#top juliet o'hara
figsandfandoms · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Psych (TV 2006) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Juliet O'Hara/Shawn Spencer Characters: Juliet O'Hara, Shawn Spencer Additional Tags: Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones, Bottom Shawn Spencer, Top Juliet O'Hara, Handcuffs, Non-Penetrative Sex Toys, Mentions of Sex Toys Summary:
Shawn has some issues with authority. Juliet tries to help him through them. A short, smutty fic for the SBAD Valentine's Event, prompt "Issues with Authority"
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ganseysglasses · 2 months
hey can we go on silly adventures solving crimes where i pretend to be psychic for the local police department and i introduce you as a different absurd name every single time we meet someone? can we drive a ridiculous blue car and go undercover while you discuss how this is not helping you do your day job at a pharmaceutical company? can we annoy the head detective and crash every case and every once in a while drag my retired father into it also while i tell you i’ve heard it both ways? can we do that please?
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so my only experience with clue is my high school's performance if clue junior, so im sure i don't get all the references but hello???
and the ass slapping?
and the one guy the british punk guy? he's so nigel coated
the go home and sleep with my wife line ajsjajajs
the guy who played Mr. Green in hs is still one of my closest friends, im in like kinda a qpr with him and he is actually gay ans it as so funny to see him do that role
just really good memories came back to me watching that episode
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golden28s · 9 months
tag game 🌻
thank you for tagging me 💖 @mickeysgaymom and thanks for creating this very cute thing @lupeloto
📺favorite tv show? shameless
🕴️ favorite character? mickey and ian i will not but i also cant choose between them
💋favorite relationship in the show? ian and mickey, yes again your honor
👯‍♂️fav sibling relationship in the show? uh maybe ian and carl or ian and fiona
🎨favorite art form? writing i think painting is really beautiful too
⚡️a talent you wish you had? i wish i could sing or draw
☀️what is one thing that can always make your day better? music probably
🎬favorite fictional character of all time? ian, mickey and maybe juliet o'Hara and shawn spencer too
🌅dream place to travel to? idk i just wanna travel
🎈you’re planning a huge party, what’s the theme? mamma mia
🍕favorite pizza topping of all time? pineapple and im not ashamed
🥂you can pick ONE celebrity to have dinner with…who? *clears her throat* cameron monaghan or maggie lawson
🎥favorite movie that you kinda know is bad but you still love? it's not bad at all but im aware that it can be boring, loving vincent. it's SO beautiful i need everyone to watch that movie
👖how would you describe your style? idk but there's a lot of oversize stuff, tops and headbands
🖤finally, something making you smile this week? this fanfic
sO let's tag a few cool people and if you've been tagged already im so sorry, feel free to ignore this <3 do it even if you havent been tagged, this is your sign @energievie @juliakayyy @callivich @creepkinginc @depressedstressedlemonzest @redwiccanrobin
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cintasfics · 2 months
Another thorn in Lassiter's side
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pairing: carlton lassiter x oc, juliet o'hara x oc (platonic)
wc: 1.6k
summary: shortly after becoming friends with shawn and gus, marley attends (read: is dragged along to) her first crime scene and her presence gets a mixed reaction from the two detectives on the scene
warnings: mention of drugs, murder, and suicide. lassie is a bit of a dick but it’s part of his charm (don't look at me)
a/n: I love the trope where two characters meet for the first time and one of them is certain they will never be more than friends despite their obvious interest - especially when the audience knows they will eventually end up together - and lassiter is perfect for that in my mind
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The latest case to fall onto the detective’s desks involved the death of a prominent community members son, and while by all appearances it looked like a simple open-shut case of a drug overdose, the victim’s mother was resolute that it wasn’t the case. Her belief was supported when another body, deceased under the same circumstances, turned up a few blocks away.
Given the high status of the victim’s families, Chief Vick wanted to make sure that the case was solved as quickly and as thoroughly as possible, and to do this she called in their resident psychic.
At the time of the call, said psychic was at his agency’s office, accompanied by Gus and their new friend Marley, using the space for their impromptu video game tournament. He was slowly but surely getting the introverted woman out of her shell, taking her shyness as a challenge, determined to expand his and Gus’ small circle.
When the chief told him about the case, he knew it was the perfect opportunity to bring them all closer together and strengthen their bond. What says friendship like solving a murder together?
Marley didn’t quite see it the same way, sure she would be turned away at the first line of police tape, but she couldn’t deny the feeling of excitement growing at the idea.
‘Who is this? This isn’t a field trip destination, no civilians allowed, Spencer. You’re lucky we even let you two in here,’ came Lassiter’s annoyed bark once he noticed the stranger standing with the two ever-present thorns in his side. At least the woman had the decency to look embarrassed as she shot the so-called psychic a look that screamed ‘I told you so.’
