#todoroki x reade
mielplante · 1 year
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hotwings kissing to cope with the latest mha chapters ah-ah
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dabislittlemouse · 11 days
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So.. fanfics writers… *rubs hands menacingly*
400 notes · View notes
cakeartontheside · 3 months
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bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway
remake of these pics from 2017-2018
do not edit, copy or repost. i do not grant permission for ai training in any way, shape or form
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yugiohz · 2 years
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idk i think they're equally annoying roommates
2K notes · View notes
emotionalmessss · 1 year
Diabolical Dealings
A/N: first time writing Shigaraki, I tried my best. I probably neglected Dabi a little too much and made Shigaraki absolutely disgusting. This was wayyy longer than I intended. No beta read, non-canon plot (ish).
Synopsis: reader is a police officer and stumbles into something she shouldn't have. Dabi x Shigaraki x Reader
Warnings: where do I even start lol. Heavy non-con, humiliation, implied murder, kinda violence/blood, shigaraki is gross (sorry), implied kidnapping, yandere (kinda?), spit, forced orgasm, oral, threesome. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Word count: 10.2K
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A gust of wind whistled across your face, making your eyes flutter shut as dirt and stray newspapers skidded along the sidewalk. Despite the frigid air that enveloped your body within seconds - you were boiling hot. Your skin was coated in a thin layer of sweat, dripping over your furrowed brow and down to the pavement. It was shortly after twelve in the morning and you had just begun your nightly rounds of your assigned area. It was cold and dark. Your path is barely illuminated by the flickering street lights and LED store signs. It was only enough to see a couple yards in front of you, everything else hidden by the eerie shadows of darkness. 
There were hundreds of other things you’d rather be doing right now; staying home with a microwavable meal on your lap while you watched your favorite show was one of them. Being called in and roaming the streets was last on your list of things to do on a Friday night. 
Your phone rang an hour ago while you were occupying your time being curled up on the couch, with a hot bowl of curry beside you. You had just begun to settle down, only to get interrupted. 
You knew you had to answer when you saw the Chief’s caller ID reflect onto your gloomy face. 
Begrudgingly, you answered. His voice was stressed when he asked if you could come in for the night, explaining that there had been a few more attacks than usual tonight, and that the Heroes needed the extra hands to apprehend the villains they defeated. 
Reluctantly, you agreed. You weren’t a fan of working nights and opted for working days to lessen the hassle of transporting villains back to headquarters, where they would be dealt with before they were shipped off to Tarturus. It was a relatively easy job during the day, but the night only amplified the difficulty. With limited civilians and heroes, you had to be extra cautious.
If it wasn’t your deep admiration and dedication to the job - you would’ve said no. But alas, here you were, fulfilling your duties in the dead of night. 
“How are you holding up, (last name)?” A muffled voice filtered through your radio, startling you slightly as you reached to unclip it from your belt. 
You backed up towards a brick wall, casting a few glances around before you answered your partner. “I’m fine. Doing one final sweep before I head over to Endeavor and Jeanist.” You radioed back. “Are you alright?” 
“Relax, (last name). You’re doing great.” You thought the shake in your voice was hidden by your false sense of confidence, but your partner saw straight through the mask. “I’m catching up with Gum soon. Almost finished my rounds too.” 
You sighed, closing your eyes and wiping the sweat from your forehead. You were too tired for this shit. You wanted to meet up with Endeavor and Jeanist, sooner rather than later. They were Pros and had quirks, unlike yourself. Better yet, you just wanted to finish the assignment and retreat back to the safety of your apartment.  
“(last name)? Are you there?” He asked, your shaky hands clinging to the small device as your brain kicked back in to register his words. 
“Sorry, I’m here.” You swallowed. “That’s good. We’ll meet up later? Maybe grab a coffee after the shift change?” You perked up, knowing how desperate your body was for some liquid fuel right about now. 
“You bet your fucking ass we will. Radio me if you need anything. I’ll be around.” He buzzed out, leaving nothing but the sound of static sizzling in the air. 
You clipped your radio back to your belt, still resting against the bricks to give your tired feet a chance to recuperate. You’re doing great. You’re doing great. You’re going to be fine. Everything is okay. You repeated the reassurances in your mind, forcing yourself to calm down. 
You pushed yourself up, brushing out the crinkles that formed in your uniform and started to press on. The sound of your footsteps echoed as you walked along the pavement, your head turning to give quick glances down the alleyways and side streets. Nothing out of the ordinary caught your attention, which seemed strange considering the Chief explicitly said tonight was unusually active. 
You chalked it up to the increased presence of the heroes, knowing that most small-time villains would avoid these areas because of them. They never lingered in one place for too long. The fear of catching the attention of a Pro and getting apprehended usually deterred them. Granted, it wasn’t out of ordinary for a smaller villain to test their luck and linger about anyways. They usually opted for petty crimes like vandalism and theft, which would make for quick escapes if needed. There was no shortage of those types, unfortunately. 
Despite this, you noticed there wasn’t much of a disturbance tonight. You certainly weren’t complaining, but the anxiety continued to gnaw in the back of your head. You were specifically on edge since there was so little happening in your area. That could mean one or two things; the heroes scared all of them away, or that there was a bigger threat lurking about. 
Villains were similar in their enjoyment of public disturbance, wreaking havoc, and causing panics. But not all Villains were the same. The ones that committed thought-out malicious crimes usually deterred the pettier Villains. There’s always bigger fish in the ocean.           
But what would you know? You weren’t an expert, but you had picked up on a few things from your years in the field. Your skilled understanding of villains kept you alive, but you weren’t going to gamble with it.  
You’re doing great. You’re doing great. You repeated, changing the subject in your mind to something a little more pragmatic. You weren’t about to ruin your streak of luck with your panicked thoughts. You continued on, looking forward to the coffee stop you promised your partner. You hoped that when you met up with Endeavor and Jeanist, that they’d just send you off home, but those chances were slim. 
You’re doing great. You’re doing great. You hummed to yourself as you rounded a corner, poking your head out to give a quick check. 
“I’m not wasting my time on these pieces of trash. They make for better kindling than recruits.” You heard a deep voice rasp from afar. The sound came from afar and echoed off the tall brick walls, which made it even more difficult to distinguish.  
A civilian? You thought, furrowing your brows. Maybe? But why would they be wandering in an alley at this time of night? They didn’t sound too friendly either. You gripped onto the edge of the wall, tilting your head in the direction of the barely audible voice. 
“Can’t be surprised, this world is rotting from the inside and it makes me sick.” The second voice was higher pitched and much more strained than the first. 
Your subconscious must have realized that they were a threat before your mind could, because you felt a tingle run down your spine and goosebumps crawl up your neck. Definitely not friendly.  
You could hear the first man scoff and what sounded like footsteps, but nothing else. It appeared that they were retreating deeper into the alley to continue their conversation. You weren’t too keen on the idea of finding out where they were going - or what they were doing. Deciding that it was better to not push your luck, you backed away from the entrance and reached for your radio. 
You weren’t a detective, and you weren’t about to start acting like one just because you were curious. You needed to radio your partner and inform him immediately on what you stumbled upon, even if you weren’t sure what you found. They could just be some lowly villains, but you had a protocol to follow. 
Moving further away from the opening and deeming yourself to be at a safe distance, you pulled out your radio. 
“Sam?” You whispered, bringing the device up with shaky fingers. “Are you there?” 
There was a hiss of static in response and you slapped your palm over the speaker. 
“Sam?” You asked again, your voice sounding a little more desperate as you waited for a response. It couldn’t be helped, but you were beginning to feel a little anxious. It wasn’t like him to leave you hanging like this, especially for a night like this. He made it a habit to always pick up when you called. 
There was an off chance that he was caught up in dealing with something, but you wanted nothing more than to hear him say anything. You rested your forehead on the tips of your fingers, letting out a shaky breath. Your mind wanted to be rational with the thoughts, but you couldn’t help the overwhelming sense of worry at his silence. 
Swallowing hard, you decided this was something you were going to have to deal with later. It would be better off to ignore the rest of your sweep and just meet back up later. “If you can hear this, I’m making my way back over to everyone. There w-” 
A sudden burst of blue flame erupted from the alley beside you, catching you off guard and forcing a scream out of your throat. Your radio slipped from your fingers and crashed onto the pavement, cracking from the blow. You narrowly dodged the attack - your legs reacting before your mind could even fully process the situation.You hit the ground hard but corrected yourself by rolling onto your knees and into a crouching stance. Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest as it started to pump faster at the wall of fire next to you. If you were a few seconds slower, then your entire side would have been fried. 
The muscles in your chest grew tight with each breath, forcing you into a state of hyperventilation. Move. Now! Your nerves ignited with a fury of terror and forced you out of your frozen state. You scrambled to your feet in less than a second and bolted down the sidewalk without a second thought. Heroes. Get to the heroes. You no longer cared about how loud your footsteps were, since whoever attacked you knew exactly where you had been. You were positive that if they wanted to kill you, they would’ve. They wanted you to run, and you were going to do just that. 
If it weren’t for the fear, you surely would have collapsed. You never ran faster in your life till now and you didn’t stop, even when your lungs started to burn and ache. You had to keep going. That fire quirk was a long ranged attack, which was bad as is. You didn’t want to waste time dwelling on catching your breath. 
The muscles in your legs strained as you bolted down the sidewalk, pumping them as fast as they would allow. Your breathing was uneven, borderline hyperventilating due to your climbing fear. The adrenaline was enough to keep you going, passing by several side streets and alleys as you tried to put some distance between yourself and your assailant. 
You wiped your eyes, which were stinging with sweat and momentarily blinding you. 
“Where ya’ going in such a rush, doll?” The voice sounded bored, uninterested really. 
You skidded to a stop, feet sliding against the pavement in attempts to slow yourself. Your gaze moved up to follow where the sound was coming from, noticing a man resting lazily against an alleyway entrance. Your eyes widened and your lips parted to let out a surprised puff of air. You were not expecting the man to catch up to you so quickly, let alone be in front of you. This certainly took you by surprise and you felt yourself take a precautionary step backwards.
He held out a singular finger with a blue flame hovering at the tip of it, flicking his eyes back and forth between you and the subtle glow. You could barely make out his features, only a hint of light being emitted from his index. You did, however, notice the textured skin that was stapled together with the living skin. It couldn’t be. You thought as another wave of panic rushed over you. 
He must have noticed your realization because you saw him smirk wildly before extinguishing the flame in his fist. 
Engulfed in darkness, you turned and sprinted away. Your body once again acted on impulse as you ducked into the alley beside you. No. You weren’t going to die. You thought. This wasn’t going to be your end. You promised your partner that you would have coffee together. You promised to visit your parents more. You still had your whole life ahead of you. You weren’t going to die . 
With as much speed as your body could handle, you ran deeper into the dark unknown. You knew that you had to get back to the Pros, but whether or not you’d be able to was inconclusive. Your main focus was escaping, but it seemed easier said than done. Nonetheless, you carried on, jumping over stray bags of garbage and debris. 
The sound of your thumping footsteps were loud, but your heart hammering against your rib cage was even louder. The organ pumped viciously to fuel your aching limbs with blood, even reaching up to thud in your ear canal. It was only when your eyes landed on a second shadow emerging from the darkness that you spun back around. No. This wasn’t happening. Your feet slid out from under you at the sudden movement, but you quickly corrected yourself, spinning on your heels and darting back towards the mouth of the alley. You ran blindly, in hopes of getting away from both assailants.  
You glanced back, noting the shadow stalking after you. No. He wasn’t in a rush. He was taking his time chasing you. His pace was slow and intimidating, purposely drawing out every ounce of fear that he could produce from you. It was only then when you realized your mistake. Your attention returned to the freedom which was illuminated by the flickering street lights. You were just shy of reaching it, maybe a few meters or so. You can do this.  The dim light faded as a large figure stepped in front of it, blocking the exit and causing you to gasp. Fuck! Your body was moving fast - too fast for you to stop yourself in time.  
The man made no sound as you collided head on with his body, dull pain shot up your chest, making you yell out in surprise. Instinctively, you tried to pull away, fear fuelling your body into clawing and fighting back. His arm wrapped around your waist and tugged you closer, holding you still against him. His other hand grabbed a hold of your flailing wrist, keeping it planted against his chest in some sort of stance that could only be compared to two lovers embracing. 
“Let go of me!” You whined, only to feel his grip tighten. 
You looked up at him with widened eyes, finally getting a good view of him. You really wished you hadn’t. Your eyes scanned over his face, noting all the scar tissue he had beneath his eyes and along his jawline. The damaged skin was stapled together with the healthy parts, creating some sort of ugly patchwork job. It was also the first time you had been this close to him, and you never realized just how warm he actually was. He heated your skin up like a furnace, warmth seeping out of his clothes and into yours. 
Dabi. You heard about him, or rather, read. His pictures were plastered all over the newspapers in Japan. 
One side of his lips curled upwards as he looked down his nose at you. You couldn’t tell if he was smirking or snarling at you, but you didn’t really care. You began writhing in his grasp. You kicked at his shins and punched his chest with your free hand, attempting to twist out of his hold. 
He didn’t even flinch at your attacks, his only reaction was to laugh at you. His chest rumbled as he kept you pinned, sending a wave of nausea up to your throat. Your face twisted up in anguish, gasping as you placed a hand onto his chest to shove him off. He was hot. So hot . 
“Let go of me!” You repeated again.  
Seeing how your punches weren’t doing much - you opted for crying out and raking your nails down his chest, catching and pulling on his staples. This time, he let out a low hiss and let go of your waist, moving to grab your other wrist to stop your assault. 
“Aren’t you a little treat.” He rasped. His eyes narrowed down to yours, turquoise orbs watching as you tried to take a step back, so you were no longer touching him. He didn’t seem to care for your distaste, knowing that there wasn’t anything for you to do. 
You gave him a frightened look, brows pulling together as you looked up at him. You had seen him in the newspapers before, but he was even more terrifying up close. His staples reflected in the moonlight, and his eyes were practically glowing. While he was looking at you with a lazy expression - you could see hints of something you couldn’t quite place. Excitement? Boredom?   There wasn’t much time for you to contemplate your next moves, because he was already spinning you around. His chest pressed into your back, while your arms were twisted across your torso, effectively pinning you. 
