#todays the day to rant incoherently
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i love my husband he's so silly goofy!!
#ash rambles 💚#went on a rant today about how much i hate his source material LMAAOO#i tried to be a fan for so long but after reading the shitty light novels? what a fucking cesspool of problematic shit lmao#i get that the point of the series is that everyone sucks but come on. theyre fucking unlikable#and i hate the fandom#so much#nobody hates s.hizaya like i do. you could even say i dislike i.zaya. all the power to people who him#i just think he's a dick#interesting character maybe. but a dick. also admittedly ive had beef with people who lile him so. yrah#also i think n.arita is a shitty writer#i dont think this series is well written#and this isnt really something i wanna argue but like#it's my blog. i get to speak my truth#however#the series does have my dream man! the man of my dreams! my knight in shining armor! my ideal type! my wonderful and amazing husband!!!!#he's such a comfort to me and i love him#he's amazing#and a great dad#to both my fankid and her pet dog#I'm sorry if this post is incoherent lmao I've been doing hw all day and I'm beat#also i have my drivers exam tmr so like.. wish me luck!#IM ALSO GOING TO THE F.INAL F.ANTASY ORCHESTRA TOMORROW?!?!?!?+#j^×*÷&=&×^÷&@^jahshqysAHJSQGRJQYUEHWJEGWJE#oh i forgot to use husband's tag..#kissing in the van 💍#okay there we go#I'm gonna get back to homework now#i literally just came here to be a hater LMAAOO#also i love my husband he's amazing#and i do wanna say that there are some things abt the series i do like. please dont flame me (after all. I'm already ash. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!)
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navree · 2 years
Is Fire&Blood a green propaganda? If it's true then why Aegon ii is not shown as the reborn of Aegon the conqueror or Jaehaerys the wise ? If it's biased towards the greens, then why They're shown to be usurpers?
Fire & Blood isn't written to be Green propaganda, or even Black propaganda. It's not really written to be propaganda at all. Fire & Blood is, as an in universe publication, composed from the works of two men who compiled a bunch of information from older historical sources into one (at the moment) volume: Archmaester Gyldayn and Maester Yandel, which is crucial to know because Gyldayn lived into the reign of Robert Baratheon, and Yandel is currently still alive and working as of the end of A Dance with Dragons. This context is greatly informing how they're compiling a history of the Targaryens, because the current regime very infamously despises the Targaryens. We know that Yandel in particular is sensitive to the politics of the realm while compiling histories, since he, as the in universe writer of The World of Ice & Fire, he cuts out a vast majority of the material he has on Ned and Stannis and Renly due to their status as traitors/enemies of the Lannister regime that's currently in power. Robert's disdain for the Targaryens is very well known, not just his hatred for Rhaegar due to what happened with Lyanna but also for all Targaryens, his quest for the murders of Viserys and Dany and his condoning of the butchery of Elia and Rhaenys and Aegon are common knowledge to the populace at large, not just the nobility, to the point where it's caused some to turn against him. Just like with the real life examples of post-Wars of the Roses writers and Tudor monarchs that I mentioned in a prior ask, people reliant on Robert for patronage and ability to live well are going to have a vested interest in portraying him in a good light and the people he fought against in a neutral to bad one, which is why we hear about various unsavory things regarding Targaryens in both TWOIAF and F&B. It's why, despite having to look at everything critically and be somewhat analytical and academic in our reading of it, we can by and large adopt a "I'm gonna assume most of this is somewhat accurate when it at least comes to verifiable information" attitude; because there isn't meant to be a bias one way or another on specific sides of a Targaryen conflict.
Fire & Blood also takes pains specifically to point out that neither side comes off especially well by the time the Dance is over. Neither Aegon or Rhaenyra are fondly remembered in Westeros, and that's very clearly shown within the text. If Aegon's remembered as the "rightful king" in most circles, that's not because of any personal loyalty or affection for him, moreso that this is just the law and established precedent (and at the time of his coronation, the populace of King's Landing at least is shown to be very ambivalent to him, in contrast to the show where they're gunning for his succession from the day he's born and are willing and ready to enthusiastically accept him as king). Rhaenyra's seen more harshly because of that precedent, and also because she did have something of a "reign" with policies to attribute to her, whereas Aegon's reign involved very little of his participation in kingship, as he spent most of it either fighting in battle or convalescing or in hiding. Rhaenyra having a period of time where she alone was in sole control of a locale and enacting unpopular policies and gaining a reputation that turned the populace against her isn't propaganda, that's just facts. It is a fact that Helaena and Alicent were well loved and people perceived any ill treatment of them negatively, it is a fact that Rhaenyra had not built a relationship with the citizenry that would have mollified some of their issues with unpopular taxation and harsh justice systems, it is a fact that people tend to view baby murder and child murder as heinous regardless of what side you're on (Ned himself who had as much if not more reason to hate the Targaryens than Robert might have forever hated the latter for allowing the massacre of Elia's kids if grief for Lyanna's untimely death hadn't brought them back together, that's a canon fact). Rhaenyra's reputation coming off as worse than Aegon's is largely her own fault from her tenure on the Iron Throne (not entirely, the way she's still commonly seen as the usurper in the situation and the way she's discussed are clearly misogynistic and emblematic of Westeros's wider problem with sexism and disdain for/propensity for violence again women as a class that Rhaenyra wanting what she'd been entitled to inherit is seen as a problematic thing in and of itself, rather than just an issue of civil war between two flawed parties).
Propaganda is specifically defined as information that's intentionally misleading in order to push a certain narrative, and that's not what happens in Fire & Blood. There are clearly sources that Yandel and Gyldayn are using that have their biases, but those biases are pointed out within the text and when it seems like things are too outlandish (like anything Mushroom says ever or Septon Eustace's very obvious pro-Aegon II slant), they are summarily dismissed by the historians. We as readers need to be careful with F&B because we know that information can get warped and distorted and that some of these leanings can bleed over unintentionally due to in world biases and prejudices (the misogyny against Rhaenyra in general, the lack of "yo what the fuck" about the way Jaehaerys and men at large treated their daughters and viewed young women, Aegon III's bad reputation despite his obvious depression and PTSD and very valid reasons for being the way he is), and there are times when things from biased sources bleed through, such as only having Eustace's account of what made Aegon accept the crown with no alternative option so we can see what might be more plausible (even if, to me at least, Aegon realizing that the only way he and his brothers and his sons get out of this alive is by seizing power makes perfect sense). Propaganda in the sources used in the compilation that became the text is seen, in text, as propaganda, and the reader if forewarned accordingly. The skepticism comes from conflicting accounts, missing information, and the aforementioned things that slip through the cracks, as well as the time that's passed and the fact that there's more of a propensity to want all Targs to look bad in a post Robert's Rebellion world that might make neutrality a bit harder. Even if it was propaganda, there likely wouldn't have been time to show Aegon as a reborn Conqueror or as Jaehaerys come again. His reign is incredibly short, it's two years, he does not have the time to establish himself as firm and important presence to the realm the way Jaehaerys or even Aegon I did, and unlike Aegon I, he's not curb stomp battling his way through Westeros with ease, he suffers and he struggles and he claws every win he gets to him like a feral animal (which I think is excellent character work and admirable in its own right but I'm not Westerosi). Jaehaerys and Aegon I also benefit from knowledge of their personalities in the former's case, or lack thereof in the latter's case, which definitely serves him incredibly well because that means people can just project their own stuff onto him, as opposed to Aegon II, who has a very clearly defined and well documented personality and personal life (Aegon I notoriously has very little known about who he was as a man and what he was like personally due to being pretty closed off to anyone who wasn't Orys or Rhaenys and occasionally Visenya). Aegon II did not have the time or the circumstances to give himself any kind of push that would allow later writers to hype him up as something he wasn't, which is similar to what happened to his nephew, Viserys II. Viserys II had a short reign that didn't let him really stand out or do much that could be spun and exaggerated by later partisans, and when compared to more monumental rulers from his time, is seen as a disappointment and a letdown, something that is remarked on narratively in ASOIAF proper, through Tyrion and Oberyn's conversation about him and the kings he was Hand to in ASOS Sansa IV, so we know that this is a phenomenon that GRRM is aware of.
And as you said anon, some of the Greens don't come off looking super great in Fire & Blood, though in my view that can also be easily said for a fair amount of the Blacks as well. None of these people come off as clear cut good guys because none of them were. They're people, with all the mess that entails, and who you like ends up being based more on personal proclivities as a reader than who's the "protagonist" of a multi-generational history of a family that's encompassed saints and monsters and all possible variations in between. There aren't any protagonists, because this is a history, and history doesn't have protagonists, it has heroes and villains according to whose story you're telling and whose side you're on, to say nothing of the push-pull between people you dislike who are in the objective right or people you enjoy who are definitely on the wrong or misinformed side. Like, please see my two favorite civil wars, the Liberator's War (and subsequent Last War of the Republic) and the Wars of the Roses, for a clear cut example, because who you consider in the right or wrong in all of those situations strongly depends on the figures you enjoy reading about the most, I can agree that autocracy is awful and democracy is the superior system all the live long day and still cheer when the Roman Republicans are stupid enough to hand unchecked power to the nineteen year old political wunderkind who's going to implement single person rule one kill list at a time just because I find him personally more interesting. The Greens can come off bad, the Blacks can come off bad, but that's not propaganda, that's preference.
TL;DR the book isn't Greens propaganda at all, or even Blacks propaganda, rather a neutral retelling with less grace afforded to it due to the writing occurring during Robert Baratheon's reign, it's all facts that are viewed by the reader according to our own preexisting proclivities and enjoyments.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
my day in two pictures:
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#very very long and incoherent and whiny rant incoming sorryyyyyy#i hate this. so. sooooo. sooooooooooo much#i could tell that this day was gonna go badly bc of just how well yesterday went (my lxl fan novels and curry meshi deliveries came in)#so anyway. i woke up late bc i slept late (thanks lxl event story lmaoo) and stuff happened so i left my place later than usual#but surpriseeeee it rained the moment i stepped out of the elevator. and the bus was coming in 3 minutes!!!!#so i ran across the carpark in the rain to take a shortcut. that was fine. whatever. but then i saw the bus turn in and—#for some reason my legs just. stopped moving. i couldn’t run anymore :( battery? depleted. bus? left right in front of my very eyes :(#and the next bus was set to come in 10 minutes ಥ‿ಥ so that was freakin’ fantastic.#anyways the bus came and took me to the interchange where the dumb train station was. and when i got to the platform… the train just left.#and the next train was set to come in 5 minutes. which was great news for me who had an hour to get to work#so the train came. the hour-long journey went. and when i reached the bus stop to transfer to the bus to get to work… the bus had just left#so with some time (read: 10 minutes) to spare i decided to get some bread for dinner…#unfortunately the bakery place thing i went to did not accept card payments ಥ‿ಥ so i decided to rely on qr code payments instead#big. mistake. (ʘ‿ʘ) my payment was rejected 4 times before i gave up and decided to use cash#unfortunatelyyyyyyy i had no $10 notes left for a quick and easy payment (i only had 2 $2 notes and a $50 note along with some coins) so i.#cue a panicked small change counting as i desperately tried to count as quickly as possible while the customer after me pressured me :(#and did i mention that a lady cut my queue while i was waiting to pay???? (ʘ‿ʘ) pain and suffering#thankfully i barely managed to catch the bus after that tizzy but i was already late for work by then :(#anyways i arrived at work late and decided to check my email app for the lolz. biiiiiig mistake!!!!!!!#i noticed that i had a new email from my father (derogatory) whom i had ghosted years ago. like??? why did he have to email today???#my day was bad enough without him pls gimme a break. i just. suffering???????????#so i get to my workstation (the worst workstation ever istg) and note that there actually aren’t many samples today! yay!#…then they freakin’ brought in like 200+ more samples and i realised that the morning shift had yet to finish weighing the morning samples—#pain. and. suffering. (ʘ‿ʘ) looks like i’ll have to work till 3am again.#ughhhhh why did today’s happenings have to happen this week??????? this isn’t a biologically good week for me i’m gonna. throw someone istg#i’m exhausted and annoyed and hating everything and anything sooooo hard rn and i think i need anger management classes bc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa—#ok rant over time to cry ig. idk. i s w e a r i’m gonna smacc the morning shift people tomorrow if i don’t call out sick first—#it is suiyoubi my dudes
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hysteria-things · 1 month
Matt “touches and messes with your bra to sooth him after a long day then eventually sucks your tits calmly” sturniolo
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oh, how you love your boyfriend’s voice. he’s going over everything in detail that he’s done today, and it seemed more stressful than usual. you’re straddling his lap, wearing only a bra and his pajama pants. his eyes follow the movements of his pointer finger that’s fidgeting with your bra strap. “i love him obviously, but he gets on my nerves sometimes.” he finishes his rant with a sigh.
