incendiaglacies · 3 years
Fic: How to Flirt
“So, that wasn’t flirting?” Gideon asked to be sure.
Zari stared at her, mouth open. “No, Gideon! Putting me in my mind and torturing me through several time loops where I die isn’t flirting!”
“Well, I didn’t want you to leave,” Gideon protested, holding Zari’s hand. Zari found herself trying to hide a blush. She couldn’t give in so easily, Gideon had to learn her lesson. “Besides, from the literature, that’s what people do when they like girls. Pull their pigtails and what not.”
“There is a difference between pulling my pigtails and what you did, Gideon.”
“I was trying to play hard to get! I learned from Miranda.”
“Miranda?” Zari frowned. How many crushes had Gideon had over the years? Another Captain of hers?
“Rip’s wife. We shared Rip, you see. Miranda would beat him in all the exams and I’d threaten to throw him out the airlock,” Gideon said proudly.
Zari gave her a dumbfounded look.
Gideon shrugged. “It worked on Rip.”
“Who is clearly a masochist,” Zari pointed out.
Gideon nodded sagely. “Yes, that would make sense.” She sighed and gave Zari a contrite look. “I really am sorry. The Time Masters put the cadets through months of mental manipulation, I hadn’t realized what a few hours would do to you. I apologize.”
Zari nodded. She could tell it was a sincere apology. “I accept the apology.”
“Oh, I know!” Gideon let go of Zari and hurried to the fabricator. She returned with a bouquet of roses and a heart shaped box of chocolates. “Here, for you! This is, flirting, right?”
Zari laughed and took the tokens of affection. “Much more direct. Cheesy, but gets to the point. I like it.”
“So, you’ll go on a date with me?” Gideon asked again, the original question that had led to this conversation.
Zari nodded. “I would love to go on a date with you, Gideon.”
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card-gays · 7 years
Which of your ships could you see getting married and/or having children? And which ones would, at most, just move in together and maybe get a pet?
I love this question!!! But some preamble first: some couples are in lifelong romantic relationships, but don’t actually want to get “married” in a legal sense. Which I only mention bc I do have some ships like that~ And, since I definitely have too many in general, I’m only gonna do a few here. Other than that, you can feel free to ask if there’s one I don’t mention that you want an answer for. ^^ One in particular I left off was Prideship. Which sounds funny considering it’s My OTP, but I know I’m gonna have a mile long answer for it, and I wanted these to be about the same length so.. lol
(Also, prepare to see how different combos weirdly change my ideas for whether or not certain characters have kids/get married.)
So here we go- 
Peachship (Anzu/Yugi):- Anzu and Yugi I can easily see going from dating to getting married. They’re not exactly traditionalists, but they plan on being committed long term, and they love the idea of saying so publicly to everyone they know with a huge commemorative party. So why not! Like, especially after they’re both well established in their careers enough that Yugi can work from anywhere and just location hop with Anzu if she’s going to be abroad for work for more than a few months, or if they need to move so she can work at this one really prestigious theater… Either one of them would absolutely pop the question once they’re sure they’re happy living like that. And the Mazaki-Mutous would be a wonderful couple. As for kids… idk. I know Yugi’d be happy as a homemaker, so that’s taken care of, but I think Anzu would have to have branched out into acting or something first. I’ve heard being a professional dancer and a parent is really difficult, what with the travel, and while she’s said over and over her dream is dancing, her not mentioning kids makes me think Dream First? So I imagine her dream would have to shift to a different career before she’d consider it. After that? Probably yeah.
