#trademark hashtag
rajstartup · 3 months
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legal-tax · 11 months
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gobbluthbutagirl · 10 months
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WE DID IT billy JOEl!!!!!!!!
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
hhrrghghh everyday i know ishould b posting things artside but also . ddddonntnttttt lookat me
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lev1hei1chou · 6 months
Fashion Icon
Dad!Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Words: 504 Synopsis: Gojo's baby has to be a fashion icon Masterlist
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It was a sunny afternoon when Gojo Satoru, your husband, decided to take your baby out for a stroll. As he strapped the little bundle of joy into the stroller, he couldn't help but envision his child as a miniature fashion icon.
"Alright, little one, let's show the world what style truly means," Gojo declared with a wink, earning a gurgle of approval from the baby.
With his sunglasses perched on his nose and his hair flowing in the breeze, Gojo strutted down the street with the stroller, drawing curious glances from passersby.
As the duo wandered, Gojo's attention was caught by a trendy baby boutique, its windows adorned with the latest in infant fashion. Unable to resist the allure, he veered off course and entered the store, much to the confusion of the sales clerk.
"Welcome! How can I help you today?" the clerk chirped, eyeing the man's eccentric attire and the bemused baby in the stroller.
Gojo's eyes gleamed with excitement as he surveyed the racks of miniature clothing and accessories. "I'm here to upgrade my baby's wardrobe," he announced proudly, causing the clerk to raise an eyebrow.
Undeterred, Gojo dove into the aisles, plucking out tiny onesies, stylish boots, and even a miniature fedora. With each selection, he imagined the baby strutting their stuff with confidence, just like their stylish father.
After what seemed like an eternity of browsing, Gojo returned to the stroller, laden with bags of baby fashion treasures. He carefully arranged the purchases around the bemused infant, who seemed more interested in chewing on their own fingers.
As they exited the store, Gojo couldn't contain his excitement. "Isn't this amazing, little one? You're going to be the most fashionable baby in town!"
Back home, you greeted the duo with a mix of amusement and bewilderment. "What on earth happened? Why do we suddenly have enough baby clothes to outfit a small army?"
Gojo flashed his trademark grin, his sunglasses gleaming. "Well, you see, darling, our child simply cannot be seen in anything less than the finest threads. Fashion is a way of life, even for the tiniest among us!"
You couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm, shaking your head in disbelief. "I suppose our baby will thank you for their impeccable style sense one day."
In the days that followed, Gojo's fashion obsession reached new heights as he eagerly dressed the baby in each new ensemble, staging impromptu photoshoots and posting them to social media with the hashtag #BabyFashionista.
Despite your initial skepticism, you couldn't deny the joy that radiated from Gojo whenever he admired the baby's stylish outfits. And as the months passed, you found yourself joining in on the fun, eagerly browsing for the latest trends in infant fashion.
As the baby grew older, they developed their own unique sense of style, much to Gojo's delight. Whether it was a tiny pair of sunglasses perched on their nose or a miniature trench coat draped over their shoulders, they exuded confidence and charm wherever they went.
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contextfreepatentart · 5 months
Context-Full Patent Art
Every now and then I see people in the comments who seem to genuinely want a better idea of what one of the posted bits of art here was supposed to be patenting. Giving that context myself doesn't seem in the spirit of the blog, but I absolutely want to encourage people to do the legwork to go sniffing around for original sources.
It's something I have to do a lot in my day job, something I've learned to enjoy, and the thing that led me to start Context-Free Patent Art a dozen years ago in the first place.
Let's start with today's post, which is a perfect example of art that raises more questions than it answers.
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Almost every post on this blog has a header detailing the date of the patent or application and the number, which you can find on the top right. In this case, this image is from Patent Application # 20020022516.
Longtime Context-Free Patent Art fans might remember this image from when it was first featured here over a decade ago. I figured that a lot of the people following the blog now haven't seen some of the gems from years ago, so I'm going to be doing re-runs of some of my favorites this week. There's a bunch more I think would be good to bring back, so I'll use the vintage cfpa hashtag in the future so you know when a duplicate post is intentional (as opposed to me just forgetting I've posted a thing before, which happens a fair bit).