“i’m sorry you had a rough day.” you coo, playing with his hair. he mumbles incoherently under his breath, taking both hands this time to softly cup your chest. licking his lips, he starts to lower the straps. you squirm in his lap and pout. “it’s late, matt. i’m tired.”
ignoring you, he reaches to your back to unclip the bra, your tits falling free and bouncing in front of his face. “please, just—” he pauses with a groan, leaving wet kisses or nibbling on your breasts. a gasp turns into a moan when he sucks on your nipple gently before speaking again. “just for a few minutes, okay?”
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facefullofsadness · 3 months
I can't fall in love with you
crush!giselle x admirer!reader
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prompt - minjeong is so in love with her girlfriend aeri, but so are you, and you can't be
content - angst, complicated relationship dynamics, alcohol usage, allusions to suicide
wc - 3378
a/n - cathartic: involving the release of strong emotions
the sky is covered with dark clouds, there must be rain today.
it's almost ironic how the weather works, considering the number of nights I've been crying recently. it's been weeks since I last talked to aeri. I've avoided her like the plague to run away from the reality of whatever was brewing inside me emotionally that I felt towards her. minjeong is an incredible girl and the only girl that should really matter in aeri's life, I can't possibly interrupt that, no matter how badly I want minjeong's girlfriend.
knowing aeri for months, we grew closer together, to each other. I got so attached to her; she listened to me, let me rant to her about anything I wanted to, important or irrelevant, took care of me in the moments where I felt out of control of my own life, guided me through the days where I didn't want to try anymore, held me and let me cry into her as I shattered into a million pieces. my heart would always swell thousands of times its original size when she would look at me with those soft and kind eyes, running her big hands through my hair and holding me close as I sobbed, her comforting words making me melt all over again.
I love her, I love her so much, but I know that having her is impossible. I'm not the girl in her life that she prioritizes above all, that she would run to even if I'm on the floor sobbing, even if she made me feel that way. I realized this and became terrified, so I ran away. I abandoned her even after promising to never do so, ghosting her in an effort to leave her to live her life as normal, without so much baggage weighing on her shoulders because of me. but I so badly wanted to go back to her, run into her embrace that would instantly cure me of my agony, but I fought myself instead.
I was a fool to think I could listen to my brain and not follow my heart. cause as I drink the last of my third bottle of alcohol of the night, drunk out of my mind, I couldn't stop myself from texting her. of course, I should've thrown out my phone long ago. incoherent words send themselves to aeri, letters I can barely comprehend. but only minutes later, my vision clears when she replies:
</3: come to the playground
the playground near my apartment, a place we knew well, a place we went to for amusement or solace. maybe, this time it was more for conclusion.
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"I hate when you're like this."
aeri says as I stumble over myself to reach the pole holding the swing set up.
"you act like I'm self-destructive or something," I respond sarcastically, slurring over my words, the alcohol in my system taking over completely.
she sighs at what I said, "don't joke around. I don't want you killing yourself... don't you see how hard I'm trying for you? don't you know how much I care about you y/n? how fucking heartbreaking it is to see you like this?"
even intoxicated, I can hear the venom in her voice as she gets irritated with me.
I chuckle back, "oh whatever aeri, don't waste your energy on me."
"fuck you y/n, I can't keep doing this," aeri raises her voice, desperation and exhaustion evident in it.
silence hangs for a second as my world spins, vision blurry, the darkness of the night not helping at all. my stomach churns and my heart burns, aching. all the things I want to confess to her getting stuck in my throat, unable to release itself.
I hiccup once before uttering out, "then leave, don't waste your time on me."
the sound of aeri clenching her fists around the metal supports of the swing are loud enough to be heard, but then, it's silent again. the summer late night breeze flows through the air, a solo lamp post above us providing us with the faintest amount of light, distant chirps of cicadas to accompany the noise of passing cars in the street nearby. then, a choked sob from the girl next to me.
I turn towards her, almost throwing up at the sudden movement. aeri's crying, a single tear falls from her right eye, running down her cheek and falling to the sand below. there's no follow-up sobs, just silent teardrops running down her sweet devastated looking face. my whole chest tightens at the sight, making my head spin more as the alcohol clashes with my heartbreak.
"y/n, if you wanted to leave me, you should've just said so..." it's practically a whisper, barely audible to my dazed mind, but I'm fully zoned in on listening to anything aeri has to say in this moment.
her words sink in however, my stomach unsettled from a mixture of the verbal heartbreak and the physical coping mechanism dancing together in tragic collaboration.
"if you were just gonna leave me hanging for so long, you could've just told me," her voice is louder, "do you know how long I waited for you? do you know how badly I missed you? how badly I wanted to reach out to you? it's not like it would've mattered considering you'd just ignore me."
she continues, "I've tried so, fucking, hard, to ignore how badly it aches being without you," each word added with a pause to emphasize herself. "every single second that has passed since you left me, all I've been able to think about is you."
her eyes close shut as she now uses her hands as her emotions pour out her mouth, "I literally cannot stop thinking about you. my fucking head is just filled with you, you, you. I can't be normal, if my ears aren't filled with noise then the thoughts of you come flowing back in and I can't stop them from being loud."
she hangs her head, her arms falling limp beside her, voice quieting down into defeated sighs, "you promised y/n, you promised me you wouldn't leave. but I can't hate you, I've never been able to hate you or dislike you or feel an ounce of disdain or contempt towards you because I don't, I never will be able to. I only but love you. and I can't stop loving you and I don't know how to stop, I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop, even if I tried it wouldn't work because I HAVE tried. and even then, I still fucking love you."
deafening silence hangs once again in the air, the tension palpable. I feel my chest squeeze, the overwhelming rush of emotions colliding with my fragile heart, feeling the liquid courage in my system turn to regret.
"always so eloquent with words, aren't you aeri?" my voice manages to squeak out, surprising myself, "but never enough to read the room."
she turns to look at me, eyes filled with tears. I hesitate from speaking, the words I want to say stuck at the back of my throat, stopping them from spilling out. if I weren't drunk enough to care, I'd listen to my thoughts, but my body reacts on its own, knowing that if I don't speak now, I'll hold this suppressed pain till the end.
"why do you think I've avoided you? why do you think I needed the space and distance? because I didn't want to see you? because I didn't wanna talk to you anymore? because you didn't make me happy anymore? didn't make me feel like the only girl to ever exist in this wicked fucking world, the only person to truly see and love me, the only person to make me feel like I mattered?"
I can't hold myself back as my emotions overflow from my tongue, unable to halt its onslaught, no longer in control of my own self.
I become louder, choked sentences turning into audible begs for her to listen, "do you really think my words meant nothing? that I didn't mean it when I said all those things to you? that you were the first person, the only person I would go to when I felt like shit? did you even listen to me?!"
"of course I fucking listened to you y/n! why are you acting like I'm stupid?!" aeri argues with me.
"because you're blind aeri!" I argue back, "can't you see?! can't you fucking see what's going on?!"
"I don't understand!"
"I'm in love with you aeri! I'm in love with all of you, every single part of you! I love your smile, your voice, your laugh, your body, your hands holding mine, your warm comforting hugs, your hums when I lay on your chest, your pats on my back when everything is too overwhelming, the affirmation you give when I feel like dying, the interest you show when I rant about something stupid, the shine in your eyes when you talk about your interests, the gentleness you give me when I'm crying, the love you make me feel when you simply exist in my presence and even if we're not together you still make me feel like I matter! I fucking love you!!!"
drops of rain softly fall to the ground around us, a light drizzle slowly emerging from the sky, the weight of my outburst heavy in the air.
my voice croaks, almost whispering, "I've fallen so deeply and harshly and intensely in love with you, every part of my body aches because while I love you, I cannot have you. I know you love me too but you can't love me the way I so desperately want you to, the way I so desperately love you."
the moon glistens in her eyes, shiny with tears and cheeks trailing with raindrops. so much pain painted on her face, and yet she's still so beautiful, my heart longs even harder for aeri.
"being around you makes me feel like the angel you say I am, makes me feel like I'm floating above the clouds and you're the reason why I'm able to do that, makes me feel like nothing else matters as long as I have you. but it also reminds me of how it's all not real, how I can't just have you, that I'm not your only one. it's minjeong and it should be, but my god do I wish it were me..." my voice weakens with the last part of the sentence, the tears streaming down my trembling cheeks.
"so aeri, I'm inexplicably sorry for breaking your heart, but mine is shattered too. my reality, this reality, it's unbearable, and I so badly yearn for you. I've been agonizingly in pain wanting you, needing you ever since I've left with no words, but resisting it because I can't ruin the good thing you and minjeong have. no matter how insanely desperate I am for you, I know it's not right for me to fight myself for you."
we both cry silently, the slight rustle of leaves from the trees around us in harmony with the serene but heartbreaking drizzle of rain muffled by the sand of the dark abandoned playground. it pained me greatly watching the love of my life look so utterly torn apart in front of me, me being the reason aeri was so broken. all I want to do is reach out to her, cup her precious face into my hands, wipe the salty tears from her cheeks, and kiss her plump trembling lips, reassure her that everything will be okay. but again, I can't, I couldn't, my shoes glued to the floor and hands clutching the material of my jacket, like I could hold in the pain aching in my chest.
"y/n..." her voice shaky, tone unrecognizable compared to the comforting and confident girl I knew, "I love you."
even though her voice was weak, what she said made my knees wanna give out, buckling at her words. she had told me she loved me before but this time she sounded different, it made my churning stomach fill with butterflies. my chest pounded harder as aeri started to walk closer to me, tiny but impactful steps as she was almost up against me. her warm hands carefully cupping my cheeks, thumbs caressing my skin and wiping my tears away as I melt completely into her touch. as my eyes close, I feel her forehead rest against mine, aeri's soft lips very slightly grazing mine, my hands falling to slip themselves into her hoodie, holding her close by her waist, afraid to let go.