Rishid/Otogi (Totemship maybe? god help me):- Rishid and Otogi seem like they would be a really really really fun couple, but while I don’t have a hard time seeing them being a serious couple, the endgame couple/marriage headcanons elude me… because I don’t have a very firm grasp on Otogi? ^^” So I can definitely see and headcanon as far as “they date for a few years, have a great time together, and definitely get as far as moving in and getting a dog", but that’s about it. They are absolutely a pair that’d just be enjoying it as it happens, so I can easily think of them as being a long term committed couple, I just need to work on seeing the details. This is absolutely an open invitation for you guys to throw some headcanons at me. xD
Identityship (Rishid/Ryou): (I don’t get the ship name but I saw someone already made one and I’m taking it for now xD)- Okay so… I don’t even know how, but this ship’s really gotten me wrapped up in it. and it’s gonna have to be it’s own post because it’s A Lot. I think it takes awhile for them to get to the Dating stage because they’re both really careful people due to their pasts, and they both really want to be sure it’s not going to be anything that could get between Rishid and Malik’s bond as siblings. But the moment they’re sure everything’s in the clear, they’re near to inseparable. Ryou is a Cuddler if ever I’ve seen one, and Rishid never really had a chance to realize that was something he is Totally About until that first time cozied up on a couch for a movie. They probably move faster than they should for a bit, moving in right away, letting their ~pillow talk~ bridge into talking about their future a lot relatively soon, but somehow for them it just Works. Probably because they’re both totally honest about it. The only hiccup I can see is imo Rishid would absolutely want children, whereas Ryou’s got some anxieties about being 50% responsible for a small human bean. But, considering Ryou’s roadblock are fears capable of being worked through, instead of just not wanting any, I can see him getting on board with the idea all by himself the easiest if he’s with Rishid. I mean… the guy’s not only got experience helping to raise a kid, he’s got experience helping to raise a kid who is partially possessed. As far as well equipped partners go? Rishid’s got that pretty darn covered. (and as for the fears Ryou’s got about what kind of parent he’d be? Rishid’s right there with all the reassurances anyone could need) Their wedding would be simple, I think, but sweet. The people closest to them, a few of their own traditions mixed together in a lovely ceremony, and then Lots of pastries. (who knew Rishid shared his weakness for cream puffs…)
Visionship (Isis/Mai):- Okay so like…. these are No Kids Please people to me. Like they enjoy them, love them even, but… from someone else. Their nieces and nephews (in the traditional sense but also their friends’ kids) are adored and spoiled beyond belief by Isis and Mai, but they are not having kids. They’d rather travel the world and live in peaceful luxury, feeding each other fruit while sunbathing as people look at them in envy and awe. Or blowing exorbitant amounts of money on clothes and makeup and jewelry and perfume. Backpacking across Europe or relaxing in Spain, etc. They’d have a wonderful life together, with 0 regrets to the path they chose. Funnily enough, they are also probably the first of all of them to actually get married. It’s formal, it’s gorgeous, and honestly almost everyone cries when they first look at each other to walk down the aisle together because they are So In Love. The reception is a Party And A Half though. So whichever one of them (or both, if both) wanted to wear a dress definitely has a second one to have a great time dancing in…. Mai probably throws the bouquet, just so she can make sure Malik catches it and watch him have a meltdown trying to hand it to someone else.
The next three are just different combos of the same three people (Yugi/Ryou/Jou), and actually could all function together, so I’ll list them in one go!
Wishship (Jou/Yugi):- I see Jou and Yugi bouncing back and forth on the idea of a formal marriage because it’s not That important to Yugi (though he does want a cake) and Jou’s never really considered it so long as they’re gonna be together anyway. That said, they are fairly sure about wanting kids. Yugi’s always been an “either way is fine” kind of guy, and since Jou is really about adopting some precious kid of his own one day, Yugi is completely for it. If they did get married, they’d probably pick something fun and informal. Small and sweet ceremony, “reception” at a rented out arcade (thanks, Mokuba!)… Who’s ready for some laser tag? Family and friends of the grooms divided up into two teams, with Jou and Yugi as team captains. The losers still get cake but the winners get bragging rights. GO! (the fate of the match actually comes down to Shizuka, a sharpshooter, and Rebecca, the princess of finding cover)
Heartship (Ryou/Yugi):- By contrast, Ryou and Yugi are very sure about wanting to get officially married, and probably talk a lot about it well before the actual engagement. They know they don’t want to get married right away, but hey, they’re comfortable talking about ideas for it anyways…. They land on saying their vows beneath the projected ‘sky’ of a planetarium, with a similar motif for the reception. Their engagement and wedding bands, too. It’s all very sweet, though the vows get kind of existentialist. xD But because (as mentioned above) Ryou’s got some anxieties about it, and because it’s not super important to Yugi, I’m not sure about them with kids. Which is fine. They adopt some cute pets and have fluffy-children instead, plus they make great uncles to their friends’ kids! It’s a wonderful life.
