ptgigi · 1 year
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A fusion not of Pokemon *gasp* but Nexomon! I played the original game last month and enjoyed it, and of course thought about fusing some of them. Am aiming to do about 1 per week for the month of June, though not holding myself to that or anything, just another fun “no-stress monthly drawing challenge”.
These guys here are fusions of Fluzard and Petril’s lines, a Mega Rare water lizard and the Plant Starter.
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somepunaboutspace · 4 months
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Revisited my old khan redesign because this fella will forever be in a desperate need of an overhaul. Most of my old thoughts written out in that (almost two years old holy shit) post hold up so I'm not gonna go into much detail
The first one he usually wears around the sanctuary, simple but convenient cloths and such. The incognito look is the one that the outside world (aside from the other overseers) knows him as.
"Overseer khan is a bit of a mystery for most people, a kind but reserved fellow usually strolling around the jungle tourist shop and Ignitia, buying cigarettes or running odd errands with his Torrex. No one really knows where he lives and the overseer is more than happy to keep that a secret. Some say he works close with the infamous witch of the Citadel but alas... nothing verifiable"
Individual under the cut
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tulipsnflowers · 8 days
Hi! Okay, potentially very silly question, but: do you have any theories about the gems on the chests/bodies of all the Mega Rares in n1? Raamu, Arctivore, Torrex, presumably Carnagrius but his head is in the way, Voltosphere, Mistralion, and Prismazor all have them. Dunno if there's anything to this, but it is an interesting design choice if nothing else, and you seem like the resident n1-focused theorizer here
I am also kind of the resident n1-focused theorizer, but what I'm about to say is kinda the theory @/zscyber told me once, but bet (not gotta at her for a bad retelling of her theory)
Nexomon:Extinction post game spoilers
Oo! Mega rares, and yeah, Carni has one too, you can see it when it's a Ferius
So... Crystals. It's interesting given how many n3 teasers have them in them, hold on, lemme grab some
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Diamond shapes. There's of course probably a lot less than I'm thinking but this certainly isn't them all
Do I think this is a design thing? Yes, Ross said so. But guess what? Ross also said the abyssals and CoO don't draw from one another and that Nara is based on a fox. He loses creditablity/j
So! Theory time
As my friend Cyber theorized as a tldr, maybe it's the Ms. Abyssal that does this, considering (purple) crystals are legit her thing. That's probably how she controls nexomon
Considering we know she's absolutely immortal (though when she was born is up to speculation, especially if it's early enough to be n1 time), but what is she the one who put the crystals on there? For Mega Rares in n1(and nexomon in n3)
Mega rares are one of the better nexomon in the games (though you can beat the game with anything if you try hard enough), so maybe she's the one giving the boost
Then in n2 it's abyssals, and then in n3 it spreads
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player-1 · 1 year
Once again back on my bs throwing out another insane but possibly valid Nexomon theory until Nexomon 3 finally gets a proper release date...
Going through the Abyssal DLC again, mostly finding hints on what they foreshadow for 3 (And it's quite a few things, a bit about sorcerers/witches already getting wiped off the map and a possible time-skip prediction of 100,000 years.), but the one thing that caught my eye was after the MC defeated Volcel [N:E Abyssal DLC part 4]. Long story short, it's heavily implied that the Abyssals were engineered like the Greater Drakes and/or Vados, but not in such an unnatural way that Deena couldn't have sensed it. In her own words, "Unlike the dragons and Vados, these Abyssal Tyrants couldn't have been forged by human hands."
Which leads me to the obvious conclusion (and indirectly the mad scientist Logan's): GENETIC ENGINEERING!!
And I'm obviously jumping on the idea that Metta made them (for obvious reasons) since resurrection would've opened up a similar scheme; besides, he's the only one of the fam with these skills so he had all that free time to do something else here. While following the assumption that the main element Abyssals (Fire, Water, Wind, Nature, Earth, Lightning) were modeled after the main Omnicron Fam, the Abyssals also share some physical characteristics with some Nexomon of N1 & N:E as well besides the nixed bag that is Venefelis, but I'll just go in order from appearance in the DLC then explain/ramble from there.
