#to put their small scaled stores into Kohl’s?????
ghwosty · 2 years
No for real if you would have told me just 10 years ago that the US based retailer Kohls would still be around and not another victim of “the great brick and mortar chain die-off” I would have asked you what strain were you smoking and can I have some
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8 Quick Changes You Can Make to Save $100 a Month
It is safe to say that you are living check to check and just don't have a clue where to start cutting your month to month spending? These speedy cash hacks can enable you to shave in any event $100 off your right now month to month spending. That is an additional $1,200 every year that is as of now into another person's wallet and can stay in yours.
Drop Subscriptions with Trim
Do you know where you go through each dollar every month? If not, you can profit by utilizing Trim. It's a free bot that naturally breaks down your spending for unused memberships. With one basic instant message, Trim will drop your unused memberships to a spilling plan, exercise center enrollment, and protection approaches.
Trim can likewise bring down your Comcast link bill and give you money with computerized coupons stacked to a Visa charge card. On the off chance that you want to shop at Amazon, Trim's value security highlight will naturally demand an incomplete discount if Amazon diminishes the selling cost after you buy a thing.
Shop with Cash Back Portal
Raise your hand if your shop on the web. You probably won't have realized that you can get money back on pretty much each and every buy you make on the web. By utilizing a web based shopping entryway, you can get 1% to 40% money back on each buy from more than 2,000 stores including Amazon, Kohl's, Macy's, and some more.
My preferred gateway is Ebates in light of the fact that they offer in-store money back and even have a program augmentation that guarantees each buy can get money back with a solitary mouse click. Besides, new individuals get a $10 money reward subsequent to making their first buy.
The amount you spare with a money back entryway relies upon where you shop and the amount you spend. In the wake of utilizing this hack, you will never take a gander at internet shopping in a similar light again.
Stream Cable TV
On the off chance that you right now have a $100+ month to month satellite television charge, you can watch similar stations for just $20. Organizations like Sling TV let you stream ESPN, Disney, and numerous others for a large portion of the expense. All you need is a web association, and you can start observing live programming and on-request video from your television, PC, or cell phone.
On the off chance that you are a games fan, it's additionally conceivable to stream NFL diversions and watch ESPN, NFL Network, and your neighborhood channels for under $50.
Prepare Your Lunch
We as a whole appreciate venturing out on a brief siesta with the folks (or young ladies), yet eateries aren't actually shoddy. Accepting the genuine lunch costs $10 every day, you can go through $200 per month on your mid-day break. That does exclude the amount you may go through feasting with the family in the nights.
Figure out how Grayson escaped obligation by preparing his lunch for a considerable length of time.
Regardless of whether you just bring your lunch for a large portion of the month, you will even now spare $100 every month and still have the option to appreciate a supper with your collaborators. Putting together a lunch and carrying your very own espresso to work just takes a couple of additional minutes in the first part of the day and it tends to be more beneficial as well.
Open an Online Bank Account
Might you be able to bear the cost of a sudden $500 note without obtaining cash? Commonly, we essentially neglect to set aside the effort to set aside cash for what's to come. Rather, we spend it.
Here's a simple fix that can enable you to assemble a rainy day account so you are never again are compelled to stray into the red when life tosses its next curveball.
Open a high return online financial balance and timetable $100 to be naturally stored every month. This record should be discrete from the record you pay your bills with so you don't spend the cash on mishap.
Regardless of whether you choose to move $50 every check, despite everything you come to your $100 month to month objective. Planning auto moves let the bank do all the diligent work for you.
Utilize a Micro Savings App
Another approach to mechanize your reserve funds is to utilize a miniaturized scale investment funds or a small scale contributing application like Qapital. These applications are allowed to utilize and take a couple of pennies or dollars out every week. One application, for instance, may roundup your buy sums and move the distinction to the different record that gains intrigue.
This hack alone probably won't spare $100 per month, yet you will it help collect a little fortune without squeezing your wallet.
Contribute with a Robo-Advisor
Contributing is another superb method to make easy revenue without working any harder yourself. It very well may be significantly simpler when you utilize a robo-counsel like Betterment. All you need is $1 to begin contributing, and they handle all the venture choices and portfolio the board for you. The main thing you have to do is disclose to them the amount you need to contribute each month.
In the event that you have the alternative, you can likewise add to your manager 401k. Numerous 401k plans will coordinate a level of your commitments. In the event that you contribute $100 per month, your manager may coordinate the commitment and give you $100 free. Ensure you are amplifying your 401k match.
Make an Extra Loan Payment
With this hack, you will be at first going through increasingly every month except will finish up spending less cash generally speaking. In the event that you at present have any advances, contract, vehicle credit, or understudy advances, paying more than the base installment will spare you a large number of dollars (perhaps $10,000+) in premium.
A simple method to begin is to make every other week installments. With this installment plan, you will make a half-installment at regular intervals. You will finish up making the comparable one additional regularly scheduled installment every year. For instance, if your base regularly scheduled installment is $350, you will pay $125 like clockwork.
This strategy will have the biggest effect on a 30-year contract. Be that as it may, you will in any case get a good deal on transient advances like a three year vehicle advance. The bigger your additional installment, the less you pay in intrigue so don't hesitate to pay twice your regularly scheduled installment (i.e., $700 rather than $350) in the event that you can manage the cost of it. Simply look at the amount you could spare!
By executing at any rate one of these hacks, you can without much of a stretch spare $100 per month or more. Regardless of whether you utilize that cash to satisfy credits early, keep for later, help your retirement record, or pay for a get-away in real money, your monetary life will turn out to be less upsetting. The best part about these hacks is that they all require insignificant exertion and just a couple of minutes of your time.
