#today also yoongi hinted that he’s nervous and that’s a given but :(
hobismilitarywife · 1 year
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btsmosphere · 3 years
Crossing Paths - drabble from the Crossfire universe
request from @excusemyuwus -
I remember Tae said he had a crush on her while working on that project so now I kinda want to see his pov of that time and how he was holding being around his crush lol, not gonna lie gangster Tae all nervous bc he like someone is something want to see (also imagine how much the guys would tease him uwu)
tumblr ate your ask when I tried to answer it, sorry! this is the only part I had copied, but if it ever resurfaces, I shall answer there. for now it is still refusing to cooperate so I am posting like this! (update: the ask just returned, it is here)
~pairing: taehyung x reader ~word count: 1.4k ~pre-relationship, fluff, angst, slice of life, mafia au, college au ~rating: g ~warnings: vague mention of gang activity, this is a gang au after all, but it’s not particularly prominent
~a/n: thank you for your great request! this was so nice to come back to, I am so sentimental about this series as my first bts fic🥰takes me back to when I was just getting into bts… it felt hard to do it justice! because of this, sorry it took me a while to write, but I wanted to do it well, and again I kept the theme of making my ‘drabbles’ wayyy longer😅final big thanks to the site being frustrating and eating drafts and such🙃🙃but here it is, finally seeing the light of day! I hope you enjoy it x
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“I can tell something’s on your mind, Tae.”
Jimin stared coolly at his friend. Looking over his shoulder guiltily as he unlocked the door, Tae found the other boy with his hands in his pockets, looking expectant.
All Tae could do was shrug as he elbowed the door open, heading to ditch his bag.
“Hey, Jimin’s right.”
A light flick on Tae’s forehead made him startle, looking up to find Hobi grinning, though his head was tilted to one side in question.
“What is it?”
Jimin’s shoulder nudged his own as they sunk into the sofa.
Tae checked his phone.
“It’s just a project for class, don’t worry about it,” he pocketed his phone, ignoring their gazes, “I gotta meet with my partner in an hour.”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t staying that long anyway,” Hobi slumped down too, having helped himself to a drink from the fridge, “I’m on watch with Yoongi across town.”
As the discussion turned to this week’s jobs and deals, Taehyung rested his head back against the sofa. The sounds of his friends’ conversation was like static. Instead, he was picturing the scene in class earlier, as the slideshow was flipped to show the project partners on the screen.
Tae hadn’t been too fussed, idly playing with his pen lid as he searched for his name. But when his eyes fell on it, he sat up straight.
Having only bumped into you a few times in class, he had never expected his heart to be hammering quite so hard as he quickly scanned the room for you. Sliding his things away, he had walked towards you as everyone began to file out, meeting you halfway as you did the same.
Leaning against a desk to keep his jittery hands occupied, he grinned at you.
Your returning smile, he noticed, was much more nervous, only flickering into existence for a wavering second. The two of you had only a brief conversation to sort out when you would meet, before you had practically scurried away.
His eyes had lingered on you as his smile slowly sank.
Unconsciously poking his tongue against his cheek, Tae wondered if you were afraid of him.
A finger clicked sharply in front of his face. He blinked back at Hobi’s grin, Jimin bursting into laughter at his side.
“Just a project, my ass,” Hobi shook his head, dumping an empty bottle on the coffee table, “don’t wanna be late, do you?”
A radiant smile was tossed over his shoulder as Hobi left the room, front door clicking soon after.
Sending his best friend a knowing look, Jimin also gathered himself to stand.
“Have fun tonight, yeah?”
He winked. Tae protested, shooting up from the sofa with an affronted look.
“So it is a special someone?” Jimin giggled.
“You’re impossible,” Tae grumbled, trailing after him to the door, “it’s just a project, I told you.”
Jimin hummed in a way which made it very clear he didn’t believe him.
“Don’t scare them off, tiger,” he remarked, stepping outside.
Tae’s shoulders slumped. He was certain that was just what he had already done.
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“I’m busy tonight. And my house isn’t free, so I can’t have anyone showing up here.”
Namjoon chuckled across the line.
“All this for a college project?” Clearly he had heard about this from the others. “If you could lend Kook some of your commitment to school, that would be great,” he teased.
Sighing, Tae spun around to survey the road outside his window, ruffling his own hair.
“You’re very funny, but I need to go. See you tomorrow.”
Tae was certain he would never hear the end of this from the others. It was true that he had firmly set aside time for your meeting today, even if it was only for a minor college presentation. But it was important to him.
He knew that this was the only time he would get together with you, and though it would end as soon as the presentation was given, he couldn’t help but want to make the most of it. At your last meeting, he had been largely distracted by the dizzying height of your apartment, leaving him shying back from any windows.
So this left you with his house today instead.
Arriving soon after Tae’s phone call, you were both soon seated on his floor. Though you mostly worked in quiet with occasional, quick conversation, it was not awkward. Your legs lay close together under the coffee table as you scribbled away diligently on its surface.
Glancing over the lid of his laptop as his fingers hung idly, Tae sighed. Watching as your pen swirled across your notebook, he let his eyes drift across your focussed features.
He swallowed as he did so, teeth tugging his lip. A light frown came over your features. He couldn’t take his eyes away from your lips as your pen lifted to your mouth, resting between your teeth as you mulled the work over, eyes flitting about the page.
Eventually, the lack of tapping at his keyboard must have got through to you. You raised your head.
Too late to divert his gaze, Taehyung cleared his throat and muttered a proposal for a break. Eager as well to put your work aside, you clambered from the floor to join him at his offer of a drink.
Moving through to the kitchen, he made casual conversation, asking after your dad. Last time there had only been a brief meeting, as he met Tae at the door before you hurried him away.
Picking up on his offer to chat, you teased Tae for his fear of heights, giggling over how he had screwed his eyes shut whenever he had come within sight of the view from your windows.
Of course, Tae tried his best to roll his eyes at you, but the smile dragging the corners of his mouth refused to be suppressed.
He poured your drinks. When he turned away to put the cartons back in the fridge, he took a breath, trying to settle himself. Why did he feel so flustered?
Squaring his shoulders a little more, he turned back, only for his hand to catch one of the glasses. It clattered against the surface, barely leaving time for him to jump back and avoid being splattered with its contents.
You hopped from your seat, ready to help.
Swallowing down his shock, Tae scratched at the back of his neck to hide his slightly trembling hand.
“Don’t worry,” he quickly muttered, flashing a nervous smile as he gathered towels and set to cleaning up.
Soft laughter followed from you. Still, you reached across to help.
Righting the glass and taking one of the cloths to clear up, your hand came concerningly close to Tae’s own. He kept his eyes firmly fixed on the countertop, his cheeks warm even as you finished and he was rooting in the fridge again for a refill.
You seemed miraculously unfazed by his flailing, though, he noticed as you finally settled beside each other sipping your drinks.
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“So it went well?”
Jimin nudged a reluctant Tae, eyebrows wiggling all the time.
“Yes, fine,” Tae groaned, trying to shrug him off.
Jimin did stop, but only in favour of staring at his friend with doleful eyes.
“Don’t be like that. You’ll see her again. You literally share a class!”
“It’s nothing like that,” Tae refuted.
He even halfway believed it.
You had got on well together, but surely not more than could be expected of most classmates? He sighed a little as he thought of it. It had been fun, but there was no excuse to spend any more time with you.
Besides, sparing one night to work on a project was a little different to becoming friends, or even more…
There was a reason the bangtan boys stuck to themselves.
But as he reminisced, he knew he had a soft spot for you, even if it should come to nothing. The project was over, the presentation given, but he still remembered the way you bounced with excited relief after you had finished talking to the class. Your face was glowing as you high-fived him with a grin, the work having paid off.
There was still a hint of nervousness though, and you had only given a timid smile and a small ‘see you later’ before heading out of class.
And that was the end of it.
But Tae smiled to himself. It had been fun, and he knew he wouldn’t be sorry if you ever crossed paths again.
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Thank you for reading! Reblogs and comments super appreciated always!!
Taglist: @aianloveseven​ @preciouschimine​ @un2-verse​ @ddaechwita​ @taegularities​ 
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btsandvmin · 4 years
If we feel that Sweet Night is also about Jimin, isn't it right to think that VMIN had the chance, but already lost it? Meaning, the love that Tae is feeling is currently not reciprocated? That JM can offer only friendship to him? There has been lot of rumors of JM and JK living together. And their recent vlives, even the bday live of Jin today pretty much proves that they are indeed always together. What do you think?
I mean of course we have no clue if Sweet Night is about Jimin, but if it is it can definitely mean there was a chance that they didn't take in some form. It could also be old feelings revisited or something else. I have talked about Sweet Night before and a few different interpretations. That Jimin wouldn't feel the same is of course also possible, or that they decided not to act on it or something. But Sweet night for sure is a romantic song that hints at feelings changing for a best friend. And if it is Taehyung's own feelings it could be about Jimin. And if it is I think they would all know it.
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However I doubt very much that Taehyung would write this song about Jimin, that Vmin would call each other soulmates despite Jimin knowing Taehyung's feelings and that Vmin would start to increase their hand holding if Jimin was together with someone else. Even more so if it is another member. It even seems very unlikely Vmin would be like this if the feelings were one-sided. Sweet Night is just another example of why I say Vmin is either platonic or they both feel the same. No matter if they are together or not. Basically if Sweet Night is about Jimin there are feelings there from both parts to some extent. Even in the song itself it hints at the other person feeling something similar and if there is still a chance for them like there was before.
I would say either Vmin is platonic and Sweet Night isn't about Jimin, or Sweet Night is about Jimin and they both know it and feels or have felt something.
Vmin could have had feelings in some form and not acted on it. Or they could be walking that thin line of friendship or more. But to have had feelings involved and then move on to the way they are together now? Don't you think that would be really weird beahvior? To act the way Vmin act when there has been some type of feelings involved but now one of them are together with someone else? For Taehyung to casually ask for Jimin to sleep together on JK's birthday? Once again one ship not being real doesn't make another one real.
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If so it makes more sense to think there are feelings or was feelings involved and that they still mean something, considering how Taehyung decided to express them. You can make the same argument with the Christmas song. I never said Vmin are together... Because we can't really know. But I do think it is possible that there is something there.
Vmin act weird to me, they have moments when they seem careful and act stiff or nervous when there seems to be no reason. Meanwhile they also have a lot of moments that are very intimate or show how important they are to each other. They should have no reason to be weird if they are just friends and as close as they say but platonic. Ji/kook seem really close but also not at all careful, but instead pretty shameless and open. These two behaviors in contrast to each other seem to point more at Vmin having something to hide than ji/kook. That's just my view.
About living together I personally think Jimin mostly uses the dorm. He if anyone seem to often mention the dorm and wanting to live there with everyone forever. Hobi even felt bad about thinking of leaving Jimin behind in the dorm because he is so happy to share with Hobi. Jimin also cried during tour because the members doesn't share rooms anymore, and when JK commented all he said was that he slept well that night. How rude is that if they are together? Not to mention why include it in their documentary. I think Jimin is a person who needs company a lot and likes spending time with JK. We know Jimin crashes all the members rooms during tour and rather be with them than alone a lot of the time. Jimin has also said it is the easiest to ask JK to do things, possibly because he is the youngest. Jimin wants to be with his members, that's the way I see it.
"I want to live with my lovely Taehyung-ah for the rest of my life."
But he could of course also live somewhere else. Even so Ji/kook being together no matter how often doesn't prove they are a couple does it? Jimin called Jin in one of his Vlive and then JK was also there and pretends to be Jin. I think these members likely spend more time in the dorm together, but even that is of course a guess. We know ji/kook seem to often be assigned the same car, but not at all always and why is still just speculation. Hobi and JK also often share, or Jin and Yoongi. No one assume they are together. My guess would be a lot of the members stay in the dorm when they have work because that is easier.
Today's vlive shows ji/kook are often together yes. Not always though. Ji/kook weren't initially together when Jimin got the Billboard news as JK got to know about it last and as Jimin said he was the one who told JK the news. Yoongi also said he cried with Jimin all night and it's likely they were at the dorm and when JK got back Jimin told him. Jimin says this about when he got the news: “When it came up I got surprised and cried. I was talking with Taehyung and he was like ‘Why are you crying?’” so it seems Taehyung could have been the first one Jimin talked to after knowing about it. That was also when Taehyung talked about sleeping together. And again, even being together often doesn't prove a ship being real. I still say Vmin's behavior goes against other ships unless you want to accuse them of playing things up. Which doesn't work considering all the things they do or have done that most fans doesn't even notice. And of course the fact that a lot of Vmin moments seem get played down or friendzoned.
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I have no clue if Vmin has something or had feelings before but not anymore, or if they were one sided... But if they did and if Sweet Night is in fact about Jimin, no matter the state of their current feelings it would make another ship very unlikely. Or are you suggesting Taehyung wrote and released a song about falling for his best friend/soulmate (while very much calling Jimin his only best friend) and Jimin responded with being extra clingy to Tae and doing all the extra stuff they have done this year like holding hands every chance they get, while Jimin is actually together with someone else who would also see these things all the time?
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No I remain in my opinion that if Vmin has something or had something then it doesn't work with their current relationship in combination with another ship being real. I don't think either of them would act this way if that was true. Either they wouldn't do what they do now, or it has always been very platonic. You don't start to call someone your soulmate, write songs about each other and hold hands every chance you get in front of your boyfriend if the person you do it with are some kind of ex or has had feelings for you. Or at least I doubt it very much. And Jimin initiates a lot of it too. A lot of things that Vmin didn't used to do before but has gotten more and more common and now even expected. In BV4 when Jimin had been mostly away for a month the one he went to and clung on to was Taehyung. They keep choosing each other to share beds when given the chance. There are many things.
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Another ship being real while Sweet Night is about Jimin seems not only unlikely but also like a very twisted behavior if true. From both Jimin and Taehyung.
Anyways these are my thoughts about it. Who knows for sure though. All I know is all the members love each other and that Vmin are soulmates.
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missgarnet · 4 years
Where We Stand
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Word count:5.7k
Genre: angst with fluff
Warnings: pregnancy, mentions of past miscarriage, blood and injury, Duchess Min and other characters from Stay,  I swear there’s a happy ending
Summary by @minjoonalist​: fluff, pain, almost pain, spain without the s' and fluff?
Link to ao3
Happy Birthday @sope-and-shine​ Belle, I love you! (also I’m sorry for not killing anyone off in this story, I just couldn’t) 
I also want to say thank you to @minjoonalist​ and @sope-and-shine​‘s Fae for reading through this to helping me edit and think of titles!
“How do I look darling?” you ask, slipping the thin dagger into the hidden slit in the corseted top of your dress.
The duke stepped closer to you and took in the reflection of the two of you together. You watched in the mirror as he swept your hair to the side and started to kiss you, his lips a gentle whisper against your neck. “You look… powerful. I’d have to be an imbecile to ignore that.”
“Is that it?”
You feel his lips forming a smirk against your skin, “Of course not, you’re stunning and you know it just as well as I do. How was I lucky enough to find a wife as brilliant and beautiful as you.” His hands find themselves at your waist, trailing back to play with the laces of your dress.
“Yoongi,” you laugh as you swat his hands away. “They just finished getting me all dressed up in this, I don’t want to call the maids back to retie this again.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t already, you normally make them redo this until it’s as tight as you can get and both of you are exhausted.” He wraps you in his arms again and turns the two of you to face the mirror, “unless you’re…”
He can feel the sharp breath you take, realizing he’d figured it out. “Please, don’t get excited, it's too early for that. I don’t want to tell anyone else just yet.”
“Who else knows?”
“My maid, she thought it was weird when I asked her to find dresses with a higher waistline. She figured it out pretty soon, and I politely asked her not to say anything just yet.”
“Mmhmm, and what do you mean by politely asking this time.”
“I may have… accidentally… threatened to have her tongue removed if she so much as hinted to it”
“You never cease to amaze me, my love.”
A sharp knock on the door interrupted the few moments of alone time you had left. The two of you rushed to finish getting dressed for the day, this meaning countless weapons being discreetly tucked away in the many hidden pockets of your clothing. It was an important day, and you made it a rule to be prepared for anything and everything that could go wrong. Today you had one mission and no one was going to get in your way, not even the king himself.
Looking back you should have said no when she asked you to walk her down the aisle. Traditionally she should have had a family member to give her away, but tradition be damned, if your best friend and closest ally wanted you by her side then nothing was getting in your way.
By the time you got there the poor dear was already panicking as she paced the floor of her dressing room. “What if I mess up or trip and the entire court starts making fun of me”
“I’ll give them something else to talk about.” You said, instinctively reaching toward your favourite dagger. It’s jeweled angel wings sitting at the very top of your gown, giving the appearance of a simple broach when tucked into it’s spot atop your corset.
“Y/N, no weapons. How many times do we have to say this, stabbing people doesn’t solve problems. It only creates more.”
You scoffed at her reply, knowing fully well that it was the first thought you had. “First of all, I wasn’t going to stab anyone… this time. Second, there’s no rule against blackmail or accidently sharing information that would draw far more attention to others.”
“I don’t know how you did this. You didn’t even know Yoongi when the two of you got married, I’ve known Tae far longer and I’m still way too nervous for all of this.”
“Are you kidding me?” You laughed, “I was a wreck on my wedding day. Hell, I practically had to be dragged down the aisle and I would have clawed my way out if I could. I wanted nothing to do with it, then again that wasn’t really up to me. Even afterwards I was still too nervous to actually talk to him, it was much easier to argue and plot all the ways I could get rid of him.”
“You were planning to divorce him?”
“Oh Queenie, divorce was mild compared to what I had in mind.” You smiled at the memories of when you first moved in with your husband. The two of you had barely spent a minute alone, and were at each other's throats any time you were in the same room. He expected someone docile, sweet, and a little fearful of him the way that almost everyone else was. What he hadn’t expected was to be matched with a wife even more stubborn and intimidating than he was, you had become the first true rivalry he had ever experienced and it was thrilling.
It didn’t help him to find out that he had met the only person with a reputation worse than his own among the court, nor that you had found ways to win over his entire staff in a matter of days. Despite being incredibly talented and an excellent asset to have on his side, Yoongi seemed determined to prove that he was still the one in charge for those first few months. Everyday was a competition and the two of you had engaged in a seemingly endless battle of bickering and petty vengeance against one another. Your favourite of these occurred after he made it a point of removing you from a meeting with the generals. He should have known better than to mess with someone who was feared by the court and adored by both his family and his staff.
That next morning as the sun began to rise Yoongi was nearly blinded by the amount of light pouring into his chambers, waking up to the smell of burnt fabric and charred toast. You could hardly contain your laughter when one of the staff recalled being called into the sight of him slipping on his robe only to find that the right sleeve had been completely torn off. Tears ran down your face as you heard about him storming around the room looking for something to wear to meet you at the breakfast table only to find most of his clothes had been sent off to the tailor to be altered or repaired in some way and he had been left with an assortment of mismatched clothing and heavy winter suits. That morning neither of you felt willing to give each other the satisfaction of reacting to the other’s actions. Showing weakness was to show defeat, and neither of you planned on losing. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of just pride as you watched your husband shift in his seat clearly displeased with the current state he was in, almost laughing as he hobbled in missing his left shoe.
You had almost missed the defeated sigh he gave as he took his seat across from you. If he were like any other man you knew, he’d have given you the outburst of rage that you had been preparing yourself for. Instead he had a rather gentle gaze as he met your eyes from across the table and spoke in a soft almost admiring tone, “We can’t keep doing this. I mean seriously, destroying my curtains, burning my breakfast, and ridding me of my entire wardrobe in one morning. And why? I’ve done nothing to offend you.”
The servants quickly began backing out of the room in anticipation of another argument between the two of you.  “Nothing? You really think you’ve nothing wrong?” The icy glare you were so determined to keep directed at him was the only thing holding tears of frustration at bay. But you refused to let him or anyone else see you crying. “Yoongi, you undermine me at every opportunity available, making sure that I have no say in what is going on around me. I have no family here, no friends, no allies on my side. Everything here is about you, while I am constantly pushed aside and belittled by even your guards and servants. I was one of the most brilliant women my age. I learned the arts of battle, bribery, and blackmail by the age of five, and perfected each of them by eleven. And the worst part is all of that is going to waste, I am wasting away and it is all your fault.”
“I’m sorry I had no clue. I just thought you’d want a break from having to fight all the time, I guess I should have noticed this was wrong when you seemed so determined to argue at every opportunity possible.
“You really are an idiot sometimes.”
He laughed at this, the two of you finally sharing a moment of understanding and bonding over as you later called it his very best moment of complete stupidity.
As you sat there recalling all of this your eyes began to water and you let out a quiet sniffle. The two of you had been through so much since then and with very limited exceptions you wouldn’t change a thing. You may not have had the best of beginnings with each other, but he’d done his best to make up for that every day that you’ve shared since then. The two of you still bickered, but it was more affectionate and caring now that you’d decided to save your fury to defend one another.
“Y/N are you crying?” your best friend placed her hand over yours in a comforting gesture.
“No, of course not.” You tried to dry your eyes, but the gesture was not as subtle as you had hoped. “Fine maybe a little. I think I’m just feeling sentimental, all this wedding stuff had me thinking about when Yoongi and I were newly married and the time we had our first good fight”
“You still haven’t told me what happened to the shoes, and everytime I tried to ask the staff they just got really quiet and seemed like they were too afraid to speak.”
“Well, I took all of his left shoes and I had one of my maids put a box outside his room. Then I took most of them and put them away in the box, and I sent the rest away to be burned.”
“You burned his shoes”
“Only the left ones, and only the pairs I didn’t like. Besides if I were to do that now there would have been a lot more of them being burned, I swear just the smell of that shoe polish is enough to make me sick nowadays. Then again there’s been a lot of things that do.”
“Are you, you know?” The young queen-to-be asked, doing her best to emphasize the implied meaning.
“Am I what,” you asked, a challenging tone in your voice. It was obvious she knew, but if she wanted to ask she would have to use her words.
She gives you a knowing smile and pulls you in for a hug, “Congratulations Y/N!”
“Oh, shut up” you laughed trying to hide how nervous you were feeling. Yes she was your best friend, but this pregnancy was news you didn’t want out to the public just yet. “Today is your day, I don’t want to take away from that.”
She rushes to the clock at this realizing the two of you were running horribly behind schedule. As you rush through the halls together, you do your best to pin her veil in place and keep the train of her dress from collecting dust and dirt from the floor. Both of you pause outside the closed doors grandly looming before you, your faces warm and nearly out of breath.
You begin the task of fixing her appearance one last time before everything starts changing again. She was always so small and quiet when you first met. You never thought such a timid young woman would come this far, but something about her just spoke of being so much more than just another commoner. And now here she was in the most delicate white gown with layers of chiffon carefully draped over each other and tiny sleeves resting just off of her shoulders, looking more composed and regal than anyone you’ve ever seen before. The light reflects against some of the crystals sewn into her veil almost creating a halo around her. The light airy dress looked stunning on her and seemed even brighter as the two of you stood side by side. All the intricate layering and the bright white of her dress contrasted beautifully against yours. It wasn’t your original plan but the midnight blue gown and it’s simple pattern seemed to exaggerate your figure in the best of ways. It’s plain bodice and jeweled collar drew attention up and away from the changes you were hoping to hide.
The doors are drawn open and the two of you take a sharp breath as you begin the long anticipated journey down the aisle. To anyone else she would seem calm and composed, but you knew better, “You know, I’ve still got the carriage waiting outside. Say the word and we’ll start running. I’ll even lead the horses myself if that’s what it takes.”
You can see the slight bounce of her shoulders as she begins silently laughing. Looking around you begin to hold on to faces in the crowd, doing your best to remember where everyone was seated to use for later. It was a shock to see Namjoon and his new bride so close to the front, you thought they’d be in the back where she’d be hidden away from the prying eyes of so many nobles. After all, their relationship had been quite a scandal and she was much too far along to hide anything. What didn’t surprise you was the look on Taehyung’s face when he saw you and his fiance nearing the altar. The two of them were stupidly in love with each other and you could see that from a mile away.
You found yourself rather exhausted after all the excitement from the queen’s wedding, deciding to take just a short break at home before involving yourself with any of the court’s drama for a while. It was meant to be just a week, maybe two at the most but as time went by it felt much better to be in the manor with Yoongi than anywhere else. The two of you were still bickering like any other day, but being at home gave you a space away from the rest of the court once you’d started showing. The two of you became cautiously excited about your future child, still too worried to be fully invested but getting closer as each week went by.
There had been a few rough times along the way, but everything had been going well for the most part. That little piece of hope growing each day was worth any of the worries and discomforts you were facing, even the morning sickness that lasted much longer than you would have preferred. You thought things were getting better until another worrisome incident took place.
“Yoongi,  I started bleeding this morning, and something feels very wrong.”
“Are you alright?” He shook his head realizing his mistake, “I’m sorry that’s a ridiculous question. What are you feeling, is there anything I can do?”
“I’m scared Yoongs, I don’t know what’s going on and I can’t tell if it’s normal or if it’s going poorly again. It can’t end like last time, I can’t lose another. I don’t know if there’s anything that can be done, I just don’t want to be alone.”
He crawled up into the oversized bed beside you, gently taking you in his arms as he brushed your hair aside. “I know there’s nothing you or I can do and it’s completely out of our control, but I want you to remember I’m here and I will always love you no matter what.”
The midwife had a sad smile when she entered the room. Mrs. Lee was one of the oldest staff members serving the Mins, having delivered you herself. It warmed her heart to see the two of you curled up together so caring and gentle for once. She had originally been hired to act as a wet nurse, but when your mother went into early labor the midwife had been by her side. You’d practically been raised by her along with a few other maids, so when you found out you were with child there was only one person you wanted to have with you.
Mrs. Lee had seen you grow from a small frail infant to a rather intelligent young woman, and knew almost all of the struggles you had faced along the way. It was always her that you went to with any problems whether it was scraped knees or scheming nobles. Your first pregnancy was rough to say the least, and she was there for all of it holding your hand when everything came to it’s heartbreaking end.
And here she is now, doing her best to keep you calm as she conducts her exam. You begin to shift as you feel another one of the pains you’d felt earlier. It wasn’t horrible, only strange and unpleasant. Yoongi presses his lips to your forehead while you begin to play with his hands to distract yourself. The two lay holding tight to one another as you wait for the midwife’s news. As she felt your stomach, Mrs. Lee paused for a moment furrowing her brow before suddenly bursting out in a smile unlike any other.
“Your Grace, I have good news and even better news. First off your child is in perfect health at the time being.”
You let out a heavy sigh of relief, both of you feeling as though a large weight had been lifted.
“Second is those little pains you were complaining about. It’s not something going wrong that feeling is from the baby kicking. A lot of mothers complain about it being an odd feeling, but it’s good and it means that the baby’s doing well.”
“They didn’t kick last time,” you whispered.
“I know Angel,” she explained. “But you’re much further along this time, and you seem much healthier. Having some spotting this late is a bit concerning, but so long as you start getting enough rest and I keep checking up on you, I don’t think we have anything we need to be too worried about. I’m going to head out now and give the two of you some space, but you can call for me at any time even if it’s something small.”
Mrs. Lee excused herself and quietly left the two of you on your own once more. Yoongi loosened his embrace and turned to face you, there were tears in his eyes and the biggest gummy smile he’s had. You take your hand and place his against your stomach where your unborn child kept kicking. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a while before he finally felt something, “They kicked! They actually-” He laughed and gave a joyful little sigh at this, “I love you so much Angel, you’re going to be an amazing mother.”
“I love you too Yoongs, I couldn’t do any of this without you. We’re going to be a great team, but I think our child is going to need a name pretty soon.”
Yoongi gave you an evil grin, “We should name her Yoonji”
“Absolutely not, I think I’m going to be sick,” you announced pressing your hand to your stomach. “We are not naming her after your sister, she’s too much of a b-”
“You can’t keep calling her a bitch, especially when we’re in front of others,” he tried to sound exasperated but the laughter that followed quickly put an end to that act.
You rolled your eyes at the ridiculous argument the two of you kept falling into, surely there were more important things than your opinions and not so backhanded comments about his sister. “Please be serious. If you could choose any name for our child, what would it be?”
“What about Aria for a girl’s name?”
You smile and take his hand in yours once more, “I think it’s beautiful, but we’re not going to need it. We are having a son.”
“My Love, I have no doubt that you know just about everything but we’re not going to find out until they’re here. There’s no way of being sure.”
“No, I’m absolutely sure. This child will be our first beautiful little boy, and I know I’m right. It’s a mother’s instinct and I’m never wrong.”
“Then what are you suggesting, since you’re never wrong.”
“What about Hyun-Su?”
“It’s perfect.”
You pull him closer and reach up to cup his face between your hands, “We’re going to be good at this, right? They’re going to turn out better than we did.”
“I hope so,” he turns his head slightly as he presses his lips to each of your palms. “Regardless they’re going to grow up knowing that they have two parents who will love and fight for them no matter what.”
The two of you stayed under the covers, wrapped in this moment of relief and utter bliss at knowing that your child would grow to be safe, healthy, and above all else loved. What you didn’t know was that this joy would be short lived as much grimmer news was always just around the corner. You had found out quite some time before Yoongi, receiving the letter from one of the associates you had within the court. Oftentimes it paid to have eyes and ears throughout the kingdom, but for possibly the first time you regretted having this knowledge. The letter shook in your hands as you considered your choices, you could send help but you knew there would be some kind of trap lying in wait. There was no way you would risk losing Yoongi to such an obvious scheme, even if it meant sacrificing someone else. Throwing the parchment into the fireplace you watched as all of it crumbled to ash.
The letters kept coming, this time from the Southern Kims themselves each one growing more desperate in their pleas for assistance. It would be one thing to send soldiers, but you knew Yoongi would try to go with and fight the second he heard that Seokjin was in danger. The Kims were kind and had been there for you and your husband every time you needed help, they deserved better and it broke your heart to turn them away knowing that they and their children were likely to die.
At first you just hid them in the pockets of your dress, but after one had nearly slipped out in front of Yoongi you had taken more precautions in hiding the precious information contained in the writing. It began with storing them under the dresser, and then in your pillowcase, burning them the second you had a chance. You had been pulling up the floorboards in search of a new hiding place when Yoongi finally found out. Pushing the envelope under your skirts you had tried to keep him from noticing anything amiss. Unfortunately your husband was more observant than you would like to give him credit for and he had known you long enough to know how you’d try to hide something.
“Yoongi, you can’t go. These aren’t just another group of ruthless barbarians stupid enough to slaughter their own men, they’ll know that you’re coming and they will plan for that.”
“I’ll meet with the generals before I go, we’ll come up with a plan. It will be alright, I promise.” He took your hand in his willing you both to believe the words he said.
You pulled away from him as you stood, “Very well, we can meet with the generals and send troops to help the Kims. However, you are staying here.”
“No, Jin might get on my nerves at times but he’s one of my closest friends. I’m not going to do nothing while he and his family are at risk.”
“What about our family? I know I didn’t want to get too excited about anything, but we don’t have very long until we’re parents ourselves.”
“I’ll be back before the baby comes, without so much as a scratch. I promise.”
“Please don’t. Don’t make promises that we both know aren’t guaranteed.” You took a shakey breath, “Yoongi, I rarely ask anything of you, but this time I am begging you please don’t go. I can’t lose you- we can’t lose you.”
He said something, but you could hardly process the words as his footsteps echoed across the floor, he left you with the hollow sound of your bedroom doors swinging shut behind him and a simple apology mumbled from behind the sealed doors.
You refused to sit and do nothing as your husband led himself to slaughter, if there was anyway to prevent his death you would find it. Collecting all the debts and favours owed to you by the less than upstanding members of the court was just the beginning. It took more bribing and blackmail than you had bargained for, but you got other nobles to send the reinforcements you needed. Lady Park had been all too cooperative after you happened to mention a certain nude portrait and it’s current whereabouts, she and her husband sent twice the guards you had asked for and even provided maps of the area. As for the others, some were less generous but were still eager to compensate you for information or silence in one way or another. The Northern Kims were unable to send any troops of their own. However, Namjoon’s young wife had provided a sizable amount of gold and information on a mercenary group that was up to the job. You had nothing to use against them and didn’t know of anything they were in need of, but for some reason she had given you help regardless. It was a small kindness, but a greatly appreciated one in your time of need.
Everything was in place and you’d given the go ahead for them to approach the men surrounding the Southern Palace, but you’d yet to hear back from any of your troops. All of this had been meant as a backup plan in case something went wrong, but as days turned into weeks Yoongi’s chances of success were growing smaller. You’d taken to pacing the halls at night as your due date drew nearer, he should have been back by now.
“Y/N, you have to rest. You're putting too much stress on your body and that’s not good for you or the baby,” Mrs. Lee warned as she pushed your hair away from your face.
“ Well... seeing as how he’s the one causing all of this, you can take that up with Yoongi once he’s back. Until then I’ll be up doing everything I can to make sure that he comes home in one piece.”
Mrs. Lee didn’t seem too fond of your reply and folded her arms across her chest, “I’ll be sure to mention that, but until then I want you to be resting as much as possible and taking care of yourself. So little miss, you will be in bed, eating three full meals a day, and you will not be fussing over all of this anymore. What’s done is done and all we can do is wait.”
One of the maids came knocking at your door, disturbing your mandated rest. Somehow you’d become even more confined to your room after the slight back pains you’d felt that morning. You’d been told to get your rest and avoid getting too worked up. Mrs. Lee would be furious if she found out, but she wasn’t the one in charge here and you had told them to wake you at any hour if they had news from your husband. The young girl had placed a small parcel before you and saw her way out as quietly as possible. You tore the small bow apart, unwrapping it as quickly as possible, tearing the paper piece by piece until you felt shredded wet fabric against your hands.
From the mess you were able to identify one of Yoongi’s jackets, torn to bits and coated in sweat from the battlefield. You’d grown used to seeing things like this, but what stopped you in your tracks were the warm heavily saturated stains of blood that had seeped into the cut fabric. He’d sent you these before, but never in this condition. The two of you had a running joke that he could damage any clothing or armor he wore in a fight, so long as he came home unharmed. But this didn’t seem like it came from someone else, if he had been wearing this then it had to be his blood. Picking up the paper, you looked again for a ransom note, a threatening letter, anything that would tell you that he was still alive, but there was nothing else. He was gone and there was nothing you could do about it.
You felt a sob forming as a different kind of pain tore through you. It was a kind of pressure that brought you to your knees, crying out as Mrs. Lee rushed to your side. She helped you to the edge of the bed, helping you to lay back as she wiped the tears from your eyes.
“It’s going to be alright Y/N, we’re gonna get through this.”
“I can’t- I can’t do this alone. I’m not ready.”
Mrs. Lee takes your hand and squeezes it in hers, “You’re not alone, I’m right here with you
“That’s not what I mean and you know it, he’s gone.”
“Now that’s enough of that, you need to save your energy. I was trying to keep you from going into labor this soon, but it looks like it’s about time to push.” You shook your head at Mrs. Lee’s words as you tried to delay the inevitable. As much as you attempted to stall your labor, your efforts had been in vain as you entered the hours of pushing. Your vision blurred from falling tears as you cried out for the one person who vowed to be by your side for moments like these, all the while knowing that he was never going to walk through that door again
“Angel, I’m here.” Yoongi’s voice called out as the doors were thrown open.
“You’re hurt,” you commented as you took his face between your hands. He had a large gash running down his face, the cut at first glance seeming to go through his eye as well. As you started to remove the blood it became clear that it had been a very narrow miss, but was deeper than you had hoped.
“It’s only a scratch.”
“Oh really, If that’s only a scratch then all this is but a stomach ache and I should be up and about in a few minutes at most.”
“That’s hardly a fair-” Unfortunately for Yoongi, whatever argument he had planned was soon cut off by your yelling at yet another contraction. He climbed into the bed behind you, holding your hand as you cursed him for putting you in your current position.
Whomever said that the pain of childbirth disappeared from one’s memory the second they held their child was horribly wrong, and you wanted nothing more than to personally stab that person in the stomach so that they could feel a fragment of everything you went through. And yet, when you looked at your newborn son it felt as though all that pain were worth it. Yoongi had somehow forgotten about all the horrible things you had called him during labor, or at least decided not to bring it up for a very long time. Your child had made an early and all too exciting entrance into the world, and all of you seemed to be recovering from this in one way or another.
Yoongi had been healing very well, but it became apparent that his wound would leave a scar. Not that you minded, he’d teased you about yours since the very first night the two of you had known each other intimately. Even now as you lie in bed he still traces the two lines on each side of your spine, pressing a kiss to each of the spots he claimed must have held the wings of an angel before you had fallen.
“I think we’ve earned ourselves at least a full day of napping.” Yoongi commented, already pulling the covers over the two of you.
“Just one?” You asked, “If you ask me I think we should try and break our old record and try for at least two and a half days of sleep.”
“When did we,” he paused as the memory dawned on him, “Are you talking about the New Year’s when we were snowed in with the Park family. I remember being in bed for most of that weekend, but I don’t recall much sleep going on at the time.”
“I was talking about after all of that, we ended up being so tired that we spent our last couple days asleep. We could have gotten a few more hours of rest if their staff hadn’t woken us up.”
“Well, there’s no one to bother us now. And our son is sound asleep, so I think we should be too.”
The two of you glanced at the tiny figure in the crib across from you, he looked so small and fragile but you had been relieved to know that he would continue to grow into a strong and healthy young boy. He was only a few days old and you were already starting to notice that he had formed his dad’s same habit of oversleeping, “Hey Yoongs, I’m happy he takes after you.”
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sombreboy · 4 years
Love Maze »21
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Previous  » Next Series Masterlist ▎ 18+ ▎ pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ▎ genre: School AU, crack humor, smut, angst, ETL, slow burn, fluff. ▎ word count: 9.1k ▎ ch.warnings: profanity, light angst, fluff, discussion of unhealthy drinking habits (be responsible<3), phonesex/facetime sex, masturbation, dirty talk, tae sucks jk off in yoongi's car (don't tell yoongi)
Co-writer: @velvetwicebang​​​​​​​ ♡♡♡
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A few months had passed, and Taehyung was finally done with High School. He’d been living with Jungkook during that time, and honestly? It was one of the best decisions he’s ever made. The elder was nervous at first; walking around his boyfriend’s apartment in his tippy toes— like a stranger would. Something about it being ‘official’ made it hard to chew. However, It didn't take long before Taehyung really treated the place like his own.
Spitting loud profanities when he’d lost at a game? Check. Walking around in only his boxers? Check.
Walking around butt-naked? Also check. He felt at peace, which wasn’t something he could say he’s ever experienced at his old place. His father took it.. well, he didn’t know how he’d taken it. The man barely ever wore any expressions on his face, trying to figure him out was nearly impossible. Daejung’s last words stuck with him, ‘You’re going to regret choosing that lifestyle, Taehyung. Moving in with your.. your boyfriend? That’s sick.’ It was at that moment Taehyung knew he had to get out of there. And to think there was a hint of guilt left.. Fuck it, it was about time he put his goddamn happiness first.
“Should I pack the blue shirt or the black one?” Sadly, good things almost always come to an end. Even if it was temporary, Tae could feel the sadness creeping up on him. Months away from his boyfriend sounded like pure torture. Taehyung was nineteen now, and he’d decided to attend college in America. The elder always joked that he was one year wiser, but maybe that was simply a facade to hide his inner fears. He was scared to move to a different country, scared to leave behind the only person who understood him. But if he wanted a better life for the both of them, he’d have to work hard to earn a stable job. Maybe being a businessman was his.. thing. At the moment, he felt no attraction towards it, but maybe as time went on he’d learn to fall in love with the career.. “Or should I pack both.” Here he was, packing the night before as expected, rushing through things.
“Kook, don’t be sad.” The younger’s silence was deafening. “Think of all the phone sex we’re gonna have, we haven’t done that before.” Taehyung pushed aside his internal conflict about which stupid shirt to pack, moving closer to his boyfriend to loop his arms around the boy’s waist. “Hey.. we’ll FaceTime. I know it’s not the same thing, but it’s better than nothing..”
Jungkook's melancholic expression brightened slightly at Taehyung's way of trying to lighten the mood. ''It does sound pretty hot...'' He tried to play along to rid himself of the emotions that swirled in his chest. Kook didn't want Taehyung to leave to begin with, but he hadn't actively tried to stop him. What kind of boyfriend would he be if he told him to stay simply for the reason that he wanted him close? He couldn't be selfish. ''You better call me often.'' Kook scrunched his nose, wrapping his arms around Tae's neck to draw their faces closer, allowing the younger to litter kisses all over his boyfriends face. ''And don't let any cute americans steal you from me.''
“You don’t have to worry about that.” Taehyung’s face scrunched up at the little kisses, playfully trying to wriggle away from Jungkook’s lock. “I’ll pick you over them any day.” After pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his boyfriend’s lips, Tae held out both shirts.
“Now, which one?”
“Babe, why are they here again?” It was nine in the morning, and Taehyung was quietly muttering those words into Jungkook’s ear. “I just wanted to say bye to yo—“
“I’ve never been in an airport before! Woah.” Hoseok’s wide eyes lit up as bright as the sun, palms pressed flat onto the big window as he watched an airplane take off into the air, gaze glued on it until the clouds engulfed it whole.
“It’s really nothing special..”
“Yoongi, shut the fuck up. Let me enjoy it.”
Tae turned to look back at his boyfriend, stifling a small, amused smile. Maybe he’d miss these guys a bit... And girl. Turns out, Jisoo wasn’t too bad. Namjoon and her have been officially dating for a few months now, and he’d moved in with her as well. Both couples spent a lot of time with one another, and naturally, Taehyung grew fond of her. Whatever happened between Jungkook and the woman, that was in the past. Their noona was head over heels for Joon, her loving stares said that much.
“You sure you got everything?” Jin pestered for the millionth time, earning himself the millionth nod of the head from Taehyung. “Yes, hyung. I’m sure.”
Jungkook relished in the bickering between his hyungs and his boyfriend while it lasted, but the anxiety kept coming back to him every single time he glanced over at the clock.. Time had never passed as quickly as it did until now. When the group finally had given their proper cheers and kind goodbyes, they allowed for Jungkook to finally get some space with Taehyung.. And honestly, it kind of hurt even more that way. He didn't want him to leave. Every single thing they did together, and suddenly they both had to spend their daily lives apart. Well, aside from their upcoming virtual relationship. ''Ah, shit...'' Jungkook raised his eyebrows high, staring up at the ceiling to prevent his eyes from tearing up. It didn't work that well, instead they glazed over as he looked back down at his boyfriend, reaching out to grab the elders hands in his, forcing him to let go of his baggage for the moment. He wasn't sure what to say, and he for sure knew if he tried-- he'd just start crying. But he had to say something. ''Do your best...'' Kook scrunched his nose as he smiled through the stray tears that were forcing themselves down his cheeks. ''And be safe.. and eat enough.. I heard their burgers are fuckin' good there.'' He rambled on, wishing time would slow down further.
