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toppdoggfanfics · 7 years
I hope this is okay. So P-goon is your brother and he finds out that you are dating his best friend Hansol for the past 3 months, and it doesn't go well when he finds out.
Hi anon! I hope this turns out the way you wanted it to be~ thank you for requesting!!
The first time you saw him was when your brother Sehyuk brought him over to your house a year ago. His name was Hansol, and he was the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen.
He smiled warmly as he introduced himself to your parents and they immediately liked him. Soon enough, he was coming over your house often, to study with your brother during exam week, or play video games over the weekend or to just simply eat dinner whenever your mom invites him.
You haven’t really talked to him and just stole secret glances whenever he wasn’t looking. Until Sehyuk caught a flu and he heard that your parents weren’t home so he came over to help you take care of him.
All your nervousness went away when you started talking to him. You realized that he was a very sweet and caring person, and there’s no wonder why your brother became best friends with him.
You took the opportunity of being alone with him (Sehyuk was too sick to even care) and asked for his number, which he happily gave. You texted him after he left, thanking him for all his help and he replied saying that it was no big deal.
Since that day, you and Hansol texted regularly and he greets you whenever you see each other in the hallways of the school. Sometimes, you both wait for Sehyuk whenever he has basketball practice. He treats you to a drink while waiting and although it was a simple gesture, it still made you fall harder for him.
It was only after a month when he asked you to go out with him, and you were the happiest person alive. You decided to keep it a secret to your brother, and Hansol agreed saying that you should wait for the right time to tell him.
Your first date only happened on your third month of dating. You decided to watch some movies, and you had to lie to your parents and brother saying that you were going to your classmate’s house for a school project. It was a short time, but Hansol made every moment worthwhile.
“Do you think we should tell your parents?” He asked.
“I don’t know, I think they wouldn’t be too happy about it. They told me before that I’m not allowed to have a boyfriend until I finish my studies. They said boyfriends will only be a distraction.” You replied.
“Am I a distraction?” Hansol moved his face closer to yours, so close that you could already feel his breath and just an inch away and your lips would touch. You closed your eyes and waited for it to happen, but it didn’t.
You opened your eyes, an obvious disappointment in your face and Hansol laughed ruffling your hair. “You’re so cute you know that?”
“Hmp,” you pouted pretending you were mad at him for tricking you, but it was useless because you couldn’t resist his cuteness.
He sent you home but only until a few blocks away from your house. You didn’t want to risk getting seen by your parents.
“You’re sure you don’t want me to walk you further?” Hansol asked for the nth time.
“Yup, I’m fine. Thanks again for today.”
“Text me when you get home okay? I wanna make sure you’re safe.” He reminded, and you can’t help but feel lucky that you have such a caring boyfriend. 
“We’re literally like two blocks away from my house!” You teased before finally separating ways. 
When you reached home, your family was already eating dinner. You were still full because you and Hansol ate a lot but you didn’t want them to be suspicious so you forced yourself to eat. 
Your cellphone lit up and a message from Hansol popped on your cellphone screen. You snatched your phone as quickly as possible from the table and opened the text. 
‘I miss you already’ 
You had to bite your lip to prevent yourself from smiling. 
“No cellphones during dinner.” Your father scolded making you mumble a soft apology before shoving your phone on your pocket and making a mental note to reply to Hansol after dinner. 
After washing the dishes, you hurried upstairs to your bedroom. You promised Hansol that you would call him before going to sleep. But before you could even open the door to your room, you heard your brother Sehyuk call out your name. 
The tone of his voice made your heart beat faster. You knew that tone too well, he only uses it whenever he scolds you for doing something you shouldn’t. 
“Let’s talk in my room.” He said without even bothering to look at you. 
You entered his room and closed the door behind you. Whatever he was going to say to you, it needs to stay in the four corners of his room. 
He sat on his bed and usually, you would sit or even lie down beside him but right now you didn’t even want to move a step closer to your brother. 
“What’s your relationship with Hansol?” was his first question. You tried to rack your brains on how is it possible that your brother knew about it when you didn’t tell anyone, including your best friend.
“Don’t even bother to lie. I know you guys are together. I also know that you were with him today.” He spoke again. 
“I didn’t say anything because I knew you would get mad.” You finally said. 
“Break up with him.” You felt like your heart fell on the floor upon hearing his words. 
“But why? He’s your best friend! You know that he’s a good person!” You retorted, tears threatening to fall on your cheeks any moment now. 
“I’m giving you a week. If you’re still together, I would tell mom and dad about it.” He was firm with his words and you know that he’s serious. 
You hurriedly left Sehyuk’s room before he even sees you crying. The moment you entered your room, your tears fell. A part of you understands your brother but another part of you wants to punch him in the face for saying those things. 
You felt your phone vibrate. Hansol was calling. You ignored it and decided that you would deal with him and everything tomorrow. For now, all you wanted to do was sleep. 
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besotacito · 6 years
Group: ToppDogg / XENO-T
Pairing: broken!XeSol (Xero/Hansol/Minsung)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, AU, romance
Trigger warnings: non-explicit mention of depression/suicide attempts.
Word count: 2,133
Note: This is the first time I make an attempt at writing a fanfic in English. I originally wrote it in Spanish so most of it is actually just translated, but there are some parts I edited and adapted so it’d sound a bit better? in English, I guess. Please do notify me of inconsistencies or grammar mistakes. 
As for the fanfic itself, please note that it is only fiction even if it mirrors some things that happened in reality. I hope it doesn’t offend anyone in any way. I wrote this because I’m an emo lil shit who needed to make herself suffer with a made-up angsty scenario that helps her assimilate that she’s never getting more XeSol moments ever again, probably. So that’s it. I can’t promise you’ll enjoy reading it because I cried writing it, so.
Yeah so how are you these days?
I’m still the same, can’t sleep
Your short hair looked so pretty
But I didn’t press like
‘Cause it just seems a bit ridiculous
His fingers scroll down his white smartphone screen. His room is pitch dark and he has been looking at his phone like this for a while, which is not good at all for his eyes. Or his heart. His mind is going back to a million memories of past years and his heart starts clenching little by little. Judging from his Instagram profile, in the end he followed his alternative path, the ‘B plan’ that he remembers having heard about back in their trainee days.
“I think I’ll just be a choreographer if this idol thing doesn’t work out,” he had said jokingly, although he looked like, deep inside, he meant it.
“Don’t say that. We’ll make it work. We’ll do fine, you’ll see. The name ‘ToppDogg’ by itself already feels successful,” he replied back, ruffling the other boy’s hair.
He was not surprised at all by the quality of his choreographies. Hansol- no, Minsung, Jiho reminded himself, was gifted when it came to dancing and not only that, but he was also an innate performer who knew how to combine both dancing and aesthetic features in a unique artistic way. Even so, he had to reckon the boy had improved a hell of a lot. His dancing style was very far from that of the boy who practiced dancing with him in the academy over 7 years ago.