Back to the matter at hand though, if you're ever curious, the US Patent and Trademark Office has a super-handy patent search function. It's pretty easy to find from their main site (uspto.gov), but you can also just bookmark this link to the basic search form:
Check out the search results, click on the link for the .pdf, and you'll get the complete patent/application to peruse at your enjoyment.
In this case, you'll find the patent being applied for covers a method of "Advertising inside electronic games" and you'll learn that:
In FIG. 1, girl 10 is climbing onto a hamburger 11 like one sold at a fast food restaurant. However, in the displayed image, hamburger 11 is as large as girl 10. The person playing the game will therefore perceive hamburger 11 as fantastically large. That unusual scale will help to burnish the image of hamburger 11 in the player's memory as well as draw his attention to it while he plays the game.
Not shown in FIG. 1 are other characteristics which electronic games could apply to hamburger 11 which cannot be shown in unanimated line-drawings. Hamburger 11 will compress as girl 10 steps or pushes on it. That action will be accompanied by squishing and slurping sounds...
Yeah, the explanations are weird too, sometimes.
Sorry for all the words, I just wanted to make it as clear as possible to people that if they're ever curious about stuff they see on Context-Free Patent Art, it's usually pretty easy to find out what the deal is.
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wrestlingarsenal · 4 months
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The "Art of Pro Wrestling" site on Instagram has been dormant for over six months, so I was pleased to see this new masterpiece posted recently to the site. A young Babyface has mounted his seated opponent to trap the man's arm in his crotch for greater leverage as they strike this iconic pose of prolonged domination and submission. I do enjoy this guy's drawings!
The artist depicts intimate body contact, the victim's entrapped bicep pressing snugly against the standing man's taint and bulge, his wrist inserted between the standing man's forearm and ribcage. Their bodies are totally locked together. There is also an element of humiliation as the standing man presses his ass into the victim's cheek. We can imagine him flexing and thrusting those strong glutes as he works the hold.
I was able to identify the wrestlers from the hashtags: it's Ricky Steamboat punishing a seated Dino Bravo. This artist always takes his inspiration from moments that occurred in televised wrestling matches, so I enjoy trying to find the original source material.
I believe this provocative Armbar scene was performed during a February 6, 1988 match at the Boston Garden, which is available on YouTube.
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Wearing long red tights, Steamboat is in control, flexing his upper body as he rides on Bravo's shoulder.
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The drawing is quite accurate, except for Steamboat wearing speedo-style trunks instead of his trademark long tights. I can agree with this artistic license: I too prefer seeing speedo trunks on my wrestlers. The positioning of their arms and legs is quite precise. Both of their hair is drawn to appear longer and more disheveled than reality, which is another welcome enhancement.
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Great work, as usual. I hope we don't have to wait six months for his next masterpiece!
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aethismantis · 2 months
I finished this piece!!!
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So, I bought watercolor pencils on AliExpress! And, surprise surprise, they turned out to be crap! I had already started drawing our OCs on watercolor paper, but the paper started falling apart, damn it. As you can guess, I didn't get to do much drawing with those pencils.
Nothing was going right, BUT I FINISHED IT!!!! And before the paper completely disintegrated in my hands, I managed to bring this beautiful picture to you all ~~
One of the handsome guys in the picture you might have seen under my hashtag #WoW and specifically #Anersis. If you haven’t, I recommend checking it out—there are some really cool pictures about my/husband's OCs, with a lot of soul put into them. I’d really appreciate it. You don’t know the other character because I haven’t said a damn thing about him. This is Cain*, Anya's partner, with whom he's sent on quests. They have amazing chemistry, knowing each other's weaknesses very well and understanding each other without words, especially when shit hits the fan. For example, Cain stops Anya from walking off with his trademark smirk and getting his beautiful thick skull bashed in. *(not Kayn, a different name. Our boy was deeply inspired by one song I wouldn't mention ahahah)
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wileycap · 11 months
I have more thoughts about the Netflix trailer for ATLA. They came to me in a dream, so you can trust that they're legit.
So: here's Appa.
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This is what Appa looks like. Appa has an expressive face and warm, soulful eyes. Appa's face can convey anger, fear, happiness and love.
