#tosses more mini comic ideas onto the pile
mooleche · 5 years
GIMME DAT WHOLE OTP LIST FOR PIOTR AND NINA (although I already know that Nina's the one to basically wear no clothes and Piotr's the one to tell her to put clothes on, lol).
It will come later Ψ( ●`▽´● )ΨAs always I’m sorry for mobile users please don’t hate me - THIS WAS FUN TY!
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?Probably Colossus, though they both end up pooling their money together a lot of the time to buy Venom a lot of chocolate delicacies to keep him happy. Nina usually spends a good chunk on surprising Piotr with art supplies which end up costing a pretty penny, while he swears up and down that he has to be the gentleman and pay for their dinner dates despite her being stubborn and wanting to help. 2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?Nina usually, but it depends on the time. Colossus is far too large to sit in her lap (despite her brave offerings), but catch him trying to stay up late at night with Nina sitting in his lap and he'll end up resting his head against hers as he finally gives in to rest. Nina on the other hand will often curl up against him while he's reading in the daytime and rest her head against his chest so she can listen to his heartbeat (she always gets a giggle out of it because it beats a little faster when he realizes this).3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?You guessed Nina and you were RIGHT. She's shy about her ink covered hands and some battle scars but that won't stop her from revealing the goods under the clothes (especially on hot summer days). She usually relies on Venom to transform into her clothes so on days that she's no longer his host or she's running late and forgets Colossus is ready to scoop her up and drag her back into their room or home to make her put on some clothes (but not before she tempts him back to bed for some fun).4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?Nina is very much the night owl in the relationship while Colossus is the old man and calls her before bed to tell her not to stay up too late. This unfortunately goes in one ear and out the other as the night is when she fights crime the most and also when she works on her college studies because she procrastinates until the very last minute. On nights that she's working extra hard he'll often wake up to find her passed out on the couch to which he gently wakes her up with coffee and a kiss so she's not completely dead during the daytime.5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?Colossus is definitely the better cook of the two, but damn if Nina doesn't try. With two parents who often cooked their meals together Nina likes to think she can do the same but usually ends up messing up burning the dish because she gets distracted by one thing or another (ie Wade calling to dish the deets on his latest murder fest). This results in Colossus usually shaking his head and preparing a nice dish for them instead if he's got the time. If not they usually settle for takeout somewhere and laugh over it.6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?Colossus doesn't usually spend a lot of time on the internet so when Nina sends him one and goes 'This is us!' he usually has to have to explain it so it makes sense sdsjgksk7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?Nina, hands down. Even though the size difference is LORGE she loves wearing his hoodies out and his shirts to bed. Colossus never complains though, because seeing her in his clothes turns him into the goofiest little lovebug because she looks so darn cute in them. As a result his wardrobe suffers quite a bit because of this. He tried to turn the tables once by wearing one of her shirts and needless to say Nina calling him the Hulk for a short while after was entirely justified. 8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”Nina will usually run errands for Colossus due to his hectic schedule at the mansion (and inability NOT to take forever when reading the nutrient labels), which he appreciates but often has to send her reminders because she's so forgetful when in a hurry. In the end she still manages to forget SOMETHING and they end up taking a more leisure trip later on to retrieve the items.9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?Due to Colossus' size he's usually forced into the passenger or backseat, so Nina is the driver most of the time. They tend to bicker when she's at the wheel because she goes a little too fast and he's worried she'll get pulled over, but also because Colossus will slip into Russian if he doesn't know the proper english term for some signals which leads to chaos. He tries his best though and she appreciates his navigation for that.10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?They both take usually take turns since they enjoy drawing and painting, Nina a little more though due to her class projects. He's usually a bit shy about the whole thing because Nina has a permanent mischevious smile on her face when he's posing. Colossus often rolls his eyes and chuckles when she poses for him because every time he looks back she's making a new pose/face to surprise him with.11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?Nina's definitely the one to be a super sleuth through the lasers while Colossus waits in the wings because he's 100% not for this idea and was dragged along to be the brawn if need be.Let's be real though she absolutely trips the wire after being smug and saying they wouldn't have any issues pop up during the heist.12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?Due to being Venoms host Nina has an incredible alcohol tolerance so she can outdrink a fair number of her peers, including Colossus. She usually has to stop him from drinking too much at the end of the night because he turns into a big loveable lush that is hard to control (though it'd be a lie to say she didn't love the PDA he gives while sloshed). By the time the morning rolls around Colossus swears off drinking for a long time while Nina spends the morning showering him in water, aspirin and a big greasy breakfast to help soak up the booze while recounting all the crazy night events.13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?They both do! Colossus usually buys some type of flower or fancy chocolate for Nina when he's out and about, or a trinket from wherever his last mission takes him while Nina usually scours old record stores to look for Neil Diamond vinyls or paintbrushes while out restocking her own inventory. They both usually try to surprise one another with coffee at least once a week and eventually decided to make it a usual thing so they could have a small date on the go.14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?They usually don't have an issue using the other's name unless its something like one of them being in the hospital and needing spouse visitation. Nina will sometimes tease Colossus by calling herself 'one of the Rasputins' as a joke but it just makes Colossus want it to become a reality even more every time she does.15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?Colossus usually is the hero of the day and will take the spider outside while Nina screams blood murder and will launch herself against the wall in an attempt to get away from it. Piotr usually is quick to call out the irony in her being scared because she has spider senses due to Venom sdgjskjs16: Which one gives the other their jacket?Colossus. Nina hates being cold so he always ends up wearing one on their outtings just