Ignoring the weight of his new friends’ eyes as they bore into the side of his head, Shawn carried on in his usual fashion.
‘She’s not a civilian, she’s the newest member of Psych detective agency. Lassie, Juliet, meet Miss Marley Williams,’ his introduction was paired with a flourish of his arms in her direction, as if he was presenting her to an adoring crowd, ‘say hello, Marley.’
Marley threw another quick glare at him for putting her on the spot, before offering the two detectives a nervous smile and pitiful wave, ‘uuh- hi.’
She was mentally kicking herself at her weak greeting, and Lassiter was equally, if not more, unimpressed by it.
‘And what are you, another psychic?’ came his dry inquiry, almost sneering it at her.
‘Oh no, nothing like that,’ she was quick to assure, ‘I’m a nurse down at Santa Barbara general, I’m just here because I, I uhh-,’ feeling intimidated by Lassiter’s piercing stare, and honestly unsure of what exactly she was doing here, she struggled to explain her presence. Her new position in the agency was also a surprise to her, doing nothing to help her explain herself.
‘We were in the middle of her induction and onboarding paperwork when we got the call to come down here, so we thought we’d bring her along, show her what the job really entails. No better way to learn than on the job, right?’
God she could kiss Gus, sending him a grateful look. ‘Nice save.’
‘Marley here is a good conduit for the spirits, the visions and vibes I get when she’s around are stronger than normal,’ Shawn added, his never-wavering dedication to the bit the cherry on top, ‘her experience as a nurse also comes in handy, offering invaluable context to some of the information I receive.’
Lassiter continued to look between the three of them with a raised eyebrow, not buying it for a second.
But Juliet, ever the sugar to Lassiter’s salt, offered her a kind smile and her hand, ‘well it’s nice to meet you Marley, my name’s Juliet O’Hara and I look forward to working with you.’
Though the woman’s smile was warm enough on its own, compared to her partners surly demeanour it was like a ray of sunshine and Marley immediately felt at ease.
‘Just stay out of our way and we’ll get along just fine.’
The brief moment of respite that Juliet had given her crumbled with Lassiter’s words, but thankfully it was the last thing he said before returning to what he was doing before he had noticed her.
‘Don’t worry about him,’ Juliet reassured her, seeing the way her smile fell, ‘he can be a bit..’
Juliet struggled to find the right word to describe her ill-tempered partner, knowing that he wasn’t always the friendliest person in the world, but she didn’t quite know how to describe him to a stranger without giving them a bad impression. Worse than the one he gave himself, anyway.
Gus and Shawn had no such issue, however. Chiming in with their own descriptions to fill in the blanks.
‘You mean grouchy?’
‘Downright rude?’
‘Blunt,’ she cut them off, knowing they could go all day if she let them, ‘he can be a bit blunt, among other things, but I’m sure he’ll warm up to you in no time!’
Free from the man’s harsh gaze and appreciating the woman’s attempt at reassuring her, Marley sent her a grateful smile, ‘thank you, Juliet. I’m sure it’ll be fine, he just took me off guard,’ her attention then turned to her two ‘colleagues’, ‘thanks for the warning by the way, totally helped me adjust to my new ‘role’.’
Gus had the decency to look apologetic, but Shawn simply brushed her sarcasm aside, ‘hey, trial by fire remember? If you can handle Lassie, you can handle anything!’
‘We had total faith in you too, just to be clear,’ came Gus’ fast reassurance.
‘I need to get back to Lassiter, but let me know if you guys find anything,’ Juliet cut in, sending the newcomer a final warm smile before walking away, ‘and welcome aboard, Marley.’
The case was soon wrapped up, with Gus and Marley’s combined knowledge of pharmaceuticals and medicine proving invaluable when determining what exactly led to the deaths of the young men.
Marley had watched Shawn perform his parlour scene moment with great amusement. She had to admit that he sold the ‘psychic’ thing well, and his commitment to the charade was commendable. If she didn’t see his work ‘behind the curtain’, so to speak, she might have bought it herself.
‘Thank you again, Mr Spencer and Mr Guster, as always we appreciate your help.’
Lassiter couldn’t hold back the scoff he let out at the chief’s words. Schooling his face into a neutral expression as she shot him a warning look before continuing.
‘And Miss Williams, I’d also like to thank you especially for your contribution to the case, Mr Spencer told me how you noticed signs of deterioration in Nate Mitchell and were able to prevent his death, which is no small feat.’
