#total drama island duncan one shots
Alliance || Total Drama ||
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After finding out Duncan cheated on you with Gwen, Alejandro offers you an alliance as revenge against Duncan. 
Pairing: Duncan x Reader x Alejandro 
Warnings: Cheating (not reader), fem implied reader 
Words: As I’m finally coming out of my writer’s block, I present this! Maybe a little self-indulgent because I like Alejandro and Duncan. Oops—Might make a second part if people like it though.
| Not my GIFs |
Your cheering for Cody ceased when Tyler blurted out the secret he’s been holding back. It took a moment to register in your head, not wanting to believe it. Duncan didn’t actually kiss Gwen, right? Your boyfriend and best friend wouldn’t have done that to you. It had to have been a strategy the other team came up with to throw you off. Pitting you against each other so you’d be distracted during the challenges. 
“Wait, what?” you ask, the distraction immediately working. 
“He said that Duncan kissed G—,” Alejandro repeated. 
You were quick to cut him off before turning to face Gwen. “I heard what he said! Gwen? Is that true?” 
She looked at you with guilt written all over her face that only confirmed it. She took a step back, as if expecting you to fight her. And for a moment you thought about it, anger quick to take over. Except heartbreak was quicker to hit when you fully accepted the situation. Your boyfriend and best friend kissed behind your back. 
You turned to look at Duncan who gave you a just as equally guilty look. You had hoped that by looking at him he’d shut down Tyler’s rumor. But when he looked away, you knew it was all true. Your heart cracked in your chest, and everyone was silent, waiting to see what you’d do. Both Duncan and Gwen watched you closely and you could see the fear on their faces. You never got mad or raised your voice, you were one of the few reasonable contestants on this show. It’s what made you so likable and kind of scary with everyone wondering if you’d ever snap. Today might just be the day. 
You turned to look at Cody who hadn’t moved yet, he was watching to see what happens next. No doubt scared that you might do something to Gwen. You kind of felt bad for him, he was sort of betrayed too. It can’t be fun knowing the girl you’ve been pining over kissed someone else. 
“Cody, start flying if you want to win this. Otherwise, if we lose, we’ll be voting Gwen off tonight,” you tell him. 
Your voice is eerily calm but it’s enough to set Cody flapping his poorly made wings. Your words made him determined to win, more so with his team agreeing with you. The Amazons won the challenge in the end which meant Gwen was safe for now. It also meant that Duncan had a chance to be voted off and although you were heartbroken, you didn’t want to see him go yet. 
Once your team is back in first class, you're left alone with your thoughts. And everyone wants to know what you’ll do to Gwen. Courtney is immediately giving you ideas, completely on your side. She had a crush on Duncan, but when he admitted he felt the same for you, she became your number one supporter. Which meant she was the embodiment of your anger now. 
“Hey, can we talk?” Gwen asks, approaching you with a guilty look on her face. 
“She has nothing to say to you!” Courtney exclaimed, standing in front of you. 
Gwen took a step back but looked over at you, nonetheless, silently pleading with you. Courtney looked at you too, arms crossed over her chest with a scowl on her face. You knew you should talk to her about this, but you didn’t want to. Not right now. 
“You heard her, I don’t have anything to say,” you repeat. 
She sighs heavily and walks away with a defeated look on her face. As much as she liked the kiss with Duncan, nothing could get rid of the guilt she felt. She hadn’t meant to betray you like that, it just sort of happened. At least, that’s how she likes to remember it. 
“We can so vote her off in the next challenge,” Courtney says once she’s gone. 
You shake your head, a defeated and broken look on your face. “It won’t change anything.” 
“No, but it’ll make you feel better. And it gives me an excuse to boot her out,” Courtney offers, trying to cheer you up. 
She liked you, which is rare for her, especially given the circumstances. This wasn’t exactly the place to make friends, but she became friends with you. You were the only person she’d deemed worthy enough to make it to the final two. Which is why she was angry for you. And maybe something else that she’d never admit. 
You offer a smile, strained but good enough to seem cheery. “I’d still rather play fair. If we happen to lose a challenge then whatever happens, happens.” 
That was enough for her, deciding to make your team purposely lose. People would suspect it from you but not from her. She could even get Sierra and Heather in on it. 
You wanted to be alone after, sneaking away from first class. You found a corner hidden away from everyone and sank down. Being alone meant you finally felt everything that just happened. Your boyfriend really kissed your best friend. You felt your heart crack inside your chest and the dam finally burst. 
You sobbed into your hands, using them to muffle whatever noises left you. It almost worked, had a certain someone not been snooping around. Alejandro found you in your corner crying your heart out. It’s exactly as he had hoped for. To get you alone and charm his way into your trust. Except standing in front of you now, he wasn’t so sure of his plan. 
“May I offer some comfort?” he asks, sitting beside you. 
You stop crying immediately and wipe your tear stained cheeks. You clear your throat and look away. “No, I’m fine. Completely fine.” 
“Of course, I didn’t mean to insinuate you weren’t,” he says, giving you a charming and gentle smile. 
You furrow your brows and stare at him, seeing straight through him. You didn’t trust Alejandro, from the beginning of this season. You saw what he did to Bridgette and LeShawna. You weren’t going to let him get to you the same way. 
“What do you want?” you ask. 
“My, I didn’t expect such a beautiful lady to be so harsh,” he places a hand over his heart and feigns being hurt. 
It makes you roll your eyes and cross your arms. “Listen, you may have everyone fooled but not me. And I’m not in the mood right now.” 
“I know,” he smiles again, this time showing his true intentions behind it. You were too smart for your own good and there was no point pretending. “But I figured now was as good a time as any.” 
“I propose an alliance between the two of us.” 
“You want an alliance with me? Why?” your eyes narrow and you’re even more weary of him. 
He was quiet for a moment, unsure of how to answer. What excuse could he say without giving away how he really felt? He didn’t want to admit that he actually felt bad and angered. No one should have ever broken your heart, much less someone like Duncan. But saying that out loud would mean having to admit how he felt. He wouldn’t. In a competition like this, feelings were a weakness. 
“To get back at Duncan, of course,” he answers. “If he sees us working together, it’ll irk him. Seeing you move on will definitely be a punch to the gut.” 
“Oh right, it’ll definitely be a punch to the gut when he’s making out with Gwen,” your voice cracks at the end, vision blurring. 
Alejandro’s heart wrenches at your sadness and anger bubbles in his chest. Duncan didn’t deserve you, not for a second. He abandoned you at the beginning of the competition and you just accepted him like it was nothing when he came back. He hated it and he hated you a little bit for it. Except now was his chance to get you to see him and forget about Duncan. 
He wraps an arm around your shoulders without thinking about it. Your pulled closer to him, facing him only inches away. “No offense, but you’re not exactly my type.” 
He laughs and gives you an ever so charming smile. “Don’t worry, that’s not my intention,” he lies. 
“And what are your intentions?” 
“It’s like I said, an alliance with you. Not only will it be revenge on Duncan but I’ll take you to the final two with me.” 
“Oh really? Why would you take me to the final two? I would’ve imagined you’d want someone like Heather.” 
“Heather? While she is lovely, she’s not my type. And I happen to like someone else,” he says, looking at you earnestly. 
Your heart skips a beat and you blame it on your bundled feelings. You push him away, making space between the two of you. Honestly, his deal sounded nice even if he ended up double crossing you. At least you could distract yourself from what Duncan and Gwen did. 
“Okay, on one condition. If you stab me in the back at any point, you vote yourself off.” 
He doesn’t even hesitate as he answers, all that matters is that he’s got you on his side. “Deal.” 
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How Every Total Drama Island (2007) Character Could’ve Prevented Their Eliminations
Ezekiel - Don’t be sexist
Eva - Don’t Lose Your Cool
Noah - Get off your ass
Justin - Talk to your teammates and persuade them. Owen was the best shot you had at saving yourself since he’s a bi bean.
Katie - Don’t Eat Blueberries
Tyler - Don’t… be a coward I guess?? (Idk)
Izzy - Yeah theres no saving you from the cops
Cody - Don’t get mauled
Beth - Don’t pick up things you don’t know. You never know if you’re gonna wake up with either superpowers or death
Sadie - Don’t be a bad aim and shoot Courtney
Courtney - Don’t support bullying. Stop it.
Harold - Don’t be into women
(Jakes was more believable. Don’t @ me)
Bridgette - Don’t choose sides. Girls must stay together in the power of love and friendship.
Lindsay - Ditch Heather’s plans and win the race yourself. That or sabotage her bike since you made it for her.
DJ - Don’t be a coward.
Izzy (Again) - Don’t be a bad aim and shoot someone in the ass. That’s not where that goes.
Geoff - Okay I didn’t get this one for a long time till someone on Fandom pointed it out. Don’t betray Duncan. Just do what the thug wants. Then he won’t find you disposable.
Leshawna - …yeah no this was completely RIGGED. This is THE most rigged and THE WORST eliminations of the franchise and I don’t care what anyone says. Girl did absolutely nothing wrong.
