#toronto ferry ride
uglyandtraveling · 4 months
Urdu Vlog | Toronto Islands Tour | Ferry from Toronto Downtown to Ward's Island
The Toronto Islands are a group of 15 small islands located in Lake Ontario, just south of downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They're a favorite spot for locals and tourists alike, offering a range of activities and attractions. To reach the islands, you'll need to hop on a ferry from the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal.
Once you arrive, you can enjoy biking around the island, visiting an amusement park, relaxing on the beach, trying delicious food, capturing stunning views of the Toronto skyline, exploring beautiful gardens, and even tying the knot!
Ferries operate year-round, shuttling visitors to and from Centre Island, Hanlan's Point, and Ward's Island. The ferry ride duration is around 8-9 minutes from Toronto Jack Layton Ferry Terminal.
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ukulelekatie · 6 months
Hey! Sorry if this is weird or anything, but my partner and I are going to Boston for the first time in April. Do you have any recommendations for touristy type things we could do? Or any queer friendly places you would recommend?
We're pretty nervous because we've never been to the east coast before so any tips or tricks would help a lot!
Hi, love this question!! Here are some lists of touristy things I made for past anons:
And here's another list by @marzipanandminutiae
So the weird thing about Boston's queer spaces is that we don't really have a centralized location with a lot of queer history/culture, like Greenwich Village in New York, Toronto's Gay Village, etc. There are a few gay bars scattered here and there, but mostly you'll find that Boston as a whole is overall very queer friendly. However! If you're cool with boats, you can catch a ferry from Boston to Provincetown, MA, a town on the very tippity tip of Cape Cod that is known for being a prominent LGBTQ+ tourist spot.
And here are some general tips:
The weather here in April tends to be quite unpredictable! It could be sunny and warm or cold and rainy on any given day (sometimes both in the same day), and there's even a non-zero chance that it might snow a bit. I recommend packing outfits with lots of layers, and ideally something waterproof.
If you're planning on taking the T (public transit), keep in mind that we're dealing with a lot of construction and issues these days. The system is quite robust but also very old, and we're now in the "find out" era after fucking around with not maintaining/upgrading things that should have been done decades ago. There may be delays and/or detours depending on where you're trying to go, so it's a good idea to factor in some extra travel time. Depending on how long you'll be here, you might want to look into getting a weekly pass (unlimited travel for $22.50).
...And of course there's always Uber/Lyft if the T lets you down lol. Definitely check both apps before booking a ride, the prices vary wildly here. I find that Uber is cheaper during the day and Lyft is cheaper at night, but your mileage may vary.
Boston's night life scene is pretty abysmal compared to other major cities (which I think also contributes to the lack of dedicated queer spaces). We're very much a "do things during the day" kind of place, so you'll want to plan what you're going to do pretty early in the day.
That's all I can think of for now, I hope you have a great trip and I'd be happy to answer other questions if you have 'em!
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sambarsky · 1 year
159.) My Toronto sweater. Made for my trip to Canada last year in which we passed through Toronto and I gave a speech and we took a ferry ride. The back features the stadium. Images have been taken for it to possibly be a T-shirt someday. #sambarsky #sambarskysweaters #sambarskyknitter #knit #knitting #knitter #art #artist #sweater #toronto #torontoskyline #torontoontario #lakeontario #ontario #cntower #rogerscentre #skydome
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jackhues · 5 months
do you think that if aus girlfriend’s son becomes an f1 driver then there might be a toronto f1 race weekend due to aus being popular in toronto? like imagine past and current toronto maple leafs going to the race weekend.
okay realistically (as a toronto resident) a toronto gp in toronto would cause so much traffic and everyone would hate it (i know nascar hosts/hosted one, but there's a lot of development going on in that area now). but this is an au and we're gonna ignore all of that. i'd put the gp on the toronto islands, which wouldn't bother anyone since it's on the islands, so it's close to downtown (a ferry ride away) but not in the way of anything.
i think right before his first year of f2, there's talk of a gp in toronto, and it gets confirmed quickly and it's all ready for his first year in f1 (he spends 2 years in f2). basically there's a lot of talk about it bcz there's a toronto kid who's actually good at racing and it's his first race - and he's auston matthews' step-son. so there's a lot of hockey fans there, and not only hockey fans, but hockey players as well. there's older leafs players (including guys who played for other teams after the leafs) and p's college hockey teammates are there too (she's probably around 18, 2 years or so younger than her brother) and so a lot of people are excited for it. there's a huge turnout, and cameras on the hockey players at all time, but he gets a podium in his first home race, so everyone's insane about that. he carries a canada flag at one point during the race, and his mom's family (who disowned his mom) are fuming at that.
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totaldramamovies · 11 months
Total Drama Movies- Episode 1- “Lights, Camera, Chaos!”
Chris: Hello and welcome to the largest Total Drama season ever! We have 28 brand new contestants that will stir up more drama that any cast has before! These contestants will get into teams, and by the end of the episode, whichever team has lost the challenge, will be up for elimination! The team will vote someone out every episode, and this process will repeat till everyone but one is left, and they will win ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS! This competition will take place in a crummy old movie studio north of Toronto, and all of the challenges will be themed with their own genre! Well, we should probably move on and meet these 28 contestants! This is.. TOTAL! DRAMA! MOVIES!
*Cuts to ferry sailing to the movie studio*
Eliza: *Sewing dress* Hey, do you know when we will arrive? I need about 15 more minutes to finish my broadway dress!
Maxim: *Looks up from book he’s reading* Uh… I don’t think you’re gonna need a broadway dress… It’s a film lot, not a theatre.
Eliza: Eh, whatever…
Bailey: Did you know I made the first ever dress?!! I also went to Mars and met aliens, and I hold world record for eating the most cellphones-
Eliza & Maxim: We don’t care!
*Pauline notices Wyatt with Nintendo Switch*
Pauline: Oh, you play video games too?
Wyatt: Yea😎😎😎😎 im kinda epic lolz😎😤😂💪💪 im soooo MLG 😂😂👌🔥
Pauline: Oh..!
*Camera pans to more contestants*
William: Hey! What’s happening?
*Awkward Silence*
Cece: I don’t want, nor care enough to talk to you.. Lemme just get this straight, if you haven’t been on atleast 10 Disney Cruises and ridden in a Lamborghini, I do NOT want to talk to you, kay? 
Ines: *Amused* Heh, classic rich girl.. 
Jamil: Yep. Hey, if we’re on same teams, you wanna become an alliance?
Ines:  Yeah sure! We’re both pretty strong! Were you in the military?
Jamil: Not yet, still in training, but I’m almost ready!
*Camera pans again*
Dwaeji: Ohayo..!! ^o^ Im so sugoiii! Nya >w<!!
Andres: No way 💀💀
Dwaeji: Konnichiwa!! Onionhaseyo 🥺🥺!! U support RCTA??
Andres: No.. get out of here!
Eddy: Erm.. ya.. according to my calculations, “Dwaeji” means pig in Korean.. It’s clear you didn’t do you’re research.. ☝️🤓
Rajiv: Hahah, you’re name is “pig”? Nice. *High fives Eddy*
Dwaeji: Ok fine Eddy-san and Rajiv-kun.. my real name is Emily.. but don’t tell anyone, you bakas.. 😔😔 UnU
Dennis: *sighs* This trip is taking forever..
Tamia: I know, right? It’s nice to have someone like you on the ride.
Dennis: Yeah, I guess you’re right. 2 pessimists are better than one.
Dominique: *Excitedly* Oh come on, it’s not that bad! *shouts* Hey everyone! How are you guys!
Francesca: *Happily* Good, I guess.
Boris: Meh, I’m bored.
Kenny: *Staring at Dominique*
Dominique: What?
Kenny: Hey.. you wanna maybe.. uh.. go out some time? 😏
Dominique: *Concerned* Uh… *awkward laugh* How are YOU guys!
Fredrick: Um.. I have to address YOU first. 🍷🗿 NOBODY talks up to the sigma. 🍷🍷🗿🗿🗿🗿 Where’s the buffet?
Dominique: um.. Why is everyone here so wierd..
Leopold: *Picking nose* I know, right?
*Camera moves on once again*
Francesca: Okay! I think I’m ready for this! I got this!
Fangxiu: Girl yes 🥰 Get ready to slay this competition away 😍
Francesca: Um, okay?
Charlotte: Don’t worry, darling, half these contestants look like they can’t count past 5. 
Taniyah: Girl, they don’t look that dumb..
Pietro: HEY! That’s not true! One! Two! Three! Four! uh.. Five! uh… um.. ah, crap..
Roman: Hah! Bro, you’re stupid, I could count to six!
Pierro: Oh yeah? Prove it.
Roman: You’re on bro!
Taniyah: *Looks at Charlotte* Alright, guess I was too nice.
Sigita: Hey, you guys ready to lose for me? 
*Everyone stops*
Dominique: Oh my god, you’re so pretty!! How do you get your hair that silky?!
Sigita: I don’t know, I might just be effortlessly beautiful.
Grace: Hey! I’m better though! Look at how preppy I am!
*Everyone ignores*
*The boat starts rocking a lot*
Boris: Hey, uh.. Is it just me or did this boat get faster?
*Cuts to captain’s headquarters, an intern is driving the ferry*
Intern: Heh, time to give them a small surprise!
*Ferry crashes into rocks, and the boat shakes*
Dominique: What was that?!
Fredrick: Crap, that was me. But I won’t say sorry since I’m sigma and saying sorry is such a beta move 🍷🗿
Eliza: *Sniffs* Oh god!
*Water enters the room the contestants are in*
Rajiv: Aww man!
*Everyone jumps off the ferry before its goes underwater*
Dennis: *Quietly* Oh no.. We’re soaked..