He accidentally clicked on one of his most recent pictures, but he didn’t press the back button. He stared at it. His face looked radiant in spite of not having a smile on it. He looked fine—stable, calm, perhaps even happy. Jiho hoped it was like that. He hoped that he was at least as happy as he had always wanted and deserved. At least it was noticeable that was not the same sad Hansol- no, Minsung, that he had seen for the last time. It was a relief. He wasn’t the same person. He didn’t even look like the one in the old memories of Jiho, if he took a moment to carefully analyse the pictures. Truth be told, Jiho felt like he didn’t know who that boy in the pictures was. They had lived together for many years and shared countless experiences, but he didn’t know that person. Minsung? Jiho had no idea who that was; where he came from. He could barely remember Hansol and he wasn’t sure Hansol remembered him.
The last time they met… Jiho would’ve never imagined it would be the last time and that everything would go downhill from there. Hansol- no, Minsung, dammit, sent him a text on KakaoTalk asking to hang out in a café, just to get some distraction. Back then, it had been long since they had had a schedule as ToppDogg. The promotions for their last album had finished months ago and they weren’t working on new songs or performances or anything of the sort. Everyone were kind of worried about how things were going. Everyone, but especially Hansol. Minsung.
“Hey, sorry I’m kind of l-”
Jiho remembers coming up to the boy to greet him, but as soon as he came a little bit closer he could see the tears streaming desperately down his face. He couldn’t even finish his sentence before he had wrapped his arms around the other’s small frame. Hansol was trembling. Minsung. No, back then he was Hansol.
“Aren’t you tired?” Hansol asked out of the blue after being quiet for some minutes, just barely sipping on his coffee while trying to calm himself down and stop sobbing.
“Mm? Tired… of what? I’d say I’ve had lots of time to get some rest,” he replied jokingly, pretending he didn’t know what Hansol meant.
“That’s the problem, you see. I’m tired of this. Of trying again and again and failing. I’m tired of everything.”
“Hey, don’t think like that. We gotta stay positive. Maybe things aren’t going the way we’d like them to, but we still have our fans and our company—”
“Don’t be silly, Jiho,” he cut him off. “Do you think our fans are gonna wait forever? That they’ll stay by a failed group? Our company’s trying hard for any other artist that’s not us.”
“Hansol,” he called out, covering the boy’s hand with his own on the table, “we knew it wouldn’t be easy, but we can’t lose hope. I trust us and what we can achieve together.”
Hansol looked like he was actually contemplating what Jiho had said, but replied:
“Your optimism is stupid, Jiho.” And retreated his hand to take a hold of his coffee.
After that, they fell silent for a long time. Jiho fidgeted with his fingers over the table. This conversation was making him feel uneasy and awkward; he didn’t know what to say. But more than anything, he was worried about Hansol.
“Has it gotten worse, lately? Have you been feeling worse?” he asked softly, only for Hansol to hear.
“…I just wanna escape from this hell,” he muttered back, not looking at his eyes.
Jiho didn’t know what to say, as per usual, so he chose to stay quiet. Neither of them said anything else for some minutes. Jiho couldn’t even look at Hansol in the face because he felt horrible for not being able of offering more comfort than his stupid optimism. That’s why he flinched a little when he felt Hansol’s hand back on his, caressing his fingers. Jiho didn’t stop him, because he liked the sensation. Because he missed him. Because deep inside, Jiho knew he had committed a mistake that he would always regret, even if he had done it thinking it was the best option for them back then.
“I’m gonna miss you.”
Their voices overlapped.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m leaving to China for a few months. To study dancing.”
Jiho retreated his hand and straightened up in his seat, almost in shock.
“But… what about the group? Does the company know about this? Did they approve of this?”
There was this look in Hansol’s eyes while he mustered up the courage to finally say:
“…Jiho, I’m leaving ToppDogg.”
In that moment, it felt as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown over him. He couldn’t react. It took him a few moments to grasp what was happening. Leaving to China to study dancing? Leaving the group? Had he lost his mind?
“Do you realise you’re sabotaging the group and being selfish?” was the first thing he managed to say, not really thinking about what he was saying.
“Excuse me? I am sabotaging the group?” Hansol raised his tone a bit. “May I remind you, it was Hyunho and Dongsung who left us first. Hyosang and Taeyang left us too.”
Jiho bit his lip. He knew Hansol was right, but right now his heart was in pain from just imagining Hansol leaving the group and going to another country for who knows how long.
“There is nothing we can do about this anymore, don’t you realise that? What do you want me to stay here for? To see how life passes me by and nothing gets better no matter how hard I try?”
“…You could stay with me.”
Everything became quiet for a few moments that seemed to last for way longer while both of them stared into each other’s eyes. Jiho could see the tears welling up in Hansol’s eyes while he bit his lips and shook his head.
“Please, don’t do this to me…” he muttered in a thin voice.
“If you leave the group, then I will too. We can start all over, together. No fearing and no hiding this time, we won’t have to-”
“Jiho, don’t,” Hansol cut him off softly, getting a bit closer and holding his hands on the table. “That’s not what you want. Besides, it was you who took the decision years ago. There’s no going back now.”
Hansol’s voice sounded so gentle and composed in spite of the tears in his eyes that it was hard to believe what he was saying was hurting Jiho as if a million knives were stabbing his body.
“Why’d you ask me to come, then? If it was going to be like this, you could’ve as well just texted me goodbye.”
You shouldn’t have given me hopes that I was still in time of holding onto you, is what he wanted to say. But didn’t.
“I just wanted to see you for one last time…”
Back then, Jiho couldn’t control the burst of emotions he felt. His sadness mingled with the anger he felt towards himself for having been an idiot and also with the frustration of being so helpless—Hansol was slipping right through his fingers and out of his life, and he couldn’t do anything to stop him.
“That’s it, then. You can leave now. Leave and don’t think of coming back. I hope you know you’re being an asshole.”
He raised his voice more than he should have. His word choice was more aggressive than it should have. Unlike his usually composed self, this time he finally burst. His emotions burst in the worse way possible. They ended up yelling ugly things at each other; hard feelings that had been building up inside them for a long time. Jiho smashed his fist on the table before leaving behind an upset and sobbing Hansol. He shouldn’t have done that. He still feels ashamed of his shitty and immature reaction and regrets everything he did and said that day. Hansol didn’t deserve that.
Somehow, he reached the end of his Instagram pictures. They weren’t many. He remembered the boy had a habit of deleting them. He also noticed he kept only a few pictures of his last days in China and seeing him in those pictures makes his heart clench in fear again. In fear of knowing that he was close to losing him for real, forever. Those had been the worst days Jiho has even been through in his whole life and he hopes he won’t have to ever go through something like that again. At least the latest pictures make him feel a bit more reassured, for it seems that old Hansol he knew doesn’t torment Minsung like he used to do. He looks cared for and surrounded by people. Jiho can only hope for him to never be lonely and for all of those people to be with Minsung when he cannot.
A few pictures above the last ones from China is one from their debut. That one was uploaded when his departure from the group was made official. Jiho didn’t come out of his room for a whole week. In the picture, Hansol thanks everyone. Jiho clenches his fist. He should’ve thanked him the last time he saw him. He should’ve thanked him for helping him make it into ToppDogg. He should’ve thanked him for all of the good moments they shared together. He should’ve thanked him for loving him in spite of the big asshole Jiho could be at times and which he was until their last meeting. He should’ve thanked him for existing—he should’ve wished him success. Had he done that, who knows; maybe Hansol wouldn’t have been on the edge of an abyss. Had he done that, maybe he would find his username when he types it into the list of people Minsung follows.
