#toilet bubbles when other is flushed
woozyvee · 1 month
fried eggs and pillow talk
felix x female reader
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wc: ~5400
content: coworkers au, smut, fluff
synopsis: it's not like you meant to fall for the charms of the office flirt and follow him home after a night out with your coworkers. either way, you are now left to deal with the consequences.
an: domestic lixie. hyunjin is felix's roommate. this is surprisingly soft, mayhaps i have a big fat crush on yongbok. stayed up past 4am to finish this bitch because fuck sleeping, amirite? (i'm not). anyway, enjoy!!
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Pounding, piercing, disorienting pain.
For a good few seconds, that is all there is. You realize that this sensation is concentrated to your head. No, actually, your stomach, too.
After a few moments more, you remember that you have other senses, as well, which allow you to feel your sweat dampening the sheets embracing you and to hear the melodic songs of birds outside.
Lastly, you're struck with the idea that you possess the ability to open your eyes. It kind of makes the ache sizzling within you a little angrier and so you have to struggle some to pry your lids apart, but you eventually succeed. Though, as soon as you do, an expanding part of you wishes you hadn't.
Because you're met with a familiar mess of blond, frizzy hair.
In the same way that the early morning sunrays sting your eyes, memories from the previous evening come pouring in to sting your brain. You drown in flashing impressions of Felix's toothy smile as he buys you a drink, his hand holding yours as you stumble through the bar and past the prying eyes of your coworkers, his breath against your mouth as he swallows your moans while he fucks you into his sticky sheets.
Oh god. No no no.
You feel yourself freefall into awareness, stomach turning as you fully awaken into your grueling hangover, head pounding in time with your heartbeat and room spinning slightly. Or maybe you're still drunk, you can't tell. It doesn't help to sit up but it's an instinct, as you dizzily try to assess your surroundings.
Clothes are scattered messily across the floor - you're naked, he's naked. Felix's shoulders rise and fall steadily where he lies with his back facing you - he's asleep. The sun is bright outside, casting the room in a white, blinding glow - the busses have definitely started their schedule for the day. You remember Felix telling you his roommate is out of town - you could make your escape unnoticed. Your stomach grumbles, bubbling uncomfortably - you need to use the bathroom.
Having determined your first quest in the escape plan, you slowly uncover yourself from the duvet, standing up on unsteady feet. Your hands shoot upward to cradle your throbbing headache, eyes squinting to find your way into the bathroom as you try to ignore waves of nausea that threaten to pull you under with every other step you take.
It takes a distressing amount of time to settle your upset stomach, eyes closed to concentrate on not throwing up and feet planted firmly against the floor to prevent yourself from falling off the toilet and onto the cold, tiled floor. As you stand up, you swear gravity shifts and you grip the toilet to maintain your balance. For a moment, you seriously consider not flushing to decrease the risk of Felix waking up from the sound but quickly realize that it's a ridiculous thought and press the button, your headache pulsing in time with the loud noise.
What meets you in the mirror is nothing short of a walking, talking, swollen monstrosity and you quickly look away, cringing. After washing your hands and splashing your face with some cool water to counter the beads of sweat traveling down your forehead, you make your way back into the bedroom.
You release a breath you didn't realize you were holding when you see Felix, still unmoving atop his bed. Your narrow glare jumps between the articles of clothing spread around the floor. It is time to let the second quest in your escape plan commence.
It is certainly easier said than done to crouch down and pick your strewn-about clothes up when your sense of balance is thrown completely out of whack, let alone to stay standing on one foot at a time as you try to dress yourself while simultaneously keeping bile from rising from the pits of your stomach. It only takes a few times of bending down and standing back up before your ears are ringing and your headache is creeping its way forward to probe at the sides of your eyeballs, feet stumbling clumsily across the floor. And all you can think about is how the hell you are going to make it all the way back home like this.
Your thoughts are abruptly interrupted when a hand lands on your shoulder and a disorienting jolt shoots through your body at the surprise.
The only reason you don't fall over is because another hand comes up to steady you, holding you firmly until you've regained some semblance of balance. The hands have a sturdy grip on your upper arms and you can feel your heart trying to beat its way out of your chest when the hands slowly turn you around to face their owner.
Felix's eyes are barely open, eyebrows deeply furrowed and yellowish hair closely resembling a bird's nest atop his head once you face him. Somewhere far, far back within the tangled knots that are your mind, you resent the fact that despite looking like he was clubbed across the head, Felix looks nothing short of unarguably attractive.
Those swollen, pink lips were busy kissing you last night, you annoyingly remember.
He says nothing and neither do you, unsure of what to tell him in your half-dressed state, shirt still hanging from your fingertips and zipper still wide open over your crotch. Gently, almost blindly, Felix's one hand travels down your arm to take your shirt from your hold and drop it on the floor again. You can't protest through the tightened walls of your throat. With one hand on each of your elbows, he begins walking and steering you toward his bed. In order to not fall over as you stumble backward, your hands instinctively shoot up to grip his elbows as well.
"Felix," you rasp, finally finding your ability to verbally object.
"Shhh," is all you get as a response.
Just as the backs of your legs reach his mattress, Felix stops before slowly pushing you down, making you sit. He doesn't stop there, completing his task by guiding you back to lay on his bed again and pulling the covers over you before standing back up, fingers rubbing across his eyelid.
"Sleep," he orders, his already deep voice even deeper now that it's laced with leftover fatigue. It makes something tingle beneath your skin.
When you seemingly give up on protesting, Felix stumbles away, probably toward the bathroom and you can't help but watch his bare butt as he does.
You'll resume your escape plan once the opportunity arises again, you think, determined to not stay here and prolong the embarrassment of your careless, drunken decisions. So, when you hear the distinct sound of water spraying from a showerhead on the other side of the wall, you inwardly pump your fist in triumph. Your chance to sneak out came easier than you thought.
But your eyelids are pretty heavy, you realize. And Felix's mattress is really soft. And the sound of him showering is kind of soothing. And before you know it, you're being swept back into an ocean of slumber.
* * *
Waking up again is slow, it's comfortable, it doesn't feel like suffocating in dizzying pain. You turn, hug the sheets tighter against you, head weighty where it sinks into the pillow. Sleep beckons you back into its grasp, to pull you far away from the reality of Felix's bedroom.
You jolt upright, eyes darting around the room. Felix's room. Which you were supposed to escape from.
He is nowhere to be found. The sound of showering that lulled you to sleep is long gone, replaced with a heavy silence. The light swimming around in the room has turned a shade warmer, telling you that the morning has passed and long since turned into day. Your headache has nearly vanished and you no longer feel faint or nauseous. How long were you asleep for?
Your shirt and socks are not discarded on the floor anymore, now neatly folded on the bed beside you, next to a stack of seemingly clean clothes from, you assume, Felix's wardrobe. There's a sticky note on top of the pile and you reach over, grabbing it.
'Drink the glass of water, take a hot shower and put these on.' There's a smiley face at the end.
You look around and, indeed, a tall glass of water stands on the bedside table. Your heartbeat picks up in your chest and you feel somehow flustered, a bit overwhelmed by his kind gesture, even though it's small. It's still thoughtful.
The water isn't as cold as it probably was when Felix poured it up but it feels nice on its way down your throat, nonetheless. You don't hesitate to follow the instructions you were given, obviously abandoning your previous plan of making an escape. A shower sounds too nice, right now.
You take your time washing up, pleased to find that Felix has conditioner on his shower caddy. Less pleased when you unintentionally wonder if he only has it there for girls that he brings over, it being almost halfway emptied. You swat the thought away before the bitter taste of it can spread its way too far down your throat.
Felix's fresh, baggy clothes feel nice against your clean, moisturized skin. Much nicer than you think your clothes from last night would have felt; tight and smelly.
After hesitating for a moment, you fold the rest of your clothes and place them next to your shirt and socks on the bed, making sure to hide your panties on the bottom, in case Felix were to see. Which is admittedly a bit silly, considering that he has not only seen you naked, but been inside you. Still, you insist.
It's nerve-wracking to walk up to his bedroom door, especially when you start hearing that sounds are actually emitting from the other side of it, suggesting that he is very much there. But this makes you realize that he probably heard you showering, which means he already knows you're awake. You think that is what gives you the courage to open the door, hand slightly shaky around the handle.
You have an uninterrupted view into the open-plan kitchen from the gap formed by his door, where you quickly see Felix hard at work, engulfed by the sounds of something frying atop the stove as his back faces you. His hair looks washed now, closer to how you're used to seeing it every day at work.
Cautiously you move into the living space, feeling your heart jumping its way up toward you throat, climbing further with every barefooted step you take. You hate how you feel your hands trembling at your sides.
It's when you reach the closest counter that Felix happens to turn his head and see you. He's surprised for a second, before a warm smile spreads across his face, bright eyes looking you over. Your heart stutters in its climb up your trachea.
"Good morning, love. Sleep well?"
Love. Why does he think he can just call you that now?
You swallow, lick your teeth. "Um-" Your voice catches in your throat and you clear it. "Er. Fine?"
Felix's eyebrows arch skyward and you watch him purse his lips to hide his amusement, before turning to the jar in his hands. You chew your cheek, provoked.
"Hungry?" He glances your way.
You nod tentatively, noticing that eggs are what he is cooking on his frying pan.
"Coffee? Tea?" he asks, observing you expectantly.
"Um... tea?"
Again, he tries to prevent a smirk from forming across his lips, sort of failing. You think the insides of your cheeks might start to bruise from how you're chewing them.
"What's funny?" you dare asking, somehow riled by his amusement.
He cannot help but to break into a grin this time, snickering some. "Nah, it's just- You're so... I'm not used to seeing you this shy. You're usually so feisty."
You stutter in your stance, feeling your wide eyes blinking at him.
He takes in your form once more, where you're stood rigid against the corner of his counter, something fond swimming around in his eyes. "It's cute."
A blazing blush blooms across your face and your eyes turn to dart across the tiled floors, avoiding his stare at all costs. Another deep chuckle tickles your eardrums. "Shut up," you manage, but there isn't much bite in your tone.
"Yes, ma'am." You can hear the grin in his voice.
For the next five minutes or so, you watch in silence as Felix moves around his kitchen, preparing two cups of roasted green tea and plating the eggs from the frying pan. After one pinch of salt atop each egg, he places one of the plates next to you on the counter, followed by a fork and your cup of tea.
"Watch the tea, though. It's still hot. Might be best to give it a minute."
You follow his advice and reach for the fork. The two of you take your first bites in tandem. He watches you chew, then swallow. Your eyebrow twists at his shameless stare.
"Is it... edible?" he asks.
You blink, puzzled. "Yes? I- like eggs."
He nods, suddenly sheepish. "It's just- I'm not the best cook, so- Aside from the brownies I bring to the office sometimes, I- really don't make much else..." He chuckles at his own expense.
The corner of your lip twitches. "It's fine, Felix. The eggs're good," you reassure him, scolding yourself for finding his timid smile endearing.
You proceed to eat wordlessly, forks clinking against your plates as you do. You keep catching Felix looking you over, though, yet he seems unbothered by it as he doesn't stop. After about the tenth time or so, you arch another eyebrow in his direction.
"Why do- Is- What is it?"
He simply shrugs, plump lips curling upward. "Nothing. My clothes look nice on you, is all. I like it." He grins.
You feel your throat tighten and look away, unable to stop yourself from considering how many other times he has told somebody the same thing. Shaking your head, you shove the last big bite of eggs in your mouth, chewing silently with a deep crease between your brows.
"You okay?" You can hear the questioning arch of his brow in the way he asks the question.
"Fine," you mumble around the food in your cheeks.
"You sure?"
Your eyes turn to glare in his direction, meeting the slightly puzzled look on his face reluctantly. As you chew, you cannot really help the words that bubble their way up your chest, something inconvenient having formed them from somewhere in the backrooms of your mind.
Right after you swallow your bite, your mouth speaks of its own accord. "You had conditioner in your shower."
Felix blinks. "Yeah." He smiles. "It smells nice, right?"
You lick your teeth. "Is it yours?"
His head tilts sideways, making him look like a puppy. "Yeah?"
A sigh. "Is it- Was it- Ugh, never mind." You turn to your empty plate, fiddling with your fork, embarrassment catching up to you and effectively shutting you up.
