#to summarize: I don't want anyone to die. I want someone to get hurt.
I had a thought; hear me out.
There's already a vault edition pack smth for the game — Ghost, Makarov, some other guy, and ofc, Price — as operators. Official and ready for pre-order.
The games (so far) usually do not introduce dead characters as operators (unless later revealed to be alive like Alex and Graves) cause the multiplayer canonically occurs after the campaign, right?
Besides (my own thinking), if Price was actually gonna die in the game, it'd be such a huge turning point in the franchise. Would they really reveal in the trailer just like that?? Or is it just misleading?
Point is there may be hope for Price yet 🤞
YEP he's there in the official vault bundle alright 👌
I absolutely love Price and I definitely hope he stays alive. What I wanna see though is Price (or any character in that matter) somehow getting hurt (oop 👀) and be unavailable for sometime in the campaign, idk. JUST MAKE ME WORRIED. MAKE ME SAD.
Like imagine the boys having to go on without Price for the time being. Imagine how Gaz will feel. Imagine how Farah reacts, how the others will handle it. LIKE AAAAHHH THE DRAMA. GIVE ME ALL THE DRAMA.
And yeah from the multiplayer & corporate point of view, killing Price is gonna be a BAD move.
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i-heart-hxh · 2 months
Did Gon say “it’s none of your business” or “it doesn’t matter to you” to Killua? I’m trying to figure out the nuance of this line and what Gon meant. Killua takes it as a rejection because he’s going through inner turmoil about his place at Gon’s side. But we as the audience know Gon was not rejecting Killua’s friendship here. Was it more a rejection of help? Or just simply lashing out? Or was it him basically saying since it wasn’t Killua’s fault that Kite got hurt Killua didn’t have to deal with the same burden?
@hunterxhell wrote this fantastic meta post on the topic, and also a follow-up post giving more context that I highly recommend. I wholeheartedly agree with both of these posts. (And apologies if I do any repeating of what was said in those posts but less eloquently--I'm trying to share my own thoughts here, but those posts are a basis for the way I see the scene so some repetition is inevitable!) I think "It's none of your business," or "This doesn't concern you," are translations that capture essentially what Gon was saying here, though his previous comment about Killua being able to stay calm/cool-headed does add that, "You don't care about this situation like I do," bite to it regardless.
Here's what Gon says in Japanese, just for reference:
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What Gon was doing was essentially pushing Killua away--saying that this is his business, his situation, and Killua should stay out of it. His reaction was partly out of anger that Killua was trying to meddle and express his concerns about Gon's behavior and the situation, as Gon was not able to put the brakes on and think about this situation in a more objective way at all (putting it mildly). But it's also partly Gon seeing what happened to Kite as his fault, and Kite as primarily his connection, and in his fog of extreme emotion, it was impossible for him to deal with Killua's (seeming) calmness and analytical way of seeing the situation.
I definitely think this scene connects to Gon's earlier statement in Yorknew about it being okay for him to talk about dying, but not okay for Killua to say the same thing, however:
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But, this is just one contributing factor to the situation, as, in that scene we're talking about, Gon is clearly, certainly not acting purely out of a selfless desire for Killua to leave the situation. But, it's telling about his overall attitude--that if something is wrong, he's willing to suffer the consequences and shoulder the burden and even die to rectify it if the situation calls for it, but his feelings about Killua are different.
I don't think Gon sees Killua as having any responsibility for what happened to Kite (even though I do think Killua believes otherwise), and so Gon sees this situation as something he needs to deal with solely, to assuage his overwhelming guilt, and he'll deal with it by any means necessary without letting anyone else get in his way. Killua, on the other hand, is not someone Gon sees as needing to pay this penance, because it's not his business and Kite is not someone who has the same meaning to Killua. It's something Gon wants to deal with alone, in his own way, at his own costs, to make up for how he thinks he failed Kite.
Of course, this all goes completely against how Killua expresses his love for Gon--by helping and supporting him, and wanting to be there with him to the bitter end and beyond if that's what it comes down to.
So, I'd say it's ultimately a combination of him lashing out at Killua due to being unable to cope with the emotional state he was in, and him pushing Killua away because, in Gon's view, Killua didn't have the same level of emotional investment OR blame in the situation. It's hard to summarize--it's emotionally complex, and the way their characters are written throughout the whole series leads up to this point--so you can't consider it in a vacuum, without looking at all their prior tendencies and the ways they see themselves.
I hope this is helpful!
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originalleftist · 2 months
Sorry for how long this ended up being, but there's a lot to cover. My sincere gratitude to anyone who actually reads through it.
We have seen again and again how easily supposed progressives, even those considered long-time allies, can quickly fall into believing and acting on fascist psy-ops.
There's no sure way to know that someone is a trustworthy ally. One might say that there is no such thing, since everyone has faults and blind spots and prejudices and is hypocritical to one extent or another.
But here are a few common ways in which so-called Leftists, progressives, feminists, etc get duped into supporting fascist agendas. It's both a litmus test of sorts, red flags that someone may not be as reliable an ally as you think, and also a good shortlist of major narratives the Right uses to try to infiltrate and co-opt progressive communities and divide their opposition, which you should be on the lookout for.
1. Ukraine/Russia. If someone is defending Putin or vilifying Ukraine, they are likely being influenced by Kremlinist-fascist propaganda designed to sway Leftists under the guise of being "anti-imperialism" or "anti-war". This is a larger subset of how opposition to wars and imperialism has been used for decades to draw Left-wingers into supporting conspiracy theorism and hypocritically aligning with dictatorial, even fascist regimes that are seen as opposing "the West".
Note: a specific subset of this, which I've found even people who otherwise don't necessarily fall for it sometimes do, is Assange apologism. Julian Assange is not simply a journalist who was persecuted by the government for exposing its secrets. He is closely-aligned with the Kremlin and its propaganda, and leaked information selectively to hurt Clinton/Democrats help Trump during the 2016 election.
2. Covid. Anti-vax conspiracy theorism used to be a position more associated with the Left, though it has been largely coopted by the fascist Right, thanks to Trump. A lot of this was built on opposition to capitalism/big corporations/"Big Pharma" and probably also environmentalist concerns about toxins in our environment, which appeals to Left-wing sensibilities.
There's also a heavy dose of ableism, particularly fear-mongering about/misrepresenting autism, which is another prejudice that has appeal across the political spectrum. Even if one accepted the (widely-debunked) claims linking vaccines to autism, that means that the central premise of the anti-vax agenda, when you strip it down to its core, can be summarized as "Your child is better off dead of a deadly disease than alive and autistic."
We might also have a word here about support for DNRs*/"assisted dying"/euthanasia and making "assisted dying" more accessible to disabled people, typically framed as letting them "die with dignity" without actually providing them the support that would let them LIVE with dignity (see Canada's MAID controversies). Though I am pleased to see pushback from Left-leaning parties on this recently.
*I should note here that I do not oppose DNRs in principle, nor the right of any patient (assuming they have the ability to do so, and if not that's what living wills are for) to refuse medical care. I DO have a problem when people are mislead or pressured to choose them, or even have them issued without their knowledge/consent (as in the widely-reported case of people with disabilities being given DNR orders in the UK).
3. Trans Rights. Many a proclaimed feminist has shown their true colours once the subject of trans rights came up. Falsely attacking trans people as male predators or fake women does not protect women- trans people are actually one of the most likely groups to be subjected to sexual violence, and if one wants to prey on women, there are far easier and less-stigmatized ways to do so in our society. Transphobia also ultimately serves to oppress cis women, as women who do not perfectly fit white patriarchal standards are investigated and accused of being trans (as seen with anti-drag laws potentially criminalizing non-traditional dress choices, and the attacks on cis female athletes of colour, particularly at the 2024 Olympics).
4. Israel/Palestine. Many so-called Leftists have embraced conspiratorial and even outright genocidal Anti-semitism masquerading as opposing "colonialism" and genocide. This narrative seems to rest on two primary lies- the claim that Jews are not indigenous to the Levant, and therefore colonizers (this is contradicted by overwhelming historical, archaeological, cultural, and genetic evidence), and the usual group-think/collective guilt and "us vs them" mentality (the belief that all Israelis/Jews are collectively guilty for the crimes of the Netanyahu government, and the belief that the rights of Palestinians and Jews cannot coexist, but one must come at the expense of the other).
5. Johnny Depp. Many so-called "feminists" quickly embraced or at least turned a blind eye toward misogynist abuse and conspiracy theories from incels/"Mens' Rights Activists" against a queer activist and DV survivor, out of fandom for Johnny Depp (who also has close ties to both the Kremlin and Saudi governments). Presenting Depp as "the real victim", and Heard as a fake victim undermining "real victims", and as a privileged elite using "white woman tears" to gain sympathy, were other ways in which the Right played on Leftists' sympathies and rhetoric to co-opt them in this case. Amber Heard hate/Johnny Depp fandom is a clear indication that a "progressive" or "feminist" can be swayed to abandon their convictions by celebrity/fandom, and/or lacks understanding of Intersectionality (ie how someone could be relatively privileged in certain ways but still disadvantaged in others, particularly against someone like Depp).
6. Immigration. Many supposed Leftists have proven susceptible to narratives accusing immigrants/foreigners of "stealing" jobs from the working class, while the reality is that immigration also creates jobs (more people means more demand for goods and services), automation is a threat to jobs that has nothing to do with immigration, and immigrants often do jobs most Americans don't want to (which is actually exploitation-in typical DARVO fashion, immigrants are vilified for their own exploitation). Anti-immigrant rhetoric is a divide and conquer tactic used by oligarchs to keep the working class fighting each other, instead of focusing on who's really exploiting them.