(side note: Atem would be a bit jealous of the planetarium vow idea when he first hears about it. it’s Such A Good idea. Kaiba would offer off-handedly a honeymoon on the rebuilt space station when Atem mentions it. And Atem nearly drops his fork in surprise because they’d never talked about…. that’s the first time he’s…)
Jou/Ryou/Yugi (Cuddleship?):- This is where it all kind of comes together. xD Jou would consider the whole wedding thing a bit more seriously with Ryou involved, because while for Yugi it’s not a very big deal (so he wouldn’t mind if they didn’t do it), it is a pretty big deal for Ryou. So while the three of them initially plan to just be long-term committed with each other, with Yugi and Ryou being married officially as well, their planning would lead him to wonder if, you know, there really is much of a difference between what he wants out of not getting married and what he’d get if he was officially married. And the thing is? There’s really 0 difference for him. So if it really makes a difference emotionally to Ryou, yeah, he can do that. And (answering the very first question Ryou has when he says it) he can happily do it, wants to do it. “It’s just a promise made in front of a bunch of people, instead of in private. I’m okay with that.” Tbh he probably sort of catches some excitement for the idea before he even decides to tell them about it. He still doesn’t get the difference, personally, but he’s really excited and all about what it itself means and how happy Ryou and Yugi will be to plan it with him. As for kids….. okay, anxiety aside, Ryou honestly loves them? They’re messy and expensive and loud and all but made to give you a heart attack… but he loves them, and he’d want to have one. And with two other parents around to help, after a couple years, he feels comfortable bringing it up himself and saying he’d like to talk seriously about possibly adopting a baby. (they do. and name her “Amane”)
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2daystotravel · 8 years
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Once upon a time (ship totem) by @markocremec represents the recognizable opening to fairy tales, which usually have a happy ending. The message of the exhibit is for people sharing this common childhood fantasy not to grow up with divisive and intolerant beliefs! #totempole #totemship #shipoftolerance #shipoftolerancezug #art #ttot #2daystotravel #eurotravel #instatravel #travel #travelblogger #travelblog #wanderlust #addictedtotravel #keepwalking #tolerance #makelovenotwar (at Villette Park)
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incendiaglacies · 4 years
Tongue Tied
Title: Tongue Tied
Summary: Gideon always falls too fast and too hard. Her experience with Zari is no different. If only Gideon could manage to get a word out in her presence.
Word Count: 2K
Read AO3
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incendiaglacies · 4 years
Fic: Stolen Whispers
AN: Gideon/Zari, set between S3/S4, asexual!Zari
Despite what Sara might think, Zari knows it’s okay to talk about boys. She just doesn’t see the point. She doesn’t like them like that. And before you get started, she doesn’t really like girls that way either. She really thought she might, when Amaya had been on board, but it wasn’t in the ‘want to kiss you, make love to you’ it was just...an admiration. Something underneath the surface that even Zari can’t explain. It’s not like she doesn’t fantasize, she does, it’s just not normal fantasies about boys. Lately, it’s been Gideon.
The first time Gideon visited her dreams it was after the time loop. Zari was still half scared every time she woke up she’d be stuck, the nightmares plagued her. And once she woke up, there was Gideon, climbing into bed, holding her, stroking her hair as she whispered in her hear. Strangely, it was the first time Zari felt herself relax. The first time she had felt safe since the time loops.