I clutch her tightly, a contrast to the soft grasp aeri's hands hold my face in, so warm on my cheeks. even for this small moment in time that the two of us settle in, I feel all my anxiety and agony wash away with the rain, comforted and at peace with the world when I'm with her, the girl I'm so tragically in love with holding me like it's the only thing either of us want, need. god I wish this moment would last forever.
what I would give to kiss her right now. how badly I want to just close the miniscule amount of distance between us and feel her soft lips mold against my strawberry soju flavored ones. how desperately I want to pull her into me and never let go, making out with her breathlessly. and how painfully I hold myself back, restricting myself from acting upon any urge I harbor, not letting myself give my everything to the woman I love.
"aeri... I love you," my voice breaks in a sob, "and I'm sorry..."
I take a good look at my one and only girl for the last time, observing her perfection, how ethereal aeri uchinaga is to me. then I rip myself away from her warmth, turning and never looking back, tears welling up in my eyes and blurring my vision of the already pitch black night.
I run. I run and run. I keep running. I cry, furiously. I can't see anything. all I can hear is the sound of my own sobs as I throw myself against the wall of a building and shrink to the floor, wailing into my arms.
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the days that followed were a blur. I don't remember how the night ended, how I got home, what happened after, nothing. I didn't touch my phone, didn't contact or respond to anyone, just rotted the days away in my bed, eating or using the bathroom when my stomach hurt too much. not even a knock at the door would force me to get up from my asylum, not a phone call, not an urgent emergency, not anything that could possibly be of importance. simply because nothing mattered. I used to believe it would all be okay if nothing did matter, but my reason to keep believing is gone now, she's all gone.
looking out the window all day, the clouds were dark and heavy, steady drizzling from the sky once again. I took a trip to the kitchen, interrupted by a white envelope on the floor near the door. it compelled me forward, shakily opening it and feeling all of my emotions run back to me as soon as I recognized the handwriting.
dear y/n,
I don't know anymore. I've thought a lot about everything and I just, I've got nothing. nothing to tell you that'll make everything okay, that'll solve any problems or issues, that'll make anyone feel better. I'm sorry y/n, for letting all of this happen. I've come to the realization that it's out of my hands, emotions and love, they act on their own, but while I'm sure I can't completely blame myself for how you feel about me, I could've let you go softly instead of letting you love me, even if I didn't know. I got close to you, closer than I've ever gotten I think to anyone, not minjeong, not my friends, not my family, you. I should've known that our clinginess to each other would lead to such a demise.
I write all of this to say, ultimately, I love you. I still love you, I don't think I can bring myself to stop loving you, again, even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to. I'll be leaving soon, the fall semester is gonna start and I'll be gone and out of your hair in more ways than one before you know it. not that it matters but me and minjeong broke up. it was never gonna work out between us considering the differences in what we wanted and how impossible it was for us to be with one another. I could sense the end for us, I could feel her falling out of love with me. unfortunately I've lost one too many people I've loved deeply and I don't think I can reasonably recover ever from this.
y/n, if you're ever ready to love me again, in any way, shape, or form, I'll be there. I want you to know I'll never stop loving you, again, I fucking can't. I don't know why I keep holding onto you when I know it's over, I know we're over, I know you don't want to, or wish you could stop giving a fuck about me. so goodbye y/n. thank you for making me just the happiest girl I could've been for as long as you existed in this life of mine. you made me feel beautiful, gave me butterflies, made me feel like if everything in life fell apart and that if it was just me and you that it would be perfectly fine, like nothing or no one mattered as long as it was just us, you made me feel so fucking incredible, inside and out. I've never felt such euphoria from anyone before, and haven't felt so gorgeous until you came around, like the goddess you treated me as.
admittedly, I think you were slowly but very effectively taking my heart. I never let myself dwell on those thoughts for too long but deep down I knew that it was true. everything you said that night when I held your precious face in my hands, I couldn't ignore it, I was falling for you too. I wanted to kiss you so bad, to close my eyes as our lips met and ignore the world falling apart around us, but you pulled away and I stood there with my hands in the air covered in rain, feeling my heart break all over again. I love minjeong and I'll continue to love her till I die, but I don't think I was in love with her anymore, but in love now with you. letting you steal my heart while minjeong's heart was in my hands is regrettable, I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself even if she never knows. though, I don't regret having fallen for you, I mean I wouldn't have if there was no reason to, right? but ultimately, it's my fault for letting two incredible people fall in love with me, someone who couldn't keep their hearts from breaking in the end.
I can't promise you this little life of mine will last long, I'm, broken, shattered, and quite frankly, I don't wanna try loving anymore, I think this might've been my last straw. I've never been good with love, you know that, and yet you loved me, maybe you still do. I don't know if I can handle anyone else falling in love with me and letting myself fumble with their precious emotions any longer, so taking out the middle man feels like the conclusion I've reached. we both ended up breaking our promises of staying for each other, didn't we? how ironic, isn't it y/n? I'm sorry for leaving you, but I can't find it in my own fragile heart to stay. so, thank you for being my friend, my love, mine.
I'll protect you from the other side,
your aeri
the rain outside started to pour.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
I’d Do It Again For You
Pairings: Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
Summary: The tracksuits set fire to Kates apartment while she’s out on a mission with Clint. What will happen when Kate realizes you’re still inside?
Word Count: 3,872
Warnings: Apartment Fire | Violence | Hospitals
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Kate was woken up by a persistent ring coming from her bedside table.  She opened her eyes and blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room and process what was going on.
When she realized it was her phone, Kate carefully reached over to grab it as she didn't want to wake you up; who was sound asleep with your head laid on her chest.
She looked at the lit up screen which read Clint Barton. Kate mentally groaned and pressed the green button to answer the phone, bringing it up to her ear, "I swear you're like nocturnal. Do you ever sleep?" Kate spoke quietly to not disturb you.
"The work for a hero never stops. You busy right now?" Clint asks from the other end of the phone.
Kate glances at the clock on the nightstand, "Yeah, it's one in the morning. I'm busy trying to sleep with my girlfriend which is something you should be doing too." she replied before going quiet, thinking about the words that just came out of her mouth.
"I- I'm not trying to sleep with Y/N like- like that. I mean I am, but- but not right now. And you shouldn't be sleeping with Y/N too, obviously. I meant that you should be sleeping with- with Laura, but also not like that, you know? You should be resting your eyes—"
"Are you done yet?" Clint questioned, interrupting her rant.
She squeezed her eyes shut out of embarrassment, "Yeah, yeah I'm done, sorry."
"Meet me at the end of the street in fifteen. I need your help with something." he informed her.
Kate gazed down at you, debating whether to go or not. You got so excited yesterday when she told you that she would take you out for the day today, and whenever she goes on missions everything is very unpredictable. She doesn't know if she'll be back in time to follow through with her promise to you.
But Kate knew she couldn’t turned this down, "Fine. But I have to be back before eight. Y/N's an early bird so she normally wakes up around that time, and I promised her I'd take her out today."
"I'll make sure you're back by then no problem. It should only take a couple hours anyway." Clint assured.
"Okay, see you in fifteen." Kate responded, ending the call.
She sighed and stared down at you for a couple more moments, brushing a few hairs out of your face before slowly slipping out from under you to get ready.
She put on her purple archery suit and the back quiver that held her arrows. She considered just leaving a note on her pillow in case she wasn't back before you woke up, and so that she didn't have to wake you. But she at least wanted to hear your voice before she had to leave.
Approaching the edge of the bed, she laid a hand on your side to coax you awake, "Hey, princess? Can you wake up for me for a minute?" she whispered.
You mumble some incoherent words that were slurred together from your sleepy state, making her lightly chuckle, "Hey, I've gotta run out and take care of something with Clint. Are you gonna be okay here until I get back?" she spoke softly.
At that, you opened your eyes and tried to focus them on her, "Are we still going out later?" you murmured.
"Yeah, of course, baby. I'll be back before you even wake up." she answered, caressing your side to reassure you.
"M'kay." you mumbled. "Be careful, Katie? Don't make any dumb decisions. Promise you'll come back to me in one piece."
A smile crept across her face, "I promise, darling." she leaned down to press a kiss your forehead, letting her lips linger there for a few moments before pulling away.
You frowned and gently grabbed her hand when she turned to walk away, and a confused expression settled upon her face.
"You missed." you said.
She noticed the pout on your lips and playfully rolled her eyes, returning to your side to bend down and give you a few long, soft kisses.
"I love you." she whispered against your lips.
"I love you too." you replied before she grabbed her bow and trotted down the stairs of the loft. Once you heard the front door shut, you closed your eyes to try and fall back asleep, knowing that your girlfriend would be there when you awoke again.
As Kate exited the apartment building and walked down the street, she saw Clint already waiting at the corner.
"Who'd you piss off now?" she joked, approaching the well-known archer.
He scoffed, "No one. It's the same guys from last time. They somehow found more men to carry on their work."
"Alright, let's make this quick. I have a girl to get home to." Kate said, walking past him.
"You say that like I don't too." Clint responded, watching the young girl stride down the street.
"Well then hurry up and let's go!" she called out.
He started jogging to catch up with her, "You're going the wrong way!"
"Okay, move faster and show me the right way!"
A couple hours later, you woke up once again. You were confused as to why since the clock only read 3:24 am. It was only then that you realized you had to use the bathroom.
You laid there with a sigh, not wanting to get out from the comfort of your bed until you got the motivation to finally get up. Right before you closed the bathroom door, you thought you heard yelling coming from outside. But you brushed it off, thinking that you were just tired.
What you didn't know was that you had heard right.
"Kate Bishop!" a man called from outside, but you didn't hear him now that the door was shut.
There was another yell of your girlfriends name followed by a bottle that was lit on fire being chucked through the window, shattering and setting fire to everything around it.
A few more flaming bottles were thrown through the other window panels, causing the fire to spread even more. Neither the fire alarm or sprinklers in the apartment room went off because they had broken, and Kate never got around to getting them fixed.
So you were completely unaware of the situation until you heard the crashing sound made by part of the ceiling falling down outside the door, effectively blocking it.
When you heard that, you quickly reached to open the door to figure out what was going on. Though you winced, flinching away when your hand came in contact with the burning hot door knob.
You covered the knob with the hem of your shirt to hopefully minimize the heat, but when you tried open the door again you couldn't.
It was as if there was something blocking it. You turned the handle again, pushing on the door this time but it still wouldn't budge. That was when you noticed the smoke coming into the room from under the door, and you started to panic.
There wasn't anything in the bathroom that you could use to block the gap between the door and the floor, so you started banging the door, screaming for help.
"Help! Hello, can anyone hear me?! Help!" you desperately yelled, but deep down you knew that probably no one could hear you.
The longer you were stuck inhaling the smoke, the harder it got to breathe. So you eventually got tired of screaming, and passed out on the bathroom floor.
"Dude, the way you fought all five of those guys by yourself was crazy! You've gotta teach me how to do that thing where you rolled and still made the shot!" Kate said, reflecting on everything that happened during the mission.
Clint shrugged his shoulders, "Their fighting style was pretty sloppy anyways. I don't know if you did it on purpose, but when you did that thing with the flip and then the arms; that was pretty cool."
"I know right! I surprised myself with that one. I didn't even know—" Kate's rant was cut off by something that sent an unsettling chill down her spine.
"Hey, Kate Bishop!" she heard a man's voice call out.
She looked at Clint with furrowed eyebrows, turning down the street of her apartment building. But the scene that she was met with made her heart drop.