in case she starts feeling chilly. This usually gives him a good laugh because she disappears in his jackets due to how much bigger he is.17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?Illyana often goes between being Colossus' little snowflake and debating on whether to sell his soul for a cornchip and Nina's 'sister' is a retired assassin who would gladly go out of retirement if someone even looked at her the wrong way, so I would say Ania.18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?OHO BOY. The setup for this is going to be an absolute hoot, all I will say is that it's Nina and she does it after Venom gets fed up with her pining over him so hard that he literally does the big 'Fuck It' moment. She's had feelings for him since she first saw him at an interview after Russell is taken in for the Ice Box so it's been a long time coming. Colossus on the other hand only realizes his feelings after she almost dies and it grows into this big ugly crush. She laughs at something? There's that familiar knot in his stomach. A smile? His feet suddenly don't work so well. And literally everyone BUT Nina notices how strange he's beginning to act kgfjkdgd19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?Definitely a bit rocky at first but power parents fo sho. Nina is high key nervous about being a parent because she's not very fond of children, but Colossus reassures her that they can overcome anything together and dotes on her constantly to make sure she's comfortable. They work together to make sure the baby room is painted with little animal murals and spend nights singing russian and french lullabies to her belly before bed.When the baby actually arrives? Nina turns into a full momma bear and would gladly kill everyone in the room and then herself if anything happened to their child. Colossus is the proudest papa in the world and basically turns into Hughes from FMA where he carries a dozen photos of their child in his wallet to dish out whenever someone even looks in his general direction. All in all they work hard to help one another out to make sure they're not both zombies but also that their little detka is happy and healthy.20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?Although he's usually proper with his english vocally, Colossus is definitely the one to type with numbers as letters and shortens what he can when texting because he struggles to use anything that isn't a beeper. Nina suffers greatly because of this.21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?Nina is usually the one getting bullied by bigger/stronger enemies on missions and Colossus is always quick to come to her side to protect her. He usually teases that HE should be named Knight instead of her because of this, but she's quick to get up and repay the favor to him for his heroic efforts. There ARE some instances where the tables are turned though and she's able to save Colossus from bullies, and she usually demands a 'victory kiss' in repayment after pbppbt.22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?Colossus is definitely the one to make the bad puns while Nina attempts to smile at it and fails every time. But she tries, good god does she try.23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?Colossus pbpbpt. He comes home to a lot of little surprises and is often thinking 'what will I come home to today' because of this, so he's pleasantly surprised when he comes home one day and a puppies head pops out of Ninas hoodie to greet him at the door. 24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?Colossus sjdgks Piggybacks aren't uncommon between the two. Nina uses her spider grip to climb up his back on many occasions and sit on his shoulders, especially during briefings before missions and after the more difficult missions. While he thinks it's a bit silly Colossus doesn't mind because he enjoys feeling her wrap her arms wrapped around him.25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?Nina is usually the overzealous cheerer when it comes to Colossus getting into fights on missions that they're on together. Showdown between Colossus and Juggernaut? You bet she's on the sidelines rooting for him to kick him in the balls. He says he doesn't mind it but it DOES make him very bashful after.26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?Nina. She's big on taking photos as mementos and this situation is no different and loves catching little moments like him sleeping or painting unawares to look at later when they're far away from one another. 27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?Nina. Colossus has a fairly bland wardrobe so getting a request like that isn't farfetched for her, and although he hates going shopping for new clothes (hence the scarce variety) he trusts her to pick a few good outfits for future date nights and the like, which she definitely does no problem along with some ~special~ intimates that he has to model off for her later in the night.28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?HEHEHE. Venom technically isn't a pet but Nina often coddles him like one and Colossus is absolutely mortified by him for a very long time. Between finding out that he enjoys eating people and seeing the level of madness he can create when paired with the wrong host he thinks that the sassy little symbiote is a ticking time bomb with Nina until they bond over how much they both care for her. He eventually realizes he's not SO bad and sneaks chocolate to him at night when Nina is sleeping to keep him content.29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?Colossus. Nina tried once but she was much too short for her attempts and they both got soaked in the process. Now Colossus keeps her close in one arm while holding the umbrella in the other.30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?It's a toss-up! They both have their own designated places they want to take the other. Colossus wants to take Nina to Russia to visit his homeland while Nina wants to take Colossus to Paris to introduce him to her French relatives and childhood. Since Colossus' family farm is in ruins due to his family passing, they pay their respects and then go sight-seeing around Moscow and the local art museums.In Paris they would visit her grandmother and relatives who instantly go nuts over Piotr like he was one of their own and they give them a grand tour of the area and special sights. Piotr definitely surprises her (because we all know he would pull this type of thing) and splurges to get a hotel room that overlooks the city and Eiffel Tower because she wants to be extra romantic and boy howdy does it w o r k. They would probably both take pictures. Nina would take most of the scenic pictures and catching Piotr admiring the artwork while Piotr would be in charge of taking selfies because of how tall he is sgjdskgs
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theinkquiry · 5 years
What He Left Behind
Pairing: Bucky X Reader (could be read as past!Steve X Bucky or past!Steve X Reader)
Prompt: You, Sam, and Bucky returned from the Blip only to lose the one person in your life who had defined so many of your years. With your world forever changed, it’s hard to not be bitter about what happened. Bucky tries to help you heal. You both end up a little better, a little worse. 
Warnings: Not Steve Rogers friendly. Contains large amounts of salt. 
A/N: I had to write this because lately I’ve been waking up enraged about what happened to Steve at the end of Endgame. It hasn’t been good. We got a good dose of self-projecting here today, lads. 