"Huh? I don't get it."
Trying not to roll your eyes, you face him again, finding genuine curiosity there. It takes a while to structure the words in your head and even longer to make yourself utter them out loud.
"It's just- Usually guys don't use conditioner, especially floral ones and so... It just made me wonder. That's all."
For several long seconds, Felix simply watches you, no less confused. "If I have a girlfriend?!" He sounds mildly bewildered.
You cringe. "Not exactly..."
Silently, you watch him dissect your words in his head, turning them over, examining them closely. It's when you see a light of understanding flicker in his eyes, a delighted twitch catching at the side of his mouth, that you quickly turn away, not waiting to see the entertained smile growing on his face.
"I used to have longer hair, remember? Used bucketloads of conditioner back then. Just have some left over, now." You can hear the amusement in his voice and feel a shame-fueled heat crawling its way up to settle in your cheeks, finding that his words are making sense. "So, who'd you think I'd have it there for?"
You turn to shoot him a glare, provoked by the obvious glee shining across his features.
"Felix," you warn.
"Yes, love?"
Your heart seizes at the familiar pet name and you hate how he seems to notice, grin stretching further between his prettily freckled cheeks.
"Just- drop it," you grumble.
His head tilts to the side. "But I don't want to. I'm curious."
Your eyes narrow at him. He's unperturbed. "You know," you relent. "Just... girls."
He hums, unyielding. "Yeah, I know, but like, why'd you think that?"
Your head jerks back some, quizzically, considering the prodding look on his face. "Well, y'know, you're flirty. It just made sense for you."
It's Felix's turn to jerk his head away, seemingly taken aback. "Huh?"
You scoff dramatically, not suppressing an eyeroll this time. "Oh, come on. You flirt more than you actually work at the office. Especially with Sabae."
Felix's brows twitch. "Sabae?"
"Uh, yeah," you assert, as though it's obvious. "Literally every day. Even last night! Sometimes Laura, too. Since her desk's beside yours, I guess..."
"Laura?" He questions, but he no longer looks confused, a smirk slowly finding its way back onto his face.
"Yep. Not to mention Becky. You think it's a coincidence she always gets her coffee at the same time as you?" you ask, a bit incredulous.
"Becky," he repeats, grinning down at you.
"Yes, Becky," you confirm, unamused. "What? Are you denying it? That you're a flirt?"
"Am I not allowed to be?"
You frown, feeling somewhat caught with your pants down. "I- I didn't say that."
"Not directly, but sometimes one can say things without saying them, y'know what I mean?"
"You didn't answer," you steer the conversation back. "Are you denying that you're a flirt?"
"Are you denying that you're bothered by it?"
"You didn't even ask."
"Are you bothered by it?"
You huff and Felix keeps smiling, looking much too amused for your liking.
"I asked first."
"Will you answer if I do?"
"I'm not denying I'm a flirt, then."
The words catch in your throat at Felix's knowing expression. "I guess, I'm not denying it either, then."
"Denying what?"
You all but groan and he only giggles. "That it- peeves me, a little," you mumble, humiliation creeping up on you as you eye the floor beneath your curling toes.
As the delicate touch of steady fingers brush hair back behind your ear, you flinch, looking up to see Felix standing closer.
"You forgot to mention yourself, though," he points out, something soft in the way he beholds your face.
"Hm?" you question, feeling your heart skip within your rib cage.
"I flirt with you too. All the time. You haven't noticed?" He smiles, fondly.
You avert your stare again, fiddling with the soft material of the shirt draped around you. "Of course I noticed. But you flirt with everyone, so..." you shrug.
Felix mulls this over as his hand moves to hold the side of your neck, gaze shifting between your eyes before landing on your throat. His thumb brushes softly across the skin there and he watches the movement as you swallow, humming. Your mind inevitably floods with blurry images from the night before, his hands roaming your body, holding you against him, lips kissing you with a sloppy tenderness that feels too sweet as you're reminded of it. You wouldn't be able to move right now even if you wanted to, body completely frozen. But you don't want to.
"You're the one who's here, aren't you? Not them," he doesn't drop the topic, voice lower now than it was before.
"That- doesn't mean they haven't been."
"They haven't," he asserts without hesitating and by the way he says it, you're convinced he's telling the truth. The admission makes your lungs clench.
Saying nothing, he seems to await your response.
"O-kay," you give, voice small.
His sunny grin comes back, slightly lopsided, fingertips gliding gently along your skin as he lets go of you and steps back, grabbing his plate to turn toward the dishwasher.
Only once he pulls away do you realize that you're breathing heavier, and quickly force yourself into action, taking your own plate with one hand and the mug of tea with the other.
Following behind him, you watch him place his plate in the dishwasher before turning around and grabbing yours, winking at you as he does. You back away, situating yourself where the counters form a corner and take the first sip of your tea. It's nice, soothing. You think your nerves desperately need it.
Felix reaches for his own mug then, leaning sideways against the counter to face you, mirroring you as he takes a sip of his own.
"D'you like it?" he asks.
"The tea?"
"Mm-hmm," you nod, honest.
He taps the side of his mug with his nails, scrutinizing you. You curl and uncurl your toes, chew your lip, anticipating what he is about to say.
"For how long has it bothered you?"
You suck in a breath, startled. "Felix," you scold.
He cannot help but smile wide. "C'mon. Humor me."
"You shoulda told me."
Your eyebrows contort. "Really? Why?"
He looks away, smile wiggling on his face. "I'd have liked to've known."
You roll your eyes, exasperated. "Of course you would've. Which is why I should've never told you, at all."
"Hey," he pouts.
Genuine unease seems to bubble somewhere in your stomach and you find yourself turning around, facing the countertop instead of the man now behind you. You feel exposed, in a way you rather would not and start doubting yourself. Even if everything Felix has said is true, it doesn't mean that your night together meant anything to him. It doesn't mean that girls from outside of the office don't frequent his place in a similar fashion to how you are now. And quite frankly, you feel a bit pathetic for even caring. You slept with a really handsome man who has got heaps of charisma, what did you expect?
"Hey," he repeats, voice smoother now, close to your ear. You stiffen as his hands find their way around your waist, underneath the fabric of his shirt, splaying themselves across your stomach. His front meets your back and you gasp quietly, shivering at his warm breath on the side of your neck. "I'm sorry," he nearly whispers, voice deeper than you knew it could be. Your nerves tingle.
His hand travels upward to hold your breast, testing the weight of it gently, squeezing it with care. Air hitches in your throat, almost making you choke.
"I'll stop," he says, fingertips teasing your perked nipple delicately. A wave of arousal shoots down between your legs and you unintentionally squeeze your thighs together.
"Wh-wha-" you question, unable to focus, to understand.
"I won't do it anymore," he clarifies, starts to leave faint kisses against your pulse, the hand not on your breast sliding downward to probe at the edge of his sweatpants hanging around your hips, his boxers. You try not to flinch but fail. He sighs into your neck.
The hand holding your mug comes down on the counter, spilling some tea over your fingers while placing it there, uncaring of it as your palms plant themselves atop the marble in an attempt to steady yourself. You sigh, sinking into Felix's frame behind you, his fingers slipping beneath the elastic of his boxers.
"W-won't do what?" you somehow remember to ask, nearly vibrating with anticipation as soft fingers weave between the short hairs surrounding your sex.
"I won't flirt with them anymore," he declares, his one hand rising past your breast to slip through the neckline of his t-shirt, digits widening to wrap around your throat, holding it gently. "I do it 'cause it's fun but I'll stop. Only you, from now on."
You can't decipher whether he means what he says or not through the fog of pleasure clouding your judgment, biting back a moan as he applies gentle pressure against your throat to make you lean your head over his shoulder. You comply, easily, putty in his hands. More warmth pools between your legs and you squirm.
"I-I'm getting your underwear all wet," you tell him, somehow apologetic despite everything. You remotely realize that Felix's manhood twitches against your ass, then.
He exhales a muted laugh into your warm skin. "Good girl."
You huff, equally unamused and aroused. "Sh-shut up." Your backtalk morphs into a whine, Felix's fingers teasing at the swollen lips surrounding your slit.
"Mmm," he hums, kissing your jaw and you shudder in his arms, needing him to touch you properly. "Want me to touch you, hm?" he asks as if he can read your thoughts, voice low over your cheek.
Another peck against your skin. "Alright. Since you're so pretty, I will."
Finally, his fingers dip past your lips, gathering the results of your arousal before gliding gently across your clit. You jerk in his arms at the contact, enjoying the way he tightens his hold around your throat to keep you still, thighs involuntarily tightening around his hand.
"Spread your legs for me, love," he requests, fingers unmoving against your pulsing clit. "I'll make you feel good, I promise."
Shakily, you oblige. "Okay," you sigh, throat bobbing against the palm of Felix's hand as you swallow.
His digits resume their movement, tentative as they slide across your swollen nub and you can't help the tremble in your heavy breaths.
"You really are wet. And warm," Felix marvels, circling your clit softly, steadying you as you mewl in his embrace. "Uhh, I really wanna bury myself in there again," he confesses, fingers sliding down to gather more of your wetness before resuming his movements against you.
You can feel your pleasure building, burning and twisting somewhere deep within your abdomen, heavy and tangible.
"How does it feel, love?"
"G-good," you moan, helplessly grinding your cunt against the pads of his fingers as he touches you. "Fuck, uhh..."
"I know," he reassures you, trying a gentle squeeze with his grip around your throat. You whimper, overwhelmed. "You're doing so good, sweetie. Just relax, I've got you."
Your cheeks burn, likely searing against Felix's skin, heart growing with warmth at his gentle words. In the delirium of your pleasure, you find courage that you don't expect to, hidden words crawling their way up your tongue.
"Felix," you huff, breathy and needy.
"I- uh, I like you."
You unmistakably feel a grin forming against your skin, Felix's arms squeezing to hold you tighter against him. "I know, my love."
His circles over your clit don't let up and before you know it, you're hurdling toward your release, muscles tightening all throughout your body.
"Oh- uh- I'm-"
"Let go, just let go. I'm here, I've got you."
And you do, seizing within his arms, eyes rolling up past your eyelids, throat tightening around a strained cry of pleasure under the firm hold of Felix's hand, heart beating aggressively in your chest as your nerves tingle euphorically. Your sex pulses against Felix's digits as he helps you ride your way through your orgasm, slowing his pace gradually into a gentle motion until your mind comes back down into reality.
Your chest heaves, body slumping helplessly into the one behind you. As your legs squeeze together and your hips jerk away, Felix lets up, slipping his hand back out of his boxers to hold you over your hip.
"How was it?" he asks, voice thick and gruff.
"M-my ears are ringing. Fingertips're tingling."
"Pretty good then." He's smiling into you still.
You sigh. "Yeah, pretty good."
Not releasing his grip, Felix grinds against your ass and you let him, still jelly in his hold. He carries what is at least a semi within the pants he's wearing, sighing a warm breath over your neck. "God, I wanna fuck you. Bend you over this counter, come inside you."
"Y-you should," you egg him on.
He only manages to groan before the sound of keys jingling catches your joint attention. You freeze together, waiting and assessing the threat before daring to make another move. And as you hear the keys being inserted in the lock of the front door, the two of you fly apart like repelling magnets. You catch yourself against the counter in front of you and Felix backs away toward the dishwasher, picking his now lukewarm mug of tea back up.
Your eyes lock across the kitchen area and yours widen, panicked. You try to ask him what to do by simply gesturing with your hands but all he can do is shrug, taking a shaky sip from the mug in his hands. You sigh, bewildered.
"It's only Hyunjin," he tries to console.
Your jaw slackens in perplexity.
You hear the front door open down the hallway, then slamming shut as you lean back to grip the counter behind you.
"Hey, Felix," comes a greeting.
You watch Felix shoot a strained smile toward his friend, who's in his line of sight but hidden from yours. It takes some effort to swallow the saliva pooling in your throat. "Hey! You're back. Didn't realize it's already two o'clock."
"What? Got up late?"
Felix shoots you a wary glance. "Eh, yeah. A little."
"Hey, everything good?" Hyunjin asks as his footsteps pad down the hallway and before you know it, his figure appears around the corner.
You freeze, as does he when he sees you. His eyes widen and you can only hope that he can't tell that your breathing is a little too ragged, cheeks a little too flushed, and you're thankful that he can't know that your ears are still kind of ringing.