The infamous Tracksuit Mafia; lighting bottles on fire and chucking them through the windows of her apartment, flames engulfing the floor.
Black smoke poured out of the windows and into the outside air. At that point, there was only one thing at the top of her concerns.
"Y/N." Kate whispered to herself, shrugging off her bag of arrows and dropping her bow to the ground, darting down the street with Clint hot on her heels.
"Kate Bishop! Nice of you to finally show your face!" One of the tracksuits spoke up when he saw her.
But the smile was wiped right off of his face when Clint punched him square in the nose. He took care of the rest them, holding them off while Kate made a b-line for the front door.
She unlocked it with trembling hands, and then bolted up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
"Y/N?!" she called out as she opened her apartment door, the amount of smoke stunning her, "Y/N, baby?!?" Kate yelled again before coughing into her elbow.
She ran around the apartment, looking for any sign of you. When she came up empty handed, she took the stairs up to the loft multiple at a time. She noticed that the blankets on the bed were pushed back, yet you were nowhere to be found.
Her eyes quickly scanned the room, pausing on the bathroom door that was obstructed by debris. Kate rushed to the door, almost tripping on her own feet in the process.
"Y/N?! Baby, are you in there?!" she yelled, pressing her ear against the door. "Please, say something if you can hear me!" Kate practically begged. When she got no response she attempted to haul away the rubble blocking the door.
Kate struggled a lot, but she was determined.
After moving the last piece of wood with a grunt, Kate swung the door open, choking on the smoke that left the room. Once she could see clearly, she saw you lying on the floor, unconscious.
"Shit, Y/N!" she cursed, swiftly kneeling before you.
Kate put her ear to your nose to make sure you were still breathing, which she thanked god that you were even though the breaths you were taking were uneven and shallow.
She lifted you into her arm's bridal style and stood to her feet, "Alright, baby. We're gonna get you some help, okay? I've got you." she reassured even if you couldn't hear her.
Kate exited through the fire escape just as Clint knocked out the last tracksuit, "Clint!" she yelled to get his attention.
"Is she okay? Is she still breathing?" he spoke out of breath, approaching her.
"Yeah, but she needs actual help, Clint. I don't know how long she was in there before I got her out, but she's struggling to breathe. We need to get her to a hospital." Kate said, listening closely to your breathing.
"Kate, you know we can't go to the hospital under these circumstances. It's dangerous." he responded.
"I know. I know the risks, Clint. But, she needs professional help and we can't give her that. So please, help me get her to the hospital." Kate was pleading, tears threatening to gloss over her eyes.
The sounds of sirens could be heard from around the corner, making Clint sigh, "Okay, let's go." he said and they quickly made their way to his car that he parked on the side of the road earlier.
Clint got into the drivers seat while Kate slid into the backseat so that she could still hold you, "See, baby? We're getting you help. You're gonna be okay." she softly spoke to you.
Kate started to take your hand into hers until she noticed the red mark forming on it. She held your hand out to examine your palm, her thumb ever so gently caressing below the burn.
"I've got you now, princess."
When Clint pulled in front of the hospital, they bursted through the emergency room doors, "Can somebody help us, please?" she called out in an urgent manner.
A doctor led her to an empty bed for her to lay you down on, "What's her name? What happened?" he asked.
"Her name is Y/N. There was a fire, and she passed out i'm assuming from the smoke. It took me a few minutes to find her and get her out, but I don't know how long she was in there for before that." Kate quickly explained.
"Alright, let's get her on oxygen and an IV." the doctor ordered his colleagues.
"She's gonna be okay, right?" Kate asked as she moved to your side, holding your non-injured hand.
"We treat cases like this all the time, but I can never promise anything." the doctor answered, "In the meantime, you need to get yourself checked out. Your friend as well."
"Me? No, i'm fine. What—" Kate was interrupted when a nurse started to lead her to a different area.
"Those cuts on your face and burns on your hand say otherwise." the nurse spoke.
She gave up on arguing, not wanting to cause a scene while Clint did the same, leaving the doctors to take care of you.
"Hey, how you holdin' up?" Clint asked as he pulled back the curtain of the room Kate was sitting in.
It was about an hour later, and Clint was all bandaged up. The nurse suggested that he take it easy for the next few days, but he obviously was not going to listen.
Another nurse had given Kate an oxygen mask. Although she wasn't in the fire for as long as you, they just wanted to be safe.
Both of her hands were wrapped in bandages to allow the burns on her hands to heal from when she was trying to get the bathroom door open.
Kate took the oxygen mask off of her face to speak, "Fine. You?"
"Same." Clint answered.
They sat in silence; Kate stuck in her thoughts, and Clint trying to read her facial expression, "None of this is your fault, you do realize that, right?"
Kate shook her head, looking down, "Yeah, well it sure feels like it."
"Beating yourself up over something you couldn't control isn't going to get you anywhere, trust me it's just gonna eat you up inside. It happened, so all you can do now is move forward." Clint said, giving Kate some of his dad advice.
"I'm the one who pissed them off. It should've been me in there, not her." Kate spoke in a low voice.
"But it wasn't you, it was her. Y/N wouldn’t haven’t wanted it to be you in there either. So right now she needs you to be there for her, not filled with anger and guilt." Clint put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Kate took a deep breath, "You're right."
"When am I not." he responded, making Kate roll her eyes.
"But when we get out of here I am planning on beating the living shit out of them." Kate said, only half joking.
Clint shook his head with a small smile, "Now we both know going into fight fueled by rage is a recipe for disaster. Believe me when I say I got a pretty good hit on all of them."
Kate lightly chuckled for the first time since all of this happened. She knew that everything Clint had said was true; it always was. But she wouldn't admit that.
Just then, Kates head perked up at the sound of the curtain being pulled back, revealing the doctor from earlier. She immediately sat up straighter, anxious about what she had to say.
"You're here with Y/N, correct?" the doctor asked.
Kate quickly nodded, "Yeah, yes. Is- is she okay? She's okay right?"
"Y/N inhaled an alarming amount of smoke, so we still have her on oxygen to treat that. She also had a minor burn on her left hand that we wrapped up, but she'll be fine and make a full recovery." he informed the two archers.
At those words, they both exhaled a sigh of relief, a weight feeling like it's been lifted off of their shoulders.
"Thank you so much. Is she awake? Can I see her?" Kate questioned.
"She's not awake at the moment, but she should be anytime now. If you follow me i'll take you to her room." the man answered.
Kate glanced at Clint who nodded his head. She stood up and followed the doctor out of the room. After making numerous turns, and walking down multiple long hallways, Kate almost ran into him when he suddenly stopped in front of a door.
"She's right in here. If you need anything just ask or press the red button on the wall." the doctor said, and Kate mumbled a 'thanks' before he disappeared down the corridor.
Kate opened the door, shutting it behind her before dragging a chair over to your bedside and sitting down. She gently took your right hand into her bandaged ones, letting her thumb caress over the back of it.
She gazed down at you; watching the way your chest steadily rises and falls thanks to the nasal catheter in your nose. Your eyelashes tickled your cheeks, and she reached a hand over to brush some stray hairs out of your face before letting it stroke your cheek.
She wanted to talk to you. To say at least something to let you know that she was there, but Kate just couldn't find the words. Luckily, she didn't have to because your hand shifted in hers as a few tiny whimpers escaped from your lips.
Your eyes slowly fluttered opened, but immediately shut again at the bright lights in the room. You blinked a few times so that they could adjust to the light before your tired gaze landed on Kate.
She exhaled in relief when your eyes met, "Hey. Hi, babygirl." she cooed, fixing the hospital gown that had started to slip off your shoulder, "You're finally awake. You gave me quiet the scare." she lightly chucked.
Kate noticed how you were slightly squinting when looking at her, "Are the lights too bright, baby? Here, I can turn them down." she said, standing up to dim the lights before quickly returning to your side, "Is that better?" she asked, and you nodded your head.
"Good. How are you feeling?" Kate questioned, grasping your hand in hers once again.
You took in your surrounding; noticing the monitors and machines beside your bed, the IV in your hand, and the window where you could see all of the people walking back and forth through the blinds.
"I'm okay." you answered before furrowing your eyebrow, "What happened? I thought you were taking care of something with Clint."
She took a deep breath, "I was." she started, "We finished the mission, but when I came home, the tracksuits had set the apartment on fire...with you inside. Clint dealt with them while I got you out when I realized you were still inside, and then we brought you here." Kate had to slowly explain since the memory of it all would haunt her forever.
You didn't exactly know what to say as you were just in shock. You didn't really know how everything had happened; you just remembered feeling scared and frantic trying to get out of the bathroom as it filled with smoke.
"I know," Kate said, letting a hand comfortingly stroke you cheek again, "I know it's a lot to take in, but I've got you now." she spoke in a soft, reassuring tone.
As she caressed your face, it felt a little rough on your cheek compared to how soft the skin of her hand normally felt. That's when you noticed you were feeling the white bandages that both of her hands were tightly wrapped in.
You frowned, "What happened to your hands?"
She glanced down at her hands, and then back to you, "I burned them when I was trying to get you out, but it's nothing I can't handle. I'd do it all over again for you."
Your gaze softened as you stared at her until your mouth dropped into a big yawn, making Kate gently smile, "If you're tired, princess, you can go back to sleep. You need to rest while you recover." she said.
"If I do will you cuddle me?" you asked.
She got up from the chair and laid next to you in the small bed. There wasn't a lot of room, but you made it work. It just gave her another reason to hold you closer, "I'll be here the whole time. I won't leave you again, I promise."
You moved into her open arms, resting your head on Kates chest to which she pressed kiss to as you did.
You sat in comfortable silence.
Kate was focused on comforting you by running a hand up and down your back, while you were stuck in your thoughts.
Although you were exhausted, you couldn't help but think back to being trapped in that room with no way out as it filled with smoke, screaming for help just for no one to hear you.
The memory of it was too overwhelming and your eyes started to glaze over, "I was so scared." you whimpered out.
It was so quiet that Kate barely heard you, "I just had to use the bathroom, and then the fire started but I didn't know since the smoke detector didn't go off, and I couldn't get out because there was something blocking the door and then I couldn't breath—"
"Shhh," Kate cut you off, noticing that you were starting to work yourself up and choke on your words. "It's okay, Y/N. You're safe now I promise you. You're not there, anymore. You're here in this moment with me, safe and sound in my arms." she spoke gently, pressing another lingering kiss to your forehead.
"You don't have to tell me about it now. I know you're tired, so get some sleep, baby. I'll still be here when you wake up." she gently assured you.
"You promise?" you asked meekly.
"I promise," Kate responded. "I love you, Y/N." she said.
When Kate got no response back, she looked down at you just to find that you were already fast asleep. Her lips curled into a sympathetic smile, relieved that you were back in her arms, and making a silent promise to you and herself that she'll never let anything happen to you again...also making a mental note to fix the sprinklers and smoke detectors.