And that is a DELIBERATE CHOICE. Because Appa is not The Creature That The Gaang Rides On. Appa is a major character who has an entire arc dedicated to him, and an entire episode focusing on what he's doing and feeling.
Now imagine that arc, imagine those scenes, those emotions conveyed by THIS face
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It's not a bad design. It's worlds better than the Shyamalan version. The floof is soft. But his proportions are off: his forehead is too narrow and too high, and his cheeks are too large for the new height of his head, his eyes are too small and obscured by his trademark Appa fringe, and I think that's why this version of Appa looks more like a Creature than a Character. This does not look like an Appa who closes his eyes in loving contentment when Aang tackle-hugs his floofy giant forehead.
Furthermore, as a small aside, Appa is a ten ton flying bison. This looks like a five ton flying bison at best. hashtag NotMyFluffmonster smh
Now I'm hopeful that once we see his face move and him interacting with someone, he'll look and feel more like Appa. But with the initisl design, I don't see it.
Oh and I think Momo's design is actually A+ extremely cute would cuddle, but I accidentally paused the trailer on this shot
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And now I can't stop thinking about how it looks like Momo just snorted a mountain of cocaine and is flying under the influence. I'm sorry.
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September Birthday Party | Design Your Own Cake to Win Polychromes!
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Dear Proxies,
The September Birthday Party has begun!
Proxies, come and design birthday cakes for Agents Zhu Yuan and Rina!
[Event Duration]
Submission Period: 2024/09/01 – 2024/09/30 23:59 (UTC+8)
Winners Announcement: After 2024/10/09
[Event Rewards]
🎁Lucky Draw
Polychrome ×300 (30 winners)
※ 30 Proxies will be selected at random from all participants to each receive Polychrome ×300
🎁HoYoLAB Participation Reward (Guaranteed)
Zhu Yuan Avatar Frame (90 Days)
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Rina Avatar Frame (90 Days)
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※ Event prizes will be issued within 60 days after the winners have been announced.
※ The avatar frames are only available to users who submit their works on HoYoLAB. Submissions posted on social media are not eligible for this reward.
[How to Participate]
· Submit your work on HoYoLab
Step 1. During the event, select the "Use the same template" button at the bottom of the page, and use the HoYoLAB template tool to design a birthday cake using the blank template as a basis.
Step 2. Post your work with the hashtag #zzzero #HappyZhuYuanDayor #zzzero #HappyRinaDay.
· Submit your work on social media
Step 1. During the event, use a blank template to design a birthday cake, and post your work on social media platforms such as X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram with the hashtag #zzzero #HappyZhuYuanDay or #zzzero #HappyRinaDay.
Step 2. Click the following link and fill out your submission info correctly.
>> https://forms.gle/9BBFKo88zjMAkva8A
※ Proxies participating in the event must ensure submission posts and profiles are public.
※ Proxies can submit the same work using the same HoYoverse account both on HoYoLAB and social media to get two chances at the Lucky Draw.
[Submission Rules]
1. The theme of the birthday party event revolves around Agents Zhu Yuan and Rina. Submissions must be related to Zhu Yuan or Rina.
2. Proxies must base their designs on a blank template. You can draw by hand, or use original materials or official stickers. When using materials that do not belong to ZZZ, please make sure you have the required permissions to do so.
3. Submissions must be in image format. JPG, PNG, JPEG, and GIF formats are supported. Images cannot be larger than 20MB.
4. Only one work can be submitted per submission. For multiple artworks, please submit them separately in multiple submissions.
5. Please note, before the winners are announced, if your account is not public or if you have deleted the post used to participate in the event, we will not be able to confirm your participation and it will be deemed invalid.
1. Please refrain from posting content unrelated to Zhu Yuan or Rina and content unrelated to this event.
2. Please ensure you are an adult according to the laws of the country or region where you reside or have obtained permission from your guardian to participate in the event.
3. This event is held across multiple platforms and regions. The prizes mentioned apply across all platforms and regions, and no allocations are made based on the platform or region.
4. A single HoYoverse account can make multiple submissions and participate in the Lucky Draw multiple times, but can only win one of the Polychrome rewards.