Major-ish spoilers for Nexomon 1 (& Netherworld dlc/arc) and Nexomon: Extinction w. the Abyssal dlc below:
1. Venefelis (Masquiti(?) + Kitsunox, Carnagrius, Fanfrou, Fuzztino, Felicient)
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Like I said, Venefelis is such a mixed bag since she came out the gate just after Omnicron's bucket got kicked for good and the N1 protag thought any major world-ending threat was over and done for...Well that was a fucking lie and we all know it. While I feel that Venefelis got that hot-headed attitude (and obvious golden child syndrome) from the other cat-based 'mon, it's easy to see the similarities w. the Masquiti line even when they didn't appear until 1,000 yrs later in N:E (and the off-putting entry about Masquiti fits way too perfectly w. her "ghost" form Salem), but I digress. Whether or not Venefelis could be considered the first Psychic type after N1 (or the first uber-powerful Masquiti known to man), or maybe Metta made a replacement Omnicron on the side if his main plan failed (before he threw her out only to kill Hilda in revenge), that's already up for debate for me. [Also somewhat implying that Venefelis is a mutation of Kitsunox since the cape seems similar and she actively boasts about being the “perfect servant” in killing Hilda for a master she never knew nor witnessed (N:E Kitsunox are unwaveringly loyal too) but that’s my opinion here]…
2. Pluvean (Arqua + Harectic, Hydrose, Reeferus, Torrex)
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Even if Arqua/Merida was always shown to be hotheaded and quick to throw a temper (even at the expense of a destroyed ship or two), Pluvean was only mean to be a sacrifice to either confuse the Guild on the Abyssals' purpose or direct their attention away from the real threats...Either way, he's pretty lax on what the Guild wants to learn from him (ie. the bare minimum) and is more concerned over why Venefelis revived him if he already completed his task with flying colors. While this might also relate to the calming nature of water as opposed to Arqua's unpredictable rage, it's an interesting starting point for the Guild (and MC) to figure out that the Abyssals are far from their usual brand of Tyrant. And I guess Metta wanted to see a cooler side to Arqua/Merida when she's not flaunting around with other humans, who knows?
3. Rotramus (Nara + Outgrov, Raksuma, Prisimazor)
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While I'm not going to theorize if or how Metta got Nara's DNA to create Rotramus (which that would next to impossible without revealing himself), but it's pretty telling since the only things he has to do is 1. Hide from the Guild, 2. Nap out of sight of said-Guild, 3. Answer or follow any tamer's command without question or self-preservation if they find him (and 4. Deny and insult said-tamer's command without question if they attempt to turn him against the Abyssals); you know, it just like Nara's main deal of betraying Omnicron, joining the humans to destroy her dad and siblings, and wanting to live freely and independently as Deena. Even if Rotramus is perfectly harmless apart from not betraying the Abyssals at the drop of a hat, it's interesting to see how much of an iron grip Metta also has on the Abyssals despite none of them ever knowing their master by appearance or name.
4. Inominox (Ventra + Heliventus, Eqoloptera, Lurkennie, Voltosfrere, Swactrum)
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Just like the vulture Inominox is based on, he fights only against tamers he considers weak and easy-pickings and has survived because of that for generations...Yet he heartily declares the MC weak and worthless despite after defeating two Abyssals at that point (Pluvean and Rotramus) despite clearly being the King/Queen of Monsters, then getting completely bodied in the process (mostly after using one Nexomon with a type disadvantage). Makes sense though since Ventra was always shown to be incredibly egotistical and overestimated her enemies in N1, so Inominox might've been so blinded by his cunning and "weakness radar" that he's the only Abyssal besides Helevolk and/or Braccus that don't immediately recognize the MC as Nexomon King.
