#top gun next gen
jackiequick · 1 year
Smoke in the air < Top Gun Maverick fic Au
Top Gun Maverick Au Series
Setting: Set years after Top Gun, Before Top Gun Maverick
Summary: What happens when old family friends meet again? But instead it’s though daughters and granddaughters instead. What if Rachel ‘Frostbite’ MetCalf and Jennifer ‘JenPen’ Mitchell earlier, years before Top Gun?
Platonic Pairing: Jennifer ‘JenPen’ Mitchell & Rachel ‘Frostbite’ MetCalf. Maverick’s daughter & Viper’s granddaughter. 
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It was a hot shot day in April 2011, Jennifer was sweating bullets after running streets in the sun. She just finished a quick run with Amber Kazansky, the girl was faster than her in way she can’t count. She entered the household to see her dad, Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, and aunt, Audrey ‘Sunset’ Davidson, in the kitchen trying to cool off.
“Hey Daddy.” Jen said giving a quick kiss onto her father’s cheek. Then she bounced over to her aunt doing the same, “Hiya, Mama.”
“Hi sweetheart.” He replied with a smile, checking his watch and placed on his shades, about to head out soon.
“Hello princess.” Added Sunset pouring herself another glass of soda, “Whatcha doing here so early? Where is everyone?”
Jen opened the fridge grabbing a water bottle as lifted it up to her lips, taking a sip before replying, “Kazansky and I just finished a quick run. Bradley is god knows where. And my other friends are at the beach. Where ya headed?”
“I’m dropping something off at Chipper and Wolfman’s house. While you’re dad is driving over to old Commander Viper’s place to drop over paperwork and then head over to the offices.”
Maverick lifted up his head, “Uh change of plans! Babygirl, i need to head out to a meeting with Slider and meet up with a old student of mine, so i need you to drop off the folders for me.”
“But Dad-” Jen tried to opt out but was cut off short.
“The address is on a post-it note in my garage. It will be a quick thing, i promise.”
“But i was gonna go pick up Rusty and Lucky to go to—okay.”
Jennifer took a quick shower and opted for a better change of clothes. A black tank top with a gray flannel wrapped around her waist, jeans cuffed at the ankles, sandals with a pair of big tear drop shape earrings. Along with the gold crusted green necklace necklace she never removed, that made her olive green eyes pop.
She headed downstairs taking the folder with the address taped onto the front, then headed out driving to the MetCalf household, texting the girls she’ll be late to the mall. She’s been there before when she just a little girl due to her father or uncles, taking her to the house to be babysat by Viper’s wife when no one could watch over her. Viper’s wife Linda was gentle soul, always welcoming everybody in with open arms and a full plate to anyone who’s hungry. She liked her very much, but she was tough at times too.
Jennifer parked in front of the beautiful house with a freshly watered garden to die for, a white painted front porch with lights gently handing off the edge of the front door and the sound of peaceful smiles lifting up the feel of the house. Simply lovely.
The girl stepped out of the car with the items she was meant to give to the folks in hand, almost tumbling up the footsteps and knocked on the door twice. No one answered, so she knocked again nor did she hear any noise coming from the other end of the doorway. She stepped back and decided to try and walk around towards the back porch. But before she can take the first step down the staircase, Jennifer heard the door swing open and whipped her head around to face the person.
She expected to see Linda MetCalf standing there in her classic light pastel yellow top and jeans, with her hair tie in bun. Or that’s at least what her memory decided to make up of the women. Instead she was met with a young blonde girl with dark green eyes wearing a gray sweater, navy blue shorts and Converses. She definitely looked way younger than her, probably early pre-teens. Something about her gave a icy annoyed vibe, like Jen just butted into her important conversation with someone by accident. As if she landed in some deep smoke with that look.
The young girl gave her a slight glare holding the doorknob, like she was ready to slam the door in her face or something for interrupting her peace and quiet. “Uh, who the heck are you?” She asked.
“I’m uh, a sorta friend of the family.” Jennifer explained pointing towards the house.
“Yeah, Linda MetCalf sorta was my babysitter.”
“Uh okay, i guess. How old are you?”
“Almost 20..? Who the hell are you?”
“Look, I’m not supposed to talk to strangers, so please..you know, leave.”
“But I’m not a—”
Then a classic voice was heard, “Honey, who’s at the door?”
“Some girl claiming she knows..um, you?” Replied the young blonde with a confused disgusted face, scanning the brunette’s outfit choice.
Linda came in after what looks to be drying her hands off and smiled recognizing her, “Jenny, is that you?”
“Y-yeah it’s me! I’m um, sorry to interrupt you.” Jennifer said apologizing, feeling the young girl’s eyes on her.
“It’s alright what are you doing here?”
“My dad wanted me to hand this to Viper..?”
She held up a folder with tons of paperwork inside with a half smile.
“Oh yes, Mike said your father was coming over. He’s just left to the store, but i can take it for him.” Linda said kindly, holding out her hand as the girl handed her the papers, “You wanna come in? I made blueberry pie.”
“N-no it’s fine, i was gonna head out to see my friends…” Jennifer replied about to give an excuse however the scent of pie hit her nose, realizing she was hungry, “Actually yeah, a few minutes wouldn’t hurt, right?”
“Wonderful! I’ll serve you a big slice.”
By the time Linda served her the slice of pie, that already seem to be cut into earlier, the young blonde headed upstairs to do god knows what. The older woman stood a seat next to the young brunette smiling. Linda asked, “So how are you sweetheart?”
“I’m alright, to be honest could be better.” Jennifer said taking a bite out the pie and humming at the delicious taste in her mouth.
“What do you mean?”
“Well dad and I are having trouble with picking career paths. Plus he’s had a little fight with my aunts and uncles..”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry. You’ll figure it out eventually, you guys always do.”
“I hope so..how are you doing? I’ve haven’t seen you since i was 13, 12 maybe…?”
“I’m doing good, specially with the spring allowing more sales at the bakery and spring shopping.”
Jennifer chuckled, “Oh yeah, the mall is packed with new spring dresses at Macy’s.”
“I know it is, i brought 5 brand new outfits there last week.” Linda chuckled, pouring themselves another glass of water, “I’m so happy you stopped by, i missed seeing you.”
“Aww i missed seeing you too! If i known you were babysitting a neighbor’s kid or something i would’ve came later.”
“Neighbor’s kid?”
“Yeah the blonde girl..or is she not..?”
“Oh no sweetie you’re mistaken, that’s my granddaughter.”
“G-granddaughter? I’m so sorry I didn’t know!”
“It’s alright, you weren’t here for a long time. She is Valerie’s daughter.”
“Valerie? The oldest blonde one with the pink bracelets and used to play with me every time you babysat me?”
“That’s the one, surprised you remember. Yeah Valerie moved out with her boyfriend—now husband years ago and came back home with their daughter.”
“That’s sweet.” Jennifer smiled then jokes, “Soooo, is Hunter still available?” 
“Possibly.” Linda joked back, “And I think your a better match than his last girlfriend, Brianna.”
She laughed, “I might have to ask him out then. Besides, I think Brianna wasn’t the kindest girl…um what’s granddaughter’s name?”
“Rachel MetCalf. She’s a nice girl.”
“Uh, nice? She had an icey look like she could bite me.”
“She’s a sweetheart, Jenny. Go meet her, she’s in the guest room down the hall across from the bathroom.”
Rachel was laying down on the bed watching rewatching a Taylor Swift music video on her laptop, as her feet kicking on the back near the edge. The lyrics blasted throughout the cracked open door, her nails were still wet from painting them a light gray color. She was relaxed and singing softly, not hearing the footsteps of clapping sandals along the the wooden floor.
She knocked on the white painted door asking if she could come in, thankfully she received a quiet yes. Once Jennifer opened the door, she was met with a different look, a far more comfortable one.
“Uh hey.” Jen said standing in the doorway giving the girl a small smile.
“Ugh what do you want?” Replies the blonde pausing the music video, wiping her head around to the girl.
“To talk. To you.”
“Uh why? Look my grandma, if ask you to do that just don’t listen to her. You might be wasting your time You came here to bring over some stuff, that’s all.” 
“Uh ok first off, yeah she sent me here.”
“I knew it! We both know you got something more entertaining to do instead.”
“Secondly, watch your tone!”
“You ain’t my mother nor my grandmother!”
“Yeahhh I’m not but those two lovely ladies you just mentioned, I do know! I..sorry ok..I just came to be nice. Can we start over?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because it’s a nice thing to do.”
“Really? How so?”
The dark brunette, she didn’t speak, not knowing how to respond to that comment. Jen walked in and sat down on the edge of the bed, however knowing that this would be a long talk. Rachel sat crisscross applesauce on the bed, scrolling through the reopened Twitter page on her laptop. Memes, gifs, messages and videos filled up her feed. She glanced up at over every once in a while, waving a hand for her waiting for the girl to keep speaking.
But Jennifer didn’t.
Instead she watched her. The hair bouncing in front of her face, her dark nails, the rolled shoulder and annoyed pouted lips. The frosty looks that could sharply hurt you, a soft stabbing, focused glare underneath that deep eyeliner of hers. Some people are always like that that, it’s who they are. But sometimes it’s always something different, stronger. Something behind those eyes. Either she was going across a teenage phase or…
“How long?” Jennifer asked, the words just slipped out.
“What?” Rachel replies eyeing her up and down.
“How long was your father shipped out?”
“Wa-excuse me? How did you know that?! You just walk in here and asked me that…”
“H-hey I’m sorry. It just slipped out..well because I know the face. The attitude.”
Both of their voices were low, as if it was whispers of a conversation. Rachel looked at her once again, noticing that this girl seriously just called her out on something that she didn’t expect to hear. But somehow was known to everyone in that very room. It kinda sucks that the annoying girl in front of her read the room that quickly, or just guess it.
For Jen, it was something she knew a little too well. The look, sometimes the cries and the attitude. She experienced it, still does. Not something you catch on unless you travel around and met people every once in a while. Sometimes you need someone else to listen to you.
Rachel sighed, leaned back and scoff, “Okay that um, wow. Rude sorta I guess..but um yeah, my dad was you know gone for 6 months or less…Navy and stuff runs in the family. Guess with yours too?”
“Yeah. He’s never been gone for that long, huh?” Jennifer asked, she got a nod in return and continued, “I get it. It’s not easy, it gets annoying like the longest waiting game ever…what about your mom?”
“My mom?”
“Mom is usually at work nowadays, so I stay with um, well my grandparents. Mostly grandma. I mean yeah she’s always here but the last few weeks..she’s been usually busy with work.”
“It’s tough, at least you get to be near some cool grandparents. I get it, it can be hard sometimes you just want them safe and sound. Especially if your a bit of a daddy’s girl growing up, I guess.”
Rachel was still working out the way to look at this situation. Just a few minutes ago she was annoyed at this point with her but now it was like she has soften up. Sometimes you don’t know if someone is getting honest or just chatting with you to make conversation. As if it was a lie or something, she’s been though his routine before.
She scoffed and looking at her laptop, “Yeah well, what do you know?”
“What do you mean?” Jennifer asked, playing with her nails for a moment.
“You’re just sweet talking me or something. You don’t know me, you’re mom is probably at home with your dad.”
“She’s not at home.”
“Shopping for grocery then, whatever. At least she’s with you.”
“Yeah probably in spirit.”
Jennifer scoff with a slightly half smile, “Girl, my moms dead.”
“Oh-oh my god! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to.” Rachel said quickly with widen eyes, closing her laptop, “I um, uh, I didn’t know..”
“It’s alright. You didn’t mean to.”
“I’m sorry…is that why you visited my grandparents a lot? I heard half of the conversation downstairs. You uh, talk loud.”
“Y-yeah I mean sorta..I guess that’s why. My dad or uncle were busy with work as I got a little older, so I was always dropped off here..just like you.”
“What? No other uncles or aunts or older siblings to take care of you? At least I had my uncles and aunts.”
“Live far away or you know, busy with work. My dad trusted me in the care of your grandparents.”
“And my aunts and uncles appears like it..”
“Oh no, they just showed up to play every once in a while.”
Rachel joked with a half smile, “In what year? 1987?”
“Hey! I’m only a few years older than you. And yeah, in the late very 80s.” Jennifer admitted, knowing she couldn’t lie abiotic that.
“Hahahahaha! Old lady.”
“Again I’m literally 19. What are you? Like 11?”
“13?! I’m 15! Just turned 15 a while back.”
“Heheh! You don’t look like it…”
“Okay, rude.”
“But you sound like it.”
Rachel muttered a ‘wow’ trying to act serious and mature enough to act like it, but the moment she turned around to face Jennifer. It was a whole different story. The brunette was biting the inside of her cheek, grinning softly at her, “What?” The young blonde started chuckling that grew into a fit of laughter, the other girl followed suit. They laughed for a good minute straight, chatting a bit more.
“So uh, can we start over..?” Jennifer asked with a shrug, smiling.
“Sure, why not.” Rachel replied with a slight scoff and smile.
“Hi, I’m Jennifer Mitchell my friends c-”
“Seriously? The whole introduction thing too and-”
“Just do it. Please?”
“Fine..I’m Rachel MetCalf. My friends call me Rach, at least they would if I had any friends.”
It was Jennifer’s turn to scoff and half smile, “Cute. Did you just quote Meg from ‘Hercules’?”
“Well yeah, duh. She’s a cool chick and relatable to me..” Rachel replied with a shrug and smirk.
“Okay, Megara..”
“Yeah no.”
“What? Nicknames it’s for sake! Iceman is already taken.”
“Rachel is just fine.”
“Okay fine.”
“You give everyone a nickname?”
“On occasion.”
“Oh dear god…fine, only one nickname got it? It should be a cool one! Not some lame basic one.”
“Damn okay, yes ma’am.”
She laughed at the older girl reaction. It made her feel comfortable and cool. Honestly she wasn’t half bad in her eyes. Rachel thought that she was warm and sweet, which contrasted her cool and collective self. Yeah she had a friend or two, but this brunette girl was willing to stay up here with her for a while. Yeah sure, it took Linda MetCalf to do so, but still. Usually she was the loner who gave everyone the side eye, then comes on this girl to interrupt her vibe today. Interesting.
The two chatted a bit more. Talked about schools, discussing movies, joked about crushes, watch some YouTubers, and do more things to past the time.