Jiho decides to call it a night, but then he sees there is a picture of Hyosang on Minsung’s account and he clicks it almost immediately. Oh, he wished him a happy birthday. To the one who abandoned them—but didn’t break his heart or curse him out for trying to pursue his dreams—; he wished a happy birthday to him. Then he finally clicks the ‘back’ button, which closes Instagram and, instead and unknowingly, shows him the time and date: 5:24 a.m., February 3rd.
As he tries to fall asleep, he fails to fight back the tears that wet his pillow while he cannot brush off the memories of Hansol coming into his room with a big smile on his face and holding a big cake with tons of colourful candles on his hands just when the clock struck twelve o’clock. He won’t see that Hansol anymore. If he could turn back time and take seriously the three wishes Hansol insisted for him to make year after year before blowing out the candles, he would use one to wish ToppDogg to be successful and two to wish for Hansol to never leave his side.
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
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Updated: 5th November 2022
NCT (Sub groups: NCT U/ Dream/ 127/ WayV)
Monsta X
Block B (Nothing yet)
VIXX (Nothing yet)
2PM (Nothing yet)
U-Kiss (Nothing yet)
Astro (Nothing yet)
KNK (Nothing yet)
ToppDogg (Nothing yet)
Xdinary Heroes (Nothing yet)
Solo Artists:
Eric Nam
DPR Live (Nothing yet)
DPR ian
GRAY (Nothing yet)
Woosung (The Rose) (Nothing yet)
Wonho (Nothing yet)
Top 9 Biases
Top 10 KPOP Groups
Top 10 Fanfic Recs
Series Masterlists:
Lyric Scenario 
Old GOT7 blog: @got7paradisejust4u
Old EXO blog: @exo-k-m-reactions-blog
Other blog: @straykidsreactionsandscenarios​
Moots you should follow: @ateezreactionsandscenarios​ @whatudowhennooneseesyou​ @elysianjinnie
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potatogoon · 7 years
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I got this ask on my curious cat and I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one imagining that!
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mushmin · 7 years
this is actually not new I just COMPLETELY forgot about it...oops. if you love P-Goon and Topp Dogg boi is this the fic for you!!
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i-growl-growl-growl · 4 years
mobile masterlist attempt post
Not all reactions/talks/scenarios/imagines and other requests have been added to this post. As the blog is updated, so shall this post.
                                            Reactions Masterlist
                        Stray Kids Reactions
A girl group has a similar name and the same concepts and songs as them
                      Topp Dogg Reactions
being trapped in an elevator with their crush (B-Joo, A-Tom, Xero)
their partner asks them to go on an art heist with them  (Sangdo, Xero, B-Joo, Hansol)
Their partner brakes their leg on a date before they go on tour  (Xero, Sangdo, P-Goon, Nakta and B-Joo)
                          Astro Reactions
they find out you have a special talent they never knew about
you being insecure about your chubby cheeks
you want to go ballroom dancing with them
                    seventeen reactions
Their s/o proposing to THEM (S.Coups-Woozi) maknae line to be uploaded
Their s/o can’t get up the morning after
Their s/o has a catlike personality
Their s/o is a little
                          Ikon Reactions
Falling in love with the new anti-social female member (B.I, Bobby, Jinhwan, Donghyuk)
What kind of Yanderes iKon would be
Someone tries to take advantage of their s/o (Jinhwan, Donghyuk, Bobby, B.I)
                         ATEEZ reactions
their darling asks them to impregnate them (yeosang)(hongjoong)(seonghwa)(mingi)(jongho)(yunho)(san)(wooyoung) Yandere
types of yanderes (Yeosang)(Seonghwa)(Hongjoong)(Yunho)(San)(Mingi)(Wooyoung)(Jongho)     scenario+description
                             Bts reactions
Their hybrid doesn’t want to wear their leash outside Hybrid
Recieving a handmade gift from their s/o
                        Monsta X Reactions
their s/o makes them a handmade gift
Hi…I’m new around here, can anyone show me around? Kina
what type of Yandere Monsta X would be *not a reaction*
                             Got7 reactions
seeing/being shown their child’s self-harm scars/seeing scars
their partner has an asthma attack
catching you dancing to stellar’s vibrato
their partner cant chose a dress for their date
their Idol partner does the gwiyomi song on a variety show
their partner said “yes” to a little boys proposal
a 5 year old asks their partner to marry them
a girl group debuts with the same songs as them
you surprise them while they’re practicing/working
seeing someone they like walking towards them but the person faints
being stuck in an elevator with a foreigner (feat. exo)
their partner brings home a dog and gives it their bed but they don’t tell them
their partner is afraid to travel by plane
being in the middle of an earthquake
waking up in an alleyway and not remembering anything
finding a poisonous snake in their bed
being told they were the heir to the throne of an alien planet
confessing to the person they like but being rejected
recognizing you at a fan meet because you’ve been to so many of them
how they’d want to be comforted
seeing your self-harm scars
you hug another boy but they don’t know it’s your brother
finding out you can play an instrument
secretly watching you sing “Dear Future Husband”
seeing someone with scars and finding out they’re from clumsiness
                      Nct Reactions
(YANDERE) finding out their s/o cheated on them as a revenge (Taeyong & Yuta) 42
(VAMPIRE) smelling blood that leads them to their soulmate (Jaehyun)(Kun)(RenJun)
(YANDERE) you have been in a relationship before (NCT Dream)
(YANDERE) They found out your taking a birth control pill (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Lucas, Jeno)
(HYBRID) they are wild but get caught and stay in a adoption center until they are adopted
(YANDERE) you’re horny and ask them to impregnate you (Taeil-Jeno)
(TSUNDERE) You tell him that he’s your ideal type (Jaemin only) 33
(YANDERE) you want to meet your family in a different country (Taeil-Ten)
(YANDERE) their s/o caves in to them (dreamies)
(suicide) the boys see that their lover commited suicide (Taeil-WinWin)
finding out that their s/o is infertile (Taeil-YangYang)
(YANDERE) waking up to their darling looking at them and caressing their cheek (OT21)
(YANDERE) their s/o with curly hair isn’t keen on her curly hair and wants to straighten it OT21
(YANDERE) their s/o falls for his fellow member who is also yandere OT21
(YANDERE) When their s/o need a lot of personal space (edition 1)(edition 2)
When his partner helps him during pregnancy (Yuta) (Ten)
(YANDERE) you finally falling in love with them after they had kidnapped you OT21
(YANDERE) (remaining members)(Taeil, Yuta-RenJun) seeing their s/o for the first time (WayV Version)
types of Yandere  OT21 (not a reaction)
what yandere nct would want for their birthdays OT21 🌼
how yandere!nct would prefer to be called? OT21 (not a reaction)
What they’d like to call their darling OT21 (not a reaction)
(YANDERE—- Yuta only) s/o selfharms because he hurts their friends
(YANDERE/slightly NSFW- legal line) their s/o wants to dominate
(YANDERE) s/o fakes their death to escape OT21
(YANDERE) Their s/o tries to escape from them 0T21
(Renjun) (Jisung) (Jeno)Finding Santa delivering their presents (Chenle) (Jaemin)
Exo/NCT announcing to their partner that they’re pregnant (Luhan, Baekhyun, Yuta, Ten)
Their band mistaking his twin for them and taking him on stage instead (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, Mark)
Arguing with their partner over their parents finding about about their relationship (Taeil, Yuta, Taeyong, mark, WinWin)
Meeting their lost lost identical twins (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, Mark)
Their partner cuddles with a giant teddy bear that helps them sleep (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Ten, WinWin)
(MAFIA) s/o tells them their drink was spiked
🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌 🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌 🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌 🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌 🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌
yandere kageyama (headcanon)
(scenario) Different Courts (yandere Hinata Shoyo)