5. Helovolk (Fona + Carnagrius (N:E), Oregoon, Treclay, Moltano, Shardrillion)
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Sucks that I can't find an proper Nexomon to connect to why Helovolk is blind and as irrational as a ordinary monster, but it might relate to the theme of fire being a blind and destructive force if left unattended...Or Helovolk just got the worst part of Fona since he was just a bad-boy dude who always played by his own rules. Also putting in the revived N:E version of Carnegrius since they became increasingly violent after loosing their natural habitat, and Helovolk constantly digs a mindless series of tunnels to stay hidden and elusive...Maybe N3 will expand more on his personality/motives, but that's all I got for him here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6+7. Caelesa & Byeol (Metta + Raamu, Mistrallion, Starckal, Paupo(?))
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I know I know, why add Byeol in the mix, aren't they supposed to be a regular ol' Tyrant? I mean, have you even seen these two side-by-side!? They might as well be half-siblings here! And if anything goes to show, if Metta dabbled with gene splicing with his own DNA, not everything was going to be all sugar, spice, and everything nice here (and probably experiencing ego-death with the "abomination" that is Byeol)...Maybe throwing in a bit of Paupo in the mix so the family resemblance isn't too obvious, who knows. Besides, they're both Normal type, they both have ring-like objects on them, and they both have a tendency to constantly evade the Guild's Tyrant witch-hunt without a care in the world...Possibly w. Byeol, but their lack of a noteworthy dex entry says as much (And on that note, it was only today ago that I realized that Byeol’s Nexomite/energy crystals are on the cheeks or might be the little stars floating around them…So I’m technically right and they have permanent dimples! 🥰). While Caelesa obviously has Metta's crassness around humans (only calling them idiots and getting huffy about the Guild labeling for a Tyrant for only running around as ordered), I headcanon that Byeol only avoids getting caught as a "game" and enjoys people-watching or nagging for attention so much that it easily weirds out the Guild. But I'm pretty sure Metta would've had a grand old time getting a 2-in-1 Tyrant deal while (possibly) pretending his mini-me cherub doesn't exist at all.
8. Braccus (Grunda + Broshield, Grath, Bitztrong, Rustung)
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My boy Braccus is chonk supreme here, already topping off against all the Abyssals in pure strength and size alone (and makes it even funnier when his dialogue sprite takes up 1/3 of the screen on its own), but I have a feeling that this is the kind of terror and might Metta aspires Grunda to be before he "mellowed out" in N:E. Not that he did any kind of extreme damage on purpose, even Grunda's Chasm in N:E was made just from the Nexolord reviving him, and his entry mentions that it's only getting on Grunda's bad side when he goes on a rampage, so tamers and residents always had to walk on eggshells around him. But what does Grunda secretly want more than anything in the world? Take care of a small camp/village in the desert town Solus (aka Lateria in N:E) as its leader and as the human Ulrich (in the N1 dlc btw, sot it's an idealized verision of what he wants in the world...neat!). So yeah, even if Braccus was given actual freedom with distracting the Guild instead of a set-in-stone calling, he decides on his own that cold-blooded destruction was the only way to go...Until Xanders killed him, that is. And yes I will wholeheartedly believe that Xanders did it barehanded, he's just that kind of dude tbh. -Oh yeah, and who wants to bet that the crystal he has was ripped out of his chest? Either Xanders did it or Braccus did it for a power move, who knows?
9. Volcel (Luxa + Resonect, Resonic, Zappnic, Tephragon)
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Isn't it interesting to know that both Volcel and Tephragon have an innate skill in tracking other people and/or monsters? While Volcel mainly used his skills to find a safe place for the Abyssals to hide in (aka. Precursor Mountains), his dex entry notes he "excelled at scouting and locating other living beings"...Maybe Venefelis revived him first to track the other Abyssal skeletons and find the mountain? Just some food for thought here...But yeah, I suppose Metta wanted his not-Luxa Tyrant to do something important and meaningful instead of being materialistic and smiting humans only for fun.
