#total drama fan fic
novodontia · 1 year
I just had a thought. What if the reason Noco shippers hardly exist anymore is because they read Slippery Slopes and either were obliterated by it's sheer power, or converted to AleNoah.
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(visual representation I made in less than 3 minutes)
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elliebyrrdwrites · 3 months
Dramione Drabble (#20)
Temporarily, I've labeled this in my software as "A Dream Within a Dream" (Thanks to Draco's love for that particular poem) but gods do I love writing these little drabbles of scenes and piecing them all together.
Draco sauntered into Hermione’s office the following morning, bored out of his mind. She was scribbling furiously, finishing up some notes regarding a case of cursed mirrors she and Goldstein had confiscated before she died.
“You’re scowling.” He noted as he lowered himself into the chair across from her.
She peered up at him. Her nose scrunched up as she set her quill down. “You set my bed on fire. And Goldstein is an idiot.”
“Because we need a new one.” Draco rested his ankle onto his knee and ran his fingers through his hair. “And, I know.”
Last night, he had taken her home to the manor. She didn’t want to be there. Not at first. But he kept her away from the drawing room where she had been tortured. He kept her inside of his bed, where he could fuck her properly. Against fine linens and satin. This morning, he had watched her dress, fussing with glamouring the marks he left on her neck and realized that he never wanted to wake up without her again.
“You don’t belong in that shoebox you call a flat.” He argued, again. Because he was serious about her belonging with him.
“I don’t belong in your manor.”
“Of course you do.” He scoffed. But, he shook his head, relenting for now. He could be patient, if he needed to be. “But the bed is already at your flat. I ordered one this morning and the house elves have already moved it in.”
“Malfoy,” She sighed and shook her head. He smiled, because he loved when she was giving him that look, and saying his last name. Like she couldn’t decided if she was upset, exasperated, or thrilled by his behavior.
“I hope you’re not opposed to gifts.” He frowned at her. “I’m a generous lover, and not just in the bedroom.” Her cheeks flamed bright and Draco found it impossible not to stand and lean over her desk. Impossible not to plant a kiss to her forehead.
She sighed at the feeling of his lips brushing against her brow.
Somebody knocked on the door and before Granger could ask who it was, Potter opened the door just as Draco was pulling away from her.
“Hey,” He greeted them with a pinch of his brows. “I need you two to respond to a call coming from Hogsmeade.”
“What’s happened?” Granger pushed away from her desk, and grabbed her coat from the back of her chair. Her cheeks were still pink, but there was a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.
Just like Draco, Granger loved action. Potter loved action, but Robarbs was holding him down, tying him to a bloody desk. So it wasn’t a surprise to Draco when he caught a flicker of jealousy in the young man’s eyes as he watched the two of them gear up.
Draco spun his wand between his fingers as Potter regurgitated the report to him.
“There’s been a break-in at a residence just behind The Three Broomsticks.”
“Have we been designated as the lead Aurors for allB and E’s?” Draco asked, twirling his wand again.
Potter shrugged, frowning. “Just...try not to kill anyone this time.”
Draco’s laughter barked out of him as he held his hand out for Granger, who was shaking her head, ruefully. “I’m not sure that’s meant to be a joke, Malfoy.”
“It isn’t.” Potter watched their hands clasp together. “Just,” He sighed. “Be careful, yeah?”
Granger smiled at him, one of those genuine smiles that Draco might have been jealous of at some point before. But now, he knew better. Potter was her brother, just as Theo was his. Just as Pansy was his sister.
“Come on, love. I’m starving. If we’re lucky, the assailant will be gone by the time we get there.” He smirked when she shot him a chastising glare. “We could grab dinner before we go home.”
“It’s not even lunchtime, Malfoy.” Potter said, following them through the halls.