It took you a couple seconds to stabilize yourself, blinking rapidly as you tried to adjust your swaying vision. The fear crawled up your esophagus, threatening to drown you as you became overwhelmed with terror. Calm. Calm. You repeated in your head. Slipping into a panic attack would do little good in your situation, but managing your nervous system was always a challenging task.  
“Relax, doll, I got you.” Dabi’s words provided you no comfort - instead, adding fuel to your hysterics. 
Your attention snapped back to the end of the alley when you heard a second set of footsteps approaching. Dabi and your fear kept you facing forward as the second figure sauntered towards you. Pale blue shaggy hair was the first thing you noticed, along with the vibrant red shoes that stuck out like a sore thumb in the darkness. You couldn’t really see his eyes, which were blocked by his mop of hair, but you knew that he was staring right at you. His steps reverberated around you - each syllable striking more fear in your heart. It felt like you were counting down the moments to your demise, unable to stop the shiver rolling down your spine. Instinctively, you inched backwards, a pitiful attempt of escape that only drew you closer into Dabi. Your back pressed into his chest, so close that you could feel every grove and staple on him. 
The man in front continued honing in on the two of you with precision and intent. Granted, you would have fought sooner if you weren’t so trapped in a daze. However, as the figure became clearer in your line of sight - your eyes settled upon his arms, which were covered by hands that were severed at the wrist. Shigaraki. Reality came crashing down on your head like a ton of bricks. Your nerves coming back with a vengeance - lighting up with such a ferocious drive that you bucked back into Dabi. 
“Looks like we’ve caught ourselves a little mouse.” Shigaraki snickered. He halted his movements, hands placed inside his pockets as he studied you. His eyes trailed up and down your figure, as if he were trying to gauge whether or not you were truly a threat. With your cowering expression and quivering form - it was obvious that you weren’t. You were a poor little cop, just trying to get through a shift, and had the back luck of stumbling into something you shouldn’t have. Stupid girl. 
You knew the full extent of how much danger you were in right now, the terror creeping into your bloodstream and controlling every aspect of your being. No matter how many hours of briefing and training you had received, you couldn’t ever be prepared enough to handle this. Part of you prayed that your partner - no, the Heroes - would come to your rescue. You knew this wasn’t a situation you could handle on your own, it never was to begin with. 
Beneath the mess of hair, his red eyes were almost glowing as looked down at you, mixing with both disinterest and disgust.You inched back slightly, as if the few centimeters would actually protect you from whatever they were going to do. It was a weak attempt that only drew you closer to Dabi - who merely glanced down his nose at you.
Dabi could practically feel the terror radiate off you as he held you, knowing fully that you were thinking of every possible outcome. He noticed you had been shaking before, but with Shigaraki closing the distance on you, your body was almost vibrating as you pushed yourself flush against him. It was entertaining in a sense - you were so scared of Shigaraki that you resorted to gluing onto him for refuge.     
“I don’t think she likes you very much. She’s shaking like a leaf.” Dabi bent down closer to you as he spoke, but his words were not intended for you, instead they were directed at Shigaraki. 
“Are you scared of Shigaraki, doll?” You can feel his nose prod into the side of your head as he continues to taunt you. 
Your body stiffens but you don’t give him a response. You were absolutely horrified. But you feared that displaying any more emotion would further instigate the situation. You could only pray that they just wanted to freak you out a bit, and then hopefully let you go. However, the instincts in your gut and the way they were both looking at you told you otherwise. 
“That’s too bad, isn’t it? ” Shigaraki caught your attention as he scratched his neck, eyes boring down onto yours. You swallowed hard and forced yourself to stare back, watching as his blunt nails raked down the dry skin of his neck. “She brought this on herself by meddling in things that don’t concern her.” He looked up to Dabi for a brief second, silently communicating something you couldn’t understand till the last moment. 
Oh, no. You repressed a shudder as Shigaraki looked back down at you, the scar on his lips twitching as he smirked.  
Before you could respond - or even blink for that matter, Dabi released your arms and shoved you towards his leader. Your arms shot out in attempts to brace yourself as your feet tripped up beneath you, unable to keep pace with the sudden force. A tiny gasp slipped past your lips as you fell forward and into Shigaraki. This is it . You thought. Your eyes slammed shut as you awaited for the embrace of death, expecting to be turned to dust as soon as he touched you.  
But you didn’t. 
Instead, you found his arms encircled around your waist, pinkies raised to prevent the accidental use of his quirk. You let out a puff of air as your cheek sandwiched against his chest, instantly engulfed with the odor of musk. With your arms completely immobilized between his body and yours - you couldn’t pry yourself away. 
“Please. Let me go. I d-didn’t hear or see anything.” You sucked in a shaky breath as you began to plead for mercy. Inadvertently, you sniffed the material that you were pressed against, letting out a strangled cough at the rancid smell that belonged to Shigaraki. Your face scrunched up with such distaste and anguish that even Dabi noticed. 
“She really doesn’t like you, eh? Just look at her. She looks like she’s going to puke.” Dabi chuckled at your expression, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket.  
You peered back at the flame Villain, almost as if you were trying to beg him to help. Silently, you tried to bargain for your life, casting a teary-eyed glance to Dabi. You knew this was futile, but you were willing to do just about anything to get away from Shigaraki and his destructive hands. Dabi barely gave you a second look, but knew instantly what you were trying to do. He kept his face impassive as he ignored your non-verbal pleas. There was no way he was going to help you in any way. 
You whimpered, turning away when you realized there would be no sympathy from him. Obviously. Instead, you managed to press your palms flat and hard into Shigaraki’s stomach, pushing lightly in hopes of creating some much needed distance between your body and his. 
“Is that right?” Shigaraki hummed and jerked you closer to him, seeing your fight as merely an annoyance rather than a threat. Your elbows buckled and you crashed into his body again. “The pretty little cop wants to get away from the disgusting villain?” He gritted as he felt the side of his neck prickle with an itch, the anger beginning to surface at your obvious revulsion of him. 
He’d gotten used to the disgusted and false pity stares that society condemned him to - but there was something about your pretentious attitude that irked and made him itch incessantly. The pitiful look on your face reminded him a little too much of how corrupt this world was and how much he wanted to destroy it all. It was clear to him that you absentmindedly aligned yourself with the same views of the Heroes - like a little puppy, blindly following orders from its master. Shigaraki’s thoughts were cruel as he conjured up ways to make you squeal like the pig you were. 
With a sadistic grin, his fingers reach towards your chin, gripping it between his thumb and index before tilting your head up to meet his gaze. You noticed he had rings of dry skin around his red eyes and lips, which were peeling, cracked, and had a scar straight across. It had to be a side effect of his quirk - something his body used as a coping mechanism. The sight of him brought you no comfort as you tried to wiggle out of his hold again, pushing at his torso with your palms when he lowered his head to your ear. 
“Careful now. You wouldn’t want all my fingers to accidentally touch you with all that squirming, now would you?” He drummed his fingers against your waist, timing it perfectly so that all five of his pale fingers wouldn’t come into contact with you. “It’s not a nice way to go, officer. Trust me, I’ve seen it.”
Your blood ran cold as you stilled yourself, paralyzed by his words and the feeling of his fingers thudding carefully against you. With one simple change in rhythm, you’d be dead. The thought of your life dangling in the arms of a murdering psychopath didn’t do any good for your state of mind. And neither did the sudden feeling of his lips pressing into your hair, which had come undone from its usual ponytail - thick locks tumbling out to frame your pretty face. 
“Oh, god. Please, just let me go.” You whispered, wide-eyed and begging.  
Shigaraki snickered at your frozen form and took his opportunity in making you feel uncomfortable. His nose poked against the side of your head as he took a deep breath in, shuddering at both the scent of your lingering shower products and your soft mewl of desperation. 
“I radioed my partner and he knows where I am. He’ll be here any minute now with backup. Please, let me go and no one has to get hurt.” You found yourself using a new tactic, one you hoped would buy you your freedom.  
Shigaraki snorted, blowing a puff of air into your hair. “Radio?” 
“It wouldn’t happen to be the same one I saw a few blocks back would it, doll?” Dabi spoke up suddenly. “The shattered one?” He teased with a knowing smile. 
Your body stiffened in Shigaraki’s arms and you swallowed. “Yes, that’s the one. It's a protocol for all of us to be in constant communication about our whereabouts. He knows exactly where I am.” You lied smoothly, keeping your face as neutral as you could. 
“I don’t think your partner, or anyone for that matter, will be coming for ya’.” Dabi pressed on, leaning lazily against the bricks as he eyed you. 
“You’re wrong. Sam will be-” You made the unfortunate mistake of saying his name, too wound up to stop yourself in time.  
Shigaraki started laughing suddenly, pulling his face away from you as he let out an unhinged cackle. Confusion washed over your features and you paused, unnerved by the high pitched sound from above you. 
“Saving you? Is that what you think?” Shigaraki’s voice was lowering in pitch as he calmed himself from his laughter. “You poor thing.” He mocked. “He couldn’t even save himself. It’s pathetic if you ask me!”
Within seconds, your demeanor had morphed into complete and utter hysterics upon hearing those words. You shook your head violently, fat tears beginning to gather in your eyes as you tried to come to grips with reality. 
“What? No. You’re lying. That can’t be…” You whispered as your head began to swirl with apprehension.  
“Did you wanna know how Sam cried and begged for his life before I decayed him? Choking and clawing at his own throat.” Shigaraki continued, his lips pulling into a manic smile as he watched the tears roll down your cheeks. 
“You’d think someone sworn to protect and serve the public would put up more of a fight, but no!” He took the chance to mock your employment motto with glee, shuddering at your look of despair. 
“Geez, you really are an ass.” Dabi mumbled with a roll of his eyes. Whether or not Dabi thought Shigaraki was pushing you too far was irrelevant, because in his own twisted sense - he was enjoying it. 
Shigaraki was too occupied by your suffering to pay Dabi any mind. 
“You’re fucking insane! He was a good-” 
“Good or bad, you and heroes still thrive on violence, just like us. Only difference being that the Heroes are filled with empty ideologies and a false sense of justice that make them foolishly believe that they’re society’s guardians. it's disgusting .” His voice ascended in pitch as he spit the words out like they were poison. 
You had been staring blindly at your feet as Shigaraki tormented you with his words. Despite your unmoving stance, your vision swam and clouded with tears. You could barely keep yourself upright as you tried to clear your head. It felt like you were drowning. The muscles in your throat tightened with each swallow. Gone, your partner was gone. Every fiber in your body wanted you to run, scream, and cry, but you remained still and unmoving. 
Oddly enough, the sadness in your body began to shift into something more akin to rage. It felt like the switch inside your brain had flipped and you were overwhelmed with cool, shivering hatred. It was all too much. Shigaraki’s hands are still grasping onto you and Dabi’s cool eyes are studying you, but you feel a drift from your body, as if you were just an onlooker. 
Murderers. They were murderers.  
For the first time in your life, you felt your resolve crumble. You wanted them dead. You wanted them to suffer. They didn’t deserve to be walking and breathing, when your partner was a pile of dust in one of these alleys. He didn’t deserve to die, but they did .  
“All quiet now aren’t-” 
“What would a villain know about justice? You murdered an innocent man!” You spat, craning your neck to glare right at him. Shigaraki glanced back down at you, not expecting you to speak. “Destruction follows everywhere you go; killing, stealing, and thriving on fear you cause. And you’re delusional enough to think we’re disgusting?” You hissed up at him with so much anger that your body shook. “We protect-” 
You screeched when a hand weaved through your hair, suddenly jolting your head back to an unnatural angle. Your neck strained in this position, feeling as if the bones would snap if you didn’t follow his movements. Your pupils blew wide as Shigaraki leered over you and seethed with anger, his extended pinky shaking as he looked to be fighting the urge to dust you. His jaw was clenched as his wild eyes locked onto you. Still angry, you repressed the urge to spit in his face. 
“It seems like you’ve forgotten who’s in charge here. You better tread carefully bitch, I’ve killed people for less.” He sneered as his grip tightened to make his point. “You’re stuck living in a fairy tale, unable to see the corruption and rot that your system has caused.” Droplets of spit hit your face as he spoke, rutting his hips against your own to gain back the upperhand in this situation. He wasn’t about to let some idiotic brat like you outsmart him. No. He was the one in charge here. He had all the power. And he was going to make sure you knew it.   
Dabi sighed, wanting to speak up before Shigaraki lost complete control and decided to dust you. “The Heroes will fall from their pedestals, even if we have to knock them down one by one.” 
You kept your eyes locked with Shigaraki, challenging him silently. You were certainly playing with fire right now, but your mouth was operating on its own accord, not even the lingering threat of turning to dust able to stop the words from coming out. 
“The only ones who will fall are y-” 
Your voice cut short as Shigaraki sloppily collided his mouth with yours. The awkward action took you by surprise and you gasped against him. Instantly, you were swarmed with his stale breath and cracked lips, planting your fists onto his chest to push him away. He groaned into you and you could tell he was unskilled by the way he messily moved his lips and prodded you with his tongue. The kiss was wet and warm, liquid building up in your tear ducts as you squirmed violently. You had emotional whiplash at the situation, as you were positive he was itching to kill you just a few moments ago, and now he was slobbering all over your mouth. 
You caught his bottom lip between your teeth and bit down hard . The skin broke beneath the pressure, your mouth immediately filling up with the bitter taste of his blood as it pooled onto your tongue. 
Shigaraki released your hair with a feral growl. It was his turn to be surprised at your brazen behavior, stepping back slightly as his fingers touched his chin before examining the liquid dribbling down his chin. 
You glared back at him and against your better nature, you spat the remaining blood in your mouth, hitting the pavement near his feet. “You’re nothing but a petulant little child - crying and whining when you don’t get your way. It’s pathetic.” You hissed, wiping your chin with the back of your hand.   
Shigaraki looked at you through rage filled eyes. He should have expected this reaction from you, but figured that you were more bark than actual bite. His chest rising and falling at a pace that indicated he was ready to kill. He could feel every nerve in his body buzzing with adrenaline and anger, aching to pounce and watch your body crumble to dust. Oh, he was going to make you regret that.  
