect motivational song. Something to burn his self doubt into shreds. He debated Work Bitch- but then skipped it for shame of hiding Britney under ‘Unknown Artist’ should someone ever browse his most treasured possession- before eventually settling on a song that was 75% certain to make Gajeel disown him if he ever found out he listening to something so not-death-metal-ish.
He pressed play, turned the volume to its fullest and took as deep breath as the intro kicked in. A thought struck him and he dashed to the side of the stage, desperate to find the necessary props for this once in a lifetime solo performance before the vocals kicked in. He grabbed a mic stand someone had been generous enough to leave an unplugged mic in and rushed back to centre stage. He had a second to compose himself before he took the mic in his right hand and shoved his iPod in his back pocket, leaving his other hand free to perform Dramatic Emotive Gestures.
“I don’t remember the morning I tried to forget,
I lost myself and it’s better not said
Now I’m closer, to, the edge,”
Natsu pointed at that empty fucking chair with all the grace of 2009 Jared Leto he could muster. He imaged the camera right by his face, the lights, the crowd, the band behind him. He gritted his teeth as he sang for full scale emotional intensity.
“It was a thousand to one and a million to two
Time to go down in flames and i'm taking you
Closer. To. The. Edge.”
He fully enunciated every word as though he’d never once stuttered speaking to a stranger or a pretty blonde girl. As though this was his stage and his song and he fucking owned this.
“No I’m not saaaaaaaaying, I’m soooooooorry,
One day, maybe we’ll meet again.”
He screamed the words into the mic because they did they did meet again and he wasn’t sorry for that not one bit and by God he wasn’t going to mess it up this time. He ripped the mic from the stand as he finished the chorus, kicking the stand away in the process so he was unhindered as the next verse began and he stepped forward calmly to sing about dreams and music and falling and getting back up and fuck he loved this song Gajeel be damned.
He punched his fist into the air with every no he sung into the mic. He closed his eyes and for a second he was there. The crowd was there with him, punching their fists into the air in time with his own. His throat was tingling as he held the note and he could feel the heat of the lights on him as he plucked at his imaginary guitar strings during the bridge. By the time the song came to the close he finally opened his eyes and he could tell his voice was hoarse as the song finished.
“Closer to, the edge.”
Natsu laughed to himself as he whipped the sweat from his brow and removed his headphones… to the sound of applause.
A single applause. Natsu looked up in horror to find the scantily clad brunette from earlier that had groped Lucy’s… that had groped Lucy. Cana.
“Hhhooo boy!” She shouted from her seat in the back row, “Well, damn. I sure am on the edge of somethin’!”
Even from this distance Natsu spotted her wink. For the second time in an hour, he was sure he was gonna puke.
Gajeel lifted his eyes from the ninth thick line of crossed out lyrics, cocking his head to the side as he listened. If he didn't know any better, he would have sworn that was his dumbass cousin’s voice faintly forcing its way into his cabin.
Had Natsu gotten his hands on a fucking megaphone?
Gajeel closed his eyes, concentrating on what the hell the words were supposed to be. No way...
Gajeel was going to get his hands on Natsu's iPod and delete everything pre 2010, that boy needed to stop living in his emo past. And he said Gajeel had bad taste in music.
“Yer owner’s such a fuckwit he probably doesn't even know the mics on.” Gajeel said to the bundle of blue fur curled into the crook of his knee. Happy lifted his head and blinked at Gajeel slowly, meowing loudly before tucking back into a fuzzy ball. “Ya get me.” He nodded to himself, rubbing a knuckle between Happy’s ears fondly, the small cat’s low purr sparking the cat resting on Gajeel's head to begin to purr as well.
With a low curse Gajeel turned his attention back to the pad of paper in front of him. He couldn't even get a measly line down, and he was getting close to just digging through Gray's bags for a lighter and setting the entire fucking building on fire. Notebook included.
He'd save the instruments.
Probably not his roommates though.
Gajeel settled for whipping the pencil across the room, sticking lead first between the paneling. Gajeel nodded to himself. Metal as fuck.