10. Kroma (Kromatice, Phantra, Hohopi, Rapilux, Dredrone)
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And last but not least, the attack rabbit themselves! While I love the irony of a cute winged rabbit-fox thing having the power to control ghosts (and she was set loose in Immortal Citadel, you know, the one place already filled to the brim with ghosts...), I kinda believe that her appearance was purely meant to be a distraction to hide her true strength (apart from every other Abyssal I mean). While it doesn't clearly explain how Kroma controls spirits in the first place (and being strong enough to control Ulzar nonetheless), it might work like Dredrone or Phantra with a strange otherworldly energy or hypnotism. Sucks that she only got to roam free in a relatively short time, trying and failing to kill Hilda's apprentice Eliza, before Deena curb-stomped that pile of stuffing into oblivion (or not caring to do her mission with gusto since she knew their master won't show up, who knows)...But hey, at least we'll get to see them again in Nexomon 3...Hopefully.
Anywho, thanks for reading my growing brand of rants here, and here's to the future installment in the completely underrated Nexomon series!
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miuimusic · 5 months
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Alexa Torrex
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crystalelemental · 6 months
Ongoing Nexomon. My wife is approaching endgame, we assume. I am way back at Hilda.
Her team is largely super stacked. Kitsunox as her starter, Luhava because she caught it, Prismazor which she doesn't love performance-wise but is sticking with, Torrex which has been pretty good for her, Jeeta, and Arctivore which is I think her favorite. She loved that pupper.
My own team has taken a bit of divergence. See, I like to run things based on design, and while there's okay variance, a lot of the final forms are just...very big monster-esque. Most of the things on her team are big beasties, and I like cute. I want to run cute things. So I wound up trading out a lot of my options for...much weaker options, admittedly. The current roster is:
Weabride. I fell in love with Weabride's design super early, I have been resistant to switching it out for anything. Like yes, I have Storm Horse (Storse), and I have Luhava, but are they Weabride? No. The only one that offers competition is Idolette, but I'm kinda irritated with her not learning any good Wind moves. Like, not even Tornado? Come on. Weabride also has an evasion boost effect, so I'm going to play around with that for sure. Far from the best, but I love it.
Lantora. Now this one? This one I have high hopes for. Offensively it's nothing special, and defensively it's a little frail statistically. But, she has an evasion debuff and a shield. And I can make use of that nonsense. I do think the stamina system is going to play her a bit, but I want to try, because this is one of the cutest designs in the game.
Emprabee. I just think it's cool. It was this or Resonect, and I went with this because I like its design a bit better. It's certainly not good. But I do like it regardless. Just wish it had stronger attacks. Still, Arcane Blast does lower Atk, I can work with that. Atk debuffs are actually somewhat substantial.
Seaguard. I just like seahorses. I have no strong motivations beyond thinking it's cool.
Monolix. Mineral is my weakest type, in that I don't particularly love any of them. Monolix wound up hitting a weird sweet spot, though. It's weird, and reminds me of Cofagrigus, and apparently has better raw statistics than the Frulf line somehow, while also having Energy Blast for better neutral damage. So I kinda think it's just better? And thus was sold.
Felynth. I was really excited about Basten at the start of the game, and it will be substituting in as my Fire-type with Fire Claw. It has a confuse move now, and learns Disruption Beam. So I'm happy with this.
I am keeping statistically stronger backups, in the form of a lot of Special and Mega Rare options. I do like the Spink line, and I'll always keep Jeeta around, but I'd really prefer to keep with the team above. Until shown otherwise, we're making it work.
As for mechanics, which I have a lot of thoughts for:
One thing that is interesting is that types are perfectly balanced. Two weaknesses, two strengths, Normal has nothing either way. Normal is both very good and very bad. Good because they all seem to have an attack of another element, so they’re flexible and fill in. Bad in that those coverage moves are often less valuable than a basic Energy Blast, and the lack of resistance makes switching in harder than other types.
All Nexomon only have their base movesets, nothing else can be learned. This makes for less variation, but on the flip side, means you avoid the Sandslash Problem, where you don’t learn a single goddamn move of your designated type without limited resources.