“You’re in trouble now, little bitch. I’ll bring you to heel like I should’ve done from the start.” His lips pulled back into a snarl as he stepped forward. 
You could see the malicious glee radiate from his darkened gaze, forcing you to take a step back to avoid it. He could’ve caught you in a mere second, but he found pleasure in your look of anger quickly turning into fear as he matched your retreating steps. Shigaraki could practically feel the anxiety coming off your body in waves, sending a sickening shudder down his back. He didn’t usually find pleasure in anything besides destruction and death, but there was something about you that made him want to savor this - despite your bratty demeanor and fake brave facade. 
He giggled - high pitched and threatening as he advanced on your trembling form. He never found close contact to particularly be one of his favorites, but he’d make an exception just for you. Shigaraki knew there was no escape for you, which was emphasized by Dabi creeping forwards. 
“Get away from me, freak!” You shrieked out of surprise, too focused on Shigaraki closing in on you to notice that Dabi had settled behind you again. 
He wasn’t going to let crusty have all the fun, that just wouldn’t do.    
“Ah, ah ah. You aren’t thinking of running again are you, doll?” Dabi rasped and you instinctively spun around to face him, meeting his crooked smirk with a grimace of your own. 
Dabi stepped forward suddenly, and you stumbled back, brain swimming before you realized Shigaraki was directly behind you now. He took this opportunity to catch you by the collar of your uniform, all five fingers coming into contact with the soft fabric. The material instantly began to unravel and disintegrate into thin air, leaving you in nothing but your bra and a thin layer of dust. 
“What are you doing!” You cried out, backing away into the wall between them. Your hands covered your chest in attempts to protect your modesty. Your breathing only escalated at this point, your bare chest doing little to hide the rise and fall of your panicked state.
Both men scan over you, but it's the feral look in Shagaraki’s eyes that scare you the most. You back against the wall, leaning away as he takes slow paces towards you. He hated you, you knew that, but there was a lingering appearance of longing hidden deep within his crimson eyes. It was terrifying when he was angry, since it was so clearly displayed, but this was something completely different. This lustful expression was chilling, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. 
Shigaraki continued until he was only a few inches in front of you, his ebony fingers reaching out to touch your face. His gaze followed the swell of your breasts for a moment, before settling back up to your face. You thought your heart was about to explode out of your chest when you watched Shigaraki’s tongue wet his dry lips. He didn’t need to say anything for you to understand this action, and you started to feel light headed. Your hand balled up into a white-knuckled fist, pulling back slowly to hit his smug face. 
Dabi must have had an idea of what you were about to do, because he launched forward and caught your wrist, ending your attempt prematurely with a click of his tongue.  
“As much as I would’ve loved to see that, I don’t think it would be wise, doll.” Dabi wrenched your arm back down to your side and placed himself behind you - standing guard with his hands on your shoulders, in case you decided to try it again. 
Sandwiched between the two villains, Shigaraki grinned as he moved to run his hands along your waist, his pinkies rising just above your shivering skin. “If you don’t drop that attitude, I’ll have to force it out of you, sweetheart.” You much preferred when he called you a bitch, or anything besides that sick term of endearment. 
You held yourself straight, begrudgingly allowing his fingers to trace small patterns. You focused on keeping your face straight and looking directly past him as if he weren’t even there. Shigaraki noticed this and became slightly annoyed at your ignorance. This just wouldn’t do. His palm rested flat against the material of your bra, dusting it just like he had done with your shirt. 
A soft sound rumbled in your throat and your eye twitched, but otherwise you said nothing. You’re going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. You chanted to yourself, repeating the reassuring words to ground yourself. 
Dabi laughed. “Stubborn little thing isn’t she?” He settled his chin in the crook of your neck, causing you to try and shift away, which succeeded in little as Dabi wrapped his hand around your throat. “It looks like we’re gonna have to show ya’ some manners, doll.”
“She’ll learn.” Shigaraki tipped your jaw up with a single finger, watching you through his lashes.  
“Don’t touch me.” Shigaraki crouched down, his face level with your stomach. He paid no attention to you as he pressed his tongue flat against your stomach, feeling you shrink back and let out a sharp exhale. 
Wet, hot trails of saliva littered up your torso as he dragged the muscle all over your skin. You did your best to remain still at his assault - commanding your body to adhere to your orders had never been such a struggle till now. You had been managing fine, until you felt his tongue prod closer to the top lining of your jeans. The appendage was too close for your liking, resulting in your hips unconsciously shifting backwards from the searing heat.  
Dabi let out a pained groan when your ass came into contact with his erection. The brief contact made him twitch and his hand tighten around your neck. He watched you out of the corner of his eye, noticing that you were biting your lip. With his free hand, he pushed the stray hairs away and settled his lips against the curve of your neck. You had been so focused on Shigaraki that you nearly forgot about him - jumping slightly as he pressed open mouthed kisses at the base of your neck. 
While the action was not welcomed, the feeling of his lips against your skin made your head fall back into his shoulder. Satisfied with your reaction, Dabi let out a breathless laugh. You could feel the moisture of his breath on your neck, making your eyes flutter shut. 
Shigaraki peaked up at you, grinning devilishly as he moved to grab your breasts. His thumbs ran over your peaked nipples before he latched his mouth onto one of them. His tongue flicked over the sensitive skin, causing you to push your chest closer to him. Shigaraki hummed to himself, hollowing out his cheeks to leave dark bruises. He couldn’t hold back the saliva that pooled in his mouth and instead, he let it collect all over your skin. He’d make sure you’d regret calling him disgusting. 
“Stop that!” You snapped your head downwards to glare at Shigaraki - narrowly missing Dabi’s head in the process. 
Shigaraki pulled away with a giggle, a line of spit connecting his lips to your nipple. “And what makes you so confident to tell me what to do?” He stood to his full height now, towering over you and causing you to bump back into Dabi. “The pretty little cop, all alone with the ugly villains, thinking she can give demands.” Five fingers skimmed across your pants, making them crumble to another pile of dust at your feet. 
Your eyes met with Shigaraki, who let out another snort of a laugh. “Don’t move now, I’d hate to ruin the fun by accidentally killing you.” He teased, his fingers looping under the band of your panties as he pulled them down your legs. 
His fingers skimmed down your thighs to prove his point, and he began to kiss and lick at your skin, noticing that you were trembling now. With your panties out of the way, he brought them up to his nose and sniffed at the center, his eyes shutting at your tangy odor. You almost keeled over at the sight below you, but Dabi kept you upright with a sharp tug.   
“You’re not keeping those are you, creep?” Dabi asked, his lips curling back at Shigaraki’s actions. 
“Shut up and hold her still, crispy.” He shot back, tucking the last piece of clothing you wore into his pocket with an annoyed growl.  
Dabi rolled his eyes and reached around to grab onto your waist, steadying you as Shigaraki lifted your leg up. You swayed slightly and took hold of Dabi’s forearm, your nails digging into his coat as you tried to balance yourself. 
“I got ya’, relax.” He spoke, annoyance riddled in his voice. 
Shigaraki moved his attention to your cunt, which you tried to hide by shuffling your foot inwards. He didn’t mind nor care for your refusal, noting that he would deal with it later. He was too consumed with lust and excitement, drool beginning to pool on his tongue at the sight of your mound. 
“You sick fuck. You’re not act-” Shigaraki gave you no time to protest as he dove mouth first into your cunt. He latched onto you, his tongue awkwardly poked around at your folds, almost like he didn’t quite know what he was doing. Nonetheless, the sudden intrusion caught you by surprise, causing you to snap your jaw shut. 
You could feel his lips curve upwards, the taste of you sending a spike of blood to the tip of his cock. His mouth moved messily against you, sucking in attempts to get more of that sweetness he craved. It was pure bliss. He never imagined you’d taste this good.  
His tongue swept up to your clit, which caused you to flinch. He repeated the motion again, this time circling harder over it. You keened into his mouth, involuntarily letting out a small moan at the feeling. Shigaraki snickered against you, focusing his assault on that same spot which made you flutter and gasp. He propped your leg further up, gaining better access to the gathering heat of your pussy. 
“Oh, god. S-stop-” You blubbered, arching back. 
The sound of your whimpers and soaking heat made him growl, he wanted nothing more than to replay those pretty sounds over and over. His face pressed harder into you, quickly learning where to focus his tongue to make you cry out and gush over his mouth. Your lips parted into an ‘O’ as your hips unconsciously bucked into his face, taking Shigaraki by surprise at your sudden eagerness. 
His tongue lapped over your clit a few more times before he buried it into your hole, tasting and sucking the slick that dribbled out. This time, you moaned louder. Shigaraki sucked and lapped at you, drawing out noises that you’d never thought would come out of you. You could feel just how wet you were getting, the skin of your cheeks flushed with a bright blush, stinging beneath your eyes as you soaked his face. 
“That’s it, doll. Let it all out.” Dabi began kneading the flesh of your breast as he cooed softly in your ear. His own erection was straining against the front of his pants, poking you in your rear each time you moved. 
Shigaraki placed two bony fingers at your entrance before shoving them in hard and fast. His knuckles slammed into you as he fully sheathed himself inside, drawing out a sharp cry. You were not prepared for this and you felt yourself clamp down hard. He continued to slurp at your clit, enjoying the feeling of his fingers barely fitting. He pulled his fingers out slowly, watching his fingers shine bright with your slick. 
“You’re pretty soaked for someone who doesn’t want this.” He examined his scissoring fingers, slick connecting his pale digits together before he licked them clean. “You like my ugly face buried in your sweet cunt, don’t you?” Shigaraki placed a chaste kiss on your thigh.  
“How’s that ego doing now?” Dabi teased, pinching hard at your nipples. “You’re gushing all over that creep.”  
You gritted your teeth together in humiliation. You didn’t know if it was Shigaraki’s or Dabi’s taunting that sent you over the edge. Either way, it was Dabi who was going to suffer. You snapped your head back to connect with Dabi’s chin, eliciting a sickening crack at the sudden contact. He didn’t expect you to pull such a stunt, especially now of all times. He let out a deep snarl of anger that vibrated against your back, before releasing his hold on you. 
“How’s your face?” You hissed back, struggling to keep yourself steady. The rattling in your skull didn’t help your now wavering balance, as you were still standing on one leg. 
Even with your pussy hovering only a few inches in front of his leader - you were still acting like a brat. Dabi glanced at Shigaraki, who was watching you closely before nodding towards Dabi.  
“Down, bitch.” Dabi growled. 
Simultaneously, Dabi kicked the back of your knee with his booted foot and Shigaraki let go of your leg. Your knee immediately buckled and you let out a cry of surprise as you lost your balance. Your hands shot out in attempts to stop yourself from falling, but you were too late. You collapsed to the floor, landing hard on your knees before Dabi kicked you into Shigaraki’s lap.  
Once again, he caught you, glancing down at you with a smile as you tried to peel yourself off his body.  
“It’s game over now, brat.” You continued to struggle in his hold, your palms lifting up to push at his shoulders, but Shigaraki was quick to catch you. His slender fingers wrapping around the back of your neck and tilting his head to give you one last look before forcing your face to his groin. 
Despite his lanky appearance, he was quite strong and easily managed to subdue you. Your eyes squeezed shut as Shigaraki let out a low groan, reveling in your helplessness and the feeling of your nose pressing against his clothed erection. Your fists dug into his thighs as you tried to push yourself up, your arms shaking in exhaustion.     
Shigaraki gave you another shove, forcing your head back down. “This is nice, don’t you think?” He rubbed small patterns in your hair, carefully tucking his thumb against his palm.  
Your eyes stung with tears of humiliation, your ass perched up perfectly for both his and Dabi’s enjoyment. Inadvertently, you breathed in, once again overwhelmed with his musky smell. You let out a quiet sob, the tears burning as they slid down your cheeks. 
“She looks much better from this angle.” You heard Dabi rasp from behind you.  
With the little strength you could manage from this angle, you turned your neck to look back at him. His attention was focused on the round of your ass, and you could see him palming the front of his jeans. The lewd action made you sob, which Dabi noticed and made him smirk. 
Shigaraki was studying you from above, his crimson eyes soaking in every bit of your reactions as he leaned back on his heels. Oddly enough, the look of disgust on your face managed to turn him on even more . His scarred lips cracked into an unnerving grin and he pulled you up by your hair to meet his gaze. 
“I want you to suck it.” He ordered. 
Your stomach dropped at his words and you felt the tears finally start to stream down your cheeks. “Please…” He gave you no time to beg, already stripping himself free of his pants and guiding you down. 
You find yourself hovering directly above his cock, staring at it with widened eyes. You didn’t know he’d be this big. You swallow hard and tentatively reach out to stroke him, your fingers barely managing to wrap around his girth. He lets out a sharp hiss of air at the feeling of your soft hands and bucks forward. Another choked sob escapes your lips and your tears fall onto his legs as you continue to stroke slowly. 
Shigaraki lets out a disgruntled growl and tightens his grip on your hair. “I told you to suck it, idiot.” 
Shakily, you stick your tongue out and run it over the tip of his cock. The mix of his sweaty skin and precum leaves a salty taste on your tongue, making you cringe. Your mouth parts more as you try to adjust your jaw for his size, but Shigaraki was impatient. His hips suddenly jut forward and you gag, feeling his entire length force its way into your throat. Your hands slap against his thighs and you begin to breathe through your nose. Shigaraki lets out a low moan at your throat clenching around him. 
Tears blur your vision and snot runs down your nose. Shigaraki didn’t care, too wrapped up in the pleasure of your wet mouth sucking him off. You were his toy now, and he was going to do whatever he pleased with you. 
Dabi could feel his dick twitch with every whine and strangled gasp you made. The confinements of his jeans were getting a little too tight for his liking, so he made quick work of unbuckling his belt and freeing himself. He trailed two fingers up and down your slit, smirking as you slick gathered on his digits. A squeak traveled up your throat, muffled by Shigaraki’s cock stuffing it full as you felt Dabi’s fingers prod at you. 
