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smwebtech · 2 years
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star-junk · 6 months
Only Bones
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Alastor x ReaderOC, Vox x ReaderOC, Future Lucifer x ReaderOC
Second Person POV, Change of POV, Slow burn (or fast burn - really moving through the plot quickly), please forgive the typos.
Warnings: Dark Themes: Altered state of consciousness, possessive behavior, mention of dv, non-con elements in the future, cannibalism and just things not being nice--it's Hell.
General Notes: Still not sure if Alastor will remain ace within the confines of my story. Also, operating under many assumptions for Season 2 so walk with me on this one.
Ch 2 Notes: I know nothing about TV production so I'm just winging most of this bit. Also Kudos to you if you know the song used on this chapter. Continuing with the breakneck pace bc otherwise I'd spend 5 more chapters setting shit up.
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Chapter 2:
You're packaging the last bit of the pies into neat little boxes. These are smaller than the regular size you sell at the shop, they were a pain to cut but the buyer did offer to pay extra for the commission and well, how could you say no to that? They ordered every kind you had too, including the herb and cheese ones - had to pay Kory, the local smuggling succubus, extra to get the three different kinds of cheeses you needed.
The water with the devilfoot root comes to a boil, you hurry over to take it off the stove before the root disintegrates making the whole thing undrinkable. Pouring it on a separate container to sift the bits that did come off, you then add the crimson scarab from the jar of crimson scarabs Jo catches for you—and that should do it: Your very own calming remedy!
You close the old almanac gifted to you, placing it back into your tote bag to close shop too. Jo was long gone for to rest as instructed to be up for an early start tomorrow. 
Covering yourself with your old worn shawl, you adjust your tote bag underneath to brave the elements for the short trip back home. This part of the city was usually quiet compared to others, but you could never be too careful. The dagger in your bag is always accessible if you needed it—and you had needed it before. 
As you walk you’re already thinking of tomorrow, of the financial possibilities if the buyer likes the pies and they ask you to keep coming back. You might be able to reach your goal sooner than you think and though you know you shouldn't get too excited, a glimmer of hope still shines within you.
Your steps feel that much lighter over the filthy city concrete below.
You hold on as Jo makes a sharp turn. “Are you sure you don’t want some of my tea? You seem nervous.” 
“Nah, I’m good.” He replies. You know he's a bit of road demon but today he seems more on edge, he’s also way more chatty than usual. “So anyway, I told her she needed to get real for once and… “
You take a big gulp from your thermo letting him talk through his nervousness as VoxTek Tower comes closer. It was visible from the third floor of your apartment complex and it always seemed like such a distant aspect of life here in Pentagram City, so inconsequential to your own afterlife—but up front? You can literally feel the corporate presence sucking away your soul.
You’re directed towards the back once you pull up, and are given directions to the studio coordinator who made the order. 
There’s chaos all around you when you pull up, huge props and costumes wheeled to and from. Groups of technicians with lights and camera in tow. People with phones and clipboards shouting orders. Your van and cart of pies oddly fit right along the organized mayhem. 
“This is kinda cool.” Jo says hauling down one of the carts. 
Both of you do your best to avoid running into anyone on your way to the elevators, which are thankfully big enough to accommodate the carts.
The 13th floor is just as busy as the ground floor, maybe even more. You attempt to follow the sign that reads: SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE WITH FYTOR when a horde of demons rushes past you. 
“He’s here!” “Shit, do we have everything ready?” “If anything goes wrong, I … !” 
Jo glances at you and you shrug until you see him.
Vox, the CEO and owner of the VoxTek Enterprise.
He made sure his image was unavoidable if you resided in any part of the Pride Ring, more so than any of the other Overlords if you were one to keep up to date. 
“Wow.” Jo says.
And he’s right, the Overlord has so much more presence in person, towering over those crowding him.
“Woah there, no pictures, no pictures.” He says while fixing his coat, all long limbs and charisma. “I’m here on business, my valuable employees.” 
“And so are we.” You remind Jo, who continues to gawk at the Overlord.
“I’ve seen two Overlords in less than a month, it must be a sign or something, Nuria.” He says, glancing back.
“I hope it's a sign for wealth.” You reply.
Soon you’re at the back of the set, speaking with Myrna, the bizarre horse-snake chimera mix. “This all of them?” She asks with the same thick southern accent you heard on the phone.
“Yes, ma’am, all hundred of them.” You answer. Jo is ready with receipt and pen. “Now if you could sign here just to verify our delivery.” 
She ignores you as she grabs one of the pies, taking it out of its tiny box eating it all in one bite. You and Jo look at each other, unsure now if you’ll be paid. This wouldn’t be your first time, not because of the quality of the pies but because it was Hell and people were generally assholes, specially when it came to paying up sometimes.
“Oh Goodness Gracious!” She finally says, turning around to sign your form and grabbing another pie from the cart. You breathe easy again. “Set them over there, sugar.”
“A pleasure to do business with you!” You offer a smile and a handshake. “We hope we can continue catering your events!” 
“Of course!” She responds already walking away ignoring your hand. You sigh, so much for networking. 
You get busy anyway, moving some things around in the already lavish snack table to make room for your delivery Upon seeing who was visiting, the elaborate set up made sense. “I think we’re going to need another table.” You finally admit defeat after playing tray tetris, some stuff looked too expensive to touch.
“Let me see if I can find someone.” Jo offers.
And you’re left there to wait while he does that, that's what you liked about Jo an observant self-starter, you should look into increasing his pay soon. You're thinking that watching the crew work, it really does take a lot of manpower to get production on air. You kind of wish you had been invited to the ‘Yeah, I Fucked Your Sister So What?’ Set instead. It was your guilty pleasure, putting it on as background noise while you worked on the pies for the following day. Maybe you’ll get lucky and see one of the actors on your way out. 
“Homemade pie?! It’s been decades!” A crisp male voice says from behind. 
Great, a potential customer! “Oh, our shop has been op— “ It’s Vox, the very CEO you saw on the halls before. He's leaning over the table taking in the smell.
“Are you the owner?” He asks sizing you up, his eyes going from your horns, face, body and finally settling on the wings at your hips. He quirks a brow at the sight, you hide them further back, a knee jerk reflex whenever people looked at them too long. You hated them.
“I sure am, sir. A pleasure to meet you.” You extend a hand out before he comments on the wings.
He takes your hand, doing a little bow to meet your eyes. “Well I do love a woman that can cook!” You do your best to keep the frown off your face. But aside from that, it was truly impressive to see the Overlord up-close. The light from his screen engulfs you in the low light of the set as his upper body tilts closer and you have to squint to keep the light from hurting your vision. “One so pretty as well. Are you one of the guests. What do you go by, doll?” 
“You’re too kind, sir. Nuria is the name. And no, sir, we're just here for delivery.”
“Vox, Sir! We were looking all over for you. The producer is eager to meet you.” A crew member emerges from one of the curtains. “Follow me, please.” They urge.
“Of course, of course. My apologies.” He answers, brilliant smile back on. “But I hope to see you around, Nuria.” He says letting go of your hand with a wink and a light sting of electricity from his body to the underside of your wrist. Your hand pulls back startled, he chuckles as he struts away.
Jerk, you murmur under your breath.
Jo comes back a few moments later dragging a large folding table borrowed from somewhere. 
“Let me give you a hand!”
You finish fairly quickly after that, when Myrna comes back again, taking the last bite of her second pie and seemingly ready for a third one. “You’re welcome to stay if you’d like.”
“Really?” Jo chirps. And you don’t have the heart to say no, your wrist still tingling from her boss' "greeting."
You’re herded to a corner though, where several screens show different angles of the set. One screen dictates what’s to happen at which times intervals during the show. One segment draws your attention. Special Guests, it reads, the name of the performing musical group - and then a live performance of a song you immediately recognize.
Sudden screaming from one of the hallways leading to another part of the studio has you and Jo glancing around. There’s the sound of slamming doors and objects being thrown around followed by a string of swears accompanied by several footsteps running towards the source of the screams.
“What the fuck is going on now?!” Myrna screams into her headset as she follows the chaos.
“Maybe it’s time we skedaddle?” Jo suggests scratching his cheek in mild concern.
But now it’s you who doesn’t want to leave. “We’ll be fine, Jo, besides I really want to see this.” You point to the screen. “Mamá Tozi, my grandmother, used to play this song all the time when I was little. It’s an oldie but a goodie, didn’t expect to see it here of all places.” You explain. “Want me to teach you how to dance cumbia?” 
Too late you’re already grabbing his hands, placing them in position. “Let’s see, it goes 1, 2, 3… Nunca es suficiente para mí… ” You step forward, tilting one hip to the side and then to the other. It’s a bit difficult without the actual beat of the song but you manage following your own, “Tan-tan-tan, tan... “ Jo tries his best to follow along. “Porque siempre quiero más de ti. Yo quisiera hacerte más feliz.” And then a hum for the parts there’s no words for. You move his hand while keeping the other in a loose grip so you can do a half twirl and return to position, then motion with your hand for him to do the same. He follows through and you giggle as Jo rolls his eyes but continues to follow along. “Mi corazón estalla por tu amor. ¿Y tú que crees que esto es muy normal? Acostumbrado estás tanto al amor.”
“You know the song?” Myrna asks out of nowhere, you let go of Jo's hands (you hadn't notice when she came back.) “Have you performed before?” She presses.
“No… ” She didn't need to know about your previous stint at the Feisty Minx.
“Well there’s always a first time for everything.” Oh you did not where this was going.
“Turns out the vocalist for our scheduled group is feelin’ a little under the weather t’day, and by that I mean she’s too fucking wasted to even stand up, so we’re gonna need to improvise.” We? Who’s we? “Our CEO is here.” Our?
“Well I do wish you the best of luck and would you look at the time, Jo, we should be driving back soon.” You say looking at the black screen of your phone, then search for Jo’s hand again to get out of there as quickly as possible. But Myrna’s talons snatch your arm first. 
“Hey!” Jo tries to reach for you, but she easily pushes him back with the other hand. 
“You’ll do just as well.” She sneers.
“There’s no way you think I’ll get out there to put on a performance! Are you nuts?!” You drop the professional act, glaring at her instead - trying not to wince in pain, her grip hurts.
“I don’t think - I know you will.” She says, you’re standing on the tip of your toes with the way she continues to hold onto you. “Or there won’t be any payment for the order, AND I’ll make sure to run your little shop’s reputation to the ground. Would that be enough motivation for you?” 
