#too complicated to explain. use it or dont but i think this is very interesting imo.  yes i am wearing fox ears why do you ask
sunrise-imagines · 1 year
i like to think farmworld finn and the rest of the family moved into fionnaworld with jay and little destiny- could we maybe get some hc's for reader helping them adjust?
I also like this idea, this turned into a less reader focused thing but I hope you still like it!
Farmworld Finn x Reader Adjusting to Modern Life
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• I dont see Finn as being one to care for the hustle and bustle of the city, so you, Fionna, Gary and Marshall help set them up in a suburban home on the outskirts of town where it’s a bit more quiet
• There’s A LOT to catch them up on, so it’s best to take it slow and explain things as they come along.
• When you decide to get him a cellphone, he is utterly clueless. Eventually he learns how to text and he sends them as if they’re formal letters, signing his name under each text.
• Spent about 10 minutes on the Internet and that was enough for him to ban it from his house forever.
• Finn eventually finds work building sheds and fixing roofs for people in the neighborhood, though it takes a little while for him to get used to using power tools. He’s glad though because they make the process much faster.
• Trans Jay headcanon here, but he is absolutely thrilled to be able to get gender-affirming care, something he never even dreamed of being real back in his universe.
• All the kids are enrolling in school for the first time, and while at first they hate being away from their dad for so long, they start to make friends of their own and become engaged in learning all these new things. It makes Finn a little sad to not have his babies with him all the time, but he’s glad to see them grow as individuals and interact with kids their age.
• Marshall takes Little Destiny under his wing and becomes like an older brother to her, which she desperately needs familial connections in her life after her biological family rejected her.
• The kids are definitely happy to not have to eat the same soup everyday, they want to try tons of different foods (if you introduce them to candy they will go crazy for it so make sure to work with Finn to limit their sugar intake)
• Finn isn’t interested in learning to drive at first, cars just seemed too complicated to him, but after a few weeks of walking all the way to the school to pick up his kids the teachers beg him to get faster transportation.
• Eventually he takes some classes and gets his license. He drives a pickup truck that always has tools and things in the back.
• Overall he’s very glad that he and his kids no longer have to fight to survive, and now he can just relax and not have his guard up all the time.
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wifegideonnav · 7 months
should i read homestuck. like i feel it would be interesting so i could see what yall are talking about in regards to tlt but is homestuck actually good
"is homestuck good" - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 8129 pages of heated debate,
no but seriously, it highkey depends on 1. your definition of good and 2. your tolerance for stupid bullshit. as someone who read tlt and then hs, i'd say that being a fan of the chaotic aspect of tlt is a good predictor of being able to hang in with homestuck.
readmore because this. um. got long. the tl;dr is: i like homestuck a lot and i am glad i read it. i can't tell you if you should read it bc idk your tastes, but there is a lot to like and enjoy about it.
the official pitch for homestuck is something like "4 kids play a game and then a bunch of other shit happens." here's my pitch based on what the core of the story is to me:
several groups of characters across time, space, and reality are brought together in order to succeed at creating a new universe after their own are destroyed. this takes the form of a game, which is called sburb (by the humans) and sgrub (by the trolls). the characters must contend with an eternal battle against good and evil in which they are the deciding factor, and level up while following personalized quests. at its heart, homestuck is about relationships of every sort and how they shape us, growing up and the associated grief and loss, coming into ones identity and choosing who to be, predestination and fate, and stories themselves. it gets very meta at times, and the characters are semi to fully aware that they're characters, and attempt to subvert or escape that. it's got hordes of fleshed out, compelling characters, one of which will almost certainly glom onto you for the rest of your life, real emotion, extremely funny jokes, smart and exciting plotting, and some very cool moments. it more or less invented an entire new genre/medium, and plays with medium in a very cool way.
it is also clunky, hard to get into, and way too convoluted. you will never fully understand what's happening. there are tons of characters whose stories you will follow whom you simply do not care about. there are too many characters. it was written by an edgelord in 2009 so there's some unsavory humor and character writing. it's so fucking long. the ending kinda sucks because the fandom was so toxic that hussie simply wanted it over with. the fandom still kinda sucks tbh. so many people have wrong opinions about it. it requires a very specific lens to approach and understand it. i still dont understand what happened with that fucking puppet someone explain it to me.
overall, i'd say that if you think you want to read it, give it a shot. i have a complicated relationship with it but at the end of the day, i genuinely love the story and the characters and i know they will be with me forever. it certainly enhanced my understanding of tlt, and getting to read more of tamsyn's writing was such a bonus (even though her taste in pairings is. not the same as my own). and like honestly. it's just fun. even when you're going "wait what the fuck just happened" you're having fun. it's really goddamn funny too. it WILL change the way you speak and also think about romance forever.
the best way to read it is to have an experienced reader guide you, but if you or other people don't know anyone like that, here are my basic tips:
i think most people know this already, but download the unofficial homestuck collection. just do it. it's like 4 gigs and it's infinitely better than trying to read on the broken website, and it's even ad free. it can also be modded - for instance ik there's a slur replacer mod (lmao) if you don't want to read those
act 1 sucks to read. you're like what the fuck is this, THIS is homestuck?? the beginning is radically different from how it ends up, so just hang in there. for me, it really picked up somewhere in act 3. just focus on the silly fun the characters are having and you'll be good
things you should actually try to follow in the early acts: the concept of a sylladex existing (the various fetch modi are only there for jokes and eventually just kinda stop being a thing), where all the copies of the game are, what each kid's relationship with their guardian is like, the mechanics of the game and the lore behind it, including classpects and quests
things you do not have to waste brain space on: anything about how the totems work, what the various machines are, what the levels are, basically any of the jokes that would be funny to hussie's original intended audience of software engineers and rpg gamers. oh and the intermission with the midnight crew and the felt, just know that those are guys that exist and you'll be good.
and the biggest tip i have is just. go with it. suspend your disbelief. a lot of the worldbuilding doesn't really make sense, but it would be a worse story if it did. when the time shit and ectobiology come into play, literally just go ok got it and keep going, don't think too hard.
so yeah i don't even know if any of this is useful but i hope it helps you decide. and if you or anyone else have follow up questions send em!