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Two weeks after saving the world and you were sitting on a second-hand couch bought online, nursing a beer in your ‘brand new’ apartment that was older than you and Sam but younger than Bucky. Whatever show you’d been watching was left on autoplay for a while now. You weren’t really paying attention, but lord did you need the background noise. If you stared hard enough, the vaguest outlines of your slumped body could be seen between the static screen. Deciding it a fun little game, you looked only to find your reflection frowning back. You switched off the TV and turned to your side, taking another sip. 
You didn’t even like beer. 
Fourteen days since Steve Rogers ran out of your life forever, and you had no clue what to do with yourself since then. Unlike with Sam, the old man didn’t bother thinking of your place in the grand scheme of things.
Sure, he talked to you. It was an honor that he even bothered to ask for you at all. And as you sat beside him in front of the giant sprawling pond, you recalled a strange sense of calm as Actual Old Man Rogers drawled words of wisdom. About how he wished you two had more time together but ultimately it was never meant to be and your paths would have to diverge. It was supposed to provide closure and signal a new beginning. With the gentle breeze and serene atmosphere, you left feeling okay. That maybe a new sort of peace could be salvaged. A feeling that lasted for all of five hours before you were left a garbled, confused mess.
“Jerk,” you mutter to yourself. 
Even the insult tasted bad on your tongue, tainted by its connotation. But calling him anything worse would have been cruel to call a now nearly two-hundred-year-old man. 
Though you three only moved in a short while ago, the apartment looked so lived-in yet so empty at the same time. Water stains on the table from coaster-less drinks, but no centerpiece. Pristine white walls yellowed in the dingy lighting. A pile of mail on the counter- none important. Some old appliances that have yet to be used. You briefly entertained the idea of cooking until you realized that you, Bucky, and Sam ran on different schedules these days. 
You cast a glance at the door. 
“Still sulking?” Bucky’s voice came in through the door even before the keys started jangling. He came in not five seconds after with a bag of groceries, shrugging off his thick jacket and tossing aside his baseball cap. 
Teasing as his question was, you felt a little relieved upon his arrival. Ignoring what he said, you picked his hat off the floor in front of you. Bucky always managed to toss his garments right within your reach on the couch. Far enough so he won’t pick it up, but close enough for someone else to do it. How considerate. If you didn’t already know how much of a jokester he was, you might have taken offense. 
Though it had been a few years, Bucky’s wardrobe didn’t contain anything beyond a few plain shirts and his battered old jacket. “You know, you don’t have to wear this stuff anymore.”
“I’m used to it by now. And hello to you too. When’d you get up today? Two in the afternoon?” 
You rolled your eyes but got up to help put away some stuff in the fridge. “Only twelve, for your information. Where’s Sam?” 
“Out on Cap duty-” he noticed your slight grimace- “so it’s just us two for tonight.” 
You didn’t say anything back, opting to finish folding up the plastic bags and tucking them away before returning to your spot on the couch and staring at the blank TV. Bucky sighed loud enough for you to hear. 
“Do you want dinner?”
“We could get takeout. Or try whatever this is…” He eyed a frozen dinner box. 
“Not really hungry.”
He dropped the box in the freezer, nudging it shut. “You can’t keep doing this to yourself-” 
There it was again. You slammed down your empty beer can with a hollow echo. “And what about you, huh? Like you’re doing so much better walking around town dressed for a snowstorm in the middle of spring.” 
His eyes darkened. It felt a little bad, sure, but you weren’t any less wrong. As much as Bucky was nagging at you to find a new purpose in life and ‘move on’, the man himself spent most of his time wandering around all his old hangouts in Brooklyn and acting like the whole Thanos thing never happened. Like Steve was on a mini-vacation and about to walk right back and set everything in order. 
Bucky made his way over to the couch beside you, avoiding eye contact. “I don’t know what you want me to tell you.”
“I don’t need you to tell me anything. I need you to stop acting like what happened was totally fine, because it’s not.” You frowned, clutching at the empty can if only to hold onto something. “He didn’t even say good-bye!”
“It was a long time coming…”
“Was time hopping back to who knows when really so urgent that he couldn’t have at least talked it out with us?”
“Steve said that if he did, we’d probably convince him to stay.”
“Well then maybe he should have,” you argued, “instead of galavanting off back to the land of no internet. What happened to the guy who couldn’t turn back if a situation was headed south? ‘Cause let me tell ya, the events after the forties sure weren’t heading north!” 
“Maybe it was time for Steve to finally do something for himself. After everything, doesn’t he deserve to be a little selfish?”
“There’s a difference between selfish and leaving everything behind. Again!” The metal can crunched under your harsh grip. “We were gone five years. Five years he’s been allegedly missing us. Then what? We come back and he’s just- just okay with leaving us again?”
He pressed his lips together in an attempt to compose himself. “I know this is difficult, but like Steve said-” 
“Forget what Steve said! I’m pissed!” You threw the can to the floor and stomped up. “And I know you are too, so why can’t you acknowledge that?” 
Bucky’s stern neutrality didn’t waver. If he needed time to think it over, that was fine with you too. Now that you got started, it was hard to stop. “Every single day. I’ve been telling myself ‘it’s what Steve would have wanted, you have to move on’ and ‘he deserved to be happy with her’ but what about us, huh?”
Still no response, Bucky’s eyes zeroing in on the dusty wooden floors. 
“What about what I wanted? Or what you wanted? Or Sam? All of a sudden it’s goodbye Falcon, hello Cap. Why, because Steve said so? Steve, Steve, Steve. It’s all about Steve. And sure, yeah, I’m happy or whatever that he got to live a beautiful life with his lost love. It’s just so romantic and blah blah blah. I’m so sick of always putting Steve first! Don’t we matter?” 