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lemonavocado · 9 months
i have many many thoughts about the portrayal of elizabeth (and henry) in adaptations of frankenstein and they need to be broadcasted immediately. feverish incoherent raving about this subject under the cut. tw for very brief mention of SA
so. elizabeth lavenza. by the time of the wedding, elizabeth is rather obviously portrayed to be just as morose and brooding as victor is, she just isn't as susceptible to episodes of mania and psychosis so it doesn't seem nearly as dramatic compared to victor's trauma. she's been through the gutter herself, being an orphan for starters, then being adopted into a family and having to assume the role of caregiver in the frankenstein family because of the coercion of her dead mother to not only take her place as the maternal figure in the family but also marry her surrogate brother (or literal cousin, depending on which version you read). then her surrogate younger brother william dies, and the within weeks she has to watch her closest heterosexual life partner justine be unjustly hung by a corrupt justice system. and she vocalizes, actively, her pessimism and hopelessness in light of these many tragedies. tldr she's fucked up and rightfully so, and while she's a little less crippled by depression than victor, she still has the distinct appearance of being rather ill, listless, and tired, especially towards the end of the novel. anyways my point is in the novel, the most important thing about elizabeth is not that she's a woman and victor's bride. yes, that's obviously the purpose she was created for, but shelley went out of her way to give elizabeth an extremely definite and unique character. she's gentle and maternal like most woman in early 19th century literature, but she's also introspective, intelligent, and perceptive. she displays agency and self-awareness repeatedly (her guilt over the locket, going to the execution of justine even when alphonse tells her not to, waxing poetic on the failures of the justice system, asking repeatedly and rather pointedly if victor actually wants to go through with the marriage, obvious anxiety and solemnity concerning the wedding) we also have to take into account that elizabeth's personality is being relayed to us BY VICTOR, and he wants to see elizabeth as docile and femininely passive, even if a lot of her actions themselves in the novel actually seem to contradict that. also, i am peppering in that many people can (and have) made a genuine and convincing argument that victor and elizabeth are not in love and were groomed to accept their union by their weirdo parents - that they care for each other, but the text includes important nuances that make it evident that victor doesn't feel anything for elizabeth like that. it is a legitimate interpretation of the book - dare i say it's the correct interpretation of the relationship between victor and elizabeth. but that's another essay for another day and it's not SUPER integral to my rant here today. it just highlights the complexity of elizabeth as a character.
so. for some fucking reason, writers do not understand this when they are adapting the novel, and do not want to apply more than eight seconds of critical thinking and the absolute shallowest 3rd grader levels of reading comprehension to this character, so they simplify her from what she was in the original novel, freshly complex, opinionated, and introspective to boring useless incest lady. victor is never portrayed with the same amount of nuance he deserves in any adaptation (also another essay for another day), because adaptations also have a very surface level reading of him as "guy who was ambitious and played god which immediately cements him as an irredeemable self-aggrandizing asshole and/or a raging insufferable narcissist who's a dick to everyone around him EXCEPT for elizabeth" but at least SOME adaptations are able to kiiinnnddaaaa capture the sympathy meant to be felt for the character in the novel. not so for elizabeth. her character in basically every adaptation can be boiled down to this: "omg victor my brother let me hammer in that you are my brother. im just going to stand here and look clueless and annoyingly naive for the entire time im on screen/stage. im just a little girl and idk what's going on victor but im gonna stay blindly devoted to you and ask numerous but completely useless questions 🥺 let me stare at you with tender worry in my eyes and treat you like a child even though we have absolutely no romantic chemistry and you're an objectifying dick towards me and we have nothing in common and the audience is actively dry heaving as we sensually make out for no other reason than to have characters in this movie sensually make out. im basically a carbon copy of original-novel-henry expect super boring and super useless because im a woman which means the doylist explanation for why im here HAS TO BE ONLY for the main character to fuck me and to hold the attention of the male viewership. now time for me to get SA'd by the creechur for basically no reason" we can observe something approximating this in basically every frankenstein adaptation i've ever seen: kenneth branagh's (my enemy) 1994 film, the 2004 hallmark miniseries, the musical, and the ballet. also in the 1931 film, but that one isn't really trying to be book-accurate so it doesn't really count for this rant.
with this understanding of elizabeth, writers then attempt to artificially generate more romance between these characters, mostly by, yes, replacing a lot of henry's role in the novel with elizabeth, hence why we see so many adaptations (1994, 2004, ballet) make elizabeth nurse victor back to health in ingolstadt instead of henry, which generates... so many problems. one problem with this is that it just sorta ruins henry's original role in the novel in one go. writers recognize that henry is supposed to be victor's character foil, but now they don't have much for him to do so he can demonstrate that role in the story since they gave all of the romantic tension moments to elizabeth. meaning that in adaptations you can tell the writers didn't really know what to do with henry because he's reduced to a comic relief bumbling idiot (1994, ballet, 2004 to an extent) with his only personality traits being "random xd" and "morals good playing god wrong!!!! 😠" (2004, musical, several independent stage adaptations). they keep him as a character foil, but just replace all of his compassion, tenderness, and devotion with elizabeth, while effectively draining henry of all of his original appeal and charm and stamping those traits onto their already stripped-of-all-nuance elizabeth. so now both henry and elizabeth are not only extremely different from their original roles in the novel but extremely, woefully less charming and complex. this especially pisses me off because it's explicitly stated in the book that henry was victor's only friend precisely because he was victor's intellectual equal, so seeing henry reduced to a smiley idiot and/or stupid generic male side character with Morals fills me with a visceral rage. writers will also sometimes make victor and henry meet in college (ballet, 1994) and try to strengthen the bond between victor and elizabeth by making it appear as though she was victor's ONLY childhood friend and companion. other times, victor and henry will be friends pre-ingolstadt (2004, musical) but most of the relationship development will be between elizabeth and victor. those two have all of the tender bonding moments while henry is just kinda inexplicably there sometimes. but i digress. this post is supposed to be about elizabeth. but IF YOU NEED A CHARACTER TO BE A SUNSHINE SOFT OPTIMISTIC LOVER FOR VICTOR IN A FRANKENSTEIN ADAPTATION, HENRY IS ABLE AND WILLING ARE YOU STEPPING ON MY BALLS
clervalstein is true. anyway
elizabeth is somehow more complex and powerful as a female character than the literal adaptations produced almost 200 years later. in adaptations, the most important thing about her is somebody else. the development of all of her character traits (which usually never go beyond standing around and looking helpless) are solely dependant on victor. she feels more like an appendage of the protagonist than an individual with thoughts and experiences separate from victor, and her character is loosely defined and flimsy so the writers can have her conform to her actions in the book whenever it's convenient and then change things up entirely that completely contradict her characterization in the book whenever it's convenient. i have no idea why the fuck this keeps happening with frankenstein adaptations (it's misogyny) and because it isn't looking like guillermo del toro's film (from what ive heard) is going to be super book accurate, i dont foresee too much of a shift in frankenstein adaptations.
look i get it. it's a movie/play/ballet which lasts like 2 hours and you have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. i understand you have to make sacrifices for brevity and these characters are, frankly, a lot less interesting and exciting than victor and creechur. people didn't come to see john hughes levels of charm and complexity in the side characters, they came to watch the creechur do scary shit and for victor to say IT'S ALIVE 😱 and be an evil mad scientist you love to hate. they came for their values of "it's wrong to play god!!!" and "too much ambition bad!!!" to be re-cemented even though that's not even the original point of the novel. which is why imo if you're going to adapt frankenstein in a manner that does justice to the beautiful and sublime subtlety of the original novel, it needs to be either a miniseries or a REALLY LONG film. it's a short book, but it's very eventful, and imo for an adaptation to work you have to let the audience sit with it. which is why you all need to donate to my gofundme so i can produce an honest to god frankenstein adaptation. in fact, im running for president in this year's primaries :3
just a disclaimer: im not an academic or a scholar or anything. i just like the book. i probably have no idea what the fuck im talking about. but im a very very passionate little guy and this has been my rant
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simpfordemetri · 3 months
I am translating this from Spanish to English so excuse me if it is incoherent. The guards with a partner who evaded the lower guards and sneaked out of the castle for a night out while they are on a mission?
⟳ & ♥︎
This is a bit dark?It’s not Yandere or anything(cause i don’t write Yandere) but let’s be honest, you are sneaking out from your possesive and brutal vampire mate ,you are in hell to pay.
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
He is just mad ,so so mad and the worst part is that he can’t run back to the castle and rapidly following your scent
But don’t think he is telling you he knows everything ,ohh no
He will let you be even with anxiety hunting him down,he will act normal if you call or text him, making you think you succeed
And when he arrived from the mission,he will even welcome you in the sweetest way!
It’s just a little mind game,you will receive hell as a big argument will start cause you hurted him, scaped and went out without him unconscious of the danger
She knew something was up cause your texts messages were a bit dry and every hours ,you weren’t answering right away
And when she called you and you DECLINED the call, he is right away sending someone to your room to check if you are there
Then expect her to literally break down your phone with calls, even Alec is calling you
She is leaving voice messages where all you can hear is her screaming and ranting ,basically a big tantrum
You can expect her to literally lock you in your share room and not letting you have access to even any window.
You are guarded 24/7 ,if not by her, by Alec.
Babe, do we really want to do this today?
He is a tracker and will hunt you down… While he is away on missions he already check your scent every now and then to see if you are were you are supposed to.
So i don’t know how to make this long ,one sniff and he is coming for you
No phone anymore, and this is the biggest betrayal ever
Even with him being the most patient one, he lost all the trust for you cause he just don’t understand why you did this
It’s even worst because for some reason his mind is building up the paranoia of how you might have cheated on him
You didn’t,but good luck trying to make him enter reason.
His heart is crashed because he just ask himself ,why?
If you wanted nothing but that you could at least told him and he would had manage to take you out some night
He is just sad to be honest,cold shoulder and sobbing for days
He gets really snappy and would only get to your side if you need help with something but that’s all
Thats your punishment, hurting you emotionally in reward
Even when he forgives you,his heart will still feel betrayed
He catched you even before you left the castle
She just wanted to see if your silly little human mind changed in last moment and got yourself back to your share room
So when she saw you still continue with your stupid plan
Even after laid a feet outside the castle,her grip hard on your t-shirt and pushed you back to her
Yelling and…i really hope she doesn’t throw any stuff at your face while fighting with you
At least not something she could really hurt you with
But,you were the one who fucked up
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deadsnothere · 2 years
Hi!! Could I request an Anthony Lockwood x reader fic where it is dark in the evening and the reader and lockwood are cuddling on the couch and its pouring raining and just like enjoying each others presence. Like stealing kisses and just whispering sweet nothings to each other. I would love that!!!! Please take your time!! Thank you so much!!!!
"One love, One lifetime."
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Synopsis - Lockwood & Co finally get a rainy day off! but what happens when a blanket gets stolen from its rightful owner?
Request - YES!!
Word Count - 1.8k
Speak Ali! - I'm not dead, I have a theater competition soon so i probably won't be posting may anymore this week other than me ranting. but you can still definitely request shit!!!
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We’d finally had a real day off! Whenever Anthony says we’ll have a day off I'm not sure if I can believe him. I mean we’ll have a few hours off at most but then another case comes in urgently and we’ll deal with that. So we almost never have a real day off.
Until today.
It was 8 o'clock on the dot. I finished the dishes after dinner, since I was the one to cook tonight. Wiping down the water from the counter and my hands. I've spent all day doing nothing but reading. It's amazing. I have this adventurous sort of romance book i'm reading right now, I have only 50 pages left of the 430. I got to the part where the main character finds her long lost girlfriend in this big haunted library where she's been under a sleep spell for years. I'm so excited to see how their reunion plays out!