7. Housing. Attacks on the Unhoused are one of the most acceptable forms of bigotry in our society on both Left and Right. Often this boils down to simple selfishness- whatever a person's abstract political views, they don't want to see "homeless" or "poor" people around, falsely equate them with criminality/drugs, and are worried about the effect of encampments or even the construction of low-income housing on their property values.
These are all ways in which the Right commonly infiltrates and co-opts Leftwing circles, and pits its opponents against each other (divide and conquer). Of course, there are other issues, other examples. This is not a definitive list. So its important to learn to recognize patterns, so you can spot psy-ops/divide and conquer tactics in other forms/on other issues.
One frequent pattern in these narratives is of course collective guilt/guilt by association: Ukraine is bad because it is aligned with the West, Russia is good because it's against the West. Heard is bad because she's a (relatively) rich famous white woman (somehow Depp isn't, as a rich white man). Israel/Jews are evil because of the crimes of the Israeli government, Hamas is good because they're against Israel. Related to this is the use of DARVO tactics to allow oppressors to falsely claim status as victims, further muddying the waters (and a hard argument to counter, because anyone guilty of it can immediately accuse anyone who points it out of doing the same thing). Assange, an oppressive of the Kremlin, is painted as just a heroic journalist persecuted for exposing the truth. Depp, an extremely wealthy, famous man with a long history of racism, misogyny, violent criminality, and ties to the Mob and dictatorial regimes, is the helpless victim of his ex-wife/a feminist conspiracy. Upper/upper-middle class home owners are the real victims because poor people exist in their communities. White workers are the real victims, not immigrants exploited as cheap labour who don't dare complain if their rights are violated because they might be deported.
A third common trick is to simultaneously paint the target group as a deadly, even existential threat, and as pathetic and weak. This seeming contradiction is a hallmark of fascist propaganda specifically (Umberto Eco listed it on his list of 14 traits of fascism). For example, unhoused people are all lazy pathetic drug users, but also criminals destroying our neighbourhoods. Amber Heard is both a talentless, obviously lying gold digger, but also powerful and competent enough to terrorize her husband (in his home, surrounded by private security on his payroll) for years and mastermind a vast international conspiracy spanning a decade to frame him. Ukraine is not even a real country, but also a huge threat to Russia's security justifying its invasion (propagandists often sidestep this absurdity by simply treating Ukraine as an extension of the US/NATO- this allows them to simultaneously portray Russia's genocidal war as the underdog defending itself against "Western imperialism", and to reinforce their genocidal narrative that Ukraine is not a real nation).
Learn the tricks. Call them out when you see them. And if someone else says you're falling for them, don't get defensive and immediately double-down- listen and consider whether you are, in fact, being misled.
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desceros · 8 months
Okay I have something of a long post/ask/critical analysis of Symphony AU that I want to address. you're free to ignore it if I'm just spouting off insane copium. Or whatever you want to do with it lol. This is more about the turtles that about the Violist.
First I'm gonna talk about Donnie because he's arguably the easiest one to talk about. And take less time. He spent at the very least 15 years of his life knowing exactly five people, three brothers, his dad, and a bestie/pseudo big sister. They're all people who completely understand/grew up with him. And he's used to people adapting to his needs without having to say anything because he's, well, they're brother/son. Speaking from a purely canon standpoint in Rise you can see it, Raph refuses to tell Donnie they hate his gifts because it'll crush him. Stuff like that. Leo calling him a "weirdo" doesn't really mean much of anything considering he's Donnie's brother, and this is about pineapple on pizza.
This is all to say I see how Donnie just didn't bother communicating this was all for his touch experiment. As far as he's basically aware, she already knew. He wasn't going to read between the lines because he'd grown accustomed to the way his brothers, April, and dads act. Which, in hindsight, bit him in the ass because the violist literally doesn't know him aside from "purple turtle science man".
So. I get him. I get where he's coming from even if it ended up kinda fucking up the violist. That's all part of the learning curve of knowing people who don't already know who you are and whatever.
Now for Leo, maybe this is REALLY just me on my copium life support but I see where he's coming from too. Again, when you look at it from a canon lens I see where Leo is coming from. He's always been protective of his family, even more so than Raph at points. He didn't trust Big Mama immediately, even though the rest of his brothers did. He was perfectly willing and happy to DIE IN THE PRISON DIMENSION to keep his family safe. Like, let's not forget he, as well as the others, has a ton of unchecked trauma that he's definitely not willing to address to anyone. A decade of unaddressed trauma will do things to someone's psyche, intentionally or not. The guilt of almost killing his brothers has been festering inside him for over a decade now, this doesn't really seem entirely like a "my brother touches you and not me >:(" thing.
The way I see it Leo's acting out because he's actually just terrified of someone hurting his family again. It's definitely not okay, and it's condemnable. But as someone who's done some pretty fucked shit when I was dealing with my depression before meds, I've been Leo before. That man needs help, and fast.
We've also seen, from Symphony AU that he's mostly accepted the violist as part of the family now. The comments he makes about her being "Donnie's toy" are, again, things he seems to be saying to get a rise out of Donnie. We know he's been doing that for a while. And I wouldn't really put it past him for continuing to try and do it now that Donnie's not allowed to do his experiments anymore.
I had a way better way of wording this last night but I ended up watching TMNT 1987 instead but to summarize my thoughts, I sympathize with both Leo and Donnie and don't believe either of them are irredeemable monsters. If I'm somehow wrong about Leo and this is all just conduit to getting Donnie and the violist together then I'm gonna be so :(. Mafuyu Main Story chapter 14 even.
Or, again, maybe I'm just coping lol.
oh i'm all about symphony copium. breathe deep, anon-chan, hahahaha
aaaaand in true desceros fashion this got way too long so i'm tucking it under a cut. rolls eyes at myself soooooo hard
you're largely correct, though i will specify that for donnie it's not that he "didn't bother" to communicate what he thought was going on, so much as he thought he did.
i invite you-slash-everyone to read this passage from when the agreement was struck to see what i mean. i've removed all of viola-chan's thoughts and interpretations for you, and left you with just the core of the conversation, color-coded for clarity on who's speaking:
“We have… exhausted the limits of touching that I would perform with most people.”  [...] “…What do you mean?”  “I mean that all of the myriad mechanical touches I have experienced so far in my life, we’ve covered together. [...] I’ve become completely enured to them all, so long as you’re the one doing them. There is, of course, an obvious next step, but I wanted to discuss it before we begin.”  “To… touches you haven’t done?” [...] “Correct." [...] “I… don’t understand." [...] “I’m referring to more… intimate touches. We’ve… already been pushing at the boundary a bit, so I wanted to be very specific and clear." [...]
“I… take it you don’t scent your brothers.” “No, I don’t." [...] “Donnie, I—[...] I like you. You know that, right?”  “You aren’t very good at hiding it, no. [...] I, of course, like you as well, though I’d like to think that has been well demonstrated over our time together.”
[...]"…Intimate touches. [...] Like… what, petting? Kissing? Sex? What are we talking about, exactly?”  “All of it, ideally. [...] I’m quite curious to study how I’ll react, especially considering the whole touch aversion situation.” [...] “…Do… Do you wanna try it? [...] …Us, together, I mean?”  [...] “Really? With… With me?” [...] “Of course, I—[...]Donnie, I… of course. I’d be stupid to say no, right?” “Oh, that’s such a relief. [...] I’ve been making spreadsheets of things I’ve wanted to try for several days and wondering how best to bring it up, especially considering—well. It’s quite helpful that you did so yourself. Excellent work, consultant.” [...] “Well, I’d like to amend our agreement on how turtle time is going to go, from now on in light of all this, [...] We’re partners, now, so we have to take care of each other. [...]” “[...]Very well. If those are your terms for partnership, I accept.”
see how differently it reads without viola-chan's thoughts staining it? stripped of her thoughts, you can easily see where the miscommunication happened. other than a few incidental pieces of dialogue that don't affect the meaning of the convo, this is it.
in donnie's mind, he and viola-chan were very much on the same page. "partnership". "agreement". these are words that viola-chan uses. when he refers to spreadsheets, she just rolls with it. as far as he's concerned, they're talking about a scientific study here. he did communicate, and well. it's just... viola-chan put things there that he didn't. and that's not her fault, because at this point she hasn't picked up on how to communicate with donnie yet. and it's completely rational to assume, when discussing sex and romance and hearing someone say "i like you"--and then going on to kiss and have sex with that person--that it's a romantic relationship. as stated in the fic, my personal opinion (which to be clear, as someone who stands on death of the author, this *is* just my opinion) neither of them did the other ill. they literally just didn't know how to communicate yet. so i 100% agree with you on being able to see donnie's side of this. i have another long-ass ask somewhere in the meta tag discussing the lack of socializing specifically, if you're curious for more of my thoughts on that.
i also agree with you largely with the leo portion of your analysis. i... can't go into as much detail on his side of things, but rest assured that before everything is over, viola-chan and leo are going to have more than one conversation. and the two of them, despite everything, really do mesh well and talk about things, so it'll be a satisfying resolution, i think.
