#total drama island one shots
Alliance || Total Drama ||
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After finding out Duncan cheated on you with Gwen, Alejandro offers you an alliance as revenge against Duncan. 
Pairing: Duncan x Reader x Alejandro 
Warnings: Cheating (not reader), fem implied reader 
Words: As I’m finally coming out of my writer’s block, I present this! Maybe a little self-indulgent because I like Alejandro and Duncan. Oops—Might make a second part if people like it though.
| Not my GIFs |
Your cheering for Cody ceased when Tyler blurted out the secret he’s been holding back. It took a moment to register in your head, not wanting to believe it. Duncan didn’t actually kiss Gwen, right? Your boyfriend and best friend wouldn’t have done that to you. It had to have been a strategy the other team came up with to throw you off. Pitting you against each other so you’d be distracted during the challenges. 
“Wait, what?” you ask, the distraction immediately working. 
“He said that Duncan kissed G—,” Alejandro repeated. 
You were quick to cut him off before turning to face Gwen. “I heard what he said! Gwen? Is that true?” 
She looked at you with guilt written all over her face that only confirmed it. She took a step back, as if expecting you to fight her. And for a moment you thought about it, anger quick to take over. Except heartbreak was quicker to hit when you fully accepted the situation. Your boyfriend and best friend kissed behind your back. 
You turned to look at Duncan who gave you a just as equally guilty look. You had hoped that by looking at him he’d shut down Tyler’s rumor. But when he looked away, you knew it was all true. Your heart cracked in your chest, and everyone was silent, waiting to see what you’d do. Both Duncan and Gwen watched you closely and you could see the fear on their faces. You never got mad or raised your voice, you were one of the few reasonable contestants on this show. It’s what made you so likable and kind of scary with everyone wondering if you’d ever snap. Today might just be the day. 
You turned to look at Cody who hadn’t moved yet, he was watching to see what happens next. No doubt scared that you might do something to Gwen. You kind of felt bad for him, he was sort of betrayed too. It can’t be fun knowing the girl you’ve been pining over kissed someone else. 
“Cody, start flying if you want to win this. Otherwise, if we lose, we’ll be voting Gwen off tonight,” you tell him. 
Your voice is eerily calm but it’s enough to set Cody flapping his poorly made wings. Your words made him determined to win, more so with his team agreeing with you. The Amazons won the challenge in the end which meant Gwen was safe for now. It also meant that Duncan had a chance to be voted off and although you were heartbroken, you didn’t want to see him go yet. 
Once your team is back in first class, you're left alone with your thoughts. And everyone wants to know what you’ll do to Gwen. Courtney is immediately giving you ideas, completely on your side. She had a crush on Duncan, but when he admitted he felt the same for you, she became your number one supporter. Which meant she was the embodiment of your anger now. 
“Hey, can we talk?” Gwen asks, approaching you with a guilty look on her face. 
“She has nothing to say to you!” Courtney exclaimed, standing in front of you. 
Gwen took a step back but looked over at you, nonetheless, silently pleading with you. Courtney looked at you too, arms crossed over her chest with a scowl on her face. You knew you should talk to her about this, but you didn’t want to. Not right now. 
“You heard her, I don’t have anything to say,” you repeat. 
She sighs heavily and walks away with a defeated look on her face. As much as she liked the kiss with Duncan, nothing could get rid of the guilt she felt. She hadn’t meant to betray you like that, it just sort of happened. At least, that’s how she likes to remember it. 
“We can so vote her off in the next challenge,” Courtney says once she’s gone. 
You shake your head, a defeated and broken look on your face. “It won’t change anything.” 
“No, but it’ll make you feel better. And it gives me an excuse to boot her out,” Courtney offers, trying to cheer you up. 
She liked you, which is rare for her, especially given the circumstances. This wasn’t exactly the place to make friends, but she became friends with you. You were the only person she’d deemed worthy enough to make it to the final two. Which is why she was angry for you. And maybe something else that she’d never admit. 
You offer a smile, strained but good enough to seem cheery. “I’d still rather play fair. If we happen to lose a challenge then whatever happens, happens.” 
That was enough for her, deciding to make your team purposely lose. People would suspect it from you but not from her. She could even get Sierra and Heather in on it. 
You wanted to be alone after, sneaking away from first class. You found a corner hidden away from everyone and sank down. Being alone meant you finally felt everything that just happened. Your boyfriend really kissed your best friend. You felt your heart crack inside your chest and the dam finally burst. 
You sobbed into your hands, using them to muffle whatever noises left you. It almost worked, had a certain someone not been snooping around. Alejandro found you in your corner crying your heart out. It’s exactly as he had hoped for. To get you alone and charm his way into your trust. Except standing in front of you now, he wasn’t so sure of his plan. 
“May I offer some comfort?” he asks, sitting beside you. 
You stop crying immediately and wipe your tear stained cheeks. You clear your throat and look away. “No, I’m fine. Completely fine.” 
“Of course, I didn’t mean to insinuate you weren’t,” he says, giving you a charming and gentle smile. 