Panther Lily meowed in approval.
Happy didn't care. But Gajeel couldn't blame the cat, he probably had brain damage from listening to Natsu blubber over Lucy for months.
Gajeel pulled another pencil from behind his ear, two others pushed into the knot he had put his hair in to get it out of his face. He bit sharply on the end, pencil eraser gone so all he got was the sharp tang of metal and the satisfying crunch of the fake wood.
Maybe that was where his writer's block was coming from. Natsu had been getting his inspiration from love and flowers and other disgusting things so where was he, a true artist with an aversion to love songs, meant to gleam some ideas from? The sky?
Oh the sky looks so blue, he thought, just like your hair. The sun is her headband.
Gajeel sat up straight. No. This would not do. If he started singing about love- an emotion which he had never, for the record, experienced ever- what would he start singing about next? Laughter? Friendship? The joy of learning???
Yeah fucking right.
He shook his head to clear his thoughts. This was just a classic case of Overexposure. To Natsu, that is. That moron was so lovey-dovey Gajeel wouldn’t be surprised if he woke in the night to find the hothead kissing his pillow. No, he had to distance himself so that his symptoms wouldn’t worsen. No doubt the idiot would be on his way back any moment now once he’d realised the true scale of his embarrassment.
Gajeel decided to take a walk and stay clear of the drama.
He untangled Lily from his head, holding the black cat in one hand as he scooped the blue one in his other hand. Both meowed in complaint of being moved, limp in his hands as he stood from the bed. He rolled his eyes when he watched them snuggle deeper into the pillow he placed them on, Happy crawling on top of Lily before falling back asleep.
If Gajeel was less of a badass he'd call them cute. But he wasn't, so he shoved his notepad under the thin mattress, grabbed his noise canceling headphones, slung them around his neck as he grabbed his phone and threw open the front door to the cabin.
He was stopped from fully exiting, however, when he bumped into something. He looked around, confused as to what had blocked him.
“Oh um, hello,” a light voice said. Gajeel narrowed his eyes at empty space in front of his face. It was like if he thought about her she just appeared.
“Whatcha want, Shrimp?” Gajeel asked, feeling his lips crack into an unauthorized smile as he looked down. Levy pouted at the -very clever, Gajeel thought- nickname, hands fisting on her hips.
“I have a name you know.” She said pointedly, glaring at Gajeel as she leaned forward. Heh, it was cute how she tried to intimidate him.
No. She wasn't cute. Gajeel didn't think anything was cute.
“Yeah. Yer name’s ‘Shrimp’.” Gajeel smirked, patting a hand on her head. Shit, she barely reached his ribcage when he flattened her hair. But damn if it didn't feel soft against his fingers.
“You're messing up my hair!” Levy complained, swatting at his hand. Gajeel it took back with a shrug, grin widening when she muttered as she fixed her bright yellow headband, the colour loud against her bright blue hair. Gajeel wondered if she dyed it. “Dummy.”
“So what brings ya callin’? Need someone to lift you to reach the high shelf?” He teased. She blushed in irritation, huffing as Levy tried to think of a comeback.
“No.” She said, pausing again as she bit her lip. “I was looking for Lucy, and I thought she might be with Gray and Loke. But it looks like they're not here.”
“Well why the hell am I ‘posed to know where those idiots are?” Gajeel questioned, a heavy stone sitting in his gut at Levy’s disappointed face, her frail shoulders dropping.
“We were supposed to go explore the camp together.” Levy said, voice almost a nasally whine. She gave another heavy sigh, slipping her hands into the pockets of her shorts, white cloth peaking out from the short cargo coloured pants. Gajeel thought it was pretty stupid that her pockets were longer than her actual shorts, but he also wasn’t about to tell that to Levy;s face when he could get an eyeful of thigh. Not that Gajeel was looking. Because he wasn’t.
He wasn’t.
“Well if ya promise to not bug me too much I can give you a tour ‘till we find Bunny Girl.” Gajeel grunted, shifting awkwardly on his feet. Why had he done that? The whole point of leaving the cabin was to not think about pretty girls.