Uncomfortable with the attention on her, Marley picked at her nails as she responded, ‘thank you, Chief Vick. I was just doing my job, it’s no biggie.’
It was Shawn’s turn to scoff, ‘no biggie? Marley that kid is still alive because of you! I’d be hitting up his parents for a reward, I’m sure they can afford it, doing what they do.’
‘Shawn!’ came Gus’ chastising hiss. While part of him agreed with his friend, it wasn’t the time or way to say it.
‘While I’m sure you didn’t do it for the possibility of a reward,’ Shawn now on the receiving end of one of Chief Vick’s famous reprimanding looks, ‘Mr Spencer is right, it is a big deal and we’re honoured to have you as part of the team.’
With another shy ‘thank you’ and the assurance that Marley was a welcomed addition to the group, the trio made their exit, planning to stop on the way back to the office for a round of drinks to celebrate her first case.
The debrief done, Lassiter left the chief’s office all but storming over to his desk.
‘It was a good thing Marley came along when she did, huh? You know, I had a good feeling about her when we met at the Lawrence house,’ Juliet had followed after him. She ignored his bad mood, being used to it by now.
‘Yeah, she’s a real charmer. Really sold her little modesty act to the chief too.’
‘What do you mean?’ Juliet was honestly confused by his scorn towards her, she thought the woman was sweet. Plus, it would be nice having another woman around, ‘she seems pretty genuine to me.’
‘That’s how they get you, and if it keeps up like this, we’re going to be outnumbered by these consultants, hell, we already are! It was bad enough with just those two idiots, but now it’s 3v2 with them on top!’
‘It’s not us vs them, Lassiter. We’re all on the same side here.’
He waved his partner off, knowing there was no point in trying to get her to see things his way. A lot could be said about Carlton Lassiter, he knew that, he wasn’t ignorant to what others thought of him (though the delusion did win sometimes). But what couldn’t be said about him was that he was easily fooled by a pretty face.
Sure, the woman might have a good head on her shoulders, more sense than the two idiots she works with at least, and from what he could see she was good at presenting herself professionally yet sympathetically while talking to witnesses and the family of the victims. And maybe her laugh did bring to mind the sound of windchimes blowing serenely in the wind, but what was there to laugh about when investigating the deaths of two young men, even if she did prevent the death of a third.
And so what if he couldn't deny that she was an attractive woman, with sweet brown eyes and a smile to match.
He was a professional. And his relationship with her would remain as such.
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alyssalenko · 9 months
OC Character Personality Quiz
rules: take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100.
tagged by @minilev thank you, my dear!
Alyss Shepard
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Donna Paulsen (Suits) Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Princess Leia (Star Wars) Juliet O'Hara (Psych) Beverly Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Odessa Cousland
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Gloria Delgado-Pritchett (Modern Family) Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls) Alexis Rose (Schitt's Creek) Satine (Moulin Rouge) Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Phryne Tav
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Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Penny (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog) Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings) Jane Bennet (Pride and Predjudice) Clark Kent (Superman)
tagging @pathfinderlittleduck @obvidalous @pikapeppa @slothssassin @bardofheartdive @kittynomsdeplume @illusivesoul @briarfox13 @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth @thefrostyshepard @dieselfusion @thefathersbride @wickedwitchofthewilds @commander-krios @hazelestelle @starsandskies @spacebunshep and anyone who wants to do this! ♥
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ao3feed-psych · 12 days
As many tomorrows as you want