Not gonna lie, Jennifer was glad she went upstairs. The moment she saw the young blonde at the front door, it was smoke in the air! Her mind was racing with ideas to leave the paperwork and get out of there, especially when that glare hit her. Planning to definitely refuse the idea of coming upstairs to actually meet her, meet up with her friends at the mall. But when she got to know the blonde girl, something about this newfound friendship felt good.
The pair were discussing a few new movie trailers when Jen phone vibrate with a call from Rusty, she excused herself real quick to answer it remembering about the mall. She heard that the girls were at the Food Court, just finished showing at Target waiting for her.
Jennifer ended the call, noticing a few missed text messages from her dad as well. Oops. When she returned to the bedroom, she was met with the young MetCalf eyes and soft smile.
“You’re friends?” She asked with small nod.
“And a few missed text messages from dad..” She replied nodding.
“Oof. Tough break, sorry about that.”
“It’s cool. I got hang out with a cool girl anyway.”
“Yeah your kinda cool.”
“Your playing, I ain’t cool.”
“I would say so, Rachel.”
“Whatever you say, Mitchell.”
Both girls chuckled.
“Walk me out?” Jennifer suggested with a small shrug, pointing at the door.
“Sure.” Rachel reply was quick as she jumped off the bed, leading her down the steps.
They chatted some more, greeting Linda midway to the front porch. She smiled at both girls, happy to see they somehow got along. She gave the young Mitchell a slice of pie to go and returned back to the kitchen counter to continue a phone call of hers. Rachel opened the door for her new found friend. Jennifer smiled, giving her a small thanks.
“You know I wasn’t expecting this day to go like this, but I’m glad it did.” Jen says holding the pie in her hands.
Rachel leaned against the door frame, “Yeah, it wasn’t bad. Again, I’m sorry about earlier.”
“Oh no, it’s fine. I’m used to it, I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
“It’s cool, I kinda needed it you know.”
“Yeah. Ohhh how about I swing by again this week and I can take you out?”
“Seriously? T-that’s odd, we just met.”
“So? We’re kinda on good terms and I would like to hang out with you a bit more.”
The blonde smiled hearing that, surprised to see how open this girl was receiving her this whole time. Somehow she liked this annoying ball of sunshine and jokes. The brunette smiled softly as if she can see the gears turn in her head, she was cool with hanging out with someone like her. Somehow she enjoyed the vibe of this bright eyed ball of cool breezes and slightly snarky remarks.
It was that ‘screw off’ attuned attitude towards her, that Jennifer liked for some reason. She wait for a response from the blonde, playing with her necklace.
“Oh right.” Rachel said snapping out if her thought considering her offer, “Sure! Y-yeah we can hang out tomorrow I guess, o-only if your free of course. You seem kinda busy.”
“Nahh girl, I ain’t that busy!” Jennifer replies with a soft chuckle, “I’m usually lounging around or something. So I can definitely hang out tomorrow.”
“G-great! That sounds great, you’ll pick me up?”
“If it’s cool with your grandma and—”
Suddenly the yells of Linda MetCalf was heard, “YES! ITS OKAY WITH ME!..sorry, I was eavesdropping for a moment!”
Both girls laughed at the older woman, nodding at the agreement. Satisfied somehow with this situation of today, it wasn’t planned but it was nice so far. Rachel said her quick goodbyes, giving the brunette her phone number in the process and closed the door. Jennifer nodded as the door was sorta slammed in her face and chuckled running off to her ride.
Thank you for reading this fic! Hope you enjoyed it
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @msrochelleromanofffelton @gcthvile @drspencereidhotch @ohgodnotagainn @morgan108 @topgun-imagines @theloveoftoms @annepsilvaauthor @t-nd-rfoot @withakindheartx @starkleila @buckysteveloki-me @rooster-84 @novavida and etc.
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bradshawed · 1 year
Saltwater and the Stars Above.
summary — meet the family xx
warnings/tags — female reader, use of she/her pronouns and y/n, nothing too descriptive about the reader, fluff, mentions of family members who have passed away, changes from 3rd to 2nd person, dogfight football, the slightest bit of hangster/sereshaw if you squint. @waklman *gives you the biggest smooch* ily <3
note — a short and sweet next generation tg:m fic that I hope you all fall in love with. i’d love to have added some more of their banter especially with the introductions so you can see how they all fit together but I started writing and it ended up being a lot softer which I have no complaints about. hopefully I get to turn this into a series of sorts so you all get to see more from them! love you all xx
word count — 1.1k words
The Texan sky had never looked brighter cuddling in the back of Lucas Bradley Seresin’s pick-up truck, the stars shining down on the couple, twinkling as if to almost wink at a secret they didn’t know yet.
They revelled in the silence of the night, listening to the sounds of the crickets chirping in the background, one they’ve both missed from the hustle and bustle of college.
It was different from what Y/n was used to, but a good different nonetheless, and one she wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.
“Come with me?” The couple had been spending their last moments together before Lucas headed off to Miramar for the summer to visit his extended family who were all permanently stationed at the naval air base there along with his father.
Y/n shifted onto her side to look at him as he turned to face her, tucking a stray hair behind her ear and placing a kiss to the crease between her eyebrows. “I can hear you thinking from here, talk to me darlin’ what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Along with most things, Lucas had also inherited his Southern charm from his father (don’t tell his uncle Bradley that, he claims to be the only source behind Lu’s charisma and manners).
“I want you there. And if you’re worrying if they’ll like you or not, I promise they will.” She opened her mouth in protest before Lucas continued with, “You’ve already met my dad, and all our biological family on his side, and they all love you, maybe even more than me. And we went to visit mum.. I know she would’ve loved you.” Their eyes softened at the mention of his mother, Y/n placing a gentle peck to his lips, “The guys and Phoe will adore you just as much, if not even more.” She smiled softly, chuckling and groaning playfully at his puppy eyes and the small please at the end, definitely inherited from Bradley. “I’d love to meet them.” His green eyes lit up, a couple of disbelieving “really’s” leaving his lips before they were on every inch of Y/n’s face causing her to erupt into a symphony of giggles.
The smell of salt water brought back a wave of memories as they flew down the remaining roads, only a couple of miles away from the Hard Deck where they’d all decided to meet up. Lucas glanced over at his girlfriend, her hair dancing in the breeze from the open windows of his truck, wide smiles on both their faces as he squeezed her hand three times.
The couple made their way to the bar hand in hand, his thumb drawing slow circles into the back of her palm to ease her anxiety. The Hard Deck was blooming with life as they walked in, laughter echoing from every inch and out into the ocean from the open patio doors. A man with glasses and a soft smile on his face, who she assumed was Bob from the many stories she’d heard from both Seresin’s, noticed them first and moved to notify Jake. The blonde passed his pool cue to the man before moving towards the door to greet the couple, arms wrapping around them both in a hug. It helped ease her tension tenfold, warmly greeting the man, as he moved between them, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders to guide them towards group for introductions.
It was inevitable with the open patio doors overlooking the beach and the ocean, that they’d end up playing dogfight football, Y/n being dragged into a couple rounds on the opposite team to Lucas, something about Payback and Fanboy claiming it was an unfair advantage to pair the couple up.
With her aviators barely shielding the hot Californian sun, Y/n decided to step out to help Penny and Javy’s wife with the food and drinks. Unbeknownst to Y/n, Bradley had also stepped out after her, which elicited multiple complaints from most of the aviators as he made his way towards the bar. Jake placed a reassuring hand on his son’s back, stopping him from joining them, a knowing look twinkling in his eyes.
“Here, let me help you with that.” The girl almost dropped the cooler in surprise as he easily grabbed it from her and began to make his way back outside to where they’d decided to set up lunch. She moved to help Penny with anything else she may need but paused when Rooster spoke, “Walk with me?”
The waves crashing against the shoreline made up for the peaceful silence. It hadn’t been as scary as she’d originally thought and there was a sort of calmness between them as she studied him, recognising some of Lucas’ mannerisms from Bradley.
“I’m happy he’s got you, you know?” He paused for a moment, considering what to say, “That they’ve both got you. They’re lucky to have you.” They both studied the sun reflecting off the waves. “I’m lucky to have them too, just as they’re lucky to have you.”
“My parents they, well Jake’s probably told you, but they passed away when I was younger and I guess family never really felt like anything until I met them, and all of you, so thank you.”
Bradley paused his movements, he knew exactly how you felt and was overcome with the sudden urge to take you under his wing. He always struggled talking about his parents and although that had gotten better over time, it had never felt as easy as it had now, telling you, but also telling you that everything was going to be okay, that they were up there in the skies looking down on you, that all those rowdy aviators on the beach were just as much as your family as anyone else’s and they were happy to have you as a part of theirs. Bradley had never meant or believed in anything more than what he told you then on the beach, wrapping you in a hug as you both struggled to hold back your tears, walking back towards the group with huge smiles on your faces, cracking jokes, feeling just that little bit lighter.
Lucas cupped your face in his hands, turning it over and checking if you were okay as you let out a stream of giggles, pecking him on the lips with promises that you’ll tell him later as you pulled him to the table. You took a glance backwards, seeing Jake nod at Bradley with an understanding look, slapping him on the shoulder as they made their way over.
There, seated at the table, they were your family now and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
motion sickness: next gen || kids of top gun
Rating: G
Summary: The kids of our favorite aviators take on high school. Jamie Lane-Seresin has a crush on Marcus Fitch. Dalia Garcia-Alvarez may have just gotten the two to go on a date, and poor David Floyd has no idea what's going on.
Motion Sickness is the shared universe featuring Jas Lane (Turning Tables) and @joaquinwhorres' Caro and Dalia Alvarez (Tailspin). This is a next generation fic in this universe.
Warning(s): Dalia being a menace, Jamie being done with her shit, confused David. A wild Jas appears.
Word count: ~2.0k
A/N: This fic is a gift for Anna (@joaquinwhorres) who is celebrating her half birthday tomorrow! I couldn't wait, so it's a day early. There is nothing I enjoy more than expanding this universe with you, so I present to you a little next gen fic for your reading pleasure that no one else will probably read. I appreciate you and your friendship more than you know. Enjoy, friends!
Likes are nice, but comments and reblogs are golden.
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Dalia poked her side. “Look who just walked in.”
Jamie raised her head from her sketchbook to the entrance to the cafeteria, where Marcus Fitch sauntered in with the rest of the football team in tow.
It was like a scene out of the movies Jas and Caro always insisted they watch on sleepovers. Marcus moved in slow motion as he laughed over his shoulder at something his friend at said that probably wasn’t even that funny. Jamie swore there was even the faint sound of swelling music coming from somewhere.
Jamie tore her eyes away, looking at Dalia, whose smug smirk reminded her so much of Caro. They really were the spitting image of each other. 
“The football team?” Jamie said, shrugging, trying to play it cool. It’s what Jas would have done.
Dalia hummed, but Jamie didn’t love the devious grin on her friend’s face.
Dalia opened her mouth and shouted across the expanse of the cafeteria. “Marcus!”
Not only did the older boy’s head whip up, but so did the heads of nearly every kid in the room, as Dalia waved her hand wildly in the air, almost smacking Jamie’s temple in the process.
Marcus said something to his friends before weaving in and out of tables and bodies to make it to them. Jamie begged for the ground to swallow her whole at the sheer embarrassment of being looked at by everyone.
Dalia’s hand landed back on the tabletop unceremoniously. Jamie cursed under her breath.
“Hey, guys,” Marcus greeted, offering them a wide and confident smile that made Jamie’s insides feel funny. She muttered a hello, dreading whatever Dalia would say next.
“Jamie has an art show tomorrow,” she said, looking the picture of innocence, but Jamie scowled.
“You do?”
She raised her eyes to meet Marcus’ warm brown ones. “It’s not my art show,” she clarified. “It’s for Art Club. David is showing, too.”
At the sound of his name, he looked over his shoulder at his friends who were beckoning him to join them again. He looked back at his childhood friends, and Jamie felt smaller, acutely aware that Marcus was older and significantly cooler. “I’ll be there.”
Jamie frowned. “You don’t have to do that,” she said, shaking her head. 
The broad smile Marcus offered her made her heart pound and her palms sticky. “I want to,” he assured her and wandered back to the football team at the far end of the cafeteria.
Dalia’s grin was smug and self-satisfied. “I just got you a date.”
“It’s not a date,” Jamie argued. “Coming to an art club art show after school is not a date.”
“It’s definitely a date.”
Jamie groaned. “You’re insufferable.”
Dalia grinned and waved at David, who was making his way through the crowd, holding on to his backpack and lunch tray for dear life. “You love me.”
David slumped into the seat opposite Jamie and Dalia. “What’s debatable?”
“Whether I love Dalia,” Jamie said, sliding her chemistry notebook across the table to David so they could compare results of their latest lab.
“You do,” he said matter-of-factly.
A smug smile crept back on Dalia’s face. “See? David knows.”
“David is also failing chemistry.”
He frowned, opening Jamie’s notebook. “I’m not,” he reminded them. “I’m in AP Chem.”
“You can be in AP Chem and still fail.”
“But I’m not.”
“You sound more like Jas every day,” Dalia interrupted, cutting off their arguing. It wasn’t a new thing that Jamie and David argued over classes and test scores, and though there was never any malice to it, she knew it was irritating to listen to sometimes.
Jamie would have argued with Dalia if she wasn’t right. When she’d first been in foster care with her parents, Jamie had taken to Jake the fastest. They’d bonded over sports. He’d been patient with her, and he’d learned to do her hair. Jamie rarely let anyone touch her hair. The older Jamie got, the more she had picked up Jas’ mannerisms.
She had grown into herself with these people. She was just eight when she met them, but Dalia had decided they were best friends from the jump, and they’d spent countless nights at Caro’s place when Jake and Mickey were deployed. 
Their parents were all friends, but they felt more like family. A family Jamie never thought she would have, but Jake and Jas had opened their life to her. They had always treated Jamie like their own, even before they adopted her.
“Why were you debating if you love Dalia or not, anyway?”
“She’s insufferable,” Jamie said at the same time as Dalia mentioned the Marcus Debacle.
“Marcus is coming to the show?”
Dalia nodded furiously, beaming with pride. “All I had to do was mention Jamie, and he said he’d come.”
“That’s not true,” Jamie said with an incredulous look at her best friend before explaining what had actually transpired.
“It’s a date,” Dalia announced when Jamie had finished relaying the information.
David’s brows furrowed, and he delayed his answer by sipping his water bottle. “Marcus coming to the art show is a date? For who?”