Roman: *Annoyed* Dude.. Really? Right Now!
*Up on dock where Chris is*
Jamil & Ines: We’re first!
Chris: Jamil! Ines! How’s it going?
Ines: This was lightwork!
Jamil! Yeah, swimming was basic training!
Chris: Haha, I wonder if you’ll call the CHALLENGES “lightwork”.
*Boris swims up next*
Chris: Next up is our strongman, Boris!
Boris: Hey, Chris. Is this the place.? Hoping it would be nicer..
Chris: Up next.. The track star, Leopold!
Leopold: Hey chris.
Chris: Model, Sigita!
Sigita: Hey!
Chris: Bad Boy, Andres!
Andres: Yo.
Chris: Pietro & Roman!
Pietro & Roman: Heyy!
Chris: Popular Girl, Cece!
Cece: Ugh..
Chris: Calm Stoic Sweetheart, Charlotte!
Charlotte: Hello.
Chris: Taniyah!
Taniyah: Wasgood, yall?
Chris: Gamer girl, Pauline!
Pauline: Hey Chris!
Chris: Epic Gamer, Wyatt!
Wyatt: Yooo!
Chris: Dominique, Dennis, Tamia, and Kenny!
Dominique: Hello World! :D
Dennis: *Sigh*
Tamia: Hey..
Kenny: I love yall!
Chris: Rajiv & Francesca!
Rajiv: Whats up, dudes!
Francesca: Hey everyone!!
Chris: William & Fangxiu!
William: Hey..?
Fangxiu: IM USING MY ROSE T- 😍
Chris: Maxim, Eliza, and Grace!
Maxim: Hey chris!
Eliza: Same as Maxim!
Grace: It’s so preppy in here!! >o<
Chris: Dwaeji..?
Dwaeji: Ohayo 🥺🥺
Chris: Bailey!
Bailey: I already have a million dollars!
Chris: and.. Eddy!
Eddy: Salutations!
Chris: And that makes… 27? We still have one more person..
*3 Hours Later*
Fredrick: *Slowly doggy paddles to the dock and gets up onto dock finally, breathing heavily* 
Chris: Dude.. you took 3 hours..? To swim 40 feet?
Fredrick: Uh.. I d-did that on p-purpose?? Heheh..?🍷🗿
Jamil: That was sad..
Chris: Anyway, it’s time for you’re first challenge!
Leopold: Don’t we need teams?
Chris: I was getting to that.. The first team WILL be to get into teams! Whichever team takes the longest to create will be up for elimination. Anyway, Get into 4 teams of 7!
Dennis: Tamia, you wanna join become teams?
Tamia: Yeah, Pauline, you wanna join too?
Pauline: Ok!
Ines: Jamil! Since we are creating our own teams, lets be a team!
Jamil: *Flexing Muscles* Yes! We’ll be the strongest team ever!
Dominique: *Looking at Eddy* Eddy, what’s wrong?
Eddy: Erm.. I think I have a bit of a crush on Sigita..
Dominique: Well, why not join teams with her? I can come along with you if you want!
Eddy: Um, ok! Hey Sigita, you wanna be teammates with me and Dominique?
Sigita: Alright, sure I guess..
Dominique: *to Eddy* You did it! Now that she’s on your team, you might have a chance!
Francesca: Hey, Charlotte, you wanna be teammates?
Charlotte: Yes, my darling! How about Taniyah?
Taniyah: Alright!
Fangxiu: CAN I CVME TOO 😍💅
Charlotte: Alright..
Maxim: Hey Eliza, you wanna become teammates?
Eliza: Sure!
Bailey: I’m classified the best teammate ever by 37 of the top 50 universities in the country so I’m joining you two!
Ines: Anyone else wanna join me and Jamil?
Grace: I’ll make this team 200% more preppy!
William: Uh.. I’ll join I guess?
Jamil: Ah, I think we just made the team worse. Eh, Wanna join up with Bailey, Eliza, and Maxim so we have a full team of 7? Eliza and Maxim seem smart, we might need some smarts to balance out Grace and William.
Ines: Keh, sure.
Chris: And the first of four teams are created!
Boris: Hey, Pietro & Roman, you 2 guys seem pretty strong, wanna join me?
Pietro: Sure Dude!!
Roman: Alright Nicee!!
Andres: Yo can I join?
Boris: Sure, you seem competitive! Let’s join Pauline, Dennis and Tamia so we have a full team.
Charlotte: Hmm.. the last ten people look rather horrible.
Taniyah: Now hold on, Leopold is a track runner so hes fast, and Cece is a snobby white girl but she finna be an even bigger pain if she’s on another team, so we can take in those two!
Leopold: Alright!
Cece: Fine, whatever.
Kenny: Hey, Rajiv dude, you wanna join Dominique?
Rajiv: Sure!!
Dominique: Alright, the last 3, Wyatt, Sigma, and Koreaboo. Let’s get Wyatt since he is good with strategy since he’s gamer and.. uh..
Wyatt: Lesgo!!
Leopold: We gotta get one last person for full team!
Taniyah: He’s Right, we gotta get one of the worst two..
Leopold: Uh.. Fredrick!
Cece: *extremely mad* UGH.. WHY?!
Leopold: At least he isn’t as bad as koreaboo Dwaeji!!
Cece: You know what, he just might be..
Chris: Alright! That means Dwaeji will join the losing team! Here are the four teams…
Ines & Jamil’s Team: Bailey, Eliza, Grace, Ines, Jamil, Maxim and William.
Boris’s Team: Andres, Boris, Dennis, Pauline, Pietro, Roman and Tamia.
Charlotte’s Team: Cece, Charlotte, Fangxiu, Francesca, Fredrick, Leopold and Taniyah.
Eddy’s Team: Dominique, Dwaeji, Eddy, Kenny, Rajiv, Sigita, and Wyatt.
Chris: Now, what will these four teams be named?
Andres: the Dead Bodies!!
Grace: Preppy Squad!!! >o<
Fangxiu: the Haunted Poosay-😍😍
Chris: THAT IS ENOUGH! I’ll give you team names!
Andres, Boris, Dennis, Pauline, Pietro, Roman and Tamia, you will be the Mighty Wizards!
*Cheering and Yelling from Team*
Bailey, Eliza, Grace, Ines, Jamil, Maxim and William, you will be the Ferocious Monsters!
*Cheering and Yelling from Team*
Cece, Charlotte, Fangxiu, Francesca, Fredrick, Leopold and Taniyah, you will be the Fearless Warriors!
*Cheering and Yelling from Team*
and since Dominique, Dwaeji, Eddy, Kenny, Rajiv, Sigita, and Wyatt are losing, they’ll be uh.. 4th Thing!!
*Annoyance and confusion*
Chris: Alright, I’ll see you tonight at the arena of losers! In the mean time, I’ll tell you where you guys will sleep!
*The group walks over to 4 run-down campers*
Andres: Eugh.. is this where we are sleeping?!
Grace: Soooo not preppy.. >:(
Chris: Hahah, yep. Don’t worry, the guys and girls get their own rooms, however the campers weren’t originally meant to be split into 2 rooms, so It will be REALLY cramped! 
Eddy: Erm.. actually if they were split in half but still stay the same size-
Chris: I DON’T CARE. Anyway, Get some rest before the elimination ceremony tonight, 4th Thing!
Sigita: God, I can’t believe we’re named that..
(It’s night time now, elimination ceremony takes place up on stage, the 7 are sitting in chairs next to chris, while the 3 other teams watch from the audience. The seven up for elimination are:
Dominique, the Social Butterfly,
Dwaeji, the Asiaboo,
Eddy, the Nerdy Band Kid,
Kenny, the Trashy Simp,
Rajiv, the Chill Guy,
Sigita, the Model, and
Wyatt, the Epic Gamer)
Chris: 4th Thing, you’re off to a bad start! Half the team is joke characters!
Wyatt: OH COME ON!
Dwaeji: So not sugoi.. 🥺
Chris: Okay, the votes from you seven have been submitted! If you’re safe, I’ll call your name and give you will get a famous “Golden Chris Award”! The first one safe is..
*Sigita grabs her award*
*Dominique sighs of relief*
Rajiv: Nicee.!
*Eddy does that stupid take the L dance from fortnite to impress Sigita*
Kenny: Aww yeah!!
Chris: the last two without an award. Wyatt and Dwaeji. Wh-
Wyatt: Wait.. we are both safe? Awesomesauce 🤑🤑
Chris: What are you talking about?
Dwaeji: You said both of our names.
Chris: PRETEND I DIDN’T SAY THAT! The one going home tonight is…
*Wyatt sweats mountain dew*
*Dwaeji sweats Jungkook’s tears*
Chris: Dwaeji. Wyatt, you’re here for another night. Seeya Dwaeji! Or should I say, Emily..
Dwaeji: WAIT.. you KNOW?! NOOOO.. nya.. 😖😖 Heh.. I guess I deserve it..:)
Dominique: Sorry Dwaeji, you’re just so.. uh.. enthusiastic.!!
Dwaeji: Whatever! I don’t need you! I don’t need a million dollars! I have my Bakugo body pillow 🥺🥺..
Chris: Well, you might be wondering how you’ll get home, I have..
*A giant robot with a giant hand slides up on a track*
Chris: We have a giant mechanical Will Smith that will slap you home! Have fun!
Dwaeji: Wait.. what?
*The robot starts charging towards Dwaeji, the arm stretching back before rocketing forward*
Eddy: Oh god.. This looks a bit hardcore, doesn’t it?
Chris: Nah.. I don’t think so..
*The hand slaps Dwaeji and she goes flying*
Dwaeji: AHHHHH!!
Chris: Haha, good riddance. Welp, there’s 27 left! Who will leave next? I guess we’ll see next time on.. TOTAL! DRAMA! MOVIES!
