#touhou nsft
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"Lady Remilia is pimping me out for one yen per 5 months, I don't understand her prices but surely having more access to studs is wonderful"
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psi-hate · 7 months
sanae griding on tsukasa's face under the cut :]
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girls are now cumming please wait warmly
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pepperjackproductions · 5 months
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And then they played cards :)
I really just spent an ungodly amount of time making a comic for a ship that like maybe a handful of people know about. Do I regret it? Nahhhhhh
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sinners-of-twerksokyo · 7 months
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"I have decided to join Reimu in her only really wearing a bikini. It feels so nice to be dressed like this~ seems everyone likes this aswell~"
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psi-hate · 2 months
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girls be jerkin it to their besties and still deny they got a crush
(full on twitter)
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redlerred7 · 5 months
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Evening Afterglow
If you'd like me to draw more witches with big hats, smug smiles, and no clothes, my comms are open. DM me if you're interested.
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destabastet · 6 days
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So sorry komakasen enjoyers (me)
Hope tumblr doesn't delete this lol
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omg lesbians
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sinners-of-twerksokyo · 10 months
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"Playing this strip uno game with you is fun, my dear~ mmm nmm seems like you been rather lucky as you haven't taken a single piece of clothing off, and I am almost nude after only a few seconds of playing"
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psi-hate · 11 months
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bites you. sorry. bites you. sorry. bites y-
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 7 months
I refuse to hang around with the dudebro Touhou fans who say "which 2hu would u fuk". I much prefer to hang out with the lesbian Touhou fans! Y'know, the ones who want Sanae to accidentally get Tsukasa pregnant in the process of giving her the worst dick known to man or youkai, and want to hollow out Aya and turn her into Yukari's newest and lowest-ranking computer --
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vivisheadspace · 4 months
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Was thinking about Meiling again...... as I do.......
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transfemweirdo · 1 year
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infamousblackcoat · 8 months
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Tewi booty
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Takorin is such a funny artist to me in a way where they are sort of reflective of the Touhou community in some small way.
Like they put so much effort and passion into expressing their fantasies in the most vivid way artistically possible. I am shocked by how far they went with the Reisen Monsterfucking game and the Remilia Scarlet Sex Mansion game.
I mean I'm not even repulsed by any of this anymore. I'm just impressed. and this doesn't even mention the individual animations, god those are just... nothing short of peak.
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persoc30 · 1 year
Kinktober Day 9 - Portals / Mouthplay
One simple step, properly performed, brought Ran Yakumo from the human village market to boundary space. Her Mistress, Yukari Yakumo’s domain and greater self both. As soon as her forward foot set down on what passed for ground in this realm, thousands of crimson eyes ripped open. Each of her lady's eyes practically bulged out of the tears in space that passed for eyelids, their presence implying structure and shape within the dark void as they glared at the intruder.
As Ran shook off the appearance of an ordinary human villager, long hair reshaping into tails and ears and her tabard rolling down her front, she wondered why her mistress had summoned her to come in person. Normally if Ran was already in the middle of a task she’d just send new orders directly, along with a priority for where in the queue they should go. But as rare as it was there were enough possibilities and a short enough time before an update she didn’t feel the need to calculate what it could be. So she quickly dropped her groceries through a gap to the Yakumo manor and took flight to find her mistress.
Not a difficult task really, in the space between gaps distance and location meant exactly as much as Yukari wanted them to. So before long she found her mistress’s more humanoid half lounging in a tear in space as if it were a couch, surrounded by gaps showing scenes from throughout Gensokyo. As she knelt in greeting Ran did her best to ignore the bag of baked goods she’d just let out of her sight with the rest of the groceries, now sitting next to a bottle of outside world wine on a sideways stop sign Yukari was using as an impromptu end table.
“You summoned me mistress?”
“Ah, Ran, just as punctual as I’d expect!” Yukari fell backwards into her seat, and Ran’s senses felt the powerful youkai appear behind her back well before a white gloved hand cupped her cheek. “You see, I’ve been worried about how your programming’s holding up these past few centuries, so I wanted to do a quiiick little inspection and calibration~”
That’s what this was about.
At risk of sounding prideful, millennia of service had left Ran’s programming about as close to perfected as any such project could be. Sure early on in their relationship, when the programming that made Ran the fox youkai into Ran Yakumo the shikigami was still settling in, there had been cause for periodic inspection and updating. But over time there was less and less need for such things and ‘inspection and calibration’ became what it was now, little more than elaborate fore-play.
In fact, a quick check of her archived memory confirmed over the last millennia it had been 1,792 ‘inspections’ since Yukari had last made any significant change to her programming. So much for centuries of worry.
Ran let out a sigh “If you think it’s necessary, my lady.” It was always… pleasant enough, but there were so many things she was supposed to be doing instead.
A silk covered thumb slipped into her mouth as its hand stroked her face “Rest assured, I think it’s very necessary.”
