#to the point of now being very depressed because he had to stop eventually
cute-chamomile · 6 months
May i never become so invested in my kids' hobbies that i try to become part of the hobby organization's boards and commitees, making myself an inextricable part of this activity and making the employees' lives a living hell in the process just because i couldnt get my own, separate hobby, amen.
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fandomxo00 · 11 days
imperfect for you - logan howlett one shot
used prompt by @unboundprompts
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who the fuck allowed him-
characters: old!Logan x OCD!reader
word count: 1.5k
warnings: age gap relationship, dad!Logan, steamy, intimacy issues on both ends.
It was the middle of the night, the two of you had gone out for a while now. But you had been waiting on sex because of your intimacy issues. Though eventually you got used to him cuddling you, it always felt good but when you were in anyone's arms the alarm sirens go off your mind. So even though you liked Logan very much, and you know you liked his touch. It was hard to ignore something you brain screamed at you, something that made you panic.
Something that you started working on in therapy, and your therapist had chopped it up to your trauma and OCD. So it was about being graceful but exposing yourself to the uncomfortable feeling. You hated feeling anything that wasn't happy emotions to the point where even just a negative interaction or emotion could put you into a depression. But you were lifting yourself back up every time you fell, never getting to the bottom, not again. The nice thing about being at rock bottom is you can only go up from there.
Then you met Logan, your older neighbor, it seemed like he was in his early 50's, to your knowledge. You instantly had a crush on him, you knew in your past that you liked fictional older men. But the idea of it happening in real life was out of the question before you met boys your age. Yes, boys not men, because just because talk and act like a man doesn't mean they are one.
Logan Howlett?
He was a man, you'd like to say that it was the bare minimum to be a decent guy. But Logan was thoughtful, kind, funny and so charming. Logan was far more than just a decent guy, even when his own walls shot up, he let you stay around. The two of you not saying much, not touching, maybe just watching a show. Eventually, the two of you began to move closer and closer until your shoulders and hands touched. The movie nights growing more frequent, the silence was filled with stories about each other's past, and you got to learn about his daughter, Laura.
One night you were freezing but refused to turn down the ac because you liked it cold. Logan was a walking furnace, his muscular bulky arm moving out behind you. You wondered if he was fresh off a shift as your eyes trailed over the buttons on his shirt. 'C'mere." He whispered, waving his hand that was outstretched at you. You didn't hesitate to scoot over into his arm, his side warm, you don't know why you pressed your nose up to his chest, cuddling into him. But he didn't question it, his hand moving down to pull you in.
You never thought you'd grow so close with someone in such a short amount of time. The two of you started hugging each other more often, or even holding hands. Slowly getting comfortable with physical contact. You'd even kiss his face, or his softly as his neck, trying to tease him. Then he'd dip his head down to meet your gaze, his glimmering hazel eyes, specked in gold flakes and green lagoons. In the right light they seemed more of a chocolate milk color, or his iris's resembled the forest floor that stretched over the surrounding trees, plants, and flowers. Your lips would be so close and you so badly wanted to kiss him, but then you flinch, backing away when he leant forward.
Tears would form in your eyes as your frustration. All you wanted was to be normal for once, be able to experience someone touching you without feeling essentially repulsed. Logan would comfort you, offering his touch but not doing it without your consent. But his sweet words never stopped flowing, not only talking about how beautiful you are but how creative, intelligent, and strong you were. How he'd never met a woman quite like you before making a flimsy joke about his age. You softened as you reached out a hand to put his shoulder, moving your hand back and forth. "You're not too old for me."
"Says who?" He grunted.
"Me." You grinned. This was just the beginning of him of your romantic relationship blossoming.
You'd been working on exposure therapy more and more with your therapist, talking over your fears and trying to find a positive way to look at the situation. You tended only to see black or white in most situations, so you needed some introspection.
Though you still couldn't believe when Logan drunkenly stumbled on your doorstep. He started rambling on about some girl, your attention was drawn to him, your heart beating louder. "So fucking beautiful, means so much to me, so mature and headstrong." He slurred, his drunk figure leaning into the wall, but even drunk as fuck, he was handsome and rugged, and you felt a jealous flush bloom across your cheeks, turning away from him.
"Why don't you sit down." You murmured, shaking your head as you turned away, Logan paused as the only reason why he thinks he could hear you was because of his super hearing. The tips of his ears started to burn as he moved over to a chair in, feeling embarrassed as his behavior and shutting down.
You grabbed a water before turning towards him. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." Logan's hazel eyes were clearing up as he focused on your mouth, as you frowned.
"About what?"
"Tryin to come on to ya."
"I'd rather it be me rather than anyone else." You replied, walking over to him, his eyes focused on your hips before his jaw clenched, his eyes blinking twice as they went to your breasts. You now realized that Logan hadn't seen you without a bra under your shirt before. The two of you never got to a point like this, you barely knew if he even liked you that way. You know that he liked to spend time with you, he liked your personality, he seemed to like holding you, he never said no when you asked for him to touch you. Whether it was holding you while you did the dishes, talking softly to you or cuddling on the couch together.
But the two of you hadn't kissed yet. It seemed like a fine line drawn in the sand, if you could just come back from kiss, not with Logan anyway. The number of times you were about to kiss were astonishing, staring at his plump lips, imaging your lips against him. But when you didn't move in neither did, he, both of you far too nervous to do anything.
"What?" You breathed, your eyes flickering back and forth from his gaze was intense, his eyes coming to half-lidded as he looked into your eyes.
"I didn't say anything." His voice started sobering up, as he started sitting up in his hair as you stepped towards him.
"You don't have to, your looking at me." You sighed, your eyes scanning his face your hand reaching out to caress his beard. Logan leaned into your hand, before turning his face so he could kiss your hand. His hand reaching out for your waist before slipping down to the flesh at your hips. You breathed out shakily as he pulls you into him.
"This okay, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, Lo." You whispered, your other hand coming to rest on his shoulders.
"You are so beautiful." His deep voice rumbled in your ears, as you stepped closer, his hands moving with you before you started climbing on to his lap. Logan's hands lifting you up by your hips and tugging you onto his thighs. His hand comes up to your face, combing back your hair, as he dipped his chin. Your hand ran down up and down his jaw.
Logan's hand started crawling up your ribcage, the sensation making the corner of your eyes crinkle, as he unknowingly tickled you. "Your ticklish?" His voice husked as he leant into your ear, his fingers wiggling against your rib and sides, making your head tilt back in guttural laughter. When you lifted your head back up, Logan's face was closer to yours, a wide grin plastered on his face as he watched you. For so long Logan's cheeks looked pale, like he was almost sick, probably from how much he had been drinking. But now he had color back in his cheeks and life back into his eyes.
You down to connect your lips in a soft kiss, his beard scratching against your upper lip. Logan's lips were wet as they slotted against yours, the taste of whiskey on his mouth as his arms moved to wrap around your waist and pull you into him. "Wait-are you still?"
"No baby, sober." Logan murmured, his beard going to rub at your jaw as his nose skims your skin. You felt a shaky breath from your chest as you leant down to connect your lips in another kiss. "could kiss you forever." you blushed, leaning back in his arms, your hands coming to his face as you lips met the side of his neck.
note: not the clear sabrina reference, supposed to a small blurb but i got carried away i haven't written all day - god old logan makes me fucking throb and i fucking love eternal sunshine. lmk if you wanted to be added to the taglist for logan!
tags: @ohtobemare
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anthurak · 7 days
So by this point, I think many of us are likely familiar with the idea that the breakup of Team RWBY at the end of Volume 3 is meant to thematically parallel the breakup of Team STRQ in the wake of Summer’s death, ie; Ruby falls into a coma for a few days while Summer disappears and then both their teams fracture. Along with a popular sub-theory that Blake leaving Yang after the Fall is meant to parallel Raven leaving Tai.
But the thing is, if Ruby falling into a coma at the end of Volume 3 is meant to parallel Summer’s (supposed) death and the way this loss caused the fracturing and breakup of their respective teams, then Raven’s actions DON’T really parallel Blake nearly as well as a lot of people think.
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And in fact, I feel like Qrow could potentially have paralleled Blake’s actions FAR better.
Like people talk about how Raven ‘abandoned’ Tai just like Blake ran away from Yang after the Fall of Beacon. Except if the point of parallel to the Fall of Beacon is Summer’s death, then the parallel doesn’t work because Raven was ALREADY GONE from Team STRQ by the time Summer disappeared. To the point where Tai, Qrow and Ozpin had (and still have) NO IDEA she was even involved in whatever happened to Summer. Raven can’t exactly have abandoned Tai just like Blake did to Yang if Raven wasn’t even around.
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Instead, as I’ve discussed in the past, I think Raven’s actions following Summer’s ‘death’ potentially line up far better with WEISS. Like if it turns out that losing Summer was what actually drove Raven to return to her tribe, then that lines up very nicely with Weiss being taken back to her family/Atlas in the wake of the Fall of Beacon: Both return to the shitty, abusive family that raised them. And given how much of Weiss’s character is tied up in her family and their ‘legacy’, then the way Raven eventually took over her tribe makes her an ideal foil; effectively representing a Weiss who did eventually take over the Schnee family and company, but in the process internalized all the pain and trauma her family gave her.
And as for a cherry on top; if Ruby falling into a coma after the Fall of Beacon is meant to parallel Summer’s supposed ‘death’, then what was one of the last things Ruby did at the Fall?
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Run off on a special mission with Weiss, just like we now know Summer did with Raven.
Now going back to my point about how Raven was not even around to abandon Tai just like Blake did to Yang, you know who WAS presumably around when Summer ‘died’?
Yeah; Qrow.
Let’s consider what exactly Blake actually did following the Fall of Beacon beyond just a surface-level reading: Yes, she did go back to her family, similar to what Raven may have done, but given that the Belladonnas are NOT actually shitty and abusive, I maintain that Weiss is still the better parallel to Raven. Instead, let’s consider Blake’s whole arc across Volumes 4 and 5 relating to the White Fang: At first being depressed over loss and perceived failure before being inspired to start working for a better cause, in this case pushing back against and stopping Adam’s takeover of the White Fang.
So I have to wonder; what if this reflects what Qrow did with Ozpin and the conspiracy following Summer’s ‘death’? Maybe Qrow and his teammates had helped Ozpin in the past and knew what he was doing, but what if THIS was the point where Qrow became fully committed to Ozpin’s cause and joined the Ozluminati full-time? Perhaps seeing it as a way of ‘honoring’ Summer’s memory.
Instead of staying with the one teammate he had left (and possible partner) who was now in a massive depressive spiral AND had two kids to take care of.
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It starts to make Qrow and Tai feel a lot like Blake and Yang, doesn’t it?
This is one of the big reasons why I think Qrow and Tai are the REAL foil to Bumbleby on Team STRQ. They effectively give us a look at a version of Blake and Yang whose relationship failed. Or rather, were never able to ‘take the next step’ and actually form their relationship.
Qrow is a Blake who fully internalized her self-loathing and belief that she didn’t deserve Yang or that Yang was better off without her and has simply been pining for Yang from afar.
Meanwhile Tai is a Yang who likewise fully internalized her fears of abandonment and fully resents Blake for leaving her or may not have ever even fully recognized her feelings for Blake in the first place.
Essentially, Qrow and Tai are the version of Blake and Yang who weren’t able to work through all the problems, issues and baggage which allowed them to actually start their relationship. Like a Blake who didn’t get that vital pep-talk from Sun at the end of Volume 4, or a Yang who likewise didn’t get that vital talk from Weiss in Volume 5.
Which in turn leads us to what I brought up earlier with Qrow joining up with the Ozluminati full-time, essentially representing a Blake who threw herself into reforming the White Fang instead of returning to Team RWBY and reconnecting with Yang. Meanwhile Tai simply throws himself into a deep depression, grief and ‘moping’, ironically all the things he would later accuse Yang of doing (at some point I’m going to do a post on just how much PROJECTING Tai has likely been doing…)
So now Qrow and Tai have this low-key toxic relationship where Qrow is more-or-less aware of Tai’s extremely dysfunctional parenting but has also been enabling it and a lot of Tai’s unhealthy coping mechanisms over the years because he’s been pining for Tai ever since their Beacon days and still is pining in a very depressed, self-loathing ‘I don’t deserve him/to be happy’ way and also doesn’t want to risk conflict with his former partner and also the only teammate he has left.
Thus Qrow keeps his distance and just goes along with Tai’s dysfunctions and/or lets Tai push him away. Which in turn just reinforces Tai’s abandonment issues.
And Ruby and Yang are still stuck with utterly dysfunctional parental figures.
Oh, and if you need more proof about the deliberate parallels between Blake and Qrow…
Then how about the whole damn song where they sing about how they’ve always felt terrible about themselves but now things are looking up for them.