Hey everyone! This was the first part to my Total Drama fanseason. It’s definitely interesting.? I’m thinking that if this project get enough support, I’ll let the viewers vote in comments instead of the contestants. If you want that to happen, you could follow, comment, or even just like! I’m not asking for much either, just a few supporting and consistent commenters, I’ll start viewer voting! Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow for the next episode!
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frootyrooties · 1 year
It should really feel cool entering a new decade of your life! I hope you eat a super delicious birthday cake and get the most awesome & cool gifts from your besties today :D
AWW THANK YOU SWEETIE!! I very much appreciate the kind words 😘
And it does feel surreal. Mentally I don’t feel my age, but then again I don’t think I’ve ever really acted my age since entering adulthood. Like most days I still feel like I’m 17- physically and mentally- but I’ve also stayed in shape (or at least try to) all these years so I got that going for me.
Oh yes, and I did have loads of fun and lots of presents in the form of alcohol, delicious italian food and a lovely cake for dessert. Many festivities today- i’m in Toronto at the moment and my mum and I went to the pier and took a ferry ride around the harbour. ‘Twas quite lovely.
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michellepamelalyons · 2 years
The Rise And Agonizingly Protracted Fall Of Captain John’s Harbour Boat Restaurant
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A pioneer can end up being a victim of their own success. They might ride high for a while, but there’s the chance that they’ll get complacent and fall behind the times; something that was once an astounding novelty or something revolutionary ends up obsolete. So it was with Captain John and his Harbour Boat Restaurant, in Toronto, Canada.
As the name suggests, Captain John's Harbour Boat Restaurant was a restaurant on a boat, moored on Lake Ontario. With a sense of obviousness, it served pretty much nothing but seafood. When it opened in the early 1970s, it quickly became a local sensation - there was nothing like it in Toronto at the time, and it seems there wasn't much in the way of places to eat out in that part of the city either. Its fame even managed to attract some American celebrities when they were in town - it boasted having Bob Hope and the Village People as one-time customers, though sadly not at the same time.
But it also kicked off a process of gentrification on Toronto’s waterfront that the good Captain never seemed to even bother challenging or adapting to, and it would eventually claim the life of the establishment that had started it all. The operative word here being “eventually”.
John Letnik was a refugee from what was then known as the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In 1956 he escaped Slovenia into Austria, and after that got to Germany. A year later, he made it all the way to Canada. Upon his arrival he started work at a country club, and worked his way up to becoming its main chef. In 1961, he opened a place called the Pop Inn which he ran until 1968.
It was around this time when he had his brainwave. He was taking a brief trip back to Europe via ship to visit his relatives, and as he stared out at the sea, the thought occurred to him to establish a restaurant on a boat. Not just the kind of thing you’d expect on a cruise ship, but rather an entire vessel dedicated to being a restaurant, to be moored along the Toronto waterfront.
That waterfront was of course on Lake Ontario, an inland body of water so vast that from any point on the lakeshore, it looks like a sea to the observer – in fact, if you were to sail south far enough from the northern side you’d soon find yourself at the US state of New York (although it’s best not to do this without the correct paperwork, unless you enjoy being beaten up by grim-faced men wearing sunglasses).
Being able to dine in a floating restaurant in such an unusual area, and one that apparently happened to have zero entertainment areas of any kind, would be a major talking point. And so, in 1970, he purchased the MS Normac.
It was a ship that was built in 1902, and at one point had been used by the Detroit Fire Department. Immediately prior to Letnik buying it, it had been operating as a ferry. It was promptly moored at 1 Queens Quay West, and was named Captain John’s Harbour Restaurant. As a result of it opening, what had previously only been a port for industrial use would in time turn into a tourist attraction, and become a residential area to boot. This was the beginning of what is now called Harbourfront.
In 1975, the restaurant expanded when Letnik bought a larger ship called the Jadran. This he got from the government of the very place he’d escaped from, the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia. The Jadran was a luxury cruise ship built in a city called Split, in what is now Croatia. It was moored next to the Normac, and as a result Captain John’s now offered a ballroom and other facilities to host wedding receptions and bar mitzvahs… and at one point, a bikini contest held by a local radio station.
By the late 70s, Captain John was doing pretty well for himself. But as mentioned, while the rest of Harbourfront would move on and evolve, he stayed still. The Harbour Restaurant may have sparked off the massive redevelopment of the area that was now beginning, but the venue itself was rapidly approaching the moment where it started to fall behind. To help explain this, we need to take a look at the local perception of it as it changed over the years.
According to reports from Toronto residents who went there at the time, it seems that throughout the 70s and 80s people ate at Captain John’s for three things. First, the strange experience of eating and drinking on a boat moored at an industrial lakefront when there was frig-all else to do in that location. Second, it happened to be open on every single day of the year (including Christmas Day). Finally, it was also very, very cheap. Couples often went there on dates, and they could pay for two platters costing only one Canadian dollar each. Also the venue had a lot of booze, which was reportedly very good.
It should be said that those platters weren’t that appetizing. In fact the food was apparently always pretty rubbish, but of the kind that would have passed muster back in the 60s and 70s before people knew better. As Canadian palates developed, the fare on offer turned into a distant second attraction compared to being a really cheap place to go on a date, and for any tourists visiting Toronto – hey! There’s a restaurant on that boat! How about that!
Maybe it might have been possible for Captain John to move with the times, but the Captain believed very much in the old saying: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, even when things do break, and then become extremely broken, and even more broken after that”.
By the 90s, modern-day Habourfront was coming into existence, following the North American boom years of the 80s. Captain John’s was now increasingly out of step with everything around it. Newer establishments were popping up, offering vastly superior food in environments that were significantly more welcoming and all-round pleasant to be in. On this latter point, Captain John’s was not a place particularly conducive to eating or drinking anything anymore. There’s something that constantly comes up in reports on the restaurant from the 90s onwards – complaints about a certain kind of grimy, stinking dankness. As the years had rolled on, the ship had been falling into a state of disrepair.
Hang on… didn’t I say there were two ships? Well, that wasn’t the case by this point. I’m going to wind events back a little, so I can describe the exact point where everything really started to go wrong.
On June 2 1981, the Normac, the original boat that housed Captain John’s, was struck by a ferry called the Trillium. A mechanical failure was to blame – as the Trillium was docking, the electronic device that was meant to slow down the engine if a potential crash was detected failed to work. Luckily it happened at low speed, and no one was harmed, with everyone aboard both vessels being safely evacuated. While the damage made to the Normac was repaired, two weeks later on June 16, the ship abruptly sank. Some crucial damage had gone unidentified, and un-fixed.
This was the start of a long, long series of multiple legal battles between John Letnik and the city of Toronto – and this first one wouldn’t come to an end until the conclusion of the decade. Initially the courts found in favour of the city council, partially because Letnik had apparently not maintained the Normac since buying it. However, that decision was overturned on appeal. Letnik got damages awarded to him, but it wasn’t enough to compensate for the loss of the boat, not to mention there were huge legal fees on top of that.
And while all that was going on, the Toronto Harbour Commission ordered Letnik to raise the Normac from the lakebed. Letnik complied, and that sent him another $100,000 into the red. After being rescued from the briney depths, it was fixed up and sold on. It ended up as a floating restaurant elsewhere – going to Port Dahousie in Ontario to become the Riverboat Mexican Grill. The Jadran, now the single boat containing Captain John’s business, was not to be as fortunate.
Just as one major legal battle had been won – albeit as something of a Pyrrhic victory – another began, this time with his ex-common-law wife. In 1992 she began legal proceedings against Letnik, claiming a half-share of the restaurant. This battle went up into the 21st Century. As time wore on, some surely must have wondered why she continued to feel that this was worth it, considering that Captain John’s was gradually decaying into fishy rust. In 2002 the courts ruled in favour of his wife, and Letnik filed for bankruptcy protection.
By that year, Letnik owed over 5 million dollars to various creditors, 3 million of which were to unsecured creditors. Secured creditors are generally major companies or banks. Unsecured creditors can include suppliers to a business – such as the catering services delivering all those prawn cocktails to the kitchen – and contractors, presumably in this case those who raised the Normac. While the bankruptcy protection did get roughly 4 million dollars shaved off his bills, Captain John’s staff was reduced to ten employees from the dozens who previously worked there. And he wasn’t going to be repaying anyone any time soon.
As the 2000s continued, the place that created Harbourfront wasn’t really generating much revenue. It had been quite some time since anyone but tourists had wanted to eat on board what many saw as a clapped out old fishbucket, and the person behind a new development of luxury condos was unhappy with the fact that his property overlooked an immovable eyesore. And then it became apparent to the city that Letnik had not been paying property tax on the ship, and another round of legal shenanigans began.
In 2007 he appealed this, arguing that as it was a ship, it wasn’t a “structure” under property tax law. The courts thought that this was bollocks. Despite an appeal against that decision, they remained steadfast, and those bills kept mounting. The following year, health officials temporarily closed the restaurant upon finding some serious problems with the hygiene and general safety aboard the ship. Among the 11 infractions were “Operator fail to maintain premises free of sewage back-up” and “Operator fail to ensure food is not contaminated/adulterated”. John Letnik got an additional $2160 added to those bills.
In 2009, a desperate Letnik decided to sell Captain John’s. He put it up for 1.5 million dollars – there were no takers. He then reduced the price to 1.25 million dollars. There continued to be no takers.
In June 2012, Captain John’s was still somehow struggling on, despite only having a tiny amount of employees, being a massive load of dodgy haddock-smelling metal, owing all sorts of people grand sums of money, and having only misguided tourists and even more misguided wedding parties as customers. It was at this point the Toronto Port Authority decided that they were fed up of this decades-long farce, and realised that they had to do something about it.