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emmetofthestars · 3 months
ok lets see how far i can go. im gonna startt. kim just gonna start.
fair warning this will either seem like incoherent rambling because my thoughts are hard to formulate or just me wanting to be rude about the sequels past we love katamari despite never playing them (i wrote this line after i finished the whole post)
anyways im about to list alot of king's outfits over the games and then rate them on 1) whether i like them personally (partly removed from context), and 2) whether i think they actually fit king. im doing this for absolutely no fucking reason and honestly im scared ill be very wrong or biased but im mnot being paid to do this for gods sakes im writign a tumblr post. i wont get cancelled for getting king incorrect. anyways
katamari damacy
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(im probably going to switch between using game screenshots and transparent images)
1#: yeah i like it. he looks stupid and i like it. the cape and whatever the collar is called, in combo with the chain and gold accessories looks so silly. he doesnt look like a king besides the crown. he looks like he wants to be cool but doesnt know what that means but he knows nobody will question it cuz hes the king after all.
headdress: perfectly over-loaded. you have way too much going on. you dont need those blinking lights. and you really dont need those patterns and colors. can i try it on
2#: well its hard to say since this is the first one. and of course the first one fits him cuz. its the first one. but i think it gets his impression off very well. its a prussian blue v neck and a golden chain, with sort of maroon tights and a golden belt with the face of a lioness. bracelets and rings, and of course the triangle ruffle collar and purple flower pattern cape. its a mixed warddrobe, kind of silly, i think it works well with how you cant really take him seriously, too. rude and hurtful, yet also he. dresses like this. a kings crown, cape and collar, but his personal style underneath it. also expresses how he may be king, but hes not really taking that as being his role - rather, being himself means to be king. or being king is like, a side thing, not as important as just doing what he wants. maybe a bit of a reach, dont know if i managed to explain what im feeling properly... also, his actual clothing besides his headress isnt actually complicated, which is an interesting contrast. you would think he wants you to pay attention to his face, and not his body. he is egotistical, it makes sense that he wants you to look at him and pay attention to him in general, but the emphasis on his face is interesting.
headdress: absolutely fits. very extravagant in a way that works. the colors arent bright as hell either, which im glad they did because if they were neon and too flashy itd look too obnoxious. well itd look bad but also hes not about exactly "standing out". he loves attention, but he still has his style, and that style IS colorful, but not neon. i think it fits him well, it teeters on being over the top and subtle at the same time, like complex embroideries perhaps
we love katamari
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1#: also like it. has the same color scheme of blue top and magenta purplish bottoms. though here its a bit less saturated and lighter in color. the flowers on the sleeves are a nice touch since hes no longer wearing his flower cape, and the golden ankle ring, as hes wearing nothing on his hands but his wedding ring.
headdress: neat!! i like this more than katamari damacy, but just because its kind of cute. well i like them both, but this one is easier to draw (lol) and the color scheme is nice. the lights are now flashing from the spaces of color, instead of looking like round lightbulbs, if that makes sense, and it seems more casual this way, somehow.
2#: it kinda fucks me up. but judging king in we love katamari, from how different he is compared to katamari damacy, this outfit seems kind of perfect to showcase how (almost eerily) laid back he seems to be in we love. his ruffle collar is now smoothed out, its wiggly instead of sharp. hes wearing a very wide sleeve light cyan top, a purplish flower on each sleeve, with a squiggly cut on the lapel, open to reveal his chest and a golden chain, with a piece that looks perhaps like a flower attached to it. he now has a band wrapped around his waist instead of the golden belt, with a golden lioness head piece holding it in place. lighter wine color tights. its so- i dont know. king starts off obviously excited at the fanbase and attention hes getting, so its curious he puts down the iconic outfit and gets into something so comfortable. he wants to stand out less, all of a sudden. its still very much a king outfit, but he dropped so much, i wonder why. hes laying back as usual to let prince do his work but hes really leaning into it now. not just that, but he seems almost less hurtful than katamari damacy. more open. hes still full of himself, but its toned down, muted. his occasional interjections talking about his childhood and papa are offputting in the sense that its unusual. and this outfit is unusual, too, in comparison. katamari damacys impression is that hes pompous but a bit silly (and also just a dick), we love katamaris impression is that hes egoistic- but aimless. he seems more forgetful and more lost in thought. the cape missing could also be symbolic of his openness, even if a bit cheesy. i noted that his cape might also hold some emotional weight similar to the crown, but thats based on my feelings.
headdress: reflects the casuality. its got a smaller color palette now, less patterns, and more flat spaces of color. reminds more of his headdress patterns in his childhood. its also longer now, but i dont have anything to add for that.
me & my katamari
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this is where i start to get a bit iffy in general. the games are no longer directed by keita, and king doesnt actually progress any. he stays the same or changes purely because different people are writing his dialouge. me & my katamari seems to have no story otherwise, or cutscenes, even - so from here on i suppose i do get biased but there isnt much character to go off of. however- i did not play any of the games besides the first two, so i am watching gameplays.
1#: i think its alright. i dont really like the combo of colors, it feels weird with the super yellow thin cape, but it is a swimsuit style thing. i wish they changed the collar, though, or outright removed it. it feels wrong to be in there.
headdress: ehh too neon, doesnt help with colors.
2#: this is. alright, its ok. the swimsuit is relatively simple too, thought the yellow cape doesnt seem like something hed wear, especially since its supposed to be a swimsuit- a cape would make it very hard to swim, though kings zaniness could get him to wear a cape if it means looks over functionality. it isnt his normal cape of course, though im a bit sad the flower pattern is entirely missing here, or even a hint of it. instead its a swimsuit.. something... with wine and orange, and what looks like a necklace. its not a necklace exactly, but i dont know the name for this. its also got a lioness head. i dont really get the golden armband around his left arm, but eh. i think its passable overall but straying further from kings personality, though given he is just like. having a splash and having fun. and it is skin tight, which isnt really that important, but its not swimming boxers or something. swimming suit still with a touch of decency. i guess it wouldve been repetitive if this one also had a v cut, but to continue onward from we love katamari, if it had to be real casual and open as a sort of conclusion to we love katamari, i could imagine something similar to this swimsuit, but its a one-piece that covers his legs and chest but leaves his arms free. idk though. i also added this bit in an edit, so now im starting to think about actually sitting down and redesigning it, but im uh. not able to rn. and you cant save edits as drafts. oh well.
beautiful katamari
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1#: really very stupid looking. i think the sleeves and puffy pants are very funny but boy i dont like this. dont really like the colors. id try it on myself tho. again, with the wiggly collar- this straight up just doesnt change in all games after we love katamari.
headdress: meh. not a big fan. its getting a bit boring now.
2#: not sure what to say. king wouldnt wear this. its really not his style. it looks more like a jesters outfit, and the lack of shoes makes it look even stranger. the weird random opening that shows a bit of his stomach is also a bit nonsensical, alone in terms of how the hell this piece of clothing works. the pants are too puffy- stripes arent something that make sense as a pattern for him. and the whole theatrics thing, with king talking to you from behind curtains he opens up, on a stage like background, feels out of character. hes not one for theatrics (literal). he likes admiration but he performs by showing off what he can do physically, not through theater or a play. not that its said he does, but the theater bit is just weird. doesnt fit him as a character.
headdress: in combo with the outfit it just doesnt make much sense, it doesnt really harmonize. its alot of shapes and colors, but not with much consideration. the colors seem to be random. the headdress and outfit are kind of at equilibrium with how much they catch your attention. obviously the headdress is more saturated and in game it has blinking lights, but you do have to look longer at the outfit, and it kind of sticks out with how it seems like such a weird pick for him. also it is just kind of a silly looking thing. maybe im just looking too hard though.
also ill b real im just getting more mad at the gameplay. the physics are missing and the katamari feels way too fast and responsive, which is frustrating me, and the game is basically back to basics with you and king and nobody else, which makes kings lines disappointing, but once again, i handle watching a game and playing it differently, and i already have bad feelings about the sequels besides we love katamari as they arent directed by keita, and king is such a specific character. the gameplay part is irrelevant though but it is making me want to watch it less. lol.
katamari forever
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1#: curious! i like this outfit, removed from context. i cant say i like it as a king outfit at all, but i just like this type of outfit. fucking. no idea what that thing hes wearing at his collar is called but i have a little soft spot for that thing. hehe. dont care that its a king outfit though.
headdress: i like the colors! its mainly blues, purples and greens, but i like it. the patterns work fine for me. still boring though.
