#tom patti
negativegrl · 9 months
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he's lived so many lives...
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vcasih · 2 years
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tom verlaine and patti smith at stevie wonder’s party, nyc, 1974
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What is Andrew Dobson's full bibliography? As in, published works with ISBN numbers?
I don’t think I have the full list, but I can give you at least a few of them.
Formera Vol 1 - ISBN-10 0979787467/ISBN-13 978-0979787461
Formera Vol 2 - ISBN-10 1934985074/ISBN-13 978-1934985076
The Adventures of Alex ze Pirate - 9781442146457 (ISBN10: 1442146451)
The Adventures of Alex ze Pirate - Life At Sea - ISBN-10 1460995066/ISBN-13 978-1460995068
Pattty Vol 1 - (ISBN10: 1411639626)
Aside from those, there was an anthology he put out called “Andy’s Hat”, he was one of the stories featured in “Alterna Tales #4”, and “The Adventures of Percy Philips”. There’s also a few old short stories he reposted on Gumroad, but those were distal downloads only.
Out of all of them, I think you can find used copies of Formera floating around online easiest. And I’m pretty certain at least one of the Alex ze Pirate comics is fully archived online.
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creaminmybones · 2 months
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Patti Smith interviewed at Turtles Records, Atlanta in 1978 by Tom Hill
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melodychocolat · 2 months
tom verlaine and patti smith!
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noufuturevision · 1 year
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tom and patti / photo by david gahr
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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In Florida, November 1970. Photos via Meet The Beatles For Real.
“We were really determined to find him. From various sources, we had learned that George Harrison was somewhere in the Deerfield area. We cordoned off a five-block area and patiently began our search. Claudette Cyr, Beatle fan Club president for Florida, went over to the area to investigate personally while I was on the phone. She got several leads, many bad answers and enough suspicion for us to know the rumor was true. We drove to the place later at night and went about looking at all the places she had selected as likely spots. No luck in any of them. Disappointed, we decided on one more sweep by the beach. Standing on the beach we saw four long-haired figures and I figured they must have been looking for Harrison too. We asked them and got negative responses and strangely, no interest. Once in the car, I told Claudette I thought one of those people was indeed George. She thought I was crazy. Back we went and this time we saw them walking through a parking lot. I aimed the car lights on them. George and Patti[e] Harrison and two aides. I jumped out of the car and told him, ‘George Harrison, nice thing to do. We have been searching for you for almost two days and you are dodge us.’ He smiled and our conversation began. We asked him about the breakup of the Beatles and about Paul McCartney’s departure. He replied in a non-committal sort of way. He compared the Beatles after so many years to four guys in jail, trapped in an image and trying to break out. The new album was also a topic. He expects it to be released within the next few days. Included in the album are 25 songs.[…] About the fans (us included) he was grateful but worried the place where he was staying might be discovered. ‘I am not famous anymore. I am not Beatle George anymore. If I wanted to hear screaming I would play Shea Stadium. But I don’t. I am George Harrison, a musician. That’s all.’ George was in Florida to rest and relax. He plans to come back. His wife, Patti[e], was with him. She remained silent all throughout our conversation. She wore no makeup at all. Patti[e] used to be a top model before marrying Harrison, and her face has a way of lighting up when George says something. She smiles a lot. I have talked to pop people before in my position as entertainment editor for The Phoenix Broward Community College’s newspaper. Harrison’s honesty struck me as being out of this world. Here we were, intruding in his private life, and he took the time to talk to us, sign his autograph, and make some memories we will never forget.” - "BCC Editor 'Traps' A Beatle - George Harrison Stops To Chat," by Ruben Betancourt, Fort Lauderdale News, November 21, 1970
“[George] told [Adria, Tom Petty’s daughter] something that he had never mentioned to me, which is that he had a cousin from Florida who reminded him of me. Before George was really settled at Friar Park, he and this Florida cousin would sleep in every room in this, well, this castle, trying to figure out which one had the best vibe and ought to be the bedroom.” - Tom Petty, Runnin’ Down A Dream (2007) (x)
More about these photos, via the comments section of the Meet The Beatles For Real post:
"A friend of the family pulled up in a station wagon with the mountain lion that day. I was living at the apt. complex owned by George'd uncle (Gregg Apts.). We all had a fun picnic that day." - anonymous [x]
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sunny6677 · 1 month
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brokehorrorfan · 8 months
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Graveyard Classics has released two new posters: Frankenhooker by Puis Calzada and Maniac by Austin Hinderliter. They're available in 18x24 ($20) and 24x32 ($35).
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postpunkindustrial · 2 years
Patti Smith on Tom Verlaine.
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alwaysbepositive · 8 months
Grease Will ALWAYS Be The Word ❤️❤️
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gotankgo · 2 years
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Patti Smith and Tom Verlaine at a party for Frank Zappa in New York City, December 1974.