“Of course we matter,” Bucky insisted.
“Well, it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it!” You shouted back. “We already lost Tony and Nat. Why did he have to go too?” 
You took several deep breaths. A few tears had already spilled over, and your face felt warmer than Bucky’s arm on hot summer days. 
“I’m not mad,” Bucky said after a while. His head hung low, allowing his long hair to cover most of his eyes. 
You bit your tongue, reminding yourself that you weren’t the only one hurt by Steve’s actions. Quelling your anger took some effort, and knowing that Steve left Bucky in this state made your rage seethe out again.
“Well you sure as hell aren’t just fine and dandy, are you?” You crossed your arms, pacing the floor. 
“No,” he admitted, “I’m not. I-I thought I could do it. He told me right before he left, looked me right in the eye and told me that I was the best pal he ever had. That it was time for him to catch a break. A-and I really believed him. But thinking back now, I don’t even know how I feel.”
You allowed your shoulders to relax, and sat back on the couch beside him. “He’s Steve Rogers. Of course he has that effect on people.”
 He kept on talking, though not necessarily at you. Sort of working it out by himself out loud. Every now and then, you’d squeeze his hand or rub his back. To think that he had lost his best friend upwards of five times now. It was a comically absurd number. The kind that put into perspective just how difficult processing everything must be. This was the only time Steve chose to go willingly. 
“He was so distraught over not seein’ Peggy for decades, but all of a sudden he’s okay with doin’ the same thing to us? I came back thinkin’ it would be one more fight. Then maybe, if even for a few months or something, we could… I dunno…” 
You knew how he felt. Maybe not exactly, but it could not be easy to hear that someone was with you “‘til the end of the line” only for them to suddenly tell you that the line stopped here, good luck. As close as you, Bucky, Sam, Nat, and Steve were before… it all still felt like mission stuff. Never truly having the time to do silly bonding things that other adults would do. Sure, there were fun times, but it all felt so incomplete. 
You felt duped every time you thought back to those years in DC. Every time you remembered when Steve would talk about the past- it stuck out like a warning sign. A premonition you should’ve seen coming. You let out a dry, bitter laugh. Purposeful or not, he really fooled you into thinking that he moved on, and that staying in the present was better than going back. So much for ‘no polio’. 
“You know, he never even finished his stupid list.” You told Bucky after his mumbling trailed off into silence. “No trip to the space museum. No team dinners. No movie nights.  Nothing. We didn’t even finish any Disney movies past the 1980s.” 
That seemed to make him crack a smile. “I wonder how the punk’s dealin’ without his weather app.”
“You think he’d miss it that much?”
“It was the smallest conveniences that brought the most joy for old geezers like us.” 
You burst out laughing, playfully pushing his arm. Bucky’s breathing evened out again, and he felt the slightest bit lighter. Shifting around on the couch, you ended up relaxing against each other and putting on something lighthearted to act as background noise. Half paying attention, half lost in your own thoughts. 
“Maybe,” he began in a soft voice, “before we try and hop back into hero nonsense, we can do all those things together. Movies ‘n stuff.” 
You looked up, a suspicious grin on your face. “Is that right?”
He scoffed. “Don’t look at me like that. Steve ain’t the only one who missed out on all those cool things, ya know.”
You supposed he was right. If Steve wasn’t going to stick around to experience your plan to ease him back to real-time, Bucky for sure would. You, Sam, and Nat had actually put more effort than you’d like to admit into brainstorming fun ways for Steve to reacclimate himself. It’d be a shame for all that hard work to go to waste… 
Bucky shook his head. “It’s kinda funny though. One moment you think you’re a second away from finally catchin’ a break-” 
“-the next, you’re left with an empty podium and semi-comforting words from a wrinkly old man.” You finish his sentence. 
“Hey,” he gave you a nudge, “I’m not that wrinkly.” 
You shared a laugh. The rest of the night spent bonding over the loose ends Old Man Rogers left behind and daydreaming about all the possibilities that still lay ahead of you. 
Little did either of you two know, Sam had been outside for a while trying to get a handle on his new tactical gear before any of the neighbors noticed. He walked in at the sight of his two roommates asleep. You curled into Bucky’s side, clutching at his shirt while he had an arm around your waist. 
It was a good catharsis, and perhaps you two could finally help each other instead of suffering in silence. Sam shook his head with a low chuckle. “Dorks.” 
He decided to leave you both alone, wondering what reactions you’d both have waking up so snuggled in the morning. One of these days, hopefully soon, all three of you could get together and try to build a new family in this post-Steve Rogers world. But for now, he stole one of Bucky’s sodas from the fridge, he tossed a blanket over the two of you, and let himself relax in the comfort of his own room after a long day of being Captain America. 
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tmntreasures · 7 years
Honor Among Thieves Ch.6
Leonardo easily pushed aside the manhole cover, and peeked out of the hole. It was day time, but there seemed to be nobody around the alleyway. Swiftly, he hopped up out of the sewer and onto the surface. He reached down into the hole with one hand and pulled Aida out. "Here ya go," he planted her on the ground. "You're free."
Aida squinted from the sudden brightness of daylight. She blinked a couple of times and stared at the sight of her run-down neighborhood. The sudden rush of joy made her smile and she turned to giant mutant. "Thank you. Thank you so much! You have no idea how much--" The sound of high pitched screams caught her attention and she whipped her gaze to the street.