2#: this is hard. katamari forever has a bit more substance, but the whole plot literally is that king loses his memories. though he IS wearing this before he loses his memories. he has dialouge as he has levels, but technically, roboking is the main character in this. doesnt really matter, you can choose between either of their levels at free will i believe. thissss outfit is. sssssss. i dont know. the direction its taking with the fancy dandiness isnt out of place for *a* king, but it is out of place for *the* king of all cosmos. his suit and whole shebang being so bright is incredibly juxtaposed to his comfy darker pallette of katamari damacy and we love katamari - yet hes still the same character? hes not changed. he still belittles prince for low scores and small katamaris, still pretty egotistical. his outfit doesnt reflect anything on a deeper level. if anything just reflects a change in taste, but thats really not that interesting. theres cutscenes (finally) but these say nothing as hes asleep in those cutscenes. so theres nothing more to pull out of that. his responses to low or high scores seem to be mostly the same, and rather short, to be honest. when he requests something, its also pretty short. theres not alot to take out of that.
touch my katamari
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1#: scared. scared of touch my katamari. i dont like this outfit but also i just dont like kings 3d model. like i dont need to tell you his face his scary and uncanny looking. its not that bad in this image but if you see even one closeup of his face its just. uncomfortable. his collar is sharp and triangle-y again, though.
headdress: i like the hearts hehe. thats about it though. dont like the fabric overlay over the texture, was kind of unnecessary. i want to spare you from looking at a closeup of the kings face though.
2#: man i dont know bro
im also getting tired and Hooo shit look at the time. i know i shouldnt do these things but you know how it is. i dont know why i did this, to be honest, but i just felt like talking a bit. my mind is a little too full on things around the cosmic family(s) and im already thinking more about queens family. oh well. i have no idea whether to tag this. i suppose i would conclude it here, despite the indeed dry touch my katamari review... this is just my little thing for me. im sure if i tag it with the katamari tag Nothing bad will happen. im going to sleep.
THIS IS AMAZING KATAMARI not tap my katamari. you can see the edge of the title literally right there in the image but i was too distracted by their whismy.
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queen ❤️
amazing katamari is just a mobile endless runner so theres no story but i will say: i like this! its cute! its simple, and a combo of the katamari damacy and we love katamari outfits. yea its not special, but its ok! though again with the collar... would've liked if they kept either one or the other collar piece. but thats about it, no deep analysis. i just think this render and art style is cute in general, so exclude this from the review. headdress is neat too. again nothing special but atleast it isnt so neon, mainly pinks purples and blues. completely taking it as being cute art though.
bonus AGAIN:
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roboking. there will be no outfit review its just king but robo. hes also an entirely different character anyway so an analysis doesnt make sense. but i like that his belt looks stupid and his colors go pretty well, purple yellow blue. and that his eyes are always angled down. i just like robots. all im putting him here for is to say i think his pathetic self is entertaining and i kinda wish katamari forever was better. it couldve been good. but yeah ending this off with sad little roboking. thanks for reading. bye bye
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
I love how tongue tied Yoongi just kidnaps the mc whenever he wants 😂 do we get to see mc going to the packs house for the first time and how they spend their weekend together? If staff doesn’t interrupt their time together that is
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While at first, some of the boys are a bit worried about Yoongi just.. bringing you over like that, they quickly warm up to the idea, both Taehyung and Jungkook eagerly playing around, the youngest especially happy to have someone to playfight with, the moment he notices you're not at all too fragile for that type of rough play.
And on the sidelines, there's Namjoon, watching, analyzing, already on his phone making notes.
"She's cute, isn't she?" Jimin says sitting down next to his packmate. "Its like she's always been a part of us here."
Namjoon nods, though more or less in acknowledgment. "I'm more interested in.. some things that she's been doing." He tells the younger wolf. "Taehyung had been talking to me about her speech. And if we go by his descriptions of how she behaves, it seems to imply that she's able to do more complex tasks like making tea or shower all by herself." He explains, locking his phone before he lets it fall into his lap.
"I mean, she's pretty chatty with the boys." Jimin agrees. "But I think you're probably thinking of something deeper?" He asks, and Namjoon nods, arms crossed.
"I don't believe she's a category five at all." He says, and Jimin seems to frown a little.
"I mean- she does show behavior that would make sense for a-" he starts, but Namjoon shakes his head.
"No, that's the wrong way to think about it." He tries to explain. "Dont think about what she can't do for a second, but what she can." The pack leader says. "She's entirely aware of her surroundings, of social norms, uses logic instead of instincts in a lot of cases, and even if she doesn't use complex language like we do, it's clear that she understands the concept of it." He rambles.
"But she still can't really speak, Namjoon. She still cries whenever she's taken away even though it's just to go home. She's still incredibly clumsy with most more.. I guess complicated tasks? She can't tie her shoes or button her coat-" jimin tries softly, and Namjoon cuts him off with a somber tone.
"What if she was never taught?" He asks. At that, Jimin's blood seems to run cold at what his packmate is suggesting. "Or what if something happened that made her forget? She's a dog hybrid, her left leg seems weaker than her right, and her left eye seems to be very sensitive to light.." He offers carefully.
"What're you suggesting?" Jimin asks, watching how you happily nuzzle into Jungkooks chest, curled fluffy tail wildly wagging as Taehyung laughs.
"Maybe a stroke. Maybe an accident with head injury. Or maybe neglect and she was never taught anything properly- theres hundreds of cases of this after all, especially in dog hybrids." Namjoon grimly responds. "We've never been shown any of her papers. We know nothing about her." He says as he watches your concentrated face while Jungkook tries to help you pronounce his name. "But I don't think she's so high on the scale. She could be a three at most, if you ask me." He shrugs.
"There's no way for us to know." Jimin sighs defeated, before he looks over at Namjoon who's got that signature look on his face whenever he's got a plan for something. "Or..?"
"I've got an idea." Namjoon simply offers, not giving away anything else.
All while you're simply happy to be surrounded by people who offer you happiness and comfort for once.