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
What do you do when there are no good surveys? Check back again later and hope someone has posted one I can do, ha. I’m too lazy to hunt for any myself and anytime that I’ve tried I don’t find any new ones or ones I haven’t done recently. What do you do when you can’t sleep? So every night? My nightly routine consists of listening to ASMR, scrolling through Tumblr, and taking some surveys. Sometimes I also color and catch up on some YouTube videos. The TV is always on as well, even if just for background noise. Do you take gummy vitamins? That’s the only way I can take vitamins since I can’t take pills. So glad that became a thing and they’re even geared toward adults. They’re a lot better than the disgusting chewables. I haven’t taken any in so long, though. :/ I really need to get on that. What do your Christmas pjs look like? I have a few pairs of Christmas leggings I sleep and lounge in and a couple Christmas shirts as well. What color looks absolutely terrible on you? *shrug*
On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you at arts and crafts? The only thing I do close to that is coloring. That’s about as artsy as I get. Which candy bar do you buy the most? I don’t really buy candy bars. It’s pretty rare that I’ll have one, but if I were to, it’d be a Reese’s. Which coffee shop do you visit the most? Starbucks. Are you bothered by something right now? Yeah, health stuff as usual. Who do you go to when you are upset and need to talk? Usually I’ll just vent about it in these surveys and/or rant on Twitter. How many pairs of Christmas earrings do you own? I don’t have any Christmas earrings, but I have Christmas bracelets and scrunchies. Do you want a white Christmas this year? I wish. It doesn’t snow here. :( I’d love to go to the snow, though. Are you ok? Ha. Do you pretend to be ok when you’re not? I’ve been trying that for a long time. I used to put up a pretty good front, but not so much anymore. Name a class you only liked because of the teacher. My history class sophomore year. My teacher, Mr. Coffey, was awesome. Do you miss anyone? I miss a few someones. Do you have a nativity scene in your home? No. I’d like to get one. If you’re a girl, what color is your favorite bra? I just prefer black ones. Do you watch youtube videos a lot? Yeah. What website do you frequent the most? Tumblr most of all, but also Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. If someone dared you to read an excerpt of your diary out loud, would you? These surveys are like my diary and you’re all seeing it. Do you know what you’re going to wear tomorrow? Likely what I’m wearing now. ^If so, what are you planning on wearing tomorrow? -- Would you rather make a snow angel or snowman? Snowman. What is the best antique shop in your town? We don’t have any in my town that I know of. Do you ever drink wine? I used to. Does creating make you happy? I like coloring. Like I said, I’m not a crafty person and coloring is as artsy as it gets. Are you more creative or outgoing? I’m neither. Would you rather write a poem or a story? I used to write short stories when I was like 13 and I liked doing that. Do you have abusive family members? No. What US city would you most like to visit? There’s a lot I’d like to visit. NYC is definitely one of them. What country in the world would you most like to visit? Sweden. Do you have your wedding all planned out in your head? I don’t plan on getting married. What color are your snowpants? I don’t have any since it doesn’t snow here. Do you sell things online a lot? I’ve never done that. I buy things online a lot, though. What’s a quick and easy way to make some extra cash? *shrug* Do you enjoy babysitting or just tolerate it? I wouldn’t say it was something I really enjoyed, I mean it was okay. I only babysat my brother and a couple of my cousins when they were kids and they could be such brats sometimes lol. I couldn’t handle it for a long time. What is the best job you’ve ever had? Never had one. What is your dream job? I don’t know. Do you parents support your dreams? They would if I had any. Are you ambitious? I haven’t felt that in years. Was anyone a jerk to you today? No. What color are your grocery bags, if you have the reusable kind? We have various ones. If you were to write for a magazine, what kind of column would you have? I wouldn’t. Is there anyone you secretly miss? It’s no secret. I mean, maybe they aren’t aware but I would tell them if I ever talked to them. Have you ever had feelings for someone and never told them? Yeah. Are you adventurous when it comes to food? Ha, nope not at all. I eat the same few foods all the time and I’m so picky. What’s your favorite Disney theme park? I love all of Disneyland. What’s the theme of this year’s calendar? I have a really nicely made Alexander Skarsgard one that I won in a giveaway last year. Each month is a different collage of Alex photos and it’s just gorgeous. Do you buy planners or make bullet journals? I used to buy planners when I was in school. Do you get stage fright? Oh yes. Giving presentations and speeches was the absolute worst. What’s your newest favorite music video? “Thank u, next” by Ariana Grande. Who do you wish you could talk to right now? My grandma. :( Do you do a lot of DIYs? Nope. Target or Walmart? I like both, but man Target is a trap because I always find SO much stuff I want and end up spending way too much. What department store do you shop at the most? Kohl’s. What pharmacy do you use? CVS. What color are your Christmas lights? I have multicolor ones up in my room. I’m not sure what colors we’re going with for the tree. Who are your favorite small youtubers? A few of the ASMRists that I watch. What were you voted in the senior class polls? Nothing. Who was your best friend in high school? Freshman year it was Kyle, David, and Jessica. Sophomore year it was Gabby and Derek. Junior and senior year it was Amanda. Do you prefer going to a dance with friends or with a date? I went with friends. What restaurant is overrated? *shrug* Would you rather go to a 50’s diner or a brewery? 50′s diner. What do you like on your nachos? I used to love nachos with lots of cheese, jalapenos, guacamole, and sour cream. I can’t eat spicy stuff anymore, though. :( Do you still talk to your first best friend? No. What was your first imaginary friend’s name? I didn’t have one. Have you started on a list of resolutions for next year yet? I don’t make those anymore. Have you ever kept a memory jar? No. Owls or penguins? Penguins. Charlie Brown or Snoopy? I like both, but Snoopy is so cute. What were your high school’s colors? Nah. Do you most motivational & inspirational statuses on facebook? No. Are you fake on facebook? No. Have you ever been tempted to be fake on facebook? No. Do you have any true friends in real life? My family. Do you have anyone you can trust? My family. What does your ugly Christmas sweater look like? I have 3 Christmas sweaters, but I don’t think they’re ugly. I love ‘em. If you had to pick ten things to ask Santa for, what would you ask for? Better mental and physical health and a better financial situation is really all I want. Would you rather meet a genie or an alien? A genie, I guess. Have you ever hiked a mountain? No.