The twins were busy playing in the yard, like good kids, but the older-younger brother, Orlan, was grinning like an idiot at two passing girls who were clearly five years too old for him. Montae suddenly appeared from behind the house and threw two water balloons at the girls, smacking them right in the chest, the water revealing their lack of underwear.
  The girls screamed and ran off as her two brothers hooted at them. Aida growled loudly and was about to run forward before she turned to the turtle once more. "I swear, they're normally better behaved than this...MONTAE! ORLAN! WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU TWO...!" She hollered at the two before bolting across the street, yelling swears and threats at them in Spanish. The two boys' eyes widened in fear and they both ran from her. She only paused to give Riqui and Rosa a kiss on their heads before going after the other two.
Leonardo huffed, but smiled a little at the scene. He couldn't help but think about his own brothers, and how much trouble they caused him when they were young, and even now... He never really had anyone to relate to before now. There were no other turtle families he could confide in, and the only other humans he knew were the only children in their families. He doubt that he'd see this girl again, but if so, he might consider having a chat with her. He turned on his heel and dropped back down into the sewer, putting the cover back in place once inside.
Raphael smirked a little and stood up. "No thanks, I'm more of an ass man," he walked over to the mini fridge and opened up the tiny freezer. There was a pile a ziploc bags, each one packed with ice. He grabbed one and closed the door before walking back over to Bonnie. He tossed the bag at her before sitting back down on the couch. "Ice it. If you can't move your fingers after a couple hours, go see Donnie again," he informed her before returning to his comic book.
She caught the bag out of the air with her non- injured hand and sniffled. She wiped at her nose before pressing the ice down on her knuckles. Mikey walked in front of the two and put his hands at his sides. "Sooo, me and Donnie are about to head out. Can we trust you two to be nice to each other?" He raised a skeptical brow. 
"Most definitely not." Bonnie growled and shook her head.  
"Hrrmm.." Mikey frowned.
Raphael nodded in agreement with her. "Yeaaah...I should go with you guys. She might hit me again," he feigned injury and held the shoulder she had punched.
Mikey clicked his tongue, “Don’t be such a baby, Raph.” He teased.
Raph narrowed his eyes and looked to Donatello, "No, seriously. I don't want to be stuck baby-sitting. Plus, you get along better with her, so you should stay Donnie."
"Ah-uh," He wiggled a finger at him. "The person who bought that nunchuk? Turns out, they collect Asian weaponry and have Mikey's locked behind some of the most state-of-the-art security systems that are available to the public. So I have to go." He stated.
"Try to get along you guys. Make some small talk, get to know each other! He grinned. "I mean... by the way you two act; quick to violence, short on words... You're bound to have something in common!" He grinned.
Bonnie scoffed and shook her head again. "Unless he wants to be rawed by Drake, I don't think so..." She mumbled.
Donatello snapped his fingers and pointed toward the exit. "And on that note, we're out! C'mon Mikey!" He grabbed his little brother by the arm and dragged him along.
Raphael looked at her and shook his head. "Drake? Really?"
"Hell fucking yeah Drake!" She huffed. "He's got a body, a Bugatti, and most importantly--money." She smirked and straightened her back. "I like his music too."
He clicked his tongue at her, "You know, he's only got one thing that I don't and that's money."
Bonnie turned her head in all directions, her ponytail whipping behind her. "..I don't see no damn Bugatti down here, aaand-" She held up a finger with her other hand and pointed at him. "This body?" She looked him up and down and shook her head. "Uh-un."
He pointed off towards the garage and said, "I got two things better than a boo-gatti. The Turtle Van and the Turtle Tactical Truck. Both of them are armor plated. And I could lift two Drakes. I would like to see him even try to bench press half of me."
She rolled her eyes, but smiled a little. "Alright. That's prrrooobably true." She said. "But what about music, huh?" Her brows perked curiously.
He was ready for this one. He stretched and spoke in a nonchalant tone. "Oh, it's no big deal. Just that my brothers and I have been working on a hip-hop Christmas album for a while."
Bonnie smiled wider and snorted. "Hip-hop Christmas album? What like Ludacrismas, or Christmas in Harlem?" She asked. "That's whack! The only good hip-hop Christmas song," She made quotations with her free hand. "Is Mariah Careys 'All I want for Christmas is You.'" She teased.
At the mention of the singer, Raphael nodded. "Well, everything she touches is great so, of course it is," he bit his lip a little at the thought of her and grinned. "But! Michelangelo does know his stuff. Even if he is an idiot most of the time."
"Alright..." She pushed some stray hairs from her face. "How about giving me a little sample then?
He blinked and stared at her with a blank stare. "...what?"
"C'mon big boy! Spit some rhymes! Throw down some verses!" She stuck her tongue out at him. "Serenade me~" She leaned back dramatically and put a hand to her chest.
His cheeks flushed for a moment but then he chuckled a little at how she was acting. "I can't. I'm just the hype man. Leo's the one with the silver-tongue."
She clicked her tongue. "You're a damn lie, that's what you are... but I'll get it out of you eventually." She smirked and looked down to her injured fist. She took the ice off it and tried flexing her fingers. They moved a little, but not much due to being numb because of the ice. She hissed a little and blew on her fingers.
He looked at her red and swollen knuckles, nodding at them. "Feelin' any better bunny-girl?"
"A little bit." She mumbled. "What about you? Bet that shoulders feeling real sore right about now." She looked up at him and huffed.
He rolled his shoulder and acted like it hurt, making an exaggerated hissing sound. "Damn, ya know. I don't think I'll be able to move it again." What he said next he instantly regretted but he just couldn't stop himself. "You should kiss it and make it better." He cringed the moment the words were out of his mouth.