“Well, that’s alarming.” Had the morning dragged on that much? He had spent the morning reading through the reports on the last two calls he had gone one (both involved the death of a suspect) while considering all of the ways he would rather be spending his morning. All involving Granger and her body and his mouth. Or her mouth and his body.
Draco had never considered himself an addict of any kind, but he knew that sex addicts existed, and now that he had been with Granger, he wasn’t so certain anymore.
Granger laughed at the very real look of alarm on his face as they stepped into to the room that allowed Apparation directly in and out of the department. “We can grab something to bring back to the office with us once we’re done. I’m in the mood for fish and chips.” She entered the room and turned to face Potter. “How about you, Harry?”
Draco snorted when his eyes lit up. He nodded and pointed at them. “Please do that. Hurry along, now.”
Hermione looked up at Draco and smiled just before she pulled them away to Hogsmeade, that familiar pull at the center of his gut, sucking him into something compactable. He wondered if their bodies were being squished and forced into something microscopic, or if they were momentarily broken apart into the millions of little atoms their bodies were made up, before forcing them through time and space, only to wind up in the middle of an alley reeked of dark magic.
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cheezbites · 1 year
Hi can you do a Chris McLean x Short!Reader?
Chris McLean x Short Reader
✎: MY FIRST EVER REQUEST I’M SO GEEKED RN. Thank you guys, keep these requests coming!! 💓🥲
♡Summary: Chris McLean dating someone short.
Bf!Chris always attended press conferences and award ceremonies where crowds towered over you, which was nothing new. He insisted on guiding you through the hordes of people with his hand on your shoulder or waist.
"What, is that Ruby Rosewood?" someone in the crowd exclaimed.
"Wait, where is she? Chris, lead us to her. Oh my god, I need to see her," you held onto his guiding hand resting on your shoulder.
He acted like a GPS tracker, swiftly locating her, and you enjoyed a short and sweet conversation with one of your idols.
Bf!Chris appreciates your shorter figure. Despite his past relationships with taller women, often models who added onto their height with expensive heels, your height, ranging from 5'0 to 5'4, actually makes him appear much taller when photographed or standing together. How could he not love that?
The event was busting with activity; flashing cameras, chattering voices, and a sea of well-dressed attendees. Chris, dressed in his tuxedo with a charming smile, navigated through the elegant crowd.
You, stood by his side, unbeknownst to the unique effect your presence had on Chris. He couldn't help but beam with pride as photographers captured the two of you together. You had a way of making him appear even more tall in comparison to you.
As you mingled with the guests, you picked up on a hushed whisper across the room, "Isn't that Chris? who's the lady with him?"
A nearby couple overheard and joined in, "That's his girlfriend, the one who makes him look even more impressive."
Chris, overhearing the conversation, couldn't help but chuckle.
Bf!Chris hired security guards for you with his immense budget, they followed you around everywhere. Even at times when it seemed a bit redundant.
Your chauffeur was driving you around the city as the security guards were sitting around in their own seats, making small talk with one another. You were texting Chris on your way to run errands:
“You sure I need the guards to go shopping for groceries?”
“Yes. Anything can happen, remember what happened on the news?” he replied shortly after seeing your message, you chuckled at his response. Chris was a bit paranoid at times, but maybe it was for the best.
Bf!Chris had to lean over to kiss you, which was one of his favourite aspects of the kiss.
Chris leaned over to meet your lips, and that simple act added an extra layer of sweetness to the moment. It was one of his favorite things about your kisses – the way he had to lean in to reach you.
As your lips met, you both felt the electric connection that never decayed. In that tender embrace, you shared a kiss that spoke volumes without words, reaffirming your love in the most beautiful way.
Bf!Chris was your weighted blanket at times; instead of you cuddling up to him it would be the opposite. He wouldn’t put his full weight on you; but enough for you both to be comfy.
A cozy blanket draped over you as you both lounged on the couch. Chris had a mischievous glint in his eye. He shifted his position slightly, and before you knew it, he was gently draping himself over you, like a living weighted blanket.