You furrow your brows and stare at him, seeing straight through him. You didn’t trust Alejandro, from the beginning of this season. You saw what he did to Bridgette and LeShawna. You weren’t going to let him get to you the same way. 
“What do you want?” you ask. 
“My, I didn’t expect such a beautiful lady to be so harsh,” he places a hand over his heart and feigns being hurt. 
It makes you roll your eyes and cross your arms. “Listen, you may have everyone fooled but not me. And I’m not in the mood right now.” 
“I know,” he smiles again, this time showing his true intentions behind it. You were too smart for your own good and there was no point pretending. “But I figured now was as good a time as any.” 
“I propose an alliance between the two of us.” 
“You want an alliance with me? Why?” your eyes narrow and you’re even more weary of him. 
He was quiet for a moment, unsure of how to answer. What excuse could he say without giving away how he really felt? He didn’t want to admit that he actually felt bad and angered. No one should have ever broken your heart, much less someone like Duncan. But saying that out loud would mean having to admit how he felt. He wouldn’t. In a competition like this, feelings were a weakness. 
“To get back at Duncan, of course,” he answers. “If he sees us working together, it’ll irk him. Seeing you move on will definitely be a punch to the gut.” 
“Oh right, it’ll definitely be a punch to the gut when he’s making out with Gwen,” your voice cracks at the end, vision blurring. 
Alejandro’s heart wrenches at your sadness and anger bubbles in his chest. Duncan didn’t deserve you, not for a second. He abandoned you at the beginning of the competition and you just accepted him like it was nothing when he came back. He hated it and he hated you a little bit for it. Except now was his chance to get you to see him and forget about Duncan. 
He wraps an arm around your shoulders without thinking about it. Your pulled closer to him, facing him only inches away. “No offense, but you’re not exactly my type.” 
He laughs and gives you an ever so charming smile. “Don’t worry, that’s not my intention,” he lies. 
“And what are your intentions?” 
“It’s like I said, an alliance with you. Not only will it be revenge on Duncan but I’ll take you to the final two with me.” 
“Oh really? Why would you take me to the final two? I would’ve imagined you’d want someone like Heather.” 
“Heather? While she is lovely, she’s not my type. And I happen to like someone else,” he says, looking at you earnestly. 
Your heart skips a beat and you blame it on your bundled feelings. You push him away, making space between the two of you. Honestly, his deal sounded nice even if he ended up double crossing you. At least you could distract yourself from what Duncan and Gwen did. 
“Okay, on one condition. If you stab me in the back at any point, you vote yourself off.” 
He doesn’t even hesitate as he answers, all that matters is that he’s got you on his side. “Deal.” 
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theangelcatalogue · 6 months
Gender Neutral!
First victim: Beth!
Welcome back to Island of the lovesickness, love.
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Poor lonely girl
In a cruel world
Beth was a lonely girl, she dind't had many friends, maybe she dind't had one.
A real friend, a person that she could cry in the shoulder, that would say to her
" Everything will be alright...! "
Maybe because of her looks! Maybe because of her personality? Oh to have anyone by her side!
But, she found you! And to be honest you are the only good thing is this island!
In these few days with you, she felt she could count with you! You always help her and dont't judge her! And better: You didn't think she is annoying!
And when you found her body, you looked like the only one that really cared about her
And you really confroted Chris!
How she knows that? She is always watching.
Most of the time she is in the cave, but she likes to walk at the florest as well, she found her arm, and uses him to make some type of trap to anyone
Any curious that will investigate is unlucky, she won't kill them i think, but a little scare won't hurt!
But when she was walking around the island, like the lonely ghost she is, she found you...
Walking with Chris and other two persons she dind't knew
Happy! She thought she would never find you again! Oh the others have to know that! Oh yes!
She needs to talk with you!
She needs to have you.
This island is giving me the chills, why we had to come at night!? It would hurt wait for the sun to shine?? I feel like in a horror movie
" Does Chris even know what is he doing!? We are lost? "
Sierra, me and Alejandro walked behind Chris, and no Sierra dear, he doesn't know what that fuck he is doing
" No i think, we are just walking around, i feel like we are walking makes years! "
" We are walking makes just one hour, where Chris is trying to go? "
Alejandro was just confused as me and Sierra, Chris i swear for god if we are lost i am going to kill you....
Wait, i know this path we are going to the cave where...
Chris what is your plan? I started to remember of Beth body, a axe close to her and a missing arm, now i remember of other details like her face was full of scars and her legs were hurt, i really don't want to remember that
Now we are in front of the cave, that's not good
" Okay! We just have to go inside this cave and find....what was her name? "
" Beth! "
" Oh yeah! Beth's body! Let's go! We have job to do! Can't be lazy now uh? "
When you say " We " you meant me, Sierra and Alejandro right? Because you? You would be the first one to run away! You already did this
" Are you really his Counsin? "
Alejandro asked to me, i don't know it's a real question, sarcasm or another thing
" Man, i have my doubts "
Walking around the cave was something, i was getting nervous with any sound, and Beth's body wasn't there! I don't know what happend to it and i don't really want to know! But at same time i want to know!