Her eyes widened and she blinked just once. She stared at him in complete utter silence for a while before standing up and then sitting back down on the couch next to him.
He didn't try to look at her, afraid of what he might say next or how she might be looking at him. It was a dumb thing to say. He was getting too comfortable with her and he needed to calm himself. For all he knew, this could be another way for her to escape. That was something prisoners did right? Get on the guard's good side so they would let them escape or turn a blind eye to some activities. That's probably exactly what was going on here.
He scooted away from her and cleared his throat. "You should uh...stretch your fingers. Gets rid of the stiffness."
She chased after him when he retreated; scooting on closer to him. She grabbed his arm with her good hand and pulled it into her chest. "Mmm..." She hummed and puckered her lips.
His heart skipped a beat and he felt his cheeks burn. "Woah! What the--!" He panicked and yanked his arm out of her grasp quickly, accidentally smacking her nose with his hand. He winced when he felt his hand make impact and his eyes widened. "Fuckin'...fuck! Shit, I'm so sorry!"
"Oww!" She put her good hand to her nose and cringed. "It was a joke, you idiot!" She cried and removed her hand from her nose, revealing a small amount of blood. She scoffed, "great, I'm bleeding.. Again!"
"Raph, what did you do now?" Leo said as he walked into the lair.
The red-clad turtle stood up quickly and held his hands in the air in defense. "I can't be around women! Fuck it! I give up! You said you could do better Leo? Then here's your chance! I'm gonna go work out." He exclaimed before storming off to his room to clear his head.
Leo blinked in confusion and turned to Bonnie. "What did you do to piss him off?"
"Nothing!" She whined as she held her noise. "Can you get me some tissue, please?"
Splinter appeared by her side, offering her an entire box of tissues to her. "You'll have to be more patient with my sons. They're not exactly used to women."
"Ugh..." She reached up and took the tissue box from him, stuffing her nose to stop the bleeding. "I was just joking around. I thought he knew that."
"Raph doesn't usually pick up on humor too well. One time our friend Casey asked him how his brain surgery went, and that..". Leo paused to smile and shake his head. "That didn't go over great."
"Of course." She sighed.
Meanwhile, Donatello and Michelangelo had sneaked in to the house of the individual who had purchased the nunchuk; lucky for them, no one was home. The place was a small mansion, full of fancy decorations and expensive paintings. There were many times where Donnie had to smack Mikey's hand away from touching many of the items inside of the place. He had only checked for security around the weapon and the house in general, not for each individual thing kept behind glass. 
Soon, one of the sensors on his watch beeped, telling them they were getting close to their target. "Okay, so your nunchuk should beee...." He stopped and pointed at a stained, wooden door. "Right behind that door."
Michelangelo stared at the door wide-eyed for a while in silence. "I'm afraid to open it." He turned to his leaner brother. "What if it's like Space Jam, where they go to get MJ's lucky shorts; and when they open the closet it’s supposed to be in, there's this giant dog behind it!"
Donatello sighed and walked by his little brother. "First, stop being such a wimp. Second, for a dog to be huge in comparison to us, it would have to be a cross between a Great Dane and Tibetan mastiff." He opened the door to reveal a room full of Asian weaponry. Donatello's eyes widened, completely impressed not only by the number of weapons but by the quality and age of them too. "These weapons...are almost ancient..." He breathed, stepping close to a Naginata propped on the wall.
Mikey held his breath when Donatello opened the door, and then sighed in relief when there was no dog behind it. He inhaled again when he saw the collection, and his eyes lit up. "Oooh myyy goooddd!! This is sooo coool!!" He squealed.
At the sound of Mikey's voice, Donatello snapped himself out of his admiration and turned to him. "Don't touch anything! This guy clearly has a thing for weapons. He might have an alarm system on all of them," He turned away and began to walk down the rows and rows of weapons, trying to find the familiar nunchuk.
Mikey groaned. "Have more faith! I'm not fifteen anymore, I've matured! I have a better attention span!" He said as he walked down a different aisle. He tucked his hands in his pants pockets in order to keep himself from touching anything.
Finally, Donatello found the case the nunchuk was being kept in. He approached the case and plugged in a USB drive into the display. He began to push buttons on the device on his arm, trying to disable the security system surrounding it. "Okay. This is gonna take a couple minutes. Just keep an eye out in case anyone comes home."
"Yeah, yeah! Of course!" He waved him off and turned his attention back to a particular display. "Yooo Donnie... It says that these nunchuks are Bruce Lees'!"
Donatello looked off in Michelangelo's direction, clearly intrigued but also skeptical. "No way. That has to be fake!"
"I mean, I have no way of actually telling." He scratched at his head. "But by the look of this room, and how many security systems are setup for all this! I'd say it's real!"
Donatello looked down at his device, seeing that it would still take a couple of minutes to tear down the system. At first he started to step away slowly before running silently over to where Mikey was. If they really were Bruce Lee's nunchuk's then this was a piece of martial arts history being locked away!
 "Alright, let me see those..." Donatello muttered as he stared at the weapons behind the glass. They were definitely the same age but something seemed off. "Wait, did they always have dragons on them?"
"Yeah! He had them in Return of the Dragon!" He paused and raised a brow. "...Right?"
"I think? It's been a while since I saw that--" The device on his arm started to blink and vibrate. Panic started to settle in as he stared at it. "Oh...shit! Shit!" He ran back over to the display holding Mikey's nunchuk and began to press more buttons on his arm. He had missed the moment to manually override the system; now the security knew someone was trying to break in. He did everything he could to shut it off, but it was no use. He cringed and yanked the USB drive from the display. He stared at the glass and winced before he used his staff to break the glass. "Mikey! Grab your shit and let's go!"