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orbemnews · 4 years
Twitter Bans MyPillow C.E.O. Mike Lindell: Live Business Updates Here’s what you need to know: Mike Lindell, the chief executive of MyPillow, helped fund a bus tour that promoted Donald T. Trump’s false election claims.Credit…Erin Scott/Reuters Twitter said it had permanently barred Mike Lindell, the chief executive officer of the bedding company MyPillow and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, from its service. The move on Monday night followed numerous tweets by Mr. Lindell promoting debunked conspiracy theories about election fraud. Mr. Lindell’s Twitter account, which had nearly 413,000 followers, was permanently suspended “due to repeated violations of our Civic Integrity Policy,” said Lauren Alexander, a Twitter spokeswoman, in an email. Corporate America has moved swiftly to try to turn down the volume on assertions by Mr. Lindell, a major Republican donor and one of the loudest voices perpetuating Mr. Trump’s claims of voter fraud in the Nov. 3 elections. Kohl’s and Bed Bath & Beyond removed MyPillow products from their stores last week. Mr. Lindell also faces legal action over his claims of voting fraud involving Dominion Voting Systems, the company at the center of one of the more outlandish conspiracy theories about voter fraud. His account’s suspension is the latest in a series of high-profile bans by Twitter since the company permanently blocked Mr. Trump from its service over concerns that he would use the platform to incite more violence like the storming of the Capitol this month. After the attack on the Capitol, Twitter said it had updated its rules to more aggressively police false or misleading information about the presidential election. As part of that move, Twitter has moved to suspend the accounts of more than 70,000 people who have promoted content related to QAnon, a fringe pro-Trump group that the F.B.I. has labeled a domestic terrorist threat. Ms. Yellen is the first woman to hold the top job at Treasury in its 232-year history.Credit…Leah Millis/Reuters The Senate confirmed Janet L. Yellen to be Treasury secretary on Monday, putting her at the forefront of navigating the fallout created by the pandemic as she advocates for President Biden’s economic agenda. Ms. Yellen, the former Federal Reserve chair, was confirmed by a vote of 84 to 15 with support from both Republicans and Democrats. She is the first woman to hold the top job at Treasury in its 232-year history. With the confirmation, she will now be thrust into the middle of negotiations over a potential $1.9 trillion economic aid package that is the chief plank of Mr. Biden’s effort to revive the economy. The size of the plan already met with doubts from some Democrats and Republicans. Ms. Yellen has been a clear champion of continued government support for workers and businesses, publicly warning that a lack of aid to state and local governments could slow the recovery, much as it did in the aftermath of the Great Recession. At her confirmation hearing and in written responses to lawmakers, Ms. Yellen echoed Mr. Biden’s view that Congress must “act big” to prevent the economy from faltering and defended using borrowed money to finance another aid package, saying not doing so would leave workers and families worse off. “The relief bill late last year was just a down payment to get us through the next few months,” Ms. Yellen said. “We have a long way to go before our economy fully recovers.” Shoppers wait outside of a GameStop on Black Friday. An online community of traders seem to be fueling a spike in the store’s share price.Credit…Go Nakamura for The New York Times In an epic contest between Wall Street traders who bet against stocks and legions of small-scale investors, the small guys are winning. On Monday, shares of the struggling video game retailer GameStop surged, adding to a recent rally that has lifted the stock by more than 300 percent in January alone and making it a glaring illustration of the growing power of small investors in certain segments of the financial markets. Shares of companies like GameStop are becoming detached from the kinds of factors that traditionally help benchmark a company’s valuation — like growth potential or profits. Analysts expect the company to report a loss from continuing operations of $465 million for 2020, on top of the $795 million it lost in 2019. What seems to be fueling this spike is an online community of traders, who congregate in places like Reddit’s “Wall Street Bets” forum and hype up individual trades. Lately, they’ve made buying short-dated call options on GameStop’s shares — an aggressive bet that the shares will rise — a favorite position. Market analysts and academics say a rush of new money in such short-dated call options can create a sort of feedback loop that drives the underlying share prices higher, as brokerage firms that sell the options have to themselves buy shares to hedge the contracts. In GameStop’s case, these small investors have found themselves going up against a different group of speculators. The company’s struggles have also made it a favorite target for short-sellers — who bet on a stock’s decline by selling shares they don’t actually own. Short sellers profit when a stock has plunged and they can buy those same shares back at a lower price. Of course, with GameStop’s shares surging, those investors are losing a lot of money. And their rush to get out of the trade by buying shares can cause a surge in prices, too, called a short squeeze. On Monday, the small traders on Wall Street Bets and the messaging site Discord were encouraging each other to hold on to their positions as the short-sellers ran for the exits. “Am I too late to get on the GME rocket?,” one commenter on Wall Street Bets wrote shortly after 10 a.m. “No buy the dip,” another responded. On Discord, the message was clear. “GME ONLY UP,” one commenter wrote. Budweiser’s Covid-19 awareness advertisement includes two health workers who were being vaccinated.Credit…Budweiser, via Associated Press Budweiser, the beer giant whose commercials featuring Clydesdale horses, croaking frogs and winsome puppies made it one of the most beloved Super Bowl advertisers, is opting out of the game-time broadcast this year for the first time in 37 years to focus on raising awareness for the Covid-19 vaccine. Budweiser, an Anheuser-Busch company, said Monday that it would donate portions of its advertising budget this year to the Ad Council, a nonprofit marketing group at the helm of a $50 million ad blitz to fight coronavirus vaccine skepticism. Instead of debuting a splashy big-game commercial, as Super Bowl advertisers often do in the weeks leading up to the Feb. 7 match, the beer company released its 90-second online vaccination ad, titled “Bigger Picture.” (Anheuser-Busch will still feature prominently during the game, with ads for several of its other beer brands.) Other Super Bowl stalwarts, including Coca-Cola, Hyundai and Pepsi, will also be missing onscreen. As the