Duncan - Appreciate your chefs. Especially if they’re military.
Heather - Don’t be an absolute enemy. Everyone’s gonna wanna be your enemy. They’ll ALL target you.
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I have a take on who the fourth vote to send Bridgette home in Total Drama Island was: It was Heather.
A lot of people say either Geoff lied when he told Bridgette he didn’t vote her, or Izzy voted Bridgette to protect Owen, but if you think about Heather’s warning in Episode 14 and the fact that Heather and Bridgette never liked each other, having a mini-rivalry of sorts earlier in the game, it starts to add up…
I mean as far back as Episode 5, Heather insults Bridgette at the talent show and Bridgette throws a bag of chips at her in retaliation.
In Episode 9, Bridgette is sad that they’re doing a deer paintball challenge because it goes against her anti-hunting beliefs, but when Harold tells her Heather is a deer, she is super excited. They hunt Heather in the paintball challenge, and Bridgette shoots her.
In Episode 14, Heather tries and fails to manipulate Bridgette into her group. She then warns Bridgette that she will be sorry for choosing the other girls’ side. She yells and threatens her to eat meat in the Brunch of Disgustingness challenge, which is against Bridgette’s principles, and Bridgette yells back and defies her. The other girls + Bridgette lock Heather and Lindsay out the girls’ cabin at the end of the episode.
In Episode 16, Bridgette glares at Heather after she gets an invincibility pass and death-stares her some more after she brags about Trent’s elimination (these are one/two-person camera shots by the way, just showing Bridgette’s reaction).
And in Episode 17, she said she wants to vote Duncan because he’s mean, so if Heather didn’t have invincibility that episode, she definitely would’ve voted her.
This leads me to believe that in retaliation for not joining her girls’ alliance and for disliking kind, popular contestants in general (thinking Owen being “smiley all the time” was “creepy and unnatural” + being unimpressed with Trent), Heather took the opportunity to join the guys’ alliance and send the surfer girl home.
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totaldrama-showdowns · 8 months
Submissions for the Non-Human Showdown! Including ones that are invalid!
Fang (x2)
“He's Fang ❤”
Cody Jr (x2)
“Cody Jr! No! Not Aunty Heather!”
Mr Coconut (x2)
“The og. Should have won every season /serious”
vince the alligator (x2)
“The lore… so immaculate”
the don box (x2)
“bzzz i have a stupid fucking clue for you. ah fuck the interns put me in a lame outfit again”
“what id don on about he's slaying in that shirt”
wt pineapple (x2)
Irene the fish (x2)
“shes so beautiful i’d kiss her too”
“The final remaining member of Team Victory after DJs elimination, Irene went on to win the million and the hearts of many.”
the chrarry baby (x2)
“Goo goo gaa gaa”
“ive got my eye on u chris mclean”
Princess Beth Doll
“I WANT TO BUY ONE SO BAD IRL!!!!! Also, this too is yuri”
Old Jester from reboot S2ep9
“I love when Damien hugged him! That's scene is soooo cute. Also I love fluffy animal!”
Bobo :)
“SEASON 2 SPOILERS Bobo is the name of the bear that had the Raj mask in season 2 episode 12 :) idk I just think he’s silly”
DJ’s bunny
the Chris-shaped cake that Julia's group made
“I wanna eat that thang”
Dramarama Cody
“He's an alien”
Theodore (MK's stuffed unicorn)
(the arts and crafts) Shed (from season 1)
“shed sweep”
that evil little seal from wt
“sooo little and evil. who can hate him”
caleb rock
“possibly the best version of him out there”
the skull duncan carved for courtney
“you cant deny how iconic it was”
eva’s mp3 player
“the most important character in td history”
heather’s various hairstyles
“possibly the most diverse and versatile entity in td historu”
pahkitew island
“The best one”
ryan seacrests car
“very fast”
chef's car (total dramarama and gen 4)
“MY CAR!!!!!”
alien clone cody
“AAAAAAA*explodes into green goo*”
chris's wig
heather's wig
total drama yum yuk happy go time candy fish tails
“You ate it!”
trents five finger shirt
princess courtney CD
“all the greatest hits!”
owens butt
anne maria’s hair style
“Ey im walkin here”
bridgettes surfboard
the fake antlers from the paintball ep
manitobas fedora
beary <3
“it’s LITERALLY beary”
ripper’s world record breaking fart
“he did it”
the portrait of cody as blue boy in wt
“funny looking”
sierra’s pizza box-cum-laptop*
“she uses the internet AND eats witj it. shes a genius”
*Mod Note: this refers to cum meaning: combined with; also used as (used to describe things with a dual nature or function).
waynes accent
“Eh we play hockey eh”
mal ventriloquist doll
“aaah im evil mal doll”
alejandro puppet
“we do a little trolling”
Chef 2.0
“He made him from a cashew”
Mt. Kīlauea
“She has the mercy to have her lava not hot enough to kill Alejandro, Ezekiel, and that random intern like... Everyone say "thank you" or somethin idk. Do you think she feels bad that Alejandro ended up in a robot suit because”
Immunity idol s4-5
“They ruined it's design in the reboot boooooooo”
MK's infernape
“Listen, she's a gamer and she's based. She would totally pick chimchar in bdsp. She probably hates people who tells her to "play platinum" because that was a game made for old people.
Try and exclude this submission, I dare you. There's nothing that says I can't submit theoretical non-humans. There's a non-zero chance that MK has an Infernape and I know it's been raised to have some awesome sneaky move. If you exclude this, I bet you'd allow "Mike's Torterra" because only a grass type fan would be a fire type and MK hater!!
Julia would keep her piplup unevolved and beat her console into tiny bits when she gets to Cynthia btw”
the drone of shame
“[picks up victim and flies away] wheeee”
that giant bowl of rice they fall into in japan
“mm giant bowl of rice”
noah’s dog
“his epic dog”
celine dion cardboard cutout
“love fucking wins #duncney”
the face huggers from Area 51
“rip tyler”
ezekiel MISSING milk carton
“Sad! He died.”
the eagle chris shot and killed
“someone arrest this man. again”
the confessional
“it’s always there for you”
geoff’s splinter
the bread from codys pants
“man i need to rewatch island. i fucking love the pants bread”
That ice cream snowman from SMS
“the one from raptear specifically. let's go lesbians”
that pizza chase threw the challenge for
“clearly he should be with it rather than emma. chemma? chipper? chazee? nope never fucking heard of them”
Momma's Spice
“*sprinkles it on op's head* mmmm tasty”
The Gilded Chris award
WT barf bags
“give a real f to those guys. never appeared after episode 7.”
the toxic marshmallow of loserdom
“killer of staci's hair”
The lavatory confessional
“bitch is iconic. 6/8 is a passing mark!!!”
Courtney's PDA
“why wouldnt they call it a phone idk but its so camp”
The Cassowaries
“Male cassowaries are responsible for raising the young. We love an involved father.”
Fire-breathing winged mountain goats
“You could make an Undertale reference with this (also they're really cool)”
Giant Beetle
“Dott shippers will like this one”
Mutated Maggots
“They're pretty cute!”
Six-Legged Rats
scott bird
“what a beautiful bird”
Chef's car
“It may play a role in mkulia canon”
that rainbow porridge in episode 8 of the reboot
“aw hell naw chris cookin up the gay porridge”
The cassowary that fell in love with Zee
“We love an iconic single mother looking for love”
The rat in the cargo hold that appears on screen for 0.5 seconds during Ezekiel's solo in "Come Fly With Us"
“That rat really carried the whole song. Iconic. Astounding. Never before seen talent. Lady Gaga is shaking in her Demonias.”
The Erymanthian Boar
“It wrecked Duncan's shit in Greece.”
The dock of shame
“So many teens walked on her, i think she deserves some recognizion”
gwen's blender necklace
Zoey's hamster (Miss Puffycheeks)
“It's cute and can punch a cat, need I say more?”
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tdfanficawards · 9 months
ABMT: Alejandro gets stuck in a time loop unbeknownst to everyone, starting right before I See London after passing away in the robot suit. He goes through A LOT.
Famous: Geoff and Gwen, Courtney and Duncan, and Heather and Alejandro are all trying to navigate a life of fame. Their encounters with the paparazzi and each other causes many problems though.
Death Cast: An IOTs rewrite. Dives deep into everyone’s emotions, both dead and alive, and it’s sad man.
Concrete Slab: A oneshot, Noah has been kidnapped but at least he has company of good old Alejandro.
Muddy Canvas: Post TD Gwen fic. Gwen tries to right the wrongs of her past, and her overall regret of ever going on Total Drama.
RITD: An one shot of Noah’s death and his thoughts in the IOTS AU. Noco centered.
EDITORS CHOICE: WNBTK: I love this one so much: An IOTS AU where Duncan saves Courtney from dying, so she gets to live past the island! She never gets to live in anything.