"Hello," he says.
"Hi," you answer, voice meek.
His inquisitive stare shoots toward his roommate, raising a questioning brow before eyeing you again.
"Had a good trip?" Felix asks, gulping around big swigs of tea.
"Uh, yeah," Hyunjin hesitantly answers and you find yourself fidgeting under his eyes that keep jumping between you and the man that just made you come on his fingers, in their shared kitchen.
You can't for the life of you come up with something to say, stomach turning and head spinning at how somehow relaxed Felix seems already, maybe a little sheepish but not nearly as uneasy as you are, as if he already knows what is about to unfold. The cogs turning in Hyunjin's head might as well be visible as he assesses the scene before him, taking in all of your form stood in his apartment. You chew your cheek, squirming in your place in the corner.
"Ah," he finally sighs, something akin to realization dawning across his features as he smiles. He eyes his friend knowingly, hands landing on his hips. "This is the girl from work that you can't shut up about, isn't it?"
Your body goes rigid, only your eyes moving as you cast a quizzical glance in Felix's direction. There's a somewhat bashful grin on his face as he shrugs before hiding behind the lip of his mug. "Well, when you say it like that..." he mumbles, eyes averting down toward the floor.
You don't know what to call the feeling that pops and spreads in your chest, ticklish and exhilarating, a whole new wave of heat flushing on your cheeks.
Hyunjin laughs before turning to you, fully. "Well, it's good to finally meet you."
"Er, y-you too."
"M'guessing I'll be seeing a lot more of you around here, so we'll have time to get to know each other later. I'll leave you guys to it," he says, beaming as he turns and walks toward his bedroom, sharing a secret look with his friend before he disappears behind his door.
Sheepishly, Felix turns to meet your eyes and you raise an inquisitive brow at him. He simply shrugs, mouth blooming into a bright grin. You can't help but be infected, your own lips curving into a matching smile, warmth spreading from your chest and throughout the rest of your body.
Maybe your drunken mistake wasn't so much of a mistake after all.
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copyright © 2024 woozyvee. all rights reserved.
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sugojosgf · 1 month
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i fantasize about it all the time !
﹒ fem!toji ﹕☆ ﹟ fem · prns ㅤ࣭ ㅤׂ : ᯓ cw : sexuāl fantasies , cūnnilingus , strāpping , fingēring , perv toji , genderbent au , roommate au ! ﹐
toji pays rent on time, she cleans up after herself, she's great company, she also fantasizes about you under her writhing in pleasure but hey! they were just roommates right ?
it is almost 2 am when you hear someone ring the bell. it was a warm night, you had shed layers of clothes opting to wear a tank top and shorts. the air was thick with humidity, a layer of sweat making your body glow under the dim lights of your apartment. you get up from your comfortable position on bed — legs curled and on your side scrolling on your phone. stretching your sore arms you walk to your front door. you look through the peephole and see none other than your new roommate toji. you both met for the first time in a cafe after she answered to your post looking for a roommate to split rent. she was truly a sight to behold. decked in comfortable looking clothes, a pair of baggy jeans and a form fitting t-shirt that fit her large frame perfectly, a hint of her calvin klein boxers peeking through. she was charming, and nonchalant and you decided at that moment that you would not mind sharing an apartment with her.
you open the door and you are met with the sight of a very drunk toji.
"... i think i'm going to throw up."
toji's eyes burn as she throws up into the toilet bowl, stomach churning with nausea already. she can feel the beer make it's way back up to her mouth and she swears that she'll never drink again.
she feels your soft hand on her back as you coo at her plight. you draw soothing circles on her skin as she heaves again.
"s'okay toji, it's almost over." you say as she pukes her gut out for the final time and collapses on the bathroom floor.
you help her up and get her to brush her teeth. up and down, side to side. the foamy sounds growing louder as you move the toothbrush. she's taller than you, by a lot of inches than you can count so to reach up to her is a struggle, arms cramping up with the effort.
she's still very drunk, bubbles of her intoxication bursting around her.
you bring her to her room when you notice her outfit. she's wearing a black tank top, a little too tight on her skin paired with leather pants that seem a little too warm for the weather.
she seems to realise that too because the next thing you know she's tugging off her pants, sliding it off her long legs.
you quickly turn your back to her, fingers pressed against your wandering eyes.
"toji! y-you can't just do that!!" you whisper-yell, hoping she would stop nearly stripping in front of you.
"was too hot, fuck—" she mumbles, "—m never fucking wearing leather again."
"are you dressed ?" you sigh in defeat, back still turned.
".... yeah, look at me baby."
toji was a flirty, sleazy and oh so mean drunk.
you turn to see her only wearing her thong and a graphic tee that is conveniently pulled over the curvature of her ass.
she looks at you face flushed and still manages to sneak in a wink.
".... i'm leaving."
she gets up and grabs you before you can leave pulling you into the bed with her. she holds you close as your face is pressed impossibly close to her chest, close enough to hear her beating heart.
"nooooo ... stay with me, please."
the next morning toji wakes up with the kind of headache that makes her want to hit her head against the wall. she groans as she gets up, back all kinds of fucked up. she rubs her eyes, sitting cross legged on the bed. once her vision clears, she notices something on her bedside table.
' your head probably hurts a lot rn >:( , so here's a painkiller and some water. take it after you eat the soup i've made. it's in the fridge ( heat it up for 30 seconds ) ! take care ~ ♡ p.s - your phone should be at 100% now , it's charging in the living room '
she heats the soup and it tastes just right, making her feel a lot better. her phone is not dead and fully charged, her room definitely cleaned up and she realises even her makeup from the night before was removed. she takes the painkiller and heads to the couch where she pulls her phone out to text shiu.
t. fushiguro : i need to fuck my roommate shiu 🐾 : girl, that's gay t. fushiguro : ...
it becomes unbearable for toji to be around you. her once 'super nice!' roommate becomes the star of every single one of her wet dreams. it doesn't even take a lot from you for toji to bite her fist in frustration.
you wearing a checked apron ? wet. you kissing her cheek goodbye ? horny. you passed out on the couch snoring ? she wants to eat you.
you were just so fucking cute.
she also starts wishing that you stopped becoming comfortable around her. just the other day, she was grabbing a quick bite from the kitchen when she's met with the sight of you wrapped in a fluffy turkey towel coming out of your shared bathroom.
"t-toji!" you yelp in surprise with her sudden presence. her heart beats so hard, as you come closer. your hair dripping wet, bare faced and a soft smile painted on your lips. the towel doesnt do much. its wrapped tightly around your breasts and she can see the soft peaks of your nipples. the towel was also way too short to cover your glistening thighs. fuck.
she thinks about the way you looked that one time as her fingers push deeper into her cunt. she tries not to think of you like that. you were too sweet to be the main character of her perverted fantasies. she imagines your eyes screwed tightly as she fucks deeper into you with her strap. she imagines every single one of her wildest fantasies.
would you bite ? would you scratch ? she thinks how delicious the drag of your manicured nails against her back would feel ? would you cry ? sob as she plays with your pretty clit ? she wants you under her already.
all of her fantasies manifests into existence on a normal saturday. she comes home to you seated in the dining table, with your lips pursed. you barely notice that toji's back home, mind clearly distressed.
"everything alright roomie ?" she asks, startling you. your eyes widen animatedly and you gasp.
"toji!" you take a deep breath in, "we need to talk."
fuck, toji thinks to herself. you probably found evidence of her debauchery somehow and wanted her to leave.
she clambers over to you and takes a seat, palms clammy. "y'er scaring me, doll."
you shake your head, anguished. "toj' we can't be roommates anymore..." you drop your head down, like a kicked puppy.
"is it because you found my stash of your stolen pant—" "i am attracted to you toj—"
your mouth hangs, jaw dropped. toji is quick to turn red. she curses her stupid mouth. why didn't she wait till you talked ?
"you STOLE my panties ?"
"you are attracted to ME ?"
both of you fall silent. situation way out of both your hands.
"we should fuck now, obviously."
"you can't just say that !!"
toji had imagined you in 38 positions, 53 different outfits and 120 separate plot lines all involving you with your eyes rolled up your head with pleasure.
none of those fantasies even came close to the feeling of you sat on her lap, rubbing yourself against her thighs, your mewls don't go unnoticed as she bites your nipples, soft cries echoing through the room.
your nails raked against her naked back, eyes crossed in the simple pleasure of her thigh getting you off. she could feel you throbbing through the thin layer of frilly pink panties that you still had on.
you stop and look at toji, she almost worries that you don't want to continue this little game.
"toooji," you sound drunk, eyes lidded, "please let me taste you."
toji has you on your knees, carpet rubbing against your soft skin. her legs are sprawled out to the sides of your head, you vision looking straight at her pussy. she looks at you, elbows supporting her just so she can watch you try to give her head.
you start off slow, kissing her sensitive inner thighs. you take your time to press your lips softly against body, moist with arousal and sweat from the sweltering heat.
with precision, you lick a strong stripe along her slit. this action is enough to pull the softest sounding gasp from toji. you pull back, strands of her arousal attached to your lips. you calm your beating heart and try to ignore the way toji looks at you.
"go on, you were begging for this." she mocks you. you slowly use your fingers to spread her lips apart, a resounding squelch bounces off the walls.
"you are so wet toji....," you sigh dreamily as you press your lips to her clit. toji's hands make way to your head and pulls your hair, making you moan into her skin.
"y'er so nasty, so dirty for me, only me right baby ?" you nod and begin to make out with her cunt. you begin to drool as you taste her, the tanginess of her juices igniting your brain on fire.
you cry out together with her when you push your tongue into her pulsing hole, fluttering around the wet muscle that invades. she groans, pushing your head impossibly closer to her cunt.
you continue to eat her out, till her thighs begin to shake from exhaustion. you suddenly stop, looking up at toji with the widest doe eyes she's ever seen.
"please use me toji, wanna make you feel good."
that's all she needs to hear before she drags you back to her cunt, this time her hips grinding against your face. your nose bumps into her clit and she reels you in deeper.
"fuck, doll," she whispers, "i'm so fucking close." you hold on to her thighs as she fucks your mouth. your tongue is strained from the attention you give her, the wetness of her arousal like music to your ears. she does not pull you off when she squirts, painting your face with her juices.
your pants create clouds of heat against her skin, face flushed and content. suddenly you are flipped, eye to eye with toji caging you beneath her. her tits, enormous as they are, all for you to take in with your eyes hangs above you. there's a glint in her gaze that tells you that she's going to devour you.
"now, my turn."
toji has you in a mean mating press, as she fingers you. she grabs you and holds you close with a single hand on your waist. you know very well tomorrow you would wake up with the bruises of her rough padded fingers blooming on your skin. your legs ache from their bent position on her muscled shoulders.
"toooooji," you whine as you feel her spit on your cunt, "m' sensitive." you tremble with over sensitivity. your teeth clatters as she brings you closer to another orgasm, thumb working quickly against your sticky clit. she grins victoriously at your ruined state, makeup running down in streams as you look at her with stars in your eyes.
"fuck! don't look at me like that." she grunts as she shoves her thick fingers deeper into your aching cunt. she looks at the base of her knuckles, rings of your creamy release making her grow wetter with the anticipation of your release.
"baby, please, let me use my strap on you." she nearly begs, voice scratchy with need. you whine with embarrassment, eyes prickling with tears of humiliation as you nod.
"use your words," she taps your sloppy pussy. "tell me what exactly you want."
"stop teasing me..." you mewl, "please fuck me with your strap toji." you say with our fingers covering your eyes, streaming in vision of toji's satisfied face.
toji has you arched, ass rippling as she fucks into you with her emerald green strap. she grinds her hips against you. she bends over, hands massaging your tits and the way you would whimper whenever she rubbed your nipples between your fingers fell on deaf ears.
"atta girl, move against me just like that," she grouses as you throw slow circles against the strap. you feel her reach all the way up to your gut, the stretch nearly splitting you into half.
"hah! ngh—," you moan as you feel her bully her strap against your g-spot, nestled all the way in you, "—s'too much toj!" you try to say as you run from her strap. her pelvis bruises your ass with the force of her unforgiving thrusts. she cackles at your plight, suddenly flipping you to your side so she can fuck deeper.
the angle she has you in makes you feel like youve ascended heaven, the mean grind against your poor cunt as she slams her strap in a way that no one could withstand. all hours of her working out in the gym were paying off as she sees you sob, praying for release.
the plap-plap in the room doesn't stop until you squirt all over her strap, making a mess of your pink sheets.