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ive been hearing a lot of legitimate criticism of will wood and his fan base from people who like his music, but see him as a pretentious white guy, and his fanbase as an extension of that.
now i havent been in the ww fandom v long, but given the depths i have gone in it i feel at least somewhat comfortable saying im not sure exactly where this impression is coming from.
i see him writing very eclectic erratic and idiosyncratic songs, and people having a variety of interpretations of them, and i can see how that might come off as pretentiousness, especially bc some of his fans really do cross a line in terms of a gatekeepy parasocial attachment to will
but i haven't really seen anyone going THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO INTERPRET THIS SONG YOURE STUPID IF YOU DONT SEE IT or smth to that effect
i acknowledge tho that there is also some legitimate background to this perception, bc what i have seen is:
-will playing characters live and joking w his audience in ways that are often either easily misinterpreted or clearly just someone with extreme mental health issues
-will being maybe mildly annoyed at how his fans often... over analyze his songs and upset when they overstep boundaries, and sometimes expressing that in non ideal ways.
-wills fans being incredibly obsessed with him and his music, which to the outside observer can be annoying i think (but honestly this to me reads more as a bunch of nd ppl w who have hyperfixated/have a special interest related to him)
-the lyrics to wills songs all being very confusing, especially the farther back in his discography you go, and his fans acting like their meanings are obvious on a first glance even when they arent (which is all the time)
-will pulling references from sources that can be seen as pretentious and off putting, esp when coming from a white guy (taoism, it's always sunny, modern psychology, 'classic' films, name dropping authors of philosophy, etc.)
-wills stances often being contrarian and often (especially on first glance) seemingly being that way purely for the sake of being contrarian
-will explaining his stances in fancy and grandiloquent language (a note on this one in particular: i think of this as not really a sign of being pretentious, potentially bc of my own struggles w it. i often accidentally use a bunch of complicated words and descriptions that wouldn't make sense to me if i was the one hearing them, not because im trying to be exclusionary or come off as ✨intelligent✨, but bc it was explained to me in those terms and i went through the process of studying it in that terminology and being told i had to use that terminology, and now im too dumb to translate what im thinking back into language that's actually comprehensible)
but i feel that a lot of these things are really overstated in how often they happen. by and large, i think a lot of this response is a misreading of the facts that his fanbase is really passionate to a somewhat obsessive degree, will is very passionate about the things he likes and the things he believes in, and both will and the majority of his fan base are pretty mentally unstable and/or neurodivergent.
from what ive seen, will isn't trying to be pretentious in any way and is legitimately just expressing himself. his fanbase despite their occasional issues are ultimately pretty much just very passionate people. and also he does not hate them! to quote the man himself
"guys, i don't hate you! stop telling people i hate you! stop doing that; i like you people! 99.999 percent of you are really good, and 99.999 percent of the people who piss me off are just going through it! i don't know where people are getting this idea the whole like 'will wood hates his fandom' yeah i know i said i hate you all in that song but... you know, it's a song! i like you guys."
if you have counter info/arguments though id love to see them. im always looking for new perspectives, and as i said ive *just* started listening to will wood and looking into his lore. i couldve totally missed smth and id love to hear it if i have.
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eyerealm · 7 months
What's your process with picking colors for an art piece? :0 your color choice is super unique
Thank you for the compliment and question
That definitely is a hard question, because a lot of things in my art is purely intuitive
I think i tend to try to make things look like theyre "glowing"
(I think i picked this up from splatoon)..
I generally pair duller or darker colors with very bright saturated ones for this sort of effect. I also enjoy things being very rainbowy, and i just pick whichever colors my brain wants me to (I think it works faster than i can comprehend). I know a  lot of things in my art dont make sense, but i want them to not make sense, at least in my more abstract art
But if i were to analyse it, ill try to explain..
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Heres my most recent piece...
I was struggling with picking the colors a bit in the earlier stages of this drawing...
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I thought of two options, both had some tone curve + effect on the layer with it that i then erased to leave the parts that would be lit up
The layers with her clothes details was higher than the tone curve layer so they stayed clear and bright. I was leaning to the second option but it felt too dull and green for my liking..
I merged most layers and just went with it, adding more sarurated colors
I usually do this, i dont want to keep too many layers seperate because it gets too complicated and it feels like i cant completely express myself. Merging it all/most of it makes it feel more free and i reccomend doing this at least sometimes..
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Here you can see a little close up of her face with some explanation... I  i dont really know if this is helpful but still
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Heres a little explanation for why i picked the colors for celestia like this
I also often want to show characters in an unusual way color wise. It makes drawing them more interesting. The colors a character is typically associated with doesnt define them, they can be any colors, duller or brighter, different hues etc. Thats what i often think of when i draw, and its fun to play around with. splatoon is a very good thing to draw for me because of this, since they constantly change their ink color..
I do play around with filters and tone curves and stuff a lot sometimes. Selecting specific things in a drawing and only applying filters to them, or to the whole picture, or using blending modes on brushes. It all helps me with getting to the final picture
But it almost always gets merged with the rest of the layers and the picture continues to develop with it all in one
I wish i knew how to properly put it all into words but i myself sometimes dont understand my process, i mostly do things because it just feels right, and everything is subjective, how do i explain what feels right to me, right.. i dont even know if any of this made sense. But well, art doesnt have to make sense
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alelelesimz · 1 month
recommend youtube videos to us 🤲
this is the video i mentioned in that post! lindsay nikole talks about science and evolution and stuff and she's SO GOOD at explaining complicated stuff in a way that i understand easily and she really shows how cool and interesting the world is i'm OBSESSED with her and this video is so interesting i love it
i talked about this video a few days ago but i swear it's so good any austin talks a lot about shit that nobody cares about EXCEPT FOR ME i care about where the rivers in hyrule go and the unemployment rates in skyrim and you should too
i know contrapoints got a lot of hate bc of this video but idk i think it's a banger just like all of her videos!
yes this is drew gooden the guy from that one vine anyways veRY interesting video about AI!!!
i love claire and her recipes always look incredible and she's recreating store bought treats again WHICH I LOVE
i love capt astro so fucking much he just yaps about different topics in video games. i found him bc of splatoon but he talks about many other games, this is probably his longest video but also it's the ONLY good opinion about TOTK i've seen on youtube im so serious
if you like dnd at all you NEED!!!! to watch pointy hat's videos oh my god he talks about different things in the game and how to give them a twist and he's made a bunch of subclasses and gameplay mechanics it's CRAZY and it's really inspiring me to make more interesting characters even outside of dnd
fatbrett usually makes character analysis in video games but this one is about storytelling through environment in unpacking which is very interesting!!!!
okay bear with me on this one, i know it's about splatoon and i know it's almost five hours long BUT splatoon has some of the best lore and world building in any game ever and this video explains the entire storyline of the game which is VERY LONG AND COMPLICATED so even if you dont know about splatoon but do like world building then you should watch this video im serious
alright i cant link any more videos come back again if you want me to share more vids i'm nothing if not a youtube junkie 🙏
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
Have you ever heard of or played an official rezero mobile game called Lost in Memories?The game features a story that is a retelling of the anime and it also divided into 3 chapters: "Main Story","Ver. Main Story" and "IF Route". The game features branching paths that lead Subaru to a different outcome of the story,turning into a "What IF" scenario.