"Aaah!" Mikey yelled and ran over to the display, snatching up his nunchaku.  He made a bolt for the exit but stopped and turned back to Donatello. "While we're here, do you think we could take a few other things? Like Bruces..." He smiled nervously.
"Absolutely not!" Donatello ran after him, pushing him out the door. "You don't wanna end up like Bonnie do you? Except instead of mutant turtles, you'll be kidnapped by rich men and probably tortured and dissected."
"Uuuh! Good point!" He nodded and left the room.
Once Aida had made sure her siblings were finally behaving themselves and settled, her mind could not keep Bonnie out. All she could think was how miserable the girl might be down there in the sewers, stuck with the four mutants and giant rat. She had to do something to help her, or at least go back to keep her company until they found the weapon. After all, the girl managed to convince them to let her return to the surface; the least she could do was bring her a magazine or a sandwich. 
"Are you sure you can handle it?" She spoke to Orlan as she finished preparing all of their lunches and dinners for the rest of the day and next, as a precaution of course. 
"Yeeees hermana," he grumbled, acting like he was paying attention but was staring at the TV from across the room.
Aida caught where his gaze was and stood in between him and the distraction. "I mean it!" She waved a finger at him. "The twins have to be in bed by eight or else Rosa will have night terrors the rest of the night."
"I know that!" He sneered. "They're my brother and sister too!" 
She sighed and went back to packing food for Bonnie. "You're right. I just want to make sure you'll all be okay."
He looked at her and nodded, "We'll be fine hermana. You don't have to be like a mom all the time ya know."
She scoffed and rolled up Bonnie's bag. "Only when Papa's not here," She pulled him in for a hug and then kissed the top of his head. He recoiled and made a disgusted noise but she smiled as she began to walk out. "I'll be back! If I catch you and Montae throwing water balloons at girls again, I'll make sure to embarrass you at school!"
He waved her off as she closed the door of her house. She ran across the street and into the alley the turtle had released her in. She bent down and tried to open the manhole, but struggled. "Jesus! He's strong!" She panted and finally gave up. However, she wasn't done. She was going to find a way into the sewers no matter what!
Aida wandered around the city until she finally found her opening; an open manhole cover. She breathed a 'thank you' and climbed down, trying not to gag from the smell. She looked around, not sure which way to go and finally decided to start walking off in one direction. After an hour she finally felt lost and began calling out for help.
"Bonnie? Giant turtle men? Big ass rat?" She yelled multiple times, still trekking forward. "If I die down here, I'm haunting all of you!"
Raphael watched them from his room, still trying to get over what had happened earlier. How could he lose his cool so quickly like that? Maybe Leo was right; maybe he did need more discipline. 
He heard a familiar voice call out, followed by some grunting and a little scream. Raphael hopped out of his room and saw the Latina girl stumble into the lair, her shoes and shins covered in sewer gunk. 
Aida sighed in relief and looked around. "Please tell me there's a hose or something down here...."
Leo and Bonnie both looked in Aida's direction when they heard her voice. Bonnie's eyes widened and her brows raised. "Aida?" She cocked her head confused and stood up. "Aida, what are you doing back here?" She said and rushed over to her.
Aida started to step forward but paused. Not wanting to track gunk everywhere, she kicked her boots and socks off. "I uh...I felt bad leaving you alone down here. Plus, I thought you might be hungry so I made you some food," She held the bag out and smiled at her.
Bonnie felt a tingling sensation in her heart when Aida showed compassion for her. Her cheeks burned warm and lit up a light red. "You... You didn't have to do that." She spoke softly.
She patted her arm and smiled wider, "You didn't have to vouch for me either." It was then that she finally noticed just how red Bonnie's nose was. "Wait...what happened to you?" She snapped her head to the turtles and hollered at them, "Did you hurt her? She already told you what you wanted to know!"
"Calm down! It was an accident," Raphael responded in a bored tone.
Bonnie looked down at her swollen hand and held it up to Aida. "Don't worry. I got my licks in too!" She grinned.
She clicked her tongue and narrowed her eyes at them. "You two have a lot to learn on how to treat ladies!"
Raph huffed and crossed his arms. "I know how to treat a lady. I just don't see any here right now."
Aida growled at him before turning back to Bonnie. "Go on, start eating. You'll need energy."
"Raph, give it a rest." Leonardo sighed.
Bonnie smiled again and took the bag from her. She rummaged through and pulled out one of the sandwiches Aida had made for her. She held it up to her mouth, and nodded. "Thank you." She whispered, and took a bite out of the sandwich.
Raphael waved his brother off and started to make his way back to his room until he heard footsteps approach. He turned his head toward the sound but relaxed when he saw it was just Donatello.
"We got it!" The lean turtle panted, running pass both girls and going straight to his brothers. "We go it back!"
Michelangelo was following behind him, but stopped when he saw Aida. "Heeey! Good to see you again!" He smiled and patted her on the back before passing her and going into the main room.
Leo smiled proudly when he saw the second nunchuk on Michelangelo’s waist side.  "Good job Donnie!" He nodded.
"And Mikey!" Michelangelo added.
"Good job Mikey..." Leo rolled his eyes a little, but still smiled.
Aida grunted a little from the pat but looked between the four brothers. "Wait so...if he has his thing back. Bonnie can go then?"
Donatello's smile turned into a frown. "Well...I don't know. That's kinda up to Leo and Splinter." He paused for a second and licked his lips, "Also...we accidentally set off the alarms."