anyway WOW that got way too long but teal deer, i agree and love deep meta-analysis of my stuff so don't apologize in the slighest, yeehaw
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plisuu · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Thanks for the tag @the-rebel-archivist! I think I might have been tagged by someone else a while ago but??? sorry ahahha
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12! But two of those are art and one of them is the abandoned version of my long fic. I... don't post much ahahaha
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Dragon Age :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In Flame Forged Anew - my long fic! DA: I, Cullen/m!Trev except not really because it's insanely slow burn. Deals with a lot of guilt and also tranquility. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ What You Want - My oldest work (barring my abandoned long-fic). Pavelyan, from when Connor used to be a Dorianmance. A lil confession one-shot. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Battle of Attrition - Dead-dove whump for whumptober. Red Templars and torture ahoy! ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ The Healer's Hands - Solas/Blackwall gay awakening and pining, ft. a little bit of hurt/comfort ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ On Broken Wings We Fly - A lil friendship fic I wrote for @rosella-writes of their Lavellan's interactions with my Inquisitor and the start of their strange friendship.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try! I also forget and get so caught up trying to write "meaningful replies" that I tend to fall behind on them ahaha
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hhhh well it hasn't ended, but probably Battle of Attrition (since it's all just whump) or Never Say Die, a tiny thing about some of the OCxOC lead-up to the Conclave.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my writing is pretty bittersweet at best, but probably Shrike, a lil Cullen PoV fic about his and Connor's relationship.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have in the past.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Only privately, and of the heavily character focused kink variety. Trust and emotional vulnerability through physical intimacy my beloved.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not off the top of my head, no.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware, but I mostly write OCs so probably not lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, it seems difficult?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
... All time? Axel x Saix, probably ahahaha for Dragon Age though I'd say my favorite romance is Iron Bull's.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have yet to finish anything ever soooo
16. What are your writing strengths?
Banter and character voice! The transcript project mostly means I've heard and read so much character dialogue that their voices are ingrained in my skull. I'm also told that I'm pretty good at grounding things in physical sensation.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I've always really struggled with head-hopping and under-explaining, I think.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've never needed to, but it depends on the fic/language. If it's something the reader would already be familiar with like or a word or phrase, I'd write it in the language, but for longer lines or a full conversation, I would either summarize for the reader or write the conversation in italicized English.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Definitely my long fic, I'm very proud of it, but I love all my writing! I write very specifically to my own tastes ahahah Though my whump fic has been so indulgent it's definitely near the top.
tagging: @rosella-writes, @inquisimer, @dreadfutures, @broodsys, @blarrghe, and anyone else who wants to join! Question template under the cut :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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cousticks · 11 months
You mentioned that
"Beast canon means very little to me honestly as far as the actual novel, when it comes to anything having to do with dazai or chuuya or anything. and i ignore the movie entirely."
With that said, what HCs do you have about Beast? Things that you wished happened in canon or ideas you have that makes Beast a lot better?
(no pressure ask btw 💗
answer only what u want, take ur time, or ignore if ud rather not)
have a good day!
(if you do share, feel free to go all out. I love buffeting on bsd analyses 🤭
xoxo ❤️
--- w
ooooh my beast headcanons? oh buddy. i think i've mentioned a lot of these before here but i'll summarize some of my major points and see if i think of anything else. this is long, so i'll put a read more to not clog anyone's dash up too bad!
i'll first mention what i discount, which is... mostly whatever chuuya's ending is with the chains and the freakout and whatnot. i ignore that. it didn't happen and cannot hurt me. whatever. anyway,
i've mentioned it a bunch before but i like to think that dazai's takeover of the mafia in beast was in the aftermath of the dragon's head conflict so its just... bad to worse, really.
one of my first posts on this account is an angsty tidbit on my hc that after dazai's fall, chuuya takes the scarf off the dead body. no he does not wash the blood off. that's just his now. do not ask him about the scarf.
dazai treats the mafia as a plaything. he needed a way to control as much of the dark side of yokohama as possible, and expanding the mafia was his easy route to do so. i believe that his major focus was taking out competing organizations, so they could never cause trouble for oda. dazai couldn't care less about the mafia itself, but it is a useful tool to him, so he made it powerful and ruthless.
consequently, i like to think that the ada in the beast timeline has a much easier job of things, honestly. ever since oda joined the ada, any major threats to it aside from the mafia itself just... mysteriously disappear. they see it as the city maybe getting better, or something, though to the whole of the ada the mafia is still a present threat, even if it... oddly avoids them, generally.
outside of his targeted projects, i don't think dazai does a lot of the actual running of the mafia outside from actually giving commands. he doesn't meet with executives often, he doesn't get as involved as one would expect. he gives his orders and he observes and outside of that he does fuck all. that's all chuuya, as his right hand/bodyguard whatever. chuuya is the one meeting with the executives, running the day-to-days, all except ensuring that the plans are carried out.
reminder that i ignore the canon ending of beast with chuuya in it. anyway. it kind of sucks that most characters end up with a better ending, except for chuuya (and dazai who is dead). no matter the universe, chuuya is in the mafia. which, we know he never really <i>wanted</i> to be boss, so it kind of sucks for him. but going along with my headcanon that its chuuya running much of the day-to-day already, it kind of pre-sets him up to take over as boss. dazai was always going to die, right? by making chuuya the face that the organization works with, when he ends up ascending to boss after dazai's death, there's no split loyalties, no one opposing the order. chuuya was already running the mafia and running it well to begin with, which makes the transition easier, i think. after dazai's death and chuuya's organizational loyalty, i think having to deal with dissenters would weigh on him. sure, he still has to be in the mafia. someone has to run the mafia to keep the city stable, that falls to chuuya, dazai knows he's the best choice. but at least he had the decency to make it easier, by not making chuuya deal with dissenters against him. (i do believe that during the takeover after dragon's head, dazai had chuuya's help in smoothing the transition and squashing mori supporters. however, chuuya didn't have to see that as defending his own right to run the mafia or anything, he would have been able to frame it as helping dazai and stabilizing the mafia. when its chuuya's own rank in question, the dissenters would be a real problem for him ((see: the sheep)) due to his loyalty to them. so by eliminating the probability of dissenters, it eases the transition).
back on the whole oda-protection thing. i kind of like to think that dazai, knowing how powerful atsushi and akutagawa are when they work together as he's seen it in other timelines, kind of ensured they both ended up in the ada because they are incredibly strong and, in their own ways, fiercely loyal and willing to prove themselves. they'd do GREAT at protecting oda after dazai is kaput. put them in the same organization so they don't get too distracted fighting each other? boom, powerful protectors of the ada, just like that. plus the added bonus of i think chuuya feels a little responsible for atsushi's wellbeing, knowing he was a pet project of dazai's at the very least, and would keep a light eye on the agency just to make sure the kid is doing okay, which kind of extends to the rest of the ada, as long as they aren't interfering in mafia business.
i'm sure i have more beast headcanons but this is all i can think of at the moment.
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ley-med · 1 year
Hi!!! I need some advice from you or other doctors/med students. I just have a few exams left till the end of med school but I just. Can’t. Study. Anymore. It’s making me want to throw up. I hate it so much. I open the book and I’m just like 😭😭😭. And the worst thing is that after I’m done with med school I will STILL have to study. Till I die. And I currently just don’t want to study ever again. I feel like it’s sucking all the life out of me. So if someone here ever felt like that, I would greatly appreciate some words of wisdom haha
Oh sweetheart, I feel you! And I assure you, most of us had been here, and still succeeded against all odds. I'm sure others will have some advice too :)
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how I passed my last exams, I was also suffering from a very heavy case of "I can't study"-ness (and apparently also undiagnosed ADHD, not helping my case). What worked for me (kinda), I took breaks pretty often. Might seem counterproductive, but it's better if you do something fun/relaxing/anything else for an hour and then study effectively for half an hour, than suffering through that one and a half hour without getting any studying done... Eat well, do sports, and sleep enough! And then, just take a deep breath, and suck it up, force yourself trough the material. Pure force of will. And my favourite motivational pinterest quote: "the quickest way out is trough". (You can't imagine how many times I repeated this sentence like a mantra in my head, instead of actually studying, naturally)
And it's important to remember, you are at the end of med school. You know way more than you believe. If your school is anything like mine, most of these exams will test you on stuff you've already learned once (or twice or thrice etc). You need to freshen it up, definitely, but you already have most of the knowledge you need to pass.
Believe me, I know the feeling that you think about the future and you want to throw up because of all the studying you will have to do after med school. Hell, I'm still in my "school? never again" phase. (I might have slight PTSD from med school... But yeah, we are talking about you and not me here. Anyway.) First off, you will most probably have some time off after finishing med school and before starting your first doctor job. Hide all the medical books from view! If you have a few months, by the end of it you might even be able to read more than a page of a non-science-related book you actually enjoy! But joking aside, time off after med school really works wonders. It's absolutely necessary for your sanity and survival, and it will help regain some of your motivation.
Second off, studying after med school is much more fun! If anyone told me this, I definitely wouldn't have believed them, but it's true. Now I have to study things I'm interested in, things I care about. I see it put to work in day to day life, hell, I use it in day to day life. Never thought I would say this, but studying now is (mostly) fun. I'm starting to remember that I used to like studying, that I'm curious about the world around me... So to summarize, it gets better. It's still studying, sometimes it's still an "I don't wanna" chore, but when the difference between studying or not can literally and actually make the difference between a patient's life or death, that terror makes for a pretty fucking great motivation. And when you studied something and then use it in your work the next week? Amazing feeling.
So hang in there. You got this far already, you can do this! It's going to hurt all the way, but you are going to be standing there on the other side victorious, so just puff out you chest and keep going until you get there.
Best of luck with your exams!