I tried not to spoil anything so I’m sorry if the descriptions are too short 😭.
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
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"He has more than nine lives, so he picks himself up and keeps climbing for the prize... again."
Summary: If Cody's wheelchair falls off the Dock of Shame into the lake and only Chris and Heather are around, does anyone care?
"Sunk Too Deep"
Read on dA || Read on FFN || Read on AO3
[ Warning for canon bear mauling injuries ]
Originally posted on dA - July 8th, 2015! Happy 8 years!
Well, I'm not planning to repost all my Total Drama 'fics on AO3, but "Sunk Too Deep" was always the fan-favorite of my gallery, so I want to add it for preservation reasons <3
Apparently the OG has 19.3k views, and I know they're inflated by dA's weird search system but... dang. Congrats to 2015 me.
If there are other favorites people would be interested in me porting over to AO3, let me know! :)
(First 1000 words under the cut)
I dragged Cody's wheelchair to the confessional instead of pushing it. The rubber wheels snagged in the untrimmed grass and sometimes made the whole thing tip onto one side, but I'd stopped caring. I had more than enough time to kill tonight. Leshawna had holed herself up in the bathrooms with Beth and Lindsay for the last hour, scrubbing out the paintball splatters until their skin turned red and lumpy. When I'd last checked, she'd been about to start on their hair.
"Well, here we are, dork." I righted Cody's chair again and parked it outside the confessional door. "You really think you're up for this?"
Cody nodded. He said something too, but the words died out behind his mask of bandages. I hoped that if he made any attempt to get me eliminated from the island tonight, Chris would drop his vote on the grounds that it was unintelligible.
"Courtney, are you still in there?" I gave the outhouse a swift kick, regretting it instantly when splinters jabbed my uncovered toes. "Your team didn't even lose the challenge. What could you possibly need to go on about for half an hour straight?"
"Okay, Heather, one minute! Just let me wrap up. What was I saying again? I was saying something. Oh, and I had to stare up his nostrils for twenty minutes as we struggled back to camp. And he made me walk backwards. I fell into the stream! Twice! And his pits reeked like sweaty socks dunked in split pea soup and left to molder. But that wasn't even the worst of it. Not three minutes in, he said to me…"
I sat down against the wall and emptied my shoes of pebbles as Courtney's complaints trailed into background noise. Wearing high-heel wedges to camp? Definitely not among the top ten decisions I'd ever made in my life. I should have expected Chris would lie about the five-star resort. Cody made muffled noises for a few minutes, and when I finally looked around for him, his chair had edged several meters down the slope. He fell over when one wheel sunk into uneven ground. I entertained myself by watching him squirm beneath his seatbelt, visible only by strips of gauze and tufts of brown hair. When he twisted just right, I could make out the purple around his swollen eye too.
The door opened. Courtney stepped out, her tan face flushed a deep pink that I could see even in the twilight. Between that and the way her fingernails were stuck in the wood, I took a wild guess and concluded that if I hadn't called for her to get out, she would have stayed in the outhouse listing slights against Duncan all night.
"There. It's all yours. Happy voting, Heather." A frown shot across her face. "Are you okay? Your eye is all red and puffy. That one, right there." She wrenched her nails from the door so she could point, in case I didn't know which one she meant. "And you still have paint in your hair."
I placed the back of one palm against my eye. "Yeah, well, I can't deny that I'm impressed with Leshawna's aim. Who knew those shampoo bottles could squirt all the way from the sinks to the door? I thought for sure that enormous backside of hers would knock her off balance."
A tiny smile twitched at one end of Courtney's mouth. "That's not very funny," she started to say, and then her eyes strayed past my shoulder. "Hey, is that Cody? He could be hurt!"
"Not more than he is already," I said, but Courtney bolted past me anyway. She pulled him from the ground, checked to be sure he was securely buckled in, and then turned a few puzzled circles.
"He's with me." I got to my feet and stretched. "Chris still wants him to make his vote tonight. Or give a valiant and hilarious try, anyway. I volunteered to keep him out of trouble."
Cody spat something beneath his bandages, shooting me a razor-edged glare as Courtney pushed him back up the slope.
"What's your problem, bear-bait? It's not my fault you fell down. That can't have hurt worse than your mauling."
Cody made a fair attempt at shaking his head.
Courtney pulled Cody's chair inside the confessional, even climbing on top of the toilet seat so she could ease him into position. His elbow knocked the camera from its straps on the door. I picked it up, silently cursing myself for not grabbing the opportunity to deliver my vote and take off while Courtney had been rescuing him. I was not looking forward to dragging him out of there.
"There. Nice and snug." Courtney squeezed around Cody's chair and stood back to admire her handiwork. "I'll leave you to it then. Good-bye, Cody. You never would have made it to the finals anyway, but it's awful to see you go out like this. Get well soon." She gave him a very gentle hug around the neck brace before heading off towards the Bass cabin. Cody made strangled noises like he was trying to call after her.
I furrowed my brow. Wait a minute.
I took my hand from the door and it swung shut behind me. "Are you- ? … Oh. Oh. You can still speak, can't you? Well, duh, of course you can still speak. I heard you trying for an hour. Er… do you want those off now?"
Cody rolled his eyes. A fly landed on his nose and started to rub its forelegs together.
In hindsight, the question was stupid. I don't know why I'd assumed that a bandaged face had left him without a working tongue. But I had. So it wasn't really the question that was stupid, it was me. At that thought, I bit hard into my lower lip.
"Here." I flicked out my nails. The gauze was tied in the back, so I twisted myself awkwardly behind his chair. A few slits, a couple of tugs, and I lifted the strips away and wrapped them around my wrist. Cody started coughing. Heaving. Breathing. I slipped off the toilet seat, expecting that his first words were going to be, "That's a relief," or "Sweet, sweet air," or something else along those lines. Even, "Thanks, Heather". But instead, he surprised me.
"Dude, why did Courtney tell me good-bye? We haven't even had the elimination ceremony yet."
I pushed open the confessional door, righting the camera as it swayed again. "Maybe because she knows you just rendered yourself useless in all upcoming challenges and it's clear that- Aaugh!"
I'd made the mistake of turning around, putting myself nose-to-nose with Cody's unbandaged face for the first time. Cody blinked at me for a moment, sending a fly on his eyelid into the air, then lowered his gaze to his lap.
"That bad, huh?"
[Cnt'd on dA / FFN / AO3 - Links at top]
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Chapter 1: Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island
[With the competition over and someone winning the money, the campers are ready to head home, but will they get the opportunity to? The host has one final challenge for all the contestants, forcing them to form their own respective teams and participate in an all-out, no-rule hunt for one million dollars! But wait, what happened to the camera crew?]
[Is that screaming?]
Inspired by Island of the Slaughter by @eavee-ry
“All right, campers. The ultimate million dollar challenge starts… now!” Chris announces with the bang of a cork gun.
As the teens bicker and set off in their own teams in the search of the new and improved cash prize, Chris and Chef sit on the patio of Playa Des Loser watching the contestants on silver screens. Nothing was ever as endlessly entertaining as their [ex] campers fighting for their lives. However 2 hours in, it was starting to really drag.
“They seem like they’re having fun. Too bad, it’s boring.” The host extended his arm for a refill, he’d been cutting back after some… unfortunate tabloid stories about his ‘vices’ had gotten him some flack. But a whole twelve minutes without the help refilling his drink? It was flat out unacceptable. Turning around there didn’t seem to be any interns to yell at anyway, and he was way too comfortable to get up at this point. Still the kids walked circles around each other and it was starting to grate on him how static the angles were, no wide pans, no following shots, no zooms, just the stationary cameras cutting together footage once their proximity sensors picked up movement.
Okay, maybe he didn’t need another drink. He was a mean drunk, and nitpicking every detail about his show was just what the vultures wanted to see in another ‘Chris McLean on set freakout’ video. Instead, he picked up the microphone.
“Okay, this is pathetic, campers! It’s been two hours now and no one has even come close to finding this suitcase! So here’s your first clue. It’s just hangin’ around!”
The voice boomed over a speaker out to the contestants on the island. Or at least the ones close to camp. Wawanakwa was a huge land mass in reality, and when Chris told them to go off and explore they took that to heart.
Justin could just make out Chris’ voice above Katie and Sadie’s incessant chatter. He shouldn’t have agreed to team up with them, he should’ve expected this, but they were easy targets. Only, maybe too easy.
“And I had to come in and drag you out!” One of them squealed.
He desperately panned around for some way he could get them off his back.
“It was the first time I had ever seen a urinal!” The other screeched.
“Okay, you know what?! Heh. I really, really have to go to the bathroom. Um, why don’t you two go and wait in the cave so I can have some privacy?”
They seemed impressed by his chivalry. Anything to get them off his back.
Courtney was back in her groove, she had Duncan wrapped around her finger, another chance at the money and she was sure it would be hers this time around. Only problem was…
They were lost, hopelessly lost.