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robo-writing · 1 year
Words Unspoken, Actions Taken
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Pairing: Clive Rosfield/Reader (AFAB, female pronouns. no Y/N) Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors DNI Word Count: 1.9k words Summary: After Clive returns from another mission battered and bruised you finally give him a piece of your mind. He doesn't take too kindly to your words. Read on AO3! Warnings: Dom! Clive, angry sex, elements of degradation, p in v actions, unprotected sex, fluff (if you squint) Author's Note: Hey y'all, the world was sorely lacking in Clive fics, so I'm doing my part to change that. I love this depressed man and his slutty little waist too much to NOT write for him. Spoilers for a certain character's death, so if you haven't gotten that far, don't read ahead. Update: There's a sequel now!
You’re not surprised you ended up like this, quite the opposite in fact. Clive Rosfield, also known as Cid, your faithful leader and the very symbol of hope to every lost soul who found their way under his wing. A beacon to guide them towards a better life, and to change the world for the better. The very same leader who regularly risked his life for the greater good, much to your dismay, without so much as any concern to himself. 
He was already somewhat of an errand boy when you had first met him, but after Cid died it grew tenfold. The hideaway, the resistance, the increase of bearer violence, it was all too much. He told you as much after you found him one night drinking alone in his room, a hushed confession under the cover of night that without you he wouldn’t have made it this far and you’d be a liar if the memory didn’t make you feel some kind of way. Despite that, he kept on shouldering more and more responsibility, to the point that it was commonplace to have him leave for days on end, returning one day only to be gone the next. It was concerning to the other residents, but most of all to you. 
You admired his efforts, truly. It was noble, but eventually it would catch up to him. You tried to tell him as much, but he would just wave you away and reassure you that he can handle himself.
You’ve seen him fight, you’re well aware of his talents with a blade, but all the training in the world can’t substitute a good night's rest. What happens if he worked himself to death, found himself behind enemy lines and never returned? 
You couldn’t stand to think about it. You worried about him, and in your worry you found yourself growing resentful of his apparent ignorance towards his own well-being. But you held your tongue, forced to keep your emotions to yourself because if nothing else, having him worry about you would only serve to be another item on his long list of responsibilities. You tried, you really did. And then he came back from a mission beaten to hell. Tarja, talented as she was, only barely brought him back from the brink. He was in bed rest for weeks before he was allowed to leave, and in that time your resentment grew to anger. Was it immature? Yes. Did you care? Not particularly. Your attitude change was obvious to anyone in the Hideaway, most of all to Clive, but he figured you were just in a mood, maybe something had happened while he was recovering. In any case, you two were close, you would tell him eventually. It was only after he returned from his latest life-threatening mission that he realized that you were mad at him. Again, you tried to hold yourself back, but when you saw how ignorant he was you couldn’t take it anymore. Words were said, some of which came from a place of genuine care. The others, however… “You’re an idiot if you think I’m going to stand by and watch you kill yourself—” You hissed at him, pacing around the floor of his office. It was there the two of you stood, a back and forth with no end. “I need to carry on his name, his legacy—” He raises his voice before stopping himself to take a shaky breath. “I need to live up to his dream. Don’t you understand that?” “Oh I understand plenty,” You fume. You’re not quite sure where this malice came from, but it was all consuming, ever burning. “Don’t you know that I—we need you here? Alive?” He shakes his head and he says something about his duty and his obligations and you’re completely over it, obviously anything you say is going in one ear and out the other. “Do you think Cid would want you to work yourself to death?” You ask, concern written on your face. “Do you think he’d be proud to see you take no care to yourself?” He doesn’t even look at you anymore, his head bowed. “If it’s for the good of the cause—” You interrupt him before he can say another word. “If you genuinely believe that then you’ll end up dead, and his sacrifice would’ve been for nothing.” The silence that follows is deafening. His footsteps ring heavy in your ears, moving closer and closer. “What did you just say?” The anger in his voice is apparent. You’ve never seen him like this before, a rage normally reserved for his enemies directed towards you.
You probably should’ve stopped, but you didn’t. “I said, if you truly believe that then you’re wasting the chance Cid gave you.” You look up at him unwavering, consequences be damned. He needed to hear this. Clive stood unmoving, an unknown emotion swirling in those vibrant blue eyes of his. “Be careful of what you say next.” And then it broke. The dam holding everything you held back before shattering into pieces and before you knew it you were awash with emotion. “You’re a bastard Clive, if you truly can’t see how you’re hurting the people around you by acting like a complete fucking idiot, then you don’t deserve his legacy or his name.” You wanted him to get mad, wanted him to feel the way you’ve felt for a while now. What happens next is a blur, limbs entangled and skin exposed, but based on how fast the front of your body met the desk, you met your goal. “Couldn’t just keep your mouth shut, fuck—,” He hisses above you, but you’re too far gone to care. You have been for a while, too lost in the feeling of his hands against your hips, his cock dragging against you deliciously. “Just had to keep testing me—” It’s almost embarrassing how easily you let him have his way with you. Your body completely under his control, every gasp of his name only serving to feed his ego, encouraging him to go faster, harder, more, more, more—
“Clive—!” “That’s right, say my fucking name—” If the squeaking of the old wooden desk he’s taken you on wasn’t already a sign of what was happening in the room, the shameless moans escaping your lips would be. “Let the entire hideaway know whose cock you’re begging for.”
You do, without any thought to how loud you may be.
The force of his thrusts are brutal against your backside, your body aching and yet you can’t stop moving, desperately trying to meet his every thrust. It’s hopeless, but he seems to enjoy your attempts at least, a wicked chuckle escaping him as he watches your body move on his own. “Is this what you wanted, hm? To be used like a pleasure girl?” His body is pressed against your back now, the full weight of him blanketed against you. Your breath catches in your throat, his lips whispering absolute filth into your ear. “Upset you couldn’t have me all to yourself? Don’t worry, I’m right here.” His tone is cruel, mocking. “I’ll make sure you never have to worry again.”
He doesn’t stop moving, how could he when you sound absolutely debauched below him, a picture perfect image of sin to be molded by his own hands. He fucks you just as he fights, ferocious, unyielding, unrelenting, finding every single one of your weaknesses and taking advantage of them until you cry out that it’s too much, that you can’t take it, and doesn’t give you a moment of reprieve. A glutton of your own making. He laughs, a sound so far separated from his normal self that you almost don’t recognize it as him. “Come now darling, you were ready to spit venom at me before, where’s all that fire gone?” He breathes unevenly, a hand moving to push your head further down. He’s taunting you, dangling your own shameful display in front of your very eyes. Even if you wanted to respond you couldn’t, the sound of your hips meeting, echoing through the room proved answer enough. “Clive—fuck—please ‘m sorry—” Your body is racked with shudders, whimpering when he runs a single hand down your spine, forcing you to arch even further and have him reach that spot inside you that has you seeing stars. “What was that? I don’t think I quite heard you.” He sneers from above. You mumble into the desk, unable to bring your head up to speak. “I’m sorry, please, can’t take it, too much, pleasepleaseplease—”
A hand around your throat silences you, his lips grazing against your ear once more. “Oh no, I don’t believe that for a second.”
He lets you go, only for that same hand to grab your face, fingers pressing against your cheeks. He forces your tear-rimmed eyes to gaze at him from below, a contrast to the sinister look in his own. “Can’t take it? Too much? I don’t think that’s true—” Another hard thrust has you keening, back arching, a fog of lust clouding your brain. “—I think you’re going to take everything I give and more.” He’s right of course, and you do, graciously. Your legs threaten to give out, shaking, barely holding on, and in an act of mercy he grabs your weakened limbs with a strong hand. Practically a rag doll at this point, he lays you onto the desk, legs wrapped around his body to bring him as close as possible. You can see him in this position, see the way his brows crease and furrow every time you clench onto his cock, the pleased grin that lingers when you grab onto his arms, seeking purchase. It’s filthy. Clive doesn’t think he’s seen anything more beautiful.
To watch his advisor fall apart at his hands, to drown in waves of pleasure begging for more, please, I need more—
It’s addicting, sadistic in ways he never thought himself capable of. He can’t get enough. A painful dance of give and take. He gives pleasure and takes your very sanity with it. He takes and takes until you’ve nothing left to give, until you’re a writhing mess of slurred words and half-mumbled promises. He can barely understand you at this point, your mind far away, but he doesn’t need to. He can understand your body well enough. “Clive, please—” You gasp, nails dragging deliciously against his back. You don’t have to speak, he knows what you want before you do. Without another second of hesitation his fingers move vigorously against your sensitive nub, and if he thought you were gone before the feeling of his deft hands working against your sex send you to new heights. The choked noise that escapes you is downright heavenly. “Gods above—!”
He’d be flattered if he wasn’t so busy fucking you into next week. Sweat clings onto your skin, and for a moment he conjures up an image of an angel, the sheen highlighting you in such a way you almost seem to glow. And then he watches your eyes roll, feels your pussy clench against his cock and you fall over the edge with his name on your lips like a prayer, and thinks to himself that you’re more of a devil than a saint.  Your breathing is ragged, completely spent, nearly delirious with desire.
But nearly is not enough for him.
So his hips still grind against you, and you’re far too weak to resist him, not that you would have in the first place. A give and take, and Clive was always a little greedy.
“We’re not done yet, my dear. Not by a long shot.”
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dragonanon · 7 months
Death!Reader and God!Brother head cannons
Note: you can thank @sherlockhomies-42 for this, my brain hasn’t known peace since I read their stuff about the reader being Death in Hazbin Hotel. And if I don’t get my thoughts out right now I might honestly combust. 🙃
Lore HCs:
- Before Hell, Earth, and even Heaven existed, there was nothing….Until by some cosmic miracle, God popped into existence. God started by building himself a luxurious paradise; the same paradise that would eventually become Heaven.
- God relished in his wonderful new home for a while, but quickly grew bored with being alone. So he began creating animals and other small creatures to keep him company. At first, this worked out great! But to an ageless, immortal being like God, several years felt like mere moments to him; and before he knew it, his beloved creations had become incredibly old and were in ever increasing pain and discomfort as they continued to age, and there was nothing God could do about it. All he could do was create life, and once life had been created God was powerless to do anything to stop it or take it away.
- Just when it seemed God would be forced to watch his creations suffer forever, another incredible miracle happened; you popped into existence. Sporting six mighty black wings and a set of horns gracing your head, you gently touched each of the suffering creatures, and with your touch each one FINALLY had their suffering come to an end as they died, and their now freed souls traveled down to a newly created realm to rest and wait for whatever came next; Limbo.
- God watched in awe as you gave his beloved friends what he couldn’t; an ending. God realized quickly, based on an instinctual pull he felt towards you, that whatever force had created him had clearly struck again, and brought you into existence.
- God was now in the presence of a being just as powerful as him, but while you may have been his equal in terms of how you both came to be and the sheer power you both held, your powers were VERY different from his; almost like they were the opposite of his. That’s when it dawns on him, you’re his sibling! His counterpart! If his powers are to begin and yours are to end, then you’re meant to bring balance to everything! After all, there can never be a beginning if there’s no end, and there can never be an end if there is no beginning.
- It’s then that you’re given your name; “Death”, and as both the younger sister of God and the only one capable of bringing an end to any life he creates, your very existence leads to you both creating balance in the universe for the very first time.
- As the first order of business, God started creating ageless beings, like the Seraphim and other Angelic beings. And with your input, he gave them the gift of sentience so they could all think, feel emotions, and communicate with each other and you and your older brother, and the ability to create just like him.
- At some point though, God started getting more lazy and careless, given he didn’t have to do much now that he’d created ageless beings capable of thinking and creating things themselves. He suddenly had more free time than he knew what to do with, and it culminated in him pretty much just sitting back in his fancy palace, and allowing allowing his children do as they pleased while he casually observed from time to time from the sidelines. (Dude basically just became super depressed because now he essentially had nothing to do, and felt like he no longer served any purpose in existing. He hasn’t told you or anyone about these feelings tho, just drinks himself silly everyday and vibes in his palace.)
- This annoyed you GREATLY as you now had to essentially step up and provide guidance to the Seraphim and other Angelic beings when they needed it, because your brother couldn’t even be bothered to do that. You started to resent God for his “hands off” approach to running things, while God began to resent you for being “nagging and controlling”.
- The resentment eventually boiled over when Lucifer and Lilith inadvertently created Hell, and the other Seraphim and Angelic beings banished them both into the realm they’d created. Outraged by what God’s lack of involvement had caused, you got into a nasty fight with him as you pleaded with him to intervene and FINALLY put an end to the chaos he’d allowed to run rampant for centuries. God vehemently refused, insisting that the Seraphim and Angelic beings knew what they were doing and didn’t need his input. Furthermore, God believed that the punishment was justified given it was their actions that caused evil to invade the Earth.