The more Jungkook spoke, the more it crumbled down Taehyung’s composed front little by little. “Yeah,” He laughed weakly, a single tear shamelessly cascading down his face until Tae wiped it away with the back of his hand. “I’ll uhm.. I’ll eat a lot of burgers.” He too looked up at the ceiling, his eyes stung. His throat closed in, his chest felt heavy.. It hurt to say goodbye. “Come here.” His voice trembled as Taehyung pulled his boyfriend in for one last hug, hiding his face in Jungkook’s neck while he squeezed him tight. The elder’s hands grasped onto the fabric of the younger’s shirt, body beginning to quiver as he suddenly found it impossible to hold back his emotions. “I miss you already..” Taehyung murmured, harshly biting down on his lip to stop it from trembling. “I love you so much, remember that.”
Jungkook took a deep, shaky breath to keep himself together. It was so hard not to break down and cry right then and there, but he managed to stay somewhat collected. However, tears were given at a moment like this. "I love you." Kook murmured as he buried his nose in Tae's hair, wrapping one arm tightly around his boyfriends waist while the other reached to rub his neck. "Time will fly by, you'll be back before you know it." His words were comforting, and he wasn't entirely sure if they were meant for Taehyung or for himself. Possibly both. And it did work... a little bit. Unfortunately, the time came where they had to part, Jungkook practically forcing himself to let go of Taehyung. He wiped the elders tears away with his thumbs before kissing his cheeks, as if his lips were the remedy to make them stop from trickling down. "See you soon."
The group slowly came closer once more, waving Taehyung goodbye along with Jungkook, all of them huddled together to keep the youngest together as he clamped down on his trembling lower lip. When his eyes met Tae's, he couldn't help but smile. A wide, toothy grin shining through despite his cheeks being glossy with his tears, exaggerated waves coming from all of them-- but most of all, Jungkook.
“Jungkookie, he’ll be back before you know it.” Jisoo smiled, moving away from under Namjoon’s arm to soothingly smooth her hand across Kook’s back, taking notice of how taut his posture was under her touch. The rest of the gang nodded, adding in their words of encouragement.
“You’ll see each other soon! Now.. let’s eat! I’m fucking starving!”
Time did fly by indeed, and Taehyung kept in contact with his boyfriend, ringing him up whenever he could. The time difference oftentimes made it challenging, but they rose above the obstacles trying to keep them divided. Tae spoke to Kook about anything and everything, ranging from newfound friends, to how his English sucked ass, and if American burgers lived up to the hype. Turns out, they were alright. He’d also tell him how much he missed him, and sometimes, his roommate Jayson would pop in to say ‘hi’. They knew about the younger— maybe too much, as Taehyung didn’t keep him a secret, all of his inner insecurities were left in the past. There were lonely nights where he would more often than not wish he could hold Jungkook to sleep, play with his boyfriend’s hands, run his fingers through his long hair; but it wasn’t the reality he hoped for ...Not for long.
In just a few more days, Tae gets back in a plane. Excited was an understatement, he couldn’t wait to go back home, even if it was just for a week. Like most nights, Taehyung stayed up really late to catch a glimpse of Jungkook in the mornings. They’d planned to talk today, and there was no way his urge to sleep was going to get in the way of that. With his phone in his eager hands, Tae clicked on his boyfriend’s profile, running a hand through his hair whilst he waited for Jungkook to pick up his FaceTime call.
In the beginning, being away from Taehyung was absolute hell. There was no other way to describe it, Kook was sure of it. He had to brush his teeth by himself, beat the boss on this new game all alone, and the vacant spot in his bed was all too obvious. But with time, it became a bit easier, especially with his friends occasionally checking in on him at the beginning. But as time passed, their visits became less frequent. They all did have jobs after all.
Jungkook had been hunting for one of those for what felt like forever, but it was probably months, without any luck whatsoever. It was harder than he thought, and it was so frustrating. What was he supposed to tell his boyfriend?
"Shit, how did I forget..." Jungkook mused as he held his phone up, looking at the sweet contact photo that lit up. He was slouched down on his couch, his even longer curls hanging past his eyes as he moved his hair behind his ears to display the new earrings he'd gotten, two silver hoops in each ear. "Hey babe~" Kook wishes he didn't have those previous 'drown your sorrows' drinks before the call, the half slur obvious in his speech.. this habit was easy to break whenever he wanted to, surely. Him having a drink every now and then to relax was harmless, right?. But he didn't care about specifics now, he was just happy to see his boyfriend. Now, the one specific Kook didn't pay attention to, was that he was drunk early in the morning. He hadn't even slept yet. "Babyyy... miss you."
Every time, Taehyung swore he felt his heart skip a beat when Jungkook’s face showed up on the screen. But unlike usual, his boyfriend appeared less.. vibrant. Even with the shitty internet connection, the eyebags underneath Jungkook’s sullen eyes were clear. Was he not getting enough sleep? ‘Shit, am I calling too early in the mornings?’
The slur in the younger’s voice heightened Taehyung’s worries, who in response brought his phone closer to his face, as if he could further inspect Kook’s situation thousands of miles away. Was he drunk..? “Jungkook-ah.. are you okay?” He seemed out of it, his tangled hair appeared as if he’d ran his fingers through it countless times, pondering about something. Jungkook looked like a hot mess, and not just a ‘I’ve just woken up’ kind. “I— I miss you too, baby. Are you taking care of yourself, though?”
"Yes, 'm good," Kook only spoke a half truth. He was feeling pretty good at the moment, but generally? It was tough as shit. "I just miss you a lot..." Jungkook squinted slightly to focus on the face on his phone screen, a small smile on his lips as he attempted to avoid any discussion deeper than surface level. "You look pretty, baby~ oh! Look at this, I got new e-earrings." Kook brought the camera closer as he showed them off, the reddened hue in his eyes more obvious at this point.
If anyone could tell the symptoms of a drunk, it would be Taehyung. “Cool, new earrings, pretty. Kook, have you been drinking?” Taehyung’s brain couldn’t push it aside any further, it scared the hell out of him to see Jungkook this way. He had to watch his father turn into a drunk after his mother’s death, Tae only hoped his boyfriend was a lot smarter than the man, not relying on alcohol to momentarily solve life’s hurdles. But.. maybe this was a one time thing. Somehow, that option eased Tae’s visible distress. J ungkook wasn’t one to get drunk on the daily, this must be new. “Kook, baby, your earrings are really pretty. I just.. is there a reason why you’re drunk so early in the morning?”
Jungkook scrunched his nose, not even half satisfied with the unenthusiastic response to his new jewelry. Understandable though, he was very unlike his normal self. Well, the self he showed Taehyung. Truth is, Kook had turned to the bottles more frequently as of late due to the constant rejection of finding a job. Life was boring and draining all at once. All he did was work out, hunt for a job, and drink. Occasionally, he'd sit down and draw during these nights-- wondering just how many Taehyung inspired doodles he'd jotted down. "I'm just a bit drunk from last night still, I uh.." he ran his hand through his hair once more, tongue quickly rolling against the inside of his cheek. "Long day yesterday, and a long night.. couldn't sleep." Even if he didn't say specifics, it was still a partial truth once more. He didn't want Tae to worry.. and Kook felt too embarrassed to admit he'd been this unlucky. Who would've thought that not having a proper education would affect you this bad? Well, Jungkook definitely knew.
Taehyung did worry. It was in him to overly worry about his boyfriend’s well being, to constantly ask himself how he was doing, if he was scraping by with the little money he had saved up— if Jungkook was okay. “Hey, you know you can always tell me what’s up, right..? Even if it’s late over here, or if you just need someone to listen to you, I dunno, vent about how much you suck at beating bosses without me. Call me.” Tae meekly sighed, the worry having yet to diminish from his furrowed eyes. “I’m your boyfriend, I wanna listen to everything you have to say no matter how long your day or night was. I’ll listen to every bit of it.”
Jungkook wasn't expecting his eyes to glaze over with a layer of his tears at the words, his doe eyes growing in size as he stared at the man on his screen with nothing but his intoxicated affection. What was he thinking... Maybe he should just be honest. ''Okay,'' he took a quiet breath. ''Today I went to six different places that were hiring... All blatantly just rejected me. And it sucked.'' He chuckled sourly. ''But.. it's fine, it won't last for long.'' He's said this many times before, for months at end. He just hoped soon, luck would be on his side. ''Anyway... can we just talk about you, please? I can't wait to see you..''
“Oh, Kook..” Verbally, Taehyung didn’t know where to start. If he was there, he’d smother Jungkook in kisses, hug him securely until his arms became numb, or walk over to the fridge to fetch him banana milk. Those always seemed to make him feel better, no matter how small. But now that Taehyung was oceans away, he had to rely on his words. That scared the shit out of him; he’s never been quite the ‘motivational’ speaker. “Yeah, I mean, it won’t last long. Those people are dumbasses for letting someone as hardworking and kind like you slip by.” Tae smiled at the camera, “It’ll get better, don’t worry.” Growing tired of laying on his stomach, Taehyung flipped himself around. He stretched his arms out to give his boyfriend a broader view. The faint scar on his forehead was visible now that he laid on his back, but they were both used to it by now. “I can’t wait to see you either. Just a few more days, baby, and we can make up for all of the kisses and sex we missed out on~” The elder sang, thankful his roommate couldn’t understand what he was saying. “No but really, I just.. I can’t wait to hold you. I’ve had to hug my damn pillow to sleep.” Taehyung turned to look at the other man in the room, bringing the phone closer to his lips as if what he was going to tell Jungkook was a secret. “Jayson doesn’t like my snoring like you do.”
“I heard my name!” A pillow came flying at Tae’s face, who just laughed as he aimed it back at him, the urge to sleep no longer knocking at his door.
Jungkook's smile grew, his front teeth on full display on the screen as he chuckled until his shoulders were shaking. ''Yeah, we have a lot of catching up to do...'' He took a deep breath, eyes fixed on the boxy smile on his boyfriend. ''I really miss touching you, kissing you... everything.'' Kook wiggled his eyebrows, running his fingers through his long hair, knowing Tae loves the look of it. ''Ah, just the thought makes me hot.'' Well, and the alcohol still streaming through his veins that amplified his sudden shift in mood. Taehyung might not be the best talker-- but he surely did enough to distract the younger from his troubles by replacing one thought with another.
Figuring it would transcend past their language barrier, Taehyung flipped Jayson off before he discarded the pillow and turned his back to the dramatically offended man. Dedicating his attention to his phone once again, Tae’s fingers swam through his messy hair to fix the damage. A cheeky smile tugged at his lips when he saw Jungkook do the same. “You know what that does to me..” His hair’s gotten so long, it was hot. Really hot. Those earrings fit him nicely, too. “You know what else is hot?” The elder wiggled his brows, building up the unnecessary suspense just for the hell of it. “Me. I’m sweating in here, it’s like they don’t have any air conditioner or something.”
"Well, I know a solution," Jungkook brought the camera closer to his face, wiggling his eyebrows right back at his boyfriend. "but sadly you have a roommate..." he clicked his tongue. "I really want to see you..." Knowing Taehyung would get the hint, Kook leaned back on his couch as he allowed a small hiccup to escape his lips. He really had no shame, and was the alcohol to blame? Only partially, he mused. He'd become less and less embarrassed by things. It was just fun. Especially to keep one hand on his phone, while the other slowly palmed himself through his sweatpants, not allowing Tae to see any of it-- just the light twitches in the youngers eyebrows along with the soft, barely audible sigh that Taehyung knew too well.
“Fuck, Jungkook..” Taehyung bit down on his lip, sneaking a rushed glance over his shoulder. Shit, Jayson was still up; and if he continued to be heavily immersed into that book, it’d be a hell of a while before he goes to sleep. Tae was in no position to have virtual sex with his boyfriend, and Jungkook was purposely dangling a carrot in front of his face, taunting him. “You’re a brat, you know.” The elder nearly let out a grunt at the peek of the younger’s hand, moving vigorously whilst the camera shook slightly. “Making your boyfriend hard so late at night, tsk.” Taehyung’s hips rocked slightly, feeling his cock awaken with every twitch in Jungkook’s blissful face. “Goddamnit— uh, I’ll be going out,” He spoke to his roommate in broken English, throwing on his slippers and coming close to falling down face first onto the ground. Taehyung caught himself, though, rushing out of his dorm in a hurry. The elder pushed on the door to a vacant stairway, leaning his back against the wall. The light was dimmed, but it was enough to see what was going on. “You’re already seeing me baby, you gotta be more specific.” He picked up where they left off, deep voice hushed as he was afraid he’d wake someone up. "What do you wanna see, babe?” One hand snuck down past the waistband of his pants, welcomed by the warmth in his briefs as he toyed with his own cock, rubbing circles onto the swollen head.
Jungkook slouched down further on the couch, half laying down as he pulled his turgid length out to give it a proper stroke, drawing out a quiet groan from his own throat. "Wanna see your dick, babe..." his lips were swelling into a plush pout with the way he kept tugging at them with his teeth, the screen shaking more as he jerked himself off with more vigor. "Wanna see me too? I'm already so wet for you.." Kook didn't wait for a reply before he pressed the button to switch to his back camera, making a show out of the way his veiny hand held his swollen cock in a firm grip. He was practically dripping in precum, the glistening shine amplifying the red hue of his tip. "See what you do to me? Shit, I can't wait for you to come back."
“Oh fuck...” Taehyung’s ragged breathing reached the other line, touching himself to the lewd image on the screen while spreading his precum along the thick girth. “I wanna feel you.” What he’d do to fuck himself on Jungkook’s fat cock; his entrance clenched tightly at the thought. Frustrated, the elder whipped his big dick out. He gasped once it accidentally smacked against the screen, the wet sound too noticeable to ignore. “I don’t know what I want more, baby. To slam into your tight ass until you’re screaming my name, or to ride the shit out of you until I’m crying from how strong you are..” Taehyung lowered the phone to proudly show off his erection, throwing his head back against the wall as he put his hand to work. Soft, raspy moans emitted from his throat as more precum oozed out of him, some dripping down to the floor.
"We will do both when you're back, for sure-- oh my god, you're so fucking hot.." Jungkook flipped the camera again, angling so that Tae was able to see Kooks face and cock in one from above, the constant slick sounds of their hands and groans echoing from both of the boys' speakers. Actually, it was quite surprising. Jungkook wasn't that into the idea of cybersex at first, which made the first time a bit awkward when they tried. But the more they did it-- which was as often as possible, Jungkook had discovered that he was quite the filthy mouth. He loved seeing Taehyung's reactions to the dirty talk that Jungkook provided; and it surely did the same to him.
His boyfriend’s far from stable voice paired with the way his own cock twitched in his slick hand had Taehyung grunting, even moaning at the image on his screen. This came naturally for Jungkook, and it drove the elder insane. “Shit, a-are you close?” He followed after him, displaying his throbbing cock and face at once. The sounds of his sore hand sliding easily across his length were clearer than ever, and Taehyung didn’t know how much longer he’d last if they kept this up. “Baby, ‘m gonna cum..” Desperately trying to get himself to let go of the ledge, Tae picked up the pace, not caring that his moans were uncontrollably loud.
''Yes, cum babe-- I'm so close too.. fuck, I want you so bad,'' Jungkook nods hurriedly, the glistening sweat on his forehead catching strings of his dark curls to stick to his skin. ''I wish I could cum all over your face, your body, s-shit, shit...'' He moaned, throwing his head back to display his strained neck, swallowing tightly as he stroked himself at a brutal pace, feeling his thigh muscles tense up. His hips were bucking up into his hand, eyes completely transfixed on his boyfriend until a dragged out, throaty moan echoed in Taehyung's speaker. Several ropes of cum gushed from Kook's swollen tip, some dribbling down to his hand, some pooling at his stomach. " Fuck, I'm cumming so much--Tae...'' He closed his eyes, the phone shaking in his hold as he kept stroking himself until he was completely emptied.
“Wanna feel you cum inside of me..” Taehyung tugged at his lower lip with his teeth, trying to silence the very moans that could get him caught. “A-ah, fuck..” The second he hazily saw his boyfriend crumble down to a pathetic mess, was the moment his own orgasm drew out a deep, drained cry of alleviation. Strings of cum burst onto his front camera, his screen, and the floor underneath him. “Cum baby, shit that’s hot..” Taehyung’s slick hand soon came to a bumpy halt, instead focusing on catching his lost breaths. He opened his lust-invaded eyes a few seconds later, the darkness within them slowly vanishing to its hiding spot. The elder wiped away the cum off his phone, now able to see Jungkook’s worn out state more clearly. “You look hot as fuck with those earrings, Kook.” Taehyung quietly whimpered as he tucked himself back in, grimacing slightly at the sticky cum latching on to his hand. “I wanna see them dangle next time I’m under you.” Despite his lewd words, a content sigh led to a pleased smile. Shit, Tae really needed an outlet of some sort to let out some steam, and this was the perfect solution. Classes were stressful as fuck, and his calls with Jungkook always made him feel better. “Love you. Really wish I wasn’t saying that to your dick right now.” Tae lazily smirked, unable to see Kook’s face past the pole on the screen.
Jungkook's breathy laugh echoed in the room, bringing the phone up to his face that was a satisfied mess, curls sticking to his skin and every other direction. "I'll get longer earrings for you then.. I love you more." He carelessly wiped his sticky hand on the fabric of his pants before a yawn emitted from his lips. "I'm getting sleepy... I really wish you were here. Can't wait to see you." He pouted towards the camera, "I imagine you would jump into my arms at the airport, I'll carry you home." With that in mind, the little doe eyed boy was anything but small by now. His muscle mass had kept growing while Tae was gone, and by now he knew that his boyfriend would swoon even harder with the way he always loved the younger's strength.
“I’ll be home soon, Kook.” The elder smiled, wishing he was there to brush away the curls clinging to Jungkook’s forehead. “I will hold you to that. From how tired I’ll be, you might just have to carry me home.”
Taehyung had been counting down the days he’d be able to see Jungkook in person again— to jump into his boyfriend’s arms like Kook had envisioned. The anticipated day seemed like it’d never come, but when it was finally time for him to board on a plane back home, Tae was ecstatic! The thirteen hour flight was quick to tear down his initial enthusiasm, but knowing Jungkook would be waiting for him at the finish line was enough of a boost to get him going. Hours flew by with him eating, staring blankly at the seat ahead, sleeping, and repeating. It’d become kind of a routine by now.. Taehyung was struggling to stay awake throughout the last few minutes, but the moment the voice on the speaker announced they’d landed safely, Tae’s eyes shot wide open. He was back home, to Jungkook. The elder hadn’t seen his boyfriend in months, which naturally felt like years on his end.
Once he’d gotten checked in and found his luggage, Taehyung practically speed-walked to the area that had Kook waiting for him. His heart was pounding. It almost felt like he was back in their school’s common room, anxiously rocking on his feet as he craned his neck, searching for those doe eyes among the crowd. There were other couples that were reunited; a girl jumped into a man’s arms, some held out big ‘Welcome Back!’ signs, and others had bouquets of flowers meant for the other person. Taehyung didn’t care about any of that, he just wanted to hug the shit out of his boyfriend. Maybe even kiss him in front of all these people..
Jungkook was anxious, the last couple hours of waiting was absolutely dreadful. Back home, he'd rushed around to clean up at the last minute for his boyfriend's arrival. Luckily, he'd gotten his drivers license done with the amount of free time he'd gotten lately. After endless begging for the fact that Kook wanted to go by himself, he was allowed to borrow Yoongi's not so new, new crappy car. Finally, the moment Jungkook had been longing for arrived as he stood behind the crowd, anxiously shifting his weight between his feet. The very second he saw the flow of people coming through the gate of the flight Taehyung was on, his doe eyes searched for the face he's been missing every single second for months on end.
"Taehyung!" Kook chirped out through the crowd as he scuffed through when he pointed out his person. The butterflies practically exploding in his chest was overwhelming, his entire body moving on it's own towards Tae with large arms reaching out for him along with the brightest toothy smile on his lips.
“Jungk— woah, hey there.” Before Taehyung had any time to register the direction of where his name came from, he looked ahead only to see his boyfriend practically lunging himself at him. “Baby, you’re loud.” Tae softly chuckled, not wasting any time before neglecting his luggage, instead wrapping his arms tight around the younger’s waist. Fuck, he’d missed him so much.. The mild scent of his clothes, his soft locks, everything ranging from big to small. “Shit, I-I missed you. A lot.” Taehyung pulled away to cup Jungkook’s pretty face in between his hands, his faint smile morphed into a boxy grin before he took a big leap of faith and molded their lips together. The elder led the kiss, slow and steady, not worried about the ruckus of people surrounding them. Taehyung was just happy to be back home, and he was going to show it the only way he knew how.
Jungkook's arms wrapped around Taehyung's smaller back to pull him back in, he craved to feel their chests pressing together once more as he had to hold back with every fibre of his being not to devour Taehyung whole. It was a sweet moment, yes, but Jungkook had been starved of the physical affection he's so fond of for months. Softly, he kissed his boyfriend back, but the desperation behind the way he kept going back in for more was evident. ''I missed you too, so much.'' The younger finally said when their kiss came to an end, pulling back just enough to be able to look at each other. Taehyung looked so good, a bit more tan than when he'd left. His face looked fuller, like he'd gained a little bit of weight, and his hair had grown-- just like his own. Tae looked so different, yet he was exactly the same. ''You look pretty.'' Kook scrunched his nose, leaning in to kiss the small mole on his boyfriend's nose, ''You must be so tired. Wanna get out of here?''
As fast as lightning, Taehyung’s head bobbed in agreement. All he’d done was sit in a plane, yet every inch of him was longing for a nap. Turns out, airplane seats weren’t the most comfortable. “How did you get here, by the way. Did one of the guys give you a ride?” The elder spoke too soon, one of his brows arched in question when he saw Jungkook unlock the doors of a car he’s never seen before. “Kook... what’s this?” He chuckled. His boyfriend’s never told him he’d learned how to drive. Still confused, Taehyung threw his light baggage into the trunk of the car, walking around to situate himself on the passenger’s seat. This felt.. odd. Tae was used to being the one who drove them places. Seeing Jungkook in the driver’s seat was new, to say the least. He’d gotten used to it, though. The few minutes he’d seen Jungkook driving with one strong hand on the wheel, the veins in his forearm sticking out. The way his brows furrowed in utter concentration..
It was a lie, Taehyung wasn’t used to it. It’d gotten to a point where Tae couldn’t take staring anymore, his drowsiness replaced with lust. “Pull over.” He ordered in his deep voice, squeezing Jungkook’s thigh. “I’m gonna suck your dick.” It was straightforward, but the elder wasn’t going to beat around the bush anymore.
Jungkook's lips parted in a light gasp when he felt Taehyung's firm grip on his thigh, glancing over at his boyfriend with raised eyebrows. ''R-right now?'' From the look in Taehyung's eyes, that seemed to be the case, the urgency in them non negotiable. They were half way home, but the lust stirring in both of them had them both too impatient. Kook pulled over and parked in a more secluded area by a simple gas station, not much people around as it was rather late. Jungkook turned the engine off before turning to properly look at Taehyung, snapping his seatbelt off within the same motion. ''Missed me that bad?'' He smiled coyly, leaning back in his seat to spread his legs a bit, showing off the already half hard erection that remained hidden underneath his pants.
“Mhm.” Taehyung thrusted his seatbelt to the side, placing one hand on each of Jungkook’s thighs as he leveled himself down in front of the younger, on his knees like a good boy. Gazing up at him through his eyelashes, Tae took his time when dragging down his boyfriend’s zipper with his teeth, holding a show despite their eagerness. “You learned how to drive?” His rough hand snuck into Jungkook’s boxers, the corner of his lips twitching up into a sly smirk once he’d finally gotten to feel Kook’s cock. The last few months of cybersex had him foaming at the mouth. He was always left pleased, but not as pleased as he could’ve been. The elder wanted more than to simply see Jungkook’s dick on the screen, no, he needed to touch. “You look so hot driving, babe..” Taehyung excitedly pulled out Jungkook’s hardened shaft, eyes twinkling with a sea of mischief. “So fucking hot.. shit.” He pressed a chaste kiss onto the tip. “Look at you, learning how to drive so you could pick up your boyfriend at the airport.” Tae stamped another open mouthed kiss on the swollen head, his fingers curling tighter around the base. “Missed this cock so fucking much..” He left a trail of wet kisses along the sides, running his tongue along the veins that traveled within the soft skin.
"Yeah, wanted to pick you up myself..." Kook nodded, his breath quickly getting heavier with each second watching Tae get to work that passed. "Missed your mouth so much, Tae.." Jungkooks gaze was fixed on the show that Taehyung was putting on for him, unable to hold back his audible sighs in pleasure. He could tell that Tae missed him, or rather; feel it. The needy look in his eyes told him that much, and kook's eyes mirrored it a thousand fold. "Fuck, yes... put it in your mouth babe, please..." The tease drove him mad way too quickly, the patience thrown out the window the moment Taehyung got on his knees. All Jungkook could think about was to feel his cock wrapped in the wet, fleshy warmth of his boyfriend's mouth.
The elder did as he was told— after teasing Jungkook some more; licking and squeezing at the rigid, sensitive skin. Then, Tae supposed enough was enough. Even he was getting awfully impatient. “Hmm~” The vibrations of his echoing hums spread flat along Jungkook’s cock, same as his tongue while Taehyung slowly bobbed his head, stroking the rest of what he couldn’t fit in his mouth. His other hand snuck underneath Jungkook’s shirt, feeling around the tight muscles he’d once dreamed of touching when he was away. Now, it was his reality. The elder’s soft inhales clashed against his boyfriend’s pubic region with every backward gliding motion, followed by noticeable exhales alongside every downward drag. He loved taking his time with this man, every twitch of his dick was to die for.
"Ah, fuck that feels good..." More than good, it felt fucking amazing. Jungkook had no restraint regarding any attempt to hold his throaty moans back, loudly exclaiming the pleasure Taehyung's mouth put him through. "I love you, I love your mouth.. shit i missed it so much." He hastily murmured between ragged breaths, one hand running through the dark locks hanging freely on Tae's head, gently keeping his hair tangled between his fingers. Kook hadn't felt this sensation in such a long time that he almost forgot how amazing it was compared to his own hand, his cock already growing to full size inside of Taes mouth, twitching desperately as well as profusely coating his boyfriend's tongue with precum.
Whether it was the soreness building up in his jaw, how challenging it was to breathe with every dip of his head, or the simple hunger for the taste of Jungkook’s burst of cum; Taehyung was dead set on alleviating his boyfriend free of the pent up energy he had stored throughout his body— especially his dick. He could feel Kook’s cock twitching, as if the attention it was getting was beginning to be too much. It drove Tae to suck him off faster, harder, sloppier. His eyes glistened over with a layer of unshed tears, the relentless deep-throating finally taking its toll on him. “Hmm..!” He looked up at his boyfriend, practically begging him to cum with one desperate gaze. Taehyung longed to taste the salty yet faintly sweet flavor of Jungkook’s load, hoping it would quench the dryness in his abused throat.
Jungkook's jaw hung open in awe, the eyes meeting his own from below looking desperately needy for his cum. Fuck, it was so hot; Kook knew he was unable to hold it any longer than this. Besides, there was really no need to, the elder was more than ready to be rewarded for his hard work. "Gonna cum, gonna cum, oh god...." Jungkook's words were shaking just like his entire body, the hand in Taehyung's hair tightening the grip to bring him down on his cock simultaneously with the way the younger bucked his hips upwards. Only a few more thrusts were needed before Jungkook's hips stuttered, thighs tensing up as his cum gushed out of his throbbing length to fill up Taehyung's mouth. "Tae, fuuuck yes...." he hissed with a throaty groan, leaning his head back as he licked his chapped lips.
Taehyung’s eyes widened at the sudden gush of cum, the blurry pair gradually coming down to their original, hooded shape once his tongue had gotten familiar with the taste. It was just as he remembered; tangy with a hint of sweet. He pulled away from Jungkook’s glistening cock with a ‘pop’, staring up at the younger as he willingly swallowed the rest of his warm load. Tae’s tongue swiped over his swollen lips, claiming the last bit of cum that lingered around the corners. Noticing that Jungkook’s dick was still oozing with delicious cum, he leaned back in to wrap his plush lips around the tip, cheeks profusely adorned with a hue of red as his wet tongue circled around the head; giving it a proper cleanup.
A soft, content sigh emitted from Jungkook, hips twitching slightly when Tae cleans up his sensitive cock from the aftermath of his orgasm. "Wow.." is all he could muster to say, that was probably the best oral he's ever received ever. Scrap that, it definitely was the best. Kook glanced down at his boyfriend as the haze of lust slowly dispersed, the doe eyes filled with affection replacing it. He loosens his grip in Taes hair to comb his fingers through it, down to caress his cheek. "I love you." His small smile grew, "so much. Get up here and let me kiss you."
The elder wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, finishing tucking Jungkook back in before he rose up from his knees, straddling his boyfriend’s lap. It was a tight space, but he liked it that way. All Taehyung wanted was to spend a week glued onto Jungkook’s side, knowing he’d regret it if he hadn’t spent every waking second with his favorite person. He only had a week, after all. Tae was going to make sure it was the best week yet. “I love you more.” He moved his slightly swollen lips against Jungkook’s chapped ones, wrapping his arms tight around the younger’s neck to bring him even closer, feeling the rhythmic pattern of their warm chests rise and fall against one another. This was something he missed, a lot. Taehyung withdrew from their gentle kiss after his breathing turned scarce, slender fingers lightly fidgeting with the silver hoops in Kook’s ears. “Is this your car? It’s almost as shitty as mine.”
"It's Yoongi's, I can't afford a car.." Jungkook chuckled, the undertone of his words a bit sour. He really wanted one of his own, but finding a job had been a shitty experience thus far. Losing hope was an understatement, but it wasn't gone. "I like your car more." He adds with a wider smile as he leans in closer, placing small kisses along Taes jaw to soothe the light aching from all the sucking he'd done. "Ready to go home?" Kook asks as he's practically holding Taehyung like he had no intention of letting go, contradicting his every word. He wanted to tell his boyfriend close for the entire week; itll suck to be alone for a second time, so every single second together matters.
Considering Yoongi lived close to their apartment, Taehyung insisted they hand the boy back his car (before they dirty it even more). Tae still couldn’t believe he sucked his boyfriend off in someone else’s car. It wasn’t the ideal setting, but Yoongi didn’t have to know.. Walking wouldn’t be a problem, Taehyung didn’t have an awful lot of baggage to carry— two, actually. He’d missed the familiarity of the streets; the small Noodle Shop owned by an older lady, a questionable tattoo parlor right around the corner, and the delicious aroma of fried food. He’d missed everything about his home; America was good.. but it wasn’t the same.
“Taehyung, dude, you there?” Yoongi’s deep voice snapped him out of it. Confused, Tae blinked a couple of times before he advanced back to reality. “I said,” The eldest crossed his arms, “you guys didn’t fuck or anything in my car, right?”
The look on Taehyung’s face was one of pure horror, as if he’d just seen a ghost right through Yoongi’s narrowed eyes. Or worse, as if he’d just been told that strawberries ceased to exist anymore.
“Wha— dude, no! That’s..” He cleared his throat, sneaking an ‘oh shit, we’re fucked’ side glance at Jungkook. “That’s g-gross.”
The mint-haired male found his anguish amusing. “Tae, calm down. I was just joking, I know you guys are classier than that or whatever.” A faint laugh slipped past his lips. Taehyung’s tense shoulders gradually fell down to their natural, less strained position. “Ah, of course. I knew that, we’re extremely classy when it comes to our sex spots. The classiest.” Now it was Taehyung’s turn to be amused, and a bit relieved. Still chuckling under his breath, Yoongi mindlessly waved the boys off before disappearing into his home, clueless about the truth.. Taehyung didn’t feel that guilty.
“Shit, that was close.” He turned to look at Jungkook, breaking out into a cheeky grin from the jittery rush of it all. “Come on, let’s get out of here before he realizes.” With that being said, Tae’s hand latched onto his boyfriend’s before he led them both to their home.
"Yeah!" Jungkook chimes while he interlocks his fingers with Taehyungs, keeping their palms tightly pressed together as they head home. The familiar surroundings seemed to amaze Tae, the look in his eyes one of wonder and awe. "Welcome back home, baby." Jungkook sang out as he unlocked the familiar door, the light creak noise it made as it opened a sound they've both heard at least a million times. He held the door open for Tae, ushering him to get inside his newly deep cleaned apartment.
“Woah, Kook.. you cleaned.” Taehyung muttered as though that was a big shock. And it was, a little bit. Their apartment looked brand new, definitely less cluttered than when he left.. He let go of his luggage, stuffing his large hands into his pockets before taking a tranquil stroll around the place, indulging himself in the overly familiar sight of it all. They made a lot of memories here, and walking back into such space after a long time was revitalizing for his soul. Maybe Taehyung had grown up, but damn did he miss it. It didn’t compare to the place he’d been staying at for the last few months. With a lopsided smile, Tae turned to face Jungkook, walking towards him with outstretched arms. “Angel, first the driving and now cleaning? You’re the best.” The elder leaned in to press a quick kiss onto Kook’s puckered lips, ignoring the fact that it sounded as if they were an old, married couple.
“Hello! Welcome back!” Taehyung craned his neck to the side, seeing three dear faces peek past the open doorway. Of course.
“Taehyung-ah, you look so tan and healthy! Like freshly baked bread.” Jisoo happily exclaimed, inviting herself in to hug Tae, tiptoeing to her full potential. It was weird how much their feelings towards one another changed during the span of a few months, but it was for the best. Jisoo was his friend’s girlfriend, and his boyfriend’s close friend, Taehyung had to toughen up.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” He laughed, withdrawing from her hug to shake Joon’s hand, leaning down slightly to kiss Yuna’s chubby cheek. Oh yeah, the elder wasn’t extremely afraid of babies anymore. The little girl had grown on him.
“So come on, are you fluent in English now or what?” Namjoon joked, the dimples in his cheeks sinking deeper when he leaned in for a proper hug, careful to not squish Yuna in between them.
“A little bit.” Tae responded in the little English he knew, smirking when they’d seemed impressed. The pair definitely knew how to amp up his confidence.
“Jungkookie, are you thrilled?” Jisoo grinned, playfully nudging her shoulder against his.
''I barely slept, I was too excited to pick him up.'' Jungkook's bunny-like grin grew as he reached out to pull Taehyung closer once more, hugging him from behind. He placed his chin on the elders shoulder, squeezing his arms around him. ''But worth.''
''You guys wanna do something tomorrow? Like, get dinner or something.'' Namjoon suddenly asks, he'd missed seeing the two boys together. ''We could bring the group together, they've missed this.'' He gestured over the younger boys tightly squeezed together, his dimpled smile growing as he glanced over at Jisoo; who hurriedly nodded in agreement.
''Hmm..'' Jungkook had missed out on having a good meal for a while. His hands found Taehyung's fiddling with his long fingers between his own. ''I bet you've missed korean food, I'm down to go.''
“Fuck— missed is an understatement, Kook.” Taehyung uncomfortably twisted his neck to look at his boyfriend, further flaunting his excitement with the obvious glint in his eyes.
“Language, Tae. We have virgin ears in the room.” Namjoon scolded, pointing down at a perplexed Yuna. She looked as if she’d just woken up from a nap.
“Ah, forgot.” Taehyung unlatched himself from Jungkook’s hold, extending out his arms towards the little girl in Joon’s protective hold.
“You’ve gotten heavy, Yuna.” Tae noted, “Uncle Tae will have to come by more often so I don’t miss out on too much.” He’d missed everyone; Tae wanted to catch up, figure out what’s been going on with their busy lives. How's it going with Hoseok and his longtime girlfriend; is she still saving herself for marriage?
Jin. The latter wanted to open up his own bakery shop; is that still his plan?
What happened to Jimin and that crush of his? Did he finally make a move like he’s been meaning to?
Lastly, Yoongi. Now that Taehyung thought about it.. the elder never really spoke about his ambitions.. Who knew what went on in his hyung’s head half the time. Catching up over dinner sounded like the perfect place to ask him what he’d been meaning to do after high school.
“Great! Then it’s a plan.” Jisoo smiled, clasping her hands in complete enthusiasm. Namjoon and Jisoo waved their temporary goodbyes after finalizing tomorrow's plan. Jungkook closed and locked the door behind them before turning and approaching Taehyung once more, reaching out to brush his long curls out of his eyes.
''Are you hungry? It's pretty late, but... You've only survived on airplane food for the past twelve hours.'' He shrugged. ''I don't have much, as usual, but I do have some leftover lunch boxes from Jisoo..'' He inched closer to get a good look at Tae's face, the long hours of travelling evident in the dark circles adorning his eyes. ''It's bulgogi and rice... It's de-li-cious.''
“It sounds de-li-cious,” Taehyung cutely mocked his boyfriend’s singsong voice, pulling away to stroll into the small kitchen. “I’ll heat up one plate for the both of us. I’m not too hungry.” The elder reached to pull on the fridge door’s handle, crouching down to look for the food, but instead he was faced with various bottles of alcohol. There was beer, wine, rum— a bit of everything. “Uh, baby? Why’s there so much alcohol in our fridge?” Taehyung tried to play off his mild concern with a lighthearted chuckle, mind suddenly racing back to his boyfriend’s drunken state in one of their FaceTime calls. “There’s like, nothing else to drink.” He looked up at Jungkook from his crouched position, facial expression becoming serious.
Ah. That. Shit.
''Yeah, uh...'' Jungkook stood by the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, not sure what to say to his defence. The expression on Taehyung's face said enough, he wasn't pleased at all; and with all rights, Kook knew he wasn't fond of alcohol in the same way. ''It's nothing, I just drink sometimes.'' He shrugged, hoping it would be enough. What young adult doesn't drink these days, right? ''There's probably a soda in there.'' He approached the fridge, digging through the clinking bottles to pull out a coca cola bottle made of glass, wiggling it in front of his boyfriend. He used his foot to quickly close the fridge, hoping he'd let it go.
Taehyung gently swatted the coca cola bottle away from his face, contemplating opening the fridge door once again but he simply straightened his posture, now at the same eye level with Jungkook. He’d already seen enough. “Sometimes? Kook, booze is basically all you have in there.” Tae didn’t care if his boyfriend drank. Hell, even he enjoyed the wonders of alcohol once in a while. But this fridge.. it looked an awful lot like the one back home. “Just.. promise me you’re drinking responsibly? That’s all I wanna know.” He sounded like such a dad, but Taehyung wanted nothing more than to protect Jungkook at this moment. Alcoholism was a touchy subject for him, and Tae hoped he wouldn’t get to see his boyfriend fall down the same hole he’d seen another man get sucked into in the past.
Jungkook felt the guilt welling up in his gut at the worry in Taehyung's eyes, the grip around the cola bottle tightening slightly. Truth was, he did drink more often than he probably would ever admit to, but he was not going to tell his boyfriend that. He didn't want to cause another worry, he was just going to be here for one week-- and he'd like their time together to be happy moments only. ''I promise.'' Kook clearly said, trying his best to keep his face straight. He decided he wouldn't drink at all during this-- maybe even quit completely. Couldn't be that hard, right? ''Don't worry. I'm not out of control.''
“Good.” Taehyung had no other option but to trust him; Jungkook’s never lied to him before. If his boyfriend was starting to form an unhealthy drinking habit, Kook would tell him in a heartbeat. Taehyung was confident he didn’t have anything to worry about, if the youngest promised, then he had no reason to doubt him.
“Alright, let’s eat something before heading to bed then. I’m tired.”
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Frosted Glass: Part 1
Description: Yoongi is in love with the princess of another land, and he’s given the opportunity to court her, with the help of his brothers. You are the princess of the country south of the frozen kingdom, but you’ve gotten a deadly disease and your only home is to venture and live in the icy north. Will Yoongi be able to win your hand with the help of his brothers?
Warnings: N/A
Posted: 01/25/2020
Tags: Yoongi x reader, Prince!Yoong, Prince!Jaebum, Prince!Yesung, Prince!Yeonjun, Prince!Hwall, Frost Prince, Jack Frost! Yoongi
?: 1,255 words
A/N: I’ve been working on this for a while, I really hope you guys like it. It’s going to be alternating views for each part. This part is Yoongi, next is Y/n. I chose guys from other bands to be his brothers, and I chose people I thought looked at least a little like they were related. I really hope you guys like it, idk if I could stand this being a flop.
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Yoongi drew designs on the window panes, knowing that in just a little while she would wake up and rush to see what he had drawn before the sun came and destroyed the delicate designs that she loved. He loved this time of year, especially in this part of the kingdom. His secret morning conversations with the princess.
Her face appeared on the other side of the glass, looking tired. Pale.
She visibly sighed, looking over the incomplete design that he didn’t dare finish now that she was awake earlier than normal. She had bags under her eyes, and her nose was red. Her hair a mess around her shoulders instead of the loose braid she normally wore. She also held a blanket around her shoulders like a cape.
He frowned a bit, able to see that she was sick, and wishing he could fix it. But he couldn’t.
She touched the pane, making a clear spot in the middle of some of the thicker frost.
Yoongi almost pressed his own hand to the glass as her body was wracked with coughs that he could hear through the glass, so intense that she was crouched on the floor gasping for breath.
Maids came rushing in, some helping her up and back to the bed while another snapped the heavy curtains shut, shutting Yoongi off from the princess he had grown up with.
He floated to the ground, frowning at the grass as he walked toward the forest.
“Winter can’t come fast enough,” One of the gardeners was saying as they group headed toward the orchard. “I heard the princess caught that illness, the one that witch created. Only extreme cold has been able to stop it.
Yoongi winced as they walked through him, looking after them as the two that walked through him shivered.
“Well, looks like the frost-man has been here. Might get that cold sooner rather than later this year. Otherwise someone might have to take the princess to Old Man Winter, and she’d never come back from that. Everyone knows he’s trying to find princesses for the Frost Princes.”
“Really? Well, they’re the closest kingdom anyway. The others are a couple days sailing after a two week trek through Bomnal Pass, which is in the snow kingdom anyway. Be nice to have a sort of alliance with them. Might make traveling through easier.”