But what intrigued me the most was arukoru, a character who looks exactly like suabru, but is much more cold and heartless and supposedly comes from the failed loop  where subaru had tried to defeat Petelgeuse.It's really interesting and refreshing for me to see a different version subaru not from those if routes of canon novel series,and I really like arukoru's characterization and identity, but it's a shame that he's barely mentioned and discussed in either Japanese or Western fanbase.
but yes. i sadly have not played lost in memories and i have not watched Every Second of it unfortunately hah but!!! the branching paths it has are very interesting <3 and alcor is definitely very interesting to me, even though i dont know every detail on him. and okay for anyone seeing this and doesnt know who alcor is, you can have a picture of him:
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look at him with his thigh highs and galaxy sword fr............. what a guy.....
i think like a year or two ago i actually made like a small drawing redesigning his mask just bc i didnt like it lajsdlfjd. i love the jagged purple "scar" in the mask and the black feathers and the piercing eye but it does not look very visually appealing to me. imo. so i think i redesigned it to be like a skeleton mask of a ground dragon (and yeah one of the eyes had that jagged scar still) to still incorporate the white + feathers? and also bc he seems to be using similar looking skeletons in this photo for reasons i dont know?? is that his power?? but anyway yeah. otherwise i think his design is kind of. a banger? just a bit HAH.
anyway so. yeah like what anon said - alcor's another version of subaru thats turned out this way bc hes from a failed timeline where he tried to fight and defeat petelgeuse and he died like. Way too much. but also alcor is like?? an "illusion" at the same time?? created by this purple haired elf lady?? who was in turn created by this green haired elf lady whos teamed up with subaru to help him recover his memories bc "lost in memories"?? okay if anyone knows the full story behind this please feel free to explain if youd like aljdflsjdf. but i think its interesting seeing - you know, another version of subaru appear in the "main story". like i think alcor is kind of similar to amnesiabaru in this lense - iirc alcor seems to insist that hes the real one, but its kind of. tragic. bc hes kind of not the real one at the same time, if he really is an "illusion"?????? but also he IS another version of subaru, one that grew cold and empty and jaded. hes so Tired, i just kind of. pity him.
i considered using him for a fic once aljdsfljs along with using some other slightly more obscure / underrated versions of subaru (such as aganau subaru yeah) but that fic never got off the ground iirc but yeah. i think hes interesting and definitely another way to explore like. a version of subaru that has a complicated relationship with subaru. like not just HIMSELF, but you know - MAINBARU. its interesting, i think, that hes defensive. that he seems to have this chip in his shoulder. and hes definitely rough at the edges bc his whole design shows that - not just in like an edgelord way bc of all the black and purple lajsdlfj (and even then its a fun contrast to his normal black/white/yellow color scheme) but theres the bandage on his arm, the mask, the name change (alcor), the when he takes off the mask, theres dark circles under his eyes. dude is tired and i think hes distant from himself too bc hes, well. Alcor now - not entirely subaru.
and also yeah he died a shit ton of times to petelgeuse.... poor dude. needless to say i am a big fan of all versions of subaru and his many flavors of Identity Issues.
Live Mindful of Death (死を意識して生きる Shi o ishiki shite ikiru): Live Mindful Of Death is a second Authority which allows Alcor to recreate or force changes in the timeline after his death if it does not end how he wants it to end. He can alter events or prevent possible situations which can completely change the timeline to his liking. This even works on realms where time is non-existent. The change during a reset are strong enough to bring back the world after it's destruction and revive or recover anyone no matter their condition.
Memories: For some unknown reason, anyone who has some intense bond or connection with Alcor will slightly remember past iterations of the timeline before it is reset, similar to Deja Vu. Though knowledge is limited, it can help them predict future events which is extremely useful to any allies of Alcor as they can predict what will happen next, unless the timeline was changed far different from it's previous incarnation. It can also be used in a fight to throw of his opponent by using an attack they didn't predict or fighting in a way he hadn't done before.
Penalties: The butterfly effect of Alcor's reset is completely out of his control. This means that any changes Alcor's Authority produces can be manipulated, what happens beyond said time is completely unknown. Future events could happen entirely differently after he changes the timeline and nothing like his prediction. He would have to use the ability again if he wished to change the timeline to his preference.
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joyfulapostate · 6 months
It's very late where I am so this may not be as put together as id like it, however i dont want to forget (like i have the past four times already), but anyways.
I've been noticing a few contradictions in the bible, specifically in the new testament?
For example, just one out of the few that have been bothering me recently (months), Matthew 17:20, and Luke 17:6 both mention something along the lines of "if you have even a mustard seed of faith, if you command x to do whatever it may be, x will do it, because you had faith. However, what about James 1:5-7?
And another one:
Most believers (that I've met at least), say that if you accept Christ, you can't ever back out of it, once you accept him you can't go back on that decision and hes always with you. However, what about Revelation 3:14-17 I believe 0? I've brought it up to my mother and my (multiple) youth pastors (through the years) multiple times but I just get the same things related over and over and nothing actually explained.
Anyways I was just curious on your thoughts about that, I think it's interesting that there would even be question about it, given how often I'm told "the Bible is crystal clear, all you need to do is read it" when reading it frequently leaves me with way more questions than what I started with.
I used to believe that the Christian god guided the hands of the people who wrote the Bible as well as the hands of those who transcribed and translated it. But that belief did not stand up to the inconsistencies in the text. I used my faith to patch the holes, but it eventually spread too thin. It became impossible for me to perpetuate the illusion that the Bible was an inerrant work of a god. So what was it, then? I was at a loss.
Then I started reading Bart D. Ehrman’s book Misquoting Jesus. It gave me a lot of context about how the Bible came to be, including who changed it along the way and why. I recommend looking into Ehrman’s vast body of work. He is a biblical scholar and also an ex-Christian. He has several other books and a podcast also called Misquoting Jesus which is available on YouTube. His work really shows how the Bible is a collection of ancient writings from many authors with different intentions, which explains why it’s so inconsistent not only in theology but also in tone. It is such a relief to put down the task of trying to make the Bible make sense, especially when everyone is screaming at you that “it’s crystal clear” because it’s just not! It’s a complicated ancient text whose original is lost to time and has been copied and translated for thousands of years. With that in mind, it makes sense that you feel this way. Thanks for sending this in! I wish you the best of luck, I know this is a hard thing to contend with.