“You’re drenched, doll. Are you enjoying this? Hm? Getting raped by two Villains at the same time?” Dabi’s fingers pushed past the tight muscle of your pussy, embedding them deep inside you. He curled his digits up and brought them in and out slowly, shuddering at your suffocating walls tightening around him. 
Your throat vibrated with a low moan, saliva pouring out the sides of your mouth as you could no longer hold it in due to the girth of Shigaraki’s cock resting against your tongue. 
“You’re so fucking tight, but don’t worry, I’ll stretch ya’ out.” His fingers left your sopping hole before you felt something much larger settle against you. Your eyes widened and you tried to pull away from both of them. 
Shigaraki hissed as your teeth grazed against him, the foreign feeling causing him to jerk forwards and deeper down your throat. You pitifully looked up at him, eyes bloodshot from crying and gagging. 
The distraction allowed for Dabi to plunge into you, fully bottoming out and slamming against your cervix. You immediately screamed, eyes wide and unseeing as your back bowed to the ground. 
“Fuck! That’s it.” Dabi had you by your hips, keeping you pinned while he rocked towards you. 
Your core burned in anguish, giving you barely any time to adjust to his size as Dabi’s cock dragged up and down your walls, moaning as your pussy greedily sucked him in. You felt like you were going to pass out, both of your holes stuffed beyond their limit and catching you out of breath. 
The sight almost made Shigaraki bust his load down your throat, but he managed to suppress it. He wasn’t about to prematurely end this little game just because he couldn’t control himself, so he pulled himself out of your mouth with a wet plop. The tip of his cock throbbed painfully, deepening in color with the amount of blood arousal pumping to the head.    
You gasped like a fish, gulping down as much air as your lungs could handle. Oxygen had never tasted quite so sweet until now, considering you were on the verge of passing out. Your hand shakily moved up to wipe your nose and mouth, grimacing when Dabi bottomed out again. Your chest bounced with the swift force, giving Shigaraki a clear view from above.   
“What a mess.” He kept his hands on your head, silently warning you not to move.
You struggled to keep pace as Dabi’s movements refused to slow. With your mouth freed, Dabi took the opportunity to make you scream. The enlarged head of his cock slammed back into your cervix, hitting a particularly sensitive spot that had you heeling over Shigaraki’s lap. You clawed at his thighs, digging your nails into his skin. 
“Please! It hurts!” You sobbed, but dared not to look back, knowing that you’d only make things worse for yourself. 
“Begging now?” Dabi grunts, “It’s not like you can do anything about it- just relax and enjoy it.” He says between breaths, struggling to keep his voice steady. The depth of his strokes make you cry, and you try to crawl away. You don’t get far, Dabi sees to that by dragging you back with a growl. 
“I-I can-can’t. Please, stop!” Dabi’s arm moves to cradle your stomach, his other hand dipping down to your cunt, eagerly searching for your clit. This angle only draws him in deeper, but the soft circles that his fingers trace along your clit lessen the pain. His steady rhythm and lingering heat of his fingers make it harder to control the building pressure. You weren’t sure who you hated more, Dabi or Shigaraki. Both of them could rot in hell .  
“Does that feel nice?” Shigaraki coos. The knotting in his stomach is calming down, and he's almost ready to watch you choke on his cock again, but your not so subtle attempts to hide your pleasure has him enchanted. The way your eyebrows twitch and mouth open in awe almost make him bust at the sight. 
Ever so slightly, he tilts your head up with a gentle tug. Obediently, you open your eyes, briefly noticing his scar twitch as he opens his mouth. A string of spit falls from his lips before you can close your mouth, landing on your tongue while the remnants drip down your chin. 
“Swallow it.” His eyes challenged. 
“Ngh-” Your eyes fluttered shut, throat clenching as you swallowed it back. Gross.  
“Good girl.” Shigaraki was done with his mind games. He lined himself back up, confident that he could last slightly longer. 
You granted him access, kissing and licking at him in hopes that he’d cum quick. Your tongue pressed flat on his underside, rubbing up and along the vein that thumped with each stroke. You knew he was getting close, and so were you. Dabi was working quicker on your clit, your body ignoring every cue from your brain to stop. You had no control, and felt the effects of your orgasm wash over you. You tensed, clenching down on Dabi and making him groan, eyes rolling back at the feeling. 
“That’s it, doll. You’re- gonna make me-” Dabi hissed, following your orgasm with his own moments later. He’s never come that fast before, and to be honest, he was a little embarrassed. 
You moaned, feeling the heat of his cum drench your insides. Hot. It was so hot . He twitched as he filled your pulsating cunt, drawing out a handful of curses from him. You cried out, muffled sounds escaping your mouth. Tears soaked your face as you rode out your high, feeling Dabi pull out of your sopping hole and release you. A mixture of his and your own cum ran down your thighs, causing you to shudder. He stayed behind you, in case you had any bright ideas while he was stuffing himself back into his pants. 
Shigaraki laughed, rutting himself against your face, taking you by surprise as your nose collided with his pubic bone. You let out a strangled cough, slamming your hands onto his thighs as you struggled to breathe through your blocked nose.
“I knew you’d be fun -ah- knew it.” Shigaraki pushed your head so far down that you gagged, tears overflowing and blurring your vision. 
His hips thrusted forward, releasing a low growl as he spilled himself down the back of your throat. You coughed, quickly swallowing it all back in fear of your body accidentally spitting it back up. It was salty, and felt heavy as it traveled down your throat and settled in your stomach.
The moment his hand left the back of your head, you threw yourself away and wiped your lips. There was a lingering taste of him invading your tongue, which you knew would take you months to wash away. 
Curled up against the wall, you shielded your head in your arms, tucking yourself behind your shivering form. You didn’t bother looking up when you heard their footsteps, instead, you remained still and awaited death. 
“It seems like your time wasn’t wasted afterall.” You heard the familiar rasp of Shigaraki. He wasn’t talking to you, but you could feel a tinge of something in your gut at his words. 
You felt something crouch beside you, peering over you like a hawk. You tilted your head slightly, glancing up at Dabi as he examined you. “Not the type of recruit I had in mind, but she’ll be useful.” He patted your head, brushing matts of hair away from your eyes. “In other ways.”
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todofics · 2 months
Off The Market | 1/6 | Todoroki Shoto x Reader
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♡ Summary: The Todoroki name had always borne a heavyweight amongst even society’s finest. When the family’s youngest son, and heir to the title, is forced into the marriage market, it’s no surprise that he quickly becomes the season’s most eligible bachelor—hoping to avoid marriage for at least one more season, who better than to circumvent the ton other than his long-time friend, you? 
♡ Content: regency au, fake-dating trope, aged-up characters, age gap (4 years), mutual pining, fem reader, fem pronouns, mature content in future chapters
♡  Author notes: I recently watched Bridgerton and fell in LOVE with it. Who can blame me though? Nicola Coughlan, you have my heart. Anyway, this is my little love letter to that obsession! 
♡ 1.6k words/est. 15k words (chapter ⅙)ˋ°•*⁀➷ Main Masterlist ♡  MHA Masterlist ♡ Story Masterlist ♡ Next
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Crystal chandeliers hung like constellations in the night sky, their scattering prisms causing the ballroom to glitter softly in its wake. As the rhythmic thuds of dance and orchestra filled the air, chatter flitted in the background. 
“Did you hear?” the Viscountess Ashido asked in a hushed tone, cheeks flushed a brilliant pink as she swirled her glass of wine. Despite it only being the first ball of the season, gossip spread like wildfire. The attention of the small group turned towards her as she continued to speak, “I hear Lord Todoroki is finally seeking to make a match.”
As you sipped on your lemonade, your ears perked at the sound of your best friend’s name. Shoto? Married? The thought made you snort internally. He never mentioned the prospect of marriage in their years of friendship - let alone in the last few months. If they truly knew the man, they’d understand that Shoto had always disdained society and its many traditions - offering himself out on the marriage market was simply… out of character. Then again, these rumors had been circulating every season since the man turned 22 (the year of your debut). It was a piece of gossip that was always best to ignore lest the man announce it himself. 
Still, even though most knew that rumors spread amongst the ton were often baseless (especially at an event this early into the season), those words always held particular weight. Even at a young age, Lord Todoroki always possessed an alluring sort of charm. From his dual-toned hair to his mysterious demeanor, Shoto’s presence commanded attention far before he stepped into society. Now, at 26, he had long lost all of his boyish features, his physique sharp and gaze undeniably melting. Somehow, with time, the already attractive boy only grew impossibly more magnetic. This, paired with his future inheritance of the Duke title, seemed to establish Shoto as the most eligible bachelor of each season - even if he was never officially on the market. 
“The Lord’s been ‘searching’ for a wife for four seasons now,” Lady Uraraka mentioned, not so swayed by the conversation. Her intentions had already long been set on the green-haired baron anyway. 
“I’ve heard nothing on the matter either,” you added, causing a few of your fellow debutantes to groan. If anyone were to know if Shoto was searching for a wife, surely it’d be you. 
The two of you had always been a rather interesting pair in the tons’ eyes. Having been friends since your younger years, they had assumed the year of your debut would lead to a proper courting from the male. However, each passing season made it evident that such a thing was far from reality. You and Shoto simply possessed a strong bond of friendship - something that both confused and delighted the debutantes as you settled on the outskirts of their group.
“No! This time, I hear it from the Duchess herself. The Duke intends to make arrangements unless Lord Todoroki makes his match this season,” Mina defended, adding more fuel to the fire. Duchess Todoroki herself had been speaking about it? 
After many social seasons spent in the countryside due to a proclaimed illness, the Duchess had only recently reappeared in court last year. This, of course, reignited old gossip surrounding her disappearance. After all, her first year gone coincided with the mysterious appearance of Lord Shoto’s now-defining mark. Thus, it was well-known by now that the Duchess kept to herself, her demeanor proving itself too delicate to get involved in spreading falsehoods. 
A frown etched across your face as you listened to the cheery pink-skinned debutante. Duchess Todoroki would never speak about such a thing unless it were true. While you knew Shoto was probably against the idea himself, a feeling of hurt still sank in your stomach as you wondered why the boy hadn’t told you. You considered him your best friend - and honestly, you thought he considered you his. Secrets like this ought to be shared.
Like wolves smelling fresh meat, mothers encouraged their daughters to accentuate their best features, readjusting their clothes and hair to make a good impression. Some of the more eager debutantes forewent this step, keen to catch the eye of the young Lord. They would stop at nothing to gain the upper hand, longing to become the center of his prospects. 
Suddenly, the room felt much too small, the heat sweltering as you excused yourself from the desperate group. You’d speak to Shoto later about his soon-to-be marriage.  Gliding across the room briskly, you quickly found the balcony door, stepping out and admiring the fleeting beauty of the garden below. The fresh air felt nice against your skin, the cooling sensation calming down the warmth in your cheeks. For now, all you needed to do was gather your senses - relax. Fanning yourself with fervor, your thoughts settled under the pale gleam of moonlight; eyes glazed over with careful consideration.
The sentiments that swirled within you made for great confusion. Irritation and… envy? Sure, the feelings of irritation were a given, but not once had you ever felt actual jealousy towards the man. Although you had always known Shoto to be an attractive man who would eventually marry, the thought of that happening so soon bothered you. You had grown used to the man’s constant presence in your life for years. With marriage on the horizon, that familiarity would simply have to die off - no bride-to-be would allow the future Duke to have such a close friendship with another woman.
Honestly, the situation was quite unfair. At your debut, speculations surrounding your relationship with the man had just about killed off any potential interest. Now, four seasons into your venture into the marriage market, your prospects had only grown slimmer. It rattled you that Shoto was seemingly leaving you behind. You clicked your tongue, attempting to snap out of the annoyed daze you were in. Unfortunately, this was just the reality of society. You’d simply have to succumb to your fate of loneliness. Maybe being a spinster won’t be so bad. 
Your thoughts were soon interrupted as the balcony door swung open, your gaze shooting back to see who it could be. “Found you,” Shoto flashed you a soft smile, his posture slightly hunched as he approached. It was clear that the advances of the debutantes had worn him out. He let the door shut behind him, opting to stand directly next to you despite the plethora of room the spacious balcony offered. 
“Lord Todoroki,” you replied, turning your attention to the glittering night sky. It was strange - that name felt so foreign coming from your lips. 
He frowned, “you know better than to call me that.” Shoto had always insisted on you calling him by his first name, and for the last few years,  you had relented (something you regretted now as his expression conveyed one of hurt). Still, you powered on, steeling your resolve. It would be best to distance yourself from the man now. 
With a soft laugh, you tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “I should get used to it - your future bride might not take so kindly to another woman calling your name.” His eyes widened briefly, hands clenched as he cleared his throat. Despite being outside, the air grew stiff, the tension so palpable you could cut it with a knife. 
 “That,” he paused, attempting to gather his thoughts, “is what I came out here to discuss.” Shoto’s social skills were mediocre at best, his awkward demeanor shining through the seriousness of his tone. You raised a brow, curious of what the man could possibly say.
“To discuss? You came out here to discuss your marriage prospects?” you asked with an incredulous tone, waiting for the man to get straight to the point. He shifted awkwardly, not used to receiving any sentiments of bitterness from your end. “You should have warned me.” 
Shoto shot you an apologetic look, “I… I was not aware myself until a fortnight ago,” he murmured. The situation pained him as well - despite his rapid approach to the average age of marriage, he still didn’t feel quite ready. “A fortnight? You should have written. That isn’t information you keep from your friends.” 
“I know,” Shoto acknowledged, taking a deep breath as he prepared himself for the spades of anger you were sure to cast. Instead, however, you surprised him. He should’ve known by now that he could never predict your actions.
“It’s fine.”
You had always been quite the firecracker -  your passion and zeal for life unmistakable. It was something Shoto had always admired about you; your enthusiasm balanced out his serious demeanor, allowing for a sort of yin-and-yang relationship. This relaxed response was unlike the you he had grown to know. 
“I am sorry,” Shoto said, mustering up every ounce of sincerity in his body. You sighed, unable to stay mad at the man for long, the years of friendship preparing you for his aloofness regarding social situations. “Really, I promise you it’s fine, let us move on from this topic,” you reassured. The thought of Shoto’s marriage prospects made you uncomfortable enough - it wasn’t something you particularly cared to converse about. 