The Authority cancelled the lease for the slip where the Jadran was moored. There was over $500,000 owed in this regard; not just for back taxes, but also rent and basic utilities. The city shut off the boat’s water supply, and those health officials returned to close the restaurant, this time for good. This decision was made upon the grounds that without (fresh) water, you couldn’t wash anything.
The Port Authority ordered Letnik to remove the ship’s gangplank and every sign identifying it as a restaurant. They were also able to remove the ship’s engine to prevent it from being moved elsewhere until all bills were paid, though the mechanical innards of the Jadran were possibly in such a state at this point that it may not have been able to sail off under its own steam anymore. The ship rested in a bed of mud while the legal issues raged on.
In September 2013, the city decided to seize the vessel. Letnik said he would go down with his ship like any good captain, claiming he would chain himself to it – but it seems he was persuaded otherwise. Having gained control of the ship at last, the Port Authority gave the deadline of August 22, 2014 for the vessel to be taken away and scrapped, and accepted bids from ship breakers. James Sbrolla of CleanTech Capital Inc. won the bid. In a peculiar little detail, the bid was registered via his brother’s company – The North American Seafood Exchange – due to logistical reasons.
According to a contemporary Toronto Star report, Sbrolla - whose surname is not a typo - is an investor in clean energy and recycling companies. Unknown to anyone at the time, least of all Sbrolla himself, he was about to enter a world of pain in his brief dalliance with Captain John’s / the Jadran. However, it would only drag on for about a year for him, compared to the aeons that the council and the Port Authority had experienced.
The hydro-electric link that fed electricity to the thing posed the main problem; due to the weird way it was all set up, disconnecting it was so extremely dangerous that it would have required both residents and businesses in the area to have their power temporarily switched to other power sources. At the same time, this method of disconnection needed temperatures of under 24 degrees centigrade to carry out. (I have not been able to work out why.)
Another difficulty was in finding a new berth (or mooring location) for the ship, so that the work of actually breaking the ship apart and retrieving anything salvageable could be carried out. Sbrolla wanted to move the Jadran to a private slip a few blocks away so this could happen – however, that required council approval, and they were uncertain about the plan, for reasons that are unclear.
Sbrolla then proposed that the ship just be broken up at its current resting place, and the council turned that down as well. This latter decision was presumably because Captain John’s was located in an place which now housed many tourist attractions and residential apartments, and was also right next to a stretch of land which holidaymakers walked up and down every day. The Port Authority would have have likely been concerned about smashing something up so close to all that which happened to contain large amounts of asbestos.
Sbrolla had paid $33,501 for his bid – but with the deadline long gone by October 2014, the Port Authority decided to pay Sbrolla back his money and start again. A date was pencilled in for the spring of 2015 to find a new buyer.
Finally, on May 11 2015, the Federal Court allowed the Marine Recycling Coporation to take ownership of the Jadran. It was to be towed to their junkyard facility in the city of Port Colborne at Lake Erie, which could be reached via the Welland Canal. Only now was the whole affair winding down to its conclusion, although at this point the Port Authority must have been kicking themselves for not being a bit quicker off the mark. Due to a worldwide slump in metal prices, roughly $200,000 had been knocked off the total value of the scrap that could be got out of the ship. Still, they along with Waterfront Toronto and that condo developer I mentioned about ten paragraphs ago paid an undisclosed fee for its overdue removal. (It is rumoured that the Jadran’s final journey cost half a million dollars. If the ship had sunk at any point, the cost would have risen to a full one million. Luckily – for once – that didn’t happen.)
Seventeen days later – the blink of an eye in comparison to the rest of this saga – on May 28th, the impossible finally happened and the ship was towed away. Hundreds of people gathered to see its departure. A local news channel broadcast the event live, and a band played music during the send-off. John Letnik, the man who had made the first step of changing Harbourfront into the thriving location it was now, and the man who had caused so much grief for the city council and the Port Authority, was invited to the ceremony as a kind of “no hard feelings” gesture. He was presented with a special gift – a photo of himself, taken in the 1970s in front of the Normac, which showed him dressed in a full captain’s uniform.
There was a speech from Harbourmaster Angus Armstrong and Councillor Norm Kelly, thanking him for “a mission well-served and not soon forgotten”. He was also allowed to stay on board the Jadran during its final voyage. Once the time came, he waved a tearful farewell to the cheering crowd, and the TV news cameras filmed him as the huge rusting hulk he stood on slowly disappeared over the horizon. It was a surprisingly sweet ending to an agonising, decades long round of legal battles.
It was also surprising how Letnik appeared to be in such relatively good spirits, considering that the day before it was towed he received a letter from the city council. It was a reminder that he still owed $814,656.12 in back taxes.
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sunmarketing · 1 month
Bucket List Travel -#2 Toronto, Canada
This is Bucket List Travel, a special series within the podcast Dr. Mary Travelbest Guide.
This is Carolyn Ray, CEO and editor of JourneyWoman, a women's solo travel publication based in Toronto. I'm going to share some tips and advice about my hometown with you. I'm actually a sixth-generation Torontonian, and my daughter is a seventh-generation Torontonian.  
  So this is my hometown, and I can tell you, if you're looking for an exciting, vibrant city, Toronto is it. We are, you might be surprised, the fourth largest city in North America, and very easy to get to from just about anywhere in the world. Toronto is a great getaway for those living in Canada and a steal for women coming from other countries because of our Canadian dollar. So you'll find a lot of value coming here for your money, 
  I want to share with you a bit about how to get to Toronto, which may surprise you. Of course, you may know about Toronto Pearson Airport, our international airport, but we also have a smaller island airport called the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, which is right downtown. So if you can get a flight into Toronto Island, that's much easier. 
  But if you are flying into Toronto, Pearson, we have a wonderful train called the UP Express, which will get you downtown in about 25 minutes. If you are arriving at Union Station, you can get right on our subway system, the TTC, the Toronto Transit Commission. And it's very, very easy to get around on the TTC. It's a U-shaped route that goes north, just kind of starts at Union Station, and goes up both ways. And then there's an east, west route across the city at Bloor Street, which is B, L, O, O, R, we're building some more subways. You'll notice that when you're in town, and because of that, I just want to speak to a little bit about safety on the subways. Toronto is a very large city, and I just want to encourage you to be very aware. I know everyone thinks Canadians are very nice, but I also just want to remind you to be very self-aware when you're on the subways and on public transit.
  For things to do in Toronto, my number one experience would be to go to Toronto Island. It's very easy to get there on a ferry, and you can take a ferry over for the day. You can ride a bike, enjoy the beaches, or even get on a boat.
  If you are looking for a place to stay, there are many different kinds of hotels in Toronto, but I will say one of my favorites is the Fairmont Royal York, which is right across from Union Station. But I also like some of our boutique hotels, the Gladstone, the Drake, the Broadview Hotel. These are very lovely, locally owned hotels, creative, artsy, with really great rooftop restaurants and great views.
  I'll end with some tips on places to eat that you may not know about. I really love Spanish food, so I wanted to recommend Madrina y tapas and Patria. Patria is on King West, which is a very popular place to go for bars and restaurants. The Distillery District is one of our historic areas in Toronto, it’s a wonderful place to walk around and spend the day. And Madrina y tapas is one of my favorite restaurants there. There's also Yorkville, which is on at Bloor and Yonge Street. Kasa Moto is a Japanese restaurant that I would suggest there. And a secret you may not have heard of, this one is called Scaramouche, and it's a little bit farther north, but you can get wonderful views of the entire city. It's actually in a condominium, and you can see all of Toronto at night. It's lovely. And for those of us who like vegetarian food, it's Planta. There are two Planta locations in Toronto, maybe more now, great vegetarian menu. And of course, I must mention the St Lawrence Market, which has all, you know, all of the fresh food you could ever want. But also in the basement Manotas, which is a Spanish takeaway restaurant, and then also Busters, which is at the back of the St Lawrence Market, where you can get some wonderful seafood.
  Whatever you're doing in Toronto, I hope you have a great time. There's so much to do. There's so much to see, and I look forward to seeing you there. And if there's more information need about Toronto, please visit JourneyWoman.com. We've got lots of articles about the city. 
Thank you, Carolyn Ray and Journey Woman for this excellent episode. I love that you shared about Toronto on this one! 
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roomchailimited · 2 months
City Lights and Scenic Sights: Exploring North America’s Urban Gems
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North America, a continent of immense diversity and vibrancy, is home to some of the world’s most exciting urban destinations. For Bangladeshi travelers, the opportunity to explore North America’s bustling cities and their surrounding natural beauty offers a unique blend of culture, history, and scenic wonders. From the skyscrapers of New York City to the serene parks of Vancouver, this journey through North America’s urban gems promises an unforgettable experience of city lights and scenic sights.
New York City: The City That Never Sleeps
Start your urban adventure in New York City, an iconic metropolis known for its towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, and vibrant culture. Begin your exploration in Manhattan, where you can visit Times Square, the heart of the city’s entertainment district, and admire the architectural marvels of the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center. Central Park, a green oasis amidst the urban jungle, offers a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or a boat ride on the lake.
Don’t miss the chance to explore the cultural treasures of NYC, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art to the Broadway theaters. Take a ferry to Liberty Island to see the Statue of Liberty up close, and enjoy the stunning views of the Manhattan skyline from Brooklyn Bridge Park.
Toronto: Canada’s Cultural Capital
Crossing into Canada, Toronto stands out as a vibrant, multicultural city with a rich tapestry of neighborhoods and attractions. Begin your visit at the CN Tower, where you can take in panoramic views of the city and Lake Ontario. The Distillery District, with its cobblestone streets and historic buildings, is perfect for exploring art galleries, boutique shops, and trendy cafes.