- You were getting NO WHERE in this argument, so for the sake of your own sanity, you returned to Limbo to continue your work of bringing death to those who needed it. Along with the new task of taking dead souls back to Limbo, where they would stay until you determined whether to send them to Heaven or Hell based on how the soul had behaved while alive.
- That’s how it went for centuries before you decided you needed a little break, and informed Heaven and Hell that you would be taking a well deserved nap. This would mean that they would need to work together to sort souls in the meantime, as your reapers would ensure that death still continued appropriately on Earth while you sleep. Heaven and Hell agreed to this, and with that you curled up in bed and went to sleep.
- Speaking of reapers, reapers are permanent residents in Limbo. They are neither Angels nor Demons, but they’re ageless all the same. God actually made the first reapers for you, so they’re essentially the Limbo equivalent of Seraphim and other Heaven born angelic beings. These reapers, often called “First Ones”, have sentience and emotions since they were created by God himself. So you typically have First Ones lead the other reapers.
- All the reapers you’ve obtained since the First Ones are Limbo’s equivalent of Sinners, often called “Hollows”. Hollows are souls who in order to avoid eternal suffering in Hell, instead opted to willingly relinquish their humanity entirely and become an undead being working for you. In giving up their humanity however, the souls lose their ability to feel anything whatsoever. They’re little more than robots; doing what they’re told and not questioning it, all while feeling absolutely nothing. They’re called “Hollows” because that’s essentially what they are, hollowed out husks that now only exist to serve you.
- Regardless of whether they’re a First One or Hollow though, they all have the same job; find the humans whom you’ve given death to, reap their souls from their bodies, and guide them down to Limbo and care for them until you’ve sorted them into Heaven or Hell. The only real difference is the First Ones are usually in charge of the Hollows, ensuring that the Hollows reap the correct souls and are doing their jobs.
- If you had only known what your absence would cause, you would’ve NEVER went to sleep. For as SOON as you were out, Heaven took it upon themselves to decide where the souls went, completely defying your orders that Heaven and Hell work TOGETHER to decide that. To add insult to injury, Heaven also became incredibly elitist and picky about who got into Heaven, and this resulted in a vast majority of souls being sent to Hell for even the smallest infractions. The unbalanced approach of sorting souls eventually caused the over population problem and subsequent annual exterminations.
- With Heaven’s incredible arrogance and Hell’s complicity in this, both realms are in for a VERY rude awakening when you eventually wake up prematurely and see what they all have done. You’re gonna read Sera, Lilith, Lucifer, Adam, Lute, AND God the riot act for fucking your shit up
Okay lore time over, here’s the silly, more generalized, shit you’ve all been waiting for!
- When making the Seraphim, God made them in your image. He really just wanted to show his love and appreciation for you in some way, and he decided the best way to that was by basing the physical appearances of his first sentient creations on you. Hence why all the Seraphim are beautiful and have six wings like you do. It was literally like a kid excitedly making a piece of macaroni art of their sibling and being super excited to show it off to them
- All of the beings directly created by God are considered his “children”, so they all refer to him as “father”. Given that you’re God’s younger sister though, it also technically makes them your “nieces/nephews/niblings” and it makes you their “aunt”. You get called “Aunt Death” or “Auntie Death” by them a lot, but you’re cool with it because you think it’s cute.
- You weren’t supposed to have any favorites, but you always did have a soft spot for Lucifer in particular. He reminded you a lot of how God used to be back when you’d first come into existence; so energetic and excited to create things. You affectionately called him your “favorite nephew”.
- You haven’t seen God since the fight you had with him after Lucifer’s banishment into Hell. You actually miss your older brother dearly, but you’re still so pissed at him that you don’t feel like talking to him for the foreseeable future. You temporarily go back on this decision long enough to chew God out for allowing his children to make a complete mess of your realm, and destroying the balance you worked so hard to create and maintain. You’re back to giving him the silent treatment after that.
- Limbo is ONLY accessible by you, Cerberus, dead souls, and your reapers. No one else is capable of entering Limbo, hence why everyone assumed that the exterminations were successful in getting rid of excess Sinners. In reality however, all the “killed” Sinners were really just getting yeeted back into Limbo for re-sorting since something that’s already dead can’t die again.
- The persistent wailing and cries of the millions and millions of souls who were now trapped in Limbo was eventually what managed to wake you up early from your nap. You were not pleased in the slightest.
- Despite having a very gothic and menacing appearance, you’re incredibly gentle and kind. You feel great honor in being the one tasked with giving everyone the ending they need and deserve, and you take pride in caring for the souls that may have to stay in Limbo for an extended period of time whilst you decide where they will go next.
- You take no satisfaction in having a send ANYONE to Hell. It doesn’t feel good to know that you’re condemning someone to an eternity of suffering, no matter how deserving of that punishment they may be. Hence why it can sometimes take awhile for you to decide where a soul goes, because you want to be sure you’re really making the right decision.
- You’re saddened by how much like your brother Lucifer has become after his banishment, and you wholeheartedly believe that the ONLY reason he hasn’t completely turned into his father is that he has Charlie to think of.
- You and God are both fucking MASSIVE in your true forms. Like, “skyscrapers BARELY reach your hips”, massive. You’re both capable of shrinking down to be able to better interact with people, but even at your smallest you STILL tower over most Sinners.
- You’re low key salty that Lucifer went and had a baby while you were sleeping, because you missed out on getting to play the role of “doting great aunt” while Charlie was growing up. You’re trying really hard to make up for the lost time by visiting frequently. Much to the minor annoyance of a certain radio demon who doesn’t like the feeling of being in the presence of someone FAR more powerful than him. He deals with it and is polite tho because it’s FAR better to have someone as powerful as you be an acquaintance than an enemy.
- You can walk the streets of Hell with complete impunity because everyone either knows EXACTLY who you are and goes out of their way to stay in your good graces, or they end up finding out real fucking quick that you are NOT to be messed with.
- That being said, your presence is generally more accepted in Hell than it is in Heaven. In Hell, you’re far more likely to be willingly approached and have a nice conversation with a Demon. Whereas in Heaven, everyone is scared shitless of you except for Emily and actively tries to avoid even making eye contact with you. It’s like pulling teeth just trying to get someone to tell you what time it is. Of course you can ask anyone in Heaven anything and they’ll respond because they’re too afraid not to lol. But they’ll look like they’re on the verge of fainting then entire time you’re talking to them.
- The aversion to you in Heaven gets better over time as you’re seen having friendly interactions with Emily, but most Angels still get a bit uneasy in your presence. Sera is one of them because she knows that you’re BEYOND pissed at her and she’s one more fuck up away from getting dragged to Limbo and being made into one of your reapers to serve you AND the souls she hurt.
- Much like sending souls to Hell, you get no satisfaction in turning someone into a Hollow. Completely stripping someone of their emotions and sentience is not an enjoyable experience, even if it does result in you getting more help in Limbo. Despite this, you’re still required to make this offer to all souls set to be sent to Hell. You do your best to explain though what the consequences of this decision are though, and thankfully most souls see what becoming a Hollow entails and opt to keep their humanity. However every now and then you’ll get few who insist that becoming a Hollow will be a better fate, so you end up with new reapers.
- Vox is BIG MAD that his biggest rival is now rubbing elbows with the LITERAL Goddess of death. Dumbass had no clue who you even were at first so he didn’t care, but as soon as found out you were Death, the ensuing meltdown he had knocked the power out for the whole Pride ring. Alastor is aware of how pissed Vox is about this, so he purposely goes out of his way to play up his interactions with you when he knows Vox is watching. He can practically hear Vox’s apoplectic screeching when he does it, and it brings him immense joy every time.
- You’re often accompanied by Cerberus; a massive, three headed, doglike beast. God made him for you as a gift AGES ago to be a bodyguard and companion for you. Not that you ever NEED a bodyguard, but the thought was appreciated all the same. You ADORE Cerberus, he is the goodest good boy that ever did a good in your book. Cerberus loves you just as much and loves to give you kisses and cuddles.
- Lucifer was dog sitting Cerberus for you while you slept. Cerberus was a little shit during this time because he missed you, so he would often purposely ignore any commands Lucifer gave him. Charlie loved him though and he was actually great with her, so Lucifer put up with it.
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madi-writes-things · 3 months
Francesca Pt. 1
It broke Schlatt when he had to let Y/N go, But he would go through hell a thousand times if it meant he got to hold her again.
“If I could hold you for a minute… I’d go through it again.”
Word Count: 1.09 K
TW: Mental Illness, angst, ocd, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, break up, pining, feelings of worthlessness, basically a self insert without a physical description, Based in Texas… because so am I
A/N: I’m totally ok, and definitely not scared of my mental illness… 👀
-Madi <3
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My bags are packed before Jay gets home. I don’t want to make this any harder than it has to be. I should probably leave before he gets here, but he deserves an explanation. I’m not really sure what to say when he gets here, but he doesn’t deserve to be ghosted…
When the door opens I regret my decision to stay. He’s holding an H-E-B bag with frozen pizzas and ranch.
My favorite.
The second he locks eyes with me I break down. The bag falls from his hand as he rushes to pull me into a hug.
“What’s wrong pumpkin? What happened?” His voice is filled love and tenderness, very different from his online persona. It makes me cry harder.
“I can’t do this Jay… I-” He pulls me impossibly closer, mumbling a quiet ‘don’t do this’. “I already packed everything into my car. I can’t ask you to stay, I wouldn’t do that to you…”
He knows that I’ve been struggling lately, but I would never ask him to understand the extent of my anguish. I could never tell him about my hours spent researching. The notes. The fear of being alone with myself.
All I’ve ever wanted is to marry the man of my dreams, and have a big family. My mind constantly tells me that I can’t have it…
Nobody would want to deal with you, he’d get tired of it eventually. What if your kids are crazy like you? You don’t want to run the risk that he has to find you dea-
“You aren’t doing anything to me, you don’t have to do this… we can get through this, we can get you whatever help you need… please…”
I’m doing this because I love him. I can tell when he sees the look in my eyes, he mumbles a quick okay before leaving to put the pizzas in the freezer.
I run to lock myself in the bathroom… I feel like I’m going to throw up.
When I finally get myself together, I leave the bathroom on a mission to get out quickly. It takes me a while before I realize what’s happening.
“where the hell did you put my keys Jay?” I see him sitting at our table, set with two plates of pizza and two glasses of wine.
“You’re not driving right now… I just heard you have a twenty minute panic attack, you’re in no headspace to drive.” I know he won’t give me the keys, no matter how much I try to convince him. “Do you even have anywhere to go?” I just shake my head. He gets up and walks into our bedroom.
I can hear him on the phone with Ted, he’s asking if I can stay in LA with him. When he returns, we sit down to eat the now cold pizza.
“What did he say?” I didn’t necessarily want to move across the country, but we both know I wouldn’t be able to actually leave well enough alone if I stayed.
I can tell that he’s been crying, but I know that this is what’s truly best for him in the long run. “He said yes, obviously. I’ll drive you to his place, and catch a flight back.” I knew that there was no convincing him to leave me alone for extended periods of time… I wonder if Ted told him not to let me out of his sight.
He probably did.
After dinner Jay offers to sleep on the couch, but I tell him that I don’t want our last night to be spent in different parts of the house.
He holds me as I cry myself to sleep.
This is what’s best for him.
The nearly twenty hour drive was silent, stopping whenever the gas gauge lit up. Jay always knew what to get me from the gas station, while I stayed in the car reading. About halfway through the ride he finally decided to play some music, our shared playlist flowing through the tense atmosphere.
I decided to take a nap at some point, and was awoken by Jay gently shaking my shoulder while handing me some food that he had gotten. “We’ve only got about an hour left… you need to eat, and I think we should talk about it.”
No. You can’t handle this, the car ride is hell as is… and now he wants you to talk about why you’re breaking his heart?
“There’s not much to talk about Jay… there isn’t any way to convince me that it was a mistake.” I can see the hurt look in his eyes when I say it, and I really didn’t mean for it to sound so harsh. “I love you so much… and I promise, this is for you.”
He starts to try and argue, before settling on asking about publicity. My only response is that we can deal with it separately. I finish my food, and finish the last few chapters of my book.
It takes less than an hour to move all of my stuff into Ted’s guest room.
Ted is my best friend, and we’ve known each other for years. He introduced me to the job prospects of the internet. He introduced me to all of his colleagues when I was first starting on YouTube…
He introduced me to Jay.
After helping move everything in, Jay got ready to fly out. He said a quick goodbye to me, before going outside to talk to Ted.