Before he could let the topic change, Shoto turned to face you, his hands gently grasping your smaller ones as your jaw dropped in surprise. “Just… one more thing,” he started, voice wavering with nerves. 
“Allow me to court you.”
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piedpiperart · 2 years
Part Eight of Ghost Hero!
Part Seven (links soon)
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Part nine 
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simpee9000 · 9 months
Some of the BEST Works I've read
K. Bakugo-
Notion by strawberry-nugget
Southern Charm by willowser (such a good writer for bakugo)
good luck charm by yamigooops (i like cowboys)
Bakugo loving boobs
you only had to look at me by willowser pt 2
I. Midoriya
Diving by silver-weasel (so insanely good)
S. Todoroki
To Build a Home by shibaraki (all work by them is amazing u have to be 18+)
conspire by andypantsx3 a lot of their work is amazing, i suggest peaking for something you'll like
S. Gojo
Burn for you by nezuscribe (any of their fics are great!!! read em)
Go For It by tonycries Part 2
Best Friend's Brother by notiddygxthgf
Yuta Okkotsu
Don't have to Guess by lokissweater
M. Fushiguro
Thifted romance by riaki
P. Parker
The Last I Heard by webslingingslasher
Another good small(ish) fic by webslingingslasher (best peter parker fics)
in fact, here's their master list
literally cannot get over this fic by webslingingslasher
Secret Ingredient by ficthots
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emeraldfwooperfangirl · 2 months
Lost ao3 fic! Please help the re-reading cravings are bad 🥲
Hi! I need help looking for a DabiHawk fic, I unfortunately didn’t bookmark it nor write down the title.
In the story Dabi is captured by the Hero Commission, Hawks knows and finds out that they plan to use a quirk to try and force Dabi to tell them where the League is. The quirk in question puts Dabi in a coma and makes him trapped in a time loop in his mind, instead of going insane like predicted he starts to have fun with it, spends more time with the League, finds and reconciles with his siblings, admits his feelings to Hawks and even has a few encounters with Endeavor.
It gets to the point where he doesn’t want to wake up. That’s when it gets angsty, because Hawks and the League bust him out and wake him up but he doesn’t believe he is actually out of the loop and is either delirious or tries to reset it (big mess, they call his siblings to try and convince him etc.).
I think it was multiple chapters and complete, but i can’t guarantee it 100%.
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Thank you so much if you can help, I’ve been craving re-reading it for a while and not finding it has been a nightmare ;-;
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
Deceiving the Duke | 9 | Todoroki Shouto
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pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Female Reader
length: 4.1k of 30k words | 9th of 9 chapters
summary: When Camie Utsushimi elopes on the eve of her society debut, scandal threatens to destroy the family’s prospects. It’s up to you, a maid, to impersonate Camie throughout the Season, long enough that her elder sister can make a match. The only trouble? Lord Shouto Todoroki is also intent on making a match—and that match, quite impossibly, appears to involve you.
tags/warnings: romance, regency au, class differences, hidden identity/identity porn, aged up characters, eventual smut
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You couldn’t think of a thing to say during the carriage ride, pretending to look out over streets glowing in the newly-risen sun. But you kept sneaking glances back at Lord Shouto, only to find him watching you contemplatively, his handsome face unreadable to you.
You wondered what he truly thought of you. If he had known this entire time you were only pretending to be Camie–why had he let you go through with it? Why had he kissed you last night, even?
You could almost think he had been trying to entrap you in turn, except that you knew him to be too good for that.
So why had he let you go on?
You stiffened as the palace came into view, a huge, imposing structure with immaculately whitewashed walls, rising several stories above the ground. An enormous wrought iron gate let into the grounds, down a short drive fringed pink-blossomed trees, which finally led onto a cobblestoned concourse which looked like it had never seen a speck of dirt.
Guards in the Yaoyorozu livery were stationed all along the palace’s face, their sabers resting conspicuously at their sides.
You felt your fingers tighten in the fabric of your dress.
Lord Shouto jumped down from the carriage as soon as it stopped, and reached out a hand for you again. You considered whether you should avoid it–you were not a lady, and you were now in the presence of hundreds of people who would see him do so. Before you could brace yourself to jump down on your own, however, Lord Shouto’s hands found your waist. Your stomach swooped as he lifted you out of the carriage entirely, placing you on the ground as though you were no heavier than a child.
Your knees felt suddenly weak, and you focused on getting your feet properly back under you. You did not dare grip his sleeve for support.
“Come with me,” Lord Shouto said, his low voice gentle in the morning air.
He offered his arm—as though you were a lady again!–and looked at you expectantly.
“My lord, I do not think you should treat me as such,” you said quietly, as a footman scurried out the entrance of the palace towards you.
Lord Shouto’s eyes picked over you, his head tilting. “There should be no object. You’ve already embroiled me in scandal enough, do you not think?” he said.
Your stomach turned over, but the tiniest quirk at the corner of his mouth told you he meant it in jest. Still–
“Your Grace, the princess will receive you in her sitting room,” the footman said, puffing as he approached.
“Thank you,” Lord Shouto said. Then he reached out and quite determinedly took your hand, pulling your arm carefully through his. He ignored the footman’s wide-eyed look, and gently tugged you along after him.
You were too stunned to say anything, your tongue feeling as though it had tied itself in a knot. The feeling only worsened as you were led deeper into the palace, down a long hall and through a series of intricately brocaded and muraled rooms with echoing marble floors. Eventually you emerged into a room painted a cheery yellow, with sunny rows of windows and several ornately patterned sitting benches.
Your heart stopped.
On the nearest sofa sat a gorgeous woman, with fair skin and raven-black hair, upon which rested a small silvery tiara. The Princess Momo Yaoyorozu herself.
Quickly abandoning Shouto, you dropped into the lowest curtsy you could manage, feeling your knees wobble underneath you. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched as Shouto swept the most absolutely cursory bow you’d ever seen in your life. You started, appalled by the slight.
What was he doing?
But the princess looked deeply unruffled, smiling as she rose from the sofa.
“Shouto,” she said, happily.
And then she rounded the table and embraced him.
“Momo,” Lord Shouto said in return. “It is good to see you in good health.”
You stared, aware that your mouth had dropped open, but completely unable to close it. So they–were a couple? But then you noticed the slight woman at the princess’s shoulder, who also reached out and embraced Lord Shouto.
“Jirou,” he said.
Jirou colored pink and cuffed the back of his head lightly. “Next time I’d ask you to consider causing a scene like this later in the day.”
Lord Shouto’s face went carefully blank, the very picture of innocence. “I know not what you mean.”
Jirou looked unfazed. “I’m sure.”
Just then, the princess’s gaze wandered to you, her eyes dark and fathomless and intimidatingly pretty. You froze under her sudden attention. “This must be your Miss Not-Quite-Utsushimi,” she said.
Your stomach lurched. She knew. The princess already knew what you had done.
Was this it, then? The moment of reckoning? What Shouto had brought you here for, to see that royal justice was done unto you?
But the princess just smiled, and gestured to a bench opposite the sofa. “Please, sit.”
You almost sat down reflexively right on the floor. Thankfully, Lord Shouto took your elbow and gently guided you to the chair, taking the place next to you. You tried very hard not to notice the way his strong thigh pressed against your skirts.
“Now then, Shouto tells me you’ve gotten yourself into a bit of trouble. I’d like to hear it from you, if you don’t mind,” Princess Momo said as she settled back into her seat.
You could barely think straight. It was like every thought you’d ever had suddenly gathered in your mouth, all clamoring to burst forth. You tripped over your own words, barely managing coherence.
“Your Highness–it’s not. I mean, it’s not my trouble, it’s Lord Shouto’s. I’ve gone and involved him in a way I did not mean, and he desperately needs to call off the marriage. It’s entrapment! He was caught with me, and I’m not Camie–his reputation—my fault, I mean–”
Lord Shouto’s gloved hand found your thigh, and you jumped.
His mouth drew close to your ear. “Breathe, Y/N.”
It was the first time you’d ever heard him use your name, and the sound went through you like a lance. You only just managed to clamp down on what might have been a horrible little whimper, your fingers clenching in your skirts for something to ground you.
“It’s as I described in my letters, Momo,” Lord Shouto said, turning back to the princess.
She ignored him, her gaze picking over you. “You mean you meant to entrap His Grace?” she asked.
“No!” you yelped, leaning forwards desperately. “No, please. You must ask him to call it off!”
She tilted her head and waited, as if for more of an explanation.
You blew out a nervous breath, trying to find the words to explain. “I am a–I was a maid, Your Highness. I have worked for the Utsushimi family for years. Just days before the season, Camie Utsushimi eloped with Lord Inasa Yoarashi, leaving her elder sister Caroline the consequences of the scandal. Mrs. Utsushimi–that is, it was decided that I should pretend to be Camie long enough for Miss Caroline to make a match.”
The princess’s eyebrows raised.
“I did not expect that I should–-that I should find someone as good and kind as Lord Shouto. I have no excuses for participating in and continuing the charade.”
You did not know how to continue. You let the words sit there in heavy silence.
“And what would you want now?” The princess finally asked. “Now that you’re to be revealed as a servant?”
You ducked your head. “I want only that Lord Shouto distance himself quickly.”
“And you?” Princess Momo asked.
You did not dare ask that she let you flee into the countryside as you so desperately hoped. It was the height of folly to think that you would be let off with no punishment. God, however had you thought you could have pulled this scheme off? What absolute madness had possessed you to go along with it?
“Whatever Your Highness thinks is suitable penalty,” you said, unable to look into her face.
“Why did you do it?” The princess asked, as Lord Shouto had.
You answered as you had then. “For money, Your Highness.”
Lord Shouto leaned forward. “For her family, Momo. She sends a wage.”
Your skin prickled, hoping that this admission would not make targets out of your parents too.
“And your parents know of this scheme?” she asked.
You panicked, getting to your feet. “No! Your Highness, please, I have not told them–”
“Momo, I’ll thank you not to scare my intended,” Lord Shouto intoned from your side. You realized he’d also risen. He took your arm, tugging you gently back down. “Nothing will happen to your family, Y/N,” he said.
Your pulse pounded under his grip. You tried to focus on how gentle and warm his touch was, as little as you deserved it.
Fuck. Fuck, just what had you gotten yourself into?
“You are lucky,” Princess Momo said finally, “That Shouto thinks this is all very funny.”
You froze, glancing up at her. He–he thought this was–what?
“He’s been writing me these past months, telling me of you. I did not like the idea of it, but Shouto tells me you are…good. That you did not mean to draw anyone’s notice, and that you have very consistently resisted his advances,” the princess said.
Your memory flashed to the feeling of his mouth on you last night. You had not really resisted his advances consistently enough. If only she knew how inappropriately you had reveled in them.
“I see that you are much like what he says,” the princess said, and you heard a kind of unexpected softening of her tone.
You did not know what to say.
“I brought you here to see for myself. And I am…satisfied,” she said. “Though, I will always watch out for him as he has watched out for me since the War for All.”
The knot of tension in your chest uncoiled a little. But surely, she could not mean that she meant to let an infringement of this nature go unpunished?
“Your Highness, I am afraid I do not understand,” you said.
Lord Shouto’s hand found the side of your thigh again, and he pressed those long fingers against you. “She means that she will insist on keeping an eye on you, once we are married,” he said.
Your head snapped towards him, and you gaped. He watched you back, those mismatched eyes glittering in a way that you found so very horribly familiar.
“Married?” you echoed incredulously. “My lord–I am not–you cannot–what?”
Shouto ducked his head to look into your face more closely. “Then you will not have me?”
You sputtered. “Have you? Me, have you? My lord, really, are you unwell? We’ve just established, I am not Camie Utsushimi!”
“I’m well aware…Y/N.” Lord Shouto said, his tone dropping terribly low. A little shiver went up your spine.
“And as you are now well aware, I have known for some time,” he continued. “I knew from the beginning. And I certainly knew when I kissed you last night.”
The shiver became a full body shudder. “Lord Shouto–it doesn’t make sense…”
“He never does,” Jirou piped up helpfully from the princess’s side. “He’s been strange since birth, according to Momo.”
Shouto’s features went intentionally deadpan again, as though he could not countenance such a claim. You couldn’t help the grin that pulled at your mouth.
“He liked when you threw the apricot cake at him,” the princess supplied. “Wrote about it in great detail in his first letter about you. He also waxed poetic about your inability to speak any Greek, as though that were a great accomplishment of yours.”
Your ears went hot. “You did not,” you said.
Shouto had the grace to look the tiniest bit abashed. “Thank you, Momo,” he said, with absolutely no inflection to his tone whatsoever.
You were overcome by a wave of helpless affection for him. “Lord Shouto, I’m still afraid it isn’t done…much as I should–much as your affections are more than reciprocated. I–I’m afraid the scandal–”
“Will not bother me,” Shouto said.
You waved your arm helplessly. “My lord–”
“If it helps,” Princess Momo said. “At Shouto’s behest, I’ve found a little barren plot of land and a just-barely noble title that might be granted to you, in order to facilitate a proper marriage. I…owed him a favor, for services rendered in the War for All. That is, if you will agree to have him.”
Shouto looked back at you, looking a little bit smug for managing to have pulled all this together.
“I’ve procured a special license weeks ago. And I have also written Lord Inasa, and your Camie,” he said. “As it happens, I know Lord Inasa well enough. They will attest to having known of your status, and to having attended the wedding. Your friends Miss Uraraka and Lady Asui have also agreed, provided that you apologize to them in person.”
“As will Jirou and I,” Princess Momo said. “Which should be enough to get half the ton pretending that they were there.”
“Miss Caroline and Mr. Awase, should they care to continue their engagement, should also be told. There should be no impropriety in the match, then,” Shouto said. “Although there will still be talk of your impersonating Camie.”
You could not believe it.
It all sounded so unreal–that you, simply by agreeing now, could become Shouto’s wife.
Horrible, hot little tears gathered in the corner of your eyes. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
“You didn’t tell me,” Shouto pointed out, though his tone was gentle. “Let those be the last secrets we keep from one another.”