"fuck! baby, that was amazing," she whispers at the wetness dripping off her body, she didnt know you could squirt. you crawl away from her before she grabs your ankle and pulls you back against her body again, "— awww baby, you didn't think that was all, right ?" she fills you up until you can't breathe, the wind knocked out of your lungs.
"once more, you can do it—" you can almost feel her throb, "fuck, you look so pretty." this time she brings her nimble fingers to work on your pretty clit, sticky and gooey as she rubs circles on it.
"i'm so close !—" you cry out, her fast fingers making you taste your release. you cry out, eyes closed tightly from the pleasure of orgasming for the fifth time that night. she whistles as you squirt again, body giving up from the buzzing between your legs. your lashes flutter ready for a quick nap.
"i love ya' toji." you mumble out as you fall asleep, feeling toji pull out. her cleaning you up is all a fuzz, wet cloth wiping away all the fluids using your body as a canvas. you swear on life that at some point, she whispers a 'i love you too baby.' but you chalk it up wishful thinking.
when you wake up from your nap, you see toji on the bed next to you opening up a package. she looks happy, small smile on her scarred lip. she's still half naked, wearing a green satin robe left untied. she looks beautiful as the moonlight hits her.
"oh, you up? " she says as she holds the scissors in her mouth to use her hands to rip off the tape.
"what do you have there ?" she doesn't reply until she brings out the product.
its curved, pink and looks like a double ended dildo with ridges on them.
"pink is your favourite colour right ?"
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diwatopia · 5 months
★ amethyst ; poly!marauders.
info: fluff, poly!marauders x gn!reader, under 1k.
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there's a slight burn to your scalp as you apply more bleach to the small chunks of your hair, all sectioned into four neat squares to make the process easier.
your gloved hands squeak as you continuously clamp and unclamp your fingers over your locks, rubbing in the solution to get your hair to the light blonde you desire but it becomes increasingly difficult as you reach the back of your head.
"whatcha' doing, dolly?" sirius chirps, head popping past the door frame to get a good look at your odd stature: one foot on the lid of the toilet, the other planted firmly on the tiled floor as you attempt to get the last strand towards the base of your skull.
"can you see if i got the roots towards the back?" voice huffing in frustration as you scratch your burning scalp.
sirius coos teasingly, kissing at your clean temple when you pout. "you missed a couple spots. got any extra gloves?" his voice softer than before with a sickly sweet expression that makes your brain all gooey and melty.
you nod dumbly, handing him a pair of black latex gloves and practically purr as he gently scratches at your scalp, ceasing all itching and burning with his magic touch.
"are the boys back too?" you ask, already hearing the two pairs of socked footsteps thud against the hardwood floors. you've got your answer.
"hi, sweetness!" james pipes up, head peeking round the corner alongside remus'.
you smile, lazily reaching for them but not enough to disturb sirius who's hard at work. "what color are we going for today, dovey?" remus asks with curiosity, grin matching yours as he rushes to grasp at your hand.
"not sure... i have two different colors but i need your help deciding," your lips tucked into an adorable pucker as you mull over which color to go with.
two boxes lay on the countertop, pink and purple hair dye that are basically close in color but completely different vibes. you glance over to the boys, more so at sirius due to the fact that he's the best styled out of the bunch.
"i think i'm leaning more towards purple but i asked marls and she said pink so now my brain's all in a twist..." you pout slightly.
silence falls, the only thing being heard is your phone playing music. sirius is the first to speak, "i think you should stick to purple, doll."
then a flurry of agreements can be heard from both remus and james as if they were waiting for sirius' opinion before speaking upon their own.
"agreed, purple suits your skin tone!" james speaks as if he's just happy to be here, starry-eyed with a dopey grin to match.
remus nods along with james, "and it doesn't seem like it's a royal purple, it's more of an amethyst. i think you'll look extra pretty, dove."
you flush pink, "purple's the way to go then," soft giggle bubbling past your throat.
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★ diwa's notes: i'm actually not sure how i feel abt this one but ty for 300 (?) notes on "lovely"!!!
© hobietopia 2024.
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cannibaled · 6 months
wicked game
to be honest, i just knew i wanted to finally write something with felix. so i just started writing and this is what happened so, hopefully you like ! 🥹 —
☆ warnings: none, slight nsfw — just making out, ass and thigh grabbing, hickeys
☆ premise: jealousy.
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being felix catton's girlfriend was most comparable to riding a rollercoaster blindfolded.
your dynamic was interesting and unique, and everchanging. at times, he was the wolf, mouth watering and snarling as he cornered you, his prey. a bunny. vulnerable and stripped helpless with nowhere to go. at times, you would be the wolf, but instead of hunger compelling all of your senses, it was instead jealousy. what made this dynamic worse, arguably, was that he was unaware. you would be upset, or even angered after a girl practically threw herself at him. he was a natural flirt, but would react kindly but withdrawn. he would stare at you with his big, brown, puppy dog eyes when you were frustrated and prepared to speak, but nothing ever came out. instead, you would brush messy chocolate curls from his freckled forehead and press a rouge kiss to his tanned skin, the red painting him beautifully. then, that starved wolf would suddenly morph into the sweetest little dog you've ever seen. prancing up happily and licking slobbery kisses into its supposed prey.
you knew you couldn't keep things bubbled forever. considering he was popular and you often attended parties together, it grew difficult. it started to become so stressful that even farleigh or venetia couldn't offer advice any longer. farleigh spoke his mind, as usual, telling you to just suck it up and talk to felix, but part of you felt like you would burden him.
alcohol burned your throat, fiery eyes watching the scene before you. he was practically surrounded by women, a swarm of a horny, desperate ocean attacking his person in waves. you began to think. was he really all that unaware?
you briskly looked away when his bright hazelnut eyes met yours, his cute, gap-toothed smile making your heart singe. as safely and quickly as possible, you stumbled off, pushing through hot, sweaty bodies towards the bathroom. surprisingly, there was no line - save for one person, who was able to get in as soon as you arrived. leaning against the vibrating, booming walls of the hallway, you huffed softly. you should be able to talk to him about anything. truth be told, he was your best friend, and, hell; to a certain extent, you could talk to him about anything. but it was difficult for you to admit you were jealous. that, you couldn't understand why. maybe it was because it would be something affecting his social life. were you afraid of sabotaging that?
the sound of a toilet flushing and the shrill squeak of the door opening pulled you from your thoughts, and you rushed into the bathroom. ignoring how your shoulder grazed the previous user's, you locked the door after yourself and did your business. scrubbing at your hands until your skin was raw, you avoided looking at yourself in the mirror. you knew you probably looked a mess, and, frankly, you didn't need to see such a sight right now. twisting the lock on the door, you pulled it open, only to be met with large, warm hands on your shoulders. you cried in confusion as you were pushed back into the bathroom once more, the door slamming shut and clicking locked.
felix stood before you, a red cowboy hat hanging lazily from his head. you two stared at each other for a minute until his lips stretched into that cute, toothy smile of his.
"so this is where you were," he drawled lamely, his accent soft.
"you had to have known, considering you were waiting for me."
he clicked his tongue and stepped towards you, and you unconciously stepped back, until your lower back made contact with the hard, cold porcelain sink. his fingers grazed your sides, and he lifted you easily onto the sink, long digits playing dangerously with the hem of your short dress. your noses brushed one another, and despite your annoyance, you wrapped your arms around his neck. there he went again, cornering you. not only cornering you, but he was sure to get a bite. it was difficult for you to stay upset when he was in an affectionate state like this.
"you seemed upset." he mumbled softly. his breath smelled of alcohol and mint - which you assumed was from the gum he carried around. you remember asking him about that once, in which he just grinned and held up his pack of smokes. cotton mouth, you recalled.
"yeah, well." you responded avoidantly, hooking your legs around his hips and yanking his body closer to yours. he was warm, skin damp with sweat and hot to the touch. you knew it was from dancing. "you seemed quite busy hanging out with your groupies there."
felix's eyebrows raised in surprise, his hands gently squeezing the soft flesh of your thighs. "you're jealous? love, you know they're just friends."
"c'mon, felix. you know they want you." you whined, and you could tell he was biting back a chuckle.
"well, that's too bad." god. you hated when he talked like that. coolly, and without a care in the world. he was always good at defusing situations when his temper wasn't present. maybe he knew just how likable he was.
"i just don't like that you let them hang on you like that. follow you like a bunch of lost puppies. they think they have a chance because of shit like that. i can't stand it. i want to be able to spend time with my boyfriend at parties he brings me to."
he was silent, letting you vent your frustrations. his half-lidded gaze met yours, long lashes fluttering as he searched your eyes. you assumed he was watching for tears, so he could pounce onto the opportunity of comforting you and wiping them, or kissing them away. he was sweet like that.
"i admit, i know they flirt or whatever. and maybe i flirt back. sometimes. but, i belong to you. they'll never be my (Y/N)." you weren't satisfied with his answer, your eyes narrowing. and he knew you were still angrier, if not more than before. but, then, he pressed his soft lips to yours, capturing them in a desperate kiss. you could taste the nicotine and beer on him, and although you wanted to yank his hair in retaliation for his stupid fucking excuses, you kissed back.
it was heated, clumsy, passionate. his teeth grazed your flesh, allowing blood to seep through the wounds he inflicted. his tongue swept it away before tasting you properly, the sweet tase of iron clouding your senses. when he pulled away, you assumed he was finished - instead, he pressed feverish kisses along your neck, yanking your smaller frame into his with possession. "brand me," he breathed against you, and just when your mouth was about to part and your eyes flutter, they opened wide in confusion. "huh?" you gasped when he grazed a sweet spot in your neck with his teeth before pulling away, his pink lips darkened with small traces of your blood and swollen. "brand me." he repeated, slipping his hands under your skirt. he didn't dare touch the warm desperation between your legs, instead pressing his fingers into a bruising grip on your upper thighs and ass. "show them who i belong to, darling." you swallowed, manicured nails grazing the nape of his neck.
the thought of it alone was exciting. they knew already he was yours, to an extent, but once they saw him bruised up and pretty with marks caused by you, you knew that'd be the end of it. because, while felix catton was known around oxford for hookups, it was rare for him to allow his fleeting girlfriends the pleasure of giving him hickeys. it was always the other way around, him marking them up with lovebites and bruises on their thighs. for however long he pleased, they belonged to him. never him, to them. but now, he was yours.
so, you did just as he requested - because how could you deny him when he was nearly begging you? finally gripping his curls, you latched your lips onto his neck as if you were starved. he threw his head back to allow you more space and access to your canvas, and you happily painted him red and blue. deep, shaky groans reached your ears, rewarding you for your work. he was always so pretty. his moans and gasps were never an exception when it came to beauty. sex and intimacy with felix was like appreciating art, because he often looked like a painting. no matter where, or what time of day. his muscles would flex, his skin glowing warm and his lips parted. if you had the skills, you would properly copy him onto a canvas or piece of paper and officially, truly, make him your muse. you knew that there was no way physical art would do his beauty justice, though.
you stopped when your lips began to feel sore, instead sinking your teeth into his skin for one final gift.
"fuck," he all but whimpered. and though his voice was deep and he was still bigger than you, you knew were now the wolf. he was the putty in your hands now, bending and softening from a simple weakness.
you pulled away and admired your work, slipping your hands from his head, to his neck, and then, finally, his cheeks. your thumbs brushed along his flushed skin, and when he opened his eyes, you saw nothing but love. his pupils were dilated and his eyes sparkly, and if you didn't feel so dizzy with affection for felix, you would have cried. you placed one last kiss to his pretty lips, and he slipped his fingers from under your dress to cradle your back.
your kiss was cut short with an angry bang on the door, and you jumped away from your boyfriend, smacking his broad shoulder when he laughed.
"guess we kept 'em waiting." he teased cheerfully, gripping your thighs to help you off of the sink.
"okay, ladies first."
"you suck, lix."
