#toxic sludge if you will
mercuryislove · 9 months
you KNOW the misery is real when you can't even be bothered to jerk off
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I ship every ship in this fandom, but when I ship Loumand, it is from such a place of self-indulgent misery. Louis punishing himself, Armand settling for whoever he can manipulate into having him (because he has negative self worth) and each of them trying to convince the other that they’re what the other deserves and that they, themselves, deserve this and… it can be *so* delicious and fraught and fucked up.
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vatoffakeacid · 11 months
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I thought it would be silly to have a trainer Rick holding a Gunk / Toxic Morty plushie.
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genocidalfetus · 3 months
Don't know who needs to hear this, but someone making an NPC+ of a character is in no way shape or form, them claiming to own said character nor should it be viewed as such. We're just playing dressup. It's not that deep.
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YiZhan Parallels: This WYB // This XZ
Sharing parallels, coincidences, and vibes from my bsky account, because we need more love in this fandom and in the world in general.
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ren-lui · 5 months
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we'll grow out of it, surely
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All the beautiful villains are trying to get me to drink toxic sludge and i do so willingly
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scramblescribbles · 1 year
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Had a conversation with a few folks and the consensus was that Juniper would be a vampire for a Halloween event. but only one of the really super fancy ones
Alternate version without the mask under the cut!
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abimee · 6 months
me sleeping through 90% of the nier automata tracks after paying probably good money for a flight and a ticket
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alfiely-art · 9 months
Tfw rmutuals reblog from blogs you're a part of/run that you haven't revealed yet (especially when they're unrelated to your main blog)
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Like hi. Hi guys!!!!! It's me. Again. How are you doing
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drakonovisny · 10 months
my family is mad at me because i'm refusing to try "traditional remedies" which include such wonderful things as: puréed boiled onion mixed with iodine, warm milk mixed with raw egg yolk and raw garlic nose drops 🥴
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faultlies · 4 months
[outis. it keeps happening.]
disgust runs behind every subtle tug, correcting the captain's tie with militant precision. the sun had only risen under an hour prior, both of them having woken up with it- and the both of them carrying on with thier personal business as if neither of them were there. 'good mornings' were pleasantries afforded to other people, not them, not anyone like them. outis glares at a particularly annoying crease on her shirt, tightening the tie before confirming nothing had otherwise fallen out of place.
"… you better not be having regrets now." her usual bitter tone - whether it'd been in jest, a warning to ahab, or a reminder to herself was unclear.
@aeinsof | hey do you know why my geiger counter's so loud
Fine morning for a smoke.
The captain was already puffing away at her pipe when her companion stirred. Leaned back against the headboard, she'd been watching the smoke-rings; hunting whales in the little white clouds before they dissipated into nothingness. Only the shifting of a weight leaving the bed caught her interest. A half-lidded eye followed Outis's exit.
She didn't rise to follow. Rather, a toothy grin formed around Ahab's pipe. Propping one elbow against the pillows and the other against her good leg, she twisted herself onto her side that she could indulge in a far more interesting view than the sunrise.
'Twas rare for Ahab to risk a slow morning. 'Twas rarer for her to risk taking her sights off the Pallid Whale at all. She slept eyes-wide-open; ate when she couldn't lift a harpoon. Drank when doubts settled in her crew after a poor haul. Her sallow skin clung tight to her ribs, with barely enough flesh to pool in her belly and hang off her biceps. She had muscle, but nothing quite like the woman on the other side of the bed.
Streams of city-light and sunlight caught the small of Outis's back; the tense flex of her shoulder-blades. A tapestry of scars hearkened the captain back to her quarters, where wood carved with effigies of that damnable whale awaited her. Ahab looked to the freshest ones, for the bruises and bite marks left in the wake of her own storm, and hunted for her target in them.
Such a luxury, to waste time on a pretty view.
But today was for the market, and no doubt her crew were already mingling amongst the fishmongers and tourists with the voyage's haul. Loathe as it was to waste time at port, her men needed food and a break. She needed it especially (or so Starbuck claimed). Morale to the soul was what food and drink were to the body. If her soul was to hold fast against the Pallid Whale, she must feed it luxury.
Alas, all luxuries were temporary, and Outis buttoned up her shirt.
Ahab huffed, sitting up to tap out her pipe in a complimentary nightstand ash tray that was practically a necessity for even the cheapest of port-side inns. Her joints creaked as she did, sending satisfying shocks of force rolling through her old bones. She rubbed the back of her neck - then snapped her head, feeling the pop of a stubborn crick. That was followed by the sort of lax, full-body stretch that would make even the laziest of cats wistful.