Holy fuck he was going to fucking kill Natsu with one of the strings from that stupid red guitar.
“What?” Levy asked, brown eyes wide like a doe’s. Gajeel grunted again, walking past her and down the path.
“It was just a thought.” He said, ducking his head as he lifted his headphones over his ears. Maybe that would hide their burning colour.
“No, no, wait! Thank you, I’d- I’d appreciate that!” Levy called, hurrying to walk beside him. Gajeel looked from the corner of his eye, hesitating before pulling the headphones back to where they wrapped around the back of his neck, tucked under his bun. He stuffed his hands into his jeans, thumbnail rubbing along the pick he kept in his left pocket.
They walked in silence, nerves finally making Gajeel want to punch a tree. This was stupid. He was stupid. What did it matter that he could pick Levy up with one hand, or that she was showing what was probably an obscene amount of skin for a summer camp. Were the rips in the back of her tank top really necessary? Even if they looked metal...
He paid more attention to Levy as they wound their way through the cabin area. Her eyes were focused directly ahead, eyebrows set in concentration. She was taking almost three steps for every step he took. And that was fucking hilarious.
“Havin’ trouble there, Shrimp?” Gajeel asked, widening his stride. He wondered if he could make her run to keep up.
“Well not all of us are so blessed in the height department.” Levy snapped, irritated scowl pulling down her full lower lip and making the bridge of her nose bunch. She gasped when she noticed his longer strides, swatting at his chest with the back of her hand in an offended motion. “You’re doing this on purpose!” She accused, stopping in her spot and crossing her arms to glare at Gajeel.
“Gihii, I don’t know whatcha talkin’ ‘bout Shrimp.” Gajeel drawled, scratching the side of his face as he looked her over. “Ain’t my fault ya got some size envy.”
Levy’s glare finally made a shiver crawl along his spine, and a thought crossed his mind that Levy could very well kick his ass is she wanted to. He had no idea how, but it still felt very true. “I mean, I’m sure bein’ so small could come in handy. Like communicating with the mice that make your clothes.” Gajeel bit his tongue. Why couldn’t he stop teasing her?
“Are you calling me Cinderella or referencing a children’s book?” Levy asked, suspicious as she slowly walked back to his side.
“Uh,” Gajeel stumbled over his words. Shit. “No?”
“Because that book was my favourite when I was a kid,” Levy hummed, tone suddenly light as they began walking again. “I think it was called Everything For Something? Or was it Nothing From Someone?” Levy hummed, tapping a finger on her lips as she spoke. Gajeel twitched with each improper title. Obviously, it was Something From Nothing, but he wasn’t about to say that. He shrugged instead, focusing on the few birch trees in between the maple and harlequin trees, their white and peeling bark standing out in the sea of green.
“Oh well, I’m sure it’ll come to me.” Levy pouted, put out by being unable to trip up Gajeel. He began to pick at the flaking design on his guitar pick in his pocket as silence fell over them again. Why did he care if it was awkward? He didn’t, because that would A; mean he cared at all -which he didn't- and B; that Gajeel felt awkward, which he definitely didn’t. He also didn’t want to hear Levy laugh. She probably snorted like the nerd she was for knowing that reference.
“So how’d ya know Erza?” he asked instead of keeping his fat mouth shut. Maybe he should pick up his bad habit of chewing on his necklace. At least then his fucking voice wouldn’t crack. Not that it cracked. Because Gajeel was past puberty, obviously.
He didn’t know how but he blamed Natsu.
“Oh, I take Judo with Erza, and she teaches a self-defence class I go to sometimes.” Levy said easily. At least Gajeel knew his self preservation instincts were right, if she was in the same class as Erza then she could take his ass in an instant.
“I haven’t seen ya around the city. Though I guess I wouldn’t be looking so close to the ground to notice, gihii-urgh.” Gajeel said, smirk falling as she elbowed him in the spleen. Damn did she have pointy elbows, but Gajeel couldn’t let her know that, so he kept walking, ignoring the throbbing and inability to breath.