by flordefandom For a moment, there was no sound. The train was imminent, but Carlton heard nothing. All that existed was the hazel gaze coming from Shawn. He saw the expected emotions there, some fear and sadness. But he saw something else there too, something that Carlton could not name. Shawn smiled at him, while he put a hand on Carlton’s cheek and in these final moments, he looked in peace. ------- Carlton finds himself stuck in a time loop, reliving the same day again and again. Can he stop Mr. Yin while being a victim himself, specially as he navigates his complicated feelings towards Spencer. Words: 5414, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Fandoms: Psych (TV 2006) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Carlton Lassiter, Shawn Spencer, Burton "Gus" Guster, Juliet O'Hara, Mary Lightly, Karen Vick, Henry Spencer (Psych TV 2006), Mr. Yin (Psych TV 2006) Relationships: Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer Additional Tags: Groundhog Day, Angst with a Happy Ending, Temporary Character Death, Implied/Referenced Suicide, not quite but to be safe, Time Loop, Episode: s04e16 Mr. Yin Presents... (Psych TV 2006), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bottom Shawn Spencer, Top Carlton Lassiter, Bottom Carlton Lassiter, Top Shawn Spencer, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Tender Sex, Song: Iris (Goo Goo Dolls) via https://ift.tt/xkrAElo
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aloflowers · 1 year
Bó hoa hồng dáng dài     Bó hồng dáng dài mang đến sự sang trọng, thanh lịch và rất đỗi chân thành, dễ ôm và dễ di chuyển nên được lòng khá nhiều người. Ngay sau đây hãy cùng tham khảo qua TOP những bó hoa hồng dáng dài alo.flowers rẻ nhất, đẹp nhất tại cửa hàng hoa tươi của shop chúng tôi nhé!       Cách bó hoa dáng dài 5 hoa hồng Có phải bạn đang muốn tìm chủ đề bó hoa giấy phải không?   155 mẫu hoa bó dài sang trọng, lịch sự tặng đối tác Hoa bó dài mang đến sự sang trọng, thanh lịch và rất đỗi chân thành, dễ ôm. Và dễ di chuyển nên được lòng khá nhiều người.   Cách Bó Hoa Dạng Dài Tại Nhà, Tại Sao Không? Tự Tay Bó Hoa Dáng ... chia sẻ kinh nghiệm bó hoa dáng dài tại nhà Bó hoa hướng dương chụp kỷ yếu dễ dàng để mong những ai yêu hoa, ...   BẤM VÀO ĐÂY       Tự tay bó hoa dáng dài tại nhà, tại sao không? Chụp ảnh với bó hoa hướng dương chia sẻ đôi chút kinh nghiệm cách bó hoa dài tại nhà dễ dàng cho những ai yêu hoa. Muốn tự tay dễ dàng thực hiện bó hoa dạng dài cho người mình thương yêu.   Cách bó hoa cưới cầm tay hoa hồng dáng tròn Trước buổi tiệc cưới, cô dâu và chú rể thường tất bật chọn lựa rất nhiều thứ để chuẩn bị.   Gợi ý cách chụp ảnh với hoa hồng mặc gì? cách chụp ảnh với một ... Gợi ý chị em cách chụp ảnh với hoa hồng, cách chụp ảnh với 1 bông hoa hồng tạo dáng thế nào?   Bó hoa hồng đẹp - Bó hoa cam lửa là món quà tốt nhất cho người thân, đối tác, bạn bè, đồng nghiệp.   ĐIỆN HOA GIAO HỎA TỐC TOÀN QUỐC MIỄN PHÍ       Bó hoa hồng O'hara lộng lẫy bó hoa tặng hội nghị với vẻ đẹp lộng lẫy và kiêu sa, mùi hương thơm ngát quyến rũ đến mê hoặc.   hoa hồng juliet -Bó hoa Được mệnh danh là nàng thơ của xứ hoa, bó hoa hồng Juliet sẽ thay bạn gửi lời yêu thương tới người ấy.   SIÊU ĐỘC ĐÁO khi gói hoa bằng GIẤY BÁO - Chuyên bán buôn nguyên liệu ... Những biến tấu siêu thú vị Bó hoa dài đẹp và mới lạ có thể làm bó hoa của bạn nổi bần bật.   [10+] Mẫu bó hoa hồng đơn giản đẹp nhất Chọn cách bó hoa hồng đơn giản, phù hợp giúp làm nổi bật vẻ đẹp của hoa, đồng thời giúp phân biệt bó hoa hồng này với bó hoa hồng khác
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xxxmasterkali · 3 years
Rewatching Psych for the 100th time and I just love Shules! By far one of my favorite tv couples ever! ♥️
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kuklash · 5 years
Top 10 Female Characters
Got tagged in a top 10 female characters list by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething so I thought I'd list them put with gifs and brief explanations!
I'll tag @nageek42 @delta-over-t @demonwolfkid @bololollipop @springmaeflowers and anyone else who wants to do it!
Keep in mind these are in no particular order, as I'd be here for weeks if I tried to order them.
#1. Octavia Blake (The 100)
It was hard to pick a female character from the 100 because, honestly, the show has a ton of fantastic women, but Octavia takes the cake! From "the girl under the floor" to "skairipa" to "blodreina", she's strong and ready to throw down at a moments notice.
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#2. Rayla (The Dragon Prince)
I fell in love with Rayla from episode 1! The reluctant assassin, she risks everything to prove herself and bring peace. Plus, her accent is adorable and perfect for the character!
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#3. Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
It's hard to summarize why I love VMars in a short blurb, but I have to try. Shes smart, tough, and persistent, always ready to solve the mystery and get the answers. I love that shes driven equally by curiosity, kindness, and a need for money. And no matter what gets thrown at her, she always gets back up, ready to get revenge and catch the bad guy!