In fact, she had never even seen this part of the island before and the cameras were getting sparse as the two walked deeper.
She could almost make out the crackling of a loud speaker going off in the distance, but maybe she was making things up.
Heather had been desperate, but Harold? That was the wrong choice. She realized when she first agreed to ally with him. And now, she had a headache.
To be fair, she’s had a headache since she was eliminated. I mean, how many people have lost their hair and $100,000 all at once? Now she had another chance, but as he droned on and on she couldn’t help but wonder.
Is this really worth it?
Lindsay and Beth had insisted on staying near camp, probably for the best, it kept them able to hear the announcements and Ezekiel, though he would never admit it, was deathly afraid of the dark and the daylight couldn’t last too much longer.
Chris’ voice boomed from somewhere to his left, a clue. Something about hanging around? Zeke took the chance to look up, dwarfed by the pines above them, and saw it. It was a good bit away from them, but the briefcase was just there.
“Hey, uh, guys?”
Beth turned around to glare at him. “Shh. Give us a little girl time here?” Zeke had really been trying to, they’d barely even acknowledged him. He was glad they’d even let him on their team, but ignoring him was getting old fast.
“But isn’t that-“
She had already gone back to Lindsay. Maybe if he just walked away to get the case they wouldn’t notice. He could be the perfect sleeper win. First out wins the million, what a great storyline!
He walked just off the path into a part of the forest littered with bramble and shrubs. The case wasn’t too high off the ground, maybe 6 or so feet, if he got right under it he could probably jump just enough to grab it. But just as he stepped into position.
Chris could’ve sworn they left the case on the path, somewhere easy to find. The challenge was supposed to be more focused on them fighting, it wasn’t just some juvenile scavenger hunt. He huffed, leaning back in frustration.
Chef was uncharacteristically quiet, he seemed glued to the screens.
“Finally one of those damn interns picked up the camera.” Chef could always read Chris’ mind, truly it was a miracle, “We need to get them more training, this one’s all shaky!”
The camera followed as Ezekiel neared the money, Chris swears he can hear the breathing as the camera moves in. Damn, Chef was right, he would probably just fire the kid once the episode was over. Along with whoever was supposed to be filling his drinks.
This was weird, the case was too low, the tree was too far into the forest, and those shrubs were too thick. But maybe he was overreacting.
“Uhh Chef?” Chris felt it, the pit in his stomach was welling up. “Did you move the money after I finished setting it up?”
Maybe it was the silver glint of something in the bramble.
A scream breaks through the air as he falls over. It’s clear Ezekiel has no idea what’s just happened, as he immediately goes into hysterics.
The camera closes in on him, dropping to where he riles in pain on the forest floor. Zeke, between yelps of pain and shallow forced breaths, opens his eyes to see a camera pointed directly in his face. He visibly stills. Then his eyes slowly track up to somewhere above him.
As he opens his mouth to scream, the cameras across the island go out.
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emetophobiahelp · 24 days
Total Drama Island
Overall, this show has a lot of v* related stuff, including multiple episodes with extended v* scenes, as well as having a lot of moments of v* that often come out of nowhere. There are also a lot of references to v* due to show’s heavy emphasis on grossout humour.
Since this is quite a long list, I’ll put ❗️ and ‼️ emojis where ❗️indicates brief/less graphic v*ing moments and ‼️ indicates extended scenes/more triggering moments.
I’ve done my best to also keep track of mentions of v*, people g*ing or spitting things out in a way that could be triggering, but I think I’ve missed at least one spit take. If you’re triggered by these things, I would highly advise against watching the show as these things happen very very often, and much more graphic stuff happens frequently. However, I hope that this list can be helpful if you still want to watch the show.
E1: after Geoff is introduced, he and Chris keep calling each other ‘man’ and then Gwen says ‘if they say man one more time I’m going to p*’
E5: ‼️ when Bridgette goes on stage, after the second burp she starts v*ing. The scene is quite long and graphic, including v*ing on people, and v* is still visible on stage until after Chris says they’re going to ‘hose it down’ and then there’s a beep as it cuts to a ‘technical difficulties’ style scene. After this, the episode is safe from depictions of v*. However, after Geoff breaks his skateboard and Courtney mentions ‘Katie and Sadie are covered in b*’ and at the campfire ceremony, Chris mentions ‘music, drama, b*’
E6: ❗️near the end of the episode, Owen comments that he never thought chips could taste so good, then says ‘I think I’m gonna be s*’ and is but with no visual and minimally triggering sound.
E7: Heather spits out orange juice when Chris tells her she’ll be facing a sumo wrestler. ❗️When the campers are all standing around the paddling pool full of worms, DJ v*s with no visual and minimally triggering sound.
E10: when Chris eats the flambé, he begins choking on it and g*ing. He spits it out when Owen gives him the Heimlich manoeuvre
E11: near the start of the episode, DJ feeds his pet bunny by spitting food into its mouth ‼️Later in the episode, after eating the sashimi, Trent falls to the floor and v*s. They cut to the shot of him on the floor a few times and there is audio (especially when Chef leans in to give him the kiss of life). They cut to another shot of him with visible v* after Geoff and Bridgette jump in the lake, and another after Courtney wakes up in the infirmary. After Chris announces the winner, we see Trent foaming at the mouth (I’m not clear if it’s supposed to be v* or not but I’ll mention it just to be safe)
E12: ❗️after falling in the mud, Harold v*s. ‼️ Later, after Bridgette tells Courtney ‘I think you’ve had enough’ Courtney runs outside and v*s with visual and quite triggering audio. When the campers are hanging upside down from trees, Chef states ‘the next stage is n*’
E13: after Owen asks why he would need to shower and burps, Gwen g*s
E14: very triggering episode overall but I’ll do my best to provide specific warnings for all instances. ‼️ After Owen learns that the meatballs he’s eaten are made from testicles, he v*s on DJ. ‼️ When it’s the guys’ turn to eat the pizza, Trent says he has a weak stomach and runs out to be s*, with intense audio and then some visual. ‼️After he’s forcefed the pizza and it cuts to him in the confessional, he v*s for a prolonged time with audio and visual. ‼️ After the cockroach challenge, Leshawna says ‘something’s coming up’, which starts off a very graphic v* scene from everyone, ending with Duncan v*ing directly on the ‘camera’
E17: near the end of the episode, the girls are all talking about voting and Heather says ‘as much as it makes me want to y* u* my lunch’
E20: after the rest of the campers leave and Heather starts looking through the crate, it cuts to Duncan in the confessional, where he says ‘as much as it makes me want to h*’
E21: ❗️when Chris is recapping all the campers that have been kicked off, the footage shown for Trent is him v*ing from eating the pufferfish. Bridgette’s v*ing moment also features but it cuts off before she actually v*s
E22: ❗️after Chris says ‘the final five’, we get a shot of Leshawna running out of the cabin and v*ing, with audio and visual
E23: after Heather and Gwen fall into the water, Heather spits a lot of water out of her mouth
E24: when Owen is talking about Bigfoot, he says that he ‘has BO that would make you h* c*’ After Owen and Duncan go to look for fire wood, Gwen says ‘the damsel in distress thing made me want to p*’
E25: another pretty triggering episode since it relies heavily on grossout humour. At the start of the episode, a seagull is startled by the speakers and spits out a worm. After Gwen steps up to spin the wheel, it cuts to Chris in the confessional, where he says that he and Chef have a bet about whoever p*s first. After licking Owen’s armpit, Heather g*s and covers her mouth. Chris says ‘that was so s*! I nearly p*ed’. Heather pulls a hair out of her mouth and g*s. After Owen says that the gum has a ‘crunchy centre’ and it zooms in on Harold picking his nose, both Chris and Chef g* and cover their mouths. When Heather has to lick jam from Owen’s bellybutton, he says that he never washes in there and she g*s and covers her mouth. After she eats it, Owen says ‘you didn’t p* this time’ and she covers her mouth and g*s. ❗️When it cuts to the next shot of Heather on life support, Chris offers her a PB&J and she v*s offscreen but with audio ❗️After Gwen drinks from the toilet, she g*s and covers her mouth before running offscreen to v*. Chris and Chef both cover their mouths and g* but then swallow. When it cuts back to Gwen, she has v* round her mouth. When Heather taunts her, she burps in her face, illustrated with a green cloud. After this, Gwen’s face is clean when we see her. ‼️ After Owen eats dog food, everyone else v*s, one after the other, with both sound and visual. ‼️ When it cuts to Chris in the confessional, he says it was gross before v*ing and coughing. After Gwen holds up a fish as if to kiss it, Chris v*s (audio but no visual) while Chef is shown covering his mouth and then swallowing. After Heather drinks the blended mystery meat, she g*s
E26: after Courtney kisses Duncan and tells him he’s not her type, he says ‘you make me s*’ After Chris is thrown in the water, he spits out water
E27/special: ‼️ after Owen kisses Izzy’s hand, she covers her mouth with her hand and runs and v*s in the barbecue. In the confessional, Owen calls her ‘a woman who can b* like a guy’ After DJ jumps in the water to save Tyler, Tyler pumps his leg and shoots water out of his mouth When Harold is talking about beavers, Noah makes g*ing gestures/noises After Owen pulls chicken wings out of his pocket, Tyler clutches his stomach and makes a disgusted face After Heather and Harold run away from Leshawna into the water, Heather spits out water
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boosmidnighthour · 10 months
For more information about this rewrite, please look at this post.