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skania · 1 year
Hello! I want to ask you, have you read the newest interview Akasaka with Spur magazine? I read your post about Akane will be safe or no in the end, and you said that you have no worry about that. But, after i read the translate about interview i'm so scared that Akane can die:( here is the interview ;
[Oshi No Ko SPUR interview]
(this part is very relevant to the current manga arc I think)
When asked about what emotions they want to depict the most in the series, mengo responds that she wants to portray many different kinds of emotions, but their depth is what matters most
She wants to express emotions deeply and at a level she couldn't reach in any of her previous series', since the name (tl note: "rough draft") is already drawn for her by aka, she wants to go beyond what akasaka wants to express.
aka and mengo dialogue:
A: I guess the emotions I want to show are the pain of living and despair.
M: Aka-sensei, are you in despair?
A: I live with hope!
M: But... What you want to depict in the manga is despair?
A: Hope and hopelessness are two sides of the same coin, and that's what I want to show.
M: So, what you're trying to depict is a form of hope?
A: To make a star shine, you have to put them in a dark place.
M: So then, is the story save from having a bad ending? Will everyone be happy?
A: The end is in sight, or perhaps I should say, the ending has been decided.
Mengo adds: Oshi no Ko is an irreversible story. It won't turn into a story that just shows everyday life forever.
Aka: I believe there is a certain point intime when I can say "This is the only place where the story can end."
(Cr; sneakyoshi on twitter)
what do you think? because i don't want Akane die😢
Akane deserve better, be happy and better😢
Hi anon, thanks for sharing! Do you have a link to the full interview? I'd love to read it! The segment you quoted doesn't really worry me though, things will get darker before they get better but that doesn't mean Akane is dying.
I think these pages below pretty much summarize what Aka is aiming for:
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Aka wants to portray the light that shines in the depths of despair. For the light to shine, there needs to be hope. If Akane, Ruby, Kana or anyone precious to Aqua dies, Aqua will be broken for real. So I don't think Aka will take things that far, at most someone will get hurt and Aqua will get to use his medical knowledge to save them this time around lol
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
hi! ❤ hope you are well, i'm so happy to know you liked my last robert analysis. it feels very safe and nice to write about him to you, so it makes me really glad that you're enjoying too. forgive me, it took me a while to write this one!
between the points you mentioned, what you said you think about his trauma got my attention first. what you think is right, and i thought it would be a good idea to help you with your conclusions if i explained robert's trauma in details.
to examine it closely, i separate robert's childhood trauma into three parts. i guess we could say he had three different childhood traumas. you probably remember it generally: rune experience, parents, and discrimination. each one was deeply connected to the others but had a different effect in some ways.
1- rune experience: it's kinda hard to people to understand what happened because its horribleness was complex. i'll try to summarize. it was robert's 12th birthday. first of all, robert was being burned alive non-stop. he wasn't having his flesh burned, he was something like "burning inside." how intense the pain was: it consumed his entire being, he lost the ability to think, the pain blocked any thought or memory he could have, so robert didn't know who he was, where he was or what was happening, because all his body/mind/soul were processing was the extreme pain. it was mortal pain, it was supposed to kill robert, he was supposed to die consumed but the burning pain. but it didn't. somehow, while he hadn't the ability to think or feel anything but pain, he had strenght to stay alive in pain instead of die. he was enduring something people shouldn't be able to survive to. in his state where his sould/mind was enduring differently of his body, there were demons, and they tortured robert physically and verbally. then, his family members appeared to him, basically saying he was worthless and should die. he really was supposed to be dead by then, and he could see it, he literally could see hell right waiting for him to finally expire. but it didn't happen. somehow he endured it. now, all of this, lasted one entire month. it's actually hard to imagine someone somehow enduring this for one entire month. i don't think any other character had to endure something like this, except maybe annabel. it's the worse i ever saw happen to a tsc character, it was an entire month. (it's very depressing how nobody could ever understand robert cuz no one else around survived something like this. annabel was tortured, buried alive and then painfully ressurrected, and went literally insane because of it.)
this had multiple consequences to robert. physically, he took a while to recover, but then it was stated his body was fine. the effects were mostly mental. after receiving his first rune, robert was supposed to continue his training, but he couldn't. other kids of his age were evolving their training, while he was doing nothing about it. he both hadn't the energy and couldn't do it, cuz he was afraid of steeles. something perfectly logical since a steele caused that month of agony. you know he eventually managed to learn to use steeles to be an actual shadowhunter. but it wasn't all.
the first rune is something normal that happens to all shadowhunters, and it's mostly something good. the way it was horrible to robert in a way no one could have expected, made robert develop extreme anxiety; because the worst happened to him triggered by something common. so while doing common things, robert would be always scared and anxious, thinking about the worst of the worst that could happen. while it wasn't much notable to other people, it harmed his development and behavior a lot, consequently harming his self-steem, cuz he couldn't do things right, he was always worried and overthinking everything.
to compensate it, robert became somebody who worked on two extremes: he was always overthinking everything, except in battle. in battle he wasn't what we define as brave i guess. he was fearless. valentine is the one who helped robert to achieve that. (we know his actual motivations, this isn't important now) the mental process valentine taught him was: robert's inherent fear and anxiety made him fail, and that made him despise himself (that's something robert does a lot for countless reasons). robert should not only embrace the fury he felt against himself, but it should dominate him, and he use its intensity to block his fear. then basically, robert should do a mental form of self harm, letting the strenght of his hate for himself take his mind and use this strenght to control his actions. robert's fury leading his actions, not his fear and anxiety. as expected with this process, robert then was able to engage in normal shadowhunter activities, but fearless when it came to physical risk. logically this would be very dangerous, but we can imagine how useful it was for valentine to have on his team a warrior like this who was such a big and strong man and centainly could take a lot of physical damage and pain (and i guess it shouldn't be any doubt that being so tough helped robert a lot to survive through the years). we know it was because of this robert felt he owed loyalty to valentine.
2- parents: first, something kinda interesting is that robert had other relatives and they were there when robert's first rune was made. we are informed that his state during that month of agony was a scandal and robert's parents were the ones being absurd. so we can assume his other relatives had nothing to do with it. another strong evidence is robert naming two of his children with names from his family, what indicates he didn't saw his entire family negatively. now his parents... let's never forget what happened to robert was supposed to kill him on incredible intense pain. andrew and phoebe deliberately let their child to die in pain so he wouldn't be a mundane. i personally classify them between the worst shadowhunters parents along with céline's, annabel's, valentine and tatiana.
after robert woke up, they (or anyone else) never cared to ask robert how he felt. all they wanted was to make everything seem normal, without caring about how robert was taking it. they never showed any regret about what they've done: they did the opposite of that, telling robert right on his face what they did and how they were sure that it was totally worth it to make him go through that to not be a mundane. it hurt (and traumatized) robert a lot.
love from parents and relatives is supposed to be the first love someone gets. and robert didn't have that. if his parents showed love to him on his first years alive, it never mattered because these two traumas mentioned made robert forget anything about his parents from before his first rune. he couldn't ever remember them as actual parental figures of love. the only parents he remembered and recognized were the ones who left him to endure that, looked proud of it and never cared about its effects on him afterwards. as far as it counted, robert lived a loveless childhood. as i mentioned, andrew and phoebe wanted everything to be as normal possible, so they just acted as robert's parents as if anything happened, but it was pointless and felt cold. after knowing what they did to him (what they let happen to him), knowing that they didn't actually love him as their child, robert couldn't have a bond with them, he couldn't even be comfortable around them. it's described that their presence was what intensified robert's loneliness the most. so he didn't spend much time around them, he stayed in his room.
without his parents' love, robert's first experience with love was when he was 13 years old, with michael. it was setting a standard of love to him, with the long-term consequences afterwards being devastating. (i guess someone could even connect robert not recognizing his parents affection with his future performance of fatherhood, but that would be mostly guessing and i rather work with things i can prove. another good guess i think would be connecting his loveless childhood to how robert during his teenagehood had messy limits between his love for michael and his affection for maryse and didn't know how to handle or recognize it. i mean mostly things like, if michael was robert's best friend/parabatai and maryse his romantic partner and probably future wife, why did robert see maryse and women in general as a threat to michael's place in his life and their parabatai and best friend relationship? he saw valentine having a parabatai he loved and a girlfriend he wanted to get married to, and still freaked out about a woman as his wife replacing michael who was his parabatai, what didn't make any sense. i know people joke about robert being "clueless" about michael but it isn't much funny with this context. finally, another guess would be connecting robert's discovery that his parents' love for him was faulty through they letting him hurt to his beliefs that what he did to michael proved his love for michael was faulty. you can deliberate about all of these conjectures if you want).
3- discrimination: before his first rune, robert had other kids to play with, but he wouldn't remember much of it. yeah, we can say robert doesn't remember anything about how he was treated by people before his first rune. robert doesn't know a life without trauma.
since what happened to robert was a political scandal, with everyone trying to save robert and his parents wanting him to keep his painful and mortal rune, what happened to him was kind of general knowledge. then, no kid wanted to play or train with him. at first he was still recovering, but then he couldn't move foward because he didn't have anyone. he didn't want to be around his parents' coldness and no one else wanted to be around him, quite literally. other people would be around him only when being forced, and then would stay the most distant of him possible, to never get physically close of him, as if to not catch a disease. this is absolutely dreadful to a child.
being treated like this hurt and traumatized robert terribly. being around any one was horrible, so he spent most of the time hidden in his room. not being able to improve on anything because of his fears and anxiety and not having anyone to train with or even to socialize with, and basically never being able to move on about what happened, robert hated to be alive and wished to be dead, wished the rune had killed him as it should have, because he thought no death could be worse than his life, so be dead would be better. this state of mind dured an entire year before michael came around. a lot of damage had been done by then.
being treated like he was "sick" and ostracized left a huge psychological wound on him. to him, discrimination was one of the worst things ever, for something that was never his fault and he never choose to.