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#4. Tali Zorah nar Rayya vas Normandy (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Full disclosure: I've never played Mass Effect 3 with Tali alive. She died bravely on the Suicide Mission on my first playthrough and I'll never forget her sacrifice.
But outside of that, Tali is loving, smart, and handy with a shotgun! Shes a brilliant engineer who always keeps her peoples' needs at the forefront of her mind.
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#5. Temperance "Bones" Brennan (Bones)
Bones is the ultimate comedic straight man. Always serious, always logical, and always the smartest in the room. But what I love most about Bones is that shes always eager to learn more, and shes never afraid to admit when she doesn't understand something.
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#6. Juliet O'Hara (Psych)
I cant begin to describe my love for Jules. Shes tough, kind, loving, and funny, not to mention she could kick my ass, and that's always good. Her subtle character development throughout the series is wonderful, and her relationship with Shawn, both platonically and romantically, is a major reason that I keep coming back to the show time after time.
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#7. Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
She may be 78th in line for the Nevarran throne, but she has no delusions of grandeur. Cassandra is the Right Hand of the Divine, and she fights furiously for what she believes in. But she also has a soft side. Shes a lover of romance novels and sword fighting, and shes my romance partner every single time.
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#8. Temari (Naruto)
One of the downsides of being a Naruto fan is that the author admits that he cant write women well. But Temari is a diamond in the rough. She's smart and ruthless, but also kind and helpful. She's the older sister of a murderous kid who had a demon stuffed inside him and a guy who makes a puppet out of someone's body, but her deepest dream is for them to love her and trust her. Plus, her summon is a weasel with an eyepatch, and it doesn't get better than that, folks!
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#9. Fiona Glenanne (Burn Notice)
I only just started Burn Notice, but Fiona steals the show. Shes a gun running and bounty hunting IRA agent, and she loves to cause as much physical and emotional damage as possible. Whats not to love?
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#10. Rose of Sharon Cassidy (Fallout: New Vegas)
She's crass, shes a drinker, and she's got a gun. Cass is such a perfect example of what makes New Vegas such a good game. Missions with her are fun and comedic, but also dangerous and sad. She loses everything but finds purpose in the things around her: her shotgun, her whiskey, and her friends.
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Women in Fandom
Rules: Write your ten favourite female characters from ten different fandoms and tag ten different people.  Thanks @lizann5869!
1.  Rose Tyler
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2.  Hermione Granger
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3.  Victoria
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4.  Ellie Miller
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5.  Kate Beckett
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6.  Peggy Carter
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7.  Piper Halliwell
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8.  Molly Hooper
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9.  Juliet O’Hara
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10.  The 13th Doctor (duh)
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Thanks again!  Tagging: @stupidsatsuma @paigenotblank @joi-in-the-tardis @rose--nebula @roseredconverse @letters-from-the-tardis @starry-nightflyer @hanluvr @agentkalgibbs @travelingrose
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julietohara · 7 years
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“shawn, what are you doing?” “nothing.”
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mockingjayne12 · 7 years
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Wow. I can't even start to say how amazing of a night I had. So grateful to be able to share it with these amazing people!
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orionares · 3 years
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BTHB: Handcuffed
In the name of the father, my Colt 1911 and the universal hatred of hippies, I will not strangle Spencer with these cuffs….
We will get rescued and then he'll go back to San Francisco with O'Hara….
"Lassito? Can you scratch my back?"
And I will get a reward from the Mayor for self-control…
"Laaaaaasssie, please? Can't reach it- Hey! Do you ever use your cane as a back scratcher?"
"SPENCER!" Lassiter hisses loud enough for the bearded well, hippie guarding the arid decrepit living room to hear. The Police Chief scowls at the blank eyes of the guard and waits for the man to turn back to whatever the hell he'd been doing.
What fresh hell is this- he had told O'Hara that a fishing trip alone with Shawn wasn't going to end well. But then Marlowe had joined with O'Hara's puppy dog eyes and-
"What?" Shawn replies with the irritating casualness one isn't supposed to have while handcuffed back to back.
And also after being kidnapped.
Lassiter lowers his voice down to a loud whisper, "What did I tell you?"
"When Ron and his friends took us from the boat?"
Of course Spencer would figure out their captors name.
"How in God's name do you know that..man's name?" Lassiter asks, already prepared for the idiotic performance sure to follow. In the briefest of moments, Lassiter's heart lifts at the delay in response from Shawn and the beautiful possibility of a semi-mature response.
"'Cause I'm psychic."
Ron lumbers over from his near hour long guard at the door and sneers heavily, "You two needa shut up."
"Kidnapping a Police Chief and a civilian-"
"Psychic," Shawn interrupts because, of course.