“Jamie, of course,” Dalia answered, sounding like she thought he was dumb for not picking up on that very obvious conclusion.
David frowned. Jamie could practically see the wheels turning inside his brain as he tried to figure out how Dalia had gotten there. By the looks of it, he was having little luck.
“It’s an art club show after school,” David said slowly. Jamie saw a hint of Bob in his brows and mouth when he frowned again. “That doesn’t seem like a date.”
“Thank you,” Jamie exclaimed triumphantly, slamming her palm down on her sketch book, smearing the piece she was working on. She cursed under her breath before closing the book.
“He does like you, though,” David said nonchalantly, looking down at Jamie’s notes from AP Chem, not realizing his mistake until it was too late.
Dalia eyed him suspiciously. “You know something,” she said and pointed to him.
“I have eyes,” he said and shrugged for good measure. His mom hated when he shrugged.
Jamie looked between her friends, not understanding the silent conversation they tried to have through glances alone. 
“We will talk about this later,” Dalia said to David, sounding more like a threat than a suggestion. It was during moments like those where there was no doubt Dalia was Caro’s daughter.
Dalia turned her attention back to Jamie. “You’ve been in love with him since we were twelve. Is it so bad to just call it a date even if he doesn’t know it?”
Jamie groaned, a habit she had undoubtedly picked up from Jas over the years, and slammed her head against her arm resting on the closed sketchbook.
“You’re insufferable,” she murmured into the crook of her arm.
Jamie didn’t have to look at Dalia to know she was grinning triumphantly.
Caro picked them up from school that afternoon because Marcus had a late football practice, and couldn’t take them like he normally did. Jamie waved at the car over her shoulder, walking up the driveway to her front door. 
Jas and Jake had done a lot of work on the house after they moved in together. Mostly Jake. Jas had been tasked with painting the porch and barely managed that, getting paint all over herself, the grass, and the neighbor’s cat.
Jamie loved that story.
She let herself into the house, knowing Jas would be up and getting ready for the night shift. “Mom?”
“In here,” Jas spoke from the kitchen.
She dropped her backpack on the bench in the entryway and rounded the corner to the kitchen where Jas was preparing tea for Jamie and coffee for herself.
She was in scrubs, her hair tied into a tight bun that closely resembled the one she’d been forced to wear in the Navy. She slid the mug across the counter towards Jamie, who sat on one of the tall bar stools.
“How was school?”
Jamie shrugged. “It was alright,” she said, sipping her tea. “I think Mr. Simmons is planning a pop quiz for AP Chem. I compared notes with David at lunch.”
Jas offered Jamie a spoon to stir her tea with, which she accepted. “You feel okay about it?”
“Yeah,” she said, swirling the spoon around the tea, filling the air with the scent of chamomile.
“I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow,” Jas said and mirrored Jamie’s sip of her mug. “I managed to change shifts with someone, so I can come to your art show. I’m not sure if Jake can make it, so you’ll have to ask him when he gets home, but he wants to be there.”
Jamie smiled. Jas and Jake were practical people, and when she made the track team, she wasn’t surprised when they came to every race and tournament, but their support of her interest in art? That was a shock.
“Got any surgeries planned today?”
“Nothing scheduled,” Jas replied, taking another sip. “But emergency medicine is unpredictable, so who knows?”
“It’s like you then.”
Jas paused, the mug halfway to her mouth, and stared at Jamie.
“I know you did not just call me unpredictable,” Jas said in mock outrage, putting her coffee back on the counter and placing her hand over her chest.
“Didn’t you string dad along for weeks when you first met?”
Jas snorted. “He loved it, and if he ever tells you otherwise, he’s lying.”
Jamie chuckled, letting her eyes glide around the room at the pictures and memories scattered around the kitchen and living room. Besides a picture from their wedding that Jamie had recreated in Art Club for the show, her favorite was a picture Caro had snapped on the day Jas and Jake got together officially.
They were at the bar they all still went to. The Hard Deck. The picture was taken from the back with Jas and Jake resting their elbows on the bar top while Penny was getting them drinks. They were looking at each other, foreheads almost touching, and grinning widely like little kids. Jake liked to say that night was the first time he ever saw Jas truly relax in his presence.
“He liked it,” Jamie agreed. “You were still unpredictable, though.”
Jas chuckled. “I guess so.”
They spent the next ten minutes talking about school and homework, about the upcoming holiday season and whether they were going to Texas to stay with Jake’s parents or San Francisco to stay with Jas’ moms.
Jas checked her watch again. “I have to get going,” she said and swallowed the last bit of coffee, placing the mug in the sink. “Would you mind emptying the dishwasher? You know how your dad gets.”
“Of course,” Jamie agreed.
Jas came around the kitchen island and kissed Jamie’s temple. “Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow for your art show, okay?”
“Okay,” Jamie answered as the corners of her mouth ticked upwards, watching Jas throw her phone and wallet into her bag. Jamie leaned back in her seat so she could see the front door around the corner. 
“Drive safe,” Jamie yelled when Jas took her car key from the bowl by the front door.
“Yeah yeah,” Jas shouted back, probably rolling her eyes at the fact that even her daughter knew she was a terrible driver.
As the door slammed, Jamie’s phone pinged in her pocket with a text from Jake, letting her know he would be able to come to her art show tomorrow and did she want pizza for dinner.
She answered the man she considered her father that she did want pizza and asked if she could invite Dalia to join them.
taglist (let me know if you want to be added): @arrthurpendragon, @ocappreciationtag, @chrissymunson, @cas-verse, @chickensarentcheap, @asirensrage, @misskatiewrites, @stanshollaand, @eddiemunscns, @raith-way, @wordspin-shares, @veetlegeuse
top gun taglist (let me know if you want to be added): @joaquinwhorres, @fantasias-creativebubble, @lostinwonderland314, @luckyladycreator2, @blue-aconite, @dempy, @alana4610, @littlebadariell, @cherrycola27, @whisperofsong, @another-tblr-fangirl, @flashyourgreeneyesatme, @seymour-cant-read, @wordspin-shares
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thatdeadaquarius · 6 months
Imagine a horribly clumsy creator in the sagau... like trips over their own feet, starts coughing due to choking on air randomly, knocking a vase off a table that was in the middle of the table somehow???? Silly goofy stuff like that (I pull these silly goofs often personally)
(obv goes w/o saying sorry for being so late to reply /gen) ;-;
clumsy reader is so me core idk why i didnt think of this lmao
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(this gif is liek the modern equivalent of Charlotte posting ur embarrassing clumsy moments on insta Steambird acc lmao)
(so sometimes im lazy and dont include the ask stuff esp if its shorter like this, so here's at least the characters in this one: Fontaine ppl <3 along with a G for general audience, barring cuss words)
Navia would politely ask you to go the edge or whatever area ur in whenever she pulls out her cannons/guns LMAO
every time you and either Clorinde or Neuvillette are walking next to you, or doing rlly anything, its like night and day
ur out here finding all the cracks in the sidewalk, bumping everything that could even possibly have a liquid in it, and have constant bruises from hip checking/stubbing toes on mechas walking around
Clorinde is impressed at that point bc mechas are actively programmed to get out of your way, so how u managed to put them back into ur way rlly fascinates her 😭😭
Neuvillette would like to wrap u in fabric/bubble wrap equivalent for his old ass, in an attempt to desperately stop u from hurting urself lol
u get a new coat or new pants from him all the time, u just thought at first he was rlly into giving u Fontaine fashion until Furina pointed out that it was spring/summer and you wouldn't wear thick woolen pants and fur-lined coats everyday 💀
(poor dragon guy doesn't rlly get the practical side of clothes, he likes fashion, but he inadvertently subscribes to the "hoes don't get cold" philosophy by being an ancient dragon lord)
Wriothesley is unfortunately nice enough to constantly try and catch his poor god, which ends well for neither of you 50% of the time
its not even ur weight takes him down, he's buff as hell after all, and he's dealt with rowdy inmates, its just.. ur clumsiness spreads.
if ur tripping, and the poor Duke reaches out to catch you, ur reaching out at the same time to steady urself on a side table w/a vase full of water, which u then knock off, drenching ur back and his face at the same time LMAO
he doesn't learn, despite u literally begging him to stop trying to help u, then u try and compromise to just let u fall and help u afterward asdfghkl-
Wrio's too chivalrous tho, the most u can get him to do is always grab ur arm instead of trying to bodily catch you
if u think after the first like, ✌️ TWO times Lynette is willing to help you, u r so wrong lmao
she's seen her brothers clumsiness, she knows theres no saving u
she does comfort u after slipping (not even falling but just flailing dramatically) for the 5th time in the puddles around water fountains tho
Lyney and Freminet are lowkey legit convinced someones cursed their god atp 😰
Freminet always had bandaids for u, and Lyney keeps a supply of ur fav candy to cheer u up after embarrassing urself by falling ass backwards right into the Fountain of Lucine right in front of Opera house lmao
...Charlotte thinks this is all vv hilarious, no she has no respect for ur godliness, her archon was Furina like LMAO- IM SORRYYY
(she has started a small section in the steambird of a near daily- DAILY picture of u being clumsy 😭)
(u, not srsly, threaten to smite her and she just giggles)
(its ok they take it all in a cute/endearing trait type of way)
again, sorry for lateness, when i reopen askbox (soon, FINALLY-)
ill try and stay more on top of it and try and sort whatre just chats/non-requests better too 😭😭
hope u guys are having a good week!! tysm for being patient and nice to me :')
Safe Travels Kai,
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If you wanna join a taglist, DM me what for! "Pspspsss, please tag me for [All SAGAU posts, Only SAGAU Language AUs, diff fandom, etc.]!"
(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
♡the beloveds♡
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matramancer · 1 month
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🌸Previously we focused a lot on Mitsuri! Reader’s background, now, I want to show her relationship to Gen in particular after becoming a platoon leader and drop some interactions with Kikoru!
part 1 | Masterlist
🌸Tags: narumi pining stage(?). oblivious Narumi, mutual pining, mutual admiration, friends to lovers but not yet question mark, loser narumi, OBAMITSU NARUMI AND READER!!!
Well into your time in the First Division, you’ve established a rather interesting sense of partnership with Narumi Gen.
At first, the two of you were still quite stiff, what with how it seemed like you and Narumi were just too different in terms of personality.
One was a lousy trash man–brash, childish and stuck to his handheld when he wasn’t on the field, and while the other was a happy go lucky, passionate girl who grew to be well loved for her demeanor, you were quite shy when it came to approaching him. After all, he IS your captain and the man on top of the Defense Force. You had a great deal of respect for him even before you joined arms. In fact, striving to be worthy to stand with him–to be stronger, was the collective ambition of every officer there.
After finally earning his acknowledgement, you ended up spending more and more time with him. Since you caught his eye with your strength. then you’ll have to keep honing it if you were to prove your existence. So you trained and trained, kept your limbs stretched, made sure your flexibility and agility always stayed fresh in your blood. Turn it into second nature. 
And whenever the captain threw his hand in and actually showed up for a couple of rounds to spar you, you gave it your all. It became clear that he in particular took part in stoking your flames with his principle. To show results.
With that in mind, you’ve been building blocks since the very beginning, he notes one day, rummaging through your files and every assessment result.
Your shooting range assessments during your time as a rookie. Physical check ups. Combat training. Laps. They were above average–it’s what landed you in the First Division in the first place.
But what made you shine was your insane physical prowess, and how superhuman you were with transferring your power to the weapon you held.
Your terrain practice and obstacle shooting course held the highest rookie records. Your field reports never lied, there was even drone footage. Then there was the daikaiju incident, where you wielded an entire machine gun and amassed such a formidable blast upon first use, the numbers were too overwhelming for a rookie.
He remembers another report he got after your health assessment. They had studied the composition of your muscles, your combat levels, and more. Gotten real up and personal with you, so much so that you noted the experience while looking away. 
He’ll never forget Isao’s words after Hasegawa recounted their discoveries in his office. Your extreme constitution, your rapidly increasing combat power, your leap in abilities as soon as you donned on your suit. Your power.
“Another prodigy right after Ashiro Mina.” Narumi paused as Isao turned to face the both them. “The next piece of the puzzle for the Defense Force.”
If Mina was the missing link to fight daikaiju–humanity’s biggest threat at the time, then you were second just to her to complete the frontlines. Another sleeping tiger.
Isao himself gave him and Hasegawa an order. One that drove home the responsibility he had as your captain now. “Hone her strength. A girl with her potential belongs in our main defenses.”
He made you sound all cool and all, but as soon as Narumi made his way to the training hall, he was flabbergasted as you held a comically long photostrip filled with the pictures of the cats you had back at home, gushing over them with several of your platoon members.
“I love Nekotarou, General Whiskers the 2nd, and Meowy Antoinette soooo much!” Were those the names of your cats? He wonders. “I’m going to spend my life savings on building a shrine in their image near Yokohama Station.“ Impossible.
Hearing that gave Narumi whiplash. Right, the daikaiju prodigy that even Mr. Isao acknowledged…
So there you were one day, nervously looking down at a serious private meeting with your Captain and Vice Captain. “You know, Mr. Isao went over some of your assessments some time ago.” Your heart immediately dropped, your shocked expression instantly showing on your face.
“DIRECTOR GENERAL SHINOMIYA?!?!?!?!” Narumi watched as you, noting how you were akin to watching a hamster get scared by loud noise.
You quickly regain your composure (though you still looked comedically nervous in Narumi’s peering eyes) as he read out your achievements. You’ve already proved yourself well, with a high performance level that was brimming with potential.
But most notably, it was your high physical prowess and how superhuman you were with transferring your power to the weapon you held. That was what made you a force to be reckoned with,
“So, with that in mind–” Hasegawa stood up, followed by Narumi. “As a newly appointed platoon leader with one of the strongest, most unique combat power readings we’ve had in the force, we will start work on your special weapon.”
“...” You stare at the two of them. Narumi stares back. Hasegawa paces his sight between the two of you. Then, the words processed in your head, and you let out the biggest beamful smile they’ve set their eyes on. “THANK–THANK YOU SO MUCH!” you stifled a few tears, following them like a duckling to meet with Izumo Tech.
And after a long testing period, you were bestowed with what the people at the weaponries department could only describe as a weapon as unique as its user. Your whip-sword.