Toronto’s diversity is reflected in its culinary scene, offering a wide range of international cuisines. Visit Kensington Market for a taste of global flavors and vibrant street art. Don’t forget to take a day trip to Niagara Falls, just a short drive away, to witness the breathtaking power of one of the world’s most famous waterfalls.
Chicago: The Windy City
Chicago, known for its stunning architecture and deep-rooted cultural scene, offers a perfect blend of urban excitement and scenic beauty. Start your exploration at Millennium Park, home to the iconic Cloud Gate sculpture (affectionately known as “The Bean”) and numerous outdoor art installations. The nearby Art Institute of Chicago boasts an impressive collection of artworks from around the world.
Take a leisurely cruise on the Chicago River to marvel at the city’s architectural wonders, or enjoy the views from the Skydeck of the Willis Tower. For a taste of Chicago’s famous cuisine, try deep-dish pizza at one of the city’s renowned pizzerias. The city’s lakefront, with its beaches and parks, provides a serene contrast to the bustling downtown area.
San Francisco: The Golden City
Head west to San Francisco, a city known for its picturesque landscapes and eclectic charm. Begin your visit with a stroll across the Golden Gate Bridge, where you can take in breathtaking views of the bay and the city skyline. Explore the historic neighborhoods of Fisherman’s Wharf and Chinatown, each offering unique cultural experiences and culinary delights.
Take a cable car ride up the city’s steep hills, visit the infamous Alcatraz Island, and wander through the vibrant Mission District, known for its colorful murals and trendy cafes. Golden Gate Park, with its gardens, museums, and scenic trails, provides a peaceful retreat from the urban hustle.
Vancouver: Nature’s Playground
Nestled between the mountains and the ocean, Vancouver is a city that seamlessly blends urban sophistication with natural beauty. Start your exploration at Stanley Park, a sprawling urban park that offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding waters. Rent a bike to ride along the seawall or visit the Vancouver Aquarium to learn about local marine life.
Downtown Vancouver is a hub of activity, with its bustling markets, chic boutiques, and diverse dining options. Granville Island, known for its public market and artisan shops, is a must-visit for food lovers. For outdoor enthusiasts, a day trip to Grouse Mountain or Capilano Suspension Bridge Park offers breathtaking views and thrilling adventures.
Exploring North America’s urban gems provides Bangladeshi travelers with a rich tapestry of experiences, from the dazzling city lights to the serene natural landscapes. Each city, with its unique charm and attractions, offers a glimpse into the diverse culture and beauty of the continent.
Plan Your North American Adventure with Roomchai Limited Roomchai Limited specializes in creating personalized travel experiences for Bangladeshi explorers. With customized itineraries, expert planning, and comprehensive travel services, Roomchai Limited ensures your journey through North America’s urban gems is seamless and unforgettable. Discover the vibrant cities and scenic sights of North America with Roomchai Limited, your trusted partner in adventure.
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airfieldddrive · 3 months
Rupi Kaur, Live At Massey Hall
I was sitting
at the back
on floors
second row
where loud applause
could be heard everywhere
On the air
Always somewhere
The crowd
was having a good time
There was no other way
Flowers and the sun
projected on the screen
behind her for everyone
So many people
becoming undone
The crowd was settled in
and for an hour and a half
found themselves excited
and prepared to stay
A sold out crowd
Foot stomping and how
She brings me up
She brings me down
It was a new day then
and it is a sweet, memorable day now
Love and confusion
On stage
Standing tall
Rupi Kaur
Live at Massey Hall
In my mind
a full moon
and visualizing myself
being on a camel train
on the sand dunes
And under a starry night sky
riding the C.N.E. rides
sitting with a friend
on the brand new ferris wheel
In a trance
Good things
Feeling mighty real
That's the way
Show business
On with the show
Before you know it
the show is wrapping up
and it will be time to go
And a sweet memory
of the evening over time
will be all you will ever know
Take it away
It was a new day then
and it is a sweet, memorable day now
All the love you take
is equal to
all the love you make
Everything will work out somehow
Love and confusion
On stage
Standing tall
Rupi Kaur
Live at Massey Hall
The years go on
and now her parents
are sitting in the audience
On floors
Center stage
Feeling super proud
Hearing the audience scream and shout
at the top of their voices
for their daughter out loud
That's the way
Making new friends
She's changed
And for the better
Everything from before
has become rearranged
Suddenly everything
is less expensive at a reduced cost
Over and over again
Day by day
A firm belief in one's self
applies not only for her
but for everyone else too
The days of our lives
Here and now
Got to choose
It was a new day then
and it is a memorable day now
Love and confusion
On stage
Standing tall
Rupi Kaur
Live at Massey Hall.
Friday night, December 16, 2022
Massey Hall, Toronto
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misshoneyimhomeagain · 4 months
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Chapter 1 - 
Tags; William NylanderxOfc, “We never go out of style”
Warnings; alcohol consumption; swearing (I think); sexual references;
Words; 3K+
“I don't need a man to make me feel good”
As September arrived, Julia strolled leisurely through the streets of Toronto, enjoying the taste of her coffee, thinking about how her time in the city had been nothing short of amazing.
Even though her best friend Camille had returned to London, Julia's new work team had warmly welcomed her, especially her close colleague, Charlie, who had gone out of her way to make her feel at home. Julia and Charlie had quickly formed a strong bond, and Charlie's extroverted nature led them to explore Toronto's hidden gems together - the best bars, restaurants, museums, gardens, and galleries.
Charlie strongly reminded Julia of Camille. They were both tall (well, taller than her 5'2", which pretty much anyone was), naturally fit, with light-coloured hair, and had a vibrant energy. Charlie worked as a project coordinator in Julia’s team and had been with the firm for a couple of years, starting out as a student assistant. Although a couple of years younger than Julia, Charlie made an effort to introduce her properly to the city.
One weekend, they set out for the Toronto Islands. The ferry ride had been pleasant, with the shimmering waters of Lake Ontario reflecting the sunlight, creating a mesmerising sight. Once they reached the islands, they hired bicycles and began their adventure.
The islands offered a serene escape, with lush greenery, picturesque beaches, and panoramic views of the city's skyline. Julia and Charlie cycled through quaint neighbourhoods, passing charming cottages and beautifully landscaped gardens. Along the way, they shared funny anecdotes, childhood memories, and aspirations for the future.
As they reached a particularly secluded part of the islands, they found a spot by the water to have their picnic. Julia had prepared an assortment of delicious sandwiches, fresh fruits, and homemade lemonade. They laughed, ate, and simply enjoyed each other's company as the waves gently lapped against the shore.
September 17th
It was Charlie's 25th birthday, and she had planned a night out with Julia, some colleagues, and a few of her girlfriends at a bar in Downtown Toronto. Charlie generously offered to buy the first round, and then everyone could choose their drinks freely. As it was a busy Saturday night, she had reserved a few tables in the back, ensuring the group could relax and enjoy games like darts and pool.
During the summer, Charlie had spent some time with her parents and had an unexpected encounter with her childhood friend, Mitch. Although they had grown apart over the years, their recent conversations had brought them back together. They had met up a few times since they both lived in the same city, and Charlie even extended an invitation to her birthday, although she wasn't sure if he'd make it due to his busy schedule.
Inside the bar, the atmosphere was lively, with music, laughter, and cheering filling the room. Julia was having a great time, effortlessly beating Mark and Scott at darts, probably thanks to her English upbringing. Meanwhile, Charlie made rounds, ensuring everyone was enjoying themselves.
"Oh my god! Miiiiitchy!" Charlie exclaimed when she suddenly spotted Mitch, the tall, brunette guy from her past, walking into the bar with a group of friends. "I didn’t think you’d come," she added as she greeted him with enthusiasm, hugging him warmly and flashing a big smile.
"Of course, I did! Wouldn’t miss it. Oh, and by the way, this is from my mom," he said, handing her a small-sized box.
Mitch had brought her a small gift, and Charlie graciously thanked him, sending her best regards to his mother.
"Guys, this is my friend Charlie," Mitch then introduced her to his group, as he stood there with three other guys. One of them seemed a bit puzzled, but Charlie couldn't help but notice how exceptionally good-looking he was. With his semi-long, dark hair slightly curled under his cap, tanned skin with a hint of Hispanic features, and a charming moustache and scruff, he exuded a unique appeal. He was dressed in a loose shirt paired with tight dark trousers, a thin jacket, and trainers. Charlie couldn't deny the magnetic attraction she felt toward him.
"She's not a dude…” the guy remarked to the others, causing laughter from his friends.
"Wow, quite the way to offend a girl in just five syllables," Charlie retorted playfully, joining in on the laughter.
"Sorry," he apologised, offering a nervous smile.
"Don't worry; it happens more often than you’d think," Charlie reassured him with a wink, sharing a moment of amusement. Just then, Mitch chimed in to introduce the guys.
"Char, you probably already know their names, but this is Auston, Mo, and Willy," Mitch said, and Charlie greeted them enthusiastically.
Indeed, she knew who they were; she wasn't oblivious to the world - being Canadian, she was well aware of some of the best hockey players in the NHL. She had also discreetly followed Mitch's career over the years, even though they hadn't been in touch for quite some time.
"Nice to meet you. Come on, have a drink or something," Charlie invited, gesturing for them to join the group. "Hey, JJ, there's someone I want you to meet," she called out to someone else.
'JJ,' William thought, his mind racing. No, it couldn't be... or could it? Oh, yes, it definitely could.
As she turned around from the other group, there she stood with her long blonde, curled hair, radiant smile, and those captivating big blue eyes. "Shit," William chuckled to himself, caught off guard by seeing her again. He hadn't exactly expected this kind of reunion.
"Hey," Julia greeted as Charlie motioned for her to join the group.