“I’m not even that short!” Levy defended.
“Are you over five foot?” Gajeel asked, peering down at her expectantly.
“Four ten and a half.” Levy grumbled under her breath, huffing and looking away when Gajeel cackled loudly. “Shut up. How do you know Erza, anyway? Judging by the way you ran at lunch I’d say you two know each other pretty well.”
Gajeel grit his teeth when he remembered the fiasco that had been completely his cousin’s fault. And his roommates for that matter. “We’ve both been regulars at camp for a couple years, my pink haired dumbass of a cousin too, and we go to East Hill together. If ya think she’s a terror here you don’t even know what she’s like as student president.” Gajeel shivered as he remembered their pep rallies, attendance not optional. “I don’t know how Juvia manages to wring her in.”
Gajeel and Juvia had come up through the same middle school class, both part of a local gang that Juvia’s uncle had run. Igneel had tried to step in, but with Metalicana serving overseas as an army mechanic there had been little chance of Gajeel listening to him. They had both finally left together just before a big bust sent Juvia’s uncle to jail and her on the street, then Gajeel’s house. She had found solace in musical theater while Gajeel had reconnected with Natsu and Igneel, even if he’d never admit to his cousin how much he had helped him. Now Gajeel was set to graduate his metalshop program with honours next year, and Juvia wouldn’t stop bugging him and Natsu to join band and work in the pit for her last performance. As if Gajeel was gonna go anywhere near Erza and her obsession with the stage, even if she was only the stage manager.
“Wow, it seems like everyone here knows one another,” Levy sighed, the two now wandering through the outdoor activity stations. Gajeel raised a pierced eyebrow as he noticed the arrows and bows just laying in the field. Who was the genius that left those out?
“We get new people every year,” he said gruffly, inspecting an arrow off the ground. “Like Bunny Girl and those the dumbass she brought with her.”
“How come you call her Bunny Girl?” Levy asked, wandering to the next station that held bocce balls and lawn markers.
“‘Cus she looks ‘bout as scary as a cotton tailed rabbit.” Gajeel said, head snapping to Levy when he heard a light snicker. Her hand covered her mouth but her dark eyes were dancing, and Gajeel grinned proudly. He'd managed to make her laugh.
“Don't let her hear you say that.” Levy warned, wagging a finger at Gajeel even as she returned his shit eating grin -as his father liked to remind him every time they saw one another. “I'm sure it takes a lot of skill to herd Loke, Gray, and Cana. They're like cats.”
Gajeel scoffed. “Don't insult cats like that.”
Levy laughed openly, clasping her hands behind her back as they wandered past the rock wall and along the path that would lead them to the rehearsal studios. “You're right,” she hummed.
“Hey! I see Juvia!” She said suddenly, gripping Gajeel's wrist as she began a light trot. Gajeel blinked dumbly down at where her tiny hand half encircled his wrist, just above the spike wristband he wore, because it was metal.
“Uh,” he said, like even more of an idiot, letting Levy drag him to where Juvia had begun to wave. He noticed how her hair bounced with each step, light and easily caught in the breeze as it fluttered around her headband. Gajeel was reminded how blue was his favourite colour.
Natsu wondered if he jumped off the stage if the five feet would be enough to kill him.
Probably not.
He debated trying it anyway as Cana sauntered down the steps. Natsu yanked at his headphones, stuffing them in what was already a knotted mess of wires into his hoodie pocket, hands following after he placed the mic on the ground as he tried to will himself to disappear. “So tell me, how’d you switch personalities like that?” Cana asked as she made her way to the stage, crossing her arms on the edge of the elevated floor and looking up at him. “One minute you're the dictionary definition of ‘needs a hug but doesn’t know how to ask for one’ and the next you’re Mr. Rock God, owning the stage like it’s your bitch.”