“But, they’re not exactly human, are they?”
“Not our problem. The Princess will die otherwise. She’s the youngest daughter anyway. It’s probably the best she could do.”
Yoongi had heard enough, taking to the air and heading back to the castle.
His older brother, Yesung, was waiting on the balcony to Yoongi’s room.
Yoongi touched down and knew he was in for a talking to.
But Yesung didn’t say a word, looking out at their world, glistening in frost.
“Hyung?” Yoongi asked, a little nervous.
“Hiding,” He explained. “Delegation from the Desert Isles.”
Yoongi shuddered. “Where’s Jaebum and Yeonjun?”
Yesung flipped up a sheet of ice, then flicked it away to shatter on the ground below. “On their way. Where have you been?”
“Our neighbor’s kingdom. It’s frost season there.”
“You went and saw her again, didn’t you?” Yesung sighed, shaking his head.
“Hyung,” Yoongi started, hearing how small his voice had gotten. “She has the summer sickness.”
Yesung looked at him, standing up straight and turning to lean against the rail instead. “That’s the one where they die without cold?”
Yoongi nodded.
Jaebum and Yeonjun came into Yoongi’s room without knocking, both looking slightly terrified.
“They had to go to the hearth-room, and the prince was throwing a fit,” Yeonjun explained, looking apologetic. “But I got a letter from Hyunjoon. He’s going to be home next week for break, then go back to finish, then be home for winter solstice.”
“Good, it’s about time he came home.” Jaebum came out and leaned on the balcony looking out. “Feels warmer today.”
Yoongi wasn’t sure, but he had just come from a warmer place entirely. “Hwall say anything about how he was doing at the academy?”
“Father told us he was graduating at breakfast,” Yesung informed him, a hint of reproach in his voice. “Jaebum covered for you. Again.”
Yoongi nodded, meeting Jaebum’s gaze and dipping his head in thanks to his younger brother.
Yeonjun was still smiling. “How is the southern kingdom?”
“The princess has Yeolbing Fever,” Yesung said dryly. “Which means it’s only a matter of time before we either have to pay our respects, or we’ll be welcoming them to our kingdom. And then one of you will be marrying her. Father will be pleased if that does happen. Might send an invitation beforehand.”
“What about you?” Yeonjun asked.
Yesung looked at Yeonjun, then met Yoongi’s gaze. “The King of Godeuleum is to marry a princess of the Ice Mountains. My mother was an Ice Princess. My wife will be as well.” Yesung didn’t look at them as he said that.
Yeonjun’s gaze fell.
Yoongi knew his oldest brother meant nothing by it, just pointing out the tradition of the kingdom. But it was another reminder that Yoongi and his three younger brothers were all born from a woman that the kingdom didn’t see as a proper queen. They were respected, but it was very clear that Yesung was the crown prince. The younger brothers would earn respect by doing things that would make the kingdom prosper. The age gap was the biggest issue between the brothers. And Yoongi had taken the brunt of any sort of backlash from the citizens of their kingdom, carefully protecting his younger brothers however he could.
“Then maybe we should propose inviting the princess for that intent to father. He would like our initiative.” Jaebum let a hand drop on Yeonjun’s shoulder.
“He would question where we got the information,” Yesung countered stoically.
“Then we don’t tell him about her being ill, we just suggest that there could be a benefit in making an alliance with the only country we share a border with,” Yoongi proposed. “If I’m right, then by the time our message arrives at their castle by traditional courier—which father prefers—they’ll be desperate to cure her. She’s the third princess of the kingdom and sixth in line for the throne. An alliance with our kingdom would be to their advantage.”
“You cannot propose it, he’ll know where you’ve been,” Yesung said, shrugging a little.
“He knows I’m studying geography, I could ask him about her kingdom,” Yeonjun offered, glancing toward Yesung for approval.
“Or Jaebum could suggest it since he’s been reviewing our current treaties and past alliances,” Yoongi suggested instead. “Father would know we were planning this if you brought it up suddenly.”
Jaebum nodded. “I’ll do it. It’ll be natural since we know that Hyunjoon is coming home after the winter-solstice, and that maybe makes us think that we should start thinking about marriage. He will have a problem with you not being married first, though, Yesung-hyung.”
He nodded curtly. “Give me a week. I’ll head up the Ice Mountains.”
Yoongi felt a little bit of relief and excitement. “Thank you, hyung.”
His older brother shook his head. “Don’t thank me yet. She has to survive to get here. And who knows who she’ll end up with.”
Yoongi dipped his head as his brother passed, exiting his room, but he felt a strange sort of happiness. He had an advantage. Y/n was one of his oldest friends, after all.
Next Part
Masterlist.  Yoongi Masterpost.
Tagging: @alex--awesome--22​  @bryvada​  @missmoxxiesworld​  @knjhe​
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softjeon · 6 years
Cinnamon and fairy dust | Pt. 5
• Pairing: elf!Jungkook x Taehyung • Genre: Fluff (with a little bit of angst) | elf!AU ( → Gifset Trailer) • Words: 6,9k | Co-Writer: Cat @cassiavioletblue​ • Disclaimer: mentioning of violence / smut
↳  There are no things such as fairy tales, magical reindeers that could fly, fairies and Christmas elves - at least Taehyung believed so. But everything was about to change, when Jungkook offered him shelter from a snowstorm and a sweet, hot cocoa, wondering about the boy who hated Christmas so much. Nothing that a bit of fairy dust couldn’t fix, right?
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Kim Taehyung hated Christmas. As a child it always had been full of wonders and nowadays he hated the social deception, Christmas music, spending way too much money on presents for people he didn’t even really care about - until today. When he stood close by Jungkook, the fairies flying around them happily, Taehyung felt like in a dream each time. He loved his smile, his laugh, his ability to make people happy with the smallest of gestures. Jungkook was pure and everything Taehyung wanted.
Leaning against the wall, Taehyung watched Jungkook packing away a cake, wrapping a beautiful bow around the box as he flashed the man in front of him the most precious smile. Taehyung almost had stumbled over to kiss him again, when an annoyed voice shook him out of his stupor.
“No…no, that’s not how I ordered it!” He said grumpily, pointing at the décor of the cake, “Can’t you do a simple task? The old bakery always just did it, just like I ordered it. If I say I want something extra…then you can put some extra shit on it. I won’t pay for more!”
Jungkook's smile fell and he looked completely shook. “Oh! I’m so sorry if I made a mistake. What was it that you ordered? I’m sure I can fix it in a minute, if that’s okay?” The man was one of the last customers of the day and he had made plans with Tae (that’s why the other was already waiting for him to close the bakery) but if he had accidentally ruined someone’s cake by using the wrong decoration then of course he would do everything to fix it. Apologizing again he quickly opened the box to see what he would need to change.
“Forget it kid,” He huffed in an annoyed tone and looked the other up and down. The customer almost threw the money over the counter, mumbling something about the baker, before he closed the door with a loud noise.
Taehyung was shaking with anger, ready to fight him as soon as Jungkook would tell him to. “It was perfect,” He gritted through his teeth as he stomped over to the door of the shop, closing it and turning around Jungkook’s sign that said ‘closed’ now. “Is he always like that?” Taehyung turned towards Jungkook, opening his arms for the younger to get into his embrace, “It’s Christmas…god damn it, show some respect!” Taehyung was still shaking from the anger.
Jungkook wasn’t angry at all just a little sad that the customer hadn’t let him fix his ‘mistake’, it had completely gotten over his head that the man had just started this to yell at him for no other reason than him being an ass and that there wasn’t anything that Jungkook had done wrong.
Therefore, he also didn’t get why Tae was so angry. “What do you mean? You don’t like Christmas either, do you? And… yes, he’s a little grumpy but I would be upset as well if someone didn't make the cake as I had ordered it. I just... I can’t explain how that could happen, I always write down the customers wishes right away. Maybe I mixed it up with someone else’s order?” The elf looked horrified at the thought of making another customer unhappy.
Taehyung pulled Jungkook into his arms and kissed him on his hair, before he answered. “Yeah, yeah, I hate Christmas, too but still…at least pretend,” Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, before he hooked a finger underneath the elf’s chin and kissed him sweetly. “He was just an ass, honestly. Probably had a bad day and took it out on you,” He explained and sighed, before turning Jungkook in his embrace but not letting him go. Tae was clinging onto the younger like a koala, pursing his lips into a pout, “Now…don’t think about him again…and clean up. I didn’t bring my tablet to watch movies alone.”
Jungkook cocked his head, not really sure if he agreed with Tae’s logic. Wasn’t pretending a lot like lying? However, if he was totally honest than pretending to be a human with hiding his ears was some form of lying as well so he probably shouldn’t judge other forms of pretense that easily. He listened to Tae carefully and then nodded, hurrying off to clean the counters and put the cupcakes, sweets and cookies away. He just needed to do the absolutely necessary stuff as he would come back here before sunrise to prepare everything for another day of selling Christmas goods laced with magic.
But the best part was, seeing Taehyung waiting for him with the biggest smile on his face. The older had prepared his tablet, arranged the cushions more comfortable for them to cuddle on the mattress. While Jungkook was hurrying into the bathroom, to take a quick shower and get off all the flour from a busy day, Taehyung had prepared a warm cup of tea and a few snacks. “It’s starting,” He said, munching on some sweets, when he held out his hand for Jungkook to take pulling him right beside him. Taehyung kissed Jungkook’s ears, as he settled into his embrace, leaning back against his chest. He loved to do it and sometimes. Just like now…he was kissing them a lot…nibbling sweetly on them, all while Taehyung couldn’t get enough of Jungkook’s soft skin.
Jungkook loved what he called ‘being human’ with Tae, watching movies with actors he absolutely didn’t know, snacking on all of Tae’s favorite things (the older had made it his mission to introduce him to the world of late-night-snacking which was a completely new thing for Jungkook considering he could live off fruits and nuts only, even less if he needed) and of course: Cuddling.
At first, he had needed to get used to all the skin ship, getting overwhelmed by it easily but now he didn’t know how he had ever managed to get by without it. It was relaxing and calming and making him as warm and fuzzy inside as if he had drunk a full glass of warm milk with honey. Only the ear kissing Tae sometimes did made him feel entirely different and almost... restless but he couldn’t place it yet what exactly it did to him.
Taehyung was kissing further down his neck, biting into the soft skin lightly, before licking right over the sensitive spot with a smile. “I…can’t get enough of you,” He whispered into Jungkook’s skin, reaching for his chin to make the younger look at him, “You’re far more interesting than the movie anyway.” He had mumbled the last words against the elf’s lips, before capturing them in a heated kiss. It was easy with Jungkook leaning against him, to make the younger lay down and turn himself so he could hover over him. Trapping the younger underneath, him with a sheepish smile, he kissed Jungkook on top of his nose. “Mine,” He said and kissed Jungkook again, “My sweet little elf. “
Jungkook swallowed harshly when he came to lie under Tae. He wasn’t stupid, he knew what a compromising situation looked like. But with Tae’s kisses and the way he always held him, so warm and secure it was really easy to ignore the warnings that Yoongi and others had given him. He wasn’t human. What could mean nothing more than casual pleasure would be way, way more for him…
“You okay?” Taehyung said a little breathless, looking at the younger, as he placed a sweet kiss on Jungkook’s lips again, while he looked like he was deep in thoughts. Tae caressed over his cheek, a reassuring smile on his face, “Heh…if you ever want me to stop, then just say so, please. I just… I can’t get enough of you. You’re so damn addicting.”
Taehyung bit his lip, his cheeks blushing, as he propped himself up on his elbow, letting his body fall next to the elf. “Okay?” He asked again, “Just tell me then…I’m not sure…If you ever had a boyfriend, or if you and Yoongi…or whoever…I don’t know.” Taehyung let his hand caress over Jungkook’s chest, before he turned on his back, groaning in desperation, “I just can’t stop kissing you!! What did you do to me, Jungkook?” Looking at the younger with a big grin, Tae playfully winked at him.
“Y... yeah, I’m fine.” Jungkook bit his lip to keep himself from spilling his secret but he had decided to not tell Tae about what it would mean for someone like him to go further than this. The thing was he didn’t want Tae to stop. It was like the more Tae showed him the more he wanted to know, to feel, to touch... addicting really was the right description, so Tae wasn’t the only one feeling that way.
He almost choked when Tae asked him all those questions in a rush, hinting at him and Yoongi possibly being more than family. “Y…Yoongi? You serious? Eww, he’s like my bigger brother or… smaller-but-older-brother would make more sense. But we would never...eugh, please, don’t ever mention something like this again because I don’t want to have those kind of mental images please”, He laughed. “Boyfriend? No, I never had the opportunity. It’s kind of difficult to hide the ears if someone is trying to be intimate with you.”
Taehyung was relieved that Yoongi was no potential threat to him or could turn out into a jealous ex-boyfriend kind of thing, when his overprotectiveness was enough to deal with already.
“Never?” Taehyung asked curiously, “But aren’t there other elf boys?” Now that he thought about it, he had never asked Jungkook why he had only shown him the fairies and all the animals of the forest that were his friends. Tae had learned a bit about elves and their abilities, but Jungkook had never told him much about where he came from.
“Jungkook?” He spoke up with wide eyes, “Why aren’t there any elves around? And…how did you even meet Yoongi? Shouldn’t you be around other elves more?” He wasn’t asking to make Jungkook nervous, but because he was interested in the person he loved.
“Never,” He repeated and then sighed deeply. He knew that this would come up some time, but he wasn’t really proud of his ‘backstory’. “Of course, there are... others. But Elves are different from fairies. You would never see a fairy without their swarm. Elves are...” How could he say that without telling too much? “Elves are very protective of their plants, their home area it’s... it’s not like your kind of living. Anyway, there are normally only two of our kind together at max. We form a very close bond if we fall in love... so tightly actually that there is no room for a bigger family. Children don’t stay that long with their parents. And normally they seek the plants that they grew up with, so they find a similar partner, caring for the same plant...”
It felt strange to talk about this with Tae because instead of making him feel closer to Tae because of the secrets he shared with him it just underlined their differences, that they were not of the same species. “But with nature declining everywhere it had gotten more difficult and children are left sooner and sooner... I actually don’t really remember how my parents were. I went into the next city because I had nowhere else to sleep after the forest I lived in before had been cut down for more houses. I knew I had to hide what I was, so I quickly fit in and I liked to be social until...” He touched the little scar on his ear out of habit, one that he didn’t like at all because it reminded him that the scar was still there. “There was an incident with some humans who... hurt me. Yoongi saved me. And since then I’ve been with the fairies.”
Taehyung was listening attentively, totally in awe about Jungkook’s back story. He had reached for Jungkook’s hand in between, stroking sweet, soothing patterns into his skin. Taehyung couldn’t imagine having a life like this, especially with knowing how sensitive Jungkook was by now. “One day I’ll buy you a house, that’s right next to the forest or right in the middle of it,” Taehyung whispered, “Or just build it myself. You deserve a safe place forever.” Kissing Jungkook’s cheek sweetly, he gazed deep into the younger’s eyes. “I mean it,” With a smile he added quick, “And the fairies are just within your reach. I already got used to the feeling of Yoongi being everywhere we go.” Pulling Jungkook closer, he let the younger lean his head onto his arm as he was playing with the locks of the elf’s hair. “You’re safe with me now.”
Jungkook melted into Tae’s embrace easily. “That would be nice, yeah. Having a safe place, somewhere I can live how I want without having to fit in at all costs.” He loved the bakery and he was in the forest lots of times. But sometimes he missed having plants all around him, helping them grow, hearing their whisper, caring for them. He couldn't really do that in the bakery. “I’m so glad I’ve met you, Tae.”
Taehyung smiled at the confession, whispering sweetly into the younger’s ear how he was happy, too. That he had never thought that coming here, would bring him so much joy – but Jungkook had changed that for him. He would do anything for the elf, if it meant making him happy. They had fallen asleep, bodies intertwined and Jungkook’s head resting on Tae’s chest that night.
Only waking up, because a certain fairy was dropping fairy dust onto them, while shaking his head furiously the next morning. It was only two more days until Christmas and as much as Jungkook loved staying close to Taehyung all day, he really needed to get back to work and concentrate. Why was it so damn hard out of a sudden? Their world had turned upside down, only revolving around the other. A sweet, chaste kiss from Tae and Jungkook was alone again. He sighed, turning the sign around to ‘open’, welcoming the first customers with the brightest smile.
Separating from Tae in the morning was always the hardest because it felt like giving up a little piece of himself that he was leaving with the other and only got back when he saw him again at night. It was funny how quickly you could start to depend on someone that owned your heart like that - but Jungkook didn’t even try to fight it. He liked how the thought of Tae lingered in the back of his mind, making his smile a little wider, his cheeks a little more flushed. Not even the grumpy customer could dampen his mood (this time his cookies had too little chocolate drops and too much cacao nibs in them). He took it nonetheless, putting the money onto the counter roughly and not even saying goodbye. There were a lot of customers today, so Jungkook couldn’t catch a breath until the last one finally left the bakery. Looking around, there was almost nothing left of what he and Taehyung had baked that night. Maybe the other was up for some midnight baking tonight? Giggling, Jungkook thought to himself, that he rather would cuddle with Taehyung though than making him work. Maybe if the other was asleep, Jungkook could prepare something for the last day before Christmas. It was true what Tae always said, the people were going madder every day. It was as if they needed a cake, cupcakes or another gingerbread house every other day.
Taking out the can, where Jungkook stored the fairy dust, he sighed deeply. There was almost none left. Turning towards the clock, the young elf bit his lip. If he hurried, he could manage to collect some more fairy dust right before Taehyung would come. But he needed to be fast.
So, without cleaning up or putting away anything at all he left the store, making it look like he was just around the corner. He hoped Tae wouldn’t be early or wondering where he was. Quickening his steps, he practically flew down the path, paying his surroundings no attention, only his meet up with Tae on his mind and that he didn’t want the other waiting for him too long. Which was a really dumb, really big mistake as his elve sensed proofed no protection if he didn’t use them. His can clinked softly while he got deeper into the forest, hopping light-footed over roots and dodging branches with ease.
The sounds were what awakened someone’s interest nearby. The man turned to see where it came from, furrowing his brows as he watched a young man getting off the usual path and deeper into forest. It took him awhile to realize who it was. With quiet steps he followed him deeper and deeper into the forest. Something was off, and he could feel it. The boy wasn’t here to take a simple walk. A wicked smile appeared on his lips and the figure took another step closer, a branch breaking underneath his foot.
Jungkook flinched hard when a sound echoed through the forest, making him realize how careless he had been. He needed to always watch his back, make sure no one was following him, only go to the fairies home when he was absolutely certain that it was safe. He stood entirely still, watching, listening, scanning his surroundings. Only when he was sure that there was absolutely no one around did the tension ebb out of his shoulders. There had been not a single sound that was out of the ordinary - and really, why would anyone want to follow him into the dark during such a cold, uncomfortable night?
He contemplated making a little extra route through the forest before heading towards the fairies, just to buy some time and make extra sure that there was no one there but he could feel time ticking and he really wanted to see Tae as soon as possible so he stuck to his initial route and went straight along.
The man followed the boy further, careful not to make any more noises. Even though he was far enough away, it seemed like the baker had a good hearing. He held his own breath, walking with slow and light steps until the boy came to a halt at a clearing. Nervously, the man hid behind a tree. Waiting and watching, to see what the boy wanted in the middle of the forest. It was highly unusual for him to be here. There were paths that lead from one end to the other of the forest. Like himself, the boy could have used them to get home faster on a cold night like this, but the man knew better. He knew that Jungkook had no home and slept in the back of the bakery. He had watched the younger closely since he came into the town out of a sudden. There was always something strange about him. It made him wary.
It was getting darker and cold, and the man considered just walking home again, because there was absolutely nothing while Jungkook was just standing around…doing nothing…but then he saw it. Something small flew through the air and it seemed like the boy was talking to it. To a little… fairy.
As always Jungkook stood right in the middle of the clearing until the first fairy saw him, fluttering excitedly and waking up the other fairies with her bell-chime laugh, “Jungkook! You’re here! Did you bring Taehyung with you?”
“Nah, I’m sorry, this is just a short little visit to restock my supply of fairy dust, because I might be baking tonight and have nothing left. Would you be so kind to give me a little of yours please? It doesn’t need to be much, just to get me over tonight, I’ll bring treats for you and the others tomorrow and you can collect some more till then, please. I actually thought we could…,” A gasp coming from somewhere in the woods, made him come to a stuttering halt. That sound couldn’t be a deer. And neither a fairy. It was very obviously human. And definitely not Tae.
Cold seeped into his bones, way icier than the snowy wind outside. He had turned on the spot immediately out of reflex and on his left, in the dark, behind some trees he could see some movement. The ground seemed to sway when realization hit him. He had been followed. And he had been stupid enough to oversee it because he was so busy hurrying along that he had risked the fairies safety. The dread was lacing up his spine like fire. “Wh…who is there?” Maybe he was lucky. Maybe it was a child or...or someone drunk, someone who wouldn’t remember anymore tomorrow…
The man’s mouth agape and his eyes widened. He had seen it! Clearly! He knew it! The man almost jumped out of his hiding, definitely not afraid of what he had seen. A smile stayed on his lips when he walked up to the boy confidently. He wasn’t scared.
“I knew there was something wrong with you,” The man was fast, tearing the bucket away from Jungkook as soon as he had reached him. Gazing inside, he smirked. There was some powder in there. Not much. But still enough for him to know what it was. “Fairy dust,” He whispered to himself, looking around to see if he could spot one of the creatures. The stories that the people told themselves in the village had always been true, he had known it as a child already, but no one had believed him. No one ever did. But now he had the proof! And the boy – the baker – had always seemed off to him. Reaching into the bucket, he let the fairy dust trickle over his fingers. Then he gazed up at Jungkook, seeing the other’s scared look, he only chuckled. “There must be more of it here,” He said more to himself, starting to look around and push everything aside that was in his way.
The fear didn’t keep him from staying exactly where he was, while Jungkook was holding onto the bucket for dear life - until the man had ripped it from his fingers. He could feel his heartbeat up until his throat and his voice trembled when he spoke, but his eyes were fierce and his stance strong. “This... is not what it looks like. I like the thought of magic existing... so I pretend there is more than it really is. There’s no such thing as fairy dust. It’s glitter. Simply glitter dust that I got from an arts supply. You heard me talking to myself. There’s nothing to see,” He lied easily, while trying to block the man’s view, scared for the fairies nests. He could tell that he made them - but it was in the middle of the night and he had been only here a few seconds there could be very well still sleeping fairies inside. He couldn’t explain that away. Oh god, what if the man caught one! What if it was Yoongi? He couldn’t let that happen?
The man didn’t care about Jungkook’s inner fight, searching and reaching into a little excavation that was underneath one of the trees right away. He was touching around, until he could feel something small. A little scream was audible, making the other fairies around jerk out of their sleep. Some flew out of their hiding, while others were scared, looking back and forth between the human and Jungkook. They were hoping the elf would protect them.
“See!” The man got up again, showing off the fairy in his grip, “Don’t tell me no bullshit!! So….” He was looking down at the little thing, who was trying to fight off his fingers that were tightly wrapped around it’s little body. “How do you get fairy dust out of them? I bet it has some good magical powers,” He asked with a grin on his face, “Do I just need to shake it?”
“No!” Jungkook yelled at him. They were so delicate and fragile; their wings could be easily crushed if you weren’t careful and if you didn’t know how to handle them you could kill them just by squeezing too tightly. So Jungkook should have stayed put to not risk anything, but he panicked, and the fairy was screaming, shrill and in deadly terror so he just attacked the man, ripping on his arm, trying to make him lose balance, open his fist and release the fairy. This couldn’t be real! All of this, it just had to be a nightmare!
The boy was starting to get on his nerves, so the man pushed Jungkook as hard as he could. He pushed the fairy into the pocket of his jacket, closing the zipper, before he turned around quick. When Jungkook was running towards him again, he easily stepped aside, making the elf stumble. “What are you trying to do there?” He chuckled, looking around to find another one of these sweet little fairies.
He was shaking and panicking while the man was confident and certain of his success. He didn’t stand a chance. But he didn’t stop, attacking him again and again, pulling on his arm, trying to block his way. The other just played with him, not even knocking him out, just pushing him around, sending a blow his way that hit him on the cheek, making him stumble again, fall, scramble to his feet hastily. He couldn’t give up. There was no way he could the man take any of the fairies and do god knows what to hear. He was bored and cruel enough to just dissect her for fun or keep her in a jar like a dead insect. He wasn’t above begging right now, “Please, let her go! I’ll tell you what you want to know, about fairies, about...everything, just please don’t hurt her. Don’t hurt her!”
The fairies were flying everywhere by now. There was chaos, while each creature tried to find somewhere they could hide, flying up as high as they could. They were screaming, their little wings fluttering anxiously, making fairy dust fly everywhere.
“You don’t get it,” He pushed Jungkook away again. He ran quickly, his gaze fixated on the magical creatures, not caring when he tore off branches and wood, destroying their little houses while trying to catch another fairy. “I don’t care about them,” He simply said, meaning every word. He didn’t want to know about them. He wanted to have one. Or more.
Jungkookie had to watch the horror unfold, fairies flying into each other and tumbling towards the ground, nests falling out of branches that were ripped of cleanly, leaves falling as the trees wept for the fairies homes.
Jungkook couldn’t help it, he cried as well. He couldn’t see, but he just couldn’t stop, he needed to end this, he needed to...to fix things to make it okay to help them, they couldn’t be hurting because of his mistake, it just couldn’t happen!
The man reached out for another fairy, when Jungkook was on him again. A low growl escaping his lips this time. His patience snapped. He swirled around, gripping the younger’s collar. Then he punched him once but didn’t let him go – instead he pushed Jungkook up a tree, looking at him. The elf doubled over when the blow hit him with full force, unable to escape with the grip around his throat.
“You don’t even understand,” He hissed, “This…this is amazing. You’re sitting on millions of dollars man! You’re so stupid!” And then he saw the ears. In his haste, he simply reached out for them. He wasn’t careful in his touch… he traced his pointy ear – a smile forming at his lips. “I knew it from the day you came into this town! You’re not like us… you will never be like us. No matter how much you pretend. See it…as if I’m helping you…”
Jungkook’s fears came true when the other talked about money and how he didn’t care, imagining the fairies fate in darkest colors… and then the man saw his ears. And realized what they meant. In his terror and fear for the fairies lives he had forgotten his own completely. But that probably wouldn’t matter now anyway. It was over. He shuddered violently when the man touched his ears, a whimper getting stuck in his throat. The man had made it clear that he would sell them out for whatever price he could, no matter the consequences for them. Jungkook sobbed, desperate and hopeless. He didn’t want it to end like this. Not like this!
The man’s fist was rising, ready to hit Jungkook with a blow, when a sudden rough push made him let go off the younger. He fell into the snow, shaking his head and blinking furiously to see who it was that had come in between them.
Taehyung was panting. His heart beating wildly against his chest, his gaze dark as he looked down at the pathetic human. Never in his life had he run this fast. Yoongi was sitting on his shoulder, holding on to the hem of his jacket, his tiny eyes wide when he saw the chaos around. When Taehyung reached for the human, pulling him up on his two feet and punching the other right in his face again, the fairy flew off him and towards Jungkook.
“Get up! Get up!” He screamed at the elf, his tiny hands soothing over the younger’s cheek, “We need to…” Looking over to Taehyung, Yoongi gasped when a punch hit him, and the man was up on his feet again. His own wings fluttering anxiously. “We need to collect all the fairy dust! Please! I need you to be strong, one last time. Please, Jungkookie, my sweet, brave elf. Get the fairies!” Yoongi flew towards Jungkook’s hand pulling at one finger to get the younger to stand up, “We need to make him forget!” Yoongi was pulling and pulling, screaming out his name, when a sudden dark shadow fell over him and Jungkook whimpered, curling in on himself. He slowly turned his head around, when a large hand was already reaching out for Yoongi and Jungkook.
“Not my boyfriend, you asshole!” Taehyung was quick, pulling the man away roughly and pushing him onto the ground. Only this time Tae made sure he would stay there, holding him down with whatever it would take to do so, hoping that this stupid human beneath him wasn’t immune against fairy dust.
Jungkook was so afraid that all of his muscles pulled tight making it seemingly impossible to move. Or at least that’s what it felt like. Like someone had turned his body into stone and he was caught in it, trying to break out of the hardened shell, screaming from the inside, but nobody heard. A sharp pain brought him back to his senses as he jerked his hand away. He experimentally moved his fingers, his hand, then stood up quickly, too scared he might be falling back into rigor again. There were blood on his palm and when he inspected it more closely he could see teeth marks. Yoongi had bit him. Hard.
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, but you gotta move! Now!” The fairy sounded calm but Jungkook could see his own fear reflected back in the fairies wide eyes, his franticly fluttering wings, the tremble in the tiny creatures limbs. Yoongi was practically shaking from it. It was the last push he needed to kick him into action and he grabbed him, holding Yoongi safe and secure on his hand, closing it halfway so Yoongi would be protected but could still see and get out if he wanted. Picking out were the fairies were was a piece of cake. They were horrible at hiding when they had been scared up. There were traces of fairy dust, glowing wings and nervous chatter so Jungkook soon got a handful of them on him. Yoongi quickly talked to them, explaining the plan while Jungkook collected some more. And then more. And then a few more to add to that. He didn’t turn his back once, too afraid that the man might have turned the tables and overpowered Tae.
Taehyung was struggling, the man underneath him was getting mad and with that came great strength that he underestimated by far. Tae wasn’t a trained fighter, so he didn’t really know what he was doing here, solely reacting on instinct. A blow hit him right in the face and Tae could taste metal on his tongue. “Fuck,” He cursed, wiping over his mouth. The blood dripping and seeping slowly into the snow, beneath him. Scrambling back on his feet, he barely managed to get up, reaching for the man’s arm to yank him back. “Jungkook!” Taehyung screamed for the younger.
The fairies were busy producing as much dust as they could when Taehyung's warning cut through the winter night like a blade. Jungkook flinched but Yoongi urged the little creatures on to not stop, they had to keep going, they were almost there, almost there… they needed to make enough because they wouldn’t get a second chance at this, if they didn’t manage to delete enough memories from the man’s mind erasing everything that had to do with how he found them then he might come back - and this time they would be helpless because a fairy could only produce a certain amount of fairy dust - just like a flower could only grow a determined quantity of pollen.
Taehyung gathered all his strength to yank away the man once more. He was panting. Sweating. His heart beating fast, as he jumped onto him and pushed him hard, so the man would fall. “Now!” Taehyung screamed once more, using the time that the man needed to get back into reality from the harsh fall, to call out for the fairies. When he heard the wings fluttering, seeing Jungkook running up to him, Tae let himself fall back, watching it all happen in a haze.
The fairies surged up, dumping every bit of dust they had onto the man, shuddering and shuffling , shaking their wings so that every fleck of dust was used. One by one their glow went out like a light. But the man also stayed down. At first, he had been flailing, trying to wipe the powdery dust from his face, his shoulders, shake it out of his hair but eventually his movements had become sluggish and slow - and then he had fallen asleep. With soft airy sighs the fairies plopped down into the snow, cold and shivering. Jungkook stood again on shaky knees and collected them one by one, placing them in his pockets, under his collar and under his jacket to keep them warm.
Taehyung wiped over his nose, feeling the dried blood on his skin, when he had watched the man simply fallen asleep. The older watched Jungkook, mimicking his movements and taking the fairies carefully, putting them into his jacket. But then he noticed a little shifting in the man’s jacket. Taehyung hastily scrambled over to the man’s body, opening the little zipper and helping the trapped fairy out. She was flying right onto his chest, holding onto Taehyung’s jacket tightly, whimpering quietly.
“Shhh, we got you,” He soothed her, carefully stroking over her head with one finger, “Are your wings alright, sweety?” She nodded her head, lying down onto his palm. The fairy let her wings flutter once and then laid them down. Taehyung carefully let her into the front pocket of his jacket, before he walked over to Jungkook – just in time to catch the elf, who’s knees were giving in. “Hey, baby,” Taehyung held the younger tight in his embrace (careful not to hurt any fairies), while soothing over Jungkook’s hair.
Jungkook put his head on Tae’s shoulder, mind a mess of emotions and nervous energy while he was physically completely exhausted. He was so glad that Tae was there to hold him up. Literally. “Can you get us home please?” He hated sounding so small, but he had never willingly placed his fate into someone else’s hands so completely. And not only his but also those of the fairies. “Please take me home.”
“Yes,” Taehyung said quietly, placing a soft kiss on Jungkook’s cheek, “I got you!” He put Jungkook’s arm around his own shoulder, holding the younger up as he walked through the forest and back to the shop. It was getting darker and colder by the minute, while they were taking quite some time. Both exhausted and little, scared fairies in their jackets. Yoongi was leading the way, opening the door of the bakery from the inside for Taehyung. Jungkook could barely hold himself up, sounding so small and little and Tae was scared that he would never recover from this incident. “You’re safe with me,” He whispered again, before he wrapped his arms around him more tightly and lifting him up easily while carrying him back into the shop. Only when they were in the storage room, did he let Jungkook down. His arm wrapped tightly around the younger’s small waist.
“C’mon, you’re all safe now,” The fairies peeking out of the pockets carefully until one by one each of them were flying out of their hiding. Taehyung helped Jungkook out of his jacket, only to lift him up again and carry him over to his bed. “I’m so sorry,” He mumbled, while Tae was examining Jungkook’s body for any bad bruises. The guy had hit his cheek pretty bad and Taehyung was sure it would get an ugly bruising – his own pain long forgotten.
Jungkook shook his head. “I should be the one who’s sorry. I… I didn’t think… I wasn’t careful. This is my fault and ... if anything had happened...” He reached out for Tae’s battered face, touching the dried blood with his fingertips. “Sorry he hurt you. Sorry you got pulled into this mess. Sorry you had to rescue us. But... but I’m glad you did. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for this. Thank you.” He kissed him, but the exhaustion turned it into a lingering press of lips, more an assurance that Tae was really there than a romantic post-rescue making out session. When they broke apart Jungkook’s eyes widened a little. “Oh no, I left the bucket! And the fairies are spent - there won’t be no fairy dust left for me and... I can’t bake and…” He laughed, tired and sleepy. “Funny how much you can worry about unimportant stuff, hu?” His head fell forward for the fracture of a second before he jerked his eyes open again, trying to fight the urge of his body to go into restoring mode.
“Shhh, baby, calm down,” Tae was reaching out for him, caressing over his cheek, “First…you can bake without fairy dust, second I can get the bucket. I must go back either way, to make sure the guy will be back on the path, so it’s not too obvious. I’ll take care of it.” Taehyung held Jungkook’s head carefully, kissing his nose softly, while the younger was slipping. “You’ve been so good,” Taehyung reassured him, “You did this, you saved them. I only did, what boyfriends do…but you’ve been so strong. You can sleep now! I’ll take care of the rest…” As if this was the command the fairies were waiting for, all of them gathered around Jungkook, flying down and resting on the younger’s body. Taehyung kissed the palm of Jungkook’s hand, before he took a step back, looking at Yoongi who was flying right next to his head. “Make sure he rests,” Taehyung simply said, zipping his jacket back up.
Yoongi looked after him, wings fluttering tiredly. He bowed his head in awe even though Tae wouldn’t see it. He had underestimated the human by far. And he would make sure that this never happened again. Maybe he should pay him a little more respect from now on. When the fairy turned Jungkook had already fallen deep into “Slumber”. Not even an explosion would wake him now, he would be under for as long as his body needed to cope with the physical repercussions of their fight. But then he would be as good as new. On the outside.
It took Taehyung quite a while to make sure there was nothing left of the chaos they had created. After he brought the unconscious human onto the path again, Tae ran back quickly. He took what was left of some of the fairies’ home that was too obviously looking like something magical, putting everything into his jacket. Only then he walked back to the shop, making sure absolutely no one was following him.
Locking the door behind him, he shook himself from the cold. Tae tried to be as quiet as possible as to not wake the fairies or Jungkook. In the bathroom, he washed his face, examining his nose but luckily for him it didn’t seem like something too bad had happened and he still was looking handsome as ever. Putting on a shirt from Jungkook, Taehyung carefully tip toed over to Jungkook’s bed and laid down beside him. Some fairies stirred a little, blinking their eyes open to see who it was but only ended up seeking the warmth of Taehyung’s body right after. Taehyung pulled Jungkook into his embrace, kissing his neck softly.
A/N: Congrats! You got through the first part of angst ;) Ahegrh Taehyung just really loves his sweet innocent Jungkook *sighs* I hope you liked it!! Leave us a comment or message with your thoughts! ❤
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Bound to you pt 6
Genre: Ot7 x Reader > Vampire x Witch series
Word count: 8.3k
Warnings: Angst, Fluff ,Smut, oral sex female receiving, rough sex, vampire sex,blood drinking,magic using.
part 5
“Hell would have to freeze over for me to not  go”  you challenged stubbornly to all the occupants that stood in the great library. 
It was almost two hours ago since you and Hoseok got back from the village the events from the day still fresh on your mind. The sun had already gone to sleep when you cross the threshold into the manor tired and sore and famished.
Jungkook face was was a welcoming sight as you pushed open the kitchen door, well not his face per say but the food he held in his hand waiting for you to like a vision among the clouds. You didn't know how you would survive without them.After that you had taken a long hot bath to soothe your aching muscle from the ride. Now you stood clad in a loose fitting peach colored Egyptian silk dress arms folded tight causing wrinkles to appear on the delicate fabric as you state your case.
“Butterfly that's not a good idea” Seokjin said calmly as he occupied one of the high chair that was lined around the ovol table. A map of Avalon spread across the table as they debate which was the safest course to take to the mountains. The map had seen better days because now it was marked with black and red x depicting where was safe and where was not.
You huffed in response clearly irritated that they all thought it wasn't safe for you to go.
When you had told them what you had discovered from the rogue vampire they were skeptical at best a little upset you neglected to tell them beforehand but it was already done no sense dwelling on the past. They trusted you and your judgement and you believe what the vampire told you so they agreed to go in search of the lost book if only they would agree to let you come.
“And why is that?” You huffed hands planted firmly on your waist.
“Well for one we wouldn't be able to go on horse that means vampire speed is quicker and safer last time I checked you didn't have that” Yoongi replied before Seokjin had a chance to open his mouth. There he went again with his honest opinions.
You looked over at him standing between Seokjin and Hoseok a little taken aback he hadn't spoken directly to since the night before since the fallout clearly he was still upset but at least he was speaking as platonic as he tried to make it sound. You wanted to kiss him and let him know you were sorry you wanted to be wrapped up in his arms like you do each day. You wanted him to tease you about your bad piano skills that you couldn't quite get no matter how hard you practice or how patient he was in teaching you. Time was running out you couldn't waste it being angry at them for wanting to break the curse even if it meant you had to do the unthinkable .Your facial expression must have gone sad because Jimin was patting your back asking if you were alright. You smiled at his kindness and observance reassuring him that you were as you focus back at the task at hand only to see yoongi watching you intently you looked away.
“What if you get there and there is some protective enchantment?” you argued not one bit deter by his remarked.
“Didn't your rogue vampire say a witch was the last one to see the book” Taehyung said more of a statement than question you disregard his use of ‘your vampire’ as the hint of amusement found its way to his voice.
“ He did but what if she isn't welcoming to vampires” you argued.
“ More importantly what if she isn't welcoming to witches who shows up in the company of vampires” Namjoon ever the intellect who hasn't spoken a word since you pitched the idea to them spoke.No doubt he was probably working out the pros and con of this whole thing in that big brain of his. Always the one to offer wisdom and clarity to the situation.
“ Things wouldn't end well little one” he finish eyes caressing your face as he pushed his powerful frame away from the bookcase  he was leaning against then walking over to the table in four powerful stride.He placed a gentle comforting kiss on your forehead your eyes fluttered closed in response to his affectionate gesture, his hands found their way to your shoulders offering a gentle squeeze.
He was right you hated how right he was afterall it was the same reason you didn't want any of them to go with you to the village with you only a few hours ago. You wanted them to be safe and you were naive to think they wouldn't ask you to stay behind to preserve your safety.
You sighed in defeat muttering a fine under your breathe. It made no sense arguing with them over something so trivial when they were right.
“How come you only listen to Namjoon hyung when he tells you no?” Jeongguk wondered from his place on the sofa.
“What I'm suppose to listen to you brat” you smirked just as Namjoon hands left your shoulder as he moved to gaze over the map.
Jeongguk pouted and you smile crept to your lips ever the dramatic one.
“ Now that we got that out of the way we need to plan how we are going to execute this mission” Hoseok said a level of seriousness overtaking his features you come to know he only brings out when lives was going to be put on the line.
They all hummed in agreement as Yoongi position himself over the map he was the expert tracker in the group whenever a mission needs to be carried out Yoongi was always there. You watched as his brow furrowed in concentration as his long fingers pointed a spot on the map. There was something sexy and attractive about the way he talked with such confidence and assurance that you felt yourself going hot all over wishing he would use those fingers to do something to you instead.
“ If we pass through the village of sleepy hollow then through greenwich forest we can take the path to  mountain from there”Yoongi explained as he moved his finger along the map depicting where they should pass.
“Isn't Greenwich forest witch territory?” Jimin questioned from beside you. You stood between him and Namjoon at one end. Yoongi Hoseok and Seokjin at the other end. Jeongguk was still at the sofa while Taehyung on the side of the table.
“It certainly is” Seokjin said brows furrowed as to why Yoongi would want to go through there.
“Isn't it safer to go around twin peak then cross the river into Damascus then take the road to the mountain from there?” Seokjin also had his fill off pointing out places on the map he thought was best.
“That's a whole five days journey” Namjoon said thoughtfully “even with vampire speed Yoongi route is the quickest”
“Quickest yes safest no that's the Blair witch territory they are ruthless” You said a nervous edge creeping up spine suddenly you didn't like this Idea anymore. Not when you knew the dangers they were going to be faced with out there and even worst you wasn't going to be there to help.
“I think we can handle a few witches” Jeongguk confident voice came from the sofa.
“Not just any witches kook” you said tone serious so he would make no mistake to never underestimate these witches.He made be an expert fighter the best out of all the guys but compare to the witches it was child's play. “They're notorious for their black magic they will suck the life out of you before you could say jinx ”
Jeongguk was not moved. “Sounds like every other witch to me but whatever”
You open your mouth to scold him for his nonchalance but Namjoon beat you too it.