(one may think that if robert hates discrimination, it doesn't make sense to him to dislike downworlders, but it actually does. all robert wanted was to be a normal shadowhunter, and he had deeper reasons than most to be passionate about being one. disliking downworlders would be an ideal average shadowhunter thing to do. but robert was far from ignorant. he didn't think downworlders were animals or demons and was far more inclined to defend downworlder segregation than downworlder extermination. of course segregation is something horrible in general and should never be defended, but with downworlders being different sub-species, it wasn't as absurd as the extermination valentine defended, and robert being actually smart and open minded, we know he actually changed his beliefs).
now, to him, one being discriminated by their peers was one of the worst things that could happen, and the perspective of being discriminated terrified and triggered robert deeply. we know the perspective of homosexuality freaks robert out because of the discrimination, marginalization and "anormality" experience that comes with it (and robert is a 60s kid and shadowhunter society is a conservative mess, so it would naturally seem so much more taboo to him), what scared him deeply. we see him getting extremely anxious over himself, michael and alec about the perspective of homophobic discrimination.
robert only started training with runes after his 14th birthday. his training was late, and between his 12th and 14th birthdays, half of the time was extremely traumatizing, the other half he spent most with michael (who helped him a lot about everything). but still, it was a very big share of his childhood-teenagehood and he didn't have the feeling or normality. everything i said about his anxiety over shadowhunting, specially over runes, applied intensely during his entire teenagehood, but robert went to the academy with michael where he was having normal training and final got to socialize a little. he loved so much to feel a little normal. he still felt like a weak and useless trash, but at least he was doing normal shadowhunting things and living like a teenager. the problem was: he wanted to live his entire teenagehood, and he just couldn't do that. training is supposed to end when shadowhunters are 18 years old. robert would stay at the academy until he was 19, and still didn't seem enough. while he was older than his fellows, he felt far less mature. much of his development time had been lost, and he would never get it back. in this context, it made very sense to robert's girlfriend be a younger girl and his admiration for a younger boy (valentine), and there were jokes about him being old, but what bothered robert the most was that he should soon live an adult man average life with wife and kids, when his perspective of life was being with michael in the academy. we also know how that went... and he married maryse when he was about 21/22 years old and maryse about 19.
forgive me for any grammar mistakes. i think this summary can help a lot! at least i hope it's useful to you or anyone else who read it! writing it was very thoughtful (and it's really a huge joy for me to explain things about robert, if you haven't guessed) and i hope to start working on my next ask soon
xoxo, take care of yourself, kind fellow ☺ thank you for your attention
First of all,. I'm sorry for getting to this late.
Second, I don't think I need to add anything. This is written very well, and gave me a deeper understanding.
And I am once again saying: let Shadowhunters get help with their trauma 😭
Also, TSC has a lot of bad parents. But it sadly represents real life 😔
Thank you for taking the time to write this out. I enjoyed reading it. And I agree with a lot that was said.
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scarecoen · 3 years
Trigger warning ⚠️ domestic violence.
I've typed this story a million times so I'm just going to summarize as much as I can.
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A few days ago I was assaulted by my partner's family members. And as I've mentioned, I've typed this a million times and I'm honestly just exhausted thinking about it, but we could use some help.
My partner has always had a transphobic family. (I don't have anyone but my dad, who's in no position to help anyone.)
Her mom used her disability against her and manipulated her into giving her MOST of her checks. She's abused the system and my girlfriend.
When I met Jackie, she was with a terrible biggot. Jackie had came out, and her mother conspired with an abusive long distance ex, to fly her here, to stage an "intervention" and stop my partner from transitioning.
It worked. For years.
I met Jackie here on tumblr, we became good, SECRET friends because she wasn't allowed to talk to anyone.
I told Jackie openly about my views regarding gender and how I myself, was not cis.
Eventually she told her partner about us playing games together, which she responded to by harassing me.
Jackie ended up spilling the beans to me, about her mom, about the ex, everything. I realized that she had been extremely isolated and controlled her whole life.
So I intervened.
I got the two of them to separate, which wasn't smooth because Jackie was scared. She had been with her abuser for 9 years at this point. She's never known anything else.
The ex moved back to her state, and I started seeing Jackie, although she was stuck at her mom's... who was trying to play innocent at this time.
Eventually, I kinda just came and picked her up, she stayed the night, she didn't want to go back home. And I can't blame her. The house wasn't only disgusting, her family microagressed her all the time and they would tell her to pretty much stay in a dark room all day.
Ofc I didn't bring her back.
During early quarantine, we had a lot of self reflection and she started distancing herself from her mother, coming around to holding her accountable for her horrible actions.
Her mom messaged her things like "Why won't you talk to me? It's like you're trying to punish us!" Ect, just every fucking manipulative thing she could say, without ever apologizing.
Unfortunately the place we were staying fell through when my best friend's ex husband decided he wants a divorce and decided to throw in some transphobic hatespeach towards me.
We were all looking for somewhere to go.
I'm sure you know where this is going but listen, she told us EVERYTHING we wanted to hear. She told us she's not hateful now, told us she would go to trans support groups, pride, said she's realized how much she loves Jackie and it's time to accept her- and look- we had NO WHERE TO GO. We have 2 cats and at the time, a car that has no a/c or functional locks. AND I have a chronic autoimmune condition that I recently started taking chemo meds for. (Methotrexate.)
I'm too sick to be on the street, and survive. I had to think about me, Jackie, Zoe, and Boops.
And Jackie wanted to go..
I told her we'd be cautious and try to get out asap.
Well, looking for places right when the housing market crashed really fucked us up. That- and because I had only just finally got approved for disability, means I was set back in life- and had no credit to my name. No credit= no place to live.
I had almost built enough, but things went down hill very quickly with her family. Which leads us to right now:
After weeks of microagressions, giving us breakthrough covid cases, yelling at us to clean other's messes, and forcing us and our cats to isolate in our room, many broken promises, and straight up transphobic hatespeach (because she promised to get vaccinated but then said nvm as soon as we moved in and she went on vacation and got covid and gave it to us, which nearly killed me--) she said not getting the vaccine "IS A CHOICE, JUST LIKE YOU BEING TRANS AND TAKING *gestures to my testosterone* THOSE DRUGS."
We just were avoiding each other while I desperately try to gather resources for us to get out, NOW.
Of course, that wasn't good enough, so when her step father messaged her in all caps about our cats having to stay in our room and "I WON'T FUCKING TELL YOU AGAIN" my partner had a breakdown..
Her mom had let her step dad talk to her like this her whole life, basically.
Out of desperation, we went to her sister for help, maybe hoping she'd give us a place to stay for two weeks while we sign off on the lease for our new apartment.
She pretended to want to help and even said... something fucking weird? She made the comment that I'm a good person and I'm so much like her own boyfriend, that it's "scary"...
A few hours later she came to the house. She talked nicely to us, to gain access to our bedroom.
Then she attacked me.
I called the police right before, and was on the phone with dispatch when she lunged at me because she was aggressively trying to MAKE Jackie go into a separate room WITHOUT ME and Jackie was saying no, BEGGING her to STOP.
I wasn't going to let her take Jackie into that room. She looked fucking crazy.
All of the family came into our room, her two sisters, her mom, and her cousin- When they heard yelling.
It was actually me telling her mom that she's a terrible mother, that triggered her sister to try and attack me- although I knew she was planning on trying to from the moment she came into our room.
And that was after her mom was screaming in my face that if I have something to say, say it now.
Dispatch heard everything and sent emt as well...
But the police stayed outside, talking to them for a WHILE before even asking for us.
Her cousin is the only one that would have stood up for me, saying her sister never should have tried to hit me. But he was in the room with Jackie, giving her support...
I faced the cops alone.
He already had "that look."
He shined a light into my eye, letting the family stay on the porch, throwing insults and just letting it happen. He asked me where I'm hurt, and before I could even show him the scratches on my arm, he said "how do I know YOU didn't put those there?"
I wanted to fucking die in that moment.
This is a conservative city.
No one has equality stickers here. No one flies gay flags. People here that are lgbt- they LEAVE.
I said "well is there any reason I should tell you anything when, clearly, you're already bias?"
I looked at the emts. I looked at his partner. I looked at all the lights and people coming out of their houses-
And behind me was her family.
Her sister that assaulted me, was laughing about having work in the morning.
All of them were looking at me, with hate in their eyes.
He tried to feed me bullshit about "well if I'm taking someone to jail, there has to be proof."
He dismissed everything I attempted to say, until I just stared at the ground and he decided he did his job here.
I told him my whole fucking body hurts because I had 4 people fucking toss my 100lbs ass all over the fucking room, which was a mess that he refused to look at.
He said "I don't see bruises."
I asked what about the dispatcher- she seemed concerned- to which he said "you see, sometimes when people call us- they scream and be dramatic- for a quicker response."
I asked what we could do while the two weeks go by for our new place, and he fucking said "I DONT KNOW. BARRICADE YOURSELF IN YOUR ROOM OR SOMETHING."
Needless to say, we are now safe, in a hotel and I've gotten in touch with a few lgbt organizations that are attempting to help us get justice.