Natsu choked on his spit, taking a hand out of it’s safety nest to pull his beanie further down his face. Maybe if he just prayed really hard a meteor would fall from the sky, killing him instantly. When a few seconds passed with no such divine intervention, Natsu released the breath he’d been holding and peeked at Cana, who now sat on the edge of the stage, one knee bent as an armrest and the other hanging off the old wood. She raised an eyebrow as more silence passed by them, taking a sip from a flask she had gotten from... somewhere.
“The music, I guess.” Natsu mumbled, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot. He knew that Cana was close to Lucy now, and whatever hope he had of not being a total idiot in front of her was gone. Her and Cana were probably going to laugh about it for hours. And Loke. And Gray too, probably.
Maybe he’d just live in the woods for the rest of camp.
“Well you should get that confidence with whatever you do. I haven’t heard someone sing with that much raw talent for years.” Cana said instead, and Natsu almost choked on his spit, again. He stalled under her unexpectedly serious look, head tilted forward as her mouth followed her lowered flask. “It suits you.”
Natsu was struck by the sudden family resemblance between her and Gildarts. The old man had been Natsu’s mentor the last few times he’d been at Fairy Tail, Natsu always feeling easy around him like he did with his own father. He didn’t know why, but seeing the same eyes staring at him from the semi-drunk teenager both calmed and unnerved him.
‘Um, thanks.” Natsu said.
“No prob!” Cana smiled, back to her early cocky smirk. “‘Sides, Lucy loves guys that look like they know what they’re doing, and you have the right amount of innocent virgin that’ll take her off her guard.”
Natsu flushed deeply, stuttering over harsh denials at Cana’s vague hand movements that gestured to, well, him. “I-, I mean I’m not not but I d-don’t see, I- fuckin’ alcoholic!” he finally spat out, glaring at the ground as he hopped from the stage, hands stuffed back into his pocket in fists. His glare snapped to her as she cackled loudly.
“Holy shit, if you could see your face! Relax buddy, no one cares here, duh. It’s a stupid social construct anyway, no need to get your panties in a bunch.” Cana waved off, patting him roughly on the back as she followed suit and pushed off the stage, walking towards the entrance to the arena.
Natsu debated turning on his heel and disappearing to go find a nice cliff to throw himself off of, but decided against it. Who would take care of Fev? Happy was sure to find a good home with one of his cousins, but his guitar? He wouldn’t trust her with anyone but himself.
“Yknow,” Cana began, pulling him from his thoughts, “your performance actually reminded me of someone.”
Natsu raised an eyebrow.
Cana opened her mouth to answer the question, but was interrupted by a very loud, very abrupt, distinctly red-headed-
Cana cursed to herself before springing up and grabbing Natsu by the scarf.
“Run for your life you virginal Jared Leto!”
Natsu fought for breath as Cana pulled him along, his feet complying with the harsh jolt from the rest of his body. He glanced behind them just as they slipped backstage to see two people, one with ‘Camp Enforcer’ written on her megaphone in sharpie, running down the steps towards the stage.
Why did he not check the mic was on?!
Eventually Cana let go of him to fumble with the dock on a stage side door. Her steady hand surprised him considering he was pretty sure that flask she'd had not five minutes ago was now empty. Within seconds they were out the door and barricading it behind them.
They ran for another five minutes. Making sure she-who-shall-not-be-named was no longer in pursuit. Cana found the whole endeavor quite hilarious. Natsu, however, was shitting himself. Even if Erza hadn't caught him now, there was no doubt she'd recognized his voice. She would come for him. Maybe not now. Maybe not later. But soon.
She would find him.
Natsu gulped.
“Anyway, what was I saying again?” Cana asked as though they hadn't just finished running for their lives.
“Something about my performance remind you of someone?”
“Oh yeah!”
“Please don't say Gray,” Natsu cut in, “I couldn't live with myself.”
“Oh no, you don't wear nearly enough eyeliner.”
“I don't wear any eyeliner.”
“That's not the point here,” Cana waved her hand flippantly and pulled another, different flash from- well, it had to be thin air bc the girl had no pockets. Or y’know, an actual shirt.
And then she surprised him even more.
“You reminded me of Lucy.”
Natsu froze.