I folded the kitchen towel up and threw it in the small hamper George put out for the kitchen wash. Passing the library, I opened the front door looking out on the rain and “gloom” outside. Lucy was ‘stuck’ at Norries in all the rain, while George was upstairs in his room. Anthony was doing the same, I’d gone up and visited them both a few times, George to make sure he wasn't stressing over our case tomorrow, and Anthony just to say “Hi”. I closed the door and backtracked to the library to finish my book.
I sat down on the chair in front of the desk, reaching back to pull the blanket I had on me earlier back to its rightful spot on my shoulders. But it wasn't there- Who moved my blanket?- no one else had been downstairs!- I stood up looking around the room, almost jumping when I noticed Mr. Anthony Lockwood himself sleeping on the long side chair. He looked kinda uncomfortable, one leg was on top of his knee, while his head was tilted back. My blanket is laying on top of him. I sighed, rolling my eyes lovingly, he is cute. I can't deny it.
“Baby, you have my blanket-” I poked him softly, but he just whispered incoherently back at me. Scrunching his face up and moving away. Oh my god, he is so fucking cute. I kissed his cheek softly, when he didn't move then I went to drastic measures. Attacking his face with kisses, leaving them all over his forehead, nose, lips, cheeks, temples. He woke up very quickly, laughing when I continued to kiss him. “A-Alias what are you doing!” I pulled back from my attack to talk to him. “You have my blanket.” Smiling at him slyly. “Is that really why you woke me up?” He groaned, pulling me into a kiss. I raised an eyebrow back, giggling when he pushed me into his lap. “Are you really that mad about me waking you up how I did?” He thought about it for a second, just shrugging.
I stood up once again to go back to my book but he didn't let go of my hand. “We could always share your blanket.” Anthony made a fair point, with his real genuine smile. Smiling back at him, I softly pulled my hand away. I think his body physically deflated when we let go of contact. but he was quick to reflate when I picked up my book striding back to him. “If you want you can lay your head in my lap while I read- Or I can lay on you.” He was quick to lean against the side of the chair, letting his legs finally stretch out on top of the soft fabric, patting his lap for me to lay down as well. “Well eager, are we?” Giggling, I finally laid down on top of him, my waist in between his legs and arms holding up my book.
We’d stayed like this for a while, Anthony was reading along with me but half way through a paragraph he’d fallen asleep. He always looked so peaceful when sleeping. No matter how stressed he was when he fell asleep there was nothing to worry about, not a care to be shown on his face. He said he used to have bad nightmares, but with me they were always “better” whatever that meant. I guess it either means I make his dreams better or I've stopped the nightmares.
He’s definitely helped me to...After the night of the Fairfax incident he came to my room to sleep, I planned to go to him but he’d beat me to it. Nothing was better than feeling his arms wrap around me (tighter than normal) He confessed the next morning that he was scared, about what happened with Fairfax threatening me, and I ended up giving them more information about my past and what Fairfax had to do with it.
Once I'd finished the book I set it down on the floor turning around to put my face into Anthony's chest. Humming the tune of “All i ask of you” from Phantom of the opera, A Musical I performed in, for a case and for fun. “My words will warm and calm you.” I placed a hand on his cheek rubbing softly, while singing to him and to me. “Let me be your freedom.” I started to hum again when he stirred abit. mumbling my name softly, and going right back to his deep sleep. “Let daylight dry your tears.” When I placed a kiss on his jaw it wasn't meant to wake him this time, more just a soft reminder I was still with him. “I'm here, with you, beside you.” I kissed his jaw again in a different place. “To guard you, and to guide you.”
I still remember how jealous he was when I was first put in the role of Christine daae. He was there every practice and every show being careful to watch how genuinely my reactions were. He's always been protective of me. But he shows it differently, protective in a silent way.
“Say you love me every waking moment.” I closed my eyes humming the song. “Say you need me with you now and always.” I felt a hand slowly lift my head up, pulling me into a kiss. It was passionate and caring, all the love in the world was behind it. “I need you with me, you're my shelter, my light.”
“One love, one lifetime.”
“One love, one lifetime.”
“I could make out with you right now, that was so romantic..” Anthony laughed at my lack of filter rubbing my cheeks with his hands pulling me into a kiss but pulling away before I could keep my words to my mouth. “Your voice is absolutely breathtaking darling.” “You're an idiot.” He smiled at me trying to keep his romantic words going. “You know you’re only saying that because you can't take a compliment.” I gasped, almost offended. (if it weren't so true). “I can take a compliment! I took the compliment show night!” Anthony looked a little too proud of himself. We both knew why he was so touchy that night, him watching me “flow, flawlessly” with another man made his blood boil but instead of getting mad at me for something I couldn't control. He just simply showed the man who’s I was. whether that meant hickeys in more than obvious places, or getting caught kissing in my dressing room. The poor actor always knew who’s I was, and Anthony was always beaming at that fact.
“Show night was different.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “What because you were jealous I danced in another man's arms so you just had to show me off.” He scoffed next, looking away from me with an obvious hint of “I can't protect myself” or I like to think it was that anyway. “I did not show you off. You were on the news and they asked me, how I thought of your performance. When they asked how I was close to you I just don't think they were expecting me to say boyfriend and kiss you…on live tv.” I nodded sarcastically. “My parents called me later that night asking why my shade of burgundy lipstick was being snogged off onto yours on live tv.” He laughed knowing exactly where this was going. “You're lucky they like bold people! you would be dead if it weren't for the fact.”
He swelled with pride. My parents loved him, If it weren't for quill i'm sure they would've loved him even more. “That even got me a few points with your brother.” And in Anthony's position as his “enemy” that's hard. “You don't need points with my brother, idiot.” He knew that better than anyone, if I knew my brother didn't like him for a good reason I wouldn't have joined his company or started dating him. “Alias, Darling, I know. I just feel like maybe earning his respect is still in line here, you are his little sister so I can understand why he would be protective.” He was so sweet when he wasn't wishing my brother dead after saving our asses on a case. “Well baby, I know he definitely respects you after the locket case.”
“The locket case.” During the locket case we were miss informed again. A woman showed up at our door at three am, said she was struggling with a ghost problem. As it was 3 am, George had no time to research, so we all got dressed and went to work on the case. It ended up with me in the hospital, with Anthony in the bed on the other side of the room. He was always an idiot, jumping in front of us and never caring for himself first.
“Those nurses hated us.” The nurses always got mad at us because we were never in our own beds. But we were too nervous to let the other go. Apparently my brother showed up while I was passed out. He said
“Tony sat there bleeding out refusing to room with anyone but you. I thought he was actually going to die on his statement. He was saying all the romantic shit about ‘I can't leave them alone’ and ‘I have to know their ok’. It was disgustingly sweet.”
Quill didn't say it but he respected Anthony for that, I was glad to know they could sort of get along when needed.
Wow I get lost in my thoughts easily, when being pulled out of my head, Anthony had already fallen back to sleep. His heart beat going back to a slow pace, his hands were intertwined at the back of my neck, and his head seemed to be in a much more comfortable position. He's so peaceful. This reminds me of a scene in my book but instead of me finding him in a sleep curse in a giant haunted library, he dragged me down with him.
I kissed his cheek one more time before finally laying my head down to take a nap too. George is going to be pissed in the morning when he finds us, especially since my book is on the floor.
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darthstitch · 2 years
Stork Delivery Service
Okay, so Matthew thinks he's got this whole Raven of the Dreaming business down pat, right?
What? It's been a hundred years. There was one harrowing moment where he thought that they were all gonna lose the Boss and end up with Daniel becoming the new Boss but that didn't happen, thank Christ and all His Angels (especially Michael) for that.
But hey, things worked out, right? The Boss is happily married to Hob Gadling and it's kinda sweet how those two had never seemed to have left the "honeymoon phase" what with all the cooing and flirting via poetry.
(It had the added benefit of sending Desire of the Endless into a total hissy fit because ewww not my brother ick ick ick nooooo and apparently there WAS such a thing as Brain Bleach™ which was just karma, in Matthew's considered opinion.)
There had been a few weird happenings in the Dreaming lately, what with Lucienne suddenly finding the Library completely upside down, for starters. Then, there was that day where everyone seemed to be suffering the worst Migraine in History and the Dreaming had collectively gone, "Yeah, nope, we're not going to be working today. Eurgh."
And then, there were a few nights where everyone just woke up craving all sorts of food. Like Matthew himself suddenly just wanted a pizza with all the toppings, including pineapple, for Chrissakes and pineapple was a mortal sin against pizza, worthy of being damned to the lowest pit of hell, okay?!
So Matthew just gets this strange compulsion, like he needed to check things out over by the Giant Rapunzel Patch™ - which, apparently, was in use by the more Fairy Tale-inclined dreams. Sure, whatever - Matthew wasn't exactly a big fan of eating his vegetables. Sorry, kids.
And he settles down by this utterly ginormous patch of rampion and finds... a baby.
A very familiar looking baby.
Look, the kid looked very much like a certain Lord of Dreams - what with the whole Snow White routine, right down to the rosebud lips in that Familiar Pout, protesting his current indignity with all his might.
Matthew manages to scrounge up the softest blanket he could find and wraps the kid up, a minor feat, what with the lack of opposable thumbs. But he did it and he flew off to the Castle with the baby, who calmed down immediately, much to Matthew's relief.
His Darkness was oddly unsurprised when Matthew deposited the kid into his arms, snuggling him close and greeting him with a: "Hello, my little love. Welcome home."
Look, Matthew could be forgiven for the incoherent: "Uh, Boss, how?!!! And what's his name?!"
Dream declined to answer the first question. But the answer to the second was, "His name is Oliver. His other father will be very glad to meet him."
Oliver, the little Prince of the Dreaming, was just as delighted to meet his Da, at least as far as they could tell with the happy gurgling and cooing.
Footnote the First: Dream is STILL refusing to explain how Oliver came to be, other than: "It is all very much my husband's fault."
Footnote the Second: Hob's only response to this is: "Welp, when two people love each other very much..."
Footnote the Third: Oliver's godparents include a Muse, one Really Old Guy, an Archangel, Death of the Endless and Rose Walker.
Footnote the Fourth: Oliver's first complete sentence was "Shaxbert yucky!" much to the delight of his other father. Look, if Dream wasn't singing him lullabies, he tended to fall asleep to Hob's infamous Shakespeare Rants™!
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Billboard project
* * * *
Trump lashes out at women accusing him of sexual assault
In a second bizarre appearance this week, Trump spent 45 minutes in a grievance-filled “press conference” overflowing with defamatory attacks on women who have accused him of sexual assault. The one thing the “press conference” did not include was questions from the press.
Trump's 45-minute rant reminded voters of the multiple accusations of sexual assault against him. And in a breath-taking admission, he said he did assault one of his accusers because, “[S]he would not have been the chosen one.” That defense repeats his claim that he did not sexually assault E. Jean Carrol because “She’s not my type.”
It is Kafkaesque that one of the major party nominees has so many credible claims of sexual assault lodged against him that he can spend 45 minutes denying them. In any other era in American history, such allegations would be instantly disqualifying. But the major media focuses on horse-race polling to the exclusion of character and demonstrated unfitness for office.
Even as Maggie Haberman of the Times provided an accurate recitation of Trump's rambling discourse, she acknowledged, “As a one-off event, Mr. Trump’s diatribe was already receding from view in headlines by late afternoon.”
Of course, as long as the Times continues to lose interest in Trump's meltdowns in four hours, it is no wonder that Trump's depravity is overlooked by the public.