Unfortunately because it's a holiday weekend, all we can do is wait right now.
Our first order of business is getting a protection order, so that we can retrieve the rest of our things without her sister trying to attack us again. (I say us because she kept jumping towards Jackie, like she was threatening to hit her.)
I've been so gaslit and victim blamed that I was too scared to go to the er, even though this all happened in the midst of a flare, possibly including my liver health.
There's so much more to this story, as I'm sure other trans people can relate.. unfortunately.
The emts reluctantly offered to take me to the er, but I was like "and leave my partner here with them?" And he just fucking shrugged dude.
I hate this city.
I want out so bad but unfortunately I've committed to a year, but at least it'll be *our* apartment.
We could NOT stay there for two more weeks. Her step dad is a violent offender that has attempted to murder a homeless prostitute over some fucking pocket change- and he has a GUN in the house.
This hotel might run us into a hole, despite it being the cheapest, shittiest hotel in town, it's still going to be about 700$ for ONE week.
I'm feeling incredibly paranoid and unsafe, but I'm on anxiety meds now at least and its SORTA helping us cope (My partner and I have the same Dr and she gave her permission to have some.)
The organization BRAVO is trying to help us with a hotel voucher, but because of all the natural disasters, it's hard to find room in charity for people like us, which is fair enough. We aren't immediately on the street, and for that I'm incredibly thankful.
However, if you or anyone you know wish to help you can donate to venmo: kittyzibby. Or you could just signal boost this.
If you can't help, I understand. And IF YOU'RE STRUGGLING FINANCIALLY, don't worry about it, for real.
Right now I'm just scared we'll go into debt before getting the apartment settled in.
I will update on things once our case moves along more, and we were already considering turning to OF sexwork before all of this, so if there could be support that way, maybe we'll get that going once we get moved in. That way, I feel good about providing a service in return.
Thank you so much for sticking with us during all of this. And really- we're doing much better today. We've given each other pep talks, but we are still determined to start our lives together.
Her family was merely trying to scare me away from her, but I got my girl's name tatted on me for a reason.
I know I'm not the bad person here.
Every time Jackie is feeling more gender euphoric, and showing me her changes, and seeing her get more confident, the more I know that what I'm doing with and for her, is right.
I love her so much. And I will never abandon her, like they tried to get me to do.
Jackie is taking a break from some socials, but she's given me permission to talk about what's been happening.
She needs justice too.
I will update as much as I can, but seriously, I think we both just have a fire under our asses now.
Mentally, we're stronger than ever.
Thank you for reading. My heart really goes out to the rest of the queer community that have experienced or are going through similar things.
It's really made me realize why we need to stick together and fight this bigotry bullshit! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
I don't know if you're going to see this but I'm new to the keeper fandom (I'm a heathen that doesn't read the source material because it's expensive and it's funny having no content) but I absolutly /adore/ this account and am currently going through each post because I crave detailed analyses of different media and characters and you deliver wonderfully! I am also very interested in your wings Au but I've got so much school work and haven't got around to reading it, but what you you rate it on an agnst scale to someone who. Doesn't read angst?
Also I hate you now /I'm/ thinking about the waste management /j
But in all honesty I feel like they would leave it to the gnomes to sort it out, maybe they have a team that just shoves it in human dumps so that they can rid their hands of it and continue to thrash the humans reputation towards elves?
hello, heathen! i am going to see this! welcome to the fandom, it's always fun to have new people. honestly, fair enough about not reading the source material. not everyone has access to libraries and buying an eight and a half book series isn't always cheap--I mean, the keeper series probably cost me at lest 200 dollars in total over the several years I acquired them, and that's with owning several of them in paperback! definitely not cheap! but it can also be a lot of fun just trying to puzzle things together and knowing some of the basics but nearly none of how things work (that's how I am with bnha. my sister is really into anime right now and watches it with the whole family, but I don't really care for it and just look things up and get spoilers all the time and I love it. same with demon slayer and promised neverland)
but ahh!! thank you!! I adore you in return, nonsie. you sent this a few days ago so hopefully you enjoyed your stroll through my numerous posts about keeper! oh damn this reminded me that I need to update my character analysis masterpost. I've been meaning to do that for several days. but back to what you were saying! I love doing detailed analyses of niche aspects of these characters, so I'm glad you like reading them! I mean, i literally did a post theorizing on why Tam actually likes to wear black and once wrote several hundred words debunking a single inaccurate line from one book (Neverseen) just because it bugged me so much. so if that's up your alley, you're definitely in the right place! I simply do not know how to shut up /pos
as for the wings au: don't feel pressured to read it if you don't want to! if you stick around, you may notice me talking about it a lot, but that's just because it's a pretty big project and I like sharing it (in fact, I was working on it just before I started answering this ask), but you can absolutely interact with me and any of my content without paying attention to the wings au stuff at all. and it's pretty long, so completely understandable that you haven't gotten around to reading it! honestly don't even know if I would have time to read my own wings au...but moving on! for the angst thing, you might actually be able to find a few asks about it a little further back on my blog (I can't find it at the moment but I know it's there). one person said that as they are someone who prefers fluff, the wings au is the angstiest thing they've ever read. I don't think the au is downright bad, and there are certain things I can guarantee (like I can tell you right now none of the crew will die in this au), but there's a lot of other things that are up in the air. I can say that there is a warning before every chapter listing all the common triggers I can think to list (and if anyone has any personal triggers they are more than welcome to ask me to tag them). so even if a chapter is more dramatic than some of the others, you wouldn't be going in unprepared. i tag things like panicking, fighting, blood, mental spiraling, getting injuries, mentions of medical things, but it not much worse than what's in canon.
i think a lot of the angst comes from Sophie's introspection and attempts to understand herself and less from just reckless relationships and a desire to get hurt, if that makes sense. I guess overall I would say that it is angsty. not the angstiest thing out there, so if you've read angst maybe a 3 or 4? but if you've only read fluff before I'd knock it up to a 5 or 6. then again these are my personal opinions, and as I am someone who has read more angst my ratings are probably skewed.
so if that seems daunting you don't need to read the au if you don't want to! the only thing that would really affect your time here (if you choose to stick around! no pressure!) is that every other sunday is usually dedicated to the au, both with me posting the newest chapter and then prioritizing asks about it because it's relevant. doesn't mean i won't accept or answer other asks, just that they're usually not the first thing on my mind. so aside from that, reading or not reading the wings au shouldn't affect your ability to vibe and interact on here <33
but also like my waste management question is legit--what is their system? I've never heard Sophie mention a trash can before, so do they have them?? and then there's also the whole thing with sewers. all the houses have running water and functional bathrooms, but a lot of the houses are also in the middle of nowhere, so do they just...have their own filtration system?? or however that works? but seriously do they even create waste at all? I know they use paper, but what do they do with it?
it does feel like one of those problems the gnomes would be portrayed as being happy to solve because "the lost cities are out home" and they love helping and they don't need sleep and they're super efficient. and the elves would be very grateful and take advantage of them. idk I just think it's weird. and your idea of them dumping it into human landfills to make them seem worse fits well with the idea nilnaea brought up a few days ago about the elves not actually helping the humans with all that historical stuff, just taking the credit.
to summarize: welcome to the fandom! I'm glad you're here and flattered you like my blog! I'm here essentially all of the time, so feel free to send asks about anything and everything to do with the series and things you just like in general (I may be very kotlc focused but my propensity for talking ceaselessly does not end with this series). I hope you enjoy your time here!!
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
A few hours, two kisses, and one nap later, he begins plotting his escape. It mainly consists of signing a discharge form and then hunting down Cyrus. Then, he'll kill him. Fairly simple, and does provide a good distraction from the chaos his personal life has become. His business/mob life has been fairly normal, no new competitors yet.
"What are you planning?" Carly asks, looking up from the iPad she's probably planning Morgan's return from the dead party on.
"How long until I can get out of here?" Hospital rooms inspire him to run very far away from them. They keep him cooped up, they're boring as all hell, and there's really no choice as to who can walk in at any given time.
"Probably tomorrow," she answers and he groans. "It's not the end of the world, Jason. It's one more night in a hospital bed." Debatable. It's a whole twelve hours, minimum.
"Or I could just sign my discharge form now and break out of here."
"No, you need to stay at least for tonight. Break out tomorrow."
"I don't want to."
"Just let them monitor you. Sleep. You won't be able to do much out there anyways. I'm pretty sure the doctors are going to tell you to relax and take it easy, which means taking a short leave of absence. Brando can handle it for a few more days."
"There could be a takeover-"
"Not without any talk. Come on, if I thought there was any threat, I'd be breaking you out of here myself," she reminds him. "Take a nap."
"I'm not sure that's the best decision." Actually, it's more time that he'd be a suspect in Cyrus's murder (that, rest assured, he will commit) and more time Cyrus gets to breathe the same air as him. "Stop the thoughts about it being unsafe because you're not going to be able to do anything. You're recovering from surgeries and a gunshot wound."
"I'm perfectly capable of doing everything," he responds, fidgeting again with the stupid IV. He'll break that thing out of him if that's what it takes.
"I'm sure you are, but stop pouting. Sleep. Take a nap. Enjoy your break from reality for a day or two and just relax," Carly reasons. You know it's bad when Carly's being the reasonable one.
"This isn't pouting, it's captivity."
"No one's holding you captive."
"I'm being forced to be in a room against my will. This could be a hostage situation," he says dramatically.
