#tornado season
the-oaken-muse · 5 months
Add where you're from in the tags, for science 👈👈
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gamerwoman3d · 6 months
A Family of Tornadoes
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Okay so there is more tornadic activity in this image from March 05, 2024 than meets the eye. But to see it you have to look at the ground. They're walking in a straight line, each kicking up a cone of dust and debris - even the invisible ones have a cone of dust and debris at the base.
That implies that there's a funnel above each of those cones. These funnels can be invisible- they're made of air, after all.
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To see what I see, here's an illustration of what it might look like if the funnels were suddenly visible [marked in yellow above].
Below, a pair of illustrations highlight these possible debris cones in yellow. The first image highlights only the cones where visible funnels have dropped. The second highlights all the possible debris cones.
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To me, this is a family of tornadoes. And they are dancing a line dance. They are having a meeting of some sort, the same day I started my "Old Man Yells at Cloud" warning rambling - which you can read here if you like.
Meanwhile, the New York Times is editing their latest tornado article that they titled "Three Killed [...] tornadoes [...]" after NOT A SOUL died yet. Lots of injuries, no deaths. They also had to change Indiana to Indian in this quote.
"We have never experienced anything like this, anything this severe in the 75 years that I’ve lived around here,” said John Coleman, the president of the Indian Lake Area Historical Society.
Don't expect up-to-date reliable twister news from that souce in particular. They are at least redacting their statements but the headline stayed the same. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/14/us/tornado-storms-ohio-indiana-kentucky.html
The Weather Channel also reported the deaths, but I believe those deaths were counted prematurely.
The National Weather Service received more than 400 reports of severe weather from Thursday morning through Friday morning. That's the most of any 24-hour period in the U.S. since last August.
Now keep in mind, nobody is dead yet to my knowledge. There have only been two deadly twisters recorded in 2024 and both fatal twisters were recorded on January 09, 2024.
Until the deadly twisters are recorded here, it's safest to assume no one had perished.
But the destruction across the USA so far, just on March 14 and 15, has been a lot. I'm still thinking a Dust Bowl type event is not impossible in the near futre, in the aftermath of these events.
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damnfool-of-a-took · 7 months
tornado sirens are so pretty 😍
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"the Midwest is boring" idk for me the fear of getting the roof of my house ripped off in the middle of the night keeps things fresh
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eponastory · 6 months
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It's Tornado season!
Therefore, I am watching tornado videos instead of writing...
I got sidetracked again.
BTW, the two tornadoes in that gif were captured by Pecos Hank, and that is the Pilger, Nebraska EF4 twins.
But back to me thinking of crazy tropes and AU's...
How about a Zutara Twister AU?
Eh? Come on, it would be fun because I actually chase these crazy storms (I'm a storm spotter in my area) to warn people they are coming.
But yeah I saw the trailer for Twisters and I remember when Twister came out it was three years before the May 3 Moore, OK tornado. When the movie was being filmed, there was an outbreak in OK.
I have actually been through 5 tornadoes in my life. 8 hurricanes, the most recent being in 2020. I should be scared to death of these storms, but I actually get pretty excited. I also photograph lightning in my spare time.
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So yeah... I'm a weather nerd.
Anyway, back to writing
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And this gif is the infamous 2.6 mile wide 2013 El Reno, OK EF3 tornado.
I actually go to OKC often, so I try to pay a visit to the Twistex Memorial in El Reno when I can. But there are still empty lots where the 2013 Moore EF5 tornado went. It's crazy that it's almost been 11 years since we had an EF5 rated tornado.
Well, now that I've got that off my chest... time to get back to Zutara fluff.
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tail-feathers · 1 year
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ranchhands · 4 months
I love tornado season. I love it when half our fence collapses. I love it when our siding gets ripped off. I love it when our storage unit literally collapses in the middle of a huge storm.
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massiveladycat · 4 months
we just got hit by a big old storm + tornado warning sometimes i HATE texas. this shit was not on my may bingo card!!!
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upir-witch · 5 months
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Eerie clouds before the storm
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gamerwoman3d · 7 months
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Sorry my last post is literally just the old man yells at cloud meme. But clouds don't usually walk over and try to kick your ass for it.
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raychelsnr · 2 years
Tornado season is on hold for now. Here's why.
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and-claudias-world · 2 years
Severe Weather Go Bag Packing List
Hi friends!! I wanted to make this post to hopefully help others prepare for severe weather events.
If you live in the United States you may know that Tornado Season is coming up soon (it technically begins in April) but as seen in recent weeks, severe storms and tornadoes can happen outside of Tornado Season. This post is going to be about packing a go bag for severe weather.
A go bag is a bag (usually a backpack) that you pack BEFORE (read that again) a storm is predicted to hit your area. It has a few necessities you made need in the event that you are displaced for a couple of days. If your shelter is in side of your home you can go ahead and put it in your shelter once it’s packed so you don’t have to worry about grabbing it. If your shelter is outside of your home (like an underground storm cellar or you have to drive to your local storm shelter) you can either put the bag out in your shelter, by your front/back door or in the car to make it easier. I will also make a separate post about what to wear during a severe weather event and will like it HERE.
So first what bag should you get?
I personally just have a waterproof backpack I got from Amazon for like $15. I do not recommend using your school bag, but if that is the only option then as soon as you can empty it to prepare for the Storm. As I said you want this to be packed before the storm hits.
What to pack:
Small flashlight (if power goes out you’ll need light, or if power lines are down and it’s night time this will help as well, you don’t want to be waiting phone battery) Walmart has a good one that’s less than $2 near the camping equipment
Any important physical documents you have that are NOT saved digitally. You don’t want a ton of paper in your go bag but if you have certain documents that you NEED and do not have saved, try having a folder for them and put that in the bag. (I personally have a small one for my dog’s papers work as he is in the process of becoming an ESA and I can’t lose these papers)
Battery pack and wall charger. Chances are power will go out but if it doesn’t and you need to charge you phone it’s nice to have the option to plug into the wall. So try to have a battery back, cord and block for charging your phone. CHARGE THE BANK BEFORE THE STORM ARRIVES!!!
I personally drop my laptop into my bag as well just so I don’t loose it. It has all my info on it so I’d like to keep it safe.
A change of clothes. You may be displaced so having a change of clothes is always nice to have, at the very least drop a pair or two of underwear in your bag so you can at least change those if you are unable to get home. And when it comes to the type of clothes you bring, BRING PANTS!! It may be middle of summer but if you’re having to walk/dig through debris you do NOT want to be in shorts.
Water bottle. Either a plastic or refillable one. Make sure it has water in it before the storm.
Food, I personally just drop a few snacks that are filling (like granola bars) in my bag.
Comfort item. I personally have Storm anxiety. It’s normal. Hell I’m going into Meteorology and have storm anxiety. It’s okay to put a comfort item in your go bag. I have my teddy bear from when I was little in mine.
A beach towel. Don’t grab the thickest one you have. Just a thin one that doesn’t take up too much room will do just fine. In the event that you have to run out in the rain to get to your shelter, it’s nice to have one to dry you (or your dog off)
Medications. Any medication that you need (or anyone in your care) may need. You don’t want to be without it if something happens to your home.
I may add to this as I will be packing my bag tomorrow for some up coming storms. I hope this helps anyone who may see it 🖤
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dedfandom-xwx · 1 year
It is raining. SO. MUCH.
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Owning horses is so stressful.
Especially when it comes to weather.
Please pray for us and please stay safe.
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vizrecon · 4 months
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