You giggled at the unexpected move, making him grin down at you, his arms propped up, supporting his weight just enough to make you both feel snug and comfortable. You settled into the embrace, feeling the warmth and security of his presence.
Bf!Chris is the human trash can of the relationship. If you both went out to eat, he finished your leftovers you couldn’t finish.
You sat in a cozy corner of your favorite restaurant, savoring a delicious meal with Chris. The plates were stacked with delectable food, but as always, your eyes were bigger than your stomach.
Chris, on the other hand, seemed to have an appetite when it came to your leftovers. With a playful smile, you pushed your plate toward him, knowing he'd happily accept the offer.
He chuckled between mouthfuls, "Someone's got to make sure nothing goes to waste,"
As you continued to eat together, you couldn't help but appreciate how Chris's appetite perfectly complimented your tendency to order more than you could finish. It was just one of the many ways your relationship seemed to fit together seamlessly, like a jigsaw puzzle.
Bf!Chris often gave you piggyback rides at concerts, convinced that you'd struggle to see anything. You didn't mind at all, secretly enjoying the elevated view for your Instagram story. After all, it was a win-win – a better view and a cute moment to share with your followers.
The concert’s music thumped through the air as the crowd around you jumped and swayed to the beat. Chris, always attentive to your needs, leaned down with a grin.
"You ready?"
You reached for your phone and nodded, "Absolutely!"
Without hesitation, Chris knelt down, and you hopped onto his back. He effortlessly lifted you, and you clung onto him as he stood up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
The stage came into view, the lights and the artist gracefully performed around you.
You couldn't help capturing the moment. You snapped an Instagram story, the music pulsing in the background, while the crowd's energy surged around you. You couldn't resist but to feel grateful for Chris's thoughtfulness and the incredible view he provided, both in real life and on social media.
Bf!Chris took notice of your affinity for high-heels. Either in your online cart or when you’re window shopping, you were undoubtably drawn to them. It wasn't solely because of your height, although that might have played a role in your heel obsession. You simply loved the feeling they gave you – They were so simple yet so feminine. So expensive, too.
"Close your eyes, love," he cooed playfully.
Curiosity piqued, but you complied, covering your eyes with both hands. You could hear him moving about the room, and a sense of anticipation built within you.
"Okay, you can open them now,"
As you removed your hands, you were met with the sight of a beautifully wrapped box with the ANAPHORA etched onto its elegant surface. Excitement and surprise washed over you as you carefully unwrapped the gift. Inside, you discovered a pair of exquisite high heels, the same pair that’s been sitting in your online cart for a few months now.
"Oh my God... Chris, you didn't have to!" you exclaimed, your eyes sparkling with gratitude.
Chris grinned and replied, "Well, now you don't have to tip-toe as much," he teased, alluding to the times he had to adjust his height difference with you.
Bf!Chris noticed you taking his over sized t-shirts from his cupboard, he was used to your thief antics and so he let it slide. But on your figure, they looked like flowy dresses.
Bf!Chris loved when you asked him to get something out of your reach for you, it made him feel useful in a way.
You stood in the kitchen, eyeing a high shelf where your favourite cookbook was. The shelf was just out of your reach, and you knew exactly what to do. With a playful grin, you turned to Chris,
"Babe, could you do me a favor?" you asked, your tone sweet and soft.
He looked at you with a quirked eyebrow, a smile playing at his lips. "Of course, what do you need?"
You gestured to the cookbook on the shelf. "Could you grab that for me, please?"
His smile widened, and he sauntered over to the shelf, breezily retrieving the cookbook. As he handed it to you, he couldn't hide his sense of fulfillment. "Here, anything else?"
You chuckled, touched by his eagerness to help. "No, that's perfect, thank you."