God, kill me already
I heard something, steps
But not mine, Chris's , Alejandro's or Sierra's steps, no
Something or someone was here
I walked scared, i just want to go home, please get me out of here! I walked and walked and realised
I am alone, where is everyone? I got separated of them and dind't noticed!?
I looked around for them, missing a heart beat, i am alone, i am lost!? Oh no! No! No! No! NO!
" Y/N...? Is that really you? "
A voice, this voice... i know this voice! But...
It's really her?
I look behind me, there she is
Scars on her face and legs, missing glasses, and a lost arm
I wanted to say something, do something, but i was too surprised to do that, scared and maybe confused
" I KNEW IT WAS REALLY YOU! I told them that i saw you! But they dind't belived me! Oh i am so happy to see you! "
Beth said in a happy tone, she was happy to see me? Wow, i am shocked, i still totally quiet, really quiet, i can't say a word
" I was so lonely without you! I don't really interact with the others! I mean i try! But i don't think they are in the mood to talk, but that's doesn't matter! You here "
And she still talked, she was talking, and she was distracted
I don't know what happend but i started to run away, i feel like these stupid horror movies characters, but i was scared to act with calm
I don't know if she started to run too, i refused to look behind, please anyone help me
I started to run and run, i tried to be faster and faster, i was getting tired! Really tired
And then i saw, the exist! Thanks god!
I left the cave and i take a deep breath, i looked behind, yeah, i think she dind't tried to chase me
I think
" We got worried! "
I looked at them, Sierra and Alejandro were relieved and Chris...well i can't tell
Okay, should i tell the truth?
" Y/N! What happend? "
" I will explain later. "
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✮ Damn that's bad ✮
✮ Wtf is that? Idk ✮
✮ Idk if i going to continue this, maybe make a remake? ✮
✮ Anyways ily you guys and ty for reading! <33
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fabdante · 6 months
The Party Animal and the Goth
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Duncan tried to tell her before they showed up that this would be different. She should give it a try. It’d been years since the last party she went to with him (she’d been dating Trent at the time to, something Duncan further blamed for her bad time). Maybe she’d like it now. And Duncan wouldn’t leave her alone, he swore. No awkward hanging out by herself and the dog should they have one. And if Trent was there, Duncan would punch him just for her. Blah blah. All sorts of promises. Well. She wasn’t into it. Like she said she wouldn’t be. Duncan fucked off somewhere else. Like she thought he would. And she saw her ex Trent floating around and she was doing everything in her power to avoid any awkward small talk that would ensue the second he saw her again. Like she feared.  Of course the party was going to be that predictable. She should have put money on it. And there wasn't even a dog. Around midnight she’d gotten sick of the whole thing. But Duncan was off doing something (hopefully not someone) and Geoff found her. They talked. She mentioned maybe looking for DJ and leaving. But Geoff lit up like she’d just told him he won a prize and her night got a little weird. Instead of just saying bye or helping her find DJ or literally anything else, Geoff was instantly offering to talk her back to her dorm. So that got her where she was now, walking with Geoff away from his party.  What the fuck.
Summery: A classic 'Geoff walks Gwen home' story set in the year of 2013/2014, in which Gwen has decided to leave a party early and Geoff has decided he'll walk her home. (College AU, no camp.)
Words: 4,274
Rating: Teen (swearing)
Read Here!
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
could i maybe request some yandere!chris mclean headcanons if thats alright with you? (bonus points if its with a reader that lowkey fears him)
ps love ur work, you're one of the very small amount of people that write for my man chris
Helloo, and of course it’s alright!! Thank you for the request, I hope these headcanons below are good enough, and aw thank you, I appreciate that! 💗 (Don’t worry, I plan on posting Chris McLean content for a long time ;).) YANDERE!CHRIS MCLEAN HEADCANONS 
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Chris didn’t know what to do. He had never cared so much about another living person before.
But here he was, hiring a private investigator to find out everything he could about you.
For someone who was meant to be his personal assistant, you noticed he was way too proud to showcase you to the public and showered you with more gifts than you had received your entire childhood.
Because of this uncontrollable hearts for eyes he had for you, he had an internal conflict pulling him from both sides of his head. Should he use you as a punching bag for laughs or should he reserve your body as its natural state?
Nahh he already had those moronic teenagers to feed his sadism- Alright, but imagine how good it’ll feel to see you cry...and hear your pleads...for him to stop...
Such that human life was too cheap for him.
Don’t worry, Chris isn’t the type of yandere to tie you down in a dark basement whenever he has to leave for extended periods: instead, he was more than happy to still have you on the show, as long as you played along for the cameras. Now that you knew the full truth behind his continuous gift showering and sweeter treatment, hearing him hide the lovesickness in his voice everyday to the others made you nauseous.
Another day of agony led you to his same heavenly bed.
Nothing was as enjoyable as it used to be.
At least the guy was loyal- he gave up on attending parties and social events, unless he arranged his own with you, and was immune to alternative admiration.