“ Never underestimate the power of hate it makes people do unimaginable things” was Namjoon words to him. He looked defeated as he mumbled something under his breath then pushed his shoulder back on the sofa.
His words triggered something within you as you realize not only hate that makes people do unimaginable things but also love. You looked at each of them as they continued to go over the plans. You remember how skeptical they were of you when you walked through the threshold of the manor a day after you had help Namjoon escape  the utter joy on their faces knowing that their brother had survive. That joy had quickly faded when they saw you. They didn't buy that you witch would ever help a vampire or any witch for that matter. Yoongi even threatened to snap your neck if you tried to hurt them.But then the curse hit and everything changed in the last moment of chaos, when they realize that you would never hurt them even if it meant hurting youself.You had felt the connection when you all stood in that room together it was like something had shifted in the universe like a missing piece to a puzzle had finally being realized you didn't know if they felt it too but up until today you still didn't know what it was before you could explore it you found yourself with a decision to make them or you. You chose them.
“And the book is it even real?”  Taehyung voice floated to the confines of your mind pulling you back to the present.
“  I've heard about the tales of the book of souls though I've never seen it so real is relatively speaking” Namjoon answered.
“ it does exist If that's what you mean every witch knows of its power” you supplied.
Taehyung nodded satisfied with your answer as he folded his arms in front him.
“So is it settled do we take Yoongi path to the mountain?” Namjoon questioned as he looked at everyone in the room though he had the final say everyone opinions was heard and taken into consideration. No decision was made without everyone being in accordance.
Everyone nodded their approval. “ The path is the shortest and quickest because we are pressed for time we will take it but let me be clear the dangers out there are real we need to be precise”
You swallowed the lump that had grown in your throat each passing second you understood what they were about to do for what you had asked them to do. The dangers you unwillingly was about to put them through. The fact that they hadn't given it a second thought even though their lives would be put on the line made you want to do the same.
“I will do it” you said out of the blue making all eyes snap towards you.
“Do what butterfly?”
You looked at them more sure than you've ever been before.” If the book doesn't work I will channel you”.
They looked at you speechless you could see hesitancy on their faces especially Taehyung he detest the idea more than you. So hearing you spoke those words when you were so adamant only the night before took them by surprise.
Jimin entwined your hand in his cold but comforting one squeezing gently then bringing it to his lips.”Are you sure about this? “ he questioned as he dropped it back to your side still entwined.
“ I'm sure” you nodded.
“ Why the sudden change ?” Yoongi wondered eyes attentive on you like he always do when trying to figure out if you really meant what you say.
You took a deep breathe. “ Truth is I was scared, scared of risking not mine but your life as well but seeing your trust in me with this information and you willing to risk your life I think I should do same” you finish as tears welled in the corner of your eyes.
“You risked so much for us already you sacrifice your life so we could live I think you've done enough” Hoseok firm voice was quick to remind you.
“Hoseok right but you have every right to be scared to not want to do this only if you're sure” Taehyung reassured you.
You nodded afraid to speak lest you burst into tears like a fool.
“We wouldn't be here without you I wouldn't be here without you I owe you my life don't you forget that” was Namjoon words to you his golden eyes shining with love and appreciation for all you've done for them.
“We love you butterfly don't you forget that whatever you decide we will always l support you” Seokjin comforting words filled the void of doubt cast by insecurities and fear.
“Yoongi Jimin Jungkook Hoseok and I will go we leave at first light” Namjoon said giving the final order of the night.
It made sense why he would choose those four Jimin and Jungkook was the best at hand to hand combat Hoseok was a master swordsman and Yoongi was a skilled fighter but his tracking skills was top notch Namjoon was the master negotiator he had a way with words that could compare to no other. All in all a strong team.
“Taehyung help Jimin and Jungkook gather the weapons”
“Yoongi Hoseok Seokjin and I will go over final plans”
Everybody nodded their acknowledgement as the made stir to get everything ready Jimin letting go of your hand in the process.
“Actually I need a few words with Yoongi could you guys do without him for a minute?”
Yoongi head shot towards you at your words his starry eyes held yours in silent question. An unspoken understanding passed between the two of you as he gave you a tiny smile.
“I think we can manage” Namjoon parting voice filtered through your thoughts as they cleared the room for the two off you.
You didn't know how long you stood there gazing at each other from across the table different emotion playing across both your features as you bask in the silence of the room said for the yellow embers that dance from the fireplace.
Yoongi was the first to break the connection. “You wanted to talk?” He asked as he stuffed his hands into his pocket eyes never leaving you.
You sucked your lower lip between your teeth in a bid to gather some courage then charged ahead wanting to get the words out as quick as possible lest it choke you ” I'm sorry I yelled at you I'm sorry that I was angry I just want us to be good I can't stand you being angry with me” you choked out tears brewing in your eyes as the weight of the past day crashed down on you.
You didn't see him move towards you maybe he used super speed or maybe it was the tears blurring your vision but suddenly he was spinning you around and pulling you into the comfort of his arms.One of his hands found its way to your waist the other the back of your head as you rest it on his shoulders. Your own hands resting in his slim waist as well as his intoxicating scent of wood and pine soothe you nerve.
“I could never be angry with you. I'm the one who should be sorry I shouldn't have suggest you to do something so dangerous knowing the consequences”his deep timbre of a voice spoke against your hair.
The rhythmic beat of his vampire heart reached your ears where it was pressed against his chest your closed your eyes listening to the sound as it offered comfort to you just as his voice did.
“Truth is I rather be the one in a box not you, you don't deserve this you're too good to pure”his voiced cracked though he tried to hide it you heard the quiver. Yoongi wasn't the expressive type when it came to emotions and feelings, not like you who left it all in the open no doubt involved.He was different, when it came to things he enjoyed he go on and on.  When it came to the piano and teaching you he'd have a lot to say or when his subpar tracking skills was the forefront of a conversation he'd take all the praise he got and offer his own stories of how spectacular he was but when it came to matters of the heart he couldn't quite find the words.
“Its so fucking hard living with myself knowing I'm the reason you're in there and I'm out here. The first time the curse struck I tried so hard to fight it i-” he swallowed as if the words got stuck in his throat somehow his eyes squeeze shut for of minute like he was trying to rid himself of the memory a memory far too painful to speak about. “I tried to hold out but I was weak the blood lust was stronger than I was”
You remember all too well what had happened that day you witness him struggle to not be the monster his nature required to be. It was you who had persuaded him to drain the last ounce of your blood or else he'd die along with you. The others had already started the process and you had already whispered the enchantment that was meant to preserve your life but he was no match for her dark powers or the curse she spewed out of hatred. It was all you could do to preserve your life and theirs.
“Yoongi I told you to do it” you said softly eyes caressing his features the glow from the fireplace casting golden hues across his skin.
His mouth twisted in distaste “ that doesn't make it any less ok”
“ It was your life or our life you could have ended us that day even we are no match for your magic but you choose to let us live. To sacrifice yourself instead. We were strangers we meant nothing to you I even threaten to kill you why did you save us? “
It seemed like an easy enough question you must have a reason to have done it to save the lives of seven complete strangers over your own maybe yoongi was right and you didn't have any self preservation but things wasn't as simple as black or white or as easy as 1 2 3.
Why?  Maybe it was because you blame yourself for it happening if you hadn't betrayed the witches and help Namjoon escape none of this would have happen but deep down you knew that wasn't it. Or maybe it was the fact that you couldn't save your family so you were looking for a bit of redemption. Could it be? Which leave you to the mysterious occurrence when you all stood together in that room for the first time. You realized something only you didn't know what you couldn't remember what it was that perspective that had shifted your entire universe it ignite a fire in your blood that you only ever felt one other time when your magic had awoken all those years ago. What did it mean?  So many questions yet you never truly know the answers?.
“I don't know yoongi but I do know I would do it all over again” of that one thing you were sure.
“This isn't your fault you know that we all know who is responsible for this you are as innocent as I am” you said furiously in an effort to convince his misplaced guilt.
His honey colored eyes soften as he looked down at you as if your words offer a little if not all consultation to his conscience.
“ I will find a way to break the curse one way another” you promised him.
Yoongi brow furrowed together as the sincerity of what you were promising hung in the air. His hand came to your shoulder as he gently pushed you away from him so he could see you more clearly.
“Hey I don't want you doing this for me or for any of us ” he said sternly eyes scanning your face.
“I'm doing it for us” you said simply because you were none of you deserve to live like this with this curse looming over your head like a bad omen. You had to do it even though you were scared or even if it means you would be lured to the dark side consumed by the power. Wasn't that better than having your blood drain from you? Two options none better than the other but you were willing to take the path dangerous as it was. Yoongi nodded seemingly convince by your answer.
“You're so beautiful so brave and fearless” Yoongi husky confession had you blinking at him heat warming your cheeks and spreading down between your legs. His hand worked its way towards the expanse of your neck brushing his thumb across the base of your neck right where your pulse was beating purposely. You shivered from his touch as he continued caressing your skin until his thumb found its way to your cheeks. You held his gaze as he stepped closer to you his thumb brushing across your lips as he head bent towards you.
His lips replaced his thumb as he claim your mouth in a searing kiss pulling you into his arms when you moaned into it. You opened your mouth eagerly inviting him in which he was more than happy to oblige to.
Before you could lose yourself in the depths of his mouth he was breaking the kiss leaving you whining in protest and breathless.
He didn't let go of you but pressed his forehead against yours his breathe fanning your face you wrapped your hands around his waist.
“Read my thoughts” he said his hot breath against your face making your skin tingle.
“What? “ you questioned  taken aback by his request. Entering people thoughts was one of the gifts your magic allowed you something the witches were eager to exploit given that you were the only witch in existence that was able to do so. Why? You didn't know you assume all witches had the same abilities but you've come to realize that you were far different from the other witches.How? You didn't know either the persons with the answers was dead. When you heard the rogue vampire mentions of the book of souls a part of you were eager to find it for that reason also it would hold answers to who and what your were.
But you never use that kind of power on them be it by consent or not so yoongi asking that off you took you by surprise.
You were lost in thought you didn't realize he was already bringing you hands to his temple until your fingertips brushed his skin.
“It's ok” he reassured you so you had no choice but to do as he asked. You closed your eyes as you brought your other hand to his temple. This type of thing required absolute concentration you did your best to let go and listen to what his thoughts was telling you.
It becomes painful for the person whose thoughts you are reading if they tried to resist it would require for you to break down all the barriers to the mind they tried to put up. It's just as loud and hard as if it was a real wall you're trying to break through and even more painful but yoongi had no resistance his mind was open to you all you had to do was listen.
“You're the best thing that happen to me I don't ever want to see you hurt no amount of physical pain can compare to what I feel when I see you in that box.”
You bit you lips trying to keep the tears at bay as his thoughts float through your mind the connection prominent letting you feel the pain he was feeling the sincerity of words.
“I love you more than life itself you are the fire that ignite my dead heart the sun that brightens my darkest days the water I see in the middle of the desert”
It was too much for you all the things he couldn't put into words spoken so freely in the confines of his mind. The way he felt about you the way he loved you. You dropped your hands from him and he pulled you into his arms once more then proceed to kiss all the parts of you he could find your forehead your cheeks your eyelids then your lips. You clutched at him like he was the pillar that ground you to this unsteady world as you deepened the kiss his words igniting a fire and need for him that threaten to consume you.
You kissed him deep and hard a clash of tongues and teeth as you moaned loud heat pulling at core.
Yoongi hands found its way to your butt kneading the flesh through your silk dress the soft material gliding across your skin added to the arousal currently coursing through you as he broke the kiss. He didn't stop though but continued down until he was kissing that sweet spot between your neck and shoulder blade as you angle your neck better as not to give him better access.
“God you smell divine” he whispered against your neck as he sucked into your skin deep enough leave a mark on that spot.
You release a breathe in response too wrapped up in what he was doing to respond as he continue lower towards your breast burying his head in your cleavage. His hand moved from where he was still cupping your butt to the front of your dress before you could register what he was doing the tearing of fabric snapped you out of lust haze.
You glared at him as the fabric parted down the front then slipped off your shoulder then gathered at your waist exposing your breast to him.
“That's my favorite dress!” You said incredulous as you stared at the ruin fabric. Yoongi a shit eating grin on his face unfazed by your outburst. “I know I bought it and I'll buy you more” was all he said. You open your mouth in protest but it faded into a moan when he took one of your nipple in his mouth twirling the erect bud with his tongue then tugging it between his teeth. You clutched at his dark hair for purchase pulling him closer to you then tugging on the strands eliciting a moan from him.
He soon found the other nipple doing the same dance with it leaving you seeing all the colors of the universe.Before you can think twice he was releasing you with a lewd pop as he lowered himself down your body.He release his grip on your waist letting the fabric pool at your feet on the carpet covered floor,he helped you out of it  along with your shoes as you kicked it aside leaving you naked said for your wool stockings.
He kneeled before you burying his head in your mound as he gripped your hips to keep you still as he inhaled your intoxicating scent groaning in response. Heat pooled at your cheeks then spread all the way down to your pussy at his rude gesture.
“I can smell how aroused you are flower” he crooned as he pulled at the waist of your stockings pulling it down your leg in one go then tossing it aside, at least he didn't rip that too.
He pushed you back against the table as he sling one of your foot over his shoulder exposing your dripping pussy to his gaze. His eyes darken as he saw the wetness pooling there then he dived right in his tongue chasing after your clit in one go. He sucked the sensitive flesh into his mouth making your head fall back in pleasure mouth falling opening in silent ecstasy. You gripped his shoulder as he used his middle and index finger to spread open your folds so he can tongue at your hole. He flatten his tongue on you thrusting in as far as he could as he continue to eat you like a man starved .Your knees began to shake as you felt your orgasm racing towards you full force.
“ Fuck yoongi baby don't stop” you moaned in pleasure as he slip two fingers in you at one go the wetness there like a dam overflowing allowing him easy access as he began to pump in and out of you with his fingers. You would think he'd find somewhere else to put his tongue but it was back on your clit pulling you toward the edge of ecstasy.
It was all too much for you as your orgasm came crashing down on like waves meeting sand, you screamed his name hands slipping from his shoulders to his hair pushing him closer to you as the intensity of your orgasm rocked your whole world. Your back was crying in protest from where you was pressed against the table  wooden surface, digging into your skin but that was the least of your problem as you came down from your high yoongi still licking at your core. You whined in protest closing your leg against his head to get him to stop overstimulation creeping in.
He release your leg from his shoulder as he came up from between your leg covered in your juices. You swore your heart stopped beating for a second because you've never seen something so erotic yet so beautiful. His dark hair was sticking to his forehead from the sweat and excursion of your love making his pink lips covered in your juices and running down his chin. The white shirt he wore was sticking to his chest giving you an eyeful of his nipples his erection straining against his pants.
He was the most beautiful man you've ever seen.
“You're staring” yoongi said wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
He wasn't wrong how could you not, who looks this good after having gone down on someone? You were positive you didn't look half as good as him and you didn't have cum on your lips.
“Can I suck your dick?”
Yoongi laugh a deep heartful sound his gummy smile coming out to play as he stepped closer to you pulling you into his arms you didn't know why he was laughing you were serious.
“As much as i'd like to fuck that pretty mouth I much rather be buried in that tight pussy of yours” he said playfully but the lust was evident in his dark globes.
He words alone had a new wave of desire washing over you as he worked on the belt to his pants unbuckling the button the pushing it down his leg letting his erection springfree majestic and proud.
You tugged on the buttons on his shirt letting the fabric slide off his shoulders an onto the floor exposing his flawless pale skin to your hungry eyes.
His lips found yours once more in a rough kiss while you closed your eyes against his onslaught as your moaned into the kissing mouth opening to him.
The clatter of object hitting the floor made you aware the yoongi had just cleared the table with a swoop of his hand so he could better spread you out like an all you can eat buffet. He broke the kiss only to push you done onto the table with a gentle hand on your stomach, your back connecting with the cold wooden surface was a relief to your heated flesh.
You spread your legs open wide for him as he stood at the edge of the table dick in his hand as he pumped a few times precum already leaking and gathering at his pink head the pleasure of it so satisfying it had his mouth falling open.
“Are you ready for me baby?” he questioned as he lined himself up with your dripping entrance one hand on your hip to keep you steady the other on his dick.
You licked your lip in anticipation then nodded afraid to speak throat having gone dry and with that he was driving himself home into your pussy.
You gasped at the sudden intrusion still wet and sensitive from your previous orgasm but yoongi was met with no resistance as he glide himself into your walls.
Yoongi hissed between his teeth as he buried himself to the hilt inside you. “ Why are you so tight baby after taking all our dick so well?”
You didn't have an answer for him so you just mewl in pleasure lost in the feel of him stretching your walls to accommodate him.
“ I want to give it to you rough baby is that ok?” he asked through gritted teeth as he started to move in and out of your pussy.
“Fuck me however you want yoongi just fuck me please” you moaned as the satisfying need of having him fill you up was so overwhelming you didn't care how or what he choose to do with you as long as he did something.
Yoongi growled in response his eyes flashing red as he rammed into you with such force it had the table creaking in response.
Thrust after thrust he pound into you fucking you like a man possess his strokes so precise and so deep hitting all the right spot it had your second orgasm building moments into his onslaught. 
“Yoongi I'm close” you whined pathetically as you clutched as this arm that was holding you hips in a death like gripped to keep you from sliding.
“Not yet”he growled as he thrust into you so deep it had you and the table inching across the room.
Your eyes shot to his in alarm at the possibility of the table collapsing under the force that he was fucking you with it and at the fact that he had told you not to come yet.
Your heart almost stop when you saw the raw unadulterated lust and hunger with which he was watching you with as he continue to relentlessly fuck you into oblivion. Your titties bounced up and down with each thrust and his eyes was riveted to the provocative movements.
Your back was starting to hurt no doubt you would have a few bruises come morning not to mention your butt was crying out in protest.
But yoongi he looked like he was just starting and you began to wonder just how much more you could take.
Yoongi surprise you when his hand snaked around your waist pulling you up to him the action so sudden you welp in response when you found yourself in his arms.
“Wrap your legs around me” he ordered.
You did like he asked as he hands came to support your weight under your ass with him impaled in you still.
The sudden gush of wind let you know he had used vampire speed to whisked you both across the room and up against the bookshelf giving you no time to adjust before he was thrusting into you again like you were nothing but a rag doll.
You whined his name as your head fell back against the shelves this new position had him reaching places inside you that you didn't know existed. He respond by kissing you fiercely but tenderly and it made your heart beat wildly in your chest.
You've come to learn that any position that gives him easy access to your lips while he fucked you was his favorite though he never admit it but he really was a tender lover despite his cold exterior.
His lips left yours only for it to land on your neck as he offer licks and kisses to the sensitive flesh.
“I need to taste you baby ” he mumbled against your pulse and you knew all too well what he was asking of you.
He needed your blood to survive they all did effects of the curse but they never took it without your permission despite you making it clear you didn't mind. You knew why your consent to it matter so much after having no control over what the curse made them do to you they were always hesitant to take what the needed what their nature demanded.
You grabbed him by his dark locks so his eyes could meet yours so he would know you trust him and that it was ok.
“It ok” you told him and it was all he needed to hear as his canine lengthen and his eyes turned red once more and then he was burying his fangs in your neck.
The pleasure pain of it all was euphoric the feeling so delirious as he sucked the blood from your veins it had your orgasm reaching a crescendo. You pulled on his strands of silky hair eliciting a moan of content from him but you wasn't sure if it was from the blood your were supplying or the pleasure from it.
Yoongi was a skilled multi tasker while he drank from your neck he would snapped his hips up into you. The bookshelf creaked in protest from not being made to withstand such actions, each snap of his hips had the books flying off the shelves and zooming past your head but you was too wrapped up in the feel of yoongi fucking you so good it hurt in all the right ways possible.Before long your orgasm was tearing through you with such force and intensity the pleasure all round that it had you seeing the signs and wonders of the universe.
You coming undone was enough for yoongi as your walls spasm around him it was all too much another solid thrust and he was painting your walls with his seed.
Your breathing was just returning to normal your feet cramping from where it was still wrapped around yoongi waist when he detached himself from your neck licking at the wound tenderly to seal it off.
He cradle your head in his big hands eyes searching your face for any signs of discomfort. “Did I hurt you?” he asked as he kissed the corners of your mouth your blood still on his lips.
You smile still feeling wonderfully sated.”Nothing I'm not used to”
He cupped your chin not buying your answer as he looked you over once more.
“I'm fine yoongi” you reassured him” but you need to go I told namjoon you'd only be a minute I'm sure it's been half an hour”
Which now that you've sorted out the issue and had mind blowing make up sex along with it you was left a little mortified the boys probably heard your sexcape you wasn't remotely quiet and even if you were they would still smell the pheromones from all the way across the manor.
Yoongi concede pulling out of you and setting you down on your wobbly legs while he made his way across the room gathering your clothes, while you groaned as his cum began dripping down you leg. You look down at the mess that was going on down there and cringe you hated the feeling of cum on your skin.
“Here let me” you looked up to see yoongi with your stockings in hand torn dress in the other fully dressed once more. You nodded letting him tenderly wipe away the remnants of your love making when he was done he tossed the soiled stockings in the fire igniting the burning flames then helped you into your dress which was gaping in the front that barely contain your ample cleavage now that it had a long split that reached all the way to your navel.
He grinned at his handy worked and you rolled your eyes telling him to leave before you made him feel your wrath. He wasn't scared though but pulled you into his arms for a final kiss before making his exit and leaving you in the upturned room with your thoughts.
You sighed heavily as you move to seat yourself on the sofa by the fireplace letting the warmth of the fire seep through your blood. You looked at the upturn room that looked like a tornado had passed books scattered everywhere the map turn upside down, the ink bottle tipped over spilling it contents on the floor.
“Tersus sursum” you sound out the allotted spell to clean the room letting the force of the universe do its work in the form of all the thrown items rearranging itself just as it once was making the room presentable as it was before.
Having powers or magic was something you struggled with for awhile after you burned the village down that day your family died. It took you three months after the witches found you to ever muster the courage to use it again. You were young and whatever happen that day made you convince it was a tool of destruction.Or maybe it was the way you discover it that had you so shaken about it the fact that it was torn from you all played a part in you wanting to suppress it.But you found your reasons to want it to be a part of it after you discover through healing people it was meant for good as well. But  you were so confused as to why your parents had keep such a thing from you. Your mother had been a witch obviously but she had to have known that it would pass onto you after all the gene was hereditary. You asked the witches about your mother but they had no clarity to offer you they have never heard of her and she didn't belong to any coven to exist. Which made you even more confused and feel even more of a black sheep having no idea of your descendant. How was you suppose to find your place in the world when you had no idea who and what you are? How was you to break a curse if you didn't know about the power you possess that you had to use to break it?.
How are you going to save yourself and the ones you love when you were scared of your unknown past? How were you suppose to save them when you couldn't even save your family? How were you suppose to do all these things? You suppose that didn't matter now because whether you like it or not you had to overcome the self doubt that pesky little inner voice that was always there to remind you that you wasn't powerful enough to save your family whatever make you think you think you could save anybody else now. But you had save that kid in the village today didn't you. Even saving one little life was a step in the right directions. The circumstances surrounding the boy being turned played on your mind like a harp string. Who did that to him and why? You had a feeling higher powers was at work here and there was more going on that you didn't know. Something was brewing an all out war was balancing on the tip of the iceberg one little shake and it would all come tumbling over. As much as you wanted to be in the know you had other thing to worry about.
You couldn't be doubtful now the boys needed you they was about to embark on this dangerous mission and you needed to help them somehow. But how?
You got off the chair a new level of determination rising inside you as an idea of what to do began to form in your mind. You reached the door pulling it open the Manor was eerily quiet no doubt the guys was making the final plans as in only a few hours they would embark on this dangerous journey. You had a mission as well as close the door behind you then make for the stairs towards your room one thought in mind you had to find a way to protect them.
You were just finishing up the charm when the first rays of sunlight cast it's head through your bedroom window letting you know a new day was about to begin and with it comes the boys heading out.
You groaned passing the back of your hand across your eyes to rub away the remnants of sleep that threaten to have you passed out on the rug coveredfloor. You looked at the items spread across your bedroom floor candles, a spell book, strewn lilies and of course the five enchanted necklace that was a result of your all nighter.
After you had come up to your room last night only having change out of the ruin gown slipping on your nightdress you had ran off to the garden to pick the lillies for the spell.
Lilies have long being the representation of all that is pure the epitome of light and goodness which is why it was the key ingredient you needed to cast the protective enchantment that will protect the boys from whatever mind games spell any witch could cast on them if they were to encounter any.
So your result had been five protective necklace for each of them. Your eyes struggle to stay open just as a gentle knock sound on your door and your name being called had you startling awake again.
You blinked just as Jimin came into the room already dress in all black. Black leather pants tucked into black spiked boots ivory shirt tucked in nicely held together by a black leather belt with a black leather jacket finishing up the look. His blond hair was upturn from him probably running his hand through it quite frequently and silver moon earring adorning each ears as his eyes immediately drawn to you and the pile on the floor concern already furrowing his brow when he saw you state.
“Baby please tell me you didn't stay awake all night?” He said as he dropped to stoop in front you.
“I had to finish this” you replied as you held up the necklace for him to see as his eyes narrowed on the object held up to his gaze.
“Um a necklace?”
You scoffed as you got up on your knees so you could slip the necklace round his neck and watch it  drop against his chest. It wasn't anything fancy just silver in color with a with a star and moon pendant connected to it.
“Not just any necklace it's enchanted meant to protect you from witches basic spell when they try to give you a brain aneurysm” you said matter of factly.
Jimin oh in response his hand cupping the item in his hand as he looked it over he dropped it back down as his brown eyes found you once more.
“ just when I think i've finally done something to deserve you I'm reminded that no matter how hard I try I will never be good enough for your love” he said sincerely.
“Stop it or else you will make me cry”
Why he have to say things like this that always tugged at your heart string and here you were thinking you didn't deserve them guess the feeling is mutual.
Jimin lips turned up into a smile as he helped you too your feet your legs crying in protest for having being tucked in for so long.
“We are getting ready to head out” he tells you as he pulled you into his arms his head resting on your mop of a hair.
You hand came around his waist pulling him tighter to you as you breathe in his scent of jasmine and cedar and odd combination but it worked well for him. The realizations of what they are about to do felt all to real now that it was finally happening.
“Hey” Jimin coaks as he gently pry your arms from around him so you could look at him only to see tears brewing in your eye. “ It going to be alright we got this and before you know it we will be back and on our way to break this curse yeah?”
You nodded maybe he was right maybe you were over reacting over thinking way too much they were going to be ok it's all fine and well. So why did you get that overwhelming feeling of impending doom that something terrible was about to happen?.
“We should go the guys are already gathered and ready ” Jimin says as he release you from his grip placing a gentle kiss in your forehead.
“ Yeah let me get the other necklace”
You scoop the other four necklace in your hand as you rise to follow Jimin out the bedroom door not even bothering to freshen up it could wait seeing it was the least of your problem.
Five minutes later you and Jimin descended the stone stairs only to see the rest of the guys gathered in from the massive oak door that lead to the forest outside already dressed and armed in different arrays of weapon. Taehyung and Jungkook by the foot of the stairs deep in some rock paper scissors game,  Hoseok and Seokjin a little to the left of them and Yoongi and Namjoon conversing over something on a portable map.
Their eyes all turned to as soon as you came into frame they probably heard you coming down the hallway vampire hearing was something out of this world. You almost falter at their heated gaze but you will yourself to smile you didn't want them knowing or seeing how worried you were the last thing they need right now is to be distracted by your feelings.
You reached the bottom of the stairs and Jungkook eyes narrowed on you. “Why do you look like you got ran over by a herd of squirrel y/n?”
You rolled your eyes at him just as Taehyung punch his arms,maybe he  was right you hair probably looked a mess and your face wasn't winning any competition right about now either but we all couldn't wake up looking as good as he did.
“Gee thanks kook” you said sarcastically as you reached the bottom.
“Pay him no mind baby you look absolutely ravishing” Taehyung said hotly as he wrapped you up in a small hug.
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly “ I was only joking y/n”
You pulled away from Taehyung to look at him his doe eye pleading with you to understand but of course you knew he was teasing so you just smile at him.
“Or maybe it was her romp with Yoongi I swear the whole Manor was shaking when they were going at it ” Hoseok chuckled and you shot him a murderous glance heat spreading across your face. Your eyes met yoongi and he cast you a small smile before he turned his glare on Hoseok who seemed unfazed by the whole thing.
“Thank heavens they made up because I just about had enough of Yoongi complaining about what a stubborn-”
“Ok Jimin enough of that” Yoongi growled cutting of whatever beans was about to be spilled.
“Do go on Jimin I wanna hear this” you smirked.
Jimin looked between your curious gaze and Yoongi death stare then clamp his mouth shut apparently yoongi was more intimidating than you.
“Enough of this banter we got work to do” Namjoon ever the serious mood killer there to put everyone back in order.
You stepped forward “ I have something for you guys. It's a protective necklace it can protect you from the witches brain frying spell” you explained as you slipped the necklace over each of them,Jungkook and Hoseok followed by Yoongi and Namjoon.
“I know I couldn't go with you guys but I had to do something” you stare at them hands clasped together in front you.
They looked at you in awe overwhelmed by your need to protect them whatever way you can. They all offered their thanks in the form of gentle kisses kind words and shoulder squeeze.
“Keep each other safe out there” you said as Namjoon opened the door and the five of them slipped out into the early morning mist then disappeared from sight.
You shivered as a cold breeze blew through the front door and seem to surround you in it's chill.
“You're cold butterfly” Seokjin said as he took his jacket off and placed it around you didn't know you were still staring at where they had disappeared from your sight until the  door filled your vision once more from where Taehyung had closed it.
“ They will be ok” Seokjin reassured you but somehow you didn't believe that was true.
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sugacoatedfics-blog · 5 years
Innocent Love Blooms In The Most Tragic Places
Story Summary;
Yoongi is a wolf hybrid. He is cold and unapproachable. Woe betide anyone who touches what is his. Jimin is a bunny hybrid. He is shy and innocent, always positive. How will the two interact with each other in university where they have been forced to be roommates where no one has ever heard of a predator and prey rooming together?
Tags: possessive behaviour, angst, fluff, hybrid, hybrid traits
Word Count: 2849
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Jimin brushed his curly, pale yellow hair to the side, deciding on a parting in the middle. He put on his lens free glasses, which had big frames. Additionally, he wore a big black jumper with a rainbow on it, and tight grey jeans with white and black stripped adidas trainers. He hefted a bag over both shoulders, his small and slim frame struggling under the weight as his bunny ears flicked. It was his first day at uni today, and truly, he was nervous. Stepping out of the boy’s bathroom he was in, he tried his best to find his room, in Wing B Floor 3 Room 367. Finally coming onto it, he unlocked it with a key that had a fluffy keyring reassembling his tail attached to it. Home sweet home he thought, setting down his bag. The door from the corridor opened directly into the bedroom. There was a window opposite the door. To each side of the window was a matching oak nightstand and single bed with a navy-blue duvet folded at the end. Past each bed was a desk and a small cupboard. Wardrobes were non-existent as they had underbed storage space. In between the bed and the desk on the left was a plain door which led to the bathroom. The bathroom had a toilet, simple shower, sink and mirror. Two sets of big fluffy and small fluffy towels were laid on the sink. Grinning, the bunny hybrid begun to unpack, choosing the bed on the left side. Yoongi wasn't in much of a rush to move into the new dorms. He'd been taking his time walking through the hallways, his ears flicking at the sound of people's shoes squeaking due to the amount of movement going on. Everyone seemed to be trying to get to their dorms as fast as possible. Yoongi instead just sighed and ran a hand through his black his black hair, he decided to at least make sure he looked presentable to his roommate. Glancing down at his outfit, Yoongi thought that he seemed presentable enough. Black ripped skinny jeans, black boots, and a simple white t-shirt, he looked like the catalogue picture for the word edgy. He continued to walk towards his new room and let out a soft sigh when he reached it. Grabbing his key, he moved to unlock the door, but then realised it had already been opened. He opened the door, a slight hint of surprise when he saw bright blonde hair on the left side of the room.
"Hey" he simply said as he moved to the other side of the room to put down his bag. Jimin’s ears twitched with surprise, his nose following the motion unconsciously. "Hi! I'm Park Jimin but you can call me Jiminine or ChimChim or Jimin." He greeted with a million-watt smile; a hand stretched out to the other in the typical way of greeting. "What's your name?" He continues politely, staring at the taller and most likely (although yet to be confirmed however Jimin did have a sneaking suspicion this was true) elder roommate he had gotten for the semester. He has yet to decipher which hybrid the other is; however, he quickly assumes him to be some sort of prey as predator never ever room with prey. Something about dominance and easy submission being the reason for the matter. Yoongi blinked in surprise at how enthusiastic the seemingly younger boy was. The fact that his roommate was clearly prey also surprised him, maybe there was a mix up in the rooms? He reached his hand out to meet the others greeting. "I'm Yoongi, I don't really mind what you call me." His voice was steady and calm, still confused about his roommate being prey. Yoongi could hear something lightly shift in the room, his ears moving to fund the sound and his eyes quickly following. While searching for the sound Yoongi decided to ask Jimin an obvious question. "Are you... prey?" Jimin blinked, widely, innocently. "Aren't you prey?" He asked the other, answering his question with a another. "I'm a bunny hybrid if you can't tell," he grinned cheekily," but I don't know what you are. No prey hybrid I've met have had such bushy tails or ears." He said curiously, a light and puzzled expression on his cute face. He absent mindlessly stated to bite at his finger nails as he tried to figure out if he has ever seen a prey hybrid with Yoongis features. His own ears twitched as he thought, and his nose scrunched up adorably every time he mentally rejected someone who didn't fit the criteria he set in his mind, his expression becoming more frustrated the longer he thought on it. Yoongi just stared at the other for a minute, blinking as he realized that there was no way they could have been roommates. "I'm a predator." He said with an eyebrow raised, "And I'm a wolf hybrid... fluffy ears are kind of a given" he chuckled as he said this, wondering what the other would think now that he knew that Yoongi was a predator. He stared at the other boy, taking in his features, he was not much smaller than he was, but very clearly had a soft personality. The longer he looked at the other the more he could feel a shift in the atmosphere. Was Jimin afraid of me? Is it really that intimidating to have fluffy ears and a tail? "A wolf? Really really?" He asked, his expression mirroring that of child awe upon discovering something new. He shuffled closer to the other and gently reached a hand up to touch the base of the others fluffy ears with a squeak of delight that had him quickly blushing yet did not deter him from gently running his hand over that same ear. In that moment, our innocent bunny hybrid Jimin forgot fear and uncertainty. His only concern was jealousy that someone had such fluffy ears and he didn't. It was cute really, how childlike he acted, as thought Yoongi was the most fascinating thing he had come across in a while. Suddenly, however the moment ended. Jimin remembered that wolves ate small hybrids like him for breakfast and so he quickly stepped away, a small expression of shock on his face.
Yoongi smiled as the other squeaked with delight as he touched his ears. He had seemed so fascinated by the fact that they were fluffy, he had guessed that Jimin had not been around many predators at all. His thoughts were confirmed as the other stepped back from him, shock written all over his face. He looked almost as if his life was going to come to an end very quickly. "Yes really, and you don't have to be so afraid you know. I don't bite, unless asked to" Yoongi mumbled the very last part, knowing that the other wouldn't be able to hear him. He wanted the other to trust him, they were going to be roommates after all. It wouldn't be good if he got suspended out of fear for the other prey in the building. "Is this building purely for prey?" Yoongi asked, his face full of curiosity.
He shook his head rapidly, expression calmer now than in the beginning. "No, it's a mixed building. I wonder is everyone is predator-prey roommates." He said naively, genuine curiosity on his chubby cheeked face. "Oh! You probably want to unpack. I've just done my clothes but need to take out my study supplies and laptop. Hyung, - wait can I call you Hyung? How old are you? - there's no classes today, but we have some tomorrow. I'm studying hybrid care so I can be a nurse for hybrid children.." he talked a mile a minute, unpacking his laptop - baby blue in colour with cloud and rainbow stickers on it, his study books and arranging them alphabetically on the small shelves, his plan notepads and pens, pencils and other stationary items in a cute cactus pot with googly eyes on it. Yoongi chuckled at how quickly the other was talking, Jimin was very obviously nervous to be around a predator. Yoongi began to unpack his stuff and put them in the correct places before beginning to answer a few of the others questions. "I'm probably older than you if that's what you're wondering, so yes you can call me Hyung." He thought about what the other was studying, if it was for hybrid care then he must really like children. Yoongi was indifferent towards them, he didn't necessarily like them, but he didn't hate them either. "I'm studying criminology, I’m curious as to why there's been a big spike in prey crimes lately." As he spoke it was easy to tell how curious he was. Usually predators had the highest crime rate, but lately prey has had quite a large increase in crimes. Yoongi continued to unpack, making sure that everything was in the correct order "Ah that's so cool! I'm glad to be rooming with such a kind Hyung." Jimin spoke, complimenting the other as he stood on his tiptoes in order to push his last study book guide and textbook into place on the highest shelf. Struggling a little huffed and started to jump with the book outstretched in his short arms tiny fingers holding it tightly as he took blind attempts at getting it on his shelf. When that didn't work, he cursed his small height which was often a given due to the fact he was a prey hybrid, and gently set the book on his study desk before glaring daggers at it not so subtly. Pouting to himself, he went and charged his phone in his bedside table open slave shelf. Yoongi had noticed the other boys struggle and decided to help him. Despite not being extremely tall, he was still tall enough to reach the shelf. He grabbed the books and quickly put them into place before returning to what he was doing. After unpacking his clothing, he placed his backpack next to the bed, reaching in for his laptop. It was a complete contract to that of what the other had. Rather than a baby blue, his computer was a dark red with small hand painted details in black. He quickly turned it on and glanced to the other, giving a small smile to him. Jimin responded with a blinding smile of his own. "Thanks for putting my book up there Hyung. It's so annoying being small isn't it?" He whined, pouting up at the other. He moved towards the desk and switched his laptop on, deciding to be a good student and get his pre-course essay finished in time for class tomorrow. Out of the +25000 words needed he had competed 23500, leaving his with only a few more to type up. If he were to print his essay it would be 10 pages long, double sided and ready to mark. Yoongi chuckled at what the other said, "Being small isn't too bad" he replied. He noticed the other was working on an essay, Yoongi should have probably been doing the same, however he couldn't be bothered to. Instead he loaded up a game on his laptop, his hands moving at a lightning fast pace on order to keep up with it. It was normal for him to spend hours at a time on his laptop, not speaking and not moving anything except for his fingers. After a few hours Jimin finished his essay just as the sun was setting. He spoke to Yoongi every now and then, unaware the boy was in a zone of sorts. He told the other that he was taking a shower. Getting his nightclothes, he stepped in the bathroom and locked the door. He washed his hair and brushed his teeth, fluffing it up before putting on long pyjama bottoms with little pink stars that he tucked into mismatched stripy socks - one Green and blue the other a horrid yellow and red. His chest was covered up a long sleeved plain blue shirt, which completed his pyjamas. Hanging up the used towels, he went over to Yoongi and tapped him gently on the shoulder. Yoongi hadn’t really moved the entire time that Jimin was writing his essay. He would give a small hum every time the other spoke but that was about it. When he felt a light tap on his shoulder, Yoongi jumped slightly. He quickly paused his game before turning to Jimin with a slightly raised eyebrow. “Yes Jimin?” He asked, wondering what the other boy needed. It was only then that he considered how sore his wrists were from the amount of gaming he had done, wondering if he should wrap them before he continued. He then considered that the other looked ready for bed, mismatched socks to top it off as well. Was he keeping the other boy from being able to sleep? "Hyung, you should really get washed now and head to bed. We have class tomorrow." Jimin shyly stammered, unsure if he wasn't crossing some sort of boundary when it came to tell the other to go to bed. He was only concerned for the others well-being though, seeing as it was in his nature to care for everyone as if they were family. "Have you set your alarm yet? I've set mine for 07.00 since classes start at 09.00 and I want to make sure I have time to go to the canteen and eat bre- oh Hyung! Your wrists are so red!" He exclaimed, gently grabbing a wrist and holding it to his face. It was so close, Yoongi could feel his breath on it as Jimin examined it. "Get washed Hyung, and I'll bandage them for you." He said, ears and nose and tail twitching with pride as he thought about doing that for his Hyung. Yoongi simply nodded as he took in everything that the boy was saying to him. He set his laptop aside before telling the boy, “I’ll go get washed up first then” before grabbing his clothes and making his way towards the bathroom. Something that he should have asked the other first, was if they were comfortable with him sleeping shirtless. It was just so much more comfortable for him that way, so hopefully the other didn’t mind. As he finished washing up, Yoongi walked out of the bathroom in a pair of black sweatpants and he was shirtless. He looked up slightly and made eye contact with the boy, giving a slight smile as he made his was back over to his side of the room. He had begun to debate if he should sleep or keep playing. Jimin yelped and flushed red when he spotted the other shirtless. He very nearly dropped the pot of cream and roll of bandages he was holding. Clearing his throat, he sternly (or at least as sternly as a cute bunny could) forbid him from playing anymore and demanded to see the other hands. Sitting on his bed with him, he took the others wrists gently and massaged the cream into them, it feeling cold in contrast to Jimin’s soft and warm hands. Once he finished that, he gently put bandages around them, and shot his Hyung a pride filled smile. Yoongi grinned at the others behaviour, he ruffled the others hair, it was much softer than he would have thought. “I’m always a scary predator, especially when I don’t sleep.” He said giving the other a smirk and ushering him to his bed. “You need to sleep, and I’ll sleep some too.” Yoongi said, half speaking the truth. It’s true that he would sleep a little, he just never said when it would happen. As he walked back to him bed, he is waiting for the other to fall asleep. To take good measure he waited about an hour before going back onto his computer, only this time he wasn’t playing, he was working. Jimin groaned and turned in his sleep. He had slept for a couple of hours, tossing and turning, the light sounds of Yoongi working keeping him awake. The half-awake bunny crawled out from his comfy covers and shuffled sleepily towards the elder, draping himself over the back of his chair and hiding his face in the others neck, forgetting Yoongi is a predator. "Hyung~ you have to sleep now!' He insisted sleepily, barely mumbling due to his tiredness Yoongi stiffened at the sides contact made by the bother. Granted Jimin was right, he should at least get a little sleep, even if it was only for a few minutes. Yoongi chuckled and stood up, he began to guide the other back to bed before saying a small, "I will, I'm sorry for keeping you awake" and made his way into bed, only to lay there without ever actually falling asleep. The only sounds made in the room were the sounds of a faint tick of a wall clock.