Immediately, she recognised William as well. How could she not? They had shared a great time at the bar, followed by an intimate session in her bedroom. Seeing him again with his beachy, blonde hair, Balenciaga t-shirt, and that smirk on his face brought back both memories and mixed feelings. He seemed amused by the situation, but Julia wasn't sure how to feel about seeing him again. He was undeniably attractive, and that smirk stirred up feelings she probably shouldn't indulge.
"So, this is my new colleague and very good friend, Julia, who’s just moved here from London," Charlie introduced to the lads, and they all greeted her.
"JJ, these guys here are probably the most important people for you to know about when living here," she then pointed out each of the lads - Auston Matthews, Mitch Marner, Morgan Reilly, and William Nylander - explaining that they were the greatest hockey stars of the Toronto Maple Leafs. The lads chuckled at Charlie's praise.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Julia said with an excited expression.
“Well, come on, have a seat and a drink if you’d like,” Charlie said loudly.
They all took a seat at the tables while the others continued playing games. Julia made eye contact with the barman who almost immediately came over to take their orders, and the lads opted for fizzy drinks, mindful of their ongoing training.
“It’s a nice place you've chosen, Char,” Mitch remarked as he sat down in front of her with Auston to his right and Mo on his left.
“Thanks, it’s basically our go-to place whenever we go out,” Charlie smiled. “JJ used to go out for after-work beers back home, and so we’ve sort of adopted that into our team.”
"So, how do you like Toronto so far?" Morgan asked Julia, sitting across from her.
"Well, so far, everyone's been very welcoming and great - and it's an incredible city, so it's truly all good," she smiled.
"But the most important thing is that JJ will attend her very first NHL game next month," Charlie chimed in, sparking curiosity among the group.
"Oh, cool! When?" Mitch asked.
"It's the home opening game, right?" Julia said, looking at Charlie, who nodded.
“Yes, it's my welcoming slash birthday present,” Charlie added, garnering further interest from the lads.
"When's your birthday?" William suddenly asked from Julia’s right side.
"The 7th, next month," she responded with a soft smile, and the lads nodded.
"And how young, if we may ask?" Mo teased, and Julia laughed.
"27," she said confidently, "no worries, I have no issues with my age," which earned more laughs from the group. William couldn't help but smile, realising she was just slightly older than him, which he found amusing for some unknown reason.
“And do you know anything about hockey?” Auston asked from the opposite corner of the table, and Julia chuckled.
“Well, a little bit actually - or maybe just the basics of the basics,” she replied chuckling. She shared that her younger brother, Daniel, played hockey for a hobby, but she had only seen a couple of games herself.
“I didn’t know hockey was a big thing in England,” Mitch stated.
"It's not," Julia smiled, "but when Daniel was 8, he moved with our dad back to Denmark after our parents' divorce. And he played serious hockey there for some years before a bad ankle injury," she explained, capturing the lads' attention.
"Wait, you're from Denmark?" Auston asked with curiosity.
"Well, my dad is Danish, and I was born there, but I grew up in England,” Julia clarified with a friendly smile.
Auston then mentioned their best friend, Freddie, who used to play for the Leafs and also hailed from Denmark.
“Oh yeah, Frederik Andersen, right?” She asked, and they nodded confirming. “Yeah, he was like the first thing my father mentioned when I told him I was moving to Toronto - before he asked me about my promotion, of course,” she chuckled, and the lads responded with laughter.
"Maybe we should introduce you to him sometime," Mitch playfully suggested, and Julia eagerly agreed.
“And actually,” Charlie said, “Willy here is also from Scandinavia,” she told and pointed to William. “Sweden, right?” William nodded, offering Julia a friendly smile. 
“Which is definitely not the same as Denmark,” he said jokingly.
“Oh, I couldn’t agree more,” Julia added, and they shared a moment of amusement as they all laughed.
“Let me guess, none of you would understand the each other,” Mitch joked from across the table. They both shook their head chuckling causing laughter from the others.
As the night progressed, the playful banter continued, and Julia felt a sense of ease and comfort among the lads. They were all very sociable and outgoing, so she easily felt included in their conversations about hockey, their off-season, and how Charlie and Mitch shared stories from their childhood.
And as Julia laughed and smiled at the group's joking behaviour, William found himself drawn to her warmth and confidence. Her kindness and gentle touches had left an impression on him, and he couldn't deny that he still found her intriguing.
The initial tension had dissipated, and William actively participated in the banter, occasionally sharing flirty glances with Julia. There was a connection between them, but it wasn't overtly sexual. And no one else seemed to notice. 
Julia had let go of any hard feelings towards William quite some time ago. Not that there was much to forgive, but she had felt a little hurt after he’d left. So, seeing him tonight was a bit of a surprise. But he did seem to be nice, and she found his charm enjoyable; his laughter was infectious and the way he playfully chatted with the rest of the guys simply made her feel comfortable around him.
In the meantime, a few of Charlie's other friends had left the party, while a few stayed, either joining the group at the table or heading to the dance floor.
Clara, one of their colleagues, approached the table and sat down between Mo and William, across from Julia. "So, Charlie, have you heard about JJ's secret lover?” she playfully asked.
Julia momentarily froze, recalling she had mentioned spending a night with a guy but hadn't exactly told that it was the gentleman sitting right beside her.
"Oh yeah, she mentioned him," Charlie chuckled, raising her eyebrows a few times, "Mr. Mystery."
Julia could sense William listening attentively from the corner of her eye, sensing that they were talking about him.
"So, JJ, are we ever gonna hear more about this mysterious gentleman and maybe even meet him?" Clara asked with a grin.
Julia tried to remain composed and replied nonchalantly, "Well, I don't think he'd be up for it. Besides, I don't even know that much about him."
William couldn't help but find amusement in the situation. Julia seemed to be handling it well, trying to downplay the encounter.
"I don't care, I wanna know who this guy is, who's the best sex you've ever had," Clara said, perhaps a bit too loudly, causing Julia to cringe inwardly. William had to suppress a smirk, knowing exactly what Clara was unknowingly talking about.
"The best one-night stand I've ever had," Julia corrected with a playful grin. "But, you know, he left without saying a word or leaving his number, so it doesn’t really matter.”
"Oh, come on! What's his name? We'll find him on social media," Clara persisted.
"We can't, believe me, I've tried," Charlie chimed in. "Do you know how many Wills there are in Toronto?” she chuckled, and Clara laughed along.
At that moment, William had a small internal realisation. Julia had told Charlie she couldn't really remember the guy's name, just that it might have been "Will or something." She had felt a bit embarrassed and hurt when recounting the one-night stand to Charlie and simply wanted to move past it.
He caught Julia's look, noticing her feeling a bit reserved. She simply gave the girls a soft smile, trying to ease the situation.
"Anyways, it's probably for the best," she said calmly, and the girls nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, a guy leaving a total babe like that must be out of his mind," Charlie added with confidence and encouragement. Julia chuckled at her supportive words, aware that William had heard every bit of the conversation.
After a short while, they all felt like having another drink, and the lads agreed to have one more before heading out. As Julia went to the bar to order, William took the opportunity to approach her and offer his help in carrying the drinks. She smiled warmly as he approached, but there was a hint of nervousness in her voice as she asked what he was doing.
"Just wanted to help out," William replied simply.
They stood there in silence for a moment before he broke it.
“So… I’m the best sex you’ve ever had?” he said, and Julia couldn’t help but smile and roll her eyes at him.
“Best one-night stand,” she corrected again, “there’s a difference.”
“Oh really,” he chuckled, “well maybe we can do it again? Then it wouldn’t be a one-night stand, and it’d just be the best sex ever,” he winked.
“You're such a cheeky bastard,” Julia said with a grin, slightly rolling her eyes at him again.
“Well - it was great, right?" he stated more than asked.
“It was,” Julia admitted with a soft smile, although she couldn't help but remember waking up slightly disappointed when William had left during the night.
"So, maybe we can repeat the success?” William playfully suggested.
Julia had to restrain herself from saying 'yes' immediately. The truth was it had been amazing with William. She might even have to admit that it indeed had been the best she’d ever had. But a part of her also knew that if she took him home tonight, she could potentially be putting herself in the same hurtful situation again.
William seemed like the type of guy who wasn’t used to getting a ‘no’ from women. He could probably have any girl he wanted and discard them just as easily. Those deep, ocean blue eyes of his had a mesmerising effect on her, and that's what had made her feel vulnerable in the first place. So, she decided that she needed to protect herself. She couldn't afford to let William's charm have this kind of power over her, so it was best for her to resist the temptation and keep their encounter from becoming more.
"No," she replied, chuckling lightly.
William looked a bit puzzled, wondering if he had misread the situation.
Julia leaned in closer to him, her tone softening. "It was great,” she said offering him a friendly smile, "but it was a one-time thing… You made that clear when you sneaked out in the middle of the night," she added with a wink before paying for the drinks and walking away from the bar, drinks in hand.
William stood there, slowly realising that his hasty departure had left a little mark on Julia. While he knew it had only been a one-night stand, he also understood that his actions might have come across as cold and inconsiderate.
He let out a sigh, watching her walk away, before he returned to the table with the other drinks and re-joined the current conversation.
After finishing their drinks, Mitch and Mo were the first to leave, giving Charlie a hug and wishing her a Happy Birthday once again.
Auston tried to play it cool, not wanting to reveal his interest in spending some time alone with Charlie, so he nonchalantly mentioned that he'd stay for a bit longer. Julia chuckled lightly, seeing through his act, finding it amusing.
And about 10 more minutes passed before Julia indicated that she'd head home as well. William, who had just returned from the men's room, had had the same thought. 
Julia hugged Charlie goodbye and then turned to Auston, offering him a friendly smile.