There is a growing consensus that the press is failing to hold Trump accountable for his criminality and corruption. Rebecca Solnit of The Guardian addresses the failure of the press in her op-ed, The mainstream press is failing America – and people are understandably upset.
I recommend Solnit’s essay to your weekend reading, but to whet your appetite, I excerpt the following:
The first thing to say about the hate and scorn currently directed at the mainstream US media is that they worked hard to earn it. They’ve done so by failing, repeatedly, determinedly, spectacularly to do their job, which is to maintain their independence, inform the electorate, and speak truth to power. They pursue the appearance of fairness and balance by treating the true and the false, the normal and the outrageous, as equally valid and by normalizing Republicans, especially Donald Trump, whose gibberish gets translated into English and whose past crimes and present-day lies and threats get glossed over. They neglect, again and again, important stories with real consequences.
Solnit’s criticism that the press “translates Trump's gibberish into English” was also discussed by Isabel Fattal in The Atlantic | Daily, A new level of incoherence from Trump. Fattal writes,
But the biggest problem, the problem that all journalistic analysis of Trump's response ought to lead with, is that his answer makes absolutely no sense. Earlier this summer, The Atlantic’s editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, warned about “one of the most pernicious biases in journalism, the bias toward coherence.” Journalists “feel, understandably, that it is our job to make things make sense,” he wrote. “But what if the actual story is that politics today makes no sense?”
When Joe Biden stumbled in attempts to express himself—a lifelong characteristic driven in part by his stutter—the Times wrote dozens of stories suggesting that Biden was unfit to be president (despite his spectacularly successful current presidency). But when Trump speaks gibberish, the Times strains to glean meaning and coherence where none is to be found.
The question is, “Why?” Why does the media believe it is their role to filter and correct Trump's incoherence? The answer to that question will vex historians for decades and centuries to come.
In the absence of a satisfying or clear answer to that question, my default assumption is that the major media sees Trump as good for business, even if he is bad for democracy. Profit über alles. Shame on them.
Trump is a uniquely unfit candidate for the presidency The presidential oath of office requires the president to swear to protect and defend the Constitution—which Trump has already attempted to overthrow on one occasion and has promised to do so again.
Before Joe Biden withdrew from the race, there was a general sense that “the need to defend democracy” was not an argument that resonated with voters. It should be. Perhaps it is time for Kamala Harris to revisit and reframe the argument, especially given the renewed activity around Trump's legal and criminal jeopardy. It sure would be nice if the major media viewed Trump's threat to democracy as newsworthy.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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cherryy-slushy · 1 year
I Will Never Fall in Love Again~ Yandere!Jason Dean
TW: Violence, cheating, abuse (alcohol related), smut?, alcohol, drugging, using (using a person for something), bad mental health. (Also I may change to personal pronouns halfway through I apologise in advance.)
Part 1!
Part 2
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Your an average person. You have a normal amount of friends, a bit of childhood trauma but an average life now, average looks and average grades. You’re no Heather. But, recently you started to wish more and more that you were. And here’s why.
Y/N has English first class, she was tired as any sane person would be. Your teacher was also majorly upbeat for 8:50 am on a Monday morning. What is she hopped up on?
Y/N looked over to her side. Great Christine isn’t in again. She rolled her eyes knowing this class is going to drag on because of the absence of her friend. She isn’t entirely close with Christine, but she still helps her get through English without loosing the plot.
She snapped out of her trance when she heard her name get called on the registration.
“Here”, She said in a blank tone.
“Perfect”, the teacher replied in a chirpy tone.
As she went back into a daydream she kicked back into reality when she heard a knock on the classroom door. Jesus Christ you know it’s a bad class when you find any way to not listen for one second.
She looked to the door as it opened. Through the open door came a deviously handsome boy. I’m talking a guy that would have girls swooning.
“Ah you must be Jason!”, Ms Fleming chirped. “Yep, that’s me”, he replied back, clearly trying to be polite but just sounding sarcastic. Y/N tried so hard not to snort at this.
In the corner of her eye she saw Veronica sawyer. Veronica shifted in her seat suddenly intrigued by the stranger. I turn my head to face her and roll my eyes. I don’t dislike Sawyer, she’s lovely, but it is pretty shitty that she dumped her only friend of nearly 11 years to be a part of the “popular” gang.
I face back up to where the boy and Ms Fleming we’re stood.
“Y/N, Christine isn’t in today is she?”, Ms Fleming asked. “No, she’s not”, I respond, remembering the tragic disappearance of my friend. Okay, maybe I’m being dramatic but this class sucks ass. I need someone to help me through the day.
“Perfect”, she said clapping her hands together, “Jason, go take a seat down there next to Y/N. Y/N raise your hand please.”
I raise my hand a small bit but not too high. Jason starts walking down the class and plomps his bag down next to the edge of the table. I try act nonchalant even though inside I’m dying. I return to scribbling incoherent nonsense onto a refill pad.
In the corner of my eye I see him look at my face and then down to my refill pad as he cocks his eyebrow.
Shit I forgot to change the page…
The sheet I was using was a page another friend of mine and I used to pass each other notes in science class. So yes, there is a massive…willy.. on there…. A very graphic image of one too..
I quickly snap the refill pad shut and pretend to listen to Ms Pauline Fleming ranting about S.E Hintons writing. She was talking about hawkes harbour.
“Im more an outsiders guy myself”, I hear a deep yet somehow high voice whisper too me. I look over at him and see him looking up at Ms Fleming.
“You’ve read the outsiders?”, I asked with a small smile starting to appear on my face.
“Have I read the outsiders? Well duh. Who hasn’t darling?”, he replies back with a small chuckle.
“Tell me, are you more a Ponyboy or Johnny person”, I asked. You can tell a lot about someone from their favourite characters movie.
“Dally”, he replied. “May not be the answer you were looking for but it’s an answer.”
I like this guy
We spoke about the outsiders for a bit longer and before I knew it the bell rang. We both started to stuff out stuff into our bags and before either of us could say anything Veronica Sawyer swoops in.
“Hey. I’m Veronica, Veronica sawyer. What’s your name?”, she asked with a polite smile. “Greetings and salutations, Veronica, Veronica Sawyer. I’m Jason, Jason Dean. JD for short.”, he smirked back.
Oh fuck, am I gonna have my heart broken by this boy.
I started getting bored of them because let’s be honest, who would want to stand there and listen to the boy she’s already starting to have feelings for talk to one of the most beautiful girls in school who is clearly swooning for him and he is clearly swooning for her. Doesn’t seem like a very fun conversation too listen too.
As I walked out I looked back to see if he noticed I left. Nope. He didn’t. Great. I kept walking down the hall and into my next class. Today is going to drag on.
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chocotonez · 2 years
“bad day?” (txt)
a/n: hopefully the self indulgence isn’t obvious in this one </3, also thank you so so so much for 250+ followers! it’s absolutely mind boggling that I’ve gotten so much support, I’m so happy to know that many people enjoy my writing! I’m so incredibly thankful to have so many amazing people support me :)
warnings: cussing, crying, txt is comforting u after a bad day, reader can’t express their feelings in kai’s, listened to lizzo while writing this so it’s not that sad
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-immediately realizes something’s off the second you open the door to your apartment
-he was there 2 bring you dinner and he honestly wasn’t even planning on staying but your ~~vibes~~ were just TOO off!!
-becomes a private investigator, probably subtly checks your private social media stories to see if you complained about anything during the day and not so subtly brings it up
-“hahaha so any weird peers that pissed you off because-“
-realizes you probably just want comfort and is like oh don’t worry bb <3
-I think he’ll say “chill” in that GRATING ABSOLUTELY MONTONE DEADPAN PATRONIZING tone the first few times there were bad bumps in ur relationships but over time he learns to comfort u and how to best communicate w u :]
-lets you rant and listens, never gives you unprompted advice and likes to make stupid innuendos to make u feel a teensy weensy bit better
-needs to see you at least smile once
-will hold and rock you in his arms while you sob your heart out, cooing and playfully calling you his baby
-says he’s not a simp but will run to the nearest convenience store because you wanted a specific snack and he just wants to make his baby happy <3
-even if no problems were fixed, as long as you go to sleep happy, satisfied, and okay, he’s okay <3
-I feel like he texts you in regular intervals during the day asking if ur okay, so he knows before u get home because you spent your whole lunch break ranting about your day :0
-manages to SCRAMBLE home b4 you to run a hot bath (after nearly breaking down in a self care store because how the hell were there so many options for a bath bomb), make dinner (he heated up takeout), and some flowers from the local grocery store <2
-it meant the world to you though, you got to cry in a bathtub while eating takeout and complaining to Soobin about how horrible everything is and u just wanna curl up in a ball and like cry
-he’s nodding and listening the whole way through, offers advice and reassurance, he’s no therapist but he somehow helps talk you through ever incoherent sad thought u have
-he’s very grounding as well, if he recognizes you’re overreacting he’ll try to like…make you think straight LMAO
-he’s so…comforting….he can just sit there and you’ll feel okay around him, it’s one of his best traits.
-lets u hold Odi or shows you cute odi pics if ur rlly sad, talks about the stupid shit beomgyu did today, he wants you to think of happy things, he doesn’t want you to sit on a problem 4 too long
-once it’s fixed, put it behind you! he’ll do everything to get you out of ur little rut, the light at the end of the tunnel <3
-sobbing. he probably sends motivational gifs like the dork he is </3
-once you’re both in bed and u thank him for being the best boyfriend in the world, he’ll just kiss the crown of your head and hold you closer
-he’ll take on any problem with you, for you
-dawg doesn’t even realize ur upset and accidentally pokes a bit too far
-he’s kinda sensitive and he notices u came home very resigned and quiet, so he worries he didn’t something wrong or ur ignoring him, so he kinda annoys you by poking and tickling u until u literally start crying and he feels like the worst boyfriend ever
-immediately cradles u and is panicking wondering what to do and he’s just like “I’m so sorry baby, I’m sorry, are you okay? Did something happen? Was it me?”
-wikihow 2 comfort ur romantic partner is the first thing in his search history tbh
-once he realizes thank god it wasn’t him who made you cry, just a bad day, he is here to save the day!! he pops on your favorite show/movie, gets your snacks, and holds u all close and snuggly till you fall asleep
-if you want to talk, he suggests going on a walk. he’ll hold your hand the entire time, or he’ll find a playground and you two will sit on the swings while u let it all out
-he wants you to feel heard, but he mainly just wants to see u smile, so he’ll do his best to take your mind off it. he’ll play games w u, tell you stupid stories, make dumb jokes, etc etc…
-he’ll stay up all night w u until you feel better, except he might accidentally fall asleep during an episode of your favorite show and when you wake him up he’ll be like “I was awake the whole time!! tf!!”
-sigh. what a loser (endearingly)
-at the end of the day, all he wants is for you to completely forget about your day and just focus on having a super great rest of your night!
-he’s very emotionally intelligent, so not only does he pick up on it, he works to fix it almost immediately
-he’s kinda pushy but in a healthy way, doesn’t let you run from your problems especially if you can fix them
-but he knows when he needs to push you and when he needs to just lie stagnant with you, reassures u it’s okay to sit on your problems, you have time! use it!
-lays on the floor with you and lets u rant and cry, you don’t really have the energy to climb to the couch and he doesn’t wanna force you any more than necessary
-“man, you will not believe what this bitch said to me, she said-“ and he’ll back you tf up “what did that bitch say??”