pandemic disrupted the sports industry, many companies hesitated to pay CBS roughly $5.5 million for a 30-second slot during a game that some worried could be delayed or even canceled. In the Budweiser Covid-19 vaccination ad, the actress Rashida Jones urges viewers to “turn our strength into hope” while the melody of “Lean on Me” plays as inspirational images from the pandemic are shown. Ms. Jones, who recorded her narration while isolated from other people in a Hollywood facility, said in an interview that “obviously people want to be entertained, they want to watch funny commercials,” but “what’s most important is that we prioritize this next phase.” The Super Bowl advertising season, which usually extends beyond the broadcast into weeks of teasers, celebrity reveals, YouTube debuts and celebratory live events, is more subdued as companies struggle to adopt an appropriate tone after a year full of marketing missteps. “You can’t pretend like everything’s OK,” Ms. Jones said. “People can sense when brands are exploiting a moment.” Source link Orbem News #Bans #Business #CEO #Lindell #Live #Mike #MyPillow #Twitter #Updates
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bigyack-com · 4 years
J.C. Penney Files for Bankruptcy
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J.C. Penney, the department store chain founded in 1902 that has more than 800 stores in the United States, filed for bankruptcy protection on Friday, the latest and largest retailer to fall during the coronavirus pandemic.Its collapse follows other retail bankruptcies this month, including J. Crew, the Neiman Marcus Group and the designer men’s clothing brand John Varvatos. But J.C. Penney represents the biggest casualty by far based on the number of locations, with stores that are anchors at many American malls, with nearly 85,000 employees.The company said it filed for Chapter 11 protection from its creditors in federal bankruptcy court for the Southern District of Texas, and that it had $500 million in cash on hand and received commitments for $900 million financing to use during the bankruptcy process. J.C. Penney said it had struck a deal with certain lenders that will reduce several billion dollars of its debt and would explore a sale of the company. It also said it plans to close stores and that specific locations and timing would be disclosed in coming weeks.The filing was expected after J.C. Penney failed to make an interest payment on its debt in April to “maximize financial flexibility,” and then skipped another payment last week. Shares of the chain, based in Plano, Tex., have been trading below $1 per share for most of this year.The bankruptcy represents the fall of an American institution that traces its roots to Kemmerer, Wyo., where its founder, James Cash Penney Jr., invested in a dry-goods store called the Golden Rule. The native of Hamilton, Mo., expanded the chain and soon renamed it J.C. Penney, but was devoted to the notion of the Golden Rule, particularly in how the company treated its workers.From J.C. Penney’s early days, the staff shared in its profits, which Mr. Penney considered core to its success and an example of “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.”Most department store chains have been in a long period of decline, and the massive footprints of Sears and J.C. Penney at mid-tier malls has been especially challenging.But J.C. Penney’s demise was accelerated in the past decade by the involvement of William A. Ackman, the hedge fund manager, and Ron Johnson, the charismatic former retail chief at Apple, who were behind one of the most disastrous retail turnaround attempts in recent history.Mr. Ackman, an activist investor and chief executive of Pershing Square Capital Management, bought a major stake in J.C. Penney in 2010 and subsequently joined its board, seeing an opportunity at the retailer, which was losing ground to rivals like Kohl’s and Macy’s.He personally recruited Mr. Johnson, who joined in late 2011 and planned to transform J.C. Penney’s stores into collections of boutiques with a “town square," banish nonstop promotions and coupons, strike up partnerships with upscale designers like Nanette Lepore and more.His rosy vision — and Mr. Johnson’s frequent references to the late Apple founder Steve Jobs — inspired optimism at first. But, ultimately, Mr. Johnson’s plans, which were often put into place without any small-scale tests, alienated J.C. Penney’s core customers, led to sales and traffic declines and created internal rifts. He was ousted after 17 months in April 2013, but in one year, J.C. Penney had wiped out $4.3 billion, or 25 percent, of its annual sales.J.C. Penney has cycled through new chief executive officers since then, but the downward trend has persisted.Green Street Advisors, a real estate research firm, said in a report last month that it expected more than half of all mall-based department stores to close by the end of 2021 as the pandemic pulled forward “several years of retailer fallout.” The firm said that department stores represented about 60 percent of mall anchor space, and mall operators would be left in a lurch as they figured out what to do with large vacant boxes.Green Street said it expected J.C. Penney to eventually liquidate, even if it emerged from bankruptcy in the short-term, saying that “a smaller store fleet is not going to solve J.C. Penney’s core issues.”The company’s sales have steadily shrunk in recent years to $10.7 billion for the year that ended Feb. 1, when it posted a net loss of $268 million from continuing operations. At the time, it said it had 846 stores in the United States. A decade ago, J.C. Penney was still seeing declines, but its sales were $17.6 billion and it posted income of $249 million from continuing operations. Back then, it had more than 1,100 stores and 154,000 employees. Read the full article
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as well as most people are looking for methods to spend less within our life pageant dresses for teens(*Y&Uhjkd