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jjkpls · 6 years
The Squib (Harry Potter!AU #1) (G)
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> genre : pure fluff
> pairing : park jimin x reader
> words : 4.5k
> warning : none
> Park Jimin (Slytherin, 6th yr) is in love with you, the hufflepuff squib with whom he shares some classes. To help you out with your ineptness in anything magic related, he comes up with a plan that doesn’t go… well, as planned. At least, he gets you at the end. (fluff, shy ball of sunshine Jiminie)
/The Harry Potter!AU Masterlist/
The room is so quiet, it's deafening.
Most of them are trying to not be too obnoxious. Jimin doesn't think it is out of kindness. They probably feel like your position is lame enough and they don't want to lose houses' points just for kicking a prey already caught.
But as the quietness weighs heavy on the atmosphere, he can't help but wonder if that wouldn't be easier if they would make noises. As if on cue, he catches from the corner of his eyes two girls he knows by face snicker loudly. You are bend over on yourself. You can't even hold McGonagall's stare now, as you try desperately to shake your wand into turning a mechanic pen into a quill. He wishes he could help you but he is too far back and if he is being completely honest, he hasn't practised this spell since first year. He's not even sure he could get it right on the first try.
These girls couldn't either he thinks as he throws their way a dark stare. One of them catches it and rolls her eyes, annoyed, but she stops chattering with her friend at least.
“I'll see you after class, ___.”
McGonagall says, sternly, while redirecting her attention to the whole class. You are so slumped over now, Jimin can hardly see the top of your messy head. His heart stings a little. It is not the first time it's happened. And it is not the first time he has witnessed it. You are a squib. He is not exactly sure why or how you were accepted in Hogwarts but it occurred. And since your first year, you've been struggling like crazy for all classes that involved the least amount of magic input. Transfiguration is probably the worse. McGonagall would always pick you and never let you off of the hook until she's made sure to make you question all of your life's decisions, in particular, the one regarding your presence here. Of course, Jimin has to be with you for this class. He's not too sure why, but he hates seeing you in this situation. Weird for a Slytherin, some might think. But he can't help it.
After class, he waits for you in the hallway for half an hour though he has a class to attend to as Taehyung thought of importance to remind him.
“I have something to do.”
“You're waiting for the squib ?” Asks Yoongi, sounding even more bored than he looks. Jimin wants to punch him. He knows he can't do so, so he makes sure to write down in the back of his head to not forget to place some voodoo fountain under his bed later.
“___. Her name's ___. And yes, I am.”
Taehyung and Yoongi share a glare. Eyebrows raised in surrender, Yoongi turns on his heel and starts walking away. He's not even walking towards their next class.
“You're still not going to talk to her ?”
Jimin frowns. He doesn't know if he'll talk to you or not. You're not out yet. And why do they care so fucking much? If he just wants to see you come out and not say anything to you, that's none of their business.
“Taehyung, fuck off.” Jimin simply turns his back to him, childishly. He knows he is ridiculous he doesn't need other people telling him. Taehyung, though, as always, doesn't take it personally. He pats him gently on the back.
“See you later, buddy!” Jimin smiles to himself. He's lucky he has those friends when he's acting all insufferable like that. Most people would have been done with his antics a long time ago.
He’s started being that way two years ago when Slytherins and Hufflepuffs started sharing classes. To put it simply, this schedule arrangement signed the end of Jimin's sanity.
At first, he just noticed you, like everybody else, because you were unable to come up with any spell in class. He could feel for you, as anyone with a heart would. But progressively, this innocent sympathy of some sort turned into a crush. Well, he's not sure that's a crush but that's what his friends call it.
He wouldn't say that he wants to date you. He's never really thought of it. But he does care about you. He does feel bad whenever he spends a whole class with you and doesn't even catch a smile of yours. He does find it more interesting to stare at your face during lessons and tends to do it more than study these days. And yes, he does think about you quite a lot outside of class too. Still... Would he call it a crush?
You look up, surprised, as you close the door behind you. Jimin is walking towards you with careful feline steps, looking all smiles and soft eyes. Seeing his kindness makes you want to cry again. But you worked so hard on stopping the sobbings ten minutes ago -as McGonagall was awkwardly patting your shoulder- you won't allow yourself to start again.
“Oh sorry. You needed to talk to professor Mc-”
“Ah no, no. I am just... waiting.”
“Waiting ?”
Jimin nods simply. He's looking everywhere, unable to settle his gaze anywhere, fidgeting awkwardly on his spot. You're not sure what is up with him but you're way too late for your next class -which you are also failing miserably to- to attempt to figure it out.
“Ok. Well, I have class. I'll see you later.”
You wave with a thin smile, it's the most you can give right now. Jimin just shakes his hand back and remains there, waiting.
Well, maybe he has a crush on you and that's why he turns into a freaking dumbass in front of you.
The next week, Jimin literally hops to his seat as soon as McGonagall opens the door. She sends him a squinted glare. She can't remember the last time a student walked in her class so excited.
“Can't you look more obvious ?” A drawling voice groans, while its owner lets himself slump on the chair next to Jimin. The latter throws daggers at him but Yoongi just sighs. “I'm just saying. It's going to be weird anyway so don't look so suspicious beforehand.”
He could reply something but he's not sure what. It's one of this moment when Jimin can't remember why the hell he is friend with that guy. They've been hanging out since the middle of first year. Yoongi has been kicked out from his room by his other roommates -for being an asshole, he suspects- and Jimin being Jimin, he had to invite him to finish his night in his room. The other kids were pissed but Jimin stood his ground. At the time, he didn't know Yoongi was, in fact, an asshole and just saw him as a poor underdog or something. The temporary fix happened to turn permanent. It was pretty simple, Kyungsoo -his ex-roommate- left his place to Yoongi and went to the other room. Jimin had to learn to appreciate Yoongi over the years. Even though, he's never made it an easy thing to do.
Slytherins and Hufflepuffs walk in in a loud buzz of chatters, slowly taking their seats. Jimin searches the crowd for your silhouette. Even hidden partly by the other students, it's not hard to find you. As always, you're walking with your back bent, head hung low. You're sweating anxiety and dread.
But this time, Jimin is not sharing your apprehension. He's planned it all right and he can't wait for McGonagall to start her weekly torture session with you. He doesn't have to wait for long as she turns to you within the first minutes of the class, with the same request she had last week.
“Go ahead.” McGonagall encourages, after having set a pen on your table.
Jimin can only see the back of your head but he can imagine you staring at the little object as if it were a monstrous device ready to jump at your face. Next to his own leg, there's Yoongi's one, shaking up and down in a nervous bounce he's never witnessed before. Even Yoongi is apprehending it? Jimin can now feel the weight on his shoulders. You wouldn't know about it but he does. He does and he puts so much pressure on himself. He'd feel like he had failed you if this doesn't go right and you have to go through the hardship you always encounter, once more. He's always terrified to walk in the Great Hall one morning to see your seat empty because you would have been tired of the whole shitty situation and given up your place.
Therefore, he gets on his forearms and pushes on them to elevate himself over the rows of students in front of him. His friend is there, staring at you. She's chewing nervously on her lower lip, and he notices her wand missing from the top of her table. Jimin can't see her hands and guesses they're hidden under the desk, ready to do what she promised him.
He beams to himself, and to her even though she can't see him. He is lucky indeed. He's surrounded by the greatest, most supportive and helpful people ever -except for Yoongi, maybe, but the fact that he is nervous about you succeeding today hints that he might not be that much of a dick.
There is that deafening silence again. Everybody waits for you to fail terribly like you systematically do. Some have already picked up a book or late homework to occupy themselves with, assuming it will take most of the lesson as it usually does.
McGonagall raises a hand in the air, shakes gently her wand to demonstrate to you the right way to do it -even though you saw it so many times, you can see that stupid hand gesture in your fucking nightly nightmares at this point. You stretch your arm above your desk, shaky fingers holding into your short crooked wand, and slowly, focusing all your will in it, you pronounce with the clearest voice possible the words. You haven't even finished saying the last word that the mechanic pen is trembling on your desk to then turn into a beautiful clear-white quill.
There is a loud, general gasp resonating in the room. Everybody, McGonagall included, has their mouths open wide, eyes ready to roll out of their sockets as they watch with pure astonishment the transfigured object laying on the wood table. The professor, unable to hide a proud smirk, claps her hands elegantly before leaving your side.
“Wow. That was really good.” Mumbles Yoongi, eyebrows raised. It's the most emotions Jimin has ever witnessed on this face. But what makes it all so worth it is the expression drawn on your face. You're whispering animatedly to your friend, a grin stretching your pink lips from ear to ear, cheeks tainted with an adorable red blush. You look so happy right now, Jimin can physically feel his heart shaken by the view. “Perfect. Now we can get on with the next sort. You better pay attention to this one as I can guarantee you, it will be on your final exam...”
Jimin is the first one to get out of the classroom. He wants to make sure not to miss you.
“If you're that good maybe I should ask you to do it for me too.” It's Taehyung's low voice. He's walking out, an arm wrapped around the quiet Hufflepuff girl who saved your ass today. Jimin would get mad at him for being so loud if only he wasn't overwhelmed with gratefulness. He looks at his friend, eyes hidden in two thin splits because of the wide grin he's wearing. He shoots her thumbs up but she just shrugs and leaves quickly, obviously upset.
“Does she know I was kidding?”
“Yeah... I don't know. Maybe. She just doesn't like cheating.”
“She's so good at it though!” Taehyung chuckles, hands clapping like a dumb seal. “Seriously, even though I knew it, it genuinely looked like ___ did it on her own!”
“Shut up!” Jimin gazes at him with pure rage in his eyes. If Taehyung wasn't almost twice as big as him, he would have trapped him in a headlock, and have him suffocate to death already. He should purchase a second set of voodoo fountains, he thinks.
Taehyung doesn't have time to argue as you're walking out of the room, arms locked with your best friend. Jimin dismissed him with a rude gesture and decides to walk up to you. Why does he feel so brave today? Before he can even think of an answer, he realizes he's already at your side.
“___! Hi. That was awesome, earlier. I knew you could do it!”
His voice sounds weird, too jumpy and unnatural, his words are stumbling messily out of his mouth but you don't seem to care as you smile gently at him. The sweet blush from earlier is back on your cheeks. “Thank you, Jimin. I have no idea how I did it but-”
“What do you mean? You're a great witch! You're working so hard all the time, of course you'd be able to do it-”
Jimin can feel the back of his neck burning from a sneaky pinch. He turns to look at Taehyung who is shooting an awkward rectangle smile to the two girls.
“Well, well, well, loverboy, I think we have places to go to. See you later, girls. You did great, ___!” He grabs the shorter boy by the back of his robe and pushes him towards the hallway, throwing a wave to the two slightly confused girls. Jimin is overly pissed now. Trying to get himself out of his friend grasp, he mumbles coarseness for only him to hear.
“Did you really need to call me 'loverboy' for fuck's sake tonight I swear to God you're dead you fucking-”
“Jimin, you were so embarrassing though.”
That little arrangement lasted for a few weeks only. Jimin would spend his evenings sweet-talking his friend into executing all the spells, for all the classes, for you. It wasn't an easy task to do, by the way, as she hated cheating and would always get out of class, pissed off. She couldn't tell him 'no' though, like most people. Jimin is charming. He's also very kind and overall appreciated by everyone. It's hard to deny him anything. Therefore, she did it for a little while. Until she couldn't take it anymore. It's Taehyung who came to him to tell him that she was too uncomfortable with the whole situation, and didn't want to be mean, but seriously, it's not even a solution for you.
Jimin panicked after the break of the news. He stayed awake the whole night, burning all his brain cells into finding a solution. There's one thing that has changed since you started receiving help: you're not the only one who gained in confidence, he did too. He could talk to you now, between classes and even during free times. And as you felt less upset all the time, you would take the time and the effort to engage in conversations with him.
And god you were sweet. He could hardly handle it. For some reason, he felt silly before for liking you without really knowing why. Yes, you were cute but so many people are. That's not a very valid reason. The fact that he felt bad for you not being able to produce a spark from your wand, was even a worse one. But now that he's having all these little conversations with you, now that he's shared laughter, and heard you lose yourself in tales of your life, he has a great reason. You're incredibly sweet and so lovable overall. He can't help it.
Yet, his accomplice, probably the best witch of their year, the only one he could ask this favour to, doesn't want to do it anymore. And along with her help, she's going to take away all the improvements you two have made. He feels sick at the thought alone. After having perambulated for hours, he throws himself in bed, grabs a pillow and screams his soul into it.
“shut up yoongi i'm sad” He mumbles, face still buried.
“I don't fucking care. I need sleep.”
“why you need sleep all the time you ain't doing shit”
“YAH! That fucking brat... Who d'you think you're talking to?!”
Jimin groans some more and Yoongi gives up on sleeping now. He turns in his sheets, facing his way.
“Don't you have at least one working brain cell in that annoying head of yours? Seriously...”
“Tell me what to do if you're that smart.”
“Ask that Weasley kid for one of his Scintillation potion.”
“Scinti- what? What even is that?”
“It's what weak kids use this day to pass exams. It's supposed to increase your magic flood or something. I mean, she's a squib, it might not wor-”
“Yes! YES!” Jimin yelps, jumping on his bed like an excited puppy. “That's exactly what I need ! You could have told me that four hours ago but well-”
“Whatever. I got you a solution so shut the fuck up now.”
“I'll let you sleep, don't worry. Thanks, Yoongi.” He whispers through a smile. Who would have thought that Yoongi would have been the one to calm his troubled heart?-
“Get yourself an Armotentia too, you'll need it.”
Certainly, not Jimin.
The thing about potions you can get under Hogwarts cloaks, and especially the ones used to cheat, is that they're not made by professional potion makers. They're made by stupid kids like Weasley who just want to make some pocket money by extorting it to poor students, and also wish a little bit to cause chaos whenever that's possible. So of course, necessarily, that back up plan had to abort.
After weeks of being so successful in most of your classes, you failed miserably during one of your Divination class. In the middle of the lesson, as everyone was looking in their teacups, the content of yours unexpectedly started to boil and boil and boil until spilling everywhere. You were about to call for the Professor when the ominous crow you've vaguely caught a glimpse of before, materialised itself out of the liquid and flew at full speed out of the cup and collided against the roof. Another followed, and another one, and another one again and again until the room was full of angry birds, flapping their wings and croaking in hysterics.
Students started running around, screaming their heads off as if they were being attacked by them Hitchcok's style -which was not the case. Eventually, the whole class has been evacuated in the hallways except for you who had to follow Argus Filch to Professor McGonagall's office.
Jimin learned the incident as soon as his class was over. Overexcited students were discussing in the hallway, spreading all kind of rumours that made his blood ran cold. He knew most of it was bullshit -informations' accuracy never survived Hogwarts' telephone game- but he still caught your name and he knew you were involved somewhat in the new drama shaking up the school.
Grabbing the first Hufflepuff he could get a hand on -them being Taehyung, fortunately- he asked eagerly for what had happened. His friend just shot him a defeated sorry pout.
On his way to Professor McGonagall's office, his insides are all twisting and his mind is running like crazy. He's determined to do the right thing. He'll knock on this door; he'll face the severe stare of the Headmistress; and he'll admit all his offences. He won't mention his accomplices, of course. He just hopes they won't feed him some Veritaserum because then, they'll be fucked. He knows what he needs to do and he's not even that moved by the thought of the consequences. He did what he did. He knows why he did it. They might not approve but he doesn't care much.
All he cares about is your reaction. You're in there. In some way or another, they're probably figuring out what happened and telling you.
The moment he enters the corridor, he sees you closing the door. He calls out to you and rushes to join your side. You look at him, surprised to see him there until it clicks.
“It was you ?” You whisper, unable to hide the bitterness from your tone.
Jimin bites on his lip. His heart is literally breaking. He can actually feel it as he acknowledges your reddish nose and swollen eyes. He made you cry.
“I'm so sorry, ___. I-I never meant for all-”
You shut him off with a hand wave and just turn on your heels, ready to leave without sparing him another glance.
“I really am, ___. I promise you. I'm going to talk to McGonagall, don-”
“Don't!” You hush him, rushing back to him, with wide eyes. He frowns, not getting it, but you're already dragging him out of the main hallway to a more secluded one. “They have no idea it's you, Jimin.”
“Still. It's my fault, I should be held responsible for it.”
“Is it necessary? They didn't scold me when they learn I wasn't aware of anything. They're just going to expel you.”
“Well, I would have deserved it.”
You can't help but hum in approval. He grimaces. He should have gotten that Armotentia potion. His cause is fucking lost.
For a while, none of you says a word. You don't even face each other. You're pretending to study a painting hung on the wall -that would have been more believable if only the characters usually hanging out there were actually present. He is pretending to be interested in a crack on the wood floor, even though, he's glancing at you from the corner of his eyes.
After some time, he hears you let out a long, heartbreaking sigh.
“Why would you do that, Jimin? I thought we were friends.”
He flinches, taken aback not only by your words but also by the pain he can hear underlying in your voice.
“Of course, we're friends.”
“Because friends plan pranks on each other to make them believe they can actually do something they're yearning for for years? To then take it all away like that?”
You're clenching your fists tight against your side to hold in the tears. It hurts him to notice it but of course, he's so aware of you right now, he can't miss the least tremble of your body. He doesn't know what to do. Everything is playing now. If he doesn't explain his intentions right, he's losing you forever. Now that he heard you put it that way too, he's not so sure the whole thing ever was a good idea. It's so obvious put that way. How could he have missed it?
“___, I'm so terribly sorry. I didn't mean to fool you into believing anything, I just- You were so sad and I just wanted to make you feel better. I didn't think about how you'd feel if you learned the truth, I'm really sorry.”
“How could you not ?”
“I'm a fucking moron, ___.” A thin smile draws itself on your lips. He's not even trying to denigrate himself to get into your good favours. He is just so done with himself.
“I'm a squib, Jimin. I'm supposed to struggle and probably never make it. You can't go around passing my exams for me. It's not really helping.”
“I know. I get it now. I'm sorry.” He says. His voice is all milk and honey. You decide you can't be mad at him for much longer.
“It's fine.”
“Is it?”
You nod, tempting a smile his way.
“So we're good?”
“Yes, Jimin. We’re good.” Finally raising his chin up, he faces you. He's shooting you his infamous timid smile now, the one where his front teeth end up biting lightly on his plump lip. Through your messed up face, you grin in return. Although you don't really have the time to worry about it because of the fond way he's looking at you. Why is he even looking at you this way? “There's one thing I don't get, Jimin. There was this other squib in Slytherin last year, and even Tae is failing Transfiguration class since year 2. Why didn't you do it for them?”
“Cause I don't want to date them.” You choke on air at that. He keeps on smiling, pretending to be cool with what he just said, but you can see the tip of his ears darkening. The more you stare at him, eyes wide and open-mouthed, the less casual he looks. “If that's rejection just say it but don't let me- like that. Please.”
You start laughing, wholeheartedly, a hand claps to your mouth when you remember you're in the quiet upper hallways of Hogwarts. Jimin just stands there, awkwardly. He still is unsure what it all means but he's smitten by your laughter. Maybe he hasn't lost all his chances.
“I had no idea you liked me, Jimin.”
Well, he thought he was being sly but apparently his technics were just totally ineffective.
“Thanks to you, I don't have any classes left for today...” You start again. Jimin groans playfully. If you two are going to do this, you'll have to let go of this debacle. “Maybe we should go do something.” You're standing in front of him, looking at him square in the eyes, with obvious suspense painted all over your pretty face. He knows it's time for his line but he doesn't know what to say. He knows you're teasing. He can tell now that you want it too but for some reason, you want to hear him say it.
“Do you wanna go on a date with me ?” He mutters hardly loud enough for you to hear. Wow, he can't remember the last time he's been so fucking shy, it's ridiculous. He attempts to hide his burning face under his hands but you're quick to grab one.
“I didn't plan anything obviously so don't like- hate me if it sucks.”
“It's okay. I think I hated you enough for today.”
“By the way, now that I think about it... Tae was hinting your crush quite obviously, wasn't he ?”
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softrainbowlove · 6 years
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pairing: namjoon x prince! reader
genre: royal au, fluff
warnings: cursing, historical changes
word count: 8K
synopsis: Namjoon goes to brunch to meet the royal family.
note: like the header ? tried my best dont know if this is the best format  but i didnt want to repeat the title... even thought of not including a title at all
part i  
wanna read more? my masterlist ♡  to do list
The news was set on fire again.
"Prince (Y/N) has rejected the engagement with Seo EunByul, the daughter of CEO Seo EuiSun, for no given reason. Speculations are growing that Prince is not ready for an engagement or the throne." The TV chatted and when it was moved to a different channel it started talking about the same topic.
"With no reason, the heir to the throne of South Korea has rejected his engagement plans. And it isn't his first time rejecting an engagement. Worrying the people, will the Prince be ready to rule when he can't even have a long-term relationship?"
"Another rejected engagement from the Prince, when will the young Prince be ready? Is he ready to-” 
The gossip shows gossiped and quickly Hoseok turned the TV off. "Can't they talk about something else?"
The group was quiet for a moment.
"How did they even find out so quickly?" Yoongi than says glancing at Namjoon, who was staring down at his left hand. Yoongi's eyes wander to the gold band wrapped around Namjoon's finger. "So, it really is real." He finally says catching Namjoon's attention. Namjoon didn't reply. The others turned to the two.
Then Namjoon let out chuckle. "Every time I look at it I think that too." There was silent again. No one really knew how to react to the situation they have gotten themselves in, well Namjoon has gotten himself in. It was strange, unexpected and unbelievable. And how is someone supposed to react? Namjoon asked himself that question a lot throughout the day. He had no clue what to say or how to explain the events that happened that lead to this.
"Don't you have the brunch on tomorrow?” Hoseok asked crossing his legs. Namjoon nodded his head and then let out a sigh.
“Yeah. And I still have no idea what I’m going to say.” Namjoon confessed and leaned back into his seat. His head fell back as he went back into the spiral of knowing what to say tomorrow. But then something clicked. The others were talking to themselves, well trying to communicate Namjoon but he wasn’t listening. “Hoseok!” His head was up straight again, and his eyes were directly looking at his hyung. The man looked at the other with a confused look. “You said you knew a lot about the royal family?”
Hoseok nodded his head. “You know I thought everyone did too.” He awkwardly responded.
Namjoon frowned. “Well, could you teach me a few things?”  Hoseok looked at him with frowned eyebrows, his eyes glanced down for a second but then he smiled.
“Yeah, of course.” There was no hint of hesitation and Namjoon smiled.
It was the next morning now. Hoseok had helped Namjoon yesterday the whole day to prepare, but the nerves continued to eat Namjoon alive. "What do you wear to a brunch with the King and Queen of South Korea??"
"Don't forget the Prince."
"How can I forget?!"
To say that Namjoon was losing his cool was an understatement. All the members were gathered in his room on the beds and floor trying to help their leader out in selecting clothes for the brunch date. Hoseok was the first one who had picked out an outfit, the rest commented it and changed it up a bit. Picking out clothes was hard, discussing on how to leave a good impression was even harder.
"What am I going to say??" Namjoon freaked out after buttoning up another dress shirt. Everyone looked up at Namjoon's face quiet for a whole second.
"Namjoon we went over it yesterday.” Hoseok was the one who freaked out first before the others followed. Kim Namjoon was their leader. He always knew what to do best. In their eyes Namjoon was a wise and very good with words.
But now if Namjoon didn't know what to say, who would?
Seokjin stood up, being the oldest came with a role. He always wanted to make sure his brothers felt comfortable and safe. He walked over to Namjoon and put his hands on the other’s shoulders.
"What's your name?" He asked with a tilted head. Namjoon frowned, surprised by the question and his frustration grew.
"Seokjin I really don't have time-" He was ready to turn away but Seokjin turned him back.
"Answer...what's your name?"
Namjoon sighed. "Namjo-" Seokjin gave him a look. "Kim Namjoon."
"That's right," Seokjin smiled. "And the Kim Namjoon I know, always knows what to stay no matter what the situation. So, Kim Namjoon, better get himself together because he is just panicking for no reason. Because everything is going to be fine.” Jin has started rubbing Namjoon’s shoulder to reassure and give him comfort. Namjoon’s tense shoulders relaxed and he closed his eyes. He was still worried but less worried. The rest of the boys started throwing motivational speeches at their leader and tried to ease the worry for him. Namjoon smiled at the effort of the group and he did feel better when they weren’t panicking with him.
The time came, and the doorbell was rung. Everyone looked at each other before they looked at Namjoon. They were in the living room quietly waiting for this moment to arrive. Namjoon has decided to wear something he was comfortable and presentable at the same time. Grey pants going with a short sleeved blue button up dress shirt and black boots. Namjoon took a deep breath and then stood up to walk over to the door. He took one glance at the others and saw them all cheering for him as quiet as possible.
Namjoon opened the door revealing the Prince leaning against the wall. "Ah," The prince smiled and looked Namjoon up and down. "Handsome as ever." Namjoon blushed lightly but also noticed how good the prince looked himself in some expensive looking black pants and black button up shirt that had a few buttons open to expose collar bones and a glimpse of his upper chest.
"I could say the same." Namjoon couldn't help but flirt back and it seemed like (Y/N) appreciated it. "I wasn't too sure on the clothes. So, I hope this works." Namjoon admitted and hoped that the outfit would work out at the end.
The prince continued to smile. "I would have preferred no clothes, but you look good anyways." The smile was turned into a slight smirk and Namjoon's cheeks burned.
God. He drives me insane, Namjoon thoughts and bit his lips.
"C'mon, I have my driver waiting for us." (Y/N) turned around walking down and quickly Namjoon followed. When they were outside of the building Namjoon was hesitant in walking next to the Prince, but (Y/N) slow down glancing up at the other. "You know, just because I'm the Prince doesn't you have to act so uptight, or whatever you are doing." The words hit Namjoon hard. He realized how nervous he really was about the whole thing, he had just met the Prince for goodness sake but now here he was going to meet the royal family.
Namjoon closed his eyes and stopped in his tracks. "I'm sorry this is just all too much." (Y/N) turned around and frowned. He walked closer to Namjoon and put a hand on Namjoon's arm. The simple touch made Namjoon open his eyes.
"I know. It's just today, after that we can go on dates with just the two of us. Like a regular couple." There was the smile again. Namjoon's heart was fluttering at the soft genuine smile that was given to him.
"That sounds...great," Namjoon said and the Prince grinned. Full teeth. Making Namjoon's heart race.
"I can't wait." There was a sort of excitement in the voice that Namjoon felt attracted to and it seemed like it wasn't something (Y/N) showed a lot because of his ears turned red and there were uncertainty and confusion in (Y/N)'s eyes. Namjoon decided to smile back and that seemed to affect (Y/N), making him continue smiling like a kid finding something new.
Namjoon liked this side of (Y/N). It seemed so precious and only for him.
It wasn’t a silent ride as Namjoon was expecting. The Prince led the conversations. It wasn’t small talk, the Prince just rambled on about the little stuff in his life, like the movie he watched last night. And when (Y/N) stopped talking Namjoon looked at him. The Prince was looking out of the window. They were passing by a beautiful landscape, indicating they were out of the city.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Namjoon was surprised at how fascinated the Prince seemed by the sight. But Namjoon’s eyes were captivated by the Prince’s face instead of the beautiful landscape they were passing. The Prince turned his head, so that he would meet Namjoon’s pair of eyes. Namjoon felt himself grow flustered at being caught staring, a smile formed on the (Y/N)’s lips as watched Namjoon stutter out a “yeah, beautiful”. The (Y/N) grinned. “The landscape or me?”
“Both.” The other replied quickly and with no hesitation. Namjoon watched the Prince’s ears turn dark red and (Y/N) had to look away. It was the way Namjoon said it, full of sincerity and not trying too hard (Something that was a big turn off for the Prince).  Namjoon looked ahead quietly with slight flushed cheeks. He was unsure of what to say, even if he felt slight pride when he saw that the ears of the Prince wear still burning red.
The drive continued in silence. (Y/N)’s hand was resting on the empty spot between the two men and so was Namjoon’s. Namjoon could feel the other hand moving closer to his own till he could feel the warmth against his own fingers. He clutched into the leather but didn’t move from his spot. Though his eyes did glance at the prince, who was still looking out of the window to enjoy the view.
“Sir, have you informed your father of the last-minute…changes?” The Butler spoke from his driver’s seat and looked at the Prince through the view-mirror. (Y/N) glanced at Namjoon, but with no smile.
“Plans have changed for tomorrow.” (Y/N) said before taking a bite of his fish. Eyes were set upon and then came a long silence.
“What type of plans?” The voice was deep and held an accent that not a lot of Koreans still have. The voice also knew the high position he had, so everything he said sounded like a demand and never a request or question.
“Seo Eunbyul.” (Y/N) glanced at his sister, who was looking at him.
“You didn’t propose to her…so no brunch.”
“Yes and no.” Finally, the young Prince looked at the King. “I proposed to Kim Namjoon.” Again silence, but this time without the noises of cutlery moving. The King eyes were set on his son.
 “Without my approval?” The Prince glanced at his mother.
“You never did specify who I should propose to.” (Y/N) licked his lips when his father started to look annoyed.
“I thought you were smart enough to understand who I meant.” The Prince’s eyes shifted to his dinner plate. The hunger he once had was gone.
“Like father, like son.”
“(Y/N)!” His mother jolted at her son’s words and then he looked up again at both of his parents.
“For once in my life I want to make my own choices for my future.” He stressed on ‘my’ every time and he couldn’t help it but get loud. He had his cutlery set down on the table midsentence. All the eyes were on the eldest Prince.
“Well, your future doesn’t just consist of yourself, it consists of your people!” His mother argued with disturbed tone.
“And in what way is my personal life going to affect them?”
“The next Heirs.” He turned his mother with sharp eyes.
“Marrying a man might be fine now, but how will you have bloods for the next generations of royals. You cannot tell me that slipped your grasp.” (Y/N) stayed quiet. It wasn’t like he was thinking about the future. He never liked thinking about it. It was going to be nightmare he couldn’t wake up from, at least that is what he was thinking. “…You didn’t.”
The Prince’s jaw tightened, and he looked away from both of his parents’ glares.
“Go clean up your mess…again.” His father ordered to him waving his hand at him. But the prince stayed seated and shook his head.
“Excuse me?”
“No. I have kept my lips shut for my whole life and always did what you asked me to. So, you listen now,” He looked straight at his parents. “You are going to meet my fiancé tomorrow and there is nothing you can do about it. If there are any objections, you can try and birth a new heir Prince.” With that (Y/N) tapped his mouth clean before standing up bowing to his grandmother and then left the dining room.
“He gets the stubbornness from you.” The King’s mother commented looking at her son and then continued dinner. The King watched his son disappear in the hallway and then sighed. He closed his eyes for a moment. “You should let him. He had always done what you said even with his snarky mouth. A little bit of happiness isn’t going to hurt him.”
“And what about Heirs?” The Queen spoke her hands on the table. The elder only glanced at the other woman.
“Have you forgotten about your two daughters that are sitting here? Future Queens and way more capable of carrying children than (Y/N).” The daughters had to giggle but they were quickly shut up by their mother’s glare. The King cleaned his fingers.
“I expected him to run away without threatening to do so.” He said. His wife glanced at him and rolled her eyes. “Chanwoo.” The butler on the side walked to the King.
“Yes, your Majesty?”
“Please call Jaejoon for an emergency meeting about tomorrows reports and tell him to cancel every press headline that were supposed to come out tomorrow before he comes here. No need to let the press write for nothing.” The King dabbed the corner of his mouth with a napkin. The butler nodded his head and asked if there was anything else he could do. “No. Thank you.” The servant bowed before leaving to do as he was ordered to.
The King caught the stare of his wife and shrugged his shoulders. “He’s a smart boy.”
“Yes, I did tell them.”  (Y/N) said looking at his driver before out of the window.
When they arrived at the palace, the doors were opened for them buy the servants that were already waiting for him. (Y/N) shot Namjoon a smile and then stepped out of the car. Namjoon followed and when he got out he took in the sight of the palace and its surroundings. They had driven through a golden gate that led to the royal palace, which was surrounded by green gardens.
Namjoon he felt the presence of the Prince at his side. He looked at him and there was the smile again. It was gentle and reassuring. It also made the entering of the palace much easier.
“This is our city palace. We are usually here during spring, autumn and winter.  And my birthday” The Prince explained as Namjoon’s eyes were wandering around the modernized palace. Wherever he looked Namjoon could still see the Korean traditions in the architecture being kept. Paintings of landscapes and nature decorated the walls. “It’s also new built, if you couldn’t tell.” (Y/N) glanced at Namjoon and smiled at how in awe Namjoon was.
“Why?” Namjoon looked back at (Y/N) with a curious look.
(Y/N) tilted his head in confusion. “Why what?”
“Why was new built?”
“Oh…” (Y/N) looked at a painting against the wall. “Well, we also have to grow into the modern world of today. We can’t stay in the past forever.”  His voice was soft and Namjoon’s eyebrows frowned in concentration as he thought of (Y/N)’s words. Two servants stood next to a large door.
“Your Highness, his Majesty is awaiting you and your company here.” And then the doors were opened by the two guards for the couple. (Y/N) thanked the servant and lead Namjoon into the room. It was the only dining room. It has a long table with 10 chairs on it and a large chandelier on the ceiling. Though what caught Namjoon’s eyes was the man at the end of the table. He also seemed to catch (Y/N)’s attention.
“You two finally made it.”
“Father…” The man stood up for the chair and just like Hoseok told him he bowed to the King. The Prince followed but it wasn’t as low as Namjoon’s bow.
“It’s an honor to be here, your Majesty.” Namjoon said and he glanced at (Y/N) who was staring at him. A small smile formed on the Prince’s lips as he watched Namjoon. The King glanced at his son before giving his attention to the guest.
“Well, it’s also an honor to finally meet you Kim Namjoon. It would be a lie if I said it was the first time I heard of you this week.” Then the King’s eyes moved to his son with a knowing look and Namjoon caught on to that. Namjoon wasn’t sure what to think of that comment.
“I see.” Now two pair of eyes were upon the Prince.
“What?” The Prince huffed slightly to hide his embarrassment. Namjoon smiled when he caught on to (Y/N)’s red ears. “I might have mentioned you once before…”
“Once?” The King teased and Namjoon now knew where (Y/N) got his teasing side from. He smiled at that. “Whatever makes you sleep at night, son.” Then the King gave Namjoon his attention again. “Before we have brunch, how about we go out to the garden to talk? Just you and me?” The Prince raised an eyebrow at his father at his suggestion. The King looked at his son. “Every father needs to talk to their child’s partner alone.”
(Y/N) looked more confused now, but Namjoon agreed with a small smile. “That sounds nice.” He said and then glanced at the Heir.
“Fantastic.” The King smiled and then moved to the side to point the way to the gardens. “Now, let’s move.” Namjoon glanced at (Y/N), who didn’t look happy to have to stay behind. The two men walked into gardens that had beautiful flowers, trees and bushes in them. They obviously had skilled gardeners working here. Namjoon was looking around enjoying the atmosphere of the it. They walked to a concrete bench next to a pound of water.
The King sat down followed by Namjoon. He put his hands on his lap rubbing them nervously as he waited for the royals to speak up.
“What do you do, Namjoon? Ignoring the fact that (Y/N) has spoken already enough about you.” The King has crossed his feet and his eyes were on the pound watching the fish swimming. Namjoon glanced at the King.
“I’m in an idol in boy group, your Majesty.” Namjoon answered.
“Hm. The leader I assume.”
Namjoon nodded. “Yes, your Majesty.”
“Namjoon, I’m your father in law please ‘sir’ is enough.” To say that Namjoon was surprised was an understatement. “Times have changed in the last few centuries, even years. And my grandfather has worked hard to keep us where we always been. But with the times changing our traditions and customs lost meaning and hurt my people before.” He stopped for a moment and Namjoon looked at the King carefully listening. “My son has been hurt a lot by these traditions and customs too, but he always went through it. Did everything I told him too, but always spoke back.” The King chuckled lightly, but it turned into a cough. “He got that form me.” He sighed when he looked at Namjoon. “What I’m trying to say is that, if my son wants to marry you, even after a day of meeting,” He gave Namjoon a look. “I will let him make that decision and he will get a ‘yes’ from me for this. But I want you to be sure. So, I will only give him a yes after 6 months. That yes is something he needs to get married otherwise he won’t be able to marry you.”
Namjoon turned his head to look at the King. “Six months?”
“It took me six months to let my wife fall in love with me and realize her responsibility as my wife.” The King had his hands on his lap and as he stared at Namjoon. He stood up from the bench with his arms behind his back and Namjoon stared at the pound. “Marrying an heir is never easy but being married to a King is even harder. And you have six months to think about it.”
Namjoon watched the two fish swim together. “Thank you, Sir.” He said when the two fish were parted because of algae. The King glanced down at Namjoon.
“I will send Prince (Y/N). I’m sure he’s counting down to the seconds.” The King he chuckled lightly. “I will see you at brunch.” Then the King went back to palace. Namjoon looked down at the gold band. He played with it for a while thinking of what the King has told him.
“Hey,” His voice caught him out of guard. He looked up to see (Y/N) staring at him before taken a seat next to him. “You alright?”
And when he thought about it, it wasn’t such a bad idea.
Namjoon smiled and nodded his head. “Yes.”
“What did my father tell you?” Namjoon wasn’t sure if he was just bad at lying or the Prince knew that his father would tell him something important.
Namjoon sighed looking down at the ring.
“Don’t tell me said that we couldn-“
“No.” Namjoon shook his head immediately. “No. He said he would say yes…” Then he looked at (Y/N) again. “After six months.” (Y/N) was quiet for a moment and then turned to look at the pond. Namjoon expected for the Prince to not agree with his father’s deal, so he was surprised when (Y/N) nodded his head.
“Alright…six months. It’s alright with you too, right?” The Prince turned to look at Namjoon. He was quiet and when Namjoon looked into the Prince’s eyes he expected to get a glimpse at what (Y/N) was thinking. But he got nothing. He frowned at that, usually he was good at reading people, but the Prince had his gates to his true feeling closed. He pursed his lips and then shook his head when he remembered that (Y/N) was waiting for his response.
“No. It came from the King after all, I don’t think I have much of say in it.” Namjoon chuckled lightly and the Prince smiled.
“You’re right. And we need the yes from the sovereign.” Then the Prince leaned back on his hands. “First lesson, even a Prince needs the yes from the King to get married. You don’t happen to be a divorcee, do you?” There was a teasing smile on the Prince’s lips and Namjoon smiled too shaking his head.
“Not that I know of.” The Prince grinned and then he let out a laugh. “What?”
“How about purity?” (Y/N) turned his head to Namjoon with an eyebrow raised and the smile growing. Namjoon blushed at that knowing exactly what the (Y/N) meant. “Excluding your own hand business.”
“I…” (Y/N)’s eyes were on him and the smile had turned into a smirk making Namjoon even more flustered. When Namjoon couldn’t bring out a comprehended sentence (Y/N) laughed and shook his head.
“You don’t have to answer that. I’m sorry.” The apology seemed genuine as the smirk was replaced with a small apologetic smile. Namjoon still had red cheeks and couldn’t look at the other. “It’s alright if you aren’t we aren’t in the 19th century. I’m not pure myself, if it makes you feel better.”
“It doesn’t.” Namjoon muttered more to himself. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at that and then Namjoon turned around with a smile. He decided to tease back. “You’re really strange. For a Prince. Not really like the fairytales promised” Namjoon put his knee on top of the other and put his hands on it. (Y/N) let out a laugh and his head fell back when he was laughing and Namjoon grinned proud that he made the Prince laugh this hard.
“I’m sorry I am not Prince Charming.” The Prince tilted his head to the side with a grin. “But I can prove myself worth to be set along those Disney Princes.”
Namjoon raised a brow with a teasing smile on his lips. “Can you?” The Prince stood up and then fixing his collar before turning to around to Namjoon and extending his hands down for him to take with a slight bow.
“Would you like to go riding?”
“Riding?!” Namjoon stuttered out his eyes growing wide. (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“Aish, you are ruining my charmness with your perverted mind.” Namjoon grew red again and (Y/N) gave him an unamused look but a smile couldn’t be stopped from forming. “I meant horse riding. Every princess needs to be horse riding. Now c’mon.” He hurried Namjoon into taking his hand and when he did the Prince pulled him up close to him. A smirk formed on his lips as his eyes grew dark. “I would love to ride you over a horse anytime, but maybe next time.” He didn’t even give Namjoon to react fully to what he had just said and started walking with his arm slipped into Namjoon’s waist.
Namjoon’s cheeks were warm and he felt his lower body grow warm as the Prince’s words echoed in his mind. Even a vivid image popped into his head that made him slightly dizzy.
“If you like you can ride my own horse. Since she trusts me well enough to let strangers that I like, ride her.” (Y/N) said as the couple walked along the road. Namjoon noticed a barn that wasn’t too far from the palace. He also saw a few horses out on the green field that was surrounded by fence. There was a brick wall separating the gardens from the empty wide fields along with a small gate that had a guard.
“How come you have horses here?”
“The barn isn’t really ours, it belongs to a farm. But since I am spending more time in Seoul I want to come back home to ride my horse, so we brought her here.” (Y/N) explained and Namjoon nodded as he listened. They came to the gate that was separating the palace from the open field. The guard looked a bit surprised at the two.
“There is no guard with you, your royal Highness.” The Heir sighed.
“We are just going out to ride Minsun, Hajoon. Just call them and they will come running.” He said and then the guard sighed to before opening the gate knowing that he couldn’t argue with the Prince. Namjoon glanced at the guard and thanked him when (Y/N) did. The two men walked into the grassy field along a muddy path. He was surprised that the Prince would be so willing to walk through mud with shoes that probably cost more than his rent.
When they arrived at the barn (Y/N) opened the doors and he held it open for Namjoon to walk in first. “Can you guess which one is my precious Minsun?” (Y/N) asked. He was walking behind Namjoon at first and then took few bigger steps to walk next to Namjoon. Namjoon looked at the horses which were in their stalls.
“Is she even in here?” Namjoon asked, his eyes looking around at the horses that were in here. He glanced at (Y/N) who was smiling at the question. (Y/N) glanced at Namjoon. “Let’s go outside then.” He then leads the other into the outside through the back. There on the field were horses and one of the horses has slowed down. “There she is.” Namjoon pointed at the white horse.