(scenario) Bloodied Blazer (yandere Oikawa tooru)
yandere hinata (headcanon)
(reaction) his feelings aren’t returned Yandere Kuroo
yandere Nishinoya (headcanon)
yandere Iwazumi (headcanon)
💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 
(scenario) arranged marriage (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) How does he not shatter his s/o’s entire skeleton during punishments Yandere Taeyong 🔪
(imagine/scenario) argument (Yandere Kun)
(ask) wouldn’t want to make him angry (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) s/o with withdrawal symptoms misses dosses, who uses that against them (Yandere NCT)
(ask) How would yandere taeyong act like with a very submissive s/o (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) what punishments would they give his s/o? (Yandere Taeyong + Yandere Yuta)
(scenario) You Will (monster/yandere Seonghwa)
?Headcannon? jaeyong poly yandere (yandere Jaehyun, Yandere Taeyong) 🍋
(scenario) when the victim wakes up at his place for the first time (Yandere Ten)
(imagine) a boy in a yellow hoodie catches your attention in highschool (TXT Hueningkai) fluff
(ask) What would make him act romantic towards the s/o (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) Difference between domyan-yandere-subyan WinWin (yandere nct)
Sub!Yandere Taeyong (yandere nct)
(scenario ) you are in a gg and will go solo for the first time and JYP asks for Chan to help you with your songs (Bang Chan) fluff
(scenario) he finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant and about to run away (Mafia Kyungsoo) fluff+angst
(ask) what if their darling suddenly get pregnant one day (yandere nct)
(ask) How would he act around his lover (yandere wonho)
(ask) kind kind of yandere is he (yandere Shownu)
(imagine) Luhan as a yandere’s victim (victim Luhan)
(fanfic) My Strong Rebel (Yesang x Seonghwa)
(imagine) making small cookies saying “ go out with me”, but you eat them without looking baker!doyoung
(ask) I better stay home with taeyongie, right? (Yandere Taeyong)
(scenario) taeyong regretting kidnapping his s/o and apologizing (Yandere-ish)
Love Never-ending (NCT member (unrevealed) x Reader)
Journey to retrieve the Akarnek: Intro (Kris) discontinued
(scenario) Stress In The Night (Chanyeol x Reader)
(scenario) The Beast within the Dark Forest  (Minhyuk x Reader)
(scenario) A Run for Forbidden Love (Baekhyun (wang Eun) x Reader)
(scenario) Suho is in Baby Space and only the reader can calm them down (Baby Space/ Little Space)
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                                          Most to least
WayV MTL to date a fan
Nct mtl to accept and stay with a significant other who doesn’t want any kids
Monsta X MTL to kidnap their crush Yandere
Wayv mtl to date someone whose height is 4’11
TXT mtl to date a girl who is into wrestling
WAYV Mtl to date someone as short as 155cm
Yandere!Monsta X MTL to not allow their to visit their own family (Yandere)
WayV mtl to date a 2001 liner
NCT Yandere if their s/o managed to escape, who’d enjoy the thrill of the chase (yandere)
TXT mtl to date someone who is insecure but is working hard to be more confident
NCT MTL where each member place on the sadistic spectrum (yandere version)
TXT mtl date a tsundere
Monsta X mtl happy to have a s/o who likes to sit on his lap
NCT Mtl get a choker/collar to their s/o (yandere)
NCT Yandere MTL to don’t like a dirt mouth as s/o (yandere)
NCT mtL to enjoy having a bratty s/o (Yandere)
Ikon MLT to Take you with them everywhere instead of keeping you locked in their house (Yandere)
NCT Yandere (wayv, 127 and U) mtl to give a sexual punishment (Yandere)
NCT Yandere MtL to love their darling to have childish personality (Yandere)
NCT MtL to have a loud/playful partner
EXO MtL to liking their s/o having a daddy kink 
💬💬💬💬💬 💬💬💬💬💬 💬💬💬💬💬 💬💬💬💬💬 💬💬💬💬💬
(text) their sibling wanting them to be picked up after a date gone wrong (Doyoung, Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, and Lucas) older brother
(text) when you ask them for money (Taeil, Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta, Mark) older brother
(text?) how everyday тeхтѕ are wιтн vernon (Seventeen)
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                                  drama series requests
             The Untamed
They see their hybrid is injured/attacked and want to heal them
💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘
             Love by Chance
Love Over Pain (scenario)
🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭
wooyoung blue (water) GIF moodboard
Date in the City w/ Suga GIF moodboard
Boyfriend Xero GIF moodboard
ToppDogg Forever GIF moodboard
Happy Birthday Yano GIF moodboard
“Sweets” Xero GIF moodboard
“he smells of gingerbread” (Bjoo) GIF moodboard
White Winter w/ Bjoo GIF moodboard
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18 I don’t know u at all and I’m not sure I can be with you anymore Mafia Taeyong
17 it’s been what 3 weeks?? I’m tired, I can’t do this anymore Mafia Mark & Haechan (NCT) 🌹
16 we should go on a trip, a trip to a isolated beach would be really good to us Mafia Doyoung (NCT)
15 Yuta, STOP! We can’t keep meting like this, I have a fiancé! Mafia Yuta (NCT)
14  I really think fighting the guys chasing us Is safer than riding a motorcycle with you Mafia Mark (NCT)
13 I’m not changing Jae! This dress isn’t too sexy, don’t you wanna show off a beauty like me? Mafia Jaehyun (NCT)
12 Why won’t you let me join your gang? Mafia Lucas (NCT)
11 I’m sorry for been a brat with you earlier…what if you leave just one man to watch me? Mafia Doyoung (NCT)
10. okay you’ve caught me but how can I even escape here.. It’s like a maze. Mafia Mark & Haechan (NCT) 🌹
9. YUTA LET ME OUT! Mafia Yuta (NCT)
8. since this is a arranged marriage, I don’t expect you loving me Mafia Johnny (NCT)
7. are you seriously trying to convince me the you are a professional hit man? Mafia Jaehyun (NCT)
6. aren’t you excited?! This is our first mission as officially mafia members! Mafia Lucas (NCT)
5. I know nothing about my father’s business please let me go! Mafia Mark & Haechan (NCT) 🌹
4. tell your men to stop following me every damn place I go! Mafia Doyoung (NCT)
3. Care to explain me WHY THE HELL THESE MEN ARE CHASING US?! Mafia Johnny (NCT)
2. what exactly makes you want to involve yourself with this mess?! Mafia Jaehyun (NCT)
1. Are you the one assigned to train me? Mafia Mark (NCT)
🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️
I don’t want you to suck my blood or anything just so I can stay with you “forever” Vampire Taeyong (NCT)💐
🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
YandereTalks 1-80 (79 NCT, 1 Monsta X)
80 Why are you still keeping me here? Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
79 I’m going to a friend’s party, you wanna come? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🥓
78 seriously? yuta is taken too… haechan…? Yandere Haechan (NCT) 🌼
77 Why are you hanging out with other girls when you have me right here? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
76 no one talks to yandere yuta… maybe I should… Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🌼
75 Its a been a year since we started dating dont you think it’s ok if you let me go for a walk? Yandere Yuta (NCT) 😎
74 I made some cookies for you while you were gone Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🤯
73 you’re so cute, I love you so much Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🍡
72 they came over when you were gone, but I didn’t know they would come Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
71 I’m sorry for making you mad, just please talk to me!! Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
70 With all these punishments, I’m feeling useless Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
69 don’t put me in the basement, it’s dark and scary down there!!! Yandere Mark (NCT)
68 I’m really mad at you… Yandere Kun (NCT)
67 i don’t want to lose you just because of my sexuality…. Yandere WinWin (NCT)
66 wonder if I need to go to doctor to check if I’m pregnant Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
65 mark told me he likes me! What should I do? Yandere Mark (NCT) 🐾
64 can we go shopping I need some stuff like panties Yandere Ten (NCT)
63 you don’t satisfy my needs sexually Yandere Ten (NCT)
62 Everytime your partner is jealous over nothing it leads to “jealous sex” which disgusts me Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