"rather," he corrected, carefully guiding you towards the bathroom door with a hand on your back. "if we can make it out of here and to my room, it'll be you instead."
before you could shriek at him out of embarrassment, he opened the door for you and delivered a playful smack to your bottom, paying no mind to the annoyed stranger that stared at him in disgust as they walked past.
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marvelfanfics1 · 3 months
Littlesister!reader who keeps begging jj to get her a bunny!! But his brother always says no to her until one day him and john b offers to reader a stuffed plushie bunny and she treats it like a real bunny :(( omg
Another Version Of A Pet
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Pairing: brother!jj maybank x toddler!sister!reader
Warnings: just fluff
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"Pweaseeee!" You were pulling on JJ's shirt, giving him your best puppy eyes.
You have been asking and begging him to get you a pet bunny for days now, promising to always behave and take care of it yourself but JJ of course knows better than that from experience.
"You remember bubbles the fish?" He asks and you tilt your head confused.
"You mean the one you said swam away?" You furrow your brows and JJ mentally curses at him himself for bringing it up.
"Yeah...right. Nevermind. Kiddo, listen, you're too young to take such responsibility. A bunny is a lot of work." He tries to reason with you, hell he just manages to take care of you and doesn't have the heart to tell you another lie should another animal...die from neglect.
"M'gonna take care of it! I promise!" You whine.
He sighs, running a hand through his messy hair. "I'm sorry. But it's not up for discussion."
You frown sadly, detangling your hands from his shirt. "Otay...m'gonna go play outside." You mumble, your head hanging low as you walk outside, not acknowledging John b who just came back after running some errands.
"Hey, Maybank junior. You wanna- oh okay." He cuts himself off as you just walk past him and towards the hammock.
He turns to JJ with a raise of his eyebrow. "What's up with her?"
They both look in your direction, seeing you swaying in the hammock, watching you throw your small teddy in the air and catching it again. They look back at each other, smirking when the get the same idea.
"The same thing that's been goin' on for days. She wants a pet bunny and won't stop asking." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You remember her fish?"
John B hisses, remembering the day they had to flush him down the toilet.
A few days later, after JJ mowed a lot of lawns or fixed cars he finally had enough money for a bunny plushie. He couldn't stand to see you so upset so he hopes that at least the plushie will make you a bit happier.
He got out of the store, plastic bag in hand as he jumps into the Twinkie with John B behind the wheel. "And?"
JJ pulls out the white stuffed bunny with a smile. "I just hope she likes it..." He mumbles and John B pats his shoulder.
"I have a good feeling, bro."
You are sitting in the living room of the Chateau watching a movie with Kie and Pope. They were asked by JJ to look out for you until he comes back from the 'doctor' as he told you.
As the screen door opens you just gave the boys a quick glance before focusing back on the tv. JJ moves to stand directly in front of it, holding the bag behind his back.
"I have a surprise for you, squirt." He grins and now you were paying attention to him, sitting up.
"Me?" You point at yourself. "What is it?"
He just tosses the bag onto your lap, watching in anticipation as you look into it. His smile widens when you gasp, quickly pulling out the bunny and holding it out to admire it.
"Is a bunny!" You squeal and all the pogues smile at your excitement. You jump off the couch and run over to hug JJ's legs tightly, the bunny clutched in your hand. "Fank you..."
Throughout the next week JJ notices how you treat your stuffed animal like an actual bunny, taking it with you everywhere, feeding it, letting it 'hop' around outside, and instead of a crate it would sleep on a pillow beside the bed you're both sharing at the Chateau.
"Not for that, kiddo." He rubs your back, glad that you're beyond happy and grateful for the gift he worked his ass off for. He would do anything for you.
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For everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse @kissforvoid
For JJ:
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
notes: i’m aware that i haven’t finished the playoffs parts- i apologize- but i wanted to spit out a quick summer edition to remind y’all that this au exists!
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liked by dawson1417, jackhughes, and 110,381 others
y/ndevils00 you can catch me in vegas, catch me in tokyo… 🤠
tagged jackhughes and _alexturcotte
jackhughes babe…
y/ndevils00 what? we’ve been to vegas and tokyo this past month, just letting everyone know 😇
nicohischier why are you like this?
y/ndevils00 just the way i was born, i guess!
nicohischier is there any way to change it?
trevorzegras @/nicohischier there is not. trust me, i’ve tried
user74 y/n is the most unhinged WAG and i’m in love with her
user10 how is she unhinged with this post? i’m confused
user38 @/user10 her caption is a song “you can catch me in vegas, catch me in tokyo, catch me on the d*ck tryna ride like a rodeo”
user10 @/user38 oH OKAY
y/ndevils00 you’re my only true supporter in this sea of fake fans 🤧🫶
dawson1417 i’ve got your back best friend!
john.marino97 you make me question things. like our friendship.
y/ndevils00 and how amazing it is?
john.marino97 among other things…. like why it exists
y/ndevils00 oh smush, as if you don’t live with us…
lhughes_06 i’ve decided to move in with John next season
y/ndevils00 no <3
lhughes_06 well, i tried
trevorzegras thriving and diving!
y/ndevils00 🤿💦
jackhughes what do these even mean?
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes idk, i’m just rolling with it. i just assume you guys never know what your own comments mean either
user27 y/n calling hockey guys out on their weird comments 😭 she’s so real
_quinnhughes have you been watching edits again?
y/ndevils00 i don’t have to answer to you
_quinnhughes so yes?
y/ndevils00 yeah 😔
jesperbratt miss you! hope you’re having fun!
y/ndevils00 i’m gonna die for you. it’s no longer an “i would”, it’s an “i will”.
jesperbratt i would like you alive when i get back, please!
y/ndevils00 if you insist 😔
jackhughes you know my mom has this app, right?
y/ndevils00 ellen said i should post these pics! she said you look handsome!
jackhughes you concern me
y/ndevils00 that’s my job as your work wife
jackhughes you know you have a real title of my girlfriend?
y/ndevils00 i like this one better. it has the word “wife” in it
jackhughes i give up
colecaufield i don’t get a feature but ALEX does? what kind of friendship is this?
y/ndevils00 i’m so sorry, teddy bear! i’ll do better next time 😔
colecaufield thank you, bubble!
_alexturcotte damn, i look hot
y/ndevils00 does nobody care about how EYE look on MY OWN post?!
_alexturcotte you look great, honey bun
y/ndevils00 THANK YOU! FINALLY!
jackhughes you in that dress 🤤
y/ndevils00 if i remember correctly, me in that dress didn’t last long 🤭
jackhughes what can i say? it looked better on the floor
trevorzegras GET A ROOM, NASTIES!
y/ndevils00 @/trevorzegras i’m gonna flush your zyn down the toilet
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lcvejoy · 1 year
speak now
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wilbur soot x gn!reader
tw!: alcohol, throwing up, angst? hurt/comfort. kinda makes no sense; not proofread.
word count: 1,336
a/n: i hate this but i rlly just wanted to post bc i miss it. more stuff coming! this is just to get me back into the groove of writing and sharing lol. clearlyyyy i write too much angst im sorry i just thrive in it. ill write more fluff! expect more!
wilbur is lying on the vinyl kitchen flooring when he calls.
he’s wine drunk and crying like an overtired toddler. wails of grief and laboured breaths, clutching his phone with one hand and gripping his hair with the other. the cold surface of the floor giving him some relief for his overheated body.
“hey, you’ve reached y/n! i must be super busy, but leave a message and i’ll get back to you when i can!” he’s heard that voicemail hundreds of times this week. he loves hearing your voice, even if only through a phone speaker.
“baby?” he sniffles, wiping his snot on his sleeve, “hey darling, hey y/n.”
a shaky breath, “listen i-“ he looks at at the ceiling, silently cursing himself, “i need you to tell me where you are, okay?” he catches a sob before it escapes, trying to display strength. “we’re all so worried about you. i-i’m so worried about you.” he’s dizzy, the room is spinning now. he reaches his hand out to lay flat against the floor in an attempt to steady himself.
“just call me. or text one of us. anyone. w-we just want to know you’re okay.” wilbur can no longer hide his misery. his voice is wobbly and it cracks at the beginning of each sentence.
“i love you, y/n. i-i love you so much it hurts.” he begins to feel the bile rise in his throat, “come home, okay?” he hangs up. he gets up from the floor on shaky legs, stumbling his way to the bathroom, and lets out of the contents of his stomach. he’s coughing and spitting, hugging the toilet and resting his head on the side of the seat.
he flushes the toilet and scoots back to lay his back against the opposite wall. he leans his head back, closing his eyes, before crumbling again. loud sobs, fat tears, hiccups and laboured breaths. the pain and grief hits him like a train.
there was an argument between you two the night you left. he hasn’t seen you since, and nobody has heard from you. your phone, however, has remained on - proven by the fact that wilbur has been able to leave you voicemails and each of his texts deliver. both, however, go unanswered and unread.
he is riddled with guilt - his brain playing every possible scenario. hurt, kidnapped, murdered, lost, alone. although, his hopeful side prays you’re at your parents house and you just don’t want to talk to anyone.
he picks up his phone and calls again. he leaves more voicemails. he does this for hours until he’s sober with a pounding headache and a broken heart.
until, finally, “wilbur, please stop calling.”
you answer. he’s frozen, sitting up from his leant over position quickly.
“y/n?” he’s convinced he’s hallucinating, that this isn’t real, that you didn’t actually pick up your phone.
“i’m fine, wil. i’m safe. please stop calling and go to sleep.” you seem annoyed, your voice is heavy with exhaustion; like he’s woken you up multiple times with his constant calls.
“w-where are you?” he’s frantic.
“i’m safe.” you respond, sternly.
“stop calling, wil.” it comes out like a warning.
“are you going to come back?” he asks, the emotions bubbling in his gut, “please, y/n. please come home.”
he hears you sigh. he holds his breath as he waits for your answer.
“i’m sorry i worried you” you began, “i just needed some space. i’m coming home in a couple days.”
wilbur falls apart with relief. he cries without the pain and grief present.
“we will talk more about it when i come back. just-“ you pause.
“just give me some space, okay? get some sleep.” you speak gently.
he nods, wiping the tears spilling down his cheeks.
“i love you” he sobs.
“i love you, too” you whisper. you hang up, and wilbur cries more.
two days later, wilbur hears keys jingling at his front door as he sits on the couch. he rises to his feet so quickly that he stumbles slightly, nearly tripping. he watches the lock switch, the door handle twist, and the door begin to slowly swing open. he’s frozen as he watches, wide-eyed.
you walk in, a small bag in hand. you haven’t yet noticed wilbur’s presence as you lock the door and remove your shoes, setting your bag down on the floor next to you.
finally, you look up. you freeze upon meeting wil’s eyes. you both stand there - staring in each others eyes, mouth slightly agape, feet planted in place.
wilbur’s mouth opens as if he’s going to say something, but the words get caught in his throat. he gulps, feeling the emotions rise to his eyes.
“hi wil” you break the silence with a small whisper.
his lip quivers, a tear falls down his cheek.
“hi” his voice cracks as he whispers back.
there’s a beat of silence as you both remain solid in your places. wilbur is silently crying, staring at you. you can feel your eyes welling with tears as you speak again; “i’m sorry i left” you begin, “i just needed some space. i should’ve told you where i was going. that was incredibly selfish of me.” you look down, your fingers anxiously playing with the hem of your shirt. you swallow before beginning again, “it killed me to not talk to you, but we both needed time apart.” you look up to meet wilbur’s eyes again. he has tears steadily streaming down his cheeks, his mouth is slightly open. you are finally taking in just how broken he looks; his hair is a mess, he has dark eye bags as if he hasn’t slept since the night you left, his skin is pale and dry. you feel like the shittiest human being on earth for having caused him this pain. you quickly wipe the tear that falls from your eye.
wilbur gulps again before speaking in a hushed voice and broken tone; “i never want to go that long wondering if you’re okay again. w-wondering if i’ll ever see you again. i-“ a choked sob leaves his lips. he breathes deeply before continuing, “i was s-so scared that the only time i would ever hear your voice again was through your voicemail message.”
you can’t stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks as he speaks. you nod as you look down.
“i’m so sorry” you crumble, both of you letting out soft sobs and hitches of sharp breaths.