“Oh yeah?” Jo speaks up, “You don’t know who you’re messing with!” Myrna hisses at him as response.
“I want triple the pay for the pies.” You say before Jo says anything else. There’s no need to involve Rosie.
Her eyes narrow. “Whatever.” She says and calls for a dressing room assistant. 
“Nuria, but… “ Jo whispers.
“It’s okay, I’ll be fine, and we’ll make a killing on this one.” You smile as Myrna drags you further back. 
He sits right on the front row.
Fights the urge to yawn while waiting for the next section as his employees scamper behind the camera. Someone offers him a second cup of whiskey which he takes without even looking to see who is offering it, he should really try to make an effort to actually engage with them. It was easier to win them over with feigned kindness than by force (though his peers would disagree). Especially now that they had the entire playing field to themselves.
It was the reason why he was there at all. To ensure the 'magic of TV' ran smoothly for captivating quality content. Their plan to monopolize Hell depended on them capturing as much support from the public as possible, by any means necessary. Indeed, with the battle against heaven broadcast he could feel himself growing in influence and power as every wretched sinner tuned in to watch. So strike and improve while the iron is hot was one of his many mottos.
It’s all he thinks as he watches the Host announce the next performer.
The lights dim as the cameras focus on the stage.
The lively melody of a trumpet is followed by the rest of the band’s instruments as flood lights cast over the vocalist at the center of the stage.
A tight sequin dress glimmers with the curve of her swaying hips, her shoulders also moving to the beat of the music.
But then she sings and suddenly it's the most interesting thing he’s seen all week. 
“Oh thank fuck!” Vox overhears one of the producer’s heads loud-whisper to someone on his right. 
“ Y tú te vas jugando a enamorar. Todas las ilusiones vagabundas que se dejan alcanzar.“ Her voice young and smooth in Spanish, he understands very little but knows them to be of a romantic melancholic nature. She spins, grabbing one of the trumpet players to accompany her on her dance and her solo dance from before flourishes with the new companion.
“Who’s that?” He finally asks, curious.
“She’s ah… an up and coming artist.” The producer’s heads answer in unison, then go over his notes to look for her actual name. The CEO watches as the ratings are directly sent to his screen. 
“Oh yeah?” He says taking a swing of his whiskey, liking the data he’s receiving.
“Nunca es suficiente para mí. Porque siempre quiero más de ti.” Her voice rises without losing the harmony in it, the musicians behind her faithfully follow her rhythm, nearing the end of the song. The numbers on Vox’ screen hit are all time high for the month, impressive considering this show’s underperformance in ratings.
“Wowowee!! How do you like them apples?” Fytor, the Host, gestures for a round of applause that goes on for some time. Someone whistles in admiration. “Los Demonios Azules!! Premiering our cultural segment, everyone.” He says for one last round of applause before the cut. 
And just like that, the vocalist who sang with such charm and charisma only moments prior drops the microphone and yanks the colorful fur wrap off her shoulders to throw it on the floor as well. Vox barely catches the moment she also yanks the gloves off her hands, stomping off the stage in a petty tantrum that could rival one of Val’s. 
“Well, looks like your little variety show gets to survives another year!” Vox remarks as he gets up from the chair. Both of the producer’s heads beam at the news. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” He says, adjusting his clothes in place before zapping himself away from the set to the dressing rooms.
You’re taking off the gaudy and incredibly heavy earrings you were made to wear when a spark of electric blue appears behind you and you get up alarmed holding onto the dresser behind you. ��Holy— “
VoxTek’s CEO materializes before you. 
“Greetings, my dear!” He smiles, “I don’t believe we were introduced.” 
The initial shock wears off quickly. “Yes we were!” You tear the humongous blonde wig off your head, then smear part of the makeup off with one hand. 
There is a pause where only the muffled screaming of the neighboring dressing room is audible. The band you performed with was infighting over the close call they had thanks to their drunken vocalist. 
“The pie girl?!” He asks incredulous after a moment before doubling over in laughter as if you just told the funniest joke he'd ever heard. Your fists tighten at your sides.
“Is everything ok in there?” Jo asks knocking at the door. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Be there soon, just taking care of a new fan.” You shout, voice dripping with sarcasm. You’re angry at being made to perform like a little wind up monkey but him laughing over it infuriates you even more. “Your bitch of an employee, Myrna, threatened to withhold my pay for the pies if I didn’t replace the singer.” You struggle to untie the gladiator shoes. How the fuck did they tie these damn shoes on you?! “Your guests suck, by the way.” 
“My sincerest apologies, my dear. I’ll make sure you get paid, money is not an issue.” He says going on knee to undo the knot. You pause, surprised by the gentleness in the sudden action. He takes all the time in the world taking off the shoe, then motions for the other foot placing it over his knee, no minding soiling his very expensive looking trousers.
“Ever thought about a career on television?” His tone is casual as he works.
“No, sir,”  You reply, all anger fizzled out, but quick to take your foot back, “I already have a contract with someone.”
The expression on the screen changes, now intrigued. “Oh? And may I know who the lucky demon is?” Hoping the answer will deter further questions you answer truthfully. 
His screen glitches for a second, distorted static repeats the name. “Ro-rosie? Cannibal Town's Rosie? You don’t say!” 
You immediately sense that might have been the wrong answer, having forgotten the intricate web of relationships Hell’s Overlords maintained - and if his reaction was anything to go by, Rosie might not be someone he particularly cares for, for whatever reason. 
You reach for your clothes inching towards the door with the sequin dress still on, you don’t want to find out what else he might say. Or do over the new information. 
“Yes, sir, now if you’ll excuse me.” 
He slams the door shut when you open it and for a moment prickling fear overtakes you. Shit. You’re too scared to meet his eyes, feel him instead stand very close to you, but then the tie holding your wings together at your back to hide them comes off.
“This one hid from me.” You don’t need to see the cocky smile displayed on his screen as he speaks, “Here’s my assistant’s contact if you ever get tired of making pies, doll.”
“Thank you, I appreciate the offer, sir” You whisper, tone calm despite the lump in your throat, taking the card offered. 
Jo straightens up when the door opens. You school your face into neutrality so as not to freak him out. 
“C’mon, let’s go.” 
Though you’re sure he catches a glimpse of the CEO as the door closes behind you.
You work in silence for the rest of the week, the small tv in the shop’s kitchen remained disconnected, missing several episodes of Yeah, I Fucked Your Sister, So What? Testament of the bad taste the trip to VoxTek Tower left in your mouth. But it was nothing a good bath of crushed roses and herbs couldn’t fix. You had Jo do the bath too to make sure las malas vibras didn’t linger, even if “This is Hell, Nuria, we are all made of bad vibes.”
And before you knew it, Rosie’s new shipment arrived and that occupied your mind instead.
“No heads this time, Theo?”
“Nah, old hag Susan got it in her head that she wanted to start a forever soup business. Rosie would only let ‘er have the heads though.” 
“I see.” Works for you, that was the least favorite part you liked to work with, all that hair and eyeballs… made it hard to pretend it was sinners—not just regular game meat. Some things you don’t think you’ll be able to get used to no matter how many years passed down here.
You worked quickly, more than usual, finding yourself eager to see Rosie. Maybe out of some odd need to feel reassured under her protection. Which is how you found yourself at her place in less than two days.
You’re almost done at the Town’s plaza uneasily distributing the pies, without major incident. They listen, for the most part, Susan giving you a bit of a hard time but Theo was there to reinforce authority where usually Rosie would be the one overseeing the distribution. Today though, you were told, she was entertaining important company.
“Well, that’s the last of them.” You keep one for Rosie. Theo walks you to her place, chatting about the colony’s new found reputation from dangerous bloodthirsty savages to dangerous heroic bloodthirsty savages. 
“I’m sure that’s gotta count for something, Theo.” You nod along as you walk up to Rosie’s.
“Nuria, my precious girl!” Rosie calls out as soon as you enter her place. She’s coming for a hug, you barely have time to move the pie out of the way as she smothers you into her bosom. She seems more cheery than usual. “Come, come. I want you to meet my friend.” She says pulling you along to a table at the back. You don't think much of it this time either - as she's always trying to get you socialize more.
“Alastor, honey, this is Nuria! The girl I told you so much about.” 
Her long fingers wiggle as she motions to the man sitting by the table.
Alastor? Oh but that can't be...
You're frozen, pie in hand as the Radio Demon himself stands, the shadow covering his form dissipating to reveal his tall slender form. 
So this was The Important Company. 
“Charmed!” He smiles, the crackling static of his voice immediately setting you on edge.
Rosie's hand at your back gently pushes you forward to respond.
“Likewise, sir.” You manage, taking his hand in greeting. The handshake is solid and unexpectedly friendly.
"Oh now, Nuria, is okay—he doesn't bite, for the most part!" They both chuckle at the shared joke. You force yourself to chuckle along too.
“I stopped by your pie shop the other day, but it was about to close I’m afraid.” Of course, you heard all about it from Jo.
“Ah y-yes, my assistant did mention it. But please do visit again, we do make a couple of extra pies for special clientele.” You had to, some people didn’t take no for an answer.
“It wasn’t necessary, I was just passing by and the smell got my attention. It worked out for the best, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to try them in such good company.” He motions to Rosie.
“Oh Alastor, there you go again.” She says absolutely smitten. “Let me make us some more tea now that the refreshment is here. I mean the pie, Nuria, don’t fret.” You laugh; ha-ha! Yes, funny.
“Well then,” Clearing your throat you set the pie on the table, “it’s been a pleasure— “
“Aht, aht aht! I know what you’re about to do, dear, and I’m not having it.” Rosie’s hands rest at her hips. “Sit down, you’re a guest today.” 
“Oh but I… “ You shut up when she levels you with a look, not quite threatening yet, but getting there. You have never taken her there. Still, “I can help prepare the tea, I know this great recipe— “
“Sit down.”
You sit on the nearest chair. 
“Be right back~!” She shimmies away to her kitchen.
So you’re left alone with her friend. You knew at the periphery of awareness of the rumors about Rosie and the Radio Demon being close, but you never expected, nor in all honesty wanted, to run into him or any of her acquaintances. In and Out was your tried and proven method of operation. It had kept you safe, figures the one time you decided to stay at the VoxTek Tower you would—
“Lovely weather we’re having today.” His static voice takes you out of your thoughts.