A wave of emotion crashed over you, and it was only the princess’s presence that kept you from throwing yourself at Shouto.
It was real. He was really real, and he truly wanted you.
“Yes,” you said, watching him closely. “If you will really have me, then yes. It would be improper of me, I think, to admit how much I…how much I love you. But I have been driven mad with it, Shouto. I love you.”
A blindingly handsome smile lit up Shouto’s face, and he’d pulled you to him before you realized he’d even moved. He had you up and out of the seat in the blink of an eye, and he swept another barely-courteous bow in Princess Momo’s direction–one that you realized was born of years of friendship, rather than any disrespect.
“You understand we must take our leave of you,” Shouto said.
Princess Momo bit her pretty lip as though fighting down a laugh. “Indeed. Though I will expect you both back for tea the week after next. I still have questions.”
“I'm afraid I have a honeymoon planned,” Shouto said. He leaned down to you and said in conspiratorial tones. “I think perhaps some Greek ruins might be in order.”
You groaned out a laugh. “Shouto…”
Princess Momo waved you off, disinterested. “Then write, please. I am pleased to see you finally happy, Shouto.”
“I am,” Shouto said seriously. He pulled you towards the door in a bout of sudden impatience. “Thank you, Momo.”
She waved again, and then you were through the door, a footman collecting you and leading you back out of the palace.
Your head was spinning with a rush of emotion, and your heart beat a staccato of disbelief in your chest. Shouto helped you back into the carriage, a fond little grin on the corner of his mouth.
“You really mean it, Y/N?” he asked as he followed you in, taking up the seat next to you rather than opposite. You soaked in the delicious warmth of him alongside you, something you had been sure just fifteen minutes ago that you might never feel again. “Be honest with me.”
You nodded, looking up into his handsome face. “I promise to always be honest with you from this point on.”
Another smile twitched at the corner of Shouto’s mouth, a wry, mischievous little thing. “Good,” he said, his voice dropping low. “As I plan to make an honest wife out of you now, love.”
You shivered again, and Shouto drank it in with far too much satisfaction.
But then he leaned in, smiling, and kissed you.
Over the carriage ride, you spoke very little–far too occupied with one another to manage much conversation–but Shouto did convey that your wedding would be a secret affair, first thing in the morning, under the eye of the Archbishop who was closely aligned with the Yaoyorozu family, and excellent at keeping secrets.
Which left you with the entire afternoon—an afternoon you planned to spend wisely.
When you arrived back at his lodgings, an attempt was made to feed you and offer you a room of your own–so that things might be proper. But you hadn’t done any of this properly in the slightest, and you didn’t plan to start now.
In only a matter of minutes, you had both stumbled into Shouto’s bedroom, an elegantly-appointed suite that you would have to inspect more closely later, when you weren’t so preoccupied with what his mouth was doing just above the neckline of your dress.
“Shouto, you’ll tear it,” you said, as he tugged at the higher, more conservative collar of your servant’s garb.
“Good,” Shouto intoned in his low voice, his mouth still pressed to the line of your neck in a way that reminded you of the masquerade last night. “You’ll never need it again.”
His fingers tugged harder, and he murmured quietly, “Once I have this off you, you’ll never dress as a maid again.”
The thought made you dizzy, and you grasped his shoulder for stability, which only gave him better purchase to tug your dress down the other arm. Soon he’d gotten you down to your stays and stockings, and the appreciative groan he made as he looked you over sent little shivers over your skin.
He walked you back to his bed, layering kisses everywhere–over your face, your chest, your arms, any part of you he could reach.
“You’ll stop me, if you want to?” he asked, mismatched eyes flicking up to yours.
“I don’t want to,” you told him, reaching out to grasp his coat, pulling him down to the bed with you. His warm, hard body against you dredged up the memory of last night–all those straining feet of him pressing you against the wall, that feeling that had built up within you as he touched you through your skirts. “I could have screamed when they found us last night.”
Shouto’s face dropped into the crook of your neck, and he left a stinging bite on your shoulder. “I almost challenged Mr. Awase to a duel there and then. All good sense had left me.”
You knew the feeling–all good sense had left you quite presently, replaced with the burning desire to have him over you, pressing all along you, weighing you down into the mattress and finishing what you’d started on the assembly room balcony.
“Shouto, please. I want–I need–”
Shouto didn’t let you finish, sealing his mouth over yours. His fingers busied themselves with the laces of your stays, and it was only a matter of minutes until he had you bare to him entirely.
“Perfect,” he said, in a tone so low you could feel it in your bones. His fingers pressed between your thighs, and your gasp echoed in the early morning quiet. “You are perfect.”
You rather thought he was perfect, as you finally managed to push his coat off of him and tore at the buttons of his shirt. Underneath he was all hard muscle and smooth skin, and you found yourself struck dumb by the way his abs flexed, the way his waist tapered into the line of his breeches.
He was even more perfectly carved than those blasted Greek sculptures, and you surged up to kiss him again. His fingers found their way back between your thighs, and you threw your arms over his shoulders, clinging to him as he worked you up to the peak he’d brought you to last night.
It felt like you had no control over yourself as you writhed against his hand, your mouth desperately seeking his to quiet the noises you wanted to make.
Shouto’s touch was maddening, every twist of his fingers smooth and deft, and his thumb worked your clit so gently you wanted to scream. It was too much, and yet not enough, and yet everything you’d ever wanted—
“Please, Shouto,” you begged. “Please, please.”
“Please what, love?” he asked, smiling down at you. But you could tell he knew what you wanted, and that he wanted it too, if the hard press of him against your thigh was any measure.
“Shouto, if you don't take me in the next few moments, I swear there will be an entire hailstorm of apricot cakes with your name on them–!” you threatened, but Shouto was laughing and pressing into you before you could finish, and you cut off on another gasp, clutching him for dear life.
The stretch of him inside you was sharp, and unfamiliar, and a little uncomfortable at first. But he seemed to know what he was doing, teasing your clit and layering hot, biting kisses all over you, until you didn’t know what to focus on–until he was fully inside you.
He kissed you utterly stupid while he let you adjust, his hands everywhere, distracting you. He murmured sweet things, how beautiful you were, how lovely, how perfect for him. By the time he finally moved you were a shivery puddle of praise and feeling, and the slide of him was so suddenly good you couldn’t even think straight.
“I knew you were my match the minute you first spoke to me,” he bit at out as his hips worked against you. “I knew I would love you.”
You bit back an embarrassing noise as Shouto’s pace grew faster and unmeasured. “I–Shouto–love you–” you managed. Shouto’s hips jerked in response, and he grasped your thighs, pulling you even harder into him. You couldn’t hold back a moan as he hit deeper within you and the new angle had you shuddering uncontrollably. He huffed a harsh breath against your throat, similarly affected, his fingers digging into you thigh.
After that, it was only a matter of minutes. Everything about him seemed calculated to drive you over the edge–the feeling of him hot and hard inside you, the sight of his abs tightening and flexing between your thighs, his fingers and his mouth all over you. The flush of effort on his cheekbones looked so good on him that you could barely believe he was real.
Everything–absolutely everything about him drove you right to the edge of madness, and then another hard thrust from him sent you right over it.
You cried out his name, trapped underneath him as you rode out your pleasure. And it seemed to hit Shouto too–his eyes widened as he watched you, and he bit out a curse you’d never heard from him before. His hips stuttered, frantically bucking into you as if he had no control, and a warmth flooded inside you.
Shouto breathed out a shaky breath and relaxed over you, the sticky, hot weight of him pinning you underneath him.
“I love you,” was all you could think to tell him, your mind still fuzzy with pleasure. “I love you.”
Shouto’s mouth curved into another wry little grin, and he smiled down at you, those mismatched eyes glinting.
“I see I did make an honest woman of you, then,” he said, sounding a little too pleased with himself.
You kissed him to shut him up, and pulled him closer–unable to deny that he had. You couldn’t think of anything you wanted than to give him your whole heart, bare and honest and real, for the rest of your lifetime together.
There would be no deceiving the duke–-not anymore.
Especially if, after you’d caught your breath, you could convince him to make an honest woman of you yet again.
And hopefully, again and again and again.
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airanke · 5 months
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One of the dumbest things I've ever drawn 🤣🤣🤣
Please appreciate these two idiots if their story was a Rom-Com! It's a scene from a manga called "Do-Chokkyuu Kareshi x Do-Chokkyuu Kanojo (Super Straightforward Boyfriend x Super Straightforward Girlfriend)"!!! The panel is under the cut (also that's why you read it <<<<<<<<< that way)
Props to @celest-star-collection for sending me the panel!
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xskyll · 1 year
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Izuku: This poor guy. I must have accidentally tricked him into thinking I’m an interesting person.
Shouto: I think it’s interesting how you’re able to hold a conversation while smacking yourself upside the head.
Izuku: See, this is what I mean. That’s not interesting. Anyone who grew up with Kacchan could hold a conversation while getting hit.
(If it isn’t clear, Izuku is hitting his headset irl to knock the water out.)
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saiyanmyname · 1 year
Rope Burn
I had the idea so long ago for this one shot and finally finished it! Based on the Janet Jackson song Rope Burn.
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Link to the full fic:
Rope Burn - SaiyanMyName - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own]
Endeavor hummed, looking down at you, hands tied behind your back.
“What on earth should I do with you?” His fingers brushed against your lips roughly, pulling at them, tracing possessively around your jaw, palm around your neck as he toyed with the ring of your collar.
You looked up at him, wide eyed, relishing the feeling of the tight, velvet rope around your wrists carefully tied by Endeavor, earlier that evening. His hot hands wrapping it around your skin, slowly, gently… teasing you with each swipe of friction that tickled against your glowing skin, while you sat so perfectly in place for him, his ever-obedient angel.
You shifted a bit, sitting back further on your knees, trying to ease the burning in your thighs. They were wide apart, allowing him a full view of you, every piece of you that belonged to him. It was funny to think he’d almost been shy in asking you for this. There was no shyness to be seen on his face now. He was almost completely stoic… aside, of course, from his eyes.
All it had taken was a soft: “I’d like to try something…” Spoken vaguely through mouthfuls of whatever monstrosity he’d ordered for breakfast this time. It could have been as innocent as the café you’d both sat in at the time. His face was enigmatic at the best of times, but more so now, eyes meeting yours with an intense expression, before returning to take a sip of the drink before him.
That was all it had taken. A “Sure.” A smiling nod of your head and a teasing wink. How little you knew that he would be the one doing all of the teasing.
You were not entirely sure what to expect, actually, he’d been uncharacteristically patient with you, waiting, in the bedroom, fingers clutched around a velvet rope.
“Tonight, you belong to me, my plaything to do with as I please, understand?” He uttered in an unexpected rumble in your ear, pulling your head back to look at him, searching your face for any form of agreement. Your breath left your body along with all of your words as he used only the ring on your collar to pull you closer to him. You nodded.
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imagination-mess · 2 months
Does anyone have rec fics of the Villain winning Au (IT HAS TO EXIST SOMEWHERE) , or if there is tag for it on a03?
I don't really care about the shipping or it's reader insert (with anyone) I am not picky honestly. It can be on any platform. I have all of them, (Ao3, FF, Quotev, Wattpad)
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todofics · 2 months
Off The Market | 2/6 | Todoroki Shoto x Reader
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♡ Summary: The Todoroki name had always borne a heavyweight amongst even society’s finest. When the family’s youngest son, and heir to the title, is forced into the marriage market, it’s no surprise that he quickly becomes the season’s most eligible bachelor—hoping to avoid marriage for at least one more season, who better than to circumvent the ton other than his long-time friend, you? 
♡ Content: regency au, fake-dating trope, aged-up characters, age gap (4 years), mutual pining, fem reader, fem pronouns, mature content in future chapters 
♡  Author notes: Would anyone be interested in a tag list? I’ve never written on Tumblr before, so everything is new to me! Please let me know if you are, and I can start one for the next chapter :)
♡ 2.4k words/est. 15k words (chapter 2/6)ˋ°•*⁀➷ Main Masterlist ♡  MHA Masterlist ♡ Story Masterlist ♡ Previous ♡  Next
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Your breath caught in your throat as Shoto’s unexpected proposal hung in the air, your ears tauntingly ringing from the stress of the uncertainty. Had you heard him correctly? 
“(Y/n)?” the dual-colored man asked, a hauntingly beautiful frown painted across his face as he waited for your answer. God, he was so unfair. 
“Allow you to court me?” you parroted, face warm again despite the cool summer breeze. Your eyes glanced down to where his strong hands held your own, unable to make eye contact with him; you feared you’d quickly give into his qualms if you did. His handsome looks could drive just about anyone to obey. 
Shoto coughed, clearing his throat as he steeled his resolve. “Yes, allow me to court you,” he repeated, shutting down any doubts you had about mishearing the man.
“My lord, and I ask this with the utmost respect, have you lost your mind?!” you managed to choke out, tone hushed as you were afraid that anyone inside could hear the ridiculous conversation. He continued to hold your hands, unwilling to let go. He knew that if he did, you’d simply run away from the conversation - a fate the future Duke would not allow. 
“I have given it long thought,” Shoto informed you, his tone steady and calm now. He had already made up his mind, his intentions resolute. “Allow me to court you - at least for the season.” Although the sentence was phrased as a question, the burning look in his eyes told you it was not. You looked away once again, mind reeling with apprehension. 
“My lord, I’m afraid you confuse me - for the season?” you ask, your heart pounding rapidly. It was as if the man didn’t know of the effects he had on women - yourself included. The man nodded, his eyes never leaving your face as he tried to gauge your reaction.
“Yes, only for the season,” the man reassured as if his plan was apparent. Shoto was never the best at explaining his inner musings, always leaving you guessing. “For the season, I will act as your intended - and you as mine. You know I do not wish to marry,” he explained as your expression shifted, your furrowed brows keying him into the workings of your own mind. 
You drew in a shaky breath, taking a moment to comprehend his words' meaning. “I know you have no prospects,” he pointed out bluntly - oh, what a way with words he had. You shot him a look but didn’t take the words to heart. Shoto had never been one to mince words. His honesty, while sometimes cutting, was one of the things you admired most about the man. 