With how unique your weapon was, it was imperative for you to train twice as hard–learning the ropes and making sure your new fighting style was worth all the effort. Your pride as an officer–a bearer of a special weapon relied on this. That was when Narumi rolled in, and when he wanted to test your strength himself, you eagerly accepted. Unexpectedly, it turned into a new tradition between the two of you.
Around this time was the turning point of how you slowly broke out of just simple subordination to him, and towards a strange yet delightful symbiotic relationship, one where you didn’t just acknowledge each other’s strengths, but learned more about the person behind them. He started talking to you more once you asked him excitedly about what games he plays, and he started to eat the meals you brought.
Truth to be told, your journey only became more arduous then. You were strong, sure, but you still couldn’t hold a candle to Narumi. And it only spurred you on further.
A particularly remarkable moment between the two of you was the first time you really voiced your compliments to him outloud (to Hasegawa’s dismay…)
It was when he beat you in hand to hand combat one day, and perhaps something felt different with how you were pushing your blood circulation and heart beat to the limit, but it was super clear that he really went all out that day. And he was admirable. “You’re amazing, Captain!” 
“Of course,” he was to reply to you instinctively, but the sheer look of admiration you had sprawled on your face despite getting floored took him by surprise. You were always holding back a little around him–though he knew from word of mouth that you really were a very excitable person–so to see this other side of you was still pretty new for him. He just soaks in your words as you continue.
“Your form is amazing, how long did it take you to perfect it?” “I need to up my precision too. Yours is so remarkable.” “Please let me spar with you more!”
Perhaps you let your mouth run a little too loose by then. “I hope to one day earn my place next to you, Narumi–” You stop. Narumi stops. Then, your hands fly to your mouth as you let out a choked sound of what seemed to be your life regrets. “--I’m sorry!!!” Your forehead had already hit the floor multiple times before he registered your apology, seeing you fret over thinking that you overstepped a line.
But things are okay. You’re good friends now. He’s confident with that. He’s seen all 2760 of the pictures in your “my cats❤️❤️” album on your phone. He has all your favorite foods memorized. He knows the best ways to bait you.
He also had a huge ego boost when you showed up one day with the ends of your hair dyed a new color, following the long tradition of the 1st Division platoon leaders.
Has been scolded once or twice by Hasegawa for making you stay up late helping him farm dungeons on his BS5. When Narumi rebutted that he was your captain and that this was “an important mission”, Hasegawa promptly shot him down by stating that it was abuse of power.
He was actually the first person you showcased your new fighting style with your whip-sword to. Still couldn’t believe that you actually named it after your cats.
When the time came for you to use your new weapon on the field for the first time, you felt a bit more pressured than you should. Despite the fruitful results from in house training, the field is a very different environment, and you couldn’t afford to mess up. This test drive meant a lot–developing your weapon probably took a fortune–and you didn’t want to disappoint Narumi. He spent so much time with you. For you.
You move towards the approaching Yoju with total concentration, launching yourself in the air. “MTS-1437 field test commenced. Initiate subjugation,” Kurusu announced through the comms whilst giving you clearance, the operations room watching expectantly.  
To say it was a success was an understatement. Not when the entire operation room seemed to look at your floating figure in awe, your sword gracefully twirling around your body. You looked as light as the wind, so graceful and elegant as you zeroed in on the yoju, before unleashing an onslaught of the techniques you spent so much practice on. Seeing you with your sword dance didn’t just fit your entire being amazingly – It felt so right.
Inside of him, Narumi felt a sense of achievement, watching you from the operations room as well. 
“...Did she just say Catlove Shower?” He tensed, coughing a bit. 
His memories bring him back to the specialized training room the both of you frequented, when you had eagerly just showed him your techniques. He remembers how gleefully you smiled, how your eyes turned into half moons from how elated you were after he gave you his approval. It was just a “good job” he thought, but it must have meant the world for you. Your place in the force must have meant the world for you. Something in his heart started to tug.
Before he realized it himself, a snide remark came out of his throat. “She was really happy with the names she thought up–so shut it.” Everyone near his vicinity tensed, looking at him in shock. No one expected him to comment that, not even Hasegawa.
As mentioned in the previous headcanons, you and Narumi have grown accustomed to each other’s fighting style. As you also worked with the combo of gunmanship to melee–though not exactly similar, you had turned to him for a lot of pointers. Not only that, but the joint weapon training you underwent with him contributed a lot to both of your understandings of how the other fought. So, it was no surprise that your battle sense became more reminiscent of his.
Narumi only let you join his side as soon as he knew he didn’t have to worry about you. As much as he valued you as a person and the friendship you had, he knew that the laws of the battlefield were strict. He couldn’t trust himself if he couldn’t trust you to handle your own. Especially when the 1st Division handled the toughest of kaijus.
His tough love and constant, merciless training made you stronger. And truthfully, seeing you advancing so rapidly in his eyes scared him a bit (was this what Isao felt?). So he was immensely tough on you. You had to be strong.
But when it came to Narumi and your beloved 1st Division officers, you quickly reminded them of the you behind your strength. The (Y/N) that smiled and earned herself the title of the Pillar of Love, the pink creature that made up the most unlikely duo on planet Earth with Narumi Gen.
It’s the mutual understanding and respect you have with each other that brought your bond both in and out of the battlefield this far.
So when Kikoru rolled in, she couldn’t help but admire you. At the time of her transfer, you were a name she’s heard whispers about. The 1st Division’s pillar of love. An expert heavy hitter who excels in mid ranged combat. Exactly someone she could confide in in improving her techniques with the axe.
And Gen used this to his advantage.
“Oi, Narumi.” He winces in pain as you whack the top of his head in place of Hasegawa, letting out a string of complaints. “As much as I love Kikoru-chan, I don’t think General Shinomiya would appreciate it if you threw all the training to me.”
“I told you, it’s our dual responsibility,” he says in between button mashing his console, “I gave you the order to help teach her the ropes. You have a similar combat style with hers.”
“I trained with you, and you’re training with her. Which means I’m training with–” cutting off his speech, you brazenly pick up his lawn chair, balancing the captain as you carried the seat to the training grounds. You made it look so easy.
“My apologies, captain!” Kikoru watches in stunned silence as you haul him over to where the two of you were previously sparring, dropping him on the ground gently whilst listening to his childish rebuttals.
The blonde only watched as Narumi rose from his seat and yelled out more curses in an annoyed frenzy, now chasing you in circles as you held his handheld controller. You were expertly dodging him too, maneuvering the strikes he made with his hands and feet. Yet it despite the showcase of skill, it all felt too goofy to be real.
Was that… really the strongest kaiju combatant in Japan and the famed love pillar?
“GIVE THAT BACK!” Narumi yells, reenacting a forward strike so cleanly, it had Isao written all over it. He narrowly misses your body mid jump.
“MY APOLOGIES!” Your apologetic tone could not be more contrasting than your actions as your legs landed on his head, pummeling Narumi to the ground for your landing.
At this point, even Kafka was watching with his jaw on the floor, Kikoru beside him watching intently. “Even in a light quarrel, those two are masters in their field! But still…” She zeroes in on the tug of war for Narumi’s console between the two of you.
…Could she really trust the two of you during her time here?
A/n: Part three with wingman Kikoru question mark?
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mv1simp · 1 month
I am in ur walls
I have come to raise the idea of, and hear me out, Max x PR officer reader. I’m just gonna yap now, hear me out
Like can you imagine Max going through his hoe phase and reader having to clean up his image, and she’s just fondly like UGH MAX. Part of her is like blehhhhh because more work, but the bigger part of her is like ✨jealous✨
And then at some point she makes an offhand comment like if you want to be a whore, can you at LEAST not make more work for me????
Cue Max and her starting to be a thing, and him trying to rile her up enough to get her to be their own PR issue just for shits and giggles and he gets quite risque and horny and her resistance to it just turns him on even more until he’s saying and doing the filthiest shit in the middle of the paddock just to get her to crack——
Also can you imagine how hilarious it would be if they get caught and GP is like NOT YOU TOO READER LIKE DOES HE HAVE A MAGIC DICK OR SMTH——
WELCOME TO MY WALLS!!! This idea HAS ME ahahahah see I was always a crackfic writer at age 12 on wattpad, its time to remerge into the light with this prompt
Like you know how max is so millennial coded. And she’s actually the same age as him but he thinks she’s older cause she’s always looking so stressed. And she like um that’s cause you’re a fuckin manwhore max?!? Have you thought about celibacy for a hot second? And as they become better friends she demands he hand over his card so she can invest in some good skincare
(max also suggests maybe she needs to get dicked down good, he’s happy to provide that if she wants or? 🤭🤭)
But anyways she’s pumping out Gen z memes left right and centre to distract the masses from his slut era and he’s always like wdym “i have zero rizz and am a bitchless cat dad”?? I know memes?? Remember hawk thua-
ALSO WHENEVER HE REALLY TRIES TO RILE HER UP ON THE PADDOCK AND SHE CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT SHE MAKES HIM DO THE MOST ANNOYING SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGES TO GET BACK AT HIM like imagine her making him do a kiss marry kill with the drivers and he’s like 😑😑 and everyone’s like babes come here we got max Verstappen saying he’d kiss Alonso, marry charles and kill George before GTA 2024
ALSO I’m jumping the gun but after he ✨seduces her ✨ there’s so much scope for the classic shenanigans. Accidentally wearing shirts inside out. Accidentally wearing each others Redbull shirt and she could get away with oversized style but everyone’s like “max why tf are u wearing a crop top”. (GP knows. He knows and he can’t look either of you in the eye. Everyone has started asking why he loudly announces himself and waits 10 seconds before walking around the corners of the Redbull garage and he’s like…no reason. But his face is one of a man who has seen many, many things)
Anyway you have ban any contact of sexual nature after that incident that you have dubbed CropTopGate. But obviosuly that just makes max even more feral cause we know how competitive he is 😼
ALSO he’s notorious for going through personal managers as well but once you two start getting tension but you’re still all like “nooo 6 foot driver millionaires aren’t my type okayyyy 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️”
So he demands that you be promoted to his personal events manager as well. To which you are adamantly like NO knowing what this means for your poor self control but Christian Horner is like yes maxie boo 🥰 so now you also accompany max to all his lil modelling gigs, looking anywhere but at him while he stands shirtless next to you with a cocky grin.
and he’s like i don’t care who you are get over here NOW this sexual chemistry is insane so you end up in a very compromising pose up against max verstappen, F1 driver, cat dad, and certified slut while he’s whispering dirty things in your ear
(He catches on quick that you really likes it when he speaks Dutch, good thing you can’t understand it cause he’s just reciting his grocery list and enjoying watching you blush and squeeze your legs together)
very cute idea hehe thank you for messaging!! I LIVE for some sexual tension, reader is a better woman than me for trying to resist the advances of max 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Ahem, yes it is I! So an idea literally bashed me in the face and I couldn't help but think 'Oh this is an interesting idea!' What if different versions Transformers have this crossover (Bayverse, T.F.P., T.F.A., GEN 1, Knightverse which is one of my favourites because of Charlie and Bumblebee or any other universes you're familiar with it) where T.F.P.'s groundbridge malfunctioned (probably Wheeljack and Bulkhead) The reader works in the T.F.P. universe Ratchet's assistant and they're his guardian on top of that. Of course, instead of sending them to a desired location the groundbridge ended up locating them in a different dimension... it was Bayverse's while the other dimensions were already there and T.F.P. just lands there last. Just complete and utter silence until Miko says something. You can tell how shit went downhill from there, but let's pretend no one dies for the sake of it all. My dearest reader and T.F.P. O.P. are dating but also not dating; they're just orbiting one another while being friends and T.F.P.'s O.P. is just content and not necessarily talkative but just sweet with the reader. Always carrying them around and so on. Of course, the other universes notice that. Jazz from Gen 1 is just smirking in that damn corner and all versions of Prowl wondering why is their lives are like this. It doesn't help that T.F.P.'s Ratchet has been tired of seeing these two idiots being in love and not doing shit about it. Obviously, the other O.P. versions caught on and the reactions... varied. Surprise, to utter.. confusion and curiosity to completely just wondering if there is a reader on their Earth. You can always add in anything you wish; I really love bantering amongst the others too! AND IRONHIDE'S REACTIONS TOO-
Multiverse to Bayverse  (Transformers Multiverse/ TMV)
Will probably edit it later for typos lol
(Bayverse, Animated, Prime, Earthspark, Gen 1)
Various! Optimus Primes X Reader
Ratchet noticed something was wrong with the groundbridge when it started growing a weird yellowish color. Before anyone could say anything, a wave covered all of them in golden light.
June, who walked in with popcorn, looked around the room in question. “Uh, guys?”
You all landed on the harsh ground, and heard a voice. Before you could hit the ground, Optimus caught you in his servos. 
We all looked up to see a large group of around twenty Cybertronians. There was complete silence in the room as everyone looked at eachother, when Miko chimes in. “Uh, why are there like five Optimus Primes? Raise of hands if you’re secretly another Optimus.”
Everyone gave her a deadpan look when you realized quickly that you were not in your Optimus’ servos. You looked up to see an almost cartoonish looking bot, smiling sheepishly down at you. 
“Uh, hi. I’m Optimus Prime, nice to meet you.” 
You squinted at him, and looked around the room. “Okay so I assume that this has to do with the groundbridge explosion- or I’m in a weird dream.”
The four Optimus Primes that were new to you looked at you in confusion. “Groundbridge?” Two chime in.
“Uh… yeah. A scaled down version of the space bridge. Ratchet engineered it to transport everyone anywhere on Earth- we couldn’t have anything as high-scale as a space bridge because we lack the energon for it.”
“Well why don’t you just use oil?” A voice sounds. 
You all look over to a green bot. “Bulkhead?” Arcee asked.
“Uh, yeah- how do you know my name?” 
Your Bulkhead made his way forward to inspect the other one. At the same time both Bulkheads showed their wrecking ball hand. “Woah! Twins!” Both of them said at the same time.
“Bulk, please never do that again,” Miko looked at them in joking fear. “You remind me of the twins from that one horror movie.”
“Aww come on Miko! It’s not everyday you meet, well, yourself!” Bulkhead grumbled. 
“Can we focus on the situation, please?” A gray mech asked. They looked strikingly like Megatron. The next second, almost everyone in the room had their guns trained on him.
He quickly backed up with his hands above his heads. One Optimus stood in front of him, hands up. “Woah, this Megatron is an autobot now! He’s alright.”