"Be nice to her," she said, giving him a small wink, to which Auston nodded, chuckling in response.
As they stepped out onto the street, William turned to Julia.
“So, how drunk are you?” He asked. The question caught her off guard, but she just gave him a soft smile.
"Not drunk at all, actually. I only had a couple of drinks," she replied. "Why?"
"Just wanted to know if you needed help getting home safely," William said with a soft smirk. "No funny business, I promise," he added, making Julia chuckle a bit.
"Thanks, Wonderboy, but I'm okay," she said. "I'm a big, tough girl, you know - I can tie my own shoes and all," she added with a small wink. 
William chuckled and nodded before they went their separate ways.
Over the following weeks, Charlie and Julia were rather tied up with work. They were facing an impending deadline, so it was all hands on deck.
Julia had been devoting quite a bit of time with her boss, Andrew, who was a recently separated 35-year-old father of two: Tyler at 8 and Phoebe at 6. He was a busy man as well, so Julia had been offering him a helping hand with his children whenever the department was overloaded with work.
Julia thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Tyler and Phoebe. They were full of energy and a lot of fun; and fortunately, they were also well-behaved. Having a niece of her own, she genuinely embraced playing the role of the fun aunt. And it did seem to be of great help to Andrew, which also made Julia’s workdays much smoother when he wasn't all stressed out and uptight.
Julia naturally also had to FaceTime Camille from time to time, and she had spilled the tea about her second encounter with William. Camille had been baffled hearing about it, but she also found it quite amusing. If anyone knew Julia well, it was Camille. They had lived together for 3 years before they both moved to London, where Julia then moved in with her boyfriend at the time; Ezra. They had developed a close connection over the years, sharing their most embarrassing moments and deepest thoughts and secrets.
Furthermore, Charlie and Julia had also spent a lot of time driving around the city and countryside. Julia had been exhilarated to experience the Canadian nature, which Charlie gladly tagged along to show her. And they were the perfect duo for road trips; Julia loved to drive, and Charlie was a true passenger princess.
In between all the hard work and road journeys, Charlie had also managed to spend some more time with Mitch and his fiancée, Stephanie, who had extended invitations for brunch and coffee to Julia, which she had warmly embraced.
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nfornaomi · 4 months
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I was in Toronto for a work event last week and managed to fit in a run one day and a bike ride around Toronto Islands on the last day.
It was my first time taking the ferry over to the islands and I really enjoyed it - probably more so because it was a weekday morning and not yet the summer season. I cycled just under 20km and looped around the various islands and points of interest. It was relaxing, nature-y, and the perfect end of a really busy week.
I would be remiss not to add a picture of our team dinner at Lee - Asian fusion as its tastiest 😛. They have a 24 ingredient coleslaw which was soo good! That alone is worth a return splurge trip!
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coreytravelogue · 6 months
Georgia Strait, BC - March 28, 2024
I would love to or have preferred to be going somewhere other than Victoria this extra long weekend but Victoria was the choice. Not because I dislike Victoria, anyone who knows me knows I love Victoria with all my heart. It is just that it is not exciting or exotic enough for the 4 days off.
Last year I went to Toronto which was packed with adventure and exploration, the year before was Edmonton which is not exactly a new place but during the pandemic it seemed like a safe trip. Year before that if I remember was Victoria as well but that was deeper in the pandemic.
There are multiple reasons why I am choosing this safe trip versus other places.
First and most importantly it is because of cost. Whitehorse, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Fort McMurray were all too expensive or too pricey for not having much to do.
Edmonton would have been a close choice but I decided not to because sure I could flight “cheap” the hotel would not have been plus the only reason I would go would be to see my friend and cousin but cousin would be maybe one evening and I do not know if I could have a day with my friend much less a morning. A lot to hope to travel all the way over there just to go to the water park otherwise. Winnipeg was the next closest but few things to Jayne hat not counting not much I feel one could do in April outside of a Jets game. Every other option just didn’t seem worth it for the large price tag.
For the price of one night and a half’s hotel I can stay for 3 nights at Ocean Island Inn, ferry ride is 42 bucks round trip which is infinitely lower than the airfare.
Victoria has no water park and probably won’t have any hockey games being played this weekend but it will have John’s Place and The Drake which I always enjoy. It will have record shops I like to frequent, a chill atmosphere and an arcade. It also has a friend and her family around her birthday so I would at least have company if they chose to have me.
So it is an easy trip to have, I just need to hope on a ferry and head down.
Also I think I need a weekend where I am simply not in a hurry or need to explore though there are parts of Victoria I can easily explore if I wanted to. I need a weekend to mentally recharge from the last few months of work shit that will probably only escalate when I get back.
I am coming into this trip with only three objectives; write something, treat myself and relax. And if there is one place in the world I am assured to have that it would be Victoria.
I have to be cost effective anyway if I want to to budget properly for Japan.
There is just so much uncertainty in my life right now but then you can say that about the world right now but thinking about it when is there uncertainty. We never know if we were on solid ground till it is gone. I came to realize that lately when thinking of my last workplace. I felt so stressed and unhinged back then but in comparison to now I feel that those were the more stable days.
It is more with the future of work for me and future of what is next if certain things don’t happen. With my 40s looming and failing to travel during that last half of my 30s makes me want to do another drop everything trip more and more though it would be far more risky now. It can’t be blamed, COVID-19 killed fun for everyone for many years but with it it made everything more dangerous and unaffordable.
I am not happy with how things are going and I feel like I am back in the same rut I was in 10 years ago despite all my attempts to change the script. I did nearly everything right and I feel like I am still fucking up. I guess that reminds me of a scene in Star Trek TNG where Picard said you could do everything right and still get it wrong, that is life.
Can only hope to have more clarity and assurance in May, if not I will have to force it into my life in a drastic way.
This long weekend I will start each day with a damn good breakfast, theatres during the afternoon, arcades in the evening and The Drake during the night writing. Rinse repeat or interchange with being around my friend and her family or other cheap things. Anything but work or thinking about work at all costs. That is the mission.
Shazbot nanu nanu
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"THREE-YEAR TERM FOR YOUTH WHO STOLE LETTERS," Toronto Star. October 15, 1912. Page 1 & 6. ---- Judge Denton Gave William Albon the Smallest Sentence Possible. --- SENTENCE DAY IN THE SESSIONS ---- Italian Who Used Razor on Fellow-Countryman Also Given Three Years. --- SOME WERE LET OFF --- Verney Pennoch Was Given Four Months for Burglary - Many Were Disposed Of. ---
Wm. Albon, theft, 3 years.
Dominic Rosso, wounding, 3 years.
Wm. J. Cottrell, perjury, 6 months.
John Gowans, assault, 6 months.
Verney Pennoch, burglar, 4 months.
Joseph Davis, assault, 3 months.
Arthur Scholes, housebreaking, 3 months.
Charles Hall, assault, $50 fine or 1 months.
Frank McCarron, theft, 30 days.
Wilfrid Walcyn, theft, suspended sentence.
David Applebaum, theft, suspended sentence.
Abraham Manhan, theft, suspended sentence.
David Reece, theft, suspended sentence.
Joseph Re, theft, suspended sentence.
John J. Foley, theft, suspended sentence.
Ernest McRae, theft, suspended sentence.
Clinton Shaw, theft, suspended sentence.
Thomas A. Bruce, theft, suspended sentence.
"These people have got to learn that they must keep their razors off other people's throats."
With this remark Judge Denton this morning sentenced Dominic Rosso, an Italian, [[pictured, top] charged with wounding with intent, to spend three years in Kingston Penitentiary. Rosso was the first of about thirty persons, found guilty in the Sessions and in sittings of the County Criminal Court, to come up for sentence.
"I hope the sentence will be a warning to his fellow countrymen."
John Gowans goes to the Central Prison for six months for a serious offence. 'I am told that he is feeble-minded," pleaded T. C. Robinette, K.C., but Judge Denton declared that his long record was against him. He served two years in 1899, terms for theft in 1894-97-99, and one this year. [Gowans would later be sentenced to the penitentiary in 1918...]
Harry Rollings, also up on a serious offence, was remanded for sentence. His Honor wanted to enquire into his case further.
Long Term for Theft. On two charges of the theft of registered letters, William Albon, a clean-cut, looking young man, was given three years in Kingston Penitentiary - the least possible under the code. It is said that the young fellow, who was employed as a clerk in the post office, received only about $4 in money.
Verney Pennock, convicted of burglary and assault, was sent down for four months. He broke into Alexander Cameron's livery stable on Keele street and stole five books of Exhibition tickets.
Sentence was suspended for two weeks in the case of David W. Ross and Morley Wilson, charged with taking W. E. Radcliffe's automobile from In front of the Grand Union Hotel. The young men, who were somewhat the worse for liquor, went for a "joy ride," which ended at an early hour in the morning. The motor car was damaged to the extent of $60. Mr. Robinette pleaded for leniency on the score of youth and good character, specially in the case of Wilson.
Three Months For Theft. "He pays too much attention to athletics and has not been well. The trouble is that he is overstrained," was the plea of T. C. Robinette in the case of Arthur Scholes, champion mile runner of Canada, and who came third at the Ward Marathon games last Saturday. He had pleaded guilty to the theft of two diamond rings from No. 190 Garden avenue, where he had gone to do papering.
"The man who was with me told me that the rings were lying there. First I said not to take them, and then I picked them up on the impulse of the moment as we were leaving. I gave one to him, and gave the other to a friend."
"A woman friend?" asked his Honor. "Yes."
The young man's father and mother both pleaded hard.
"What happened to the other man?" was asked. "He turned King's evidence."
"I can't afford to let you go," said his Honor, "you will spend three months in jail."