• Allan Tannenbaum
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1liivers · 3 months
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I'm in the BIT Club (IT Book Club)
Each week we read a certain amount of the book and I have thoughts and feelings about IT *Ba Dum Tss*
Warning: There are Spoilers
Week 1
Ch. 1
   I really liked being in Georgie’s perspective, and the whole time he’s describing the basement I kept hearing the Jaws *dun dun* because of future events and just having the knowledge I have from the Miniseries, Movies (and Musical), like, dude, you have no idea how right you are! And that turtle wax made me go, “omg, does Stephen King even realize what he did there?!” and it’s like “yeah, ya goof.”
   Georgie and Bill’s relationship was so siblings. People don’t always write siblings being assholes to each other while also showing that they care about each other. I think the butthole jokes weirdly show that off the best, and Georgie is so cute about Bill saying “shitty butthole” — very little kid of him.   Also, when Georgie kisses Bill on the cheek and Bill tells Georgie to be careful before leaving, I never thought it was weird while watching the other media, so when it was pointed out how unusual it was it got me thinking about why did they do it that time? Was it the turtle or was it just one of those moments that really stands out to you because it was the last time you saw that person and it ended in tragedy or was it something else completely? 
   Something that really surprised me was that an adult “saw” what happened and actually went to go check on Georgie. Any other time I’ve seen this scene it almost always cuts away right after Georgie is attacked so I had no idea. Plus adults suck, so anytime they aren't it’s always wild to me.
Ch. 2
   This chapter is so brutal, obviously. But like, fuck, dude. What adds to the harshness of it all is like this shit has happened and can still happen. My heart felt so disgusted by what those homophobic pricks were doing. And the hopelessness of Don crying out for anyone to help, and running back to Adrian and not being able to anything was so sad and sickening.
   And with Pennywise showing up to finish off Adrian I find myself thinking, not at the time but looking back on it, Pennywise is not as bad as those jackwagons. Is that weird to think? I mean, Pennywise is a murder-crazed space clown god thing, what are those scum sucking fuckwads excuses?
   Something I found interesting is how kinda neutral the cops were? ACAB and all that, but I thought they were gonna be evil and that’s that. But no. Sure they aren’t supportive of the gays but they didn’t go out of their way to fuck with them, and one stopped the first altercation and told the warthog sniffers to fuck off. Again ACAB and at the end of the day they are, but I was kinda thrown for a loop when they weren’t vile creatures.
   On a happier note; the Elmer Curtie part was really funny. Man has a successful gay bar in a small, homophobic town and it takes him 4yrs, give or take, to realize it. Amazing! And when he figures it out he’s like, “Most of my patrons are polite, I never have to pay for damages because girls aren't an issue, and I’m making money?? I see only positives!” Also, it’s totally canon that he ships Don and Adrian.
Ch. 3
   This was a hefty chapter, and my favorite out of the 3 for this week. For a chapter as a whole; I liked the back and forth of who was narrating for each Loser’s parts (other person, that loser, other person, that loser, other person, that loser), and a thought I’m sure no one has had before; IT should really be a TV Series. Chapter 1 and 2 could easily be their own episode, and each of the Losers’ sections could be their own episode too!
   Stan- Okay, starting off strong and sad. Really surprised that Stan is first, and we’re in Patty’s head. I learned way more about Patty than I ever did with the Miniseries and Movies combined. I mean in total her screen is like what? Over 5mins?
   The people need to know that puzzles are Patty’s thing! I repeat, girl has hobbies away from Staniel!!
   That part about her not being allowed in that high society club dance, describing her beautiful dress that made her look like a mermaid, the sound that her heels made on the gravel when walking back to the car, the laughing she hears and how that will affect her even years from now, that shit is crushing. And her and Stan's relationship is so nice and sweet. She doesn’t always get him, but she loves him so much, and they’re each other's person. He’s gentle with her for their first time. I made an audible “awww” when Patty said, “Don’t hurt me, dear.” and he said, “I will never hurt you.” Then the moment got ruined with remembering what’s gonna happen, but I digress.
  So when Patty goes to check on Stan, again, it’s way longer. The one thing that really stood out to me is that she notices all the unusual things Stan is doing, things that he never really does but it’s nothing that she feels like she needs to bring up with him. And then it’s too late, and those out of place things are just playing over and over again in her head. It got me thinking about Georgie's chapter. The kiss and the concerned warning that the brothers do for the last time they would ever see each other. And how it stands out to them but they say nothing about it, and thoughts of these mistakes and what they should have done will stay with (sadly only) Bill forever. And now with Patty. Fuck.
   Two things I can now confidently say now about Stan is he’s autistic and the man fucks!
   This is such a little piece and I haven’t read the whole book so technically the whole picture isn’t there, but Stan is autistic. The way he talks and interacts with people, he’s logical and doesn’t feel the need to explain himself. ‘Cause why would he? He’s right. Speaking as a person that also falls on the spectrum, reading this little bit about Stan at least makes me go, “Hmmm, gonna file that for later.” Also, and I really wish this wasn’t the case, I really appreciate having Stan not come off as cold and heartless. He jokes around and clearly loves his wife. Almost like he's a person and not some broken robot. What a concept!