“Have you ever seen her perform.” She insisted, “And I don't mean that fancy-smanshy graceful piano playing- I mean really perform.”
“I-I've never even heard her sing.”
“Well first of all, you're missing out. But second of all,” Cana smiled to herself, “About a year ago Lucy had this huge argument with her Dad. I can't even remember what it was about but fuck- she stayed at my house for a full week. Then all of a sudden, she just went home. Said everything was fine. Loke found out she'd signed up to the talent show the next day, and eventually she all asked for our help in putting her act together. But it was her act. It was the first time she ever went solo.”
Natsu listened with interest, not quite understanding where Cana was going with this.
“She invited her dad. Reserved the best seat in the house for him. And by God, that was the best ‘fuck you’ performance I've ever seen in my life.”
“What did she do?” He was a little afraid to ask.
“She sang Not Ready To Make Nice by the Dixie Chicks and man, country was so unexpected but fuck if she didn't work it.” Cana looked up at the sky, awe in her eyes as she relived the performance. “Played her violin as even more of an ‘in your face, Dad’ point and damn if I didn’t cry tears of joy watching that angry little blonde seeth into the microphone and play her violin to a non classical song. The audience broke into the loudest applause of the night, even if her dad refused to pay for her music lessons afterwards.”
Natsu stumbled over a stone. “He stopped her from playing and singing because she was mad at him?” Natsu asked, horrified. He and Igneel had gotten into a few screaming matches about his attitude when he was younger, sure, but the thought that Igneel would ever deny him a part of himself, Natsu just couldn’t imagine a parent doing that.
“Pssh, as if. Nah, Lucy used the allowance she had been saving and applied for scholarships for the programs. Got in too, when she proved that her father refused to support her.” Cana brushed off, turning over the empty flask and pouting as it solidified her lack of prohibited drink.
“Oh,” Natsu said. Real smart. Cana’s telling him about a major moment in Lucy’s life and all he can say is ‘oh’. Still better than being caught by Erza though, so Natsu would take it. He looked around as they met the main path that led in a loop around camp, pale gravel reassuring as it meant he was only a few minutes away from being able to hide in his cabin for the next 48 hours.
Natsu was being yanked by his scarf -again- before he could ask what Cana had seen, forced to look at the bulletin board that would house the weeks’ themes once they were released. Right now though, it held bulletins for school opportunities, programs, concerts, scholarships, and dead center; a poster for a karaoke night happening at the camp fire after sundown tomorrow.
“You two! Have you seen anyone run by here?” A voice called behind them, Natsu feeling his soul try to escape via puking and every nerve in his body fighting between ‘run for your life’ or ‘lay down and accept your fate’.
“No idea what you’re talkin’ ‘bout Erza,” Cana drawled, perfectly playing the clueless camper role. “But if you see who had just been singing tell them congrats on the record deal quality voice.”
Natsu blushed at the compliment, hands fisted tight in his pockets and struggling to concentrate on the board. There was no way she meant that. Natsu had an average level voice, at best. Now, if he could show off his guitar skills, then maybe she would tell Lucy about it...
“I will tell them that the stage is off limits territory when not during an event.” Erza snapped, obviously irritated at missing her victims. Aka, Natsu. “What are you two doing here anyway?” she asked, squinting when Natsu finally turned to look at her over his shoulder.
“Just checking out the opportunities on the board!” Natsu said, voice cracking and sending him burrowing into his scarf.
“Yeah, I was just convincing Natsu here to do karaoke night! Can't keep all this talent hidden behind a dumbass beanie!” Cana added eagerly, slinging an arm around his shoulders and somehow dislodging his ‘dumbass’ hat. Natsu squawked as he lunged for the grey beanie, too late to do anything else but clutch it to his chest.
“Damn! What bet did you lose?” Cana guffawed. Natsu shrank under her laughter and tried to elbow her arm off his shoulders. Why was she the same height as him?
“It's just my hair,” he grumbled.
“It's a good thing Lucy's favourite colour is pink then, eh?” Cana continued to tease, grinning at Erza. “But really, this can't be his actual hair colour.”