They were out there for a really long time.
What if he’s convincing Ted that you are a horrible person?
What if they’re working together to get you put away?
What if you opened the window?
What if you jumped?
My phone is in my hand immediately, looking up the likelihood of injury/death from a second story jump. Very unlikely. Shit.
All of the sudden, the walls feel too close. The window is too far. I hear Jay’s Uber leaving, and everything starts to collapse.
This was a mistake. I just ruined the best thing that ever happened to me. It’s too late. He hates me. I should have just left a note and Jumped off the congress avenue bridge.
I can’t breathe.
I hear a soft knock at my door, and hear it creak open. Ted sits down in front of me, placing my hand on his chest. We work on breathing exercises that he taught me years ago. When I finally feel slightly normal, he pulls me into a tight hug.
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strangerxperv · 11 months
Random Eddie Munson HeadCanons
Some are NSFW so minors don't interact
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Eddie is openly pansexual when it comes to sex but demisexual for relationships.
He likes sex and believes that people bring different things to the table.
Relationships are difficult for him and I think he has low-key commitment issues.
So he takes relationships pretty slowly because he wants to know you (or Steve...and?).
Eddie wants to be sure his heart won't be broken because he's honestly a romantic.
If you want a serious relationship with him I suggest not jumping into bed with him.
Become his friend first and slowly begin to flirt, let tension build.
Eddie has intrusive thoughts and if he trusts you then they become your thoughts too.
"Hey, babe? When you think of me being a mechanic what pops into your head?"
If you answer "Hot" or "Strong hands" you will have a smug man for the rest of the day.
"Will you join me in the show? I just realized we haven't had shower sex in awhile and I'm hard as fuck." This is said while you're in the middle of styling your head for bed.
His intrusive thoughts range from innocent, random, to dangerous.
One time I decided to make a baked potato without holes in the microwave (he knew what he was doing). Now he's buying a new one.
His last year only high school is when you meet because you are his tutor.
You get to see all sides of Eddie that most are privy to.
You see the proud, depressed, defeated, eager, happy, and sappy sides of him. And eventually you see the side of him that loves you.
Your relationship with him is slow and at one point it's complicated. You go from friend to best friend and then to best friends with tension. He's not proud of the next step: best friends with benefits.
At this point you're practically a couple but he's not ready to admit it. Everyone thinks of you guys as a couple, most everyone. Busy if someone asks you two you both say, "no" and sometimes "just really close best friends."
It's one of those events that Jason has the balls to say, "Good. Guess that means I can take you out some time. How's this Friday at five?"
Who are you to say no? Especially when Eddie is within earshot.
Agreeing to the date causes a huge fight between you and Eddie that lasts the rest of the week.
It's Thursday when he coldly asks if you're coming to his place Friday night.
"You know I can't. I have a date." Slam your car door closed to drive away.
But he stops you, "No, you don't. I told him you aren't coming cause you'll be too busy cuming on my dick."
His words make your jaw unhinge with surprise before sputtering out, "You can't just say that! What if someone hears you saying something like that when we aren't even together? They'll think I'm a slut!"
Eddie grins and leans in close as his lips ghost along your ear to your lips. "Don't care. You're mine."
And that's all you need to hear. It takes a few months of going steady for him to actually call you his girlfriend.
Until then it's: baby doll, his girl, my nerd, and (you guessed it) his slut.
He hates sleeping alone and even when you were benefits you slept over, except for that one week. He drives you to work, your place, his place, basically wherever he can.
I head canon this man to be very clingy in a relationship.
Eddie is a switch with the right person but I think he's leaning hard Dom for reader.
When you were his tutor he convinced you to pay his correct answers with a small kiss.
He has you help him when he's training to become a licensed mechanic. The only difference is that you're sat on his dick when quizzing him.
Every right answer you HAVE to give him a kiss, an innocent kiss, a soft lil peck on the lips.
Near the end of this session he's unbelievably throbbing and softly thrusting up into you every so often. But don't think for a moment you're the dominant one while on top.
He might be the one whimpering under you but if you act up, it's your ass.
Seriously, he will fuck your ass and spank you at the same time.
If you want to hear more about this Eddie please let me know!
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earthtoharlow · 11 months
Flashing Lights
Jack Harlow x Singer!OC
Series Masterlist
9. Here We Go Again
tw: slight violence
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Maryse Monet began writing “-Ugh, those feels again” following the end of a long-term high profile relationship that she’s characterized as “depressing” and “exhausting,” but half way through the writing process the unthinkable happened, “I originally wanted this album to be a breakup album, but then I fell in love unexpectedly.” The 24 year old singer-songwriter tells Apple Music. That freshness of perspective resonates throughout the album.
“-Ugh goes through the emotional roller coaster of falling back in love after having your heart broken and I feel like everyone can relate to this album.”
Here Maryse takes Apple Music through her favorite tracks on -Ugh those feels again.
Second Chances ft. Jack Harlow
“I was stuck on this song for weeks, I had the whole song written but I always felt like it was missing something, and that something was Jack. I watched him write his verse in 15 minutes. It was amazing, I’m so in awe of his talent.”
Let It Go
“Let It Go is about when you’re so blindly in love that you ignore all their red flags and fail to see them for who they really are. You get to the point where you have to let it go and doing that will allow better love into your life.”
Fun Girl
“I love this song, it’s raw and unedited. Just my voice and my electric guitar. It was inspired by an ex who called me a fun girl. Someone who is cool to hang out with until it’s time to settle down.”
“I wrote this song on my flight home from Toronto after a Drake concert. This song and that city will always have a special place in my heart because it’s where I kissed my now boyfriend for the first time.”
To Jack, From Maryse
“This was the very last song I wrote and turned in for the album. I literally turned it in right at the deadline. It was originally just going to be a small interlude but I just couldn’t stop writing. I’m professing my love to Jack in this whole song. I actually sung this to him first in front of a large audience before I had even told him in person”
A weight felt like it had been lifted from Maryse’s shoulders. Her debut album was officially released. The reviews were slowly coming in, critics were raving about the album. Pitchfork who is known for giving harsh reviews gave it a 7.4! She couldn’t believe it.
Maryse was currently getting ready for her album release party that her team and label was throwing for her. After being locked up in the studio for almost a year, it’s going to be fun to go out and not have to think about finishing the album.
As she was touching up the gloss on her lips she heard a slight knock behind her. Looking up in the mirror, there was Jack looking as fine as ever. Maryse had to smile when she noticed she and Jack were matching. You had told your team that you wanted the dress code to be more casual, Jack went with a blue sweater, black cargos with matching NBs.
Maryse had a bunch of different options to choose from when it came to her outfit but she eventually decided to wear a custom blue David Koma two piece set.
“Hey baby!” Maryse said, turning around to wrap her arms around his neck in greeting. Her heels tonight gave her a few extra inches.
Jack tightened his hand around her waist and reached down to give her a kiss but frowned when Maryse pulled back. “Hey!” He said with a whine.
All Maryse could do was laugh. “I just touched up my lipstick!” She tried to explain. Jack just shook his head at her, “I don’t care.” And pressed his lips against hers before she had time to react.
After almost four months of dating he still managed to leave her breathless. Maryse never wanted that feeling to go away.
As she tried to pull away, Jack captured her lips once again. Maryse relaxed into his arms and stopped fighting it. Enjoying this moment before they were going to be around a bunch of people all night.
Jack pulled away and pressed his forehead against hers. Maryse giggled seeing that some of her lipstick rubbed off on his lips. Turning back towards her vanity she grabbed a makeup wipe, and began wiping it off his lips.
“What, not the right shade?” Jack said cheekily. All Maryse could do was smile with a shake of her head. After she was done, Jack spun her around so that Maryse’s back was facing him. He smiled at her in the mirror, pressing a kiss behind her ear.
“We look good.” Maryse nodded in agreement. They did look good.
“Look at us in our matching outfits, it’s giving power couple!” Jack said with a click of his tongue. Maryse laughed at his phrasing. “Please don’t ever say that again!”
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liked by 6,890 users
jackharlowsource: Looks like Jack and Maryse decided to match for her album release party! Make sure you guys stream the album and Second Chances which features our favorite guy! 💙 (Fun Fact: Urban shot the cover for -Ugh those feels again!)
view all 245 comments
user: omg stopppp they’re so cute
user: goals
user: oh they really a power couple
user: maryse can you fight cause I want your man
user: I don’t like her for some reason
user: Jack is soooo in love
user: did y’all listen to the song she dedicated to him 🥹🥹
The party was in full swing. There was a huge turnout, not only were close friends like Saweetie and Doja there but many people from the music industry were there as well.
“BITCH!! You look the fuck good!” Doja screamed as she finally found her. Maryse was getting pulled in so many directions since she arrived at the party.
Maryse let out a sigh of relief and gave her friend a tight embrace, happy to see her. “Thank you babe! You look amazing as well!”
Doja thanked her before giving Maryse a once over. She looked happy but maybe overwhelmed. “You good?”
Maryse immediately nodded. “Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting so many people here. This has been a crazy few months. This time last year I was just known as “star New York QB girlfriend who sometimes dropped music on SoundCloud.”
Doja pinched her friend's side hearing her talking down on herself. Especially on a night like this. “OW!”
She just rolled her eyes at friend. “I’m not gonna stand here and let you talk down about yourself, especially at your release party. You deserve all this and more. You’ve always been the hardest worker in the room and this year proves hard work pays off.”
Maryse wanted to cry hearing Doja say that, she needed to hear that more than ever. She opened her mouth to thank her best friend but Doja immediately shook her head. “I know, now let’s go find Saweetie and get crazy drunk!” Maryse laughed as Doja dragged through the crowds of people and towards the bar.
As the night went on, she noticed that Jack kept disappearing. Pulling out her phone to text him, the music suddenly stopped. Maryse looked up and her eyes widened when she saw her manager, CoCo and Jack on stage both holding a microphone.
CoCo spoke first. “Don’t worry, I’ll turn the music back on in a second!” The crowd laughed as she continued. “I wanted to come up here and thank everyone for coming to Maryse’ album release party. Maryse worked on this album tirelessly to make this the most successful debut album, and I can proudly say she succeeded.”
Maryse watched as Jack pulled out a framed plaque with the cover of her single Focus on it.
“Not only is -Ugh those feels again already on pace to becoming the number one album in the world but we just got word that her single, Focus just went 5x platinum!” Maryse’ eyes started to water as the crowd turned towards her and cheered, celebrating the achievement.
“Now, come up here girl and come get this plaque!” Coco said, waving her up towards the stage.
Maryse made her way to the stage and embraced her manager. She couldn’t have done any of this without her guidance. Maryse then turned towards Jack who was standing there, looking as handsome as ever. He placed the plaque on the stand and gave Maryse a huge hug, lifting her off her feet slightly. “I love you, I’m so proud of you always.” He whispered in her ear, and gave her a small kiss. Not wanting to show too much PDA.
Pulling away, Jack lifted his microphone to say a few words. “I’m going to make this really quick, I promise. Maryse, I see you everyday, whether it’s on FaceTime or in person and not a day goes by where you don’t amaze me. I’m fortunate enough to witness your passion and tireless work ethic and your ambition. I don't think you even realize how iconic you are. You’ve earned every bit of this, I love you.”
Maryse had to try and keep her body from shivering, she wanted nothing more in that moment than for Jack to carry her off somewhere private so that she could have her way with him.
The party was coming to an end, Maryse spent the rest of the night sitting in Jack’s lap in a dark corner of the club as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear.
In her buzzed state, Maryse became more bold and touchy, kissing the corner of his mouth. “You’re amazing.” She murmured, delighted.
Jack grins lazily at her, pulling her closer to him. “No, you are.” His face flushes as Maryse continues pressing kisses up his neck and along his jaw.
He hisses in a breath and squeezes Maryse waist. “You shouldn’t tease like that, M.” Jack mutters. “Play nice.”
Maryse giggles with a playful shake of her head and pecks at his lips. “Never.” She teases.
“Ok, it’s time to go. I need you right now.” Patting her ass to motion her to get her up. Maryse was getting excited, more than ready to go home.
“Wait for me by the door and we can go alright?”
Maryse nodded and stole another kiss this time tugging the bottom of his lip with her teeth.
“Hurry back!” Jack immediately nodded before heading off to the restroom.
As Maryse wanted for Jack to return, despite most of the crowd clearing out, it still felt hot and stuffy. She texted Jack that she was going to wait right outside the exit of the club.
Leaning against the brick wall, she sighed in relief. Enjoying the breeze and quiet, the moment of peace was rudely interrupted.
“Aw man! You threw a party without me?!”