Read more about some of my thoughts on previous finalists below.
With previous finalists, it felt like there was more of a theme. Total Drama Island had the introvert (Gwen) VS. the extrovert (Owen). Action had the book smart (Beth) VS. the street smart (Duncan). World Tour had the "lesser evil" (Heather) VS. the "greater evil" (Alejandro). Revenge of the Island had the nerd (Cameron) VS. the jock (Lightning).
All Stars kinda just went with a couple (Mike and Zoey) and called it good (I didn't personally like this season, and it kinda had no theme I think). I don't really think that Pahkitew Island had specific winners, either. They went with a nut job (Shawn) VS. some girl (Sky). (As you can see, I'm pretending to know what I'm talking about. I did not watch Pahkitew Island enough to know these characters as much as the other seasons'.)
The Reboot's original finalists didn't have the first four season's thing, and chose a character that was basically born to play this game (Priya) VS. the series' first openly gay character (Bowie). If I was to choose the finalists while keeping one of these original finalists, it would have been Priya VS. Damien (because Damien has no idea what this game is about while Priya definitely does) or maybe Bowie VS. Zee (because Bowie is supposed to be really competitive and Zee definitely is not that).
I could easily be overthinking this, of course. But I can honestly work with whatever. I love [almost] all of these characters and I'm willing to give any of them a better shot at the million.
☆ ☆ ☆
(Off Topic: The wiki has Bowie's label listed as the "Lovable Party Boy", but I don't remember him being particularly interested in partying. I believe it was to be less offensive, since being labeled the "Gay One" is kinda rude, but the label just doesn't work. Actually, a few of the new contestants' labels don't really work. Like, what is "The Gorgeous with a Side of Substance" (Nichelle) supposed to mean? "The Bad Boy" (Ripper) doesn't really work either. I'm not giving fault to the Wiki runners; I don't blame them for this, because it's not their fault. I'm just complaining.)
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amethyst-geek · 11 months
Justin's role in my Total Drama/6teen Urban fantasy AU
Now compared to the other Island characters, Justin probably won't be a main character (instead being a supporting character/romantic false lead), but I do have some ideas for storylines involving him.
One storyline is that he helps Jonesey get recruited by his modeling agency and he shows Jonsey the ropes.
Another storyline is him getting involved in a love triangle between Courtney and Duncan, similar to Total Drama Action (except it will probably last more than 1 episode).
A third storyline involves him dating Caitlin Cooke from 6teen. I was thinking that he could take the role of another one of Caitlin's exes. Remember that episode where Caitlin and her boyfriend at the time took photos of a weird photo booth that gave them photos of what their hypothetical baby might look like, and both photos turned out ugly, so she dumped him and started taking photos with a bunch of different guys in hopes of getting a cute 'baby'? Well, in this AU , the instead of the boyfriend in question being a one-shot character, he'll be Justin. And instead of an offscreen breakup, it will probably the two of them arguing over whose fault it is their fictional baby turned out ugly. So they go around asking their classmates to take photos with them in the weird baby making photo booth.
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scepterno · 1 year
Just curious, what’s your feelings on each season of TDI? I’m sorry if this has been asked before, I was looking and didn’t see anything. Favorite, least favorite? How do you feel about 2023 in comparison to other seasons?
ohoohoho i don't believe ive ever rated the seasons on this blog
here's my preference from favorite to least:
World Tour, Island, Ridonculous Race, Action, 2023, Revenge, Pahkitew, All Stars
I really really like the new season so far. It's definitely not... AMAZING, but it's way better than i thought it would be. i love the new cast, the animation is nice, and i liked most of the challenges we saw. it's such a shame they're cutting into half seasons instead of one long season.
all stars sucks. the cast they chose was garbage, the decisions they made WITH the cast were garbage, everything about this season was garbage. well. it had some funny parts. but it was mostly garbage. the only reason pahkitew is above it is because at least pahkitew didn't assassinate the personalities of our beloved characters. also i love shawn and jasmine.
RR was one of the shows that got me through a really shitty time in my life, so i'll always be SUPER fond of it, even if i didnt agreeeee with some of the choices (cough forcing noah into a romance cough). it was a really refreshing new format with REALLY INTERESTING CHALLENGES!!!!! also i love Don. fuck Don haters. we love ALL total drama hosts in this household. ALSO THE BLAINELEY CAMEO IN THE FINAL EP. SHE AAAAATTTTEEEE. i would be soooo so happy if they ever decided to do RR again
also i do like what little ive seen of total dramarama. its not something i would like.... watch unless im trying to pass time at my job... but i think its a cute show and can be pretty funny at times. baby duncan and cody are definitely my favs in that show.
world tour and island are nearly tied for first place. island just has this raw, deadpan humor that isnt matched by ANY season, not by a long shot, but world tour has Alejandro Burromuerto AND music. i am a musical theatre nerd AT MY CORE!!!! i used to listen to the soundtrack for world tour obsessively. i still know pretty much all the words to every single song.
revenge is a season i havent actually rewatched recently, but i do love the cast from it, especially mike cameron and zoe's friendship (basic, i know). i used to be a huge scott/dawn shipper too. Action is also a season i dont really watch or think about. but it's definitely still one of the best. i am deffo going to need to rewatch it before i write ANY trent fic.
ok i think that about covers everything GENERALLY
i really hope the next season of 2023 has damien in the finale two, and i hope we see wayne and raj split into different teams. GAh theres so much i want to see them do that they wont HAVE TIME FOR!!!! DAMN YOU 13 EPISODE FORMAT!!!
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noco7 · 2 years
Favorite TD moments?
Thank you for the question. TBH the moments I remember most tend to be the funny ones BUT I will try to list out one fave character/plot moment from each season. RR: I think I talk about Emma's ending with Kitty before, and I've talked about the air guitar episode. So I won't talk about those. Instead I'll talk about the time MacArthur saved Josee's life by sharing her oxygen thingy majig. I love moments when enemies put aside their grievances in face of a bigger danger. Likewise, I like the scene where Tom&Jen finally get over their lil hissy fit and become friends again. They're not enemies, just besties going through a minor tiff, but still. I love a good reconciliation. Pakhitew: When Shawn saved Jasmine by facing his zombie fear. This whole season he's been battling his zombie-phobia, to the point of hurting Jasmine, and saying it's better to not get attached becaus then you'll prioritize your girl over your own safety.... but then he does it!! And becomes a better person! I rlly like Shawn lol. All Stars: Uhhhh. We'll come back to this one. ROTI: The time where Cameron got Jo eliminated. Jo had been using the guy as an underling, but finally he strikes back and it's great. She finally recognizes him as a real threat, he tells him "i learned it from you," and for at once Jo is at peace. It's a great transition moment too, because he's finally surpassing her. World Tour: It's my favorite season so I should have a bunch of moments to pick from but uhh. I think I like this season more for the dialogue than anything else. Uhh. I like the moment where Lindsay says she'd never laugh at her boyfriend, because Tyler had been the laughingstock of the season, yet she truly does care for him. It's so sweet. They're supposed to be the dumb-dumb couple, and they are, but they defend each other and help each other, and stay with each other, when other people would have given up. It's like allyship within a community. I love them. Action: This is small, but Justin's crush on Courtney is such a good character moment imo. It feels out of nowhere, but the guy has been struggling with the beauty vs brains debate this whole season, "Math is for ugly people," and he feels like it has to be one or the other. But then he sees Courtney and he's like wow she has the best of both worlds. And it's an epiphany. That you CAN do that. Yeah it's kinda silly that anyone would think otherwise, but it's a realization that would have a big impact. I HC that this is why he joined the Total Drama Brothers. Because he wanted to try something new that wasn't just beauty. And he chose music. Sure he's not good at music, but it's still new. Being a celebrity singer is a meld between being pretty and being good at music, so it's a good first step. Island: Uhh, gonna go back to All Stars now. All Stars: I think that the finale having a huge castle is cool. Island: Total Dramarama: Noah catching the ball. He may have objected to working out, and he may have made his teacher’s life hell, but when he caught the ball and realized he Could be Good at Sports, he was very happy. And it was rlly cute. Island: It's not that there's no good moments in Island but there's not a lot that resonated with me? I know Lindsay had a cool moment, that Harold saved his team again and again, that Courtney did something nice because of Duncan, that Courtney did something mean because of Duncan. I just don't care about Island that much lmaoo. Uhh. As a noco shipper I liked it when - *gets shot*.