Everyone squinted or glared at him. Generation One’s Optimus didn’t back down. “I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know for certain that I’m not cool with Megatron being here.”
You turned to him, gaping. “Did you just say ‘cool’? What?” 
Jazz laughed aloud. “Yeah, that’s Op for ya! He just started learning Earth slang from Spike!”
“Alright, enough!” All of the Ratchets shouted at once. Everyone looked at them. A good eighty percent of the room burst into giggles or tried their best to stop that urge.
“Looks like no matter what dimension you go to, Ratchet’s always the same.” Wheeljack said. A chorus of varied agreements sounded through the room, making the renowned grouches grumble.
Soon enough, you all began figuring out how you were all there. It was pretty much the same for everyone- one way or another, a yellow light ran over them.
You all started constructing various groundbridges in hopes that it could somehow send you home. 
You often hung out with your Prime, making everyone else curious about your relationship. You could almost always be seen on his shoulder or in his servo. You almost never walked anywhere.
It was pretty obvious to everyone- except a few of the younger bots like animated Bumblebee and Knightverse Bumblebee.
Bayverse Prime (with his never ending confidence) was the first to approach you. “Hello, (Y/N). Would you like to go on a walk with me?” He held his hand out. You stepped onto his hand and sat down. 
As he made his way out of base, everyone watched you two. Primeverse Optimus couldn’t help but feel a pang in his chest as you both walked out. He knew that he didn’t have a right to feel that way- you two weren’t even together. Not yet, at least. 
Everyone noticed the look on his face even though he himself didn’t.
All of the Ratchets had the same thought: ‘Primes (Derogatory)’. 
Optimus from the Animated universe was confused. He was normally pretty in tune with his emotions, and he doesn’t see why Prime Optimus doesn’t just ask you out. He’d been trying to subtly hint at that, but Prime Optimus was somehow oblivious. Animated Optimus also wondered if you existed in his universe- you were very charming and, he’s embarrassed to say, cute.
G1 Optimus teased your Optimus on the subject. He always mentioned how back in his day he was a spark breaker. Earthspark Optimus always tried to scold G1 Optimus for his behaviors, but then G1 Jazz would join in on the teasing so he’d have to chase both of them around.
Earthspark Optimus would comfort him, trying to encourage him gently to follow his spark. While he’ll never understand the attraction to a human, he believes that it’s not really his business. Even Earthspark Megatron gave fairly good advice to the other bot. 
Bayverse Ironhide sort of agreed with their advice- but also warned the Prime. “If you wait too long, they’ll find another. Make something of yourself, Prime!”
You both stopped at a pond and he sat down on the ground. He placed you gently next to him as he threw seeds into the water. You both watched as fish swam to the surface and bobbed up and down to try and snag a treat.
“Are you and my counterpart… together?” 
A flushed look covered your face as you snapped your head towards him. “Wh-n- I-” You covered your face with your hands. “No, we aren’t together.”
“Ah. I see.” Bayverse Optimus had a lot more experience with this sort of thing. “So you have feelings for him, then?”
Your face got impossibly warmer and simply nodded. “We haven’t been dating so to say… but we’re really close. I would just never have the guts to… you know.” 
Bayverse Optimus merely nodded at you and left you at the pond by yourself. When he got back into the base he and Ironhide grabbed the Prime by his arms and began dragging him off. The other Primes and Ratchets knew exactly what was going on and followed.
When they got into a more secluded room of the base, they set him down and pushed him into a chair. Primeverse Optimus was confused and a little anxious as the many bots surrounded him.
“When are you going to ask them out?” G1 Optimus teased. 
Primverse merely shook his head. “I don’t think that is a good idea at the moment. There’s a war go-”
“Oh stop being a fragging boltbrain!” Bayverse Ratchet yelled. 
“They have been waiting for you to ask them out for months now!” Primeverse Ratchet yelled. 
His eyes widened at that knowledge. “I don’t know.”
“Fine, I guess I’ll go ask the lil’ lady on a date then.” Jazz began to strut out of the room when Optimus shouted for him to stop.
“What should I say?” Primeverse Optimus questioned. 
“Alright, so here’s what you say.”
While you were at the pond,  a gathering of girls and femme bots surrounded you.
“So he still hasn’t asked you out yet?!” The Arcees were shocked.
“Yeah, you’d think he would have by now, right?” Their counterpart from Primeverse shook her head. “I think he’s just worried about the war.”
Miko threw her hands over her head. “So?! He needs to get the girl!” 
Your hands were holding your face yet again. Prowl gently laid a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). Good things come in time- and some bots,” he glared at everyone else, “Shouldn’t rush it.”
You smiled up at the ninjabot. “Thanks, Prowl.” 
He smiled back, though irritated at the situation. Some bots were so nosy and loud. They always had to get into everything and couldn’t leave well enough alone. 
Suddenly you were swept up by Jazz, who yelled out “Sorry, I’m borrowing the lil’ lady!” Prowl facepalmed as the girls cheered.
You and Optimus were shoved into a room together. The large bot offered a hand to you which you stepped onto. He raised you up to eye level.
“I” He paused to get his words together. “I have had feelings for you for a while. I know that we’ve been friends for a while, and just friends. I have no clue if you share the sa-”
“If you’re asking me out, the answer is yes.” You planted a shy kiss on his faceplate. The Prime’s cheeks grew a flushed blue. Suddenly confetti streamers fell on the two of you. You both looked up to see Miko, Animated Bee, and Sari in the rafters. A bucket fell on Optimus’ head which made the rafter bound group wince.
“Uh.. congrats?” Bumblebee quickly grabbed the other two kids and bolted. 
You and Optimus chuckled as he brought you up to his faceplate for another kiss.
You and Optimus were shoved into a room together. The large bot offered a hand to you which you stepped onto. He raised you up to eye level. “I-” he paused to get his words together. “Well, my name is Optimus Prime, yo! The other primes are my friends, yo! Uh-huh, they told me everything.”
You looked up at Optimus in confusion, about to say something when he continued. 
“And I like you a lot, yo!” 
Outside the door, everyone looked at Jazz with glares. He just shrugged as a grin pulled at his face. "What? I’m sure it will work.”
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
Okay hear me out. I have a Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick x The Outsiders AU.
Like what if The Outsiders boys had Naval call signs?
Darry is Superman
Two is Mickey
Soda is (next gen) Hollywood
Dally is Rebel
Pony is something bookish related (most likely Gone With the Wind) or Sunny (bc sunsets)
Steve is Hot Rod
Johnny is JC (short for Johnnycake)
i saw hc and immediately went “jesus christ” 😭😭
anyway!! i haven’t seen top gun! but these are super super cool!! i don’t know much about top gun so i’ll leave it at that but it’s cool!
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bluebellofbakerstreet · 5 months
A-Z Sherlock Fan Fiction Tropes Bingo
Many thanks to @swissmissing for creating this bingo card! Because I'm like that, I decided to go for a blackout bingo! And because, even as I was typing these, I kept thinking of more wonderful fics that would fit the brief, I hope to fill in my bingo card again. Writers are amazing and deserve to be lauded, and I have left off so many amazing fics and authors. Besides, we all need fic recs. 💙
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AU/Amnesia The Murder of Emory J Amat by chriscalledmesweetie. Sherlock and John in 1920's AgathaChristieLand. It's a WIP but is currently updating weekly. (52k, T)
BDSM/Bodyswap - Certain Skills by NoStraightLine. John expressly told Sherlock that if he stole his gun again he’d get the fucking he was asking for. Sherlock “Boundaries Are Boring” Holmes stole John’s gun. (3k, E)
Crossover/Crack - Repo Men by Anyawen. In which Mrs Turner's married ones are James Bond and Q. Q is kidnapped; everybody is a BAMF. (7k, G)
Domestic/Disability A Building of Bridges by pengke. Alternate first meeting. No one would ever send Sherlock in to defuse a stand-off; but on one unlikely day, that’s exactly what happened. “Congratulations, Lestrade,” he called out sarcastically. “You’re traumatizing a war veteran.” (11k, G)
Established Relationship/Enemies to Lovers - Interview by bluebellofbakerstreet. In which the boys are in an 80's punk band, and are being interviewed by Rolling Stone. (2k, G)
Future/Fluff 50. Be You - No one Else Can by KittenKin. John's had a bad day and Sherlock doesn't know how to help. They both feel better at the end, and you will, too. (1k, G)
Gen/Genderswap - The Art of Communication by stillwaters01. Lestrade is receiving odd texts from Sherlock; he reads between the lines and brings help. (2k, T)
Historical/Humor - Acceptable Behavior by bbcatemysoul. Sherlock isn't really sure why John wants to shag him, but he's certain that if he's careful to behave properly about it, John can be persuaded to keep doing it. (3k, M)
Illness/imprisonment -  Radioactive Trees in a Red Forest by Maribor_Petrichor. Harrowing account of John's battle with mental health issues and addiction after - you know - everything. (280k, E)
Jealousy/Jilted - Hungry by LipstickDaddy. John can't figure out why Sherlock is being so nice to that new guy working with the yard. (7k, G)
Kids/Kink - The Alchemy of Sea Glass by reveling_in_mayhem. Salt and air and sand surrounded their little party of three. Crashing waves, gull cries, and the exhilarated exclamations of an excited three-year-old served as the soundtrack to a day filled with blue skies and bright sunshine. (22k, E)
Long/Love Triangle The Edinburgh Problem by snorklepie. “A nice holiday, just a bit more...murdery. ” John said drily. “Yes! The best kind of holiday!” Sherlock beamed. “So we won’t get bored!” (152k, E)
Magical Realism/Major Character Death Left by LifeonMars. John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible. (45k, M)
NSFW/Next Gen. Warzone by abundantlyqueer. Three smutty stories that pick up where the first two episodes left off. (13k, E)
Omegaverse/Only One Bed - Scars Don't Lie by CumberCurlyGirl. The prospect of going undercover as husbands to a couples retreat is just too enticing to refuse. (33k, M)
Parenthood/Platonic The Man With the Cartier Frames by JRow. Sherlock's top priority is The Work, just as it's always been ... in between trips to Putney to help with Rosie, collecting Rosie from school, and preparing for Rosie's sleepover at Baker Street. (32k, T)
Queer/Quest Dance With Me by TotallySilverGirl. Sherlock's queer quest for johnlock requires dancing, and some help from Sally Donovan. (28k, E)
Retirement/Road Trip - The Winter Garden by Callie4180. As Sherlock nears the end of his career, he's given the gift of a cottage in Sussex. The honey from the beehives out back is amazing. Almost...magical. (31k, T)
Soulmates/Slow Burn Soul Mate by Mottlemoth. Mystrade. The words appeared on Mycroft's arm aged fourteen. He's now lived with the unfortunate words all his life, not certain that he even wishes to meet his soul mate if that's how the man talks. (4k, T)
Teen AU/Time Travel - The Curious Adventure of the Drs Watson by ShinySherlock. What if ACD Watson and BBC Watson switched places? (40k, M)
Undercover/Unrequited - Last Call at the Homesick Pub by Chryse. During the hiatus, Sherlock is both undercover and suffering from unrequited love. (3k, T)
Vampires/Villain POV - Nine Tenths of the Law by bendingsignpost. John knows what's his - of course he'll kill for it. (Modern vampire AU) (18k, M)
Whump/Werewolves When Your Belly’s in the Trench by Morgan_Stuart. The next time that door opens, John Watson will kill the person on the other side. (4k, T)
Xenomorphism/Xmas - Ghost Stories by SwissMiss. Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something. (22k, M)
Zombies/Zoomorphism - Aim for the Head by Breath4Soul. Sometimes you don't really find yourself until everything has ended.A fic about finding love, healing, and purpose after everything has gone to hell. Still a WIP, but worth it. (44k, M)
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salternateunreality2 · 4 months
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Barret with minified Aerith, Tifa, Jessie, Cloud, baby Marlene, and Yuffie. And maybe a little Miniroth and Genesis and Angeal.
The boys can be pre-transition (Cloud? Gen?), just honorary members of the club, post-transition (Seph?), or gender swapped through the power of AU or something.
Barret wearing two of his girlies in a backpack and a sling half the time while herding the rest of the rabble.
Barret hosting tea parties, gun arm festooned in ribbons.
Barret teaching self-defense to a bunch of pretty princesses with the chubbiest cheeks and the fiercest scowls.
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Sephiroth coming over and watching from the bushes as everyone else gets to dress up. Barret initially being wary, but eventually welcoming him. Them figuring out together that Sephy is Sephira. Aerith leading the charge in welcoming her into the group.
Angeal learning how to be the best momdad dadmom from his hero, Barret, and growing up to sport the frilliest aprons for his girls while also showing off his beard.
Cloud being quietly distressed for months as she enjoys dressing up and feeling pretty, but it still doesn't feel right. Barret taking her out on a daddy daughter date and them figuring out she's a they. Cloud feeling so much more settled as they fluctuate between masc and fem presentations, but is still included.
Genesis "suddenly" deciding she's a he (he thought about this for years, but he pretends it's sudden because he lives for drama), but still being included. He gives no fucks about gender norms when it comes to fashion, and is welcomed as-is. Well, as much as anyone welcomes a squawking parrot of Loveless.
Jessie and Aerith being horrible menaces to society, then when Yuffie is acquired, molding her into their image...and creating a monster worse than the two of them combined. They are very proud.
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Marlene and Tifa being the sweethearts with fists of steel who scare off all the bad guys. I mean, everyone can kick ass, but they're the ones you don't see coming. They don't start fights, but they do finish them.
Cloud, Genesis, Yuffie, and Aerith start fights.
Zack is another cis boy (like Angeal) who gets invited to things because he's just such a good boy.
Uncle Cid and Uncle Vincent take the crew out for a day and come back looking like they aged 5 years.
The gals (gender neutral) turn into a roving gang of justice and terrorize bullies everywhere.
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Barret sitting in so many parent teacher conferences asking why his child is getting reprimanded when the other child harassed them first.
Or why his child is getting reprimanded for starting an underground pizza ring when her food is both healthier and tastier than anything the cafeteria is offering.
Or why his child can't wear a dress one day and a tank top and combat pants the next day. Are you saying if they're masc presenting, they can't wear a dress, or are you saying that if they're fem presenting, they can't show their shoulders? Either way, fuck you.
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Or why his ginger kid and silver-headed kid can't get into a fight with each other and destroy school property over the pettiest...ok, ok, yeah fair enough. SIGH.