“It’ll draw the attention of suitors for you and keep mine away.” It seemed he had given the arrangement thought; it made perfect sense. You had never dreamed of being a spinster, and Shoto knew that despite the lack of conversation surrounding your prospects. In your first season out, you had bashfully given your earnest attention to all potential suitors, dreaming of a future filled with private affections and little feet toddling around. Even if those men had all been chased away from intimidation surrounding your companionship with the half-and-half man, it was clear you weren’t uninterested in the thought of marriage. 
“I- Shoto,” you cut yourself off, still not used to formally addressing the man. “My lord, it’s just that…”
This time, the man interrupted your speech. He knew of your tendencies to overthink things - especially ones that were quite simple. “You will break off the engagement at the end of the season - it’ll prevent scandal toward you.” Your expression softened as the thumping of your heart slowed. His plan seemed to offer a solution to all the potential problems. If you were the one to break off the engagement, it’d leave the question of what was possibly wrong with him rather than you. It’d give you both exactly what you wanted.  
Still, the idea of the plan worried you, an unsettling feeling sinking into your stomach. As your lips parted to give the man an answer, the balcony door swung open.
“Shoto, mama is looking for you!” Your eyes shot over to the voice, then back to your still-connected hands. Unchaperoned and in close contact - two things that would surely lead to scandal. 
A gasp left the woman’s lips, a gloved hand moving up to cover her dropped jaw. Shoto finally released your hands, moving back a respectable distance as he cleared his throat and adjusted his cravat before turning to face the owner of the voice. “Fuyumi, I’ll be over in just a minute,” he told her, the woman’s shocked expression transitioning into delight. Being close to Shoto often led to you interacting with the girl, and your time spent together, while usually short, was pleasant. She had always enjoyed your company. On the other hand, you were left wide-eyed at being caught in such a compromising position, the panic beginning to set in.
Shoto turned his attention back to you, your expression still not composed. A coy smile played on Fuyumi’s face as if she knew something you didn’t. You hoped she’d spare you the decency to leave this scandal unspoken. “We will continue this conversation tomorrow,” Shoto told you before following his sister, leaving you alone under the twinkling starlight. It seemed the world had made its decision for you.
The following day, you were rudely awakened by a loud knocking on your chambers. “My lady, my lady!” your maid chirped as she rapped on your doors, voice full of panic. You groaned, rolling over in bed, your eyes still heavy with sleep. What could drive your maid to wake you up with such alarm? The sun beamed through the curtains, its warmth pleasant against your bare skin. Sleep was simply calling your name. “My lady, you must rise! You have a caller waiting!”
Your eyes shot wide open, suddenly recalling your conversation with Shoto the night before. You didn’t think he’d really show up at your house! You threw off your fluffy blankets in a flurry, quickly throwing on a chemise. Hearing the commotion of your rise, your maid promptly let herself in, helping you lace your corset as you grabbed a simple pale muslin gown. You felt no need to impress the man despite his newly declared intentions. 
Arranging your hair in a delicate bun, you took one last look in the mirror, deciding it’d have to do for now. “My lady, is that outfit really alright?” your maid asked, eyeing you up and down - it had been so long since you had last received a caller (especially one of Shoto’s caliber). Your staff, aware of your long history with the Todoroki son, had long been rooting for your official pairing. You shot her a soft smile, appreciative of the apparent worry on her face. “I assure you, this is more than sufficient.”
The maid clicked her tongue in disapproval, shaking her head as she rummaged through a nearby jewelry box. Taking out one of your finest pastes, she nodded in approval before holding the piece to your skin. “At least wear this,” she reasoned.
Sighing, you raised your hands in submission, “if you really see it as necessary.” there was no point in this effort - after all, his courtship was only a falsehood.  After putting on the jewels, your maid rushed you out the door and into the sitting room. 
As you entered the room, Shoto was already engaged in light conversation with your mama, the two snacking on pastries and tea. “(Y/n),” he rose, noticing your presence. Your mother shot you a scolding look, obviously disappointed at your long arrival time. Seasons without a caller or any prospects, and this is how you received him? She’d surely bring it up later, the thought of the conversation making you groan internally. 
“My lord,” you replied in kind, giving him a slight nod as you approached the table. By now, your mama had evacuated the area, sitting on the opposite side of the room. Her careful gaze analyzed the interaction, making you feel more self-conscious. Although you two typically had some sort of chaperone to protect your reputation, this time felt… different. The undertone of romantic intentions made your head swirl. Sure, his courtship was for a more beneficial resolution, but it was still a courtship nonetheless. 
“You’ve kept me waiting,” Shoto said, the start of a grin gracing his face, hinting towards a more teasing manner. 
You brush a delicately placed curl from your face, rolling your eyes at his playful words. Your friendship with the man had always been far more casual than typically allowed by your different standings, and his intentions to ‘court’ you did little to change that attitude despite your nerves. It would be best to attempt to maintain some normalcy, lest you draw suspicion towards the sudden change of nature between you two. In your eyes, portraying the courtship as a regular ”friends who simply grew too close” story would call for the least amount of scandal.
“You’ve arrived rather early, my lord,” you jested, pointing out his irregular calling time. It was only 10 AM, an hour earlier than most typical morning calls started. He hadn’t even written, the only warning of his arrival being his parting words the night before. “I was eager to see my future intended,” Shoto replied smoothly. His intended. Despite being unspoken before by the man, the words seemed to roll off his tongue as if they were natural. You knew he wasn’t seriously going to propose, but the words still stirred something within you, causing you to shift nervously in your seat. 
His lips upturned slyly, seemingly noting your nerves at the words. He couldn’t explain why, but a sense of satisfaction washed over the man. “I don’t recall agreeing to this arrangement,” you pointed out, voice wavering. You knew you had little choice in the matter - Fuyumi had already witnessed you alone, unchaperoned, and intimately close. Doing nothing else but portraying your situation as a courtship would surely lead to the leaking of scathing rumors. Fuyumi was kind, but some status still had to be upheld. 
“I don’t recall any disagreement either,” Shoto pointed out, hopeful you’d accept the proposal. Without you, he’d be forced into a loveless marriage - a fate he’d rather not succumb to. With a sigh, you readjusted your position, drinking a sip of tea as if in deep thought. He looked at you expectantly, eyes gazing into the depths of your soul as he waited for your answer. 
“I… I will do it,” you mustered out, your hands wavering as you set down the cup. If you were caught faking this, your reputation would be ruined, and you actually would be doomed to life as a spinster. 
Shoto frowned at the hesitation in your voice as he gently took your hand, his touch reminding you of the events from the night prior. “I do not mean to force your hand in the matter.”  
As much as Shoto despised the idea of his fate, he valued you far too much to force this upon you. Your heart swelled at the genuine care in his voice, your anxiety settling just a bit. Again, the thought of the unfairness of the situation flashed in your head. If Shoto wasn’t so obtuse, perhaps you actually could fall in love with him one day.  
You shook your head, erasing that thought - it’d never be possible. To Shoto, this action looked as if you were denying his worries. “I assure you, you aren’t forcing my hand in this matter - I am mature enough to make my own decisions.” If gossip were to besmirch your name - so be it. 
He let out a sigh, clearly relieved by your answer. This truly was to both of your benefits. “Not so fast,” you told him, still not entirely satisfied with the resolution of his proposal. “If we are to do this, there will be conditions.”
He raised an eyebrow curiously, waiting for you to finish the thought. “What kind of conditions?” You shot him an awkward smile, having thought it over the night before. Even if you hesitated, you mulled over everything before accepting Shoto’s offer. 
“Well,” you started, clearing your throat. “Behind closed doors, I want everything to be normal,” you told him. Even if your family would now be more meticulous about ensuring a chaperone, the idea of acting romantically in front of so few people failed to delight you. If this was simply an act, you wanted to maintain as much distance as possible from the man, protecting your heart. Besides, your families wouldn’t push the matter too much. Your mama, delighted with the mere idea of you finally having prospects, wouldn’t question the lack of intimacy. Perhaps you could play it off as fleeting shyness towards a first love. 
You continued with the terms, your face warming at the memory of last night as you looked down at his hands that grasped yours, “No need to grab me or anything like that either. We will act as if this is a proper courtship,” you scolded. The idea of being caught again caused a shiver to roll down your spine. 
He retracted his touch, putting his arms up defensively before laughing at your embarrassed expression. “I’m sorry,” he apologized half-heartedly, realizing you referenced the night before. “I promise I will act as if this is a proper courtship.” This promise brought a smile to your face - at least now, the relationship would be mostly without scandal. Rumors were sure to spread, but the attention on you would hopefully be positive. 
“Then I suppose we can close this deal out,” you told him, your intentions now steeled. Nothing could go wrong if he could follow through with these boundaries. Your heart would be safe from his charms, and he would be safe from the constant pursuance of desperate debutantes. Everything, in the end, would safely return to normal, with no one being none the wiser.
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sxp3rpoet · 26 days
hey, boy!
black!swedish! mcbling! reader x katsuki bakugo.
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sypnosis; you've always had a little interest for katsuki, and always wanted to meet the infamous attractive firecracker, so mina decides to take you as her plus one for one of the most known parties in college. katsuki's birthday.
warnings; not edited, college au! characters are aged up as well. cursing, fluff, mature! bakugo. kinda very ooc! izuku midoriya, more fluff, mcbling! mina as well, because who's gonna be mcbling with you? love at frist sight type shit, modern fashion for the boys. slight! attention bather mina and reader. confident queens. and I think thats about it. Enjoy!
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“So, what’s the plan?” Mina asked, her voice laced with excitement as she fluffed up her short, cute strawberry-toned hair, each strand bouncing with a lively sheen under the soft glow of the vanity lights. She leaned closer to the mirror, examining her reflection with a keen eye, making sure every strand was in its rightful place. Her lips curled into a sly smile as she glanced at Y/n, who was busy adjusting her sleeveless cheetah print top, the fabric hugging her curves perfectly.
Y/n let out a cute, infectious giggle, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “I’mma use my eyes, ja? So when he walks past me, I’ll hit him with the full blast of my charm. In a few seconds, he’ll be wrapped around my pinky finger. That cute lil shit.” She lifted her hand, showing off her manicured pinky, adorned with a thick, pink jade ring that caught the light and gleamed softly. Her confidence was unshakable, and Mina couldn’t help but chuckle, nodding as she applied a smooth layer of foundation to her already glowing skin.
“Babes, you don’t even have to look at him,” Mina said with a knowing grin, blending her makeup with expert precision. “You’re exactly Katsuki’s type. Just brush past him and don’t say anything. He’ll be hooked without you having to lift a finger.”
It was Y/n’s turn to laugh, the sound rich and melodious as she unscrewed the cap of her favorite lip gloss. The applicator glided smoothly across her plump, supple lips, leaving behind a glossy, irresistible sheen. Her pretty brown skin glowed, the warm undertones highlighted by the light of Mina’s vanity mirror. She posed slightly, tilting her head to admire her reflection, her fingers running through her curls that cascaded down her shoulders. Her style was effortlessly chic, and every detail of her look, from the subtle shimmer on her eyelids to the perfectly arched brows, screamed confidence.
“Done!” Mina exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement as she got up from her seat. She grabbed her Juicy Couture handbag, its hot pink fabric shimmering as it caught the light. Y/n followed suit, reaching for her matching lavender handbag, the delicate gold chain handle gleaming as she slung it over her shoulder. She sashayed out after Mina, her hips swaying gracefully in the tight skirt that accentuated her curves. The fabric hugged her body in all the right places, each step in her platform sandals echoing a confident, rhythmic click-clack against the floor.
As they neared the sleek, black Audi parked outside, Mina’s older brother leaned against the car, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in their dolled-up appearances. He opened the door with a smirk, watching as the two girls slid into the plush leather seats with practiced ease. The car roared to life as he pulled away from the curb, the engine’s low growl vibrating through the seats.
“Where is it you said you guys were going again?” Nuna voiced, smiling lightly at them.
“Katsuki’s birthday party, I told you this already.” Mina rolled her eyes playfully.
Nuna shot her a look through the rearview mirror, his brows slightly raised in mock disbelief. “Katsuki’s birthday party, huh? And you’re both dressed like you’re about to walk the runway. What are you two planning to do, steal the spotlight from the birthday boy?” His tone was teasing, but there was an undertone of protectiveness that Mina knew all too well.
Mina leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs as she waved her hand dismissively. Y/n let out a bemused chuckle.
“Please, Katsuki’s not even gonna notice. That boy’s too busy being all broody and intense. We’re just gonna show up, maybe steal a few hearts,” She said with a fleeting glance over Y/n, “have a good time, and make sure everyone knows we’re the best-dressed there.” She ruffeled her hair with a flourish, a playful grin on her lips.
“Where’s the venue, anyways? all you gave me was a google location.”
“It’s at his house,” Y/n chimed in, “It’s big as shit, he’s a lil rich boy,” Her voice lowered, “A fine ass one.”
Mina playfully hit her with the bag, smiling slyly, “Ouu, you hungry, hungry.”
“Shut up,” Y/n mummbled.
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“Birthday boy!” Kirishima called out, his voice cutting through the lively chatter of the party, instantly drawing attention to the tall, broad-shouldered figure of Katsuki Bakugo. Katsuki’s presence was impossible to miss; he stood out not just because of his height but also his unmistakable aura of confidence and intensity. He wore a slightly cropped white shirt adorned with a striking pink and grey skull graphic that seemed to sneer at the world, perfectly matched with forest green baggy cargo pants. The pants had the word “awaited” boldly stitched across the crotch area, adding a rebellious touch to his already edgy look. The fabric rustled softly as he moved, emphasizing his muscular build and the casual grace with which he carried himself.
Kirishima couldn’t help but chuckle as he made his way through the crowd, his fiery red hair catching the lights that danced across the room. His strong, confident stride drew appreciative stares from both girls and guys alike, but he only had eyes for his best friend at that moment. As they closed the distance, the two shared a hearty slap of palms, their bond evident in the easy camaraderie between them. A raucous laugh escaped Eijiro’s lips as he caught sight of the soft, almost contented smile tugging at Katsuki’s lips—a rare expression that he had learned to cherish.