A fine of $50 and costs or two months in jall was the sentence given Charles Hall for assaulting Evelyn Ferris.
His Honor started to read a list of previous convictions when Hall declared: "You must have me mixed up with somebody else. I didn't do those things."
"That must be another case," suggested Crown Attorney Greer. "Why don't they do things right in the Police Court?" said his Honor with some heat, then turning to the prisoner he asked: "What terms have you served?"
"I was in jail once for six months and once for eight months."
"Both for assault?"
"No, just one of them."
Six Months For Perjury. William J. Cottrell, found guilty of perjury in a damage suit against the Toronto Railway Company, stood up quite calmly to receive sentence. He was chewing gum. He wanted to call witnesses to testify to his good character.
"You are found guilty on a very serious charge," said Judge Denton, "Perjury is one of the worst of crimes, and
"I could send you to the penitentiary for a very long time. You probably didn't realize what you were doing."
"It was all a mistake your Worship." broke in the prisoner eagerly.
"The evidence showed it was much more than a mistake. You probably, when you found yourself in that suit against the street railway, thought that you could win by stretching your statements a little. I have spoken to a number of people about you and they all speak highly of your character."
"If your Worship will let me go on suspended sentence I promise" interrupted Cottrell.
"I cannot do that" said the judge gravely. "You will be sent to the Central Prison for six months."
Was Allowed to Go. Wilfrid B. Watclyn, guilty of the theft of an automobile from the Shaw Overland Sales Company was allowed to go on suspended sentence. "He is making reparation," his Honor was told.
George Westman was remanded for sentence on the charge against him of stealing oil waste from the Simpson Wool and Knitting Company. Mr. Greer was told to investigate his story.
Three months was the sentence meted out to Joseph Davis, convicted of a serious offence. The girl, who was his second cousin, was feeble-minded. Davis' reputation in the past was excellent, and Judge Denton was lenient.
Rev. J. D. Morrow bore testimony to the good character of Albert Copley. convicted of hitting Walter Dwyer over the head after having consumed several bottles of beer. "I have every hope of reforming him," said the athletic parson. "He is a member of my church." The judge remanded him for two weeks for sentence.
G. B. Cates, for false pretences, was remanded for two weeks. He sold $210 worth of stock to Mrs. G. B. Thomas in the Artificial Ice and Distilled Water Company, a concern which was not in existence, and was given a chance to make good to Mrs. Thomas. Because Julius Bachrack is away on business, he and his brother, Emanuel, will come up again for sentence for conspiring to procure an illegal operation, in two weeks, as will David W. Ross and Morley Wilson, theft. The cases of Estella Smith, theft; Norman Tansley, indecent assault; F. A. Mansell, false pretences, were all stood over.
Remanded For Sentence. Harol Harold McKee, convicted of obtaining money under false pretences from his employers was remanded for sentence till the December Sessions. He was anxious to make restitution and was gradually doing so out of his wages.
The same treatment was accorded to Arthur Doyle, convicted of criminal negligence, who took a motor-car from in front of Shea's Theatre last July, and went for a joy ride. His sentence will depend on the efforts he makes to make good the damage.
Sixty days is the sentence on Frank McCarron for horse stealing. He hired a horse and later, together with another man, sold it. "It's cost me $200 now. I got all the blame, while the other man was discharged," exclaimed the prisoner, but he was sent down, nevertheless.
David Applebaum, Abraham Manhan, David Reece, ranging in ages from 16 to 20 years, employed at Hanlan's Point, where they stole amounts of from 70 cents to $10, were allowed to go on suspended sentence. Joseph Re, who got two $5 instead of one in making a sale also had sentence suspended.
Clinton Shaw and Ernest McRae, found guilty of stealing solder from J. C. McFadden, were allowed to go on suspended sentence. Both are of youthful appearance.
[AL: Albon was 17, born in Toronto, a first time offender, and was convict #F-485 at Kingston Penitentiary. He worked as a clerical assistant in a workshop, had no reports against him for breaking the prison rules, and was paroled in late 1913. Rosso was 29, born in Italy, a labourer on the docks, and had never been in the penitentiary before - he was convict #F-486 and worked in the quarry. He had no reports and was released in early 1915.]
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groovygymbustoronto · 8 months
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Downtown Toronto is brimming with budget-friendly and free activities that promise a great time for families and kids:
Harbour-front Centre: Nestled along Lake Ontario, the Harbour-front Centre is a treasure trove of free family-friendly events. From lively festivals to engaging arts programs, there’s always something exciting happening. The beautiful waterfront setting adds to the charm, making it a perfect spot for families to soak in some culture and enjoy the picturesque surroundings.
Groovy Gym Bus: For an active and entertaining experience, We at Groovy Gym Bus takes the spotlight. Imagine a mobile gym rolling into different neighborhoods, bringing fitness activities and daycare right to your doorstep. It’s a playful way for kids to stay active, fostering a love for movement and exercise in a fun and engaging environment. You can also book them for birthday party bus for kids, various other kids activities & events for kids to enjoy.
Toronto Islands: A short ferry ride from downtown Toronto transports you to the tranquil Toronto Islands. Here, kids can revel in a day of picnics, play on the beaches, and explore the natural beauty of the islands. It’s a refreshing escape from the urban hustle, offering a serene environment for families to unwind and create lasting memories against the backdrop of the city skyline.
St. Lawrence Market: Known primarily for its delectable array of foods, the St. Lawrence Market is more than just a culinary delight. It’s a bustling marketplace where families can embark on a sensory adventure. While you’re there to explore, don’t forget to sample some local treats: a delightful way to experience the diverse flavors of Toronto.
Riverdale Farm: Tucked away in the heart of the city, Riverdale Farm provides a rural oasis in an urban landscape. This free, family-friendly farm offers a chance for kids to interact with animals, learn about farm life, and enjoy the tranquility of nature. It’s a hidden gem that provides a unique and educational experience for children and their families.
As per us these options present a delightful mix of outdoor adventures, cultural exploration, and physical activities, ensuring that families in downtown Toronto have a range of enjoyable and budget-friendly options to choose from.
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muskokafarm · 1 year
Muskoka Farm Pre Training
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Muskoka Farm pre training is a world class facility offering breaking, pre-training, spelling and agistment. Located in Wisemans Ferry NSW, the 280 acre pristine property is surrounded by national parks and natural bushland. The equine set-up includes a registered AQIS quarantine cottage and facilities.
Previously owned by the Lapointe Syndicate (Robert Sangster, Millie Fox and Bob Lapointe), the farm became known for its Nebo Lodge stable which ended Tommy Smith’s 33 year reign as Sydney Champion Trainer. To know more about Pre Training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
The Thoroughbred breeding industry is a significant contributor to the Australian and Victorian economies, with stallion fees, sales profits and racehorses themselves making substantial contributions. Unfortunately, the industry is hampered by cultures and practices that compromise horse welfare.
Racing equines are fed limited forage to reduce bulk in the gastrointestinal tract and likely reduce speed, confined to stables for 23 hours per day, have gastric ulcers, and have negligible direct contact with conspecifics [29]. Furthermore, the one-directional nature of race training increases loading of the leading front foot and may contribute to asymmetry in gaits such as the canter [68].
Further, wastage (the attrition from industry participation) is high. This is a result of factors including a lack of prize money for champions, trainers’ incentives to focus on their fastest horses and career-threatening injuries. A traceability system that reveals a horse’s journey throughout its life could be a valuable tool to help address these issues and enhance overall sustainability.
Thoroughbred racing is one of the most popular types of horse races. It involves a jockey riding on the back of a horse to win a race. Thoroughbred races are conducted all over the world. The most famous races are the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes. These races are collectively known as the Triple Crown.
The most important characteristics of a thoroughbred horse are courage and determination. They also have long legs and a lean body. Their heads should be well proportioned and chiseled with wide-set intelligent eyes. The head should be carried low on a long neck.
Catherine has extensive experience training Thoroughbreds. With an exclusive barn of 50 stalls at Woodbine and her own private family farm with lush paddocks North of Toronto she has a full range of facilities to help bring out the best in your horses. She trains mainly client owned horses which gives her interaction and communication with owners, which is a key element to success.
The thoroughbred industry contributes significantly to the Victorian and Australian economies, with stallion fees, sales profits and racehorses themselves all making significant contributions. In turn, these industries support thousands of jobs in transport, fodder, breeding and veterinary services.
The one-of-a-kind Muskoka Farm in Wisemans Ferry, New South Wales is being sold by Inglis Rural Property. It has been in operation for half a century and is considered to be a world class horse spelling and training facility.
The farm is a two-hour drive north of Sydney and features a 2400m crusher dust track, a 2000m grass track for pace work and an equine pool. The property also includes five stable barns with 58 stables, day yards and a high-speed treadmill.
All prospective Bidders/Purchasers are urged to carefully examine horses in which they have an interest (personally, or through Agents or veterinarians of their choice) prior to bidding, as per the terms and conditions set out in Condition NINETY-FOURTH.
Thoroughbred horses are often used as sports horses, and they are especially sought after by those looking to participate in dressage competitions. They are also popular as family riding horses and polo ponies, and the smaller ones can be ridden by young children.
Located in Gunderman, about two hours north of Sydney, Muskoka Farm is home to one of Australia’s leading pre training and spelling facilities. It has a capacity for 200 horses, five stable barns and 27 day yards, plus 10 large fully fenced spelling paddocks. It is operated by trainer Catherine Kingfield and her husband Todd Phillips, and more than 75 percent of their stable is made up of client owned horses.
The horses have access to a crusher dust track, grass track for pace work and an equine pool. They are also able to enjoy a natural environment with plenty of pastures, forest trails and quiet country roads. Inglis Rural Property is handling the sale of the one-of-a-kind property. To know more about Pre Training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
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