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leonave · 1 year
Hmmm, opinions on all seasons?
AMAZING question anon!! under the cut :-3
island: 8/10! its silly, a little edgy but not distractingly so. i love the background, casual moments between characters. its light on plot and drama but it is a great introduction to the cast, their relationships, and the tone of the series. great comfort watch!
action: ?/10. i rate it like that because it really depends on my mood lol! there are parts of action i really love and others i really hate with like. no middle ground? i thought the duncan/beth finale was fun and the justin antag arc was both hilarious and genuinely cool. its kind of a chore to watch though, the strongest feeling i remember while watching action was a sense of "how did they stretch this into 25 episodes"
world tour: 7.5/10 i really liked world tour on my first watch but the more i consider it, the more im neutral on it. i love sierra and alejandro but a lottt of characters got derailed in turn. mainly gwourtney and everyone who fell for alejandro. the characters feel kind of one-note too? conflicts come and go super quickly as well. but the constant action works in its favor! i was never bored :-) also noahs back which is good
revenge of the island: 8.5/10! incredibly fun with so many lovable characters who all provide some unique but still grounded qualities to the show. also one of, if not THE funniest season. i just remember it feeling so incredibly empty. its not the size of the cast bc i didnt feel that way about all stars or pahkitew island, its just something abt the tone and the way shots are framed. its definitely still getting used to the feeling of a smaller cast lol. great season i like it a lot!
all stars: 5/10. i dont hate any season of total drama but this comes Close. which ik is not a new opinion but still. the dialogue is so unnatural and fake, and while i actually enjoy the direction they went with some characters (scottney and much sillier alejandro) a LOT of them went completely unhinged. also there werent many g1-g2 interactions as i expected? sadface :-( the elimination order is kinda strange too and the zoke finale was a snoozefest.
pahkitew island: 10/10!! you knew where this was going. yes i love pahkitew island so much its unreal. it clearly doesnt take itself seriously and is just a really fun watch to me. the characters are all cool and likable in their own right, with a surprising amount of detail in the form of background conversations and unassuming friendships!! theres a lot of ambiguity behind everything too, from the setting to the characters, so its fun to theorize and headcanon about :-D its pretty different tonally from the rest of the show, which is honestly a really nice refresher from the drama-heavy all stars and world tour. A+ my fav
i havent seen enough rr to rate sorry :-(
td2023: 6/10: pretty funny! i like the character designs and concepts, they were all likable and decent enough for me. i just dont have many thoughts on it? it doesnt feel like total drama, and i have no clue why. the voice acting? the subplots? idk!! its like a really good fanmade show, which isnt a bad thing, its just A Thing. it also suffers from the roti emptiness, it feels really like. muffled. idk confusing thoughts on 23. definitely dont hate it though!!
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Phobia Factor |Total Drama Island|
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Summary: Duncan helps you with your fear of confined places on Phobia Factor. 
Pairing: Duncan x Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 2.8K
The screaming gophers team members walked towards your team, who were all still feeling the loss of the challenge. Courtney took a stand and confronted them on them being here, thinking they were here to gloat. They tried to play it off as being nice by offering dessert but in reality, they were just out here to air out their cabin. Which Owen, their teammate, had stunk up with his disgusting gas fumes. Beth walked up to Courtney, showing her that they, however, really did bring dessert for them. She held a plate of green gelatin in front of Courtney's face, making her yelp and take a few steps back.
"No! I mean, no thanks. I'm good," She said calmly, trying to play off her disgust.
"What, are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asked.
"No, I just don’t like green jelly, okay," She replied,
Beth shrugged her shoulders and moved onto the other "campers", sticking the plate right in front of DJ's face. DJ shrieked when he saw the gummy worm inside, thinking it to be a snake and smacking the plate out of Beth's hands. It landed right by Cody's feet and he picked up the candy worm inside of it, showing that it's just candy and not an actual snake.
"Sorry for tripping, snakes just freak me out," DJ explained.
Tyler patted DJ's back as he sympathized on his fear. "I feel you, chickens give me the creeps, dude."
"You're afraid of chickens?" You remarked, giving him a look.  
Duncan chuckled at that confession. "Wow, that's—that's really lame, man."
And just like that you were all having this big bonding moment with everyone spilling what they were afraid of. Like Beth went on and on about how she was deeply terrified of being covered in bugs. Harold shared that he was afraid of ninjas, which you didn't believe to be honest. Considering how he’s always doing something ninja-like or bragging about being a skilled martial artist. You were really shocked when Heather admitted she was afraid of something, the girl is her own type of scary, you found it difficult to believe that she had a fear. But I guess even monsters have their nightmares. She admitted to being afraid of sumo wrestlers, her confession making you stifle a laugh with your hand. She shot you a glare and would’ve said something but the conversation quickly moved onto Gwen. Lucky for you since you weren’t really in the mood to deal with Heather.
"What's my worst fear?" Gwen questioned. "I guess being buried alive."
You shivered a little, yeah, that didn’t sound like fun but you weren't afraid of that.
"Walking through a minefield...in heals," Lindsay said after Gwen finished.
"Flying man, that's some crazy stuff," Owen shared, Izzy nodding her head as she agreed. "I would never go up in a plane."
"I'm scared of hail, small but deadly," Geoff said.
"Being left alone in the woods," Bridgette confessed.
Beside her, Sadie, sniffled before sharing her biggest fear, she hated bad haircuts. Lindsay gasped and changed her fear, she agreed that bad haircuts were the worst thing ever. Cody went next, his biggest fear was having to defuse a time bomb under pressure.  
"I'm not really afraid of anything," Courtney said smugly.
You and Duncan both coughed, calling her out on her bullshit. "Yeah right." "Baloney."
"Oh really? Well what exactly are your phobias, Mr. And Mrs. Know-It-All," She scoffed.
That was your cue to look away and pretend like you had no idea what just happened. Duncan looked like he had just been caught doing something embarrassing as he looked around to the others. They were all waiting for him, and you, to share their biggest phobia. Mostly because they wanted to know what the big bad Duncan was afraid off. And you, Miss Mysterious, seemed to know a lot about everyone but hardly anyone knew a thing about you.
Duncan sighed and gave up his fear. "Ce-Celine Dion music-store standees."
Beside him, he heard you stifle a laugh before his attention turned to Cody who spoke up. "Ex-squeeze me? I didn’t quite get that."
"Dude, did you say 'Celine Dion music-store standees?'" Trent asked.
"Ooh, I love Celine Dion," Lindsay cheered. "What's a standee?"
"You know, that cardboard-cutout thing that stands in the music store," Trent explained.
"Don't say it, dude," Duncan said with a groan.
"Kind of like a life-size but flat, Celine," Trent went on.
"So, if we had a cardboard standee right now," Courtney went on before being cut off by Duncan.
"That's kind of pathetic," You chuckled.
"Oh yeah, and what are you afraid of?" Duncan challenged.
"No offense, you're all pretty cool people, some more than others. But you're not the only ones listening in and I'd rather not tell the world what I'm afraid of," You said.  
And just like that they all realized they were on TV. "Uh, well, I've got nothing to hide. I hate mimes, like a lot." Trent shared.
"Okay Courtney, you're afraid of something," You said, trying to get her to spill.
"Nope—Nothing," She said, that smug smile still on her face.
"That's not what she said last night," Duncan laughed, making you roll your eyes and divert your gaze.
You liked Duncan, that much you knew, since the beginning you two just clicked. But you had no idea how he felt about you, sure you had your moments but he loved to mess around. And he seemed to have a thing for Courtney, you weren't about to interfere with that. You saw Courtney stand up and leave, completely missing out on what happened. You looked at Duncan, no doubt that he had something to do with it but he just shrugged his shoulders. After that, everyone decided to head back to bed, wanting some rest before another gruesome challenge tomorrow.
You walked next to Duncan in silence before the two of you reached the cabins and went your separate ways.
You sat at the table that held all your teammates, eating Chef's "food" as Chris announced the next challenge. He announced the next game to be a game called 'Phobia Factor' where everyone would be facing their greatest fears. And this right here is exactly why didn't share what your greatest fear is, and why you never will.
He pulled out a card, announcing Heather as the first victim in this challenge, facing her worst fear; sumo wrestlers. He called on Gwen next, she was going to be buried alive, making her gasp loudly. This is when everyone figured out that everyone was actually facing off their biggest fear. And now everyone thought you were a complete genius for not sharing your fear.
"Chef Hatchet, didn't you have a special order for Tyler here?" Chris said.
Chef nodded smugly as he presented Tyler with a whole fried chicken. Tyler picked it up and brought it to his mouth, biting the head off, only for a live chicken to pop out. Was that even possible? Tyler freaked out, of course, but ultimately setting off the game.