“Enjoyin’ yourself?” Eijiro asked, a smirk playing on his lips as he observed his friend.
Katsuki mirrored the smirk, his sharp eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and satisfaction. “Can’t say I’m not,” he replied, his voice low but carrying the weight of his approval. The energy of the party buzzed around them, the lively atmosphere clearly lifting his spirits.
Eijiro’s smirk widened, a glint of pride in his eyes as he glanced around at their gathered friends. “Hmm, m’glad you’re havin’ fun,” he remarked, leaning in slightly. “Whole squad’s having fun as well, you can always count on Denki to send out invites.”
Katsuki snorted, his usual edge softened just enough to show he was in a good mood. “Only thing he’s good for, the dunce.”
Before Eijiro could respond, a familiar voice interjected, laced with playful indignation. “I heard that!” Denki Kaminari stumbled in beside Eijiro, his bright yellow swimming shorts clinging to his lean, fit form, droplets of water glistening on his toned skin. His hair was still damp from a recent dip in the pool, and he exuded an air of carefree mischief. Wagging a finger in Katsuki’s face, Denki grinned cheekily, a playful sneer curling his lips as he leaned in closer. “Watch ya tongue, boy.”
Katsuki’s sharp gaze softened slightly, his lips curling into a low chuckle that bordered on a growl. It was a sound that spoke of both amusement and warning, a reminder of the explosive personality behind that smirk. He swatted Denki’s finger away with a mock scowl, his voice dripping with sarcastic menace. “Tch, keep those fingers to yourself, Sparky. Or I might actually bite ‘em off.”
Denki, unfazed by the threat, struck a pose, flexing his arms and showing off his defined muscles with exaggerated bravado. His skin glistened under the lights, a testament to the hours spent in the gym and the pool. “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, King Explosion Murder. I’m just glad you’re not sulking in a corner somewhere.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, the smirk never leaving his face. “Like I’d waste my time doing that. Ain’t my style. Besides,” he added, his gaze sweeping across the buzzing party, the vibrant energy of the crowd infectious, “this ain’t half bad. You lot actually managed to pull off something decent for once.”
The room around them was alive with activity—people dancing to the pulsing beat of the music, laughter and conversations blending into a harmonious symphony of celebration. The lights overhead flickered in time with the music, casting playful shadows across the room. The air was thick with the scent of various perfumes, mixed with the smell of snacks and drinks being passed around. Every now and then, a cheer would erupt as someone dared to do something outrageous, the atmosphere charged with youthful exuberance.
Eijiro grinned, his sharp teeth flashing as he clapped Katsuki on the shoulder, the force of his hand a friendly reminder of their shared strength. “See? Told ya you’d enjoy it! We just needed to drag you outta your shell a bit. Now, what d’you say we make this party even better?”
Katsuki raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. “What the hell are you planning, Shitty Hair?”
Eijiro exchanged a knowing look with Denki, the two of them sharing a mischievous grin that promised nothing but trouble. “Well,” Eijiro began, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone, “there’s been a lotta talk about a certain girlie that Mina knows making an appearance tonight. Word is, she’s planning to steal the show.”
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed slightly, the flicker of interest in his gaze betraying his intrigue. “Who’re you talking about?” His tone was casual, but the sharp edge to his voice made it clear that he wasn’t one for games—at least, not when it came to surprises that involved him.
Denki leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, teasing whisper as if revealing a well-guarded secret. “You’ll see. Trust me, Bakugo, we figured you’d appreciate the company.”
Katsuki scoffed, crossing his arms over his broad chest, the muscles in his forearms flexing under the weight of his folded arms. The movement was casual, but the underlying tension suggested he was weighing the situation carefully. “I don’t need you two idiots setting me up with anyone. I’m here to have a good time, not to entertain your stupid matchmaking schemes.”
Eijiro laughed heartily, the sound deep and genuine as he clapped Katsuki on the back. “Relax, man! No one’s setting you up. We’re just saying, keep an eye out. You might be in for a surprise—and I don’t mean the kind that’ll piss you off.”
Katsuki huffed, the skeptical frown on his face making it clear that he wasn’t entirely convinced. Yet, despite his outward nonchalance, there was a glimmer of curiosity in his expression that he couldn’t quite hide. He glanced around the backyard, the vibrant party atmosphere in full swing—the bass of the music pulsed through the air, lights flickered like electric stars overhead, and the buzz of conversation mixed with bursts of laughter. His sharp eyes scanned the crowd with practiced ease, wondering just who or what Eijiro and Denki were hinting at.
Denki, ever the instigator, couldn’t resist adding one last quip as he playfully nudged Katsuki’s side. “Just don’t get too distracted, Bakugo. Wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the fun~!” His voice was sing-song, a clear indication that he was thoroughly enjoying the teasing.
Katsuki shot him a sideways glare, but the corner of his mouth twitched upward in a smirk that was impossible to suppress. “Tch, as if I’d let that happen. You two are underestimating me if you think I can’t handle a little surprise.”
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“Have fun, girls! Remember to use a condom!” Nuna shouted with a teasing grin as he sped away, his voice carrying over the rumble of the car engine. The taunt earned a collective eye roll from Mina and Y/n, though they couldn’t help the slight smiles tugging at the corners of their lips. The playful jab was typical of Nuna, always teasing, always protective in his own annoying way.
Mina’s hand immediately found Y/n’s, their fingers intertwining as Mina hooked her arm around Y/n’s inner elbow, pulling her close with a familiar sense of camaraderie. Together, they stepped forward in perfect sync, their movements fluid and confident as they approached the entrance to the party. The rhythm of their steps matched the pulsing bass that thumped from within, an infectious beat that seemed to vibrate through the air, setting the tone for the night.
The house loomed ahead of them, a sprawling mansion bathed in the soft glow of strategically placed lights that highlighted its modern, sleek architecture. The sound of laughter and conversation spilled out from the open doors, mingling with the music that reverberated through the ground beneath their feet. Every window glowed warmly, revealing glimpses of the vibrant party scene inside—people dancing, drinks being poured, and a general air of youthful abandon that made the night feel alive with possibility.
As they reached the entrance, heads began to turn, eyes drawn to the duo as they made their grand entrance. Mina, with her short, strawberry-toned hair perfectly styled, exuded an effortless charm that made her hard to ignore. Her outfit—a chic, off-shoulder top paired with a flirty mini skirt—accentuated her figure, giving her a playful yet confident vibe.
Beside her, Y/n was a vision of bold elegance. Her sleeveless cheetah-print crop top hugged her curves, the thin pink trim highlighting her silhouette in just the right way. The top was paired with a low-rise denim mini skirt, the dark wash of the fabric contrasting beautifully with her glowing brown skin. Her outfit was adorned with a series of sparkling accessories—a large, ornate belt with a silver buckle cinched around her waist, multiple bracelets clinking on her wrists, and a chain that dangled from her belt, adding a touch of edgy glamour to her look. The thick pink jade ring on her finger added a hint of mystique, perfectly complemented by her long, straight hair that flowed down her back with streaks of vibrant pink blending seamlessly into the dark strands. The shimmer from her belly button piercing caught the light as she moved, drawing even more attention to her already captivating presence.
The crowd seemed to part like the Red Sea, whispers following in the wake of Mina and Y/n as they made their way through the throng of partying college students. The ambient noise of laughter, music, and clinking glasses lowered to a murmur as curious eyes followed the duo’s confident strides.
Through the sea of faces, a familiar figure emerged—Eijiro Kirishima, standing tall and broad-shouldered, his red hair spiked up in its usual fashion. His brooding expression softened into a warm grin as he noticed the girls approaching.
"Hey Ei!" Mina called out, her voice bright and full of enthusiasm. She tugged Y/n along, clearly excited to make introductions.
"Hey Minaaa!" Kirishima’s grin widened, his sharp teeth flashing as he opened his arms in a welcoming gesture. He was always happy to see Mina, and tonight was no exception. His eyes, however, quickly shifted to Y/n, who stood slightly behind Mina, her presence impossible to ignore.
"I'm guessing this is Y/n?" Kirishima asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and friendliness. His gaze roamed over Y/n, taking in her striking outfit, the way the cheetah-print crop top hugged her figure, and the undeniable confidence in her posture. She seemed to carry herself with such ease, as if she owned the space around her.
"Right you are, hunk!" Mina chimed in, her tone playful as she tugged Y/n forward a bit more, making sure she was fully introduced. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, clearly enjoying the moment.
Y/n’s lips curved into a confident smile as she stepped forward, her glossy lips catching the light. "I'm Y/n," she said, her voice smooth and composed, the sound of her name rolling off her tongue with an effortless charm. She extended her hand toward Kirishima, her eyes locking onto his. "Nice to meet you…?"
Kirishima’s smile widened, his sharp teeth flashing as he reached out to take her hand in a firm, friendly shake. "Eijiro, Kirishima," he replied, his voice warm and welcoming. "But you can call me Eijiro, or Ei if you prefer. I don't mind either."
Y/n could feel the strength in his grip, a testament to his solid, dependable nature, while Kirishima couldn’t help but notice the cool confidence in her demeanor.
Mina watched the exchange with an amused smile, sensing the connection that was beginning to form. "Ei's one of the best."
Y/n nodded, her eyes still fixed on Kirishima. "I can tell," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of something more, a challenge perhaps, or maybe just the promise of an interesting night.
Kirishima let out a teasing grin, smiling as he brought out his arm, for her to hook her arm through, he did the same to Mina, who happily interlinked arms with the boy.
"Let's go where the party's at, alright ladies?"
"Let's go!" Mina squealed. Y/n, on the calmer side, smiled.
"Take me away, pojke."
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Katsuki Bakugo stood near the edge of the pulsating party, his back against the rough texture of the wall, his sharp eyes trained on Izuku Midoriya. The relentless thump of the bass reverberated through the air, the sound waves vibrating through his chest, but it was a mere background noise to him, a distant echo compared to the intensity of the conversation at hand. The world around him, filled with swirling bodies and flashing lights, was of little consequence as he mentally replayed the key moments of the basketball game they were discussing.
Izuku’s voice, filled with excitement, cut through the ambient noise like a knife. "That last quarter was insane," Midoriya hummed, his green eyes wide with the kind of unbridled enthusiasm that always managed to irk Bakugo just a little. "I didn’t think they’d be able to pull off that three-pointer, but the execution was flawless. What do you think, Kacchan?"
Katsuki grunted in response, his arms crossed over his chest. “It was decent,” he muttered, though his tone was grudgingly respectful. “But their defense in the third quarter was shit. Almost cost them the game. If I was their coach, I would’ve chewed ‘em out for slacking.”
Shoto nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. “Their offensive plays were strong, but they left themselves open too many times. It’s a miracle they didn’t lose control completely.”
Izuku, ever the optimist, grinned as he adjusted his grip on the drink in his hand. “True, but you’ve got to admit, their coordination was top-notch. That alley-oop in the second quarter? That was a thing of beauty. It’s not easy to pull something like that off under pressure.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Yeah, well, it doesn’t matter how pretty it looks if you don’t win. They got lucky.”
Before the conversation could continue, Katsuki’s keen senses picked up on a shift in the atmosphere. The steady hum of the party seemed to alter, and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a sudden movement in the crowd. His attention snapped toward the commotion, his instincts immediately on high alert.
Mina Ashido and Eijiro Kirishima were cutting through the throng of people, their faces lit up with mischievous grins that spelled trouble from a mile away. Katsuki’s eyes narrowed, a mix of curiosity and irritation bubbling up inside him. Whatever they were up to, he wasn’t in the mood for their usual antics.
"Oi, what the hell’s got you two all excited?" Katsuki barked, his voice cutting through the noise with its usual edge. His gaze flicked between Mina and Kirishima as they came to a stop in front of him, their breathless laughter only adding to his suspicion.
But before either of them could respond, something strange happened.
The world around Katsuki seemed to slow down, the chaotic noise of the party fading into the background. The pounding bass of the music became a distant hum, the chattering voices and laughter around him blurring into an indistinct buzz. His sharp focus zeroed in on the figure who appeared just behind Mina, a figure that seemed to draw all the light and energy in the room toward her.
There she was—Y/n.
Everything about her demanded attention. She moved with a fluid grace, her steps confident and assured as she made her way through the crowd. Her outfit was bold, the kind that made it impossible for anyone to look away, and the way she carried herself—shoulders back, chin up, a slight sway to her hips—exuded a kind of power that Katsuki couldn’t help but admire. The light played off her glossy lips, accentuating the curve of her smile, and in that moment, Katsuki felt something deep within him stir.
It wasn’t just attraction—it was more profound than that, something that resonated with him on a level he didn’t fully understand. Time seemed to stretch, each second dragging out as Y/n approached, her gaze locking onto his with an intensity that matched his own. His heart, usually steady and strong, hammered in his chest, each beat a heavy thud that echoed in his ears.
Beside him, Izuku noticed the shift in Katsuki’s demeanor and couldn’t resist a knowing smirk, though he wisely kept quiet. Shoto, ever perceptive, simply observed, his expression unreadable.
As Y/n came closer, the air between them seemed to crackle with electricity, a palpable tension that Katsuki wasn’t used to feeling. Her presence was overwhelming, her confidence almost tangible, and he found himself unable to look away. There was something about her—something that made him feel like she was the only person in the room worth paying attention to.
And in that moment, Katsuki Bakugo—the boy who prided himself on being in control, who never let anyone see past his tough exterior—felt the ground shift beneath his feet. Because as Y/n drew near, as her gaze met his with an intensity that made his heart race, he realized that she had managed to do something no one else had ever done.
She had made him hesitate.
And he wasn’t sure whether to be pissed off or intrigued.
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Y/n, sensing that this was the moment, took a step forward, her chin held high. "Katsuki Bakugo," she said, her voice smooth and confident. "I’ve heard a lot about you."
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed slightly as he took in her appearance, from the confident way she stood to the way her glossy lips curved into a knowing smile. He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze sharp and unyielding. "Yeah?" he replied, his tone guarded. "And what have you heard?"
Y/n met his stare without flinching, her own gaze steady and unwavering.
"Come find out, du sexiga odjur."
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word count: I dont know guys. I'm tired.
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