Stats are stats. They do not change, and two of the same Nexomon at the same level are completely identical. This has the benefit of alleviating my worst tendency in Pokemon (resetting for good nature/IVs), but has the detriment of meaning all commons are kinda hosed from the outset. There’s no way to truly salvage something that just isn’t statistically good.
Learned movesets are also a bit of give and take. Weabride has Tornado early, which is a devastating Wind move, but later game there’s an even stronger move that it doesn’t get access to. Alpoca has a Mineral attack, but it’s weak and doesn’t keep up. It’s sad, but even the Uncommons feel like they fall off.
I did track stats from before and after an evolution. They are completely unchanged. To my knowledge, there’s no actual difference. Which is kinda nice, you can run a pre-evolution without actually giving up anything. But it does make me question what the point is.
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bi-alinaoretsev · 8 months
Hey there where do you download videos to make gifs?
Hi anon! I mostly torrent from 1337x.to and torrentgalaxy.to and i use torrex to do it (you can dowload it from the microsoft store, if you don't like to torrent, there are sites like moviesmod.dev, mkvcinemas.zip and uhdmovies.zip you can also check the piracy subreddit
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empress-works · 3 years
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Finally done with my Nexomon: Original team fanart. I LOVED this series of games and I hope it continues. Looking forward to Nexomon: Extinction - Abyssals content coming soon!
If you would like to commission me or buy me a coffee, head over to my Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/empressworks
Or take a look at some of my work on Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Empress-Works/shop?asc=u
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sylvleon · 4 years
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rapidhighway · 3 years
do you maybe want to share how to pirate adobe software 👉👈
hmm well i only know that I would NOT recommend using 1337 x dot to, then searching for your software of choice
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xaytie · 7 years
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i’ll never tire of drawing elegant space satyrs
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truegossipercom · 4 years
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
For the nexomon ask game what about overseer remus?
Bet, also to answer your questions glitch, you don't need to ask 2 characters it's separate ask games c:
Any who, one of my favorite Overseers
"You said that for a few of them-" Yes all are my favorite but Spencer, anyway
Remus! He lives in Mountain town and he helps us throughout the story up until the very end
He even gets a cameo in n2!
He is clearly strong - both team wise and physically - and he shows both within meeting him, and it gives Nadine more flair when she kicks his butt.
He has a strong team of Nexomon - He has to, being the previous Nexolord (minus the un evolved ones). I honestly don't know why James(aka the Nexolord) kept him around. They clearly have different views
.. Unless he thinks they don't, well, different enough for him to stop him anywho
This belongs more in a Children of Omnicron rant, but:
The Omnikids are fricking dumbasses. They fight for nexomon, yet they fail to see the Human-Nexomon connection (my main thing I write about), and they can also pull Nexomon under Omnicron's influence, properly making them turn against you.
No nexomon likes that. There's probably like a Torrex or something that cussed Merida out with every swear word ever invented. Nexomon got angry, but they are so so blind to it.
So Remus, is a stoic character. They still care, as well all know, but the Omnikids don't.
I have to wonder if anything would've been just a little different if Remus did care about his Nexomon more openly, especially when James was fighting him. To care about them when he's actively loosing I- Don't know if it would've been enough, but it at least would've told him something.
Mini rant over, anywho, Nadine isn't sly, there's no way Remus didn't know exactly why Nadine is.
That's probably why he told us to run in hindsight. He knows all the children enough to call them by their names, so he's at least somewhat researched in this (unlike Atlas)
So.. Yeah, cool dude.
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anxiousanteaterr · 2 years
I got Nexomon on the brain so I will inflict you all with my Cadium headcanons I've got bc I'm STILL working on the fics:
1. In my head when I played Extinction, Cadium gave off big mall vibes for some reason? (iirc Cadium is supposed to be based off of the USA? so that didnt help) I imagine the city looking like someone took the design for a fuck off massive mall and then sunk it to the bottom of the ocean and said: "ok worlds greatest scientists, get in." I see Cadium's layout as being a very large, multistory shoppingcenter with 4 main branching arms that end in surfacescrapers. Only, instead of it ALL being shops theres also labs, schools, public transit, and housing. I know this is ABSOLUTELY not what was intended AT ALL, but my brain ran with it.