Methods to Cut costs Whenever Preparing Your own Desire Wedding Component We -------------------- The marriage day time is among the most significant times associated with everybody's existence. It is regarding celebrating your own adore for every additional before your friends and relations. All of us would like which ideal day time using the wedding gown in our goals, the standard three-tier wedding ceremony dessert, incredible transportation towards the location, bridesmaids/page kids, band/disco, the marriage wedding reception in order to pass away with regard to, nicely, the actual checklist might just upon. Preparing your own wedding ceremony is really a really thrilling period however using the company, additionally arrives tension. Allows encounter this wedding ceremonies nowadays aren't inexpensive, normally a marriage expenses in between 15, 000 as well as 20, 000 Lbs! Occasions tend to be difficult for most people only at that existing period as well as most people are looking for methods to spend less within our life pageant dresses for teens. The reason why when your wedding end up being any kind of various? The reason why save money whenever you will find methods to reduce edges? It doesn't imply you need to proceed without having, this simply indicates you need to 'think away from box'. There are lots of methods to reduce the price of your own 'Special day'. Simply searching as well as performing a little bit of investigation can save you 100s otherwise a lot of money halter top wedding dresses. It doesn't imply your own wedding necessary any kind of much less gorgeous or even unforgettable, this merely indicates the strain associated with increasing the cash is going to be minimum. Here are some easy methods for you to reduce your own expenses. Wedding ceremony Location Very first you have to choose exactly where you want to obtain hitched. Would you like to obtain hitched inside a chapel, the registry workplace or possibly the municipal wedding ceremony is actually much more for you personally kohls homecoming dresses. Marriage inside a chapel or even registry workplace indicates additionally, you will require a individual wedding reception location. To assist reduce the price why don't you attempt marriage on the weekday or even from period (meaning not really between your several weeks associated with Might as well as October) as numerous wedding reception locations tend to be more eager for your company and gives a good "off peak"discount or even you might merely have the ability to bargain much more and obtain the cost decreased. An additional less expensive and incredibly well-liked choice is actually to possess a municipal wedding ceremony. What this means is you will get hitched and also have your own wedding reception just about all below 1 roofing, eliminating the price of the actual chapel or even registry workplace. Why don't you consider employing the local town corridor? These people be expensive much less, which means you can visit city using the adornments. These types of can be purchased prior to your own special day through nearby stores or even in the numerous obtainable online retailers, helping you to distribute the price. Obviously the selection of wedding ceremony location will even rely on the quantity of individuals you intend to request. Have you considered using a scaled-down, much more personal wedding ceremony after which later on possess a large celebration for that individuals you had been not able to request. What this means is you're able to commemorate two times as well as you might put on your own wedding ceremony dress() once again!
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Wedding ceremony Dessert The marriage dessert is very the focus of the wedding party however perform you will need to invest countless lbs onto it? The solution isn't any! Perhaps you have noticed the old saying "Less is actually more"? Nicely with regards to wedding ceremony cakes this is often accurate. An easy wedding ceremony dessert, embellished along with clean, periodic blossoms can make a genuine declaration as well as will not set you back a good equip along with a lower-leg. A few popular traditional shops market hot fresh fruit or even cloth or sponge wedding ceremony cakes from excellent costs. Therefore just about all you need to do is actually employ the dessert remain or even coating all of them along with one another as well as then add clean blossoms or even additional dessert adornments that are being sold through any kind of build store or even online shop. You might not want a conventional wedding ceremony dessert. Numerous wedding brides as well as grooms do not really such as wedding ceremony dessert therefore decide to choose some thing these people perform such as. Why don't you attempt some thing chocolatey or even possess plenty of small cookies shown on the remain. These cheapwudug_kshh types of suggestions tend to be a lot gentler in your wallet however may nevertheless perhaps you have as well as your visitors referring to this with regard to a long time. For just about any wedding brides this particular must be ideal! Obviously selecting a wedding gown ought to rely on your financial allowance. There are lots of wedding dresses available to match each and every spending budget. Consider product sales associated with dresses or even read the traditional shops which market a few incredible wedding gowns in a small fraction associated with the buying price of a few wedding gown stores. An additional choice is actually to consider purchasing on the internet, and you will possess the gown of the goals in a snip from the cost. Exactly the same suggestions make an application for. Consider purchasing on the internet in order to reduce the price red high low bridesmaid dresses. Related recommendations: how precisely precisely you might glimpse when you wear clothes you have decided halter top wedding dressesJH)*()Ph{ which can be especially informed in the course of conventional crime long v neck prom dress~!@*#*7689 your order your Outfits Brisbane online is usually granted mother of the groom dresses*&……TFI……Yyg the identical specific outfit since the one you have in the prom halter homecoming dresses()*&……fgRI
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kacydeneen · 5 years
Disney Is Putting Dozens of Stores Inside Target Locations
Target on Sunday announced it’s opening dozens of permanent Disney stores within its own stores over the next year, as it invests in more unique ways to lure customers inside. 
The announcement comes on the heels of Target’s strong quarterly earnings report last week, where it showed it drove more people to stores and got them to spend more money there. Its stock touched a record intraday high of $106.52 on Thursday. Target shares are now up more than 55% year to date. 
Oklahoma Judge to Deliver Judgment in State's Opioid Lawsuit
This Oct. 4, ahead of the holiday season, 25 Disney stores will open at certain Target stores across the country, in cities including Philadelphia, Denver and Chicago. (See a full list of those locations below.) Forty additional Disney locations — selling toys, games, apparel and more — are planned to open by October 2020, the big-box retailer said. It will also be launching a Disney-themed experience on its website, beginning Sunday, where shoppers can find products from the Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars brands, among others. 
In expanding its tie-up with Disney, Target will also be opening a small-format store right near the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida, in 2021, the companies said. 
Banana Industry on Alert After Disease Arrives in Colombia
“Disney is among our largest and most admired [brand] relationships,” Target CEO Brian Cornell said on a call with members of the media. “We have spent a lot of time thinking about how to grow.” 
Cornell declined to comment on how much Disney merchandise currently brings Target in terms of sales, or how much of a revenue driver he expects the Disney store expansion to be. 