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the-astrophel-system · 4 months
Why Our Alters Mask
tw // brief mentions of ramcoa (no details), using peoples triggers against them, ableism, family being uneducated, brief mentions of deadnaming and misgendering
so, we have a therapist who doesn't specialise in dissociative disorders. but for right now, shes kinda our only option (which is fine, we like her).
but we were talking in our session yesterday and she asked if our mum was aware of our alters and was accepting and stuff. its complicated, but the answer is yes. she's still a bit hesitant, but accepts the fact that we think we have this disorder.
anyway, we mentioned to our therapist that she has been introduced to a few different alters, but we mask almost constantly, so its not like she picks up on it herself.
and our therapist was confused.
again, this is someone who doesn't specialise in this sort of thing, so we do have to talk about our experience and those of people in the community (but y'know she also does have access to scientific and professional stuff, so its not like we're going "our system is the only way it can present").
but i was SO surprised that she was surprised that so many systems mask.
i explained that if you freely drop the mask, thats gonna inform your abusers that what they're doing is working in their favour. they'll learn triggers and use that to their advantage. now, im coming at this from a organic system's pov, we haven't been programmed, nor am i claiming that if systems unmask, they'll automatically be a victim of programming, or later-in-life abuse where the abuser is trying to manipulate the system.
i told our therapist that if you give out your triggers, or you start presenting these switches, people can pick up on those patterns and then use that to their advantage. i clarified and said that i dont think our mum or family would do this to us, its just very very vulnerable and can be dangerous if we unmask completely.
even comments like "you're acting grouchy today", "stop being so childish", and "you never act like this". can all hurt so much and make the system or that particular alter feel guilty for existing the way they do. it would be amazing to unmask around family, but when i have before, i get told im being rude or mean, when thats just how i interact with people. i tease, im a bit blunt, and i tend to swear a lot. im not trying to be rude or offensive, but i constantly feel like an asshole if i do unmask, just because this edgy exterior is who i am.
it can also sometimes be embarrassing for other alters when you do unmask. im sometimes embarrassed by other parts interests, clothes, attitudes, and more. its internalised shit and im working on it. but if we were to unmask, im so worried people wont take me seriously, just because they know of a part who acts differently. and that sucks so much.
another thing is getting told shit like "this is all so confusing", "you have too many alters, how am i supposed to keep track", "you're placing the blame elsewhere because you dont want to admit what you did wrong". comments like that suck so fucking much. i hate them, they hurt, and they're based in misunderstanding.
having many alters (even just any number over 10) can be extremely confusing to others. but i haven't met a single system who expects others to fully know of, remember, and relate to all their alters. all i ask is you accept each new part and if you do happen to remember some names, thats awesome.
it also connects to a lot of gender shit, which our family struggles with. we still cant get them to use our preferred name or pronouns, and we feel like we're too much if we share that we have multiple parts that use different or multiple pronouns. i get that it can be confusing, i understand, especially because my family doesn't see me all that often and if my name and pronouns change each time we see them, it will be a lot to remember. i get it. but my family fills me with so much fear because i feel like they wont try. they wont try to connect with, or understand me. its not fair and its incredibly isolating.
we've also been told that we're placing the blame of negative actions, onto other alters. which, we never do btw. the only time we "shift the blame" is if we try to explain that we don't fully remember what we said or did, because of amnesia. we always try to take responsibility, its just not seen as fair for people to say we're "shifting the blame" any time we try to explain what is going on for us internally. our did isn't an excuse, but its an explanation, yet no one lets us explain.
i explained most of this to my therapist and said that one day we can hopefully be able to unmask more around our family (or even just our mum and brother) so we're less drained all the time. we would get less comments like "why aren't you talking to me", "you're so grouchy", "why are you watching (x show) thats for kids". and more comments like "oh is it (x alter)? thats okay, i wont be mad if you need some time alone", "oh! watching (x show), is this a good episode?", "hey, it seems like (x alter) or (y alter) might be around. i know you're very blunt but just remember to be kind towards your brother", "im not sure if you remember yesterday, but (x alter) and i started this conversation, would you like to talk to me about this, or would you like to wait until (x alter) is back?". or whatever the comments are.
accepting that we are slightly different and not expecting consistency of behaviour, likes, or memories, is so important to us. who knows if this will ever happen for us, idk i guess we wait and see
- virgil (he/him)
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nomapsupport · 4 months
I'm genuinely kind of freaked out right now? Not of this blog, nonono, I love this blog to BITS! Fuck yes, More pos spaces for paras<33 The thing I'm freaked out about right now is if I am a (NO)MAP... I think I'm scared to admit it because I am terrified of how people will view me when I want to say "Hey, I figured this out about myself..." and try to explain what it entails but I don't think anybody will get it outside of the para community. Maybe I'll keep it to myself unless I'm interacting w other paras but it's still kind of shaking me up because I never thought I would be a (NO)MAP. I love and support all my NOMAPs, always! Just never really thought I would be one and it's kind of a shock to me I guess. Any advice for me? How do I go about this newfound discovery? Seriously, any advice or support would be so so grateful. 🩶
hey anon, sorry for the late response. been dealing with some issues of my own.
first, take some deep breaths. you're okay. you're still you. you're not a bad person, you're not irredeemable, you're not unlovable. you're alright.
i really appreciate all the disclaimers saying you support other nomaps even if youre having trouble accepting this part of yourself, but it isnt necessary. dont worry, most of us were in the exact same place you're in now! personally, i had a special interest in pedophilia & pedophile rights long before i realized that i myself was a map. it was really hard for me to accept that part of myself too, even though i had already been standing up for maps for years prior. it's always different when it's about you, & that's okay. it's a really complicated thing that a lot of maps have mixed feelings about.
as for how to tell others, unfortunately a lot of people don't respect us maps. we have to be very careful about who we tell & how we phrase it. it can be good to test the waters first. like for example, talk about therapy for pedophiles & say how you think it's great that people have the option to get help before they offend. if your loved ones still react with disgust to pedophiles who havent even hurt anyone, it may not be safe to come out. i know it hurts to hide a part of yourself like that, but sometimes that's what's necessary to access necessities & stay alive.
but luckily there are private communities out there for maps! i wont post them publicly for safety reasons, but if you want to dm me i'll give you more info & i will never ever post your username on this blog or even tell the others in the community that i invited you. your privacy is very important to me. feel free to dm whenever you need, & once again im very sorry for the late reply!
you are loved, you are worthy, you are not a bad person, you're going to be okay 🩷
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jeromefart · 2 months
Hi, I want to hear about your ships, because I'm no longer interested in the fandoms I was in and I want interesting shit to get into in very healthy ways of course.
Thank you very much for spending this fraction of your life on expending my ship knowledge 🙇🏼
Sorry for the late response! I’ve been traveling all day :(
Well obviously I love dirkdave from homestuck. And I don’t even like Homestuck but they have a grip on me. They have alternate versions of themselves from different realities, ie splinters, it makes for a lot of interesting dynamics between them. Dave grows up with an invasive and distant older brother. Dirk grows up with a fully absent one. The section in the comic where they meet the teen versions of themselves is really amazing to me because even though Dave is so conflicted and hurt, he still seeks comfort and even barely knowing him, he still goes and gives him a hug. It’s really really cute. And if we like old man yaoi we can focus on the older brother versions of them, isn’t that fun. Hollywood director and insane fuck is such a good pairing. Obviously theyre brothers so that makes it more interesting (or revolting) if you even care about that. Who cares.