“let me hold you” wilbur speaks up, “please, l-let me hold you.”
all you can do is nod. the words won’t form. so you do; you nod as he quickly steps forward.
and as he reaches you, he pulls you into him. his hands wrap themselves around your middle as his head buries into your neck. you wrap your arms around his neck and pull your face into his chest, breathing him in. you can feel his hot tears on your skin and his body jump as he lets out quiet sobs.
you stand there, in the living room of your shared apartment, holding each other and crying together for an unmeasurable amount of time. until eventually, the sobbing subsides and all that is heard is sniffles.
wilbur pulls away from the hug and instead, brings his hands to your face and rests his forehead against yours. you hold his forearms and close your eyes. you missed this - you missed being close to him, feeling him, smelling him. you missed him.
he missed you equally as much.
“never again” he whispers, as his thumbs begin moving against your cheeks.
“never again” you repeat in an equally quiet voice.
you both smile slightly. wilbur moves his head up to leave a long, lingering kiss on your forehead before returning his forehead to yours.
a silent vow of forgiveness, a silent vow of “i’m sorry.”
and yet, there is a quiet but heard vow of a promise to never let this happen again.
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pmak2002 · 5 months
There was something peaceful about laying on the bathroom floor with your sickly husband asleep on top of you.
He had a terrible stomach bug that had been keeping him up all night. You enjoyed the quiet that had finally settled in your small bathroom.
You laid awake as you played with Timothee’s sweaty curls.
You were grateful that he was finally able to get some rest. He had been miserable all day and now he was up during the night too.
You peppered kisses on his head and hummed to yourself. You could hear the sounds of NYC outside the window of the apartment building.
Timothee’s stomach gurgled uncomfortably as he laid ontop of you. Only wearing tank top and shorts as he was sweating buckets.
You rub his back and coax out a few burps and farts from him. His normally slim body was bloated from gas and it made him miserable and uncomfortable. Despite the bed made from multiple blankets and pillows on the floor next to you.
Timothee had rolled over to lay on you instead. He only wanted to be held while he slept. So you were stuck until his body decided it needed to purge itself. Thankfully he had been asleep for a while and you hoped it stayed that way.
You don't know how long you are out for. But when you wake up Timothee has gotten up groaning in pain clutching his stomach. He looks at you eyes glassy and tired.
His stomach making horrifically loud noises that sound like they really hurt.
timothee groans and rushes over to the toilet to have bad diarrhea, his shorts around his ankles and his whole body shakes from the effort of expelling watery waste.
You frown and go to kneel next to the toilet where Timothee removes his hand from his stomach to grab yours and place it where it hurts the most. You immediately begin to rub and gently massage his bloated belly.
“Hurting!” Timothee groans with each cramp.
“I know lovey I’m sorry.” You say. You gently massage his bloated stomach until he feels empty and has nothing left to expel out his backside.
You help him clean up and flush away his mess. Then help him return to the pile of pillows and blankets on the floor.
As soon as you sit down though he's on your lap whimpering and shaking. You frown as he's clearly becoming delirious from the high fever.
“Shh it’s alright you’re ok I’ve got you.” You say gently as you hold him in your arms. He buries his face in your neck.
Work had been a lot and he was so exhausted and in a way it was good that his body was forcing him to rest.
Of course he was absolutely miserable and in pain. That sucked but he needed all the rest he could get and now that he was sick. He could rest.
Timothee whines and nuzzles you.
You hold him tight and kiss his head. his stomach gurgling and bubbling as he sits on your lap. You use your other hand to gently massage his stomach.
You sit like this for a while holding him and trying to help him relax despite the pain in his belly. soon hes nauseous and leaning over the toiket burping up whatever is left in his stomach which isn't much of anything.
He whimpers and coughs as he spits into the toilet. You rub his back and stomach trying to help him find any relief from the aches in his gut.
"Why does it still hurt when I have nothing left?" He cries.
“I wish I knew.” You reply. You grab toilet paper to wipe his mouth. After tossing out the tissue you go and lay down on the floor with the blankets and pillows that were supposed to be for Timothee. He lays down on you like earlier and you wrap your arms around him and kiss his head.
“Time to sleep mon armor.” You say.
He yawns and you grab a blanket to pull over the both of you.
He sighs heavily and his entire body seems to finally relax and he falls asleep on you once again. You play with his hair until you fall asleep too.
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literallygeeway · 2 months
intro post!!
name: just call me caleb
age: dont wanna disclose but i am a minor so please dont be weird!!
pronouns: he/they idk
gender: maybe genderfluid, maybe transmasc, idk, still tryna figure that out
sexuality: possibly bi and ace though not sure
favourite artist: my chemical romance!!!
other favourite artists: bikini kill, mommy long legs, mitski, bratmobile, cat valley, hell baby, dazey and the scouts, wet leg, skinny girl diet, the muslims, voodoo church
other artists i just generally like (yes i love music): sonic youth, le tigre, the julie ruin, senses fail, funeral for a friend, pierce the veil, crass, x-ray spex, sloppy jane, pleasure venom, olivia jean, necromancy
hobbies: music (i can play bass, guitar, drums and piano), writing, photography, filmmaking, cinematography, drawing, making bracelets (though i need to do it more often)
some other stuff i like also includes: heathers the musical (off broadway) (its the only musical i really like), studio ghibli, the sims 4, omori, undertale, deltarune, stardew valley, ddlc, doctor who, the umbrella academy, the owl house, adventure time and scott pilgrim (the tv show, movie and game - i havent read the graphic novel but want to)
more stuff under the cut - dni, fun facts and some more stuff :3
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fun facts!!!
my favourite colour is dark red
my favourite food is sushi
im learning japanese and french
my favourite movies are parasite (GO WATCH IT RN ITS AMAZING) and my favourite tv shows are i am not okay with this and the end of the f***ing world
i love wes anderson movies!! (my favourite is isle of dogs)
i had two fish called flamey and sir bubbles the fishington when i was younger but they both died so i flushed them down the toilet
i collect bottles and cans (mainly ramune bottles and one cool can but still), funko pops (i have two gerard way funko pops - the black parade with the facepaint and revenge red tie) and vinyls (mcr, mitski, bikini kill and the muslims)
basic dni like homophobic, transphobic, ableist, racist, pro-isreal, islamophobic, etc
mcr haters!! /hj
shipping irl people unless its a joke
transmeds and terfs
people who think trans men cant present femininely and trans women cant present masculinely (im a trans guy who wears skirts sometimes so suck my toe)
people who unironically think gerard way is a trans woman... guys he's said they use he/they pronouns and if he was a trans woman he would probably say something!!
please interact!!
mcr fans
riot grrrl fans (not problematic)
alternative people!!! (emo, punk, goth, scene, decora, etc)
just cool people in general :3
other stuff:
no need to use tonetags with me, dont worry about it
i use !!! and :3 and stuff like that a lot, and i also swear more than the average human should
im alternative but dont have a specific label as i dress in a mix of ways and listen to many different genres of music :3
on here i'm mainly gonna post about mcr, so if you dont like them you probably wont like most of the stuff i post :<
i will probably edit this as i think of more stuff to add and as my interests change but yeah <3
pinterest: calebisbrokenhearted
fav user: @darkermylovex (go follow her rn she is awesome!!)
fav songs currently:
okay thats all, have a great day, bye bye :3!!!!
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chosos-mascara · 2 years
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two lines
𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙣𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 - after finding out you're pregnant, you contemplate what to do.
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 - pregnancy, mentions of abortion, mentions of death (general jjk stuff), hurt with fluff at the end <3
0.8k words
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Two lines. 
Two pink lines stare up at you from between trembling fingers, mouth ajar as you stare through teary eyes. It had to be a faulty test, you couldn't be pregnant, not now - but if it were faulty, the other three positive tests on the counter-top would have to be faulty too, and the likelihood of that felt too slim. What were the odds of that? Four boxes, two brands with over 98% accuracy - you were definitely pregnant. 
There are five stages of grief. Denial being a feeling of numbness, of not being able to accept the fact that this is reality; anger, a feeling that something is unfair, and the burning fire within you is unable to accept that this has happened to you. Bargaining, depression, acceptance follow suit, the end to the storm within you. Five stages you'd found yourself within after losing fellow sorcerers, students or teachers, and yet, you'd found yourself on that cycle despite creating life; the opposite to grief. Denial had been fizzling out, with enough lines to confirm that you were indeed pregnant, and now, anger had bubbled through you. It felt as if bad things had always happened to you, just as things were looking up within your career, and you'd finally become a respected sorcerer - would this all be ruined, now? 
Though, one question had appeared to scream louder than the others, through the haze of confusion, through the endings of denial, that being about the father of the child within you - what would Nanami think? 
Maybe, if you could ignore the situation at hand, it would go away. That seemed like an adequate response within this moment, to with these intense emotions at a later date. With the tests in the bathroom bin and wandering downstairs, you blanked the past half-hour from your brain, instead partaking in the previous plans of making breakfast before Nanami would join you on your Saturday afternoon. Facing him while knowing his child was inside you was something you'd deal with when the time comes, for now focusing on the slices of bread in the toaster, the jam and butter laid next to the plate. With the kettle boiled, you were soon seated before the television with toast and tea.
After a quick embrace, he dropped his bag into your room while you set up the bowl of snacks on the coffee table, flickering through the channels on the TV until feeling satisfied. The worry within you had subsided with the distraction of daytime tv, depression subsiding. Maybe, you could just deal with this issue independently, and Nanami wouldn't have to be dragged into fatherhood. The toilet flushing and footsteps from upstairs had signaled his return, and you sank back in the seat with the decision made. 
When your partner knocked over the door, adrenaline hit you. Swallowing back the bubbling fear rising within your chest, you opened the door. Nanami greeted you, the blonde head of hair and usual button up paired jacket hanging over his shoulders. 
"What's wrong?" The first sentence from his lips, smile faltering and brow furrowing. Of course, you'd expected his perceptiveness to be a challenge, though after nodding and stepping to the side, upturned corners of your mouth, he shrugged the strange aura off, coming inside. 
Though, when he'd lingered in the door way, a breath catching within his throat, you'd felt doubt once more. Between his fingers, the white plastic you'd recognized, fear returning.
"You're pregnant?" Your partner was a composed man, so when the words left his lips with a break in his voice, obvious concern written clearly across his features, you'd had a sinking feeling within the pit of your stomach. Mouth dropping open like a deer in headlights, you felt unable to respond, simply staring at him through the midst of panic.
"I-" Stuttering, you couldn't find the words within you to respond. He walked toward the couch, a knee planting on the floor to meet you at head-height. In his shaking hand, the test had looked so much smaller. The fact that a piece of plastic had now caused an uncomfortable hurdle within your life had felt almost comical. 
"The cafe around the corner, where we went on our first date." Nanami began, deep voice soothing your ears while cradling you. "In a year's time, the three of us can go. Doesn't that sound nice?" He'd worked his way beneath you, your head on his chest as he spoke the future, this time picturing three instead of two. Maybe, it was going to be okay.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Brow furrowed, he reached a hand and placed it over your thigh. It was warm, palm evidently as clammy as your own had been this morning, an anxious response to the situation at hand. 
"I only found out this morning." A deep breath was taken, body so numb you'd been unable to tell who had made the sound. "I don't know what to do-" Tears welling in your eyes once more, but this time, a pair of large hands embraced your cheeks, a kiss planted upon your forehead. "I'm scared." Two words whispered into Nanami's chest, his fingers rubbing into your shoulders. 
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chrisevansleftpeck · 2 years
Taking Care of You
Word Count: 614
Content Warnings: implied alcohol consumption, throwing up, drunk reader
A/N: Just Spence taking care of drunk!reader :)
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You wobbled towards the toilet in Spencer’s apartment, feeling a gentle tug at the back of your head as Spencer grabbed your hair. You fell to your knees gently in front of the bowl as Spencer held your hair with one hand, rubbing your back with the other.
“I feel…” You paused, feeling the alcohol bubbling in your stomach, about to come up.
Spencer kissed your cheek gently, “I know, I know. It’s okay baby, I know. I got you.” 
“I had too much-” Your sentence was inevitably interrupted by your body’s reaction to three shots and a large margarita. You lurched forward as Spencer pat your back lightly, helping you get it all out. You shakily reached to flush the toilet once you were done as Spencer pulled a soft square of toilet paper and wiped your lips. 
You turned towards him, “I told you the club would be bad.” Spencer smiled a little, almost laughing at you, but in a way you knew you deserved.