2. Two of Cadium's surfacescrapers are named after Ulzar's team members (the Torrex Tower and the Voltosfere Tower). The other two will also be named after signifigant Electric or Water-type Nexomon once I figure out which ones.
3. Cadium is the place where Humans and Nexomon have the best relations. With the highest rate of Electric-Types, a fair amount of Wind-Types, and being located so far below the sea, both Humans and Nexomon HAVE to rely on each other as they have nowhere else to go. This forced symbiotic relationship eventually resulted in the closest bond seen between Humans and Nexomon.
4. It is not uncommon for Humans in Cadium to forego nexotraps. Aside from supplies being near non-existant, its just easier and more humane to form bonds with their Nexomon without the traps. Wild Nexomon also have much milder tempers around Humans, and both sides engage in a relatively even game of give and take.
5. About half of Cadium's population knows who Zetta really is. To some degree. There's arguments about who he is exactly, and whether or not hes a ghost, but they all agree that he's Not Human. And frankly? They don't care. Stupid as all hell and brainwashing aside, culturally, the people of Cadium do not care if a Nexomon is their leader. When the news finally gets out and is confirmed, the general consensus is: "Okay? And?" This also ends up making Cadium the first Human city to support the new King of Monsters.
6. Zetta and Logan had known each other on a personal level for years before the events of Extinction.
7. This was because Logan was often a part of the army unit that would take down any (usually Water-Type) Tyrants that would try to destroy Cadium. Zetta always would go over the plan of action with his top soldiers, and Logan was always one of them.
8. The people of Cadium take down Tyrants much like the people of Lateria: without the aid of Nexomon. Zetta did not make this rule, it just kinda happened. Its an unspoken ritual that every Cadium soldier has their own reason for following.
9. Because of that, Logan would build or enhance his own weapons with electrical components for taking down Tyrants.
10. Seeing a Human wield his own element like its second nature impresses Zetta more than it pisses him off. Watching said Human kill Tyrants without even having to lift a finger also impresses him.
11. Bolzen was the one who reached out to Logan about teaming up after watching him electrocute a Tyrant to death without the aid of Nexomon, and then watching him almost get killed by a group of Humans like, 3 days later.
12. Bolzen never actually wanted to be King of Monsters, he just wanted to be left alone and live his life not being randomly targeted by other Tyrants in some quest for power. His best solution to this was to get that title for himself, but didn't really have any ideas on how to achieve that.
13. Logan (already branded as a Renegade at this point) didn't really want to help Amelie, nor take over Parum, but he DID want to help Bolzen, and had the same opinion as the other Renegades that killing any and all new Tyrants would be awful, unnecessary, and ultimately: a really stupid idea. Logan just couldn't think of a better plan.
14. Everyone who's revived by Eno (my protag for Extinction) ends up with a small piece of him inside of them. This often comes in the form of a boosted sense of compassion and understanding. So, when Zetta gets revived, his morals are slightly more balanced out.
15. With an altered sense of morality and nothing better to do, Zetta decides to shift away from watching Cadium crumble in favor of rebuilding it. And since Logan is the only Human in Cadium he knows well enough to trust, Zetta more or less forces him to become his advisor. How much he actually listens to the advice varies.
16. Working together means Logan spends less time in his lab and more time in Zetta's mansion. He often gets bored, and at one point makes the mistake of trying Zetta's piano since he took lessons as a kid for about 3 years and fondly remembers it.
17. Zetta LOVES music and LOVES his paino. And he's SO fucking stoked that ANYONE down here knows how to play the damn thing that he doesn't care if Logan is bad at it, because at least he's not terrible at it.
