#totk lowkey feels the same too
notyonatto · 9 months
There’s so much that Nintendo got wrong with the botw /warriors calamity games that i could really sink my teeth into. I’ve been continuously bitter at them for being such cowards with the angst. They had so much potential for a truly horrifically painful storyline that would’ve highlighted the sorrowful beauty and joy in the happy ending. That game could’ve ripped out soooooo many hearts and then tenderly sewn back together, different and scarred but hopeful and healed by the end of the plot. They had the chance and they absolutely fumbled it
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impostorsshow · 1 month
Honestly, I just kinda wanna hear you talk about this Pokémon line. I’m really interested to hear why you love it so much. I don’t really think about this line too much, and honestly, would not have attributed this line to you first try.
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(Man, I lowkey feel bad, the article I pulled this image from was called something like Top 20 Worst Pokémon Designs which is honestly just foul considering the context of this ask.)
1. Klink klang :] fun words Klink klang klinklang :]
2. I just like the metallic /object ones, my other favorite Pokemons include the chandelure evolution set, magneto/magneton, etc. my other favorite pokemon are usually water pokemon starters that I can never remember the name of since I always rename my starters and then forget THOSE names, whooper because no shit, ghost types because no shit have you seen my Tumblr page, and ditto when I was 7 because who didn't like ditto when they were a little kid. Also mimikyu because I'm basic I have a build a bear mimikyu and her name is hamburger. All of them are my favorites since I can't really choose, I also have some favorite pokemon cards but my mom has my collection since they're in our animal crossing amiibo card holder and she's playing totk rn, but I know I have like 3 copies of chandelure and my favorite card is a shiny lady trainer card, ill put a picture at the bottom of her
3. The design is cool and fun and the colors are pleasing and it's easy to understand. Any large pokemon [watching the anime episode of gyrados KILLED ME when I was a kid] or ones with bright colors really hurt my eyes or confuse me, probably because of my astigmatism/shit eyesight, but all of my favorites have muted colors, are small, or have a large amount of black or white [litten and gangar are good examples]. I also just tend to not like fully evolved Pokemon, in my rarely played Pokemon yellow and Pokemon Violet files none of my Pokemon are evolved and I only ever catch copies of Pokemon for the evolution on the pokedex and then release them.
But yeah as far as I'm aware, most of my favorite pokemon are absolute shit strategy and moveset wise, ESPECIALLY because I refuse to evolve them <3
This isn't MY card, I got this off of Google but it's the same card, i also have a version of her that's not shiny and i have a kind of old shiny pikachu with special art but i cant be bothered to find it since theres like 50 pikachu cards. I don't collect Pokemon cards, don't know anything about it but people just keep giving me pokemon card packs so I have quite a few special arts/shinies. No holos I think tho
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dragmiire · 1 year
time for my current totk thoughts bcuz im like, halfway i think thru main story and got all the geogylph memories! BIG SPOILERS AHEAD.
i think there is SO MUCH missing and it is depressing! like. the memories aren't enough. what do you mean we're going from zelda being like 'im so saaad i don't know how to time magic :(' and then suddenly time magics a flying knife?? and then sonia DIES? it feels like there is an entirely different game going on with zelda's wacky time-travel hijinks that we're missing due to only seeing glimpses and it feels very empty. idk if they'll fill the gaps with dlc or if this was just an issue of them rushing a game that needed a few more years to cook or what.
i hate the imperialism. all i hear is 'hyrule is ok and good bcuz it is run by pure good-natured imperialists vs those EVIL brown imperialists from the desert who are trying to do the same thing but EVILER.' i went from trying to vibe with rauru to rapidly disliking him.
ganondorf has the personality of an evil piece of cardboard but he's also hot so i give him a pass.
zelda has the personality of a good piece of cardboard and i'll give her a pass only for depressing me by being a soulless dragon flying around.
i think there is something to say about how the gerudo are not actually part of the hylian kingdom. even though they're all like 'we stand with u imperialist hyrule we wuv u!!' there is a very strong distinction that they are not ruled by the hylian monarchy. like. ganondorf was evil and vile for pressing back against rauru and waging war and not allowing the gerudo to merge with hyrule, and yet the gerudo still chose not to become one with hyrule. they just seemed to foster positive relations while maintaining their own as a separate entity. but who knows! maybe the game will prove me wrong and i'll eat my hat in rage!
the sage cutscenes are bland and bad. once again, cannot tell if the choice of copying and pasting each cutscene was a result of bad writing or the game not being allowed to cook long enough.
the depths keep making me pee my pants and i hate them but like just in a personal i rly hate the dark kinda way.