Umm one of my fave ships of all time that I never talk about is midosara from yttd. Midori is a super creepy but eccentric robot dude, and he recognizes the potential in sara to become this unfeeling and bloodlusting killing machine and he’s desperate to break her. Also they have the age gap too, so that’s fun.
I’ve been thinking a lot about gaara/sasori recently, I read a fic where they’re uncle and nephew and have the whole “i dont want to become him” deal, but since he’s already halfway there, he’s able to find comfort in getting to know him. Gaara has this positive character development which I’d love to see absolutely ruined. Imagine if after the ichibi is extracted from him, sasori survives and takes his ass away.
As you can tell all my fave ships and characters have some sort of doll/puppet/robot aspect to them. They’ve achieved a form of immortality that makes them kinda jaded to everything around them. But then they take interest in someone that kinda brings light back into their life and it’s cute.
Fun fact but I used to be huge into enstars and my favorite ship was tsukasa/kohaku. I was fucking obsessed with them. They have the prince and knight dynamic! Kohaku is part of a branch family that does the head family’s dirty work, ie he’s an assassin. He enrolls in the same school as Tsukasa to keep an eye and protect him since he’s the heir to the family. And kohaku is tsundere about it and tsukasa dotes on him
I’ve yet to find a lesbian ship that’s as complicated as my other favorites. I usually just genderbend the ones I like when I’m tired of hearing about twitching cocks and tight asses 😭 Toxic yuri is an unaffordable luxury unfortunately
So I like dark ships, but I’m not completely inhumane about it yet, I still like fluff aspects. I typically go for rarepairs because most popular ships are just boring. And if they aren’t healthy, they’re very simply rivalries that just don’t do anything for me. My ao3 is kwu9 if you want to look at some of the dynamics I like explained in more detail. It’s all very self indulgent on there, you’ll notice a theme with the saw references.
Sorry this is so long, you gave me the chance to ramble and I’ve had a long day of being quiet at the airport lmao. Plus most of my online friends kinda have sticks up their asses when it comes to this shit, so I’m left just screaming on my dead blog
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to me yuri petrov most likely controls a flammable gas instead of the vague notion of “blue-green fire”, staying in line with “element manipulation” but explaining why the properties of his flames are so different than nathans. (nathans NEXT power is also a bit of a headache if you think about physics too much but i would just gesture towards carbon)
i dont think this is explicitly supported by canon material but it does tell us that yuris fire burns hotter than nathans, which makes sense, because flames that have a blue base colour can be twice to thrice the temperature of a yellow/red flames. blue also is a sign that the gas is experiencing complete combustion where it burns efficiently and without waste.
many flammable gases burn with a blue flame due to burning so hot, and unlike nathan, yuri has been shown to use his flames to fly on multiple occasions whereas nathan explicitly cannot do it: this would only work if his NEXT power isnt merely controlling fire but a flammable gas such as methane or propane, which can be freely found in the athmosphere, and if he acquired the gas in any similar way like lara, he could just draw it to himself from his surroundings
the way jet engines work is that they burn fuel in the compressed air inside of them and the hot exhaust gases are released backwards through a nozzle, which is kind of reminiscent of how he flies by using his fire in rapid bursts that propel him forwards
its also entirely possible to produce the colour of yuris flames by adding copper compounds to a fuel source that burns hot/clear enough to produce a blue flame to begin with (like in the image below)
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screencap from here
flammable gases generally detonate when theyre compressed enough (or if compression is suddenly released), and if yuri really did control a gas instead of fire explicitly, it wouldnt matter much because he could simply ignite it on his own.
gases also burn up quickly and could explain the formation of the very specific burn scar yuri has across his face where his flame burnt him but largely didnt destroy deeper tissues (seeing as how he retains his eyesight and hair follicles in the area).
plus, if he did control a flammable gas, it would better explain (with some physics liberties) how hes able to “stick” his flames onto objects such as the arrows of his crossbow or in lines on the ground, eg. compressed propane is a liquid he could apply. nathan hasnt been shown to be able to stick her flames in the same way either...
interesting side note is that its never been explained how nobody found out how mr. legend exactly died (presumably), but given the nature of yuris power, maybe maverick couldve chalked it up to being a gas explosion or something from mr. legend being careless (a fitting end for such a miserable husk of a man at that point) which is way less suspicious than a guy being burnt to death unexplainably
especially if yuri ended up destroying any further surroundings after the event (in grief). i at least know people who keep their propane tanks (for grills) in their garages. his mother could also been confused at first about the circumstances which would feed into their complicated parent-child relationship
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sasdavvero · 3 months
hi hi okay so
rambles about them under the cut
very small thing: Zero is the most canon Isagi (i try, it's already not canon the fact that he slept with two of the versions. anyway.); Sette is a specific version of Zero that. uh. is more outgoing and. uh. i have no idea how to explain actually. (because all of these pieces of shit are barely version and very OCs so. very unfortunate)
anyway. so. okay. They are supposed to fuck, for the bit (?). Zero would and Sette apparently would too and I wanted to leave the only not-sexual relationship in the whole thingie that between Sette and Hachi? It feels more significant if only they don't fuck.
When I say the bit I mean that it's very funny how Zero would fuck all of them, in a way.
I am also very unsure of the contrary, actually: Sette is a person who relies on sex to feel as a human being, in a way (to be seen, to feel himself, to see a meaning in his existence), main reason why Hachi and he don't fuck: it serves as a way to make him understand that he can be a person without being seen as a sexual object first, so that's what I mean when I say that the relationship between him and Hachi has a very specific and important meaning.
So, if he and Zero fuck, it would confirm his specific idea that he's not a person, in a way. it would be just another relationship he has that's purely based on sex where the other person does not care about other parts of him.
(for context: things are rocky in his universe. exactly because he went overboard with that in bllk. sad!)
I care about Sette a lot and I want him to have friendships and relationships that are not as the ones he has with any other person he knows, and that would mean not making him and Zero fuck, I think?
On another note though, this could be the news in his life: ever since he started having sex with people, he has come to realize that none of the people actually see him as a person (it's mentioned in a story how "people see him" but. they don't. not completely at least. it's a realization he probably had while in bllk (so off screen)) because he is only that, something to be used. But, with Zero, I think I could make him see the other side: if there's a type of relationship where he's simply sexualized and not cared about, and another type where he is not sexualized and is cared about, there can be a new one (for him) where sure, yeah, they fucked, but the person [Zero] does actually see him and cares for him.
does this make sense? no idea
I feel like this is contradicting in some parts: does Sette mind being simply an object or is he human if he is an object? I have not a single clue! I think that's something that's evolving in him: he was a human as an object because that was all he was and that was all he knew. After meeting Hachi, does he feel like being an object is not enough anymore? Does he want not to be one? Maybe! I dont know! That's why I have no idea what to do!!