“I don’t know, y/n, you seemed to have lots of fun at the club. I think it’s the aftermath you don’t like.” He released your hair and cupped your cheeks as he kissed your warm forehead. You giggled into him then sighed with relief. “Let’s get your teeth brushed. I want to be able to give you a kiss before bed.” Spencer got up, extending his hand to help you up too.
You grabbed his hand shakily, leaning forward into him. “You’d actually kiss me after I threw up?”
He gave it a second thought for a moment. “Yeah. I need my goodnight kiss. Helps me sleep better.” You both laughed, but as silly as it sounded you knew it was true. You couldn’t sleep without his touch either, leaving you restless when he was off on cases.
»»——————————————- ♡ ——————————————-««
You lay in bed with minty fresh bed in your pj’s, snuggled against the crook of Spencer’s neck. It’s comfortably warm there, your forehead and nose pressed against his neck and your ear pressed to his heart. You feel him beneath you,taking a big breath in. He exhaled, relaxing into your body and wrapping his hands around you just a little tighter. 
“What’s wrong?” You adjust your head to look up at him, something unfamiliar in the honey of his eyes.
“Nothing, my love. I just don’t like seeing my baby sick.” I ran his fingers through your hair as his eyebrows furrowed slightly. 
“Oh,” You immediately feel regret for getting wasted at the club, knowing he’d be taking care of you. You had just assumed he’d be drinking too. “I’m sorry, I thought you were going to drink too and someone was going to take us home. You didn’t have to take care of me, I’m sorry.” You apologized profusely, genuinely. 
Spencer immediately cleared the air, “Don’t ever feel sorry for me taking care of you. I’ll always take care of you. Even with my last breath. Okay?” 
The way he spoke to you always soothed you, grounded you back on earth again. You lean up to kiss his precious button nose quickly. “And I’ll always take care of you, my beautiful boy.” You swooped his fluffy hair to the side to kiss his forehead too. 
“Those sounded a lot like vows.” Spencer smiled, looking down at you wrapped up his bed’s covers and clinging to his waist. 
“You know I’d like them to be one day.” You whispered, snuggling back into his chest comfortably. 
Something about your reply left Spencer fuzzy and flustered inside. “Goodnight, baby.” He whispered over you, stroking your hair gently while kissing your head.
You look up at his quickly. “Want that goodnight kiss now?” 
Without even thinking, Spencer grabbed your chin and met you with a sweet kiss. He released your face, letting you snuggle back into his chest with a full heart and a wide smile.
“Goodnight, Spencer Reid.” You whispered, humming against his belly.
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seramilla · 3 months
Odette, Clara and Charlie are all smart—they’re intelligent young women but putting them together? Suddenly they loose all self-preservation skills, all self-respect, dignity and intelligence that they hold when they’re around others.
Carmilla had to learn the hard way that putting those three in a room alone together will always end up with something broken or someone having a broken bone.
All three of those girls know better, but for some reason, chaos feeds chaos, and when Carmilla's not looking, little Odette, Clara, and Charlie are pouring all the bubble bath into the toilet and flushing, or climbing on all the bookcases, or playing The Floor is Lava with actual lava, or jumping off the second story balcony trying to fly, because Charlie's half angel and should have wings, right??? Child logic dictates that she should be able to soar through the sky like Lucifer.
(Never mind that the sisters are also half angel….maybe they forgot. Carmilla doesn’t really stress that side of their heritage too much)
But unfortunately for them, they do not fly gracefully, and they all faceplant into the yard.
Carmilla does her best when she's babysitting...it doesn't matter if they're at her house or Lucifer and Lilith's, though. They are equally accident-prone and destructive. She surely loves her girls, but for Satan's sake, can they give her a break for one day??!!
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verus-animus · 2 years
The Halloween Costume
Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you all have a cozy and spooky weekend! 👻
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"BOOO!" The masked figure yelled, as he crept up behind Connor and grabbed him. He began pushing himself against the blond man, forcing them against the wall as he began grinding himself against the other's crotch.
"W-What... Who the fuck are you?!! HELP! HELP!! MARVIN! ANYONE! THERE'S AN-" Connor began screaming as he was turned around and saw a masked person whom he did not recognize, nonetheless sexually assaulting him out of nowhere.
"Shhh! Quiet down! It's me... M-Marvin." The masked figure tried to calm Connor down, as he stopped the grinding and looked the other in the eyes.
"N-No way..." Connor had stopped screaming and recollected himself, and only just then recognising the familiar tattoos that crawled along the masked man's muscular arms. "You didn't..."
Immediately Connor grabbed the creepy mask and tore it off, revealing the incredibly handsome face of none other than his boyfriend's insanely hot neighbour Troy.
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"No fucking way... The 'Make-Your-Own-Costume' Kit actually worked? And you managed to use it on Troy as well?" Connor asked, completely awe-struck at the sight and smell of the handsome hunk in front of him right now. Both him and Marvin had drooled over the hunky neighbour for ages, but unfortunately he had been straight as an arrow and refused every proposal of a threesome.
"Yup. Came as a package this morning. Bumped into Troy here on my way up, so I knew I had to take the shot. Literally." Marvin grinned as he explained, before leaning slightly to the side to point at a barely visible needle mark on his neck. "Jabbed him right here."
"I know the kit said it could turn ANYTHING into a costume... but a real human being?Fuck. H-How was it?" Connor asked, as he ran his hands across his boyfriend's new bulging muscles and pecs. They were completely astonishing.
"Pretty freaky actually. After Troy opened up the door and I stabbed him with the syringe, he started tumbling around the apartment until he fell unconscious on the living room floor. His skin kept bubbling and moving about for a few minutes until his entire body began hollowing out. All that was left was a empty bodysuit made by the skin of Troy." Marvin explained, taking the opportunity to feel the deep vibrato of his new voice. "However, when I walked over there to pick him up though, a gross lump of flesh emerged out of his mouth and began crawling about frantically. So I scooped it up and flushed it down the toilet..." Marvin continued, while simultaneously being busy flexing his huge biceps and admiring his own tattooed arms.
"Wait... don't you think that was the real T-" Connor worried, but his boner was impossibly hard nonetheless from watching such a stud playing with himself.
"Don't know. Don't care." The flexing hunk answered coldly. The lack of emotion and remorse in his tone surprised even his boyfriend. "His body is mine now. And I'm not giving it back!"
"B-But I thought you were just going to use him for the Halloween party..." Connor inquired.
"I did, didn't I... But then I read through the instruction manual of the kit with a very specific warning. That under no circumstances should I experience three orgasms in the costume. As doing so would erase the boundaries between the wearer and the suit, merging them together indefinitely..." The boyfriend gleefully smiled as he lustfully played with his hard pecs.
"A-And how many times have you done it today?" Connor asked, while painfully trying to hide his hard-on at this point.
"I jerked one off right after I wore him this morning. And then another one in the shower right before I came here." The tattooed hunk began licking his lips as he once again walked over to where his boyfriend stood quivering. "And I've been saving the third one for a very special occasion. With you."
He pulled them closer again and mashed his lips against his boyfriend's. Grinding their bodies together, he could tell that Connor no longer tried to fight back. In fact, he was moaning between their sloppy kisses.
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"What about the Halloween party? We're already late as it is." Connor broke off their kiss, only for his boyfriend to shush him and pull him along towards the bedroom.
"Who cares about a silly party, when we can spend the entire night worshipping my new perfect body..." The hunk grinned mischievously, as he threw his boyfriend onto the bed and slammed the door to the bedroom shut.
The sound of loud groans filled the apartment for the rest of the night, so much so that Connor missed the several calls and messages on his phone left in the living room.
"Hey babe, where u at? The party starting and theyre letting people in. Some creep stole my package this morning before I had a chance to open the door, so I had to go to my pa's place and get something else. You'll find me in my old Batman costume. Call me please 🧡"
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wet-and-wedgied · 1 year
I Destroyed a Toilet
Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. I had a really big breakfast this morning and I think I added a bit too much creamer to my coffee because the whole morning I was feeling absolute bloated. And worse we had a meeting. The entire time was in my chair, trying to look professional but inside I could just feel the heavy weight in my guts, churning. I one hundred percent knew I was going to need to take a shit as soon as possible. And it was going to be messy.
I tried to act calmly as I could once the meeting, which felt like it took forever, finally ended. I grabbed my stuff, set it down at my desk and headed to the toilet. Unfortunately for me it seemed like a lot of the other men had had the same idea. When I first walked in all the stalls were taken. I frowned as I turned around walked back out feeling my gut gurgle in protest. I really needed a bathroom now. I head back to my desk, and proceeded to stake out the bathroom waiting for an opening as I desperately tried to keep my aching bowels in check.
it seemed however like the toilet gods were messing with me. As soon as a man would leave the toilets, another would be right there to take his place, leaving home high and dry. I moaned, but tried to keep it softly to myself. I really needed to fart, but with my stomach aching, I wasn’t sure I could trust it. I didn’t realize too how torturous it would be to take note of the other men getting to release. I noticed one of my co-workers head into the bathroom and stay in there for a good twenty minutes before re-emerging having no doubt taken a great day shit.
I had waited about thirty minutes when finally there was an opening for me, and I speed walked into the bathroom. Inside only one stall was unoccupied, and hurried into it, ready to unleashed. But I stopped myself much to my gurgling stomach and quaking bowels’ anger. There was no toilet paper! It seemed it had been all used up. Fuck! I held my gut and stepped out of the stall. I noticed Jayson, my preppy co-worker in the next stall, his gray pinstriped pants and bright blue briefs around his ankles. He was pushing out a monsterous shit that splattered against the toilet bowl as he grunted. There was no way he was getting up anytime soon.
Ughhh. I had been holding my shit in for so long and I knew that I needed to empty my bowls soon. I had another meeting scheduled and if I didn’t find a toilet to take a shit in, I wasn’t sure I would be able to make it through the meeting without crapping myself. I hurried upstairs to see if that bathroom was free, walking as fast as I could while clenching the hell out of my cheeks. Only to get to the bathroom and find that’s stalls were out of order. I could hear my stomach gurgling and my asshole was pulsing, ready to push my massive load out. I needs to find another bathroom NOW!
I ran out of the men’s and rounded the corner and spotted the Executive’s Bathroom, a private bathroom that is for single use for the higher ups. I hesitated but a bubbling sound and cramp that made me hug my midsection decide for me as I all but ran inside and close tube door, locking it and fumbled with my belt, yanking down my pants and my blue and white briefs to my knees as I mounted that porcelain seat. Instantly I let go and my bowels erupted.
Long soft mushy logs of shit blasted out of me, not quite diarrhea, but definitely a shitload. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I farted into the bowl, the logs crackling as they broke atop one another and filling the bowl. I probably sat there continuously shitting for about five minutes, my bowels and stomach emptying. When I was done I wiped and went to flush the toilet.
Only it didn’t flush. I started to panic, jiggling the handle desperately, trying to get it to do anything, but nothing worked. My massive bubbling soup of sewage had filled the toilet and the toilet wouldn’t flush. I had no cool what to do, and I didn’t want to get in trouble for using the Executive’s Bathroon so I just washed my hands and… uh… left.
The coast was clear in the hall so I just went back about my day, pretending like nothing had happened.
Hopefully no one finds out.
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somethingvicked · 6 months
X-rated Education part 6.
a Tom Grant (Make Up 2019) story.
warnings: female reader, smut, curse words.
Fifth lesson
Tom was lying on his back, soaked in sweat with a just as sweaty Y/N on top of him, both of them trying to catch their breaths after their reunion earlier that night.
One would’ve thought that they had been apart for months rather then just a week. They had lunged at each other as soon as Y/N stepped inside the trailer, Tom pressing her up against the door (and only closing it because of that but he didn’t realize that until later) to kiss her and taste her skin while her hands roamed over his body.
The first round they hadn’t even gotten all of their clothes off. Y/N was still in her bra, her jeans only pulled off by one leg, panties tugged to the side. Tom’s jeans and boxers had been shoved just beneath his ass and they hadn’t even made it to the bed; Y/N rode him directly on the floor, wailing like a banshee while his grunts and groans echoed around the trailer along with the sounds of skin slapping against skin as well as the obscene squelching sounds from when he pushed in and out of Y/N’s cunt.