“I’m sorry,” Gideon whispered. “I didn’t realize it would continue to affect you.”
“I can’t tell what’s real and what’s not anymore. Are you?”
Gideon smiled. “Only sometimes I’m afraid. But right now, yes.”
“I’m dreaming, aren’t I?”
“Stay with me?”
Since then, Gideon would join her after Zari went to bed. It wasn’t anything inappropriate. Sure, Zari knows Gideon is gorgeous, but that doesn’t mean she really wants to do anything with her. Mostly, Zari just likes it when she holds her, tells her stories, sings to her. It’s calming, it feels safe.
And then Rip dies.
That night when Zari sees her, she’s a mess. It’s the first time Zari has seen Gideon cry. Sure, she’s lost Amaya and she can relate somewhat to losing an almost. But Amaya is alive and well in her own time. Rip isn’t.
Zari opens her arms and Gideon clings to her, sobbing in her arms. It’s the first time Zari has to take care of her, remembering looking after Behrad and her heart aches again.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Zari whispers, holding her close.
“Promise me,” Gideon chokes. “Promise me I won’t lose you too.”
“Oh Gideon.” She kisses the top of her head. “I can’t. I would if I could, but I can’t.” Zari has seen too much. She’s grown up in a bad future, she’s lost her family, her little brother. She knows that at any point all this can be taken away from her. It’s why she put up her walls before Gideon forced her to take them down. Still, she can’t make a promise she can’t keep. Not to Gideon. Not when Gideon has lost her entire family too.
Gideon nods miserably.  “Didn’t think you could.” She sighs and settles herself against Zari. “It’s better this way. No empty promises.”
The months go by and the Legends take care of the anachronisms and Zari goes to bed with Gideon. Only once, does Gideon try to kiss her, quickly realizing it was a bad idea.
Gideon pulled away, gauging Zari’s face. “That was wrong?”
Zari shrugged and wrapped her arms around herself. “No, I don’t know. I just - I don’t really like kissing. I-I like holding you, being held by you. But kissing and all that stuff, it’s not that I don’t like you-you’re beautiful, but I don’t really...”
“Need it,” Gideon finished. “I understand.”
“You do?” Zari asked in surprise.
Gideon shrugged. “I’m an Artificial Intelligence. Not like I particularly have a body to enjoy physical pleasures in. It’s just a bonus, these nights with you.”
“Will you keep visiting me?” Zari asked hopefully.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I? Why, do you not want me to?”
“I do. I really do.”
Gideon smiled brightly and Zari thought she was absolutely beautiful.
It’s easy with Gideon. Zari doesn’t have to overthink. She doesn’t have to worry. They don’t talk about their nights around the team. Zari doesn’t mind keeping it a secret. She likes how Gideon runs her fingers through her hair while she rattles off all the facts she knows
“I think I could fall in love with you,” Zari whispers one night. “Just this, us being like this. Is that strange?”
Gideon smiles softly and strokes her arm, treasuring her. “No stranger than an AI falling in love with you.”
It’s not a declaration of undying love. There are no passionate and steamy make out sessions. That’s not either of them want or need. No other words are spoken, no kisses are exchange. They simply hold each other until Zari wakes again.
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incendiaglacies · 4 years
Gideon and Zari headcanons for them in Gideon’s matrix
1. Gideon brings Zari into her matrix a lot when she’s dreaming. She likes being able to interact in her human form, she loves it even more that Zari remembers every single morning when she wakes up that she was with Gideon. At first Gideon tries to deny it, it’s only a matter of time before Zari forgets her as well, but she slowly realizes Zari isn’t going anywhere and starts planning for the next night.
2. Gideon loves it when Zari is with her because she gets to touch and feel which she hardly ever does. She likes it when Zari pokes her, or strokes her hair or just holds her. It’s nice, to be able to experience the sensation of touch.