“How did you guess?”
Namjoon shrugged with a teasing smile. “Isn’t it a bit cliché for you to have a white horse?” He asked, and the Prince grinned before starting to walk to his horse. Namjoon followed him and watched (Y/N) put his hand gently on Minsun, making her stop in front of him calmly.
“Maybe, but she’s a beauty, isn’t she?” The Prince petted the mane softly. “You wanna touch her?” He asked looking at the other. Namjoon slowly got closer to the horse and reached out to pet the mane. He gulped as his gentle hand touched the mane. (Y/N) smiled softly and then put his hand on top of Namjoon’s. Namjoon stared at the hand on top of his hand and his breathing hitched when (Y/N) wrapped his fingers curled into his.
There was a silence between the men as they listened to each other’s breaths. Namjoon felt his heart thumb harder against his chest when he felt the warmness coming from (Y/N).
“Do you wanna take a ride?” (Y/N) asked his voice close to Namjoon’s ear. “Not me but her.” He chuckled lightly and Namjoon groaned taking his hand away from the mane. And he pushed the Prince away with his elbow. The Heir laughed as he stepped away from the other. “Hey, is that how you treat the Heir to the throne?”
Namjoon knew he was joking from the grin the Prince was trying to hide with a too serious face. The other rolled his eyes before doing a courtesy making (Y/N) burst into laughter. Namjoon couldn’t help but smile at the sight of (Y/N) laughing and he felt himself laugh too.
“C’mon, Moonie.”
“Moonie?” Namjoon asked and then followed the other, who turned around to walk to the barn.
“Yes, Moonie. Do you like it?” (Y/N) glanced at Namjoon and then grabbed into his own saddle. Namjoon didn’t say anything instead helped (Y/N) to carry the tack. They got to Minsun and (Y/N) started making the horse ready. “Did you ever ride a horse before?” (Y/N) asked as he knotted up the leash.
“No. I haven’t.” Namjoon confessed and shifted on his feet.
“First time then?” (Y/N) straightened himself up and brushed off the dirt from his pants. Namjoon hummed quietly. “Don’t worry, Minsun is a calm one.” (Y/N) reassured the other and then gave him a smile. (Y/N) stepped closer the helmet in his hand. “Safety first.” He said and then put the helmet on Namjoon”s head. He buckled it up and smiled.
Namjoon let out a breath before taking a step closer to the horse. “Let me help you.” (Y/N) said and helped Namjoon to get on the horse. He had one hand on Minsun to make sure she was calm and felt safe. (Y/N) stroked her mane gently and whispered to her. Namjoon let out a breath when both of his hands grabbed into the saddle to balance himself. His legs were on each side of the horse and his foot were loose in the air till (Y/N) instructed him to put them where they belonged.
Namjoon felt (Y/N) place his hand hand on his leg. “You okay?” Namjoon looked down at the other and nodded his head. His heart beat has increased, and it was obvious by the expression on his face that he was nervous. “It’s going to be alright. I’m going to lead you.” He said and wrapped his other hand the leash and started walking and so did Minsun. The hand on Namjoon’s lower thigh never left. Namjoon gripped tighter into the saddle and went to look ahead. He kept on glancing down at the Prince and when he would he felt safer. “Would you like to ride on your own.”
“(Y/N)…I don’t know I-“ Namjoon stuttered and (Y/N) looked up. 
“I know that you can do it. Believe in yourself.” And then the leash was in Namjoon’s hands. “Slowly, okay?” There was the reassuring smile that Namjoon needed. “Look up.” And he did. He took a deep breath and then held into the leash tightly letting Minsun walk on her own. (Y/N) was walking next to him a smile was on his face the whole time. “You’re doing great, Moonie.” Namjoon made Minsun walk till they got closer and closer to the brown fence. “Turn her. She’s going to stop if you won’t.” (Y/N)’s voice said from behind. Namjoon took a deep breath before he grabbed tighter into the leash and turned it hard enough for Minsun to react and turn. Namjoon didn’t even realize how far (Y/N) was standing.
The Prince had his hands behind his back and was standing tall with a proud smile on his lips. Namjoon made Minsun walk back to her owner on his own and he smiled when he got closer to (Y/N).
“That was great.” (Y/N) complimented and he put his hand on Minsun petting her. Namjoon didn’t stop smiling. The leash was still in his hands. “How about we go somewhere with Minsun?” Namjoon looked down at the Prince with a confused face.
“Wasn’t I supposed to meet your family?”
(Y/N) gasped. “Minsun is family.” Namjoon stared blankly at the other for a while and then (Y/N) sighed. “Don’t worry about them.”
“But we’re most probably late…” Namjoon scratched at the leash.
“That is on me and not on you.” The Heir argued, and he stared at Namjoon with blank eyes. Namjoon didn’t say anything. So, (Y/N) let out a sigh. “Okay, get down if you want to meet them so bad." He sounded pissed. Namjoon pursed his lips and got down from Minsun with (Y/N)'s help.
 "Look, we can always come back here. Can't we?" Namjoon asked while (Y/N) was taking off the saddle. The Prince didn't say thing anything till Minsun was bare again.
 "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have sounded so annoyed. I just wished we had more time together." Namjoon frowned when (Y/N) looked down and pushed the saddle closer to his chest. Namjoon sighed and stepped forward to put his hand on top of (Y/N)'s hand.
"This isn't going to be the only time we spent together." Namjoon reassured Prince (Y/N), who looked up at Namjoon with soft eyes. "I promise." The two men then walked back to the barn and left not before feeding horses themselves. They walked back to the palace. (Y/N) was prepping Namjoon for meeting his family.
"My mother likes to talk a lot, but don’t worry I won’t let her bite you." (Y/N) said.
"Ah, so like you?" Namjoon commented with raised eyebrow and looked at the other. (Y/N) stopped walking and shut his mouth.
 "I don't talk a lot." The Prince turned to look and Namjoon had to laugh.
 "You talk a lot." Namjoon couldn't believe that (Y/N) thought that he didn't talk a lot. "You talked the whole way to the palace." Then Namjoon noticed the Prince's red ears. "You ramble a lot. You don't even notice it." Burning red. Namjoon cracked a smile. (Y/N) looked at him with hesitant expression. Namjoon's smile flattered. "It's okay. I like it. It's cute." He then said feeling guilty at pointing that out in the first place.
 (Y/N) looked to the side.
 "Anyways...I think my sister is a fan of your group, but she won’t say thing. She promised me that.” (Y/N) talked his hands at sides and his hand next to Namjoon’s kept brushing against the other. Namjoon looked down still feeling guilty. Even though the Heir didn't seem to look affected. But Namjoon noticed how longer the pauses were between the Prince's sentences. Did his words really affect the Heir to the throne so easily? “My youngest sister is not much of talker either. She still goes to high school so it’s kind of expected, right?"
"(Y/N)." Namjoon bit his lip and grasped into the Prince's hand making them stop.
 "What is it?" The Prince tilted his head in confusion.
 "I like your ramble. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings when I pointed it out." Namjoon explained with sweaty hands. (Y/N) glanced to the side.
 “You aren't the first to point it out. I just thought..." (Y/N) looked to the side again making Namjoon do the same to see if there was anything there. But there wasn't.
 "Can't you hear me? I like your ramble." Namjoon stated and (Y/N) looked at him.
 "...Alright." He was hesitant and Namjoon noticed that.
 "I truly do. I could listen to you talk for hours if I got the chance to do so."  Namjoon's thumbs rubbed (Y/N) soft skin.
He knew that even when he was riding the horse and looked at (Y/N) he felt similar feelings. His heart thumbed against his rib cage and his cheeks felt warm. Namjoon knew that he had just met the Prince, but these emotions that he felt in moments like these couldn’t be ignored. He couldn’t be sure if it was love what he was feeling because he never believed in love at first sight. But Namjoon also couldn’t deny that his feelings were strong towards (Y/N). It was undeniable attraction that he felt towards (Y/N). And Namjoon also cared for the Prince. He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t need a reason to act on his feelings. Because he knew he couldn’t control them.
“You would?” The Prince asked in a curious voice and Namjoon smiled at that.
“Yeah.” And there was the smile. Yeah, it was the smile that Namjoon always loved to stare at. Namjoon felt himself smile to at that. The Prince looked to the side again before sighing happily.
“We can’t make them wait any longer.” (Y/N) cooed and then turned back to start walking to the palace with Namjoon by his side.
When they arrived at the table was set out and the royals were already seated. The eyes on him made Namjoon slightly nervous, but (Y/N) quickly stepped in front. “Everyone is here already. You didn’t have to.” The Prince didn’t even give it another second as he walked to his seat at the other end of the table. Next to him was a seat free, obviously meant for Namjoon.
Namjoon froze for a couple of seconds, the eyes were back on him. He remembered Hoseok’s words from yesterday, so he bowed just like Hoseok showed him. “It’s an honor to be here.” He said when he was standing straight again. (Y/N) was staring at Namjoon before his eyes drifted off to his family.
“Please, Namjoon, take a seat.” The King said waving his hand to the free seat next to the Prince.
“Thank you, Sir.” With that (Y/N) noticed the way his mother had raised her brow and look at his father. The King smiled instead when Namjoon went to take his seat. (Y/N) smiled his eyes on his mother. When Namjoon was finally seated the Prince looked at him and gave him a warm reassuring look.
“What took you two so long?” (Y/N) looked his mother with an unfazed look.
“I decided to take Namjoon to meet Minsun.” (Y/N) stressed on the fact that it was his own choice. His eyes glanced to the side seeing that the servants were bringing out the food. “He rode her and he was almost as good as me.” He smiled glancing at Namjoon.
 “Really?” It was his sister.
“Yes, Eunae, really. Did I stutter?” His sister gave him an unamused look after her eyes shifted from Namjoon to her brother.
 “I didn’t know you rode horses, Namjoon.” Eunae eyes drifted back to Namjoon. (Y/N) noticed how she batted her eyes when Namjoon turned his head to look at her.
“I don’t, your royal Highness, it was my first time.” Namjoon answered with a polite smile.
“(Y/N) lets no one ride Minsun.” Eunae said looking at her brother. “Not even his own blood-sister.” (Y/N) sent her a bitter sweet smile. Namjoon glanced between the two siblings before his eyes were caught by the food that was set down on the table.
“He didn’t tell me that.” Namjoon said looking at the Prince, who started putting food on his plate like his father.
“You have your own horse. Stop bothering me with Minsun.”  His eyes met his sister’s eyes. “Namjoon, please, eat.” The Prince looked at Namjoon with tilted head that pointed to the food. Obviously avoiding verbal contact with his sister.
“So, Namjoon, you are an idol?” His mother tried making conversation.
 “Yes, your majesty.” Namjoon put himself food, but (Y/N) kept putting something from everything. “I’m the leader of the group BTS.”
“Wait, the ones on Eunae walls?” The youngest member of the family spoke up.
“You do look like one?”
(Y/N) finally listened to Namjoon and stopped. Though it didn’t seem like because of Namjoon’s request. He looked up at his mother with sharp eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?” The Queen didn’t even spare Namjoon a glance, she only gave a glance at her eldest son.
“You know what I mean.” She replied casually. The King glanced at his wife and son before sighing. (Y/N) seemed ready to strike again but his father decided to cut the fight short.
“No wonder my son is interested in you.” The King looked at Namjoon. “Great leaders do attract each other.” He gave Namjoon a small smile before giving his son a knowing look.
“Yes, me a great leader. Maybe in a century or never.” (Y/N) then took a sip of the tea. The King sighed and Namjoon could feel the tension between the family. Hoseok did not inform him of this.
“Maybe you get it through my son’s thick head that he will be a great leader.” Namjoon felt himself go blank unsure of what the King meant at first. Then he remembered, he engaged to the Heir to the throne. One day (Y/N) will be King. His eyes moved slowly to the future King. He didn’t seem amused by any of this. Instead he seemed like there was already weight on his shoulders.
Namjoon looked down at his full plate and then looked up again. “I’m sure you will be a great King, (Y/N).” When he said those words, he could feel the eyes on him again. Though when (Y/N) looked at him, he didn’t feel as nervous as before.
Yet instead of finding the pair of eyes that were usually smiling at him or giving him a soft look, he was staring back into sad eyes. And for the first time the gates have opened themselves revealing emotions that the Prince was hiding with the rest of his body, but not his eyes.
Namjoon didn’t know what to say anymore so (Y/N) looked away again.
The rest of brunch was pleasant, well at least when there were no snarky comments thrown between the family.
“Good thing you won’t have to spent time with my family so much.” (Y/N) commented as they walked back to the barn. Just as promised the Prince wanted to take Namjoon on a last ride for today. Namjoon walked next to (Y/N). The King offered the two men to wear boots since it had rained while they were having brunch. So, the two were wearing boots almost till their knee. Namjoon had borrowed a pair from the Prince, they fitted perfectly. “And sorry about my mother” There was a hard smile given to the idol.
Namjoon was silent for a moment but nodded. “I take back what I said before.” (Y/N) looked at the other with confused look. “You’re not like your mother.” There was another silence between the two men because the Heir did not know what to say. He knew that it was meant as a compliment and he smiled softly at that before grabbing into Namjoon’s hand. Namjoon looked down at their hands and he wrapped his fingers around (Y/N)’s.
They continued walking down the road till they got to the fences and the Prince opened the gate to go get Minsun. Namjoon walked in and closed the gate before watching (Y/N) get Minsun to walk to the barn to set her up again and himself. When Minsun was ready Namjoon watched the Prince hop on the horse and started making his way to the idol.
“Open up the gates.” The Prince ordered and watched the other roll his eyes, it made him grin. Namjoon opened the gates and (Y/N) rode Minsun and him out. Namjoon followed when he could and closed the gates of the fence. “Hop on.” Namjoon walked towards them and then (Y/N) offered Namjoon his hand. Namjoon took it and pulled himself up. Automatically wrapped his arms around (Y/N)’s stomach.
The Prince looked down at the hands around his stomach and he smiled at that. Namjoon was given the helmet and he shakily put it on and then wrapped his arms around the other again. “You good?” (Y/N) glanced at the other from his shoulder. 
Namjoon nodded his head looking at (Y/N), who gave him a smile. 
“Hold on tight.” The ride started and it went from slow walk to fast galloping. Namjoon had no idea where they were going and could only watch the palace become a blur. The Prince wouldn’t tell him.
The wind breezed against his face and the soon he realized that they were in the woods now. (Y/N) was so good at riding, he dogged logs, tree branches and anything else that got in the way. It fascinated Namjoon and he wondered who had taught him to ride. And he remembered the historical dramas he had watched. He wondered if the Prince was also skilled in archery and with swords. Maybe it was an absurd thought, but Hoseok told him that the Prince was given military ribbons when he was just a teenager.
The air was cooler than before because of the shade the trees were given them. And suddenly there was more sunlight. The trees behind them and Minsun was ordered to walk. Namjoon felt himself relax more, he felt a bit dizzy so he leaned his head against (Y/N)’s back head.
“Moonie.” Namjoon hummed in response. “Did I go to fast?”
Namjoon licked his dry lips. “A bit.”  The Prince chuckled lightly as he relaxed
“I’m sorry.”
“No, you aren’t.”
(Y/N) let out a laugh and Namjoon smiled softly. “…I like your arms around me too much to feel sorry.” Namjoon looked down. His arms were still tightly wrapped around the other and he felt a bit embarrassed at that. He unlocked his arms and was about to pull away when the Prince grabbed his hands to keep them there. “I told you I liked it.” Namjoon licked his lips again. “I love this place so much. Namjoon moved to have his head above (Y/N)’s shoulder to take in the beautiful sight in front of him. It was truly breath taking. A lake, surrounded by green beautiful trees and the perfect grey blue water was shimmering because of the bright sun behind it. Slowly Minsun walked to the lake to take a sip from the cold water.
The Prince leaned back right into Namjoon’s chest. “I like you a lot, Namjoon.” The words escaped (Y/N)’s lips without any thought. He was lost in the moment. The place he loved right in front of him and the person he was willing to spend the rest of his life with was behind him. He didn’t want this moment to end.
Namjoon closed his eyes and had his chin on top of (Y/N)’s shoulder. His eyes moved to the other’s face and felt his cheeks grown warm. He felt the warmth of (Y/N)'s hands on his and he also noticed that he was tracing the golden band. There was a light breeze against his warm cheeks.?“I like you a lot, too.” His words were a whisper, but they were loud enough for the Prince to hear them.
And the Prince smiled. A smile that reached his eyes.
And Namjoon didn’t want this moment to end either.
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bangtangurlarmy · 6 years
Prove You Wrong || Jungkook
Pairing - Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre - Assassin! AU 
Word Count - 8940 words.
Warning! - This fic is clearly a work of fiction and does not depict any of the members in the story as they have been portrayed in this work. Their personalities have been shown as it is only for entertainment purposes.
Also contains graphic depiction of violence. If you get squeamish easily, I suggest you turn a blind eye to this post. 
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You sensed the approach of an attack. You heard near silent feet on the tiled floor of your bedroom before you opened your eyes. Your fingers discreetly curled tighter around the hilt of the dagger you always kept under your pillow, your breathing not once giving away that you were awake. 
Opening an eye, the dagger in the assailant's hand gleamed in the moonlight and before they could plunge it in your back, you whirled with your dagger in your hand, up and against theirs. With a swift punch to their face that they'd let too close in the moment, you jumped off your bed, toes curling against the frigid cold tiles. 
The person who'd tried to attack you was on the floor, clutching on to his nose, obviously disqualified. You strained your ears, letting your eyes adjust to the almost dark room - most of the moonlight only shone on where you were sleeping on the bed so you couldn't rely on that source anymore. 
You heard the singing of a blade and ducked in time before jumping ahead and grabbing onto the owner's wrist and twisting it, their grip loosening on the sword before it clanged on the floor. Pulling them forward, a knee to his ribs had him out as well. 
Rolling your shoulders, you clutched the hilt tighter as you twirled and brought it close enough to the person who thought it was a wise choice to keep his jewellery on - the chain glinted betrayingly against the moonlight - and swiped your blade, close enough that it ripped clean through the shirt material but not too close to harm him. Disqualified. 
You sniffed him before you saw him. You could tell whose scent it was from a mile off. The familiar thudding of a pair of feet you'd heard way too many times in your life, approaching, inviting your own feet to dance with it. And you gladly accepted. 
The dagger raised to counter his sword, the muscles in your arm burning as he pushed down, but you didn't let it break your balance, gathering enough strength to push him off, feet tapping over the tiles as he caught himself. 
His smirk mirrored yours as he took a step to your left that had you reacting faster than you could catch yourself as you realized he'd tricked you. Rebounding off the floor, he flew to your right before a swift movement of his blade snipped off one of the straps of your nightgown on your shoulder. 
Disqualified. You let out a growl in his direction, mostly because he'd ruined one of your favourite nightgowns. 
"Okay, that's enough." A familiar, deep voice sounded from a corner before the light switched on, illuminating the room. You saw three men behind you, two of whom had distaste written all over their rugged faces as they watched you. Sending a shrug their way, you turned to look at Yoongi, your trainer and employer, for your evaluation. 
The five of you gathered in the centre of the room, as Yoongi walked with muted footsteps, taking a stand in front of you.
Before he could speak, you opened your mouth. 
"Keep staring and I'll gouge your eyes out with my bare hands," Your face remained blank and you heard a muffled cough from your left as he looked away from your bare shoulder. You'd kill Jungkook for that humiliation. You heard him snort beside you, making your jaw clench in annoyance. 
There was a hint of a smile on Yoongi's lips before he spoke, "I'd say good, but that was rather...It made me want to sleep. Daniel, please work on your footwork and breathing. Jimin," He sighed and you could see Jimin tensing from the corner of your eye as he stood out of line. 
"You're definitely better but you could do exceptionally better. Next time, I want that, along with zero jewellery on you," Jimin relaxed and fell back in line. 
“Taehyung, work on guarding both your sides and a more silent approach, especially with a sword.”
"Jungkook, the next time I see you being a little too smug about undressing someone, you'll be taking a trip to the Fatal Keep," Yoongi said, referring to the place where most of the brutal trainers taught people who were unfortunate enough to land there - usually as a punishment. Authority was evident in his voice at a minimum, yet enough for him to understand what he'd done was puerile and unnecessary. 
You felt a smile tug on your lips when Jungkook mumbled a "Yes, sir."
"Y/N, good job with keeping aware of your surroundings, although you didn't have to hit them too hard," He said, chin jerking to show you your work. Daniel was bleeding through his nose and Taehyung was rubbing where you’d hit him on the ribs. You sighed through your nose.
"Daniel deserves it though," You gestured to him, eyeing him with spite. If you ever caught him looking at you like that again...you would definitely not hesitate to act on your words. 
Yoongi shrugged, "Yeah, maybe. But listen, you are all being trained to be stealthy and hyper-aware of your surroundings. The most you will now be allowed to do is disarm the assailant for the exercise, should it happen again," With a pointed stare towards Jungkook, Yoongi added, "You will not always have a weapon free at your disposal. Six out of eight fights will be without weaponry. You must learn to trust your body."
With understanding nods in response, Yoongi flicked a hand so fast you were mere seconds away from being nailed by a blade that flew past where your head had been. Wide eyes watched Yoongi, partly in awe, partly in fear of it happening again. Your heart pounded from the surprise attack, but you knew it was an example of what he'd said about trusting your body. The rest had gotten the message loud and clear.
"You may now retreat to your rooms," He dismissed, the boys filing out of the room one by one. Jungkook was about to leave when he turned around and walked to you, you clicking your tongue at his approach.
"Sorry about your nightgown..." His eyes trailed down your body in such a way that made you squirm. Not with uneasiness, but with...You shook your head and looked away. 
"Just keep your payment on my dressing table so I can buy a new one," You said, clearing your throat. 
"Or I could just," he took a step closer, "fix it for you." 
If it wasn't for what he said, you'd have been flustered with colour evident on your cheeks. 
You looked back and scoffed. Him and sewing? Yeah, he might as well be stripping in a bar right now. 
"It's fine, I can do it myself. You still owe me some goods in return, though."
Jungkook rolled his eyes, an all too familiar motion. 
"The usual?"
You grinned, "You know it."
You were bored to tears.
Blinking sleep away from your eyes, you stifled a yawn as you sat cross-legged in the shadow of the chimney. Leaning against it, you watched the window of the inn where your target was currently getting ready to sleep. 
You never understood Yoongi's concept of having an impromptu exercise the day before any assassin's mission. It didn't make it any better when you didn't know what the exercise would be. So every time he approached you about the next target, you were quite often consumed with mixed feelings of anticipation and dread.
Popping another chocolate and hazelnut ball into your mouth - part of the treats you'd seen resting on your dressing table when you awoke that morning, with a card that read 'Sorry not sorry for what I did. Spar with me today?' - making you laugh at the memory, you waited another hour in the shadows, the sweet treats keeping you up and energized until it was time to move.
The kill had been far too easy and most of the sugar-fuelled energy still hadn't worn off, so instead of reporting to Yoongi immediately, you approached a door you usually wouldn’t when you were in your right mind. Knocking lightly, you bounced on your feet, feeling way too restless. 
"The fuck you want- oh."
Your wide eyes met with his and you cleared your throat. 
"Sorry, uh...you probably don't want to be-"
"Oh, no, it's okay. It's just that Daniel has been bothering me since evening. How was your mission?" He asked, still at the door. You rocked back and forth on your heels as you rubbed the back of your neck, giving him a sheepish smile. 
"Too easy?" He laughed, reading your posture instantly. He knew you like he knew the target he practised archery on. You didn't know if to be insulted or be pleased. 
You nodded, "I still haven't reported yet. I was wondering if you wanted to spar?"
You weren't surprised at his raised brows, given how late into the night it was. "Now?"
When you just shrugged in response, he smirked. 
"I don't see why not."
"So haven't you gotten a new mission yet?" You asked, panting as you tried to keep up with him. You could feel your energy declining rapidly. You would be exhausted soon and then you could go sleep. The thought of a warm bath and silk sheets almost made you moan out loud but you caught yourself. 
Jungkook's sword clanged loudly against yours, the sudden force making your arm shake a little. You frowned at his furrowed brows. 
"Kook?" It was during these moments when you'd both forget you weren't competing against each other for a title of 'The Best Assassin in the Land' or some shit like that. 
"Huh?" He grunted as you easily disarmed him in a few heartbeats. 
You watched him in confusion as you gasped for breath, the last few movements having taken out every bit of your energy. He still hadn't answered. 
"A new mission?" You repeated. 
He shook his head, a hand rubbing the back of his head, before brushing gently at his hair. He only did that when he was nervous. 
"Yeah...yeah- hey, don't you have to report to Yoongi? It's been an hour, he's probably expecting you."
You cursed, instantly forgetting what you were talking about as you shouted over your shoulder, a request for him to keep your stuff back, running out of the training room and to Yoongi's office. 
When you reached his office, you were about to knock when you heard a muffled voice say "It's wiser to send Jungkook for that. Namjoon isn't somebody to be handled by Y/N...not yet, at least. Don't reconsider your choice."
You frowned before knocking loudly, the person going silent as you entered. 
You and Jungkook had trained together ever since you were little and you couldn’t remember the first time you’d tackled him to the floor with just your bare hands. Well, he did too, number of times more than you could care to admit but that wasn’t the point.
Jungkook was a skilled young man with equally good looks. Although you hated to admit that part, there were enough instances that happened along the way that made you want to squirm thinking about it. His raven black hair shone like obsidian everytime the sun hit his locks, and his chocolate brown eyes dazzled every time he wielded a sword. And not to mention how easily he could imitate the look a kicked puppy, his eyes doe-like, that you found yourself falling into his trap multiple times before you'd grown immune to it. But it was the way his toned body filled his tunics, or the way he went shirtless during combat training that you found tough looking away from.
His talent in swordsmanship and archery, in addition to that, made you wonder how he was good at almost everything. Too good.
Of course, you were as good as him, just a tad less. He'd been training ever since the age of five whereas you'd only begun at nine. With two years of age separating you, it didn't take too long for the rivalry to develop. One was always ready to outshine the other. In every field. 
You were skilled in swordplay and archery but more in hand to hand combat. You’d had more wounds from those combats than scars from sword or dagger cuts to display, unlike a certain somebody.
You both were, nevertheless, equally feared and known in the country for your skills and work, although, nobody knew either of your faces. If they did, it was under an alias. 
While you weren’t exactly a freelance assassin and could take on assignments and targets only that your employer cum trainer deemed fit, Jungkook basked - no, bathed in the wealth he received from being more available to the merchants who wanted their dirty work done for them. Of course, he only did it if their trainer, Yoongi, allowed him to take up.
Maybe that’s why he was a freelance - because he was ready to follow rules and guidelines, take calculating steps and plan before moving ahead. While you, on the other hand, constantly got high on the adrenaline each assignment gave you, from the risk of getting caught or being absolutely, fucking ruthless.
“Devil help me if you ever get caught,” Yoongi grumbled at a meeting causing others to snicker, Jungkook being the most obvious out of them all. You shot daggers with your eyes, shutting them up instantly, only Jungkook daring to keep his smirk.
You were angered by that. By the fact that Yoongi didn’t seem to trust you enough or believe that you were more than capable to get out of a problem on your own. That conversation you’d heard two days ago echoed in your head as you took another bite of your food.
“I will have you writhing on the floor, begging for mercy,” You grunted as you pushed the flat side of your blade against his, causing him to take a defensive stance.
He grinned, “How about you actually do it than talk. All I see is you losing miserably.”
You snarled as you went tip first into him, ready to pierce his armour, his sword coming up to counter your attack. That’s when you ducked, catching him off guard before you swept your leg clean on the floor beneath him, the clanking of his armour against the stone floor satisfying your hunger for victory. Most of it, at least. 
Jungkook groaned, a hand coming to his shoulder as you watched him, your chest heaving before turning away.
“Why are you so pissed anyway?” He called as you walked to the bench where water and some snacks lay in wait.
Grabbing a bottle, you twisted the cap so harshly Jungkook gulped when the cap landed on the floor, knowing full well there was still some part of that temper that was burning, ready to consume anything that was unfortunate to tread along its way.
“I don’t know.” Came your clipped answer as you breathed heavily after two gulps of water.
“Bullshit,” You heard the sword whining as it went back to its sheath, his footsteps sounding as he came towards the bench. “You never beat me unless you’re absolutely pissed, and from you wanting to stab me, I can tell something’s bothering you. And it's not because you're running short on chocolates.”
You hated him. You hated his brain. You hated how much of a smart ass he was, observing you every step of the way. He knew you way too well for your own good.
“You imply one more time that I don’t beat you at sword fighting more than you do, I will shove mine down your throat so you don’t talk again.” You crushed the empty bottle in your hands and threw it into the bin. 
Jungkook took a gulp of water, grabbed a banana and took a bite off it before talking, “That’s because you don’t beat me at this more than I do-“ he stopped chewing when you turned around, anger flashing red in your eyes, your hand on the hilt of your sword in emphasis on your threat. “-you’re just a sore loser.”
You turned back around, trying to calm your breathing as you walked towards the door.
“At least you’re the second best!” He called out as you exited the training room.
Taking another bite of the fruit, Jungkook laughed as he heard a faint shattering of a glass vase. You’d be answering to Yoongi about that at dinner tonight.
You threw your bedroom door open and launched yourself onto the bed. Inhaling deeply, you screamed into the pillow, the soft material muffling most of the frustration. 
When you were satisfied, you turned around to face the ceiling. You weren’t pissed at Jungkook, per se, you were pissed at Yoongi.
Although you heard - eavesdropped, kind of - about it from somebody else while they were talking to Yoongi, he had confirmed it right the next day when you were hoping you'd misheard it. Jungkook was given the duty to take down Kim Namjoon, one of the leading rivals of Yoongi, who was also a genuine threat to the kingdom.
You wondered the night following the news if it was that what had made Jungkook feel nervous - either facing Namjoon or telling you about it. You didn't blame him, both the options were daunting.
Kim Namjoon was the most sought-after hitman and leader of the deadliest assassins in the country. You scoffed when you’d first head of that, claiming nobody could beat Yoongi’s assassins, but one look at their victims told you they got their job done thoroughly. Without a trace, they left the scene - and their victims were left mauled and unidentifiable. They followed recklessness while Yoongi followed caution. You snorted at the irony of your choice of leader. 
It was rumoured that Namjoon was the one who was responsible for the death of the Duke a month ago, although it was believed that Namjoon never took on the victims personally. But if he did with the Duke, then perhaps he must have done something that pissed Namjoon off to an extent that was unforgivable. Since then there’s been chaos in the country. Nobody knew whether the rumours were true, nor did Namjoon or his assassins bother to confirm or deny them. Why would they, when the chaos clearly gave them the upper hand?
The King not long after had put up an announcement: anybody who’d bring the dead body of Kim Namjoon would be heavily rewarded. There had been attempts on his life since, but the number decreased over the weeks as the people who tried their luck were found dead at the gates of the castle. For the last week, the world was silent as Namjoon slept soundly every night.
But the fact that Yoongi had more belief in Jungkook than you did something to you. It felt close to betrayal because - and you remember this very clearly - he’d promised to give you a target that was worthwhile. And you were hoping it would be Namjoon. Not some petty fool like the corrupt courtesan you'd taken care of three days ago. You weren't exactly questioning his authority, but rather you were tired of the men of the keep whispering behind your back about how Yoongi only kept you for....other purposes. If you could shove your sword down their throats and squish their eyeballs under your feet, you'd gladly do so. But...they were Yoongi's men. And you were his lone female assassin. He wouldn't want you going rogue.
You didn’t realize how quickly the time flew by until the housekeeper, Rosa, patted your cheek to get you to have a bath as you were “stinking up the entire room”.
Yoongi drummed his fingers on the table as he awaited an answer from you. The rest of the assassins at the table had their eyes on the floor, the tablecloth or the food which was slowly getting colder with every minute that passed with you staying silent.
“Y/N, I’m not going to repeat my question.” His voice was stern as he addressed you regarding the damned vase you’d pushed over on the way to your room.
“I was pissed.” You muttered, eyes on your shaking hands. You fought to keep your temper at bay. 
You could feel half of the tension at the table lifting as the others let out a steady breath. Jungkook’s eyes burned two holes on your forehead.
“Why?” Yoongi asked, eyes still hard on you.
You could hear the underlying question. Why is the assignment I gave Jungkook bothering you? You breathed heavily through your nose. 
“Have I not proven enough of my worth for you to give me better targets?” You blurted, eyes wide and set on your trainer. His jaw ticked and you knew you were testing his patience. But you weren’t letting down. No, not this time.
“No, I don’t care that Jungkook is better than me or that he keeps taunting me for being second best-“ you noticed him straightening at that, “-but why am I never sent for anybody higher than a harlot or a fucking courtesan. Am I that useless? Heck, even Jimin gets important targets and he's just been here for a year."
Jimin visibly gulped at this, his eyes focusing elsewhere. 
“Or wait,” your voice was calm, a bitter laugh sounding before you said, “is it because I’m a girl?”
Yoongi’s eyes were brewing anger, his fingers curled tight into a fist. Jungkook cleared his throat, but Yoongi’s hand came up, signalling him to keep his trap shut.
“You are worthy of even the king, must it ever happen to require to kill him, Y/N, but you fail to understand. First, you will not question me, ever again. Second, you will get your assignment when it’s time. Third, this is for your own good.” He came closer, the vein on his forehead popping as he barely contained his temper. “Am I clear?”
You clenched and unclenched your jaw. Your foot bounced and your palms began sweating. You could feel Jungkook’s eyes on you.
Glancing at him briefly, his eyes were soft yet stern as he raised his brows. Don’t you dare.
That ticked you off.
“No.” You breathed.
Yoongi blinked once. He narrowed his eyes. The tension rose again.
“I said no, you are not clear. I am done being your lackey and you telling me what to do. Let me be clear, Yoongi, I know what I’m doing. And I’m going to prove that to you.”
You turned to Jungkook, “And you.” You pointed at him accusingly, then at the rest, “And the whole lot of you misogynistic assholes. You think I can’t take a man down. Could you get any more patronizing than that? Watch the castle gates tomorrow morning. Then let me see who has the balls to laugh behind my back and call me a ‘prostitute in disguise’.” You glared at one of the guys, Daniel, him cowering under your look. Hmph, they couldn’t even own up to their own words. Pathetic! 
And with that, you stood up with so much force, the chair you were sitting on toppled over, breaking the silence in the room. Storming out of the place, you went to your quarters to get ready. 
You’d show them who you were. You couldn’t wait to see their faces when they’d see the result. 
You were armed to the teeth, checking yourself once more, making sure you had all that it would require to take down one man and his watchdogs. There was a tendril of nervousness that caught hold you but you pulled away before you prodded it further. 
You had stepped right out your door when you almost crashed into somebody. Looking up, your frown dug deep as you recognized him. 
“What?” You growled, your hand already at the hilt of your dagger, ready to hurt him should he try to restrain you. You’d stop at no length. 
Jungkook, however, only watched you. He was looking into you, really looking, as though he could break down the wall you kept putting up. In his dreams. 
Your patience was teetering over the edge, you ready to yell at him when he spoke. 
“Why are you doing this? What are you trying to prove? That you’re better than me?” 
Sometimes, you really wished you could skewer him on the poking stick and grill him over the fireplace in your room. 
You narrowed your eyes, laughing humourlessly, “Look here, pretty boy, don’t think you’re somebody worth worshipping for your skills. I have no interest in proving you wrong about anything.” You began walking away. 
“Then why are you risking your life? You know Namjoon is a guy not to be reckoned with.” 
His question stopped you in your tracks. Fury ripped through you and it flowed in waves, your hand itching to punch something, anything. 
“Oh, okay,” You turned around, “So when you do it, you’re saving the whole damn world and damsels come running to you squealing how strong you are and you get patted on the shoulder for being so fucking brave, but when I do it, I’m risking my life and it’s too dangerous and men look at me like I’m a piece of meat ready to be pounced on when I'm weaponless. Why? Because I'm a fucking girl. Can your dumb brain sort through what’s clearly so messed up?” 
Jungkook’s eyes widened. He’d never thought you’d been bottling up so much anger and tolerating such actions. Now he felt like he should have punched those men who made snide remarks about you when you left the room. 
“Look, all I’m saying is, don’t go now. It’s snowing, and you wouldn’t be able to see a thing out there! Just stay, you can go when the snow clears.” He wished, no, hoped you would heed him. But after that little storm you brew in the dining room, he doubted you would. 
And he doubted right. 
“As fucking if. You will stay here. If I even get a sniff of you following me, I swear to all Hell, I will not hesitate to kill you.” You snarled, baring your teeth at him before you stormed away and out of the keep. 
“Y/N...” Jungkook’s voice trailed away as you jogged farther into the streets. 
You crouched on the roof, your fingertips stinging against the cold as you waited for the harlot to come out. They were taking way too long - and worse, they hadn’t exactly shut the blinds. So it was pretty much a free show if you wanted to look. You scanned the house again. More like a mansion; you’d taken about fifteen minutes to scour the place, which was ten minutes longer than you usually took. 
Namjoon’s union was in the wealthier part of the town so it was understandable.
It was pretty big for just one person, but you knew it was just like your keep, shared with the other assassins. It was a mansion that had the essential rooms on the ground floor, with a verandah and a set of staircase that led to the front door. Two hours ago, you’d seen the girl walk in through there, just as another exited. Talk about adventurous. It absolutely disgusted you. 
The living room was to the right, a wide window revealing much of the interior decorations and couches that adorned the room. The dining room was to the left where some of the watchdogs - okay, assassins - sat and played a game of cards while two guarded the door. And they hadn’t failed to check out either of the women that left and entered. You had sneered at that, a hand itching to hurl a dagger towards them.
There were two guards on either corner of the house, patrolling the sides where the alleyways between the houses were dark enough for you to be able to dispatch them easily. And when you’d studied the back of the house, you found two other at the back door. There were no maid quarters on either side or the back so you safely assumed the rooms on the second floor belonged to the housekeepers.
The first floor seemed to have at least five rooms, judging by the size, while the second had three. Namjoon’s room was on the first floor, the first door to the right. The roof was definitely not to be considered an entry safe place given how steep it was. Clever of him. 
The storm had calmed considerably, your fingertips at the mercy of your warm breath as you blew into your hands. You crossed your legs and waited for your chance. 
It was well into early dawn, around 3 am perhaps, judging by the quiet road and darkness of the sky - save the full moon that shone furiously - when the two guards moved from their posts at the front door for another two to replace them. So they rotated every two hours, while the ones on the sides and back every three. They wouldn’t expect an assault at the back then, but this was Namjoon’s men you were talking about. You’d seen they were capable of, so their lax bodies didn’t let you believe that they were truly relaxing. 
You didn’t mind. Besides, you were aching for some good action. You’d be honoured to take them on. 
When you looked back again, you saw the woman in Namjoon’s room did not leave and in fact decided to stay, much to your annoyance. If it was going to get violent, then you might have to kill her as well. You hoped silently that it wouldn’t come to that. 
Inhaling deeply, your breath curled into the air as you breathed out, rolling your stiff shoulders and bouncing on your feet before sliding down the roof. Catching hold of the drain pipe, you easily slipped down, the metal stinging your fingers as you did so. You remained against the wall of the house whose rooftop provided you visibility access to the assassin’s keep as you walked towards the alleyway where you’d seen the guard turn the opposite way. 
Making sure both sides were clear, you jogged across the street, your feet silent on the gravel as you made it onto the sidewalk on his side of the house. 
You walked closer to the manor, eyeing the side of the house to see if you could find an open window. You pursed your lips when you realized you would have to get in through a door - either front or back.
Noticing the light catching on the hilt of the sword that remained sheathed to the side of the guard, you walked as quiet as death towards him. 
Anchoring yourself a few inches away, you smirked at the guard’s wide eyes when he turned around, “Surprise.”
Before his hand could reach for his sword, your palm thrust against his nose, causing him to stumble a few steps back before your hands came from the sides and slapped him on his ears. Grabbing onto his face, you swung it down where it met your aiming knee, the loud crunch of his nose breaking quenching a particularly sadistic part of you. 
Aware of how loud the melee was to alert the guards at the back door but not the front, you let his body thud against the gravel before strutting around the corner of the house, two blades by your side, ready to spill some blood.
The two men were hurtling towards you in seconds, a thought spared to praise their speed before you met the first one’s blade with both of yours, them crossing to trap the sword before swinging your arms so wide that it sent the sword flying onto the grass, disarming him. But it didn’t faze him. A fist came swinging towards the side of your head, your hand coming up to block it, before sliding down your hand so swiftly that he didn’t realize his wrist was slashed until you kicked him square on the chest, knocking him out. 
The other had crept up behind you, a rogue arm agaisnt your throat before you could duck out of the way. His bicep crushed your throat mercilessly, but you turned the daggers in your hands, before sending them behind you, impaling the sides of the guard. His arm loosened and you fought the urge to cough as you twirled around and landed a punch that surely killed him. 
Almost wheezing, you coughed into your elbow before you pulled yourself onto the landing of the back verandah and landed quietly on your toes. You just hoped the guard on the other side hadn’t heard any of it.
Catching your breath wasn’t too hard. With a hand brushing over the hilt of your sword that calmed your nerves, you walked through the back door hat hadn’t been locked. 
Foolish. Just utterly, disbelievingly foolish.
“Some assassins you are,” You scoffed, closing the door behind you.
Jungkook paced in his room, the crackling fire no longer burning, bits of ember floating through the chimney as he rubbed his hands together. He couldn’t remain still. 
Partly because of the cold and partly, well, because you’d just gone out on a death mission. He didn’t know what kind of power had possessed you, and although, yes, he did find you hot during the training session earlier for some apparent reason, he couldn’t shake off the uneasiness he had felt since the moment you stormed out of the training room. 
He’d never realized all of this had bothered you so much. If he did...if he did, he actually didn’t know what he would have done. 
Jungkook was standing next to his window when he heard two voices outside, right under the window. One of them was laughing as he spoke, “I don’t know what she thinks of herself, we’re probably going to find her body at the gates tomorrow.”
“Not probably, for sure.” And they snickered again. 
That’s it. He would take no more. 
Striding to his closet, he ripped out a coat from its hanger and was out of his room before he had his coat on. Rubbing his shoulders and knuckles, he trudged towards the front door. 
Jungkook was going to have a nice, long chat with those boys outside. 