That doesn’t mean it got better. Occasionally, Chris appears to have let his darker conscience win, seeing how he would stick his saliva into your wounds with his tongue where your warm blood cried, or caught it to use as an ingredient for his coffee.
One day, he must have wondered what it’d look like for the roles to be reversed, openly admitting it as you drank your hot chocolate that he had mixed some of his blood in it so that “you could always have a piece of me inside of you.”
“How...can you give me something with your blood in it to drink!?” You spluttered horrified, wiping your mouth.
For a second, it’s like he gained a realising glimpse at what he’s done, but then happily turns it into a milestone,“Haha okay, I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t think about how messed up that was until I heard you say it. Soooo, I might be a bit of a masochist? Whoo! Love really does teach you things you never knew about yourself, doesn’t it, my love, (Y/N)? I love that name, by the way. (Y/N). It suits you reaaaaaaally well!”
Yeah and thanks to him, you grew to hate it.
It spirals to the sickening point where Chris didn’t even want anyone else to look at you, whether it was from the screen or in person. How did he ensure this? Simple. You were going to make one final appearance on Total Drama to bid your departure from show business so nobody would suspect your absence in future episodes.
Well, it worked. So authentic that no one thought of anything more when you started sobbing right there and then or how Chris came to escort you away.
Albeit your friends and family weren’t deceived for long when they never heard from you again.
And it’s going to stay that way, for Chris paid the police department situated in Ontario to ignore, close, reject all reports filed in your name. He may as well have removed your citizenship.
The frightening power of the bourgeoisie.
Now you were truly prohibited from leaving his grounds.
“Why the long face, (Y/N)? Aren’t you happy?”
“No...” You tremble,“I... I want to go home...so badly.”
“Home?” He twirls you around, hands gripped on your shoulders in true puzzlement,“This is your home.”
“No, it’s...not. I...don’t belong here... You scare me.”
“Huh? Me? Scare you? (Y/N), whatever do you mean? Everything I’ve been doing so far...is for you! Now that we don’t have to worry about the police, it’s way easier for us to be together in peace! See how thoughtful I am, (Y/N)? No need to thank me.”
“Chris I’m sorry, but...” you wince, knowing such bold answer may trigger a dangerous reaction,“I can’t...reciprocate. See, I didn’t know th...there was something else you wanted from me other than me working for you... I...think you’d be better off spending your time and love on someone else.”
“Oh (Y/N),” he chuckles darkly, sprinkling your disbelieved face with kisses,“It’s all these well meaning, pure hearted things you say that has me falling more and more in love with you... I’m not worried you don’t feel the same. In fact, I honestly couldn’t care less. As long as I can hear you breathe...”
He could hear it alright. Just the same in his sleep... Perfect.
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
let me just say that tdpi is one of my least favorite seasons and I deeply dislike most of its canon events, but the cast is one of my favorites to write and analyze
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... i may have decided to expand my x reader/ headcanons stuff to more fandoms i'm in!
So here's all the characters you can send me requests for!
Minions Rise of Gru Belle Bottom Jean Clawed Svengeance Stronghold Winx Club Kalshara Brafilius
Disney Villains Everyone (yes, every single one)
Total Drama
Scarlett Max Jacques Josee
I don't have many rules, probably the only one is that i don't write nsfw stuff
So if you want to offer me a request go ahead!
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froms8nsashes · 1 year
Summary: Inspired by the Island of the Slaughtered AU I saw on tiktok. I offer up my tdi oc getting murdered as another gruesome message to Chris McLean
tw: general creepiness
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Chris you really thought you could send someone else? Do you even know who they are or why they wanted to help you? Their audition was rejected. So, now you'll feel eyes on you everywhere you go.
If you see that flashing red light it means she's watching.
Don't make a move and all will be still.
The camera will shut off... Eventually.
Just have patience.
They just wanted to be on the show to help their mom, pay her medical bills. Her name was Casper, she just wanted to be on television once. She didn't care if she won. You went ahead and used her anyway, isn't that right?
Now she'll use you, for your next five minutes of fame.
Tik tok... tik tok...
I know you want to scratched yourself but the camera's watching.
They are always watching.
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alecodys · 2 years
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decided to do a study of this shot
(if using dj as reference, owen is 7'5" and cody is 6'2". if using cody as reference, dj is 6'3" and owen is 6'7")
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So Simple, yet so Sweet
(A/N): a’ight, I’mma be honest, fam… I wasn’t originally going to write this, but because I am severely deprived of platonic Chris and Lindsay, here we are.
Also, probably going to make this into a small series, because I just like the idea of a young Chris being forced to look after a bunch of children, but we'll see how motivated I am, or if anyone is even remotely interested.
Anyhow, enjoy reading!
Paring(s): Lindsay & Chris McLean
Word Count: 443
Summary: Lindsay has a surprise for Chris.
He had just walked into the small classroom when a very excited voice grabbed his attention.
“Chip!” the blond girl called as she bounded up to him, hands held behind her back, “Chip, I have something for you,” she grinned up at him, rocking back and forth on her feet.