"Well, as cute as your pouting is, you're spending the night. Take a nap. Enjoy it," she smiles. "Oh, and by the way, you're not killing Cyrus."
There's a lot to take in there but we'll start with the obvious: "I didn't even say I was planning on it."
She rolls her eyes, "You didn't have to, I can see the plan formulating in your mind. No murder. Cyrus will live for the rest of his miserable life in prison without you sending someone to rough him up or kill him."
Sometimes it's a shame how well she knows him. It genuinely sucks sometimes because she can read him like a book. No matter how successful he is at hiding everything from, well, pretty much everyone else, she just rolls her eyes and lets him know exactly what he's doing. Half the time, she knows before he does. The other half, she's informing him it's normal to express your emotions.
"I don't think he should even be able to walk around," he admits, struggling somewhat to voice the hatred he feels for the other mobster. "I've wanted to kill the guy for years, ever since I laid eyes on him. Going after you, kidnapping and raping you as some sort of sick revenge against me was the last straw."
"It was stupid to go after me and he'll pay. For the rest of his life, he'll be in prison. Solitary, you said. He can't run his business in solitary. Cyrus will never be able to hurt me or anyone else again," Carly says, grasping his hand and squeezing it. "He's a piece of shit. I look forward to the day he's in jail, serving his sentence. But it's probably going to be a few weeks."
"Which provides plenty of opportunity-"
"He lives. You're not going to jail because of him, Jason. Cyrus isn't worth it, alright? I don't care if he dies tomorrow. If you go to jail, I'll have to break you out of there myself and that probably won't go too well," she laughs at that. "So, save us all the paperwork and don't kill him. Besides, I confronted him."
She- confronted- "You did what? Carly, that is a man who could kill you and threatened to! He's very much capable of keeping that threat! Did you want to die?"
What inspired her to go confront her kidnapper/rapist? What made her think that was the sane thing to do while he was unconscious in a hospital bed?! She could've died and he can't have that happening because it'd be his fault. It's also such an ugly thought he can't stand to think of it. Carly cannot die.
"I brought guards, I threatened him, I yelled and screamed, I also cried for a while," she summarizes. "And to answer your question, I don't have a death wish. There's children I have to take care of and I'm not done complicating your life yet. I've got at least ten more years left in me."
"You confronted a man who could kill you."
"With guards, Jason."
"That doesn't make it okay! Carly, you can't act like there wasn't a good chance you could've died! You can't reason with people like Cyrus, you can't go in on your own."
"I. Brought. Guards."
"And they could've died too. He took out a whole group of them once, an entire warehouse of the Novak crew."
"You're acting like I didn't know what I was doing! I knew exactly what I was doing and it was either that or wonder if you'd live to tell me I'm being stupid again, Jason. Which choice would you have made?" Carly asks, tears building up in her eyes. No, he's mad, don't start crying. That'll make him sad. No crying, Carly, please don't. "I'm not so unknowledgeable when it comes to the business, you know."
"No, but you don't know how the business works. Things like that, impulsive things, they get people killed! They're the things that cause people to die and not the type you can come back from. You can't be doing things like that and pulling stunts like threatening Cyrus. He has nothing left to lose, which means he has everything to gain. If he can kill you, which is what he wants to do, that'll be a win for him and a final way to get back at me. That's what he wants and you're playing right into it." Jason exclaims. Emotional outbursts are rare for him, which probably made the point more clear. He hopes so. Losing her-
That's a thought almost too painful to bear thinking of.
"I was worried you would die! Jason, I couldn't spend another hour in this room or getting harassed by Sam. I needed to do something, make some statement," Carly argues and he shakes his head. Does she not get it? She could've died.
"And you couldn't go to work at the Metro Court? You had to go and confront a man who wants you dead almost as much as he wants me dead, Carly! It was stupid. You could've died."
"I was safe-"
"You don't get it! Doing that, no matter how many guards are there, isn't safe. I don't care if you had the place full with guards, he wants you six feet under and he wants me even further. What if he shot you? What if he hurt you? What if he killed you?" Emotions just seem to flow out of him like water does down a river at this point, anger and hurt and worry and sadness all combined into one.
"He didn't-"
"Not this time. Next time, he could. You could've gotten hurt or killed or shot at and I'm not going to be the reason for that."
"Well there won't be a next time."
"How can you be so sure about that, Carly? You don't control him. He's his own person; he does what he wants, exactly when he wants, exactly how he wants. And he could've hurt you."
"Every single time you agrees to one of those meetings with him or left to go, seemingly, anywhere, I thought the same thing. He's tried to get to you a million times. But you didn't die."
"I didn't die because I'm aware of the intricacies of the business! You're not and, as much as I'm grateful you're not, I can't have you running around picking fights with people who want you dead, who want me dead."
"Do you want a fake apology?" Carly snaps. "Do you want me to pretend like I didn't know that? I'm all too aware of the fact that everytime I leave the house, I could get shot at and die or that everytime I see you it might be the last time because of your line of work. I am intimately familiar with the anxieties of waiting in a hospital room to see if you're going to wake up or not from yet another injury. You're acting like it's my first day as someone who cares about people in your line of work and you're wrong. It's not. I knew damn well what I was doing and I know you would've done the same if they'd shot me."
Well. He didn't think of that. Anger sort of half drowns inside of him, flopping but still very much there at her beyond dumb move. "You're right. I would've killed him if he'd shot you or hurt you. But that doesn't make that you get to go out and pick fights with him because you're worried. It means you've got to be careful, stay in groups. It means-"
"Don't tell me what I should've done."
"What would you like me to do, congratulate you? Congratulations, Carly, you could've died! You could've died and if I woke up to that knowledge I don't know what I'd do."
"You'd keep surviving. Probably throw yourself into the business even more, to a point I don't think it'd be healthy." Carly shakily says, clearly having thought about it. "You'd tell Donna all about me when she started to forget I existed."
"You've thought of this?" Jason asks, incredulous. "You've thought about what I'd do if you died?"
"When we thought you were gone, I thought about what you would've done if roles were reversed."
There's a solid 20% chance she's pulling at his heartstrings right now to get sympathy and it's working. 100%. She could be completely playing him and he'd believe it at this point.
He hugs her as best as he can in the hospital bed. "I wasn't dead. You're not dead, thankfully. But you can't take risks with your life, not like that. Your kids need their mom. People need you. I'd miss you."
"How nice, I sobbed myself to sleep for weeks because you were gone and you'd miss me." Tugging at the heart, yet again.
"Oh come on, Carly. You know what I mean."
"Yeah, yeah I do."
It's a strange bond they've got (and a strange life he's got), but at least they can count on one thing: their friendship. Hence why kissing and stuff can't mean anything or complicate things. They've been in each other's lives so long, if they dated or something and it went south, he doesn't know if they could bounce back. And that's a terrifying thought, that they could be,,, not friends.
To be continued after I change my tampon and sleep because I'm fucking tired :)
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dickie-gayson · 5 years
Fun Young Justice Fact!!
I straight up c r i e d during the S1 episode Coldhearted but not for the reason yall think. I've seen MANY discussions and reactions but not ONCE have I seen any love or recognition given to my boi in Coldhearted
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This doctor (he's the good one, not the goon) isn't named during the show iirc BUT his name is in the credits.
Pieter Cross.
Pieter Cross.
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Y'all, Pieter Cross is another dc superhero - one of my favs.
This lovely accented doctor, Pieter Anton Cross, is none other than Doctor Mid-Nite (the second). here's some pics (the first is w his bffl/platonic life partner Michael Holt aka Mister Terrific)
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Pieter graduated from Harvard Medical at 19. He's essentially the Hero Community's go-to doctor for everything.
"Doctor Mid-Nite is the world's most prominent superhero doctor. He is often called upon when an autopsy is needed, or when a hero needs major surgery."
Ye, he's had to autopsy his dead friends :( he also does casual checkups. Powergirl goes to him for her check ups and to keep an eye on her powers. He's done a bunch of life-saving surgeries on not only the heroes but ALSO their loved ones! He performed surgery on Lois Lane after she got shot. When Hush removed Catwoman's heart from her body, Doctor Mid-nite and Mister Terrific were able to successfully put it back in and save her.
You not only want him in ur corner when ur hurt, u need him. There's none better! Imagine the sheer amount of crazy powerful allies he has bcus he saves all sorts of heroes and their loved ones! U don't attack the healer unless u wanna get fucked up by the rest of the squad, right? U also don't piss the healer off unless u wanna suffer, right? Same energy, fam. It helps that he can perform surgery flawlessly in the fuckin pitch dark.
He's disabled! In fact, Doctor Mid-Nite is credited as the first disabled superhero in comics! They're talking about Charles McNider, his predecessor, but Pieter Cross is also disabled. He's blind. I won't go into his whole origin but suffice to say he was unwillingly drugged and it caused him to go totally blind except for in the absolute dark.
He can only see in the dark and/or with his specialized lenses iirc. He carries smoke grenades that cause absolute blackness (think vanta black bombs) bcus he can see just fine in it and others can't. Any attack that involves having to see the attack (think Medusa's gaze) doesn't work on him cus he's conventionally blind. HOWEVER when he can see, it's fuckin crazy. Eagles got nothing on how sharp his eyes are in the right setting. Like we're talking super vision.
Those funky lenses on his cowl? They're to let him see in the light. It's kinda like infrared goggles and can let him see ultrasonic as well. Without his tools, he can't see. He got his sight back once and hated it bcus he could no longer work the way he used to.
Doctor Mid-Nite has his own website where he provides free medical advice to registered users.