61 Would you mind walking me home tonight? Yandere RenJun (NCT) 🔮
60 I want to leave this fucking house please! Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 😪
59 can we cuddle? I’m so tired Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
58 I’ll sit in the corner til you understand what a cute ball of sunshine you lost Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
57 why do you keep following me everywhere?! leave me alone! Yandere Mark (NCT) 🍉
56 there is a guy spying on me Yandere Chenle (NCT) ♠️
55 I love kisses and cuddles with youuuuuu Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
54 Where would you want to touch me if you were free? Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
53 I’m scared here in the dark locked up Yandere Taeil (NCT)
52 I’ll try and hang out with you more often Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
51 I’m sorry that I’ll never live up to your expectations of me Yandere RenJun (NCT)
50 would you mind having threeway with us and another woman? Yandere Ten (NCT)
49 what would you do if your family didn’t approve your s/o? Yandere Ten (NCT)
48 could you pretty please go with me to take my dog to the park? Yandere Yuta (NCT) ✨
47 I’m an independent person and you are not my dad Yandere Jaemin (NCT) ☘
46 can i pretty please meet up with my friends? I really miss them Yandere Haechan (NCT)
45 I’m cold *shivers* Would you mind if I borrowed your sweater? Yandere Jeno (NCT)
44 can I go out with some of my friends please? It’s 1 of their birthdays Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
43 I’ve been pregnant without telling you for 3 months Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
42 I’m pregnant with your baby Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
41 i love girls.. i hope that doesn’t change anything Yandere WinWin (NCT)
40 I’m sorry for trying to run away Yandere Jaemin (NCT) 🐏
39 can I spend the night with you please? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌙
38 I can’t tell if I want you to watch movies & cuddle me or pin me against the wall & kiss Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
37 I can’t accept your confession Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
36 kisses are enough reward though I’d also like some cuddles Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
35 Can I go to the mall with my guy friends? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
34 I’m yours and you’re mine right? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
33 I’ll be visiting my family in Europe Yandere WinWin (NCT) 🐰
32 I think I fell for you Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
31 I won’t take the handcuffs off Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
30 I got A on my last exam and I’m straight A student now Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
29 am I allowed out to buy ingredients to cook for you? Yandere Ten (NCT) 🐺
28 can I go to the gym with my friends? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
27 can I sit on your lap? I’ve been good Yandere ten (NCT)
26 I have exam time right now…Any idea how to relieve some stress? Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🥀
25 don’t touch me or come near me.. I’m getting sick Yandere Jaemin (NCT) anon♡
24 Would you let me violate your body? Yandere Ten (NCT)
23 I saw you with some girl yesterday. why you love hurting me? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
22 can y-you please let me out… I’ve been in here for the last 4 days Yandere Mark (NCT) ⚡
21 a girl likes you…it makes me jealous because you’re supposed to be m i n e Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
20 I didn’t mean to stare… You really are an incredible dancer Yandere Ten (NCT)
19 Don’t worry, You’ll like what I’ll do to you Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
1 You can smash my phone anytime Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
2 Can I go out with friends? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
3 … I love you… Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼  need to find and relink
4 I did nothing wrong, I’m just shy Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
5 kiss and cuddles Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
6 What if you fall out of love Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
7 Can you hold me Yandere Lucas (NCT)
8 Can I start a garden Yandere Jeno (NCT)
9 You deserve your punishment Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~Wings
10 I’m sorry Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
11 Yuta… I’m in love with someone else Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🐰
12 My guy friend told me to leave you Yandere Ten (NCT)
13 why must you act as if I’m so much younger than you Yandere Jisung (NCT)
14 What if Yandere Jaemin wants to share me Yandere Haechan (NCT)
15 wouldn’t it be bothersome if I get pregnant and give birth? Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
16 I know you want to sleep but I’ve prepared your favorite breakfast Yandere Hyungwon (Monsta X)
17 Can we talk? Yandere Jaemin (NCT) 🐏
18 it’s ok to treat me like a baby sometimes Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
YandereTalks 81-161 (79 NCT, 1 Monsta X)
80 somehow enjoying anything without you feels wrong Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
79 I will not give in to you! Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🤡
78 Oh no, he’s gonna be so mad! Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
77 Can we watch memes? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🥓
76 if you really do love me then why do you leave to see other girls? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
75 Would you take me to a movie theater? Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
74 you can literally have anyone in the world, why specifically me? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🤡
73 I love my work and if you can’t accept it, I will break up with you Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
72 I just stumbled and accidentally hit the kitchen counter when I went to the kitchen Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🐻
71 Would you maybe, perhaps, like to go out sometime..? Yandere Yuta (NCT)
70 i wanna do things to u + with u Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🧸
69 I’m not bad at pick-up lines Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🥓
68 that long hair in Wakey Wakey looks so good on you! Yandere Johnny (NCT)🥓
67 If you wanted to walk with me you should just asked Yandere XiaoJun (NCT)🦇
66 I have plans tonight Yandere XiaoJun (NCT)
65 Let’s talk later when we’re both calmer Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🔪
64 I wanted to ask you what you actually meant with keeping me innocent Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
63 Yandere Chenle, but you’re allowed to call me Birdie Yandere Chenle (NCT) 🌸
62 I just want to be able to hug and cuddle you more Yandere Mark (NCT) ☂️
61 can we please sit on the roof or on the balcony when it gets dark? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
60 I think we need to end this, this relationship Yandere Wonho (Monsta X)
59 You are the yee to my haw Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🥓
58 people might find you intimidating but i’m more intrigued by you than anything else Yandere Johnny (NCT) 💌
57 your love for me is not stupid, cutie, i’m touched that you love me. Yandere WinWin (NCT)
56 why you are allowed to fuck other girls? If you don’t stop, I will go and do the same Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
55 can you please be more gentle with me…? I have lots of bruises and they hurt Yandere Mark (NCT)
54 I just watched a horror movie and now I’m scared Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
53 why did some girl stop me on my way to class to tell me she’s your soulmate? Yandere Lucas (NCT)
52 I come here a lot inbetween classes. Is your school around here too? Yandere RenJun (NCT) -Mayleigh
51 it would be fine for me to just have one night stand or quick fuck with someone, right? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
50 are you leaving…? to some girl again…? will you at least come home tonight…? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