   On a hornier note, Stan likes sex. The Miniseries understood that. It’s so great that when they leave the clinic, Stan's first words are, “I never do”, and then clarifies, “Think about procreation during.” Noice. I don’t know; I just really like knowing that the dude fucks and he likes it.
   On a final note; I’m interested in finding out why he remembers more than any other losers. Like, I know but I’m curious to see how the book will explain it.
   Richie- Richie has ADD/ADHD!
   From the need to play music (the louder the better) to either help him focus or distract him.
All those voices he does, him wanting to please the people he talks to, and not wanting to say or show what he’s actually feeling or thinking? That is so masking!
   I know with every character there are a lot of thoughts going on in their heads, but Richie’s on a different level. Not only does he have a lot of thoughts, but he’s also talking to a lot of people, using multiple voices, and he’s quick on his feet when on the spot. Plus I know he has the gift of gab (aka never shuts the fuck up), he’s moving around a lot, and he’s keeps getting distracted with little things going on around him. His brain is all over the place.
   Imma call it; Richie wasn’t bullied for his glasses (I mean he was but shush); he was bullied because he has ADD/ADHD! Kids don’t need to know what it is to spot it and hate you for it. Talking from experience as an ADD kid (or that weird annoying girl).
   It’s really sad that the main memories that he remembers is the bullying, the names they called him, and getting beat up.
   I’m glad he had friends that loved and cared about him.
   Also, holy crap! Richie said, “You bet your fur” first!
   Ben- …Okay, real talk? Ben’s part was so funny! I already brought up that the amount of times Ricky Lee’s name was so fucking funny to me here, but the waitress, the lemons, and the amount of stress Ben was giving Ricky Lee was really funny.
   Of course I feel bad for Ben but to be in Ricky Lee’s POV is really something special!
   Sorry, not that much to say. I guess something to add is Ben needs therapy (no duh). In this case I’m talking about his body image issues, and for what he put his body through and I bet is still doing to look “perfect.”
   Eddie- I don’t think I have to bring up examples on why Sonia sucks and is a terrible mother; you saw all the words about her.
   Everything that was shown about Eddie wasn’t surprising. I think reading the source really showed me the fights that he has with himself might be his biggest problem (those words come from his mother but you get it) And I really like that you can tell, even through all his fear, that Eddie is a capable person and is very brave.
   Also, I was expecting Eddie to have a long list about everything he takes but, good lord, that list really did go on forever.
   I don’t know how fans feel about this, considering all the fanfics I read I think I’m really in the minority, but I don’t think Myra is abusive?? At worst, I think she kinda manipulates Eddie into feeling bad and getting her way but like I don’t know, it feels like she’s fucked up like Eddie but in a different way, they both seem to be stuck in this life. Even what I said about the worst seems a bit too much. I actually feel bad for her. I’m really surprised because, again, all the fanfics I’ve read, things I’ve seen online talking about her and Sonia’s similarities, and I guess the little snippet from the second movie shaped my original opinion about her.
   And can I just say, I hate how Stephen King describes fat people. He makes it seem like the biggest sin a person can have is being fat. Like, “Of course they're a bad person. Didn’t you see how big they are? I mean how could you not?! Fat people are so gross!” I just — it makes me uncomfortable. Especially ‘cause, oh I don’t know, BEN! Let’s see how that goes.
   Bev- This is really brutal. Besides Bev beating the ever-loving shit out of Tom and scream-laughing like the beautiful mad lady she is when she's outside, my overall favorite part is how Tom is able to sound cruel and vile but also show just how pathetic and dumb he really is.
   He really is a top tier abuser with no skills of his own, and has the mind of a whiny child. I hope his balls exploded into bloody nothings, and the wounds Bev gave him never heal and he’s unable to cover them so he never forgets what happened and his outside matches his insides. (btw scars are cool and okay but fuck this turd)
   I’m glad Bev found her strength again.
   Bill- I learned you can do anything if you have the unjustified confidence of a white man. I wanted to say that college Bill was being really egotistical, but what the fuck do I know? It worked out great for him. 
   Seriously though, I’m trying really hard not to jump the gun but I know that book adult Bill sucks and the live action adult Bills don’t. And overall Bill seems okay in his section buuuut, I don’t know; I’ll keep trying to take in the book without my prior knowledge.
   I like Audra, and finding out how they met. I think it’s sweet that you wouldn’t think they would have ended up together but they really do seem to love each other. And Audra really seems to care about him. What a nice, good lady. Sure would be a shame if Bill became human trash and taints what they have.
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sharpmouth · 8 months
is there tom cruise x patrick bateman yaoi
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moonfirebrides · 1 year
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Makala Johnson Rocks '60s Style Lensed by Adrienne Raquel for ELLE Magazine April 2022
Rising model Makala Johnson, who has major exposure with Tom Ford, is styled by Patti Wilson in ‘Welcome to the ‘60s’. Photographer Adrienne Raquel [IG] is in the studio for ELLE Magazine April 2022./ Hair by Nikki Nelms; makeup by Kuma
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