#to the point where I’d say that using the word ‘cinnamon roll’ about an autistic person is borderline ableist
heavy-buddy · 1 year
im gonna ban allistic people from writing autistic characters
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camspam · 5 years
(1) Heya, Amici!
Heya, amici! My writblr blog is just getting started. My name’s Aron, you can find me on Twitter, Instagram and my Author’s Website. On this blog, you’ll find a whole load of goodies, from writing advice and articles to quotes and rare words to writing prompts and book reviews- which you yourselves can suggest! We might even delve into some fandom stuff here and there.
But more importantly, this is a platform where my main goal is to interact with you guys! If you’ve got an opinion on anything I post, whether it be writing prompts, an article or an update, feel free to shoot me an Ask, a DM, whatever! You can do this on any of my platforms. I’d love to hear from you!
Bookie Reads
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I’m currently in the process of reading The Survival Game by Nicky Singer and so far it’s been a blast. The writing style isn’t something I’ve really seen before; everything is short, direct and to-the-point, much in the way you’d write a fight scene or an intense scene. Except in this book, everything is written like that (at least so far). I love this. It highlights the fact that they’re in an incredibly dangerous situation and that anything bad could happen at any point.
Even better, it’s my all-time favourite Old Grump Adopts Precious Cinnamon Roll trope. Except the ‘Old Grump’ is a fourteen year old, traumatised girl just trying to make it to her grandmother after something happens to her parents. And if it couldn’t get any better, the five year old ‘Precious Cinnamon Roll’ could either be selectively mute or even nonverbally autistic.
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I’ve also been listening to the audiobook for The Savior’s Champion by Jenna Moreci. I’ve been looking forward to this for ages, especially considering Jenna Moreci is, without a doubt, one of my favourite people, and especially authors, ever. So far, The Savior’s Champion has been a thrilling, suspenseful adventure full of blood and gore and tragedy. I binged-listened to this book and finished it within two days.
There’s also romance in it- as it’s, like, the main plot and all- and as someone who has never ever been whatsoever interested in romance, it kinda says a lot about how much I love the author and her YouTube channel when I’m super hyped for it. Plus, I love gore, so that’s another reason to overlook my lack of interest in the romance.
This book was bloody, it was suspenseful, and I have full plans on getting a physical copy just for the sake of having a physical copy.
My current Work-in-Progress is currently somewhere between the stages of Outline and First Draft. I’ve written a few chapters, but I’m still figuring out the Outline. For said Outline, I’m using the Jenna Moreci Method (Part One and Part Two) of Thought Dumping and Puzzle Phase-ing. We’re still in the Thought Dumping phase.
For those interested, my book is about children and the monsters that lurk underneath their bed, the corruption of a government and society as a whole, the significance of one's own identity and just what a family will do for each other.
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How’s Life?
Being ridiculously overqualified for the level your college put you into because your Maths grade apparently wasn’t high enough (turns out it was, so what the fudge) makes everything a bit boring but an absolute breeze, and hey! Spare time, I guess. Plus they gave me an extra week off for the Easter Holidays since I already had everything done and dusted.
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This lovely boy is Django, my four year old Golden Labrador; he’ll be turning five this September. He’s got a tendency to rummage through the trash when no one’s in, and he’s technically not allowed on the bed, but he’s a good boi never the less. If a little butt at times.
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And this tiny demon is Skittles, our six year old Egyptian Mau (at least, that’s what we think she might be). If you just so happen to be eating a ham sandwich or if it’s rather cold outside, you’re her best friend. She’s tiny, and she’s cute, and she can actually be rather sweet sometimes, but those claws are certainly sharp.
In Case You Missed It
This Week’s Writing Prompt (from writing-prompt-s)
This Week’s Writing Article
Crooked Clockwork Ch 4, a Ninjago fanfiction (FanFiction.net, Archive of Our Own, Wattpad).
Aron Hansen’s Author Website
Recommend a Book
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