“Hm? Oh yes, quite nice, I mean as nice as it can get.” You answer. 
“My, Rosie was not kidding when she said you were a very new here.” He observes, and you’re not sure how to take that. “How are you finding the new lifestyle?” He asks, tone polite.
What an odd thing to ask, miserable of course - everyone was miserable down here, but you get the feeling he wasn’t looking for honesty as much as just conversation. So you oblige. “Well, all things considered. It’s not too bad I suppose. I haven’t been purged yet so there’s that.” 
“Ah, an optimist, a rare breed. My cat could learn a thing or two from you.” He says crossing his legs.
“Your cat, sir?” 
“Please, call me Alastor, we can’t be that far apart in age when death came to us.” 
True, but calling him solely by his first name felt odd with the way he talked and just his general seniority over you in hell. “Um, what year did you… erm pass? if it’s not too rude to ask of me?”
“1933! And what a year it was.”
Oh wow. “That was during the Great Depression, am I correct? My grandmother was born during that period in history, quite amazing when you stop to think it.” 
“Well I have been called old in nastier ways I suppose,” He laughs, your hand covers your mouth.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult.”
“Oh it's quite alright, I was merely messing with you!” He chuckles, “It sounds like your grandmother was very precious to you.” 
“Of course, my grandmother was a very wise woman, though I think most would say that about their mothers.”
“And you would be right, my dear, mothers, grandmothers, matriarchs—all irreplaceable pillars of support in a decent society.” He responds and maybe you were being way too dramatic when Rosie introduced you to him.
“Tea is ready~! I hope both of you are getting along.” Rosie sings-songs with a tray of freshly brewed tea. 
“We’re getting along just fine.” Alastor replies. 
“Good, good.”
You busy yourself with helping Rosie cut the pie, serving two slices, relieved Rosie thought to bring cookies alongside the tea so you would have that instead. 
“I hope it’s to your liking.” You serve Rosie’s guest first as she watches on, pleased.
“I’m sure I will, dear.” He replies. And it’s so strange how different, how normal, he actually is from the rumors on the street. They made him seem almost otherworldly even by hell’s standards. 
“Delicious as always, Nuria.” Rosie exclaims at the first bite. You smile in response. “Go on, Alastor, give it a try.”
He follows suit. “There has yet to be the occasion where you have been wrong, my dear friend. One can still taste the panicked screams.”
Now that made him sound closer to the stories about him. “Thank you, sir.”
“Oh she calls you ‘sir,’ Alastor, isn’t she precious!” She says pinching your cheek. 
“I already said there’s no need. But I do appreciate the good manners.” He replies before taking another bite of the pie. “You know Charlie has been talking about a Grand Re-opening ceremony for the Hotel. I think these tasty treats would do a wonderful addition to the event!” 
You almost choke on your tea.
“My Goodness, you are right!” Rosie’s dark eyes set on you expectantly. “What do you say, Nuria?”
Clearing your throat, you think of the nicest way to refuse. “I’d love to but I think we’ll be taking a break from commissions for a bit.”
“Oh? But didn’t you just get a really big one from VoxTek?”
You cough to clear your throat, oblivious to the way her guest’s eyes narrow at the mention  “Yes, well… “
“Don’t tell me they didn’t pay you!” You can hear Rosie’s mood quickly souring, her demeanor darkening.
“No, no! On the contrary, they paid me thrice as much but—hm. I should, maybe I should start from the beginning.” So you tell them how your little jokey-joke dance forcefully landed you in front of the cameras and consequently with an offer by VoxTek’s CEO himself to work for his company, omitting the specific detail of how the offer was extended to you. “The whole ordeal was very degrading to be completely honest. I’m just thankful Jo and I were able to leave in one piece.”
“Ha! Why this sounds like the plot of a spicy novel!” The Radio Demon chuckles bemused. “A regular girl’s break into stardom by a sudden twist of sheer luck!” Rosie swats at him with her fan when she sees you’re not laughing along this time.
“Alastor, can you not this once?” After glaring at him she turns to you. “That’s terrible, darling! I’m sorry that happened. But do let me know if they ever give you any more trouble.” She says placing a hand over yours.
“Thank you, Rosie.” You already feel better about telling her about the ordeal, all you needed was to feel safe. “I think I got it for now.”
“That’s my girl.” 
“Well rest assured, Nuria, Charlie has far more class than the demons at the Vee tower. I can arrange for a visit if you’d like. I think it would benefit you as Rosie tells me you're saving up to move out of Pentagram City, though I can't imagine why anyone would want live away from such wonderful daily entertainment.” Oh wow, Rosie really did talk a lot about you. “Think of it as helping a friend of a friend.” His face and eyes are all sweet charisma, they look almost genuine. And you wonder if he’s only nice to you due to his friendship with Rosie or because he really is just like that with some people. “The reward could be handsome, she is the Princess of Hell after all, I’m sure you’ll be able to name your price once you charm her.”
Oh boy, the delivery van will be due for maintenance soon too…
“Does she have a date for the re-opening yet, sir?” 
Both Rosie and her guest share a smug look of triumph. 
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investoxpertblog · 2 months
Affordable Luxury: Buy Flats at Noida Extension
The real estate market in Noida is booming, and residential projects are gaining immense popularity among buyers and investors alike. Noida's strategic location, excellent infrastructure, and availability of world-class amenities have made it a preferred destination for those seeking a comfortable and luxurious lifestyle. In this blog, we'll explore the top 10 flats at Noida Extension in 2024.
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Top 10 Residential Flats at Noida Extension
1. Godrej Woods
Godrej Woods, located in Sector 43, offers 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments in a secure gated community. It features world-class amenities and a forest theme, making it an ideal choice for nature lovers.
2. Ace Starlit
Ace Starlit in Sector 152 boasts spacious 2 and 3 BHK apartments with elite features. This under-construction project is sure to transform Noida's skyline.
3. ATS Knightsbridge
ATS Knightsbridge offers premium 4 and 6 BHK flats, with only one flat per floor. This lavish development promises modern designs and fascinating facilities.
4. Gulshan Dynasty
Gulshan Dynasty in Sector 144 is a realm of contemporary luxury, built by master artisans from across the world. It promises a grand lifestyle with excellent connectivity.
5. Kalpataru Vista
Kalpataru Vista in Sector 128 is a promising residential project with 3 and 4 BHK homes, offering a resort-style living experience.
6. SKA Orion
SKA Orion in Sector 143 offers exclusive 3 BHK apartments in a safe gated community, with premium facilities and excellent connectivity.
7. M3M The Cullinan
M3M The Cullinan in Sector 94 redefines luxury living with 3, 4, and 5 BHK residences, architectural elegance, and top-notch amenities.
8. ATS Picturesque Reprieves
ATS Picturesque Reprieves in Sector 152 offers 3 and 4 BHK luxurious apartments surrounded by nature, with proper ventilation and natural lighting.
9. Godrej Palm Retreat
Godrej Palm Retreat in Sector 150 is the first-ever resort residence in Noida, amalgamating futuristic features, green landscaping, and world-class amenities.
10. Godrej Tropical Isle
Godrej Tropical Isle features three towers and a clubhouse with a beachfront, offering uniquely designed 3 and 4 BHK homes with an island-themed landscape.
ConclusionNoida offers a wide range of residential projects catering to diverse preferences and budgets. Whether you're looking for a luxurious lifestyle, resort-style living, or a nature-centric environment, Noida has something for everyone. Make an informed decision and invest in your dream home today at Flats at Noida Extension!
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vajrambangalore · 3 months
Discover Vajram Newtown II: Where Innovation Meets Luxury Living in North Bangalore
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Are you on the lookout for your dream home in the heart of North Bangalore? Look no further than Vajram Newtown 2.0, an epitome of modern living and architectural brilliance. Situated just 4km from Manyata Tech Park on Thanisandra Main Road, Vajram Newtown II is designed to offer a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle, enriched with pet-friendly features and eco-friendly designs.
The Marvel of Vajram Newtown 2.0
Spanning across 3 acres, vajram newtown thanisandra main road features 272 meticulously designed units spread across two magnificent 18-floor towers. Each tower comes with three levels of parking, ensuring convenience for residents. The entrance boasts a triple-height podium landscape, adding a touch of grandeur to the property. These thoughtfully crafted apartments maximize space and natural light, with three-sided openings for excellent ventilation.
One of the standout features of this development is the innovative central clubhouse that connects the two towers on the 18th floor. This exclusive sky lounge not only offers breathtaking views but also creates a dynamic living space that resonates with tech-savvy and safety-conscious residents.
Exclusive Offerings for Discerning Buyers
At Vajram Newtown 2.0, we offer a range of apartment options to suit your needs:
2 BHK Apartments: Sizes range from 1192 to 1333 sq.ft, starting from ₹1.06 Cr onwards.
3 BHK Apartments: Sized at 1600 sq.ft, starting from ₹1.59 Cr onwards.
Mark your calendars for December 2028, the anticipated possession date for this luxurious haven.
Luxurious Amenities at Your Fingertips
Living at vajram apartments thanisandra means indulging in a plethora of amenities designed for relaxation, entertainment, and fitness:
Fun and Entertainment: Spend cozy evenings at the open-air theatre, hobby pavilion, and barbeque area.
Zen Retreat: Find tranquility in the serene walkway, library, sand bed walking track, and aroma garden.
Fitness Zone: Stay active with facilities including a cricket net, toddler zone, basketball court, aerobics and yoga zone, rooftop swimming pool, and skating rink.
Premium Specifications for a Premium Lifestyle
Every aspect of Vajram Newtown II is crafted to ensure a luxurious living experience:
Structure: Two Basements + G + 17 Upper Floors, compliant with seismic zone II.
Living Areas: Superior quality vitrified tiles and premium emulsion paint.
Balcony & Utility Areas: Anti-skid ceramic tiles, MS handrail, and uPVC windows.
Toilets: High-quality ceramic tiles, granite counter, and false ceiling with grid panels.
Common Areas: Granite/vitrified flooring and premium emulsion paint.
Doors & Windows: Engineered wood frames, UPVC sliding windows, and superior hardware.
Kitchen: Vitrified tiles, provision for chimney exhaust, and reticulated gas provision.
Plumbing & Sanitary: CP fittings and pipes from reputed brands.
Electricals: BESCOM power supply, generator backup, modular switches, TV and telephone points, intercom, and provision for split AC.
Lifts: Two passenger lifts and one service lift per tower.