“It is.” Erza said with a small smile at Natsu. “And I think it suits him. I will see you both at campfire tonight! I'm looking forward to hearing what you choose to perform tomorrow Natsu.”
Natsu watched blankly as Erza and a girl with purply black hair and a deadly stare stalked off. “What the fuck?” Natsu hissed, shoving off Cana roughly and yanking his beanie over his head.
“Aw cmon, don't be so sensitive.” Cana rolled her eyes. “Besides, she bought it!”
“Now I have to sing at that stupid karaoke thing.” Natsu grumbled. What if there were no good songs, or if his voice cracked. Sure Natsu could sing in the shower, but he'd never actually sang in front of people.
He wanted to put his head through the cork board. Why was he acting so insecure? He was Natsu Dragneel, son of Igneel Dragneel, renowned rescue helicopter pilot. He could do anything he put his mind to.
Except talk to pretty girls like Lucy apparently.
“Well, if you do manage to find the balls to get on stage, try and pick a song you know in your sleep. Or come see me for a confidence boost recipe.” Cana winked, wagging her empty bottle beside her head.
“Erm...” Natsu said, helpfully. What the fuck had he gotten himself into?
Stuck In The Middle - Boys Like Girls
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
Separate Songs - Restorations
Closer to the Edge - 30 Seconds To Mars
Not Ready To Make Nice -Dixie Chicks
March Into The Sun - Echosmith
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spuriousbiped · 7 years
People don’t really understand my enthusiasm for K-pop. In celebration of BTS’ 4th anniversary, I decided to write a little blurb about why they specifically are important to me. It turned into an essay. And, I’ve decided to post it here, because it’s the most personal thing I’ve written probably since the start of my transition. Keeping the starting bit from when I posted it on the Discord server. 
OK, everyone: I have a lot of stuff to unpack, so buckle up. This is a lot more about me than BTS directly, I guess, but I need to get this out there. So, here goes:
I turned 26 last month. I didn't expect to turn 15, let alone 18, or 20, and certainly not 26 - so I'm kind of surprised sometimes that I'm still here. But glad, mostly.
It hasn't been easy. On top of horrible depression since I was 12, as well as some anxiety & OCD issues and probably some things that missed detection, I also developed chronic pain for no identifiable reason when I was ~19, which is manageable but has changed my life significantly. I am also transgender (FtM).
To put it mildly, my life is complicated, and has been for years. I never really learned how to plan for the future, because I never saw myself having one. Then, a bit less than 3 years ago, a lot of things fell into place, and I realised I needed to transition in order to live.
This... is not an easy thing to navigate. tl;dr had a lot of baggage and trauma to sort through, horrible dissociation, and a surge in anxiety as I tried to move forward, come out to people, etc. etc.
It was in my fairly early days of transitioning that I met a couple of other guys in a similar boat on the web. One of them was into K-pop and used to post a lot about it on his tumblr. Eventually, I decided to look into it.
This turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. (I used to be really self-conscious about saying this, but I ran out of fucks to give a long time ago.)
The place I live in is a city, but not a huge one, and attitudes around here are pretty old-fashioned still. I was also extremely uncomfortable with myself, so meeting new people wasn't something I could fathom in my early transition days. But I essentially had to build my identity from the ground up, and had no frame of reference. I was always X and Y's daughter, Z's little sister, a niece and granddaughter; I was "different from other girls"; every aspect of my life was defined by womanhood and I had no idea how to be a man. Even if nothing about my personality had changed, the whole way the world was defined was through a lens that had always made things a little bit blurry, but was at least familiar. With clarity did NOT come confidence; and with my tendency to dissociate, I had a difficult time pinning down exactly what it meant to even be a person anymore.
Discovering k-pop changed that for me. It opened a door to so many different things. Most importantly, it provided role models for me that I so desperately needed.
BTS didn't come onto my radar until I Need U, and it was a little longer before I was really dedicated to them. But once I woke up to them, I signed up in a big damn hurry. Even before I was on board, something seemed different about them. Once I was paying attention, it became obvious.