He's Norwegian-born. (That's his accent in that YJ ep)
Him and Mister Terrific are the bestest of friends (I felt the need to reiterate bcus they're Besties for Life. Read 1 comic with them in it and you'll see what I mean)
HE HAS A PET OWL NAMED CHARLIE!! He named him Charlie after the first Doctor Mid-Nite, Charles McNider!! He's trained to aid Pieter in combat! Attack owl!!! Batman has his Robins, Mid-Nite has owl sidekicks!
Highly Skilled Escapologist
He briefly dated Black Canary
His general medical license has been revoked, not that it stops him from practicing and helping ppl. He gives zero fucks. He's here to help, not politick around when ppl are dying.
He never stopped being a doctor, even after becoming a superhero. HE'S A LOVELY, KIND, COMPASSIONATE MAN WHO JUST WANTS TO HELP PPL
He's vegetarian AND he does yoga (imma cry yall, he's so fuckin great)
S1 of Young Justice appears to take place before he gets his powers and becomes Doctor Mid-nite cus he's not wearing any type of glasses. Wally interacted w (imo) one of the greatest heroes and doesn't know it!
Mid-nite is the one everyone says Tim Drake copied with his one Red Robin uniform (it's true too. I wouldn't be surprised if Tim was a Mid-nite fan, they seem like they'd get along)
T H I C C T H I G H S!!! I know everyone talks about Jason's thighs but Pieter's thighs are next level!! I ain't playing! Look at these hams!!
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When his mom was pregnant with him, she got attacked. The OG Doctor Mid-nite saved her. Then, when she went into labor, he delivered lil bby Pieter. What are the odds lmaoo
BDE through the roof, fight me. Massive Meat Energy and I won't apologize for saying it
Survived 'seeing' Johnny Sorrow's face even tho it kills legit anyone who looks bcus he's blind. Used the recording his goggles took of JS' face and played it back to Johnny and beat him lmaoo
As someone summarized nicely: 'Prior to him getting blind, Dr. Pieter was a very caring man.. He would take a walk in the evening every day and helps out poor people who live in the streets, especially to those who are addicted to drugs.. He would help out missionaries in donation to help the poor and the hungry.. A Poor People Savior you might say."
"Doctor Cross uses his medical expertise as a hand-to-hand weapon. Once, when challenged to arm wrestle, he won by triggering the proper nerves in his opponent's arm." Savage Nerd Alert. Can, has, and will continue to use his Galaxy Brain (and BDE) to beat ppl, dirty technique or not.
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Geoff Johns on Doctor Mid-Nite: "Doctor Mid-Nite is a visionary, figuratively and literally. Blinded by an accident, he’s able to see on all spectrums through the filters on his goggles."
Here's some of him being the Super Doctor:
Helped Alan Scott to determine if he was composed of the Green flame of Starheart
Helped Power Girl to check and test her powers
Saved Hourman's life by performing an emergency surgery
Saved Oracle by removing the Brainiac virus which possessed her body
Saved Lois Lane's Life by removing a sniper bullet after she was shot
Helped Raven to drive the demonic possession that attacked her by using Hologram Tech
I love him and would die for more content about him
Srsly I'll cry if even one(1) person acknowledges him in a YJ fic (or any fic tbh)
Also if ur writing a YJ fic and have need for a doctor, pls add him. He didn't graduate med school to be ignored, yall. Or add him in just bcus he's rad af. At least do it for Charlie the owl!!
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hikaritranslations · 6 years
Wow... Good Luck hit me hard and I don't know why... / the last page. I just can't wrap my head around it. Any thoughts yourself as the translator?
ANALYSIS TIMEEEEE! (PREPARE FOR A LOOOONG ASS POST xD)As the translator I have a rare insight to the context of the actual wording the artist had in mind so I’m kind of cheating compared to you xD. But from what I have gathered the topic does appear to deal with a Japanese method of suicide called, “Shinju.” For those who don’t know, @harumaki-springroll​ commented on it earlier but for reference it’s a couples suicide pact basically. Either the relationship is frowned upon by society or they’d be shunned by family/friends for it so, as a result, they feel that if they can’t be together in this life, then perhaps the next will be more kind. (Reincarnation theory) 
“Shouldn’t we go outside and feel the season?”From what I understand, Ouma Kokichi, once again, knew exactly what he was doing. Under the guise of going on a trip, Ouma-kun had already planned his death perfectly, and he was going to enjoy his last day in this world with the one person he loved the most, Saihara Shuichi. I reference the choice of going to the beach during the middle of winter. Most people don’t want to go hang out NEAR WATER when it’s as COLD AS THE ARCTIC outside. Ouma-kun chose this location however as it would be a great place for:
a) alone time with Saihara and 
b) because it’d be deserted, there would be less of a chance anyone would rescue him.
“It’s getting dark”
For added measure, he pushed the time they spent together out until the last moment. It was getting dark, people were probably heading home to escape the cold, and the trains were about to stop operating for the day, which meant even less of a chance someone would stumble across him, mid-attempt, and save him.
“Now we have one of both of us”
Let’s move on to the photo. Obviously there was a reason for this too and not just for the artist to make them vanish at the end, (although I’ll get to that later). This was due, primarily for sentimental reasons, something he wanted to do with Saihara-kun before he was gone for good. It’s safe to assume that, aside from class photos, they probably didn’t have one of just the two of them alone. This was a sort of ‘Final Wish’ Ouma-kun wanted to have. There’s also the secondary reason, in case Saihara-kun didn’t follow suit, it’d be something for him to remember, how he made him so happy on his last day.
“I wonder if we can make the train” 
At Saihara-kun’s line, you see that Ouma-kun’s face has completely fallen and he instead looks sad but determined. Once he’s pulled the detective under with him, their’s a secret conversation that no one but Ouma Kokichi will know about. My theory actually revolves around the Manga title and something that Ouma-kun said previously.
“Hehe, I got caught” “Good Luck!”
I feel that Ouma-kun, once again, challenged Saihara-kun to another game, a deadly version of Tag in a sense and as Ouma-kun uses the last of his air bubbles, he tries to send a message to the detective, 
“Now it’s my turn to catch you. Good Luck!” or something similar to it. However, only two people know for sure and I doubt Shina-san is going to tell us anytime soon ^_^. 
Summarizing the first half, that day at the beach Ouma-kun did die by drowning but Saihara-kun didn’t know the plan to begin with and instead survived but failed to resuscitate the boy. As with Ouma-kun’s meticulous planning, he was probably the only one who could attempt it given the situation the purple-haired boy crafted so carefully. I’m sure he was able to piece two and two together and realize Ouma-kun’s plan and I can’t imagine the amount of guilt he felt for his own role in the plot, unknowing or not. I’d think it’d be something similar to V3 when he had to finger Kaede as the culprit, knowing he was sending her to her death.
“I found my Prince Saihara-chan”
Now, the snow scene; I think it’s meant to symbolize a type of limbo, or purgatory as Ouma-kun was probably waiting for Saihara-kun to follow after him. And he was proven correct. This is strengthened by the very first panel of Saihara-kun trudging through the snow and coming upon Ouma-kun. 
I believe it’s hinted there that Saihara-kun either killed himself due to the overwhelming emotions such as:
1. Feeling responsible for what happened  
2. Finally understanding Ouma-kun’s final words
3. Finally understanding Ouma-kun’s feelings towards him/Finally seeing his own due to the sudden lack of Ouma-kun’s presence in his life and realizing it’s too late.
I mean there’d be such intense feelings going on for him as he’d struggle to come to terms with what happened and why. Because we all know he’d seek the truth of what made this horrific event take place, no matter how bad it hurt.
But there’s also the flip side as well, it’s possible he passed away in an accident or by other means as well. We really don’t know how long has past since the beach incident so it’s hard to tell if any time at all has gone by since then. Their appearances are also unchanged as well so this only leads to further speculation on what we are seeing as the readers.
Either way, it’s obvious that he knew to search for Ouma-kun. 
“Found you Saihara-chan”
So, once again our Ultimate Supreme Leader surprises us with his first words to Saihara-kun upon reuniting. This only adds more evidence to my theory on the mystery words underwater. Saihara-kun’s pull on Ouma-kun, very much startles the smaller boy. He almost looks scared, as if expecting Saihara-kun to start yelling and screaming at him for his stunt on the beach. But, the Ultimate Detective is used to these games by now, insisting otherwise, and this small comment, drastically changes Ouma-kun’s entire demeanor. Even still, there’s no arguing with Ouma Kokichi and Saihara-kun, confused by the “Prince” comment, decides to just let it go and accept defeat, calling and end to their game. “Welcome Home Saihara-chan”
These are the final words of the Manga “Good Luck!” and they weren’t chosen by the artist for the Lols. A picture is worth a thousand words and we witness the original photo of them together as one boy disappears after the other. This can honestly be interpreted in many ways. The most apparent is the order of death, but I feel there’s something far more significant happening here with this photo and the emptiness it portrays. First, we see the phone with only Saihara-kun in the frame, Ouma-kun’s outline is displaying a NO DATA sign. It’s as if he’s never existed in the first place and the phone has no way to identify this alien object. However, I feel that this signifies Ouma-kun’s death, his existence stripped from the world is being reflected in the image on the phone. So, if that’s the case, then I can only assume that the same thing happens once Saihara-kun passes as well. He no longer exists in the world either. While this may be taken as quite depressing, I actually feel that Ouma-kun’s statement changes the entire empty image symbol around. Now, they are reunited once more instead of split apart. They are home.
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