5. The organizer will carefully review all participating accounts. During the event, to create a positive environment for our game and community, all Proxies should remember to adhere to the HoYoverse Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and HoYoLAB Community Rules, as well as understand and agree to not participate in or post the following:
- Any content that contains hate or prejudice against any race, gender, religion, sexuality, culture, region, etc.
- Any sensitive, NSFW, provocative, or controversial content
- Harassment or bullying directed at any individual or group
- Providing misleading or invalid information
- Content or works that violate Trademarks, Copyright, patents, portrait rights, or other legal protections, as well as content or works that were stolen, plagiarized, reposted without permission, or involve falsely claiming to be the creator of the work
- Taking advantage of loopholes in the rules or technical flaws to participate unfairly
- Spreading misinformation or causing others to spread misinformation regarding the current event, or any other slander that may damage the reputation of the organizer
- Violating any event rules imposed by the organizer, initiating or participating in any acts that may prevent the event from proceeding as usual, or any acts that may negatively impact the fairness of the event or organizer, or negatively impact the event or organizer itself
- Using submitted works for commercial use, or granting commercial use rights to other parties during or after the event
- Any other acts forbidden by laws, regulations, the game Terms of Service, etc.
Those who fail to adhere to these stipulations will have restrictions imposed upon them, including but not limited to, disqualification of submissions, disqualification from the event, banning of accounts of communities or platforms under the organizer, etc.
6. By participating in the event, you agree to give the organizer the right to publish or use your submission both online and offline without additional payment. The organizer reserves the right to post exceptional submissions to HoYoLAB, label the submission as exceptional content, or recommend it on the HoYoLAB homepage. Whether a post is recommended or not does not affect the actual prize allocation. Prizes will be awarded based on the final results of the judging period. The author retains the permanent right of authorship.
7. Please provide your in-game UID correctly within the timeframe stipulated if you win any virtual prizes. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of your prize.
8. Collected personal information (if any) during this event will be used solely for prize delivery purposes. More information can be found in our Privacy Policy on our official site. Collection and usage of your personal information will strictly abide by our Privacy Policy.
9. If you discover any work that plagiarizes another work, was reposted, or violates any form of Copyright, Trademark, etc., please send the violating submission and link of the submission to customer service and outline their violations. In addition, for any other questions, please also feel free to contact our customer service email:http://[email protected]
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monocle-teacup · 1 year
Do you think tfp ratchet would think of earthspark arcee like “arcee but she has miko’s personality”
TFP Ratchet would have one interaction with ES Arcee and then make one of his trademark annoyed Ratchet noises. He'd have more of an issue with Hashtag than Arcee.
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suzdotranslation · 7 months
[Interview TL] 4Gamer's Weekly VTuber Files #11 - Hanasaki Miyabi
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Name: Hanasaki Miyabi Company: Holostars (1st generation) Streaming platform: YouTube SNS: X (Twitter) Hashtags: Live #生き花 / Video #花咲日和 / Fanart #みやびじゅつ Character/Model Designer: hou Debut date: June 8th, 2019 Birthday date: March 3rd Height: 174cm Introduction: A pretty boy with a flower hairpin as his trademark. A fluffy-like person who has a gentle personality. He works hard every day to become a great idol. He loves gaming to the point he gets really engrossed and forgets about time. Because of his weak physical condition, he often stayed at his home. Sometimes when he went out, his weaknesses would show up immediately.
10 Questions for VTubers
Q01. Tell us your main (streaming) content! My main focuses are gaming, chatting, and singing streams. Sometimes I also uploaded Vlog content (outing series with on-the-spot footage)!
Q02. What was the cue that kickstarted your streaming activity? I once aimed to become an idol under Hololive Production, so I tried auditioning there!
Q03. Please recommend us your "newcomer's friendly" videos or stream archive! That would be my "Hanasaki Miyabi outing series"! It's a Vlog series where I visited various places and posted a video about it! The project combines VTuber with real-world immersion so please check it out!
Link to Miyabi's 2023 Birthday Stream and Eating Vlog
Q04. Tell us things that you like or something you're good at! Obviously game (all genres) comes first, then movie and musical appreciation, I also like to eat! I'm pretty good at playing Final Fantasy XIV especially!