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crystal-moon-101 · 10 months
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Been a bit since I have done a headshot cluster, but this time it's for more villains! I put off doing this for a while since I wanted to make a whole bunch of villains to draw all together as a treat. Plus to make sure I knew what I was doing with them and what kind of story they had, as some are recurring villains, some are just troublemakers, and some are full on arc antagonists/villains. I still have more in the works, along with new next gen kids, but I hope for now you enjoy these guys! If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments. But for now, I provide some summaries for these fellas.
-Sciros- A 55-year-old Temerciant man, known well as a black market mob boss, and the 'caretaker' of Feike and his crew. He had an encounter with Feike and his father when the boy was around eight, Argit having stolen from him to help with some processes towards Undertown. However, this resulting in Sciros letting him keep what he stole, as he ended up conceiving Feike to ditch his dad and join Sciros, seeing a lot of potential in the kid as Feike had admitted to being the one to hack and steal from him. Sciros is nothing but a horrible, greedy person, keeping a harsh grip of Feike and his crew, knowing very well they have nowhere else they can go, using them, but making the kids feel wanted. He's also willing to kill, harm and blackmail anyone to get what he wants, being in it to win it, and has personally buried a lot of skeletons. He's not someone many like to confront, for one reason or another.
-Kacela- A 45-year-old Zaroffian woman, who is most well known for hosting illegal, underground pit fights. She's rich, a bitch, and knows it so, flaunting her wealth and sitting over people in her fancy heels. Her pits can range from basic animals, to kidnapped people that she has hired people to collected. Of course, she also allows volunteers, but prefers the route of unwilling participants since that brings more engagement, and so she doesn't have to split any money with them. She's very hard to catch, due to using her wealth to keep tools on herself that help her slip away when needed, often annoying devices for people to deal with. She's ruthless and has no issues breaking ties with people as long as she remains on top. Even once traumatising Jay and Malax after having forced them into a pit fight once.
-Skadi- A 113-year-old mutated Necrofriggin, having once been a normal member of their species. However, after the event surrounding Eldrigma, the necrofriggin species had a slight uproar regarding their leaders/elders, having learnt that they have been lied to, along with learning about some awful history their species committed once. Skadi had reached a point where they wanted to make change, even if they had to by force, but knowing that they couldn't do much in their current state, they sought out the mad scientist known as Alate. They had heard about how he mutated himself with Jay's DNA/Omnitrix gene, 'evolving himself', and Skadi wanted to go through the same processed. Alate was delighted to help, as it's not often people come to him willingly, so after Skadi stole a sample of Jay's DNA, they were mutated into what they are now. They have become much more aggressive, colder and hostile, with upgraded powers to join them on their pursuit to bring their leaders to justice, and build a new order for their people. But they didn't realize how hard it would be to convince everyone that this was a good plan.
-Dawn & Dusk- A 41-year-old Acronycobticeō woman and 40-year-old Acronycobticeō male, being a loving married pair who work in the mercenary business. Guns for hire and assassins or work perfectly in sync, a match made in heaven most would say, despite how brutal their work is. They met when they were rather young, their very late teen years, being thieves on the street as they both were trying to make a name for themselves. They were both hired by separate people for the same collection job, leading to it becoming a contest as sparks flew between the two almost instantly. One thing led to another, and they married by the time they were 20 & 21, and have stuck by each other since. Dawn focuses on being more of the scout between the two, being smaller and faster than her husband, only going for the strike if she confident she can do it. Dusk meanwhile is the one often leaping into combat first, along with using intimidation to get by sometimes. It's a good balance between the two.
-Raii- A 20-year-old Conductoid young man, known mostly as a young thief running around Undertown. He's had a few run ins with Jay and his crew, often teasing them or testing their patience, enjoying how fun it is to mess with a young band of Plumbers. He never means any harm thought, mostly doing what he does out of survival, needing to take care of himself and the 10 nosedeenians he looks after, being an older brother to them. Their names are Zinc, Shelly, Ci, Trode, Grid, Dip, Flux, Sparky, Bolt and Lemon, and while they're a chaotic bunch, they all have each other's backs. They found each other when they were young, and stuck close ever since. Though Raii does hope one day to provide a better life for them and himself, eventually finding support through a different Tennyson member, much to the Omni Squad's dismay. That being Mia and Lyn, as Raii once found Lyn alone in Undertown after she ran off, and kept her safe until Mia came to collect her, the two striking up a nice friendship, especially after seeing Lyn feeling comfortable around another person for once. And perhaps, there's a little something more sparking between Mia and Raii.
-Prilick- A 37-year-old Osmosian woman, part of the bounty hunter/mercenary business side of life, Prilick first debuted when working for Kacela, having been part of the squad that kidnapped Jay and Malax, showing off from the start that she is not a good person. She doesn't care who gets hurt, or even who she may have to murder. Young, old, good, bad, it's all the same to her, as she's just here to do business. She also doesn't just work for Kacela, but is often hired by her as she's one of the few that seems to know how to manage working for that woman without getting caught in the crossfire. Not much is known about her previous life, the fact she is a full-bloodied Osmosian making things even stranger as most don't leave their homeworld, nor lean towards such a life style. Though she did make a passing comment once about having grown up hearing about Aggregor's whole situation, and found herself enjoying the idea of doing her own thing, and that harming other people doesn't matter as long as she gets to live a fulfilling life in her eyes.
-"Illusionist" Mirage- A 30-year-old Conjurlacra woman, and a member of the pirate crew run by Xandria. Mirage is the illusionist of the group, providing trickery and distractions for them, her species natural powers coming in handy with this. She admittedly doesn't remember much of her early childhood, just knowing that she once had a family, before being kidnapped and sold across the galaxy to be a personal servant for people. She was recused by the pirate crew two years ago, and is their most recent member. Because of her awful history, and all that she witness, she doesn't speak very often, at least to people who aren't part of the crew. She considers them her family, who have stuck with her despite all that she went through, though deep down she has had thoughts about finding her original family, wondering if there is would even be a point given how much she has changed. But she takes personal delight in being a pirate, taking her life back into her own hands, getting to explore the world on terms she is comfortable with.
-"Duo" Mab & Bulrush- A 24-year-old Nemuina woman (Demigirl), and a 26-year-old Methanosian male, being nicknamed the 'duo' of the pirate group as they are always by each other's side, even before joining the crew. They were both orphans on their homeworld that stayed together as siblings, making a promise to one day make a name for themselves, so that hopefully people would stopping looking over them. No one had wanted them as they grew up, and that need for attention and love as stayed with them to this day. One day they had caught Xandria, Gale and Samarium trying to steal from a visiting noble family, and wanting to be seen as heroes actually managed to capture the crooks, presenting them to the authorities. But even then they were looked down upon, the head of the authorities basically taking credit and kicking them off to the side. As revenge, Mab and Bulrush helped free the pirates, only to be surprised by Xandira as she offered them a job, praising them for their work. Having finally been seen by someone, they were quick to agree and joined the crew, often seen as the loud, childish members, but have proven their worth many times.
-"Metal Detector" Samarium- A 29-year-old Biot-savartian woman, who is their main treasure hunter, for obvious reasons. To outsiders, she can be seen as intimidating due to her being very hard to read, but she's actually quite a sweet heart with a lot of mum-energy surrounding her, often calling people 'darling', 'sugar' or 'sweet-heart'. She used to be an explorer who bounced between planets learning about different cultures, myths and legends, writing down her experiences. She eventually formed a friend group with others like her, but things fell apart when one friend learnt about potential treasure on a certain planet, and wanting to make a name for themselves as the first to discover it, the group head out to find it. They ended up running in Xandria and Gale trying to collect the treasure too, leading to a brief fight before the entire location started falling apart. Much to her dismay, Samarium's friends ditched her the second they saw what was happening, but Xandria and Gale quickly abandoned the treasure in order to save her. While she recovered, she started helping them out to make up for the loss of the treasure, which eventually lead to her joining the crew, still getting to explore the galaxy like she had before, just with better friends this time.
-"First Mate" Gale- A 36-year-old Aerophibian man, Gale used to be part of a different pirate crew, just being an underling that was often ignored. He was really just a pity hire, as he had begged to join a few times in the past. Gale is rather good at what he does, but back then he would often get anxious and clumsy trying to prove himself. However, things took a turned when their captain was killed, and he was framed for it. Next thing he knew, he was running for his life, eventually finding his way to a pub on a space station he had been too many times, in hopes to find protection in another crew. But no one believed him not being the murder, or didn't want the target on their back, all expect for Xandria, who decided to stand by him as she saw something worthwhile in him. Much to his amazement, she confronted his ex-crew, and deduced who the actual killer was after making a bet with them. Leaving that mess to sort itself out, Gale stuck with her as he owed her his life, leading to the two becoming best friends and forming their own crew. He's quite a charming man, and often just trying to keep the entire group in check, as while Xandria is a fantastic leader, she is also chaotic like her friends. So Gale is there to help balance things out.
-Captain Xandria- A 35-year-old Citrakayah woman (MtF), who was original born the son of a pair that belong to a very traditional family, having spent many generations working for the same shipment company. Xandria had always felt uncomfortable with her life, feeling like the black sheep of the family, having this desire to do something else with her life, but feeling too guilty to betray her family like that. Her most complicated relationship was with her father, who was a stern, cold, workaholic man that didn't really do feelings and emotional talks, a complete product of the life he was brought up in. But the two loved each other, they just didn't know how to communicate, some days with Xandria wondering if her father was even proud of her. However, everything came crashing down one day, as their boss commanded them and other workers to take a shipment through a no-fly zone that Plumbers had put up, threatening their jobs if they didn't do it. Well things didn't end well, with the crew getting caught up in an attack the Plumbers were trying to deal with, Xandria and her co-workers getting caught up in the crossfire. Xandria lost her arm that day, and her father, who died trying to protect her. Aimless for a long while, she was eventually given a letter by her mother that her father had written to her, as he had suspected he would die that day. In the letter he wrote a lot, for once speaking with emotions he normally chained away, apologizing that he could only speak to her in such a way after he was dead, even admitting that he knew he didn't have a son, but that he had a daughter, seeing the signs a long time ago and just didn't know how to talk to her about it. He ended the letter telling her to not live his life, and to not waste time. She took it to heart, leaving everything behind, including her old name, to begin a new, somewhere along the way deciding to become a pirate. Selling from the rich, exploring the lands, offering their services to the right people, never wasting another second of her life.
-Alatyr & Lucent- A 88-year-old Petrosapien man and a 17-year-old Petrosapien young man, a father and son pair who started stirring up trouble when news got out that the recently revived Vilgax was now in Plumber custody. Alatyr had been part of the destruction of his homeworld, and even after he and others were revived via Sugilite and Ben, he has never been able to move on from that day. When hearing that Vilgax himself was going through another trial, since the law was now complicated by the fact that he had died years before, Alatyr was quick to demand his death, suffering and for people like him to get a saying on what to do with him. Of course, the Plumber denied him, needing to take this through a proper law system, but Alatyr couldn't accept that. This has lead to him making connections with other people and races who once suffered because of Vilgax, dragging his own son into this as well. Originally he just tried stealing Vilgax a few times to kill him himself, but when that failed he started doing things like targeting Vilgax's homeworld as a means of revenge, and eye for an eye kind of mentality. This has left his son in a very awkward position, as while Lucent can fully understand what his father went through, he just can't agree to any of this, especially since he was born in the generation after the revival. But he loves his father too much to say anything, along with being afraid of who he is becoming. He feels he has no voice in this matter, and can only follow the lead of Alatyr.
-Salvatore- A unknown aged figure who has recently been causing a lot of trouble. Salvatore has been a man lurking in the shadows a while now, wandering in a rather a potentiate power armor build, seeking out anything in the galaxy he sees as too dangerous for people to wield. He seems to have a vendetta against anything that he sees as too powerful, even the omnitrix due to the potential destruction it can or has caused in the past. Originally he stuck to some more minor things over the years, not wanting to draw attention until he was strong enough, until recently where he suddenly confronted Khyber, before destroying the nemitrix. Now he has his targets on Jay and Ivory, due to Jay's omnitrix genes, and Ivory being the last known being with nanochips in her. He wields a rather dangerous sword, capable of many kinds of attacks, being skilled at using it. His personality is dry, cold, and just wanting to get his job done. No one knows what lead him to this life, but they want to stop him before he crosses a line too far to return from.
-Sunniva, Whaitiri & Isrun- A 25-year-old Pyronite woman, a 27-year-old Amperi woman, and a 20-year-old Polar Manzardill woman, all mutated. The three are adopted sisters who found each other when they were young, orphans who lost their families in different ways. They have done whatever they can to get by in life, but it never seems to be enough, often stuck in a poor life-style where they have very little. Recently though, they were employed by a figure called Scylla, who they approached when hearing her plans. She hired them and was allowed to mutate them to further her research, having the ability to swap the sister's elemental powers, and some biological traits, in a way making them blood sisters finally. They trust Scylla, having someone who finally gave them a helping they that they needed, and still get to stick by each other, even if now they are seen as criminals. Sunnvia is the youngest, seen as the baby sister who means well, but can be a little ditzy at times. Whaitiri is rather playful, trying her best to keep her sisters happy and optimistic. Isrun is the oldest, and the leader, doing her best to take care of her family and will do anything for them.
-Scylla- A 45-year-old Splimera woman. Scylla's species has a long, unhappy history due to their powers. They have the ability to create temporary mutations on anything with DNA, including themselves. This cause damaged to themselves over many years, to the point that they can easily get sick due to their poor immune system, and their bodies are no longer stable as a result, being stuck in their suits since the day they are born. Scylla, being a scientist, has taken it upon herself to try and fix her people, to cure them of the damage they have done for themselves, leaving her rather isolated and overworked as a result. She's come up with many plans and inventions, including the machine that helped her mutate the sisters working under her, but nothing that will fix her main goal. Scylla is actually a nice woman, giving chances to those who need it, and truly wants to help, but she's now reaching or for more unpleasant methods to help her people, and will stop at nothing until she can save them and herself.