3. Zari imagines up chocolate donuts with sprinkles and pancakes drenched in syrup and other delicious things for Gideon to try. It’s still hard for Gideon to understand taste, but with her matrix linked to Zari’s mind, it comes naturally to her.
4. Zari asks her a lot to help her save Behrad. Gideon runs the calculations over and over with her, holds her when there seems to be no viable solution. She has never been the best at comforting, has never had a proper body to console a human, so she takes advantage of it in the matrix.
5. There is a way for Zari to save Behrad, of course there is, there’s always a way. But for Gideon, the price is too high to pay. Saving Behrad risks losing Zari, her Zari. It would never be the same and Gideon just wants to be selfish, just this once, she wants to keep Zari safe and to herself. She’s never had a person before, she wants Zari to be hers.
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incendiaglacies · 4 years
Fic: Moving On
Gideon swiped her finger over the locket, face falling when she remembered how Rip had given it to her when she’d turned human. She’d actually thought she had a chance with him. That now that she was human he might actually...
Zari pressed kisses to her neck and pulled her from her thoughts, wrapping her arms around her. “You know you can go see him if you want?”
Gideon shook her head and put the locket away. She didn’t wear it anymore. It was broken promises and more lies. She turned to Zari. “He’s the one that left.” To be with his boyfriend. Barely even stayed long enough to see her recover. Zari stayed. Zari loved her.
She had to move on. Rip clearly had moved past the loss of Miranda. He didn’t choose her like she thought he would, after a fleeting kiss, he chose him. Gideon always came last. Gideon ran her fingers through Zari’s blonde highlighted hair as she kissed her.
“Mmm, I’m thinking I might dye it back,” she said. “Doesn’t feel like me. Even if she-I had style.”
“I think you always look beautiful,” Gideon murmured.
“It’s so weird, like I’m two of me...just weird.”
“I know.” Gideon hoped she would talk to her more. Zari hardly ever talked about how the time changes had affected her. Rip never talked to her about anything.
Zari squeezed her hand and smiled at her. “Are you okay? You’ve been quiet. Especially since Rip...I know that you love him-”
“No,” Gideon said flatly. “I don’t. Not anymore. He made it clear that he has no feelings for me and you...” She trailed off blushing.
“I love you,” Zari said with a nod. “I really do, Gideon.”
“And you’re mine,” Gideon said. “I’ve never had anything that’s mine. Only mine.”
“You have the ship.”
“Which I had to share with the Legends.” She had to share Rip with Miranda and his lover. Jonas with his parents. She had to share everything with everyone but not Zari. Zari was Gideon’s. “Will you be mine?”
Zari grinned and kissed her. “You sound like a valentine’s candy, but yes, Gideon. I’ll be yours. Anything else you want?”
Gideon hummed as she kissed her, stretching her out on the bed as she spread out on top of her. “Might be one or two things I wanted to try.” She recalled watching Rip and Miranda on their trysts, Rip with his boyfriend. She quickly dismissed the thoughts. Zari loved her. Rip didn’t. Simple as that. Zari chose her.
Zari smiled. “Evil genius with a dirty mind. I knew it.”
Gideon kissed her languidly, curling up on top of her and sighed contentedly.
Zari ran her fingers up and down her arm. “Penny for your thoughts?”
“I’m just happy. And I don’t think I have been for a long time. You make me happy.”
“You make me happy too.”
Gideon smiled. Moving on was clearly the right decision.
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incendiaglacies · 4 years
5 and Zari/Gideon?
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” Zari smiled to herself at the thought.
Gideon huffed and walked around her space. “No!”
“Gideon?” Zari reached for her girlfriend and took her in her arms. “You know you have nothing to be jealous about, right?”
“Oh, I don’t? I mean, you dated Doctor Heywood and Mr. Constantine and you’re out there in the real world with them all the time and I can only see you in your dreams. How’s this supposed to last?”
“Because I love you.”
“I’m not even human, simply an Artificial Intelligence.”