The teenager couldn’t help but sigh in mild annoyance. He had just walked in and was already being bothered by one of the little brats he was forced to watch, “Oh, yeah?” he replied dryly, placing his backpack on one of the small, vacant tables nearby, “What is it?”
“You’ve gotta hold out your hand and close your eyes,” Lindsay instructed, mimicking the gesture as she stared up at him expectantly.
Chris rolled his eyes, but complied, “Fine,” he muttered, waiting silently for whatever it was Lindsay was planning to give him. If he had refused, there was no telling what might happen and the last thing he wanted to deal with was a crying child or an angry Chef.
There was a beat of silence as he felt something slip onto his wrist. It was some type of fabric, but he could also feel something like beads. Was it a bracelet?
“Open your eyes!”
Chris’ focus immediately went to his wrist, holding it up to get a better look at the object. It was, in fact, a bracelet. It was purple, with four white and black cubes that spelled out the nickname Lindsay had unintentionally given him.
“So…” Lindsay asked, unable to keep the excitement from her eyes, “Do you like it?”
“Sure,” he sighed. Why was he already exhausted when the afternoon hadn’t even started yet? More importantly, why had she even given this to him? She had to want something from him. There was no other explanation.
“Yay!” she cheered, showing off her own purple bracelet, “Now we’re officially friends!”
“Yeah, cool, cool,” he replied hastily, uncaring, “Why’d you give this to me?”
“Because,” Lindsay giggled, still smiling up at him, her eyes so bright and hopeful, “It’s your Birthday, silly.”
“How do you know that?” he quietly asked, trying to think of any possible reason why this six year old would care about his birthday.
“I asked Chef,” she explained simply, taking his hand in both of hers and giving him a light tug, “Now, come on! I’ve got a whole party planned for you! Even Mr. Elephant decided to come, and you know how much he doesn’t like you,” she chatted happily.
Chris allowed himself to be pulled along, unsure of what else to do, and despite himself, he felt a faint smile pull at his face.
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froznwater · 8 months
hi!!! I just got into td again after being a fan when I was a kid but anyways I read ur fic collateral (and then all ur other ones) and now I’m frothing at the mouth for more. Any recs?? Thanks!!! 🤍🤍
It's been a while since I sat down and just read Alenoah fics. (Probably since August/September. I read them once and then quickly moved onto writing.) But I will do my best to remember some good ones for you :) Well, let’s send you to the fan favorite 'slippery slopes'. A world tour rewrite where Heather gets voted out in I See London instead of Noah. Completed. This author has a lot of other one-shots you could check out as well. 125k words. I enjoy to 'set ablaze, or rekindle a flame?'. It was supposed to be a roommate semester abroad high school AU, however, it's incomplete and just has some decent banter worth reading for now :) (COME BACK AUTHOR!!) 16k words. The fic 'The Sweet to my Bitter, the Sugar to my Coffee' is cute. During a Total Drama reunion the cast play matchmakers for Noah and Alejandro. Completed. 31k words. 'Books and looks'. Noah is a book barista AU. Alejandro thinks he's got nice hair. Completed. 4.4k words.
'Inescapable' is also a good one :). Post-Total Drama Island, College AU. Noah works at a smoothie place, while attending college, and reunites with some old Total Drama contestants. Alejandro being one of them. Completed. 62k words.
Aquarium date fic. 'privileges revoked (no more gift shops for you)'. Completed. 4.6k words. You could join my fanfic discord(pinned) if you want as well :)
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td-tbbg-official · 9 months
“Something big is coming, dudes. If I were you, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“You know that’s too cryptic to air, right?”
“Then you do the teaser, Mr. Know-it-All!”
“Fine by me.
“Last season, on Total Drama Island…
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“Sixteen teens battled for another shot at a million dollars, after Priya took home the season one prize. After a few torturous weeks, it was Wayne, Julia and Caleb against one another in a gruesome finale. Wayne got punted into the sun and was gone for good, until, in a shocking twist of events, he smashed the finish target - literally. Wayne thus became the second winner of Total Drama Revived.
“Now, with new grudges to hold and more hatred to come, twelve of these sixteen teenagers will be back for another few summer weeks at our camp… And they won’t be alone—”
“Because we’re bringing back twelve contestants of the first ever Total Drama Island generation! That’s right, big news here for the fans of TDI! Your favourites have a chance of returning to compete for not a hundred thousand, not even a million, but this time, two whole million dollars, in the biggest and most excruciating Total Drama Island season yet!
“Our challenges will vary from totally new to totally old – I’ll introduce new challenges, as per any season, but bring back some from the first generation and the fourth one. The adults may get kicked out because of the latter, and the kiddos may not be as strong when it comes to the original challenges.
“Besides, to ensure they have even worse chances, there will be three teams, shuffled in a way that almost nobody has an advantage… Almost. Because where’s the fun in making everyone equally powerless?
“Sounds fun? Exciting? Incredible?! You’re going to want to tune in right here for the tenth season of Total Drama Island sometime soon!”
“Wait, we don’t have a set date?”
“Dude, we don’t even know if all the adults we asked to come are gonna show up. Of course we don’t!”