A/N: Thank you so much (again) for requesting!!! This was very fun to write <3
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xoangel-dust · 5 months
Random Duncney Headcanons:
*might be a bit OOC and unrealistic but idc*
Duncan gets out of jail 3 years after the ending of All stars on good behavior
Courtney was assigned as his lawyer in the case to get him out of jail.
Having nowhere to go Duncan after getting out of jail he begs Courtney to stay with her for a little while (she reluctantly allows him to since she has a spare bedroom)
While being a felon Duncan has a hard time getting a job so he has to get his GED
Since she’s a lawyer now Courtney isn’t home too much so Duncan (who doesn’t have a job yet) cleans her entire apartment while she’s working.
Courtney still has their pet Raccoon Brittany
Duncan fails his first GED test but Courtney helps him pass the second time around
Duncan still calls Courtney Princess
Geoff and DJ jokingly call Duncan Courtney’s “house husband”
At first Courtney barely talks to Duncan but she gets used to having him around (he does get a part time job)
He gets back on his feet after about 10 months(she while she wont admit it doesn’t want Duncan to leave)
Duncan who has always wanted to be a mechanic starts working at a local auto repair shop and decides to take a few engineering classes at a community college that’s 20 minutes away from Courtney’s apartment.
Of course he does this after an argument with Courtney (she refuses to allow him to bum off of her)
She had to take him shopping for new clothes after he got out of jail, he jokingly said they were on a date.
After a year and 4 months they’re practically living together and get a long a lot more than what they used to but not without their usual issues resurfacing.
Duncan does become an engineer after graduating and lands a job at a major car manufacturer
Courtney becomes a big time lawyer
Courtney bought Duncan a nice suit (she surprised him with it he protested to wear it but liked her kind gesture) and she gets him to go out with her to a fancy restaurant
They’ve been staying together for 2 years now and during another heated argument Duncan asks Courtney to marry him (he’d been tucking money aside in a shoe box for months to get a ring he knows she’d love he doesn’t trust banks )
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melodicaprils · 1 month
i wish i could post it but its not done yetttt
its a mikesys x zoey fluff + angst fic w/ 160ish pages on google docs (1.5 spaced 13 size im pretty sure)
i posted like a few screenshots from it, but basically the entire mikesys gets trauma (yes even chester <3) thats based on clues n evidence from the actual source, n then they vent to zoey abt it n then they kiss or whatever
also platonic friendly malcan n bc i think they should b besties
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
*looks at u w/ my chocolate orbs* opinions on mikesys
Not sure if you're talking about Mike and his alters, or Mickey from RR, but I'll assume it's the former.
I like Mike! I like the concept of his character - that being a "normal guy" who just so happens to have DID (or, given the show's airing period, I suppose he'd call it Multiple Personality Disorder). I'm... not so much a fan of the execution, but it's somewhat understandable that he's a little unrealistic as DID representation given the social standards of the time. If anything, the fact that he wasn't made into an antagonist is revolutionary! (Until, you know, All-stars ruined it.)
Mike as a character is fun. He's just a guy in a world, and nine times out of ten he's so done with whatever bullshit situation he's found himself in - it indicates that Mike's accustomed to finding himself in less than stellar situation thanks to his alters, which tracks given that most of them are definately predisposed to finding trouble. The number of times he's re-fronted in the show itself just to find himself in an awkward or otherwise distasteful situation thanks to whoever was fronting previously attests to this.
When it comes to my opinions on Mike himself, I found him a little too entrenched in the "everyman" personality to really care much for him. His character flaws are fairly generic and reasonable, which is to be expected from the "normal guy" archetype, yet his character strengths don't really have a chance to shine through as Mike.
The Zoke plotline was sweet, if a little painful to watch, but the main personality draw for the ship was Zoey (ironically enough). His alters are by far the most interesting aspect about him despite each only having a fraction of the screentime Mike himself gets, and Mike's own motivations are fairly unclear.