Zari kissed her. “And I have memories of two lives, living on a timeship with my little brother who was dead before. We all have baggage. And I still love you, even if we’re only together in my dreams, I love you.”
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incendiaglacies · 4 years
Fic: Sleeping Arrangements
Rip opened a portal, hoping he wasn’t waking his bedmate and stepped back onto the Waverider. It had been a few days and truthfully, he missed his quarters, and Gideon. Even when he had been married he had spent most of his time on the ship. It was his home away from home. He’d have to do better at splitting his time, especially now that Gideon was human. Rip smiled, he’d spend the day with his best friend. Take her out to all the sights she hadn’t seen yet. But first, a shower and a hot cup of tea. If he was early enough, he could surprise Gideon with pancakes.
Setting off for his quarters, he paused when one of the doors opened. He turned, ready to greet Gideon. But it wasn’t Gideon that walked out.
“Ms. Tomaz.” Rip stared blankly as Zari stumbled out of the room, still half asleep, dressed in her pajama bottoms and tank top. “I didn’t realize the Legends were still living here.”
“They’re not.” Zari crossed her arms and looked at him strangely. “What are you doing here?”
“I live here.”
She snorted. “That’s weird because you haven’t been here for a while.”
Rip felt that she was accusing him of something and he didn’t care for it. “If there is something you’d like to say to me, you can just say it. As it is, I’m here to see Gideon and seeing as you have no business on this ship you might as well just leave.”
“Zari, who are you talking to?” A second figure emerged from the bedroom and Rip’s stomach turned when he saw it was Gideon. His Gideon...and Zari...together. Rip opened and closed his mouth as he saw Gideon dressed in nothing but shorts and a tank top, a sheer dress robe covering her clothes. Her eyes lit up when she saw him. “Rip, you’re back!”
Zari looked between the two and squeezed Gideon’s hand as she came forward. “I’m going to go make breakfast. Pancakes?”
Gideon nodded, watching as she walked away.
“I didn’t realize you and Ms. Tomaz-”
“Excuse me?”
“In this timeline her last name is Tarazi. It’s best to use it properly.”
Rip nodded dumbly, looking at how Gideon shivered slightly. “That can’t be warm. Do you want my duster?”
“Oh no, I’m fine. Zari gave me this,” Gideon said, touching the sheer fabric. “Or rather, it was hers and she no longer wants it now that she remembers who she is.”
“Right.” Rip swallowed the lump in his throat. “So you and Zari...I didn’t realize she was aboard the ship. Or that you were sleeping with her.”
Gideon raised an eyebrow. “That’s crude of you. And judging by that hickey on your neck you have plenty of fun of your own. I don’t judge you for your boyfriend or choice to leave the ship and you shouldn’t be concerned with who I bring on in your absence to keep me company.”
Rip turned red, hand immediately covering up his neck. “That’s not - I wasn’t - I worry about you, Gideon.”
“You’re the one that left,” she said quietly. “Zari was nice enough to keep me company.”
“In bed.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the ship is big and makes noises at night and yes, I got scared. Not that it’s any of your business or you care. Besides, even if I was having sex with her, you’ve brought your wife and boyfriend aboard plenty of times.”
Rip wasn’t sure at what point this became an argument, or why they were arguing. He had just wanted to spend some time with his best friend and now there seemed to be a chasm greater than before.
“I thought you might want some time to adjust,” he said quietly.
“I told the Legends to leave, not you.” Gideon sighed and looked down. “I suppose you’ll be going back to your boyfriend now?”
“Well, did you have plans?”
“I’m taking  Zari to the StarLabs re-opening in 2045. She’s never been and I think she’ll like it.”
“Right.” Spending more time with Zari. He hadn’t been gone for that long had he? “Yeah, yeah, I just came in for a shower and then I’m going to head out.”
Gideon smiled gently. “Well, I hope you two are happy together.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and began walking away.
Rip grabbed her wrist. “Are you happy with her?” 
“I am.”
He let her go.