Lassiter rolls his eyes and continues glaring at Ron. "Is making things worse. And a hippie like you, destroying this-"
Shawn wiggles in his spot and somehow manages not to irritate Lassiter's injured arm. He dramatically tsks and states," Look, Ron, my good man, as we had tried to tell you while we were on our boat before you swooped in and took us, we are just two men doing manly fishing ...manly...ly."
Lassiter sighs and quickly weighs the pros and cons of persuading Ron to duct tape Shawn's mouth shut. No, they were two men , forced by a pregnant detective and her puppy eyes to "bond".
"Wai, you's kinda young to be a puh-lees chief," Ron says, cocking his head to the right like a German Shepard. Normally, Carlton Lassiter would tear into Ron head to toe for well, everything, but it's the man's current attention that leaves Lassiter well, speechless.
Attention directed solely on Shawn.
Shawn chuckles, not even attempting to stifle down his delight at Ron's comment. "As much as I am delighted at the compliment, alas, I am not the Police Chief in this dynamic duo. No, I am Shawn Spencer, Master and commander of Psychfransico in beautiful San Francisco. This silver haired fox is my idol and Police Chief of Santa Barbara, Carlton Lassiter. "
Ron naively scoffs at Lassiter and chuckles, "You 'ain't a Police Chief. You look like his Daddy."
The squeal of delight from Spencer- is it possible to double the mortification he's already drowning in?
"Stooop," Shawn replies with giddy shyness. "I'd shake your hand , good man, if I could. Speaking of hands, I know you and your merry man of kidnappers-"
"Ya'll went on our land and we can't have that," Ron counters.
Lassiter blinks out of his daze of mortification and snorts at the happy conversing between Ron and Shawn.
How cute.
"Can you two stop sharing your feelings and get back to the fact that you and your little pals kidnapped a Police Chief-"
"And psychic!"
"Spencer, I swear to God-"
"What? Accuracy is important!"
"STOP!!" Ron bellows before staggering back to the counter. The over dramatic fall is one of the many reasons he had taken Lilly to a small gathering of hippies banging drums and reviewed in great details the detrimental behaviors of tree huggers.
A great activity for a four year old, despite Marlowe's eye roll.
"Are you really a Police Chief?" Ron blubbers. Lassiter groans and opens his mouth for another smarmy comment. Unfortunately, the motormouth champion of the West Coast beats him to it.
"He is. One of the best in the west. Just like I am and my psychic skill. Just how I predict that you make that right move and let me and the man who sleeps with two pistols in his bedside go."
It's three- one in the dresser, one under the pillow and one in the ejection slot on the bed frame, Lassiter thinks before the non- irritable side of him sparks a thoughtful observation.
Has Spencer been giving me compliments this whole time?
Ron opens his mouth and gawks momentarily at Lassiter before clumsily turning and lumbering out the door. Shawn sighs louder than necessary and then comments, "He seems nice."
"Do you two want a room to braid each other's hair," Lassiter growls with increasing volume," AND MAKE FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS?"
"Gus and I did that last week," Shawn replies calmly," the friendship bracelets, I mean." He leans towards the wall, humming softly, before pressing a small sharp object against Lassiter's wrist. "I was going to just cut us free instead."
Lassiter Scrunches his nose and imagines his Lilly and his Marlowe smiling back at him and how he'd miss them dearly if he would be arrested for strangling Spencer. "You had a sharp object this entire time?"
"No. I found it but didn't want to use it with our main man Ron in the room,” Shawn states. Lassiter can feel Shawn’s hands fidgeting with the handcuffs. The Police Chief lets out a frustrated humph as Shawn continues to work before the glorious sound of a click from the handcuffs.
“Lassie, can I ask you a question?”
"No, seriously."
He'd bang his head against the wall if he could. Lassiter inhales and exhales slowly, knowing full well that Spencer could and would keep this game up if he wanted to. "Fine," he says slowly, "What?"
"How do you be a good father?"
The pain in the ass, the bane of his existence, the-
The handcuffs click and the cold metal around Lassiter's wrist drop to the ground. "Hold on," Shawn mutters as he continues to fidget with his own cuffs until they also drop to the ground. Shawn turns around and repeats his earlier question, "So yeah, how do you be a good father?"
Turning on the floor to face Shawn would take an awkward, frustrating set of movements so Lassiter stays back to back with Shawn. "Is that why you asked me to go fishing?"
Shawn grunts as he rolls onto his hands and then pushes himself up onto his knees. He shrugs and admits, “Me and my dad aren’t- well, we butt heads. With Jules being eight months pregnant, she figured out that I wanted to talk to you but-”
“Spencer, “ Lassiter hisses, softening his expression at the look in Shawn’s eyes. Is that puppy eyes? “How about this? We get out of here, I shoot some hippies and then I’ll give you six minutes.. and forty five seconds to ask me questions about fatherhood.”