You easily slipped through the lobby, the men in the dining room too busy smoking a cigar to see a black-clothed being passing by. You tiptoed up the stairs, remembering where the leader’s room was. You kept reminding yourself to make it as quiet as possible so the lady beside him wouldn’t wake up. 
You treaded slowly and quietly, knowing you had enough time till dawn to prove your point to the men in your keep. 
But you froze when you noticed a guard patrolling the hallway where Namjoon’s room was. You were still on the landing, an extra set of staircase left to cover before you could reach the guard. 
When you reached his door, you remembered to control your breathing, before rubbing your legs together to make sure you had your daggers there, strapped to your thighs, the sheath by your waist housing your beloved sword that never let you down. 
You swore silently. How had you not noticed the man? And this guard wasn’t as lean built as the rest. He was bulky and his muscles looked ready to rip through his shirt material. You rubben a hand over your face. What would you do about him?
You felt a sudden calm filling your nerves when you realized what you could do. 
You were right, the threat made to one of the guards to call the burly assassin down worked. 
You stood pinned against the wall as you awaited his arrival, the thudding footsteps softer than how you’d imagined it would be, forcing yourself to strain to hear. 
When you were certain he was just two steps farther from turned to the dining room, you launched yourself, the sword singing in the dead silence of the room as you swung it, the edge cutting deep into the chest of the unsuspecting assassin, whose eyes only widened as he realized what had happened.
When you reached the assasin’s door, the one you’d not been assigned to kill, you remembered to control your breathing, before rubbing your legs together to make sure you had your daggers there, strapped to your thighs, the sheath by your waist housing your beloved sword that never let you down.
But for tonight, a dagger would do. A clean slit across the throat would do. He would have a slower death than a stab to the heart. Than the rest of his men.
Turning the knob as slowly as you could, you opened the door, praying it wouldn’t creak. Although you’d planned for a masterful and extra entry, this would do. The element of a surprise toned down a little. 
You glided expertly over the carpeted floor - big mistake on his side - and reached the bed. Only a single body could be seen under the sheets. Hopefully, that meant that the girl was in the bathroom. 
You clenched your jaw before grabbing the end of the quilt and with a quick flick of your wrist, you had the blanket off the bed, the bloodied dagger poised to cut his throat- 
You found yourself pointing the dagger at a bunch of pillows. Your heart stopped.
“Looking for someone?” A whiff of cologne wafted to your nose before you felt his breath on the back of your neck, but the next thing you saw was blackness as the hilt of his sword met with your head. 
You groaned as you felt a heavy pounding in your head, as though someone was hitting you with a sledgehammer. It might as well be happening. 
Your eyes were slow to adjust to the light, and you slowly realized what had happened. 
You had come to kill Kim Namjoon, one of the most wanted criminals of the kingdom, who was an expert at his job. You knew that because you’d seen what he was capable of. Most of his guards were easy to dispatch save for the final kill, that was him. Now you were in his bedroom, bound to a chair and completely vulnerable. To be alive after being caught was a miracle in itself. 
“Well, would you look at that.” You heard a voice croon from somewhere behind you, your ears ringing from the force of the blow he’d given. You felt blood trickle down the side of your head.  
“And here I thought, Jungkook was a male,” Namjoon chuckled, his dagger glinting against the moonlight that shone through the window. That’s when you noticed the rooftop of the opposite house, the one where you’d been spying from. He could see you directly from his room. 
So much for being discreet. 
“I’m-” You coughed, your throat dry. How long had it been since you were knocked out? Judging from the darkness and quietness outside, it seemed like 4 am at the most. 
“I’m not Jungkook.” You finished your sentence. 
“Oh?” Namjoon leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with amusement. He smiled, the smile not reaching his eyes. 
“The who are you, girl? Some amateur trying to earn recognition? Desperate for attention, is that it?” 
Your pride hurt as the words rolled off his tongue. If you hadn’t been so indiscreet about your hiding spot, he’d have been dead. You had sworn an oath to the keep and to Yoongi that under no circumstances were you to reveal your name and neither your connection to him or any other assassin. 
“Wait a minute - you’re that girl of his. What’s his name, ah, I forgot.” He laughed, the dagger glinting at you again as he paced in front of you. You remained mum, but the look in your eyes perhaps gave you away. 
“Aha, that ruthless little assassin who doesn’t know how to follow rules...but has got quite the skills, considering how you took one of my best men out.” He brought his dagger to your cheek, the tip biting into your skin. You clenched your jaw at the stinging sensation. 
“You call him one of your best? I think we both have different definitions of that word.”
He chuckled, “Got quite a mouth. You’re the girl...” He trailed, the dagger digging further.
“...who begs to be noticed. Jungkook must be your companion. Is he here tonight?” You resisted the urge to shake your head. 
“No? Okay, then, I guess this will be a long night for the both of us.” He smiled cunningly, and then before you could react, he slit a long cut down your cheek so swiftly you screamed only when the pain registered a moment later. You felt blood drop onto your arm that was tied to the chair, your feet a gone case as well, as they sat with one ankle over the other underneath you. 
Your heart hammered in your chest as you saw him grab his sword. You couldn't go down like this. No, you wouldn't let your impertinence to Jungkook and disrespect for your occupation cost you your life. 
Jungkook hissed as he ran hot water over his knuckles, the gashes nothing compared to what he’d received so many times before. But then the entire time, his thoughts were on you. On your safety. He glanced at the clock. 
If you didn’t return by 9 am, he’d look for you. He just didn’t want to go too early and piss you off if you were really getting the work done. He hoped you’d be alive for him to find. 
You bit a shriek as his sword gashed your thigh, blood spilling quickly onto the carpet. It was carefully aimed, you realized, noticing the shallowness of the wound. You had to blink a few times for the stars in your vision to go away. Yoongi had trained you better than this.
“Tell me, who sent you?” He probably knew that already if he knew Jungkook’s name. But how did he? Was there somebody on the inside? A mole? 
Perhaps he didn’t. Maybe all he knew was that Jungkook was from Yoongi’s guild. Maybe...maybe that night when you’d overheard that man telling Yoongi not to reconsider his choice to send Jungkook was for another reason. Not because you were incompetent, but because it would be easy to kill another threat to Namjoon’s life.
When you didn’t respond, you felt a blow to your jaw, and then to your stomach, making you cough out blood as the breath knocked out of your lungs. 
“Speak!” His hand pressed on your thigh, right where he’d gashed it open, making you scream in agony. He smiled all the while, his dark eyes glinting with nothing but never ending darkness. You wished you hadn’t stepped out of the safety of your keep. 
But as he removed his hand from your thigh, you remembered. 
“I’ll tell you.” You breathed, your wrist twisting as discreetly as possible where it remained tied behind your back. 
You breathed again, your blood almost choking you, “I’ll tell you,” you said again, still eyeing him as you flicked your wrist. 
Namjoon only watched you through narrow eyes, suspicion clear in them as he knelt on the floor in your front of you.
Big mistake. 
“But you have to let me go,” You whispered, the blood rolling down your chin as the security of the blade that slid to your palm calmed you. 
Namjoon laughed, and you began slicing into the rope, cutting it whenever you or he made a sound. 
“Okay, darling, I will. As long as you tell me your name and your employer's.” You could see right through the lie. But you pretended not to. 
“My name’s Y/N, and I work for Min Yoongi. Jungkook is my companion but he isn’t here to kill you-” You felt the blade snap the last of the rope, your thigh burning as you tensed it, readying yourself. 
Namjoon’s brows knit together. 
You smirked, teeth shining red with your blood.
"I am," And with all the strength you could muster, you raised your tied legs to your abdomen and kicked him square on the chest, his head hitting the wall as he fell over, the dagger in his hand flying across the room.
Quickly bringing your hand to the front, you cut as fast as you could through the rope that had your ankles tied together, the wound on your head thrumming for you to work faster, and your thigh burning as you stood up. You were losing a lot of blood, you could tell from the way you were instantly lightheaded. 
You noticed your weapons on the desk across his room and made a run for it. But Namjoon was too close and grabbed onto your ankle, causing you to fall face first to the floor, but you braced yourself, palms coming out to catch your fall. He scrambled on the floor and began climbing over your body, your thigh rendering you almost helpless. Almost.
You waited for a second longer before turned around and raised your knee to his crotch, causing Namjoon to curl away, groaning, your leg fighting out of his grip before kicking him on his face, a sickening crack sounding as you broke his nose. 
“You bitch!” He snarled as he grabbed onto his face.
Dragging yourself from under him, you stood up and gathered all the strength you could. 
Your daggers could be replaced, but you couldn’t leave your sword behind. And neither could you leave him. 
Spitting out the blood from your mouth, you felt your anger flare inside you. Anger directed not just at him and the men at the keep, but at yourself. Because you didn’t take better precautions. Because you were impatient.
You stalked over to Namjoon where he remained crouched over. 
“Hey,” You poked at his shoulder with the tip of your sword. He rolled over.
You were angry at yourself for being so fucking ruthless. More than usual.
“That was very bold of you to think I’d let you live after learning my name.” And you brought your sword down on him, slashing his stomach open. 
He screamed. The feral shriek had the windows shaking. You felt angry at yourself for leaving Jungkook like that. 
The housemaids ushered to the room and did nothing but watch as you finished Namjoon off right there, his head cut off clean as you brought down your sword again. Blood splattered all around, your face nothing but a canvas of your own and your victim’s blood. 
Carrying his head by the long locks of his hair, you strode to the door, the housemaids gasping as they made way for you. They didn't scream for help but rather watched you in silent understanding. Like they were thanking you. Thanking you for ending that tyrant’s life.
You felt your vision lightening, stars getting more and more clear with every step you took. 
As you left the house, you noticed the rest of the assassins knocked out cold, along with the ones at the front door. 
You raised the head to your face, it still contorted into a silent scream. 
“Guess somebody had a temper, huh?” Your voice was slurred as you spoke.
The cloth was tight enough to stop the bleeding for a while, but not enough. Your head was bleeding as well, and you occassionally spit out blood and saliva on the side of the street. The wound on your cheek had begun to scab, but you knew it would leave a new scar. 
The cold bit at your cheek and thigh, a dull ache on your other cheek from the punch following soon after. You moved your jaw just to check if it was broken. Thankfully it wasn’t. 
It was early dawn by the time you’d reached the door of your keep. And just as you were about to knock, Jungkook opened the door, his eyes wide and alarmed at the sight of you. You didn’t even want to know what state you were in. Dried blood all over your face, hands and legs, wounds throbbing from everywhere and nowhere all at once.
“Oh my God, Y/N!” 
“Hey...” You breathed, almost falling into his arms as you walked through the door. And you would have if it wasn’t for Yoongi standing right there. 
“So, did you prove yourself?” His eyes were cold as he eyed you from head to toe. 
You smirked with what little energy you had. 
“You can always look out your window at the gates of the castle like I promised. It’s a trophy to behold, after all, he’s finally taken care of. There’s also somebody who works for him among us so you might want to look into that.” 
He walked towards you, his face set hard. You stood your ground, ready for the reprimanding blow. 
Yoongi raised a hand, and you remained there, unflinching, to his fair surprise. He smirked, “You’ve learnt a lot in one night. I wonder when you’ll learn to sleep with it.” His hand went down. 
He was right, partially. The physical pain you’d gone through made you so numb you wondered if you no longer had any feeling left in your nerves. But he was wrong about losing sleep because of the rampage you’d gone out on. 
You glanced at Jungkook with a small smile. Now that you knew his life was no longer in danger, you could sleep way more soundly than you did before. For a moment, you wondered why that was.
Jungkook had rushed to your aid instantly. He had you sitting on his bed, not yours, claiming his room was far warmer than yours and closer. 
All you did was snort as he made you sit on the mattress. You watched him run about, grabbing bandages, disinfectants and plasters. 
His eyes glistened as he worked on your cheek, the stinging put off with a gentle blow of air from Jungkook after every dab of the disinfectant. His jaw ticked, clenching and unclenching as he worked on your head. His fingers trembled ever so slightly as he worked on your thigh. Thankfully the gash wasn’t too deep to warrant stitches. 
But you noticed the change in his demeanour. And you made a sick attempt at improving it. 
“You know, Jungkook, now with this kill, I’m going to be the talk of the town for a while.” When he didn’t respond to you, and kept his head down and focused on your thigh, you went on, assuming he didn’t understand what you meant. 
“So, like, what are your thoughts on being second best now, huh?” You chuckled softly as you noticed his shoulders tremble. But when it went on, you frowned, “Kook, it’s not that funny- wait,” You grabbed his shoulders. 
You struggled to bring him up, his sagging body being too heavy for you. But you managed to pull his face up, the tears on his cheeks catching you off guard. 
“Why are you crying!?” You asked incredulously, you eyes searching his for answers.
But rather than a reply, he threw his strong arms around you, pulling you close to him, his chest firm against your cheek. You heard his heart beat rapidly, mirroring yours. But yours sped with embarrassment.
“I thought I lost you.” He mumbled into your hair before kissing it. You were so taken aback your mouth sealed shut. He was showing you affection. Something you weren’t exactly accustomed to. But...
“Fuck, Y/N, do you know how scared I was?”  He pulled back, his puffed face coming into view, his nose running as his lips trembled. There was anger lacing his voice, but relief overlapped it.
Shit. You never realized how much he worried about you. 
“I...Jungkook, I didn’t- I’m sorry, I was stupid,” Your eyes darted to the floor, while your cheeks flushed with colour and a fresh bruise. 
“You were even more stupid than you usually are!” 
But he hugged you again instead, his nose nestling into the crook of your neck, silently breathing you in. His hand remained strong on your back, and you couldn’t handle the way it made you feel. So you said-
“You look super ugly when you cry, by the way.” 
He laughed softly, his breath hitting your neck, making the hair on your arms stand. 
“Well, you look even more ugly when you’re all beaten up.” He smiled through his tears, a hand caressing the cut on your cheek. 
You rolled your eyes, “Oh, Jungkook, thank you for your sympathy, I appreciate it.” 
When he didn’t respond, you asked quietly, a hand coming to hold his. 
“Are you upset with me?” 
He crossed your fingers with his, holding onto your hand so tight as though you were going to disappear any moment. 
“Very. And I’m going to be clear about that the next time we train.” 
You feigned a hurt look, earning a chuckle from him, the sound relaxing your bones, warmth radiating through you.
When he embraced you again, you realized he was the one who was always there for you. You had proved a point today, but in some way, he had proved one, too. 
"You know I love you right?" He mumbled into your hair.
You blinked. 
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dovechim · 6 years
so it goes 02
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➾ alien!jimin x reader
➾ 6.7k, fluff, smut
➾ a/n: some important revelations in this chapter for later! also, jimin asks: what is love? 👾
➾ summary: Park Jimin knows a lot about humans. of course he does, he studies them for a living. he knows that they say hello by holding hands, and when they say goodbye, they put their arms around each other. but this particular human, he notes, is unlike the rest- stuck in a slump, going about your day praying for the Universe to stage an intervention in the form of an alien abduction. when he decides to finally fulfil your wishes, he finds that you have a little something to teach him about what it means to live life on Earth the way you do: ugly crying, underwear and all. in return, he shows you the possibilities that abound if you simply adopted their mantra: everything is beautiful, and nothing hurts.
➾ 01 | 02 | 03
They’ve given you underwear now, so at least you weren’t embarrassed for nothing.
You’ve been informed by Hoseok that only males live on this part of the planet. The females form a separate colony of their own, and they don’t communicate or keep in touch in any way except for reproduction purposes, where the females get sent over every season. He ever so kindly offered to modify some of the clothing to fit your body a little better, apologising for the oversight on his part.
You could have stayed with him for hours just finding out more about this curious little planet, but you’re perceptive enough to realise that you’d be interrupting Hoseok at work. So you reluctantly ask for directions back to your room and take your leave.
You suppose it’s the same old routine, have a lonely dinner in the confines of your room and fall asleep on the luxurious sheets just waiting to be rudely awoken from this dream, nightmare, whatever it is. You still haven’t made up your mind.
But when you arrive back at your room, you realise that you’ve been left a tablet device with a message on it inviting you to dinner, and while a part of you is relieved at a change of routine, a fleeting moment of trepidation causes you to bury your face into the sheets.
You can’t turn down an invitation like this, who knows what they’d do to you? Besides, it’s not like you can hide in here forever.
Making your way to your closet, you finally change into the outfit that everyone else is wearing, but your fingertips graze the corner of your phone as you slip out of your jeans into the loose white pants provided. You haven’t had the chance to see if it’s still working yet, and while you definitely won’t have any cell service, maybe the more rudimentary functions will come in handy later. Holding your finger to the power button, you turn off your device and slip it into the waistband of your pants, which is thankfully taut enough to secure it before following the directions of the tablet to the dinner hall.
“Ah, what a pleasure it is to finally meet the Earthling.” A blond haired alien seated at the head of the table greets you as you arrive. Unsure of what the aliens would deem as appropriate manners, you can only nod back at him, eyes straying to Jimin who’s seated right beside you.
“Earthling, meet Yoongi. He is the highest rank of us all, and he’s in charge of defence and national security,” Jimin senses that you’re a little nervous, reaching over to pull your chair out for you and helping you to settle in.
“Nice to meet you too, th-thank you for having me.” Glancing around the table, you recognise most of the faces; Hoseok, Taehyung and Jeongguk are also present, which leaves one more face that is unfamiliar.
“Oh, that’s Seokjin, our head chef here,” Jimin follows your gaze to the alien seated opposite you. “He’s been preparing all your meals and sending them up to your room himself, but he got tired of it and decided that you should eat with us instead.”
“I’m sorry for causing you any trouble,” you say carefully, lacing your fingers together to keep from fidgeting. “If I’d known, I could have done something, or-“
All six of the aliens are obviously in on something that you’re not, because their marks are all flashing the same kind of sorbet yellow. Glancing at Jimin for the slightest hint, you see that his lips are curved slightly in… amusement? You bite your tongue to stop speaking immediately, terrified that you’d overstepped some custom or said something wrong, or-
“Calm yourself, little Earthling,” Yoongi is the first to speak, and judging by the look on his face, he doesn’t seem at all enraged, so you deem that your life is prolonged, at least for now. You belatedly remember that Jimin had told you they could all communicate telepathically, and you wonder what they’ve been talking about behind your back, or rather, right in front of your face.
“I’m not sure if Jimin has told you or not, but we are all connected telepathically, for ease of communication,” Yoongi carries on, reaching for his utensils, which is a sign for everyone else to do the same. “Our dinners are usually a silent affair, actually, most things on this planet are a silent affair. But I suppose we’ll have to make an exception for you.”
His last sentence is tinged with such ambiguity that you don’t quite know what to make of it, and you only have the gentle yellow marks, that are rapidly fading into a nondescript gray, on his cheekbones to go by. As everyone begins to tuck into their food, the lulling, camaraderie makes you feel a little at ease, relaxed enough to direct a question toward Hoseok.
“Wh- Is there a reason you picked humans to study? I mean, I’m sure there must be a million other species out here, and apart from the genetic similarities, I don’t see much other reason.”
The lavender haired alien considers your question carefully even as Yoongi seems to be listening with piqued interest. His attention on the conversation makes you feel a little ill at ease, and in fact, his entire demeanour, while not unlike his brothers in that very straightforward, no nonsense manner, still puts you off a little.
“Why not Earthlings, then?” A mischievous smile tugs on his lips as Hoseok throws your question back at you, and you roll your eyes at that word again. It was your mistake to start your question off like that.
“You guys seem pretty… peaceful here. Surely you must be baffled by all the unnecessary violence that occurs on Earth that we inflict onto ourselves. Warfare, cold blooded murder, rape, stuff like that. We surely haven’t mastered intergalactic space travel just yet, but if, or when we do, aren’t you afraid that we might bring our depravity here?”
“You’re giving yourself way too much credit,” Yoongi comments brusquely.
“Am I?” Something about his tone irritates you, and you can’t help but challenge the highest ranking alien at the head of the table. “Humans are the terrors of the Universe, someone once said.”
“You speak without knowledge of our planet’s own atrocities, Human,” Jeongguk steps in. “Whatever you’ve witnessed on your planet, we have also seen here. Today we may seem peaceful, but other days, we have wars as terrible and depraved as you can imagine, and worse. But there isn’t anything we can do about it, so we just don’t think about them.”
His logic seems incredibly bizarre to you, but no one else seems to find it strange, judging from their silence. “Just… ignore it?”
“We believe in spending infinity looking at the pleasant moments only, Earthling,” Hoseok clarifies. “If I remember correctly, that thing which you call free will; does not exist here. Everything is predestined the way it is, so there is no point harping on unpleasantness. The same reason there is no ‘why’. It just is.”
“And if you Earthlings are any wiser, you might think to adopt such a practice. Ignore the awful times, and concentrate on the good ones.” Yoongi’s blatant condescendence once again gets on your nerves, but you’re still trying to digest what Hoseok has revealed.
Yoongi seems satisfied at your silence, his marks burning a bright sorbet yellow as he continues with his meal. You seal your mouth shut, determined to pass the rest of this excruciatingly painful dinner without a single word, but something Taehyung says catches your attention.
“Speaking of atrocities, we should fortify the boundaries, brother. Our current numbers aren’t nearly enough to withstand a potential invasion-“
“Invasion?” You can’t help but blurt, causing all heads to turn toward you. Beside you, out of the corner of your eye, you catch Jimin’s fingers twitching irritably as he cuts into his meal with a little more force than necessary.
“Taehyung, business matters should be kept from the table,” Yoongi starts in an admonishing tone, but it seems very half-hearted, and he doesn’t make an effort to change the subject. “But yes, Earthling. We are currently facing a… volatile period with our neighbouring colonies.”
“Must we really discuss such matters during dinner, Brother?” Jimin’s voice sounds suddenly from next to you, and he sounds so tense that your eyes search the rest of the table, trying to puzzle out the reason for it. “I’m sure we could find a more appropriate place and time.”
Everyone is silent for a moment, but you can feel the tension of held breaths and tentative glances from the others sitting at the table. In the silence that follows, you can only assume that arguments are being held in the soundwaves surrounding your head, and the mental image itself gives you a headache. For a moment this reminds you of jousting matches between two knights, where they’d size each other up with calculating glares and stony expressions before charging and clashing into each other with the force of a battering ram. But what are they really fighting over? It can’t be as simple as merely discussing work issues at the table.
“You are right, Jimin,” Yoongi finally relents. “Besides, we aren’t being hospitable to our guest, are we?”
As the attention shifts towards you, you turn your gaze to the plate in front of you, dissecting your loaf of meat into smaller pieces before picking them up with your utensil with more concentration than required. But you can feel all eyes are still on you even as you chew, and desperate to escape the spotlight, you swallow hard, searching your brain for something to say. It doesn’t help that the taste of the lukewarm food lingers upon your tastebuds like the heat of a humid summer’s day. But before you can blurt out something stupid, Jimin clears his throat.
“So, Earthling, how are you adjusting to our cuisine? Would you by any chance have some tips for Seokjin?”
“That’s right!” The aforementioned alien sits up straighter in his chair, grinning at you in welcome even as he takes in the damage you’ve done to your meal. “Don’t be hesitant, Earthling, I’m very much interested in how you prefer your food to be consumed!”
The strange syntax of his sentences has you fumbling around for an answer. “Um, well… on Earth we tend to eat things that are almost steaming hot, like this meat for instance.”
“Oh, that’s fascinating,” Seokjin is intrigued, leaning in as if to indicate his interest. “What does ‘steaming hot’ mean?”
“It’s… um… we make the molecules in the food vibrate at a certain frequency,” you butcher the scientific explanation horribly, but Seokjin seems to understand, because his face lights up and his marks are a pale buttercup. “It makes them taste better.”
“Ah that’s it! I should try it next time, Hoseok, were you aware of this?” Seokjin has whipped out a device of some sort, similar to the ones Jimin and Hoseok use to take notes on and is currently tapping on the screen. “Make… everything… vibrate at a higher frequency… taste better…”
“Wait, but not dessert though!” Beside you, there is a small saucer of what seems to be liquefied dessert, an ice cream of sorts, and when you taste it, it is indeed the same temperature as everything else. “For this, we make it… vibrate at a lower frequency than everything else.”
His puzzled glance makes you wave your spoon around helplessly. “It becomes a solid when at a lower frequency, and…”
It’s only then that you realise how fucking weird your own species is.
You’ve never been more glad to escape a dinner table than this very moment, but the second Jeongguk puts down his utensil- you’d garnered that he is the most junior of them all- you slip out onto the adjoining balcony for some fresh air.
The temperature has dropped significantly, but the cover of night does little to mask the ethereal beauty of this planet. The luminescent hues of the plants are illuminated by the moonlight, glowing and begging for you to explore them. But a sense of self-preservation wins out, and instead you reach for your phone to try and snap a picture of it in the hopes of striking it rich if or when you get back home. Maybe this can be published in some sort of scientific magazine, or maybe even your own autobiography of your experience being kidnapped by aliens, or-
“What’s that, Human?” A voice from behind you nearly scares you into dropping your phone over the threshold into the darkness that looms below, if not for his quick reflexes that has his hand gripping your own securely.
Jimin’s marks are a faint purple, and you pull away from him almost immediately.
“Um, it’s my phone, it’s-“
“I know what those are, Earthling,” he chuckles. “Besides, I think you’ve had a pretty tough time here so far haven’t you? Having to explain all these things to us. But I think you’re doing a good job.”
His unexpected affirmation confuses you a little, so you settle for watching the marks on his cheekbones turn into a soft, gentle gray tinged with a little hue of pink, like the sakura blossoms in spring. The soft muted colours grab your attention, and you can’t help but notice how pretty they look on him.
“I apologise for Yoongi’s behaviour at dinner,” Jimin says finally, and your eyes shift from his marks to follow the metallic golden streaks on his biceps that catch your eye with every movement he makes. “He’s not usually like this, but I would advise you to stay away from him, Earthling.”
“Why do you keep calling me Earthling?” You can’t help but ask. “I have a name, you know. It’s ______.”
He turns to you in surprise, contemplating the question with a pensive frown as he meets your eyes, closing the distance between you as he takes a step closer. “I suppose we’re all used to calling you by the name of your species. It is what we have been doing for so long.” 
But his curiosity is now directed towards the device in your hands. “Can you show me what’s on there? Hoseok tells me that humans are pretty much attached to this device, it contains things like memories, useful information, things like that.”
When he puts it like that, in such a sentimental and overly romantic manner, a blush ignites your cheeks as you consider your original intentions of using it to record evidence of this entire escapade. Turning on the device, you wait for it to warm up before the lock screen presents itself, and before you can swipe past to unlock it, Jimin grabs your hand to get a closer look of it himself. 
“Wait, who is this? Another Earthling, I presume?”
He’s referring to the picture of Namjoon and you standing beneath the Eiffel Tower with exhilarated grins painting your faces, all wrapped and bundled up in matching scarves.
“Yeah. He’s a friend of mine, we spent the last few months travelling all over the world together-“
“I think I recognise him. He was with you a few moments before we picked you up. And also you’ve been with him for the past six months.” Jimin says, more for his benefit than yours. He still has his grip around your hand, bringing your phone up closer to his face for a closer inspection, which means that your arm is raised uncomfortably high to accommodate for his height. It still unsettles you a little to recall that he has been watching you since who knows when, but it slips your mind when Jimin steps up behind you, chest to your back. 
You can’t help but notice the cozy warmth that his body emanates as he crowds in close, chin hovering over your shoulder. Oddly enough, his proximity makes you feel at ease as he peeks over your shoulder, your arm now at a comfortable position, washing away all the unpleasantness that occurred at dinner, but you can only hope and pray that he doesn’t pick up on this emotion.
But you have nothing to worry about, because Jimin is still preoccupied with your lock screen. “You are happy here. With him.”
“I was,” you admit, swiping past the lockscreen finally to pull up your album of photos. “There are plenty more here. It’s just that we looked really good in that one, so I picked it as my lockscreen.”
Jimin doesn’t bother asking what a lockscreen is, since he’s more interested in scrutinising the photos of you, Namjoon and the both of you together, interspersed with random scenery shots. After a short moment of silence as you scroll past quite a number of pictures, Jimin exhales a warm puff of air right by your ear. “You’re right. You look the happiest there. Like you don’t have a worry in the world.”
Having mastered the art of scrolling, Jimin takes over from you as he blatantly flicks through your most intimate memories himself, but you can’t bring yourself to stop him. After all, he’s spent months or even years watching you, so how much more invasive can he get?
He pauses at a photo that you’d taken while at Disneyland, eyes bright in the reflection of the spinning carousel’s fairylights, a pair of ears sitting atop your head that Namjoon had mocked you for, calling you a basic bitch, but you still shelled out the cash to purchase anyway. There is a breathless laugh upon your reddened lips as you perch upon a prancing pony with an arched neck painted with gold embellishments, ears pricked and forelegs raised in a fanciful trot. You can almost hear the melodious tune of the carousel as you stumble upon this picture again, completely forgetting that you even took it.
“Actually, you’re wrong. You look happier here. And prettier too,” Jimin muses, and his tone is so unabashed that you’re a little taken aback, before you remember how straightforward they all are.
“Um, thank you.”
“You should set this as your ‘lockscreen’ instead.” Jimin suggests, turning to glance at you for a second, but it’s only met with a chuckle from you.
“How narcissistic would it be to have a lockscreen of my own face?”
“If I looked that good, I’d want to see it every day.” His comment seems less like a compliment and more matter of fact, so you don’t feel the need to thank him.  Jimin shrugs as if it’s no big deal, and you don’t question him, because he does seem like the kind who would stare at his own selfies for days on end.
Not that you blame him, he is attractive, and no doubt would be considered so on Earth. Even with his marks, he resembles a golden cherub, especially when he smiles and those cheeks round out into a measure of his exuberance. All he needs is a halo and some wings.
You tear your eyes away from him, feeling the need to put some distance between you, especially as you start to notice how firm his chest feels against your back. But his arms are caging you in, and you can’t escape his hold without applying some kind of force.
“Is he your romantic partner?” Jimin questions with wide, imploring eyes, and you frown for a moment before realising that he means Namjoon.
“I bet you’d know, since you were watching me anyway.”
Jimin only rolls his eyes. “We don’t watch you constantly, Human. Only monitor your emotions. The only time we’ve been watching you that closely is when we were deciding when to pick you up.”
“No, he’s not my romantic partner.”
“But you have romantic feelings for him?”
Once again, you deny it.
“Hmm. Interesting. He seems to have romantic feelings for you, though.” Jimin ponders as he taps a finger to bring your screen to life again.
“How do you know? I thought you could only sense the six basic emotions. Love isn’t one of them.”
“No, it isn’t,” Jimin admits, swallowing hard as he considers how he came to this conclusion.
Love is a uniquely human emotion, he’d surmised, completely unnecessary for biological reproduction, and yet, Earthlings seem to place an utmost importance on it. Most Earthling mates are bonded together by this emotion. He isn’t very good at identifying it yet, but one thing Jimin does know is that this emotion called love complicates things, twists one’s perspectives and blinds them to the other’s faults and imperfections.
How does he know? Jimin himself has been struggling to come up with a rational explanation for the existence of this emotion that would satisfy Hoseok, but all he has are those that he’s picked up from Namjoon. Hoseok had dismissed it purely as happiness because the two of you were out exploring the world together, but he was certain that it had been something more profound than that, larger in magnitude. It had been a flutter in his chest every time Namjoon looked your way, a slight acceleration in heartbeat, a loss of breath sometimes.
The sudden tingle in his chest doesn’t seem all that foreign to him after all, Jimin realises as he sneaks a glance your way. The realisation makes his grasp slip on your phone, and struggling to keep a hold of it, he hears the sound of a snapshot, and glances toward the screen in surprise.
He draws away immediately, shoving the device back into your hands in a mild panic. “Apologies, Earthling, I didn’t mean-“
He seems a little too flustered over having accidentally taken a photo, but you let it slide. To gloss over the sudden awkwardness, you ask him for some intergalactic secrets that will earn you lots of money when you take them back to Earth. “That is, if you’re planning to return me at all?”
Jimin only frowns. “What is ‘money’, Earthling?”
There is a pause from you as you consider how to best explain this. “Um, well, money can be exchanged for goods and services on Earth. It’s considered really important, to the extent that people have done horrible things for it. People have been driven to insanity by it, controlled by it when they should be controlling it instead.”
‘Well… I can tell you how the Universe ends. If you really still want this money of yours,” Jimin shrugs nonchalantly even as you gasp in horror.
“I-is it because of Earth? Did we somehow manage to nuke the entire outer space?”
“No,” Jimin frowns again, and you’re beginning to recognise this gesture as a sign that you’ve used a term he doesn’t understand, or said something incredibly stupid. This time, it’s the latter.
“The Universe ends when one of our pilots is test driving a spacecraft’s time traveling features. He presses a button, and the Universe disappears,” Jimin says conversationally, all while you’re trying to withhold your exclamations of horror. “So it goes.”
“But can’t you stop it, if you know this? Why can’t you stop them from developing this new technology, keep him from pressing that button, destroy all spacecrafts, or-“
“You misunderstand, Earthling,” Jimin shakes his head with a laugh. “It is destined to happen, no matter what we do. The moment is structured that way, he has always pressed it, we will always continue to let him. That is why we don’t focus on the awful times and instead look at the pleasant ones, like this moment, for instance. Isn’t this a nice moment?”
“I guess it is.”
Your stay on this little planet hasn’t been all that unpleasant. Most days, you’re left to your own devices and you see it fit to go accompany Hoseok in his research lab. He’s more than happy to have you over, gushing over how much of a genius you are when you scan down his list of unsolved mysteries regarding Earthlings and answering them easily.
“What is this strange gesture that Earthlings do all the time?” Hoseok taps his list, and belatedly realises that for a change, you’re frowning at him instead. “Oh, come here and I’ll demonstrate.”
When you’re beside him, staring at the multitude of screens with paragraphs of unrecognizable symbols upon them and just about to ask if this is their written language, Hoseok grabs your hand in his. You look down at your hands in mild surprise, noting the way your palms are clasped together.
“This?” You ask, raising your hands to his eye level. “We hold hands for a multitude of reasons. The most basic one is for comfort and security. Mothers hold their children’s hands to lead them and make sure they don’t get lost, but when we become adults, holding someone’s hand is like telling them that you’ll be right beside them, leading and accompanying them at the same time.”
“So… for guidance, mainly? But if you don’t know the way, you could just consult a map,” Hoseok seems to miss the point entirely, and you pat his hand gently.
“Not in such a straightforward way. It’s like… when you ask someone to hold your hand, it’s asking them to stay with you through the good and the bad times. It provides a physical connection that’s reassuring, and it can be both platonic or romantic, depending on the people involved, and how they do it.”
Hoseok seems intrigued, and although you can see him itching to type away, he restrains himself to glance up at you, one more question on the tip of his tongue. “How do they differ?”
“When they do it like this,” you interlock your fingers with his so that they form a criss-cross, “it’s slightly more intimate and romantic. But my personal favourite is this one.” You let go of his hand entirely, hooking your pinky around his as the rest of your fingers curl into your palm, and Hoseok mimics you uncertainly.
“What does this one mean? I’ve never seen Earthlings do this.”
“It means a secret promise.” You allow your pinkies to linger like this for a while, watching Hoseok’s marks glow a sorbet yellow that slowly turns a dusty rose. “It means I promise to never leave you.” 
It seems like the lavender haired alien is blushing at your cheesy lines, but you know better than to interpret his facial expressions and marks the way you do with Earthlings. They probably have a whole other complicated system as to what these colours mean, so you give his pinky a light playful squeeze just to see the marks on his cheekbones flare a deeper fuchsia. 
And then Hoseok breaks away abruptly, turning back to his screen as he avoids your gaze entirely.
“Jimin is asking for you, you should go to him.”
Belatedly realising that Jimin must have sent for you telepathically, you wonder just how much of this prior moment he was privy to. Even the other night where he’d scrolled through your memories on your phone, were his brothers listening in through that telepathic connection?
A shiver travels up your spine as you imagine Yoongi having access to your most intimate moments, but then you chide yourself, because he surely has more important things to do than keep tabs on an Earthling like you.
Just the same, you’ll have to ask Jimin just how far these telepathic connections go.
He seems to be expecting you when you knock on his door, so you let yourself inside as he stands from his seat. His marks are a dark, brooding navy, a sharp contrast to his light, textured blonde hair.
“Earthling,” he says by way of greeting. “I wanted you to- wanted to ask you to show me more of those memories you have on your phone.”
The way he corrects himself does not go unnoticed, and you pat your pockets for your phone before realising that you’d left it in your room. “Oh, I think I left it in my room. I’ll just go get it real quick, and-“
“I’ll come with you,” Jimin offers, his marks lightening to a more neutral shade of blue now as he heads for the door. “I’ve been cooped up in here for way too long anyway.”
Along the way, you remember what you’ve been meaning to ask him, and Jimin chuckles in response.
“Don’t worry, Earthling, we can block our mental thoughts and sensory experiences when we need or want to, to maintain a sense of privacy,” he reassures you. “I do it all the time when I’m with you.”
“What about just now? Was Hoseok doing it too?”
Jimin considers your question carefully, taking his time to formulate his response as you reach your room and push the door open. He hasn’t quite come to terms with that stifling feeling in his chest when he’d seen you and Hoseok doing that strange gesture, or when he’d seen Hoseok’s marks turn pink. All he knows is that he had to summon you immediately, and he surmises that maybe it’s a bid for all your attention to be on him only.
He knows he likes it when you’re only looking at him.
“No, he wasn’t, that’s why he received my message for you.” Jimin answers truthfully.
You accept his answer, striding over to your dresser to pick up your phone. “Here it is, we can go back to your lab now, or maybe you’d like to go outside? Seeing as you’ve been cooped up-“
“No need,” he rejects you easily. “We can do it here.”
You swallow hard at how direct he is, but force yourself to brush it aside as he settles himself on the edge of your bed. You try not to admire how the loose white fabric bunches around his thighs, betraying thick banded muscles that look firm to the touch, or how the v neck of his top plunges to reveal a toned chest. When he motions that you sit beside him, you can only shoot up a quick prayer to the Gods, if they can even hear you, for a semblance of self-control.
Jimin has one leg tucked up beneath him, body angled toward you as you settle beside him, mirroring his position. “Show me more, Earthling.”
“What do you want to see?”
He only shrugs in response, so you open up a random album of pictures and start describing them to him, keeping your screen brightness low so that it doesn’t deplete your battery too badly.
Which was a bad idea, because Jimin, on the grounds that he can’t see, takes it upon himself to wedge his body closer to you, leaving a sliver of space between your bodies as he stretches one leg behind you, the other curled around your right leg, thighs almost touching. The intense proximity has your brain immediately going hazy, and you immediately turn back to the current picture, which is a colourful array of pastries and desserts that you remember gorging yourself on.
“These were the most expensive desserts we ever had, but it was so worth it. Looking back, we probably shouldn’t have bought them, but we figured we would regret it if we didn’t. I wish I could go back there for more,” you sigh wistfully.  
“Why are you describing everything as if it’s happened in the past?” Jimin is listening intently, pewter gray eyes fixed on yours, and his marks are glowing a calm sunset orange.
But his question puzzles you. “Wh-what do you mean? All this happened already, these moments are in the past, gone and dusted, that’s why.”
Jimin’s eyes lighten in understanding. “Ah, it must be an Earthling perception of time, then.” When you don’t respond, he goes on to clarify. “You said you wanted to go back to this period of time so badly. That this feeling, this nostalgia, makes you miss the past that has already gone. But we see it differently here.”
Reaching over your shoulder, he scrolls back a couple of pictures which you’d already shown him, stopping at a panoramic view of snow-capped mountains that you remember driving past in a near blizzard, car tires skidding on black ice. “This stretch of mountains, you see it all at once, do you not? We see time the same way. Past, present and future all exist simultaneously, we can choose to look at any moment we please, but ultimately, they all occur at the same time. Every single moment is permanent.”
“Oh.” Your simple response is incongruent to the racing thoughts clouding your mind, one of which ironically and ruefully notes that yet another intergalactic secret has been revealed to you. Such a complicated concept can’t possibly be dreamt up, you’re not that smart, and little by little, you’re starting to believe that all of this isn’t a dream, it’s your reality. And the warmth of Jimin’s body certainly helps to hammer that truth home.
“So when you said you want to go back, it is illogical, because in a sense, you are already back there,” Jimin glances at your side profile, but your gaze is fixed on your screen. He doesn’t know how much of this you believe, but he’s not picking up much on his radar right now other than an undercurrent of happiness.
Because of him? Jimin doesn’t allow the thought to formulate.
But the emotion quickly fades into sadness again, and this time, Jimin actually sees moisture well up in your eyes. A mild panic rises within his chest, he knows that Earthlings tend to leak moisture from their eyes when they are particularly upset, it’s called crying, but Jimin doesn’t know if he’d done anything to generate this reaction.
“Earthling…” He starts, but you cut him off.
“Thanks for that, Jimin. Really,” you glance over at him, blinking back the tears, and you can only blame your sudden outpour of emotions on them. “I mean, I know I’m not on Earth anymore, so the laws of time and space probably don’t apply here. But the thought of all those moments still existing, there being a possibility that I am back there, being the person whom I always wanted to be, instead of this worthless, emptiness… that’s quite nice actually.”
Your tirade trails off into an incredulous laugh, and you figure that Jimin must think that you’re insane. But at this point, you’re already so far gone, so might as well admit to a strange, handsome blonde alien something that you’ve never had the guts to tell anyone. Why not? It’s not like he’d tell anyone on Earth. “Anyway, I’ve been having a really hard time, lately. Thank God you kidnapped me, or else-”
Jimin’s never heard your voice like this before, he can only describe it as raw, completely honest, and something in him wavers a little when he senses your overwhelming sadness wash over you. Guided by an unknown instinct, he brings his hand to your chin, fingertips guiding you to turn your head to face him, and then you are merely a breath’s distance away from him.
He’s aware that his marks are glowing a gentle rose hue, but he also feels the tinge of nerves in his stomach as he leans in closer, attempting to do what he’s observed Earthlings do so many times. He isn’t sure if he will be able to do it right, but the sight of your wet cheeks spurs him on nonetheless, and he carefully meets your lips with his own plush ones, thumb caressing your cheek gently.
The sensation of your lips against his is foreign, but not unpleasant, and his tongue darts out to lick your bottom lip. The rest of your body freezes against him for a moment, and Jimin frets over whether this is entirely inappropriate or not, but then you relax against his touch, eyelids fluttering closed. The way your wet eyelashes kiss your upper cheek has him entranced, even more so when you start to move your lips against his, and then there is a strange fluttering in his chest, a sense of contentment that fills every single pore as you start to kiss him back.