-but he’s kinda mean and will make u recognize when you’re being the problem, but he’ll always side w you if that makes sense?? Like, he’ll tell you that you’re the one causing trouble, but he’ll also be like “that’s ok tho bb you deserve the world”
-at some point he just picks u up and drops you on the bed, helps you change n stuff, and just holds you. it’s comforting and quiet, but his hugs r healing I swear
-rubs soothing circles into your back and strokes your hair, the sound of your heartbeat lulling you to sleep, GAWD youve reached true peace
-tells you that everything will be okay rather than everything is okay cuz he recognizes problems in the moment like that </3 love him
-also if ur NOT the problem and that coworker Vanessa is causing problems he will not hesitate to shit talk someone he’s never met!!
-but at the end of the day, he’s just this big supportive rock you can always lean on
-he reminds you he’s always there for you, even when you’re being a little bit silly teehee
-kinda suspects something’s up but doesn’t want to push you, he gets that some people need their space. but when it’s starting to interfere with your night routine and you keep shooting down all his attempts at asking if ur okay, it’s time to bring out the big guns
-there are no big guns. he just wants you to feel safe enough to talk, and if you don’t want to talk because you a.) don’t know how to express itself or b.) you don’t want to, he’ll still comfort you
-but like, casually…yknow? sends you funny tik toks, cuddles you 10x more, brushes your hair for you, etc…But it doesn’t feel patronizing, not from him
-kai just has this angel energy so it doesn’t feel like he’s pitying you, it just feels like you’re having a fun night :>, he’ll do clay face masks w u and paint ur nails and gossip about the latest news, let’s you cuddle any one of his plushies and kisses you all over ur face because you look adorable
-if you feel ready to talk, then ok! he’s here to listen! probably not the best at giving advice, but he really makes it a point to make you feel heard at least. he wants you to know he’s there for you, even if he kinda struggles w it :,)
-at the end of ur extra fun night, he’ll reassure you and tell you how much he loves you, he hopes all this will give u a base for a better day tmrw
-falls asleep holding you tight, giving you lazy kisses from time to time
-he just wants you to feel loved and happy <3
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crunchy-drag0nn · 3 months
befriending the one (apandah x reader) 1/3
“hey everybody, welcome to episode #91 of the sleep deprived podcast!” schlatt yelled. “today, we have a special guest! her name is y/n!” “hey everyone!” you greeted. “we have an awesome episode for you today, panda will be leading us in conversation. right now.” schlatt said. “yeah, i had chick-fil-a today. it sucked.” panda started going on a rant about how much he hated chick-fil-a and how much he loved popeyes and dominos. you didn’t really say much, but eventually you had to let in some of your input. “i hate pizza hut.” which everyone agreed, panda especially. and you started ranting about pizza hut, how horrid it is, and it shouldn’t exist. and panda paid close attention to everything you said, like you were fascinating to him in some way. and after you all finished recording, panda DMed you.
p- hey y/n i just wanted to talk about popeyes w u y- i think i’m going to go to bed, but we will later i promise!! p-ok, goodnight then y-goodnight panda!
you did eventually talk about popeyes with him, over a discord call a day or two later. it was seemingly 3 or 4 in the morning, and you two were just talking and ranting about popeyes and all of your favorite interests and such. you two were really different, and yet, got along so well.
and that’s how it stayed for a couple months to maybe even a year. you two talking everyday, about seemingly whatever came to mind. eventually, you did become a member of the sleep deprived podcast, and you and panda continued to get closer, when one day he DMed you.
p- hey when can we meet up???? y- good question.. wyd next month p- well hopefully i’m coming to see you y- i live in new york, how far is that from where you are? p- not far!!! i’ll see you next month!!! y- yay..
but alas, you couldn’t dwell on the situation too much, you had a silly podcast to film.
*while filming*
“panda i hope you know when you get here to my house, you’re on dish duty. for the entire time that you’re here.” you joked. “fine, but you’re on cooking duty!” panda yelled back. “panda im convinced the whole reason you’re meeting up with y/n is because you’ve never felt the touch of a woman and need to experience it,” aztro stated, laughing almost before they could finish their sentence. schlatt and mika agreed with aztro, and panda scrambled for words, trying to explain that he and you were just friends meeting up and that it wasn’t anything else. you giggled, siding with panda. “we’re just friends meeting up, that’s all it is!!” is what you demanded, but mika wasn’t listening. see, you’d been texting mika about panda the past couple months. take yesterday's text as an example..
y- MIKA MIKA MIKA m- hello y- i think pandas flirting with me but i could just be delusional m- what did he say? y- so he sent a selfie of himself and i said “omg ur hair is making me twirl my hair and kick my feet while giggling” and he replied “it’s not as gorgeous as yours, toots” m- you’re not delusional for once y- he’s so fine it’s insane
it was time. you and panda were finally meeting up. you’d cleaned your house 9 times, back to back, praying it was clean enough. he texted you when he needed you to come pick him up and what gate, and you jumped in your car to go get him. once you arrived at the airport and got to baggage claim to go meet him, the nerves set in. and the second you saw him running towards you, you gave him the biggest hug ever. you could tell he was touch starved, he just wouldn’t let go of you. “alright boss man, let’s get you home,” you eventually said, making him let go while he stammered out incoherent words. he grabbed his bags and such and you two left, going back to your house.
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heterophobicdyke · 1 month
Do you think that some women on radblr have otherwise borderline "egalitarian" (as opposed to feminist) worldview that they inherit from their libfem days but pose as radfems?
I saw some who say things like "all people, even men, trust you more when they learn that you are a woman", which is exactly MRA talking point but concluded with "and that's good". This was what made me send this ask, so sorry if it's childish, but also how the fuck can you say this and call yourself a feminist (or sane for that matter)? Like, women are not perceived as immediate physical threat the men often are, but in most situations men are not perceived as a threat either (especially by other men), and women are absolutely not perceived as trustworthy in my experience, even by other women.
Next thing some of people like this gonna do is to become like these weird ass "anti-misandry" lesbian blogs (or trolls who pretend to be them).
Sorry for incoherent rant.
Not particularly related, but today I also saw a thread where like dozens of TIFs were commenting how much they are afraid of "cis" women who are mean and abusive all when "cis" men are normal and usually just don't care. Hell world. At this point I think that new wave of industrial innovations will destroy misogyny before we ourselves do
Yeah men are perceived to be a threat because they ARE a threat. Women aren’t perceived to be as much of a threat because they don’t pose as much of a physical threat. That’s not female privilege, that’s humans acknowledging facts and patterns and that men are socialised to be violent and predatory. Which is why straight men view gay men as a threat, too. If men find this offensive then they should spend their days influencing the male population to become better people and campaigning for laws to protect women and children from males, who abuse and kill us all the time 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m not a reformist in the sense I feel the emergency that violence against women is and I don’t think we have time to wait for men to eventually fix themselves. Which they won’t. Power-holders don’t hand it over. The reason the 60s and 70s involved so much positive social change was because people wanted (and somewhat got) revolution. Radical feminism is not reformist, either. It’s revolutionary. But yeah, so many “radical feminists” are reformist… mainly to protect and defend those boyfriends and husbands tbh.
I do think for many women on radblr radical feminism is a venting circle to pretend to be some baddie who hates men while logging off to lead fairly conventional lives, albeit with hairy legs or whatever.
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randomvarious · 4 months
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Today's mix:
Global House Diva 2 by DJ Irene 2001 House / Trance / Hard House / Progressive House / Tech-House
God, I really can't fuckin' stand this frenzied and debased style of DJing, man. It's just such a terrible joke. Don't get me wrong, prolific LA scene vet DJ Irene definitely stacked up a whole bunch of turn-of-the-millennium bangers here, but that doesn't really mean much, because the way she went about it is just so transparently cheap and silly. I mean, I often think that DJs can be an overappreciated bunch in the first place, because at the end of the day, they're really just playing other peoples' music, and then with the right marketing, they can overshadow the musicians themselves, but there is glaringly so little care that went into crafting this monstrosity here. Basically, DJ Irene tried to stuff 10 pounds of shit into a 5-pound bag with this totally jumbled-up, incoherent mess of a set, which is really more like three mini-sets in one: atrocious, mindless, simplistic, blaring, transactional, Euro-rave-type hard house to start; then a run of vocal trance; and then some sweet house tunes to close out.
Now, I have nothing against genre-hopping as a concept. In fact, as I'm sure some of you are all too aware by now, I love it when shit's eclectic. 80s DJs mixed all sorts of stuff together, from synthpop, to electro, to disco, to house, and so on, and I love that spirit. But there was a certain sort of logical fluidity to it all, and this is just so goddamn slapdash by comparison. Between the three mini-sets, there are pretty clear lines of rigid demarcation, and then within those sets themselves, the transitions are often times just dogshit, and are sometimes attempted to be masked with some sort of vocal interlude.
On top of that is the fact that there are a total of 31 tracks in this 69-minute mix, which means that a song, on average, only lasts for about 2 minutes and ~15 seconds, which is *way* too short, considering how long dance tunes typically are. But then when you take into account that two of these tracks, which are run back-to-back, actually take up around an *an entire fifth* of the whole set itself, that means that the average length of the other 29 are shrunken down even more significantly, which *really* prevents the listener from getting into *any* sort of rhythm.
And my final complaint within this multifaceted rant about this soulless waste of time is that, while I certainly dig a whole lot of the songs that were chosen for this mix, when it especially comes to the trance, DJ Irene is really doing little more than scratching the surface. She too often just haphazardly mashes together some of the biggest commercial hits that this genre had to offer at the time, not really connecting them in any type of way that could be considered even close to satisfying. There doesn't seem to be, like, any super deep knowledge of this particular type of music, because, I mean, any DJ can slap together Bedrock, Ferry Corsten, and Tiësto, man; it's not impressive, and you're basically the equivalent of a top-40 bar DJ spinning Pharrell's "Happy" at that point. And likewise goes for lining up Roger Sanchez' "Another Chance" and Kings of Tomorrow's "Finally" in the house set, and then cheesily transitioning into the final track with Chuck Roberts' iconic, but frequently used "In the beginning there was jack" monologue too. Please, just spare us all 😒.
So, believe me, I really hate to sound like a snooty purist here, but this thing was pretty much unbearable from start to finish. Grating, empty-calorie madness that feels like a forerunner to what our soon-to-come generation of AI DJs are gonna be spitting out, which honestly, might be better than this.
Listen to the full mix here.
Bedrock/John Digweed/Nick Muir - "Heaven Scent (original mix)" System F - "Exhale" Ratty - "Sunrise" Gouryella - "Tenshi" Johnny Vicious - "Here With Me" Operatica - "Melancholy Rose (Richie Santana's Anthem mix)" Delerium - "Innocente (DJ Tiësto remix)" Pusaka - "You're the Worst Thing for Me (DJ Irene & the Evolution P.H.D. remix)" Two Phunk D-Lux - "Night Out" CZR & ITO - "Bring in the Funk" Raoul Zerna - "Feel tha Funk" Proton 2 meets Monie - "Higher (Tony B remix)" Hatiras - "Space Invaders (Hatiras' 2nd Encounter mix)" Static Revenger - "Happy People" Roger Sanchez - "Another Chance" Kings of Tomorrow - "Finally" Exodus - "Real Close"
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