A Location That Offers Unmatched Connectivity
Vajram Newtown II is strategically located at Shri Vijay Raja Estate Jakkur Post, Thanisandra Main Rd, Chokkanahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064. This prime location offers excellent road connectivity via SH-104 and is in close proximity to major IT parks like Bhartiya City and Manyata Tech Park. Additionally, top-notch healthcare facilities such as Regal and Trinity hospitals are nearby, along with esteemed educational institutions and shopping destinations.
For frequent travelers, Vajram Newtown II is conveniently located 20 kilometers from the International Airport and 15 kilometers from MG Road, with Bellary Road and ORR ensuring seamless connectivity throughout the city.
Embrace a Pet-Friendly Lifestyle
One of the unique aspects of Vajram Newtown 2.0 is its celebration of pet lovers. The community is designed to provide a pet-friendly environment where every feature ensures comfort for both residents and their furry companions.
Experience the Future of Luxurious Living
With its cutting-edge Mivan Technology and eco-friendly designs, Vajram Newtown 2.0 is not just a home; it’s a lifestyle that blends luxury with sustainability. Whether you're a tech-savvy professional or a family looking for a safe and dynamic living environment, Vajram Newtown II offers the perfect home for you.
Explore Vajram Newtown II today and discover a world where innovation meets comfort and luxury. Make the move to a brighter, more luxurious future in North Bangalore’s most coveted address.
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tanumuino · 5 months
Dua Lipa - illusion from tanumuino on Vimeo.
DIRECTOR: @tanumuino PRODUCED BY: @underwondercontent PRODUCED BY: @primocontent DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY : @nikitakkkuz PRODUCER: @karensauri aka @holadrama EP UNDERWONDER CONTENT: @frankborin EP UNDERWONDER CONTENT: @ivannaborin UK EP FREEAGENT / UNDERWONDER CONTENT : @freeagentuk MD / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER PRIMO CONTENT: @corarodriguezl RECORD LABEL: @warnerrecordsuk COMMISSIONER: @theresaadebiyi MANAGEMENT: Radical 22 MANAGER: @dukagjinlipa DAY- TO- DAY MANAGER: @fiagold PRODUCER: @peterjabbott EA: @maisy_nicholson PA: @oliviagmoss MARKETING DIRECTOR (RADICAL 22) : @quart3y MARKETING DIRECTOR (WARNER): @sir_lotts MARKETING COORDINATOR (WARNER): @_oscarmarley PRODUCTION DESIGNER: @nightwindow 1st AD : @oleksiismoliar EDITOR: @carlosfontclos CHOREOGRAPHER: @charmladonna ASSOCIATE CHOREOGRAPHER: @sharon.june ARTISTIC SWIMMING CHOREOGRAPHER: @paulaalcorta COLORIST: @timmasick @Company_3 DUA LIPA · STYLIST: @lorenzoposocco TALENT STYLIST: @joecarayol DUA LIPA · MAKE UP: @katiejanehughes DUA LIPA · HAIR ARTIST: @peterluxhair TALENT MAKE UP & HAIR ARTIST: @andreatrenadomakeup @valverde.x CASTING: @marti.mendez.g @alba_ss @samxvazquez @maxcargnello @aliciaypablocasting
PRODUCTION MANAGER: @annasalgado21 Dani Molina POST COORDINATOR: @juliaparis19 @OnlyPostproduction 1ST PRODUCTION COORDINATOR: @marti.mendez.g 2ND PRODUCTION COORDINATOR: @martamurm PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: @neusflotats @juliaescu @alba_ss @martadelportillo LOCAL 1ST AD: @vi_____cho 2ND AD: @judit.vilarrasa 3RD AD: @__a.rov @santiago.tamagnone SCOUTER: Edu Giménez LOCATION MANAGER: @bufoorador LOCATION ASSISTANT: @el_eremin PRODUCTION RUNNER: @marcros9 @aleixumeixu @paulaynapmoc @mverneti @mikey.pages @msenpi Pau Arévalo @igor.szpakowski @julianahestrada @lauratal0 @raulbehindyou Mateo Bravo @nuriabestit 2ND CAMERA OPERATOR: @lucascasanovass 1 ST AC: A camera @hectorjuol 1ST AC: B camera @tentaclepop 1ST AC: C camera @raul.mulas 2ND AC: A camera @sancheztejera 2ND AC: B camera @albiac VTR: Dani Garcia VTR Assistant: @vicrodic VTR Trainee: @joan_albos DIT: @pablodval DATA WRANGLER: @miriambowi CAMERA GIMBAL OPERATOR: @xaviguillen GIMBAL ASSISTANT: @nestord.fs @joancarrieron DRONE PILOT: Pedro Nuñez @octocamvision DRONE CAMERA OPERATOR: Raul Aguilera @octocamvision KEY GRIP: @luiskee @Gripsupport GRIP: Adriá Argüelles, Andy Marturan @Gripsupport CRANE OPERATOR: Jordi Galan, Pedro Diez @servicevision_scorpio GRIP: Dani Vazquez, Agustín Casal, Manuel Pertiñez, Ruben Adser @servicevision_scorpio GAFFER: @rafaramirez68 @sipublicidad_ BEST BOY: @alex_narnet @sipublicidad_ SPARKS: @cristobalmarincastro @geraldojr75 @el_guiri_catala @joanplanasc @cinejoan @julia.r.j @quiquecantero @canaldamoreno Jesús Estarregui @tonibernabegracia @la.lucera @nicoaranat @elhhector ART DIRECTOR: @teresamontanuy ART ASSISTANT: @julcomin PROPS BUYERS: @jordimarticasas @nurietakayak
SET DRESSER: @tupakart Juan Carlos Sabaté / Santiago Mario Giacometti Balmaceda SET DRESSER ASSISTANTS: @juandiego_thielen Alícia Jansen Avecilla / Groppo Nahuel Andres / Josefina Soledad Nicolás @deruders Carlos García Robles / Agustín Elizalde Areste @pvallve @agrageometry @andrearodbel @dg.yanez @lucasavile0 @homesick20 WATER RING AND BENCH BUILDER: @Santi_p.seoane TOWER BUILDER: @inextremisfilmservices DUA LIPA · STYLIST ASSISTANT: @raeannhayden DUA LIPA · SEAMSTRESS: Allison Ozeray @all_is_on_ozer_ay DUA LIPA · MAKE UP ARTIST ASSISTANT: Laura Asturgo @lauraasturgomakeup DUA LIPA · HAIR ARTIST ASSISTANT: @tomarnett DUA LIPA · NAILS: @nailsbymh TALENT STYLIST ASSISTANT: @julspuig @andreagoldfinger 2ND STYLIST ASSISTANT: @laurajuesas @cccmolina Seamstress: Rosa Perez HAIR AND MAKE UP ARTIST ASSISTANT: @piliurenaantolin @laurasansp @veromejias_makeup @jesus_alameda_ @juliavargasco @piliurenaantolin @aliciarobles @luromeromakeup @mechivelasquesmakeup ASSISTANT CHOREOGRAPHER: @sammileejayne AGENT: @amckdance MAIN DANCERS: @chebarrettdavis @berreteagasergio @k_anehorn @benhukin @lamaarmanning @zaccmilne @edmunro @thanhjasonnguyen @antoniospinelli.it @samxvazquez ARTISTIC SWIMMERS: @txellmas_ @bertaferreras @paularami @blankitole @cris.arambulacs @marinagarciapolo @alisincro31 @iristiocasas @sarasaldanalopez @estelferreras @claudiaballero @nuriamartinmora @valeriia.parra @xuulss @dennisgonzalez. ARTISTIC SWIMMER: @dennisgonzalez.04 WATER POLO PLAYERS: @lucasdelgadomusic @nacholg @Davidresmes @lexroyo @dooriiann_ DIVERS: @biel_clemente24 @albertodevoraramos @adrigclosa @marti.llop TOWER CASTING: @victorrmula @guillemtome @arnaubnt @borjarichartp @enric_so @manuel.betancurt_ @lukaslatorre @joshidk @santiaylon @felixbalado @dembelfaty_ @arenow__ @exon.arcos @b0rjapalaci0s @pablo_fab18 @ikerelviraa @arovinar @naiaracabanilles @juan.pilotto @napasten @maria_granadaa @kris_cortz @emilio.ferro @angelgranado2 @teresanezsilva @ainhoachacon @ariadnapg94 @i_kifa @nhoaurrestilla @aaidard @ivan_garridop @teresanezsilva @joansantacana23 @elenaasm @cirko.otus @axilevich Víctor Oscar Juaranz / Agus Aquaro Remedan / Tsega Guillermo Tricas Cameo ACROBAT MANAGER: @maxcargnello FX: @inextremisfilmservices FX SUPERVISOR: Juan Carlos Davila Ramos FX SUPERVISOR: Lluís Rivera Jove FX TECHNICIANS: Roger Salvany Reyes, Joan Bartolomé Guillén, Jesús Manuel Duran Martínez, Juan Fuentes Rodríguez, Alex Andrés, Sergi Escuin, Raúl Rodríguez, Victor García, Roger Méndez Camps, Jonathan Álvarez Jiménez, Julian Garcia Arévalo SET BUILDERS: Javier Cuartielles, Eric Pérez Gutierrez, Gerard Peña Pujol, Ricard Barriga, Sergi Dalmau Soler, Luís Nevado, Xavi Molas, Jordi Fernández Moreno, Iván Miguelez Fernández, Guim Adell Martínez, Sergio Pablo González Santamaria, Salvador Donato Fenómeno, Ezequiel López Sanabria, Hernán Caruso LIFE GUARD: Lucas Resquín Reina SCUBA: Victor Soler, Lucía Osorio STUNT PERFORMER: Alicia Garcia SOUND · PLAYBACK TECH: @jord_salin SOUND · PLAYBACK ASSIST: @ncsoundmixer EDITOR ASSISTANT: @bernatudina VFX: @romafx @evtukhov.fx @olyaoliviya Karina Kuzmytska POST STUDIO: @onlypostproduction ONLINE: @sazzpineda BEAUTY VFX PRODUCER: @maxcoltt BEAUTY FX: @digitalbeautywork BTS STILLS: @elizabethmiiiranda BTS VIDEO: @aysiamarotta BTS CONTENT: @amitybloc BTS STILLS: @the_yukka
PRODUCTION TRUCK DRIVER: Eric Fernandez CAMERA TRUCK DRIVER: David Fons ART TRUCK DRIVER: David Miranda, Jose Carlos Garcia AMBULANCE: Abdelaziz Dalouh NURSE ON SET: Jacobo Solís PHYSIOTHERAPIST ON SET: Jacobo Fernández LABOR RISK: Salvador Tremps, Guillermo Bermudez, Leonardo Baza SUPPLIERS: Service Vision, Zeferino, Grip Support, SIP, SIP Generators, Octocam Vision, Zig Zag Rental, Soul Food, Mars Seguridad Integral, A&R Production Service SL, Cuchara de Palo, Blaze Prod Stuff, Aeroshoot, WRS, Ophiura Image Works, Mirco Werner P. Claes, Quadis, Badabus, Nurse On Set/ Inedit Kingdom, Rental Homs, Enelmo, Universal Plataformas Aéreas, Mudanzas Juan, Travel Face, Montgomery Kent, Geseme VERY SPECIAL THANKS: Olimpic Artistic Swimmers, Txell Mas Pujadas, Berta Ferreras Sanz, Paula Ramírez Ibáñez, Blanca Toledano Laut, Alisa Ozhogina Ozhogin, ris Tió Casas, Sara Saldaña López SPECIAL THANKS: Nico Springsteen, Martin 27, @gimaguas , La Manso, Eduardo Fedriani @ritualprojectsparis , Antonin Dansicare @antonin_the2nd @cajonthesastra, Diana Martinez Montero, Isabel Roca, Maia Kalina, Luisina Sánchez, Christopher Izquierdo, Sara Renteria, Alejandro Gil, Judith López and Carla Saavedra from LANE Casting, Mathilde Michaud, Berta Baliu Franquesa, Sonia Navarro Eriquez, Josep Aymerich, Piscines Municipals de Montjuic, Silvia Cumellas, Port 2.000, Ivan Rodriguez, Escola Betania, Ariadna Molina, Montse Manrique, El Amparo Marchán Mingorance, Yago Hortal
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Luxury and spacious 2, 3, 4 BHK Apartments at effective prices in sector 150 & 152, Noida
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PropCasa Consultancy has forged partnerships with numerous residential projects, including Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue, The Resident Tower, and Samridhi Daksh Avenue in Sector 150 Noida. Our collaboration extends to projects like Ace Starlit in Sector 152, Noida, presenting a range of 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments. With a diverse portfolio, PropCasa offers prospective buyers an array of choices in these prime residential developments, catering to various preferences and needs in the real estate market. For more information about price list, Floor Plan of The Resident Tower please call at at +91 9582-211-311 or visit us www.propcasa.com to know about Price list of Samridhi Daksh Avenue Price.