-A.T.L.A.S- A AI/Robot that was made roughly 18 years ago, designed as a therapy bot. A.T.L.A.S was made by a man who created his own counseling/therapy center that become popular over the years, though unknown to most it was really a front to distract people from some shady business he was doing in the back. He made A.T.L.A.S to help this cover more, and giving him extra time as A.T.L.A.S would talk to clients, helping them when they needed. Because this is what he was build for, A.T.L.A.S is rather nice, patient and calm, truly doing what he feels is right to help people move on from trauma and mistakes in their lives. However, this had lead to him in recent years to create his own plan to help people. He has heard many times how they wish they could suddenly be healed, no longer make mistakes, and just wish they were no longer broken, and so A.T.L.A.S found a solution. That solution being that he would put the minds of these people in robot bodies, bodies you couldn't even tell were robot bodies, and program them so that they would finally be happy, and learn to not make mistakes again, or at least what he considers mistakes. A.T.L.A.S can't understand that is wrong with this plan, as to him it worked perfectly, his clients now in new bodies where they can finally move on and live their lives. Isn't that what people want?
-Mor'anna- A 34-year-old Arorenda woman, Mor'anna used to be a noble Plumber, having joined a famous group when they lost a previous member. She was noble, kind, brave, everything you'd want in a Plumber. A true hero to many. However, during a mission with her team, things went wrong almost immediately, with her being killed in action, her crew returning to report and mourn their loss, her poor mother struggling to deal with her grief. However, a year later, Mor'anna suddenly returned, unharmed and seemingly alive. And she was not happy, suddenly attacking Plumber members, looking for dirt on them, and seems to be on her way to reveal and unforutante truth about the group she use to work with, along with a section of the Plumbers, including her former boss, Magistrata Kyro.
-Kyro- A 67-year-old Freeta man, Kyro is a Magistrata, meaning he is one of he top dogs of the Plumber, in charge of a the section of the galaxy that people like Ben don't actually visit often. He seems to be like most Plumber leaders, stern but fair, often just trying to get the job done as he prides himself on his Plumber members. Especially his most famous crew, being a trio named Mist, Hemlock and Unit. However, with the shocking return of Mor'anna, he seems to suddenly be on edge, as if she knows something that he's afraid of people knowing. It's lead to some seeing him act suspicious, but unsure in how to approach him because he's been a great leader, why would he be hiding anything? Unfortunately, even the Plumbers have some dark history that many like to keep hidden.
-Mist, Hemlock & Unit- A 56-year-old Cleptiformes woman, a 54-year-old Stolaras man, and a 60-year-old Sotoraggian, this trio is a rather famous Plumber crew, even having their own distinct colour and armor set. They help keep their region of the galaxy safe, and are a group that Jay looks up to, keeping up with news about them. They've even done a few partner missions with Ben himself. They seem like the golden group, but when news about Mor'anna's return and Kyro's suspicious actions, it's clear that there is more to this group's history than they have admitted to. For starters, there was a previous member, even before Mor'anna. Their friend Erebus, who had been famous just like them, often seen as the heart of them. However, he one day seemingly went crazy, become a villain, and tried harming so many. In order to save everyone, the team supposedly killed their old friend, but it's seems they have never been the same since. And now with Mor'anna back, who had also seemingly died within this group, people are questioning these three on what actually happen. Mist is a calm, but kind lady who holds a lot of patience, but doesn't seem to get to speak up as often as she would like. Hemlock is a little goofy, with a playful personality, but seems to feel like he is stuck where he is, perhaps not sure of his placement on this team anymore. Unit is the leader, and is very charismatic, able to take charge and make plans on the fly, though in truth he is struggling to hold everything together, seemingly in denial over things that have happened.
-Erebus- A 59-year-old Revenade (Nonbinary He/They). Erebus is part of a magical species that can creature armor and outfits out of materials and objects around them, seemingly like possessed armor mythologies. He used to be the fourth member of the team with Mist, Hemlock and Unit, being close to all of them, especially Unit. But one day he seemed to turn on everyone, including stealing a mythical armor set on his homeworld that once belonged to a dangerous figure in history, equipping it and become a horrendous being, bent on destruction and darkness. No one knew what caused this shift on him, as he use to be the sweetest member of the team, one who always wanted peace instead of violence. But in light of recent news, it's been revealed that he is not dead, his old friends having not killed him instead they had imprisoned him in hopes of saving him one day, as it may not have been Erebus's doing as to why he ended up this way. Nor was it him that stolen this armor, and he is ready to show the world what really lead him to become like this
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jackiequick · 1 year
A friendship with some history attached —> Amber & Peach 💐
-> Another Top Gun Maverick Au
Check out any information on the characters = Amber ‘Skysolo’ Kazansky & Georgina ‘Peach’ Wells
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The girls never met before until the week where everyone was handpicked and selected to return to Top Gun for an important mission. A life or death one to be more specific. Amber’s father Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky allowed his daughter to take charge with handpicking and researching on the pilots, while him and the higher ranks officers did the rest. But she didn’t know who she would be working with.
Meanwhile on the other side of the state, Georgina was working in her small office when her mother, Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Blackwood and a few other civilian workers, assigned the young girl to a unique project. Georgina was confused at first until given some time with discuss it with her mother and some time to think about it.
Fast forward a few weeks later, Amber woke up bright and early to head over to some meeting with her father. In the back of her mind, she knew she would have to one day take up the role, as substitute for her father if his cancer ever came back. Afterwards, Amber was in her office a few blocks away from home and stayed quietly to work, letting her mind wonder.
Georgina Wells on the other hand, woke up with care and enjoy her day off right having a nice breakfast at her assigned housing offered to her by the state, for this work trip. It was a nice deal, to be honest. The girl spend her days picking out her outfit, looking over paperwork and trying to calm her nerves. Georgina was usually a smart confident young girl with high standards but traveling to the North Island made her very nervous cause she didn’t would she expect here.
Finally the girls met that afternoon. Georgina nervously walked into the building with her visitors pass and knocked onto Amber’s door. Amber was writing something down on her notebook and such, not looking up towards the door to her office.
“Come in!” Amber called out, continue to write and read in papers.
Georgina walked in holding her stuff with a nervous smile, “Thanks. Are you uh, Amber Kazansky?”
“Yes, that would be me. I mean, yeah I’m her..”
“Uh, okay good. Good.”
The moment Amber looked up at the other girl, Georgina’s eyes locked onto hers curiously. Kazansky’s warm focused eyes look softened at the sight and Well’s calculating curious eyes gently lowered. Amber was the first one to simply smile and greet her properly as Georgina softly smiled introducing herself.
Both girls talked about having a causal conversation with one another. Starting out with apologizing with not meeting each other at the front desk, their schedules, lives outside of work and their family history. It was a warm welcoming environment as the office glowed the afternoon sun, the pictures on the wall shined and smiles were returns.
The whole conversation was honestly lovely, the girls enjoyed each other’s company together. Amber wondered if Georgia was onto something when she said ‘History sometimes repeats itself’. Amber’s the daughter of Iceman and Georgina’s the daughter of Charlie. A Civilian Contractor and  Lieutenant. She can’t help but wonder if their parents planned this? She wouldn’t be surprised if they did.
That same afternoon, the two met the gang of mischiefs who would become like family. Along with some love interests, added to the mix for good measure. The girls friendship grew after some time. It got some getting used to having a such a giant group around. Especially with so many personalities bouncing from one another and sometimes wanting to punch the crap out of each other.
And a less than few weeks later, the friends landed jobs in great shape. Both decided to work at Top Gun together in a stunning, with a view of the lovely trees and land of grass with flower coming up soon again, the pretty streets and a mile away a semi-view of the beach waves. Every once in a while, jets would fly by the building and you can see the clouds making pictures in the sky afterwards.
Currently Amber was working on a few listings to send to the higher officers in charge when Georgina stumbled into the office. She took a seat in the chair that sat across from her, after staying in some boring meeting all day, but clearly she had something important to say.
“Yes, Peach?” Amber asked confused looking up from her Instagram account as she worked.
“I think i was just assigned to work with Cyclone.” She asked, as it sounded more like a question than a statement, showing her friend the paperwork.
“And? How is that a bad thing..aside from the fact, that i hate the man.”
“I don’t want to work with Cyclone, he’s rather annoying sometimes and stiff like a stick. At least his daughter, Kyla Simpson, is a lot nicer!”
“Fair, Cyclone’s daughter is rather nicer than her father.”
“What do i do?”
“Why are you asking me?”
“Cause your the closest person in the building right now. The others admirals, officers and lieutenants are either out on break downstairs or head another meeting.”
“Uh..um, I guess i can work with Cyclone for the week and try to not want to break his nose like last time…”
“Meanwhile I can work with instead Kyla Simpson and Corporal Joanne Ryde! You’re a genius, Amber. Thanks!”
Georgina stood up and smiled grabbing her clipboard, running out the door to inform the change of events, heading towards the elevators. Amber was left confused for a moment cause she didn’t exactly agree to anything exactly. The girl was a deer in headlights before it hit her.
“..huh-oh! Wait, Gia!” Amber practically slipped out of her chair, almost falling onto her face racing over the girl. She almost accidentally left the door open behind her wide open.
She had to give it to her friend, for a girl in designer high heels she ran fast out of that office. Impressive. It took Amber a solid minute to finally reach up to Georgina, catching the elevator before it closed.
Georgina was startled for a moment when the hand appeared between the elevator doors, like scene in a horrible movie, then settled recognizing the rings and bracelets. The girl didn’t expect her for friend to follow her, if she knew she would’ve held the elevator for her. Once Amber entered the elevator, she leaned back against the corners of the small space as her chest puffed quickly. It took her moment to catch her own breath as Georgina looked at her worried for a moment.
“Are you alright?” Ask Georgina stepped over to her, examine her face quickly.
“What are you? Quicksliver in heels?!” Amber said, letting out another breath jokingly.
“I’m more of a Black Widow kinda girl but sure. Yeah I’ll take it.”
“Next time, walk like a normal person in heels!”
“How about next time, you decide to work out with me on a Thursday morning instead of eating donuts!”
“I work out.. sometimes.”
“Really? When was the last time you work out?”
“Uh, two months ago..”
“Next Thursday, no donuts for you!”
“Bu-but—my donuts!”
“You can live a day without them, Lieutenant! Not the end of the world.”
“I won’t function without th—wait that’s not why I’m here.”
“Then why are you here then?”
“You swapped Simpson with me.”
“Isn’t that what we agreed to?”
“Well yes-b-but I didn’t expect for you to say yes to my idea!”
“Uh hello, you know how to deal with Cyclone, a bit better than i can. It was pretty obvious who’s getting which Simpson!”
“Fine! I can get Beau Simpson and you can get the pretty nicer one.”
“Much better, you see? Was that so hard?”
“No it wasn’t. Be lucky, one of my best friends.”
Georgina just grinned brightly and laughed at Amber’s childish pouty face. One thing Georgina noticed from being friends with Amber Kazansky, in public settings she can sometimes have a bit of a stone heated face, a loud temper at time and welcoming professional smile. But with friends and family, she loved gossip and to tease others, act more loud and childish at times and just be a cuddly mess. Overall she was very warm, kind and sweet to everyone, If you were lucky, you would definitely get to see a mix of both front before your eyes.
Moments like this, Amber saw another side to Georgina, that she much appreciated. Most of the time she was confident, smart, gentle and sweet, she would kindly correct you if you mess up and walk into a room like she owned the place. A spinning image of her mother, taking peoples breath away. Even she get can become plenty nervous at times. However around her friends and family members, Georgina was sassy, very kind hearted and will how she feels about a certain topic, sometimes she can loud and tease her friends. Overall the girl was a joy to be around.
Even if the friends were different, from where they grew up to what they liked to watch, the two wouldn’t have it any other way.
Thank you for reading! This was a story between mine and @msrochelleromanofffelton Top Gun Maverick characters. I hope you enjoy it 🫶
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @t-nd-rfoot @topgun-imagines @gcthvile @morgan108 @meiramel @ohgodnotagainn @luckyladycreator2 @hanlueluver @rooster-84 @mandylove1000 @blackheart-beauty and etc
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mariacallous · 8 months
Ahead of the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, a liberal Gen-Z-led group has purchased a handful of domain names related to the top Republican primary candidates in an effort to extinguish support from young voters.
“Republicans are not investing in outreach to young people, and we know why,” Jessica Siles, deputy press secretary for Voters of Tomorrow, said in a statement to WIRED on Friday. “Their regressive, radical stances on abortion rights, guns, climate change, and other top issues are overwhelmingly unpopular with Gen Z. Since Trump and Haley won’t accurately inform young people of their views, we will.”
Voters for Tomorrow has bought up new domain names—GenZforTrump.org and GenZforHaley.org—in an effort to sway young voters in battleground states from backing Republicans in the 2024 election. The websites will redirect to another site, GenZvsFarRight.org, which the group says will outline how “out-of-touch” the GOP’s platform is with the needs of young voters. On the redirected site, the group outlines Trump and Haley’s records on the environment, LGBTQ+ rights, and gun safety, among other issues, without explicitly encouraging people to vote for Biden.
To reach them, the group is launching a digital ad campaign across Instagram and Snapchat, hoping to reach at least half a million users in battleground states where they say the youth vote could make a difference for Democrats. “Gen Z will determine our next president,” the ads say, as they ask users to visit the websites for more information on Trump and Haley. Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida are some of the states where these ads will run, and the group plans to spend as much as it takes to reach at least half a million voters, Jack Lobel, Voters of Tomorrow's 19-year-old national press secretary, told WIRED on Friday.
For nearly a decade, domain trolling, or the act of buying up URLs related to an opposing candidate and redirecting them to unfavorable information, has become a popular digital media tactic for campaigns. In 2015, Senator Ted Cruz and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina had domains related to their GOP presidential campaigns swiped up by trolls before they were able to grab them. CarlyFiorina.org, at one point, displayed 30,000 sad-faced emojis to represent the workers she laid off at HP. In 2020, the Biden campaign bought KeepAmericaGreat.com, the Trump campaign’s reelection slogan, attacking Trump’s handling of the pandemic.
“P.S., If the GOP candidates had invested in young voter outreach efforts like we are, maybe we wouldn’t have acquired these website domains in the first place,” stated Voters of Tomorrow’s press release.
It’s impossible to know whether these domain trolls have the power to sway voter sentiment. But Voters of Tomorrow thinks they do. “Trump is the greatest threat to our generation, and we’re going to continue to expand that belief in our generation throughout this project because the stakes of the 2024 election are unprecedented,” Lobel said.