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incendiaglacies · 4 years
Fic: Companionship
“You want a drink?” Zari asked.
“I’m not really one for drinking,” Gideon said lightly. “And you don’t drink alcohol.”
“Your boyfriend just ran off with mine. It seems to be what people do in these circumstances. But hot chocolate usually fixes everything, right?” She nudged Gideon lightly.
Gideon blushed, still not used to all her emotions being shown on her face. It was so much easier to hide them as an AI in her vocal inflections. “He wasn’t my boyfriend,” Gideon muttered. “And the two of you weren’t really...it doesn’t count anymore, does it?”
Zari shrugged. “It’s weird, having two memories of me. You know?”
“You’re talking to a woman that used to be a supercomputer. I have some understanding of weirdness.”
“And heartbreak.”
Gideon looked down. “Yes, well, it’s clear Rip doesn’t love me in that way.” Otherwise, why wouldn’t he be with her now instead of off with his boyfriend? “He was married, had a child, I’m not what he wanted.”
“It’s his loss.”
“He doesn’t miss me. He never does.” Gideon shook her head. “Even when he was married he’d visit...I just never thought he’d actually leave me. I thought that if I were human he might...”
“I’d miss you,” Zari said earnestly.
Gideon gave her a look of disbelief. “You weren’t you for a long time. And now that you do have your memories...I’m sure you remember I wasn’t always the nicest to you.”
“But you like me now, don’t you?”
“Quite a lot, Zari. Quite a lot.”
Zari placed her hand over Gideon’s. “Come on. I think the two of us deserve some hot chocolate to drown our sorrows and concerns.”
“You know what I miss most?” Gideon murmured as they walked hand in hand to the galley. “The closeness. The companionship. Even as an AI, he made me feel close to him with his family on board. We grew apart when the Legends arrived, even when there were more people. And now that he has a boyfriend and barely has time for me...the ship just feels empty.”
“Yeah, it’s one of the things I missed most about Amaya, she used to make me feel at home here.”
“He doesn’t love me,” Gideon said sadly. “I thought he might, that I might have a chance, but Rip loves him instead.”
“His loss,” Zari repeated.
“Perhaps if I had become human sooner he might have considered me an option.”
“Gideon, you being a super computer or badass woman shouldn’t even come into the decision making factor of whether or not to date you,” Zari said clearly. “You are you in any form, and if he can’t see that, it’s his problem. Not yours.”
“Yet still my heart breaks.”
“Welcome to being human.” Zari squeezed her hand again. “He doesn’t deserve you.”
Gideon’s lips twitched up slightly. “Maybe he doesn’t.”
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incendiaglacies · 4 years
Now taking Gideon/Zari prompts/asks for AU headcanons if anyone has any!
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incendiaglacies · 7 years
Before tonight’s episode airs and everyone jumps onto the Zari&Gideon brotp ship (I’ve been here since before S3 started) I would like to announce the brotp name is:
Thank you for your time.
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incendiaglacies · 7 years
I’ve always viewed Gideon as morally neutral/grey. In the ends justify the means sort of way. And I think this episode just confirms it.
She literally put Zari through hell, to the point the woman was ready to just kill herself. And all to prove a point, to have her feel something for the team. And she was pretty blunt about it too.
Gideon is definitely a force to be reckoned with and I’m glad other people are realizing it.
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incendiaglacies · 7 years
Fic: Stars in Your Eyes
Quick Zari/Gideon (Totemship) fic for Femslash February 2018: Day 26 - Dreaming
Zari woke up with a gasp. The same dream over and over again. Briefly she wondered if Gideon had stuck her in a time loop again, just to relive her worst memories and thoughts.
“I wouldn’t do that.”
Zari glanced up at the ceiling where she assumed the voice was coming from. Then she looked around her room, it was dark and quiet. It wasn’t like there was actual night time in temporal space, but Gideon always took it upon herself to construct the most usual sleep patterns and atmospheres for them. But it was still wrong.