Walking towards her was her ex Nate. Maryse groaned loudly. “Just when I was having a good night, you decided to show up!” She said, wrapping her arms around herself, suddenly feeling uncomfortable around him.
“Don’t do me like that, baby!” Nate said with an almost evil smile.
“Don’t. Call. Me. That.” Two years ago, hearing Nate call her that would’ve made her smile but now it made her stomach turn.
Maryse tried to walk further down the sidewalk as Nate kept inching closer. “I just think that the inspiration for your album should’ve been invited to the party!”
Her eyes almost popped out of her head with how hard she rolled them. “Good thing you don’t get paid for thinking.”
She continued, “Please don’t ruin my night, Nate. Go home, I can smell the alcohol on your breath from here. Besides, Jack will be out soon.”
The mention of Jack made his ears perk up. “OH! So that’s what it is, you don’t want Jack to see me. Scared he’ll notice that you’re still in love with me?”
Now it was Maryse’s turn to laugh. That was the funniest thing she’d ever heard. “You should really go to the doctor and get your brain checked for early CTE, if you honestly believe I’m still in love with you!”
“What did you just say to me?” Nate had cornered Maryse now, roughly grabbing her by the shoulders and pressing her hard against the brick wall. Drinking always made him angry but he’s never put his hands on her.
Before she could even react, Nate was roughly pulled away by Urban. His drunken state made him fall back on the concrete. “Fuck off, dude before I kick your ass for real!”
Shooken up by what happened, Maryse jumped when she felt hands wrap around her. “Hey, it’s just me.” Hearing Jack’s voice immediately made Maryse put her guard down.
Jack could tell she was trying to stay strong as he pulled her into his arms. He couldn’t help but place blame on himself, he should’ve never left her alone.
He didn’t have time to think about that now as he felt his sweater turn wet from Maryse tears. Tapping her bottom with his hand, “Jump.”
Maryse listened, wrapping her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist tightly so he could carry her.
Jack was pissed that such an amazing night was ruined by some dickhead. He didn’t know much about Nate Williams other than the fact that he was her longtime boyfriend. Maryse only talked about him in her music, never mentioning why they broke up. At least not to him. He knew that eventually they would need to talk about it.
Right now that conversation could wait. He needed to get her home, tucked in bed, snuggled underneath him. Where he knew she was safe.
AN: damn you Nate for ruining such a great night!! 🤬
As always please let me know your thoughtssss
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gffa · 2 years
John Gaius is less interesting to me as someone who is just a shallowly awful person, and vastly, infinitely more interesting to me as an intensely human person with the powers of a god and that has fucked him up. The things he does to his friends are done out of grief, because he doesn’t want them to be gone, it’s out of the loss of those he loved that he brings them back, that there’s almost something numb about him until the depression or the rage or the sorrow hits, because like he’s Jod, he didn’t get to where he was by being able to die, and that’s terrifying for others, but I can’t help thinking that it’s really fucked him up, too, because all that power, it’s just there, it’s in him all the time, and when someone betrays you and you have the power and invulnerability of a god and you’re a hot goddamned mess because you’re still just a person who has lived through so much pain and grief and loss, you react like a human and you reform yourself out of your own atoms and permanently explode people and go, right then, either you’re loyal or you die, because you’re fucking pissed, and you don’t want to fucking deal with it anymore, because you don’t have to, you’re God, you have the power to say, no, this stops here, loyalty or die, make your fucking choice now, instead of continuing to walk that tightrope of lying to your friends but trying to make it up to them and feeling guilty but also feeling angry, all while you’re so fucking tired. But then you feel more guilt about it, because you’re a person and you’re not trying to be a dictator, you’re trying to make the galaxy better, you’re trying lighten the mood, because it’s ten thousand fucking years and if you don’t embrace your love of puns being hilarious, then everything’s going to be so fucking boring, and you’re still angry at the trillionaires.   You stop time and tell everyone to stop attacking each other because you’re so fucking tired and just don’t want to deal with it anymore.  You’re so fucking careful, even around your friends, not to bleed around them because you know what that can lead to. I feel like John is a character who isn’t evil so much as every step is an understandable one he made, each one is a very human reaction when you have the context of everything that happened before, and then layer a whole lot of depression and guilt and anger on top of all those decisions. Is he doing terrible things?  Yeah, and he’s fucking terrifying to be around, he tries so hard to be affable and gentle, but he has so much power and he’s Just A Fucking Guy, a guy who wanted to save the world and started out from a place that so many of us have started out from, each step he took to where he got and why he lied are understandable ones, the weight inside him one that I can empathize with, I too am not always the kindest when I’m depressed, I too am not always one to make the best decisions when I feel torn between wanting to help people vs how to actually get there, like if I was face to face with a real chance to save the world, wouldn’t I do some shady things to make sure it got done, because the world hung in the balance?  Wouldn’t I fall into depression when weighed down by all that responsibility to do something when I had the power/ability to do it?  Where is the single point at which he should have said no and turned back, given all that had come before? I don’t see John Gaius as a character who set out to become Necrolord Prime, that that was the intended arc, so much as he kept making one decision after another, decisions that come from a place of very human nature, and eventually we’re here, with the weight of all those decisions behind him and no one single place that really was a hard turning point.  And also a whole lot of depression. Anyway, he’s my poor little meow meow and I hope he’s dictator of the universe for life because it’s very funny and also gives me feelings.
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stuffeddeer · 11 months
just thought of the most rom-com scenario ever. reader is the new hire for the ADA and immediately off the bat, dazai is dazai. reader just takes it as the typical sense of humor and just laughs it off, thinking he’s not actually interested considering his many various ventures. eventually the two of them are assigned to missions quite often (with atsushi as a third wheel) and the two get along great in terms of humor, personality, work in the field… it boggles atsushi’s mind that the two of them aren’t at least going on ONE date. one night dazai tells him in a drunken stupor over the phone he has feelings for y/n but doesn’t want to ruin what they have. y/n ends up telling atsushi they don’t know what to do if they keep getting missions with dazai because one of these days they may slip up due to him just BEING there. he ends up confiding in both yosano and kunikida about it when the two are out of the office and they both just go “y/n and HIM??? anyone deserves better than THAT” but yosano means it in a more teasing way and kunikida means it in a serious way because. kunikida. thus begins a quest for atsushi; to bring the two together, and it drives him NUTS because the two both don’t think the other likes them. dazai assumes y/n would rather have interest in any other guy and y/n assumes dazai would rather have interest in any other person. this ends up with many funny scenarios such as:
1. atsushi leaving a note on dazai’s desk that reads “i want to talk to you in the hallway at __ time today.” and leaving an identical one on y/n’s desk so they can cross paths outside of working together and possibly start a convo and go somewhere. it backfired and the two just say “weird coincidence. everyone must’ve got this!” and wave bye
2. atsushi trying to subtly tell dazai y/ns favorite flower and he just says “oh, that’s great! are you getting them a birthday present early or something”
3. even kunikida being forced into trying to help by asking dazai if he is interested in hanging out with him and y/n (so he can pretend to end up being sick and it would just be dazai and y/n) and dazai saying “oh, is this some sort of elaborate scheme you’re planning on order to have a date with y/n and so it won’t be awkward with just the two of you? i’ll pretend to be sick when it happens for you!” LIKE GOD DAMM DAZAI STOP BEING INSECURE ITS YOU BOY?!
basically stuff like that goes on so much to the point where when the ADA is out celebrating a successful year of missions at a karaoke bar atsushi just yells out over the mic: “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH THIRD WHEELING HERE!!!!! Y/N AND DAZAI YOU BOTH likeeachother-“ and they’re just. WHAT
anon you literally wrote this for me idek what to say you’re so cool
Atsushi’s eyes widened. “What?! I can’t go on this mission, I have, um… an appointment.” Nailed it. “Dazai can take my place! He’s not doing anything right now.” Normally, Kunikida would have pointed out this obvious lie, but he remained quiet - pretty much everyone in the agency knew what he was up to.
Dazai actually was doing something for the first time in a while, but surely this mission was much more important. The brunet took off with you, headed out on an actually very unimportant mission you definitely could’ve taken care of on your own while Atsushi planned.
The tiger boy was quick to tell you and Dazai upon your return about tonight’s important karaoke celebration! And when you tried to weasel your way out of it, Yosano had practically dragged you down to the place. You were ushered next to Dazai as Atsushi and Yosano chose songs for everyone to sing. They said it was to make sure Dazai didn't pick something depressing or you would try to bail out again - this way, everyone had to go. But also... this way, you and Dazai would be stuck singing a romantic duet.
Of course, the two of you took it horribly wrong (in Atsushi's opinion), you both fully committing to the "joke song" Atsushi selected, wholly pretending in the moment. He'd wanted some romantic moment where you two realized you were destined to be together, but you both are just so stupid—
Atsushi had been up next, and was gripping the microphone tightly. He wasn't one to let his anger take over, but this was just getting ridiculous. As the opening notes played to the song he chose, he shouted out your deepest secret, and Dazai's as well.
You both like each other.
With slack jaws and wide eyes, every agency member stared at Atsushi in shock. He'd turned pink as he realized his mistake, muttering apologies as he placed the mic back down. Tense silence filled the air, the only sound being the scraping of Ranpo's spoon along the ceramic ice cream dish he'd ordered.
After a moment, Yosano started clapping. "Someone had to say it, and we all knew they wouldn't."
The rest of karaoke was horribly awkward for you and Dazai. You'd moved ever so slightly away from each other, completely embarrassed. What if Atsushi had just made up that Dazai likes you back? What if Atsushi had just made up that you like Dazai back? All either of you knew is that he had yelled out your biggest secret, and neither of you were too excited to sing anymore.
The lights had been turned on and everyone was gathering their things. It had been a fun night out, all things considered. Yosano got completely hammered and Ranpo couldn't direct his way home if his life were at stake, so Kunikida and Atsushi led the both of them back to their homes (with Kyouka right on Atsushi's tail). The Tanizaki siblings had left a bit before everyone for whatever their reasons were, so just you and Dazai were left standing outside the karaoke bar, awkwardly gazing out at the quiet city.
"So... tonight was different, huh?" You spoke anxiously, picking at a loose thread on your top.
"I didn't expect Ranpo to be that good a singer," Dazai replies with a polite smile.
You sighed. The last thing you wanted was for things to turn awkward between the two of you. "Listen, Dazai— "
"Do you want to walk home with me?" He cut you off.
You smiled softly, letting out a small chuckle. "Of course."
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Last Night In Antwerp (part 6): The Recap
Assuming there were a lot of dads and straight boyfriends (who cheered at being called out), they announced they were going to recap what was Dan And Phil (TM) and walk us through the most important lore
They pulled out little dioramas (kudos to PJ and Sophie) and little Ken dolls of themselves and, oh boy, did they do stuff with their little dolls
2009 - Phil's childhood bedroom
They recalled how they met and Dan came over to film the first pinof. Dan kept making innuendos about Phil being ''a stranger from the Internet'', ''inviting him in his home'', ''had cameras pointing at his bed''.... yea he was talking as if they had filmed porn that day
The pulled out shapies to whisker up the dolls and quoted ''the most fun I've ever had'' before Phil's doll tackled Dan's and they started grinding the dolls togethers
2011 - Manchester
Dan (with his terrible square haircut) was supposed to study law but ''never learned to do laundry'' and ''didn't have parents to teach him anything'' so he kept coming over to Phil's, who was unemployed
Also Dan is Very Straight!
2013 - London
They moved to London and started the radio show with the bbc
Also remember that Dan is Very Straight!
2017 - London
The peak dan and phil era until.... (phil walks over to the mic:) the hiatus!