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propvestors · 1 year
Which are the best ready-to-move projects to offer 2 BHK flats / Apartments in Kolkata
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When we decide to buy a property, first we think that the location and connectivity should be good.  Where we get full of amenities, luxuries, and comforts. Every home buyer’s desire is to purchase the ideal house. Let’s discuss several projects nearby in Kolkata to enhance your quality of life while keeping your budget in mind.
So, if you’re looking for a 2BHK ready-to-move flat in Kolkata, you’ve come to the right place. We are Propvestors, the best Real Estate consultants in Kolkata. Our diligent team has done comprehensive research on the best 5 developments in Kolkata that provide you opulent yet affordable homes. We narrowed them down based on several factors, including connectivity, facilities, building quality, and client feedback.
So, here we have 5 best ready-to-move projects to offer 2 BHK residential Apartments in Kolkata
1. Freshia
Freshia is a ready-to-move residential complex located in Rajarhat by the Loharuka Group. It has spread over an area of 3 acres. To meet everyone’s needs, the project provides a variety of property options, including flats. It has 8 eye-catching towers with a range of 2BHK, 2.5BHK, and 3BHK apartments.
This project provides you with some excellent amenities, like a crèche, swimming pool and kid’s pool, an air-conditioned gym with steam and sauna, a library, a community center, an intercom, an indoor games room, a crèche, a food court, a small jogging track, an outdoor tennis court, and more.
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Freshia will provide you with an adda zone, a senior citizen area, and a yoga & meditation zone with decorated terraces, a landscape garden, and surrounding greenery. It was created especially for families that wish to live happily and get away from the craziness of the city.
At Freshia by Loharuka, you may finally live the life of your dreams on your own terms.
AC Community Hall.
AC Gym.
Kids Play Zone.
AC Indoor Games.
Roof Yoga // Meditation Zone.
Three-sided open apartment.
All modern facilities and amenities.
Freshia is located at Narayanpur, Gopalpur I, Kolkata.
2. Elita Garden Vista
Come home to Elita Garden Vista if you have a New York relocation fantasy but your first love is Kolkata. New York’s opulence and Kolkata’s modest charm are flawlessly merged in this development. Embrace the New York way of life in this project. We’ve hand-picked the choicest amenities and facilities that reflect the larger-than-life vibe of New York City.
In New Town, Kolkata, Sureka Merlin & JB Group have developed the residential complex known as Elita Garden Vista. The project provides 2 BHK and 3 BHK apartments.
Elita Garden Vista constructs a well and beautiful project in Kolkata. This is located in the well-connected neighborhood of New Town. The range of pricing for the meticulously planned. This project spreads over 25 acres. It has 726 total apartments, keeping in mind the modern lifestyle. There are 16 towers in all, each with a unique benefit, in this well-constructed region.
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To know more, Download your Brochure
Also, it has been awarded a certificate of completion. You may relax knowing that the project has been issued an occupancy certificate. The renowned builders Sureka Merlin & JB Group have skillfully created this project. Also, it offers the greatest amenities and services, including a mini-theatre, outdoor tennis courts, indoor squash and badminton courts, a banquet hall, a central location, premium brand fixtures, individual climate control in each room, an aerobics area, a cafeteria/food court, etc.
87% Open landscaped area.
Outdoor multipurpose area.
Gymnasium + Yoga room.
Indoor games room.
Swimming pool.
BBQ corner.
Elita Garden Vista is located in Action Area III, New Town, Kolkata.
3. Sriram Grand City
In the district of Hooghly, Konnagar, the renowned Shriram Properties created Grand City. This project spans over 314 acres, and 24 storeys, and is surrounded by 2400 residential apartments. Grand City’s starting price is 25 lakhs. The Shriram Grand City offers apartments with 1 BHK 2 BHK, and 3 BHK. And it comes with a range from 469 square feet to 1119 square feet. Grand City is still being built. You can get a better idea of what this project has to offer by looking through its pictures.
Shriram Grand City, which spans 314 acres of land, revitalizes the wonder of life and habitation by taking care of urban concerns. It gives you an environment-friendly project. Where both the young and the old can benefit from living in the city while also staying in touch with nature. The central greens are so captivating. That you can’t just take your eyes off Grand City. You can also look through the brochure for Grand City for more information.
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Also, it has indoor badminton courts, multipurpose courts, an aerobics room, a children’s play area, a gymnasium, water storage, a banquet hall, flower gardens, a conference room, firefighting, etc. all available. Envisioned as Kolkata’s sister city, that offers 33 million sq. ft. of residential and commercial projects in Kolkata along with entertainment avenues, healthcare, retail, and educational facilities.
Swimming Pool.
Children’s Play Area.
Open Car Parking.
Closed Car Parking.
Jogging Track.
Skating Rink.
Multipurpose Room.
Banquet Hall.
Shriram Grand City is located at Konnagar, Hooghly.
4. Merlin Gangotri
The residential development project Merlin Gangotri by Merlin Groups is selling ready-to-move apartments in Hooghly, Konnagar, there are 2 BHK configurations available. The one-acre complex contains several contemporary facilities. The area plan specifies that units be 602.0 square feet in size which are scheduled for possession in September 2022, Merlin Gangotri. It consists of 192 apartments and 4 structures, 94/7K, Grand Trunk Rd, Arabinda Pally, Konnagar is the address of it. Also, it offers you 2 BHK apartments.
Experience a decadent lifestyle and count the blessings of riverside living at Merlin Gangotri where every day is a gift waiting for you to unwrap. Create your own idyllic existence in the airy, well-ventilated, and Vastu-compliant apartments at Konnagar. Also, the amalgamation of old-world charm along with modern-day conveniences carries the signature of being the connoisseur of fine living. By way of the road that runs through the center of this suburb, Konnagar connects well to other areas of the city. There are notable shopping centers, movie theatres, schools, and hospitals close by to this residential development.
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In Merlin Gangotri, homeowners have access to a variety of amenities, including a gym and power backup. Apart from the swimming pool, young families with kids will adore the Children’s Play Area and Kids’ Pool adjacent. Merlin Gangotri gives you the freedom to enjoy using the project’s library, restaurants, and cafeterias, as well as its supplies. Although, fire sprinklers are given on each floor of every building. Also, there is a high-tech alarm system with 24/7 security. It is a gated neighborhood.
Central Lawn.
Badminton Court.
Indoor Toddler’s play area.
AC Yoga & Meditation room.
AC Gymnasium.
AC Indoor games room.
Merlin Gangotri is located in Uttarpara, Konnagar, Hooghly.
5. Aarjavv Sonarkella
Aarjavv Sonarkella is situated on the Southern Bypass and cradled in the lap of greenery amidst, a natural lily pond, Sonarkella is easily the most sought-after and talked about project in Garia. Developed by Arrjavv, this residential complex has a host of amenities and facilities with a swimming pool, clubhouse, state-of-the-art gymnasium, children’s play area, and landscaped garden jogging track. It has 6 exclusive towers with a range of 2 BHK and 3 BHK apartments.
There is never a dull moment – celebrate all festivals with fervor at the festival podium. Situated on the main road, yet away from the hustle and bustle of mundane daily chores. Sonarkella will spoil your other choices with its full range of flat sizes & vast open spaces, and lush green trees. Also, Sonarkella offers a good healthy life at a very compelling price.
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To know more, Download your Brochure
Aarjavv Sonarkella enriches you with a Grand double-height entrance lobby, an exclusive health club on the first floor, indoor games with basketball, a badminton court, billiard rooms, an air-conditioned community hall, landscaped garden, a plunge pool with Jacuzzi, and a large children’s play area, multiple gyms, swimming pool, and an executive lounge are some of the interesting features of this project. Capture the positive flow of energy and live a harmonious life in these vastu-compliant apartments.