To clarify; Svetlana's motivated by being the best gymnast in the vicinity and showing off her acrobatic prowess, Manitoba's motivated by being the best conservationist/archeologist around (since he's, in all likelyhood, a culmination of an Indiana Jones fictive and Steve Irwin), Chester's motivated by Old Man Spite. Ect ect. Whereas Mike himself is just find of there? He's in the competition because... well, he had nothing better to do, and the prospect of a million dollars is too good to pass up, I guess.
Outside of his will-they-won't-they with Zoey, he forges a friendship with Cameron (though Mike and Cameron's rapport isn't really expanded on outside of Cameron trying his best to cover for Mike's DID) and, in his final episode, a sort-of rivalry with Scott, but otherwise he's fairly self contained in his system.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, more screen time outside of the Zoke plotline would've saved him.
Now, as far as his alters go, I have a pretty distinctive ranking for them:
Chester - He's relatable. I'm personally a big fan of grouchy old man characters when they're played for comedic effect, and Chester's consistantly funny in his brief appearences.
Svetlana - Do I need to clarify? She's Svetlana. She would be my #1 if I wasn't so biased towards Chester.
Vito - He's a fun character to watch, and technically he didn't do anything wrong despite the show itself trying to paint Vito and Anne Maria's relationship(?) as a bad thing, but he loses point for being Italian (/j).
Manitoba Smith - He's alright. Not as entertaining as the other personalities, and he loses even more points for the blatant sexism.
I haven't watched All-stars so I can't in good faith rank Mal.
... I wish Total Drama was good. Mike and his system could've been great.
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opuestocomplementario · 4 months
I got back into Total Drama and reading Duncney fanfics which makes me so happy. Because FINALLY I get to ready straight enemies to lovers who keep quarreling with e/o even after officiated their relationship
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popstart · 8 months
saw some 13 year old on tiktok like i love heathney all the fics on ao3 are so good and it got me so self aware that theres a non zero (and honestly quite high) chance that a thirteen year old has read my fanfiction
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6teentakes · 2 months
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got a 6teen take/confession of your own?
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canonically47 · 10 months
does an equal number of girls and boys matter to you in total drama fanfics? i'm working on a fan-made all stars season and i've only put in 10 girls and there's 11 boys (zee is their own gender don't @ me) so i just want to know if i'd be, like, called out for that?
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 8 months
Tsats my beloved! 💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️
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totaltism · 1 year
Promo-ing my two TD AO3 one shot fanfics!! I’m actually rlly proud of these so I wanted to promo them again especially since I changed the name of one of them
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
an irl told me two months ago that leonave is like the st ship steddie but in a more ‘unhinged, enemies to lovers, with theater kids’ way, and I’ve not been able to fully stop thinking abt that ever since, so here I am ready to see if she’s got a point or not by watching some steddie scenes
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cheezbites · 1 year
Chris McLean x Civilian
✎: Been wanting to drop this for a while :))
♡Summary: Chris McLean dating someone who isn’t famous.
Bf!Chris enjoyed your alone time as much as you enjoyed his; he’d do the most to secure it for you both. Even going as far as emptying an entire movie theatre solely from his high status.
“What do you mean? You just told them ‘Yo, It’s Chris McLean here. I’m going to need the cinema reserved for me and my girl at 5pm stat.’ Like, that’s insane.” You quipped, walking into the vacant cinema whilst locking arms with him.
He chuckled at your poor impression of his voice as he gave a nod of approval to one of the workers behind the til, they seemed to instantly recognise him as they allowed him into the theatre.
“Pretty much, yeah.”
Bf!Chris would commentate the movie as you watched; not too often to be irritating, but not being quiet so he’s not too silent. You’d listened with genuine interest as to what he had to say, no matter how cruel and uncanny it was.
“I could do that for Total Drama,” he mentioned in the midst of rubbing the stubble on his chin.
“What? Camouflaged bear traps around the wilderness?”
“Totally. Wouldn’t it be cool?”