In all seriousness, they talk about Dan being depressed and stopping because of burn-out until
2019 - London
Dan is gay (yay!), and eventually, after several pride videos, a new phouse and a book about mental health, Phil talks him into bringing back the channel and going on tour again. We are now caught up to the present
There were fun little transitions like "two bad haircuts later", "one mortgage later" and so on but i can't remember any other not the order
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poptart-productions · 2 years
Crazy In Love
[eren jaeger boyfriend headcanons]
Tumblr media
pairing // eren jaeger x black! reader
content // y/n in their loner arc, some nsfw mostly fluff, stoner! eren, mechanic! eren, streamer/gamer! eren, swearing, spoilers for s4 bc there are some ppl who haven’t watched yet
a/n // been getting back into my aot obsession
applies to both modern and canon eren
this is more of a drabble than a one shot but if you want more of this au. . .shawty all you gotta do is ask
gender isn’t really mentioned but eren’s stream does call you mommy at one point, just ignore it otherwise
streamer! eren is in the works rn tbh
ੈ✩ | so modern/high school eren pre time skip is an absolute menace
ੈ✩ | he behaved for a week and then all that went out the window when jean said something under his breath
ੈ✩ | genuinely has anger issues, adhd, and depression—which he tends to show through unbridled rage
ੈ✩ | you’d be lying if you said he didn’t catch your eye; he was attractive and was in a trio when you ain’t even got one true friend. but he had three, and he didn’t seem to need or even want any more
ੈ✩ | that’s why it is so fucking hard to get close to this nigga; there were times he was such a dick to you for no reason—if it’s any consolation he feels like shit about that and ten times out of ten it never had anything to do with you
ੈ✩ | gremlin eren? gremlin eren
ੈ✩ | this nigga can never shut up, and while mikasa is the number one person who gets him to stop acting up, she gets ACTIVE when he’s in a losing fight
ੈ✩ | eventually he got in trouble so much that his ass got expelled, his father—after trying literally everything else, got him a medical marijuana card—mans said “bet” and never stopped since
ੈ✩ | OKAY NOW MODERN MANBUN EREN—in the time that he was gone, mikasa and armin took you under their wing, becoming your first real friends; and as they made you comfortable, you started coming into your own more
ੈ✩ | you’d heard about eren’s whereabouts, and knew they talked to him about you, but you always refused to talk to him when given the chance because there was a time where you GENUINELY thought he hated you
ੈ✩ | everyone on tumblr says he’s a stoner and i have no choice but to agree—like that’s why he’d be so mellowed out, and with no titans he’d be the coolest mf out there
ੈ✩ | then when mikasa found out you had a thing for him since freshmen year she finally gets the gang back together four years later—she 100% snitched and bro. . .you almost didn’t recognize him as he walked into the karaoke bar
ੈ✩ | he’d grown his hair out—he had just grown in general, shooting from 5’11 to 6’3, and he’s gotten some tattoos as well
ੈ✩ | your jaw went slack as you gaped at mikasa who only gave you knowing glance
ੈ✩ | not only that, but his voice has gotten an unbelievable amount of bass to it—you almost zoned out every-time it was his turn to sing
ੈ✩ | eren knows how short life is—and he goes after what he wants—he always has, but tbh younger eren never had romantic interest and for the longest time he was a closeted aromantic—getting off-topic but that changed as he grew and he asked you out immediately on a count of what i said before
ੈ✩ | guy is still aromantic but does experience love (though mostly platonic) for very few people,
ੈ✩ | because of that, his confession is the most genuine thing you’ve ever heard—“i didn’t realize it then, but i’d always felt different about you”
“you’re so precious, and sweet and kind—and you’re so fucking good to others, and i thought it was a prank or something when you tried to talk to me—but fuck, when mikasa told me you used to like me, i couldn’t miss the opportunity so i gotta ask. . .”
“would you go out with me?”—and coming from the dude you’ve been crushing on for years and being a person who no one has ever expressed romantic interest to over things you can’t control, you did in fact start crying
ੈ✩ | because he’s so hard to get close to, he’s had many pick-me’s try—even in his gremlin arc—thinking they was in a romance webtoon; jumping in while he was beating the shit out of whoever—“eren, look at me! this isn’t you!”
ੈ✩ | fuck your insecurities about that though because eren is literally the sweetest and most affirming person out there once you get to know him
ੈ✩ | surprisingly a hopeless romantic—only for you—he’s your biggest supporter and he simps so hard. your first date is a picnic, he asked jean—after he apologized and they formed a friendship—to help him throw together a little spread for you
ੈ✩ | he’s absolutely in love with you and will do anything for you
ੈ✩ | your race has so little bearing on your relationship but every once in a while he’ll randomly remember he’s got a melanated lover—and what new circumstances that brings
ੈ✩ | like when he’ll just a get a call a from you at three a.m and answers thinking he’s gonna get some ass and you just start crying
“babe i’ve been doing my hair since 10 p.m and it’s not even halfway done—and i’m so fucking tired but if i. . .” you sniffle, “if i go to sleep now i can’t go to class because my hair looks like shit”
“babe, what are you talking about, why is it—?”
he eventually comes over because he’s so confused as to what’s taking so long, but after he offered to help you and he made you cry even more he understood—nigga broke a sweat tryna wrangle that shit
y’all gave up and decided to miss out on class and tackle it in the morning; he helps you wrap it up and you guys—despite saying you were tired for an hour you could go to sleep so just watched coryxkenshin until the sun came up
ੈ✩ | he’s not only white, but he’s white-european he simply does not understand these things
ੈ✩ | but the fact that he makes an effort to understand your culture in the first place will literally make you cry sometimes—like you can visibly see him fighting his adhd so he can listen to you talk about your hair or what a ‘black card’ is and you always reward him with a kiss for listening to you
ੈ✩ | once he gets it though he’s hard chilling. you notice he started to use more aave; and he started paying for you to get your hair done bc he’s a trust fund kid, and he will always respect the amount of effort that goes into it. he’s also like, super into using aave and slang—he uses it more than you, and even knows the uncle ruckus joke despite NEVER watching boondocks in his life; he doesn’t think he’s black but. . .y’know. and it only gets worse when he meets your family
ੈ✩ | your mother LOVES him, and is constantly telling you that she wants him as her son-in-law, he’s repsectful, handsome, strong, and hard-working—she will literally never forgive you if you let him go
ੈ✩ | if it’s his first one he’s super jittery and nervous at first. but eren’s a super chill dude so if you have to leave him alone he’ll be cool with anyone
ੈ✩ | your uncles wanna sit in the driveway and pop a cold one? sign him up. your little cousins/siblings swear they can beat him in mario kart? they fucking wish, your aunts wanna sit and talk shit—he was doing that anyway—he’s a super friendly person and he gets along well with anyone
ੈ✩ | will literally film tiktoks with you at the family cookout despite hating having pictures or videos taken of him—he sees how happy you are so he doesn’t care
ੈ✩ | i feel like eren has a very physical job and streams part time for funsies. so yeah when he tells your family that he’s a mechanic when they ask they literally erupt
ੈ✩ | because he’s so hard-working, your aunts love him—constantly making him plates and taking care of him and such
ੈ✩ | and if you have any messy in-laws that try to talk shit or get with him he will deadass call them out
all those years of playing COD made his trash talk elite. . .shit. . .
“how you gon’ talk about my baby when your edges ain’t laid?”
“get your fucking teeth straight before you talk shit”
ੈ✩ | it’s the fact that he did not stop—like homegirl deadass was on the brink of tears and had to leave; nobody liked her anyway so he was good
ੈ✩ | jacked as fuck so just casually holds you down when he doesn’t want you to leave
ੈ✩ | demands kisses at all times; good morning kiss, goodnight kiss, hello kiss, good bye kiss, or just because you’re looking too damn fine
ੈ✩ | shows you off on stream.
“eren, baby—oh shit, are you streaming? my fault” your heart drops as you see yourself in the viewfinder, and you back out of the room—hiding yourself behind the door
“hang on guys—oh no babe, you’re fine”
you thought you had embarrassed him by pulling up in your pajamas but the chat was in love
you hesitantly inch closer as the chat continues to go wild
‘mommy? sorry, mommy?”
‘oh they fine alright”
“what did you wanna tell me?” he takes off his headset, giving you his undivided attention.
“i was gonna tell you to stop screaming”
“oh damn, you coulda kept that to yourself then” his face stiffened, half-heartedly and he turned back to the game
chuckling, you begin to walk away,
“wait~” he whines, “come here” his voice lowers as you walk toward him, already knowing what he was going to ask
you give him a kiss and pull away very quickly because you know eren too well
“i love you,” his whispers against your lips, “i love you too”
you say goodbye to his viewer and head out to continue your studies
“that’s my lover” you hear him state proudly as you closed the door
ੈ✩ | ngl, i feel like canon! eren pre-timeskip would mostly act the exact same
ੈ✩ | it’d be a little easier to win him over though. since you’re ‘different’ his curiosity draws him to you, and your perseverance and skill is something that’s warrants his respect
ੈ✩ | what’s that belief that life-threatening situations brings people together? that helps too
ੈ✩ | he starts off barely even saying two words to you and now you’ll both protect each other with your lives by the events of season two
ੈ✩ | LIKE JUST IMAGINE THE SCENE WHEN HE DISCOVERS HE HOLDS THE COORDINATE; like you and mikasa are not in good shape so he’s so determined to protect you—and you and mikasa have resigned to your fates but he’s like
“i’ll keep looking after you”
“now and forever, whenever you need me”
ੈ✩ | screaming crying and throwing up
ੈ✩ | or the scene where he takes back the wall in his titan form—and you immediately tackle him as soon as he’s comes staggering out of the nape,
“you did it eren!”
ੈ✩ | most def, especially after that scene from s3—his crush on you is very obvious—like let’s say you pushed mika out of the way and you got your ribs broken instead of her; when you guys make it to that little cabin, he’s literally putting in work to make sure you don’t have to move an inch—chopping firewood, helping make dinner, even volunteering to stand watch or staying up all night in case you need him—but of course you would still come out to check on him
“he’s like a hardworking husband and they’re his doting partner” historia would smile as she watched you two interact
ੈ✩ | eren would spend years pining for you without realizing it until the he almost lost you—be it to the titans or another man
ੈ✩ | he gets the help he needs to confess from the guys who screw him over—not entirely on purpose, but he ends up humiliating himself in front of you; the next day he’s avoiding you like he’s insane until you eventually just blurt out that you like him back
ੈ✩ | i lowkey feel like eren would be way too romantic or so lowkey people have no idea you’re dating—shit not even you knew for like a month
ੈ✩ | deadass, it took this nigga pulling up with a bouquet of flowers claiming it was for your anniversary and you just blinked at him
“are we not dating. . . ?”
ੈ✩ | pre time-skip eren is when he’s the most affectionate but even then he literally only pipes up when you’re in danger
ੈ✩ | you see a different side of him in his titan form—even though he doesn’t have the capacity for speech, his eyes tell you all you need to know.
ੈ✩ | he mellows out a lot because this is the only form he’s in where he feels like nothing can hurt you—he’s untouchable and so are you. so he’s generally a lot softer in this form
ੈ✩ | he’s like a big puppy, responding positively and humming when you scratch his head
ੈ✩ | if you don’t like saliva do NOT do missions with titan! eren. nigga literally just puts you in his mouth for cover when the spot gets too hot
ੈ✩ | and if you EVER get kidnapped for any reason eren is activating his titan form—even if the perpetrators are human he could not give a fuck—he’s already not a cautious person but he really do be wilding when it comes to you, that’s why levi tried to keep you separate before realizing that it only makes it worse.
ੈ✩ | now post time-skip canon! eren. . .bro ima be fr, that nigga is so confusing
ੈ✩ | like let’s say you didn’t know him prior and were just a jaegerist, it was genuinely so difficult to tell if he was just manipulating you or not
ੈ✩ | even when he swore up and down that he loves you—you couldn’t help but wonder if he was just saying that because he knew if you thought he cared about you, you’d be willing to do just about anything for him
ੈ✩ | now is that actually true. . . ?