Brazil's Bolsonaro Causes Global Outrage Over Amazon Fires
Meanwhile, the announcement comes as retailers across the U.S., including Target, Walmart, Kohl’s and Amazon, are still vying for the market share Toys R Us left up for grabs after it liquidated last year. Though, the Toys R Us brand is still mapping out a comeback of its own. 
Ahead of last holiday season, Target added a quarter-million square feet of space permanently dedicated to toys across more than 500 stores. About 100 stores received a fuller remodel in the toy aisles. When it reported 2018 holiday results, Target said same-store sales were up 5.7%, with the toy category being one of its strongest. 
Disney said it will be opening the first batch of stores at Target right as a new assortment of merchandise from Disney’s “Frozen 2” and “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” hits shelves. It said it will also sell some collectible merchandise there, like dolls and apparel from its Disney Animators’ Collection. 
The companies explained the Disney stores within Target will be staffed by Target employees, who are set to receive special training ahead of the openings. 
The mini Disney stores will span about 750 square feet on average, they said, and will be located next to kids clothing and the existing toy aisles in Target stores. Each store is expected to hold more than 450 items, including about 100 products that could previously only be found at Disney retail locations. It has more than 300 such stores globally today. 
Target said many items will be under $20, with most ranging from $2 to $200. There will also be seating areas in the pint-sized shops for families to sit, listen to Disney music and watch Disney movie clips or take photos in front of interactive displays, it said. 
People who own Disney gear or visit Disney theme parks are likely people who also shop at Target, according to Bob Chapek, chairman of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products. He said there’s about a 90% overlap between the two company’s customers. 
“This gives us the opportunity to expand our footprint well beyond [malls],” Chapek said on a call with members of the media. “The experiential retail coming to Target is just what today’s consumer is looking for.” 
Chapek said Disney also has a partnership with J.C. Penney in some department stores, which it will continue even as it works with Target. “That was something we started at smaller scale than what this was going to be,” he said about teaming up with Penney. 
The announcement for Disney also comes as it’s been revealing new information about its upcoming streaming service’s shows and films during its Disney+ panel at D23 Expo this weekend in Anaheim, California. 
Meanwhile, for Target, an expanded partnership with Disney could become just one of many national brand partnerships growing in its stores, hundreds of which are being remodeled. CVS acquired Target’s pharmacy business back in 2015, for example, and now operates that part of Target’s stores through a “store-within-a-store” format. Target also recently announced it will be bringing denim maker Levi’s to dozens of stores. 
”Based on the performance of our business, we’ve had interest from a number of different vendors, ” Cornell said. But he cautioned Target will be very “selective” in picking the brands it chooses to work with. “I can’t think about a better national brand partner than Disney.” 
Here are the 25 Target locations where Disney is set to open on Oct. 4: 
 Allen North #2516 (Allen, Texas) 
Austin NW #1797 (Austin, Texas) 
Bozeman #1237 (Bozeman, Mont.) 
Brighton #922 (Brighton, Mich.) 
Chicago Brickyard #1924 (Chicago, Ill.) 
Clearwater #1820 (Clearwater, Fla.) 
Denver Stapleton #2052 (Denver, Colo.) 
Edmond #1398 (Edmond, Okla.) 
Euless #1368 (Euless, Texas) 
Houston North Central #1458 (Spring, Texas) 
Jacksonville Mandarin #1300 (Jacksonville, Fla.) 
Keizer #2110 (Keizer, Ore.) 
Lake Stevens #1331 (Lake Stevens, Wash.) 
Leesburg #1874 (Leesburg, Va.) 
Loveland #1178 (Loveland, Colo.) 
Maple Grove North #2193 (Maple Grove, Minn.) 
Mobile West #1376 (Mobile, Ala.) 
Murrieta #1283 (Murrieta, Calif.) 
New Lenox #2028 (New Lenox, Ill.) 
Pasadena #1396 (Pasadena, Texas) 
Philadelphia West #2124 (Philadelphia, Pa.) 
San Jose College Park #2088 (San Jose, Calif.) 
South Jordan #2123 (South Jordan, Utah)
Stroudsburg #1260 (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 
Waterford Park #2068 (Clarksville, Ind.)
Photo Credit: Target Disney Is Putting Dozens of Stores Inside Target Locations published first on Miami News
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ejgiftcards · 7 years
5 Totally Simple Ways To Use Gift Cards For Fundraising!
Everybody loves gift cards – and they make a perfect gift for special occasions, birthdays, holidays, graduations, and much more! But gift cards can be used as much more than just presents – they can be used to give back to your community, and fundraise for a worthy cause!
In fact, this is one of the growing reasons that many small businesses are implementing gift card programs – beyond the fact that gift cards are good for business. Gift cards can allow local businesses to provide nonprofits with simple, flexible gifts that can be used for fundraising efforts.
Small business gift cards are good for business, too. When gift cards are sold or given away at special charitable events, it provides small business owners with an opportunity to connect with their community – and potentially convert more paying customers. That means that small businesses can donate gift cards – and increase profits – at the same time! And that’s a win-win.
The person who received the gift card also benefits – because gift cards are flexible, they can choose the products or services they want, allowing them to have more control over their experience, and making gift cards more appealing for fundraising.
There are many ways that gift cards can be used in fundraising efforts – from raffles, to auctions, to contests and competitions, and much more. Nowadays, just about every fundraiser contains some kind of gift card, due to their popularity.
In this article, we’ll take a look at 5 simple ways that gift cards can be used in fundraising efforts. Whether you’re raising money for a charitable organization, a local youth association, a sports team, or any other cause, this article is sure to help you understand the benefits of using gift cards in fundraising efforts.