She yawned like she spoke; a rumbling drawl that drowned out all other sound. Peals of thunder on a clear day.
Scratching her bony ass, Ahab leaned over to fish her clothes off the floor. First came her undergarments, then her pants. Her prosthetic was an affair worthy of a whistled tune, regardless of her companion's opinion on the captain's singing ability. She tucked in her pants - the only thing she'd bothered to tuck - and, at last, threw her undershirt and coat over her shoulders. Her dirty, worn coat that stunk like the Lake.
For the Lake was her only tailor, and such was its branding. She knew that any fashion she fancied would be damned out on the water; ripped off her back by salty winds and shred to pieces by the claws of Mermaids. Her captain's uniform would be what she slew the whale in, and so that'd be all she'd keep. Fine by her, she'd say.
Any chance to spend a few more seconds hunting her whale was worth the sacrifice.
Yet, when she reached for her cap, her companion barked for her to come over. Even her first mate wouldn't dare be so brazen - but Ahab could only bother to be amused by the uptight bravado. Such an endearing attitude for a castaway; like one of those tiny stray dogs that thought themselves bigger than they were. It was fun to humor, and today she had nothing but the time for it.
She made her way over to the front of the bed where her companion awaited her, tossed her cap onto the mattress, crossed her arms behind her back, and stood tall with a pleased smile.
When Outis began buttoning her shirt for her, she chuckled. The captain even leaned down, granting the smaller woman easier access to her necktie.
"Aren't you sweet," She practically purred.
She caught the glare, and the end of the captain's lop-sided grin reached a touch closer to her ear. Such a plea for control in those tired eyes - such frustration at the struggle for it. An amusing 'honor' for a general. Ahab thought the view into a woman who couldn't admit she was at the end of her rope, even when clinging to her captain, may have been a nice-to-have aboard the Pequod for when rum turned to grog and stockfish spoiled.
Ah, but that'd be a distraction. A nice-to-have, but an obstacle. She only needed to feed her soul when it threatened to break, and her humanity wasn't so heavy a shackle for the mighty Ahab. Her destiny was enough to keep her soul content.
Even this indulgence was but another wind in the sails of her fate.
"Regrets?!" She cackled; a booming sound punctuated by a cough of overexertion, "Only regret I have is that the accursed whale isn't dead! Aye, and even that is but a matter of fate. I told you, didn't I? The Lake drowns who we were at shore. The choices of ghosts don't matter."
The captain leaned in closer, stopping only when their noses threatened to touch and she was certain her companion smelled the tobacco on her breath. Waterfalls of wild gray hair cascaded down her shoulders, drowning the other woman's vision in Ahab. A hand snaked up between their chests, catching the end of Outis's tie. She cradled it there, massaging the soft fabric between her leathery fingers.
Her smirk had morphed into a playful Cheshire's grin.
"Unless you're wanting to invite ghosts aboard?"
Up snuck her other hand, catching the Windsor knot Outis had so carefully tied around Ahab's neck. Her gaze was piercing. She never broke eye-contact as she gave both their nooses a gentle yank. She didn't completely undo Outis's hard work; just enough so that they both hung loose. Ahab let go.
"Too tight, lass," the captain smirked as she put on her cap.
She turned away - and promptly shattered the room's sense of calm with a loud, impromptu rant about breakfast. Fate had guided them to their quarters, she said - for the cookie downstairs imported the nice chicken from K. Corp, eggs and all. A hearty omelette would be a deserving conclusion to their stay, before they'd have to part for the day. She'd be paying, of course. Outis would need her Ahn for all the ship parts she'd be arranging for that day.
By the time they'd left the inn, Ahab's tie had come undone.
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crow-caller · 1 year
I do appreciate people who check out my little poetry zine things on gumroad, cool and all, I made them availible for free on there for a reason, but I also wonder how you conflate those with my books and youtube. like. it just feels very awkward to go from one to the other, the other being a lot of poetry about my horrible dying body and wanting to die. kinda embarressing. anyway, I should make another of those
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yusuke-of-valla · 1 year
Heaven forBID Pokemon make a fucking.
Raid that makes sense
"Oh Hisuian Decidueye is Tera Grass, clearly they want to incentivize using Munkidori or Fezendipiti to promote the DLC bc they quad resist fighting and are super effective against grass"
*Decidueye boosts its stats so much combined with triple arrow defense drops that both are just fucking. Destroyed by brave bird*
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zuzuzuko · 6 months
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Hawkeye (1983) #1
It's a really rough day when a girl breaks your heart and then dumps toxic sludge on you 😔
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basementxdweller · 6 months
currently staring at this girl's hands in a picture she sent me. oh good lord i think i hauve covid.
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