49 i’ve been so lonely lately. nobody’s talking to me, but i only need you right? Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
48 no one is talking to you why is that? Yandere Lucas (NCT) 🌙
47 I can defend myself. I’m not that weak Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
46 my brother said that you are a bad influence for me so I can’t spend my time with you anymore Yandere Kun (NCT)
45 Do you want to maybe.. be mine for tonight? I could have lots of fun with you Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) -3am
44 Uhhh.. hey babe… do you need something?? …………?Victim Jeno? (NCT) 🍡
43 you are the reason i’m still hanging on. i love you Yandere Kun (NCT) ✈️
42 Why do you keep me locked inside the house while you go out? Yandere Hendery (NCT) 🤡
41 I will do what you ask, it is anything in particular you would want from me? Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
40 i wanted to tell you that i think you’re stunning Yandere Yuta (NCT) 💸
39 I can contact my friends so they can come and help me clean, but I’ll need my phone back Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
38 we can cuddle and play video games Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
37 Jisungie-ah~ you’re so cute~ do you want noona to eat ice cream with me? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🥓
36 I’m so sorry, taeyong… you’re love of my life too Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
35 please let me go outside, I’ll do anything you want please Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 😪
34 w-what are you gonna do to me? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
33 Call you Mr. Cool? I can do that Yandere Chenle (NCT) 🌸
32 there’s no point in trying to hide when I can literally see you standing behind that tree Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🦇
31 How am I supposed to tutor you if you just stare off into space? Yandere XiaoJun (NCT)
30 you seemed lonely so I wanted to talk to you, but um… Why is everyone ignoring you? Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🐌
29 I’d show you affection much more if you weren’t so distant Yandere Mark (NCT) ☂️
28 I would rather become infertile than bear your child Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
27 I’m sorry I acted up like that.. It’s just that I need to get out of here Yandere Kun (NCT) 🦄
26 Sorry I drugged your drink last night, but it was for your own good Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🔪
25 I’ll endure any punishment you give me, just d-don’t leave me Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
24 If you don’t let me go, I will find the way to escape and then I will go to police Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
23 It’s my parents soon and I was wondering if I could go see them? Yandere Johnny (NCT) 👼
22 my grandmother is the only relative i have… until she gets better, let me look after her Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
21 I’m leaving, and I’m calling the cops on you if you ever come closer to me Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
20 I’m scared that your going to leave me will you ever leave me? Yandere Ten (NCT)
19 I don’t know why but lately I’ve been craving you so bad Yandere Yuta (NCT)
18 If you don’t want to take me shopping, I’ll just ask someone else to do it Yandere WinWin (NCT)
17 i don’t really want a soulmate… love is just stupid…. Yandere WinWin (NCT)
16 i’ve noticed that not many people come to talk to you, so i’ll keep you company Yandere Johnny (NCT) 💌
15 let’s study together! I have this assignment and none of my friends are available Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
14 Can i please have female lover or sex partner aside from you Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🤤
13 if you’re so Dom, what’s the reason behind the song Whiplash Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
12 I can beat these perverts’ useless ass in a second Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🥓
11 I think I’m ready to sleep in bed with you Yandere Ten (NCT) 🐺
10 I’ve noticed that you come this cafe a lot too. Yandere RenJun (NCT)-Mayleigh
9 *lowkey wants to get many hickeys from yandere!taeyong* Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
8 If you can say the right words and beg the right way, I’ll let you out Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
7 I’ll die starving and you will lose your favourite darling! Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 🌼
6 Jaehyun, baby, daddy please I just wanna go outside please! Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 😪
5 I get so scared whenever I have to go home this late Yandere RenJun (NCT) 🔮
4 please let me out of the house! It’s been 2 months! Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
3 he is just a friend! Why can’t I see him? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
2 I thought you would understand Yandere Mark (NCT) 🐾
1 taeyong-ah! can I talk to haechan-ie a bit? he seems nice and wouldn’t hurt me… Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
YandereTalks 162-242 (66 nct/wayv, 5 mx, 4 skz, 3 ikon, 1 ateez,1 exo)
80 I was hiding in a parking lot after escaping from his house Yandere Yuta (NCT)
79 I didn’t know how much longer I can go on with this punishment Yandere Mark (NCT)🍓
78 I really really like you Yandere Jisung (NCT)🚀
77 I’m so tired of sitting inside you can hold my hand while we go outside Yandere Kun (NCT)🐧
76 *looks at the stanger* would you like to keep my number sir? Yandere Jeno (NCT)
75 I missed the train, I don’t know what to do Yandere Seonghwa (ATEEZ)
74 I can give you my number and tutor you if you want Yandere Jeno (NCT) 🦑
73 I haven’t eaten today… I’m so hungry Yandere Jisung (NCT)🌸
72 you’re obviously not in charge anymore Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🔪
71 please.. Don’t raise my punishment.15 is too much already Yandere Johnny (NCT)🐻
70 You ruined my friends birthday party Yandere Minhyuk (Monsta X)
69 Their study buddy talks with a friend Yandere Yuta & Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)🤠
68 wont hesitate to punch you if i need to. So just fucking let me go! Yandere Jisung (SKZ) ♠️
67 please not handcuffs or b-b-blindfold… I don’t wanna be alone Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
66 I cant believe you think I should be ok with you cheating on me! Yandere Yuta (NCT)
65 Can I go visit my friends? It’s my birthday Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)
64 I’m home alone and I’m terrified of the dark Yandere Haechan (NCT)🎤
63 what do you want for your birthday? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🍦
62 i’ve heard rumors speculating that you’ve been sleeping around with other women Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
61 you make me want to do things to you. Would you like that? SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
60 I know I’m not allowed to go outside but can I please? I miss my friends! Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
59 I tried to untie myself but the ropes were too strong. “Hello?!” I yelled Yandere WooJin (Stray Kids)
58 please! mark me more, go out with me, please, something… I’m yours only Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
57 One of my friends told me that you threatened him yesterday Yandere Wonho (Monsta X)
56 pleaseee you never let me outside.. just for once and it’s only in the garden Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐧
55 We can always order if you want Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🥓
54 relationships like.. with love and all.. that doesn’t interest me Yandere Chenle (NCT) 🥓
53 I never wanted to make you jealous. I just wanted to surprise you Yandere Chanyeol (EXO) 🐃
52 this possessive attitude has to stop! Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🎼
51 Taeyong wishes he could be like yuta!!!!!! Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🧸
50 when will you show me to your family? i showed you to mine Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
49 cutie you are as cute as I am. You can’t deny that SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
48 What would I have to do to get your love and affection back? Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
47 I’m leaving. I already got a restraining order, so leave me alone Yandere Ten (NCT)
46 You look so hot when you glare at others Yandere Ju-ne (IKON)