1. Auction Gift Cards To Raise Funds At Gala Events
Gala events are extremely commonplace in the fundraising world. The idea of the gala is simple – each person makes a charitable contribution for the opportunity to come to the event, eat dinner, meet and greet with other people, and dance the night away. These events allow people to donate to a charity while still having a good time, making them a very popular method of fundraising.
During the dinner, further donations will often be solicited, allowing charities to obtain more high-value donations from their donors. While this can be effective, it sometimes is a little bit off-putting to donors – they already paid, right? Why should they pay again?
Of course, not everyone reacts that way, but that’s one of the reasons that events like silent auctions are becoming very popular at fundraising events. Silent auctions are a great way to get guests to donate more money – but they also receive something in return, making it less off-putting for those who are less amenable to further donation.
Donated gift cards are hot items at silent auctions. Often, part of the silent auction takes place online, before the actual event. During this time, lower-value gift cards like $25 McDonald’s gift cards, iTunes gift cards or Starbucks gift cards are auctioned off. During the event, attention is usually focused on higher-value gift cards donated by local businesses – such as a $150 gift card to a local steakhouse – or very large gift cards in excess of $500.\
People love bidding on gift cards at silent auctions because they can donate to charity – while still getting a clear amount of value. For example, you may have a donor who wouldn’t be willing to donate $150 via check, but would gladly pay $150 for a $125 gift card to Amazon.com. This is because he’s willing to donate a little bit extra and give back to the community –  but still get something in return.
In fact, it’s very common for most gift cards to get sold at a higher-than-face-value price, because people are willing to spend a little bit extra, knowing that their money goes to a good cause. Essentially, this means that charitable organizations profit twice – once when the gift card is donated, and again when it’s sold.
2. Arrange Gift Cards Into Theme Baskets To Sell At Fundraisers, Or Auction Off
Gift cards are great – but a gift card alone may not be enough to get someone to donate to your organization. Because of this, it’s a great idea to combine gift cards with other items, in order to increase the attractiveness of the entire package.
Themed gift baskets are an incredible way to do this – they look awesome on the donation table, and they can be put together quite cost-effectively by shopping at low-cost stores like Dollar stores, or buying used materials from thrift stores.
By using a fun theme, a smart design, and a great selection of items, you can massively boost a gift card’s appeal. Here are a couple examples of what we’re talking about.
Italian Gift Basket – Grab a wicker basket, cover it with a checkerboard-print tablecloth, and fill it up with all kinds of specialty Italian foods! Dried meats like Salami, specialty cheeses, hard-to-find pasta, exquisite olive oil, biscotti, and a gift card to a local Italian eatery will make this basket irresistible to any Italian-lover at your fundraiser.
Pet Gift Basket – Who doesn’t love pampering their pets? Versions of this could be done for both dogs and cats. A dog gift basket may be built around a new doggy bed, piled high with treats, chewable bones, pet toys, and perhaps a gift card to a local dog groomer. 
A cat gift basket could be built around a litterbox (if you’re feeling fun!), and include catnip, scratching posts, brushes, and a gift card to a veterinarian, or a local pet goods store.
Dinner And A Movie Gift Basket – Grab a gift card to a local restaurant, throw in another to your local Cineplex, and toss them into a popcorn bucket alongside some classic theater treats like Junior Mints, Raisinets, and a list of movie showtimes in your area!
The Ultimate Tailgate Gift Basket – Sports fans will love this one. Pick up an inexpensive cooler and fill it up with baseball memorabilia from the local sports team, and a gift card or tickets to the local ballpark. You can also include snacks, beers (if your patrons are over 21), and everything else that a sports fan might need to have an awesome night at the ballpark.
Cooking Class Gift Basket – People love getting things – but more than that, they love doing things. A gift basket built around cooking classes is a great way to appeal to people who love experiencing new things. Grab a nice basket (or a colander, if you’re feeling fun) throw in some clean new dishtowels, measuring cups, stirring spoons, or other kitchen utensils, and a gift card to a local establishment offering cooking classes – or a specialty grocery store, if there are no cooking classes on offer nearby. 
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’ve got a gift card, you can build a themed basket around it. Gift card to the local movie rental store? Pack it up with some candy and blankets – it’s home movie night! Got one for a sporting goods store? Stick it in a helmet with some Gatorade, a new football, and a couple sweat towels – the opportunities are totally endless!
3. Raffle Off Your Gift Cards!
Raffles are a fantastic way to raise money for your organization. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to spend a few bucks on raffle tickets – especially if the prizes are great. Even if a person who bought tickets doesn’t win the raffle, they’ll know that their money is going to a good cause, and it’s fun to have the chance to win something great from a raffle!
But a great raffle requires a great prize – people probably aren’t going to line up around the block for a raffle that features a boring or useless prize. That’s why gift cards are such a great prize for a raffle – their inherent flexibility allows raffle winners to choose what they spend them on, increasing the likelihood that you’ll sell more tickets and raise more money.
4. Sell Gift Cards To Raise Funds (If You’re A Small Business)
Many local businesses partner with schools, local charities, and other organizations to share profits – and this is a fantastic way to raise money for a great cause without just giving away your services for free. Usually, this takes the form of a special “event night”, where 10% of sales go towards benefiting a particular organization. While this can be a good way to raise money, it’s often difficult to find a night that works well for everyone.
So, if you’re willing, your small business can take a different path – and use gift cards to raise funds for charities. This allows you to give back to your community in a more long-lasting way. You could donate 10% of all gift cards purchased to an organization for a month or more, allowing you to provide a charity with funding and deepen your connection with your community – without simply giving away your products and services.
If you don’t want to invest in a new gift card system, that’s totally fine! Just keep track of your gift card sales – and donate a set percentage of the proceeds when the promotion is over! It’s just that easy – and you’ll be surprised at how the community engages with your business when you’re giving back.