The game went on pretty okay, with everyone being presented their fear. Beth was shown a large pool of bugs in which jumped right in and swam around. Nice one Beth, way to set the bar so high! Sadie and Lindsay were both made to wear mullet wigs all day to complete their part of the challenge. Izzy and Owen were taken up on a plane that was being driven by Chef. Harold faced off ninjas, or at least tried, he ended up smacking himself with his own nunchucks. Why did he have nunchucks at the ready? Lashawna ran away from Chef dressed as a spider, coasting her team a point. Heather went up against a sumo wrestler and actually won, by total luck though. But it made the score 2-0 with the killer bass, your team, losing.
Bridgette was lead into the woods to begin her six hours of total solitude. You watched in slight horror as Gwen was being buried, poor girl. DJ eventually scored a point for you team when he conquered his fear of snakes. But you were still one-point behind so not much of a victory for you guys.  
Cody was let somewhere where a garbage bomb was planted, one he had to defuse. As Trent was being chased by a mime, the rest of you moved onto the next fear. Duncan's Celine Dion music-store standee phobia, all of you stood in front of cardboard cutout of her as Chris explained what you had to do.
Duncan stood there with a terrified face as you helped him out. "She's pretty, she's nice."
"Just one hug and you're done," Chris explained.
"That—That looks really real, man," Duncan said, fear evident in his voice.
"Dude, she's made of cardboard! Get in the game!" Tyler yelled from the sidelines.
"Hey, it's okay if you can't do it," You told him gently.  
He sighed and reached out for your hand, causing your heart to skip a beat. "Fine, I'll try." He said, giving you a smile. He took a deep breath before running off towards the cutout, arms outstretched to give her a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug, scoring the bass another point. You smiled widely, ready to give him a hug but someone beat you to it. Courtney wrapped her arms around Duncan, cuddling up to him and cheering. That's right, he and Courtney had a thing that you weren't about to get in between.
You and the others walked over to him and congratulated him for his big win. The score was tied until Trent faced the mime and scored the gophers another point, leaving the score 3-2. Next up was Geoff with a mini cloud of hail just for him to pelt him with hail. But this reminded Trent about Gwen being buried alive, but she completed her task and the gophers now had four points while the bass had two. Owen and Izzy also survived their plane ride, scoring their team another two points. Looks like your team lost another challenge, even if Sadie, Bridgette, and Tyler completed their tasks.  
Speaking of which, Lindsay and Sadie conquered their fears and went the whole day with bad haircuts. Making the score 7-3, let's hope Tyler can get over his fear of chickens and win your team other point. But with Tyler being the last challenge of the day, what hope did you team have? Especially since Bridgette lost and ran out of the woods before time was up.
"Actually, we have two more challenges," Chris announced.
You looked at him in confusion, you and Courtney both refused to say what you were afraid of so what could they actually do? Chris brought everyone over to a tub of green jelly for Courtney to jump into, after they deduced that she was afraid of green jelly. That was probably more pathetic than Tyler's fear of chickens but when she explained why you saw her reasoning. It did look like snot, it made you shiver as you thought about it.
"Ugh, that is just cruel! It's probably warm by now, warm green jelly. Snotty, bouncy, ugh!" Gwen said, trying psych Courtney out.  
Courtney stood at the top, looking down at the tub in disgust. "It's okay if you can't do it, Courtney." Duncan said.
"It is? But won't we lose?" You retorted.
In the end she chickened out, walking back to her team in shame, while the gophers cheered. "Not so fast gophers, I said we had two challenges left." Chris said as he looked at you. "On this show, we like to do our research, and since you didn't tell us your fear we had to dig it up. Thanks for that, by the way."
"And what did you find?" You asked cautiously.
"Absolutely nothing!" Chris sighed. "Which is why, if you tell us your fear and complete it, I will give you triple points."
You felt everyone's eyes on you, while you looked at Chris with a harsh glare while he smiled smugly. What were you going to do? You could do the challenge and score three points or leave it as is. But three points wouldn’t give you the win, so either way your team still loses.
"That'd still be 7-6 though," You said.
"True, but at least your teammates can't say you didn’t try," Chris said. You gave him a look which made him roll his eyes and speak up once again. “Fine, I’ll also throw in immunity for you and another camper of your choice.”
Your teammates all looked at you eagerly, hoping that you would take the deal. And they were all hoping they were good enough friends with you that you’d consider one of them for immunity. But let’s be honest, even if you did do it and win, you’d choose Duncan as your immunity buddy.
You sighed heavily. "Fine, I don't like small spaces."
"That's it?" Someone from the gophers remarked.
You turned to look at them with a glare, pointing a finger at them. "You try spending two hours in a small closet because your so-called friends forgot to find you during hide-n-seek!"
And then is where your fear of confined places stems from, all because of a small incident when you were six. Chris chuckled in the back as he started to set everything up before leading you to your challenge. You started to quiver as the lot of you walked with him, the last time you were stuck in enclosed area you had a massive panic attack.  
Everyone looked at you as they waited for you to go into the small spaced area Chris had set up. You couldn't do it, you really just couldn't, it was too much for you.
"Hey, psst," Duncan whispered beside you.
"Uh, yeah?" You said.
"Shh, keep it down. Take this," Duncan slipped you something before you were pushed into your small space.
The last bit of light was shut out before you were in complete darkness and confinement. You just had to be in here for ten minutes, you could do it and score you team three points. "Hey, you listening?" A voice came through somewhere, more specifically through the device Duncan slipped you, a walkie-talkie.
"Yeah, what's up?" You asked.
"Figured you might need someone to talk to while you did this," Duncan said.
"Yeah thanks," You replied.  
"So, what do you want to talk about?" Duncan asked sincerely, shocking you that he was being nice.
"Wow, it's not like you to be so nice," You teased.
"Keep doing that and I'll leave," He threatened.
"Sorry!" You yelped, not wanting to think about being alone. "So, uh, you and Courtney huh?" Now was your time to find out how Duncan felt about Courtney.
"What about me and Miss Loud Mouth," He spoke.
"You two are a thing, right?" You asked.
"No! What gave you that idea?" He asked.
"Well, you two seem so close and you ended up sleeping together on last challenge," You explained.
"Okay, that was a total accident and I don't like Miss I'm A CIT. I just like messing with her, she's too easy," He told you, laughing on the other end.
"Oh," Was your reply.
"Why the sudden interest, princess?" He asked.
"No reason, just trying to keep my mind off of other things," You said. "So how much longer?"
"You've got five more minutes. Anyway, no reason isn't a reason, why the question?" He pressed.
"It is a reason, geez, can't a girl ask a question," You sighed.
"Alright whatever," He replied.
Silence overtook the atmosphere, your fear creeping back up quickly. You took deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down, you weren't going to lose, not like this. "Duncan, you still there?"
"Yeah, I'm still here," He said.
"Okay good," You said, letting silence take over again for a few minutes. "Hey Duncan?"
"Yeah?" He asked.
"I like you, a lot," You confessed.
"I know princess. I actually like you too," He said.
You smiled to yourself and snuggled into yourself, waiting patiently for the end of your challenge. When you got out, everyone was waiting there for you, cheering at your successful challenge. They had to give it to you, having to spend ten minutes in total confinement was unthinkable. None of them wanted to do that, so yeah, kudos to you. And Duncan was waiting for you there as well, actually impressed that you did it. You lost the challenge but you conquered your fear and perhaps got a boyfriend too.
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the-type-a · 2 years
Duncney Fanfics Part II
A continuation of Duncney Fanfics Part I
ride and die, bonnie and clyde
Second From the End, On the Left
she says it wasn’t her choice, she lied.
Shooting Stars
Skeletons In My Closet
So Close
So much for a simple conversation
Speak No Evil
Stay on Your Side
Strip Me Down
Stuck In An Elevator
summer of 87
Teen Agents
That Day in 1988
The Art of Pretending It Isn’t Your Fault
The Boardwalk
The Criminal Meets Princess
The danger of touch
The End for Now
The Epiphany: Duncan & Courtney
The Fake Engagement
The Long Road of Redemption
The Pillars of Destiny
The Popularity Game
The Prince Stole My Princess
The Real Life Aftermath
The Runaway Returns
The Runaway Returns Original
The Scales of Judgment
The Second Is Out, Then I Loose Her.
The Summer Of A Life Time
The Time of Our Lives
The Underground
Total Drama Couple
Total Drama Couple 2
Total Drama Island Interlude II: Duncan Baby Daddy
Total Drama Island Interlude: Lovebird’s Castaway
Total Drama Island Reunion Show: After the Drama!
Total Drama Island: Living In New York
Total Drama Island: To Live And Die Near LA
Total Drama Rewind: Reimagined
Total Drama Ten Years Later
Total Drama: The next Generation
Total DramaRama One Shots
Total Duncney Action
U and Ur Hand
Under Pressure
Under the covers
Wandering Heart
We Go Together Like Bananas and Cheese
Wedding Bells
Welcome to Courtney’s World
What the FanFiction?