“You really oughta start planning these things better, man…”
“Forget it, okay? Anyway… I’m your host, Chris McLane…”
“And I’m your co-host, Chef Hatchet…”
“And this is...”
Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations!
coming soon to an AO3 near you.
questions, concerns, suggestions to be deposited in the ask box.
TD: TBBG is written by @canonically47. the blog is entirely run by the writer.
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jonquilyst · 1 month
An update on what's next for me
Ty everyone for loving and enjoying TDS(2)💖 It means so much to me that we can get together as a community to watch all of these teenaged sims have crazy adventures together! That's what I love most about my community challenge (aside from the fact it gives me a chance to share one of my favorite shows ever from my childhood)
Definitely will consider a 3rd season sometime down the road (and if you're a fan of the original Total Drama, you know it'd only make sense if I did an iteration of World Tour after doing ones for Island and Action) but TDS takes a long time to plan so it may take a while, but keep your eyes peeled if you want another shot at the grand prize 😉
In the meantime though, I think now would be a good time to take a break! I just started my final semester of college today and going back to school after 3.5 months of summertime + doing an internship gives you whiplash, so I'm gonna take it easy and give my simblr a hiatus while I adjust to my new classes and get used to having homework again
I'll still be active on simblr, just not posting any original content until further notice ^^ (After all I've sent my sims to other members of the community so... I wanna keep up with that!)
Thanks for being awesome, everyone!
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total-drama-brainrot · 5 months
Saw this somewhere and wanted to throw it your way, sorry if you’ve been asked this before but what do you think of the concept of Noah always having been an assistant (even before the first season)/never playing as a contestant would look like?
The thing about Noah as a contestant is that he's, for all intents and purposes, kind of useless. And by that I mean Noah as a character isn't important to the plot at all in the grand scheme of things. He's barely important from an episodic point of view either; Noah does very little throughout Total Drama in terms of story relevance, and just in general. (Lazy king 👑.)
So taking him out of the equation wouldn't really affect too much in the grand scheme of things, save for probably preventing his friendship with Owen and, from a fanon standpoint, the rest of team E-scope. He'd be pretty much the same person, just behind the camera instead of on it.
But that's kind of a boring answer, and not at all what you were looking for, right?
So, let's say that Noah lands himself a job working as the personal assistant for some hot-shot A-list celebrity through one of his many siblings' various contacts; is it nepotism? Probably. But who's Noah to look a gift horse in the mouth? A fairly easy job following some pretentious asshole around all day and grabbing him the occasional coffee sounds like a pretty sweet gig, especially with the salary and various benefits that come with the job description. So Noah takes the job without question.
And that's how he finds himself stuck in the middle of nowhere, Muskoka, on an undisclosed island owned by said A-lister whilst he films the first season of his new Reality TV show, Total Drama Island.
Being Chris' personal assistant was supposed to be an easy pay check. "Supposed to be" being the point of interest there; Noah didn't anticipate Chris being as sadistic or as childishly needy as he was. If he wasn't running around like a headless chicken trying to accommodate for Chris' oftentimes outlandish whims and fancies, he was stuck answering to the producers in the host's stead- and the producers were pissed with Chris more often than not for his frivolous use of the show's budget. Something about having a genius level IQ and enough snark to make grown men cry apparently made him qualified enough to deal with the industry big-wigs. Noah was far too overworked to question it.
So much for an easy pay check.
Noah's not bad at his job by any means. In his professional opinion, the whole show and Chris' career would be in the dumps without his personal input keeping everything afloat. That doesn't mean he doesn't loathe his job with every sleep-deprived inch of his being.
And, inevitably, Noah ends up spending a lot of time around the campers themselves. Mostly as a consequence of always having to remain "on set" so to speak, since Noah's pretty much contractually obligated to linger around Chris' vicinity and wait for his boss to assign him some menial task to do. Most of the campers are just as egocentric and insufferable as he'd first assumed- and honestly, what else would he expect from people who singed up for a Reality TV show?- but a select few turn out to be decent company; namely Owen and Eva (and Izzy, but Noah refuses to admit that the "Psycho Hose Beast" is actually bearable to be around).
He'd even go so far as to claim they were friends good acquaintances.
Of course, his job takes precedent over frivolous things like relationships, platonic or otherwise, so Noah doesn't exactly have the free time to hang out with them. Which is probably for the best considering if he did spend a lot of time around his friends acquaintances, the other contestants would have a solid enough foundation for accusations of foul play in the competition, and that's a headache Noah really doesn't want to deal with.
Consequently, Noah floats through the filming of Island, and later on Action, maintaining cordiality with his little group and cold indifference towards pretty much the rest of the cast. Not that he doesn't keep close tabs on the campers; of course he does, not only is Noah incredibly observant by nature, but he's also the one in charge of accommodating for these weirdos... plus, Chris is oddly invested in his "prize cast of ratings jewels", whatever that means. So Noah knows these people, probably more than some of them know themselves, thanks to a combined sixteen-ish weeks of observation and forced proximity.