Bf!Chris was a busy man with a bad habit of constantly forgetting stuff, which wasn’t a good mix for him. For subtle yet noticeable reminders, he doodled anything that would even mildly correlate to what he’s trying to remember on his palm/hand. But he never forgot about you, it’s like you were the main distraction. Most of the time, he forgets other things as he’s too busy thinking about you, what you were up to, how other filthy men would try steal you from him, maybe you thought about other guys - to put it simply, it drives him insane.
“Aw, that’s so cute!” You pointed at the sloppily drawn and evidently rushed cat drawing on his hand in black marker.
“Oh… I was meant to do that an hour ago,” he murmured, leaning forward to grab baby wipe on the coffee table before erasing it.
“Do what?” your face lit up at Chris’s sudden sweet side, you never saw him being a cat person. More of a ‘hostile bears in a remote island to maul oblivious teenagers’ person.
“Y’know how cats and lions are basically the same?”
“We were going to get lions instead of stereotypical bears for this season,” he added before eventually wiping the ink off his hand.
“Not so ‘Aww’ anymore…” You couldn’t complain, though. You knew what you signed up for the moment you started dating him; like an unspoken contract that you just know about.
Bf!Chris hates everyone else but you. And Chef, of course. How could he after he served him loyally for so many years? He was on set, getting ready to film a segment for a show without you. He was disdainfully scrutinising everyone and appeared moody. But the moment he heard you were going to be there, his face instantly lit up, and his demeanor changed.
The set was bustling with activity as Chris mentally and physically prepared himself. His brow was furrowed, and he seemed unusually bossy and irritable as he glared at the crew members scurrying about. He mumbled something under his breath that was barely audible, but it was clear he wasn't in the best mood.
Just then, a crew member approached him. "Hey, Chris, guess what?”
“What?” he pulled down his tie to reposition it without even sparing the crew member a glance.
“‘Don’t have time for games, Elizabeth. Spit it out.”
“Y/N's going to be here today. She's joining us for this segment."
Chris's eyes widened in surprise, and his moody demeanor shifted in an instant. A wide grin spread across his face, and he practically beamed with excitement. "Y/N's coming? Is she here yet?”
As if on cue, you entered the room and Chris rushed towards you, scooping you up in a tight hug. His attitude from earlier seemed completely forgotten. The crew members couldn't help but smile at the sudden transformation as they continued to set up for the shoot.
Bf!Chris made you garner a couple of thousand followers on socials just by being associated with him, and you didn't mind it too much. You even enjoyed the attention you received from it, often engaging with your new followers through Q&A sessions and sharing behind-the-scenes stories from your life together.
Bf!Chris loved it when you defended him for his sadistic behaviour. He stumbled across a Twitter thread between you and some random drama seeking influencer:
LolazLife: "Why are we not discussing how Y/N is dating Chris and standing by his toxic behavior? She needs to be called out and held accountable, too."
❤️ 28.5k 💬 2.9k ↪️ 1.2k
Y/N: "Is he really toxic? Or is it just the entertainment industry? Let’s put this into retrospect, he wouldn’t be the man he is if you guys didn’t constantly obsess over the ‘toxic show’ you all hate so much."
❤️ 74.6k 💬 7.3k ↪️ 2.5k
LolazLife: "Um, he hospitalized teenagers!"
❤️ 19.8k 💬 1.2k ↪️ 890
Y/N: "Um, those teenagers should learn how to read contracts before complaining! Too bad they can’t sue, huh? #legalitysucks #wompwomp”
❤�� 118.3k 💬 13.5k ↪️ 45.7k
People would confront you on a serious note, you’d argue with them for fun and for the sole purpose of your amusement, wasting their time and embarrassing them on the internet.
Bf!Chris is an attention whore, a clingy one, too. Be needs your attention constantly - it’s like he cannot live without you. He needs to breathe the same air as you, sleep in the same bed as you and even insists on sipping your smoothie when he thinks you're not looking.