18. The two bond more over their love for music, and Logan eventually discovers that Zetta loves to dance! He normally only sees this level of enthusiasm from the Primordial Tyrant when people are beating each other to a bloody pulp, but now a very good opportunity to get Cadium out of its Arena of Doom phase is presenting itself.
19. Cadium undergoes a lot of changes during its revitalizing, and instead of going back to what it once was, it takes a more... recreational turn. Once the surface elevators are installed and the buildings are renovated, restored, and reinforced... the neon lights go up. Dance clubs, arcades, art studios, music halls and concert stages, all sorts of entertainment facilities are opened up and Cadium flourishes as a place for the arts, and as a tourist destination.
20. Housing is moved to the far edges of Cadium where its quieter, and at least one of the surfacescrapers is turned into apartments.
Bonus cringe headcanons!!!
Zetta and Logan, perhaps the worst two characters you could ever put together, end up falling in love and accidentally have a kid.
Like, really accidentally. Like, no one was even aware of it. Neither Zetta or Logan didn't even know they'd be compatible until Nara randomly popped by for a visit one day, took one look at Logan and was like- :D
Since Logan is a Human and has to somehow pop out a half-Nexomon child, Nara takes him back to Khan Woods and has to help him during the birthing process so like, you know, he doesn't die during it.
They have their kid, Delta, who has even stats across the board because Zetta and Logan cancel each other out. They both got ADHD tho, so Delta gets that as well.
Delta's "Human form" is, of course, a mix of both of his dads. As an adult, he's taller than Zetta but shorter than Logan, has the same hair color as Logan, but also has the white patches Zetta has. He wears a rounded visor that covers his eyes, and while his outfit is still being thought up, I'm leaning toward him adopting Zetta's horrible fashion taste and wearing whatever the fuck that suit is, only its more colorful. Delta also has thin black metal bracelets that hover around his wrists. They never touch his skin, and they never come off. He tends to chews on them, and they spin faster the more anxious he gets.
Delta's "true form" or Nexomon form is a wyvern with short legs and an extra long tail. In this form, his metal braclets are enlarged and are worn on his tail. The end of his tail is thicker and packed with electrical energy that he swings around like a club. It sports three of those black rings that move up and down along the length of the tip of his tail. When he charges the tip of his tail, the rings will move faster to help build up static. Delta's color scheme is pending, but main colors are black and purple, with some yellow, blue, and red that'll probably mostly be seen on his tummy.
When Delta gets too anxious, he'll create a plasma ball around himself and either hunker down, or roll away in it.
Delta is the first cousin to Eno. There are 3 more cousins that I'm working on.
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miuimusic · 9 months
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Alexa Torrex
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doubleddenden · 4 years
I wanted to show off my current team in Nexomon 1, but it's pretty difficult finding transparent sprites of them. So I figured out how to use Nexopad and cropped things the old fashioned way.
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Jeeta, fully evolved electric starter. Cool looking and strong.
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Nocgoyle: one of my earlier catches that may soon get the boot? Idk. He was cuter in his pre evolved form. But he's pretty decent as a wind type
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Tephragon: actually a replacement to the fire starter I found in the wild. Fetidoom was strong but god. God i did not like its design. Tephragon has more or less the same stats and looks adorable. And shockingly it does not evolve again after Drash. He's still pretty OP. Fire types hit like trucks in this game and he's got that AND a wind move
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Arctivore: this was a Nexomon I saw advertised for this game and KNEW I needed one on my team. As a Mineral type I was NOT DISAPPOINTED. He is a very powerful lad.
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Torrex: like rock doggo, I saw this thing and knew I had to have it. It took so much searching to find but after 300 wild battles I found it. He's a powerful water type and I think he might be tied with Jeeta as my fav.
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Prismazor: honestly it was between this or hunting down the grass starter in the wild. I had just about given up when he appeared last minute as I was about to leave his area. He's tough man. He's strong too but GOD is he tough.
I really like the designs on this team and am quite satisfied with their performance.
Also, have some ooc screenshots
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