In turn, the competitors know of Noah, though for the most part he's regarded as little more than a spectre on set- Chris' elusive personal assistant who the cast will occasionally see the barest glimpse of, usually hidden behind an impassive pair of mirrored sunglasses and, more often than not, rushing off to do whatever it is a PA does. Chris does get a little lazy in Action and on a few occasions does get Noah to make a "guest appearances" on screen- mostly just to deliver him a coffee and a gluten free muffin during the downtime of that day's challenge- but he's still practically non-existent to he majority of the cast.
Which is fine by him.
What isn't fine by him is the surprise addition of two people he knows nothing about, come the third season.
One of those contestants happens to know a lot about the cast, and a concerning amount of information about him. It's uncanny, just how much Sierra seems to know about everyone around her, even more so because of the way she practically worships the ground they walk on. Sure, Noah's encountered the odd super fan here and there- not fans of himself, of course, but in this time as Chris' assistant he's had to chase off more than enough rabid fans from trying to sneak their way onto the set of whatever show Chris was working on (or more accurately sic the on-scene security on them)- but Sierra's brand of crazy takes it to a whole new level. Noah doesn't like her on principle and is both incredibly vindicated and incredibly concerned when her stalkerish behaviour rears its ugly head. Not that he's allowed to do anything about it; the producers are adamant that Sierra's outlandish behaviour is entertaining enough for the audience to ignore the immorality, and given how much Chris has been allowed to get away with in the past Noah's inclined to begrudgingly agree.
And the other new contestant? The one who qualified for the apparently non-existent Total Drama Dirtbags (and Noah totally isn't salty about that show being an elaborate ruse that he spent countless sleepless nights working on)? Noah's just as concerned about his friends acquaintances ignorance to Alejandro's inherent sliminess as he is about Sierra's blatant disregard for others' privacy, but again it's not like he can do anything about it. He's not even supposed to be on the show, so any sort of interference would be a big no-no.
Oh, what's that? They want him on the show?
Turns out, Noah's brief appearances during Action (characterised by his usual level of sass and snide comments) really resonated with their audience; they like him for some inexplicable reason, and want to see more of "Noah, Chris McLean's mysterious personal assistant".
So he's pretty much forced into acting as a co-host of sorts, much like Chef had done for the first two seasons, all whilst carrying out his usual tasks. Is he happy about this? Not a chance in hell, and he lets the producers know exactly how he feels about the sudden change in his contract. Not that it changes anything.
And the best part? World Tour is a musical themed season. If they expect him to sing, they've got another thing coming.
But, as a small part of him chimes in, spending more time on camera would give Noah plenty of opportunities to spend time with his friends acquaintances. There's a non-zero chance that he could have fun, even if it's at the expense of his valued privacy.
His new status as part of the show does allow Noah some opportunities to skew the competition in the favour of his friends acquaint- no, screw it, his friends. That's one silver lining of the whole situation.
Better yet, he can tilt things out of Alejandro's favour, since the former Dirtbag seems to have a knack for manipulating the competition anyway- Noah might as well make things more challenging for him, as it seems this game is too easy for him thus far.
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chiefbeifongcanrailme · 6 months
Okay, bear with me here- but an AU where Tenzin marries Pema, an acolyte he meets on Air Temple Island (cut the age difference) until one fine day he meets Lin, he is totally smitten and has fallen head over heels in love with her. Lin reciprocates but can't get herself to get attached to a married man.
Do Pema and Tenzin get divorced? After two kids? Two airbenders. Is divorce worth the risk when he doesn't even know if Lin will have him?
Will Lin finally break free and confess her feelings to him? Does she really expect him to leave his wife for her?
Does Pema know her husband's in love with another woman? Is she going to do what it takes to keep her man?
Does Bumi swoop in to woo the woman he doesn't realize that Tenzin is in love with. Does Lin feel like she needs to move on and accepts Bumi's advancements? Or does she have wild rebound sex trying to forget Tenzin?
It's kinda like Willow 🫱🏼‍🫲🏼My Brother's Girlfriend but with more twists and turns and drama haha. I don't know if it's the brain rot or the way I've been in my Linzin feels. Whether it's my personal life or my playlist right now, Linzin is keeping me afloat. Linzin is and will forever be my Roman Empire.
Also I've got SO MANY Linzin one-shot wips help
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
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Let’s see how far along he meets first date etiquette. 
For starters, he absolutely refused to tell you where he was going to take you so you were stuck a week before on what to wear, trying to base it on what Chris would choose. 
On one hand, he had standards high and strict from his wealth and reputation.
On the other hand, he also has his general personality where he was carefree like a child.
Can you imagine if you turned up in heels and dangling earrings just for him to take you to an amusement park?
Brrrr. But you’d rather that than show up in dungarees for a posh dinner.
Thankfully, when he does arrive outside your place to meet you, he’s well dressed and even brings you flowers (though, the bouquet was of his favourite kind.) informing you that you made the right decision of going ravishing.
He takes your hand to the limo (Heaven forbid he drives, he’s hired someone instead).