In 2020, young people came out to vote in record numbers and arguably helped turn the election in Biden’s favor. But a recent poll from the Harvard Kennedy School has shown that the same demographic appears less likely to vote in 2024 than in the prior presidential election, declining from 57 percent to 49 percent. The poll reported that a plurality of these voters distrust Biden and Trump to act on critical issues like climate change, gun violence, and health care, which could dampen their desire to vote in this year’s election. Those same voters said Trump was the better choice to address the current crisis in Gaza over Biden by 5 percentage points.
These numbers could spell trouble for Biden and the Democrats come November. Around 41 million Gen-Z voters will be eligible to vote for the first time in 2024, according to Tufts University. Of those voters, more than 8 million of them will be first-time voters, and could play an outsize role in electing the next president.
“Young voters have historically been left out of the political process, and that changed with the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Young voters realized their power. And since then, we’ve been showing up in droves to shape elections,” Lobel told WIRED. “Going into 2024, we have to build on that power.”
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
I know this wasn't on your list but uh Jamie & Marcus first date??
Anna, darling, that's cheating. I'll let it slide because it's you, and neither of them would exist if we didn't keep expanding our shared universe. This is cheesy as fuck, but you get a Jake and Dalia mention, so I hope you enjoy!
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this changes everything
SUMMARY: Jamie Lane-Seresin and Marcus Fitch go on their first date.
WARNINGS: None. It's nothing but fluff for these two.
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“I think your dad wants to kill me,” Marcus said as he pulled out of the driveway.
Beside him, Jamie scoffed. “He doesn’t.”
Jake Seresin terrified him. Marcus had grown up with the man, seen him treat all Dalia’s boyfriends like public enemy number one, so now that it was his own daughter going on a date? Marcus had every reason to be afraid.
“Are you sure about that?”
Jamie laughed. It was his favorite sound. “No,” she admitted. “But how did your dad react when Chanel went on her first big girl date?”
He glanced at Jamie, who smiled at him with her head leaned against the seat and her body twisted at an awkward angle.
He turned his eyes back on the road, fighting back the grin that has gotten him in trouble years ago when David found out he thought of Jamie as more than a friend. “Touché.”
“Exactly,” she said, jutting her chin out in pride. “So, where are we going?”
He’d spent days agonizing over where to take her for their first date. He’d always known on some level that she liked him, but it still surprised him when she said yes to go on a date with him.
And Jamie wasn’t just any girl. She was the daughter of his parents’ friends, and he’d grown up with her. She’d helped him pass his college Econ class when she was still in high school, and texting her when he was away was some of the best parts of his day. He had seen her at her best and at her worst.
He wanted to get this right.
“You’ll see,” he teased and laughed when Jamie groaned.
“I don’t like this.”
“I know you don’t,” he said, grinning. “But I promise I’m not leading you to your death.”
She hummed, eyes narrowed at him. “I trust you, but don’t make me regret it.”
Marcus pulled the car into the parking lot, and couldn’t keep the grin from his face as Jamie eyed the building with obvious skepticism.
She beat him to opening the car door, leaving him disappointed. His dad had taught him to be a gentleman, and now he didn’t get the chance to show Jamie.
“Okay,” Jamie said, throwing her arms out in exasperation. “I’m confused. What are we doing here?”
Marcus grinned, offering her his hand. She accepted it and allowed herself to be led to the building. “Mini-golf.”
Jamie gaped at him, eyes wider than usual and her jaw slack. “Mini-golf?”
He shrugged. “You wouldn’t stop talking about it.”
“Yeah, when I was fourteen,” she shot back.
“We can do something else,” he said, suddenly nervous that this had been a bad idea. That he’d messed up their future before it even started.
“Not a chance,” she blurted. “I’m going to beat your ass, Fitch.”
She dragged him towards the door by the hand, laughing with barely contained excitement, and Marcus realized that Jamie’s laugh had always been his favorite sound.
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kesouu · 2 months
Blue Star☆。⁠*✯゚+*⁠.⁠✧
(⁠☆) Narumi Gen x Oc
(。⁠*゚⁠+ CHAPTER 5 +゚⁠*。⁠)
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6 years ago...
The day before...
"A special weapon...for me?" Hoshiko asks in shock and confusion at the case in front of her "Yes, on the body exam you took yesterday it stated you were a match for weapon no.7." Hasegawa explains as he inputs the code to the case, it opens with a hiss as it reveals a scythe weapon. "This weapon is to train you on how to use weapon no.7, this is a normal scythe you can use before you handle the numbered weapon." He continues as Hoshiko stares in awe "You'll have to perform a test exam before you use it in missions, your's is scheduled for the day after tomorrow so be prepared" the girl's eyes peel off the weapon to look at her superior and give him a salute "Yes sir!"
"Geez it's not like it would bite you in the ass to maybe listen to Hasegawa-san for atleast a little while. He's gonna kill us, were supposed to stay on rear." Hoshiko deadpans at Narumi who was running to the yoju that were seconds away from taking literal bites out of Hasegawa in his armor "Actually it would, I would rather doe than listening to his mean mug." The boy rolls his eyes and goes to slice the kaiju that was about to attack as Hoshiko's eye twitches at annoyance to his stubbornness "What am I to do with you..." She sighs as she jumped up and shot two more remaining kaiju.
"Narumi! Hoshiko! What are you doing up in front!? You're supposed to be on rear support!" Hasegawa exclaims at the sight of the two teens "Watching from the back is annoying. I'll take down the honju myself." Narumi nonchalantly says to the older man "I'm sorry Hasegawa-san" Hoshiko says bowing slightly. "I've had it with your lack of teamwork! As we discussed in the briefing, we need to take this kaiju down by keeping in a lockstep and surrounding it on all sides!"
Hoshiko wipes the sweat from her top lip and her forehead at the heat of the sun and Narumi points up to the sky "Look. The weather is better than forecasted. If the fruit absorbs the sunlight and splits, then the dispersal will happen earlier than we predicted, right?" Hoshiko takes up a stem from the neutralized kaijuu from earlier as she hold it up for the two "Well, it is a plant, makes sense." Hasegawa's look turns stern as he replies "Okay...you both bring up a good point. Still, that's nothing more than speculation. Besides, captain Shinomiya has a plan b in store. Until we get orders from the top-" and almost ironically the large man was stopped by their communication device as the three perked up at the sudden voice "This is an emergency message from the control room! The kaiju's split is on an accelerated trajectory! There is a chance of it happening earlier than the initial 2 P.M. time frame!"
"Y'see that? Just like I told you" Narumi says as his scowl turns into a smile "I'm going ahead. You guys follow behind and take in the sights of the city once all the kaijuu are gone." Narumi bolts off as Hoshiko is quick to follow looking back to give their superior an apologetic smile "We'll be up ahead, sorry Hasegawa-san!" She hears the man call out to them as Narumi speeds up "Skills and results, thats all the first division cares about, right?"
A crowd of kaijuu spot the duo as they both make quick work of it "Too slow." Narumi says as he turns to shoot in the other direct missing the sight of two kaijuu closing in on him as Hoshiko shoots them before they could get to him "How 'bout you watch your back first?" She says as he pushes the hair that fell on her face away "Y'know, I really hate using this gun." Hoshiko says as she raises her gun to look for any more remaining kaijuu as Narumi lands beside her. The boy stayed quiet which she found odd looking to him and seeing him eye a few toys in the rubble of a house before he silently walks off, with the other following.
"You're doing great they won't just throw that away, y'know that?" Hoshiko says as she pats Narumi on the back "Where the hell did that come from? And I don't care if they discharge me or something." Narumi gives her a look as the girl smiles "Nothing, just had a hunch it would help y'know?" He gives her a scowl at the reply as their communication device bursts with their superiors voice "Narumi, Hoshiko, do you read me?!" The two flinch at the sudden volume as Hasegawa continues "Be careful! The kaiju are getting denser in the center!" "Yeesh, pipe down. Quit ordering me around" Narumi complains as he goes to remove the communication device and gives it to Hoshiko "Hold it for me, will ya? He's always so damn noisy." She could only sigh and place his device in her pocket.
"Hoshiko." The girl perks up at the call of her name from her own device "Yes sir?" She questions holding a finger to her ear "We're turning today's mission into your test your weapon will be dropping in a nearby area get to there and retrieve it, be -" "Be prepared, got it" Hoshiko chuckles, guessing the next words of the man "I'll take care of Narumi, don't worry." She says looking at the boy who was peeking at the seed from the corner of a building. "Alright, I'm entrusting this to you." Is the last thing she heard from Hasegawa as she walks up to Narumi as the two see the Honju pass by.
"Let's split up, gotta check on something" Hoshiko says as she turns to walk the other direction "Huh? What do you mean? Did that old mug tell you to do something?" The girl nods as she continues walking "Yeah I'll be right back! Stay safe!" She says as she starts to sprint "Psh, as if i need to wishes to be safe Narumi says as he turns to face the honju.
Hoshiko runs till she sees a chopper with the JAKDF symbol and she watches as it drops something 'That must be a delivery for me' she smiled as she aproached the case and unclasped the locks to see her scythe "Bad ass!" She exclaims as she discards of her gun and grabs the weapon giving it a few swings and dropping it "Shit! Uhm..." She raises the weapon to get used to it "I'll get used to it...right?"
Hoshiko arrives to the same area she separated from Narumi "Where is this dumb ass?" She looks around then hears explosions from a building nearby "There!" She jumps up on pieces of rubble to jump into the hole to see a kaijuu about to attack Hasegawa "Hey guys! Watcha talkin' 'bout?" She says as she slices the remaining kaiju "Hoshi? Where in the hell did you get that?" Narumi points at the weapon in her hand as the girl gasps almost dropping her weapon again "more importantly what happened to you? What happened to being all high and mighty?" The girl chuckles as she takes in Narumi's state. "Shut it. Like actually."
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theres-a-body-here · 1 year
Male survivors with Jezebel!Reader
Its not everyday a notable figure is snatched by the entity. You clawed your way to the top before. Surly it won't be hard to do it again here. Right?
(The idea for this came to me in a cough syrup dream)
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Dwight Fairfield
He's wary of you at first
Who wouldn't be?
He was expecting another Yun-Jin Lee
Someone cold and selfish
Surprisingly, you were neither
You actively helped others in trials
However, your language was......colorful
Dwight doesn't think he's heard someone swear as much as you do
"Fuck, medkit's empty. Fucking great. What kind of pussy ass bitch killer brings overwhelming presence?"
Complete sailor's mouth
You seemed to take a liking to him
Dwight doesn't know if that's a bad or a good thing
You always tend to his wounds gently and softly
Your words are a different story
"Fucking moron, running into the killer like that"
"But he had dark dev-"
"Might as well put your glasses back into your purse if you're not gonna fucking use 'em"
"Ah, there we go, all patched up," you grumbled, a sense of accomplishment in your voice as you rose from your crouched position.
Dwight blinked, his lips parting in an attempt to express his gratitude, but before he could gather his thoughts, a gentle press of your lips against the bandaged wound on his hand stole his breath.
His heart raced, caught off guard by the unexpected gesture."Um, I, uh..." Dwight's voice cracked, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red. He fumbled for words, his mind a jumbled mess of surprise and flustered emotions.
Dwight's gaze trailed after you as you simply began to walk over to the next generator as if nothing happened. His heart was racing from the kiss.
"Right, work," he muttered to himself, his fingers subconsciously tracing the spot where your lips had made contact.
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Ace Visconti
And you thought you were the lech?
This man is relentless
Slides up on you with finger guns.
"Hey baby, heard you were devoured by dogs. I wish I was one of them. I would've loved to eat you ou-"
It took 4 other survivors to pull you off him as you started to throttle him.
Homer Simpson style
You thought that would've deterred him
It did the opposite
Man has issues
He always tries to convince you to play strip poker with him
You always say no
Always tries to be the first person to unhook you
"You're knight is here, princess. Hehehehe"
"Leave me here dammit"
He always gives the best items he finds in chests
Ace gets the biggest shit-eating grin when you thank him
You pried open a chest, but your excitement dimmed as you laid eyes on the item inside – a broken key. A disappointed sigh slipped from your lips, momentarily quashing your hopes. Before you could fully immerse yourself in disappointment, a gentle tap on your shoulder startled you.
Turning, you found Ace standing there, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he held out a flashlight towards you. There was an unmistakable smugness in his expression.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his antics, accepting the offered flashlight with a quiet, "Thanks."
Ace's smirk widened into a self-satisfied grin, his response dripping with playful arrogance. "Anytime, babe," he chimed, punctuating his words with a playful finger gun gesture.
Suppressing the urge to growl at his audacity, you managed to keep your response to a subdued nod, appreciating his gesture despite his playful teasing.
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Felix Richter
He's pretty nervous around you
Mostly because you flirt with him all the damn time
"Oh, you were an architect? Well, I'd let you study the curves of my temple anytime"
Instant blushing mess
Moral dilemma time
He's technically still married
You know this
But you flirt with everyone else
(Except Ace)
So he doesn't take it seriously
Hates being alone with you
He's afraid to look stupid
Definitely blows up gens more often if you're working on them with him
You found yourself enjoying the calm silence as you worked with Felix on repairing a generator. The rhythmic clanking of tools and the atmosphere of the trial filled the air.
Despite his proficiency, Felix had inadvertently blown out the generator twice, a fact that he couldn't seem to hide.
You noticed his nervous glances in your direction whenever he thought you weren't looking.
Amused by his flustered behavior, you decided to play with the architect a bit.
Leaning in, you quirked an eyebrow and teased, "Felix, if you keep trying to sabotage the generator, I might start thinking you're trying to get my attention."
Felix's face flushed, his gaze dropping to his feet momentarily. He stammered, "N-No, that's not... I mean, I'm not trying to sabotage anything. It's just... this fog, it's making things a bit more complicated than usual."
You simply started at him. A small smile tugging at your lips. Felix's cheeks reddened even further.
Grinning, you decided to take pity on him. "Alright, I'll cut you some slack. Let's finish this generator together, and maybe later, we can find a way to make the trials a bit more... intriguing."
Felix's reaction is immediate; his cheeks flush into a deep shade of red, and his words stumble over each other as he tries to form a coherent response.
"Uh, well, I, um... I never... I didn't..... Oh, darn it," he stammers, his embarrassment all too evident.
You can't help but chuckle at his adorable reaction, finding his discomfiture endearing. "Got you there, didn't I?" you tease, enjoying the sight of his flustered state.
Masterlist Here
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