Jimin could get used to this.
You pull away first, eyes wide and questioning, and Jimin detects a mix of happiness and surprise. To distract himself from how much he wants to kiss you again, his hand finds yours buried in the bedspread, remembering your conversation with Hoseok and wanting to surprise you, he hooks his pinky with yours the way he saw you do it.
“When we see a person in a bad place, or going through a tough time, all we think is that he is in a bad condition in a particular moment. But that same person is completely fine in plenty of other moments.” There is a faint glow of warmth within his chest that he recognises as happiness, but only this time, Jimin can’t seem to delineate whether it’s coming from him or you.
You glance down at his pinky- adorably short for his size, you realise- hooked around yours, enthused by the knowledge that he had been watching over your conversation with Hoseok after all. You squeeze his pinky like you did Hoseok’s, the only difference is, you feel your heart tighten at the same time, as if it was being squeezed as well.  
“In this moment, I’m more than fine.” 
“Jimin, I get it!!” Hoseok bursts into Jimin’s lab, a shock of lavender hued hair and barely restrained excitement. “I get what you’re talking about now!”
Jimin is annoyed at having been interrupted as he glances up over his screens at the other alien. He might not have been doing much before this, being far too distracted by the memory of your lips on his, but the lavender haired alien doesn’t need to know this. Running his hand through his hair wearily, he waits for Hoseok to elaborate.
“The emotion which you call love, I felt it, with the Earthling.”
Jimin draws in a deep breath, struggling to keep his emotions at bay and hide them from the other alien. But it’s no use, he can feel his marks glowing an ugly shade of plum even as he feigns indifference, typing nonsense into his data sheet.
“Oh? What did you feel, exactly?” Jimin casts a brief glance at Hoseok’s enthused expression. “You know, I’m starting to think maybe I was wrong, it was just a conjecture on my part-“
“No, you were absolutely right,” Hoseok cuts him off, his words tripping over each other as he hastens to explain himself. “Humans do experience this emotion, and it’s odd really, because it feels different from what you described with the Earthling’s partner, Namjoon, was it? Anyway, you said his was more of a- euphoria? While I detected more of a nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I was going to throw up-“
“My Earthling doesn’t have a partner,” Jimin clarifies, and his statement causes Hoseok to freeze in his tirade.
“Your Earthling, you say?” Hoseok narrows his eyes at Jimin, and the blonde alien can’t help but feel antsy under his scrutiny. “Brother, why this sudden ownership over the Earthling? Could you be-“
“You read too much into it,” Jimin hastens to correct himself, because there’s a feeling in his gut that tells him that he can’t trust anyone, not even his brothers. Or maybe it’s a sense of protectiveness towards you, but he can’t let anyone know about what happened that night in your room. Hoseok would reprimand him, or worse, for getting attached to what he deems as a test subject, and there’s no doubt as to how Yoongi would take the news.
Jimin was the one who brought you to this planet, and likewise, he’d be the one to keep you safe.
“I merely meant that she was my responsibility, and seek to suggest that all interactions be limited to myself only,” Jimin meets the other alien’s eye with a stony determination. In reality, he knows that Hoseok is higher in rank than him, could easily report him to Yoongi for insubordination, or have him suspended entirely. He needs to tread carefully. “After all, we do not want to risk corrupting the test subject with too many host influences.”
The mention of test subject does the trick; Hoseok seems to believe him even as the term leaves a bitter taste in Jimin’s mouth.
“Alright, but do be cautious, Brother. Remember, she is merely a test subject after all.”
“Noted, Brother.” Jimin answers tersely, nodding his head in dismissal.
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taekookismylifeline · 7 years
(yoonseok) - trust my heart when it beats for you
ao3: (x)
Summary: Jung Hoseok has had an awkward Thing for Min Yoongi for four years of his school life. He is certain that the only thing that gets in the way of them and everlasting love is the fact that Min Yoongi doesn't know he exists, but that all changes due to one drunken text message: a pick-up line. Ready to flee to another country under a false identity in mortification, he finds himself ruining their blossoming friendship and confessing when Yoongi asks why Hoseok had tried to flirt with him. However, things take a turn after his confession when Yoongi starts to (awkwardly) flirt back.
Pairings: Yoonseok, Taekook and Namjin
Chapters: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12)
Chapter Eleven -  you can read me, can't you, when you look at me. don't stop
“Wait, what the- why did you send that?” Jeongguk protested, his eyes wide in scathing alarm. He was scanning the messages on Yoongi’s phone as the two walked side by side in the town centre on the Sunday afternoon that they had scheduled to meet Hoseok and Taehyung. “Taehyung was with him, he probably saw it!” He groaned and handed the phone back to Yoongi, who stowed it out of sight in his coat pocket.
“If he did it would be a miracle,” Yoongi muttered. “Maybe he’ll get a clue and make a move. Or,” he dragged the word out, “you can be the one to do it.”
Only Jeongguk’s features above his nose were visible, his eyebrows knitted together as he buried his chin into his scarf. “Please don’t. It makes me nervous just thinking about it.” His breath fanned out in front of him and enshrouded Yoongi’s head before dispersing. The café they had agreed to meet in materialised in front of him. “It’s not like you can talk about making a move; Hoseok came onto you, the work’s been done for you.”
Yoongi clicked his tongue and nudged Jeongguk. “Mind your manners, or I might just accidentally confide in a certain someone’s best friend that Taehyung has an admirer.” He didn’t need to look to know that the boy next to him had flushed.
“Of course you’re going to side with your boyfriend,” Jeongguk grumbled, reaching for the café door and pulling it open, looking over his shoulder to signal that Yoongi should step in first. Yoongi hoped that Jeongguk mistook his unusual ruddiness to be from the piercing cold air and not his comment.
The heat inside of the establishment immediately collided with Yoongi’s skin, it was a relief to be indoors and away from the sniping chill. He shivered all the same, his body adapting to the change in temperature. Jeongguk nudged him lightly and gestured to where someone was occupying the table located farthest from the window and had his back to them.
Hoseok had arrived before them and was sitting alone, meaning that he hadn’t come with Taehyung. Why was he so early?
It was almost as if he could sense that Yoongi was thinking about him, Hoseok peered over his shoulder and his bored expression immediately shifted into a heart-achingly bright grin upon laying eyes on Yoongi. It was incredibly embarrassing (especially when Hoseok cried out his name and called them both over in front of the other customers and staff), but also extremely endearing.
Yoongi sat opposite Hoseok whilst Jeongguk took the chair next to him and immediately shed himself of his coat, Yoongi mimicked this action when realising that he was stifling hot in all of his layers. He pretended not to notice that Hoseok hadn’t taken his eyes off of him since he had been spotted by the other.
A waitress came over and took down their orders, she came back a few moments later with a coffee and a hot chocolate, telling them that their food would arrive shortly.
“Aw,” Hoseok cooed. Yoongi couldn’t avoid his gaze any longer and locked eyes with him, Hoseok immediately slid his attention over to Jeongguk. “Look at how wrapped up you both are! Is it that cold out there?”
Jeongguk laughed, clearly thinking that Hoseok was joking, and took a sip of his drink. Yoongi took the lack of attention to run his eyes over Hoseok who was adorning only a light jacket over a jumper. “It’s freezing today, why are you practically naked?” Yoongi snorted.
Hoseok looked confused and peered down at what he was wearing. “Is it? I didn’t notice. Maybe it’s because I got here earlier.” He looked up again and matched gazes with Yoongi, who had just realised that Hoseok had styled his hair. It was slightly wavy, exposing some of his forehead. It looked good. “Or maybe I’m ‘practically naked’ because I was waiting for you,” he spoke slowly in a provocative manner, wiggling his eyebrows to match the tone of his voice.
Yoongi felt his skin itch in embarrassment and he burst out laughing. “You might want to close your ears, Jeongguk.” He stirred his coffee and smiled at Hoseok from across the table, swiftly ignoring the sudden tightness of his chest when Hoseok provided him with that signature grin.
“I’ve suddenly gone deaf,” Jeongguk replied innocently, surveying Hoseok’s coffee mug with the same precision as a detective would examine a corpse.
Hoseok’s eyes creased as he laughed, Yoongi found himself watching a hint of colour make its way up Hoseok’s neck. He was embarrassed. “I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have said that. So, how are you doing, Jeongguk? We’ve never really talked before, have we?”
Jeongguk shook his head, a small smile spreading on his face. “No, we haven’t. It’s probably because of the age difference.”
“Yeah, about that, are you sure you’re younger? You look like you’re older,” Hoseok’s tone was slightly teasing but Yoongi could tell that he was telling the truth. “That’s a handy thing though, you can probably get into any party.”
Yoongi couldn’t hold back a snort, Jeongguk kicked him under the table. Hoseok peered at them, wild-eyed. “What? What did I miss?” Yoongi was about to explain Jeongguk’s distaste for parties but was interrupted by the entry of Kim Taehyung. He almost bit through his tongue in shock when Jeongguk grasped his forearm with an iron grip.
Hoseok was watching him again and traced his line of sight back to Taehyung. “Hey!” He called over his shoulder to Taehyung who was dressed as if he had just robbed every branded shop on the street, dressed to kill. “You’re late!”
Taehyung approached the table with a walking gait of someone who couldn’t give a damn but just so happened to be cruising down the catwalk. Yoongi could almost hear the internal screams of Jeongguk as Taehyung gracefully slipped into the seat next to Hoseok – opposite Jeongguk – with a sugar sweet smile decorating his face. “I’m sorry, the bus was late. Blame it, not me!” He added the latter part because Hoseok was glaring at him as if he had committed a grievous sin, which maybe he had. There was definitely something unspoken playing out before Yoongi.
“What happened?” Yoongi almost jumped when he heard Jeongguk speak up from beside him; he was almost certain that Jeongguk would have remained mute throughout the lunch. Taehyung was looking at Jeongguk, looking into him, like how a peasant would look at a pile of glittering diamonds. Much like how Hoseok looked at him. Yoongi crashed that certain train of thought and returned to the conversation at hand.
Jeongguk looked as if he regretted opening his mouth but carried on in a very casual way. He gestured to Taehyung’s hand where a plaster was wrapped around the tip of his thumb, and then he itched one side of his face. “Your thumb, did you cut yourself?”
There was a brief silence in which Taehyung looked startled, like he was trying to figure out if Jeongguk was actually addressing him, before his gaze drifted down to his thumb. His eyes lit up in realisation and he let out an abashed burst of laughter. “Oh, this! Yeah, I did. Well, no, it wasn’t my fault – Hoseok should have told me that he had dropped a glass in his room.” He eyed Hoseok dramatically whilst Hoseok averted his eyes and began whistling. Yoongi smiled and dropped his gaze to his lap.
“Well, rather a thumb than your neck,” Jeongguk joked, his smile had flourished ever since Taehyung had laughed.
If the fit of laughter Taehyung had expelled before counted as what his normal laughter was like, what he followed Jeongguk’s joke with could only be classified as a howl. Yoongi’s eyes instinctively flickered over to Hoseok to clock his reaction, he was amused – and satisfied – to see that Hoseok’s eyes were wide with shock and then he burst out laughing. “What the hell was that? Do you need a cough drop?”
Yoongi’s muted snigger turned into a full blown bout of laughter, Jeongguk joined in with him. Taehyung flushed and hit Hoseok on the shoulder and saying, “don’t be rude! I was laughing at Jeongguk’s joke!”
It was Jeongguk’s turn to flush. Yoongi struggled to repress a smirk. Hoseok gasped, “I had no idea! I thought you were trying to inhale the table!” Taehyung spluttered in embarrassment and tried to cover himself, seemingly avidly aware that Jeongguk was watching his every move.
Yoongi snorted and followed it with a laugh. Hoseok’s eyes slid over to him with a grin still plastered on his face, it was as if he were gauging Yoongi’s reaction. Yoongi diverted his gaze, suddenly feeling self-conscious with the attention.
It was like some kind of twisted roller-coaster ride that Yoongi found himself strapped onto but he couldn’t find it within himself to struggle to break free, because some part of him wanted to be held in place. He wanted to figure Hoseok out, to know the reason behind Hoseok’s cheerfulness and why he found Yoongi so intriguing.
It was strange to be on the receiving end of the kind of attention that Hoseok was dealing out to him, since he was used to being the observer. He hadn’t even suspected that Hoseok liked guys, or liked him, as he was positive that a fairly popular guy like Hoseok would have had a supportive girlfriend.
He hadn’t given much thought into Hoseok, only ever hearing a few stories about the kind of things he got up to in class which involved not doing the work. So, for Hoseok to suddenly be thrust into his life and wanting to get to know him was slightly nerve-racking; Yoongi didn’t know anything about the other boy and it was the same for Hoseok about him. Yet, Hoseok wanted to know him, to know tiny details, like did he prefer morning or evening (evening, most definitely), did he have any pet peeves (double dipping and people talking too loudly), or did he prefer soups or broths (which had lead into a heated discussion about what the difference between the two were).
Hoseok seemed to want to learn everything he could about Yoongi in such a short space of time, it was, quite frankly, terrifying. He was certain that soon Hoseok would run out of interest, that their conversation would slowly die out until Yoongi wasn’t greeted with a good morning message or had to think deeply about a random question that Hoseok came out with. He wondered whether it was the attention he would miss, but realised that this wasn’t the case when he mentally replaced Hoseok’s actions of messaging one-liners and touching feet underneath the table to be from someone else and felt an intense displeasure. He had to come to terms with the truth; that he wouldn’t miss the attention, he would miss Hoseok. That was the terrifying aspect.
Hoseok had invaded his life in such a short amount of time, but Yoongi couldn’t find a single complaint. The only negative aspect he could find was that it was inevitable that Hoseok would get bored and leave just like it happened in every relationship in school, it would always end with a sobbing mess and awkward silences when seeing each other in hallways.
Yoongi wasn’t going to surrender himself quite so easily, even if his heart jittered painfully every time Hoseok spared a glance in his direction, he wouldn’t give in until Hoseok made it absolutely clear that he was not going to disappear - like shuddery breath turning into fog and dispersing into the cold, cruel night air.
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Keep On Giving
Pairing: VMin, hint of SugaKookie Genre: Romance, fluff Rating: PG Note: Takes place right after Exposed Secrets:  You do not need to read ES to read this fic, however it will help you to understand Jimin's issues more thoroughly if you do.
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A ball of fluff. That was what people generally called Park Jimin, with his warm smile, chubby cheeks, and cheery attitude. It wasn’t something he particularly cared to be called but he’d take that to cheek pinching any day. Unfortunately, the two almost always came hand in hand. There was only one person who had met Jimin, gotten to know him and didn’t pinch his cheeks nor call him a ball of fluff or anything similar to those words. That person was named, Min Yoongi. The two had run into each other in a music store. Jimin was admiring the violins and Yoongi was ogling the guitars. It was strings that had brought them together and until recently Jimin had thought that the string of fate really had strung them along. That string of fate was cut short rather quickly, about a month after making Yoongi his boyfriend, his fated one snapped the string so quick his head was still spinning. Having someone break up with you because they wanted a new toy and then in the same night to see them out with said new toy, showing off all sides of sexiness that you had previously thought was all yours was just too much. Jimin had completely lost his ball of fluff and drowned it out in whiskey. A whole two bottles of whiskey. Okay, so no he didn’t drink two bottles himself, he had help and well maybe a lot of it but the point was, there was a whole bottle of whiskey gone and a good majority of the second gone as well.
He had woken up to the worst hangover he had ever possibly had and threw up, the zero amount of food he had in his stomach the next morning. The smell of just about anything either sent him, to hug the toilet some more, or practically double over in nausea. He wasn’t a pretty sight. Dark circles under his eyes, messy hair, as messy as short hair could get anyways, dry, chapped, almost bleeding lips and pale skin. No, Jimin was most certainly not his best that day. To make matters even worse for him on that day, he ended up in some stranger's home, no clue how he got there let alone how he removed himself of the clothes he had been wearing and this stranger had seen him throw up and dry heave too many times for his liking. Not a great first impression.
After that morning, things were easier for him, in the sense of his stomach being okay. In the other, his ball of fluff personality was still missing. A rain cloud floated above his head most days. The stranger who had seen him be just about as disgusting as possible, wouldn’t go away either. His name was Kim Taehyung. He was a really sweet kid, that’s what Jimin thought. The guy was adorable in not only his appearance but his actions and his general personality as well. As to why Jimin was calling someone the same age as him a kid, that would be a mystery. Taehyung was an exceptional nurse. This of course wasn’t his actual profession but it should have been. He was just a good nurse that Jimin was still being checked up on by him. It had been a month since their first meeting where upon Jimin had been escorted home. Since then Taehyung would stop by on his way home from work and insist on cooking the boy who looked too thin as he would say, “Jiminie you look much too thin. You should eat properly,” and then somehow Taehyung would be in his kitchen cooking a five course meal. Honestly, if anyone was possibly too thin it was Taehyung. Jimin couldn’t understand how the man could eat so much and stay as slim as a stick.
It was on one particular night that Taehyung was indeed over once again cooking him dinner. It had become such a routine that Jimin didn’t even bother asking why the man was in front of his doorstep with a grocery bag, but just let his voice carry through the door, “It’s open.” In would walk Taehyung. He had grown accustomed to his nurse still appearing before him so he didn’t mind staying on the couch reading the book while Taehyung was in his kitchen preparing dinner.
After the chapter was finished Jimin set his book down and walked into the kitchen, “Tae, what are we having tonight?” Somewhere along the way he had stopped calling the should be chef, Taehyung-sshi and given him a nickname. Whenever Taehyung would hear that it’d make him smile but Jimin never noticed the difference. He was always busy with something else, like right now his hands were stealing pieces of cheese that was being shredded. “Jiminie! Don’t eat the cheese. Now, I’m not going to tell you. Come help or go sit down.” A hand reached in to grab a few more pieces which got swatted away. “Yes, yes, I’ll go sit.” Jimin said while chuckling to himself and dropping the cheese into his open mouth. A hand met with his bottom and made him jump and let out a small cry in surprise. A few snickers were heard that as much as he wanted to get onto Taehyung he was too busy turning as red as a tomato and didn’t want to draw more attention to himself.
Jimin took a seat on the opposite counter from where Taehyung was working and they chatted just as they had been for the past week. The elder would cook while the younger kept him company. They talked about anything and everything and today was no different. “What time do you have to go into work tonight?” The two were opposites, not only in their personalities but in their jobs as well. Taehyung would go to work from nine to five working a desk job while Jimin would go to work in the evenings and not get home until the wee hours of the morning. “Mm, not until eight tonight.” This was an odd occurrence and it gained Jimin a pair of eyes on him. Without even having to look up he knew what was being asked, “There’s a new guy coming in and he wanted to just go over everything. He’s nervous though he won’t seem to admit it.” Taehyung went back to his cooking with a nod of his head, “Ah, well I’d be nervous too, Jiminie. I don’t know how you do it.” Jimin was a violin player at an upscale club in a hotel. He would accompany the singers that would perform on stage if they got a slot otherwise it would just be him playing piece after piece as well as the piano at times. Since it was in a hotel and an upscale one at that, he managed to make a decent amount of money and even better when the customers would leave bread in his jar.
“Maybe I’ll stop in then for a moment or two.” Yes, somehow Taehyung had not only invaded his home but found out where he works and would stop in every now and then to watch him. The drinks were completely overpriced but that didn’t seem to bother Taehyung. Especially since he never listened to Jimin when he told him he didn’t need to stop by and waste his money just to see him. Really, it was more than enough that his dinner was prepared every day, except for Sunday, as it was. Hopping off the counter, Jimin moved over to the cabinet that held the plates and pulled out two. Setting them down next to the one cooking as he also liked to prepare the plates as well.
“Tae…Why do you always come by and cook me dinner?” This was a question that had been asked before but he had never managed to get a answer from the man. It had always been avoided with either food shoved into his mouth, a new topic that somehow managed to distract Jimin without even realizing that he had asked a question before. This time though, he really wanted an answer. He was all ready to put his chubby cheeks into use and pout until he got an answer, because everyone knew that it wasn’t his lips that made his pout so irresistible but his cheeks. Only this time he didn’t even have to use them. No, in fact he only had to wait a few moments while Taehyung put the finishing touches on their dinner. When Taehyung turned around he had two plates in his hand that he set on the table; Jimin following behind and taking a seat. Taehyung looked at Jimin with a small, warm yet innocent smile, he always seemed so innocent in everything that he did. “I just like to Jiminie.” Their eyes held each other’s gaze for another moment before Jimin had to look down at his plate, he was growing a bit warm and wasn’t quite sure why. This answer only managed to confuse him even more, though the thing that was most confusing to him was the fact that he was even confused by Taehyung’s very straightforward answer.
“I can stop if it bothers you.” These words surprised Jimin, the one across from him had been so insistent on his presence being around that it just didn’t seem like he could actually be conscious of the fact that he may be a nuisance. Looking up quickly, he saw Taehyung shoving his food around on his plate with his chopsticks. Fidgeting. Another thing that was uncharacteristic of him. “No, no. Then what would I do when it comes to dinner? I might burn the building down. Plus I don’t know anyone who can match your skills.” Seeing a bright smile appear on Tae’s face only made one appear on Jimin’s face as well. The two started eating then, once again going back to their conversation of anything and everything, which generally ranged from talking about snails and how oddly shaped they were to talking about the political issues in South Korea.
Getting ready for work didn’t take Jimin long at all. He just threw on the appropriate clothes, which were much too dressy for his tastes but it’s what paid the bills, grabbed his violin and headed out the door. He went to the back room that was made into a sort of dressing room slash lounge room for the entertainers. The new singer for tonight was already present and going over his songs. “Seokjin-sshi, you can stop reciting the first song. You’re fine and the crowd’s not going to bite ya.” He chuckled as he set his things down and took a seat on the couch that was in there. Seokjin turned around so see the younger man who looked like a little kid instructing him. It was almost comical, except for the fact that he was nervous. Singing had never been his profession before, he had loved singing but never once thought of doing it for a crowd outside of a school performance until he managed to snag this job which he desperately needed.
“Jimin, you know you don’t have to say sshi and yes they will.” He dropped his sheet music on the coffee table and plopped down next to the violinist that would be accompanying him tonight. Jimin couldn’t help but laugh more at this and just shook his head. “Okay then hyung, you’ll be fine. Once you’re on stage everything will come together, you’ll sing, they’ll clap, and whistle, hoot and holler and it will feel like a dream. That is until you have to start your second set.” His words were meant to be encouraging and for the most part they were true. The hooting and hollering were a bit of an exaggeration but you did get some from time to time though not quite at that decibel. He watched as the singer took a deep breath and exhaled. Seokjin turned to look at Jimin then, “Okay, I’ll take your word for it for now…but if you’re wrong then you owe me a drink at the end of the night.” A cheeky grin appeared on the singers face as he stuck out his hand. “Sure, sure, but I’m sure you’ll be the one paying up tonight. So, you better work those dazzling eyes you have on the women so you get more tips.” This comment only elicited the tips of Seokjin’s ears to become pink. Standing up he swatted the younger man on the shoulder in his attempt at scolding but it only made the other laugh. By then it was time to go onstage so the two did just that, swapping jokes and jabs at the other. Jimin was great at calming Seokjin down without the singer even realizing it. Maybe that was to his disadvantage with the bet they had but Jimin didn’t mind. The new singer was really good and he liked him it was worth it. Even if he would have to pay up in the end.
Taehyung walked into the ritzy hotel and made his way to the bar lounge that Jimin was playing in. He took a seat at a table off to the side and not quite in the back but not quite in the middle either. The majority of the tables were taken, tonight was going to be a good one for the violinist. A smile was almost always gracing his face whenever Jimin was around. It was something he had noticed long ago but decided to ignore. The other male was a friend, at least he hoped they were friends now. It was true that he had sort of forced himself into the boy's life, but truth be told he just couldn’t stay away. At first when his roommate had brought home the passed out man, that finally woke up only to upchuck all over the floor, he was quite peeved. Taehyung took care of him anyways though. His roommate was tired and Jimin looked so pitiful that he couldn’t help but feel bad for the one who had gotten much too drunk and over an ex-love. It was the moments of sincere and incessant apologies from him that he decided he had to make sure that Jimin was alright. Taehyung had escorted him home, made sure he was eating and gave him some company. Depression which Jimin obviously had wasn’t something that someone should have for long and Taehyung had decided that Jimin didn’t deserve to have it at all. He strived to take that away with any little bit that he could do to help. That ended up in the way of food. Food was the way to a man’s heart, they always said. Jimin sure enjoyed his it seemed as well.
Throughout all of his barging in, the two had found a comfortable place that had seemed to have made them friends. Taehyung came over to cook everyday because he liked being around Jimin and secretly he did want to make sure that the guy was eating at least one proper meal a day. Coming to Jimin’s work was just guilty pleasure for him. He had quite a few of them that all included little things about Jimin, when he’d crinkle his nose from laughing at a joke Taehyung would tell, or the different smiles he would give because of course, Taehyung could tell the difference between a polite smile, an amused smile, the ones that said he was thankful, the ones that showed his complete and utter excitement. There were more but it’d take him awhile to list them all. Hearing Jimin play the violin was like a slice of heaven, something Taehyung would listen to every chance he got…if he could afford it. You had to pay for at least one drink if you were going to sit and listen to the entertainment. It was common curtesy of course and the drinks were expensive, especially if you went every single night just to see a certain violinist and pianist. Taehyung wasn’t poor but it wasn’t in his budget to go to a bar every single night, especially an upscale one at that.
The waiter had already come and taken his order, he enjoyed sipping on his beverage while watching the two men on stage. Generally, when Taehyung came his eyes were always and only on Jimin but tonight he actually paid the singer a bit of attention. At first it was because he was surprised at how well the man sang. Then those glances changed because in between a set, it was obvious how friendly the new singer and Jimin had already become. It was so fast from what Taehyung knew that it made him wonder just what their relationship was. Getting up he made his way over to the two, ignoring his burning curiosity that only flared more when he saw Seokjin put a hand on Jimin’s shoulder which slid down his shoulder blade with a warm look in his eye. It was friendly but it still annoyed Taehyung. Stopping in next to the musicians who were standing at the end of the bar close to their stage, he gave a little wave. Being polite he greeted them both, “Hello.” Jimin automatically looked up and gave him a grin, moved over and slung his arm around Taehyung’s shoulders. “Tae you came,” he just nodded and then looked from Jimin, who he secretly hid his pleasure of the show of affection from, to Seokjin who he wasn’t quite sure about. It took Jimin a moment before he realized that he should introduce the two though Seokjin did say hello as well.
“Oh! Hyung, this is Kim Taehyung a friend of mine and Tae, this is Kim Seokjin the new singer I mentioned. Didn’t he do great so far? I told him he had nothing to be nervous about but he wouldn’t believe me. Can you believe he thought the audience was going to bite him?” Jimin was speaking a mile a minute, a goofy grin plastered to his face and chuckling still at the biting comment. Taehyung was polite and bowed slightly, as well as he could since Jimin hadn’t let go of him, “It’s nice to meet you. You sing beautifully.” Glancing over at Jimin he could tell that he was very excited tonight, it made him happy. Jimin’s happiness was his happiness. Seokjin watched the exchange and kept his thoughts to himself. He thanked Taehyung for the compliment. When Jimin let go of Taehyung, he didn’t catch the slight frown that his friend had made as it disappeared after a second that it had appeared. Seokjin poked Jimin’s cheek. “Don’t think that you’re getting out of buying me a drink.” Jimin crinkled his nose at the sudden poke to his cheek. It happened all the time but he never grew used to it. At least this time Seokjin was becoming a fast friend and not some total stranger who just thought his chubby cheeks were adorable.
“No, no. I remember just fine. I’ll go get it now.” Jimin looked over at Taehyung, “Do you-” he was cut off by his friend already answering his question that wasn’t even properly asked. “No, I’m fine. Um..Good luck on your last set. I need to go, I just wanted to say hi and let you know that you were amazing once again.” Jimin just puffed out his cheeks, surprised because Taehyung always watched all of his sets if he came and was a little disappointed that he was leaving. “Oh, oh, okay, Tae. I’ll see you later then?” It really shouldn’t have came out as a question, Jimin saw Taehyung almost every day but for some reason he couldn’t help but ask. A question seemed necessary. All he got was a slight nod, if you could even call it that and a “Mm…” then a wave as Taehyung went back to his table, paid for the drink that wasn’t even half finished and left. Jimin felt a little odd about it but shrugged things off telling himself that Taehyung was just tired and paid his debt for losing the bet. Something he was actually proud of. Seokjin and Jimin finished the set flawlessly, tips were good and Seokjin was pretty funny. It was a very good night for Jimin. He even forgot that Taehyung had previously left him with an odd feeling. It didn’t matter, the man would be at his doorstep the next day at six as he always was.
The next day came and Jimin was lounging on his spot on the couch with a book, picking up where he left off the day before. It had become a routine of sorts. Five o’clock came around and he’d taken a seat on the couch with his book to read until Taehyung would come over and cook him dinner. Any other time he didn’t pick up his book. He liked reading but didn’t like to do too much of it. One hour a day was more than enough and it was convenient when waiting for his friend. Jimin of course didn’t realize he was even waiting for Taehyung nor would he be able to specify when it changed from going about his daily business to actually waiting for someone to come over who was never invited in the first place. When it felt like it had been about the time that Taehyung would knock on his door, Jimin’s eyes started straying from the page and towards the door. Only of course to see no one was there and hear nothing in return. He went back to reading doing that little dance a few more times before getting up and looking at his watch a frown spreading across his face. It was already 6:30 and Taehyung wasn’t there. This was odd but maybe Taehyung was running late or had something else to do. He shrugged and killed time another way before getting ready for work and heading out.
Two more days passed like that, where there was no overbearing nurse at his door making sure he ate properly. There were also no nightly appearances at the bar either. That night in between sets Seokjin came up to Jimin who was sitting in a corner stirring his drink around and around with the little straw zoning out. A hand rested on his shoulder and had to shake him a little before Jimin would look up. “What’s up? You’ve been distracted and anxious all night. You almost didn’t notice when I stopped singing either.” Luckily, the way Jimin continued to play he pulled it off in a flourish to where no one noticed that the song was completely done until the instruments faded and finally quit. The younger man’s brow furrowed, “It’s Tae. He’s not coming around like he used to and it’s odd,” then he bit his lip. Seokjin remembered who he was talking about though it took him a few seconds to really be aware of who it was. “Jimin, it’s only been two days. Maybe he’s busy.” A chuckle had escaped his lips as he looked at the very serious Jimin in front of him. “Why don’t you call him or stop by to see him if this bothers you so much.” Amusement danced in Seokjin’s eyes which locked with Jimin’s for a few seconds. The furrow deepened and a defiant response came from Jimin. “I’m not bothered by it. It’s just odd…but maybe I‘ll do that, thanks hyung.” He went back to stirring his drink and the singer removed his hand from his shoulder, just nodding in return. Then they started their final set.
Jimin’s mind was thinking about Seokjin’s words through the entire set. This time he didn’t screw up the ending of a song but he still wasn’t focusing as he should and it showed in the amount of tips he received. Calling Taehyung seemed like a good idea. Yes, Jimin liked that idea a lot. The stopping by wasn’t bad but he’d feel rude for just dropping by out of the blue like that. He should call first. Though after all the times Tae had done it to him, what did it matter if he did it once to that overbearing nurse. He could do that too. Just as Jimin was thinking of all of this and deciding which one he would do, the realization that he never got Taehyung’s phone number nor did he remember where he lived hit him. Well that made things problematic. As soon as the set ended he grabbed Seokjin’s arm looking up at him eyes full just saying ‘what do I do?’ “But hyung, I don’t have his phone number nor know where he lives…”
Seokjin’s jaw dropped just slightly as he was surprised by this revelation. The two had seemed rather close seeing as how the night he was introduced to Taehyung, Jimin couldn’t stop talking about the guy. “Uh, well…” he scratched the side of his head by his temple, “weren’t you two- er that seems like a problem.” Seokjin really didn’t know what to say on this one. He hadn’t been expecting this at all but he didn’t like watching his violinist and friend’s face fall like it did. He moved to start cleaning up their equipment which stirred Jimin to do the same. “What about a friend of his? You know some of them?” This made Jimin think and think and think. They had never really done much else besides eat dinner at his place and then have a drink at the bar Jimin worked at. Somehow Taehyung and him just fell into that routine and Jimin had never questioned it.
Remembering how he first met Taehyung took him back to the night he was all upset about Yoongi, his drunken mistake, that made him shiver, never again would he drink whiskey. Oh, the bartender, Jonghwa, he took him home which he shared with Tae. The light bulb had come on and that was when he asked Seokjin to finish up so he could leave early, he needed to go somewhere. Seokjin didn’t even bother asking what it was but nodded. He figured it had something to do with Taehyung and the expression on Jimin’s face wasn’t one of disappointment anymore so that was good enough for him.
Walking into the closing bar, he ignored the automated comment from Jungkook saying that they were closing. He just kept walking, not expecting to find a giggling Yoongi behind the bar poking Jungkook’s butt. His eyebrow raised but he didn’t say anything. The blush that spread across Jungkook’s face was more than enough, though he did manage to say without stuttering “Hey Jimin, what did you need?” It was painstakingly obvious that Jungkook was nervous and it didn’t help that Yoongi had stopped the poking only to hug the bartender from behind. Jungkook tried to wiggle out of his grasp and only managed to after forcibly pulling Yoongi’s arms off him. “Is Jonghwa still around?” Jimin didn’t notice it at the time but the affection Yoongi was showing towards Jungkook didn’t bother him at all. In fact, knowing without even being told that the two had gotten together didn’t phase him. It almost seemed fitting. “Oh uh, in the back.” Jimin nodded and made his way to the back.
Opening the door that was for employees only he found Jonghwa carrying a trash bag in his hand about to take it outside. “Jonghwa, take me home with you.” The startled boy looked behind him with wide eyes and the tips of his ears pink. The comment was much too straightforward for him. “Wh-what?” Jimin didn’t notice the reason behind this. “I said take me home with you.” He leaned his arm on top of a box that was next to him and crossed a leg in front of the other. “I need to see Taehyung…he’s okay right?” Jonghwa’s embarrassed and anxious expression cleared once the name of his roommate was spoken. “Oh, oh. Uh, yeah he’s doing better.” He shifted his weight. “Just let me take this out and then we can go. I think Taehyung may be still awake.” He found it odd that Jimin needed to see Taehyung right this moment but he just let it go and went to tend to his duties.
When Jonghwa came back they left, both saying goodbye to Yoongi and a still nervous Jungkook. The walk back to Jonghwa’s and Taehyung’s apartment was a quiet one. Jonghwa seemed to be a bit on the shy side and Jimin was just anxious about going to see Taehyung, barging in without calling. Though it wasn’t as if he could have called. Once they got there, Jonghwa told him to hold on while he checked on Taehyung. Tapping his foot wasn’t a habit that Jimin had ever entertained before but now he couldn’t help it. He was nervous and his palms were sweaty. Why was he so nervous, if asked he wouldn’t have been able to give a coherent answer besides, he just was. The few seconds that Jonghwa was gone felt like a few hours but the door was finally opened and Jimin let in. He was told where to go and he made his way to Taehyung’s room. Lightly knocking on the bedroom door he called hesitantly, “Tae?” there was a cough and then “Come in.” was spoken. Jimin opened the door, took a step and and waited a moment while his eyes adjusted to the dark room.
Taehyung was in the bed lying down, so he made his way over and kneeled down beside him. “Jimin-ah, why are you here?” Taehyung’s eyes glanced over to the clock that read 3:30am not a normal house call at all. Jimin put his hands on his knees and lowered his head, eyes down on his knees. Now he felt embarrassed for coming so late and being so insistent. “ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come this late but…where have you been? I waited for you but you never came at dinner and then I talked to Seokjin and he told me I should call you but I can’t call you if I don’t have your number. Then I remembered about the bar and went there. I saw Yoongi and Jungkook, seems like they're a couple now but anyway I made your roommate take me home with him which is why I’m here.” He was rambling at a very fast speed, something he rarely did. Jimin raised his head just enough so that he could see Taehyung, “I’m sorry I can leave. It really is too late.” He put his hand on the bed to use for support to stand up but before he could complete that motion another really warm hand was atop of his.
Looking up completely he saw Taehyung shake his head no. “You don’t need to..Are you okay Jiminie?” There was warmth and genuine concern in his gaze. Though this only confused the violinist. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t be okay? I should be asking you that.” His brow furrowed in annoyance for being asked such a silly question. Another cough came from Taehyung and the annoyance changed into concern. Taehyung’s eyes grew slightly wider in surprise, “Yoongi and Jungkook? Didn’t that bother you? I know you really liked him…” Jimin just ignored those comments asking another question of his own. “Are you sick Tae? You keep coughing, is that why you haven‘t been by?” As much as Taehyung was fond of Jimin, the guy was starting to annoy him just slightly. How come he wasn’t getting any of his questions answered. “I’m almost completely better. Are you sure you’re okay?” The two kept trying to tend to the other and it wasn’t working out very well for either of them. Jimin finally nodded deciding it was time to answer Taehyung and realizing himself that Yoongi didn’t bother him at all anymore. He had even forgotten why the guy would. When did that happen? He wasn’t sure but it didn’t matter. “Hmm, I did really like Yoongi hyung but not anymore he can do what he likes.” Taehyung just nodded. It was really good progress from where they had been before, Jimin was a complete mess, moping around and living like a slob. Even worse than he normally is. It was a little scary even to Taehyung.
The two were quiet for a moment both lost in their thoughts, Taehyung’s hand was still covering Jimin’s, he had forgotten to remove it and Jimin didn’t mind that it was there at all. “Jimin…you came all the way here just to see where I’ve been?” A nod of the head gave confirmation to the question which made Taehyung smile slightly. He took his hand off of Jimin’s then and patted him on the head. “Good boy,” it was time for teasing just because he could and Taehyung was really happy that the lost puppy he had been taking care of noticed his disappearance. “So, you missed me then, huh?” More joking was coming from the now slightly more energized sick person. Jimin laughed a little at the treating him like a dog and then laid his head on the edge of the bed. He nodded and added in a soft and meaningful tone, “I did miss you, Tae.”
Taehyung’s hand was hovering over Jimin’s head, and it continued to hover as he heard the words that made his heart flutter just a little bit. He liked Jimin. He liked him a lot but they had only continued on with such an odd relationship that he just pushed it to the side, especially since he knew Jimin was having a hard time getting over Yoongi. Though for over a little more than a week he had acted completely normal without any signs of any depression. Even with that improvement it would be much too soon for Taehyung to tell Jimin he liked him. Jimin only seemed to see him like a friend anyway, that or just his nurse as the man had called him plenty of times before. Now, the one he liked was lying so close to him and saying that he missed him, butterflies fluttering in his stomach was unavoidable and the flicker of hope that was there he couldn’t put out. His hand finally managed to rest atop of Jimin’s head and start running through his hair.
“I missed you too, Jiminie,” Taehyung sighed, as he barely said those words above a whisper. Jimin heard it though, his eyes were closed as he felt Taehyung playing with his hair. It was soothing and he didn’t want Taehyung to stop but a moment later he did. Jimin immediately popped his head up and set his chin on the bed and pouted. “Hmph..Why did you stop”. His lips were all puckered together, chubby cheeks puffed out and looking up at Taehyung. Their eyes met but Taehyung gazed over Jimin taking in the full effect of his pout, darting his eyes way. Why did he have to be so damn cute sometimes. It really didn’t make anything easier. “Don’t look at me like that.” he snapped with a tiny trace of annoyance. “Does it bother you?” Jimin asked in a teasing tone. Taehyung could feel the shifting of the bed, Jimin was moving around and the next thing he knew there was a pouting face right in front of his, so he moved his head to the opposite direction, “Jimin-ah stop.” Which he didn’t do at all, instead he moved again so he was in Taehyung’s direct line of sight and rather close.
“That’s not fair.“ There was lips and cheeks and more lips and more adorable puffy cheeks just right there in front of him. It wasn’t fair in the slightest. He attempted one more time to change directions this time back to the left. Jimin of course, now was completely leaning over him and stared Taehyung down once again with his pout in full force. Taehyung wasn’t going to win this battle, no he was failing miserably so he decided to go out with a bang. Or more like his body did and his mind would catch up later because his lips were already pressed to Jimin’s in a chaste kiss before he let his head drop back onto the pillow. He squeezed his eyes shut, once again turning his head in the opposite direction of the one he couldn’t resist.
Jimin on the other hand just blinked for a moment, still frozen in his pout. “Tae…what was that?” His lips finally unfroze and his facial expression went back to normal but he still had both of his hands on either side of Taehyung and was still leaning over him. Taehyung tried to turn onto his side so he could hide his face in the pillow and the muffled response of “A kiss,” came out. Jimin sat back on his knees and pulled Taehyung onto his back as well. He didn’t want muffled responses. “Why did you kiss me?” The suddenly shy person who had never seemed to be before, sighed, “Why do people kiss other people Jimin-ah? Let alone a guy kissing another guy.” It was embarrassing to be having this conversation right now, let alone at all but Taehyung had set himself up for it. “I like you.”
Jimin by this point had a smirk on his face. He was rather amused with the embarrassed Taehyung who wouldn’t look at him but his cheeks were tinged pink so it gave him away anyway. “Ah, why don’t you look at me then? Shouldn’t you want to see the one you like?” Maybe Jimin was getting a little carried away with his teasing but it was fun and he’d never seen this side of Taehyung before. Slowly, very slowly the embarrassed man turned towards Jimin and opened his eyes. As soon as his eyes were open he received a peck on his lips. Taehyung’s eyes were completely open then, just about as wide as they could go. “What was that?” this only made Jimin chuckle under his breath. “A kiss.” Taehyung’s mouth was moving on it’s own, “Why?” His poor brain was having a little trouble functioning properly with his heart pumping on overdrive.
Jimin, laid his hand on the bed and set his chin on top. “I..think I like you too, Tae.” This was all really fast for Jimin and completely unexpected but it felt right to him. Taehyung was always there for him and often went out of his way as well. It was more than others had done. He really enjoyed his company and on top of it all he really had missed Taehyung when he was gone. “You better not make me sick though so no more kissing until your better. Oh! And also, I think I’d be a really bad boyfriend if I didn’t have your number.” There was a large grin across his face while he watched Taehyung’s face turn a darker shade of pink and he nodded then started to rattle off his phone number for his boyfriend to have. That was something pretty important after all.
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