Just as his daughter, Shawn perks up and grins as if just being told about a trip to the ice cream store. He stands and helps lift Lassiter to his feet. “There are six doors- two on the left and four on the right. We went down two flights of stairs with eight steps on each,” Shawn rambles, “and….when we were blindfolded in the back of the jeep, we took three left turns and a right turn from the boat.”
In normal times, especially back in the days when Shawn and Gus were causing chaos in Santa Barbara, Carlton Lassiter would scowl and walk away from the idiotic smile on Shawn’s face with Juliet on his heels. Right now, as he’s aggravated for being kidnapped, hungry and really wishing Marlowe hadn’t talked him into taking one pistol with him instead of his usual three, there is a small part of him that he will never outwardly admit that is a bit impressed and proud of Spencer.
A very, very small part of him. A minute size part of him.
“Ready?” Shawn asks as he pulls Lassiter’s uninjured arm over his shoulder for support.
Lassiter nods, thinking- Ready.
Escaping comes way too easy.
Lassiter isn’t the least surprised to find only two of the six men that had surrounded them on the boat sitting in the room at the top of the stairs. He really isn’t surprised when Shawn manages to sow doubt in Ron’s mind long enough to give Lassiter the chance to grab the closest item and whip it across the room and clock the second man in the back of the head.
After calling for assistance, arresting Ron and his unconscious friend and threatening the two arriving SBPD officers with hell if they even think about saying a word, Lassiter stands in front of a police vehicle, watching Shawn talk animatedly to Juliet O’Hara on the phone. The same small part of him that was impressed by Shawn triggers a faint smile on the Police Chief’s face.
“I’ll be home soon. Yep…..tell Gus that he can breathe…..I love you too….kiss the belly for me. Ok, bye!” Shawn exclaims happily. He pockets his phone and tries to calmly cross the lot to Lassiter. Lassiter can feel the excited energy bouncing off the younger man as he asks quietly, “So…..how can I be a good father to my little girl? Like you are?”
Good lord. Lassiter sighs and replies, “You’ll be fine, Spencer, but ask any question you want.”
“For six minutes and forty five seconds?”
He’ll regret this dearly. “I will open it up to ten minutes-” he holds up a hand as Shawn’s eyes widen with excitement, “-don’t make me regret this.”
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cromwellharvests · 3 years
Top 100 results from the exhaustive version of that same test. (It actually turned out fairly similar, all things considered).
Rosalind Walker (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina): 88% Debora (Baby Driver): 88% Belle (Beauty and the Beast): 87% Penny (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog): 87% Anna Bates (Downton Abbey): 86% Glenn Rhee (The Walking Dead): 86% Rachel Chu (Crazy Rich Asians): 86% Deanna Troi (Star Trek: The Next Generation): 86% Hilda Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina): 86% Eliza Hamilton (Hamilton): 86% Linda Martin (Lucifer): 86% Mary Margaret Blanchard (Once Upon a Time): 86% Hernando Fuentes (Sense8): 86% Waverly Earp (Wynonna Earp): 86% Elisa Esposito (The Shape of Water): 86% Pam Beesly (The Office): 85% Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings): 85% Beth March (Little Women): 85% Chien-Po (Mulan): 85% Valentine Wiggin (Ender's Game): 85% Belle French (Once Upon a Time): 85% Charlie Bucket (Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory): 85% Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender): 84% Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games): 84% Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): 84% Maid Marian (Robin Hood): 84% Francis Mulcahy (M*A*S*H): 84% Alexis Castle (Castle): 84% Mamá Coco (Coco): 84% Annie January (The Boys): 84% Skylar (Good Will Hunting): 84% Samwell Tarly (Game of Thrones): 83% Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender): 83% Norma Jennings (Twin Peaks): 83% Friar Tuck (Robin Hood): 83% Marmee March (Little Women): 83% Bo Peep (Toy Story): 83% William H. 'Shakespeare' Hill (This Is Us): 83% Monty Green (The 100): 83% Mia Toretto (Fast & Furious): 83% Kara Danvers (Supergirl): 83% Doc (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs): 83% Tracy Mills (Se7en): 83% Helsinki (Money Heist): 83% Dr. Sean Maguire (Good Will Hunting): 83% Elizabeth Burke (White Collar): 83% Chuny Marquez (ER): 83% Aimee Finecky (The Spectacular Now): 83% Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter): 82% Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter): 82% Arthur Weasley (Harry Potter): 82% Georgiana Darcy (Pride and Prejudice): 82% Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice): 82% Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender): 82% Dr. Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park): 82% Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock): 82% Ariadne (Inception): 82% Esme Cullen (Twilight): 82% Rebecca Pearson (This Is Us): 82% Sara Tancredi (Prison Break): 82% Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz): 82% Dr. Claire Browne (The Good Doctor): 82% Annie Porter (Speed): 82% Sam Button (The Perks of Being a Wallflower): 82% Kala Dandekar (Sense8): 82% Céline (Before Sunrise): 82% Horatio (Hamlet): 82% Angela Montenegro (Bones): 82% Marianne (Portrait of a Lady on Fire): 82% Ally Maine (A Star Is Born): 82% Molly Weasley (Harry Potter): 81% Donna Moss (The West Wing): 81% Kasidy Yates (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine): 81% Ann Perkins (Parks and Recreation): 81% Beatrice 'Beadie' Russell (The Wire): 81% Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1): 81% Alice Cullen (Twilight): 81% Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump): 81% Ted Mullens (Schitt's Creek): 81% Oliver Hampton (How To Get Away With Murder): 81% Ben Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy): 81% Bonnie Bennett (The Vampire Diaries): 81% Cameron James (10 Things I Hate About You): 81% Marie Kreutz (The Bourne Identity): 81% Dana Polk (The Cabin in the Woods): 81% Andrea Sachs (The Devil Wears Prada): 81% Jane Villanueva (Jane the Virgin): 81% Amy Antsler (Booksmart): 81% Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds): 81% Juliet O'Hara (Psych): 81% Annie Reed (Sleepless in Seattle): 81% Benjamin Button (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button): 81% Hazel Grace Lancaster (The Fault in Our Stars): 81% Dobby (Harry Potter): 80% George O'Malley (Grey's Anatomy): 80% Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings): 80% Kaylee Frye (Firefly + Serenity): 80% Rita Bennett (Dexter): 80% The Oracle (The Matrix): 80% Meg March (Little Women): 80%
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makosh · 3 years
Long time ago Detective Carlton Jebediah Lassiter, MCJ had a blog, which was written by actor Timothy Omundson. Unfortunately, the blog is no longer there, but the Internet remembers. I will be posting from the blog little by little.
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Today's modern law enforcer has an incredible number of tools at his or her disposal, but the single most important weapon in any cop's arsenal is their partner. That person sitting next to you in the squad car or walking your beat with you can mean the difference between getting your 30-Year Pin or your Spouse/Domestic Partner getting their Widow's Pension. Sure, a reliable firearm and a pair of sap gloves may come in handy, but when the fertilizer hits the fan, it's what's between your partner's ears that really counts.
Of all the relationships you'll have in your lifetime, your relationship with your partner will become one of the strongest. And when one of you decides, for whatever reason, to stop working together, it can be very much like breaking up with your girlfriend.
I've recently gone through a partner transition. Det. Lucina Barry and I worked together less than a year but her decision to transfer out of the SBPD was hard on both of us. The fact that she wanted to be closer to her mother, who was recovering from an industrial accident, didn't make it any easier.
The good news is that I see a lot of potential in her replacement, Det. Juliet O'Hara. In many ways she reminds me of a young me, other than the fact that she's female, and blonde, and likes cats.
O'Hara recently transferred from Miami. Upon reviewing her file and some of her old reports, I was immediately impressed. Not only does she have excellent penmanship, a rare thing these days, but she also has an extensive knowledge of Police Codes.
As a rookie, she made high marks with both her T.O. and her Sergeant. Her Performance Reports made note of how efficiently she secured crime scenes and how enthusiastically she could cuff suspects twice her size. Just the kind of go-getter I wanted on my team.
You'd be amazed at how many young officers have no idea what laws are being broken. Kind of makes it hard to enforce the law if you don't know what it is. And don't get me started on proper procedure. Too many of these kids fresh out of the Academy don't understand that there is a reason you do things 'By The Book.'
'The Book' is Right. It was written over decades by thousands of Cops.
These kids see "Dirty Harry" a few times and think that's what police work is all about. They don't realize that while Clint Eastwood's "Harry Callahan" may have been the "cool cop," Hal Holbrook's character was the good cop.
At the end of the day, if you can't make the charges stick, you're just a crossing guard with a gun. O'Hara understands that. I look forward to passing on what I've learned on the Job so far and helping to mold her into the great cop I know she can become.
(By the way, this doesn't mean that I don't think Dirty Harry Callahan is one of the greatest movie cops ever. He's in my Top 5. You just have to know where reality ends and fiction begins.)
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