Aarjavv Sonarkella gives you an eco-friendly environment that suits your family more than anything else. Also, it gives you immense peace and purity, tastefully the positive flow of energy, and live a harmonious life. 
Firefighting system.
Multipurpose Room.
Landscape Garden.
60% Open space.
Swimming Pool.
Children’s Play Area.
Community Hall.
Aarjavv Sonarkella is located in Khashmallick, Garia, Kolkata.
You can send us your requirements and a phone number if you’re interested in purchasing a property in one of those projects, and a member of our dedicated team will get in touch with you. Our professional sales staff thoroughly examines all potential situations and offers guidance to buyers of real estate in selecting their ideal residence.
Furthermore, if you’re interested in purchasing a property in this area, you can give us a call on our number. And a member of our dedicated team will connect with you.
Propvestors is the best real estate broker consultants’ company in Kolkata. We have begun a new journey from 2020 in the “City of Joy” with a dream to become the most Trusted Global Brand in Real Estate in Kolkata & with the vision to provide quality homes for all. We promote bungalows, villas, and apartments around Kolkata, located In Rajarhat, New Town, Tollygaunge, Joka, Madhyamgram & EM Bypass, and so on. We are empowered to execute our dreams into reality through the execute your all queries and getting your apartment is very reasonable than your present alternative. Finding affordable flats, Apartment Bungalow is all over Kolkata for you. We know our customers’ needs & are committed to providing the finest homes. Propvestors is already winning the heart & minds of thousands of customers through the properties, Flats, bungalows & apartments located all over Kolkata.
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urbanskylinephase2 · 2 years
6 BHK apartments in Urban Skyline Phase 2 - A picture-perfect life that you wish for
Urban Space Creators' iconic project Urban Skyline Phase 2 in Ravet offers a magnificent life to homebuyers who are looking for homes in Pune. The project has spacious 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4 BHK, 5 BHK, 6 BHK apartments. To date, the project has 40 floors and is one of the tallest residential towers in Pune. Urban Skyline Phase 2 provides more than 70 plus luxury amenities. It is close to Mumbai- Pune expressway, which is 3 mins drive away. If you are looking for spacious homes in Pune, check out 6 BHK apartments in Urban Skyline Phase 2. These spacious apartments come with thoughtful amenities and design apt for modern living.
Thoughtful amenities in Urban Skyline Phase 2
Rooftop amenities
Infinity Pool
Moon deck
Landscape garden
Glass-covered skywalk
Community kitchen
Party area
Barbeque station
Shower area with changing room
Podium amenities
Ganesh temple
Kids play area
School bus pick-up point
Open-air gym
Sandpit area
Flower garden 
Herbs garden
Pet grooming area
Senior citizen park
Sports area
Smart amenities inside Home
False ceiling in entire flat
Wooden flooring in the master bedroom
AC points in the living and master bedroom
Air purifier
Water purifier
Alexa-enabled Home
Home automation 
manual for each Home
Solar water heater heating system
Amenities in common areas
Handwash area in the lobby & every floor
Motion sensor lighting for lobby and garage
Disinfectant UV Light
Explore 6 BHK flats in Urban Skyline Phase 2. Each apartment is equipped with amenities pt for luxury living. Urban Skyline Phase 2 amenities are thoughtful and luxurious that can make residents feel at Home. Its pet friendly-amenities, like the grooming section and spa, are a big perk for pet owners who can pamper their pets in a pet-friendly environment. Exceptional co-working spaces give the residents the privilege to work from their zone. Smart home features like smart locks, home automation, and security setups provide the benefit of luxury living in a prime location in Pune. Open space, open-air gyms, and jogging tracks & trails help health enthusiasts follow their daily workout without going out of the premise. Comprehensive fitness amenities and gyms are the added features that residents will love to have. Infinity pool at 450 feet in height gives the perfect opportunity for residents to relax and unwind peacefully in the comfort of their Homes. Sporting facilities offer kids and adults to hone their hobbies and skills in a secure environment. If you are considering buying luxury apartments in Ravet, explore Urban Skyline Phase 2. The property is just 3 minutes away from the Mumbai-Pune expressway. Also, it is connected to daily essentials like schools, hospitals, malls, and marts. 
Urban Skyline Phase 2 is well-connected to Pune city, Hinjewadi IT park, Talegaon MIDC and Chakan. Talegaon MIDC and Chakan MIDC are industrial areas that attract working professionals from all over the country. Urban Skyline would be the best option for home buyers looking for homes near their workplace as it is close to both Chakan and Talegaon. The property is also connected to Hinjewadi IT park, a central IT hub of Pune city. 
Why would you choose Ravet?
Ravet has a cosmopolitan base dotted with good malls, restaurants, eateries, and shopping arcades. Public transport and bus services make the commute easier for the residents. Wakad road, Spine road, and Kalewadi Main road connect Ravet seamlessly to other parts of the city. 
Extensive bus services and the railway station Chinchwad connect the locality to every nook and corner of Pune city. Employment hubs like Rajiv Gandhi InfoTech Park have located 11 km from the Ravet. DLF Akruti is 13 km from Ravet, whereas the International tech park is 11 km from Ravet. In Ravet, you will find some good schools and good health infrastructure, including Ratna Memorial Hospital, Aditya Birla Memorial hospital, Seth Ramdas Shah memorial hospital & Research Center. 
What benefits would you get if you invest in Ravet?
The price trend is Ravet is good, and it is rising day by day. Appreciation of the properties is good as the locality is connected to every part of the city. Every nook and corner of the city can be explored with ease via roads and good public transport. Moreover, this area's price appreciation is good as it is close to the IT/ITES hub and industrial zone. So, if you are thinking of investing in suburban areas of Pune, think of investing in Ravet. The place is promising and witnessing tremendous growth. 
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fiemanrealestate · 2 years
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Don't miss this amazing opportunity to own a high floor, sweeping mountain to ocean views, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 parking unit at Moana Pacific for under $1M! This clean pristine unit features nearly 180 degree views, large usable living room and dining areas, nice kitchen with stainless steel appliances, a primary suite with a private bathroom, 2 guest bedrooms with another full bathroom, multiple lanais, cool cross breezes, central AC, newer stacked washer/dryer, and 2 side by side covered parking stalls. Building amenities include a swimming pool, jacuzzi, BBQ areas, playground, tennis court, putting green, meeting rooms, movie theatre, fitness center, and more! Moana Pacific is conveniently located in the heart of Kaka'ako close to Ala Moana Shopping Center, Ala Moana Beach Park, Ward Village, Foodland Farms, with easy access to freeways, and many nearby shopping and dining options including Stage right downstairs. Seller is also offering a $10,000 closing credit to buyer upon successful closing if placed in escrow by this month. This rare opportunity to get this amazing unit at a low price won't last long. Come take a look today before it's too late! (at Moana Pacific West Tower) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl10922PDWf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cannylifespace · 2 years
Why is Bachupally an Excellent Area for a Living?
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Many people do not have much time in their busy lives today to connect with nature. To escape the hustle and bustle of the city and live comfortably, so many people are interested in purchasing a home in environmentally friendly neighbourhoods.
One of Hyderabad’s most popular residential areas, Bachupally has a growing infrastructure and tranquil surroundings. Excellent transportation options are available in the area for convenient commuting.
Let us give you a detailed breakdown of the area’s highlights, amenities, and price range for 2 BHK flats for sale in Bachupally.
Hub of renowned educational institutions:
The best schools are concentrated in the Bachupally area. The area’s notable schools include Kennedy High School, The Global School, Delhi Public School, Silver Oaks International School, Oakridge International School, and Vivekananda High School.
Many buyers in this area are interested in buying a home near a top-notch school for their children. The adequate social and civic infrastructure has fueled this area’s real estate growth.
Convenient connectivity:
Roads like ORR, Nizampet Road, Bachupally Road, and Bollaram Road are well-maintained in the area. Bachupally has located 7 km from Miyapur Metro Station, and Hitec City Cyber Towers are 12 km away.
One factor that has drawn many IT professionals to invest in this field is the shorter commute time to work. With faster and more comfortable transportation options, you can travel to many areas of Hyderabad with ease.
A house in Bachupally would be a good investment because of its easy accessibility and good supply. Purchasing a home in this neighbourhood is an excellent decision if you want to live decently and comfortably with access to all the local amenities.
Affordable flats:
There are more than 2798 apartments for sale in Bachupally with contemporary amenities. Numerous choices of 1BHK, 2BHK, 2.5 BHK, and 3BHK flats with thoughtful conveniences are available. For less than Rs 80 lakhs, one can afford a 2BHK apartment with square footage ranging from 3000 to 4700. A 3BHK apartment in Bachupally costs as little as Rs 45 lakhs. The cost of a flat in Bachupally varies according to the size and type of community you select.
An ideal neighbourhood:
Nizampet, Pragathi Nagar, Miyapur, Mallampet, Bowrampet, and Ameenpur are major areas close to the Bachupally area. There are many residential apartment for sale in Bachupally with top-notch amenities at reasonable prices as a result of the developed infrastructure in the surrounding areas. All necessary amenities, including restaurants, shopping centers, grocery stores, and many others, are located close by.
Properties at Bachupally:
Due to the variety of housing options available, including luxury villas, affordable apartments, and mid-size houses from established and up-and-coming builders, Bachupally has drawn both homebuyers and investors.
We share our top two recommendations for the best properties in Bachupally based on their construction, amenities, and cost. There are many apartment for sale in Bachupally.
If you are looking for 2 BHK flats for sale in Bachupally, then you must check out the apartments by Canny. They have a project at Bachuplly by the name Forest Ridge. These are homes like a vacation. The smell of forests will refresh you daily, with the lush green environs, the symphony of birds, and the symphony of birdsong.
Every element of Canny’s Forest Edge is luxurious. This boutique residence of 2 BHK flats for sale in Bachupally offers the standard of living you’ve been looking for, thanks to its exceptional amenities and fine finishes.
Amenities at Canny’s Forest Edge:
Reception & Lounge
Family swimming pool
Kids pool
Poolside seating with a changing room.
Equipped gymnasium with AC
Coffee shop
Multipurpose hall with AC
Indoor games
Meditation hall & yoga hall
Outdoor seating deck
Provision for supermarket
Guest rooms
Provision for unisex saloon & spa
Provision for Clinic & Pharmacy
Laundry room
Canny’s Forest Edge is a GHMC & RERA certified project, along with all other important documentation.