45 I’m older than you. It’ll do you well if you found a girl your age Yandere Mark (NCT)
44 I got A on my last exam and I’m straight A student now! Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🌼 old post that was never linked
43 Last night was a mistake. We shouldn’t have– I think we shouldn’t see each other anymore Yandere WinWin (NCT)
42 Hello, how was your today strange man? Yandere WooJin (Stray Kids)
41 GET OFF ME, TAEYONG! when will you accept that I don’t like you! Stay away from me! Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌠
40 you can’t kiss me,I don’t want you to get flu Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
39 I dont really like you in that way. But we can still be friends Yandere Jisung (Stray Kids) ♠️
38 I’m really sorry that I lied. But please, don’t punish me again Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🐻
37 if you want me to stop being mad at you you’ll get on your knees and beg for it SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
36 I broke up with you already two years ago, leave me alone! Yandere Kihyun (Monsta X)
35 can I kiss you… and would you please give me my colar back? Yandere Hyungwon (Monsta X)
34 what kind of p-punishment is it this time? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
33 I could overpower them, I guess that’s why they need chains and mind games Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
32 it’s really uncomfortable for me to wear collar at all times, could you please remove it Yandere Ten (NCT) 🤤
31 I have a fear of any physical contact from male i just want some space for myself Yandere Ten (NCT)
30 ya don’t have to act all aggressive for me to see you as my protector Yandere Lucas (NCT) 🦑
29 yandere!yuta is so rude to my master! he isn’t such a man whore Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
28 Not only did you ruin dinner but you made my friend uncomfortable! Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🎼
27 I’m gonna go out w/ my friends its one of my best friends bachelorette party SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 👒
26 you are gonna leave me with no water? Yandere Doyoung (NCT) 🔫
25 I’m sorry for being a brat earlier.. I’ll do anything to make up for it Yandere Mark (NCT) 🍓
24 Okay I’m not gonna cook but.. why would I try to kill you? Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🥓
23 get it you want to show me of as yours but are all those hickeys really necessary? Yandere DK (IKON)
22 You never seem to respond to my texts or calls anymore… Do you not like me anymore? Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
21 you’re so cute begging for my attention, what a cutie SUB!yandere Taeyong (NCT)
20 thank you for making me a better person Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
19 Oh well my parents are calling me so I..uhhh…I gotta go but maybe I’ll see you later Yandere Haechan (NCT) 🌑
18 you don’t sleep with other girls like taeyong, right? Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🧸
17 I know what I did was bad, and I wasn’t thinking because I was mad Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
16 I didn’t mean to make you worry… The bruise is not that bad. Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🐻
15 I-im sorry Kun, I shouldn’t have kissed you, if you want to punish me I will understand Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
14 what if in the end, I don’t fall in love for you? Yandere Lucas (NCT)
13 I’m not your fucking slave! I want to leave!… I’m leaving! Yandere Yuta (NCT)
12 I’m scared of the storm, could you talk to me about something the you love to distract me Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
11 I willingly left my family and friends for you and you’re not sure about my feelings? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
10 what the fuck is this is room Wonho?! Yandere Wonho (Monsta X)
9 I don’t know why you forced me to move in! I have my own house Yandere Bobby (IKON) 🐃
8 if you are actually dating that girl, I’m fine with backing off Yandere Lucas (NCT)🦑
7 I don’t want to have kids Yandere Yuta (NCT)
6 A friend of mine came into town and we are going to have dinner together Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🎼
5 can you please just let go of me so I can take a bath without you? Yandere Jungwoo (NCT)
4 I think you completely broke me Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
3 I’m so sorry babe, but I broke your phone dropping in the water Yandere Doyoung (NCT) 🔫
2 would you let me cook for you tonight? Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🥓
1 where have all of your friends gone?… Are we alone? Yandere Haechan (NCT)
YandereTalks 243-323 (……………….)
12 I’ll have to punish you for looking at me like that Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🔪
11 what’s that room on the 2nd floor?and why did I hear voices coming from the basement Yandere Kun (NCT/WayV)🐧
10 I know that you’re mad at me at failing my exam Yandere Kun (NCT/WayV)🦚
9 get OFF ME! You can’t throw me and NOT expect me to get hurt Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)🦑🔮
8 could you hook me up with RenJun Yandere haechan (NCT)💞
7 HELP ANYONE PLEASE, Haechan why are you doing this WHY Yandere Haechan (NCT)🌑
6 Talking to a friend, forgetting about studying Yandere Yuta & Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)🤠
5 We can study at mine, it’s not to far from here anyways Yandere Jeno (NCT)🦑
4 I’ll take the punishment like a good s/o Yandere Jisung (NCT)🌸
3 I-I promise I didn’t go anywhere Yandere Kino (Pentagon) 😼
2 choose something for yourseeeelf, it’s yoooour birthday, not miiiine Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🌼
1 Do you like shrimp or steak more? I am making you dinner Yandere Jay (IKON)
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toppdogg-fanfics · 7 years
hello ♡
i know there have been a couple of tumblrs like this in the past, but they haven’t been updated in forever, and lets be real, toppdogg fanfiction is like gold dust. they’re scattered across a whole number of websites and re-finding a fic that you read ages ago can be impossible, nevermind finding new content!! i honestly don’t know how popular this blog will be, probably not very considering how small (and dead) the fandom is, but if anything if i can give some of these authors a little more love because there are some really talented toppklass out there that deserve all of the attention writers from bigger fandoms get!! if this totally flops, then at least it’ll be a nice way for me to bookmark the fics i like lol. but hopefully this will be of use to someone  ♡ 
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florenceisnottrash · 7 years
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♠ Fanfictions             
♠ Imagines                
♠ Moodboards
♠Pentagon  ♠ToppDogg  ♠Day6  ♠The Rose  ♠Monsta X 
♠NCT ♠Exo ♠ BTS  ♠Got7  ♠Block B  ♠ BtoB ♠N.Flying  ♠Sf9
♠KNK ♠Blanc7 ♠Etc
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Monsta X
Romantic weekend (M) | chap 1|
Pose for me (M)
1% of us | prologue | chap 1 |
Young K 
Lost and Found  1 | 2 | 3
Sleepless rainy night (M)
Call it love  (M ish)
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The Rose
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Monsta X
confessing their sins to a priest
Got7 as your mom, texting them about going to a party
Bts as your mom - texting them about you going to a party
underrated groups
underrated groups as thing we sleep on
underrated groups as me in different social situations
Pentagon members as sailor moon
Day6 - gift given to you before they leave on tour
Changsub (BtoB)
Kihyun ( Monsta X)
Yugyeom (Got7)
Changsub (BtoB)
Hyungwon (monsta x)
Yoongi and Taehyung - PART 1
Yoongi and Taehyung - PART 2
Sleepless rainy night (M)
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Doyoung - Last night’s story
Lucas - Special skills
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Taking Requests! Kpop only
Hi there im Kora! Im am taking requests for one shots and dabbles of your choice/ If you have a scenario tht you would like to have written out for you then just specify it in your message!
please dm me this form filled out with your request.
Group -  Pairing- genre- min word limit- situation- Rated or no?- What should I include-
It may take a while for me to complete your request but it will get done!