ੈ✩ | but if you knew him since childhood he’s a lot easier to read, like you were just calling bullshit when he was gaslighting mikasa and armin in that one scene—even if he tried that on you, you were not having it
ੈ✩ | he’d gladly abandon everything for you if you caught the signs quick enough, but even after he already declared war on the marlyeans, he’d still give you many chances to save him
ੈ✩ | he’s the boy who sought freedom, but he finds solace in your presence and knowing you care for him. so if you tell him you love him he will deadass just take your hand and beg you to run away with him
ੈ✩ | if you say yes—which you will—bc c’mon now, he’ll build you two a little cottage up in the mountains and live the rest of his days with you, enjoying the simple life he’d always dreamed of with the person he loves more than anything
ੈ✩ | thinking about cottage au! eren rn AHHH
ੈ✩ | now if you decide to play the anarchy route i’m sure y’all will make a great terrorist power couple
y’all some real
💅 ✨ 💖 sassy shooters 💖✨💅
i don’t actually condone this but go off ig
ੈ✩ | also generally, he’s more a physical kinda guy, so don’t feel awkward about sitting on his lap while he’s meeting with volunteers and fellow jaegerists
ੈ✩ | sometimes, you wake up to him crying quietly beside you and you always scoot over and start spooning him
ੈ✩ | every once in awhile he’ll say things that remind you of the old eren, and it makes you wanna cry every time
ੈ✩ | you still love him though, and are willing to wait for him to come around
ੈ✩ | if you die in the war though, it’s up. he’s gonna keep going forward and won’t stop until he’s dead
ੈ✩ | he loves you so much, good god you’re so heavenly
alright people NSFW time so head out if you’re not interested
ੈ✩ | so modern eren! remember how i said he was a mechanic? somehow whenever he comes home, one of you is always frustrated. like imagine you were already missing him, and he gets home and his shirt is off, his skin is glowing and hes got oil smudges painting random patches of his coveralls
“eren—“ you very loudly gulp; you had just wanted to greet your loving boyfriend with his favorite snack but when you saw him in all his glory you really couldn’t help it
ੈ✩ | eren literally always knows when you want something from him; whether it’s because he’s good at detecting it, or you’re just bad at hiding it is up for debate but he clocks you either way
ੈ✩ | but eren, being the cheeky bastard he is, makes you say it. being shy isn’t very fruitful when it comes to him
ੈ✩ | now if he’s the horny one, it’s on fucking sight yo—and there’s no running away, the longer he’s away from you, the more frustrated he becomes
“ah—! eren,” you’re preparing dinner one minute and being bent over the counter the next “—need you” he whines
ੈ✩ | yeah, mans gets v whiny when he’s desperate for it
ੈ✩ | no if ands or buts about it, eren jaeger is a nasty man—regardless of what universe he’s in
ੈ✩ | into spit, vouyerism, and all the other dirty and nasty ass shit
ੈ✩ | into anal anything—even on himself, like if you sneak down to give him a rim job while giving oral he will become so whiny
ੈ✩ | will let you peg or finger him if you’ve got the guts to dom him
ੈ✩ | his moans are something else bro
ੈ✩ | HE’S SO AFFIRMING; “go ahead baby, you can ride” “don’t be shy look at me—pretty eyes on me, on me” “fuck yes, make yourself feel good on my cock” “fuck, you’re perfect”
“i love you so much”
“fuck, are you okay? yeah? okay, gonna move”
ੈ✩ | fuck, he loves mirror sex
ੈ✩ | he’ll let you ride for as long as you want sweetheart, and when you inevitably get tired he’ll buck his hips into yours, laying you down before shifting so he could thrust up more comfortably
ੈ✩ | you don’t notice, but he pays a lot of attention to what he’s doing during sex and will constantly look up to catch your reactions when he makes a strategic change of angles as he blows your back out
ੈ✩ | so yeah he knows your body like the back of his hand
ੈ✩ | SPEAKING OF WHICH, HIS HANDS BRO OML, HE HAS THE PRETTIEST FUCKING HANDS, like they’re calloused but slender and long with a pink hue dusted over his knuckles
ੈ✩ | he would rock you on his fingers while he’s gaming because you were lonely. and because you were so good he fucks you after
ੈ✩ | so canon! eren. . .bro first of all, whoever called eren’s titan form hot. get out, bc like i’m a closeted monsterfucker but how would it work? homeboy ain’t got no lips, no dick—and even if he did it’d literally kill you.
ੈ✩ | the only thing i could think of is him covering you with his tongue or you rubbing against one of his fingers
ੈ✩ | he lets out a lot of aggression on you; sometimes he’ll even cry against you—mans just gets really emotional when he can see your face
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alilaro · 1 year
I have some Thoughts on Evangelion, and I'm hyperfixating right now, so here's a massive info-dump on it. Thank you and I'm sorry.
(trigger warnings for: child abuse, child death, gore mention, pedophilia, mental health, depression, suicide, and potentially more.)
So, my take on the End Of Evangelion is like a 'Worst Timeline AU.' So what would've happened if Shinji had given into the crippling (justified) trauma and deepest depression of an abused, manipulated, and unfathomably damaged child soldier.
The way Misato constantly screams at him throughout the entire series to 'be a man' and pressures him to get into the EVA and fight literal biblical, kaiju-like angels.
The pressure of trying and failing to get a crumb of praise or approval from his neglectful and spiteful father.
The way people (and fans, tbh) get upset with him for constantly changing his mind. How if he doesn't pilot the EVA, either he or his friends could die. The pressure every adult puts on him. Or again, the absolute cosmic terror of just seeing—let alone having to murder these angels.
Of course, he quits all the time, he's 14. He's a child. An average adult with all the combat training in the world would easily do the same.
Yet he comes back again and again, because of the guilt, the self-loathing, the manipulation of the adults around him—
(who can have all the greatest intentions in the world, "the greater good", etc etc, and it doesn't change a goddamn thing that they are putting these children into death machines and treating it like if they dont do it they are selfish and worthless)
—that if he doesn't do it, his friends will do it and either they or others will die if it's not him.
Like, the point isn't that he can't make up his mind: it's the fact that even if he "gives up", he still keeps coming back, and putting himself before others, despite the grief, despite the pain, despite the trauma
A fourteen-year-old child refuses to stop getting up and trying. Which I feel is symbolic of the whole shows entire meaning, no matter how dark things are, how much you hurt, how much others hurt you, how you feel like nothing, and you want it all to just stop—the pain, the memories, the guilt, the crushing weight of complete utter depression—even as the darkest envelops you and holds you tight, you feel like you can never escape: there is ALWAYS a way out of it.
It's fucking hard, you will lose yourself in it, you will hurt so, so much—but eventually you can find your way out. Through time, through loved ones, through therapy, and more. It's never too late or someone is too far gone in their own despair that they can't be saved and brought back.
And that's not even mentioning the other children. Fans enjoy Asuka more than Shinji because she's got that quick, snappy, high-energy personality. She's overly proud and stubborn, and she loves to fight in her EVA. And Rei, she's the shy quiet girl (a Kuudere, even (didnt like writing that)) designed to be mysterious, and to speculate over. Who is she? Why is she so calm? Does she have a personality behind that demeanor?
But, just like Shinji, they are all child soldiers, and like him, they are products of trauma and manipulation by adults.
Rei, was made in a fool-hearted attempt to bring back Shinji's mother, Yui Ikari, by combining her remains with Lilith. What they got was Rei. An assimilation of Yui, Lilith, Eva, all combining into Rei Ayanami.
Her creators obviously had attachments to her, both having loved Yui before her death, and Gendo Ikari almost took her on as a daughter-like figure (Rei being the name he would've given to his child Shinji, if he had been born a girl,) and revoltingly even more than that.
But as the theme of the series goes, good intentions from adults mean very little, and often act as nothing more than an excuse for creating/doing inconceivably monstrous acts.
She is of course used as an EVA pilot, being able to manipulate her form into a 14-year-old. She is used as a tool. She is replaceable. She knows this. She has no desires because no one has ever cared enough about Rei as her own person to let her think for herself, asked her what she wants, her likes, her dreams, her fears.
Rei's entire existence at this point is to serve, and in an eerie way, the only thing she wants is to serve Gendo, because he's shown her the only breadcrumbs of "compassion" she's ever known.
And then Shinji comes along. Shinji has no idea what she is, only that she is another EVA pilot like himself. He speaks to her as he would anyone else. He cares about her, and her well-being as another person. Actual true compassion.
In episode 06, when Rei is hurt and thought to have died by Shinji, he pries open the hatch to her EVA, ignoring the scalding heat that burns his hands to do so. He finds her alive and cries, and she smiles for him.
This scene is an exact parallel that takes place before with Rei and Gendo (Shinji's father.) He pries open the hatch, scalding his hands too, and finds her alive inside. It's identical except for one thing: Compassion.
Shinji fights to free and help Rei, and when he sees her alive, he is overcome with relief that she, Rei, is alive. He is in tears, he tells her she isn't nothing, implying her life is worth something and people care about her.
When Gendo does it, he does it like a man trying to save a valuable asset. He sees she's okay, and mutters 'I see', and that's the end of it.
Again, in episode 23, when Rei actually dies and is replaced; she is confronted by herself (the Meta Rei, the Rei in her purest, most godly self. A combination of all her sense of beings,) and realizes that she is feeling, she is lonely, she is suffering, and for the first time she cries, and asks herself if this just for her love of Gendo, before sacrificing herself in death to save everyone—specifically shinji.
She is replaced by her many clones, but this time she regains some of her memories, her feelings, her anger, and she is more human now, less vessel, more soul. She is Rei.
In the End of Evangelion, we see the depths of Gendo's depravity. He wants his wife, Yui, back as she was, of course. But in the meanwhile, there's Rei. Rei who is part Yui—a substitute. He touches her breast, an attempt to merge with her, and moves his hand down further to rest between her hips, inside her.
Rei is as much his daughter figure and a child, as she is a part of his own wife, and arises from this: an Oedipus Complex. Gendo treats her as a disposable tool, yet holds Yui at his highest priority. She is his to do with as she likes. How many times has he used her like this? How many times has he committed these atrocities with this child behind closed doors?
Amongst everything else Rei is, she is also a victim of pedophilia.
And in her final moments, while he attempts to merge with Rei in a delusional attempt to bring back Yui, Rei becomes her own being. Rei puts her foot down and says no. She's had enough.
"I will not be a puppet for you to control."
She takes the hand of Adam, fully merges with Lilith, and becomes a God.
And what does she do with all that power? She takes it all, and gives it to Shinji. The one person that ever consistently showed her care and compassion, showed her love. Made her realize she is her own person, gives her the strength to realize her worth and refuse Gendo Ikari, and choose her own path.
Her choice can be argued as good or bad, both. But in the end it was REI's choice, and no one elses.
Asuka uses her anger and her fighting as a means to cope with a barbaric childhood. Her mother, Kyoko, underwent a Contact Experiment when Asuka would have been ~5 years old.
Kyoko survived, but lost her mind completely, thinking her real daughter was actually a doll, and leaving Asuka completely neglected by her mother, all whilst begging and trying to convince her that SHE was her real daughter, not some doll she clung to.
Meanwhile, her father was completely unaffected by this, and even had moved on with another woman (An affair that had been going on before Kyoko fell apart completely, the woman being Kyoto's doctor, that she knew about, and took place in their own home while both mother and daughter were present.) Throwing himself back into his own life with this new woman, and job, Asuka was left with nothing.
Asuka's mother finally snaps and plans her own suicide. She invites Asuka, and with nothing else and wanting nothing more than to be acknowledged by anyone, agrees to take their lives together.
As if all of this isn't bad enough, as a final blow, Asuka's mother takes her own life without Asuka, leaving a five-year-old CHILD to find her mother hanging lifelessly, betrayed and alone again.
Her entire personality isn't because she's 'cool' or 'bossy', its an unfathomably traumatized child, constantly in pain and unable to trust anyone, because she has been taught as an infant that she can not rely on the people meant to care for her, because her parents taught her that in the most brutal and disturbing way possible.
There's even reference to her trying to repeat her mother's suicide after disappearing from the fight, only to be found gravely injured and withering away in a bathtub.
She fights so hard to be independent because she refuses to let herself be hurt and abandoned again.
At the End of Evangelion, even when she is screaming and crying, bleeding to death after being speared through the eye, losing power, and being cannibalized alive in her EVA, she is still so desperate, so angry, that she refuses to die, swearing vengeance on her enemies through dying rattled breaths, and it isn't until she is bombarded with blades that she finally succumbs. And at the hands of NERV.
Again, she, and every single EVA pilot, is only 14 years old.
tldr: The series is about child trauma, children being turned into soldiers, the failings of adults around them, and the tragically brutal and real aftermath of the wreaks of havoc that would have on a child.
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hyperblue · 1 month
Everyday I scroll through your blog just to remember what happiness is.
Also, I did have an actual question or request(?) I suppose, I want, NEED more details about your specific AU with Wendy and Jackie, what fo they enjoy? How often do they fight with their fathers? What do they grow up to be??? You've said before that Jack is scared of his powers, so does this result in him going out and having a 'normal' life? How would that affect his relationships with his family?