(btw this does not take into consideration the relationship he has with Seika, as he considers her as some kind of sister he never had, so we'll leave her out of the debate)
(I will think about his relationship with Yon in a moment that's not now. What's yet to be written does not matter)
(we will not even take into consideration Kyuu as they would not even talk with Sette. (too busy making Hachi's life hell. For more info, see last sentence above))
this is more complicated than this and I barely have half of it in my mind, so I'm even more shit at explaining, sorry :(
in case anyone is interested, I'll link here the ao3 series about them! and yeah, I will see what to do I guess?
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🏃 running into your ask box! So this is an angst Nicky and Taylor specific idea. It's post s2 and Nicky is trying to be in his child's life more and very awkwardly stumbling into mending a friendship with Cass. He also explains the personal alarm system for when Taylor's in trouble and Taylor has him add a miku rock and roll jingle bells music effect to it. The catch here is that Taylor, finally having down time to process some of his traumatic experiences is...aware that his dad wants to protect him above all else which means a lot! However the anything else often Includes Taylor's friends--leaving linc to almost die by fbi afterall. Also the situation with Erin and the trees where he would have poofed off with Taylor instantly if he had fallen off the tree for real. He loves his dad but the trust in him is complicated in certain situations. So basically he ends up using the alarm thing to alert Nicky (probably has a button on his miku keychain or certain lyric to activate it safely). But whenever he calls for help, he'll always pretend he's more alright than he is if not alone so that he can convince his dad to focus on helping anyone else around him too. One such instance being that Taylor's cat got stuck in a tree and he attempted to help but ends up falling pretty badly instead. He figures having wings would make this super simple though. When his dad arrives he acts like he's alright and just worried about the cat whose been up there for awhile. Nicky is surprised by the reason but agrees to help. He wanted to see his son anyway and wasn't busy either. Starts thinking to himself that maybe they could go out to eat or watch stuff together later if Taylor's interested
He gets the cat down and then looks over to Taylor, curiously asking about the cat (is it a stray or yours? Got a name?). He likes animals but outside of nick Jr never had another family pet.
All chill and curious vibes drain from his face though when, mid responding, Taylor faints. He puts the cat down and is in more of Nicholas' strict and cautious way for the rest of the day. Worried and once Taylor's inside resting, also scolding him too. Which I imagine might lead to an argument since this is a serious side of him that Taylor's not used to seeing. Not a fun side etc. When that's mentioned, it reminds Nicky of arguments with his own dads and he sees his younger self in Taylor in that moment.
i really loce this a lot sorry i'm very sleept so i dont have many words but like. i just love taylor disregardinf his own issues and also i love taylor faunting i will think abt it and weite it forever qnd evwr qne ever and i just love so much nicky being protectiv of tqylor qnd scoldinf him qbout safety and stuff augh this is so good thqnks
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freak-phone · 1 year
heyyy questions for opal :) 2, 14, 30, B!
Wow did you know that if you ctrl-z in tumblr's new text editor it will delete everything you've been typing and not put it back. I HAD... SEVERAL PARAGRAPH ANSWERS THAT I HAD TO REDO. TRYING TO BE SERENE ABOUT THIS. anyways ty these were really fun especially B, i dont think i've talked this much about my oc making process before! answers below
2- How easy is it for your character to laugh?
HMM. I think surprisingly kind of hard! not that he's too serious for it, I think that opal just doesn't get jokes very easily, and has a hard time telling when people are joking. but the 'if you have to explain the joke it isn't funny' rule totally doesn't apply to him, if a joke goes over his head he WILL laugh after you explain it to him.
if i had to think of something that would for sure make them laugh... i feel like visual stuff gets him for sure, i think they'd really love those little dogs on social media with the fucked up haircuts.
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they'd laugh so hard they'd pass out at this thing
14- What animal do they fear most?
probably just any large dangerous animal. he has a sort of scared prey animal quality about him... i think he has 'being chased by a jaguar/tiger/bear/shark' dreams a lot. but it's really just anything they think could eat them and or rip them apart physically, common phobia animals that are more just 'creepy' like snakes or bugs are no problem.
30 - Who do they most regret meeting? 
HMMM. interesting to answer because the campaign opal was in has been concluded for a while and I feel like he's resolved most of his personal issues with people. also, he's not very good at holding grudges really lol
there were some characters that were making his life harder for reasons he, at the time, did not have the full scope of understanding. opal viewed his involvement with them as his own fault (impulsively went in on crazy expensive body mod surgeries, ended up in debt to a kinda-evil rich guy & regularly being harrassed by someone sent to collect) so he definitely regretted it. but, again, things turned out to be a lot more complicated!
honestly upon finding out he was involved in some huge-scale universe at stake stuff after all, rather than being upset he was mostly just like oh i don't owe that guy thousands of dollars fr? Sweet (instantly forgets about all of it)
B- What inspired you to create them?
most of the campaigns i am or have been in have a particular time period they're set in, so that's usually where my dnd character concepts start! with opal's we were prompted to choose a distinct era/universe of our choosing for our player characters, since they'd all be from different worlds. i definitely had retro futurism on the brain for opal, specifically 80s to y2k era...
he's a character that came to me in aesthetic and design first i think. more than the more shiny glam looks that come to mind in y2k futurism and modern stuff that replicates it, i really wanted that sort of... sterile, uniform-y, limited color palette look. lots of beige and white and grey, functionality-first and technical-made-fashionable. his outfit is just the company-assigned uniform he wears to his manual labor and service jobs, but it still has that cute stylish spin to it!
a specific example i referenced would be these looks from Michiko Koshino F/W 1996. graphic and fashionable while still evoking the functionality and simplicity of a uniform or other more practical wear.
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the future opal is in is really the future as it exists in a dated, speculative vision from the 80s to early 2000s. not quite as fantastical as a lot of space-age futurism, because it's from an era where 'futuristic technologies' were really beginning to be made on a consumer scale and put to use in day to day life... so it's a bit more cynical and fearful and dystopian, because the practical applications & the consequences of futuristic advancements were a bit easier to consider.
opal's world has the bleak nightmarish feeling of i have no mouth and i must scream & even to more overtly comedic degrees as like, black mirror lol... but it's still kind of silly and impractical and campy. as much as he exists as a working class individual in a hyper capitalist hellworld, those 'zenon girl of the future' disney movies are a big ingredient to him as well! as miserable as his life gets he isn't meant to be a sad character. he's not mopey. he gets dressed up in silly little outfits and has a silly little laser gun.
Wow did you know 2001 a space oddysey and barbarella came out the same year? it's that sort of dichotomy of scifi vibe.
uhhh also i'd just played a confident mean boy (kalibri) and thought a spineless scared guy would be fun to try next
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