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monstabaebae · 7 years
Get To Know Me Pt. 2
Tagged by my good friend, @sapphirebluemt. I will do my best to answer this and not seem like a total nerd xD
1. NICKNAMES: Fuff (I’m okay with ym real name but this one always brings me joy)
2. GENDER: Female
3. STAR SIGN: Aries
4. HEIGHT: 5′0 (152.40 cm)
5. TIME: 11:09 am GMT -4
6. BIRTHDAY: April 16th
7. FAVORITE BANDS/GROUPS:  Monsta X, TVXQ, EXO, Lovelyz and Highlight ; for Bands I’d say PTV, ATL, PVRIS, One Ok Rock and Paramore. (aka way to many bands and artists to name)
8. FAVORITE SOLO ARTISTS: Crush, Jessi, Kyuhyun and Ailee
9. SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: Swim by Bobby 
10. LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: West Side Story with my Mom, it’s our favorite musical to watch and sing along to :)
11. LAST SHOW I WATCHED: School 2015 (I will finish it someday...!)
12. WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG: ? July... or August 2017
13. WHAT DO I POST: Everything Monsta X, cause that Monbebe life, along with a few asthetic photos here and there. (Maybe some spazzing about Changkyun too.) I also write fanfics of MX as well~
14. LAST THING GOOGLED: The album tracklist of Highlight’s newest album.
15. DO YOU HAVE OTHER BLOGS: Yes! This account is my sideblog, my main blog is just pretty photos and memes~
16. DO YOU GET ASKS: Sometimes, but I would love to have a few! I love talking to people and taking requests~
17. WHY DID YOU CHOSE YOUR URL: Because I wanted to mix ‘Monsta X’ and ‘Monbebe’ but with a twist. Hence, Monstabaebae
18. FOLLOWING: I lost track, since my main blog overlaps this blog. Maybe 175-200 blogs?
19. FOLLOWERS: I have a very nice amount and I’m very happy with my followers. I hope to be more active on here and make more friends. :D
20. FAVORITE COLORS: Depends on my mood, but blue is my favorite color for sure.
21. AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6-8 hours, depending on the shift I worked. I never sleep enough =.=
22. LUCKY NUMBER: Hmm, 24 and sometimes 11. Idk why but I like those numbers!
23. INSTRUMENTS: I played violin for 8 years, electric bass back in high school, and piano when I was 5. I come from a music-loving family, so everyone either sings or plays instruments. I love music so much!
24. WHAT AM I WEARING: A large black hoodie with a white stripe that I wear as a sleep gown, and my glasses~
25. HOW MANY BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: Usually 1, but it’s getting cold so I’m gonna bring out the large blue banket in the closet! (Winter ftw!) 
26. DREAM JOB: A professional gamer/Twitch Streamer, or a Backup Dancer/Choreographer for a famous singer.
27. DREAM TRIP: Visiting Japan, South Korea and Europe on a cruise. (Flying is not my thing lol)
28. FAVORITE FOOD: EVERYTHING. Except squid, not a big fan.
29. NATIONALITY: Puerto-Rican! <3
30. FAVORITE SONG RIGHT NOW: Toooooo many. I’d say it’s tied with Cigarette by ToppDogg, We Young by NCT Dream and Blind by Monsta X.
I don’t have 20 blogs/friends that I follow, so Imma tag my friends @vickyxmelonlove , @oursparklinghearts and @michabrielle. No pressure, just for fun :)
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toppdoggfanfics · 7 years
Happy 2018!!
Hi guys!! I'm sorry for being so inactive! I've been bombarded with school stuffs + my internship so I wasn't able to keep up w/ requests T^T
I'm also having a hard time catching up with TD updates, just reading updates about Hojoon & Bjoo's participation on The Unit but yeah, I still love them as much as I did last year so... I am now going to do my best to write all of your requests (I currently have 8 requests on my inbox) <333
I am working on them with the help of my sister one by one so please bear with me. Thank you so much for supporting my works and if you guys know any accounts who also posts ToppDogg fanfics, hit my inbox up so I can reblog them!!
I really want to support ToppKlass in all the ways I can~
ps. Have you guys watched Minsung aka Navinci's Heroine dance cover?? It's the best plz check it out on 1997 dance studio youtube account!
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huesofyuta-blog · 7 years
Kpop fanfic requests
As you probably already noticed, I write fanfics. I would love to write any requests, au’s, ships etc. So if you have a request just leave me a message in my ask box. I can write anything (angst, smut, fluff etc.). If it’s smut I can’t promise it’ll be great and I won’t write it if the member or members aren’t 18+.
I can write for the following groups:
• Seventeen
• Monsta X
• GOT7
• Blackpink
• Astro
• NCT (127, U, dream)
• Gfriend
• Twice
• Day6
• Toppdogg
• A.C.E
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alwaysbewithjoo · 7 years
New Toppdogg fanpage :)
Hello to everyone who sees this. This is a new acc dedicated to Toppdogg. I would like to do lockscreens, ships and snaps as of right now. Maybe later on i will be doing headcanons, scenerios and maybe even fanfics. Please request and i will upload as soon as possible ! Pls support and stan Toppdogg if you don't, they are extremely talented and deserve all the love and recognition in the world. Pls again feel free to request or even just ask questions about toppdogg or even me to get to know the person running this acc. Thanks :))
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mushmin · 7 years
As December slants through the windows, with all the enchantment winter has, all the wonder and magic, it finds itself touching upon pain. But December does not recoil. It is used to being the season of pain, of remorse and words left unsaid. It is used to ring boxes hidden in packed boxes, being stacked into a moving truck. It is used to calls to suicide hotlines being cut off at the third ring. December is used to illuminating tear streaked faces with its solemn light, caressing tousled hair that has begun to fall out from stress or disease. December is used to loneliness. It is not used to this. It is not used to casting its gray glow upon a group of nine, not one, but nine men huddled together on a worn rug, clinging to each other until their knuckles turned white. December finds its way into the cracks between their fingers, into the small gaps between their bodies where their hips don't slot perfectly together. December knows the pain they feel when they can't fit like puzzle pieces, and it knows somehow, that once upon a time they did. It can hear sobs coming from the center of their tangle, whispers of, "He promised--" and "I could have..." but December knows that he lied and they couldn't have and the more it tries to fill them with light the more it seems to scald them so it stops. So it stops and it retreats, because it thinks it's best for them if they're allowed to pretend, just for a little longer, that there are no gaps and everyone fits just fine. That everything is just fine. December is used to pain. It doesn't mean it enjoys it. It doesn't mean it enjoys gleaning its light over the photos stuck to the fridge as it passes by. It doesn't mean it enjoys seeing an extra boy, one more that it hadn't seen on the ground, small and delicate with a smile made of spring and cheekbones higher than the clouds December sees, somehow making the rest of them glow a dull yellow like summer. December is used to pain, but it doesn't mean that summer is used to losing its spring.
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currently-namelesss · 7 years
Updated request rules
We've added a few things you can request!
New! Short fanfics: You can now request short fanfics with you x members or member x member. You can also request a short fanfic with a moodboard. The bands you can request are BTS, BIGBANG, Pentagon, ToppDogg.
Moodboards: You can't request any group or artist as long as it's clear which artist it is
Reactions: BTS, BIGBANG, Highlight/Beast, BtoB, B.A.P, Pentagon, Topp Dogg, Got7, Monsta X
Texts: BTS, BIGBANG, ToppDogg, Pentagon, Got7, Monsta X
Lock screens: Same rules as for moodboards, but it doesn't necessarily be relatedness to kpop, as long as it's lgbtq+ related 
A lot of you request “Daddy and baby”, please mention if you want little/cg or nsfw ish so there won't be any misunderstandings 
We've got some requests that are a bit unclear. Please write what you're requesting and which member(s), it will make it a lot easier for us.
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