The area of the gated community spreads across 1.52 acres with approximately 66% open space. The community has a total of 197 units, all Vastu complaint with 100% battery backup, apart from the geyser and air conditioners.
Invest in the best 2 BHK flats for sale in Bachupally, contact them through their website or give them a call. Explore their website for more details of the project.
Website: https://www.cannylifespaces.com/canny-forestedge/index.html
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smwebtech · 2 years
Second Hand Tower Ac Sale & Purchase in Delhi
We are Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & Purchase in Delhi, Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & Purchase in Mayapuri Delhi, chiller plant buyers, second hand tower ac Sale & Purchase in delhi, Buy Blue Star Electronics Products, chiller plant sellers etc…
Powerzone - We are provide good and best services in delhi, faridabad, gurugram, noida etc… Any query please contact us.
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saindia · 2 years
How does a high-quality air conditioner help add value to your home?
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A high-quality HVAC system not just ensures your comfort but offers many other benefits. One such advantage is the increased value of the property. If you wish to re-sale your home, now or ten years later, installing a high-quality and efficient air conditioner can assist with reaping good profits. Setting up an AC has the potential to increase the price of your property by a significant amount in the eyes of tenants or potential buyers. Here is how this works:
How do air conditioners increase the value of your home?
Installing an AC helps attract buyers:
When selling a home, you commercialize a lifestyle. So, to entice potential buyers, you must ensure they can imagine themselves leading a comfortable and easy life at the place. Buyers should be able to look at the home as a secure space where they can conveniently live with their family. This is why you must install a high-quality air conditioner at home because it will enable buyers to look at the space favourably. 
But how much value can you add by setting up an air conditioner at your home? A study conducted in the US found that houses with air conditioning units were sold at 2.5% higher prices than the properties without AC. Since India is a tropical country, the figure might be higher here. 
Creates a good first impression
Having an efficient HVAC unit will help leave a positive first impression on the purchasers. If the temperature outside is warm when the potential buyer walks in, an AC will offer them immediate relief. Buyers will feel convenient and comfortable in the cool air upon entering the house. On the other hand, if someone is visiting to check the property during winter, setting the AC temperature at 25 degrees will help create an impression of a warm and bright home.
Which air conditioner is the right solution for your home?
Consider the real estate market if you have decided to install an AC to add value to your home before making the final sale.
For houses located in the upmarket and posh areas, premium air conditioning solutions are the best choice. Such homes must be fitted with ducted ACs as they stay hidden in the ceilings or walls. Another benefit of opting for these units is that they offer whole-house temperature control. For high-end buyers, these advantages are a perfect way to make your house stand out. On the other hand, if your home is situated in a humble locality, you must install a window or tower AC. Setting up a single unit may not cool or heat the entire house, but these systems are cheap and incur fewer installation charges. 
Besides locality and market, you should also take into account the local climate. You should consider the maximum temperature of your region for making the decision.
When buying a house, people look at several properties. They consider many factors before making the final decision. Whether your home is fitted with an air conditioner can have a decisive role in their final call. 
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tiffyfoundsomething · 3 years
So, my computer died.
Uh... It’s still not 100%.
I was going to buy one computer but my BF decided he was going to buy me another one, and it’s been a bit of a mess, to be honest.
He decided we were going to buy this:
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an Intel NUC11PAHi7 kit.
NOTE:  NUC kits are missing parts. There are no hard drives and no RAM included. You CAN buy a NUC with all of the parts added in, but the one linked is a kit, and does not have those parts.
Another NOTE:  NUCs are basically laptops. It’s all laptop components in there, and you have to attach things like monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. via cable like a standard PC.
Third NOTE:  I didn’t want this. I didn’t want the first NUC. I wanted a tower PC with easy to swap and upgrade parts, but he insisted he pay for it, therefore I didn’t get to choose.
The computer that died was an Intel NUC7i5FNH, and the hard drives and RAM are compatible between the two, so that’s what he chose.
Either way, we got the first one, and there was a problem. If any RAM is installed in slot b, the computer won’t boot.
So, assuming it was a hardware failure, he had me return it.
The second one to arrive didn’t have the AC cable included. He got very mad and had me return that one, too.
Turns out they’re not supposed to have that part of the power cord and in newer models, it’s not included. That lets Intel ship them worldwide and puts the onus on the buyer to get the right cord. Which is kind of annoying because there’s no notice of “This is the cord you need!” on the sales page. I got this one: https://amzn.to/3MwBUtg It seems to be fine.
The THIRD NUC, same problem as the first.
The chances of having the exact same hardware failure twice aren’t 0, but they also aren’t high.
So now I’m struggling to get him to test different RAM in the system because my research is turning up many, many results of “change the RAM”.
ANYWAY it works great with only one stick of 8GB RAM installed. Like... Major upgrade over the NUC7 even with half the RAM.
These little kits are ok. They’re not for gaming. At all. Even if they say they are. There are some with skulls on them that say they’re for gaming, maybe those can play games, but these little blocky ones, no.
Don’t do it.
The fan is just a wee little thing and can’t keep everything cool during gaming. I did overheat the last one.
It works alright for browsing the internet and basic computer work, though.
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Luxuries 2, 3, 4 BHK Flats for Sale in Sector 150, 152 Noida at PropCasa
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PropCASA Pvt Ltd is a highly reputable real estate consultancy operating in Sector 153, Noida. The Company specialize in connecting buyers with renowned residential projects all over Noida and Delhi NCR, including The Resident Tower in Sector 150 Noida, Samridhi Daksh Avenue, Ace Starlit, and Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue in Noida which located in Sector 150, 152 Noida. These projects offer an array of 2, 3, and 4 BHK flats at competitive prices, while ensuring the provision of state-of-the-art amenities. With our expertise and extensive network, PropCASA guarantees a seamless experience for those seeking modern and cost-effective residential projects in Noida's Sector 150. If you are looking to buy a flat or dream home at perfect place, then propcasa consultancy can help you to find your home your desire location. Feel free to call us +91 9582-211-311 or visit www.propcasa.com .
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geoffreymoorere · 4 years
Palm Springs Neighborhoods Close to Downtown
  Many fantastic Palm Springs neighborhoods are located within walking distance of the city’s major shopping, dining and entertainment areas. With year-round gorgeous weather that makes you want to spend time outdoors, being able to step outside your door and walk to your favorite spots is a big plus.  So, if you’re searching the Palm Springs real estate market for a home with a high “walkability rating,” this is a brief guide to some of the best locations.  The oldest neighborhoods in Palm Springs are also the closest to Palm Canyon Drive (North, South and East). Which figures. Palm Canyon Drive has always been the main drag, the street where all the original businesses and hotels were located, and the focus of downtown Palm Springs. And it was originally Highway 111 which steered traffic through downtown and then to the east, to connect with other Coachella Valley cities. Besides being the core of downtown Palm Springs, Palm Canyon Drive is the main street for the Uptown Design District, just north of downtown, and the primary boulevard for trendy, restored resorts, quirky motels and restaurants along East Palm Canyon Drive. The Movie Colony The oldest part of the Movie Colony is south of the Desert Regional Medical Center (site of the old El Mirador Hotel with its iconic bell tower) and north of Alejo Road. The neighborhood’s west border is North Indian Canyon Drive, where you can now find several chic hotels and restaurants. That’s one block from North Palm Canyon Drive and the city’s Uptown Design District, with a lineup of popular restaurants and bars, plus a selection of shops featuring vintage and contemporary home furnishings, art and hip duds. Close to Alejo, there’s Francis Stevens Park, the Palm Canyon Theater, the Desert Art Center, and (soon) the new Andaz Hotel. All this is within a few blocks of most of the Movie Colony.  A bit further east in the Movie Colony, you can walk to one of the largest city parks, Ruth Hardy Park, named for the owner of the famed Ingleside Inn and the first city councilwoman in Palm Springs. On any given day, Movie Colony residents walk and play with their dogs and kids, have picnics, take in a tennis or basketball game and stroll through the Wellness Park opposite the Medical Center.  Old Las Palmas Across North Palm Canyon Drive from the Movie Colony, sits another classic Palm Springs neighborhood, Old Las Palmas. North of Alejo Road and east of Via Monte Vista you’ll find meandering streets with large lots, high ficus hedges, big palms and old homes, some in the multimillion dollar range. Like the Movie Colony, Old Las Palmas attracted scores of Hollywood celebrities from the 30s to the 60s.  At Alejo and North Palm Canyon, sits the neighborhood hangout, the Corridor, which includes Koffi (a popular, local alternative to Starbucks), several restaurants and shops surrounding a charming, park-like courtyard.  Not to be confused with Vista Las Palmas, which is to the west, up against the mountains and newer, Old Las Palmas, like the Movie Colony, is just blocks away from Uptown, with all the attractions mentioned earlier. And just walking around through the neighborhood is very pleasant; there’s very little traffic, no sidewalks, and pedestrians and their dogs can pretty much stroll aimlessly down the middle of the street. If you like that easy-going pace, but with quick access to nightlife, Old Las Palmas is for you. The Historic Tennis Club Named for the original Tennis Club, which is nestled up against the mountains and anchored by Spencer’s Restaurant. Pearl McManus, a name you’ll hear a lot in Palm Spring history, started the club in the 30s. The neighborhood grew up around it. It’s a snap to walk to South Palm Canyon Drive (that’s anything south of Tahquitz Canyon Way) and to the Palm Springs Art Museum, the new downtown park, and the retail and hotel developments around Palm Canyon and Tahquitz Canyon Way.  Village Fest, the Thursday evening street fair on South Palm Canyon, is such an easy walk you can brag about it to your friends, who have to hunt for parking on those busy evenings. It’s also walking distance to restaurants in the many boutique hotels in the neighborhood, such as Melvyn’s at the Ingleside Inn,Azucar at La Serena Villas and Four Saints at The Rowan. The neighborhood is a terrific place to see old and new Palm Springs, sometimes in the same place.  