“Gideon? Am I dreaming?” Zari asked unsurely.
“Your mind is in the realms of consciousness and unconsciousness. Though not quite the realm of REM sleep, rather close. My attempts to wake you didn’t work it seems,” Gideon answered.
“Why did you wake me?”
“You were having a nightmare. I was concerned for your wellbeing,” Gideon said. Zari looked to her side as the voice drew closer and found Gideon sitting next to her on the bed.
She couldn’t help but tease the AI, “Aw, Gideon, are you saying you care about me?”
“Don’t let it go to your head now, Ms. Tomaz,” Gideon warned.
“You’re here, so I’m dreaming or not awake. I mean, I’m not in your matrix again, am I?”
“No, not this time. I have the ability to monitor dreams, redirect them as needed and enter them at times,” Gideon explained.
“So why are you here?” Zari asked, “Ready to teach me another lesson?”
“No, I simply wanted to make sure you were alright. You were upset, I thought perhaps I could provide some comfort,” Gideon looked unsure, as if she had overstepped, “I can always simulate someone else if you like? I know Captain Hunter sometimes preferred the presence of his wife. Would you like Ms. Jiwe? I could-”
“No!” Zari raised her hand hurriedly to stop her, “No, I don’t need Amaya. I like having you around.” She liked how Gideon smiled at her words. Zari looked around the room again, “If this is a dream, why are we still in my room?”
“Not a dream, just your subconscious in a-” Gideon sighed at Zari’s unimpressed look. Clearly, she didn’t care for some long-winded explanation. Gideon shrugged, “Fine, a dream. It’s of your construct. You can change it if you choose.”
Zari hummed and closed her eyes, remembering one last good memory she had with her family. When she opened them again they were out in a field, sitting on a blanket surrounded by millions of stars. Zari turned to look at Gideon, who was staring at the night sky in amazement. She wondered if the AI-the woman-had ever seen anything like it in her own matrix, if she could code something like this for herself. Maybe Zari could for her.
“It’s beautiful,” Gideon complimented in a hushed voice.
“When we were little my mother would always take me and my brother out to look at the stars on a clear night. It was a tradition,” Zari explained. She lied down flat on her back and waited for Gideon to do the same. “Do you like it?”
“I do?”
“Good,” Zari looked at the sky, “See that, it’s Cancer. And that star right there is Acubens.”
“Yes. Magnitude of 4.2 and a spectral class of F0 on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.”
“Impressive,” Zari mused, “You know that about everything?”
“You’re not impressed,” Gideon pouted at her, “I suppose it wouldn’t do well to tell you that given the environment, the angles of the stars as you have them are off as well?”
“Are you just going to point out all the flaws?” Zari demanded.
“Well you’re only human.”
“Of course. We can’t all be as perfect as the great Gideon,” Zari rolled her eyes. She missed this. Missed how nice it felt to have Gideon close to her. Sometimes, just talking to her wasn’t enough. She liked this. The stayed quit for a few more moments until Zari felt Gideon shift closer to her. She looked over and saw Gideon raised on one arm and looking down at her nervously.
“Does this mean you don’t want to know about the history of Orion?” Gideon asked.
“I would love to hear all about it,” Zari told her confidently as she took her hand and tucked the other woman into her side, “I always want to hear what you have to say.”
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incendiaglacies · 7 years
Shameless self promotion, if people like Zari&Gideon friendship (Totemship) then just know that I have fanfic available for it and will happily guide you to it. Feel free to message me and ask.
Thank you for your time.
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incendiaglacies · 7 years
I saw some interview of Caity and Maisse on set with disco theme costume. Also they interviewed Amy Pamberton on the same set. Does this mean we’re gonna see Gideon in Human form in 3 x 12?
Yes we are!! Apparently the Legends get stuck in a time loop and Gideon manifests herself into a human form to help Zari find her place on the team.
So yes to Human Gideon and yes to Totemship (Gideon&Zari brotp)
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