Of course you don't have to answer but I am very curious!
hello there!! I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying my blog, thank you for your kind words 💙
and yes i will gladly answer your questions! this will probably get a bit long, i hope that's okay with you
au's mainly focused on twins when they are around 17-18 (kind of symbolic to tim's age when he cloned them because I'm prosy like that)
one of the main reasons why I've decided to go for twins in this au (aside from being indecisive about whether it should be a boy or a girl) is because it gives me a chance to demonstrate how two people can have same upbringing/surrounding and be influenced by the very same group of people AND still form entirely different perspectives and opinions on certain things. i'm going to use both kids' relationships with kon as one of the clearest examples:
wendy appreciates kon dearly, she thinks very high of him and constantly seeks for his company and attention. on the other hand, as she gets older, it becomes really awkward for her to be around him because she's old enough now to actually understand and pear wiggle the whole "my dad cloned me out of this dead dude's dna without his consent" thing in her head, until she has to stop for a moment and go: "wow. that was So Not Okay of my dad." on top of that she's facing a major identity crisis because you know, teens, and starts to question her own existence and even tim's love for her, because she can't be sure now if he actually loves her or if she's just a good enough replacement of what her dad could have loved, but never got an actual chance. which eventually leads to her bottling up lots of anger towards tim, because obviously it's his fault that she can't look kon in the eyes anymore, and none of this would've happened if he just had his shit together and didn't try to clone kon all those years ago (and she's not even entirely wrong)
what she CAN'T fathom just yet is the fact that she loves kon so much partly because she got to see him through tim's eyes; part of her affection for kon is deeply rooted in a way tim spoke about him when she was a kid, always loving, always in awe — essentially, tim was the first person who taught wendy the concept and the feeling of love. and even her awkwardness and guilt that she's experiencing around kon are inherited from tim; she's just mirroring her dad's own feelings about himself without even realizing it
jackie, on the other hand... it would be easy to say that he's just not as close with kon as his sister, but when you start to look at the reasons, well, it gets a little bit messy. you see, jackie was always a "daddy's boy"; he and tim were inseparable when jackie was a kid, they still are, actually, it's just that tim only now starts to realize negative side effects of their closeness but that's for another post. not only that, he's also much more... observant than wendy in a lot of ways, so while wendy was soaking in tim's affection for kon as a sponge to eventually make it her own, jackie couldn't help but notice how hard it was for his dad to have kon in his life only as a co-parent and nothing more (they've bended their friendship as years went by, but it was never easy for both of them); not to mention that tim, to this day, experiences a very severe depressive episodes, to the point of not being able to get out of bed — jackie was very affected by it too growing up. so to him, as of now, it doesn't make sense for kon to stick around and be his usual "weekend dad" if he's not willing to stay forever, and he's kind of resentful towards kon, because he always felt sorry for tim in this situation. not that he doesn't understand why exactly it's the way that it is, it's just that his philosophy on that matter is: if you can't stay forever, do not bother visiting us at all, and stop giving dad any hope for more. jackie's anxiety regarding his kryptonian powers also does not help at all, more on that later
(got carried away with this, sorry, i just had to take this opportunity to explain why there are twins in my timkon clone baby au)
so about the kids, wendy is a rebellious soul and free spirit, and her interests really show that about her — she's been horse riding since she was five, tim was a bit hesitant about it at first, but with damian's help they managed to convince him that everything is going to be okay; damian has also bought wendy her own horse, the one she's connected with in her equestrian club (damian is her favorite uncle ever since; she did not let him call her horse a "Bathourse", tho). aside from that she plays guitar just a little, tim's also tried to teach her piano but ended up failing miserably; he also wasn't able to pass on to her his music taste, wendy is almost strictly a pop girl. she's not really good at photography from professional point of view, but she almost always has her little digital camera with her to take snapshots of memories
(she's also really into true crime videos/podcasts, it's one of the activities that she likes to share with her dad; most times after a fight with tim, if she wants to make up or apologize, she just sneaks into his office and starts playing random true crime youtube video at full volume)
jackie doesn't really have a "main" interest or hobby, even though he's passionate about a lot of things, some of them include: art (because damian), sports (although he's not playing himself), cars (because tim), photography (once again, tim), also I'm pretty sure he's good at math — a little bit of this, a little bit of that, as he himself would say. it could create a major problem for him to choose between college programs if he hadn't already decided that he is going to inherit drake industries, so business it is. tim actually had a whole conversation with him, like, "are you SURE that's what you want," resulting in jackie just. shrugging his shoulders, because it's just about as good as any other choice; not that he has some big, special dream anyway. also i think that he probably skipped a class (wendy did not; she's not too excited about going to college)
speaking about jackie being scared of his powers, it's most likely the result of an accident/series of accidents from his childhood when he unwillingly hurt tim or demolished something during tantrums (he used to throw them a lot when he was younger); kon has offered his help at figuring out how to control it, of course, but if for wendy it was existing and she wanted to get even stronger and make more progress, for jackie it was always about keeping it at bay so to not hurt anyone else. he never really wanted to become a vigilante either, which is good enough for tim because he's worried enough about wendy rushing to the field; he's as close at being a civilian as you can possibly get while growing up with bats and having a kryptonian dad. mostly it's a relief for his family ("at least one of us is going to graduate college"), although wendy can't stop bugging him about joining in and being the coolest vigilante twins gotham has ever seen. it's a bit isolating for him, sure, considering that everyone in his family is a superhero of some sort, but with tim mostly being a stay at home dad and only managing comms every once in a while it turned out better than it could
it DID get long, and i start to lose the train of thoughts; nevertheless, i hope you'll enjoy this answer 💙 feel free to ask more about them, I'm always up to chatting about my babies
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charalysis · 8 months
Kratos Part something or Other: Dynamics Between Faye vs Lysandra
In God of War, Kratos has been married twice. I would like to take the time here today to analyze how he functioned as a husband in each relationship, how it succeeded or not, and the difference between who he was at each stage in life in each marriage.
I think here, I'd actually like to begin with the second marriage, his marriage to Faye.
Starting off with some background, when Faye and Kratos met, it's canon that the two fought, nearly killing each other. But they stopped the fight, both being world weary. Eventually they got to know one another and fell in love. Ten years after their meeting, they built their cabin we see in game, and that's about when Kratos confessed his past and his true nature to Faye. Then twenty-two years after that (yeah zero idea how Kratos didn't realize his wife wasn't mortal after she barely aged in 32 years), they had Atreus.
Now! In the game (from the dream sequences obviously), we see Faye is playful with Kratos, teasing him and calling him Grumbles, while Kratos seems stoic and unresponsive to much of it. Though, it must be something he actually loves about his wife because otherwise he'd be annoyed by it, which he isn't. He just... Let's it be. And Faye seems to always be giving him sly little smiles, knowing he isn't as annoyed as he may try to play with his vague grunts. Faye is also the idealistic one, wanting to help all she can, when she can, and maintain a certain balance in the world. She's open and kinder and believes it's her responsibility to fix the problems she can, and encourages Kratos to do the same.
On Kratos's end, he's quiet, content to watch Faye and listen to her over speaking himself. He's softer with her, though, than others. Gentle and he actually tries to express his feelings with her. At times his own emotions can come out in him trying to dissuade Faye from her own course of action (wanting to bury her instead of cremate her and trying to tell her he dislikes the notion of cremation), but he ultimately listens and heeds her wishes because he loves her. In terms of ideals, Kratos is Faye's opposite. He's overly focused on attempts at practicality and self preservation to the point of ignoring others, and attempting to avoid what is reasonably easy for him to fix.
As a couple, they're essentially the epitome of opposites attract in terms of personality. Faye is the lighter, happier one. She's open to new ways of thinking and living, often going out of her way to try and improve conditions around her or protect others. Kratos, on the other hand, is reserved and a bit depressive. He often outright rejects new thinking because it goes against his own deeply ingrained way of thought from his Spartan upbringing. And because of his history, he's a bit reclusive and often only seeks to sustain and protect those dear to him.
The difference in their personalities is also reflected in how they raised Atreus as a couple.
Faye taught compassion and kindness and love. She taught Atreus to think outside himself and feel for others.
Kratos taught Atreus to shut himself off so he couldn't be hurt. He taught Atreus self preservation above all else because it would keep him alive.
Unfortunately, because of Kratos's attempts to control his temper and never let it get the better of him, thus being away frequently, balance was never brought to Atreus's foundations growing up until his teens.
Faye and Kratos were very in sync as a couple, but parenting seemed to be difficult between them because they clearly had wildly different styles, and because of Kratos's avoidant nature, it was never reconciled.
Faye often encouraged Kratos to be better than he was before, to push forward and look towards a brighter future. Something he struggled with especially after her death.
In the assumed canon, by the time Kratos is God of War he's around 38 years old after his ten years of service. This places him at at least 26-28 when he made the deal with Ares, then broke his oath to him. Spartan men were encouraged to marry at 20, but not allowed to live with their family until relieved of active military duty at 30, at which point they'd be legally required to marry.
This means it's likely Kratos married Lysandra at 20-ish, then they had Calliope around one to two years into the marriage. This is just timeline establishment.
Now, similar to their daughter, Lysandra held no fear of Kratos, unlike many. By the time she met and married him, Greece knew him well as a fierce captain and warrior. But it seemed, to Lysandra, he was a man like any other. She loved him as he was, flaws and all.
This is not to say she had any real personal reasons to fear him. He was far from abusive to her. He adored his wife and brought her beautiful gifts when he did come home.
One thing it is known about her in relation to her lack of fear of her husband was her ability to call him out. To tell him what she felt and thought of his actions. She was not afraid to tell him her concerns that at times he didn't seem to be pushing for the glory of Greece. She felt he was often pushing for personal power instead. She tried to encourage him to find less violent methods of solving problems.
According to Kratos in GoW: Valhalla, Lysandra saw in him a goodness and a better path long before he could.
Lysandra was absolutely one of the few things keeping the younger, more impulsive and brash Kratos somewhat grounded.
I think their marriage was probably a bit tense at times, but still very loving and affectionate. It's clear Lysandra was a loyal and loving wife, and Kratos did his best to show he loved her in return.
However, Kratos outright calls himself a bad husband to her and says she deserved better from him.
This shows that, perhaps in hindsight, Kratos knew his behavior and actions were negatively affecting Lysandra, whether he meant them to or not.
Kratos also says that in the way Lysandra tried to help him be better, Faye reminds him of her. They both pushed him to improve himself and be a kinder person, to be thoughtful and selfless.
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viivzn · 2 months
Hola, I'm back for more food. Can I request a poly sbg (again.) with a fem reader who is like Wonyoung from Ive (and she's an undercover singer and they all find out because they searched up her group name because they heard people *cough cough *Barron* talking about her (yummy)
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CLANDESTINE | sbg gang X wonyoung!reader | m. list
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tw. none/barron the stank 🤮🤮
a/n. ew barron mentioned smh!! 🙀 also i know i did this very late but uh here u go 🐢🐢,, i think it'll be a oneshot mixed w some drabbles too cuz!!
a/n#2. also new style?! 🗣️ enjoy btw!!
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Being a conspiratorial idol is a struggle ━━━ for the most part of studying at a school where some ruckus or tumult occuring most of the time, a majority of times, you'd have to wear a mask when you're not that congenial nor cozy in public, although as luck would have it, you're glad none of your friends at least knew your whole idol type of experience neither your existence as an artist. thence, you're pretty much at ease hanging around them, so you wouldn't really wear your mask on.
Until a fucking guy named “Barron” whom supposedly the school's trouble maker and a mass shitty manipulator ━━━ was talking about your whole secret identity with his friends or other schoolfellows in the corridors, they were crowding the confined hallway until you came making everyone proceed to you, presumably asking for an autograph, picture, etc. though everyone eventually stopped when a schoolmaster came in your way. you expected your group of friends to be here early than you yet your expectations failed to avail. at least for you.
The following day came, you were slightly overwhelmed or easily agitated, all owing to the fact yesterday and mostly Barron. and there he was again, talking about you for the fact that he still continued till now, and shit you were literally about to throw hands for that guy until Taylor suprised you from behind, and it added MORE problems to your mind, one, your circle of friends might hear what that boy is talking about, two, they might hate you for hiding it from them, three, they'll leave you forever leaving no friends which is pretty much a skill issue, four you'll become depressed over a simple problem which is huge to you.
Nonetheless, by good fortune, class had already started as your schoolmates passed by to their classrooms along with Barron to say the least.
"anyone else find [name] acting completely different till yesterday?" taylor questioned the group with a hint of concern in her voice. "yeah, she seems... dull. from my point of view to say the least of it." taylor's other twin responded with a compact shrug, earning a glance from others. "maybe some problems at home?" logan muttered, placing his palm under his jaw, "nah, her fam is fine." the blonde spoke confidently, leaning back on his seat, "how are you so sure? i mean, you're not that close to her either—", "asked their parents, they're all in good terms lol"
"you can't just question her parents without her knowledge—", "already did" the boy grinned insolently while he scrolled through his rectangular device, receiving a dagger from tyler as he looked back at the group.
"i did hear something about her from Barron," Ashlyn pressed a few buttons from her device before revealing a group of people, "plus there's this one girl who exactly looks like her", "or maybe [name]'s face card is too powerful?—" , "nope, this exactly looks like [name]. you can't change my mind" Tyler debated, looking fixedly at Ashlyn's phone.
"she looks nice" ben wrote on a pad of paper, receiving a small nod from others. "but why would she hide it from us though?" the deep brown haired girl was baffled, her face scrunched up. "maybe because she doesn't have confidence in us? i don't know" the copper hair coloured girl breathed heavily to show disappointment. "okay, let's just pretend we don't know any information we just acknowledge because—" taylor explained until she was cut by a notification from the gc, along with the other people from her group. nevertheless, there revealed a picture of [name] in her artist or idol form, in addition of aiden's message; "this u? loll".
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likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated!!!! <33
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