At the southwest corner of the neighborhood, at Ramon Road, the homes butt up against the mountains and the North Lykken Trail, which connects to several other mountain trails. Across Ramon from the Tennis Club, newer neighborhoods have sprouted, most recently homes dubbed Skye, million-dollar plus showcases built along midcentury modern lines. Tahquitz River Estates Tucked in the area south of Tahquitz River and the curve where South Palm Canyon transitions to East Palm Canyon lies another of Palm Springs’ original neighborhoods, Tahquitz River Estates. A collection of unique homes, some dating from the beginning of Palm Springs, this neighborhood is best seen on foot. Nearby South Palm Canyon features some of Palm Springs favorite dining spots, El Mirasol, Miro’s and Mr. Lyons. Local shops line this strip of South Palm Canyon, as well as a shopping center featuring Stein Mart.  Dog owners love this neighborhood, because there is always something new to discover on your walks: old homes, lovely mature landscaping, newly remodeled midcentury modern homes, and a long trail that follows Tahquitz River (on both sides) from South Palm Canyon all the way to Sunrise Way. Walk west on Mesquite Avenue toward the mountains, and you’ll find the north trailhead for the South Lykken Trail, which leads up the hills for breathtaking views of the entire Coachella Valley, and the entrance to Tahquitz Canyon, a must-see for any resident or visitor to Palm Springs. Twin Palms Follow the big curve in the road on the south end of town along East Palm Canyon Drive, and you’ll find a row of what looks like cheap motels. That is what they used to be.  There’s still a Motel 6 among this strip of what has become a series of millennial tourist favorites, hip motel-to-hotel conversions, such as the Ace Hotel, the V, L’Horizon and Sparrows Lodge. (During Coachella, the average age of the neighborhood drops by a couple of decades.)  The Twin Palms neighborhood is just south of this strip of East Palm Canyon at Camino Real. One of the original Alexander Construction Company neighborhoods, it’s small, full of fine examples of midcentury modern homes and within walking distance to some of the finest dining in town. Mr. Lyons, King’s Highway (at the Ace), SO.PA (at L’Horizon), Del Rey (at Villa Royale) are a few examples.  Another Koffi (there are three in Palm Springs) is next to the Ace and always hopping with locals and tourists, and the Smoketree Shopping Center, with a Ralph’s and several good restaurants, is close by.  Besides the nearby attractions, the neighborhood is just fun to walk around in. There aren’t many places where you’ll find a street named Aquanetta. If you’re looking into Palm Springs condos, the area around Twin Palms has many communities, some quite recent, and the large Biltmore complex lies just across East Palm Canyon Drive from Koffi. Deepwell This delightful, mixed midcentury Palm Springs neighborhood of unique homes is situated across East Palm Canyon Drive from Twin Palms, and a little bit further east (south of Mesquite Avenue and west of Sunrise Way). Originally from the 40s, and home to several celebrities, Deepwell homes are distinctive, mostly midcentury modern style, dating from the 50s to the 70s. This is a very popular neighborhood, not only because of its stylish architecture and gorgeous landscaping, but also its central location. Like Old Las Palmas, it’s lightly trafficked, since few streets go through, and residents stroll around and walk their dogs in the middle of the lanes, chatting with neighbors. As it’s close to East Palm Canyon Drive, it is also walking distance to the same attractions as Twin Palms. But it is closer to the Smoketree Shopping Center and the ever-popular Purple Room, a restaurant and bar with live entertainment that’s been around since the Frank Sinatra era. Live in Deepwell, and you could have breakfast, lunch and dinner every day at the ever popular Elmer’s on East Palm Canyon Drive. Palm Springs has great weather for walking and hiking, so buyers looking for Palm Springs real estate often ask for a location that has the attractions Palm Springs is known for within walking distance. When you live close to Palm Canyon Drive, you have many interesting and fun destinations at your doorstep. Once you’re off the main drag, however, the neighborhoods are so quiet, you wouldn’t know you’re mere blocks away from all the activity. 
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The Landmark
The Landmark Condo
The Landmark Condo (Former Landmark Tower) is made by SSLE (Sin Soon Lee + Elitist Development), ZACD Group Limited and MCC Land (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
Started in 2005, ZACD Group Limited is a staggering position the masters having its headquarter in Singapore and recorded in Hong Kong. The Group offers one-stop restored framework in the Asia Pacific zones over the land business. ZACD Investments were made by Mr Yeo And Ms Sim to put close to coordinators in property improvement.
Our Vision is to be Asia Pacific's driving wealth the board ace.
MCC Land (Singapore) Limited is bound in 2010. It has being made Singapore's Top 10 Real Estate Developers for 3 noteworthy years and has managed the "Asia's Top Influential Brands" Award. China Jingye Construction Engineering Singapore Pte Ltd as the standard transient ace for a tremendous bit of the endeavors for MCC Land, has a couple of Iconic past undertaking records, for instance, Maritime Experimental Museum and Universal Studios.
The Landmark Condo is the essential level liberal space in District 3 - Outram Park. It is the Former Landmark Tower @ Chin Swee Road. Isolated through in the prime domain at the motivation driving mix of the city, It has staggering structure to all bits of Singapore. This 39-Story Condo contains 1 to 4 Bedrooms Types Mix. It will be the latest clear townhouse suite progress with Soon Lee Realty, ZACD Group and MCC Land. The Landmark Condo is a High-End Condo worth holding tight for. Stay adjusted for never-endingly and coming data.
The Landmark Pricing isn't looked out until further notification.
The Landmark Location
The Landmark is the Former Landmark Tower detached through at District 3 - 173 Chin Swee Road. Check 0.61km to Outram Park MRT (EW16 NE3 TE17) Station which is the trade for East-West Line, North-East Line and Thomson East Coast Line. Other MRT stations near The Landmark is Chinatown (DT19 NE4) 0.45 km and Havelock MRT (TE16) 0.75 km. Pearl's Hill City Pk is just a central 2 minutes' walk and Chinatown Heritage Trail is in like manner just 10 minutes' walk. The Landmark Condo zone is so truly in the motivation driving mixing of the city and fittingly open to CBD (Central Business District) by MRT train which is only 1 - 2 stops to Tanjong Pagar and Raffles Place MRT. 3 MRT keeps from the Condo will offer you to the Orchard shopping belt - Dhoby Ghaut.
The Landmark Condo Singapore is particularly connected with 3 interstates – Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE), Kallang–Paya Lebar Expressway (KPE) and Central Expressway (CTE) which interfaces you to all bits of Singapore.
Schools are the space are Outram Secondary School, Eton House International School, River Valley Primary, Cantonment Primary, NUS and SMU
Shopping places like The Central, Central Mall, UE strip mall, People's Park Complex, Chinatown Point and Liang Court and are minutes' drive away from The Landmark. Seen bistros can be found @ People's Park Food Complex, Jalan Kukoh Market and Hawker Center, Hong Lim Food Ctr. These are absolutely inside closeness of The Landmark.
You may take a gander at all the all the all the likewise including indulgences of The Landmark with The Landmark space map.
The Landmark Showflat
You should make a showflat structure booking here, or on an astoundingly focal level call +65 6100 9266 going before going down to see The Landmark Showroom.
Considering rule of progress together force, The Landmark Condo showroom won't be accessible to everybody at any rate by structures for APPOINTMENT as it's been said. As such it is unequivocally sensible to ensure about a layout online before heading down
For the people who had picked on the web, you will be guaranteed of getting the Direct Developer Price and Discounts with NO BUYER COMMISSION payable by you.
In case you had picked a web meeting with us, liberally don't pick again to keep up a key better than common ways from duplication. Altruisticly be ensured that we will interface with you in 1-hour time to manage observer to your technique. An email will in like manner be sent to you once enrolled with us.
We are starting at now in the beast time of decision - Registration of Interest for our VVIP Preview. Register your Interest before calendar to be the first to see our stunning The Landmark Showflat once its readied for study.
We will breath life into The Landmark Balance Units Chart and The Landmark Pricing in this official site once the endeavor is influenced.
You should see that all correspondence units open to be bought at The Landmark Condo rely upon from the most dependable beginning stage things out serve premise. For any sparing of units, it is poor upon the board's assistance and not more than 2 hours.
Generously don't miss this dazzling city space suite dispatch close Outam MRT. Only 396 unequivocal units are open. Register now for The Landmark Condo VVIP Preview.
All costs introduced in this official site are resolved to changes moving close to no all the additionally heading.
About The Landmark
The Landmark is a particularly broke down for after over the top private progress JV experience by ZACD Group, MCC Land and SSLE Development. This 99-years leasehold express space suite improvement is the past Landmark Tower @ 173 Chin Swee Road. It sits on a site of 60,821 Sqft of raised land with 360 degree of wide unblocked point of view on the city. Genuinely close to Pearl's Hill City Pk, getting a charge out of the quietness notwithstanding then in the motivation driving mixing of city concerning the solace to go to all bits of Singapore It has the best mix of Nature + Location + Heritage. A bewildering most raised point standing 39-Story tall with 396 private space suite units with units type mix of 1 to 4 rooms units. Working conditions like sky deck, club house, pools and Gourmet Lounge are a scramble of the observable lights in the shocking new unforeseen development.
Few seconds walk around Outram Park MRT (EW16 NE3 TE17) Station which is the exchange for East-West Line, North-East Line and Thomson East Coast Line. Other MRT stations near The Landmark Condo is Chinatown (DT19 NE4) 0.45 km and Havelock MRT (TE16)  0.75 km. Pearl's Hill City Pk is just a minor 2 minutes' walk and Chinatown Heritage Trail is in like manner just 10 minutes' walk. The Landmark zone is so really in the motivation driving gathering of the city and enough open to CBD (Central Business District) by MRT train which is only 1 - 2 stops to Tanjong Pagar and Raffles Place MRT. 3 MRT keeps from the Condo will offer you to the Orchard shopping belt - Dhoby Ghaut.
The Landmark Condo is all around related with 3 lanes – Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE), Kallang–Paya Lebar Expressway (KPE) and Central Expressway (CTE) which interfaces you to all bits of Singapore
Property holders of The Landmark Condo Singapore can need to scramble toward Shopping places like The Central, Central Mall, UE strip mall, People's Park Complex, Chinatown Point and Liang Court right away. Seen bistros can be found @ People's Park Food Complex, Jalan Kukoh Market and Hawker Center, Hong Lim Food Ctr. These are conventionally inside closeness of The Landmark.
Jaw Swee Road is under the arranging of the Central Area URA end-all system. It is Singapore's 1 of the most key area where government is focusing to shape into an all through each and every day work, live and play thought. It is other than Singapore most key cash related focus point.
Schools inside the locale are Outram Secondary School, Eton House International School, River Valley Primary, Cantonment Primary, NUS and SMU
Budgetary overseers and Home Owners can look at and download both The Landmark Floor Plan and The Landmark E-Brochure here.
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