#trading beating up fish people and sailor ghosties for zomboids
babymorte · 5 months
i’ve basically lost my entire friend group in the span of a month so i think this is my sign that i just shouldn’t have friends.
so from now on i guess my only option is to act as professionally as possible in all interactions. i really just don’t want to deal with anyone at all at this point. my trust in repeatedly being broken, boundaries are basically non existent and i have mutuals thinking im in love with them and anonymously harassing me over it instead of having conversations like actually fucking adults.
im just so exhausted of putting my all into people for it to just blow up in my face. so i guess this is the kiki yall are stuck with now sorry. im tired of people getting the wrong ideas about me and creating their narratives and using my openness as an excuse to say or do whatever they want to me when they know exactly what they’re doing. im tired of the excuses and im tired of the manipulation. i just dont care anymore and i have no desire to talk to anyone at this point.
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