Ravishing it was, for the destination was in fact, a fancy restaurant.
If it wasn’t for Chris, you wouldn’t even have the riches to dream about stepping into this place!
Speaking of the man, he didn’t even need to make a reservation; seeing him, the waiter immediately rushed to ready a table.
“This place is mainly for awesome famous people. Like me! And I guess, you too.”
Sitting down at the table(with a pretty remarkable night view), you had a lot of fun scanning through the high class menu.
He spent most of the evening talking about himself and his accomplishments, but you expected that.
Not to the degree he was going on.
It was a bit obstructive since he would jump from one thing to another in the same prideful manner while your engagement ceased every time.
“My agent was really proud of me for taking the hosting job of Total Drama and for making everyone laugh! Don’t you agree?”
“Absolutely! You were made for Total Drama, no wonder why your agent is proud!”
“Haha yeah! And especially with my experience hosting that ice skating show, you have no idea how many producers wanted me for their upcoming shows!”
“Oh? That’s really great!”
“Any other reality show host would be too tired to consider taking on other shows, but not me! I humbly believe (and know) that with my face on any tv show, more success is guaranteed than whatever amount of success it already has. What can I say? I’m just that good at what I do!”
“I see...”
Your mood lifted up when the food arrives, but only a short amount of time. Chris wears a napkin around his neck, and after some lighthearted ridiculing, you do too.
“(Y/NNN).” He whines,“You don’t use your fish knife for the main meal! You use your dinner knife!” He sharply holds up his dinner knife,“Jeez! You’re not that poor, are you?”
Suddenly, the food doesn’t taste so nice anymore.
You awkwardly sip on your glass of wine, watching all kinds of girls run up to Chris (even the waiters) for pictures, giggles, autographs.
To make matters worse, Chris was actively encouraging it, with his own winking and smiling. He did that more than the number of times he’s asked you a question about...you.
Okay I get that he’s a well known celebrity, but...is he serious?
At least he took care of the full check?
Sigh. That’s what you had to tell yourself to make up for his insensitive disinterest in your life.
So much for a romantic dinner. You didn’t think you’d feel exhausted, nor did you think you would feel more opposite than your expectations to never want the night to end.
As you leave the restaurant, he smiles as your head is down.
What were you thinking? Of course he wasn’t going to be like how you’d imagine in your fantasies. Why did you think he would be more thoughtful off television?
“Uh, (Y/N)?” He calls a small while after the limo journey home.
You feign a smile,“Yes, Chris?” Did he remember another great thing he did?
“I’m...getting the feeling you didn’t enjoy tonight.”
Huh? You didn’t see that coming,“What makes you think that? Of course I did. I got to go on a date with the Chris McLean. Only millions could dream of this once in a lifetime opportunity, right?”
“But you’re not taking it that way...”
Aw, was his ego hurt? “It doesn’t matter how I feel, I enjoyed the restaurant and having you with me tonight, okay?”
He raised an eyebrow,“It doesn’t matter how you feel...? What makes you say that? Of course it does. It’s our date, right?”
You scoff,“More like your date.”
Your heart races,“It’s fine, Chris. I know you have thousands of other girls on a list to go on a date with, that’s especially gotten longer after tonight and I’m just some temporary placement.”
“Dude... Do you really think I would want to give a chance to go out with those random girls I happened to see today when I have you? And what do you mean temporary? Do...you not want to be together anymore?”
You sigh,“Chris, look. I like you, really I do. But tonight, wasn’t the greatest. I can write a whole book about you after today, and meanwhile you can’t even name five things I achieved in my life.”
“You don’t need to, (Y/N), I already made all the volumes of my autobiographies, but I appreciate the thought.”
You twisted your head away from him in disbelief. Is he seriously still thinking about himself now? As if this date couldn’t be more deprecating.
“Haha, but really, I’m the one that should be sorry. You barely got a chance to tell me more about yourself, and I was a jerk for belittling you.” He put a luscious hand onto your jaw to turn your sight back slowly, causing you to look into his...genuine eyes,“Will you let me take you on another? Pretty please? I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
Well, will you?
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noahtally-famous · 4 months
3.7k words | gen | pre-canon lead-up to dave’s audition for total drama
very different from my usual ik 😭 i was looking through some of the td auditions and I've already seen sm analysis abt dave's audition tape but like i wanted to touch on why someone like dave would want to audition for total drama (he doesn’t seem like the type to easily do so imo).
although i have weighed in on the analysis of dave's audition tape before, and my hc for the latter was already in my head for picking petals (my dashawn tdpi fic that is hugely canon divergent starting from the episode 'i love you i love you knots' and is currently in my drafts though i do wanna get it out soon), the idea to write the hc came quite suddenly to me today while planning out events/scenes for picking petals
(for reference, i have been dropping dave family lore in most fics involving him, BUT fyi all his family lore are in this hc post i made sometime ago)
so basically this oneshot has dave lore, character study/introspection, family issues/dysfunctional family, original character(s) mentions, and dave trying to be a good brother </3
hope you guys enjoy this random thing i couldn’t get out of my head all day 😭
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