Why He Loves Her
Why High School Sucks Original
You Again
You Can’t Judge a Punk By His Piercings
You Do, You Don’t
You Promised
You’re the Yin to my Yang
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bjax27 · 2 years
Total Drama All Stars II
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Word Count: 1,588
“Hello everyone, and welcome to yet another Total Drama season! I’m your amazing host, Chris McLean. The last time you saw us here at camp, our amazingly talented finalists, Sky and Shawn duked it out for the million. Resulting in Sky’s victory over Shawn in one of the most unpredictable finales to date. However, plenty has changed since their battle. We were able to actually find a REAL island for this season and in fact several of them, crazy right?” Just then, the camera pans out to several shots of each island.
“In any event, we welcome back 27 of our most talented and entertaining campers, who have had legendary moments in their history on Total Drama. Some have made merge after merge, proving to be cutthroat competitors, and others have made it far by sheer luck alone! Let’s find out who’s truly the best of the best on this star studded cast of Total… Drama… All Stars!” Chris puts up two fingers and flashes a smile.
“Now that we’re back from commercials, let’s introduce everyone here, starting with arguably one of our most popular female competitors, goth girl Gwen!”
*Cuts to confessional*
“At Least this time I wasn’t thrown out of a plane by Chef Hatchet. Either way, still don’t have much desire to be here” said Gwen.
*End Confessional*
“Hello Chris, please just end my suffering and stop recruiting me back here” Gwen stepped off the small boat driven by Chef, and onto the dock.
“Nice to see you too Gwen” Chris smiles awkwardly, as he quickly moves on.
“Next we have the preppy and punctual, Courtney!” The camera pans to Courtney arriving on the dock.
“McClean, you are so lucky my contract clauses aren’t completely avoidable. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here” Courtney rolls her eyes as Chris smiles as she walks by.
“Hey, good to see you Court” Gwen offers a hand and Courtney takes it.
“Much the same to you Gwen” Courtney flashes a smile. The two girls wait on the opposite end of the dock to see who else got swindled into this season.
“Next up is, Heather! No introduction needed” Chris stifles his laughter as Heather pulls into the dock.
“Ugh, stuck with these losers again? Whatever, not much I can do about it now” Courtney and Gwen quickly send glares in her direction upon her entrance.
“As if we’re excited to see you again” Gwen answers back.
*Cuts to confessional*
“It’s so obvious I need a new strategy. A one trick pony can only effectively use its trick so many times” said Heather.
*End Confessional*
“We had to make several arrangements to get this next competitor on the island, trust me!” Chris didn’t even hide his laughter for this one. Just then the rotten delinquent known as Duncan arrives onto the dock.
“Sup ladies,” Duncan said nonchalantly.
“Party! Duncan is here. All so very exciting.” Heather rolls her eyes the instant he looks her way.
*Cuts to Confessional*
“All you have to say to us is sup ladies! After all this time, no apology, no forgiveness, no sense of morality whatsoever, he makes my blood boil, the absolute neanderthal…” Courtney said angrily.
“Court, he’s not worth it, I’m certain we’ve both learned this the hard way” Gwen said from outside the confessional. 
“That went about as well as expected for those four, anywho, our next competitor returning, is EXTREME Tyler!” As Chris finished his sentence the camera panned in on Tyler's face.
“Extreme!” The camera pans in on Tyler water skiing in his typical tracksuit attire. Going significantly faster than the boat, he flies onto the dock tumbling into the water. But not before hitting several parts of his body on the way down.
A very muffled “Extreme! Yeah…” came from the water below the dock.
After cutting to commercials for medical emergencies, several other competitors from the original season one cast had arrived.
“Welcome back, everyone! During our short injury break, we’ve welcomed Cody, Trent, and Bridgette onto the island.” Chris then moves over to the competitors who had recently come in.
The three sheepishly smile before Chris takes back over hosting duties.
“Very well then, hopefully, he’ll spice things up, returning for his third season, Justin!”
*Justin Theme plays*
“Chris man, I just really don’t want to be here for this. But recently I’ve been cursed with a severe facial deformity” Justin says disappointed.
“Justin, I think it’s probably just acne, and it’s at most one pimple,” Cody points out.
“Ahhhh, is it really that noticeable?! Oh my goodness, I’ll never receive any more modeling contracts. I’ll have to be a normal person and do normal things!” Justin panics at the thoughts of such a lifestyle.
“Okay tall, dark and handsome, you done with your spiel, so I can get in here now?” Just then Leshawna shows up on the dock, walking by.
“What’s up girlfriend, how ya doing?” Gwen and Leshawna dap each other up, and then pull into a brief hug.
“Duncan, my brother, good to see ya. Same to you Cody and Trent” She slaps hands with everyone she acknowledges.
“Bridgette girl, how ya doing?” The girls hug it out too. 
“What’s good Courtney?” She was genuinely concerned for her well being.
“Here, once more, that’s all I can say,” Courtney shrugs.
“Heather” Leshawna and Heather exchange looks.
“Leshawna” Heather said back with disgust, not backing down her glare.
“Girl, if you don’t…” Leshawna starts getting closer and closer to her face.
“Enough already!” Gwen and Bridgette attempt to force Leshawna away from Heather, and Duncan and Trent do the same for Heather.
“Harold, everyone!” Just then, the skinny ginger haired boy with spectacles arrived in his style.
“Hey Dorris, welcome back to the island!” Duncan taunted.
“Well actually Duncan I believe we are on an archipelago…” Just then, Duncan splashed water from over the dock onto Harold’s clothes.
“Idiots!” Harold clenched his fist angrily.
“Correct Harold, we are on an archipelago. That’s what’s different about this season. I’ll further explain how this will all work later. But first, our last original season one competitor!”
Just then Owen came running from the island and he dove right into the water in front of everyone. Causing a huge wave of water to hit everyone except Chris.
*Cuts to Confessional*
“So worth the 50 dollars I paid him” Chris said laughing not too long after.
*End Confessional*
“Yeahhh! I’m back baby! Woooooo!” Owen swam back to shore and made his way back to the dock.
Most of the competitors weren’t exactly happy to be splashed by water so abruptly. However, they wouldn't be the only ones soon enough.
“Well, now that our season one competitors are here, let’s introduce the others” Chris then pulled out a detonator from his pockets and pressed down on it. An explosion occurred and the ship holding the competitors from season two and three broke into two.
*Cuts to Confessional*
“I really thought Chris wouldn’t do this again, but you think I would know better after two seasons under my belt” Zoey shrugged.
*End Confessional*
“Honestly, I didn't want to go through the trouble of introducing everyone else individually, but… here’s our returning competitors!” Chris waited on shore with the season one competitors.
“Zoey and Mike!” They arrived on shore, holding hands.
“Brick!” He arrived, saluting and walking toward the others.
“Lightning!” The athlete quickly flexed and swam onto the shore.
“Sky!” She angrily balled up her fist and glared at Chris.
“Dave and Shawn!” The two swam past not acknowledging Chris.
*Cuts to confessional*
“I feel so much better after the months of therapy I went through after Pahkitew Island. Now, I feel better, I am  ready to compete! By the way, I didn’t forget about being left on the island Chris!” Dave said bitterly.
*End Confessional*
“Jasmine and Samey!” Jasmine somehow not losing her hat in the explosion swam up on shore, and Sammy was close behind.
“It’s Sammy Chris!” She said angrily.
“Topher…” Chris rolled his eyes.
“Good to be here Chris!” Topher was holding onto a piece of debris from the ship explosion.
“Dawn and B!” The two had also managed to find a piece of debris similar to Topher.
“Cameron and Scott!” The pair also had found debris to use.
“Keep kicking, Fang will get me here, I’m certain of it!” Scott looked panicked, and Cameron groaned. He looked as if his legs were about to give out.
“Good morning, mi amigos” Completely unaffected by the boat explosion, Alejandro stood on shore amongst the rest of the cast.
*Cuts to confessional*
“Heather and I hadn’t talked too much after our first all stars season. We got really competitive and it was almost animalistic. Heather, mi amor if you're listening, lo siento, I’m sorry” Alejandro said sadly.
*End confessional*
“Ugh, not you too” Heather glanced in his direction briefly, before turning around.
“Hey Al!” Owen greeted, and Alejandro didn’t respond, just glared at him.
“Mi amor, Heather! What brings such a gorgeous lady onto the island once more?“ Alejandro walked past the others and straight toward Heather.
“Go away. I’m not talking to you anymore. Creep” Heather tried to hide her face that was slowly turning pink, however she was not successful.
“Mi amor, you can’t deny it-“ Alejandro was cut off by Chris.
“This is our all star cast! Next week, we’ll select teams, and start our first challenge. Next time on… Total… Drama… All Stars!” Chris flashed a small smile and put up two fingers.
First off let me apologize for any grammatical errors I may have made along the way. That’s the lazy editor in me.
Hey all, I’m Bjax! I’m 19, in college, and I love reading and writing! I originally came up with this idea several months ago. However, I was hesitant to start writing. Anyhoo, hopefully, you enjoyed it and if you have any ideas for the next few chapters let me know!
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