5. Buy And Resell Gift Cards In Bulk
If you’re looking for a more large-scale way to raise money for an organization, many retailers offer discounted gift cards to charities that can be resold for full face-value, providing a fantastic way for nonprofits to organize fundraising efforts. An example of this would be Kohl’s Cares – eligible schools, nonprofits, and charities can purchase these cards and resell them, and all of the profits go directly to the organization.
Local businesses can also mimic this approach. Instead of donating a set percentage of profits during a set time period – as mentioned in method #4 – you can simply sell a bulk package of gift cards to a nonprofit for, say, 90% of face value. They can then resell these cards at 100% value, and keep the profits for their cause.
This allows businesses to profit from increased traffic and sales, and charitable organizations to profit by reselling gift cards at a higher margin, and using the profits to fund their own programs.
It’s usually a good idea to make this kind of program known well in advance – at a PTA meeting or other fundraising event, and take “pre-orders” for gift cards from interested individuals. If you’re a businessperson selling gift cards at a discounted rate, this will ensure that you don’t overcommit to selling gift cards – and if you’re raising funds, getting pre-orders is a way to make sure that you don’t have a bunch of discount gift cards sitting around and collecting dust.
Follow These Fundraising Methods – And Use The Power Of Gift Cards For Good!
Gift cards are awesome – and these 5 fundraising methods are a great way for you to harness the desirability of gift cards for a good cause. So whether you’re a small nonprofit, a local business owner, or just interested in how gift cards can be used charitably, it’s a great idea to learn about the ways gift cards can be used for good! Next time you’re involved in a fundraiser, suggest one of these ideas – you’re sure to get a great reaction!
And if you have gift cards you don’t need (or your organization bought too many for a fundraiser), don’t worry! You can always sell them on a website like EJ Gift Cards. We offer great rates for hundreds of different gift cards, and we can help you turn your extra gift cards into cash immediately via PayPal.
Using gift cards for charitable causes is a great way to get fantastic results with minimum effort – so check out these simple ways to use gift cards for fundraising, and make a difference in your community!
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bigyack-com · 4 years
J.C. Penney Files for Bankruptcy
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J.C. Penney, the department store chain founded in 1902 that has more than 800 stores in the United States, filed for bankruptcy protection on Friday, the latest and largest retailer to fall during the coronavirus pandemic.Its collapse follows other retail bankruptcies this month, including J. Crew, the Neiman Marcus Group and the designer men’s clothing brand John Varvatos. But J.C. Penney represents the biggest casualty by far based on the number of locations, with stores that are anchors at many American malls, with nearly 85,000 employees.The company said it filed for Chapter 11 protection from its creditors in federal bankruptcy court for the Southern District of Texas, and that it had $500 million in cash on hand and received commitments for $900 million financing to use during the bankruptcy process. J.C. Penney said it had struck a deal with certain lenders that will reduce several billion dollars of its debt and would explore a sale of the company. It also said it plans to close stores and that specific locations and timing would be disclosed in coming weeks.The filing was expected after J.C. Penney failed to make an interest payment on its debt in April to “maximize financial flexibility,” and then skipped another payment last week. Shares of the chain, based in Plano, Tex., have been trading below $1 per share for most of this year.The bankruptcy represents the fall of an American institution that traces its roots to Kemmerer, Wyo., where its founder, James Cash Penney Jr., invested in a dry-goods store called the Golden Rule. The native of Hamilton, Mo., expanded the chain and soon renamed it J.C. Penney, but was devoted to the notion of the Golden Rule, particularly in how the company treated its workers.From J.C. Penney’s early days, the staff shared in its profits, which Mr. Penney considered core to its success and an example of “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.”Most department store chains have been in a long period of decline, and the massive footprints of Sears and J.C. Penney at mid-tier malls has been especially challenging.But J.C. Penney’s demise was accelerated in the past decade by the involvement of William A. Ackman, the hedge fund manager, and Ron Johnson, the charismatic former retail chief at Apple, who were behind one of the most disastrous retail turnaround attempts in recent history.Mr. Ackman, an activist investor and chief executive of Pershing Square Capital Management, bought a major stake in J.C. Penney in 2010 and subsequently joined its board, seeing an opportunity at the retailer, which was losing ground to rivals like Kohl’s and Macy’s.He personally recruited Mr. Johnson, who joined in late 2011 and planned to transform J.C. Penney’s stores into collections of boutiques with a “town square," banish nonstop promotions and coupons, strike up partnerships with upscale designers like Nanette Lepore and more.His rosy vision — and Mr. Johnson’s frequent references to the late Apple founder Steve Jobs — inspired optimism at first. But, ultimately, Mr. Johnson’s plans, which were often put into place without any small-scale tests, alienated J.C. Penney’s core customers, led to sales and traffic declines and created internal rifts. He was ousted after 17 months in April 2013, but in one year, J.C. Penney had wiped out $4.3 billion, or 25 percent, of its annual sales.J.C. Penney has cycled through new chief executive officers since then, but the downward trend has persisted.Green Street Advisors, a real estate research firm, said in a report last month that it expected more than half of all mall-based department stores to close by the end of 2021 as the pandemic pulled forward “several years of retailer fallout.” The firm said that department stores represented about 60 percent of mall anchor space, and mall operators would be left in a lurch as they figured out what to do with large vacant boxes.Green Street said it expected J.C. Penney to eventually liquidate, even if it emerged from bankruptcy in the short-term, saying that “a smaller store fleet is not going to solve J.C. Penney’s core issues.”The company’s sales have steadily shrunk in recent years to $10.7 billion for the year that ended Feb. 1, when it posted a net loss of $268 million from continuing operations. At the time, it said it had 846 stores in the United States. A decade ago, J.C. Penney was still seeing declines, but its sales were $17.6 billion and it posted income of $249 million from continuing operations. Back then, it had more than 1,100 stores and 154,000 employees. Read the full article
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