Q05. Tell us a hobby or content that has piqued your interest lately! Lately, I've been really into playing "Twisted Wonderland", "Blue Archive", "Call of Duty", as well as "Final Fantasy XIV"!
Q06. Is there any VTuber around that has caught your attention? Let us know! That would be Azuma Lim. Although I also created and filmed my own Vlog content, Azuma Lim's on-the-spot videos always surprise me. In my opinion, being able to do that type of video content as a VTuber is the pinnacle of one's career as well as showcasing their editing and film shooting ability, I learned a lot from her content.
Q07. What are other things you're paying attention to other than VTubers? Cinnamoroll's Cinnamon-san! They recently started a cooking program and uploading cover videos, it's hard to predict what they'll come up with next so I'm always looking forward to it.
Q08. Is there a recent thing that left a deep impression on you, and is there anything else you'd like to try out? Something like game sponsorship or a Vlog project to introduce local shops are some things I'm interested in trying next!
Q09. What sort of content you'd like to challenge yourself for now? I'd like to show more things I could not do back then!! Be it singing or dancing, I also would like to do overseas Vlog content as well!!
Q10. Tell us your message to the readers! Hello to everyone reading this 4Gamer article! KonMiyabi! I stream on YouTube, usually focused on making game commentary streams!! I really love gaming so I streamed various types of games, if I happen to play your favorite game, or are just interested in me please don't forget to check my stream!!
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legal-tax · 11 months
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dollarbin · 17 days
Nickel Bin #20:
Gillian Welch and David Rawlings' Hashtag
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A week or so back I reveled in the untapped and humble greatness still to be found in this duo's second Bootleg collection. At the time I promised to dedicate my future self to their new record, Woodland.
Well, I encountered that future self yesterday while moving a little less than half of my sprawling record collection around my house; my son's gone back to college so I'm claiming a corner of his bedroom as my own for the fall. Here's the current state of affairs:
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Anyway, maybe it was me missing them, or maybe it was getting my hands on all my old titles, or maybe it was the 100 degrees and rising temperatures beating in on our unairconditioned home, but I played Woodland through twice yesterday and each time I got to Hashtag, a mostly Rawlings number in his thoughtful, here's-something-I've-been-meaning-to-tell-you guise, sung with his increasingly trademark quaver, I burst into tears.
How about those yearning strings? How about the harmony coming in on "when will we..." Man, I'm tearing up again!
As he ages, Dave's voice increasingly sounds wise and soulful to me; twenty or more years ago, in the rare initial moments when he sang without Gillian, Rawlings vocals struck me as sophomoric and pimply. Gillian's voice was rich, strong and unique on one day one: they both knew it, so her name, face and singing graced their records. But something exciting is happening for them now; Dave's coming into his own.
I should have seen this coming. After all, his cut off take of Dylan's Abandoned Love from the duo's Covid cover toss off record made his rising confidence and tone clear.
Hashtag was apparently written for Guy Clark, a guy they once opened for, who penned for Jerry Jeff Walker and many others one of the greatest songs of all time.
But the song could just as well be for John Prine, Gordon Lightfoot, Tom Petty or Johnny Cash; five, ten or twenty years from now they could dedicate to Neil, Bob, Joni or, gulp, Lucinda.
And us? When will we become ourselves? I don't know. But I'm gonna wipe these tears away and go get to work on it right now.
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yeastinfectionvale · 8 months
The thing that identifies you is zoo wee mama. I don't know what that means but its a dead give away that it's you
Zoo wee mama being my trademark is truely what i am.
Zoo Wee Mama comes from Diary of a Wimpy Kid, it's the comic Rowley makes for the school newspaper.
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I jokingly used it once in a group chat to describe a picture of my friend looking hot and now use it as a hashtag for when I find someone to be good-looking.
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genderqueer-karma · 9 months
hello if you’re reading this it means you’ve made it to dio 3 am tumblr time (trademark) and so now you get to see me whine about friendship .
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mood board for when you see a hashtag friendship moment and fucking . Ouch :(
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