"What?" Leo's smile instantly turned into a frown, and his brows furrowed. 
"Yeeeah!" Mikey rubbed the back of his neck. "Also, Donnie sweared! Like-- Ten times! It was the weirdest thing!" 
Leo let out an aggravated sigh and turned to Donatello. "Donnie… How did this happen?"
The purple-clad turtle frowned and pushed his glasses up. "Well...Mikey distracted me with Bruce Lee's nunchuk's." He admitted, leaning against his staff. "I missed my chance to bypass the second wall. I thought I had enough time."
"Aw, are you for real Donnie?" Raph growled. "You're better than that! 'Sides, they were probably fake!"
"No, you don't get it!" He explained, "Whoever bought Mikey's is a serious weapons collector. They had a lot of old and expensive things..."
Aida frowned, "You don't think they're gangsters do you?"
"If it is gangsters, they'll definitely be coming for their-well… your stuff." Bonnie added. 
"Donnie, there was nothing left behind to trace you two was there? No gadgets, no chains-" Leo looked to Mikey and then back to Donatello. "Cameras?
Donatello shook his head. "No. Cameras were the first things I disabled before we got in. And we didn't leave anything behind either."
Raphael paced back and forth for a bit and nodded. "Alright then. Sounds like we're in the clear then."
Aida frowned, feeling like something was off about the whole thing. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something about the whole thing that made her gut twist.
Leo sighed in relief and tightened the knot on his bandanna. "So… We should be good then.” He looked to Bonnie and nodded. “You're free to go."
Bonnie’s eyebrows perked and her back straightened. "O-Oh…" She responded.
Leo looked at her confused for a moment and huffed. "What? Did you want to stay?"
Bonnie blinked and furrowed her brows, caught off guard by the comment. She didn't know why she was hesitating to leave this place, but it was a second before she spoke. "N-No! I'm just surprised, is all!"
"By what?" He leaned his head down at her and smirked. 
"O-Oh! If you wanna stay we can have a slumber party and play some games! Like 'I never' and 'Seven Minutes in Heavennn'~" Mikey grinned.
"Ugh..." She scoffed. "I should've never showed you my boobs." 
Mikey chuckled. "No you shouldn't have! They're forever etched into my brain!" He pointed to his head.
Aida blinked too but Bonnie's sudden freedom did not surprise her as much, especially since they had let her go to see her siblings’ just hours ago. These four beasts...they weren't as bad as she had originally thought they would be. She was still skeptical of them of course, but their humanity no longer shocked her. 
She crossed her arms and stared at the four creatures for a second before asking. "Before we go, can you guys at least tell us what… you are?”
Raphael rolled his eyes and looked at the girls. "Why do you need to know? You two aren't coming back down here again." He waved them off. "Go back to the surface and forget all this happened." 
Aida scoffed, "Gonna be hard to forget all of you. It's gonna take weeks just to get the smell of the place out of my nose."
"Yeah, and I think it'll be especially hard for me to forget you." Bonnie glared at Raphael and pointed to her nose, and then nodded to her fist.
"Hey, I already said 'sorry'!" He pointed at her.
"Geez Raph! You hit her nose?" Donatello went over to Bonnie, just now noticing her nose. "Sorry Bonnie. He can be a brute sometimes. Does it still hurt?" He reached out to touch her bridge to make sure it wasn't broken.
Bonnie hissed and jerked away from him. "Yeah! So don't touch it..."
Leonardo put his hands at his sides and sighed a little.  "We're teenage mutant ninja turtles and we're the defenders of this city. That about cover it?" He cocked his head. 
Bonnie mimicked his motion, but with a raised brow. "But why?" "Someone’s gotta do it." He shrugged.
"You're welcome, by the way." Raphael added. 
Aida huffed a bit, "I got no reason to thank you. Except for what happened on the rooftop and I already did that."
Raphael glared at the Latina girl and began to stomp to her. "Hey. We've saved the whole city before. But did you know who did it? No. Because we operate in the shadows. We save you and you don't even know it."
She raised a brow and sized him up, staring up at the giant turtle. "Oh really? Then why didn't you save the two teenage boys from a gang-bang two weeks ago in my neighborhood? Or scare off the drug dealers just ten miles down the road?"
Leonardo frowned and his body tensed. He had to swallow on the lump that was building in his throat before he could speak. "We try to get to everyone we can, but there's only four of us, and we have to stay hidden when its daylight." He answered.
She stared at him for a long time before sighing. "Fair enough I guess," she paused for a second and shrugged. "Just don't forget about those wrecked sides of town okay? It's getting harder making sure my brothers don't end up with the wrong crowd."  
"Sounds like they need to do a couple of burpees," Raphael added in. 
She ignored him and tapped Bonnie's arm. "You ready to bounce then?"
She looked at Aida and smiled with a nod. "Let’s get the hell out of here! I need a shower." She said and began walking towards the exit.
"H-Hey Bonnie!" Michelangelo called out to the girl. She looked back at him with a raised brow. He pointed a nunchuk at her. "I hope this means you're through with stealing! I don't want to have to wrangle you down here again!" He grinned a little. 
Bonnie clicked her tongue at him before turning back around. "No promises!" "We'll at least leave your things alone this time!" Aida added before following her mentor.
Raphael watched the two leave with his arms crossed and grinned. "Five bucks says they're gonna steal something in a week."
Donatello smacked his arm, "Oh c'mon Raph! Have some faith! It'll take at least a month before they start it up again."
The bigger turtle grinned and fist-bumped his brother. "You're on."
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