It hadn’t lasted long for either of them and full of giggles they had stripped of the rest of their clothes and moved to the bed for a little more comfort.
That’s where they had gone for round two. No new positions or lessons though, Tom had had Y/N on his lap, fucking up into her, his arms wrapped around her back while his hands held on to her shoulders for the perfect leverage, Y/N‘s head tipped back, her mouth open in soundless screams as his cock was basically sparring with her g-spot back and forth, back and forth.
Afterwards they had just fallen down onto the mattress; Y/N had draped herself over him, Tom stretching out his legs, his arms still wrapped around her. He could feel his own spent leaking out of her, a steady trickle dripping down on him, past his balls and hitting the bed. It made him feel a strange kind of smug. There had been a lot of new stains on the mattress since he met Y/N.
Y/N hummed a little, lifting her head, which seemed to take a lot of effort. “I should go and clean up. I don’t want to ruin your sheets.”
Tom snorted and tightened his grip on her. “It’s a little late for that, love. And I couldn’t care less.”
But then he remembered something he had read recently, just before Y/N came home. Yes, perhaps he had looked some things up because he wanted to impress her; spoil her, show her how much he liked being with her like this, not just because of the things she taught him.
On a site online he had stumbled across some facts and tips for a better sex life and caring for your partner. And it had said that women should try to pee after every sex session, because it decreased the risk of UTI’s.
Tom had noticed that Y/N often went into the bathroom to clean herself off – she rarely let him do it and when he read that it made sense. If she wanted to pee directly afterwards she might as well clean up at the same time.
But there were plenty of other things he could do instead. He sat up, taking her with him and got up from the bed. “Come on,” he told her, carrying her into the bathroom. “Let’s clean up and then we can go back to bed and snuggle.”
Y/N’s eyes lit up as he said that. He had been a little worried that she would think that weird since they weren’t really a couple but thankfully that clearly wasn’t the case.
Tom put her down on the toilet and then turned the shower on. He wished he could treat her to a bubble bath but sadly his little trailer was only equipped with a tiny shower stall. He turned the water on full force, so Y/N could use the toilet without feeling embarrassed about him being in there.
When she was done and had flushed the toilet as well as washed her hands she came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Is it warm? I’m feeling cold.”
“Then you better get in, babe,” Tom told her, moving out of the way so she could step inside the stall. He walked in behind her, taking the same position as she had just a second ago, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Is this helping? You warming up?”
Y/N only hummed, leaning backwards against him, closing her eyes against the spray.
“Tom, I hope it’s not too big of a disappointment if I tell you that I don’t think I have another round in me,” Y/N said in an apologetic tone. “It was wonderful but…”
Tom shushed her. “That’s not what I had in mind,” he assured her, gently rubbing her arms. “It was wonderful but never think that getting off is the only reason we… well, you know. I’m so grateful for everything you teach me and I do want you to have a good time too.”
He heard Y/N inhale deeply, as if reacting to something he said but she remained quiet.
After a moment he took his body wash and poured it into his hands, lathering them up. “Sorry, it’s all I have,” he told her as the typical male scent spread inside the bathroom.
Y/N giggled. “It’s okay. I like the thought of smelling like you – well, other than your bodily fluids.”
Tom snorted at that as he started to wash her shoulders and back, massaging them as his hands moved over the skin. “You certainly didn’t seem to have a problem with my bodily fluids earlier,” he teased her, giving her earlobe a little nip that made her giggle again. He loved that sound.
“If you want you could bring some of your toiletries over here – just in case,” he suggested, well aware how it could sound, but that’s why he made sure to say ‘toiletries’ and nothing else. There was nothing weird about that, right? It would be like… well, like when you kept an extra deodorant in your locker at the gym.
Y/N was quiet for a moment but then she nodded. “You know, that might make things a lot easier. I’ll bring some around. Thanks, Tom.”
“’Thanks?’ For what?” Tom wondered with a chuckle, rubbing his soapy hands over her chest and stomach.
“For being okay with a girl putting her things in your bathroom!” Y/N laughed. “Aren’t guys usually terrified of that? That it means things are moving too quickly – oh no, the commitment!”
“Well, I guess I’m not like other guys,” Tom said holding Y/N’s arms out to rinse them from the bodywash.
“No. You’re not,” Y/N said, her voice so low that he almost didn’t hear it.
What did she mean by that?
Tom finished washing Y/N and then wondered if she wanted him to wash her hair but she said no. “It will get so frizzy without conditioner. That’s one of the things I should bring here, ASAP,” she told him and he had to laugh at that. He had heard of conditioner of course but he had no idea what it was or what you used it for, but he would be more than happy to learn so he could care for Y/N’s hair another time. After he gave himself a quick wash he turned off the shower and wrapped Y/N up in a towel so she wouldn’t get cold.
Y/N seemed to have been struck with silence again as Tom picked up his brush and started to comb her hair. It was only when he went to give her hair a brisk rub with the towel that she shook her head.
“No, like this…” she said, and showed him how he would use the towel to squeeze the excess water out of the tresses. “Rubbing it down like that can damage the hair. Sorry if I’m being a control freak!”
Tom scoffed. “Hey, it’s your hair that I’m taking care of, right? The least I could do is letting you tell me how you want it.”
Y/N gave him that strange look again. It wasn’t how she usually looked at him; filled with desire when she wanted him, humor when they laughed together or the patient one when she instructed him in the ways of sex. No, this one was different. Almost like those times when you met a person and recognized them but couldn’t place from where.
Her hand had absentmindedly moved to Tom’s wet curls, her fingers combing them out as he finished with her hair.
“You want a cuppa?” he then wondered, lifting her up bridal style and opened the door to the bathroom. “We can have it in bed.”
“Yes. I’d like that.”
“How about some whiskey with it?” Tom offered, setting her down on the bed, carefully forming the duvet around her before taking the towel away. Tossing the towels into the hamper he took out a pair of clean boxers before hurrying into the kitchen to turn the kettle on.
“Want some snacks?” he called and Y/N replied:
“No, thank you. Just tea would be great.”
Tom looked into the fridge anyway and realized he didn’t have a whole lot to offer – he needed to go grocery shopping. Good thing she didn’t want any – maybe fate finally had taken a pity on him? He had to snicker silently at that thought.
Instead he prepared the tea, pouring some Jameson into both of their mugs and then walked back into the bedroom again.
“Here you go. Careful, it’s hot.”
Y/N chuckled. “I should hope so, otherwise it wouldn’t be tea.”
“It could. Could be ice tea,” Tom teased her and Y/N stuck her tongue out at him, making them both laugh.
She blew a little on the tea and then carefully took a sip. Her eyes widened. “You… you remembered that?”
“What?” Tom wondered
“That I don’t like sugar in my tea – that I prefer it with just honey.”
“Yes?” Tom said, not really understanding what she meant. “You said that you thought the sweetness of honey made the taste more savory than processed sugar and that it was healthier too, that’s why you prefer it in your tea. If you have coffee you take cream in it in instead of milk for the same reason – richer taste.”
Y/N’s mouth hung open. Then she placed her tea cup on the nightstand and took Tom’s from him as well, putting it beside hers.
She climbed into his lap, the duvet forming a tent around them as she hugged him tightly.
“What’s wrong?” Tom wondered, worried that he had done something bad.
“Nothing,” Y/N whispered, the hairs at the back of his neck rising as the caress of her voice against his skin. “It’s just… funny.
“Funny?” Tom repeated, raising his eyebrows.
“Yes. You wanted me to teach you how to please women. But Tom, I wonder if you realize that in so many ways… you are already perfect. A man any woman would be proud to call hers.”
Would you, Tom wondered to himself, running his fingers up and down Y/N’s back, stroking the silky skin. Would you be proud to call me yours, Y/N?
taglist: @ficsbypix @melodymunson @eddie-is-a-god @josephquinnsfreckles @jenniquinn @breezybeesposts
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Ok but hear me out ! Perv!Eddie walking into your trailer while you’re home alone masturbating and he starts to jerk himself off outside your door. BUT you heard him come in and can hear him outside your door so you start moaning his name to tease him and he loses it 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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join the perv party! - this post is 18+, minors dni.
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He can't help it. The second he hears a slight squelch he knows what's happening. His stomach bottoms out at the wanton whimper that escapes your throat. His hand uncurls itself from the doorknob to your bedroom, hanging limply by his side instead.
Your eyes glance warily at the clock beside you, the time reading 9:34. Eddie isn't due until 9:45, and you know he'd rather be caught dead than early.
He's probably still in bed, you decide, fingers pumping faster in your cunt as your thumb presses against your clit, you won't get caught.
Eddie's forehead leans against the door, his eyes screwed shut so as not to distract from his sense of sound. If he focuses hard enough, he can see you fucking yourself. He can picture the curve of your back as it arches off the bed, the glistening slick on the skin of your fingers, the silent scream coming from your mouth.
He can't stop himself. His hand reaches for his bulge, the zipper letting out a sharp zrrt as he yanks it down. You still at the sound, but Eddie's too frantic to notice, hellbent on pulling out of his boxers before he busts in them. You hear a soft hiss, then a 'fuck,' from behind the door, and warmth floods your belly. You know that voice, and from the sound of his zipper, you know what he's doing, too.
You start up again before he can realize you've stopped. It almost feels like putting on a show, and perhaps you do when you moan breathily into the open air. You know what you're doing, and you're pleased to hear a nearly inaudible groan from Eddie on the other side of the door.
You up the ante.
"Eddie," You breathe, complete silence falling after your moan. Then the frantic slap of skin on skin, and your fingers nudge faster into your pussy. If you listen close enough, you can ear Eddie's incredulous, strained, 'ohmygodohmygodohmygod', and the rasp in his voice gives you everything you need.
"Fuck!" Your eyes widen as your orgasm crests, hot and persistent beneath your belly. Eddie's sure he's never heard any sound as beautiful as the sounds you make riding it out, and his hand works steadily on his cock to bring him over the edge, too.
He catches his release in his clean hand, careful not to let any stain your carpet or your door. He realizes that you'll head to the bathroom to clean up, and balks as he notices he's standing right next to the door. He runs while tucking himself back into his boxers, snatching tissues from your coffee table on the way out of your trailer.
He feels dirty, wrong, gross as he crouches on your porch, shielding himself behind the couch that's there. He wipes his sticky hand clean, making a mental note to wash it before touching anything in your trailer. He hears the toilet flush inside, realizes he's right beneath the bathroom window, and sticks himself tight to your trailer wall. When he deems it safe he pops back onto his feet, knocking at your door with the cleanest hand he's got.
You open it mere seconds later, a glint of amusement in your eyes that he takes as satisfaction. Before he can stop you you're surging forward to wrap him in a hug, fingers tugging tight at his sides to press him fully against you. His orgasm had been fulfilling, but rushed, and he can't claim that his arousal is completely gone. He's absolutely certain you can feel his semi, because it's pressed right against the swell of your cunt in the hug you've yanked him into, but he doesn't dare say anything.
"Eddie," You gush, and he wonders how the same word you'd just moaned sounds so bubbly and bright from your lips now, "I missed you! I was hoping you'd be here soon."
Instead of stepping aside, you grab his hands, and shock crashes through him in waves. You squeeze them tight, and if you notice the slight tackiness to them, you don't say anything. He's sure his hard-on isn't looking much better now that his cum is stamped onto your hands, and he watches you dumbfounded as you maneuver him inside.
"Oh!' You pull your hands away from his, eyes still shining with that suspicious light, "Sticky."
"I, uh-" Eddie starts, motormouth suddenly having trouble fibbing, "I had some.. ice cream. Before I came over."
"Yum," You gush, bringing your pointer finger up to your mouth and sucking whatever residue was there onto your tongue, "What flavor?"
"Vanilla." Is all he can come up with, stomach twisting and turning as you suck his cum off of your finger. His thoughts are anything but, but there's nothing else he can think of.
"Mm," You hum contentedly, already trekking to your room, "My favorite! C'mon, Eddie, let's crash on my bed."
He knows the last thing that happened on your bed, and his feet move without his permission, racing after you. You're splayed out over the mattress when he gets there, your finger still between your lips. Your eyes are slightly hooded when he finally breaks his own away from your mouth, and you beckon him closer with your free hand, "Come on! What's'a matter, Eddie, don't wanna sleep with me?"
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