honestly back to the sages but they're bland in general as well. they tried to recreate the champions of old without any of the personality and feeling of connection to them. i do not give a single heck or darn about these sages, they just sure do exist as a means of passing on a power to the current champs. i feel this just makes their existence soulless and that they were just designed to be tools of rauru/means of furthering the plot. very boring.
i've been kinda irritated that a lot of npcs don't remember you. key ones do, like story-quest npcs, but like characters i've saved countless times in botw are like 'who r u'. and then characters are still SO surprised link is the heroic swordsman when it seems like this news otherwise traveled very quickly. i swing rapidly from delighted that npcs remember me and irritated when they don't, making it feel like botw didn't exist.
speaking of botw not existing. i get its because they wanna focus on zonai/avoid bogging the game down with more assets, but the lack of sheikah/guardian tech is really irritating. it's like everybody forgot about it. you cannot tell me they magically purged ALL of hyrule of any remnants of the guardian tech. also i know it is deranged to say it but i lowkey miss the panic of being chased down by guardians. it added a spice to the overworld.
overall... i just think botw is the better game?? which is not surprising, its hard for a sequel to surpass its predecessor, but i think they focused too much on new gimmicks and once again neglected the story, which is what i RLY care about. so once again i'm more invested in completing my funny lil side missions and leaving dragon zelda to rot in the skies.
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Rauru?? Such a good design 10/10 character and voice. Extremely worried about his backstory because it's just a liiiiittle too close to retconning and I despise when games do that and zelda usually just 'yes and's itself.
Zelda looks so good too! And link! And our favourite nerds! Don't know how happy she is with being back in a ceremonial worship dress tho lol. Really hoping she doesn't pull a skyward sword zelda.
Hyrule is nigh unrecognisable. It's struck a perfect balance between knowing it like the back of my hand and being completely lost. Like I know where things SHOULD be. I know where to find the biggest points. When tf did that get here. I SWEAR there's way more deep ponds than there used to be. I'm in love again already.
And it might just be the fact that I've played so many loz games and botw just yesterday, but Link feels so incredibly entrenched in the world. Intertwined. Bound up in every inch of it. Everyone knows his name, they respect him and care for him if they don't know him personally. I recognise places and symbols and cutscene locations. It feels right to scramble all over things and talk to everyone and vanish into the grass and no one bats an eye.
It's only been a few hours but totk is just incredible. Even if I have to run everywhere again XD.
Just. YES!!!
I feel the SAME WAY about Hyrule. I’ve played botw so many times that I feel like I should know where shit is but then I’m like “wait this rock formation is higher than normal, wait when did that get there, oh my god what is THAT, hey I recognize this!!!”
Getting to go near Hyrule castle and not hear panic-inducing piano music is something I should have been prepared for but it still messed me up.
Hyrule isn’t this desolate wasteland with barely any civilizations. It’s got people, it’s got structure, there’s teams and a whole system going on. And it. It makes me SO happy.
Link and Zelda really did all that. GOD!!!!
God this game is fantastic. I’m getting major ss Zelda vibes 😂 so I’m envisioning she’s going to be just out of reach the entire game (but who knows!!!)
I’m wondering if botw is just going to be in its own timeline to make up for them lowkey retconning stuff LMAO
Thank you so much I love hearing everyone’s impressions of this game it is so so wonderful
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You ever think… That you could do something better than the game developer who originally made something? Like when fans replace the canon with fanfiction, or when people mod a game that could’ve been better if it just… added those things they’re modding in?
Ngl, sometimes the hubris does hit, yeah. I'm playing totk right now, and letting you collect the cutscenes for The Big Mystery in any order is lowkey asinine, you can give yourself major spoilers just a few hours in. Just make the cutscenes always go in the same order- mystery kept, story well told, problem solved. Also, I just found a tutorial shrine. 100h in, beat Ganondorf, got 65% of the map, and just found a tutorial. Idk, but feel like it shouldn't be super far away and secluded where you can play through the entire game before finding it, y'know?
...And then I remember I probably also did a lot of super dumb decisions that would seem incredibly illogical and easy to fix from outside XD It's just human nature to get too exited with an idea and stick to it because you just did it like that this entire time, I guess >v<
Plus, there's also the part that what might be "good" in your eyes is "horrible" to others. The "minecraft sucks now!!!!" videos from recently showed this a lot. You'd have people say they'd love if Minecraft vanilla was closer to super elaborate mods like tinkers' construct where crafting things take a lot of grinding, but if I had to deal with anything even close to that I'd delete the game. A lot of them also complained about "objectively bad" things that turned out to just be part of the sandbox genre, and they'd be way happier if they played Terraria instead. Like how I love the fact Etrian Odyssey lets you make your own funky guys and sets scenes so you can come up with your own stuff, but others might see this as a flaw for lack of characters.
tldr what even defines "good", tbh.
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