Soon Ran knelt on all fours, her bulky robe, tabard, and hat folded and stacked with geometric precision to one side, and her voluminous tails spread out and wide behind her. Her mistress paced around her, tapping a folding fan on her chin as she looked over her servant with both her human eyes and the hundreds of eyes unblinking around them.
“Perfect. Are you ready for me to begin?”
“Yes, I’m prepared mistress.” This first part was always a shock, it was better to just get it over with.
Yukari snapped her fingers, and the seventh sense for boundaries Ran inherited from her mistress felt a line between physical and conceptual being torn apart within her body. She shuddered from her ears to her tails as the spiritual code that comprised her existence as a shikigami was made manifest on and within her body, like new incredibly sensitive nerves had just been grown throughout her.
“Hmm, no obvious issues on the highest level. Let’s check your core systems.”
Yukari thrust a hand right into her servant’s spine, straight through flesh and muscle and bone as if it were less real than the code it carried. She grabbed and pulled at a cluster of these glowing lines, stretching them out of Ran’s body for closer inspection. The fox closed her eyes and suppressed another shudder at the rough treatment, feeling the hand in her body and every inch of the stretching as pure sensation. She almost moaned when Yukari stuck a finger into one of the lines, spreading it out like she was unwinding the fibers of a rope. When she rolled those fibers between her fingers a moan did actually escape.
“Personality is holding up well.” Yukari muttered, intently focused on her project and pointedly ignoring her shikigami’s reactions. She dropped the handful of nerves, letting them snap back home with a whimper out of Ran.
She stepped around behind the mass of Ran’s tails while dozens of shadowy inhuman hands crept out from behind the surrounding swarm of eyes, each hand reaching for a different point on her body. One began sorting through lines running across her belly, another gently tracing paths over and within her breasts, more still reaching into her shoulders and thighs to pluck at the sensitive lines within. Every time one of the threads was touched or tugged a tingle of sensation shot through her system, the small individual effects quickly building into an organized symphony that threated to overwhelm her.
“Stick out your tongue; I need to bridge some connections.” Yukari called from her position, patiently sifting through each of Ran’s fluffy tails looking for the code hiding within.
Ran immediately complied with the order, thrusting her tongue out as far as it would reach. Only to feel it run into something wet and fleshy, and a similar response from further back. She looked down to see a gap had been opened in space right in front of her, one that allowed her tongue to reach out and touch her own pussy. She felt her cheeks burning as she watched the golden thread stretching down her tongue connect to the small cluster found there. She gave the best sound of protest she could through her locked open mouth.
“Not quite what I needed, let’s try this.”
This time Ran was able to watch as a pair of gaps opened on either side of her face, and the ends of her breasts slid out so that the very tips of her nipples were just touching her tongue. Another small shock as the clusters there linked up with the ones in her mouth and vagina, and Ran moaned looking at the small cluster of her most sensitive parts floating in front of her.
“There we go, now if I just…”
This time Ran sensed a gap open within her mouth, the claws of a pair of shadowy fingers reaching out to pick and strum at the lines in her mouth like a harp, tickling at the inside of her cheek the whole time. They caressed her fangs and ran along her gums and forced dug under her tongue, before stretching out of her mouth in a surreal sight to flick at her nipples and clit.
It was all too much for the poor shikigami. She had to do something.
“Hey! Stop licking, you’re breaking the link!” Yukari giggled at her servant. But Ran ignored the order, desperately pushing past the fingers coming out of her own mouth to lap at her pussy. Yukari gave a sigh at her disobedient shikigami and two more pairs of claws erupted out of gaps to hold the tongue in place. A needy whine came out of Ran as the fingers in her mouth went back to their ministrations.
“I suppose I can be nice, you’re such a loyal girl after all~”
A pair of gaps opened under Ran’s hands and suddenly instead of the pseudo-ground of boundary space her hands were sinking into her own ample ass cheeks. She let out a satisfied squeal as she began mindlessly kneading and groping; enjoying the brief flashes of raw feeling every time the code in one touched the other.
Ran did her best to hold out, against the fingers in her mouth entangling her most sensitive places and preventing her from enjoying it, the hands dancing over the code that comprised her, her own hands thoughtlessly grinding into herself, her mistress buried deep in her tails, the constant unblinking crimson gaze burning shame into her. All of it.
It was just one more hand, reaching down to tug at a string of code buried in the soft fur at the base of her ear that broke her. She erupted in orgasm, splattering over her own mouth and nipples.
Yukari poked her head out from behind the fox’s tails with a smug grin. She snapped her fingers and the gaps and hands holding her shikigami in place disappeared, body parts returning to where they were supposed to be and allowing the poor woman to limply drop to the ground. Another snap and the boundary between concept and physical within Ran’s body returned to its rightful place, the strands of code fading away. She dramatically dusted off her hands as she came into her servant’s, currently unfocused, vision.
“Everything seems to be in order!” She cheerily began, hiking up her voluminous layered skirt, “Now let’s give these settings a test run~”
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