"In the savannas of Africa, a sleek and agile predator roams the open plains with effortless grace. The cheetah, the fastest land animal on Earth…” the documentary continued in the background as you occasionally popped a few M&M’s into your mouth.
You were wrapped in a cozy pink robe, your feet snugly ensconced in fluffy white bunny slippers, and a rose-scented face mask enriched your skin. Chris then strolled in wearing his own smug blue robe, the one you had admired during that time you went 'window shopping'. He settled down beside you, his arms encircling your waist as he rested his head on your stomach, both of you were watching the documentary together.
You toyed with his hair before he reached his arm out to take a sip of your smoothie.
“Oi!” you yelped, playfully hitting his head.
He continued greedily drinking, but what he was drawn to the most wasn’t the flavour of the smoothie but the flavour of your cherry lipgloss that coated the straw.
Bf!Chris incessantly smothered you with gifts and affection. It made you feel like the damsel in distress at times, but it was all pure intentions and you knew that. Most of your jewellery? from him. As well as your fancy dresses and those getaways to extravagant restaurants with exotic dishes.
"There's a new restaurant in town. I got an invite, let’s go together.”
Chris was a foodie through and through, always eager to try new and or trendy restaurants.
"That sounds great! When is it?"
With a grin, Chris handed you the invitation. "It’s tonight, by 7pm."
As evening descended, you both arrived at the restaurant. The warm aromas of spices filled the air as you were greeted with a luxurious menu with intricate patterns on the border. You settled at a table draped with vibrant fabrics, ready to embark on this culinary adventure.
As the evening unfolded, you shared laughter, stories, and delicious food, all while building your relationship and having fun. Chris's passion for food was contagious, and you felt privileged to be his +1, enjoying delicious meals without pay.
Bf!Chris was infamously known for his cruel and twisted ideas, he was ruthless with them at times. He needed someone to balance him out -
that would be you. He’d even encouraged you to speak out if he got a bit too ‘yappy’ as he called it.
You both were seated on the porch on a summer afternoon, brainstorming for the upcoming episodes. Chris was pacing back and forth, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he shared his latest concept for a challenge involving flaming hoops, live alligators, and a trapeze.
You listened patiently, but it became clear that his vision was spiraling into pure insanity.
"Chris," you said calmly, standing up and stepping in front of him, "I think it's a great idea, but what about an idea from you and not from Mr Yappy, hm?"
Chris paused, his enthusiasm slightly deflated. He nodded slowly, considering your suggestion.
Bf!Chris has a secret soft spot for animals, especially cute ones, and he can't resist petting every stray dog or cat he comes across.
"Right, we need some tomato sauce and cheese as well," you noted aloud as you read from the list. But Chris was on the other side of the sidewalk, crouched down and cautiously petting a fluffy cat that purred within every touch.
You couldn't help but smile, appreciating this side of him that often went unnoticed. When he seemed mean or unpleasant, it was mostly just a front for his show and for the sake of his image.
As you continued shopping together, you thought about how complex and enigmatic Chris was. His on-screen persona might be sharp and occasionally ruthless, but off-screen, he had a warm heart, a genuine kindness, and an unexpected love for cute pets.
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melodicaprils · 3 months
just wait until i start writing the chester angst
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forumkedis · 2 years
Since I update so sporadically (and haven’t actually ever linked to it, despite vagueblogging it constantly), I thought I’d mention that I updated Austen’s Aldish Abomination this evening.
She’s a queer beast of a thing, currently sitting pretty at 67k words and just having tied up the first arc with a pretty, wedding-shaped bow. I’m about to dive into the second half of the adventure (?)
If anyone is looking for a slow burn romance and setting exploration in Alderode, I submit This, but please beware untagged warnings for just about anything Unsounded might be warned for and the mind the tagged gore.
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