They move together like a well-oiled machine. Their voices complement one another perfectly. They actually get along with each other, are obviously good friends, and openly & unabashedly admire one another and none of it feels forced. They are stupidly talented, and I was really struck by the fact that their work is truly their own and they are allowed to put so much of themselves into it (since it's extremely uncommon in the industry). Everything about them has such presence. They are extremely professional, but also so personable that they don't feel untouchable. They share so much of themselves with the whole world, and have allowed people such a close look at their lives, their struggles, everything. And right now, they are so on top of the world, and they're staring the future in the face and refusing to blink or back down.
I learned a lot from the exploration of Korean culture that followed my discovery of k-pop. I learned that the definition of "masculinity" is far from universal, for example. But I learned how to be the man I needed to be in large part because of BTS. They are so completely themselves, and each of them is so many different things - and sometimes these aspects seem to contradict, but they don't. They have so much passion for what they do, and they embrace one another so fully. Through them, I learned that all parts of myself - including the ones people read as "feminine", even if I knew on the surface that was bs - were OK, and all I really had to do was just exist as the same gentle, loving, ridiculous person I always was. People would read these aspects of me differently based on the gender they attributed to me, but that wasn't up to me. The only thing I was responsible for was being a good and genuine person.
There are so many other elements that have factored into my sense of self, but it's safe to say that without BTS, I wouldn't have made anywhere near the kind of progress I have. The last year especially has been huge for me and they are an enormous part of that. When Fire came out I listened to nothing but that song for weeks on end, before finally opening up to at least BTS in general, LOL.
Of course it's still hard. My body still hurts constantly, and my brain is honestly pretty bizarre. As of now, I've been on medical leave since the end of March, and I'm not convinced I'll be able to go back to my job because the physical and mental strain of retail is more than I am capable of - yet I'm not qualified for much more. It saps all my strength and leaves no room for me to pursue hobbies, or much of anything. I have so many things to do in order to get my life on track that if I let myself think about it and what I'm going to do for income, I get very very anxious. 
But, I have a future. I may have had to burn out before I took time off, but now that I've been able to rest, I can feel my own passions lighting up again. Instead of drifting, hanging on to the only job I figured I'd be able to keep, and just surviving, I'm actually making plans. I still can't see that far ahead, and I have no idea where I'll go with what I'm going to do, but what I do know is that I have to live for me, for now, and do something I love in the best way that I'm capable of. BTS is 90% of why. I have never seen anyone more in love with what they do than these seven men. They belong together, and they are meant to create, to perform, and to be exactly who they are.
There is no way I would be where I am now without BTS, and I will be forever grateful to them. I used to be defined by what I was missing. Now, I'm slowly getting back into dance, something I haven't done seriously since I was 22. I'm working through the long agonising process of updating an absurd number of things after finally legally changing my name & gender marker, which sucks but I'm getting it done. I'll be applying for a textiles & apparel design program once I have the paperwork I need from my former university. I haven't started yet, but I plan to learn Korean - it'll be the 5th language I've studied, and while I know how hard it is to maintain foreign languages with nobody to speak to, I know how good I am at this, and I have fought to maintain a certain level of competence with German, which I've studied the longest formally and with the most passion (another story for another day), so I know that if I maintain that same kind of drive, I'll be able to learn it just fine. I have no idea what's coming for me, but I'm sick of being afraid to do things because of what might come. I still struggle to plan long-term, but I'm much more flexible about rolling with the punches, making necessary changes even without a clear outcome, and just doing things. Even if the future is a haze, and I don't know where I want to be, at least I know I'll be somewhere, and I want to still have a future. I may not know exactly how I managed to live this long, but there are still so many years to come, probably, and I'm at the least OK with it, if not actively overjoyed.
Thank you, BTS, for being instrumental in my continued will to exist authentically and as unflinchingly as my various ailments allow me to be. I am so, so lucky to be here at the same time as a group of people so incredible. I owe them a great debt. 
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